Introduction Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy

Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Hello WACTC and BAC,
The 2016 WACTC Capital Academy is on June 2, 2016 at Columbia Basin College.
The primary objectives of this academy are to provide background information on the capital
budget, discuss principles for the 2019-21 request, and identify the next steps for development of
the request.
This survey will be used to determine the content needed for the background portion of the
Please submit only one survey for your college. To help coordinate the response, a printable copy
of the survey was sent with the invitation to participate and is also available here - printable survey
The survey has questions for every college and additional questions for the colleges that submitted
proposal for the 2017-19 selection.
Please complete this survey by May 9th.
Thank you for participating.
Wayne Doty
SBCTC Capital Budget Director
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
What would your college like to know more about?
* 1. Please rank the following topics for inclusion in the academy (1 being the most useful):
Historical requests and funding levels.
Parts of the system request and what they have been based on.
Project elements in the 2017-19 scoring system.
The project pipeline.
College activities for the development of their request.
State Board activities for development of a budget request.
Legislative activities for the development of a capital budget.
Other (describe below)
2. If you ranked "Other" higher than 8, please describe the topic here:
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
What type of change would you like to see in the scoring process for the next selection?
The 2017-19 major project selection criteria are available here SBCTC 2017-19 Project Development Guidelines
* 3. Please indicate the type of change desired for the 2019-21 selection criteria:
[From Scratch] Start over with a clean sheet and create criteria from new principles.
[Major Update] Make incremental changes based on such things as; lessons learned, new legislation, new rules, budget
environment, and learning environments.
[Minor Update] Only make changes required to meet new legislation and rules.
[Other] Please describe below.
4. Please describe the type of change desired if you selected "Other" above:
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
College Satisfaction
5. How satisfied is your college with the capital budget development process in general?
Very Satisfied
Not Satisfied
No Opinion
Staff Time
Opportunity for New
6. How satisfied is your college with the State Board's support of your college's capital budget development
Very Satisfied
Not Satisfied
No Opinion
Ability to answer
Availability to answer
Quality of information
Resources provided on
7. Please provide any additional comments regarding your level of satisfaction with the process in general
or State Board staff in the box below.
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Your college?
Please indicate your college so we can tailor the remaining questions based on your college's 201719 capital requests.
* 8. Please select your college from the list.
Bates Technical College
Olympic College
Bellevue College
Peninsula College
Bellingham Technical College
Pierce College Fort Steilacoom
Big Bend Community College
Pierce College Puyallup
Cascadia College
Renton Technical College
Centralia College
Seattle Central College
Clark College
Shoreline Community College
Clover Park Technical College
Skagit Valley College
Columbia Basin College
South Puget Sound Community College
Edmonds Community College
South Seattle College
Everett Community College
Spokane Community College
Grays Harbor College
Spokane Falls Community College
Green River Community College
Tacoma Community College
Highline College
Walla Walla Community College
Lake Washington Institute of Technology
Wenatchee Valley College
Lower Columbia College
Whatcom Community College
North Seattle College
Yakima Valley Community College
The online survey uses logic to jump to the questions applicable to each college. For the printed version please skip to the
following page based on your college:
Lake Washington
Lower Columbia
North Seattle
Pierce Puyallup
Skagit Valley
Walla Walla
all other colleges
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Bellingham's major project proposal included Matching funds and Infrastructure as well
as Replacement and New area. We will now ask for more information about the criteria related to
these elements and the Overarching criteria applicable to all proposals.
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Value of Submitting
9. Did the effort and expense to prepare a proposal seem reasonable relative to the opportunity to receive
new funding?
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Overarching Criteria
Every proposal responded to the Overarching criteria.
10. Please indicate the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address in the Overarching category.
Overarching; Effective Use of Existing Facilities; provide classroom and lab utilization
Overarching; Goals; Describe how the project is consistent with the prior planning.
Overarching; Goals; Describe how the project will enhance partnerships with K-12, 4yrs, business, etc.
Overarching; Goals; Identify the best practices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the project.
All overarching criteria had a similar level of difficulty
I don't know
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Matching Criteria
11. Please indicate the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address in the Matching category.
Matching; Student Benefits; Describe the student benefits of the project.
Matching; Need; Describe the need met by the project.
Matching; Cost; Provide a project cost estimate.
Matching; Schedule; Provide a project schedule including fund raising.
