nu/LO • M414 no. ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Consumption-Portfolio Policies: An Inverse Optimal Problem by Hua He and WP #3488-92 Chi-fu Huang November 1992 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 Consumption-Portfolio Policies: An Inverse Optimal Problem by Hua He and WP #3488-92 Chi-fu Huang November 1992 M.I T LIBRARIES NOV 1 8 1992 Consumption-Portfolio Policies: Hua He* and An Inverse Optimal Problem" Chi-fu Huang* October 1991 Last Revised: October 1992 To Appear in Journal of Economic Theory 'The authors thank John Cox, Philip Dybvig, Hayne Leland, Robert Merton, Stephen Ross, Mark Rubinstein, and Jean-luc Vila for conversations, and an anonymous referee for helpful comments. Research support from the Batterymarch Fellowship Program (for Hua He) is gratefully acknowledged. Remaining errors are of course their own. 'Haas School of Business, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 'Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 Abstract We study a problem that policy, is the "inverse" of Merton (1971). we provide necessary and sufficient conditions for increasing, strictly concave, time-additive, it For a given consumption-portfolio to be optimal for "some" agent with an and state independent asset price follows a general diffusion process. utility function These conditions involve a when the set of consistency risky and state independency conditions and a partial differential equation satisfied by the consumption-portfolio policy. We also provide an integral formula which recovers the utility function that supports a given optimal policy. The inverse optimal problem studied here should be viewed as a dynamic recoverability problem in financial markets with continuous trading. 1 INTRODUCTION 1 Introduction 1 The study of an individual's optimal consumption-portfolio policy in continuous time under uncer- Merton (1971), Cox and tainty has been a central topic in financial economics; see, for example. Huang (1989, 1991), and Does there He and Pearson The main question addressed (1991). an optimal consumption-portfolio policy exist for in this literature is: an economic agent represented by a time-additive and state-independent utility function and what are the properties of his/her optimal policy if it indeed exists? In this paper we address the "inverse" of the above consumption-portfolio problem. general specification of the asset price process, for a given consumption-portfolio policy to we be optimal time-additive, and state independent utility function. "supported" by such a utility function formula which recovers the The is for A consumption-portfolio supports a given inverse problem studied here can be viewed as a We is to recover an strictly concave, policy that can be also provide an integral efficient policy. dynamic recoverability problem markets with continuous trading; see Kurz (1969) and Chang (1988) objective here sufficient conditions "some" increasing, called an efficient policy. utility function that and investigate the necessary For a for related in financial Our problems. economic agent's preferences from the observed consumption-portfolio policy that has been specified for a given asset price process. an individual's consumption-portfolio policy in Since our emphasis is in analyzing a continuous time securities market environment, the inverse problem studied here and the solution method employed in this paper are very different from those of Kurz (1969) and Chang (1988), who study an inverse problem in the theory of optimal growth. Cox and Leland (1982) are the first to characterize efficient consumption-portfolio policies the asset price follows a geometric Brownian motion; also see Black (1988). this paper lies in when Our contribution giving a characterization of the efficient consumption-portfolio policies when in the asset price follows a general diffusion process. Since our characterization of efficient consumptionportfolio policies is derived for a general specification of the price process, we can also use the approach to answer a related question: Can a given consumption-portfolio policy be optimal same for a given utility function and "some" diffusion price process or for "some" utility function and "some" diffusion price process? The motivation diffusion process processes, is for studying the inverse optimal problem when the asset price follows a general twofold. First, accumulating empirical evidence suggests that the stock price and especially the price processes for portfolios, are not best described by a geometric 1 INTRODUCTION Brownian motion; 2 see, for example, Black (1976) and Lo and MacKinlay (1988). As a result, for the study of optimal consumption-portfolio policies one needs to consider price processes more general than the geometric Brownian motion. Second, when the price process motion, the calculation of an optimal consumption-portfolio policy for is is extremely complicated; example, Cox and Huang (1989) and He and Pearson (1991). As a rules of thumb policies are usually followed. It is not a geometric Brownian see, result, in practice, certain thus important to have the necessary and sufficient conditions for a given policy to be consistent with utility maximization. Our strategy to solve the inverse optimal problem consists of two steps. First, two real-valued functions, the the dollar amount invested first of which gives the we take as given consumption and the second of which gives the single risky asset, for any given levels of the individual's wealth, in the risky asset price, and the time. These two functions completely specify the consumption- We then characterize the efficiency of this consumption-portfolio portfolio policy of an individual. policy through a set of necessary and sufficient conditions that are imposed solely on the given consumption-portfolio policy. Second, we present an integration procedure that recovers the utility function supporting an efficient consumption-portfolio policy. Besides deriving the necessary and sufficient conditions for efficient consumption-portfolio policies, we also obtain For example, make it is some characterizations of an shown that, when there is efficient policy that are of independent no intermediate consumption, an interest. must efficient policy the risk tolerance of the indirect utility function in units of the riskless asset a martingale (subject to some formally later). regularity conditions) under the so-called risk neutral probability (to be defined As will be made clear out to be the most significant later, this result turns tion for a given consumption-portfolio policy to be efficient. the price process is a geometric Brownian motion and there present value of the dollar amount amount invested in the stock at currently in the stock. This holds true for Our paper is It is when implies in particular that, no intermediate consumption, the any future date all efficient restric- is equal to the dollar consumption-portfolio policies. related to the characterization of efficient portfolios in a one-period setting due to Peleg (1975), Peleg and Yaari (1975), Dybvig and Ross (1982), and Green and Srivastava (1985, 1986). Because of the single period setting, dynamic trading rules are not considered literature. In contrast, the emphasis of this paper is to analyze efficiency of functions from dynamic trading rules. Finally, our paper is and to recover in this utility related to the classical "integrability" problem of revealed preference, which asks whether preferences are determined by the entire demand correspondence; see, for example, Mas-Colell (1977) and Geanakoplos and Polemarchakis (1990). The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 formulates a dynamic consumption- THE SETUP 2 3 problem and derives necessary conditions portfolio shows how to express these necessary conditions policy and presents the necessary conditions utility function. Section 3 terms of the given consumption- portfolio solely in This section also gives some examples to for efficiency. demonstrate how to use the necessary conditions by an indirect satisfied for efficiency and provides some characterizations of an optimal consumption-portfolio policy that are of independent interest. Section 4 shows that the necessary conditions for efficiency are also sufficient under then demonstrated how more examples contains some to recover the utility function that supports illustrating our results regularity conditions. an efficient policy. It is Section 5 and Section 6 presents some concluding remarks. The Setup 2 Consider a securities market economy with a bond available interest rate. dynamics is for trading. The w is The bond T] in which there [0, is one stock and one price grows exponentially at a constant rate r, the riskless stock does not pay dividends 2 , and price follows a diffusion process its whose described by the stochastic differential equation 3 = dS(t) where 1 horizon finite n(S(t),t)S(t)dt + a(S(t),t)S(t)dw(t), 6 [0,T], t a standard Brownian motion defined on a complete probability space (SI,?, P). notational simplicity, we assume that any y > cess can access inaccessible. 