DfciVVgy HD28 .M414 no. Zi%- ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT CAD Systems in Mechanical Design Engineering Evaluating the Use of David C Robertson Thomas WP # 3196-90-BPS J. Allen January 1990 MASSACHUSETTS TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 INSTITUTE OF CAD Systems in Mechanical Design Engineering Evaluating the Use of David C Robertson Thomas WP # 3196-90-BPS J. Allen January 1990 Abstract Despite the importance of and our long history with Computer- Aided Design (CAD) systems, our understanding of the systems is limited. The academic and trade literature provides little guidance on what organizational actions are necessary to utilize CAD systems for maximum benefit. CAD systems are playing in the design engineering processes of different companies, field interviews were conducted at twelve Design engineers, managers, CAD support personnel, and others were companies. interviewed to understand the use of CAD systems for mechanical design engineering. The result of the field research is the conclusion that managers view CAD technology in one of three ways: as physical capital, as supporting or extending To understand the human or as enabling capital, received from role improvements in social capital. Further, the value depend directly on how managers view the the technology will Managers who see the systems as physical capital (i.e. electronic drafting some benefit; managers who view the systems as enabling improvements in social capital will receive the greatest benefit from the technology. The characteristics of each of the three views of CAD technology will be technology. boards) will receive discussed, as well as the barriers that prevent companies from realizing the full benefit of CAD technology. Introducrion on reducing product In recent years, industry has focused a considerable effort development Many times.. Design (CAD) systems have made may believe that the appropriate use of CAD systems- expenditures have reached SI 00 million for a single company's hardware and software. hardware and software was over 17 billion dollars in The market 1987 and is many for CAD/CAM expected to grow to [28]. There has been some debate, however, over the benefits of While Many companies aid significantly in achieving this goal. large expenditures on 39 bilUon by 1991 Computer-Aided organizations have of these organizations made do not believe large investments in their money was CAD CAD systems technology, [13]. some well spent. These organizations are not seeing the benefits they expected from their systems. In the following sections, the results of an investigation into the uses of systems at CAD twelve manufacturing companies are reported. The goals of the research are to understand how the systems are used, what difficulties implementing the systems, and what benefits resulted. introduction to CAD literature relating to systems is occurred in In the next section, an presented, followed by a brief review of the current Computer-Aided Design. CAD Systems Introduction CAD the design computer systems are defined in this paper to be those computer tools that support and design engineering processes. This tools definition thus includes normally classified under Computer-Aided Design, Computer- Aided Drafting, and Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE). The greatest use tools is in the support of mechanical design and engineering [20]; it is of these that area of application that will be addressed in the present paper. features and functions CAD found of such software can be systems can potentially lead to organizations. For example, CAD More inforniation about the in [4], [20]. many important benefits for systems can potentially reduce the length of the product development cycle and improve relationships with both vendors and customers. The have helped to literature provides many descriptions of reduce the product development time shorter design cycle allows companies to respond challenges, incorporate newer technology CAD applications that ([3],[5],[6],[14],[23],[25],[27]). more quickly into products, A competitive to and charge higher prices for unique features. CAD its systems can also help improve a company's links with customers For example, one airframe manufacturer provides major [7], [11]. customers with a CAD terminal. personnel can access the CAD If a design the manufacturer's support personnel make comments on In either case, there is less a CAD file problem occurs file and either (1) communicate by phone with (who can access an and send communication between the file identical CAD and its customers ambiguity in the information communicated, and there limited. CAD customer is (2) is is much faster, less sites. systems, our understanding of the In the next section, a review of the literature systems in organizations or file) electronically to the manufacturer. the manufacturer Yet despite the potential benefits of is maintenance in the field, travel required of the manufacturer's support personnel to systems vendors and its on the use of CAD presented. Research on the Impact of CAD The academic and trade Systems literature provides little organizational actions are necessary to utilize CAD guidance on what systems for maximum benefit. The studies "competition" studies, social in the literature fall into three categories: impact studies, and case studies. In the "competition" category are studies which test the performance of CAD systems against drafting boards. Such studies show productivity gains from 25% 350%, depending on the complexity and repetitiveness of the task type of task. Many managers interviewed for own gains do not always occur some finding for