Matching; Timeline; Identify when fund raising will be done.
Matching; Feasibility; Convey the likelihood of success and good local participation.
All matching criteria had a similar level of difficulty
I don't know
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Infrastructure Criteria
12. Please indicate the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address in the Infrastructure category.
Infrastructure; Program Need; Describe buildings served by infrastructure
Infrastructure: Reasonableness of Cost: Provide cost estimate for infrastructure work
Infrastructure; Risk Mitigation; Provide age of existing infrastructure relative to expected life
Infrastructure; Suitability for Long Term Financing; Provide expected life of new infrastructure
All infrastructure criteria had a similar level of difficulty
I don't know
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Replacement Criteria
13. Please indicate the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address in the Replacement category.
Replacement; Building Age; Provide based on facility inventory data.
Replacement; Building Condition; Provide based on 2013 facility condition survey.
Replacement; Cost; Provide a project cost estimate.
Replacement; Improvements; Identify facility programming of space.
Replacement; Issues; Seismic deficiency documentation and how it will be addressed in the project.
Replacement; Issues; Describe life safety issues and how they will be addressed in the project.
Replacement; Issues; Describe ADA access issues and how they will be addressed in the project.
Replacement; Issues; Describe energy code issues and how they will be addressed in the project.
Replacement; Fitness for Use; Describe how the replacement space addresses existing deficiencies.
All replacement criteria had a similar level of difficulty
I don't know
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
New Area Criteria
14. Please indicate the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address in the New Area category.
New Area; Enrollment Increase; Use SBCTC or explain college projection.
New Area; Efficient use of new area; Identify GSF / FTE based on facility inventory and enrollment
New Area; Efficient use of existing space; Provide classroom and lab utilization data
New Area; Planning; Describe how new space will improve program delivery and student support.
New Area; Planning; Identify program and student support spaces
New Area; Planning; Describe special enrollment initiatives to increase participation rates
New Area; Planning; Demonstrate cost and building efficiency
New Area; Planning; Describe the expected building life.
New Area; Efficient use of funds; Identify the $/Net new FTE.
New Area; Efficient use of funds; Identify the project cost.
All new area criteria had a similar level of difficulty
I don't know
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Done with college specific questions?
* 15. You have identified the following criteria as the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address:
{{ Q10 }}
{{ Q11 }}
{{ Q12 }}
{{ Q13 }}
{{ Q14 }}
You can use the "Prev" button to change your answers.
Please check the "Done" box and then "Next" to continue.
The online survey uses logic to jump to the questions applicable to each college. For the printed version please now skip
to page 62.
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Cascadia's major project proposal included Infrastructure and New area. We will now ask for more
information about the criteria related to these elements and the Overarching criteria applicable to all
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Value of Submitting
16. Did the effort and expense to prepare a proposal seem reasonable relative to the opportunity to receive
new funding?
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Overarching Criteria
Every proposal responded to the Overarching criteria.
17. Please indicate the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address in the Overarching category.
Overarching; Effective Use of Existing Facilities; provide classroom and lab utilization
Overarching; Goals; Describe how the project is consistent with the prior planning.
Overarching; Goals; Describe how the project will enhance partnerships with K-12, 4yrs, business, etc.
Overarching; Goals; Identify the best practices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the project.
All overarching criteria had a similar level of difficulty
I don't know
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Infrastructure Criteria
18. Please indicate the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address in the Infrastructure category.
Infrastructure; Program Need; Describe buildings served by infrastructure
Infrastructure: Reasonableness of Cost: Provide cost estimate for infrastructure work
Infrastructure; Risk Mitigation; Provide age of existing infrastructure relative to expected life
Infrastructure; Suitability for Long Term Financing; Provide expected life of new infrastructure
All infrastructure criteria had a similar level of difficulty
I don't know
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
New Area Criteria
19. Please indicate the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address in the New Area category.
New Area; Enrollment Increase; Use SBCTC or explain college projection.
New Area; Efficient use of new area; Identify GSF / FTE based on facility inventory and enrollment
New Area; Efficient use of existing space; Provide classroom and lab utilization data
New Area; Planning; Describe how new space will improve program delivery and student support.
New Area; Planning; Identify program and student support spaces
New Area; Planning; Describe special enrollment initiatives to increase participation rates
New Area; Planning; Demonstrate cost and building efficiency
New Area; Planning; Describe the expected building life.
