4^' 2 ^^j [UBfiAIIES. ^ DBN HD28 .M414 hb.%1 -n ENDOGENOUS MODEUNG OF LATE ENTRY PENALTIES FOR PACKAGED GOODS by Gurumurthy Kalyanaram' and Glen L. Urban^ March 1992, WP #3412-92MSA MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 ENDOGENOUS MODELING OF LATE ENTRY PENALTIES FOR PACKAGED GOODS by Gurumurthy Kalyanaram^ and Glen L. Urban^ March 1992, WP #3412-92MSA 'The University of Texas at Dallas ^MIT Sloan School of Management i 1992 Endogenous Modeling of Late Entry Penalties for Packaged Goods by Gurumurthy Kalyanaram and Glen L. Urban ABSTRACT This paper extends previous single equation analysis by the authors (1992) which found significant innate order of entry penalties that were modified by promotion, price, distribution and advertising levels. In this paper endogenous effects of order of entry on the marketing variables and the decision to enter early itself are captured in a recursive structural equation model of market share. The statistical analysis of this extended model finds significant relationships between order of entry and the level of marketing variables. In addition, significance is found in the correlation between entry order and the expected market share of the new product and the rate of growth of earnings per share, but not the size of the firm. Surprisingly, the endogenous effects increase rather than decrease the size of the innate market share penalty for late entry relative to the value estimated in the original single equation model. INTRODUCTION Numerous previous papers have documented the empirical relationship of early entry with market share advantages (e.g. Robinson 1988a, Robinson and Fornell 1985, 1986, Perry and Bass 1989). Recently al. effects of later entry purpose of this on market share paper is to in Urban et. Kalyanaram and Urban (1992) studied the dynamic packaged goods with a single equation model. The extend that model by examining endogenous effects that could change the estimated magnitude and significance of the order of entry penalties. We briefly review their single equation model and results and then propose a structural equation model that examines the endogenous effects of order of entry on marketing variables and the possibility that We order itself is endogenous and a function of the skill present the empirical results of applying the new model and power of the to the original data, firm. examine the existence and magnitude of the innate order of entry effects, analyze the sensitivity of the structure, and close with an identification of directions for future research. The Kalyanaram and Urban (1992) model is is shown in equation a function of order of entry, marketing variables, product quality, S,, = Ef Df, ^ PL Ml aI Cl(i-e-*^-'*/^^'^) See Kalyanaram and Urban (1992) of the model and estimation. 1. It states that share and time dynamics ^ (1) for a complete description = S|, Ratio of share of period E| = Order D,| = Ratio = Pj, ith brand ith brand, brand to share of first to enter the category as of t of entry of of distribution of Ratio of price of ith i = 2, 3, brand ith brand ... N to distribution of first to price of first brand brand period in in period t t Mj, = Ratio of promotion of Aj( = Ratio of advertising expenditure of ith brand to advertising expenditure of in Oi t a, period = Ratio = /3, Time period The brand promotion of to first brand in ith brand to quality of first since the introduction of 7 = first brand brand i to the market Parameters ratio of share of the nth an exponent. t brand brand to the first entrant is a nonUnear function of the order of entry times the effects of marketing variables (ratioed to the to period t of quaHty of Y> S, 6) e, 0, ith This suggests there is first entrant) an "innate" order of entry effect modified by marketing actions and product quality. The final decreasing marginal rate of growth to an asymptote and is term in ( equation E" 1 all ) raised that is reflects a described by an exponential function which depends on the order of entry of the brand. Nonlinear time series cross sectional parameters of the model (eq. 1) statistical procedures were used to estimate the based on data from Behaviorscan UPC data and Leading National Advertisers from 18 later entrants (order of entry 2 or greater). Significant results were found for all variables at the ten percent level and the order of entry penalty was -.4 (see table 1 for a review of the original single equation results). There are two major