enrichment of jobs in their Some skilling" [10]. results were changes in studies even [1], study report, however, that such systems have produced mixed and others finding show both Some that CAD companies report results, leads to "de- These mixed effects occurring [18], [26]. also seen in field interviews- different jobs. and on the [19], companies. CAD Studies of the social impact of this to different reported that the work had become more repetitive, others stated the opposite. In the third category of research, case study research, companies report the productivity gains from implementing a certain system or application. Swerling the IBM [24] reports that the For example, use of computer tools cut the development costs for 3081 computer by 65%. Bull [5] CAD/CAM reported that improved productivity for product development by 150%. Chrysler estimates that computer tools will cut the Kodak development cycle [12] linked for new cars from five years to four or less [14]. product designers and tool designers through a common CAD system and were able to develop the "Fling 35" camera from project approval in 38 weeks. They estimated that this CAD start to shipping system helped them reduce development costs by 25%. Unfortunately, with few exceptions, this third category of research provides managers little organizations. insight into The studies characteristics of the new how to in this achieve similar gains in their own stream of research focus largely on the specific technology, and ignore the other technological and organizarional changes that must be advantage. With few exceptions made to utilize the (e.g. [15], [23], [26]), it is technology not clear to full how the results achieved in these studies could be repeated in other organizations. It is important to note that the large gains reported in the case study literature are hardly guaranteed- has hurt productivity is less likely that the some managers CAD The reason CAD CAD systems systems are mixed, it negative impacts would ever be reported in the literature. Thus we cannot count on the experiences with the productivity gains of If (cf. [13]). believe that the introduction of literature to accurately reflect the average companv's systems. convergence for the lack of in the social managers' disagreement with case study results is that impact studies and CAD systems do not necessarily cause any changes to occur to the structure or processes of an organization- they only enable changes. The eventual use of a much orgaruzational environments as it is complex technology, and Different Perspectives on the developed of physical, in this section will Physical, human, and development process. A is as Thus different systems are a their application in organizations tends to reflect the characteristics of the organization as The concepts CAD system and of the features of the system. organizations can (and do) use the systems quite differently. field. CAD a result of managerial decisions, individual predispositions, much as the features of the technology [2], [IS]. CAD Investment human and social capital that are defined and be used to analyze the observational data from the social capital can be seen as resources in the good manager will develop and use each to its product maximum advantage. Physical Capital comprises the machines and equipment that are used to add value to a product, or allow a product to be developed more efficiently (i.e. more quickly or less expensively). The cost and value of this type of capital are relatively well understood by managers. of a company's workers development, or Human that allow Capital comprises the skills and knowledge them add value to develop a product more to to a to The is done with the company upon to the is between individuals development or develop implicit assumption a Social Capital that allow product more [9]. them to classes, or employee is degree worth Social capital resides in the add value efficiently. property of the individuals in an organization- it is As with physical and human individuals. that the returning from such as experience. third type of resource relationships among they cannot quantify the months, or even years so that they can attend seminars, programs. This its if be received. For example, managers and companies will release employees for weeks, more its Managers are usually efficiently. willing to pay the cost of developing this capital, even value product during to a Social capital product during is not a a property of the relations capital, social capital completely fungible- the development of a certain type of social capital is not may be productive for certain tasks, but have no effect or be harmful for others. Managers often do understand that the ability' of their accomplish goals has a great deal of value, employees and that to work together to developing social capital can return large benefits. Many creating liaison roles, or adopting a matrix structure are undertaken to improve organizational actions such as forming ad hoc teams, social capital. Research Method To understand how organizations were conducted produced jet a at are using technology, field interviews twelve manufacturing companies. The twelve companies wide range of different products, including college rings, plastic bottles, engines, airframes, copiers, and automobiles. understand: CAD The goal of the interviews was to of the design engineering process, • The nature • The coordination demands • The • The changes features and of the design engineering process, capabilities of CAD occurred since the introduction of • The nature systems, and structure in the process of the companies' CAD of the organization that have technology, management