HD28 I .M414 [AUG 181988 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT DETERMINISTIC CHAOS IN AN EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMIC SYSTEM John D. Sterman July, 1988 WP #2040-88 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 j;m I DETERMINISTIC CHAOS IN AN EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMIC SYSTEM John D. Sterman July, 1988 WP //2040-88 MIT. LIBRARIES "3 1 6 1988 VH) D-3976 Deterministic Chaos in an Experimental Economic System John D. Sterman Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management Cambridge, 02139 MA July 1988 comments of Richard Day, Christian Kampmann, Edward Lorenz, Ilya Prigogine, James Ramsey, Rebecca Waring, and particularly Erik Mosekilde are gratefully acknowledged. The usual exemption applies. The contributions and D-3976 Abstract An experiment with a simulated macroeconomic system demonstrates that the decision-making processes of agents can produce deterministic chaos. capital investment in a simple multiplier-accelerator systematically suboptimal. prior studies of A model of managed economy. Performance, however, was the subjects' decision rule is proposed and related dynamic decision making. Econometric estimates show the model excellent representation of the actual decisions. The estimated evaluate the stability of the subjects' decision processes. rules are stable, approximately multiples, and chaos. structure. Subjects 40% is to an rules are then simulated to While the majority of the estimated yield a variety of dynamics including limit cycles, period Analysis of the parameter space reveals a complex bifurcation Implications for models of dynamics are explored. human systems and experimental studies of economic D-3976 1. Introduction: coupling nonlinear dynamics and experimental economics Recent work mode in the physical sciences has shown deterministic chaos to be a of behavior in dynamic systems, thus stimulating the search for chaos and other highly nonlinear phenomena in human social and economic settings. Indeed, there has been a near explosion of models systems. and empirical studies which seek to show the relevance of nonlinear be divided roughly into (1) theoretical which seek evidence of chaos studies Theoretical studies include the in human A systems.^ in economic (2) empirical data. work of Day (1982), Dana and Malgrange (1984), Stutzer (1980), and survey of these studies suggests the following generalizations. standard models, both micro- and macroeconomic, nonlinearities, can be shown in This robust literature can models of nonlinear dynamics, and Grandmont (1985), Rasmussen and Mosekilde (1988), 1). dynamics and chaos Several journals have devoted special issues to chaos and models of nonlinear, disequilibrium dynamics note common to contain when modified many First, others (see many to include realistic regimes of chaos and other nonlinear phenomena such as mode-locking, period multiples, and quasiperiodicity. Benhabib and Day's (1981) studies of such simple models lead them to "expect the possibility of erratic [chaotic] behavior for a wide variety of dynamic economic models involving Subsequent work has borne out this conjecture - rational decision-making with feedback." the possibility of chaos does not depend on particular behavioral assumptions but on more fundamental most models of nonlinear dynamics have been purely theoretical, properties. seem to However, and have not involved econometric estimation of the parameters. The few exceptions have found the estimated parameters lie well outside the chaotic regime, e.g. Candela and Gardini (1986) and Malgrange (1984). As Day and Shafer (1985, 293) Dana and note, "Whether or not we can construct empirical models that offer convincing explanation of real world macro activity [in terms of deterministic chaos] is an open question: most economists would probably agree that we are as yet quite far from a definitive answer to it. What we know now. ..is that among the empirical phenomena that we can hope to explain. ..are stochasticlike fluctuations in economic data. Moreover, we need not expect that exotic assumptions or bizarre model structures will be required" (emphasis in original). D-3976 The and theoretical focus of the models relative simplicity early exploration of new concepts and is However, the analytical tools. leaves unanswered questions about the relevance of these models. behavior of actual agents? Do entirely appropriate to the the chaotic regimes in the models theoretical Can chaos lie in work arise to date from the the realistic region of parameter space, or are they mathematical curiosities unrealized in actual economic systems? The empirical evidence of chaos in literature has economic techniques originally applied sought to answer these questions by searching for data. in This literature is notable for the clever adaptation of physical settings, such as the Takens (1985) method for recovering low-dimensional attractors from a single time series, the Wolf, Swift, Swinney, and Vastano (1985) technique for estimation of Lyapunov exponents from experimental time series, and the Grassberger-Procaccia (1983) correlation dimension. tantalizingly suggestive but inconclusive. The results are Brock (1986) demonstrates a method to test the hypothesis of chaos in economic data against explicit alternative hypotheses, but finds "that there is not enough information available in U.S. real GNP, real gross private investment, and Wolfer's sunspot series. ..to reject the null hypothesis were] generated by an AR(2) process." as the sensitivity of the orbit, the that.. .