A look at current behaviour & attitudes towards food UK Grace Binchy 11th February Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Understanding Millennials for Better Connections A Foodie World Back to Basics Shopping Around Health & Wellbeing A FOODIE WORLD “I want to get more enjoyment from the simple things in life; to have experiences that add more fun and meaning” •For many the economic crisis has created a sense of disconnection and a feeling that life is less fulfilling. •As time has gone on people have started to discover the value of what they still have rather than morn what they have lost. •Food remains one of life’s simplest, accessible and social pleasures. •Greater emphasis on new hobbies Increasingly people are taking up more hobbies… • • Percentage of people who have undertaken cookery courses in the last number of years has grown significantly Consumers believe it is important to learn new things in their lives There is a growing enjoyment around cooking % Good Fun % A Passion Attitude towards cooking ROI 2005 2007 26% 6 27% 20 31 27 12 26 35% 12 38% 8 19 43% GB 2009 31 2013 38% 41% 15 23 15 27 46% 8 2011 45% 15 31 47% 14 30 17 Interest in cookery classes % who have attended/taken cooking classes in the past three years +1 ROI GB +3 France +2 +2 Spain Germany Sweden Belgium NL +1 +4 US NZ Confidence in cooking expertise Level of cooking expertise ROI 52 Would enjoy having a dinner party where I do all the cooking 46 GB 56 59 60 65 66 65 2009 2011 2013 52 42 Would be confident that I could produce a good Sunday roast with all the trimmings 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2005 2007 Who is cooking the main meal? 12 Gender breakdown of those mainly/jointly responsible for main meal preparation ROI GB 39% 61% My children have more interest in cooking compared to my generation 22% 2011 40% 60% 25% 2013 27% 15% 2011 2013 Entertaining at home less often % Yes % Yes ROI 2009 GB 2009 26% ROI 2011 GB 2011 29% 27% ROI 2013 (22%) • • • • • Females 35-44 yrs ABC1’s Can cook Have children 38% 23% GB 2013 Yes Higher Amongst: 23% Yes • • • • • • 25-44 yrs AB 3+ households Have children Can cook Housewife (Base: All Adults 15+) The Great Bake Off? Baking from scratch % Daily/ weekly 2013 ROI 2011 2013 GB 2011 % Once/ few times month Less often Never Millennials have firmly added food and drink as a way of expressing who they are becoming. Technology is fueling a new Foodie visual culture. Shopping Motivations 34% 33% GB They shop because ‘Wanted to pick up ingredients for a new recipe I was trying out’ compared to 28% of Gen X and 20% of Baby Boomers What are we eating? % Top five cuisines prepared in the home weekly or more frequently ROI GB Italian 46 41 BBQ Food (steak, burgers etc) 17 17 14 Chinese 12 9 Mexican 4 18 Indian 5 18 Scratch cooking on the increase Cooking from scratch % Once a day/ few times a day % Few times per week 67 2013 65 2011 ROI 63 2009 2007 2005 51 56 64 2013 63 2011 GB 77 2009 2007 2005 57 55 Usage of ready prepared ingredients 20 Usage of ready prepared ingredients ROI GB 60 58 50 44 Once/ few times a day Few times a week Once a week 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 Busy Lives % agree strongly/slightly 81 Are easy to cook 87 81 Are easy to prepare 86 80 Are quick to cook 85 59 Are expensive Are filling Are a good substitute for home cooked meals when time is limited 22 47 ROI 2013 45 42 GB 2013 42 49 Decline of ready to eat foods % agree ‘we use a lot of ready to eat foods in our household’ ROI 2013 38 2011 37 2009 40 2007 47 2005 47 2013 52 55 2011 GB 2009 2007 2005 49 59 66 ..and is still seen as something of a substitute % agree that convenience meals… ‘are a good substitute for home cooked meals when time is limited’ 2013 42 48 2011 ROI 2009 2007 2005 2013 2011 GB 2009 41 47 53 49 53 51 56 2007 2005 53 BACK TO BASICS “I am looking for products and brands that are real, authentic and honest, because I know I can trust what's in them and where they come from” 30 Eating out of home 31 Frequency of eating out of home ROI GB Few times a week/once a week Few times/ once a month Every few months/less often/ never 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 Eating out during the week % who are eating out more often during the week ROI 2005 2007 2009 32 GB 2011 2013 