LIBRARY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ^l&n-=teaSl Hewoy mss. i;!si JAN ALFRED P. SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT CONTROL STRUCTURE FOR A QUESTION-ANSERING SYSTEM Ashok Malhotra January 1974 #693-74 24 TECii 74 CONTROL STRUCTURE FOR A QUESTION-ANSERING SYSTEM Ashok Malhotra January 1974 #693-74 This work was supported by Honeywell Information Systems, Inc. 200 Smith Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154. RECEIVED JAN 28 1974 M. I. T. LIURARIES PAGE 2 INTRODUCTION Despite my best efforts at explanation, my grandmother still thinks her, of the computer as a machine that answers questions. this is can do intelligence far more manifestation of a doing "sums"; than "sums"! It question-answering not surprising is therefore, to me, systems have as long powerful answers questions, while everybody for a To few that history in artificial intelligence as problem solving. describes the This paper design of a proposed answering system that will answer questions from Ue base. and the strategies corporate data discuss the rationale behind the proposed system will design assumptions. a question- decisions Further, we developed for that will follow discuss this system from the initial question-answering the basic principles and the underlying them. EARLY QUESTION-ANSUERING SYSTEMS flcCarthy importance (1) of seems verbal to have learning been the first and reasoning. described the design for an "Advice Taker"; accept natural language input and be able a to realize In 1958 the he machine that would to solve problems PAGE 3 involving deduction attention to much of number a contemporary seminal contribution. natural the parse sentences it subset of prestructured tree of SYNTHEX a of One of that (4) was in English. It format a an data questions in a data base on a able to those from that questions in a separate of the answering it. was an ambitious system that contained the childrens encyclopedia as a data An base. prepared listing the location of each "content word". that built system ingenious thus by the declarative of to was inspired by BASEBALL (3), operated base discussed (2), answered response and was to this roots it with those the input how surprising is and Phillips system a it trace its can the problems statistics creating questions about of work collaboration, provided baseball problems issues and A.I. called paper This had received earlier as data. Chomsky's limited of basic built work, matching with premises. understanding language Chomsky's given on text index was Sentences could be relevant to the question were then retrieved using this index and subjected to an analysis procedure to screen out the irrelevant sentences. The analysis considerations, procedure the system was incapable of consolidate was however, and was based on simple syntactic Further, not very effective. deduction and could not, the information contained in a number of Since the grammar was independent of the program it therefore, sentences. could easily PAGE 4 be extended but the program suffered from knowledge and the underpinning of SAD-SAM and SIR (5) (B) a lack of semantic of the uorld. a model accepted information in the form of a restricted set of sentence types and created a semantic network of objects and relations. questions. Mas capable of accepting and analysing ownership information. input formats in SIR It was but the considerably more difficult Each This network was then used to answer SAD-SAPl was resticted to familial of these early set, relations while SIR position part, and relatively simple to increase the semantic analysis routines were to extend. than one of the systems attacked more fol lowing problems. a. Creation and modification of (restricted) natural b. c. a world model from language input. Answering questions from a data base. Solution of simple problems using deduction on data base e ements. 1 In addition, understanding some most of subset of difficult each of these problems of or systems took these English! is Ue on the now task realize and can admire the of how ingenuity these early systems that achieved encouraging results by more less frontal attacks. PAGE 5 LATER SYSTEnS It surprising tinerefore, that later systems were more is not limited in their objectives and tended to focus of development U. natural in mainly is "transition network" grammar for syntactic parser very is are real, simple, if practicability and he has world situations. geologists lunar system. .. been able "The prototype was run twice a day for three days .. (of His data bases to demonstrate were invited . the systems in the moon-rocks system) and during this time the ... to During this demonstration . and although its efficacy powerful, computer-based question-answering of (7) Woods' from the chemical analysis of the moon-rocks (8). limited by its rudimentary semantic knowledge. real sentences to analyze a parser He used this parser in a system to answer it. from the data base of an airline schedule book questions later, a languages and implemented accordance with great there has been a the other areas as well. in Hoods developed A. of language Ue shall describe only the natural the above problems. question-answering systems here although deal on only one ask questions 80% of the of the questions were asked and that fell within the scope of the data base which were parsed and interpreted correctly in form in by Uinograd (9) exactly the which they were asked ..." A for the question and world of demonstrates a powerful command system implemented set of children's capabilities of blocks on sentence