4 This starting from any x over any time interval [t, t + e] > for assumption implies that the stock price and any time however small is G [0,T), the price pro- t e For > strictly positive 0, and zero is always with probability one. 5 Investors are assumed to have access only to the information contained in historical prices, that the information the investors have at time brevity, We we will sometimes simply use assume that there for the price process. fi(t) t is the sigma-field generated by {5(5); and a(t) to denote fi(S(t),t) and < s < t}. this equivalent For cr(S(t),t), respectively. exists an equivalent martingale measure, or a risk neutral probability Given our current setup, is, 6 Q martingale measure must be uniquely represented by Q(A)= [ t(u,T)P(du) VAeF, Ja 'in applications, one can take the risky asset to be an index portfolio. Nothing 3 will be affected Implicit in this is if the stock pays dividends at rates that depend on the stock price only. the hypothesis that a solution to the stochastic differential equations exists. many statements to be made so that they are only valid over the range of the stock This does not change the essence of the results but will complicate the notation, which is already heavy. 5 We will use weak relations throughout. For example, positive means nonnegative, concave means weakly concave, 'Otherwise, we have to qualify price. and so 6 forth. For strict relations, we use, for example, See Harrison and Kreps (1979) for the former and strictly increasing, strictly concave, Cox and Ross (1976) for the latter. and so forth. THE SETUP 2 where = exp{J\(S(s),s)dw(s)-±£\K(S(3),s)\ 2 ds} S{t) (1) and ww—*^-' Under Q, the stock price dynamics becomes = dS(t) where w" A rS(t)dt + <r(t)S(t)dw'(t), t e [0,T], a standard Brownian motion under Q. is consumption and portfolio policy (C,A) a pair of functions, (C(W,S,t),A(W,S,t)), de- is noting the consumption rate and the dollar amount invested in the risky asset at time respectively, when the wealth use C(t) and A(t) to denote time From Merton t. satisfy is, W and the price of the risky asset is C(W, 5", t) and A(W, S, t), policy (C, Al. the A) admissible is and the drift will often W(t) denote the wealth respectively. Let at £ [0,7], t dW(s)=[rW(s) + A we S. For simplicity, dynamic budget constraint a consumption-portfolio policy must (1971), the starting from any is G [0,T], t + A(s)<r(s)dw(s), term of the wealth process satisfy a linear A(s)( li(s)-r)-C{s)]ds se[t,T). (2) if diffusion local Lipschitz condition, 7 process can access any y > and starting from any x > over any time interval [t,t growth condition and a and any time + e] for t 6 [0,T), the wealth however small t > 0. This condition ensures that there exists a unique solution to the stochastic differential equation (2). The policy (C, A) is said to be efficient, if it is admissible and there exist a utility function for intermediate consumption and a utility function for and V{x) and concave 7 A where in x, function / |i| Su -» 9? + : : 9i < M — oo}, respectively, and either u(x,t) N x [0, T\ — > 3? is for and i £ [0,T], if for we have any \f(y, all t said to satisfy a linear M t) — > is there f(z,t)\ wealth, u(x,t) : 3ft + x [0,T] -+SU {-oo} which are twice continuously differentiable, increasing almost denotes the Euclidean norm of x and A' a local Lipschitz condition \z\ { final or V(x) is strictly growth condition a strictly positive scalar. is a constant < K\i\y — z\, Km where if A concave \f(x, all x such that (C,A) < K(l + |z|) for all x [0,T] —* n y,z € SR with |y| function / such that for \y\ t)\ in : 9?" denotes the Euclidean norm. x and t, 5R satisfies < M and THE SETUP 2 is 5 8 the solution to the following dynamic consumption and portfolio problem: sup c >cM E? y [llu(C(s),s)dt (2) holds, s.t. (A.C) is admissible, (3) W{s)>0 W(t) = S(t) any x > for > 0, y 0, W(t) = x and S(t) — possibility of creating and y. 6 t The + V(W{T)) [0, T], = se[t,T], x, y, where E* y [-] third condition is is the expectation at time t conditional on a positive wealth constraint that rules out the something out of nothing; see Dybvig and Huang (1988). Note also that there is a vast literature on the existence and the characterization of an optimal consumption-portfolio policy for a given pair of utility functions (u,V); see Merton (1971), Cox and Huang (1989, 1991), and He and Pearson (1991), from that of What this literature. (u,V)1 As we don't know the suppose that (C, A) > 0, y 0, and t is efficient. Then By in x, different utility functions to some pair of begin with, these necessary and there exists (u, V) so that (C, A) solves and the risky asset price at time t strictly concave W in . We will restrict (3) for any (3), or the W are and S, all t or V(x) our attention to efficient A) such that the following conditions hold: A2. A(W, S, t) S > to be an optimal policy for the monotonicity and the strict concavity of either u(x,t) for almost J must be increasing and policies (C, it 6 [0,T]. Let J(W,S,t) be the value of the objective function of indirect utility function, given that the wealth respectively. is can only involve the given policy (C, A). sufficient conditions Now example. Our purpose here take a consumption-portfolio policy (C, A) as given and ask: are the necessary and sufficient conditions for utility functions x > We for is and 0, continuous and for all t C(W, S,t) is continuously differentiable in G [0,T], and C(W,S,t) E t is W and S for W> 0, such that 2 \C(W(t),S(t),t)\ dt < oo Jo for the wealth process defined A3, far (WW) and for 'imposing later. by (C,A); € [0,oo)x(0,oo)x[0, T],R(W,S,t) = - f^wA) ^dH(W,S,t) = - %$$%% (W,S,t) € (0,oo) x (0,oo) x [0,T], N(W,S,t) strict = concavity on u ensures that the consumption function fyjwffl is are well-defined; and for continuous in W , which we will assume THE SETUP 2 6 (W,S,t) e (0,oo) x (0,oo) x [0,T), R and and continuously and 7/ are N twice continuously differentiable in (W,S) (W, 5), where the a polynomial growth condition 9 and for any feasible policy (C, A) and its associated differentiable in t, continuously differentiable is in subscripts denote partial derivatives; A4. J satisfies wealth process defined by (2) J \CJ(s) + J (s)\ds < t r€[0,T) oo, where 2 £J = -JwwA 2 o 2 + J ws Aa 2 S + -Jss<> S 2 + J w {tW + A(ji - r) - C] + JS fiS and A5. the wealth never reaches zero before time T. The Condition Condition of J. A3 A2 requires the policy (C, implies that Condition A4 J is A) to be sufficiently continuous on T when motion. Merton (1990, theorem 16.2) generalizes two regularity conditions worked. Thus Condition Later in this section, Now A4, J let c>o,a 9 A \ smooth and A) satisfied A5 we to be square-integrable. Condition u{C,t) shown that the optimally invested wealth the stock price follows a geometric Brownian this result to any diffusion price process obeying add another regularity condition A6 that (C, A) must be understood to + J + [rW + A(p t needs some by most of the processes with which financial economists have Bellman's equation satisfy (see, for r) efficient. satisfy. Until Conditions A1-A5. By Conditions A3 and example, Fleming and Soner (1992, chapter - C]J W + nSJs + I, — A5 can be viewed as a necessary condition for (C, A) to be will will C (C, A) be efficient with corresponding utility functions (u, V). satisfies the 0= max Henceforth, subscripts denote domain and allows us to work with many derivatives its (1989, proposition 3.1) have any (u,V) must not reach zero before then, an efficient (C, be given later. enables us to work with the Bellman's equation. Cox and Huang explanation. will mentioned otherwise. partial derivatives unless for A3 interpretation of the terms defined in -<r 2 2 A 2 J ww + 2 <J SAJWS + -<r 2 10 3)): 2 S 2 JS s\ growth condition if |/(r,t)| < K(\ + lip) for all and 7 are two strictly positive scalars. 