HD28 M414 • a* "\ —MAR 11^* J ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT An Empirical Investigation of Asset Pricing with Temporally Dependent Preference Specifications by John Heaton WP. #3245-91-EFA February 1991 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 An Empirical Investigation of Asset Pricing with Temporally Dependent Preference Specifications by John Heaton WP. #3245-91-EFA February 1991 An Empirical Investigation of Asset Pricing With Temporally Dependent Preference Specifications John Heaton Department of Economics and Sloan School of Management M.I.T. February 1991 Comments Invited First Draft: December 1989 ABSTRACT In this paper, I empirically investigate a representative consumer model in which the consumer is assumed to have temporally dependent preferences of several forms. Comparing the model's implications for asset prices to those of a time-additive model, I find substantial evidence for the local substitutability of consumption with habit formation occurring over longer periods of time. Neither local substitution nor habit formation alone is found to be significant, so that the interaction between the two effects is quite important. Although the model provides a better explanation of the behavior of asset prices, the model is still statistically rejected. A potential explanation for this rejection is that with local substitution the Hansen and Jagannathan (1990, 1991) bounds on the moments of the marginal rate of substitution, can be fit only with extreme curvature in the period utility function. Keywords: * Asset Pricing, Aggregation Local Substitution, Habit Persistence, Temporal i . This a revised version of a paper by the same title presented at the 1989 North American Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society, at the conference on "Empirical Applications of Structural Models" sponsored by the Econometric Society and at the 1990 Canadian Macroeconomics Study Group sponsored by SSHRCC. have received many helpful comments and suggestions I from a large number of people. In particular, I would like to thank, George Constantinides, Eric Ghysels, Ayman Hindy, Chi-fu Huang, Ken Judd, Deborah Lucas, Andrew Lo, Whitney Newey, George Tauchen and especially Andy Abel and Lars Hansen. I would also like to thank Makoto Saito for research assistance. I gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Provost fund at M.I.T. and the International Financial Services Research Center at M.I.T. Of course any errors in this work are my own. I. Introduction paper, this In model which in consumer the those of to a assumed is representative a temporally have to consumer dependent Comparing the model's implications for asset preferences of several forms. prices investigate empirically I time-additive model, find substantial I evidence in favor of a preference structure under which consumption at nearby dates is substitutable Neither levels develops slowly. local alone is found to be significant, effects quite is explanation rejected. A substitution potential that is substitution nor habit persistence that so asset prices, needed to fit the this many causes difficulties on other dimensions. of In provides model model the explanation for interaction between the two the Although important. observed of and where habit over consumption subst itution) (called local rejection the statistically still is is moments particular, better a that of to the asset local prices fit estimated Hansen and Jagannathan (1991) bounds on the moments of the marginal rate of substitution, the local substitutability of consumption can be maintained only if extreme curvature in the period utility function is allowed. The possibility explain some of the that poor temporal dependencies performance suggested by a number of authors. of asset in preferences could help pricing models has been For example, Constantinides (1990) argued that by specifying a preference structure where consumption is complementary the equity premium puzzle of Mehra and Prescott over time, solved . In this model, an empirical could be investigation of the Euler equations implied by Ferson and Constantinides (1990) found evidence in favor of the model, using quarterly and annual data In (1985) 2 . the model analyzed by Constantinides (1990), habit persistence was used to make consumption complementary over type of specification is that dates local to time time of t. violates it One problem with time. the this consumption at notion that should be relatively substitutable for consumption at t Huang and Kreps (1987), and Hindy and Huang (1989) argued in favor substitutable. locally consumption making In continuous-time a environment, Hindy and Huang (1989) showed that when consumption is locally asset prices will be "smooth" substitutable, if there is no new arrival of This occurs even if the consumption endowment is very erratic. information. This seems to correspond quite well with our intuition about the behavior of In fact, prices over short periods of time. using monthly consumption and asset market data, Dunn and Singleton (1986), Eichenbaum and Hansen (1989), Gallant and Tauchen (1989) and Ogaki all found evidence in favor of (1988), consumption being locally substitutable. aggregation Temporal studies data monthly using is explanation for potential one evidence find for consumption being complementary over time. consumption observed data, In is average an study a aggregation whether consumption, frequencies, time. temporal of of studies dynamics, Heaton whereas for use aggregate that problem quarterly expenditures that found evidence important monthly, at consumption consumption (1990) an is be it In substitution local Constantinides using quarterly data Ferson and fact the over (1990) or because annual period a showed of that temporal aggregation and temporal dependencies in preferences can interact in an important way. as the length of the For example, time monthly to quarterly data), if consumption averaging it is increases possible preferences are time additive or even that course, a different explanation is for there that is locally substitutable, (for the is going from suggest that formation. Of example data habit to consumption is locally substitutable, possible that but habit develops much more slowly 3 low frequency data, when we examine In . the this case, it is habit effects will dominate. A goal of this paper is to try to sort out In studying these issues these different effects. which consumption is locally substitutable. the consumption good is durable. flow of services from I investigated a model in I modeled this by assuming that Habit was modeled as developing over the consumption good and, the importance of all of the consumption itself develops much more slowly. I as a habit result, over was careful to take account of the fact that observed consumption is time averaged. I found that habit persistence substantially improves the fit of stock and bond returns only if local substitution is also present. The estimated parameters of the model imply that consumption is relatively substitutable over a period of about a point. However, year, imposing the with habit effects dominating beyond that requirement that consumption locally be substitutable implies that a high degree of curvature in the period utility function is needed to fit Hansen and Jagannathan (1990, moments of the marginal rate of substitution. 1991) bounds on the This difficulty may explain why the model is still statistically rejected by the data. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. preference the paper. 