a table-top analysis and PAGE S comprehension. small part Further, to most the world contributes The simplicity of the impressi veness the knowledge of procedure and this makes it In developing a novel Carbonnel developed of in the is no however. system, the system in encoded as difficult to extend. approach to computer-aided instruction the prototype of a knowledge-based system that was capable of answering questions in addition to asking and evaluating them. A limited system based around knowledge of the geography of South America subset of English. The system is undergoing further development. is operational (10) with a limited PAGE 7 A QUESTION-ANSWERING SYSTEH FOR nANAGEMENT negligible The routine than documentation. agreed The reasons computers upon: must be instructed operate they impact of computer-based systems decision-making in at a is are also behind this are difficult to fairly well with and Although powerful, with a series of specificity and of need communicate excrutiating detail. level on other to knoun uell too elaborate conventions that the manager cannot tolerate. To be useful, deal about the Furthermore, must a environment within should not it be capable of manager which the performing functions that a question-answering decided to allow great must "understand" a manager operates. programming require procedural are useful and to the Starting with these premises we his day-to-day work. in proposed computer system system as questions that required a Ue management aid. retrieval from a data base as well as the evaluation of functions of retrieved data. restricted class of pre-programmed models could the form of subroutines but apart from A be executed in was these, no deduction permi tted. Starting from these guidelines and the system should be easy to computer the general premise that learn and use for managers with experience we developed a specifications, many of which proved more detailed to be quite no set of system different from earlier question-answering systems. 1. Si nee it is important that neophyte users should be able to PAGE 8 learn to use the system easily and painlessly the system should answer questions about itself. unique in (He believe this to be question-answering systems.) 2. The user should be protected from system errors and should not 3. Attempts should be made be expected to take any remedial action. as far as possible. to continue the dialog If a with the user question cannot be answered the system should attempt to say something relevant and intelligent to convince the user that request. If a question is it has understood his ambiguous or unclear the system should ask a question or make suitable assumptions (which should be intimated to the user) and generate an answer. 4. In a real situation questions from a it is not possible to answer data base containing only objects and events. Aggregate data must be included. For example, sales figures cannot be computed by checking and aggregating values from the set of individual sales events. The inclusion of aggregates, however, gives rise to name ambiguities. problem and its solution are described (To our knowledge, in a This later section. no existing question answering system incorporates aggregate data and the knowledge necessary to answer questions about 5. The subset of natural it.) language that can be used to address the system should possess adequate power and flexibility. Similarly, response times to typical questions should be PAGE 3 reasonable. These criteria have not been formalized because It impossible to postulate satisfactory conditions a priori. is Ue propose to establish satisfaction along these dimensions exper mental i ly. Ue are convinced that to have a great deal of particular Minsky setting it makes an (11) knowledge. This a question-answering system uould need knowledge about the business world, the was to be used in and about the data base. excellent case for too can be considered need the such for initial design to be an decision for the system. Figure is a 1. Functionally, the schematic system can parser and the processor. This paper a a model MAC. and the theory case of grammar of the world, the design is answering is its point systems, such parts, the rely of a model the semantic, sentences. and of The the processor. being implemented by Prof. group at U. A. Project "case oriented" approach to (See Fillmore Celce-murcia implementation.) Similarly, the processor and this of Automatic Programming It has a strongly the analysis of English two data base describes parser has been designed and nartin (12,13) divided into These two operating sub-systems upon three knowledge bases: scenario situation and system. diagram of the proposed be departure as Uood8'(7,8), is from and (15) the (14) for for an early also knowledge-based earlier question- its main strength. PAGE 18 In addition, more the system powerful uii I considerably operate on a data base I attempted with a question-answering than anything system to date. The parser examines parse for A it. the parse ly identified standard format. attempts response. general in meaning of the parse as the between encoded in a input and the input request and generate an appropriate Understanding the sentence therefore, takes place in a sense within the parser and much more specific sense in a the processor. Ue shall say only processor that the is known to the the parser since few words about a central routine examines each word is and creates a sentence the of the set of relations is a it parts processor uses The to fulfil some sense, in sentence, but more accurately, semantical