4 \H5T. HD28 . NOV 12 1987 M4 1 Li Sf»A»l« ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT AN EXPERIMENT IN APPROVAL VOTING Peter C. Fishburn AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ 07974 John D.C. Little Sloan School of Management, MIT, Cambridge, Revised April 1987 WP MA U2139 #1782-86 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 AN EXPERIMENT IN APPROVAL VOTING Peter C. Fishburn AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray John D.C. Hill, NJ 07974 Little Sloan School of Management, MIT, Cambridge, Revised April 1987 WP MA #1782-86 U2I39 ^.t.T. NOV UBRARIB 1 2 ^987 RECtWED ABSTRACT first major experimental comparison of approval voting with regular 1985 annual election of The Institute of voting occurred in the Management Sciences (TIMS). In approval voting a person votes for (approves of) as many candidates as desired, the winner being the candidate with the most votes. By permitting more votes than the number of postions to be filled, approval voting collects more information from the voter than does plurality voting. This can make In a difference, for example, when three candidates compete for a single office. such situations two candidates with wide but similar appeal sometimes split a majority constituency so that a minority candidate is elected under plurality voting. Approval voting, by contrast, is likely to identify the candidate who is most broadly acceptable to the electorate as a whole. The plurality In the TIMS experiment society members received an experimental approval Two contests involved three along with their official plurality ballot. candidates running for a single office and a third, five candidates for two positions. Surprisingly, in two of the three contests, approval voting would have produced different winners and neither of the changes was of the type usually emphasized in the approval voting literature. ballot of approval voting and showed of ballots makes it possible to is shown that in each It determine why the experimental switches occurred. reversal the approval winner had broader support in the electorate than the The experiment also provided empirical data on how voters plurality winner. distribute approvals across candidates and indicates that their behavior was roughly, but not exactly, consistent with theoretical analyses of voting efficacy. that it The experiment demonstrated the feasibility Direct comparison can make a difference. 1. A major experiment took during place (TIMS) with an annual election of The Institute of Management Sciences the plurality official examination compare approval voting with regular plurality voting Most of the voters 1985. in to INTRODUCTION of the two filled out thereby ballot, The methods. multicandidate elections, which makes voting paper This date. to describes unexpected phenomena, and shows permitting detailed, a involved election 1800 by far the largest field experiment, analyzes the side-by-side voters test its in three of approval results, finds under several quite different circumstances, that, winners that have broader electorate support than does voting provides approval it an experimental approval ballot along plurality voting. Approval voting differs from familiar plurality voting by allowing each voter to vote for are any number of candidates. Each vote is a full vote so that, if n be elected, the n candidates with the most votes win. to similar except that each voter votes for at most n candidates. running for one office, so both the a voter methods give the same same candidates. office, under result. a mechanism to the approval same effect indicate is With two candidates However, with three candidates running for voting Marking one would be similar would have Plurality voting normally marks the ballot for one or the other and of one, two, or three voter to ordinary plurality voting, marking two relative as not voting, approval may mark a would indicate approval of two candidates three people all to the third, and marking all although the voter could use such candidates. In such multicandidate more candidates beyond the number of positions elections, having two or filled, the two methods may well produce different outcomes. to be Approval voting may be viewed as an extension of plurality voting that allows voters to express their preferences more fully in multicandidate elections and and provides so more a The method candidate. measurement complete was proposed of support electorate by independently people several each for about a decade ago (Ottewell 1977, Kellett and Mott 1977, Weber 1977, Brams and Fishburn 1978, Morin then Since 1980). has it investigators, including Mueller (1979), (1982), been and explained Kim and Roush analyzed many by (1980), Straffin (1980), Riker Brams and Fishburn (1983) and Merrill and Nagel (1985). It has aroused controversy (Riker 1982, Arrington and Brenner 1984, Niemi 1984, Nicmi and Bartels 1984, Brams and Fishburn 1984, 1985) with respect to party systems and the extent to which Certain questions about method elections. Some assess its is performance insight can might be vulnerable new method can Therefore analysis, but others cannot. practical the is a and candidates in electorate, (Majority and elections addressed relative existing to by theoretical procedures the outcomes in as a actual had approval voting been used (Brams 1984). Such studies suggest that superior to existing procedures with respect lo fairness to voters terms of actually reflecting the candidates' support within the likelihood the candidates pairwise contests.) to strategic voting. major concern about approval voting and Fishburn 1983, Coombs, Cohen and Chamberlin is be possible effects on two- be obtained by examining data from past elections to the probable effects on approval voting its are ones of electing who would majority defeat candidates all others For example, each of the 1970 and 1980 had three main candidates on the majority candidate, the majority candidates ballot. lost when they in exisit. simple-majority New York Senatorial Although each election had the plurality elections because a some of was diverted support their under the votc-for-one candidates minority candidates to win. permitting thereby similar to If rule, had been used, the approval majority candidates would have won. Suggestive assumptions how about analyses historical these as arc, require invariably they would behave under different circumstances from voters those actually obtaining and therefore do not provide the same force of evidence or permit the same depth of analysis that same ballots for the criticism voting is A that approval voting so good, will out anyone is enabled when voters to historical in difference ? a elections with more ordinary multicandidatc elections. how we can sometimes voters By having two not only a When approval ballots Finally, It is from each overall second choice approval Is is where outcome reversals would develop to a body of experience Futhermorc, although Will in retrospective voters tell us multi-choice approval ballot. voting makes voter, a difference, what causes the change ? we can observe generated and approval voting feasible ? would be difficult for the voters (4) approval relatively easy to actual behavior and find out which candidates are drawing from which others, but (3) if infer preferences, albeit imperfectly, this does not would actually mark (2) implement. to the answer the following questions: almost certainly have occurred, but one would like studies two alternative try it? Docs approval voting make extreme examples in fill Nor can retrospective studies respond too difficult field test can therefore help (1) pick set of candidates. is to how it also how much will affect close races. Some people have suggested that it understand and carry out. behave effectively ? Theory suggests that certain voting strategies would be most efficacious for the voters, but will they vote this way in practice? The comparison of approval and plurality voting that we know field first about occurred at the University of Haifa were Voters asked plurality ballot involved. The and submit to rank-order the candidates. experimental an Haifa test in worked well its with along ballot Only faculty senate. its their regular few dozen voters were a analyzed in Felsenthal, Maoz and Rapoport (1985), indicate in the election studied. The TIMS experiment was on the 1984 for elections to to results, that approval voting in use of two a far larger scale. and ballots a It was patterned in part on However, ranking of candidates. unlike the Haifa elections, which had open-ended nominations, only a few candidates competed for each TIMS office and the number of voters was several orders of magnitude larger than the number of candidates. elections to public and private office as is desirable and we shall to elect shall evaluate the case is much more like most people ordinarily think about them. In discussing the results of the analysis as it The TIMS it proceeds, we shall assume that candidates most wanted by the electorate as a whole, approval voting for its do ability to that. In particular, assume that majority candidates are good, because they can defeat candidates in one-on-one runoffs. In the absence of a all we other majority candidate other measures of overall electorate preference will be examined. We save to the end of the paper a wider discussion of criteria for judging voting systems. The next section of the paper summarizes the experimental design and provides overall statistics on the Subsequent sections analyze the three balloting. individual elections and a final one discusses the findings. Additional supporting data appear