4, I structures In section 3, I that are examined In section 2, throughout I rest the present the asset pricing environment. outline of the In section use a diagnostic proposed by Hansen and Jagannathan (1990) to examine whether the model of section 3 fits some aspects of the asset market when local substitution in consumption is maintained. In section 5 I present the results of formal estimation of the entire asset pricing model. Section 6 concludes the paper. 2. PREFERENCES In this section, throughout the rest outline the class of preferences that will be used I the of consumer are assumed The preferences paper. display simple forms of to of representative the temporal dependence. To model the temporal dependence in preferences, assume that the preferences of the representative consumer are time additive over a potentially fictitious Let called services. good {s(t): t=0,l,2, ...}. services at time be t given by sit) and s * Preferences over s are then assumed to be given by the utility function: Uts) = (2.1) t £{^_ o p u(s(t))>. Assume further that the period utility function is characterized by constant relative risk aversion, so that U(s) is given by: »<*, = U.2) - * ct eJc/ i'7 . r > o. '} The constant relative risk aversion parameterization of u(-) in this investigation because it makes it possible to convenient is use simple transformations of the data that induce stationarity. To induce temporal dependencies consumption via: " s(t) = I j the services are assumed to be consumption goods, (2.3) in o a(j)c(t-j) consumer's linked to preferences current over and past I use several different parametric examples of the function <a(j)> in later sections: Durable goods subject to exponential depreciation. 1. Suppose that the In this exponentially. by consumption case let good a(j) = A is durable and depreciates where 0<A<1 and s(t) given is 4 : sit) = £ (2.4) ro j _oA c(t-j) Note that this specification makes the consumption good substitutable over This specification of durability was also used, time. and Singleton sections 3, Eichenbaum and Hansen (1986), 4 and 5 of temporal aggregation. seems reasonable substitutable. In and Ogaki (1988). In assume that the time interval between decisions taken I by the consumer is very short. it (1990) by Dunn for example, This allows me to account for the potential When the interval between decisions is very short, that fact, consumption the at adjacent continuous-time limit dates of will this be very preference structure satisfies the continuity restriction of Huang and Kreps (1987) and Hindy and Huang (1989). This continuity restriction captures the notion that consumption at relatively adjacent dates should be substitutable. 2. Habit Persistence. Suppose that the consumer cares about the level of consumption today relative to an average of past consumption so that the consumer develops an acceptable level of consumption over time. Habit persistence of this form has been studied, (1989), Sundaresan for Constantinides Following Constantinides s(t) (1973), (1990) I (1990) and Detemple and Zapataro (1990). (1970), model habit persistence by assuming that is given by: m sit) = c(t) - a(l-e)£ (2.5) j term the that Note consumption, the habit 6 J c(t-l-j), 0«x<l, O<0<1. o J (l-8)£ ™ 8 c( t-l-j) a is weighted average of past and a gives the proportion of this average that is compared to current consumption. as Ryder and Heal by Pollack example, stock. The process x(t) The J (l-9)£ " 8 c(t-l-j) = referred to is introduction of habit persistence effects makes consumption complementary over time. 3. Habit Persistence with local durability With short decision intervals, (2.2) and (2.5) restrictions. preference specification given by violates the notion that consumers can readily substitute consumption at adjacent dates. preferences the with persistence habit Instead In fact, it seems Hindy and Huang (1989) showed that do not reasonable satisfy that habit their may continuity develop more slowly and that the consumer is willing to substitute consumption local to time t, for c(t). One way to model this is to assume that the good is durable and that the consumer develops habit over the flow of services from the durable. (2.6) In other words: J sit) = sit) - a(l-8)£ " G s(t-l-j), where (2.7) sit) = jf A J c(t-j), 0<A<1. 0<a<l, 0<8<1, As demonstrate I parameterization persistence. Sections in capture to example, For if and 4 < at 0, longer possible is it substitution local A 5, with lags for this long-run the effect habit of past consumption on preferences due to the durability of the good will die out and the habit persistence effects will dominate. In this sense, the durability would be local. In section the next I discuss the asset pricing implications of this type of model. 3. ASSET PRICING MODEL Suppose now that the representative consumer of section 2 is faced with a random payoff of y(t+l) units of consumption at time t. Then the time t price of this payoff is given by: ;3 .i) P (t) = Jp^(tn) mac It) 1 where muc(t) preference structure consumption at time (3.2) ffluc(t) Because of = ' J marginal the is t given the by utility of consumption at (2.2) and (2.3), the time For t. marginal utility the of is given by: " £JlT I i o T p a(T)s(t+x) * presence of the | m)|. conditional expectation testing the Euler equation given in (3.1) is somewhat difficult. in (3.2), However if observed consumption is used to proxy for consumption in the model, and the good has a finitely lived impact on services, restrictions embodied and (3.1) in Hansen and (1989), Ferson Examples directly. (3.2) in Dunn and Singleton (1986), approach can be found, for example, and then it is possible to use the and Constantinides (1990) this of Eichenbaum Gallant . and Tauchen (1989) follow a different approach and use a nonparametric expansion of the utility function to estimate the degree of dependence in preferences. However, Heaton (1990) presents evidence that temporal aggregation can have important effects upon the estimation of the temporal dependencies in problem aggregation temporal The preferences. occurs this in context because consumers make decisions at intervals much finer than the observed frequency of the data and the observed consumption data consists of averages time. This issue is temporally dependent of consumption over a period of context with models of important within the preferences time-averaging consumption induces positive autocorrelation growth accounting Without rates. temporal for in because consumption aggregation, this "smoothness" in consumption could spuriously be interpreted as being induced persistence by habit (1987), Hall -important Heaton (see and Hansen and Singleton (1988), Given this evidence, very short: one I Shiller also show that it is will assume that the interval between decisions fourth the economic environment (as in and and . of a month complications created by this assumption, Ferson (1990) Melino for temporal aggregation within the context of models to account with time additive preferences is Grossman, (1990)). is (i.e. a a week). (1990), additional assumptions create an advantage. handle the more complete specification of needed than in Euler equations Constantinides To for example). investigations However, these Keeping muc(t) nonnegative The marginal utility of consumption in models with temporally dependent preferences involves forward looking terms as in (3.2). investigations where complete a mechanism is not necessary, utility of consumption it behaved. of the data to verify that is not possible well is specification In Euler equation This is a potential