threats endogenous entry phenomena. to First the If this is arising from possible marketing variables may themselves be a function of order of entry. For example, the level of advertising entrants. model the validity of the may be not modeled, the "innate" order effect systematically lower for later may in fact be the structure of spending of later entrants and not a true market penalty. Similar arguments apply to price, promotion, and distribution. The second threat is that entry itself may be endogenous. Vanhonacker and Day (1987) discussed this as an example of an area where reverse regression Boulding, and Goodstein (1991) explicitly suggest that entry and resources of the be biased and firm. When may even be this is true, they show endogenous itself. We paper we develop an effects of order of entry apply it to the original skills build an endogenous model for in estimation. simultaneous equation model that includes the explicit on the Moore, a function of the order of entry effects, but they show the dangers of ignoring the effect In this relevant. that the underlying order effect will They do not of opposite sign. may be is levels of marketing variables and the entry order Kalyanaram and Urban data and examine the model structure on the estimation of the innate order effects of effect. RECURSIVE EQUATION MODEL The first add equations is equation for similar in form. in our new model is the same one discussed above (eq. 1). We each of the marketing variables and entry where each variable equation The variable, say promotion (M), is modeled as a function of the order of entry of the brand, the market share of the brand 12 weeks before, and relative promotion lagged 12 weeks: M,, = E^ m/,1,, S^Uz (2) U^' where N M,, = (2a) 2li J=2 U = Ml, constant jLii, M31 Mj The threat to = parameters inclusion of order of entry as an the validity. If The market share is -- - the variable substituted in equation examine our say late 1 will included based on the notion that market share promotion rather than promotion causing share. more promotion expenditure, make factor allows us to the variables are determined by order systematically have lower promotion fact. endogenous this the relationship recursive If more share that it takes entries reflect this may cause allows the firm to "afford" simultaneity should be included in a on the assumption first good model. some time We (say 4 weeks) to some time learn of share changes and seen weekly and even daily the market. With in shorter, but we feel these lags are report sensitivity to A term to number reflect (say 8 weeks) to UPC will may be analyze (1983-88). We of lag periods later in this paper. (all brands except the { ith capture the reactions of our promotion to competitors. we may that will be shares available the lags appropriate for the period we promotion of competitors promotion of other brands implement the changes react after an appropriate lag (again assumed M ) is brand). If as 12 calculated as the average This term is designed to competitors increase promotion weeks) to match their increases. This competitive reaction could affect the estimation of the order of entry parameter if the reduction of shares of later entrants was because early entrants reacted to the competitive new product effort would be due to and defended 1 The where we original is penalties in this case ratio all variables to the first model in The relative ratioed to a similar relative price for the leader in the spirit of equation 1 more comprehensive brand to enter (see equation 2a). does include some competitive effects by ratioing the promotion variable of the nth entry to the provides a The apparent share competitive reaction and not innate order of entry. competitive price variable equation their share. structure to first entry, but the new model (eqs. 1 to 5) remove any competitive phenomena from the estimation of the innate order of entry effect by modeling competitive effects on share and on the variable levels themselves. Similar equations are developed for price, distribution and advertising. -^i •c^it ^it-12 '-'it-12 ^ where 77 J=l p '' -' (3a) 2li N J =2 V = Constant Pi, P2, P3, P4 = parameters Wi ~ <*>5 —Wl (4) where N E 7=1 j^i ^i= 7/ J -2 W = constant z;.,/;/-! ' (4a) G)p (1)2, (O3, (1)4, = parameters •"it •'^i '"it-12 '-'it-12 ^ ^ ' where N 4I A.,/N-l J=l A it-12 -"^ (5a) Jj^i y^ J =2 X = ^v constant ^4 ^2' ^35 The = parameters final equation of our model describes entry as a