MIT 3 LIBRARIES DLIPL TOAD ODbbbbO? M 9l : BAPR 241991 Experimentation A Learning Organizations: Management Flight Simulator Approach in by Bent BAKKEN, Janet GOULD, and Daniel WP-3274-91-BPS MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 KIM D-4203 Learning Organizations: Management Flight Simulator Approach Experimentation A in by Bent BAKKEN, Janet GOULD, and Daniel WP-3274-91-BPS KIM A Management Experimentation in Learning Organizations: Flight Simulator Approach. KIM Bent BAKKEN, Janet GOULD, MIT Sloan School of Management, E40-294, Cambridge, and Daniel MA 02139. USA Abstract: Managers' real life experiences will need to be supported by new learning tools, as external environments and internal dynamics of organizations become more complex. This need for simulated managerial expenence has come from a trend towards fewer hierarchical levels m organizauons. Managerial competency that was once achieved by progressing through the many layers needs to be obtamed through other means. This article shows how management flight simulators can enhance learning by allowing managers to compress time and space, expenment with vanous strategies, and learn from simulated deployments by reflecting on the outcomes. We focus on three aspects of the use of such simulators 1 the to address service quality management issues in learning laboratones design of a genenc learning process a variety of industrial settings; 2) how dimensions of this leammg can be operaaonalized and measured; and 3) an expenmental study that shows the transfer aspect of leammg and how different learning strategies affect the way in which participants transfer leammg across domains. — — Keywords: Learning organizations, transfer, 1 gaming, system dynamics, behavioral decision making, simulation 1. Introduction Organizadonal decision making trivial. The fact that people and space. illustration In the of how US, highly complex and managerial choices are far from have a hard time learning from when the problem, especially is and the decisions one of for example, difficult learning their New real-life experiences compounds consequences are separated in time England's largest banks provides an from experience can be. The bank's aggressive pursuit of ship-owning clients in the seventies led to huge losses in shipping portfolios in the early eighties. Massive losses led the bank time, however, they aggressively to liquidate expanded its entire shipping portfolio. These losses eventually caused the bank's ultimate demise markets share many bank was apparently unable real estate structural features to learn from the same into risky real estate developments. In the late eighties, their real estate venttires resulted in quarterly losses of real estate At up in 1991. to one billion dollars. Although shipping and and are unstable for similar reasons, this mistakes in shipping and repeated them their in (Bakken, 1990). This example not only highlights how difficult it is to learn causal relations in one decision environment, but also shows that decision makers do not easily draw appropnate lessons from failures. manageable chunks, simplifications Certainly, people lest must simplify their decision environments into decision making be impossible (Simon, 1956: 1978). Yet, these —people do not work very well are poor intuitive judges and tend to violate Bakken 2 almost all rules of rationality even are prone to error often ei al. / fail to Expemnentaaon D^203 Learning Organizauons in and consistency (Kahnemann and Tversky, 1974). Decisions in quite simple contexts (Brehmer, 1989; Sterman, 1989). People grasp the power of exponential growth and pay too little attention to supply line information. experiments as well as In to decision makers have access in real organizational settings, As our feedback about the appropriateness of actions (Einhom and Hoganh, 1978). bank example shows, however, the feedback interpretation environments is far from straightforward. an experimental approach can sort out the organizational and their life members researchers have does not lend to construct come to the to play, causal inferences are possible, and only many competing itself readily to explanations. Unfonunately, experimental testing, leaving organizations Many meanings out of what they experience. same conclusion organizational —organizational environments and meanings In this construction process, intra-organizational defense are not given, but constructed. mechanisms come Many slowly evolving in and as a consequence, people bias their choice of information sources (Argyris and Schon, 1978; Weick, 1977) thus preventing learning from taking place. The use of feedback can only be effective if cause and effect are closely related in time and space, but real decision environments lack meaningful feedback. In real estate markets, for the time a decision to build an office building building. Quality In the meantime, markets movement has and effect closer closeness between decisions and example, is made may have changed it until is physical constraints on how significantiy. in difficult. fast As structures Fewer is that move into the Although the Total making cause the real estate case shows, there are important feedback can become available. corporate structuring, such as de-layering of suggest that learning from real world experience will A people can and space, (Kim, 1989) there are many instances where shortening feedback cycle times problematic. takes three to four years from successfully capitalized on feedback information, by in time Current changes this beneficial management levels, become increasingly more outcome of such recent trends toward flatter organizational feedback delays are shortened, making organizations more responsive. hierarchical levels, however, mean that there are fewer "training steps" on the corporate ladder. Instead of spending decades in the same organization at various levels of responsibility, the "lean and mean" organization catapults the typical manager into decision making authority much sooner and without the extensive experience typically associated with senior decision makers. Thus, problems inherent compounded by ever in learning from unguided organizational experience scarcer time available for learning at a time when are increasing Bakken 3 interdependencies cases where real make life et al. / Experunentaaon learning in more important. The problem feedback cycles are D^203 Learning Organizations is further heightened in longer than the decision making cycle. In much such cases, computerized Management Flight Simulators can provide virtual worlds which assumptions, feedback cycle time relationships, in situations A Management and outcomes can be where delays Flight Simulator is tested, thereby in shonening the are inherendy long. a learning tool that allows managers to compress time and space, experiment with various strategies, and learn from making rounds of simulated decisions. Embedded labs, these simulators in specially designed learning environments called learning can be designed to provide organizational "practice fields" (Senge, 1990) where managers can experiment and learn in environments that allow failure and reflection. 