[these series Chen (1988) and Bamett and Chen (1988), however, find evidence of low dimensional strange attractors U.S. monetary aggregates. domestic in some but not all measures of Their conclusions are tempered, however, by uncertainties such methods used (unknown) magnitude and number of data to the statistical points, the number of points per character of process noise, and the (unknown) magnitude and character of measurement error [Ramsey and Yuan (1987)]. Brock (1986, 192) concludes "It is not enough when you are working with short data sets to report dimension and positive Lyapunov exponents data" (emphasis in original). to make the case for deterministic chaos in your Ramsey, Sayers, and Rothman (1988) have significant biases in calculations of correlation dimension caused by small conclude "that while there processes, there is virtually is low identified sample size and abundant evidence for the presence of nonlinear stochastic no evidence at the moment for the presence of simple chaotic D-3976 attractors of the type that have been discovered The prevalence of chaos in the in the physical sciences." models but low power of aggregate statistical tests motivates a complementary approach based on laboratory experiments with simulated eco- nomic systems. The pioneering work of Smith (1982, 1986), Plott (1986), demonstrated that many economic theories can be successfully tested paper applies these techniques to the investigation in in the laboratory. economic systems. macroeconomic system, the results of an experiment with a simulated plier-accelerator model. of chaos and others has In the experiment, subjects play the role of I This report specifically a multi- managers of the capital- producing sector of an economy. Each time period they must make a capital investment The decision. task of the agents system with time subjects making. is is to manage lags, multiple feedbacks, a complex dynamic system and nonlinearities. systematically suboptimal, suggesting the use of a A model of the subjects' decision rule is I show in disequilibrium, a that the behavior common proposed. The model of the heuristic for decision well grounded in is the literature of economics, psychology, and behavioral decision theory. Econometric estimation shows the decision rule explains the agents' behavior well. Next the estimated decision rules are simulated, and it is unstable behavior, including chaos. to contain a complex bifurcation shown that approximately The parameter space of structure. actual decision processes of agents in a 40% of the agents produce the system is mapped and shown Thus experimental evidence is adduced common economic that the context can produce chaos. Limitations of the method, implications, and suggestions for future research are discussed. 2. The Model The experiment is fully described in capital producing Goodwin (1951, ...that actual, reality that are is based on a simple model of the capital investment accelerator and Sterman (1988a). The model creates a two-sector economy with a and goods producing The focus is the capital investment accelerator. 4) notes that the traditional acceleration principle seldom two good reasons. assumes is maintained at the desired relation with output. We know in being now too much and now too little capital stock. For this there The rate of investment is limited by the capacity of the investment goods realized capital stock it is sector. so, there 4 D-3976 extreme there is an even more inescapable and effective limit. Machines, once made, cannot be unmade, so that negative investment is limited to attrition from wear.. ..Therefore capital stock cannot be increased fast enough in the upswing, nor decreased fast enough in the downswing, so that at one time we have shortages and rationing of orders and at the other excess capacity with idle plants and machines. industry.... At the other A single factor of production (capital plant and equipment) is considered. The model includes, however, an explicit representation of the capital acquisition delay (construction lag) and the As capacity of the investment goods sector. not necessarily equal, and at any construction. moment a result, orders for and acquisition of capital are there will typically be a supply line of capital under For simplicity, the demand for capital of the goods-producing sector exogenous, and there is no representation of The model allows the consumption multiplier. Thus production P for variable utilization of the capital stock. lesser of desired production is P* or production capacity C. Capacity is is the proportional to the capital stock, with capital/output ratio k: Pt = MIN(P*„Ct) (1) Ct = Kt/K. The capital stock of the capital sector depreciation D. The (2) The average Kt^l =Kj Dt = Kt/T. is augmented by acquisitions lifetime of capital is given by A and diminished by x: + (Aj-Dj) (3) (4) acquisition of capital by both the capital and goods sectors (A and AG) depends on the supply line of unfilled orders each has accumulated (the backlogs of the backlog delivered that period (J) B and BG) and (the suffix 'G' denotes a variable the fraction of the goods- producing sector): A, = Bf4)t (4) AGt = BGt•(^, (5) <l>t = Pt/P*t (7) P*t = Bi +BGt. Each period both the capital and (8) goods sectors acquire the full supply line of unfilled orders D-3976 unless the capital sector so that P*>C, unable to produce the required amount. If capacity and shipments <t)<l the formulation for The is <J) implies that to each sector A+AG=P fall in that the lag in acquiring capital ensuring that output at all times, capital acquisition lag A=l/()). however, <\> and falls The supply A may be Normally, <\>=\ variable. Note It is easily and A=l period. each sector is that conserved. and the constraint on production shown that the average If capacity is inadequate, lengthens as the backlogs of unfilled orders lines of unfilled orders for insufficient proportion to the shortfall. explicit representation of the construction supply line mean is B and BG grow are relative to output.^ augmented by orders by each sector and emptied when those orders are delivered: for capital placed Bui =Bt + (Ot-Ai) (8) BGt+i - BGt + (OGfAGt). (10) Orders placed by the goods sector are an exogenous input to which the subjects of the experiment must respond by ordering an appropriate amount of capital for their own use: OGt = exogenous (11) Oj = determined by subject. (12) Equations (1)-(12) thus define a third-order nonlinear difference equation system. The system has (1) divides the point P* = C the interesting property that the nonlinear capacity utilization function of eq. system into two lies properties of the distinct regimes, (^=\ and (}><1. Furthermore, the equilibrium exactly at the boundary. Considering each region in turn reveals interesting open loop system. When P*=P<C, 0=1, and the system is linear: Kl+1 Bui Bt BGt.i BGi 1 OG, (13) 1 Excess capacity implies each sector receives the quantity ordered after one period. the system in this regime is always stable. The capital stock depreciates with lifetime T towards an equilibrium of T-0). is BG Note controllable via orders is not controllable O - when that (it D-3976 there excess capacity, the goods-producing and capital-producing sectors are decoupled. is When capacity is inadequate, however, P*>P=C, Linearizing the system around the operating point (K, B, ^= (K/K)/P* (})<1, BG) and yields l-i.