10 It is certainly not necessary for an indirect utility function to satisfy the Bellman's equation and a polynomial growth condition. For the former see Cox and Huang (1989) and for the latter see Footnote 20. i and function / (, where |i| : St^ x [0,T] 5? is said to satisfy a polynomial denotes the Euclidean norm of x and K J THE SETUP 2 for all (W, S, t) (E 7 (0,oo) x (0, oo) x (0,T), with the boundary conditions =V(W), J(W,S,T) = tfu(0,s)ds + J(0,S,t) [) V(0), where we have suppressed the arguments of J, C, and A. Note that the second boundary condition it is a consequence of the positive wealth constraint and necessitates immediately that The first are, for all C(0,5,0 = 0, A{0,S,t) = 0. (5) (6) order necessary conditions for the dynamic consumption and portfolio problem (3) (W,S,t) € (0,oo) x (0,oo) x (0,T), u c (C(W,S,t),t) u c (C{W,S,t),t) A(W,S,t) = <Jw (W,S,t), =J w (W,S,t), r ^' g ( f) ( where we have used the notation defined side of (8) and is in ) [{C(W,S,t) = 0, \iC{W,S,t)>0; + SH(W,S,t), R(W,S,t) (8) R(W, S, t) on Condition A3. Note that the right-hand the inverse of the Arrow-Pratt measure of the absolute risk aversion of the indirect utility function, henceforth the risk tolerance, and the second term the "hedging is adverse changes in the consumption/investment opportunity set". 11 twice continuously differentiate in (W,S) € (0,oo) x (0,oo) and is demand against By Condition A3, A must be continuously differentiate in = Jww when C > 0. te(0.T). Fivtbermore, (7) and the chain rule of differentiation imply that u cc Cw Since Jww < only ccur (C, r 0> when we must have C\y > when C > 0. the marginal propensity to consume The first j4' But these is That is, strictly positive consumption can strictly positive. order necessary conditions and the Bellman equation place strong restrictions on know; (as u and V restrictions are expressed in terms of the partial derivatives of J, are unknown). However, it will be shown in the which is not next section that these necessary condi' ons can be transformed so that they can be expressed solely in terms of (C,A). Therefore, one c n directly check whether a given pair (C, /4) other iformation. Furthermore, with cond' Jits for Se some is a candidate for an efficient policy without any regularity conditions, (C, A) to be efficient are also sufficient. Breeden (1984) and Merton (1973). we will show that the necessary 2 THE SETUP Clearly, for all 8 (W,S,t) € (0,oo) x (0,oo) x [0,T), the assumed d /1\ 0, S > and 0, (9) d fH\ = (10) {a)' j_or r 2 dt ai dw W> (E" d dN Js on for all J implies that dW\Rj' dS\Rj Now, differentiability of (11) ' € [0,T], define three functions t 0(W,S,t) 1 = f — dz, (12) R[z,S,t) vl „ X(5 '" s K(l) = s where V^ and 5 are two arbitrary that fa =— f£ when a > Jw_ s H(W,Tj,t) [ 4 -mSF* N(W,S,r)dT, (14) [' strictly positive constants, and where we have used the convention U, hiU(W,S,t)= -0(W,S,t) + X(S,t) + Note that, for all W> \nU{W,S,t) 0, 5 > = 0, = write, for all x > first in the fl, Y{t). (15) #, and N; lnJvv(^,5,f)-lnJw(li:,5:,0) J \ where we have used the € [0,T), by the continuity of t t (13) In addition, define a function b. , , In u c (C(W,S,t),t)-\nJw (K,S,0), >lnu c (0,0-ln Jw(K,S,0), order conditions range of C(W,S, (7). For t < T, since \{ C(\V,S,t) > 0; if 6(W,S,t) = 0. Cw > for all C > (16) 0, we can t): ( ln^C- ^,^),^') = 1 lnu c (x,f)-ln./w(ii:, J£,0), (17) < where C _1 denotes the inverse of conclude that function for all is its left-hand side C with respect to its first argument. 0, S > 0, and t € (0,T) so that C(W,S,t) = t) in x and- 0, U(W,S,t)>]imU(C-\x,S,t),S,t) V5 > to derive ( 16)— ( 18) involve J and some conditions at the its boundary of domain. For have, i3 (18) - their we must 0. derivatives in the interior of their we as the utility (J), , r i° Relations this relation, must be independent of S when C(W, S,t) > state independent. Furthermore, by the concavity of u(x, W> From • domain this purpose*," \ -, We now proceed € use a result of THE SETUP 2 Cox and Huang 9 (1989, section 2.3), which states that, under the square-integrability assumption of Condition A2, along the optimally invested wealth process, there exists a scalar A where the inequality holds as an equality when multiplier and £(t)e~ Tt of probability P. Since Arrow-Debreu state price the is W, W(T) > S, and Note that the A above 0. at time for time £ are processes with continuous paths, wealth reaches zero at T, (19) implies that Jw t if Wm Jw {W,S,t)> J w (0,S,T) = VS > V'(0), so that 12 a Lagrangian consumption per unit the optimally invested continuous except possibly when is is > W= T at and (20) 0, ttr where the equality follows from (4). 13 Given the above discussion, we now impose one more regularity condition on (C, A): A6. R(W,S,t), H(W,S,t), N(W,S,t), and their derivatives are continuous functions of except possibly for W= t = T for W> A3 and S > accomplishes two things. t =T First, (16)— ( 18) can be and we have 0, W > 0,5 > =\nV'{W)-\nJ w (W,S,Q), \nU{W,S,T) l\mw io U(W,S,t) at 0. This condition together with Condition extended to t 0, >\nV'(0)-lnJw (W,S.,0) = l\mwiolnU{W,S,T), VS>0,S>0, ( 21 ) IfT where we note that the first relation indicates that lnU(W, 5, T) the equality in the second relation follows from the fact that addition, Q, in t for W> X , 0, and N are twice continuously differentiate in S > 0, and t V is is a function of W only, and continuously differentiate. In (W,S) and continuously differentiate € [0,T]. Second, we conclude by continuity and H(W,S,T) = HmH(W,S,t) = Q, that W>0, 5 > (22) 0, (IT and 1 A(W,S,T) 12 The (^l^)" = Um tT T (/WS,0 + SH(W,S,t) = R(W,S,T) = -$$j, conditions stated below and henceforth implicitly assume that the optimization problem starts at The possible discontinuity of well-defined there. Jw at T (23) t = 0. and other starting states W(t) = x and S(t) = y. = is the reason that in Condition A3 N is not assumed to be when Similar conditions hold for other starting times 13 (^f)~ W>0, 5>0, t W NECESSARY CONDITIONS FOR EFFICIENCY 3 which a function of is We will 10 W only. term relations (9)-(ll) consistency conditions, since they basically require that high order derivatives of the indirect utility function J exist and that J can be differentiated consistently with respect to any ordering of W, S and Relations (17), (18), (21), (22) and (23) will be termed t. and state independency conditions, as they follow from our assumption that u Note that independent. if we defined efficiency more broadly V to include state-dependent utility functions, then obviously the state independency conditions need not be satisfied. henceforth the set of efficient policies satisfying Conditions to be efficient if it is are both state- A1-A6 by We will A) £. For brevity, (C, denote said is an element of £. Before leaving this section, we record one well-known fact about (C, A) € £, namely, that the current wealth plus the cumulative past consumption, both in units of the bond, a martingale is under Q. Proposition Let (C, A) G 1 £ . Then W(t)e~ Tt + f C(W(s),S(s),s)e~ Ta ds is a martingale