to the system input is, in paper. to this Unknown is The morphology the input request and checks world model. it words are if it analyzed to determine whether they are variants of known words or idioms. recognized by the morphology routine a If a word cannot be message printed out indicating the offending word and the user is is asked to retype his request. Once to the complete sentence is find the sentence main verb accepted, and to arrange as cases of the also made of the case-frame of the the noun phrases in the Initial prepositions that main verb. mark some of the noun phrases assist the parser attempts in this process, verb which but use is determines the PAGE 11 cases contained in participate world the Most of in. the sentence If his request. valid parse. which is In some cases the set processor isolates the parser prints scenario knowledge to of parses cannot be message out a word be parsed, or cannot the rephrase to more than one processor these parses are transmitted to the All If ungrammat icai and words the scenario world. in a message to the user and asks him uses specialized them. this knowledge is Specialized model. meanings and some idioms are contained parser prints out determine meanings of the nouns which can take and the it cases they can the eliminate some of reduced to stating that one, the sentence is the ambi guous. THE DATA BASE This sub-section describes language a knowledge. Later organization on question-answering strategies sub-sections discuss for impact the encoding of this and consider some alternative organizations. The knowledge representation language (which may be the same programming language) as the objects and must allow their properties. It the representation must also be able property information of similar objects distinct. it is base convenient if the in which a to keep addition, language has facilities to query the data and extract information from HAPL (IB) In of it. manufacturing Ue use a language called corporation called The- PAGE 12 Battery-Company can be represented sotneuhat as ( fol lous: (THE-BATTERY-COnPANY) (THE-BATTERY-COnPANY) (IS (KIND CORPORATION)) (MANUFACTURE (THE-BATTERY-COHPANY) (SELL (THE-BATTERY-COnPANY) (KIND PRODUCT)) (KIND PRODUCT)) (EMPLOY (THE-BATTERY-COMPANY) EMPLOYEE)) (THE-BATTERY-COMPANY) MATERIAL)) (BUY This states corporation. buys manufactures and sells product can be THE-BATTERY-COMPANY that It a into this a kind employees of and The properties of the kind of product. inserted is employs material, definition or described separately as: ((KIND PRODUCT) (IS (KIND PRODUCT) LEAD-BATTERY) (COUNT (KIND PRODUCT) 5)) This states that the product is five types of (lead-battery being used as a name). could be described further as Massachusetts but law Similarly, a sub-chapter this may not be lead-batteries the corporation 15 corporation neccessary in and (KIND CORPORATION) may be sufficient. If the definition, product MAPL ui II definition keep definitions that may exist In the same way, in it is imbedded distinct from in other the main product the system. we can use MAPL to represent events. The statement "John met Mary at the corner." can be represented as; PAGE 13 ((MET) (AGENT (NET) JOHN) (AGENT (HET) MARY) (LOCATION (MET) (KIND CORNER)) (DETERHINER (KIND CORNER) DEFINITE)) flary can be or as a represented as kind of object verb "met". either another agent depending on our (as above) interpretation of the PAGE 14 QUESTION-ANSUERING STRATEGIES A semantic analysis of English questions is presented in the questions in that needed to concentrates on what is questioned and about it arrive The at them. meaning determined syntax important to the analysis. is The analysis questions in part by somewhat selfish in that is is, it mainly analyzes proposed question-answering system can Questions beginning with "why", for example that the expect to encounter. question of the the syntactic form and therefore however, , of rather than upon the syntactic form and the transformations what the linguistic analysis This differs from traditional Appendix. are not treated, as the system does not expect to be able to answer them. UH-QUESTIONS general, wh-questions In "which Object etc.) " ask properties (possibly for are modified by with "what", (questions starting the properties questioned tense words) by of objects "be" or while event events. or verbs "have" properties are generally questioned by the main verb of the event. After the questioned sentence is analyzed to the property can be or event exists in the knowledge is explicitly available. determine the retrieved directly base and if if property the object the property value At this point we should recognize that the knowledge base may be organized by object or by event. If it PAGE 15 is organized by object then each property however, one of of organization be represented as a I as its agent. If is also of the existence, verb. or "be", possible in which information is be A stored This allows a choice of retrieval paths and world or both ways. scenario knowledge can be used least searching. the I the knowledge base is organized by event objects will represented as properties dual event ui participants such its are questioned Thus, After somewhat complex. can be leads select the path that to to finding the entity whose properties the entity is located the value of the questioned property must be retrieved or deduced. This can be even more complex. Different question strategy but the general finding require types basic tasks of Note that in all finding the entity requiring will that embodies some level wh-questions in