Office of Financial Management Washington State Major Project Status Report December 31, 2007 FINAL PROJECT STATUS REPORT Agency Number: 699 Agency: SBCTC Project Number: 04-1-306 / 05-3-014 GA State Project # 2003-199 School/Campus: Pierce College Fort Steilacoom Project Title: Health Education Center Also referenced as Health Science & Wellness Complex (Renovation project) and Student Fitness and Recreation Center (COP Project) Bill Reference(s): Chapter 520, Laws of 2007, Section 5164 Chapter 488, Laws of 2005, Section 778 Chapter 26, Laws of 2003, Section 800 (5) (a) HB2573 Laws of 2004 (904) (6) (k) Pierce Ft. Steilacoom - $5,000,000 Laws of 2005 (909) (5) (n) Pierce Ft. Steilacoom - $5,000,000 Contact: Jim Taylor Director of Facilities Pierce College District (253) 964-6588 Project Description: This project is located in the City of Lakewood, Pierce County. The project is a renovation of the College’s swimming pool, closed since the February 28, 2001 earthquake, and of the adjoining fitness center. Additionally, the facility has been expanded to include a new lobby and a student-funded gymnasium. The project restructures space housing locker rooms, exercise area, reception/lobby area, laundry, storage and related custodial, mechanical, and electrical spaces, and replaces the space occupied by the swimming pool and pool mechanical equipment area with classrooms, laboratory, faculty and staff offices and health education space. The basic structure is retained. A new entry is added to the building to clearly identify access to the facility and provide an improved pedestrian connection to other campus buildings. The student-funded gymnasium is configured to accommodate academic, recreational, intramural and athletic programs and activities as well as the ability to support other performance events and speaker presentations. Project design incorporates sustainable design practices and will, to the greatest extent possible, set LEED Silver as the design standard, although LEED Silver certification may not be achieved 1 in this project. The project incorporates such features as radiant floor systems and makes use of natural ventilation and day lighting enhancements. Square feet: 19,984 Renovation 25,555 COP Total 45,539 Scope changes: The original project scope was reduced by approximately 5,700 square feet in view of significantly increased construction costs. Programming capabilities remain largely intact but one classroom has been eliminated and the overall building footprint is reduced. In order to preclude further scope reductions and therefore ensure that the project remained viable, funds from various repair and minor improvement appropriations were redefined to support the project. These are detailed in the following section. Project Total Cost: Phase Predesign Design Construction Other (Approp/Non Approp) Biennium 2003-05 2003-05 2003-05 2003-05 2005-07 2005-07 2003-05 2003-05 2003-05 2005-07 2005-07 2005-07 Sub-Totals Appropriation G42 Fund 057 R10 Fund 147 G42 Fund 057 R10 Fund 147 G42 Fund 057 R10 Fund 147 G42 AP3C H13 AP5C H14 AP5D H37 AP5B Amount $ 0 Ren $ 20,000COP $ 538,646 Ren $ 546,354COP $4,429,112 Ren $4,492,488COP $ 256,084 Ren $ 259,749COP $ 515,388 Ren $ 160,000 Ren $ 90,000 Ren $ 268,845 Ren $6,258,075 Ren $5,318,591COP $11,576,666 Total MACC = $ 4,197,600 Renovation $ 4,028,400 COP Total $ 8,226,000 2 In order to proceed with contract award and ensure a successful project, repair and minor improvement funds were redefined in order to support this project. Amounts drawn from these accounts are based on the cost engineer’s estimates and were dedicated to accomplishing “like work” in the renovated portion of the existing building. A total of $970,000 was applied to the project as follows: $480,000 redefined from Cascade Building HVAC replacement to Health Education HVAC replacement $160,000 redefined from Cascade roof replacement to Health Education roof replacement $90,000 redefined from Cascade fire protection upgrades to Health Education fire protection $240,000 redefined from Minor Works-Program to Health Education renovation Schedule: Predesign Complete Start Design Bid Date Notice to Proceed 50% Complete Substantial Completion Final Acceptance Budget Schedule 6/30/02 07/01/03 04/28/05 05/10/05 10/15/05 02/01/06 04/30/06 Actual/Forecast 07/05/03 02/03/06 03/06/06 01/01/07 09/24/07 01/15/08 Variance (wks) 0 36 38 62 84 86 Project Status and discussion of Critical Path for Construction: The project was originally bid on April 8, 2005. Bids received were all well above project cost estimates and available funding. Additionally, subsequent to the start of renovation design, a companion project in the form of a student funded Certificate of Participation was authorized by the Legislature. The COP project has been incorporated into the renovation design and the two funded projects were built as a single structure. The incorporation of the COP project with the renovation project caused delays in project design. The failure of the initial bid effort in April 2005 further compounded project delay and resulted in re-design costs. The project was successfully rebid in February 2006. We encountered some degree of unexpected site conditions and have endured weather delays due to historically high levels of precipitation and storm related power outages in November and December 2006. Contract extensions were awarded to the contractor. Substantial completion occurred in time to occupy and utilize the facility by very early in the Fall 2007 school term. 3 Contract Award History A/E Agreement Original Agreement Amendments Pending Changes Total Current Design Contingency Construction Contract (excl. sales tax) Bid Award Amount $8,226,000 Change Orders $ 706,500 Pending Changes $ 0____ Total $8,932,500 Current Construction Contingency $ 0 $ 349,437 $ 898,568 $ 0 $1,248,005 $ 0 Potential for Project Cost Overruns/Claims: The overall project was largely constructed within designated appropriations and supplemental support from redefined funds as noted previously. Construction contingency was fully expended with a portion being utilized for contractor overtime work in order to ensure project completion prior to the beginning of instructional programs in Fall 2007. Largely as a result of delays during construction and, to a lesser extent, additional requirements by the City of Lakewood for occupancy, project cost overruns occurred in the amount of $64,233. These costs have been absorbed in G42 AP3C in the amount of $35,388 and in H37 AP5B in the amount of $28,845 and are included in the project cost table. Cost overruns amounted to approximately 0.6% of the original project budget. Discussion of Project Quality: The project is of good quality. The general contractor’s superintendent was experienced and well qualified and effectively managed sub-contractors to ensure quality control. The firm of MSGS Architects managed construction and has considerable experience in construction management, including previous experience with the College. The design team, general contractor and college personnel met weekly to review project progress and to discuss outstanding issues. Consulting architects and engineers made regular site visits to the project. There were no significant quality control issues and, overall, there were no major issues of concern with construction. Project Photographs: (Attached) 4 5