in an appendix. THE TIMS EXPERIMENT 2. TIMS by-laws require that all offices be contested and, usually, exactly two To candidates are nominated for each position. might voting expected be deliberately increased the one person was All of the to number be elected candidates make to were difference, a which approval create elections in nominating the committee of candidates in three of the elections. from three candidates; informed of the in the third, and agreed test to In two, two from five. participate. To preserve a degree of anonymity, the elections will not be identified by office and the candidates will be designated A, B, C, . . The experiment was announced . etc. the in newsletter society's 1985 and, in April, two ballots were mailed to each member. ballot official plurality determined the binding results of the election and an experimental ballot assessed the effects We candidates. E2 E3 right of approval voting in the three races that had at least three shall designate the three elections as: El the An February in an election of one out of three candidates; another election of one out of three; an election of two out of five candidates. In these elections each voter of the names on the was asked to check approved candidates experimental ballot and, 6 in addition, to to rank the candidates (1, 2, . . .) approval voting, they might not exist at assist there if desirable, the experiment 1,851 returned the cooperation by majority comparisons. are ballot. was designed This in any given Almost to the all contest. Since majority candidates (which often are believed to most be include this information. official Of ballot. these, (85%) also 1,579 remarkably high rate of return shows widespread members and lends credence the arises in the exceptionally small numbers majorities) cyclical members returned test Although rankings are not part of the left of the names. number to the results. of inconsistencies, which run to single digit (The Appendix provides further the test ballots Further support details.) had some approvals checked, but a few did not rank the candidates. The counts by response category were: Rl. R2. R3. Only official ballot returned: Test ballot also returned, but without rankings: Test ballot also returned with some rankings: 272 68 1511 (14.7%) 3.7%) (81.6%) ( 1851 Slightly different numbers of voters participated 3. El was a three-way ELECTION race in each election. El among candidates approval voting would have changed the winner from C A, to B. B, and C, in As may be seen which in added approval votes for Y = P(Y/A)Na+P(Y/B)Nb+P(Y/C)Nc. We from Table see 1 that the does extrapolation not change the results in any fundamental way. Search for 3.2 we Next candidate rankings. one is candidates. look a majority candidate for who would win The analysis here Table is in a As candidate. pairwise little stated (plurality) earlier, elections a with majority all other more complicated and makes use of the 2 presents the results. Contest: A Inferred votes for: A Revealed majority a . vs. B B A A vs. C C B vs. C C B first choices from official ballot counts: 166 827 166 835 827 835 166 2 492 290 331 70 66 3 4 9 3 460 1175 900 104 14 13 914 914 Revealed second choices from: R3 rankings R2 approvals Subtotal of revealed choices: 334 1322 901 Estimated second 44 choices: 128 89 Extrapolated total votes: 378 1450** 549 1279** ** larger vote 2. For election El, majority comparisons show that in hypothetical two-way races both B and C would defeat A but that B against C would be a virtual tie. Table The essentially in listed C 835 prefer a dead a that both The heat. with the B versus illustrated and are show totals B and C would beat A, but that analysis C comparison. to B. However, 166 people B versus C election? The to these be will results 827 voted for B on the official ballot the first row as preferring in leads B and C are that B to C (and show B to A). How would cast votes for A. ballots of these 166 also Similarly they vote in that 70 provided rankings in the order ABC, 66 provided rankings ACB, 3 provided no rankings but approved A and B, 27 made no distinction between B and C by ranking or approvals. Thus in B versus C comparison the 70 are credited a and the 3 but gave no indication of a B versus C to B, the 66 to C, to B. This leaves 27 preference. C. and C and if also for A the 27 are ignored, the revealed choices arc 900 for If The next who voted to row of Table last 2 how estimates the 27 would they adhered to the pattern of the 139 voters (70+66+3) expressed 27(73/139)=14.2 and preference a for C is nearest vote, are 914 for each. between and B 27(66/139)=12.8. No C. The B and 901 for split who voted The calculation final totals, between B B for rounded A for to is the valid distinction between the two candidates is possible. 