2. Philosophy of Learning the Organization and the Role make corporations Flight of Simulators Increasingly, attention being focused on finding ways to is more responsive to customers and enable them to provide higher quality products (de Geus, 1988; Stata, 1989). A "learning organization" is characterized by its attention to enhancing thinking processes that lay behind decision making. Furthermore, learning through experimentation and testing organizations have attributes along is to that (a) they in virtual encouraged worlds (Senge, 1990). Although learning many dimensions, have an exploratory attitude and is the interesting point for our purposes (b) current solutions and processes are open questioning (Argyris and Schon, 1978). Organizations need to experiment in both production and management processes while balancing the need to be as close to the implementation world as possible. As mentioned earlier. Management Flight Simulators can be used in situations where real life experimentation is unfeasible because of cost considerations, time involvement, or both. They can be regarded as a framing tool for transitional objects (Papert, 1981). discussions dynamic issues, often referred to as Moreover, thinking can be more structured and since discussions can be focused around a more productive that helps de-personalize assumptions and makes them less threatening. For the same reason that we find Flight Simulators appealing — they — allow compression of time and space, and are conducive to reflection tradition in the ans, sciences computer model and professions of using similar are there low is cost, a long "virtual worlds" (Schon, 1983). In fact, in technical professions, while "virtual worlds" have always existed, recent advances in simulations and otiier tools have made them ever more powerful. exception of spreadsheet analysis on personal computers, however, little has been With the made of Bakken 4 virtual ci aJ. / Expenmeniauon in worlds for improving managerial practice. management simulators may be complex feel "real" or too attnbutable to two flaws are either too simplistic to realistic and challenging dynamics (Vennix, 1990). Flight Simulators can help in sorting out competing explanations by allowing Management participants to conduct experiments and leam from them. provide an in-depth look into the organizational processes by which we In this article, simulator learning can be achieved. In doing so, threatening environment. The fu-st section we emphasize the need shows our underlying theory A running simulator-based workshops. is —most framework with which participants can make sense of these polar extremes by providing a simulator This lack of the widespread use of from. Simulators based on system dynamics overcome to learn complexity and by producing D^203 Learning Organizaaons generic service-quality, to provide a for designing management used as a tool for questioning assumptions that impede learning organizational setting. learning and how the final section, next section, we and flight in the real define the dimensions of simulator-based measure the learning. Several types of instruments are described. to we In the non- In focus on the transfer dimension of such learning. Designing a Reflective Learning Environment 3. In order for Management Flight Simulators to be effective learning tools, they designed into an environment that the simulators become more of beating the highest score. that will help enrich a is must be conducive to learning. Without such an environment, management video game, and The goal of a learning laboratory the goal to is becomes one ot provide an environment managers' mental models using tools such as the management simulators. Learning laboratories help managers leverage their domain-rich knowledge by allowing them to play through simulated years, reflect on their actions, modify their mental models, then repeat the process. accelerate learning The impetus conducted at By compressing time and by enabling them to conduct a major property and casualty insurance their journal). The goal of the design team was which managers could step out of day to day demands managers would also develop a common operating assumptions, experiment with have fun while doing it. new language, leam and strategies ideas about managing in to to reflect decision-making (for a complete description, refer to Senge and Sterman In addition, a stud\ company. 'Geraldine Prusko and for thinking systemically, discuss operational objectives test came out of largely responsible for the overall design of the learning laboratories at this insurance company.) create an environment in on such cycles of action and reflection. for designing such a learning laboratory originally Roben Bergin of Hanover Insurance were initial many space, flight simulators can in this new tools an open forum. a claims office, and Bakken 5 3.1. et al. / Experimentation A Generic Learning Laboratory To in D4203 Learning Organizations Design leverage the benefits derived from a case-specific lab, such as the insurance claims learning lab, both the computer What generally applicable. laboratory design. laboratories in follows Management Service Quality game and is the workshop design were modified more to be a description of a generic learning laboratory that has on been adapted from the original claims learning This generic design can be used as the basis for creating other learning domains outside In addition to design issues, the insurance industry. process points are also included to help the reader gain a better feel for the learning laboratory experience. The overall design of the service quality learning laboratory has four context setting, conceptualization, and experimentation and reflection. distinct stages: Each of management the stages will be described. Context Setting Workshop leaders in the learning laboratory are positioned from the outset as "enablers", not authority figures. The encouraged participants are assumptions of the model that underlies the simulators used openness to challenge and to between workshop leaders and answer generator but as common The learning laboratory a useful vehicle for illuminating This in the learning lab. test is critical for establishing a participants. to challenge the is understanding positioned not as an and communicating issues of importance. Participants are also encouraged to share any reservations or