Certification System Information for Professional-Technical Instructors

A step by step guide
for Instructors
Washington Administrative Code requires certification for
all full-time, and some part-time, professional-technical
http://www.mrsc.org/mc/wac/wac 131 title/wac 131 - 16 chapter/wac 131 - 16 -092.htm
The chief workforce administrator’s office establishes
instructor accounts
Enter resume information
Self-assess skills as a prof-tech instructor
Create a professional development plan
4. Carry out planned activities
Once your instructor account has been established, you can log into the
system using your full e-mail address (usually your college e-mail
address) and the password that was e-mailed to you.
Follow the guided steps to:
1) Enter your resume information
2) Complete a self-assessment
3) Develop your professional
development plan (PDP).
You can change your password on this page
if you like, which is highly recommended.
Follow the steps to enter your
educational background.
September 06
If you don’t hold any professional
licenses, you can skip this section.
If you don’t have any former teaching
experience, you can skip this section.
If you don’t have any other working
experience, you can skip this section.
If you see something that needs editing
or you want to add to your resume, you
can click any of the buttons to the right
This self-assessment will guide the development of your
professional development plan. As you evaluate your skills,
select 5 total “activities” from the self-assessment as areas
in which you would like to focus your professional
development over the next few years.
More detailed information regarding the skills standards for
prof-tech instructors can be found online at:
Only standards A, B and D
are required. Other
standards are optional.
[For this Example only]
Experienced instructors in
particular may wish to
select activities from other
If you can’t finish the selfassessment in one go, it’s
ok to log off and return to it
– the responses you’ve
entered will be saved.
Be sure to evaluate Level of Importance on the left side
and how well you feel you’re performing the activity on
the right side.
Standards in black are not
required, but you can
evaluate yourself in this
and other non-required
areas if you wish. You may
also select activities from
non-required standards as
those areas you would like
to work on.
Once you’ve completed
Standard D [For this Example only] ,
you may choose to click
through to the end of the selfassessment, or you can
evaluate yourself in Standards
E-J, which are not required.
Standard J is the last standard.
Click on next to finish.
If you get here and realize that you
haven’t selected a minimum of five
activities to work on, or have selected
more than five and would like to limit
your focus to five, click on Previous to
revise your selections.
If you want to review your self-assessment one more time
before sending it on to your supervisor, but don’t have time to
do so right now, it’s ok to log off at this point.
When you log back in, you can review your self-assessment
and then forward it to your supervisor.
Be sure to contact your dean’s office to review your self-assessment.
Print a copy of the self assessment to take with you.
The certification system will automatically e-mail you when your dean has
approved your self-assessment. Once you receive that e-mail, log back
into the system to begin your Professional Development Plan.
Options for how to address your selected activities are varied. Depending on
the activity and what you feel you need to do to improve your skills, you may
choose to attend a class (one-day or quarter-long), participate in a
conference on the subject, research the subject on your own, work with your
advisory committee to learn more, or get back to industry. [May vary by college]
Your dean can help you select activities that will be most effective for you.
Be sure to click save if you need to
exit the program before completing
the plan entry.
Once you complete your Professional Development Plan you’ll have
3-5 years to complete the activities, so you’ll be able to spread out
the activities over that time-frame.
Don’t click “Go” until you’ve completed the plan.
Clicking “Go” before you finish will forward the plan to
your supervisor, and will block you from completing
the plan.
Do click “Go” once your plan is complete. This will forward
the plan to your supervisor.
Contact your dean’s office to schedule an appointment to
review the plan. Bring a printed copy of your plan.
Once your professional development plan
has been fully approved by your dean and
the chief workforce administrator, the
system will notify you with your new
certificate expiration date.
Congratulations – now you can begin completing
your activities!
Be sure to e-mail and/or meet with your dean as you
complete your activities. Your dean will be able to
mark the completion of the activities in the system.
For a copy of your plan, click on “Professional
Development Plan” on the left.
Feel free to contact me …
Greg Gamble
SBCTC - Olympia
P: 360-704-4376
E: ggamble@sbctc.edu