-L kP* T <t> =^ P* P* B kP* p* P* BG kP* p* and the system Kt defining is nonlinear. P* = B-i-BG and D-3976 seminal work of Smith (1982) and Plott (1986). The experimental protocol used here described in Sterman and version of the model is Meadows (1985) and Sterman (1987, 1988a). developed and analyzed in A is continuous time Sterman (1985). For the experiment has it been converted to discrete time. Simulation and formal analysis confirm that the conversion dynamics of the system [Rasmussen, Mosekilde to discrete time does not alter the essential and Sterman (1985), Sterman (1988b)]. The experiment microcomputers. A 'game board' is is implemented on IBM PC-type displayed on the screen and provides the subjects with perfect information. Color graphics and animation highlight the flows of orders, production, and shipments to increase the transparency of the structure (figure pressure 1).^ was imposed. The parameters (k=1 and x=10) were chosen to No overt time minimize the computational burden imposed on the subjects, while remaining close to the original values. The students in subject population (N=49) consisted of MIT undergraduate, master's and doctoral management and engineering, many with extensive exposure control theory; scientists and economists from various institutions in the to economics and US, Europe, and the Soviet Union; and business executives experienced in capital investment decisions including several corporate presidents and CEOs. Subjects are responsible for only one decision - of the subjects in making these decisions score S is is to how much minimize capital to order. total costs. The The goal cost function or defined as the average absolute deviation between desired production P* and production capacity C over the T i>eriods of the experiment: T S-(})S|P*t-Cj. (16) t=0 The cost function indicates how well subjects balance penalized equally for both excess demand and excess demand and supply. supply. Subjects are Absolute value rather than quadratic or asymmetric costs provide an incentive to reach equilibrium while minimizing the complexity of the subjects' decision-making task. A caveat: monetary rewards were not D-3976 used, in violation of Smith's (1982) protocol for experimental microeconomics. While many economists argue that significant performance-based rewards are necessary to establish external validity, a number of experiments in preference reversal [Grether and Plott (1979), Slovic and Lichtenstein (1983)] suggest performance Similar experiments have found levels. performance, though the further study weak is is not materially affected by reward or even negative effects of incentives on needed [Hogarth and Reder (1987)]. Other experiments in dynamic decision making suggest the results are robust with respect to Sterman (1988c) describes an significant variations in the experimental environment. experiment with a simulated production-distribution system used. in which financial rewards were Like the model here, the experimental system contained multiple feedbacks, nonlinearities, information and time set, lags. Yet despite large differences in the experimental cover story, incentives, time pressure, and complexity of the underlying system, the results strongly reinforce those of the present experiment and support the same decision rule tested here, suggesting the relative insensitivity of the subjects to incentives dynamic structure of Other studies of dynamic decision making which generally the system. support the results here include Brehmer (1987) and 4. and the MacKinnnon and Wearing (1985). Results The trials reported below were run for 36 periods. All were initialized in equilibrium with orders of 450 units each period from the goods sector and capital stock of 500 units. Depreciation is therefore 50 each period to compensate. to capacity, the only and yielding an exogenous input the third period input is OG rises 50 units per period, requiring the capital sector to order By eq. (8) desired production then equals initial cost of zero. Orders for capital to the system, from 450 remain constant to 500, and remains at at 450 500 450 -f- units 50, exactly equal from the goods sector OG, for the first two periods. thereafter (figure 2). The In step not announced to the subjects in advance. Several the sample. trials Trial 16 representative of the sample are plotted in figure 3; table is typical. The 1 summarizes subject reacts aggressively to the increase in demand by D-3976 The ordering 150 units in period 2. leading the subject to order still level of demand, increase in orders further boosts desired production, more. Because capacity is inadequate to meet the higher unfilled orders accumulate in the backlog, boosting desired production to a peak of 1590 units in period The 6. fraction of demand satisfied ({) drops to as low as 52%, slowing the growth of capacity and frustrating the subject's attempt to satisfy demand. Faced with high and rising demand, the subject's orders reach 500 in the periods 7 and 8 capacity overtakes demand. Desired production A unfilled orders are finally produced and delivered. The peak of over 1600 units. declines through discards for the next 12 periods. undershoot its trials are much remarkably similar. As shown 5. falls precipitously as the Orders placed previously continue to Orders drop to zero, and capacity then Significantly, the subject allows capacity to equilibrium value, initiating a second cycle of similar amplitude and duration. The other oscillations. Between huge margin of excess capacity opens up. subject slashes orders after period 5, but too late. arrive, boosting capacity to a fifth period. Only 4 subjects the same. While specifics vary the pattern of behavior is in table 1, the vast majority of subjects generated significant (8%) achieved equilibrium before the end of the trial. Proposed decision rule and estimation results The qualitative similarity of the results suggests the subjects, though not behav- ing optimally, used heuristics with used and in the original simulation is a variant of rules long used in determines orders for capital O features. The decision model upon which the experiment (1939), Metzler (1941), Holt et firm. common