Pigmeat & Poultry Peter Duggan Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture AIDAN COTTER Growing the success CHIEF EXECUTIVE BORD BIA of Irish food & horticulture 28 JANUARY 2009 9th Jan 2015 Pigmeat market update Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Irish pig supplies 3% higher in 2014 ROI NI Total 2013 2014 Difference (‘000 hd) (‘000 hd) (‘000 hd) 2,823 2,969 + 146 530 numbers -41 1.571Higher breeding 2. Increased productivity 3. PRRS settled down 3,394 3,499 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture +105 % Change + 5.2% -7.2 +3.1% Output to increase by 4% in 2015 Further recovery in the breeding herd Advancement in productivity levels Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDv) is spreading Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture EU pig breeding herd shows first increase in nearly a decade Annual % change June 2014/13 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Breeding sows Gilts 5.3% 0.8% EU 1.5% 1.2% DE ES Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture DK 1.2% NL EU GIP pigmeat production in 2015 % change on previous year 1.4% 1.5 2015 H1 +1% 1 1% 0.6% 14/13 15/14 (p) 0.5 0 -0.5 -0.2% -0.5% -1 Year Qtr 1 -0.6% -0.7% Qtr 2 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Pig prices moved downwards during 2014 c/kg dw excl VAT 200 2013 2014 EU 10% lower 180 160 Ire 140 IE 4% lower 120 100 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture EU Irish exports, ‘000 tonnes 2013 2014 (f) Total 185 198 +7 UK 83 87 +5 Continental EU 38 41 +8 International 64 70 +10 Irish exports 2014 +3% in value to €570 m Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture % Change Irish exports to key International markets +20% 35,000 30,000 2013 -94% 2014 (e) 25,000 20,000 +210% 15,000 +650% 10,000 5,000 0 China Russia Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Japan South Korea International trade expected to improve in 2015 24% 20 10% % Ch YOY 10 3% 0 -3% -10 2014/13 -20 -18% 2015/14(f) -30 -40 China South Korea Hong Kong Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Japan Russia Hog and sow inventory China, 2010-2014 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture In summary…. Irish output set to increase in 2015 Increased EU sow numbers will edge output upwards during the first half of 2015 PEDv and political events will continue to affect trade International trade will be driven by Asia in 2015 Chinese sow herd now at its lowest level since 2009 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Poultry market update Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture EU broiler price 2% lower during 2014 Cent/kg dw 2013 200 2013 2012 190 Strong international demand 180 170 Low competing pork prices 2H Weak EU demand 160 Week 2014 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture EU poultry output, ‘000 tonnes +1.9% 13,500 +0.7% 13,000 12,500 12,000 11,500 2010 2011 2012 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture 2013 2014 (e) 2015 (f) H5N8 update First Notification No. outbreaks Germany 05/11/14 3 The Netherlands 16/11/14 5 UK 16/11/14 1 Italy 15/12/14 1 USA 18/12/14 1 Total 05/11/14 11 Export bans to 3rd countries for affected regions Lower supply in buffer zones due to massive culling Impact of Dutch restrictions on future supply Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture EU consumption stabilizing 16 000 EU 15 EU 25 EU 27 EU 28 Poultrymeat Volumes ('000 t cwe) 14 000 12 000 10 000 Production Imports 8 000 Exports 6 000 Consumption 4 000 2 000 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014e 2015f Source: Gira Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Irish poultry consumption, 52 w/e 7th Dec 2014 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Summary Solid EU export demand offset lower consumption Marginal increase in poultry output forecast in 2015 H5N8 unpredictable, but likely to remain under control Switching has boosted Irish consumption Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Thank you Peter Duggan Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture AIDAN COTTER Growing the success CHIEF EXECUTIVE BORD BIA of Irish food & horticulture 28 JANUARY 2009 9th Jan 2015