NIST-SSCD-01: DC Project Time Line: DECEMBER 19 2104 Draft Item 1 3 Project Start DACUM/Course/program Assessment C - Design Team Formation 4 CD Team mtgs 5 OIPG e-communications 6 OIPG F2F mtgs 7 Reporting (NIST, OIPG, SBCTC) 8 Evaluation 9 11. Refinement of Courses & Certs Minutes of CD mtgs to Evaluator & OIPG Instr Council Approvals 12 Program Implementation 13 Labor Market Tracking All contracts & Agreements signed Course and program development Final Approval of courses/programs by each college Internship Opportunities setup Course and program review and approval SBCTC Approval Program, Promotion (at all colleges 2 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Fall Qtr 14-15 November December x x x March April x x Spring Qtr 14-15 May June Fall Qtr 15-16 Sept/Oct x x x x x [Type text] Cunningham Enterprises: January Winter Qtr 14-15 February x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x NIST-SSCD-01: DC NIST Project Set-Up - Draft Contracts & Agreements Between CoEx and Stakeholders Stakeholders _ their roles & responsibilities NIST Deliverables Project Goals Party NIST Partner Colleges Agreement/Contract Grant Approval and Deliverables Agreements on course numbering, sharing curriculum, recognizing credits, project deliverable dates; fiscal support for development C of Ex OIPG Overall project and budget administration 1. Technical and overall project oversight 2. Define standards to be met 3. Assist with program promotion 4. Help find internship opportunities 5. Provide student mentoring support 6. Sharing job opportunities with team 7. Providing equipment when possible 8. Helping to find and support new faculty 9. Helping with Goal # 4 1. 2. 3. Curriculum Design Team 4. 5. 6. 7. Contractors Assignments, fees, expenses, deliverables and project timeline requirements 1. SBCTC 2. 1. State Board Program requirements as per PAR guidelines; SB support to participating colleges; support with promotion [Type text] Cunningham Enterprises: Participating Colleges 2. 1. Develop course curriculum with industry subject matter experts’ input that can be embedded into advanced manufacturing/aerospace programs. Leadership on curriculum design Identification of stackable certificates Support of each college's program development Troubleshooting development blocks Monitoring and enabling program approval process in each college and with SB Honoring DACUM in final design Receive and act on feedback from OIPG 2. Develop a series of courses that can be included in a short-term certificate that can be adopted at any of the state's colleges Ensuring all new program, development aligns with PAR process Supporting each college's development efforts Assign a dean and faculty to the Curriculum Design team Finalize an agreement with other colleges, SB and C of Ex on crse numbering, Learning outcomes, sharing curriculum, meeting deadlines and providing faculty support 4. Increase the number of community college students that are qualified to fill job openings in measurement science/precision measurement/metrology within local companies 3. Create curriculum that will be easily recognizable (common certificate with course titles/objectives) so that industry hiring managers are able to clearly identify the training when it appears on resumes 5. Provide Professional Development opportunities for Design Team faculty to attend industry-led conferences and seminars for exposure to workplace best practices.