al. is rule proposed here was based [Sterman (1985)] models of corporate and economic systems [Samuelson (1960), Forrester (1961), as a function Low (1980)]. The rule of information locally available to an individual Such information includes the current desired rate of production P*, current production capacity C, the rate of capital discards D, the supply line SL of orders for capacity which the firm has placed but not yet received, and the capital acquisition lag A: Ot=/(P*t,Ct,Dt, SLt.At). Specifically, capital orders O are given (17) by replacement of discards modified by an adjustment D-3976 for the 10 adequacy of the capital stock ASL. Accounting AC and an adjustment for the adequacy of the supply for the nonnegativity constraint line on gross investment and allowing for an additive disturbance E yields: Ot = MAX(0, Dt + ACt + ASLt + Each of the three terms represents a separate motivation for investment. existing capital stock at firm is (18) Et). assumed pressures. its To maintain the current value, the firm must order enough to replace discards. to adjust orders The adjustment above or below discards for capital the desired and actual capital stock. AC in The response to two additional represents the response to discrepancies between The adjustment response to the quantity of capital in the supply for supply line line, that is, capital ASL represents the which has been ordered but not yet received. The adjustment capital stock DK for capital is assumed to be proportional to the and the actual stock. Desired capital is gap between desired determined from the desired rate of production P* and the capital/output ratio k: ACt = aK(DKt - Kt (19) DKt=KP*t (20) The adjustment for capital creates a straightforward negative feedback loop. When production exceeds capacity orders for capital will rise above discards until the gap An excess of capital similarly causes orders to falls to meet the desired level. fall below replacement desired is closed. until the capital stock Note, however, that due to the capital acquisition lag this negative loop contains a significant phase lag element, introducing the possibility of oscillatory behavior. The aggressiveness of adjustment parameter The adjustment the firm's response is determined by the a^^. for the supply line is formulated analogously. Orders are adjusted in proportion to the discrepancy between the desired supply line ASLt = asL(DSLt - SLt DSL and the actual supply (21) ). In general the supply line of unfilled orders line: may include several stages of the capital D-3976 11 acquisition process such as orders in planning, orders in the backlog of the supplier, and orders under construction. orders B, thus SL=B. The desired supply DSLt = Dt To In the experiment these are aggregated into the backlog of unfilled line given by is (22) -At- ensure an appropriate rate of capital acquisition a firm must maintain a supply line proporIf the acquisition tional to the capital acquisition delay. order new delay rises, firms must plan for and capital farther ahead, increasing the desired supply line. The desired supply line based on the capital discard rate - a quantity readily anticipated and subject to tainty. To illustrate the logic capital. Orders will line will fill. rise due If orders in the little is uncer- of the supply line adjustment, imagine an increase in desired to the gap between desired and actual capital stock. The supply supply line were ignored (OgL =0), the firm would place orders through the capital stock adjustment, promptly forget that these units had been ordered, and order them again. The supply line adjustment creates a second negative feedback loop which reduces orders for new struction pipeline, and boosts orders capacity if the firm finds itself if overcommitted there are too few. It also compensates for changes in the construction delay, helping ensure the firm receives the capital production. OgL firm is it requires to meet desired reflects the firm's or subject's sensitivity to the supply line. The decision mined on to projects in the con- rule in equations (18-22) is intendedly quite simple. the basis of information locally available to the firm itself. Orders are deter- Information an individual unlikely or unable to have, such as the value of the equilibrium capital stock or the cost minimizing solution ing process is to the nonlinear optimal control rather simple: capacity is built to problem, is not used. meet current demand. The The firm's forecast- rule includes appropriate nonlinearity to ensure robust results: orders remain nonnegative even large surplus of capital. The subtleties. One can there is a rule also expresses the corrections to the order rate as linear functions of the discrepancies between desired and actual quantities. ing rules of firms are if more complex, and other work such as think of the linear part of the rule as the Undoubtedly the order- Senge (1980) considers various first term of the Taylor series D-3976 12 expansion of the more complex underlying investment documents the ability rule. A large literature in psychology of linear decision rules to provide excellent models of decision-making, even when interactions are known to exist [Dawes (1982), Camerer (1981)]. The useful to interpret the rule in terms of the cognitive processes of the agents. It is ordering rule can be interpreted as an example of the anchoring and adjustment heuristic Kahnemen [Tversky and (1974)]. determine an unknown quantity the effects of other cues example, a firm may for factors such as In anchoring first anchors on a which may be that known less salient or reference point and then adjusts for whose For effects are obscure. macroeconomic expectations, anticipated competitor many people use it to be a pricing, etc. Studies widespread heuristic. Indeed, anchoring inappropriately. Numerous situations in which the adjustments are insufficient or anchored meaningless cues [Hogarth (1987)]. to to estimate next year's sales by anchoring on current sales and adjusting have shown anchoring and adjustment common and adjustment, a subject attempting in studies have which judgments is so documented are inadvertently In the experimental context, the capital discard rate forms an easily anticipated and interpreted point of departure for the determination of orders. Replacement of discards will keep the capital stock of the firm constant at current level (assuming the capital acquisition delay remains constant). its Adjustments are then made in response to the adequacy of the capital stock and supply No assumption is made that these adjustments are in calculate the order rate as given in the equations. floor, any way optimal or line. that firms actually Rather, pressures arising from the factory from the backlog of unfilled orders and disgruntled customers, and from corrmiitments projects in the construction pipeline cause the firm to adjust below the level which would maintain the interpretation is status quo. parallel: replacing discards to its investment rate above or For agents in the maintain the status quo Adjustments based on the adequacy of the capital stock and supply Again, there formulae is in the no presumption is experiment the a natural anchor. line are then made. that subjects explicitly calculate the adjustments using the equations [see e.g. Einhom, Kleinmuntz, and Kleinmuntz (1979)]. to D-3976 13 The adjustment parameters a^ and a^^ reflect the firm's or subject's response to disequilibrium: large values indicate an aggressive effort to bring capacity and the supply line in line with their desired levels; small values indicate a higher tolerance for, or discrepancies between desired and actual stocks. hypothesis that decisions are made For both the real firm negligence and the subjects, the via a heuristic such as the proposed rule motivated by is the observation that the complexity of determining the optimal rate of investment the abilities of the To managers and the time available to make only the two adjustment parameters test the rule trial a^ and Osl need be estimated. the parameters maximum Assuming 0- the errors e are Gaussian likelihood estimates of such nonlinear functions are given by which minimize the sum of squared Such estimates are consistent and errors. asymptotically efficient, and the usual measures of significance such as the asymptotically valid [Judge et Estimates for 49 trials Maximum were found by grid search of the parameter space, subject to the constraints a^, CgL ^ white noise then the overwhelms decisions [Simon (1982)]. All other data required to determine orders are presented directly to the subjects. likelihood estimates of the parameters for each of, al. t-test are (1980)]. together with t-statistics are given in table ability to explain the ordering decisions of the subjects is excellent. R2 2. The model's varies between 33% and 99+%, with an overall R^ for the pooled sample of 85%.'* All but two of the estimates of a^ are The supply highly significant. line not significantly different from zero in 27. the estimate of a^L for 23 subjects mean 95% confidence band is zero. adjustment parameter Of course, zero is is significant in is trials, a legitimate value for Qsl, The estimates of a^L range from for the zero estimates 22 .17, less than 4% and and to 4.4 while the of the range of a^L, indicating that the 23 zero estimates of ttjL are quite tight. 6. Simulation of the estimated decision rules The estimation jects' decision-making. results indicate that the model is a good representation of the sub- Sterman (1988a) analyzes the estimated parameters and several 'misperceptions of feedback' which are responsible for the subjects' identifies poor performance. 14 D-3976 One of these the tendency for subjects to give insufficient attention to the supply line, as is indicated by the large number of small estimates By for a^L- ignoring the supply line subjects continue ordering even after the construction pipeline contains sufficient units to correct any stock discrepancy. tem. Such overordering The present concern, however, and the regimes of behavior in disequilibrium, tem to a is is a major source of the relationship between the estimated parameters model. Even though the subjects do not behave optimally in the one might expect that their decision rules low cost equilibrium. Simulation of The rightmost column of Table would ultimately return the sys- shows not the case. the estimated rules 2 indicates the mode (61%) Most of are stable. stock in response to the step input. and one produces period produce chaos. performed best 5. these produce Seven parameter The parameters which The parameters estimated overdamped behavior of sets characterize eleven subjects for the capital produce limit cycles of period Inspection of table 2 shows that the subjects in the task this is of behavior produced by simulation of the decision rule with the estimated parameters. thirty subjects loop sys- instability in the closed 1 (22%) whose parameters are stable while those whose parameters produce periodic behavior or chaos generally had the highest costs. 1-way ANOVA achieved by the subjects strongly depend on the estimated decision rule (p<.01 when the confirmed the relationship: the costs mode produced by modes were coded simulation of the as stable, periodic, or chaotic). Figure 4 shows time domain and phase portraits for simulations of several sets of estimated parameters. To In all cases the orbits are roughly egg-shaped, with clockwise flow. explicate the dynamics, consider figure 4a, showing the period the parameters of subject 18 (.62, .43; capacity; the locus of such points capacity and the system system is sector of is linear is R^ = and stable; above is insufficient. produced by it line. Below there is the line there is insufficient capacity must equal excess and the Given the steady input of orders from the goods units, the equilibrium point for the At t=l capacity limit cycle In equilibrium desired production given by the 45° highly nonlinear and unstable. 500 .86). 