concerns they may have about the laboratory with the rest of the group. These steps emphasize the experimental aspect of the laboratory and encourage participants to challenge their own operating assumptions. In small groups, participants are asked to identify a specific industry setting service quality management external customers. is important. The service can be an internal service or one with There are five key variables specific factors that are relevant for their where that the participants chosen industry setting. must They must fill in with identify the Personnel and Customers, the Service, and the Direct costs and Cost of Poor Quality. For example, in a the customers banking industry context (see Figure 1), personnel would be loan officers, would be individual or business borrowers, the service "product" would be various types of loans, the direct costs would be personnel expenses including overhead, and the cost of poor quality would result in expenses resulting from loan delinquencies. Bakken vanablcs'^*"^.,^ et aJ. / Experunentauon in Learning Organizaaons D-4203 Bakken 7 ei al. / Expenmentation D-4203 Learning Organizations in Conceptualizing these variables, the participants draw from their domain-specific At the same time, experience and explicate their mental models. making replicating part of the model-building process, the pre-developed model as story" with a causal loop it becomes less diagram and and less illustrates it the participants are and identify with easier to accept of a black box. Each presenter with a real world example, if "tells a possible. This process helps participants develop the ability to articulate causal structures to other The people. overall objective in this stage to is have the group cover all major issues the contained in the management flight simulator and have a chance to challenge and test the may propose. inter-relationships that different people within the group Experimentation and Reflection: "Flying" the Flight Simulator two and Participants are then grouped in teams of minded goal where they are accountable for meeting are instructed to pursue a single- one particular goal (e.g., maintaining headcount). In these planned scenarios, they are told in advance that there will be a one- 20% time made — For each simulated month, three decisions must be step increase in workload. and quality goal. The hiring decision hiring, desired production, reducing the number of personnel. Setting desired production the employees month. since A we to is for adding or at 1.00 translates into asking have the outflow of work equal the inflow of new work received for each means productivity goal of less than 1.00 number coming are servicing less than the the backlog of customers The in. direcUy as a decision point where a quality level of one is is growing quality goal can be entered simply a starting reference point against which one can gauge improvements or deterioration. These planned scenarios allow the group to gain experience slowly by trying a very focused strategy through which they can get a feel for the dynamics of the simulator. Optimally, the debriefing structure encourages more reflection in every phase of the process — strategizing, managing within more important underlying purpose is their how manage the stream of Plan a strategy and commit to new customers it on paper; strategy by sketching in behavior over time of debrief the continually connecting refinements in their simulated offices planned scenarios and the free plays, each team 1) — work domain. In later sessions, the participants priori knowledge of A to begin addressing particular organizational issues through appropriate choices of planned scenarios mental models back to and debriefing the outcomes. the simulator, game results and explain them to is is where they have no a going to change. In both the asked to do the following for every 2) predict the some key trial consequences of executing the variables; 3) play the the rest of the group. game; and 4) Bakken 8 The is ei al. / Experimentation discipline of planning a strategy imponant because The explicit. forces it them D-4203 Learning Organizations and sketching out anticipated behavior to get in the habit of written records also provide a basis for By making such comparisons, gaps trial. in making comparing their advance mental models outcome of each the actual in thinking or failures to in follow through an intended strategy are highlighted. Unsurfacing Hidden Assumptions 3.2. If we view learning as a process where an action--> result— > reflection--> learning leads back to further action. Flight Simulators can facilitate learning by shortening the delay The simulator between action-->result. also demands structural explanations of the action-->result link that will force participants to search for a better understanding of the The design of underlying forces that produce a given set of outcomes. the learning laboratory also increases reflection and enhances learning out of which better decisions can arise. How the learning laboratory can be used to Schon (1978) engage the participants in what Argyris and Double-loop learning is defined as "those refer to as double-loop learning? sorts of organizational inquiry that resolve incompatible organizational new priorities norms by setting and weightings of norms, or by restructuring the norms themselves with associated strategies and assumptions." Double-loop learning involves surfacing and challenging deep-rooted assumptions and norms of an organization that have previously been inaccessible. The learning laboratory can help advance double-loop learning by providing forum in which operating norms and assumptions can be questioned way, by experimenting with the computer simulator. in a For example, a unique non-threatening in a company professedly emphasized pursuing high quality standards, the behavior in the simulator showed that controlling while playing the though there game no one is expenses dominated people's actions. "I kept telling myself, 'don't add to telling when people discovered me not to and knowing that I that trials One manager remarked staff, really don't add to need to!" In staff,' many they had extra capacity, they chose to cut staff or push for that even cases, more production to reduce expenses, instead of pushing for quality. When given an office setting where quality was twice as high as scenarios, the vast majority decided to cut staff. In the short term, they in all previous reaped the benefit of lower expense costs, but those savings were dwarfed by the heavier losses incurred due to poor quality. decided to cut to the In the insurance staff, most reply number of claims in company claims learning lab, that they felt the office was when asked why like a they had country club. They point "backlog per adjuster" and number of "claims settled per Bakken 9 adjuster" and that the right state that the et al. / Expenmentauon in Learning Organizations workload was incredibly They express light. matter-of-factly number should be twice what they were. When asked what made numbers, they invariably pause, and reply sheepishly right D-4203 can, "Because it's always been assumption had driven that way." In only answer that they wiili the how that instant, they realize an unquestioned making and may have contributed their decision those the to poor performance. The use of management advances double loop flight simulators in learning laboratories learning by providing people with a framework for clarifying their mental models. Through we have profit total cost or numbers, learning laboratories have great potential for helping managers reassess the they think about their business. In the following section, begin to address the of Flight Simulator Learning Although the learning laboratories appear own mental management we this potential. Measurement their of decision making and rethinking only anecdotal evidence linking "better management thinking" to better measurement of 4. many rounds mental models, managers gain insights into their domain-specific issues. Although their way the process of cycling through models, further evidence flight simulators in dynamics seminar is have helped managers be more aware of needed determine the effectiveness of to improving actual decision making. for managers, held at a opportunity to pilot test a to A three-day system major computer manufacturer, has provided the number of instruments that were designed to gather experimental data about learning transfer after exposure to a system dynamics seminar and learning laboratory. The goal of the system dynamics seminar is managers for the to learn the concepts and then transfer them back to the work place. 4.1. Learning Objectives The managers used Graham the People Express Airline et al. in this journal for a description Management Flight simulator (see of this simulator) during the seminar. They also read the case materials, and were taught to use causal loop diagrams to conceptualize about the feedback structure of People Express organization and environment. We expected to observe three its competitive levels of learning: understanding of the People Express case issues, understanding of the underlying feedback structure, and transferring insights to another domain. Attaining the first level of learning means that managers have idenrified the basic organizational issues that led to the failure of People Express. They may explain, for example, that the low price offered by People Express created a huge demand for flights Bakken 10 that could not be fulfilled et al. / Expenmentaaon in D^203 Learning Organizauons Their failure to expand with their existing service capacity. service capacity rapidly led to poor service quality that eventually resulted in the demise of People Express. The second managers level of learning requires to explain at a deeper level, linking the observed behavior to the underlying feedback structure of People Express. They should be able to aniculate short-term versus long-term tradeoffs in the system and recognize the link between system structiue and dynamic behavior. At the third level of learning, managers should be able to transfer the systems insights gained from studying People Express to other cases. For example, they should be able to recognize the same "attractiveness principle" (described below) that operated in the People Express case when an For airline). management it surfaces in another case with a different cover story this article, we (i.e., not about focus on this third level of learning and the role of the flight simulator. Effectiveness 4.2. The issue of effectiveness of the seminars and learning laboratory do not understand which thinking processes change nor how they training intervention. Unlike basic skills training, such as typing or success measured by is dynamics principles is perform the the student being able to not as easily evaluated. multiple levels of knowledge acquisition: arises because we changed by the are computer repair, where task, learning of system System dynamics training encompasses from the basic skills level to higher levels of abstraction. Measuring learning along certain dimensions skills level, is At a basic easier than along others. instruments can be used to measure a manager's ability to create a simple causal loop diagram. At a more abstract level, complete feedback structure and his determining the manager's understanding of a ability to transfer that knowledge to another case is difficult to measure. In the People Express management flight simulator, cumulative net income good is a indicator of game performance, but quantified in this way. management pertbrmance Management performance Measurements must capture the skills the transformation of the mental is as new to the abstract, as well as skills are learned. The research on simulation and games has generated controversy about effectiveness of simulations in not proven. game is not easily multi-faceted and dynamic. developed from the basic model is the role and management education. Effectiveness of simulations is yet Early research on the transfer of case knowledge, in which no simulation or used, has concurrently. shown Even that littie transfer less transfer may occurs when analogous problems are presented occur when problems are separated by a span of Bakken 1 months or el al. / Experimentation in D^203 Learning Organizations years. This suggests that prior experience in solving by managers faced with new manifestations of analogous problems. gained from experience may between a term mentioned may problems Also, knowledge be misapplied because irrelevant associations in a case problem and a term in not be used may be formed an existing problem (Kardes, 1987). Case analysis alone may not be sufficient for transfer of learning, but case analysis coupled with a game Other evidence has suggested that participation in a learning, more favorable attitude, or simulator and higher may improve we suggest that a the likelihood of transfer. management game provides increased levels of interest and motivation that are not achieved when working with a case alone (Raia, 1966). Further research will determine the degree to which a game approximates real-world policy making learn the "right" things from the game experience, and whether game knowledge efficientiy transferred to the real According to situations, if students world (Wolfe, 1976). Wolfe, effectiveness research must deal with variables that have an impact is on the gaming application. all the different situation These include 1) game design characteristics, such