generation the marginal problem in models with habit persistence because the marginal utility of consumption at time t involves expectations of future marginal utilities of services with negative weights. Without proper restriction on the preference parameters the estimated utility function could be decreasing in consumption, at the observed consumption levels. For example suppose that services at time sit) = cit) - ac(t-l), a (3.3) > t . Then the marginal utility of consumption at time nuc(t) = sit)~ 7 (3.4) - a^£{s(t+l)" are given by: t is: ^r :^ (t)> : . Suppose further that the decision interval of the consumer is a quarter so that we can use observed quarterly expenditures on consumption to evaluate the model. Under the assumption process: (3.5) muc'it) = muc(t)/c(t)~ r that c(t)/c(t-l) is stationary, the Notice that muc(t) is nonnegative if and only if muc (t) is is stationary. nonnegative since c(t)£0. a = = 0.9 illustrate the Setting 0.9. dramatically Constantinides a admittedly is potential 3=0.95 suppose that y=l, To illustrate the potential problems, extreme, as was it chosen often obtain parameter estimates for a that (1990) and Ferson However, problems. 1/4 to and are of this order of magnitude. Using these parameter values the process: 7 T -o0 [s(t+l)/c(t)l nuc(t) = [s(t)/c(t)] (3.6) is plotted in figure observations of per nondurables is znuc(t) sit) from through so that forward looking term in the chosen utility taken 1989, CITIBASE from parameter function if negative the of Notice . that muc(t) due are to the Because of the negative values of muc(t), (3.6). values values 7 c.i For the entire sample highly erratic and is negative quite often. positive is quarterly of seasonally-adjusted aggregate expenditures capita, 1950 consists data consumption The 3.1. may not be consistent consumption observed with a corresponds to well defined the optimal consumption choice made by the representative consumer when consumption is freely disposable. However, the object of interest is muc (t) = Eimucit) iy(.t)}. As a proxy for the conditional expectations needed to evaluate muc (t), consider: (3.7) muc(t) = [sit)/cit)]~ 7 - a/3 Proj{ 10 [s(t + l )/c(t 7 ) ] I Hit) } where Proj is the projection operator. generated {R R vw (t-i)} vw (t) is by , <c(t-j )/c(t-l-j> constant, a where R (t) Hit) is taken to be the linear space 2 _ f 2 {R (t-j)> , and return on a 3 month treasury bill and is the real j=0 the quarterly real return from the CRSP value-weighted portfolio. Nominal returns were converted to real returns using the quarterly implicit deflator price Proji [s(t+l )/c(t) ] ! Hit) parameters The nondurables. for were estimated using ordinary } governing least squares using the entire sample period of the data. Figure 3.2 plots the resulting realized values of muc(t). several values of muc(t) are negative. linear projection is proxying for the To true the extent that conditional Notice that the estimated expectation, these chosen parameters cannot be consistent with the data and should not be part of the admissible parameter Although space. are there relatively few observations of the marginal utility process that are negative, the negative observations are potentially important as can be seen in the plot of the realized values of the marginal rate of substitution as given in figure 3.3. Notice that there are outliers several that are very negative. These results suggest that it may be important to restrict the estimation of these models such consumption. (as is done that the implied utility function is nondecreasing in Only with a complete description of the economic environment in this paper) is it imposition of the restriction muc(t) i 11 possible to determine is important or not. whether the ) Endowments and Asset Payoffs The Economic Environment: To model environment economic the more assume completely, that the consumer is embedded in an endowment economy with some exogenously given law of motion endowments. for a process r markov {X(t)> sequence of payoffs {d(x)> = p(t) r (3.8) suppose consumption, that the habit stock and the asset payoffs at time durable stock, of particular In Elt3 V mucit *\ mac t time [denoted price t are elements t p(t)] of a is then characterized by: _ ] The . t=o the [p(t + D + 'J d(t + l)] Given a law of motion for {X(t)>, X(t)\ I ( the price the of . asset time at as t a function of X(t) can be found by finding a fixed point to (3.8) as in Lucas (1978). Although it would be possible to use this framework to price a large number of assets, it is of interest to first see if the model is capable of pricing a few "aggregate" returns. dividend stream discount bond Q . embedded As a result, value will consider pricing the I weighted in the CRSP Assume that the law of motion for the and a real logarithm of real return, consumption and dividend growth rates is given by a two dimensional Gaussian process {/"(t)} t=o Monthly observations of the logarithm of the real dividend growth rate are highly seasonal. To model component of seasonal autoregressive dividends can be this seasonal, modeled by polynomial. 12 assumed that using In consumption and dividends evolve according I to: seasonal particular, I the seasonal dummies assumed and a that 1 y(t) = (3.9) a r(L) c (t) (L: D(t) + + /i where: iog[c(t)/c(t-l) y(t) = iog[d(t)/d(t-l) T(L) is matrix of polynomials by 2 2 a in the operator, lag a (L) is a s (seasonal) polynomial in the lag operator, Gaussian iid dummies, a shocks = [u (E(e(t )e(t u 12 • • • observed data The u 48 ], )' = ) I), {e(t)> D(t) is a 2 by _ is sequence a and u is a vector of means consists of averages of observation finest interval I seasonal used was monthly aggregate this data. Dividend data is available at very high frequencies. the of . since is sequence of consumption and dividends The observation interval that over different periods 1 for consumption However, I used the data at monthly frequencies to avoid having to model finer details like the number of weeks in a month. To estimate discussed Although by the (3.9) Ingram model I and could simulated method of moments estimator used a Lee be (1987) fit and Duffie and Singleton using Maximum Likelihood as (1989). techniques, the simulation method is more convenient to use in this context because fitting implications the asset pricing The data consists of of observations the of model {c (t), requires d (t)} simulation as well. for am assuming a weekly model) where, for example: (remember I o.io: s V = c (t) ;) a 3 2Wc(t+x) 13 t=0, 4, 8, ... . The simulation estimator could be implemented by first simulating a path for consumption and dividend levels using the simulated ratios which would be the moments of Application resulted technique this of instabilities. example) (for along the simulated followed Grossman Melino and Shiller Singleton levels (1990) approximations example, "matched" severe very in the data. to numerical This occurred because a slight mispecif ication of the growth properties of consumption consumption then averaging and computing (3.9), to and assumed arithmetic resulted path. To (1987), Hall geometric that averages. In very in avoid ) > this averages other are words * iog(c (t)) problem, and (1988) a that 7 ® ilogicit+x) - iog(c(t-4+x) large values of I - Hansen I and reasonable assumed, for a iog(c (t-l ) ) The observed data is of the form: Y*(t) = (3.11) a a a a iog(c (t))-iog(c (t-4)) iog(d (t))-iog(d (t-4)) for t = 0, 4, 8 The first set seasonal means of log dividend growth, of moments I fit were is non zero. I twelve and the mean of consumption growth. Because all of the seasonal dummies in the weekly model of identified, the (3.9) cannot be assumed that only the dummy for the first week of each month Under this assumption, the seasonal dummies and the mean were estimated directly without using simulation. parameters are given in table 3.1. the method of Newey and West (1987), The estimates of \i these The standard errors were estimated using with two years of lags, serial correlation in the error term of the regression. 