different from answering them not exist. It may be profit last year?" from are possible to the data base but be our profit next year?" requires a predictive model "Uhat requires answers objective restricted to the past and present tenses. answering and remain cases. wh-questions answer "Uhat was our the above of of the questioned property or deducing the value more or less central variants of subjective the future in the past judgement. tense is or present Thus, completely tense and a search for suitable subjective models that may or may PAGE 16 AGGREGATE DATA Some properties, itself, gives rise this means little; it to naming a be qualified by the parameters has to manufacturing it facility, product, customer, salesman and time-period. These may be be aggregated. to by "Sales", problem. over which is are production figures The aggregation can be made in several best kept as aggregates. ways and costs and such as Some of these parameters, or keys, as they are sometimes called, have be picked up from the various cases of the parse, to others can be or filled in by default and still others may be assigned typical commonsense values. TO SUB-ENTITIES there fact, In default that operates THEN is a powerful, general ATTRIBUTABLE IF A PROPERTY IS in English: THE ABSENCE OF SUB-ENTITY SPECIFICATION IMPLIES SUnriATION OVER THE SET OF SUB-ENTITIES, I.E. IT IMPLIES A VALUE FOR THE ENTITY AS A UHOLE. example, if there sales for all products Typical values periods, for complete period must contain, is product then on the data usually be unspecified. therefore, a in will list of key assumed a case grammer because each to be the last item variables which must be In addition, where the key variable be contained in the sentence. Time- question. Knowledge about each data specified before the data can be retrieved. contain information as to the sum of required. depend example, can if for In a sales specification, mention of a is no it must specifications This is not too difficult kind of information has a in special PAGE 17 assigned to case occur in the time periods For SKample, it. and customers "during" case usually the in "recipient" case. Typical value information must also be contained in the knowledge each data item but this about is better organized by classes of data items rather than for each item. one of the dimensions of In the case of "cost" is the reason for variously named transportation single name in This gives rise to expenditure. or type of costs such expense" and as "interest As each cost category cost". the system it aggregation is "product stored under a becomes necessary to determine the unique name by operating upon the noun modifiers of the word cost (or expense) and what can transportation cost for lead" done the our system in checking if context. This it is is a is "lead"). type of named by context its the context by finding a subset of called be data item (in "the This and then one of the modifiers continued recursively till is or no further subset ting is possible. Some sentences can be constructed so that the context serves to determine the retrieval. unique name as For example, be assumed to ask for the well as provide a key for its "Show me the cost for all products" can direct-manufacturing-cost as this is the only cost available that has "product" as a key. Since purposes an fairly different aggregations may obvious strategy disaggregated be required for different dictates that state and aggregated data be in kept in a response to the PAGE 18 is stored and data This requires knowledge of how the needs of the question. the keys maintained for each data look to for the in sentence to be But maintaining data at one item. level The aggregation of annual of aggregation may not be sufficient. sales for five products from five plants to five customers stored This can mean a by month requires 1508 probes of the data base! long wait at console for Thus, user. the higher levels of level of aggregation must be maintained as well. system The should aggregation required "association list" is the highest In our system, has time data every created to be This list contains the range over which aggregation retrieved. has recognize to question and use the the of aggregation for which data is available. level an able be to answer to be performed for each key variable on the assumption that the lowest aggregation whether can be level of aggregation is performed, will however, the list Before used. be is the processed to check data with a higher level of aggregation is available and used. If the so, list is modified and the data-name changed to a higher aggregate. Uoods' found that when analysis of a rock, they wanted, the ten most common elements. distribution of sales lunar geologists in fact, asked for the its analysis for only Similarly, a manager may want the by product whenever he asks for "sales". Thus, particular questions may come to have iconic meanings above and beyond thier literal meaning. The present design of the PAGE 19 system does not recognize iconic meanings. the direct concerns of not are and aggregation of data It can be argued that retrieval the question-answering system and it should restrict itself to extracting the key information from the sentence and passing knowledge retrieval efficiently. problem and hope He that of the data used be will it files to perform the this decoupling agree with uses system that a data retrieval on to it about the structure the of future in implementat ions. MODELS The use of meaning as a the word model, replica. relationships that result, Typically, establish stems from its