and their attitudes toward CAD systems, and • The potential future changes that are enabled by the systems. Interviews were conducted with a broad cross section of roles, including design engineers, managers, CAD support personnel, and others. design engineers, 32 managers, and 22 the 12 companies. CAD A total of 46 support personnel were interviewed In addition, 39 individuals in from other groups which assisted the design engineer in his or her work (such as analysis or manufacturability groups) were also interviewed. An average of two days was spent The goal of the interviews and the role computer was tools play in it. to in each company. understand the design engineering process Investigating the use oi computer tools throughout the product development process was outside the scope of the research; it was decided It was of the ten to focus solely on the design engineering phase of the process. also decided that the research should focus on the design engineering companies developing complex products. Significant differences were noted between simple and complex product development processes. Thus the conclusions reached in this paper will not necessarily apply to the design engineering of all products. The Design Engineering Process Many authors have characterized the product development process as passing through a number of stages. Myers and Marquis [21], for example, describe five stages: and problem solving, solution, and recognition, idea formulation, diffusion. Roberts and Frohman utilization by designating Myers and [22] call for six Marquis' "solution" "prototype solution" and adding "commercial development" as an additional, and we might add, a very important phase. Clark and Fujimoto return to five phases, based on the automobile development process: [8] concept generation, product planning, design engineering, process engineering, and production. Building on these earlier formulations, we will present another characterization of the product development tailored to the current research. goal the is to build a general many different model of product In the Recognition phase, the phase, a design specification for a that a prototype built. is identifies a is design new translated into a set of detailed drawings so In the Prototype Refinement phase, defects are to the prototype. After the decided upon, the Process Engineering phase begins. In design specifications are used to create a process design, which may include flow charts, plant layouts, tool phase has been completed Utilization is for a developed. In the Design removed and additional improvements may be made this phase, the detailed need technology. In the Idea Formulation new product this specification product can be final version of the to development process can be described by company new product or a potential application of a Engineering phase, development which corresponds well complex product development processes studied. In the products studied, the product six phases. The (as and die designs, judged by the success of a pilot etc. When this production run), the and Diffusion phase begins. This research focuses on the Design Engineering phase of the product development process. In the next are presented. section, the observations from these interviews The Field Interviews The Design Engineer's Tob Engineers in the design engineering phase of product development are often organized functionally around either parts of the product or types of analysis Design engineers [17]). responsible for may be assigned a part or group of parts and are then completing the design of those parts (and are often responsible for the parts during the later phases of product develpment). typical (cf. work process (for the The organization of a companies studied) can best be described by an example. The design engineers responsible for the engineering of a gas turbine engine are usually organized around the different parts of the engine- the compressors (which compress and heat air), the turbines (which drive the compressors), the burners (which mix compressed bearings (on which systems all with fuel and ignite the mixture), the shaft and air rotating parts turn), the static structures, (for circulating air, fuel and oil around the engine). The engineer responsible for the engineering of a turbine blade Turbine group, which is responsible for and the overall all would report to the manager parts in that area of the engine. of a This engineer would work with the engineers responsible for the parts adjacent to his: engineers in the Static Structures group, the Shaft and Bearings group, the Systems group, and the group responsible for the next and previous stages in the engine (possibly a Compressor group and the Burner group). In addition, this engineer may be required to work with many other groups. For example, for the design of a turbine blade, the design engineer must work with the Aerodynamics group, who provide Aeromechanics group, who test the Stress and who test for temperature gradients Life Analysis groups, airfoil shapes to the engineer; the vibration properties; the Heat Transfer group, to who ensure that the blade is cooled properly; the check the stresses on and wear of the blades and predict how often they would need to be replaced in the field; the Drafting who add group, dimensional information and additional views to the design to prepare the design information for manufacturing; one or more testing groups, who are responsible for completing the necessary engine certification or qualification tests; which a performance group, specifications are met; and a output of the engine tests the Manufacturing representative, ensure that to who ensures that the