under Q. Proof. See, for example, Dybvig and Huang (1988). Necessary Conditions 3 In this section H R, , As a result, R, H and a given (C, A) to be H R and N are explicit functions of C, H efficient. Our N order conditions to express the function first conditions derived in Section 2 about R, C for R C, A, and the derivatives of derivatives. for Efficiency we derive necessary conditions proceeds as follows. First, we use the I , Second, we write . and N and A H and in terms of C, derivation in A terms of and their their derivatives. Necessary are then brought to bear on the given functions and A. In this process, interest. For we also derive some characterizations of (C, A) £ £ that are of independent example, we show that when there is no intermediate consumption, the risk tolerance process along the optimally invested wealth in units of the riskless asset must be a local martingale under the the bond This implies that when the hedging demand normalized by risk neutral probability. price is a decreasing process and the risk premium per unit of variance is positive and increasing over time, one expects an efficient portfolio policy to invest less in the stock over time in present value terms normalized by the demand normalized by the bond price decreasing over time, the opposite is is risk premium per unit of variance. increasing and the risk premium per true under an additional condition. When the hedging unit of variance is NECESSARY CONDITIONS FOR EFFICIENCY 3 we Hereafter, will use k(S, premium on the stock per possibly on a set of We of R, S and begin by giving a H, C, A, and the or simply k(() to denote (n(S, t), unit of the variance on t that 11 is its - r)/a 2 (S,t), which t) rate of return. is the risk Assume k(S, t) / except of Lebesgue (product) measure zero. lemma and The lemma a proposition. derivatives of R and H . expresses the function Then we show N in in the proposition that terms R must satisfy a linear partial differential equation. Lemma Let(C,A)eS. Then, 1 l N = for (W,S,t) 6 (0,oo) x (0,oo) J>Aifl.\ A r' \R) w ^ ,^Acf}.\ AS {R) 5 l x [0,T], Jri^ -r' s \-R) s MrW + A(p-r)~ C)~ - ^5~ - ^j- That is, Proof. N r. can be expressed in terms of R, H, C, A, and the derivatives of We will (24) R and H. prove (24) for (W,S,t) G (0,oo) x (0,oo) x [0,T). The assertion for = T t then follows from continuity. Differentiating the Bellman's equation with respect to using the first W and simplifying the resulting equation order conditions (7) and (8), we get = Jwt + rJw + Jww(rW + A{ii-r)-C) + JwsnS + -a A where we have used the implies that the drift of we conclude fact that dJw is Cw = -rJw- on the set Jwww + Aa SJwws + ^o- {(W, S, t) : C(W, 5, t) = 0}. S Jwss, This equation Since (8) implies that the diffusion term of d Jw is —aaJw, that dJw = —rJwdt — noJwdw. Hence, the 1 2 2 drift of We Jw must be equal to — r - 2 2 j—- However, the :L A2 (JWW\ +(,2 AS (JWW\ + 1JS*({WS\ V Jw J s \ Jw ) s \ Jw )w & q , - din Jws Jw (25) +{r drift of and this Jw is WW W + A(n-r)-C) JJw Jwt Jw -V* (j) w - ° 2AS (3). + r' s2 (i)s- trW+ Ai " ~ get (24) din completes our proof. I r) " C) * + "4 + * NECESSARY CONDITIONS FOR EFFICIENCY 3 Proposition 2 For (W,S,t) 6 (0,oo) x (0,oo) x 12 [0,T], the function R must Rt + C W R -rR = satisfy the following partial differential equation: -a 2 A 2 R ww + Ao- 2 SRws + -^o Consequently, R(W(t),S(t),t)e~ rt positive local martingale Q 14 2 S 2 R Ss + (rW - C)R W + rSR s + + fQCw(^)R(s)e~ r3 ds and thus a supermartingale , 0. (26) (along the optimally invested wealth) 15 is a under the equivalent martingale measure , on[0,T}. Proof. W yields Differentiating (24) with respect to wm R/ww +(rW + 2 A(fl +o- 5/l Vv + *As(r\ -^s'(f) 2 v/i/ws \RJws -r)-C) (1) - nS (-) + (t + A w (fi - r) + a 2 AA w (I) (j£) w - Cw )- s Using (9) and (11), we can rewrite the above equation as R2 \R)ww 2 \R/ws + M 5 (i) + {rW + A (/x -r)-C) (1) +a 2 5Aw +(r-Cw (-J \RJ ss 2 + a 2 /!^ (^) w + Aw(n-r))-ji Since MJxy~ (: for A", V = W, 5, we -<r 2 obtain A2 Rww + Aa 2 SRws + = a-iAiXk + 2 a 2 K 2 ^S AS^ K +A(n-r)R 2 (j) 2 + (rW - C)R W + rSR s + R + C W R - rR iiIss t + a 2 S 2 ^- + R ++a 2 AA w R 2 (r ^ - »)SR S +a 2 SA w R 2 (j) + A w (^-r)R ^ 2 2 = ^{AR W + SRs) 2 + (r - n)SR s + {n~ r)(A w R - AR W ) -a 2 A w {AR w + SRs). 14 The process X is a local martingale under {X(t Ar„), t g [0 T]} Liptser and Shiryayev (1977, so that 15 The process X is is {' Q there exists a sequence of stopping times r„ with rn if a martingale under Q for all n. p. 25). a supermartingale under Q if — T • Q-a.s., For the definition of a stopping time see, for example, E*[.Y(s)|^"t ] < X(t) Q-a.s. for s > t. 3 It NECESSARY CONDITIONS FOR EFFICIENCY 13 remains to show that the right-hand side of the above equation A — R is zero. We note by (8) and (9), _ff = K + b—. R Hence, \Rj\y V R2 RJw which implies A w = (SR S + AR W )/R. Substituting this expression into the right-hand side of (27), (28) we confirm that the right-hand side is indeed zero. For the second assertion, we first show that R being a local martingale is implied by (26). Condition A5, we know that the wealth never reaches zero before T. For any lemma to R(t)e~ ri From 6 [0,T), apply t Ito's and use (26) to get R(W(t),S(t),t)e- rs + f C w (s)R(s)e- ds Tt Jo = R(W{0),S{0),0)+ I e- TS (R w (s)A(s)a(s) + R s (s)(T(s)S(s))dw*(s), te[0,T). Jo Since side is R > for all W > and Cw Q a local martingale under > 0, the left-hand side on [0,T) since it is martingale (see Footnote 14), a local martingale on [0, T], In addition, it is is strictly positive. an Ito integral. By the definition of a local [0,7") is automatically a local martingale on well-known that a positive local martingale example, Dybvig and Huang (1988, a supermartingale on [0,T]. Cox and Leland (1982) lemma 2). Thus R(W(t), is S(t), t)e~ are the first is in fact a general no intermediate consumption, it states that the risk tolerance implied be a local martingale under the is property of an efficient policy. In the case with risk neutral probability have constant relative measure. and the optimally invested wealth A) must make the by an optimal policy must This is certainly true for the risk aversion, since the risk tolerance in this case Cw > in units of the bond is is a a martingale 0, the above proposition states that an risk tolerance in units of the bond a supermartingale under Q on risk neutral probability. In general, given efficient (C, + JQC w {s)R{s)e- T3 ds a geometric Brownian motion. is under the Tt see, for to point out this local martingale property of the risk Proposition 2 shows that this linear function of the wealth a supermartingale; I tolerance process in the context where the stock price process utility functions that The right-hand [0,T] - one expects the risk tolerance in units of the bond, on the average according to Q, to go down in the future. NECESSARY CONDITIONS FOR EFFICIENCY 3 Remark 1 implicitly assumes that In Proposition 2 martingale result proof is the local martingale result dynamic consumption-portfolio problem of of course true starting from any Our identical. is the we have stated 14 implicit hypothesis t on the whole o/[0, T). = 0. This local x and S(t) = y and the made henceforth (3) starts att € [0,T), W(t) = for notational simplicity and will be is This unless otherwise noted. We record an immediate corollary of Proposition 2. Corollary Let {C,A) € €. 1 Then aw - swm e -r, + K(t) is a positive local martingale Proof. The AM l KM , c [ Cwis) ~ • and thus deserve attention. 1 H= 0, k a constant, is Q a supermartingale under is geometric Brownian motion stock price with zero as n(t) assertion follows directly from (8) and Proposition Several implications of Corollary ms \-ds - s }' A = kR > /x > when r. 0, [0,T]. I 2. First, consider the special case of a Note that W> on in this case the and Condition A5 is hedging demand satisfied. Corollary is 1 implies that A{t)e~ rt + [ C w (s)A(s)e- r3 ds Jo is alocal martingale under Q on [0,T]. In addition, by Proposition -a 2 A 2 A ww + {rW - C)A W -rA + C W A + A = t This is just proposition 3 of Cox and Leland a positive supermartingale. That future mean is less is, (1982). 