3.3 Discussion . To summarize, candidate C wins 0.5%, but the official plurality B would have won an approval vote by 6.1% and 10 a election by a hair, head-to-head election would be too is just than a The picture emerges close to call. larger than little C (36% to 23%). followers do of C. elect candidate to Approval voting not is when really a the majority candidate because of an effective clear acceptance in the electorate than C. voters, is usually praised because block split case here. of will would cause the votes We do it not have a clear However, approval voting picks tie. These show that B has winner on the basis of second choices. more information from the B's the most approval votes. candidate This lose. has a loyal following that Furthermore more of C's followers approve of B than Hence B wins majority a C However, among A's followers, more approve of B B's. What can we conclude? often that a broader a Therefore, the approval process, by eliciting leads to the election of the candidate with the widest support. We should possible for lose by the C to also point out that, although have actually been approval voting a criterion approvals to become the winner. it did not happen here, well as On because B received enough second choice This could only happen for two close candidates, the other hand, as seems clear from various theoretical analyses, approval voting bring forward majority candidates than plurality voting. where there is "most approval from the experiment will much more favor of the more broadly supported candidate. 11 as often In experimental election El no clear majority candidate, approval voting demonstrates to be a tie-breaker in would be majority candidate by a few votes and then but does demonstrate that the criteria of "majority candidate" and votes" are not identical. it its ability 4. Election plurality E2 and approval is another results agree. ELECTION E2 three-way Table 3 race to elect one presents the results. person, but here Contest: A Inferred votes for: A vs. B A B A vs. C B C B vs. C C Revealed first choices from official ballot counts: 395 552 395 597 552 597 171 281 162 128 3 179 2 240 1 924** 632 91 Revealed second choices from: R3 rankings R2 approvals 1 Subtotal of Extrapolated total votes: 620 ** larger vote ->** 1 5. A new elected Table surprise awaits us in election E3, in which two people are to be from among winner in 5 the shows ELECTION E3 5 candidates, A, B, C, official the plurality summary. pattern as the actual vote and is election (The D and E. finishes extrapolated omitted.) We find that the second place fourth in approval the vote approval voting. shows the same Votes inferred Contest for A vs Revealed first choices from rankings B Other revealed choices from rankings Revealed choices from approval ballots 203 376 25 312 420 22 303 393 21 10 16 12 Totals 550 844* 665 708* 652 673* 398 394 15 10 750* 507 392 234 19 854** 13 513 389 260 22 854** 17 536 537 250 26 420 348 6 15 17 1006** 359 701** 624 535 364 22 9 823** 476 520 375 24 803** 9 487 ** larger vote of pair in Table 6. Results of hypothetical pairwise contests between the five candidates E3 show that approval winners B and C would win pairwise contests with all others. Figure 1. A graph of the hypothetical pairwise contests within E3 with arrows toward the winners shows that B, then C, are the two elected. Since there are no directed cycles, no cyclical majorites are present. D A comparisons for E3 are transitive with ranking B C Rankings from three E. types of analysis are: plurality: BADGE approval: majority: B C B C D A E D A E. Thus approval voting has faithfully reproduced voting has not. Instead, as already noted, plurality voting elevates the fourth place majority candidate to second place and drops the runner-up The information on individual makes Beyond it the majority rankings, but plurality possible to that a cohesive minority has voted for is fourth place. voters provided by the experimental setup understand what has happened. However, when the electorate to A and B clearly has wide support. elected A given an opportunity to express by plurality vote. removing the two-vote constraint, many more approve of C and example, Similarly, for 23% 20% A approved of those not not voting for voting D for C on approved of D. of A. 16 the official preferences by its ballot D than A. approved of For C. But only 14% of those not voting E3 with and two positions five candidates its an at-largc election. is Given freedom of approval voting, the electorate picks C, who has broad acceptance, the who than A, rather is A would fluke of bland approval, since the rankings show that head election with C (and even with D). proposition may that feel however, wishes is of a be to separate the to such elected, issue electorate be (to as a a is in head-to- a this in group up representation. By later). approval perhaps believing situation, have should voting has the Some people pick majority candidates. brought whole, lose not a this Thus the experiment demonstrates cohesive group should win the two with that, approval voting tends that However, favored by the cohesive minority. the criterion selected the This, of the right candidates. 