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 Eating together as a family % usually eat together ROI 2013 GB 2013 85 84 73 70 57 Weekday 56 Saturday Sunday Weekday Saturday Sunday Bringing lunch to work ROI is displaying much stronger tendencies than GB to bring in their own lunch more often than before. This behaviour now represents more than half of adults in ROI. % who bring in their own lunch more often/ less often ROI GB Bring in my own lunch more often Bring in my own lunch less often 2009 2011 2013 2009 2011 2013 34 Going out for lunch Since 2009, ROI has reduced its lunchtime eating out behaviour notably more than that of GB. 35 % who go out to eat lunch more often/less often ROI GB Go out to eat lunch more often Go out to eat lunch less often 2009 2011 2013 2009 2011 2013 Buying local foods 36 Frequency of ‘local food’ purchases ROI GB Daily/ few times a week/once a week Few times/ once a month Less often/ never 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 Definition of local food 37 Defining what ‘local food’ actually means Total% Made within close proximity to where I live 2 ROI 2013 2 GB 2013 Available in farmers markets 3 ROI 2013 7 GB 2013 Made within the county I live Made within a 20 mile radius from where I live 8 5 6 ROI 2013 GB 2013 ROI 2013 GB 2013 Local products are of a superior quality % agree that food produced locally results in higher quality products ROI 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 38 GB Important to know where food has come from % agree that they like to know the area where their food has come from ROI 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 39 GB Local foods offer confidence in food safety % agree that they are more confident in the safety of food produced in their local area ROI 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 40 GB Organic Purchasing EVER BOUGHT All Adults 15+ EVER BOUGHT Grocery Shoppers MOST FREQUENT PURCHASES ROI 2013 GB 2013 Yes Yes 49% 62% • • • • Vegetables Fruit Poultry Dairy produce 54% • • • • Vegetables Fruit Dairy produce Poultry Q.58 When was the last time, if ever, you bought any organic food? Q.58a Considering the broad categories of food that I will read out to you, about how often, if at all, do you buy any in organic form? Checking for Country of Origin Checking for Country of Origin label ROI GB Always check Sometimes check NET (check for quality symbol) Never check 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 Checking for Quality labels Checking for Symbol of Quality label ROI GB Always check Sometimes check NET (check for quality symbol) Never check 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 Shopping Around ROI and GB less gender balanced for shopping Both ROI and GB have experienced similar shifts in the gender balance of grocery shoppers since 2005. Gender breakdown of those mainly/jointly responsible for grocery shopping 2005 ROI 30% 70% GB 30% 70% 2007 32% 68% 31% 69% 2009 33% 67% 2011 38% 62% 39% 61% 44% 56% 2013 40% 60% 41% 59% 49 Increasingly concerned about price 50 When I shop the first thing I look for is price % agree slightly % agree strongly % agree slightly 2013 64 2011 2005 61 60 62 59 2009 2007 % agree strongly 57 54 61 56 52 Quality over price 51 Quality of fresh food is more important than price % agree slightly % agree strongly % agree slightly 2013 79 2011 79 2009 77 % agree strongly 66 70 71 2007 83 2005 82 66 70 Buying on Impulse 52 I tend to buy on impulse if I think products are cheap % agree slightly % agree strongly % agree slightly 2013 46 2011 2009 54 49 53 45 57 53 2007 2005 % agree strongly 42 55 50 Watching for promotions 53 I watch for announcements for sales promotions on grocery % agree slightly % agree strongly % agree slightly 2013 58 2011 2007 2005 44 61 56 2009 48 51 % agree strongly 49 51 50 50 Spending time looking for bargains 54 I don’t mind spending time looking for a bargain ROI GB % agree slightly % agrees strongly % agree slightly % agrees strongly 2013 55 57 2011 55 58 2009 53 57 2007 2005 49 53 55 52 Special Offers 39% 36% GB ‘Look up special offers on the grocery store website’ compared to 28% of Baby Boomers Offline Research 32% 22% GB ‘Browse through inserts/grocery store magazines’ compared to 34% of Baby Boomers “ AIB have this new thing on their app where it