management, in models the dependencies variables on independent, or decision, dependent variables are often figures are of set of target, or a health of the enterprise or the success of some portion of the model used to assist is the it and decision-making process by in the predicting the effects of changes The variables. of merit that measure in the Independent variables on the dependent variables. Management shapes and structures depending on the nature of the process they model and nature the of models the can take a decision-making variety they of support. consider only one class of models, those that can be by a set described can, of mathematical operations in the next sub-section) therefore, be encapsulated (such as I4e shall represented the functions on specified items of data and in a subroutine. (Other types of PAGE 28 models, and in particular, very important and very useful. modified by the manager are They have been excluded here reasonable size. Models See, order to limit the problem to a in however, Krumland (17).) usually referred are specialized those that can be calibrated, Input data is not specified unless neither exceptional and is it are the operations to be performed on the question. name in to by This information must, it. therefore, be available to the system as a property of the model. Key information relevant however, be specified A request search is for the question. using subroutine that execution will, key the calculates the possible to cause a therefore, After these have been located the data input names. retrieved always in model for input data must, retrieval of to the information and fed Although output value. mathematical specify models as into the is it functions of customary, data only, this is therefore, to specify models that use the output of other models when the as input. Thus, encounters an input evaluation routine always convenient. not that input retrieval is a to evaluate model output it. It is routine for it models calls the model The structure of correctly specified models ensures that this recursion always terminates. In addition knowledge about also a an argument list model, like knowledge to contain information as to where found in the sentence. Each model and a subroutine, about data items, the must key variable values can be must also have a definition PAGE 21 can that be used calculated?". questions questions such to answer In fact, as "How is profit more than one definition is required if about various aspects of the model have to be answered properly. FUNCTIONS required may be the property In some cases a function of data such as percentage, distribution or average. Unlike models, functions therefore, can operate on names of the inputs to the data and, variety of a the the function have to be specified in sentence along with key specifications for their retrieval. A number of are used conventional devices data items on which the function is to operate. to specify the For example, the question the percentage of will name the data item and the subsetting characterict ic: percentage of distribution a subset of plant capacity is required, is over all utilized?". the data item will the key variable or subsetting aggregated an item is required, Similarly, "Uhat if a be named along with The data will have to name. if be the unspecified variables and retrieved as a function of the specified characteristic. In general, names occur determination in data names, key different of the of key specifications for into account the function did parts specifications and to be executed. sales increase over 1972?" and sentence subsetting and the each argument must take Consider, "How much "How much did sales increase PAGE 22 To Interpret and answer these two questions correctly In 1972?". understand that the system must function to the Typically, only one set of Key variables is values. the the arguments are both of the same type with different key variable "increase" others being picked up specified, The defaults, however, by default. depend on knowledge about the function. the analysis Thus, data has to ask for functions of questions that depend heavily on the function to knowledge about determine data name and key variable information. been Once this has the data items can be retrieved and fed done, however, of into a subroutine that evaluates the function. Functions are usually specified by name exception is "How many" which objects or events. This is, in the asks for the question. count of however, an unusual a set An of function since it does not operate on data. DEFINITIONS Consider the questions "Uhat information do you have about product cost ?" and "Uhat do you know about product cost ?" After product cost possession is located directly and checked to be a subset of a of "you" (information) or located by a search from among the possessions of "you" what does the system reply? The problem known with "know" is similar, although the may be called knowledge and the search avoided. what is required is, in some sense, the definition of object In fact, product PAGE 23 This is implicit cost. in the question but must be made explicit for the system. convention examples these fact, In in English: ITS MOST IMPORTANT being the principal requires general more a IS ABOUT AN QUESTION REQUIRED. 