6. DISTRIBUTION OF APPROVAL VOTES One question about approval voting to whether assert Another question is show that votes for is these whether people either one or about equally efficacious, It i.e., instructive therefore to elections El would have been people two candidates in a approval: approvals: votes. have about the same chance of affecting the outcome. examine the distribution of the number of approvals E2 720 (55%) 706(49%) 418(32%) ( approval three-candidate election are 660 (46%) 69 as Brams and Fishburn (1983) and E2: 2 approvals: 3 expressed will vote effectively. El 1 will Restrospective analyses can sometimes infer preferences but are actually vote for? unable how many candidates is: 5%) 161 (12%) 17 in We majority great the that see theoretically effective strategies. of each. approvals More surprising have the is Less predictably, the same effect on However, three approvals do indicate individuals voter as feature are is to that in El, vote voters of for that outcome of perform the functions of the where approval voting produces more double approvals and fewer triples. the of three, This the election as three since not voting. candidates arc acceptable the all two, or we find roughly equal numbers number who approve the one either may office. a to the Another interesting reversal of outcome, there reflect the closeness of two of the candidates and the remoteness of the third for most voters. Brams and Fishburn (1983) further suggest the distribution of preferences in the electorate, four or more, it is that, when under certain assumptions of the number of candidates efficacious to vote for about half of them. examine the distributions of approvals for E3, in In this light which two candidates are picked from five: E3 1 approval: 2 approvals: 3 approvals: 4 approvals: 5 approvals: Thus most voters appear to be 116 641 ( 8%) (46%) 494 (36%) 75 ( 5%) 54 ( 4%). using the leverage of approval voting effectively. 18 to is we be CONCLUSIONS 7. TIMS experiment What does the Approval voting makes a say about approval voting as a method? difference experimental the In . outcome would have changed for two of the four positions obviously has limited scope, the number of reversals filled. a is little contests, the Although the test Most surprising. analyzed historical elections have been selected because they contain conspicuous reversals of presumed popular sentiment. Our examples are more ordinary, created make only to have enough candidates so that the voting method might The experimental data experimentally found switches most of its publicity, that the approval voting plurality winner. tie. Approval why us Interestingly, . of the type for Nevertheless, in splitting a both of our cases of the majority so that a we can demonstrate winner has broader support among the electorate than the In election El, the ranking data voting neither which approval voting has received two popular candidates i.e., minority candidate wins. is tell a difference. breaks the tie because show two candidates it preferences, essentially second choice information. would switch the winner to a majority candidate collects more in a virtual data on voter In election E3, approval voting who would win in one-on-one contests with each of the relevant candidates. Even election E2, deeper analysis, a for which plurality and approval results agree, provides, on case for the ability of approval voting to identify the candidate 19 Rankings indicate with the broadest support. winner would have been virtually the election, runner-up to The approval a head-to-hcad election, the who takes enough votes away from the would break the The population as a the actual plurality In This situation leaves one a election seems more satisfactory. in with the runner-up. spoiler a is winner. the create about fairness. that candidate third tied that, tie little uncomfortable on a different basis, one whole gives the winner more approval votes than the runner-up, the deciding factor being second-choice votes. Approval voting Approval voting society. schemes operating in Most, in a feasible is, major in but at least for the members fact, operationally simpler cities not all, voters three candidate race two candidates , today. In of TIMS, a professional than some of the voting experiment, no special problems the Voter inconsistencies were extremely few. were encountered. that, is act effectivelv for one . Theoretical postion, voting for exactly one or exactly efficacious and that, in a race with is about half offers the most