16 Cw Since > the present value of the dollar than the current amount invested in the stock. (W,t) £ (0,oo)x [0,T], 2, for all 0. 0, these imply that A(t)e~ rt amount invested 1 in stock in the This, however, does not necessarily To that one expects to shift value over time from the stock to the bond. from Proposition is see this we recall that W(t)e- Tt + / C(s)e- r 'ds t € [0,T] Jo is a martingale under Q. This implies that rt (W(t) - A(t))e~ + f\c(s) - C w (s)A(s))e- TS ds t € [0, T) Jo 16 The reader familiar with and Leland. Here A(t)e~ rt Cox and Leland will + J Cw{3)A(s)e~ r 'ds note a difference between the result reported here and that in is Indeed, with additional regularity conditions, A(t)e~ below. shown r> to be a supermartingale + f Cw(s)A(s)e~ r ' ds under Q Cox instead of a martingale. becomes a martingale; see Corollary 2 / NECESSARY CONDITIONS FOR EFFICIENCY 3 is 15 a submartingale under Q. Note that the difference between W(t) and A(t) C - Cw A < invested in the bond. If and the optimal policy C - Cw A > 0, however, {W(t) - A(t))e~ interpretation of Corollary premium per to the for in the general case 1 example that n{t) H • Se~ Tt is , Under below this result demand Cw ^ When to consumption. a bit more complicated as there Cw = 0. When positive), is in the Ae~ rt is, Proof. The that assertion demand H(W,S,T) = and S /k is a supermartingale stock in the future, per unit of k, Interpretations similar to the k. Cw — shift of indeed a martingale under Q. as well A. and -rJ a.s. ds and R and Cw + record 5.7.6). polynomial growth condition. 17 I we have a sharper interpretation of Corollary 2, For example, W(T) > left satisfy a a martingale on [0,T] under Q. is a.s., in the A(t)e~ Tt to the reader. We now of the intertemporal geometric Brownian motion case discussed above, becomes a martingale under Q, and thus there value over time away from or into the stock. interpretations are We Tt a consequence of the Feyman-Kac representation; see, for example, Karatzas is With the conditions R W(T) > CV(s).ft(.s)e ' and Shreve (1988, theorem behavior of the the second corollary of the proposition: in Then R(t)e~ rt + is is the hedging but with everything normalized by not only a local martingale but is Corollary 2 Suppose when on [0,T], certain regularity conditions, Proposition 2 can be strengthened so that R(t)e~ L Cw(s)R(s)e~ r3 ds no is lower than one's current investment in the stock, per unit of k. made when Q to consumption. a decreasing process (given that positive, this implies that the hedging special case above can be under a positive increasing process; that is under Q. The present value of one's optimal investment is bond and amount the dollar can indeed be a supermartingale under Q. In such a unit of variance increases over time, and normalized by the bond price, is strictly Tt is also a submartingale is away from both the stock and the bond now hedging demand. Assume risk A)e~ away from the stock shifts value case, the policy shifts value The (W - 0, Tt This is the Cox-Leland result. is Other proceed to complete our derivation of the necessary conditions for (C, A) to be efficient. First, consider the special case that Since the tions first C(W,S,t) > for all (W,S,t) € (0,oo) x (0,oo) x (0,T). order condition (7) holds as an equality, the chain rule of differentiation and Condi- A2 and A3 imply that 9 =- ^(?cCW wg',; VW>0,S><M€[0,r). t) H(W,S,t) , See Footnote 9. (29) NECESSARY CONDITIONS FOR EFFICIENCY 3 Conditions A2 and A6 immediately 16 necessitate that CclW = 1^-5^1 9 E(W,S,Ti. t\ Note that (30) places nontrivial restrictions on consumption policy that for is time separable, some functions c and policies. C(W,S,t) - c(W,S)f(t) in that /, can never be an efficient W>0. 0, (30) For example, any consumption for all W> S > 0, consumption policy unless and 0, it t 6 (0,T) independent is of the stock price. Now Cs R = A+S We R have thus expressed H The R, A6 substituting (29) into (8) and using Conditions A2, A3, and , N and H and so defined must VH' > 0,5 > 0,t€ /k, solely in terms of give [0,T]. (31) C, A and their derivatives. Define N and 1 Let (C,A) € £ with C(W,S,t) > and as in (31), (29), (30), (15), respectively. We must = C(0,S,t) = (1) A(0,S,t) (2) R(W,S,t) (3) C w {W,S,t) > 0, for 0, and A(W,S,T)/k(S,T) S > 0, C w (W,S,t) > C(W,S,t) and is a function satisfies the PDE 0, then C = for t W R 0, S > 0, and Q, X, Y, and and H in > U(C~ and U t 6 (0,T). Dearie R, as in (12), (13), (14), x 0; {x, S,t),S, t) is < T, U(W,S,T) ofW all and (11) hold; is independent of S independent of S for and S > S > only for all C 0, lim t|r for all x > W 0, all Cwtwf}) = °> > and W > 0; and can be zero at strictly positive wealth levels. For example, for all wealth levels. directly using (7) in the region expressing > (26). Second, consider the general case that when u = W e [0,T]; t (5) the consistency conditions (9), (10), A 2. have ]imwioU(W,S,t) > Kmwioli(W,S,T) for and and >0 forW >0; in the range of {C,A) all (24), respectively, (4) the state-independency conditions hold: (6) (24). following theorem summarizes the above discussion. Theorem H, by satisfy the necessary conditions stipulated in Proposition 2 the consistency conditions and the state-independency conditions derived in Section The N where In this case C- 0. The H cannot be expressed following proposition terms of C, A, and their derivatives generally. is in terms of C instrumental for NECESSARY CONDITIONS FOR EFFICIENCY 3 Proposition 3 Let (C,A) € £. For W> R+ TX S > 0, 0, 17 and t € [0,T], T 2 H = oK{W,S,t), (32) where Ti = -- r2 = - s vsso S + 2 ksso- S 2 + 2ksfiS + 2k 2ctso-'S t \ , + 2a s rS + 2a t 2 K(W,SJ) \a 2 A 2 A Ww + o 2 SAAws + \o 2 S 2 A SS + (vsaSA + rW)A w = +(a s aS 2 + Sr)A s + -{ass^S 2 + 2ra s S/cr - 2r + 2a t ja)A +A + t We Proof. Conditions A2, A3, and A6 by For any function / of tinuously differentiable in -a 2 A 2 W i, — dW d 2 Jf -r 2 £ (!) € (0,T). t that t is d2 f + a 2 SA—-£- + dWdS W> 0, S > «*-* (s) -' (f H<- = and T, the assertion follows from 0, 2 1 -<J 2 2 and C under Q: S 2 ^r2 + (rW - C) dW ds t dS dt' £ (0,T), +•»*,* (i) + (,_cw)(i); ^ (*l <^ (sL-s^ + (33) (I ),• ™ fact that = Rs<?S + RwAa, (8), (10), (11), and (24) for (34). Following we have C{oA) = Since ' a consequence of (28), and (26) for (33), and the definition of A", t define the differential generator aAwR which At . twice continuously differentiable in (W, S) and con- is (i)= -[.•**, (i) where we have used the SC s continuity. 5 and , Direct computation shows, for £ ) prove the assertion for will £(/) = (C w A-CA w + oK + ra A - oACw — oSCs- z£ = -K + a5^, ['£)-£(*> + *(*!) (35) 3 NECESSARY CONDITIONS FOR EFFICIENCY Applying 18 we substituting (33), (34) and (35) into the above equation, Proposition 3 plays an important in X W YS + a C(XY) = YC(X) + XC(Y) + a 2 A 2 X w Yw + a 2 AS(X s Yw + terms of A and C and from (8) and (32) R for their derivatives. This H and as functions of R get (32). allows us to express the role. It is A done and = unknown functions + Y2 k derivatives, except a 2 SK-aAT 2 cr r^r aSVi + ki 2 S 2 X s Ys and I as follows. If Y\crS its 2 ) i=- 0, R we can W= when and solve at T: , „ST aol + k1r 2 r. 36 s ' oATx + koK H _ H I • 37 ) 1 Once this is N (24) expresses If get a k = 0. that terms solely in Y\oS -\-Yik = PDE C 0, and we cannot A must (Here we note that K Then we have when k = 0. PDE in A and C. In addition, of C and A and their derivatives. done, (26) becomes a = Then if satisfy. k / 0, We N in terms of take two cases. First, Ti = only if when k = 0. Tj except possibly (8) H, and solve for R, T2 = 0. substituting (36) and (37) into C and A. Nevertheless, we = T2 = except possibly when In addition, T 2 Second, Ti / still and T 2 = = implies Ti ^ 0.) except possibly and (32) imply that 41-A-? aS A (38, k except possibly when k verify. We now Theorem (1) (2) 0. £, = C(0,S,t) = A(0,S,t) we have