part can be built for a reasonable cost in a reasonable period of time. Other groups, such as a materials research laboratory, The engineer responsible as well as work within his own may occasionally be involved. must balance the demands for a part constraints. The Aerodynamics group airfoils for optimal airflow characteristics, while the thicker, stiffer blades to and Aeromechanics groups' goals. may prefers thin Aeromechanics group prefers reduce vibration. The Heat Transfer group cooling channels within the blade, which of each group, conflict may require with both the Aerodynamics Against each of these groups' demands must be balanced the cost and weight of each design alternative. Finally, a design which works well may not be durable, maintainable, have to and thus may or manufacturable, be redesigned, necessitating changes undesirable to any or The overall job of the design engineer requirements. Unfortunately, this is often is when asked groups. one of balancing conflicting done by incorporating perspectives sequentially and iteratively converging on a solution the design engineers, all to describe their job, different (cf. [6]). Many manager." They describe their job as one of coordinating a group of people carry out the bulk of the design time is and analysis work. of used the term "project Most who of the design engineers' spent coordinating efforts between the different groups. Design engineers also perform design and analysis work on analysis performed by the engineers was largely described analyses to understand the feasibility of new as "quick their and own. The dirty"- ideas, or to check the accuracy of results generated by other analysis groups. The engineers do perform some design work. 10 which involves generating new design This possibilities. (in most companies) is the smallest part of the design engineers' work. CAD Systems CAD technology has been applied in many different ways many engineering work, and design engineering work was changed in ways with different the introduction of companies was due engineered and to variations similar systems Two CAD different systems. The divergence in the experience of in part to the different types of products being in the capabilities of different were sometimes applied different groups in the design to to similar tasks in same company doing CAD systems. Yet very different ways. similar tasks sometimes have CAD One significantly different experiences with the same variance, the design engineers believed, the variance in managerial attitudes. Managers structure the work deadlines for engineers. work to is is for design engineers. They have They a large voice in carried out. Managers' attitudes about system. allocate resources to determining how CAD cause of this how and set engineering systems should be applied engineering work varied widely. CAD Systems as Electronic Drafting Some managers saw understandable, as CAD Boards systems as electronic drafting boards. This many managers gained systems were developed and may their engineering experience before not have had the time to learn the technology. Managers of this type often view CAD additional (and, to them, mysterious) features. performance improving on some attitude similar to that of as a drafting They see tasks, but declining on For some CAD new board with some their subordinates' others. Many one manager interviewed: they view the drafting board with a "rr,agic button." is CAD tasks, the productivity adopt an system as a advantages 11 CAD of the system were undeniable. The production of a slightly different version of a previously designed product But this complex his way CAD was accomplished by magic button did not work For tasks such as parts. (which often means on this, this the CAD system very quickly. such as the design of for other tasks, manager new and will require that the task be done the drafting board). Svstems as an Engineering Support Tool Other managers believed different than designing on a drafting board, especially Such managers would require three dimensions. CAD on a that designing if system the is CAD a process very design is done in that all design engineering be done in three dimensions; they stated that, while designing in three more difficult and more time-consuming process, it dimensions is a provides significant benefits. Designing in three dimensions requires greater mental involvement with the part to be designed- completely. it requires that the entire part be considered simultaneously and Design in two dimensions allows some cheating- some important design details can be ignored and left for a downstream process to determine. For example, designing the shape of a turbine blade in two dimensions done by specifying the cross-sectional dimensions of the blade at various points along the blade. During construction of a prototype, a blade connecting the cross sections with straight decide how a process in the exact more to fill lines. which dimensions on errors can be introduced. is When produced by will then that (1) the time to (2) the produce the downstream processes prototypes) are shortened. designing in three dimensions, specified, the part of the design engineer. -lengthened and is The design engineer or smooth this prototype to produce the final surface dimensions- shape of the turbine blade must be effort is The a good deal result of designing in three first set (e.g. which requires of engineering the production drawings and is testing of 12 Some managers for a better simulation also stated that the analysis features of the systems allowed and testing of the design before any hardware was built. For example, an engineer in one automobile company built a model of half of