influence to arguments suggest the voter. many candidates, voting for The distribution of numbers of votes in the experimental elections suggests that most of the voters behave in these ways. Somewhat surprising is the number of voters (5%, 12%, and 4%, respectively, in the three races). meaning that all desires of has said Critics it This behavior of is all candidates interpreted as the candidates are acceptable to the voter. The discussion the who approve the does. so far has focused on electorate whether approval voting better reveals than plurality voting, and the experimental evidence However, other questions have been raised about the method. have suggested that approval voting could be deleterious 20 to the two-party system and obviously that might it on silent is vulnerable be the question first beyond and, distributions of actual approval votes, seems to offer A further concern Perhaps not prevail. a is that perhaps in split experimental issue but one of criterion. came up winners election in A that the small group to C in experiment but majority. a the In only to more than two a same genre exposes contest. the Again is the The B and were One may argue chooses C. a is One phenomenon. criterion response C. When group of supporters. it that plurality representation even though this not an is situation offices. candidates tight votes, take advantage of a This, of course, majority the who wanted A should have head-to-head a interesting some cases the majority wishes should wins the plurality vote because of the electorate at large can cast lose A rather on the second. E3 with the five candidates for two were candidates B and Candidate the minority candidate should be able when two popular candidates situation little The experiment voting. strategic to A would question. would be The that representation can and perhaps should be handled in the design of the election, not the voting geographically or representation groups can be divided by other relevant segmentation into separate elections. Within process. If desired, is each election the voting process can be made as broadly based as possible. In summary, the experiment provides direct evidence that approval voting obtains more information from the voter and uses the ranking methods but with much tabulator. appears to to capture the central tendency The approval method does of the electorate better than plurality voting. as well as it less this about effort on the part of the voter and Unlike many new or rediscovered voting schemes, approval voting be an easily understood alternative to the plurality and plurality-with- 21 runoff now methods widely used multicandidate large-electorate for Approval voting could therefore save much public and private expense, time, in those cases elections. well as as where runoffs are now required. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors wish 1985 thank the TIMS Council, the nominees for office to the in annual election, and, particularly, Dr. H. Newton Garber, chairman of the nominating committee, for their support experiment. We also in authorizing and executing the TIMS thank Mary DeMelim and the TIMS Business Office for much help in designing the ballots and transcribing the votes. REFERENCES Arrington, T. and S. Brenner, "Another Look S. at Approval \'oting," Politv 17 . (1984), 118-134. Brams, S. J. and P. C. "Approval Fishburn, Voting," Amcr. Pol. Sci. Rev. 72 . (1978), 831-847. , , Approval Voting Birkhauscr, Boston, 1983. . "A Careful Look at 'Another Look at Approval Voting'," Politv . 17 (1984), 135-143. , Voting'," Coombs, C. H., J. of Strategic Voting under Approval "Comment on 'The Problem Amer. L. Pol. Sci. Cohen and Rev. 79 (1985), 816-818. . J. Chamberlin, "An Empirical Study of Some Election Systems," Amer. Psychologist 22 . 39 (1984), 140-157. Felsenthal, Maoz and Z. D., Voting in A. Genuine Rapoport, "Comparing Approval Elections," IPDM Report No. 21, with Plurality Laboratory Information Processing and Decision Making, University of Haifa, of Israel, 1985. Kcllctt, J. and K. Mott, "Presidential Primaries: Measuring Popular Choice," Polity (1977), 528-537. 11 Kim, K. H. and F. Roush, Introduction W. New Marcel Dekker, Merrill, S. . Ill and J. Mathematical Consensus Theory to . York, 1980. Nagel, "The Effect of Approval Balloting on Strategic Voting under Alternative Decision Rules." Preprint, Department of Mathematics, Wilkes College, Wilkes-Barre, PA, 1985. Morin, R. A., Structural New York Reform: Ballots Vantage. . 