14 to correct for I parameterized f(L) by setting a U) % = HI) B{L) a (I) 2 where B(L) is a 2 by 2 matrix of first order polynomials in the lag operator and a and a (L) are polynomials of order (Z.) = setting a (L) the simulated - 1 method These parameters were fit using where s was 48. a L moments of a (L) was parameterized by 2. described estimator above using 1344 observations in the simulated sample (approximately four times the observed sample r(t) Let size). seasonal dummies and means. denote Similarly, less seasonal dummies and means. the following and £{/( moments: a t )Y (t-12) values 12 and } residual the E<Y*( Y^tt) less estimated let Y(t) denote the residual of 7(t) In fitting the parameters of y(t), a t of )y ) ( t ' } , £{Y a a ( t )Y (t-4) / } , I used E{Y*U )Y*(t-8) ' } along with the covariance of dividend growth with its 13 months used in the procedure, 1 in the past. In estimating the weighting matrix year of lags in a Newey-West (1987) procedure were used. A test of the over identifying restrictions yields a test statistic of 1.23 which implies a P-Value of 0.873. As a result, reasonable job of fitting the chosen moments. the model is doing a Given this law of motion for the exogenous variables of the model, asset prices can now be calculated. Numerical Solution Method Even if the law of motion for consumption and dividend growth is taken as known, it is not possible to analytically calculate the marginal utility 15 of consumption or asset prices as a function of the world at the approach taken in this paper is to calculate Instead, any given date. the state of the marginal utility of consumption and asset prices numerically. a growing dynamic examining literature economic models the for (see, properties example, of the numerical group of There is solutions papers in January 1990 issue of the Journal of Business and Economic Statistics) solution method that I chose was the method suggested by Judd is based upon methods used to solve differential equations. a brief outline of the method Consider, for example, I I to the The . which (1990) will provide used. the marginal utility of consumption when consumption good is subject to exponential depreciation. In this case, the the marginal utility of consumption is given by: muc(t) = (3.12) £{^ =o £ T T A s(t)"*:?(t)>. Note that (3.12) is a solution to the difference equation: r muc(t) = s(t)' + 0AE{jnuc(t+l)!?(t)}. (3.13) The difference equation (3.13) seems to be relatively simple to solve. However the problem is that observed consumption is growing over time which implies that the service flow from consumption is growing over handle this problem, normalize (3.13) by c(t) (3.14) muc*(t) = s*(t)" r where muc (t )=muc{ t )/c( t ) + time. To to give: 9 /3A£{muc*(t + l)[c(t + l)/c(t)r ':? (t)} A unique stationary solution to 16 (3.14) exists if -r£{iog[c(t+l)/c(t)]} generated under model the In by ^A [see Cochrane (1989), for example]. > finite-dimensional a and dividend growth, vector, state lagged values of and at time t, X(t), that includes is !F(t), the current and lagged values of consumption the habit stock, stock of durables, information consideration, shock process the The (e(t)}. solution to (3.14) was approximated by a linear combination of finite-order polynomials the in vector state Let X(t). T (X(t)) denote polynomials of elements of X(t) of order less than or equal denote a vector approximate muc with weights of same the dimension (t) by: muc (t) <f> n » Of course muc (t) = <pT (X(t)). of Then T (X(t)). ~ « n satisfy (3.14) exactly. will not n Define a residual vector: ;X(t)] * muc*(t) - s*(t)* - A££{muc*(t + 1 C,14> as Let to n. n ~ * (3.15) vector a n ) [c( t + 1 )/c( t \~ 7 ) :?(t) }. n Then the parameters are chosen such that <p the polynomials in the state vector. (3.16) ;X(t)]r (X(t))> = £{?[</> method That is choose is are orthogonal to <p n such that: o. was applied repeatedly for temporal dependencies considered in this paper. calculate asset prices. I ;X(t)] n n n This C,[<f> n the different examples of The method was also used to In the calculations presented in sections 4 and 5, used second order polynomials to approximate the various functions calculate the inner product given in 1000 observations of X(t). (3.16) I . To created a times series with Sample averages were then used to approximate the expectation given in (3.16). 17 4. HANSEN AND JAGANNATHAN DIAGNOSTICS Before turning to the results of formal estimation and testing of the model of section model. first present will I use this section, I (1990, 1991) which In Jagannathan 2, simple some developed diagnostic a implications of restrictions examines by moments on marginal rate of substitution implied by asset market data. the results of estimation diagnostics presented results because they aid model are before section are useful this in complete the of Hansen are useful the of presented. turning The to these determining the effects on the asset pricing in as and In Section 5 environment of the different parts of the preference structure. diagnostics the way a whether determining of Also the numerical the solution algorithm discussed in Section 3 is performing reasonably well or not. In examining whether the different forms of temporal dependencies can fit the bounds on the moments of the marginal rate of substitution implied by asset market data, habit persistence that and 2, it locally is found by Heaton onJy conclusion is important to examine whether the fit is due to local in nature. As I argued in the sections 1 seems reasonable to restrict the preference specifications so that consumption data is it (1990) imply that substitution if local is reached obtained by Heaton substitutable. in (1990) Section In habit fact, The 5. will be useful section. 18 parameter persistence fits consumption in the is the present. estimates consumption A similar preference parameters estimates in guiding the analysis in this Hansen and Jagannathan Bounds Consider an asset that off y(t+4) pays units of consumption at Then the price of the asset in units of consumption at time t+4. t, time g(t), satisfies: 4 g(t) = £{p [muc(t+4)/muc(t)]y(t+4):^(t)} (4.1) where muc(t) is the marginal utility of consumption at time Write (4.1) t. as: q(t) = £{mrs(t+4)y(t+4) !£(t)} (4.2) where mrs(t+4) = (3 [muc( t+4)/muc( Hansen and Jagannathan t ) ] . 