1 system as a whole lies at (555.55, 555.55). Shipments lag new orders, so the backlogs of the goods sector D-3976 and 15 Rising desired production induces additional orders from the capital capital sector grow. sector, causing rapid increase in desired production. the capital sector itself to As capital stock grows, backlog is shipped grows rapidly at fill all Capacity, held down by orders and the consequent rationing of output, lags behind. however, new orders placed by the capital sector slow, and the an increasing pace. Desired production peaks as the capital sector is increasingly able to orders. fill to deliver the entire supply line in Between t=7 and t=8 sustained only by the exogenous is now large enough one period. As desired production plummets, capacity peak and capital sector orders its now Capacity at t=6. capacity overtakes desired production, which falls rapidly since capacity reaches the inability of to fall to zero (t=9). demand of the Desired production is then goods sector (500 units/period). Deprecia- tion causes capital stock to decline slowly, until at t=15 capital stock has fallen to a level enough to cause the capital sector to place new orders. However, these new orders cause desired production to rise, and by the next period capacity demand, initiating the next cycle. The dynamics are the low is once again insufficient same to satisfy for the period multiples and chaotic solutions, except that the trajectory does not close after one orbit. The trajectories of chaotic systems are sensitive to nearby points through phase space diverge exponentially positions balloons out to fill the entire attractor. divergence of neighboring points (1985)] which may is initial The conditions. routes of until the initial difference in the The time average rate of exponential given by the largest Lyapunov exponent L+ [Wolf et al. be defined as L^=lim|log2|xI (23) where the separation vector x connects neighboring points in phase space. A positive exponent means nearby points diverge and indicates chaos; a negative exponent denotes convergence of nearby points. Because the Lyapunov exponents describe the long-term average behavior of nearby trajectories, any finite segment of the behavior may diverge from D-3976 16 that average, including temporary reversals of sign. L+ Nevertheless, a rough estimate of is given by the slope of L^(t)t=log2|x| (24) over long intervals. To calculate L^(t)t for each of the estimated decision rules, production capacity was jjerturbed by one part in a trillion in the 10,0(X)th period. |x| was measured production. all in the Since desired capacity the is sum of the two backlogs, this output space reflects Figure 5 shows the evolution of L^(t)t for the The phase parameters of subject 16 after the perturbation. The average slope of L^(t)t in figure 4. The magnitude of chaotic. of L^ for the subjects separation vector two-dimensional space defined by production capacity and desired three state variables in the system. shown The the is is clearly positive, indicating the system Lyapunov exponent whose decision plot for these parameters is approximately rules are chaotic range .1 bits/period. from about is The values .01 to .1 bits/period, with an average of about .04 bits/period. The magnitudes of state of the system, surement errors in the exponents determine the rate at and hence the ability to predict its trajectory, is lost. economic systems [Morgenstem (1963)] dictability in chaotic systems. Thus if the states of the not unrealistic measurement error of about exponent of .04 implies the uncertainty after only about factor of two would delay these calculations little in 12% Mapping large dictate severe limits in the mea- on pre- model economy were known with would grow to fill the Lyapunov the entire attractor experimental system to roughly 5 orbits. additional predictability: cutting measurement error by a the complete loss of predictability by less than 2 orbits. assume no external noise, perfect specification of estimates of the parameters, and thus represent an upper 7. The (3 bits of precision), the average in the trajectory 75 periods, corresponding Additional precision buys which information about the bound on the model, Of course and perfect the prediction horizon. the parameter space Additional effects of chaos on predictability arise due to uncertainty in the estimated D-3976 17 Figure 6 locates the modes of behavior of the estimated decision rules in parameters. parameter space. The estimated parameters are clustered in the region 0<aK<l, 0<asL^l, with the few outside this region falling approximately along the line cxsL=aK. Consistent with intuition, the stable decision rules are confined to the region where aj^ is small and a^L large, while the chaotic decision rules generally involved aggressive stock adjustment weak supply line adjustment. More aging still supply line stabilizing more aggressively Conversely, more aggressive response to the by constraining orders as the supply line More fills. formally, determines the gain of the oscillatory negative feedback loop while ajL controls the To order, stabilizing supply line loop. the sub- demand, thus exacerbating disequilibrium and encour- larger orders in future periods. is and aggressive attempts to correct the discrepancy between the desired and actual capital stock are destabilizing: by ordering ject induces a larger increase in total is test this regressed on the log of the cost function S. a^ first- hypothesis the estimated parameters were Costs provide a rough measure of instability since high costs indicate large excursions from equilibrium (standard errors in parentheses, trial 1 deleted as an outlier): ln(S) = 5.3 -I- (.13) I.TOk- l.lasL, (.33) results are highly significant and stability. is F=16.8 the parameter space as smooth as these results suggest? 0<aK^l and 0<asL^l representing over 40,CX)0 simulations. ^ This region includes showing 86% in steps of .005, of the estimated parameter that the fluctuating steady state solutions, including the chaotic solutions, lie in the managerially meaningful region of parameter space. bifurcation structure (25) and confirm the overall relationship between the parameters Figure 7 maps the parameter space for sets, clearly (N=48). (.30) The But R2=.43, is surprisingly structured. First, the The resulting boundary for the bifurcation from fixed point to cyclic attractors appears to be a straight line, with stable solutions satisfying asL > 2.29aK (.0085) - .706, (.0046) R2 = .99946 (N=42). (26) D-3976 18 Rasmussen, Mosekilde, and Sterman (1985) show instability at the equilibrium jx)int involves a is inadequate a^ or (<))<1) Hopf that the transition bifurcation. the linearized closed-loop system is from local stability to In the region oscillatory, but for small values of large values of a^L. the eigenvalues lie inside the unit circle, producing behavior and a stable fixed-point attractor. As where capacity the parameters become damped less stable (larger Oj^ or smaller Csl) the eigenvalues cross the unit circle and the system produces expanding oscillations. These fluctuations are ultimately bounded by the nonlinearities, particularly the