New Area; Efficient use of funds; Identify the $/Net new FTE.
New Area; Efficient use of funds; Identify the project cost.
All new area criteria had a similar level of difficulty
I don't know
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Done with college specific questions?
* 20. You have identified the following criteria as the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address:
{{ Q17 }}
{{ Q18 }}
{{ Q19 }}
You can use the "Prev" button to change your answers.
Please check the "Done" box and then "Next" to continue.
The online survey uses logic to jump to the questions applicable to each college. For the printed version please now skip
to page 62.
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Lake Washington
Lake Washington's major project proposal included Matching funds and Infrastructure as well as
New area. We will now ask for more information about the criteria related to these elements and the
Overarching criteria applicable to all proposals.
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Value of Submitting
21. Did the effort and expense to prepare a proposal seem reasonable relative to the opportunity to receive
new funding?
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Overarching Criteria
Every proposal responded to the Overarching criteria.
22. Please indicate the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address in the Overarching category.
Overarching; Effective Use of Existing Facilities; provide classroom and lab utilization
Overarching; Goals; Describe how the project is consistent with the prior planning.
Overarching; Goals; Describe how the project will enhance partnerships with K-12, 4yrs, business, etc.
Overarching; Goals; Identify the best practices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the project.
All overarching criteria had a similar level of difficulty
I don't know
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Matching Criteria
23. Please indicate the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address in the Matching category.
Matching; Student Benefits; Describe the student benefits of the project.
Matching; Need; Describe the need met by the project.
Matching; Cost; Provide a project cost estimate.
Matching; Schedule; Provide a project schedule including fund raising.
Matching; Timeline; Identify when fund raising will be done.
Matching; Feasibility; Convey the likelihood of success and good local participation.
All matching criteria had a similar level of difficulty
I don't know
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Infrastructure Criteria
24. Please indicate the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address in the Infrastructure category.
Infrastructure; Program Need; Describe buildings served by infrastructure
Infrastructure: Reasonableness of Cost: Provide cost estimate for infrastructure work
Infrastructure; Risk Mitigation; Provide age of existing infrastructure relative to expected life
Infrastructure; Suitability for Long Term Financing; Provide expected life of new infrastructure
All infrastructure criteria had a similar level of difficulty
I don't know
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
New Area Criteria
25. Please indicate the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address in the New Area category.
New Area; Enrollment Increase; Use SBCTC or explain college projection.
New Area; Efficient use of new area; Identify GSF / FTE based on facility inventory and enrollment
New Area; Efficient use of existing space; Provide classroom and lab utilization data
New Area; Planning; Describe how new space will improve program delivery and student support.
New Area; Planning; Identify program and student support spaces
New Area; Planning; Describe special enrollment initiatives to increase participation rates
New Area; Planning; Demonstrate cost and building efficiency
New Area; Planning; Describe the expected building life.
New Area; Efficient use of funds; Identify the $/Net new FTE.
New Area; Efficient use of funds; Identify the project cost.
All new area criteria had a similar level of difficulty
I don't know
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Done with college specific questions?
* 26. You have identified the following criteria as the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address:
{{ Q22 }}
{{ Q23 }}
{{ Q24 }}
{{ Q25 }}
You can use the "Prev" button to change your answers.
Please check the "Done" box and then "Next" to continue.
The online survey uses logic to jump to the questions applicable to each college. For the printed version please now skip
to page 62.
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Lower Columbia
Lower Columbia's major project proposal included Replacement area. We will now ask for more
information about the criteria related to this element and the Overarching criteria applicable to all
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Value of Submitting
27. Did the effort and expense to prepare a proposal seem reasonable relative to the opportunity to receive
new funding?
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Overarching Criteria
Every proposal responded to the Overarching criteria.
28. Please indicate the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address in the Overarching category.
Overarching; Effective Use of Existing Facilities; provide classroom and lab utilization
Overarching; Goals; Describe how the project is consistent with the prior planning.
Overarching; Goals; Describe how the project will enhance partnerships with K-12, 4yrs, business, etc.
Overarching; Goals; Identify the best practices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the project.
All overarching criteria had a similar level of difficulty
I don't know
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Replacement Criteria
29. Please indicate the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address in the Replacement category.
Replacement; Building Age; Provide based on facility inventory data.
