Age & Opportunity is the national organisation that inspires everyone to reach their full potential as they age. Our goal is to turn the period from age 50 onwards into one of the most satisfying times in people’s lives. We do this by facilitating - opportunities to engage in arts and cultural activities; - opportunities for sport and physical activity; - opportunities to learn and be involved as active citizens What is an older person ? What is the age at which people consider themselves happiest? What is the age at which people consider themselves happiest? 70 What percentage of Irish people over 65 live in long term residential care? What percentage of Irish people over 65 live in long term residential care? 5% approx Source: Dept. of Health and Children, 2009 This is text for this slide Older people in Ireland reported the highest level of life satisfaction at 87% compared with an OECD average of 69%. Source: NESC/NESDO 2009 Well-being Matters: A Social Report for Ireland Vol. II (119) Demographics (UN) 60+ World Currently (2012) One out of every nine people is 60+ (810 million people) By 2050 One out of every five will be 60+ (over 2 billion) By 2050 People over 60 will outnumber the population of children (under 14s) for the first time in human history Source: UN, 2012, Population Ageing & Development, 2012 Ireland’s Current Demographics Over half-a-million people (535,393 people) are over 65 (nearly 12% of the population) 1.2million are over 50 Those over 65 increased by 14.4% between 2006 and 2011 Increase greatest amongst the ‘oldest old’ Those aged 85+ increased by 22% between 2006 and 2011 Each year the total number of people over the age of 65 grows by around 20,000. By 2025, the number of over-65s will have increased by about 54%, and the number of over-85s will have doubled. Source: Department of Health, 2012, Future Health, p 2 Ireland: Expectancy This is text Life for this slide at birth (2009) is similar to the European Average Women: 82.5 Men: 77.4 Social class affects life This is text for this slideprofessional expectancy. Male workers have a life expectancy at birth of 81.4 years which is 6.1 years higher than unskilled counterparts. CSO, 2012, p 1 By comparison with other This is text for this slide European countries, the Irish older population (over 65s) is still the smallest in terms of proportion of total population. Source: Eurostat and WHO European Health for All Database, quoted in Dept of Health, 2012 Ireland 2010 Disposable Income Annual This is text for this slide Average for people of all ages (equivalised) €22,168 Average for people aged 65+ (equivalised) €19,723 Average annual disposable income for 75+ (equivalised) €18,613 Source: CSO, 2012a, Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) 2010 The gross This isaverage text for this slide weekly income, people 65+ (equivalised) €403.23 (it has decreased by 6% since 2009) The ofslide this income This isamount text for this attributable to social transfers for people 65+ (i.e. state pension) 63.4% Older people are more This is text for on this slide dependent social transfers– that is, pensions and the household benefits package - than any other age group to keep them out of poverty 91.3% - the riskslide of poverty rate This is text for this for people 65+ if social transfers were excluded (CSO, 2012a, p35) 94.1% - the risk of poverty rate for people 75+ if social transfers are excluded (CSO, 2012a, p35) 1994 1998 2001 2003 5.9% 32.9% 44.1% 29.8% 2008 2009 2010 11.1% 9.6% 9.6% What makes an This is text for this slide older consumer? Physical changes •Eyesight •Hearing •Dexterity What makes an This is text for this slide older consumer? •Changes to appetite •Changes in living conditions Basic conditions for a This is text for this slide product or service to be age friendly Assembly This is text for this slide Design User Interface Packaging Pricing Warranty Research Methodology Change in Spending Behaviour Attitude towards Healthy Eating Brands and Switching Behaviours Likelihood to Switch Brands Spending more or less than 12 months ago Brand / Switching Summary When marketing to mature customers, it's important to create strong age-specific features. Fact: Older people do This is text for this slide not respond well to offerings that are strongly identified with age Older people are slow to make buying decisions because they are not open to change or new ideas. Fact: Older people have a tendency toward quick decision-making and are not afraid to change what they buy if the change is in their best interest.