an axle and suspension system. He was able rough road. The simulation travelling over a results performance of an actual axle corresponded well The simulation provided the engineer information about the results. axle to simulate the and suspension production of a months to new that were likely to to CAD two days. The areas of the In the field, the failure of a part, redesigned part, and retest of the part would take complete. The use of a completed in one fail. to test track at least six simulation allowed the same cycle to be result understanding of the design, and a better was first the complexity of the analysis, however, the that the design engineer had a better prototype was completed. Because of first prototype was completed behind schedule. A similar experience was reported in a gas turbine certify (as this can occur during flight). The simulated turbine blade was used to respect. intersection of a simulated bird with a test the performance of the engine Again, the results of this simulation first prototype. Systems and Communication CAD Some in this improved the engineers' understanding of the design and the quality of the CAD engine manufacturer. To an engine for commercial use, the engine must survive the ingestion of birds systems engineers, in when many companies were used to improve communication. trying to explain a design concept to others or resolve a design conflict with others, will often coordinate with others in front of a terminal. The rich representation of the design available on the helps ground conversations and minimizes misunderstandings. help create a common CAD CAD terminal CAD systems can language between groups with different backgrounds and 13 In fact, design engineers will often design in three dimensions, even jargon. designs are still on paper transferred officially if Design engineers to other groups. report that a face-to-face conversation with a three-dimensional model as an aid may be the only way Another use of adequately explain the design to others. to CAD airframe manufacturer. CAD which a When the company This terminal display created a "CAD was projected onto CAD projection-TV screen. a large design the "noise," way drawing of the part in question all parties involved was changed, by the engineer on the terminal. Thus, or simplified in the change, with the engineer in charge of that part using CAD The terminal. to, a large Design Review Room," engineering changes to a part were requested or required, would meet and review added systems as a communication aid was found in they needed to see One it. person's "detail" and with the CAD-based design representation all is all rotated, groups saw the another person's groups could see the design in the manner they preferred. Engineers will also use the systems to coordinate with others by accessing others' design between work Many directly. Engineers parts. systems and check the coordination through fit of those parts with their CAD systems Purchasing organization chooses a geometry and design errors are simple gaps or interferences some companies could in to read' any releases or between these deparments thereby change that occurred group responsible was is in call and purchases them tell anyone made more CAD library by a CAD CAD The in bulk. The which which fasteners are preferable in Purchasing. The coordination efficient. one surveyed organization was the removal of the for integrating the different parts of a large project. replaced, in effect, their own. Another example of characteristics of these parts are placed in a without having on the use of standard parts libraries. is set of fasteners engineers can access. Thus engineers can easily A access other parts file This group containing the designs for the different parts of u The the product. to central CAD file was ensure that the parts they designed with the can be responsible for understanding the parts around A by accessible fit fit and was used by all engineers Each engineer of that engineer's part with the other and for resolving any problems that occur. it, example was found similar conceptual design of a in new automobile is done through When model is digitized and information this is the creation of a clay model. new model is sent to the Packaging The Packaging group determines within the automobile. The an automobile manufacturer. the conceptual design of the exterior of the other groups). all rest of the project. complete, the clay group the placement of (as well as components all "Envelopes" for each area of the car are created, which define the outlines of the space for the passenger compartment, luggage compartment, engine, transmission, drive components, The Packaging group models of all space is where components, and it must place now its it takes much this CAD file to all groups, defining the model, each group and with which group longer to build the major auto components. The the parts CAD transfers a it component envelopes for result, is as large a more complete more and all specification of under the hood leads to less conflict fewer misunderstandings occur. This in turn has led relationships between groups if dowmstream processes. Managers downstream report that this better definition of the space allocation between groups, is three-dimensional model of full however, now knows must negotiate needed. The productivity "impact" on the Packaging group negative- CAD recently started building full three-dimensional envelopes exactly for the groups. With exactly suspension, gas tank, electrical train, etc. and greater productivity. Furthermore, to better this automobile manufacturer believes that the overall development time will be cut significantly. 