Replacement; Building Condition; Provide based on 2013 facility condition survey.
Replacement; Cost; Provide a project cost estimate.
Replacement; Improvements; Identify facility programming of space.
Replacement; Issues; Seismic deficiency documentation and how it will be addressed in the project.
Replacement; Issues; Describe life safety issues and how they will be addressed in the project.
Replacement; Issues; Describe ADA access issues and how they will be addressed in the project.
Replacement; Issues; Describe energy code issues and how they will be addressed in the project.
Replacement; Fitness for Use; Describe how the replacement space addresses existing deficiencies.
All replacement criteria had a similar level of difficulty
I don't know
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Done with college specific questions?
* 30. You have identified the following criteria as the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address:
{{ Q28 }}
{{ Q29 }}
You can use the "Prev" button to change your answers.
Please check the "Done" box and then "Next" to continue.
The online survey uses logic to jump to the questions applicable to each college. For the printed version please now skip
to page 62.
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
North Seattle
North Seattle's major project proposal included Renovation area. We will now ask for more
information about the criteria related to this element and the Overarching criteria applicable to all
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Value of Submitting
31. Did the effort and expense to prepare a proposal seem reasonable relative to the opportunity to receive
new funding?
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Overarching Criteria
Every proposal responded to the Overarching criteria.
32. Please indicate the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address in the Overarching category.
Overarching; Effective Use of Existing Facilities; provide classroom and lab utilization
Overarching; Goals; Describe how the project is consistent with the prior planning.
Overarching; Goals; Describe how the project will enhance partnerships with K-12, 4yrs, business, etc.
Overarching; Goals; Identify the best practices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the project.
All overarching criteria had a similar level of difficulty
I don't know
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Renovation Criteria
33. Please indicate the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address in the Renovation category.
Renovation; Building Age; Provide based on facility inventory data.
Renovation; Building Condition; Provide based on 2013 facility condition survey.
Renovation; Cost; Provide a project cost estimate.
Renovation; Improvements; Identify facility programming of space.
Renovation; Issues; Seismic deficiency documentation and how it will be addressed in the project.
Renovation; Issues; Describe life safety issues and how they will be addressed in the project.
Renovation; Issues; Describe ADA access issues and how they will be addressed in the project.
Renovation; Issues; Describe energy code issues and how they will be addressed in the project.
Renovation; Building Life Extension; Identify the number of years based on facility design and intent.
Renovation; Fitness for Use; Describe how the space being renovated addresses existing deficiencies.
All renovation criteria had a similar level of difficulty
I don't know
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Done with college specific questions?
* 34. You have identified the following criteria as the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address:
{{ Q32 }}
{{ Q33 }}
You can use the "Prev" button to change your answers.
Please check the "Done" box and then "Next" to continue.
The online survey uses logic to jump to the questions applicable to each college. For the printed version please now skip
to page 62.
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Pierce Puyallup
Pierce Puyallup's major project proposal included Infrastructure as well as New area. We will now
ask for more information about the criteria related to these elements and the Overarching criteria
applicable to all proposals.
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Value of Submitting
35. Did the effort and expense to prepare a proposal seem reasonable relative to the opportunity to receive
new funding?
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Overarching Criteria
Every proposal responded to the Overarching criteria.
36. Please indicate the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address in the Overarching category.
Overarching; Effective Use of Existing Facilities; provide classroom and lab utilization
Overarching; Goals; Describe how the project is consistent with the prior planning.
Overarching; Goals; Describe how the project will enhance partnerships with K-12, 4yrs, business, etc.
Overarching; Goals; Identify the best practices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the project.
All overarching criteria had a similar level of difficulty
I don't know
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Infrastructure Criteria
37. Please indicate the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address in the Infrastructure category.
Infrastructure; Program Need; Describe buildings served by infrastructure
Infrastructure: Reasonableness of Cost: Provide cost estimate for infrastructure work
Infrastructure; Risk Mitigation; Provide age of existing infrastructure relative to expected life
Infrastructure; Suitability for Long Term Financing; Provide expected life of new infrastructure
All infrastructure criteria had a similar level of difficulty
I don't know
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
New Area Criteria
38. Please indicate the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address in the New Area category.
New Area; Enrollment Increase; Use SBCTC or explain college projection.