1991) (1990, (hereafter H-J) show how to use observed asset prices and payoffs to estimate regions in which the mean and standard deviation for the process, mean for the marginal rate of mrs, must lie. substitution, it is They show that given a possible to estimate a lower bound for the standard deviation of the marginal rate of substitution. By changing the hypothetical mean for the marginal rate of substitution, region for the moments of the marginal rate of substitution is created a 12 . H-J propose to test different models by asking After creating this region, whether the moments of the marginal rate of substitution predicted by the model lie within the region. This is the diagnostic In estimating the H-J region, I I use. used the one month treasury bill return and the monthly CRSP value weighted return constructed from daily returns (from 1962,7 to 1989, 12) 13 . These two 19 returns were multiplied by their lagged values to create 6 asset payoffs and prices to use in estimating the Figure region. gives 4.1 a plot I function plotted in figure 4.1. is region. To test in a P-Value This resulted zero region the that indicating resulting H-J tested whether the minimum value of the whether the region has content, essentially zero the of of figure has 4.1 of empirical content. I now present results of calculating estimated moments for mrs for the models different the using estimated in section law motion of for the exogenous variables 3. Moments of HRS with Time-Additive Preferences As consider first benchmark, a moments of the the mrs implied by a where the preferences of the representative consumer time-separable model, are given by: (4.3) £{^"p t [c(t) y -l]/(l-y)}. 1 Further suppose that we ignore the temporal aggregation issues and set c(t) equal to the observed monthly consumption of nondurables plus services setting time the preferences). of interval to month one substitution are left in increments of the H-J assuming time-separable The estimated first and second moments of the marginal rate plotted (the m ' 1 . (3 in s) starting from y=l at the point E(mrs) = is and (ie. 1 4.2, for and std(.mrs) = 0, was assumed to be region of figure 4.1. figure Note that 1. values of j to y=12 on the Also plotted in figure 4.2 the estimated points for the moments of mrs do not come close to being in the region as y is increased. 20 noted was This by Hansen Jagannathan and (1991). As standard deviation of the mrs is increased but Eimrs} j is increases, the pushed very much out of line. Suppose that we now shift the time interval back to a week, maintain the time-additive preference specification and use the estimated weekly law Plotted in figure of motion of section 3 to estimate the moments of muc(t). 4.3 is the H-J region along with the estimated moments for the marginal rate (the O's) and the monthly model of substitution for the weekly model 's as before). The plot std(mrs)=0 and £(mrs)=l, for the weekly model again starts at and moves in increments of Eimrs) = 0.994 and std(mrs) 1 y=l to y=20 at Again £ was set to = 0.063. 1. (the with the point Note that the increase as quickly as in the second moments estimated for the mrs do not case of using time averaged data, but that Eimrs) performs much better as a function of seem However, y. provide to a accounting for temporal aggregation alone does not improved greatly This fit. explain could why investigations that account solely for temporal aggregation problems are not completely successful [see, for example, Grossman, Melino and Shiller (1987)]. Moments of MRS with Pure Habit Persistence Constantinides (1990) argued that habit persistence can help to explain the equity premium puzzle of Mehra and Prescott of interest to (1985). As a result, investigate habit persistence in this context. it is Figure 4.4 plots moments for the habit persistence model given by (2.2) and (2.5) with 6 = 0.9 and a outlined above. = 0.5 and The value using of 8 the weekly consumption chosen 21 is consistent law with of motion as the estimated half-life for habit effects estimated by Heaton (1990). triangles figure in give 4.4 with moments the was set to (3 habit 1. persistence. The The circles are the same as those in figure 4.3 (except that y ranges only from 1 i ranges from to 10). 1 to 20 with stdimrs) Notice that for any given level of the case of habit no utility function, the y, std(mrs) Hence with effects. rising as y rises. is much larger curvature less than in the in period required standard deviation of the marginal rate of substitution could be more easily fit. This finding similar is the to results reported by Gallant, Hansen and Tauchen (1989) using a monthly model and a monthly law of motion for the exogenous variables of the model. Figure 4.5 gives the weighting function a(j) of (2.3), parameter Notice settings. that this parameter implied by these very setting puts small For any value of y the negative weight on each of the past consumptions. volatility of the marginal rate of substitution can be increased by raising the absolute sum of way Another of This sum is given by the parameter these weights. increasing the volatility the of marginal rate a. of substitution is to increase the absolute value of a(j) for small values of j. This can be done by decreasing 0. Figure 4.6 gives a plot of the moments of the marginal rate of substitution similar to figure 4.4 except that Notice is set to 0.5. deviation of the marginal that rate of for a given value substitution is of f the standard Figure 4.7 increased. gives a plot of the a(j) function implied by these parameter setting. A difficulty with the result of figure 4.6 is that it that the improvement in the fit of the moments of the marginal rate of substitution is to a large extent due to local habit persistence. 22 Moments of MRS with Habit Persistence with Local Durability Consider now the specification of preferences given by (2.2), in which the good (2.7) is assumed to be durable and (2.6) and the consumer develops Heaton (1990) shows that habit over the flow of services from this good. the observed consumption dynamics are consistent with this specification but and also is (2.7) The specification given by persistence. not with pure habit consumption is consistent with the notion that (2.6) (2.2), locally substitutable. I are Figure first set £ = consistent 4.8 plots 1, with estimates of moments the by found estimates parameter the The values for A and 6 = 0.9 and a = 0.5. A = 0.7, of substitution under this preference specification. Heaton marginal the (1990). rate of squares give plots The for the case of habit persistence with local durability as y ranges from to 20. Also included in figure 4.8 is the similar plot for the case of pure habit persistence the 1 Notice that with the local durability, (the triangles). estimated moments are very different By persistence. making the than locally good in case the substitutable, of pure habit the standard deviation of the marginal rate of substitution is much lower. At of issue is whether the result of figures 4.4 and figure 4.6 play off local habit. increased. To examine that issue Figure 4.9 gives a plot ranges form 0.5 to 0.8. Notice this as a consider similar to Again for each value of increases, the closer to fitting the H-J region. model with what happens as figure 4.8 except a, local y varies from durability 1 a is that a to 20. comes much However very dramatic values of y are still needed to come close to the region. In figure 4.10, I plot the weights on past consumption in the mapping 23 from consumption services to implied by there substitution example, is with substitution local is removed from habit persistence with local Notice that the weighting function implies durability model with a = 0.8. that the the long-run model, the habit. As performs model local the For better. figures 4.11 and figure 4.12 given plots similar to figure 4.9 and 4.10 except with A=0.5 6 = 0.51. As figure 4.12 demonstrates under this parameterization the habit persistence effects dominate quite quickly. In this case much lower values of y are needed to come close to the H-J region. In general it only when the seems that large improvements in the fit of the model occur substitution local is driven out in favor of local habit persistence. 