breaks down your expenditure. If I go out for dinner and lunches and stuff… it tells you how much you’ve spent on food alone 22-25 year old Shopping behaviour is changing 58 ROI 2009 Spreading my shopping across a number of shops to get the best value Shopping in discount retailers such as Aldi or Lidl Buying food items on promotion More often Less often More often Less often More often Less often 2011 GB 2013 2009 2011 2013 Online grocery shopping % ever ordered their grocery shopping online 9% 28% 59 How often are they ordering their grocery shopping online? Ever downloaded a recipe 60 38% 36% Downloaded Recipe Downloaded Recipe Most recent download activity 7% Past Week 12% 11% Past Month Past 6 Months 9% 8% Longer Ago Past Week 12% 10% Past Month Past 6 Months 6% Longer Ago Ever downloaded an app 61 20% 17% Downloaded Food App Downloaded Food App Most recent download activity 3% 6% 5% 5% 3% 5% 5% 3% Past Week Past Month Past 6 Months Longer Ago Past Week Past Month Past 6 Months Longer Ago Technology is creating a tipping point in consumer behaviour By 2015, 3 in 4 will own a smartphone 4G =5x download speeds By 2015, 1 in 4 will own a tablet Technology: allowing brands to have “fun” and connect or share with people Technology : challenging the traditional bricks and mortar Pop up shops/vans 24 hour convenience.. Tesco Gatwick 64 Technology: Apps, maps, etc, qr codes all allowing people to manage “the purchase risk” HEALTH & WELLBEING “I want a balanced approach to health and wellness, to have greater control through the choices I make” 67 Perception of health 68 Diet Perceptions in each country ROI NET ‘Healthy’ 79 75 80 GB 84 85 75 71 2005 2007 80 79 78 2009 2011 2013 Describe their diet as ‘very’ healthy Describe their diet as ‘fairly’ healthy 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 Eating healthier 69 Changes in eating habits in last 12 months ROI GB My eating habits are more healthy My eating habits are less healthy 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 Concerns about childhood obesity 70 I am concerned about my children becoming obese ROI GB % agree slightly % agree strongly 2013 2011 2009 2007 % agree slightly % agree strongly 31 31 33 33 32 31 35 35 Low fat options 71 % agree that ‘always look for low fat options when buying food products’ ROI GB 2013 62 2011 57 2009 58 2005 61 63 64 2007 59 60 61 63 Checking calories 72 % agree that ‘think of the calories in what they eat’ ROI 2013 GB 52 2011 51 2009 49 2007 2005 55 50 50 53 52 55 57 Low fat = healthy? 73 % agree that ‘if a label says ‘low fat/reduced fat’ then the product will always be the healthy choice’ ROI 2013 GB 67 2011 66 2009 66 2007 2005 64 64 67 71 75 74 70 Being healthy 74 I eat healthy to take control of my life ROI GB % agree slightly % agree strongly % agree slightly % agree strongly 53 69 2013 67 2011 2009 60 2007 61 2005 62 55 56 50 46 Healthy diet, healthy mind 75 % Agree - A good diet can help mental health ROI 2005 2007 2009 GB 2011 2013 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 Checking nutritional labelling % applies that they ‘always check the nutritional labelling on food before buying them’ ROI 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 GB Would like manufacturers to help 77 I would like manufacturers to help me to eat healthy ROI GB % agree slightly % agree strongly % agree slightly % agree strongly 2013 67 57 2011 66 58 2009 61 61 2007 69 2005 69 63 68 Willing to pay more for healthy foods 78 I am willing to pay more for healthy foods & beverages (as long as they taste good) ROI % applies a lot 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 GB NET % applies % applies a lot NET % applies 66 66 67 68 66 68 73 71 65 68 Low Gluten Free purchases 79 Frequency of purchase of Gluten Free products Frequency of purchase of ‘Free From’ products Weekly Less often Never/ don’t know ROI 2013 GB 2013 ROI 2013 GB 2013 Millennials & health ‘Sometimes I choose the healthy option, but only if it’s convenient and easy’ ‘The foods I choose are closely linked to my fitness regime’ 41% 51% GenX ROI 44% BB 45% ROI 51% GB GenX BB 39% 29% ROI ROI Top 5 Currently on a diet 33% ROI GenX BB 26% 17% ROI 36% GB High Protein 11% Vegetarian 9% Gluten free 8% Juicing 7% Dairy free 7% 37% GB FOOD FOR THOUGHT Food for thought. END! Thank You.