nonnegativity constraint on orders and the flexible utilization of capacity in equation (1). Inside the region of fluctuating steady state solutions, several features are apparent. Note first the striations of periodic behavior which cut across the space shallower angle than the stability/instability boundary. transition to stability and thinner away from it. The bands at a somewhat are thicker near the Second, note the several large regions in which the periodic solutions are very sparse. Figure 8 magnifies the region .55<aK<.65, .50<asL^.60 by a factor of ten in each Both the chaotic regions and the bands of periodic behavior are direction. still common more such Such islands. in the bifurcation The complexity of of the parameters system. is characteristic of the fractal boundaries maps of many systems. Simple though the model behaviors. irregularity seen to contain Further magnification (not shown) irregularly distributed islands of other periodicities. reveals now may have is, it is capable of generating a wide array of complex the parameter space shows large qualitative effects on the that even small errors in estimates mode of behavior produced by Indeed, the simulations here do not exhaust the possibilities. the All the simulations described here involved no external forcing (goods sector orders for capital were constant). Larsen, Mosekilde, and Sterman (1988) have shown that sinusoidal forcing in orders (mimicking the effects of the business cycle or other cyclical modes goods sector in the economy) causes mode-locking, quasi-periodic solutions, and a devil's staircase to emerge. D-3976 8. 19 Discussion It is the common in the social sciences to dynamics of human systems that formal rules assume decision-making behavior and thus that These are, if not optimal, then at least stable. show results which characterize actual managerial decision making can produce an extraordinary range of disequilibrium dynamics, including chaos. Such complexity suggests strong lessons dynamics. The experiment shows including chaos, lie modelers of economic and social for that the regimes of fluctuating steady-state behavior, squarely in the middle of the realistic region of parameter space. In consequence modelers can ignore nonlinear dynamics only at their peril. Models of economic and social dynamics should portray the processes by which disequilibrium conditions are created and dissipated. all They should not assume times nor that adjustment processes are stable. are robust in extreme conditions, since it is economy that the is near equilibrium in or Models should be formulated so the nonlinearities necessarily introduced robust formulations that crucially determine the modes of the system [see Day state world and the practical significance of chaos must be asked. Chaos phenomenon which manifests over very long time frames, but many models are concerned with transient dynamics and nearly than those used in the analysis of chaotic dynamics. all that they by (1984)]. At the same time a number of questions regarding the the generalization of to the real at is the results a steady- policy-oriented with time horizons much shorter For example the simulations here were run for 10,000 periods or more. Over such extended time horizons the parameters of the system cannot be considered static but will themselves evolve with learning, evolutionary pressures, and exogenous changes in the environment. Bakken (1988)] that subjects begin to learn within just a parameters of their ordering function. It There is evidence [Sterman (1988a), few cycles, modifying the appears that in the present experiment learning slowly moves the subjects away from the chaotic region towards the region of However, the existence of chaos may itself hamper cause-effect relations exist in chaotic systems, it is learning. Even though stability. deterministic impossible to predict the effects of small D-3976 changes 20 in initial conditions or parameters. cause and effect by agents efficiency? in the Does such 'randomness' slow economy and thus hinder learning or evolution towards Indeed, does learning alter the parameters of decision rules so that systems Some evolve towards or away from the chaotic regime? a world the discovery of whose 'fitness space' by constantly exploring contains many new pathways, may argue that chaos may be adaptive. In local optima, a decision rule that produces chaos, help a system evolve faster than a stable, incremental decision making strategy [Prigogine and Sanglier (1987), Allen (1988)]. Chaos places an upper bound on social systems? known that that swamp the uncertainty in trajectories caused predictability of that response? boundaries in both in the initial model influence its Particularly troubling here of modes shown transfer to circumstances procedure of incremental a well which in figures 7-8. differ only slightly. movement towards well can agents negotiate that space is fractal p)olicies, does the and the condition and parameter space. Policy interventions often imply parameters of a decision rule or model. fractal distribution is it is the potential for fractal basin is How can policy analysis be conducted In such systems parameter changes on the margin may produce unpredictable qualitative changes optima but constraint in How by chaos? response to the "policy space" contains fractal basin boundaries? How bound a binding such random shocks severely degrade predictability. Does the magnitude of existence of chaotic regimes in a if is Real social systems are bombarded by broadband noise, and stochastic shocks changes prediction, but as well? in behavior, as illustrated Therefore learning and experience by the may not Learning often involves a hill-climbing a profit-maximizing peak in parameter space. when the landscape not only has The development of many local principles for policy design in such systems major area for future research. The practical significance of chaos and other nonlinear phenomena in policy-oriented models of social and economic behavior remains clouded while these questions are unanswered. Some of these questions may be application of the experimental techniques demonstrated here. resolved by further D-3976 9. 