1972?" asks for OBJECT THEN example, For value the value of sales: characteristic of data. "What dog?" is a the dominant characteristic of dogs in general, perhaps that they are animals. the demonstrate CHARACTERISTIC IS were sales in "Uhat IF THE this dog?", however, "Uhat is breed. Carbonnel Collins and in these represent (10) concepts" for each noun explicitly asks for perhaps its dominant characteristic of this particular dog: "super the data base. YES-NO-QUESTIONS As discussed restricted truth of stated appendix, the in to the present and the past propositions. yes-no-questions, if tense inquire about the Propositions may concern the properties of stated objects and the identity of actors and other particulars Yes-no-questions in the future tense about events. involve predictions and judgements about the future and are, therefore, excluded from the scope of this system. In a data base organized inquiring about the truth answered by selecting by nouns, a of stated properties the appropriate nouns properties against the stated properties. yes-no-question of nouns can be and matching their Ue find a recursive PAGE 24 matching property routine very be checked against those useful for this. must be It mentioned in the questioned remembered that the properties in the data must base and not vice versa as the data base may contain properties other than those questioned. Event matching Since events possessor is somewhat more complex in such a data base. stored are as properties of the agent or located in the question and in these nouns have to be the data base and their properties searched for the event. this is accomplished, or a set of possible events selected, properties have to be matched against those alternate organization The decision as to should be ("be") verb. whether objects stored under the the in the that requires a participate in under event and/or their question. or verb, by event, Once an event the existence Direct retrieval for identity-questions and yes-no- questions requires both facilities: "Who robbed the bank?" property of "rob" "Did Jack rob the bank?" property of Jack If properties retrieval is are only required for indirect retrieval required stored by the event then second question for events in an indirect much like the a noun-oriented data base. There events in contents seems to be an the world but essential duality between objects and depending on of the data base there or vice versa. Thus, retrieval the question and the may be more objects than events through one or the other will PAGE 25 lead to less searching. If files is lees of data length the retrieval important than the amount of searching required in the process, then a dual organization in which properties are stored under both events uith the help and objects and In fact, MAPL is selected, path search will to minimize Knowledge base, of the yield the best results. organization the retrieval designed for the dual properties under both the and automatically stores object and the event. IDENTITY QUESTIONS Questions different start that yes-no-questions. questions is Uhat is identity the properties stated i required "Who" while "which" answer as an that quite more like fact, in these to satisfies the answering the process of yes-no-questions on a set of a set of questions ask are "which" or are, object of the of satisfying the objects that are capable in general. objects "who" the question and in can be likened to answering candidate with wh-questions and from other for the questions can conditions identity of ask for animate either animate or nam mate identities. i Answering routines for identity questions, therefore, with the selection of a name for this set in is set of candidate objects. start The generic invariably specified as the main object noun identity questions with "be" verbs that specify the properties of the required object rather than the event it participated in. PAGE 2G candidate set The is the generic name. agent "Uho questions that There candidate set is, the ask the identity of any direct clues to the candidate of an event do not give set of objects. the the set of all objects that are "a kind of" however, the rule that the objects in given event and to perform the must be able this can often be used to narrow down the set from the set of all animate objects. is t i fairly small and so through all of them is not very search a me-consuming. Once the candidate set is objects In many data bases the set of animate is the selection process established, much like performing a yes-no-question matching on each except of each matching is that the result candidate or "no". The reply final the identity of the can be the question to event created from the set of identities that have been returned by the individual yes-no-questions. the appropriate answer is If this set "None of them" is set then the null for "which" questions and "No one" for "who" questions. THE WORLD MODEL PROBLEn Every data base and every question-answering system embodies a particular model of the world. Further, it expects questions about concepts and properties that are sensible in terms of model. if the user has a A severe problem can arise, model of the world which in significant ways. is therefore, at variance with that of the this system For example, our data base contains direct PAGE 27 manufacturing costs and overhead costs for activities that cannot The overhead costs are be directly attributed to manufacturing. not allocated to products, since we feel this therefore break-even points user who likes to have no meaning think in terms it A system. in the the system if merely can't provide break-even data. Ideally, a artificial, and of break-even quantities will ask for them and may not be able to proceed says is the system should be able to realize that there discrepancy between world models and since model of the world it should explain it it is cannot change its user