an equation In both cases, collect all the necessary conditions For (C, A) € 2 5>0, = solely in any (C, A) € £ has to terms of A and C to W > 0, satisfy: we must have 0, S > and e [0,T]; and C\y(W,S,t) > t when C > 0, te[0,T\; + Suppose T\aS define Q, X , T2 k and Y ^ 0. Define R, H , N and as in (36), (37), and (24), respectively; and as in (12), (13), and (14), respectively. >0 forW > (a) R(W,S,t) (b) the state -independency conditions hold: Then 0; U(C~ l (x,S,t),S,t) is x>0andt<T, U{W,S,t) > \im x[0 U(C- 1 (x,S,t),S,t) for te [0,T) such that C(W, 5,0 = for all S > function of and S > W only; 0, and all H(W,S,T) = S > 0, independent of S for all W > 0, 5 > 0, all and limwio U(W,S,t) > ]im wl0 U(W,S,T) for all (W,S), and A(W,S,T)/k{S,T) is a NECESSARY CONDITIONS FOR EFFICIENCY 3 (3) (c) the consistency conditions (9), (10), (d) (C,A) Suppose k (4) = = that Y\ ^ = and (11) and hold; (26); except possibly when k = K Then 0. = except possibly when and 0; Suppose that T\o-S + holds except possibly Note that PDE satisfies the 19 Theorems in 1 ^k = and when k — and 2, (26) T\ and r 2 ^ / except possibly when k = 0. Then (38) 0. is the most substantive necessary condition. Other conditions are either consistency conditions or the state-independency conditions. We now present two examples, one to demonstrate the necessary condition for efficiency and another to demonstrate a price process where TicrS Section + I^k = 1 > with f(t) has been asserted in the literature that the pair It 0, is C(W,S,t) = f(t)W, A(W,S,t) = ^f'^ W, the optimal consumption-portfolio policy for the log utility function with certain time preferences captured by f(t); see Merton (1973). 18 Since must satisfy the conditions of First, the R(W, S,t) = W. Theorem C > for all W to > 0. 1 C > for all W> and S > 0, this 1. H(W,S,t) = that and thus Direct computation using (24) gives N(t) Next we turn our attention of whether Theorem consumption policy implies that all the conditions of We in 5. Example policy More examples can be found 0. = —/(<)• the portfolio policy implies One can then easily verify are satisfied. Theorem 2. Note that this theorem applies generally independently Direct computation shows that K{W,S,t) = Ti(S,t)W/<r(S,t) . take cases. Case 1. Suppose that YxO~S + I^k ^ R . H = 18 0. By (36) and (37), «*r,/> we have M-, t«r aSTi + 2 -* r + *»ri/ a w= crSri + kT-2 i Q W solves the Bellman's equation for This assertion was supported by the fact that J(W, S, t) = g(S, t) + h(t) In g and h. However, this J function fails to satisfy the polynomial growth condition, which is sufficient to derive the Bellman's equation. Thus, to our knowledge, it has not been actually shown that an optimal policy exists for the log utility function using dynamic programming. However, this policy can be verified to be optimal using other arguments such as those of Cox and Huang (1989, 1991). some functions NECESSARY CONDITIONS FOR EFFICIENCY 3 20 These are consistent with our calculation above while using Theorem 2. Suppose that T\ Case 3. Suppose that Y\o~S T? = K Then 0. + I^k = - = 0. and and T\ / T\aS + I^k = 2 Suppose that Note that T\ is the drift Theorem 2 (3) of and Yz / — Yi — and a straightforward is satisfied. Then Kj A — -Ti/k and 0. (4) of is a local martingale. Conversely, given that a is a constant -a 2 A 2 A W w + a 2 SAA W s + is 0. a constant. term of dk. Thus k must n constant, this implies that K= is is satisfied. following example gives a scenario where T\ Example Ti - Case The it (2a)-(2d) of Theorem 2 are satisfied. to verify that Theorem 2 Then 1. 2 2 ^SA and Ss p. Then 1^ = be a local martingale. Since ^= = a local martingale, T\ is This implies that 0. 0. a and r are In this case, + rWA w + rSA s -rA + A + C w A + SCS - CA W = t 0. Using the same arguments as in the proof of Proposition 2 we have that A(t)e- rt + f\c w (s)A(s) + S(s)Cs (s) - C(s)A w (s))ds, t € [0, T) Jo is a local martingale under Corollary 2. In particular, Q and ifC = we know A(t)e~ in Corollary 2, is 0, rt a martingale under W(T) > must a.s., Q and A be a martingale with similar regularity conditions as in satisfies the under Q. growth condition stipulated Thus the present value of the future investment in the stock must be equal to the current investment, a property obeyed by any optimal policy satisfying the same regularity conditions in the geometric Brownian motion case. Besides checking whether a given policy (C, A) satisfies the necessary conditions for efficiency a fixed stock price process, Theorems for 1 and 2 can also be used to answer a more general question: For a given policy to satisfy the necessary conditions for efficiency, price process? The following familiar example demonstrates this. Before presenting our example, motion, and when the (direct) risk aversion, the a, what should be the we note that when the stock price follows a geometric Brownian utility function exhibits optimal portfolio policy and the optimal consumption policy is is a constant Arrow-Pratt measure of relative a constant mix policy; that a linear policy C(t) = f{t)W is, for aW A{t) = some strictly positive for some function f(t). 20 19 He and Leland (1992) show that when a is a constant and /i is a local martingale, £ is path-independent. Hence, any optimal policy must be path-independent. The astute reader will question whether one needs to restrict the coefficient of relative risk aversion to be less than one since otherwise the indirect utility function fails to satisfy a polynomial growth condition. The linear policy can however be shown to be optimal using a different technique; see Cox and Huang (1989). 4 SUFFICIENT CONDITIONS FOR EFFICIENCY AND RECOVER ABILITY On the other hand, it seems quite likely that for this pair of linear policies to 21 be optimal, would be necessary that the stock price process be a geometric Brownian motion, and the function exhibit a constant Arrow- Pratt measure of relative risk aversion. show and in p. Using Theorem it utility 1, we the following example that this pair of linear policies only necessitates that k be a constant, and a be independent of S, except Example 3 Let C(W,S,t) consumption policy = f{t)W and A(W,S, t) = independent of S, is where a = k (which in the case H = (n- r)—2 , where f(t) > This implies that 0. —+ N= aW Example and a / 1). 0. Since the R(W, S, t) = aW/ n(S,t) and f{t)--r + a 2 Sn s a is . a Thus \nU(x/f(t),S,t) = By ^^[-\n(i/f(t)) + \nW) + Y(S,t). must the state-independence of the utility function, the right-hand side Thus k is a function only oft, Assume without and hence, N = loss of generality that n(t) = This implies K'(t)aW for all Relation (39) thus shows that the W (39) Q > utility 0, ^ and - (/i - a)/2 r)(* + (r be independent of S. — f(t))n/a — r. Then R(W,S,t) = aW/K(t) must 0. must n(t) be independent oft and is satisfy (26). a constant. function exhibits a constant relative risk aversion equal to fc/a. The fact that k is a constant does not necessarily mean that fi and a are constants. Now note that the consistency condition (10) implies that Ns = Suppose k ^ a. Then p.s = and p. is k— a Us— — 0. independent of S. Consequently, a In summary, for (C, A) to be efficient, it is necessary that k function must exhibit a relative risk aversion k/q. 4 = In addition, Sufficient Conditions for Efficiency In this section we first show that with some minor derived in the previous section are also sufficient. independent of S. a constant, and the utility and a are functions of time if and Recoverability regularity conditions, the necessary conditions We then discuss function that supports a given efficient policy. Specifically, the utility function. p. is is how one can we provide an recover the utility integral formula to recover SUFFICIENT CONDITIONS FOR EFFICIENCY AND RECOVER ABILITY 4 We give A5 two A) that sets of sufficient conditions for a given (C, C of Section 2 to be efficient. First, for a necessary conditions recorded in Theorem 1 C(W,S, such that to be efficient. Second, in the case where consumption positive