as single function versus functionally integrative, complexity, algorithm validity/face validity, random events; 2) administration characteristics, including starting position, team team size, team accountability, duration, pacing, selection, trial or practice runs, debriefing, within-course placement, learning objectives; 3) player and group characteristics, consisting of motivation, aptitude participation, decision-making method, team and achievement, structure; attitude, cognitive style, and 4) administrator characteristics, such as game experience and involvement, motivation, subject matter familiarity. Instrument Design 4.3. The system dynamics seminar, were designed to respond to many the People Express simulator, and the instruments of Wolfe's criticisms of earlier effectiveness research. For example, the People Express game was tested with many managers and students make the interface both simple to use and realistic in to emulating a typical management information system. The set-up of the seminar allowed for random assignments of teams and debriefings at each transition. Surveys and questionnaires were used to gather data about player characteristics (age, education, and prior systems experience), measure attitude, and gather some data on cognitive were specifically chosen for their substantial style. The seminar and game administrators system dynamics teaching experience and their high-level of motivation. The instruments used include surveys, questionnaires, protocols during game plays, game performance data, strategy sheets, verbal and causal loop diagrams. The Bakken 12 et aJ. / Expenmentauon in Learning Organizauons instruments have been designed to gather data on 1) D-4203 prior experience with system dynamics; 2) case understanding (using a written examination which measured knowledge of the People Express domain); 3) performance in the People Express management flight simulator (for example, a comparison between groups of the average cumulative net income at the end of a game); 4) verbalization of systems concepts using protocol analysis while playing the game; 5) strategy sheets used while playing the game, which can demonstrate the use of the system dynamics framework when other measures development of causal loop diagrams (representing structure); 7) the transfer of reflections 4.4. on learning may not; 6) a team's their understanding of the feedback systems insights about People Express to other cases; and 8) after participating in the entire seminar (Gould, 1989). The Three Questionnaires Although many instruments were used, we limit our discussion to three specific questionnaires designed to test for learning transfer. Figure 2 shows the sequence of the seminar and when the questionnaires (Ql, Q2, and Q3) were administered. The difficulty of transferring insights from the People Express case to other cases increases with each subsequent questionnaire. The first questionnaire was designed to capture the most important issues faced by People Express participating in a discussion. manager's ability to recognize the after reading the case-study materials The manager was then expected and to transfer the lessons learned from the People Express case materials to another case. Examples of the questions used in the questionnaires are found below. The second questionnaire was administered Express (i.e., after Group A conceptualized about People created the causal loop diagrams) and after Group B played the People Express game. Questionnaire 2 was designed to demonstrate the manager's ability to apply knowledge of the framework another case. Each Group had a different experience before they answered to questionnaire 2. system dynamics framework to People Express as well as transfer the This design allows us to compare the results based on each group's experience with the system dynamics framework. The conceptualizing process makes the framework an explicit part of the discussion. Playing with the does not include a discussion of how the flight simulator management flight simulator was designed using the system dynamics framework. The the third questionnaire game. This allows us the system to was used after each group had conceptualized and played determine any effects from the sequence of experience using dynamics framework. Bakken 13 Group A et al. / Experimentation in Learning Organizations D^203 Bakkcn 14 el al. / Expenmentation in Learning Organizauons D-4203 In addition to the four types of questions in Figure 3, the first question on each questionnaire was: Why did People Express fail? This question was used to measure any changes in response resulting from participation in the different phases of the seminar. Each case example on dynamics feedback the questionnaires was designed to reveal an underlying The managers were taught about structure. system the "attractiveness principle" structure of People Express by panicipating in the discussions in the seminar and by playing the game. The "attractiveness principle" components of attractiveness explain many past is improved only to discover that other aspects states that compensating changes failures; frequently in the one aspect of a system have become worse. In the People Express case an increase in the availability of flights reduced the quality of service because of the increased limited, is demand and it is shortage of service capacity. Because organizational resources are impossible to increase the quantity and quality of everything for everyone. It only through the deliberate manipulation of counterbalancing effects that control can be gained over the changing system. exponential growth in we can demand influence others continue until it we The for seats. cannot. produces a further If attractiveness of flying People Express lead to Many some pressures develop to stop growth; pressures are alleviated where possible, growth will rise in the pressures that cannot be controlled (Mass. 1974). If that people actually learned the attractiveness principle, knowledge in the to the other cases we would expect them to apply on the questionnaires. Examples of two questions used questionnaires follow. Each question on the questionnaires The following question is was designed to be an example of a shon case. an example of a question from quadrant II. It has a similar feedback structure to People Express ("attractiveness principle"), but a different cover (i.e., stop.' not about an airline). Commuting by car to downtown Boston from the suburbs takes much now than it did a decade ago. The state is now planning to construct a new expanded highway system to increase access to the downtown area. What effects will this have on the commute time? Is this case related in any way to the People Express Case? Explain. longer An adequate response to "attractiveness