15 Concurrent Design Although concurrent design was not intended managers interviewed in as an interview topic, every company mentioned some effort to implement concurrent design practices. The level of effort is quite different in different companies, however. One airframe manufacturer has radically changed the organizational structure, physical location, and design process to insure that groups are involved companies, while endorsing concurrent design practices, did encourage engineers to meet companies had tried more implementing little the meetings more that Four often with engineers in other groups. a policy that required the design engineer to meet regularly with representatives from other groups, but these dropped when all and design engineering process. Other in the design were found to efforts were be unproductive. Discussion Managers in every company surveyed exerted a large influence over the design engineers and their use of of the capabilities how and limitations of effectively the systems physical, toward human, and systems. CAD were used Managers' attitudes and knowledge systems were a crucial determinant of (cf. [2], [16], [26]). social capital will In this section the concepts of be used to categorize managers' attitudes CAD systems. Managers views corresponding CAD CAD of to the three systems as physical and some CAD as enabling systems can be classified into three categories types of capital discussed earlier. capital, some improvements as supporting Some managers saw and extending human capital, in social capital. Fhysic3l Capital Some managers saw CAD systems as physical capital, as electronic drafting boards. Managers in this category (such as the manager who saw the CAD system as 16 a drafting system. board with a "magic button") did realize The engineers productivity gains from the deprtments would openly express frustration that could be done withthe systems. much more Human in these son-ie Capital Some managers understood that CAD systems could provide the design engineer a better understanding of the design; they saw or extending human capital. Managers in this CAD systems as supporting category believed that CAD systems allow the design engineer to understand the geometry and characteristics of the design more The detailed representation fully. of the design, coupled with sophisticated rendering capabilities, allow the design engineer to understand the design in more detail. Design engineers working at a CAD terminal reach a "resonance" with the design- an ability to understand the design in great detail- that is not as easy to achieve with a drafting board. With CAD systems the design engineer has in front of him a tool that allows him to work with the design as when appear it is produced. Engineers report that the tool that engineers are able to concentrate The transparency Managers complete a full and on the design and forget about the in this category medium allowed three-dimensional model improve the engineers' others). less to the ability to will in effect "disappears," of the tool enables the design engineer to devote the design process, it more tool itself. attention to of design. their engineers the time necessary to CAD model, as they realized understand the design (and These managers would also allow the time necessary to to it would communicate it to perform detailed analyses of the designs, as they gave the design engineers a better understanding oi the characteristics of the design. Social Capital The third category of in social capital. managers saw The managers m CAD systems as enabling improvements the previous group, while understanding the 17 CAD capabilities of ability of CAD systems as individual support systems to tools, improve communication between individuals groups. These managers took advantage of the ability of "common language" between communicated design information around a central Of CAD file viewed improvements CAD systems in the copier and human and 7 viewed capital, This rating in social capital. is as physical capital, 6 unambiguously company Managers were not asked subordinates. In every is viewed CAD CAD or the was always models, checking the fit at least of the systems as enabling the subjective judgement an of different applications of this had companies, but were supported by management 8: Factors Affecting the There are many systems are used and make management CAD These enablers CAD with the in some Systems systems for various fall model in others. how CAD which uses the systems can be applied. These possible the use of referred to as enablers. Use of to fight the to others organizational policies and actions that affect to CAD one engineer building three-dimensional model with other engineers, analyzing Engineers such as aid. of the their systems by the managers' with whatever tools were available, and explaining the design as systems as to classify themselves. company, there was evidence systems. There CAD model CAD based upon the interviews with the managers and subordinates, as well as the actual use of actions CAD the automobile Packaging group. supporting or extending Section to act as a the 29 managers interviewed in the ten complex product development processes, 16 authors, systems company, enabling improvements a such as the removal of the integrating group CAD in different and (where possible) used different specialties design review rooms. They understood that improved layout from did not understand the activities, policies and and are thus into three general categories: basic 18 enablers, which allow the use of enahlers, which allow coordination enahlers, CAD systems as physical capital; and extend human the systems to support which allow improvements