5. Estimation Results. In this section of section encounter 2. I report results of estimating and testing the models The results of section 4 indicate that the model is likely to difficulties because of needed in fitting the H-J regions. some evidence that the model the extreme parameter values that are However the results of section 4 provide solution algorithm is performing reasonable well since the plots of the moments of the mrs are well behaved as parameter values are changed. In estimating and testing the asset pricing models of section 2, the estimated law of motion for consumption and dividends given in tables 3.1 and 3.2 was preferences, were taken as given. Given stock and bond prices, calculated using the numerical this as a law of motion and function of method described the in the form of state variable, Section 3. The stock price gives the price of the future dividend stream fitted in Section 24 The bond price is the price of a one month real discount bond. 3. The preference structures were fit using simulated method of moments 15 I used observed moments of the vector r (t )=[r the monthly real the monthly vw (t where r r (t)]' vw . (t) is return on the CRSP value weighted portfolio and r f (t) is T-bill real £<[r(t)-r][r(t)-r]'} rate and , moments The . ) £{ [r(t )-r] [r(t-l )-r] ' used where } were = r £{r(t)>, £{r>. A simulation that was three times the size of the observed sample of returns was used. The complete estimated model with first weighting a estimation first-stage durability local of error. matrix In this habit and that did initial correct not round persistence of was for the estimation the parameters y and £ were driven to regions where the equilibrium in the model To counter this problem, does not exist. I fixed £ at 0.99 . of £ implies that an equilibrium exists for all values of y>0. restriction, the rest the of parameters were estimated and the This value Under this resulting estimates were used to estimate a weighting matrix that corrects for estimation error in the law of motion for the consumption and dividends. second round of parameter estimation was done for each of the models. A In each case the weighting matrix was fixed at its estimated value implied by the first-stage estimates of the complete model. This allows a simple comparison of the minimized criterion function across the different models. Table 5.1 reports the results of estimating local durability and habit persistence. is the complete model with Notice that the curvature parameter estimated to be quite small and that the estimate of a is quite large implying a large degree of habit persistence. The estimates also quite large. nature consumption of is 10.7 imply that months 25 and The estimates of A and the the are half-life of the durable half-life of the habit 8 stock persistence Figure months. 6.6 is plots 5.1 governs shape The (2.3)]. form the substitutable for function the of weeks 51 dependencies temporal the of year (one and persistence effects dominating beyond 51 weeks substitutability of estimates degree the of consumption the of durability of with is habit the The relatively long period goods with consistent is the in [see consumption that month) one 1 preferences in indicates a(j) a(j), Remember that the function implied by the parameter estimates of table 5.1. a(j) function the components other aggregate of nondurables [see Hayashi (1985), for example]. The estimated form of the time-nonseparabilities is consistent with the a priori restriction that consumption is locally substitutable. of this underlying nonseparability also potentially explains studies using monthly data The shape the fact that Gallant and Tauchen (1989) and Eichenbaum (e.g. and Hansen (1990)) find evidence for local substitution whereas studies that have used quarterly data find evidence for habit persistence and Constantinides (1990)). (e.g. Ferson Data averaged over longer periods of time could be picking up the presence of long-run habit persistence 19 . Table 5.1 also reports standard errors for the estimated parameters of the model. parameters governing The poorly estimated. The may be quite approximation that parameters accuracy of (e.g estimated a^l ) . To parameter the the standard nonseparabilities are errors because poor overcome this estimates can of the problem, be done upon rely mean-value restrictions on the assessment of the an by a seemingly examining different hypothesis about the parameters directly. A Chi-Square test of the over P-Value of 0.0009 so that the model It is perhaps not surprising that identifying restrictions is ) yields a not very consistent with the data. this 26 (J simple asset pricing model is . rejected by the data. is It greater of interest examine whether to the addition of these parameters significantly improves the fit of the model. Table 5.2 gives parameter estimates of the pure habit persistence model with parameter A set the Under zero. to this restriction the criterion function deteriorates quite dramatically relative to that reported in table 5.1 The change in the criterion function for the complete model. (the J when this restriction is relaxed has a Chi-Square distribution statistic) with one degree of freedom 20 The P-Value of the test that A=0 is .0005. Hence there is a great deal of evidence against the pure habit persistence model 5.2 table relative to conducted by parameter estimates the table to model taking of the Again 5.3. habit a the null of the difference identified and hence time the in additive test Chi-Square distribution with 1 is very little the the of time the additive time minimized (a=0) additive criterion functions this test parameter the model durability can be local A problem with model that is 9 is not However a has a nonstandard distribution. degree of freedom can be used to calculate a lower bound on the P-Value of the test. there test persistence with values reported in tables 5.2 and 5.3. under of Notice that the criterion function deteriorates very little specification. from presents 5.3 Table evidence against This lower bound is 0.169 so that the simple time additive model relative to a model with habit persistence alone. The change in the criterion function from the time additive case to the case habit of persistence with local durability is quite indicates that the addition of the two effects is important. because 8 is not identified under the null that A=0 probability value for the test cannot be easily derived. 27 and large which Unfortunately a=0, an exact Estimation durability pure the of resulted model in parameter a estimate for A of essentially zero so that the presence long-run habit along substitution seems local with issue, to further To important. be examine this consider figure 5.2 which gives a plot of the criterion function as a function of the parameter a where the criterion function is minimized over the parameters y, 6 and quite deteriorates function As A. a toward driven is value fixed each For rapidly. criterion the zero, a of the difference between the criterion function value plotted in figure 5.2 and the value with a unrestricted is asymptotically distributed as a Chi-Square random variable with one degree of freedom. probability value of the resulting test Figure 5.3 gives a plot of the that a the value given on is the There is quite dramatic evidence against values of a smaller than x-axis. about 0.7. The figure fu iction 5.4. disappeared. a(j), Notice under that As a result, the the restriction that a = 0.7, long-run evident habit in is figure given 5.1 in has the improvement in the fit of the model is due to the simultaneous presence of habit and local substitution effects. To help interpret this result, consider table 5.4 which reports values of the fitted moments as