principle," reduced this question would show an understanding of and would lead the manager to suggest in the short-term, but in the that overcrowding the will be long-run the highway will again be crowded because of the increased attractiveness of commuting on the new highway. Bakken 15 The question below is et al. / Experimentation in Learning Organizations an example of a question from quadrant IV. D-4203 It has a similar cover story to People Express, but a different feedback structure. Northeast Airlines has a small fleet that serves passengers travelling to small airports throughout the New England, New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey area. Northeast is known as a high quality airline, but has grown very slowly during the past decade. The Vice President just left the company after a dispute with the CEO. The VP had tried to persuade the CEO to expand into an airport that was to be available soon in southern New Hampshire. This region was not served by Northeast. The CEO resisted. An Air Force base in southern New Hampshire will be decommissioned soon, and will be convened for civilian use. Commercial airlines will be able to lease terminal space. The landing field will accommodate planes as large as a DCS. Northeast has enough lead-time for planning their entrance into the market. Preliminary market research shows that Northeast has a good reputation within the new market. Nonheast will need to add staff and purchase more planes for a total expansion of about 50%. The CEO thinks this expansion is too big for the company to absorb. He believes Nonheast's high quality over the past decade is a result of his cautious, slow growth strategy. Should the CEO have listened to the VP's advice? Explain. Is this case related in any way to the People Express case? Explain. Unlike People Express, where the "attractiveness principle" dominates, the former of Northeast airlines may have the increase in expected sales of seats, the new market By expanding suggested the correct poUcy. VP may have expected VP capacity before that attractiveness in a with the proper advanced planning would lead to a successful business and lessen the immediate effect of the "attractiveness principle." Preliminary Results 4.5. Pilot testing the instruments described above has helped identify areas of weakness and opportunities for improvement. The method of repeating the same question on each questionnaire (i.e.. Why did People Express fail?), for example, led the managers to believe that a change in their response was expected on each questionnaire and could therefore bias the results. to measure transfer, the People Express The wording of the simple case questions, could be misleading. For example, not all which were designed managers would agree that and the Northeast Airlines cases represent examples of organizations with a similar cover story, but a different underlying structure. The instruments need further refinements to address these issues. Despite these problems with the instruments, an shows that some managers are able to use the system initial review of the questionnaires dynamics feedback terminology and demonstrate evidence of system dynamics thinking. For example, the question about the Boston highway expansion yielded this response from one manager: Bakken ei al. / Expenmentaoon In a short-time more cars will 16 in commute time. fill the highway with a minimal decrease take longer as better highways increase may even It D^203 Learning Organizations in housing development. As anticipated, the response to the Northeast Airlines question In addition to the creates problems with the instrument design many measurement managers work in showed control problems. itself, litde transfer. the corporate setting The shortage of computers requires that The team discussions may improve teams while playing the game. performance for some managers and not for others. Managers frequently leave the seminar to respond to inquiries. Therefore, there treatment. These issues further game is no assurance compromise our abiUty that all managers receive the same to separate the effects of playing the versus conceptualizing. Although evidence of transfer appears on the questionnaires, instrument redesign and a controlled research setting may further our understanding of the system dynamics framework on management performance. effects of the The next section of this paper uses management flight simulators with managers and The simulators students in a laboratory setting, which improves the experimental control. and debriefings are the only intervention and therefore allow us the effect of the simulator on to determine more precisely the transfer of learning across different settings. Transfer of insights 5. Enriching professionals' mental models as far as dynamic interactions are concerned is not an end in itself. On the contrary, grasp dynamic complexity is we can only desirable if it serves argue that increasing people's ability to some concrete purpose. The purpose is, of course, increased competency and improved organizational decision making. Both benefits are assume that people two dimensions can transfer insights achieved to this transfer, transfer from one workshop environment is not limited how to, the second. to another. In this section, in a laboratory situation. from workshop The we first transfer to work place and There transfer dimension depends on, but describe an experiment that investigates students and professionals transfer differendy from one Management Flight Simulator to another. MBA students and young professionals interacted with real estate and oil tanker simulators in an experimental study. These two markets were chosen for several reasons. First, time lags create substantial delays between desired and actual stocks of capacity in both cases. Second, both markets exhibit a short-time decision focus. Third, learning problematic and market instabilities may 1991). 