New Area; Efficient use of new area; Identify GSF / FTE based on facility inventory and enrollment
New Area; Efficient use of existing space; Provide classroom and lab utilization data
New Area; Planning; Describe how new space will improve program delivery and student support.
New Area; Planning; Identify program and student support spaces
New Area; Planning; Describe special enrollment initiatives to increase participation rates
New Area; Planning; Demonstrate cost and building efficiency
New Area; Planning; Describe the expected building life.
New Area; Efficient use of funds; Identify the $/Net new FTE.
New Area; Efficient use of funds; Identify the project cost.
All new area criteria had a similar level of difficulty
I don't know
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Done with college specific questions?
* 39. You have identified the following criteria as the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address:
{{ Q36 }}
{{ Q37 }}
{{ Q38 }}
You can use the "Prev" button to change your answers.
Please check the "Done" box and then "Next" to continue.
The online survey uses logic to jump to the questions applicable to each college. For the printed version please now skip
to page 62.
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Skagit Valley
Skagit Valley's major project proposal included Infrastructure as well as Replacement area. We will
now ask for more information about the criteria related to these elements and the Overarching
criteria applicable to all proposals.
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Value of Submitting
40. Did the effort and expense to prepare a proposal seem reasonable relative to the opportunity to receive
new funding?
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Overarching Criteria
Every proposal responded to the Overarching criteria.
41. Please indicate the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address in the Overarching category.
Overarching; Effective Use of Existing Facilities; provide classroom and lab utilization
Overarching; Goals; Describe how the project is consistent with the prior planning.
Overarching; Goals; Describe how the project will enhance partnerships with K-12, 4yrs, business, etc.
Overarching; Goals; Identify the best practices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the project.
All overarching criteria had a similar level of difficulty
I don't know
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Infrastructure Criteria
42. Please indicate the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address in the Infrastructure category.
Infrastructure; Program Need; Describe buildings served by infrastructure
Infrastructure: Reasonableness of Cost: Provide cost estimate for infrastructure work
Infrastructure; Risk Mitigation; Provide age of existing infrastructure relative to expected life
Infrastructure; Suitability for Long Term Financing; Provide expected life of new infrastructure
All infrastructure criteria had a similar level of difficulty
I don't know
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Replacement Criteria
43. Please indicate the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address in the Replacement category.
Replacement; Building Age; Provide based on facility inventory data.
Replacement; Building Condition; Provide based on 2013 facility condition survey.
Replacement; Cost; Provide a project cost estimate.
Replacement; Improvements; Identify facility programming of space.
Replacement; Issues; Seismic deficiency documentation and how it will be addressed in the project.
Replacement; Issues; Describe life safety issues and how they will be addressed in the project.
Replacement; Issues; Describe ADA access issues and how they will be addressed in the project.
Replacement; Issues; Describe energy code issues and how they will be addressed in the project.
Replacement; Fitness for Use; Describe how the replacement space addresses existing deficiencies.
All replacement criteria had a similar level of difficulty
I don't know
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Done with college specific questions?
* 44. You have identified the following criteria as the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address:
{{ Q41 }}
{{ Q42 }}
{{ Q43 }}
You can use the "Prev" button to change your answers.
Please check the "Done" box and then "Next" to continue.
The online survey uses logic to jump to the questions applicable to each college. For the printed version please now skip
to page 62.
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Tacoma's major project proposal included Infrastructure as well as Replacement area. We will now
ask for more information about the criteria related to these elements and the Overarching criteria
applicable to all proposals.
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Value of Submitting
45. Did the effort and expense to prepare a proposal seem reasonable relative to the opportunity to receive
new funding?
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Overarching Criteria
Every proposal responded to the Overarching criteria.
46. Please indicate the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address in the Overarching category.
Overarching; Effective Use of Existing Facilities; provide classroom and lab utilization
Overarching; Goals; Describe how the project is consistent with the prior planning.
Overarching; Goals; Describe how the project will enhance partnerships with K-12, 4yrs, business, etc.
Overarching; Goals; Identify the best practices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the project.