function of expected market share and the firm's size and performance. potential, it is we would expect If the firm potential. accurate entry to be early where share potential low (see Prescott and Visscher 1977 and Lane 1980). foresight is We is in predicting share high and later where begin by assuming perfect and use the maximum share achieved by the nth brand as the measure of share Later in this paper we relax the assumption of perfect forecasting and examine the sensitivity of imperfect foresight on the model's parameters. We use the size of the firm introducing the nth brand as a surrogate for market 8 power. Large firms like the like Proctor and Gamble would have large sales values White Mountain Wine Cooler Company would have small good predictor of entry we would expect the smaller order of entry values). As of earnings per share over 5 years. and small firms sales values. If size is a coefficient to be negative (larger size leads to a surrogate for skill we use the average rate of growth This presumes that firms with high earnings per share growth are doing their management job better than other packaged goods firms. The entry equation is cross sectional and is: ~V, V, V, E^ = Si' Ri' Zi' Y V (6) * where = 5j anticipated share defined as the Rj = first ratio of maximum market = average earnings per share growth over ratio of total dollar sales for brand's firm Y Vp = V;, V3, in Constant, V4 ith brand divided by brand, average earnings per share over Z| share of = parameters. 1986, five brand years for the i's five years for ith first brand to brand, firm to the total dollar sales for first DATA AND ESTIMATION Our data reflects 18 later entrants in the categories of: tartar control toothpaste, hi- fiber cereals, frozen gel tooth paste, measures orange drink, frozen pineapple and ibuprofen pain in eight relievers.' juice, wine coolers, microwave popcorn, The data are based on store level UPC markets for share, distribution, price and promotion provided by IRI. Across the 18 later entrants there were 1241 weekly observations providing an average of 69 weeks per entry. Advertisers We . Advertising expenditure data was obtained from Leading National One measure use a brand specific not specified in is missing dummy in the data to support equation to capture one -- product quality. brand quality and other unique brand attributes the model. Estimation was done by three stage non-linear least squares methods (SAS "sysnlin") applied to the system of equations (eq. 1-6) after log transforms had been applied to each equation. Table 1 shows the new and old model estimation We would Resources Inc. for 8 IRI BEHAVIORSCAN records from over period October 31, ^ results. like to acknowledge and thank Information providing this data to us. The data represents (tm) cities. The data includes store scanner 75 supermarkets and 25 drug stores over the 1983 to January 15, 1988. 10 TABLE 1 SHARE EQUATION Recursive Equation Single Equation Model Estimates Model Estimates 70% R^ 91% Parameters Asymptotic Entry -a- -0.79 (-18.33)*** Distribution Price -Y- Advertising Expenditure -5- -0- .70 (1.63) (13.74)* -0.82 Rate of Growth -0- -.31 (8.18)*= 0.04 .33 (1.40) (30.97)* 0.19 .04 (16.62)*** Growth Term constant (-14.02)^ -0.20 (6.43)*** Promotion Dollar -.40 0.33 (6.71)*' 2.93 (1.70)* (1.94)* -0.57 -5.64 (-1.60) 11 (-1.87)* Brand Specific Constants Brand 1 -.30 (-1.82)** Brand 2 -.91 (-7.02)*** Brand 3 .06 (.059) Brand 4 -.41 (-3.32)*** Brand 5 Brand 6 -.85 (-8.57)*' -3.37 (-4.67)*' (.40) .52 .49 -.75 -.42 -.02 (-1.02) Brand 10 (-13.38)' (1.64)* (2.93)*** Brand 9 -.42 .03 (7.11)*** Brand 8 (-7.45)*' .22 (2.09)** Brand 7 -.42 .02 (.87) 12 (5.58)*' -.83 (-8.70)*' -.46 (-7.25)*' -.67 (-7.61)*' .40 (4.49)*' Brand 11 Brand 12 Brand 13 Brand 14 Brand 15 Brand 16 Brand 17 (-) *** ** * = t value 1% 5% 10% -.02 PROMOTION EQUATION Entrv Order (R- = 16%) -0.69 Ml (-3.28)^ Promotion Reaction 0.09 M2 (-3.28)" Share 0.43 M3 ( Constant 8.39)" 0.23 M4 ( 0.91) PRICE EQUATION Entrv Order 0.20 Pi ( Price Reaction P2 (R^ 444^*** -0.04 (-0.49) Share P3 -0.02 (-2.51)** Constant P4 -0.26 (-5.25)*** 14 = 8%) DISTRIBUTION EQUATION Entry Order (R^ = 30%) (R' = 41%) -0.24 0>i (-4.61)*** Distribution Reaction 0.01 0)2 ( Share 0.94) 0.16 o>. (13.08)*** Constant 0.15 Od ( 2.36)** ADVERTISING EQUATION Entry Order -3.73 r?i (-7.30)*** Advertisement Reaction 0.48 r}-, ( Share ^3 8.36)*** 1.54 (11.99)*** Constant '74 6.28 (10.12)*** 15 ENTF Anticipated Share