5.1. Experimental and Real Markets is persist for long periods of time (Hernandez, Bakken 17 el al. / Expenmentaaon Two computerized decision-making games them as a worid market for structures underlying both arises from the oil D^203 Learning Organizations were designed with cover stories depicting tanker transportation and office real estate. games (shown when low when expected operating profits are expected. The feedback The dynamic behavior in Figure 4) are identical. fact that investors invest conversely, do not invest in profits are high and, Instabilities in these markets are accentuated by participants not accounting sufficiently for assets under construction (Hernandez, 1991; Sterman, 1989). In both markets demand fluctuations whereas supply is is insensitive to price very price sensitive. This causes instability and over- investment. Exp#ct»d + .Operiting Profit "•^v > Figure 4. Price of Services Assets under Construction \Assets Completions Construction Initiation direction. j structure of the market. + signs mean that variables change in the same vanables change in opposrte direction. The negative *kx)p' indicates that the goalseeking (seeking balance between demand and supply of services]. The main feedback - signs feedback loop is mean that The simulated markets were parameter values. One such market, which makes this identical with the exception of variable difference is Though show As names and the higher substitutability in the real estate market more stable than the tanker market. Another difference the average completion time for "Assets under Construction", market. Demolition which is is longer in the tanker a consequence, the shipping market exhibits more pronounced fluctuations. the construction cycle that the is far from a well-tuned pendulum clock. Figures 5 and 6 element of industry cyclicality has persisted over the years. The generated in the flight simulators were very similar to these historical time series. results Baklcen 18 Figure 5. ei al. / Experimentation 6. The market Construction activity index. Chicago. Source; Hoyt (1933). for oil tanker transportation exhibits the real estate industry, but instabilities are there exists slack capacity. equilibrium, prices market D^203 Learning Organizaaons Percent office vacancy rates, Boston. Source: Boston Redevelopment Authority (1989) Rgure when in is become highly dynamics that are similar to those of more dramatic. Prices show periods of calm However, when capacity erratic. In fact, when equilibrated by "mothballing" tankers, but utilization creeps capacity utilization when capacity is utilization above low, the is high, transportaaon rates fluctuate to clear the markets. 5.2. Procedure In the study reported here, the players Seventeen were students at MITs were mostly current or future MBA's. Sloan School of Management. The students participated Bakken 19 ei al. / Experimentation in Learning Organizations individually and were paid according to their performance. Most had two professionals from major corporations. addition to an D-4203 The other group consisted of 32 to ten years' work experience MBA degree. Several had long experience in one of the in two markets. They played in teams of two, and the results of the 16 teams are included here. The students were given monetary incentives, whereas the professionals took part in day-long seminars where the game-playing was an early, yet integral pan of reflective exercises that culminated in a discussion session. Since these discussions took place after game-playing, the game-playing procedure itself was identical and comparable across both groups. All participants portrayed in the first read a two-page newspaper article about market condidons game. first In addition, all subjects read a briefing book about the simulator before interacting with the computer. Then the game-playing staned. Subjects were randomly assigned instructed to start again in the event of bankruptcy. continued until the game stopped. All informed in completed at least the transfer market, one trial). they did not go bankrupt, they 40 periods Two complete trials (the players and asked were not were completed within aU players were given a two-page the first market condition. After a break, i.e., If full trials lasted advance about the length of a other market, Players were to the real estate or the oil tanker condition. to participate in that article market about the until they had full trial. All participants were asked to maximize were rewarded for average performance in all profits in each game. The student players games they played ($4 per hour). In addition, they were given a performance bonus that amounted to $1 10 for the panicipant with the Instead of monetary rewards, the professionals had to announce highest average profit. their results publicly to their peers after the sessions, and that was apparently a strong incentive to perform well. Results 5.3. Game performance can be a good indicator of how well players understand a cyclical market. Research in a similar setting has shown a positive relationship between performance and understanding of underlying feedback structure (Bakken, 1990). Figure 7, we In see that students go bankrupt twice as frequenUy as professionals before they finish their first full, 40-decision, world experience in the strategy or outcome. Analysis of other potential differences, such as real simulated market, did not Additionally, results started with Real Estate the reversed order. trial. make any difference in game-playing showed no difference between and continued with Oil Tankers and tiiose who subjects who played the games in Bakken 20 VI U C nj 9 O) « 4 et al. / Expcnmentaaon in Learning Organizauons D^203 Bakken 21 Why 5.4. What et al. / Experimentation D^203 Learning Organizations in Are Professionals Less Exploratory? explains the apparent differences in strategy between the One reason could be students and the professionals? while professionals in teams of two. played individually that students Since aversion to risk is higher in team decision making, the consensus needed for team decision making reduces risk to the most averse of the team players. every effort was restricted. made In addition, our experimental results indicate that although environment, professionals to ensure a non-threatening As we mentioned risk- in the still feel previous section, participants tend to use Icnown (real world) strategies to anchor their decisions. The same embedded routines that hinder exploration in the real world can also prevent exploration and learning in the simulated environment. Another possible explanation for the difference in exploratory attitude A simulated environment poses more threat to professionals than to students. know a lot about this market, so underlying assumption appears to be: "I game what fairly safe, I do learning since setting. it in real life." fails to benefit Students' They appear Though from game playing such an attitude strategy, on the other hand, seems Not game just hidden do in the counterproductive to the experimental approach facilitated to use the information available in the into the causal dynamics. is I that the is to by the laborator>' be more playful. as a springboard for investigation surprisingly, students take the exercise more as a learning experience. In the very short run they suffer and go bankrupt; in the long run they improve their performance. The simulated environment their decision repertoire is threatening and impede learning enough for professional participants to lima as well as the ability to transfer. the general effect of narrowing options considered. management flight simulator in a context that makes Threat has Thus, without embedding the the simulator less threatening (such as a learning lab), the results indicate that real world learning disabilities will be reproduced in a simulated world. 