to try to the to influence his. The proposed system approach to this problem. as break-even, world. that Every is simple-minded maintains a list of concepts, such models of the to variant question asks for one of these concepts responds by printing out why the question It extremely an knows belong it time a adopts an explanation of its world model it and inappropriate. IMPERATIVES Besides asking questions, the user of the system should be able to request services from the system by using commands. allows the dialog action to be much more and as the actions possible are the types of commands that it. The services provided natural. Commands ask by the system are may serve as meaningful by the system This for limited so input to are limited to data PAGE 28 retrieval, model execution and the provision of information about itself. Typical commands the to therefore, system, are as fol lou: "Show me the sales to Sears for 1973." "Display the names of customers with outstandings of over 85808." These questions seem to ask for data retrieval. "Compute the profit for '73." "Calculate the return on investment last year." These questions seem to ask for the value of functions of data or the execution of models. The distinction is specious, base will determine computed. what can The user will, of the database and, The structure of the data however. be retrieved in general, has to and what be be unaware of the structure therefore, his choice of verbs should not be considered significant. Other verbs have semantic significance and will require special routines to process data and generate answers. "Compare the distribution of sales to Gulf and Sears by unit." "Contrast the sales for each quarter of this year and last year. "Sort the customers by outstandings." CONCLUSION Host of the question-answering systems built to date have PAGE 29 started by devising data base answering strategies structures and defining question- from scratch. some extent, To this was necessary because each system addressed a particular kind of data base and answered limited sets of question types using parsers of very different styles and capability. great deal about knowledge from these systems and it We have however, representation and question is learnt a analysis desirable that future developers of question-answering systems build upon this experience rather than replicate it. Ue hope that our analysis, limited as it is to our situation and our goals, will be useful to future researchers. PAGE 38 APPENDIX ANALYSIS OF INTERROGATIVE FORHS IN ENGLISH This appendix attempts to classify the types of questions and commands possible in English. The classification is not primarily by syntactic structure, since that rather by semantic structure; structure of the sentence provides many clues to is the concern of the parser, uhat is asked and about uhat. is still but The rather important, houever, as it its semantic function. To the best of my knowledge, such an analysis has not been attempted before. For reasons of brevity presentation is restricted to the sentence types that are expected to be encountered by the question-answering system. English allows a wide variety of question types that can be analyzed along a number of dimensions. Dost basically, questions can be analyzed according to the answers they require: objective, i.e., mathematical and logical functions of known data, and subjective, i.e., requiring the formation of inferences and judgements beyond those possible from the models and data contained proposed system will not attempt in the system. to answer questions that subjective answers. This does not mean that it will The require be unable to answer questions that ask for reasons or opinions, but merely, that it will be restricted to providing such answers that can be constructed by sets of rules and data contained within the system. Questions requiring objective answers can be further subdivided according to the analysis required to generate the answer and the type PAGE 31 of sentence construction used. Uh-questions are so called because a word starting in "uh" ("how" is an exception) is used to ask the question. Such questions Yes-no-questions, on the other hand, ask for data or property values. are distinguished by an auxilliary verb, such as "do" or "can", preceding the noun group. These questions enquire about the truth of stated propositions and expect either "yes" or "no" as an answer. Sometimes, of course, the appropriate response is "I don't know". UH-QUESTIONS l.Also called adverb questions, these usually start with a question adverb. Each adverb refers to a particular type of attribute. "Uhy" asks for reason or causality and generally requires subjective answers. "Uho broke the window ?" Asking for the Identity of the causal agent. "Where did the accident happen "Uhen did the accident happen "What" is special in that ?" ?" Asking for the location. Asking for the time. the attribute and the object must both be specified for existence ("be" type) verbs. "What is the hieght of the Empire State Building ?" For other verbs, "what" asks the value of the object. Another case, typically the agent, must also be specified. "What did you see ?" "What did Alex write ?" PAGE 32 Sometimes the object can be assumed as "our" or filled in from context. "What Here sales in 1972 ?" "Uhat" can also be used to ask for definitions. "Uhat is a dog ?" "Uhat is contribution margin 7" "How" is somewhat special and comes in four forms: "How many people attended the ball ?" "How much beer will fill this glass ?" "How tall is Maria Asking for a count. Asking for quantity. Allowing