Average % Change Earnings per Share Growth Total Sales of the Company Constant in Adding the new equations are generally smaller. model resulted to the some of in previous brand specific effects being captured in the other model parameters. significant values of dummy variables new model in the the The are similar to their counterparts in the original single equation model. The promotion equation expenditure. Later entrants spend systematically higher order of entry pioneer). Share to higher indicates that entry is -- in promotion significantly correlated to less on promotion (i.e. later entrants -- are associated with lower values of promotion relative to the also significantly related to promotion expenditure. The can be expected is R"^ promotion with higher shares being correlated value is modest at 16% so considerable variation the estimated values of promotion that are used in equation 1 to predict share. Similar significance in the relationships between entry and price, advertising, and Later entrants have higher prices, spend distribution are found. obtain less distribution coverage. indicating high share as is Share is less on advertising, and positively related to each of the variables correlated with lower prices, higher advertising, and more distribution would be expected. The competitive advertising is reaction terms are insignificant in three of four cases. Only in there a significant relationship between the nth brand's marketing variable level and the lagged average variable level for competitors. As the advertising of other firms increases the nth brand advertising tends to increase after a 12 competitive effects is consistent with the findings of week lag. The lack of large Robinson (1988b) based on PIMS data. Share and entry effects on the marketing variables appear to be more significant and larger 17 than competitive reaction effects. Order of entry maximum values). share. 6) is found to be significantly related to the expected Higher share expectations are correlated with earlier entry (lower entry The change significant at the itself (eq. in earnings per share are negatively correlated with entry order and one percent level. Financially successful, growing firms tend to be earlier entrants in this packaged goods industry. These findings support the notion that entry exogenous, but rather an endogenous phenomena related to the firm's entering high potential markets early. Size of firm is skill not and strategy of not correlated to entry, so evidence of firm and scale correlation to early entry is we have no in this data. Overall the effects of entry on the level of variables and the endogenous entry value itself are very significant in this data. However even after these significant effects are found, the innate order of entry market share penalty (a) in equation penalty increases there is in 1 is preserved. In fact, the magnitude rather than decreasing or disappearing. This implies that an underlying market generated penalty for late entry even though have lower promotion, advertising, distribution levels and higher prices. later entrants Similarly early entrants have good foresight and high firm financial performance, but this does not them from being subject to market share penalties if they do enter remove late. SENSITIVITY We tested the model sensitivity to 2 to 5), and imperfect foresight (eq. 6). equation structure, number of lag periods (see eq. See table 18 2. TABLE (a) 2: SENSITIVITY ANALYSES STRUCTURAL EQUATIONS Asymptotic Entry fa) Share Equation Only (eq. 1) -.40 (-14.02)*** Share Plus Marketing Efforts Equations (eq. --79 1 to 5) (-18.39)*** Share Plus Entry Equations (eqs. 1 and -.52 6) (-17.39)*** Share Plus Marketing Efforts Plus Entry Equations (eqs. 1 to 6) -.79 (-18.33)*** (b) TIME PERIOD LAGS (WEEKS) Lag Weeks 12 -.79 (-18.33)*** 8 -.67 (-16.37)*** 4 -.72 (-19.13)*** -.71 (-22.19)*** 19 (c) FORESIGHT mean -.78 (-16.41)^ standard variance .04 Table 2a shows the innate order of entry parameter values (a) single share equation (eq.l), share equation plus the equation and entry (eq. and 6 only 1 innate order of entry parameter single share equation model ), and the model (eqs. and larger and twelve week is to 6). in In to 5), share all cases the magnitude than the estimated for the complete model (eqs. lags in the response to share the marketing variable equations (eq. 2 to 5). in 1 1 (eq. 1). to 6) with zero, four, eight, competitors marketing variables (eqs. significant, negative