README Ground Penetrating Radar (GRP) Results on SEDNA Physics Array

Ground Penetrating Radar (GRP) Results on SEDNA Physics Array
This portion of the SEDNA archive is an active area of research with results only partially
completed during the NSF Grant period. The data have been processed to some extent but
reseach is ongoing. The following is an overview with researchers and students alike invited to
explore further. We simply ask that if you use this data set, please consider contacting us to
collaborate or provide additional updates.
The GPR archive is summarized as follows:
1) The file called “GPR.ArchiveInventory.xls” provides an overview of data collection
process. This excel sheet is the electronic summary of all field notes.
2) The file called “PostProcessingDocumentation.Sept2010.doc” contains technical notes
summarizing all processing to date. If you wish to purchase the RADAN software and try
this yourself the needed links are provided there.
3) The file called “Radan to Bitmap Conversion Utility.doc” explains the use of two utility
programs to convert the RADAN proprietary software into common formats of Ascii and
Bitmap converted with RTOAW.EXE and rad2bmp.exe, respectively. Samples of Ascii
and Bitmap files are provided in the so-named folders.
4) The RawData folderare the original acquisitions. See file “GPR.ArchiveInventory.xls”
for details.
5) The Radandat folder contains the best results to date that have been processed along each
of the 7 physics array lines. The initial file named by line number is the raw data read
into the RADAN software and parameterized using the
“RADAN.SEDNAGPRPARAMETERS.PAM” file contained within that folder. This
parameter file defines the settings of the radar and scaling parameters used. RADAN
software is necessary to read this parameter file.
6) A sample student poster entitled “DemoPoster.pdf” is provided as overview of the
ongoing research.
Point of Contact:
Research Associate Professor Cathleen Geiger
Geography, University of Delaware