21 Conclusions The discovery of nonlinear phenomena such as deterministic chaos in the physical world naturally motivates the search for similar behavior the social scientist faces difficulties in that search which not to the same degree. exist for many world of human behavior. Yet do not plague the physicist, Aggregate data sufficient for strong empirical of the most important social systems. from the environment. The huge temporal and of actors, costs and ethical concerns difficult at best. in the Finally, the laws of make tests at least simply do not Social systems are not easily isolated spatial scales of these systems, vast controlled experiments human behavior number on the systems themselves are not as stable as the laws of physics. Electrons do not learn, innovate, collude, or redesign the circuits in which they flow. Laboratory experiments appear to and national economies are actual firms provide a fruitful alternative. infeasible, simulation Since experiments on models of these systems must be used to explore the decision making heuristics of the agents. Such experiments create 'microworlds' in which the subjects face physical and institutional structures, information, and incentives which mimic (albeit in a simplified fashion) those of the real world. It appears to be possible to quantify the decision making heuristics used by agents in such experiments and explain their performance well. Simulation then provides insight into the dynamic properties of the experimental systems. These processes of real people. common and produced by the decision making results demonstrate that chaos can be The experiment presented subjects with a straightforward task in a important economic setting. The subjects' behavior is modeled with a high degree of accuracy by a simple decision rule consistent with empirical knowledge developed in psychology and long used in significant minority of subjects. economic models. Simulation of Chaos may well be economic systems, despite the lack of a the rules produces chaos for a common mode of behavior sufficient information to detect it in in social aggregate data. and 22 D-3976 Notes 1 Journal of (3), Economic Theory, 40 (1) 1986, Journal of September 1987; System Dynamics Review, Economic Behavior and Organization, 4, 1988, 8 European Journal of Operational Research, 35, 1988. See also Goodwin, Kruger, and Vercelli (1984) and Prigogine and Sanglier (1987). 2. Conservation of output requires By P= A + AG. But (P/P*)(B + BG) = ratio of the backlog to the outflow, here given by P. BG)/(A + AG) = (B + 3. Disks suitable for Little's law, the BG)/(B-(t) IBM A + AG = B(t) + BG({) = average residence time of items + BG<t)) = A= in a (B + BG)/(A + AG). By (})(B + EG) = backlog is the eq. 4-5, (B + 1/<|). PC's and compatibles, or for the Apple Macintosh, are available from the author. 4. Note that the function 0=f(-) does not contain an estimated regression constant. Thus the correspondence of the estimated and actual capital orders, not just their variation around mean values, provides an important measure of the model's explanatory power. residuals e need not satisfy Zct R2 = 1 - Xct^ / ZO,2 is = 0, the used (Judge conventional et al. 1980). This R2 is not appropriate. R2 can be Since the The alternative interpreted as the fraction of the variation in capital orders around zero explained by the model. 5. Each simulation was 10,000 periods long. The steady state chaotic if mode of behavior. first 8000 were discarded 10 digit accuracy was used. the trajectory did not close after 100 orbits. 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Year Fraction of Demand Satisfied Capital Stock 100 Depreciation 500 Production Shipments 500 to Capital Sector Desired Production Shipments 500 to Goods Sector Backlog of Unfilled Orders New New Orders 50 ^Capital Sector; Capital Sector 450 Goods Sector Orders 450 V Goods Sector, D-3976 28 Figure there 2. is Exogenous orders of the goods an unannounced step increase in from 450 to 500 units. Compare Each sector. new begins in equilibrium. In period 2 trial orders placed by the against subjects' behavior shown consumer goods sector in figure 3. Units 900 r 600 700 - 600 - 500 - 100 - 300 - New Orders — Consumer Goods Sector \y 200 100 ' 10 ' ' I 20 15 Period L_I_J L. 25 30 35 D-3976 29 Figure Typical experimental results. N.B.: vertical scales differ. 3. Desired Producrion Production Capacity Subject's Orders for Capital Tnei 6 SCORE • 90S SCOCE . 651 Tnil 24 SCORE t 366 TntI 1 I 20 IS Parlod Tn»l 16 SCORE Unit! 1200 • *T> D-3976 30 Table 1. Summary of experimental results. Experiment (Std. Dev. in parentheses) N=48* Costs (units) Optimal D-3976 Table Trial 31 2. Estimated parameters and mode of behavior of simulated decision rules D-3976 Figure 4. (figure 3). 1200 - 32 Simulation of estimated decision rules. Note similarity to the experimental results D-3976 Figure 33 5. Evolution of log2|x|, the distance between two neighboring trajectories, for simulation with parameters of subject 16 (2.49, 2.90) after perturbation of capacity by factor of 10vl2 slope, in is period 10,000. The largest Lyapunov exponent, given approximately by the average positive, indicating that the two trajectories diverge exponentially and the system chaotic. =" 1600 -, 300 CJ -10 -I -20 - en o — -30 50 00 150 Ti me 200 250 300 is D-3976 Figure 6. 34 Modes of behavior produced by simulation of the estimated parameters. Lower graph magnifies area bounded by 0<aK<l, 0<asL^l. Chaos * Period 1 Period 5 « Stable Chaos * Period 1 Period 5 X Stable D-3976 35 (Captions for figures 7 Figure 7. Map of parameter space for steps of .005, representing 201 Figure 8. Map & 8; figures on following pages) 0<aK^l and 0<asL^l. Simulations were performed = 40,401 simulations. of the region .55<aK<.65, .50<asL^-60 in increments of .0005. Magnifies figure 7 by a linear factor of 10 in each direction. Note the islands of higher periodicities irregularly distributed within the bands of periodic behavior. in 36 U-JV/b i' f''', ''*'p'S''?,¥,>;-i '^ rElu-Vjrj ". A 'ft.' j'if''ui'rfri'i,i I'Ltiji (JWfi 111 ,...-,.„>-. m\ J i'd r, ''.Jjsii r i ' p., I, , Jn-'it Ji'i jh^M) ' V1.F 'ViW-iLff^i '','t T L 'i' I L i .- i ^<i i .i, 'J ^ t J ii l! ' l"J"* I ,* I ' I. ^ .. fl I all 'i-i 1 Llf .1 ' -"I',', «.-.-' Wi" , . 1 J l^* '' { ,i'. n * , .rll- 1- , h , . r I I ID »- rsi fo 'rr tn eu "o -o "o n "o B .2 .2 ,2 ,2 .2 iQ -t- -4- •>- '^ •— 6i fl^ ^^ , :^ S o fa ^ ^ d lO '"'"l ;, i"... .-- - FiiMv'-'jTV "HyMflii-silliks I "i I'l I'l '.' > , f -t U -t.i', ; V . ' UriWllJB _, * b 1 17 07li 37 D-3976 CTt MM 3 TDflO I IHHflHlFS DD5 35fl ^Tb