implied by the parameter estimates of the different models. reported in table 5.4 are the sample values of the moments. persistence model and the complete model do a better Both the habit job model does a much better job fitting of first-order autocovariance of the risk-free rate. the than the However the time-additive model in fitting the level of the risk free rate. complete Also variance and The large improvement in the criterion function with the complete model occurs because these moments are relatively well measured. The presence of local substitution seems to be needed to fit the observed smoothness in the risk-free rate, 28 as measured by its variance and first-order autocorrelation. Although the habit persistence with local durability model does provide rationalization of some of the moments of stock and bond returns, a better the model not is One potential complete success. a explanation for this failure is provided by the results of Section 4 which indicate that substitution (1990, makes difficult very to fit the Hansen Jagannathan and 1991) bounds on the moments of the marginal rate of substitution. the mean and fact it local rate of substitution standard deviation of the marginal implied by the estimates of are table 5.1 In 0.999 and 0.0021 respectively. This point is well outside of the Hansen and Jagannathan region examined in Section 7. 4. Concluding Remarks In this paper the I modeled consumption as being durable and I assumed that representative consumer develops habit over the flow of services from Compared with a simple time additive model the durable consumption good. found that model the observed moments of improves substantially stock and bond returns. fit the of occurs This substitution and long-run habit are present simultaneously. the few first only if I local Neither pure local substitution nor pure habit persistence significantly improves the fit of the model. A difficulty statistically rejected. the local prices with the results is that the model is A potential explanation for this rejection is that substitution that is needed to fit many of the moments of asset difficulties on other causes dimensions. estimated Hansen and Jagannathan (1990, 29 1991) In particular, to fit bounds on the moments of the marginal rate of substitution, the local substitutability of consumption can be maintained only if extreme curvature in the period utility function is allowed. potentially several are There limitations important the to The first is the use of a single investigation carried out in this paper. expenditures on nondurables and services. class of consumption goods: It would have been preferable to investigate a model with multiple goods and to examine durable goods along with nondurables and services as was done by Dunn and Singleton (1986) and Eichenbaum and Hansen However this would have made it very difficult work necessary for asset the pricing (1990), for example. undertake the numerical to Investigations calculations. with multiple consumption goods have not been entirely successful when no account is made for the presence of temporal aggregation in the data. it ras important to first examine a model temporal aggregation and that capable of dealing with is time-nonseparabilities As a result, in a world of a single An analysis of the model with multiple goods is left to consumption good. future work. A second seasonally issue adjusted in this paper is the consumption data. It could be that not addressed seasonal adjustment hides some of preferences "permanent evidence [see for example Heaton income" for the effects of model seasonal Ferson and Harvey of habit (1990) (1989)]. consumption persistence In temporal the also Heaton Osborn find evidence for seasonal habit of using process of dependencies in linear (1990) found (1988)]. Also persistence Euler equation investigations using seasonally unadjusted data. model of an analysis of a dynamics, [see effect in Adding a seasonality to the other effects considered in this paper would 30 also have dramatically complicated the calculations need for the analysis in this paper. An investigation of the model with seasonally unadjusted data is also left to future research. 31 Footnotes *Abel (1990) also evidence presents that models which in consumption is complementary over time can fit the observed equity premium. 2 Heaton (1990) and Ferson and Harvey (1990) find evidence for seasonal habit formation using seasonally unadjusted consumption data. 3 Ferson and Constantinides (1990) argued that the use quarterly of and annual data helps them to capture habit persistence that develops slowly. 4 The nonseparabilities are written as depending on notational convenience. £ 0, 5 infinite past for To make this consistent with consumption only for set consumption prior to time zero, Dunn and Singleton the (1986) t to zero. and Eichenbaum and Hansen (1990) examine models with multiple goods in which some of the goods may have an infinitely lived impact on services. However, the presence of a least one good with a finite life is necessary. 6 Christiano, car help to Eichenbaum and Marshall explain some anomalies (1989) in show that consumption data They do not apply the model to asset data however. 32 temporal and aggregation income data. 7 In later sections of the paper appendix. used monthly data as described in the data I used quarterly data in this section since this is the data set I that tends to produce parameter estimates that imply habit persistence [see for Ferson and Constantinides (1990)]. Mehra and Prescott proceeded by assuming that (1985) the return is the return to holding the aggregate endowment. link between aggregate consumption and the object also by done Tauchen Cechetti, and (1986) Lam Here, broke the I be priced. to Mark and aggregate stock This was (1990a, b), for example. 9 The assumption follow vector a that the ARMA logarithms process with consumption of seasonal dummies example Cechetti, Lam and Mark (1990a, b) switching model could be large state would correlation over time found in seems minimal to a is a growth simplifying very be the state have been For used a Markov switching model to model annual consumption and dividend growth. however dividend Other models of dividends and consumption have been used. assumption. Markov and been A different model used needed to in this capture such as a investigation, the degree of the monthly data. The ARMA specification specification captures that a few of the important moments in consumption and dividend growth. A complete description of the data used in this paper can be found in the appendix. 33 11 I tried several simple more models of consumption and dividends (for example with a (L) and a (L) constrained to be equal) that were rejected by the data when compared to the more general alternative reported in the paper. 12 Due to the large dimension of the state variable X(t) it was not possible to experiment with higher order polynomials in the solution algorithm. 13 Hansen and Jagannathan (1991) show how to create bounds for these moments both with and without the restriction that the marginal rate of substitution must be positive. restriction that In the this paper marginal I will consider those bounds without the rate of securities considered in this paper, substitution be positive. For the the added restriction that the marginal rate of substitution be positive does not seem to be very important. See the appendix for a more complete description of the asset return data used in this section. This test is described in detail in Hansen and Jagannathan (1990). A correction to the distribution of the test statistics and the parameter estimates was done to take account of the estimation error present estimates of the law of motion for consumption and dividends. the See Newey (1986) and Hansen and Heaton (1991) for discussions of this procedure. 