human support capital; and in social capital. Basic Enablers Good very More how Training: little Many to teach training classes (including those offered an engineer how often, these classes provide an introduction by most vendors) do technology to the tasks to features, but little those features should be used. By the time the user has learned the basic features to his or her forgotten. The best CAD own job, the and complete to class, Good Support A good support group to tailor the accessible to guidance on how to apply features have been that task by the end keep the system operational, and will respond system hand. company-specific and must respond quickly S low Hardware/Inefficient Software tasks. A to users' requests good support group must be to requests. : hardware and software. Engineering involvement with the work. of the class. will provide assistance to users in learning : features, will more advanced at training classes require that the engineer bring a design problem from the workplace new CAD apply to Many is engineers are working on outdated a process which requires great mental Having concentration broken by slow response time can drastically affect productivity. With the cost of machine power falling rapidly and the cost of labor increasing, upgrade difficult. their systems. it is Yet without understandable this, Unfortunately, response time why many companies wait to design in three dimensions can be too is not dependent on machine hardware alone- poor response time can be caused by poorly designed software as well. 19 Ease of Use and Usefulness : A system that overly con-iplex in is its that lacks functionality will not allow organizations to gain the full CAD execution or one advantage of technology. Human Su pport Enablers Managerial Understanding of capabilities and limitations CAD Systems : managers do not understand the If of their subordinates' systems, they cannot adequately judge their subordinates' behavior. The drafting board provided the manager with instant feedback on subordinates' progress; measuring work progress with systems requires that the manager understand CAD model. This is much who understand CAD proposed new curve costs are easier CAD if when progress has been capabilities are CAD made on a known. Further, managers technology can more accurately gauge the benefits of a application, and can better guess whether the financial and learning justified. Enforcing Three-dimensional Usage : Engineers sometimes resist designing in three dimensions. The design takes longer to complete and must be thought through more completely; much greater concentration is required in the process. Yet designing in three-dimensions allows other activities to occur: • Designing in three-dimensions with surfaces or solids provides a A manufacturability check. surface or solid models, much it is rule of thumb is: "if it is difficult to design with impossible to manufacture." In addition, easier for an experienced manufacturing engineer to it is check a three- dimensional model for manufacturability. • When designing in three-dimensions there engineers can work from the is less duplication of effort- same model. When designing dimensions, the analysis groups must construct their own in all two three-dimensional 20 models, which want also may to see the be different from one another. The different groups model from can all a different angles, or see different Or\ly with three-dimensional representation information about the model. • may groups work from the same model. With three-dimensional design, to others, as the design there is a greater ability to explain the design can be rotated and (if surfaces or solids are used) the design can be shaded and hidden lines removed. Coordinat ion Enablers Required Use of requirement for created strict on CAD One CAD : use, CAD systems. major step that i.e. many companies never make the requirement that CAD will impose information from the Moving a cost non-CAD the Official Design on those CAD is the products be systems, coupled with systems. Those engineers who do and who need who to access design user. Document onto CAD When CAD : generate a paper document which becomes the make CAD new parts for Often, the learning curve for deadline pressures, will inhibit the use of do not use all official models are used to design document, the urge to last-minute changes to the paper document only can be quite strong take ten minutes to erase and change the paper, while accessing the file (it may on CAD, changing the model and generating a new drawing can take hours). Yet coordination through the CAD data files is much more difficult if all design information cannot be accessed, or the design information on the system is not current. One Model : Different groups may need to see the design in different ways. Returning to the turbine blade example, an Aerodynamics group is concerned with 21 airflow lines, while an Aeromechanics group A surfaces. strategy and more prone less efficient use, or the initial if which requires model is to errors Adding Intelligence to the Design amount information to those effective. CAD File file transfer in who must quickly. if a single If model all to is own model translated for is much all to access. there exists an organizational norm that the access : A file it, will provide a richer source of and thus make coordination through naming convention CAD for design data files can aid design data by engineers, and thus enables coordination by some instances. Standardized Use of Levels coordination. : CAD Naming Conventions in the location of the CAD than its of information possible about the design should be placed in the with the geometry, then the