the attribute ?" to be named after "How is profit defined In the final form, main verb and, 7" "How". Asking for method. the exact property questioned depends on the in some cases, even on its object. Question adverbs can occur by themselves as a sentence provided the context 2. is known: "Uhy ?", "Uhere ?", "How ?". Attribute values can also be questioned by an initial preposition phrase with a question adverb in place of the noun. "To whom did you entrust the keys 7" "From whom did you get the keys 7" Asking for recepient. Asking for source. PAGE 33 ?" "Uith what did John hit him Asking for instrument. In some cases the preposition may be shifted to the end. ?" "Uhat did John hit him with IDENTITY-QUESTIONS Questions starting with "who" or "which" are somewhat different from other Uh-questions in that they asl^ for the identity of objects whose properties satisfy certain criteria. "Uho broke the window ?" "Who is our largest customer ?" "Uhich plants had costs over 10% of budget last year ?" The first of these three questions requires a selection from among all animate objects. This is the case with "who" questions with semantic verbs. The second question requires a selection from the set of customers. Specification of a be selected from is common noun that determines the set of objects to typical of "who" questions with "be" verbs, (questions of the type "Uho is Guru Haharaj Ji ?" are an exception.) "Uhich" questions always specify a common noun which determines the set of objects to be searched. YES-NO-QUESTIONS Yes-no-questions come in a variety of forms. If restricted to the past and present tense they enquire whether objects have stated properties and capabilities and whether stated events PAGE 34 occurred. Another form They ask only if is a variation on Identity questions. the set of objects that satisfy the criteria is non-empty. If the future tense is also alloued, Yes-no-questions take on a considerably more complex character and use modal constructions to question stated events and courses of action are plausible, likely, recommended, neccessary, etc. Future tense yes-no-questions will not be discussed further in this appendix. The auxiliary verbs that signal yes-no-questions may be semantical ly empty. If not, they specify the following types of questions: Modals (could, uould, shall) The potential or expectation to act. "Have" type verbs (has, had) Possession or control over. "Be" type verbs (is, are, were) Existence. The following are typical examples of yes-no-questions: 1. Questions asking about the existence of a property. "Can monkeys sing ?" "Is the car colored ?" 2. Questions asking the truth of statements. "Is contribution margin the difference between list price and standard cost ?" "Are monkeys green ?" PAGE 35 3. Questions asking whether attribute values satisfy certain relation. "Is the car red ?" "is profit this year greater than a million dollars ?" "Is profit this year greater than last year ?" 4. Questions asking whether a command can be "Can you stand on your head carried out. ?" "Can you show me the profit for 19B9 ?" 5. Asking whether there is a non-empty set of objects with given properties. "Is there a house with three windows ?" "Are there two cars are identical ?" "Did any plants have costs greater than budget last year ?" "Are there two cars that are identical ?" Each of the above types of yes-no-questions can be formulated In a different manner that specifies alternatives to be selected from: "Do they have children or don't they ?" "Can you show me the profit for 1969 or don't you have that data ?" "Is his car green, black or red ? Clearly, these questions do not require "yes" or "no" as an answer but rather the selected al ternativeCs) or a negative. COnPOUND AND COMPLEX QUESTIONS The above examples are all simple questions, but questions PAGE 38 that occur as complex and compound sentences can be analyzed similarly. In complex questions, dependent clauses can be used to specify time, place or other features of the entity being questioned. "Uhat uas Soars' profit in the year Ajax lumber wont bankrupt ?" "Uhat car, did your brother say, he wanted us to tell Jane to buy An important class of complex questions are those for which an "if clause" specifies hypothetical conditions. Usually these are parameters to a model; unmentioned parameters being picked up by defaul t. "If sales went up by 10%, what would happen to profit ?" "If we closed down warehouses 2 and 5 and fed their customers from 3, how would this affect distribution cost ?" Compound questions can usually be broken up into two or more questions with the unrepeated conditions being common to them all. "Uhat was the temperature at 4 p.m. ?" in Phoenix on Saturday at 12 noon and ?' PAGE 37 BIBLIOGRAPHY (1) McCarthy J., "Programs with Common Sense," Proc. Symposium on Mechanisation of Thought Processes, H.M.S.O., London. 1959 (2) Phillips, A. v., "A Question-Answering Routine, Unpublished Masters Thesis, Mathematics Department, M.I.T., Cambridge, Mass., 19B0 (3) Green, Jr., B. F. , et a!., "Baseball Question Answerer," Proc. UJCC, Vol. (4) j An Automatic 19, 1961 Simmons, R. P., et al., "Indexing and Dependency Logic for Answering English Questions," American Documentation, Vol. 15 1964 (5) Lindsay, R. K. "Inferential Memory as the Basis of , Machines that understand Natural Language," in "Computers and Thought," Feigenbaum, E. A., Feldman, (B) Retrieval," (7) eds. J, Raphael, B. , and McGraw Hill, New York, 19G3 "A Computer Program for Semantic Information , in Uoods, U. 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