All overarching criteria had a similar level of difficulty
I don't know
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Infrastructure Criteria
47. Please indicate the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address in the Infrastructure category.
Infrastructure; Program Need; Describe buildings served by infrastructure
Infrastructure: Reasonableness of Cost: Provide cost estimate for infrastructure work
Infrastructure; Risk Mitigation; Provide age of existing infrastructure relative to expected life
Infrastructure; Suitability for Long Term Financing; Provide expected life of new infrastructure
All infrastructure criteria had a similar level of difficulty
I don't know
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Replacement Criteria
48. Please indicate the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address in the Replacement category.
Replacement; Building Age; Provide based on facility inventory data.
Replacement; Building Condition; Provide based on 2013 facility condition survey.
Replacement; Cost; Provide a project cost estimate.
Replacement; Improvements; Identify facility programming of space.
Replacement; Issues; Seismic deficiency documentation and how it will be addressed in the project.
Replacement; Issues; Describe life safety issues and how they will be addressed in the project.
Replacement; Issues; Describe ADA access issues and how they will be addressed in the project.
Replacement; Issues; Describe energy code issues and how they will be addressed in the project.
Replacement; Fitness for Use; Describe how the replacement space addresses existing deficiencies.
All replacement criteria had a similar level of difficulty
I don't know
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
New Area Criteria
49. Please indicate the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address in the New Area category.
New Area; Enrollment Increase; Use SBCTC or explain college projection.
New Area; Efficient use of new area; Identify GSF / FTE based on facility inventory and enrollment
New Area; Efficient use of existing space; Provide classroom and lab utilization data
New Area; Planning; Describe how new space will improve program delivery and student support.
New Area; Planning; Identify program and student support spaces
New Area; Planning; Describe special enrollment initiatives to increase participation rates
New Area; Planning; Demonstrate cost and building efficiency
New Area; Planning; Describe the expected building life.
New Area; Efficient use of funds; Identify the $/Net new FTE.
New Area; Efficient use of funds; Identify the project cost.
All new area criteria had a similar level of difficulty
I don't know
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Done with college specific questions?
* 50. You have identified the following criteria as the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address:
{{ Q46 }}
{{ Q47 }}
{{ Q48 }}
{{ Q49 }}
You can use the "Prev" button to change your answers.
Please check the "Done" box and then "Next" to continue.
The online survey uses logic to jump to the questions applicable to each college. For the printed version please now skip
to page 62.
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Walla Walla
Walla Walla's major project proposal included Replacement area. We will now ask for more
information about the criteria related to this element and the Overarching criteria applicable to all
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Value of Submitting
51. Did the effort and expense to prepare a proposal seem reasonable relative to the opportunity to receive
new funding?
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Overarching Criteria
Every proposal responded to the Overarching criteria.
52. Please indicate the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address in the Overarching category.
Overarching; Effective Use of Existing Facilities; provide classroom and lab utilization
Overarching; Goals; Describe how the project is consistent with the prior planning.
Overarching; Goals; Describe how the project will enhance partnerships with K-12, 4yrs, business, etc.
Overarching; Goals; Identify the best practices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the project.
All overarching criteria had a similar level of difficulty
I don't know
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Replacement Criteria
53. Please indicate the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address in the Replacement category.
Replacement; Building Age; Provide based on facility inventory data.
Replacement; Building Condition; Provide based on 2013 facility condition survey.
Replacement; Cost; Provide a project cost estimate.
Replacement; Improvements; Identify facility programming of space.
Replacement; Issues; Seismic deficiency documentation and how it will be addressed in the project.
Replacement; Issues; Describe life safety issues and how they will be addressed in the project.
Replacement; Issues; Describe ADA access issues and how they will be addressed in the project.
Replacement; Issues; Describe energy code issues and how they will be addressed in the project.
Replacement; Fitness for Use; Describe how the replacement space addresses existing deficiencies.
All replacement criteria had a similar level of difficulty
I don't know
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Done with college specific questions?
* 54. You have identified the following criteria as the most expensive, or hardest, criteria to address:
{{ Q52 }}
{{ Q53 }}
You can use the "Prev" button to change your answers.
Please check the "Done" box and then "Next" to continue.
The online survey uses logic to jump to the questions applicable to each college. For the printed version please now skip
to page 62.
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Did not submit proposal
Since your college did not submit a major project proposal for the 2017-19 budget request we have
jumped over the questions related to the difficulty experienced responding to specific scoring
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Anything else?
55. Please share anything else you would like included in the Academy or any general comments about the
capital process.
Information for 2016 WACTC Capital Academy
Thank you!