34 in 17 In The solution the price of a real discount bond was calculated. the model comparison the to observed real T-bill rate valid is under the assumption that inflation risk is negligible. 1 The estimation reported in this section was also carried out set of The used. reported conditions moment in results using paper. the in with a larger which second-order autocovariances were second this However some set were problems similar were to the also results encountered due to difficulties in estimating the very large weighting matrix needed for the estimation. As a result, estimation the results with the larger set of moments are not reported. 19 Although the half-life of the habit stock is smaller than the half-life of the durable stock, when defined over the habit persistence effects are of a long-run nature consumption directly. This occurs because the of habit is created from the flow of services from the durable stock. 35 stock 2 °I tried to assess this implied by estimates point the issue directly by simulating the economy that of tables 3.1, 3.1 and time-averaged the resulting data over periods corresponding quarters and (1990) I to this data. result, This seemed to occur because the underlying model restrictions the model is not of the model as indicted by the test table 5.1. reported in of the As a capable of producing simulated data that closely resembles the observed data. 21 months and Unfortunately this resulted in very strange parameter very much at odds with the true data, overidentifying to then I applied the methods and models of Ferson and Constantinides estimates of the models. is 5.1. is See Eichenbaum, Hansen and Singleton (1988), for example. 36 APPENDIX: DATA Real and nominal purchases of nondurables plus services from Consumption: the U.S. National Income Monthly from 1959,1 to 1989,12. Seasonally Accounts. adjusted. Taken from CITIBASE. Dividends from the value weighted return series of the New York Dividends: Stock Exchange as Converted Product and real to Monthly from constructed by CRSP. dividends using the 1959,1 price implicit to 1989,12. deflator for nondurables plus services. Population: The consumption data was converted to a per capita basis using monthly U.S. population from 1959,1 to 1989,12. The data is published by the Bureau of the Census and was obtained from CITIBASE. Treasury Bill Return: 1959,1 to 1989,12. One month return on one month From the CRSP bond file. treasury bills from Converted to real returns using the implicit price deflator for nondurables plus services. Value weighted Value return: weighted returns from constructed from the CRSP daily value weighted return. the NYSE were The monthly value weighted return was not used directly since it assumes that all dividends are paid at the end of a month. Monthly from 1962,7 to 1989,12. 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"Statistical of Generalized Tauchen, Method-of -Moments Estimators of Structural Parameters Obtained from Financial Market Data," Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 4: 397-425. 40 TABLE 3.1 ESTIMATES OF MEANS AND SEASONAL DUMMIES FOR WEEKLY LAW OF MOTION OF THE THE LOGARITHMS OF REAL CONSUMPTION AND REAL DIVIDEND GROWTH ljog[c(t)/c(t-l)] x(t) s ,Jog[d(t)/d(t-l)] -I -1 o 1 X(t) = ru)c(t) a (L) + D(t) + /j s ' Parameter - i r 2 48 Estimate 0.00169 l s 5 s 9 s 13 s 17 s 21 s 25 s 29 s 33 s 37 s 41 s 45 1 / _ r 1 „i Standard Error TABLE 3.2 SIMULATED METHOD OF MOMENTS ESTIMATES OF a (L) 1 1 a (L) a (L) X(t) = BU)e(t) 2 Parameter Standard Error Parameter Estimate a 1.305 0.063 a 0.575 0.027 1.656 0.034 0.922 0.206 0.547 0.087 0.0089 0.0075 -0.0264 0.0083 0.0165 0.0104 -0.0076 0.0068 -0.0128 0.0027 0.0114 0.0081 -0.0213 0.0120 a l a 2 2 a. 48 11 B i 21 B i 22 B i B 11 1 B 12 1 21 B 1 22 B 1 Parameter estimates based upon 1344 simulated observations and the moments One-year of lags was used discussed in the text. procedure to estimate the weighting matrix. 42 in a Newey-West (1987) TABLE 5.1 S.M.M. ESTIMATES OF COMPLETE MODEL Using means, covariance and 1 autocovariance of stock and bond returns. Standard Errors Parameter Parameter Estimates y 0.356 0.995 a 0.946 1.300 6 0.974 0.382 A 0.984 0.390 20.794 J T P-Value: 8.86 (xl0~ 4 ) TABLE 5.2 S.M.M. ESTIMATES OF HABIT PERSISTENCE MODEL Using means, covariance and 1 autocovariance of stock and bond returns. Weighting matrix from habit persistence with local durability model. Parameter Estimates Parameter y 0.0123 0.863 a 0.874 4.573 0.970 0.611 32.816 J Standard Errors T P-Value: 1. 14 (xlO 5 ) 43 TABLE 5.3 S.M.M. ESTIMATES OF TIME ADDITIVE MODEL Using means, covariance and 1 autocovariance of stock and bond returns. Weighting matrix from habit persistence with local durability model. Parameter Estimates Parameter 0.709 y 34.703 J T -5 P-Value: 3.028 (xlO ) 44 Standard Errors 0.133 TABLE 5.4 SAMPLE AND FITTED MOMENTS r(t) = [ r vw f ]', r (t) (t) ?(t) = r(t) £{r(t)} - 12 11 cr * }-, cr £{r(t)r(t)'} = 22 21 <T CT 12 11 cr cr l £{r(t)r(t-l)'} = l 22 21 cr cr l Moment l Sample Value Fitted Complete Model 11 1.00256 1.00225 1.00256 1.00094 1.00086 1.00083 1.00113 2.019 (xlO~ 1.019 (xlO ) 1.730 (xlO ) o 12 r o 22 P 11 r Time Additive 1.00541 2 r Habit Model 1.242 (xlO i.492 (xlO -5, -6 ) 4 1.179 (xlO ) 8.955 (xlO" -2.515 (xlO 6.116 (xlO -3.177 (xlO 3.977 (xlO -4 ) -4 ) -6 5.843 (xlO -3 ) -3.449 (xlO ) 3.669 (xlO ) -1.404 (xlO -6 1.481 (xlO" ) -6 ) 6 ] -4, l 12 P 1.236 (xlO -5, 1.199 (xlO -5, 8.829 (xlO" ) 1.475 (xlO ) 3.425 (xlO ) 1 21 P 1.387 (xlO" 5.980 (xlO" 4.192 (xlO" 3.740 (xlO" ) 3.884 (xlO -6 -6, ) 1 22 45 -9.116 (xlO -8 . -4.622 (xlO ) CD 0) D Q CD 3 (})onuu CN CD 13 Z I ())onuu L- Z- £ 1 1 r f O CO 00 CN 00 00 O 0) +*> O CD CD CD CN CD 00 CO LO O m 03 0L 01- 03- (})SJLU 0£- Of- 05- 00 Cn en en - o CD CD cn 6 Cn en cn 0) o to 00 en en - o CM oo en en ££'0 82'0 tZ*0 03*0 91*0 31*0 80'0 tO'O OO'O (SJLU)QIS L_ LU CN CD Z5 ££'0 91/0 fl/O 01/0 90"0 (SJUJ)QIS 20*0 30'0 CD Z3'0 81*0 tl'O Ol'O 90'0 (SJLU)QIS £0'0 30*0- -i 1 1 1 i i 1 i i i i r CD O -< 00 O LU CM O O cn cn I 92*0 2S'0 i I 81'0 L j ti'O Ol'O (SJLU)QIS i i 90'0 ' ZO'O 30'0 i LO (D CD 1 i i 1 1 i i r — -i 1 r -i 1 1 1 1 1 1 r CO CM O 00 O CO o w (D ^_ LU CD CM O O < < MCJ) CD L J 9c!'0 c!2'0 8f0 fr 1*0 Ol'O (SJUJ)QIS 90'0 30'0 20*0- -i r 1 1 r n 1 r "i , o <T> CD h* CD (D LO Z5 CD sh ro <N J 0*1 I 9'0 l I 9'0 i I Y0 i i 2'0 (0° _i i 3'0- i 9"0- t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o r Csl o o 00 (D < < o £ ° E CP (J) CD O 00 1^ en J ZZ'Q 81*0 tl'O Ol'O 90'0 (sjlu)ois i L ZQ'O 20*0- (J) <D 22*0 81'0 tt'O Ol'O 90*0 (SJUJ)QIS 30*0 ZO'O -i 1 o r y » h h (- f h f O + + + + + + o + + + + + O + + + + + + CD + lO CM O + CM + + + + LO + + + + + LO j 0"l l 8'0 o i_ - 9 V0 3*0 0"0- 2'0- o CM O o 00 o 11 a D n D 3 a a D n CD o o * DDDDnDD L o 15 II 8 d en en D a o oo en en 23*0 8L'0 tl"0 Ol'O 90*0 (SJLU)QIS £0'0 zcro- co 1 CD en 1 1 -i 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 r o o CM O oo o CD o o tN lO O O CD O 00 o CD O o i±L 0*1 I 8'0 I j 9'0 V0 3"0 I "TO (f)D i_ j i_ I 9*0- O O'l- QZ 9Z uoij9}uq fZ IT) CD Z5 O'L 6'0 8*0 Z"0 9'0 S'O t'O 9n|D A -d £'0 3'0 1/0 0*0 r r ——— i i i T "i —— r i i o CM o 00 o CD o o CM LO O O 0) Z5 O 00 o CD O M- O CM _±j O'L 9*0 L±J 9'0 + + it V0 J i Z"0 Z'Q- (f)D " ' " " O L 9'0- 0"L- Date Due Lib-26-67 MIT 3 TOflO LIBRARIES DUPL 007D1SE4 6