1980. Mueller, D. C, Public Choice Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1979. . Niemi, R. "The Problem of Strategic Voting under Approval Voting," Amer. G., Sci. Niemi, R. Pol. Rev. 78 (1984), 952-958. . and G. L. M. Bartels, "The Responsiveness of Approval Voting to Political Circumstances," PS, 17 (1984), 571-577. Ottewell, G., "The Arithmetic of Voting," In Defense of Variety 4 (1977), 42-44. . Riker, W. H., Liberalism against Populism: Democracy and the A Confrontation between the Theory of Theory of Social Choice . Freeman, San Francisco, 1982. Straffin, P. D. Weber, R. J., Jr., Topics in the Theory of Voting Birkhauser, Boston, 1980. . "Comparison of Voting Systems," Preprint, 1977. 23 APPENDIX We provide here further data to support and enrich the analyses in the text, especially for elections El and E3. Ballot transcription and discrepancies The TIMS Business Office transcribed for each voter ballot the two who returned A few minor ballots. and both to provide consistency checks and to link discrepancies arose from transcription. the official plurality votes in El (Table the official ballot votes onto the test B and C are for A, 166, 827 The same counts from the transcriptions on 1). 835 respectively (see Table and 835 respectively 167, 826 the test ballots are plurality "official 7 For example, None vote"). of the discrepancies affects our conclusions. Several E3 approved of election Two in candidate ranked lower than one they did not approve of. a the in voting. El voters did not approve of their official ballot choice, yet approved of some candidate. other election, yet Nine voters occurred inconsistencies interesting Seven voters 18 voters failed to did same the approve of in E2. the In five-candidate E3 candidate selected on their official ballot a approved others not selected on the official ballot. Rankings In election El, ranked 95% of the voters three (1415 of who ranked one ballot E3, 1420 voters ranked the candidates, of 210 ranked their A few all first In 1484). test whom two choices, 189 ranked E2 24 more candidates on the was 88% (1161 of 46 ranked onlv their three, voters indicated ties in their rankings. it or and 975 (64"/..) 1313). first ranked In choice, all five. Approval voting. El Tabic 7 shows the match-ups between approval votes and official plurality votes along with other data used to obtain the summaries in Table who returned part of the tabic includes 1567 voters their official subset of candidates as none voted for a B, function of who approved 1 each candidate as the of voter's A and official C, 24 voted for For choice. ballot A on the official The "actual is obtained from the totals column in the upper 7 summarizes the number of approval votes for a function of the candidate voted for on the official ballot. next two lines record the test-ballot nonresponders 21, along with 7. The middle part of Table (N^ = ballot for El 79 voted for C, and two voted for nobody. approval vote" column in Table part of Table test The upper and shows the number of voters who approved each possible ballot example, of the 105 voters ballot, a 1. Ng = 134, Nc = 111), and the who voted on total plutality The the official ballot votes (counted from transcriptions on the test ballots plus the nonresponders totals). The bottom section shows the calculation for extrapolated totals. Approval voting. E2 Table 8 does for election E2 what Table 7 does for El. 25 approval vote TABLE 7 Number of voters approving each possible subset of candidates, broken out by voter's official choice, plus various summaries and extrapolations. Election El Candidates in approval set (R2 + R3) none ABC Total none ballots TABLE 8 Number of voters approving each possible subset of candidates, broken out by voter's official choice, plus various summaries and extrapolations. Election E2 Candidates in approval set (R2+R3) none ABC Voter's choice on official ballot Total none ballots Approval voting. E3 Table 9 shows the number of voters approving each subset of candidates as function of the candidate pairs they chose on the official ballot. ABC shows that, of 60 people the official voted for ballot, C and who approved 20 voted for E. Contrary A and C, instruction on to for the official but are not reflected in Table in the official totals Summaries of data the in the main table A and B on B and C, and one person ballot, people voted for only one of the five candidates on that ballot. counted For example, row- of A,B,and C, 23 voted for 16 voted a number a of These votes were 9. are given at the bottom. Conditional relative frequencies for approving of a candidate not on the official ballot pair can voted for B and be computed from C on the (22%), and 53 approved of did not vote for 20% who did main E A approved not vote for D the table. ballot, 29 (21%). of A, For example, of the 255 voters who approved of A (11%), 57 approved of As noted in 23% who did approved of D. 28 Section 5, not vote for 14% of the voters C approved of C, D who and TABLE 9: Number of voters approving each subset of candidates, broken out by Election E3. voter's choice pair on the official ballot. Candidates 813 °°'^ i^^SB^rfn Lib-26-67 3 TOAD DD^ T33 &E3