more concerned with cross-sectional complete enough for greatest file is each group construct that Naming : Naming CAD systems for levels helps other engineers locate the parts of interest Further, standards for geometric information of levels can aid in the use of is where design data is placed and where non- placed can aid in the understanding of another engineer's work. Network Transparency The : current work area is ability to easily access others' important to using Incompatibility of systems and data communication networks can CAD fUes. all CAD files, work and bring it into the systems for coordination. or technical problems with affect the engineers' ability to work with others' 22 Presence of a CAD implementation of the presence of a Design Review CAD CAD : characteristic of the technology that allows improvements design review room- a room with a to a projection-screen television. coordinate work Room Another Such rooms are helpful in CAD using in coordination is terminal connected CAD to across groups (as discussed earlier). Conclusions There are four specific observations that are important some there are significant production-related benefits of CAD to emphasize. First, Even systems. if CAD systems are used solely as electronic drafting boards, some productivity gains will be achieved. Second, common CAD systems, language or set of references. and interdependent groups The combination when used as This to conversations, create a common language allows differentiated communicate about design-related to effectively of a face-to-face meeting representation of the design lead to a an aid and the medium of availability of a rich communication that and is issues. flexible both unique and powerful. Third, while the way CAD systems engineering work is done, The manager who believed the CAD be directly responsible for some changes many changes initial sales work is CAD systems can lead to large it CAD CAD gateway innovation- an innovation CAD that is in productivity, but to only CAD allows them to be used as a important for the other innovations systems should be evaluated for their design changes, and not expected systems. takes for engineers to produce improvements medium in systems was misled. reorganized to take advantage of the features of the systems. systems' effectiveness as a communication allows. are only enabled by pitches for systems do not necessarily decrease the time drawings. the may ability' to enable productive automatically cause changes. it if 23 Finally, the what appear to most productive changes enabled by be productivity losses improve coordination result in More more w^ork is The use level. earlier, and the productivity gains downstream It is CAD of and more result that is may (e.g. in Many companies other group to may being resolved early. conflicts it take longer to complete some to occur, as the the prototype refinement phase) can be may lead to significant downstream are experimenting with or have gains. implemented concurrent design methods. Concurrent design practices force the design engineer other groups systems imjxjrtant that these apparent productivity "losses" be recognized as an "investment," as they all entail in the early stages of the design engineering process issues being raised early done group may systems Schedules should be adjusted to allow these changes initial tasks. significant. at the CAD when making to work with design decisions. Rather than working with each sequentially and iteratively converging on a solution, a concurrent design process will require the design engineer to involve design decisions. The communication demands are thus all other groups in much greater. design has some dear benefits: a wider involvement in the design engineers' understanding of other groups' specialties and (2) (1) all Concurrent increases changes engineers' relationships with other groups. Instead of only seeing a small part of the process, individuals from different groups are invited into the central flow of the product development process. This makes the tense, and conflicts that inevitably occur much less easier to resolve. CAD systems have the potential to within the product development process. improve the If CAD design information, concurrent design meetings the entire process may be more design information enabled by inefficient to be worthwhile. effective. CAD ability to coordinate systems are used to may become more Without the effective systems, concurrent design work communicate productive, and communication of may be too 24 CAD systems will not cause any major changes by themselves, but changes that can lead to significant productivity gains. CAD systems may systems are used limitations of if is CAD they are to see a not be sufficient to enable important. may enable Further, the simple use of some changes- way the Managers must understand the in which the capabilities and systems, as well as the nature of the changes the systems enable, full return on their CAD systems investment. 25 BIBLIOGRAPHY [I] Adler, [2] Technologies, New Skills," pp. 9-28, Fall 1986. "New P. Vol. XXIX, No. 1, California Management Revie-j:, Adler, P.S. and Helleloid, D.A. "Effective Implementation of Integrated xModel," IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. CAD/CAM: A 34, [3] No. 2, pp. 101-107, May EM- 1987. CADCAM Affuso, T. and Sevak, N. "Integration Through Translation: The at Xerox," Computers in Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 2, Probe Pilot pp. 14-24, Sept. 1983. [4] Bradford, D. "Through the Labyrinth of Solids Modeling," Mechanical 3, pp. 30-34, Mar. 1988. Engineering, Vol. 110, No. [5] Bull, R.J. 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