is In table 2b the order of entry parameter 1 full for the case of the The changes and values are similar in all cases and suggest that the model results with respect to innate order of entry are not sensitive to the lag period. Finally predicting the we examined maximum the 18 observed estimations. the sensitivity of the estimation to a lack of perfect foresight in share maximum ( 5 , in eq. 6). We calculated the standard deviation across shares and assuming a normal distribution conducted 25 simulated In each simulation the maximum share for each brand was defined as the observed data plus the value from a random draw from the normal distribution average order of entry parameter (a) was -.78 (see table model value of -.79. The standard 1) and almost (o, a). identical to the The new deviation of the estimated order of entry parameters was 20 .04. Overall the estimation of order penalties on the share potential of a new brand in is robust with respect to imperfect foresight our model equations. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE RESEARCH Modeling the endogenous relationship between order of entry and the level of promotion, price, distribution, and advertising and the relationship between order of entry and expected share and the firm's financial magnitude of the estimated innate penalty for performance, leads to an increase late entry. in the This finding supports theories that argue for structural underlying phenomena that account for why the customers grant early entrant advantages based on economics (e.g Lane 1980, Schmalensee 1982, and Hauser and Wernerfelt 1990) and behavioral information processing Hutchinson 1987). Our results statistical support experimental analyses that found pioneering rewards Urban, et. al. 1986, (e.g. previous (e.g. Sujan 1985 and Alba and empirical statistical and Robinson and Fornell 1985, Robinson 1988, Carpenter and Nakamoto 1989, and Kardes and Kalyanaram 1992). The strategic implications of our early entry but this effect can model are that a share reward can be obtained by be overridden by aggressive marketing by Conversely later entrants should expect to obtain a lower share even that performs Our data at a parity level and has the same marketing support indicates that such parity is not common if later entrants. they have a product levels as the pioneer. because we observe later entrants higher prices and lower promotion, distribution, and advertising levels. Despite have this observation, the early entrant would be wise to preempt the potential product positioning 21 advantages of later entrants and aggressively support their brand maximum share advantages. demonstrated skill as The in in earnings per share and foresight statistical understanding entry phenomena, potential of entering a new market, if a and managerial significance manager were forecasting the model would be more the original single equation appropriate than the recursive structural equation model. variable levels in market opportunities. Although our recursive equations demonstrate which are useful they want to secure firms that are most likely to enter early are those with measured by the growth identifying high share potential it" The order of entry and marketing would be known so the new equations would not be needed values and marketing variable levels; the loss of estimation precision to predict entry equations 2 to in 5 could be avoided. Two directions of future research are evident. First our model could be extended to account for the time between entrants (Brown and Lattin 1990) and include structures that assess how enduring the entry advantage is (Robinson and Huff, 1991). We currently do not include the interval between entrants or the length of time the pioneer was in the market before a second brand entered. The second causes of the innate order of entry effect. might explain the effect, direction of research is to find the fundamental Because behavioral and economic phenomena more behavioral experiments are needed causative relationship between market share and order of entry. 22 to uncover the underlying REFERENCES AJba, Joseph W. and J. Wesley Hutchinson (1987), "Dimensions of Consumer Expertise", Journal of Consumer Research, 13 (March), 411-54. Brown, Christina and James M. Lattin (1990), "The Headstart Effect a Source of Pioneering Advantage," Working Paper, Stanford Business School, Palo Alto, CA. 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