5.5. Poor transfer of learning; what can and should be done? The professionals spent several hours in directed discussions after the experimental game-playing sessions simulator. First, that helped remedy some of the transfer shortcomings of the experiences were shared followed conservative strategies to among benefit in fact, share who had from those who had pursued more adventuresome decisions. In a very compressed time markets that seem to be different, the teams, enabling those interval, the discussion revealed that many commonalties. Participants could Bakkcn 22 et al. / Experimentation in D^203 Learning Organizations quickly perform mental what-if analyses due to the intense common experience of the simulator. The simulator experience appeared example, professionals in to facilitate the sharing one learning laboratory with of real-life experiences. For experience real estate northeast region questioned the fact that asset values in the simulator could swing as as 40% between peaks and troughs. During the last ten years, in the much they argued, asset values had never declined, and they knew of no other instance where values had dropped by more than 10%. Interestingly, there were people who had conditions in the southern states in the same session. lived through depressed market They questioned the validity of the simulated asset cycles because they had themselves experienced asset value reductions of 50% over a period of a few years! The discussion then turned towards the preconditions and what for such a fall From an exposure meant it for the northeast region. organizational learning viewpoint, market with the to the Presumably, he had, so unique that it is interesting that the colleague with drop had not previously shared The management irrelevant to current colleagues. gave added credibility to his experiences. simulated experience, thought that the southern market was until the was 50% it flight simulator viewing these markets as cyclical. Furthermore, the learning laboratory provided a framework where both commonalties and differences between cyclical markets could be integrated. This structure depicted in Figure 4 One real estate was done by was shared among the facilitator their business. Until then, it had been hard junior panners that focusing exclusively on developing real estate missed today lesson The is from professionals with three is to ten years cyclical experiences if the relevant time horizon changes difficulties to convince was problematic. The of experience was, "An investment millions lost in unearned capital gain tomorrow." greatly reduced to instigate These changes were predicated on expected future induced by the cyclical nature of lesson taken the feedback the participants. development company used the learning laboratory in its incentive structure. when is The robustness of such a 30-40 years rather than 5 years. and emotionally laden bankruptcies improved the receptiveness for organizational change. 5.6. Theoretical interpretation Work on applying simple algebra word problems has shown that people have difficulties problem solving insights from one domain to oversimplification, one can say that research on transfer in this tradition has though difficult to achieve, transfer of insights successfully, people need to possess a generic and strategies do occur. framework Risking another. shown To as well as experience in that transfer its use. Bakken 23 Frameworks (Nisbett et problem al., Experimentation are generic tools for a 1986). in Learning Organizations problem area, such as framework only helps But, a the relevance of the framework when they play the they are exposed to later trials of the first D-4203 economics or its relevance is statistics clear to a do not see the relevance of general situations arise. In our case, the students first trial of the do not seem first to grasp game. However, game, they slowly realize the system structure. Bankruptcies increase decision exposures. to transfer if solver. In general, that is not the case, people frameworks when decision when et aJ. / When the second market is presented them, the student players appear to understand the generality of underlying causal forces and act accordingly. Numerous studies of problem solving (Bassok and in transfer Holyoak, 1989; Gick and Holyoak, 1983; Gilden and Simon and Hayes, 1982) show 1972; after being There prompted or exists after repeated evidence that if condidons they may develop relevance of doing so. that people Profitt, 1989; Newell and Simon, can indeed apply a framework but only exposures to a given problem structure. people are exposed to a problem area under own frameworks their given time and if light" and are the 6. However, when two former problems shared realize that the same the subjects see a third isomorphic different they see the if As an example (Gentner and Toupin, 1986), most unable to recognize the relevance of a recendy solved isomorphic problem a second one. many subjects are when faced with problem they "see structural characteristics a and those as the structure of the third problem. Conclusion and future research We have seen that management laboratories to foster inquiry skills. flight simulators Such can be integrated into learning skills are critical to a learning organization (Argyris and Schon, 1978; de Geus, 1988; Stata, 1989). People need richer mental models for domains where such mental models tend to be deficient. Deficiencies typically occur if decision making and feedback about the appropriateness of those decisions are remote in time and space. We have seen that by designing non-threatening learning laboratories, and by fostering experimentation result. The ways, genuine reflection and experimentation may effect of such experimentation by frameworks that is increased transfer, especially can function as a vehicle for applying insights to measurement of increased However, we have shown The in other transfer that if accompanied new domains. The and higher order thinking processes, is complicated. such measures are possible. results reported here are not entirely conclusive. Further methodological refinements of the measurement instruments need to be made. In addition, more decision making, learning, and transfer of learning data need to be collected to substantiate and 24 Bakken ei al. / Expenmentation in Learning Organizations D-4203 validate the tentative conclusions presented in secdon 5. These validauons are currently under way and will be made available from the first author in the coming months. 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