wealth and where TioS the H same conditions on R, , and N A) is W> for all A3 and A6 and S > the 0, we construct a are sufficient for (C, A) not always strictly positive for strictly the necessary conditions of Our proof are also sufficient. conditions are through construction; policy (C, 0, > Conditions Al, A2, and together with the hypothesis that the R, H, and JV defined in (31), (29), and (24), respectively, satisfy Conditions + Tjk ^ t) satisfies 22 Theorem 2 together with two sets of sufficient for these pair of utility functions (u, V) so that the solves (3). Since any efficient policy must be such that C(0,S, t) = and A(0, = S, t) 0, that the wealth reaches zero there will be neither investment nor consumption afterwards, our attention to this kind of policies. Huang (1988) that For any one of these policies, it is, we whenever will restrict Dybvig and follows from we must have " r E* / T C(W(t),S(t),t)e- rt dt + W(T)e»e- rT > < W(0), (40) Jo that is, the present value of future consumption and final wealth By concavity wealth. must be of the utility functions, sufficient conditions for (C, less than the current A) to be a solution are that (40) holds with equality and there exists a strictly positive scalar A > to (3) so that, for all *€[o,rj, where we recall the definition of £(f) in (1) time time for t and its interpretation as the consumption per unit of probability P. 21 The following is Arrow-Debreu our price at of sufficient first set conditions: Theorem A5, 3 Let andC > So for all andQ, X, Y, and U (1) R, H, satisfy a linear N W> growth condition and and S > 0. Define R, H, let N (C, A) satisfy Conditions A I, .4-', and as in (31), (29), and (24), respectively, as in (12), (13), (14), o.nd (15) respectively. Suppose that satisfy the continuity and differentiability conditions of Conditions A3 and A6; and = but our Here we remind the reader of our implicit hypothesis that the starting date of the optimization arguments apply to other starting dates t with arbitrary starting states W(i) and S(t). is t 4 SUFFICIENT CONDITIONS FOR EFFICIENCY AND RECOVER ABILITY Theorem (2) conditions (l)-(6) of Then (C, A) € S and are satisfied. I the utility functions correspond to (C, M When C (31), is U(C- l (x,S,t),S,t) x>0, \ ]imziQ U{C-\z, S,t),S,t) x = 0; ,J 4 Let So satisfy a linear U X, Y, and H , and set of sufficient conditions. whenever VictS + T2K / and A5, and T^aS + I^k / (1) R, °c not always strictly positive for strictly positive wealth, applies generally define Q, X> S "}r sr\ r I and we have the second Theorem A) are { hV(.) = Proof. See Appendix. N (2) conditions (I) 0. 0, Define R, cannot be defined through independently of whether C(W,S, H and , N this set of conditions t) > for all W> 0. (C, A) satisfy Conditions At, A2, let as in (36), (37), and (24), respectively; and as in (12), (13), (14), and (15), respectively. Suppose that A3 and A6; and and (2a)-(2d) of Theorem 2 are satisfied. A) are the utility functions that correspond to (C, , R Note however that growth condition and satisfy Conditions Then (C, A) € £ and 23 M,J , ,, _ " U(C- l (z,S,t),S,t) x>0, 1 \ lim, io W(C- (*,5,0,S,t) * = 0; j I Proof. See Appendix. hm z ioU(z,$,T) i = 0. I Using Theorem 3 one easily shows that the linear policies Example in 3 are indeed optimal for the stock price process identified there and the utility function exhibiting a constant relative risk aversion equal to k/q. Of course, this result well-known from solving the dynamic consumption is and portfolio problem using dynamic programming. The general procedure to recover the utility function should be obvious from the proofs of Theorems 3 and 4. First, define R, as in (12), (13), (14), and H N , (15), respectively. Now, m zl0 ZV(C= (.. 1 3 and 4. Second, define Q, X, Y, and define \J(x,t) and U(C- lnU(x,0 InV,x) Theorems as in l {x,S,t),S,t) 1 (^,5",t),5 ,0 , «(•*.£ hm z[0 U(z,S,T) •>« x = 0. x x V such > = 0, 0; that U FURTHER EXAMPLES 5 Then, the 24 utility functions that support (C, A) must be u(x,t) — \ V(x) = [ U(x,t)dx, X V(x)dx. These are the integral formulae which recover the utility functions that support a given efficient policy (C,A). Before leaving this section, we point out that the necessary and sufficient conditions established in Sections 3 and 4 can be readily extended to this case, in Theorems Theorems and 3 4, and 1 conditions relating to time 2, all problems, infinite horizon T i.e., T= oo and V= 0. In should be removed. In addition, in one needs to add that the present value of the future wealth goes to zero when the future extends to infinity; that is, E*[M/ (<)e _r( — as ] t — oo. 22 Further Examples 5 In this section Example 4 we present two more examples to demonstrate our Consider a pair of consumption and investment functions c(w,s,t) = fttywMs 1 -*® 2 V (j(S,t) p where f is results. a(t) a and a strictly positive deterministic function, and values between 1 satisfying \\m t ->T Q (0 — 1> an d ^ n ^ P may parameters of the wealth process generated by (C,A) Lipschitz condition for some functions a and We (3. ) are deterministic functions with ls a strictly positive constant. The not satisfy a linear growth and a local will ignore this problem for now and proceed with other necessary conditions. We t, and To will show either p = begin, the that for this pair of policies to be efficient, 1 or (p. - r)/a is it consumption policy determines the hedging demand function a(t) which in turn determines the risk tolerance function R(W,S,t) = ±wW>S l -W>. P See Huang and Pages (1992). necessary that independent of S. "W**)- Cw (W,S,t) 2 is 5' a = (3 = 1 for all = FURTHER EXAMPLES 5 — Since a(t) as 1 — we have H(W,S,t) —> T, t 25 as t ] T, which is (30) and is part of the state-independency condition. Next, for (9) to be satisfied, we need - p(/3(t) This implies that f3(t) — ^W-^S^for 1 all t 2 = -/>(/?(*) and thus \ p Now, define N N - i)iz^|2w-/»W5/»(«)-». o{S,typ a(t) J according to (24): ^^ WU].^^ W 1 = 2 2 V 2 J o(0 V / S2 HrW + A(p - r) - C(t)W^S -^)^ + p.S (~j^|) 1 5mce ^w = Rt/R 2 = 6y u;e (//,), > the hedging 5 > 0, and 0, demand must f € [0,7]. be zero - r. deduce that - l)W(0-l5»-«W - -f(t)p(a{t) /or a// iy ^ - = cannot be true unless a(t) T/iz's 1 for t. Consequently, the parameters of all and Equation (10) then implies that Ns and we must either have p — 1 K (k2cj2)5 1 or (n 2 a 2 )s the wealth process satisfy a local Lipschitz conditions, In and summary, be the case that of S. Indeed, S , in the latter case the = {H/R)t = ") = 0. Note that in the and a growth condition when p (3 — be constant 1, the former case if (p. — r) 2 /a 2 also satisfies these parameters of the wealth process are purely deterministic. in order for the pair of policies to be efficient for a and °' and equal to one, and some either p log utility function supports (C, A), = 1 stock price process, or (p - r)/a and when k 2 o~ 2 is is it must independent independent of the utility function that exhibits a constant coefficient of relative risk aversion equal to p supports (C,A). Note that Huang in the case where n 2 a 2 is independent of S, k (1989), there will be no hedging demand. is independent of S. The optimal consumption policy From Cox and will be a function FURTHER EXAMPLES 5 26 only of wealth, and the optimal portfolio policy can be calculated as an explicit integral and can be represented generally as ——g(W(t),t) A(W,S,t) = for some function Example g. 5 Consider a pair of consumption and investment functions for an infinite horizon prob- lem, where f(S) = A 3 - r/(aa 2 ) - y/A\ C{W,S,t) = rsw, A(W,Sj) = f(S)W, + A 2 S, where a > are constants. Note that the marginal propensity to the proportion of the wealth invested in the stock also that with (C, A) defined above, We will ignore this answer is a > may some utility is proportional to the stock price, and consume 0, = aa 2 (A 3 + 1 consumption policy implies R= Using relation (24) ~2 23 We and A3 may not satisfy a linear not satisfy the integral condition of Condition We ask: Can We (C, A) will see - ^Ai + A 2 S(t))S(t)dt + aS(t)dw(t), the price process satisfy certain restrictions, ao -^ 0, a decreasing function of the stock price. Note this stochastic differential equation, martingale measure exists for this price process on any finite interval = 0, function and for some stock price process? provided that 1) there exists a solution to N A2 > 0, affirmative for the following price process: dS{t) Clearly, the A\ > > problem and proceed with other necessary conditions. be a pair of optimal policy for that the 7 parameters of the wealth dynamics the growth condition and the consumption policy A2. is 0, f and 4) that Thus L±lw= l_ w a k k 3) the parameters of the wealth never reaches zero. 23 H = -W/S. A-SH_ = [0,t], 2) the equivalent we. write A3 n. --1 ~-^A +A S) -Ua + A7—z\ -^-r-VM 2 r ! 1 2 2 ignore the condition that the expected discounted wealth under the equivalent martingale measure goes to This condition may be checked by simulation. Also, using the boundary conditions discussed in Chapter 5, Gihman and Skorohod (1972), one can check that zero is inaccessible for this price process. zero. A CONCLUDING REMARKS 6 +q (r 27 + aa 2 \A3 - +a 2 a 2 (a3 + 1 - -~ - v^ + A -a^S - -aa 2 + 2ar We now a choose 7 and a 5mce 7 or if 5 and -A 1 is positive a constant. is and 2 2 <r A3 + /ias £0 6e strictly positive, A3 + - s) - ?-£- (a 3 2 -^ - j A -^ + x + A2 S + l\ - - ^Aj + A 2 s) - 1 -ys\ r. r. as follows. = 7 \A3 - s[A x + A 2 s) (a- r/a 2 1), + r/a'y - 4(A 3 + 2(^3 + 1) + s/(A 3 we choose A3 so sufficiently small. The consistency and that a > 1. l)r/o* if r/a Tats can 6e achieved N For the 7 and a defined above, 2 is large, independent of is the state-independency conditions are easily seen to be satisfied. Next, one verifies that (26) all the regularity is satisfied and, by Theorem The conditions stated above can be verified. 3, (C, utility A) positive that if when A3 > r/(ao 2 ) + the stock price is low din 5(<) Thus = aa 2 (a3 + the log price process follows a greater than one. then the proportion of the wealth invested in the stock is 1 mean have studied the "inverse" of the negative - when \] x the stock price + A 2 S(t)j reversion process if dt + A3 + 1 — is high. By Ito's is lemma. adw{t). l/2a - y/A~\ > 0. classical optimal consumption- portfolio problem of Merton This inverse optimal problem should be viewed as a dynamic recoverability problem (1971). financial for and is strictly Concluding Remarks 6 We \/A~\, provided that function that supports (C,A) exhibits a constant coefficient of relative risk aversion equal to a, which Note is efficient markets with continuous trading. We have derived the necessary and in sufficient conditions a given consumption-portfolio policy to be optimal for some agent with an increasing, concave, time-additive, and state independent utility function in an asset. The constant. economy with one risky asset price follows a general diffusion process, and the risky and one riskless riskless interest rate is a Using identical arguments, we can generalize the results reported to cases where there 6 CONCLUDING REMARKS are more than one risky asset, We the interested reader. and the 28 interest rate stochastic. We leave this generalization to can also generalize our results to allow state-dependent utility functions by simply removing all derive our results dynamic programming. is is the state-independency conditions. 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First we show that (40) holds as an equality. starts from Under Q, the discounted wealth process and the discounted stock price process become d{W{t)e- Tt ) d(S(t)e- where we satisfy a linear + ) -C(t)e- rt dt = S(t)e~ 2m )e Lmt \S\ , rt + A(t)(T{t)e- rt for all integers Al (see Condition Lm exist constants m = 1,2,...,. Given \A{t)a{t)e- / 1 6 [0,T], By the hypothesis that Aa and So Friedman (1975, theorem 5.2.3) + \W\ 2m )e Lmt and E*[|5(<)| 2m < for the former), so that E*[|W(f)| E* dw'(t), a(t)dw'(t), a Brownian motion under Q. is growth condition shows that there (1 w* recall that Tt = 2m ] (1 ] we can this, Tt 2 < < dt easily show that 00. \ Jo Hence W(t)e~ rt + / C(s)e~ rs ds ( and Shiryayev (1977, §4.2). is a square integrable martingale under Q; see, for example, Liptser Consequently, (40) holds as an equality. Next, by condition (4) of Theorem by condition (2) of there exists a A Theorem > 1, u and such that the 1, V first u and V are well-defined and are state-independent; and are strictly increasing concave. We remain to verify that order conditions (41) and (42) hold. For any function /, define the operator C: an L{1) - ia a2 A2 2 ^L .a 2+a, SA-^L bA dw + dwds + l 2 2 (T 2 S b 2^12+( + (rW es dl dl _ C) df_ + rS rb dw + ds + dt -rf + CwfCondition (5) of Theorem C{ R ] 1 ~ ~ can be written as C(R) aA -R^ o 2 A\v and (29), respectively, 0. This implies that 2aSA -^- + aS + 2C W ~R~' (28), which 2r ~R~~~R where the second equality follows from (31) + = W-l + -R(43) is a consequence of the definition of and the consistency condition (9). By Condition A5, R and // in the wealth never 8 APPENDIX 33 reaches zero before T. For any 6 [0,T), t dO{W(t),S(t),t) where C is diffusion term of dO becomes + (C (wium) W and t . 1 -a A R(W(t),S,t) ( f [L — + )dt d s S under P. 3y W{t) aA ~ R(W(t),S,t) dO ——1— (C(0) + the differential generator of drift of O implies that = 1 The lemma Ito's ^ dZ \R(z,S,t)J , H(W(t),S,t) „,„,., —r<Jo „ , Si,)dwm ' the consistency condition (9), the f H(z,S,t) \ R(W(t),S,t) aAdw(t) + \ ab ) H(W,S,t) „, Twr „ 7&S R(W,S,t) — is rW{t) / i W{t) L„l ffiC2 f + i 2 1 ( \ , lj , U(*,5,*)^s5 1 ,2 f U(W(*),5,t) 2 ™ro) i <™»^ rW(«) * M5( + + ,R( s Jw Using integration by parts, we have W(t) f \ / w(t) r w(t) rWit) l _ i . / i \ R(z,S,t)J ss + 1 \* A \wjd)j* + Ay f \R(z,S,t)J w(t) / i zS L °* AA -(t(im). ^ Jw \R(z,S,t)J s \ where hi(S,t) = (rW + A(W,S,t){n-r)-C(W,S,t))- R(K,S,t) d° 8 APPENDIX 34 Using the definition of £, we get _/ rW(t) f + W(t) / (/*~ / + r W ^ U; Av R(z,S,t) / g2 dz+ <J Jw Jw Av g2 / Jw_ Jw a 2 AA z 4 •Mse^),*-'-*^ = h,(S,t) a consequence of the definition of We condition (9). and H z \ i ff r c,J s \R(z,S,t)J d* ( 1 ( dz ) \R{z,S,t)) z in (31) and (28), which as we mentioned before (29), respectively, and the consistency can thus write dO(W(t),S{t),t) Similarly, Ito's R / 5 i c ,^ R(z,S,t) -p7 \ 1 + where both the second and the third equalities follow from is ^ K R(z,S,t) *R(z,S,t) / (A*- r / /-W(0 d2+ A 2__}__ dz+ / VV C) , \ i cm ) z \R(z,S,t)J 2 / x ,w(t) \ ! M \R(z,S,t)J q< cm / 7vv = / ) 7vv t ,W(t) N J lemma = fci(5(t),*)* - piw'c^wl 7 ^)^') " kdw W- implies that "^ Sll\'% dX(S(t),t)= S(t)dw(t) R(W,S(t),t) + h 2 (S(t),t)dt, where Using the consistency condition (10) and the definition of -h Finally, since dY(t) = x {S,t) C(W, S, t) > h 2 (S,t) = -N(W,S,t) - we have in (24), ^^- - r. N{W,£_,i)dt, \nlt(W(t),S(t),t) Since + N for all = -0(W(t),S(t),t) + W> 0, X(S{t),t) + Y(t) =]n£(t)-rt. and the wealth never reaches zero before T we thus have \nu c (C(W(t),S{t),t),t) = lnA + ln£(0-r«, a.s. t <E [0,T) by the hypothesis, 8 APPENDIX with X = W= at T, 1. At T, on the where the other hand, on the set where -rT = Proof of Theorem But we still 1. is 0, \nU{W(T),S(T),T) = \nV'(W(T)). we have is efficient. V'(0). I S and W(0) = that the consumption may W and start from = 0. The only not be strictly positive at nonzero wealth Naturally, U(W(t),S(t),t) if C > 0, In =lnA + ln^(0- u c {C(W(t),S(t),t),t) a.s. rt, t lnf(t) - Theorem 3 = € [0,T) rt. IfC = shows that \nu c (0,t) < ln£(<) Finally, t have In = W(T) = Again take 5(0) = 4. thing different in this case with A by the continuity of \nU(W,S,t) except when 0, Wm\nU{W(t),S(t),t) > lim \nU(W,S(T),T) = have thus shown that (C, A) levels. W(T) > -rT = Wmln U(W(t),S(t),t) = ln£(T) We set we have ln£(T) On 35 arguments identical to those used in the proof of rt. \nV'(W(T)) < ln£(T)-rT with equality holding for W{T) > 0. These prove the assertion. I show that 0, condition (2b) Date Due Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES ^060 0077^22 7