Stochastic dynamics of spiking neuron models and implications for network dynamics Nicolas Brunel The question • What is the input-output relationship of single neurons? The question • What is the input-output relationship of single neurons? • Given a (time-dependent) input, and a given statistics of the noise, what is the instantaneous firing rate of a neuron? Isyn (t) = µ(t) + Noise ⇒ ν(t)? The question • What is the input-output relationship of single neurons? • Given a (time-dependent) input, and a given statistics of the noise, what is the instantaneous firing rate of a neuron? Isyn (t) = µ(t) + Noise ⇒ ν(t)? • Simplest case: response to time-independent input µ(t) = µ0 ⇒ ν(t) = ν0 The question • What is the input-output relationship of single neurons? • Given a (time-dependent) input, and a given statistics of the noise, what is the instantaneous firing rate of a neuron? ⇒ Isyn (t) = µ(t) + Noise ν(t)? • Simplest case: response to time-independent input µ(t) = µ0 ⇒ ν(t) = ν0 • Next step: response to time-dependent inputs Z µ(t) = µ0 + µ1 (t) ⇒ t ν(t) = ν0 + −∞ K(t − u)µ1 (u)du + O(2 ) The question • What is the input-output relationship of single neurons? • Given a (time-dependent) input, and a given statistics of the noise, what is the instantaneous firing rate of a neuron? ⇒ Isyn (t) = µ(t) + Noise ν(t)? • Simplest case: response to time-independent input µ(t) = µ0 ⇒ ν(t) = ν0 • Next step: response to time-dependent inputs Z µ(t) = µ0 + µ1 (t) ⇒ t ν(t) = ν0 + K(t − u)µ1 (u)du + O(2 ) −∞ • Fourier transform: response to sinusoidal inputs µ1 (ω) ⇒ ν1 (ω) = K̃(ω)µ1 (ω) Of particular interest: high frequency limit (tells us how fast a neuron instantaneous firing rate can react to time-dependent inputs) Noisy input current (mV) A 60 40 20 0 -20 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 Spikes B 40 Firing rate (Hz) C 30 20 10 0 t (ms) How to compute the instantaneous firing rate • Consider a LIF neuron with deterministic + white noise inputs, τm V̇ = −V + µ(t) + σ(t)η(t) • P (V, t) is described by Fokker-Planck equation σ 2 (t) ∂ 2 P (V, t) ∂ ∂P (V, t) = + [(V − µ(t))P (V, t)] τm 2 ∂t 2 ∂V ∂V • Boundary conditions ⇒ links P and instantaneous firing probability ν – At threshold Vt : absorbing b.c. + probability flux at Vt = firing probability ν(t): P (Vt , t) = 0, ∂P 2ν(t)τm (Vt , t) = − 2 ∂V σ (t) – At reset potential Vr : what comes out at Vt must come back at Vr P (Vr− , t) = P (Vr+ , t), ∂P ∂P 2ν(t)τm (Vr− , t) − (Vr+ , t) = − 2 ∂V ∂V σ (t) How to compute the instantaneous firing rate • Consider a LIF neuron with deterministic + white noise inputs, τm V̇ = −V + µ(t) + σ(t)η(t) • P (V, t) is described by Fokker-Planck equation σ 2 (t) ∂ 2 P (V, t) ∂ ∂P (V, t) = + [(V − µ(t))P (V, t)] τm 2 ∂t 2 ∂V ∂V • Boundary conditions ⇒ links P and instantaneous firing probability ν – At threshold Vt : absorbing b.c. + probability flux at Vt = firing probability ν(t): P (Vt , t) = 0, ∂P 2ν(t)τm (Vt , t) = − 2 ∂V σ (t) – At reset potential Vr : what comes out at Vt must come back at Vr P (Vr− , t) = P (Vr+ , t), ⇒ Time independent solution P0 (V ), ν0 ; ⇒ Linear response P1 (ω, V ), ν1 (ω). ∂P ∂P 2ν(t)τm (Vr− , t) − (Vr+ , t) = − 2 ∂V ∂V σ (t) LIF model • ν1 (ω) can be computed analytically for all ω in the case of white noise; in low/high frequency limits in the case of colored noise with τn τm • Resonances at f = nν0 for high rates and low noise; • Attenuation at high f ( Gain ∼ ν √0 σ ωτm ν0 τs σ τm p (white noise) (colored noise) • Phase lag at high f ( Lag ∼ π 4 (white noise) 0 (colored noise) Brunel and Hakim 1999; Brunel et al 2001; Lindner and Schimansky-Geier 2001; Fourcaud and Brunel 2002 Spike generation: exponential integrate-and-fire • EIF: exponential integrate-and-fire neuron dV C dt = −gL (V − VL ) + ψ(V ) + Isyn (t) V − VT ψ(V ) = gL ∆T exp ∆T • Captures quantitatively very well the dynamics of a Hodgkin-Huxley-type neuron (Wang-Buszaki). • This is because activation curve of sodium currents can be well fitted by an exponential close to firing threshold. Fourcaud-Trocmé et al 2003 EIF vs cortical pyramidal cells - I-V curve dV dt F (V ) = F (V ) + = 1 τm Iin (t) C Em − V + ∆T exp V − VT ∆T Badel et al 2008 EIF - dynamical response ν0 ∆T ωτm φ(ω) ∼ π/2 |ν1 (ω)| ∼ • The whole function ν1 (ω) can be computed numerically using a method introduced by Richardson 10 Fourcaud-Trocmé et al 2003, Richardson 2007 0 -2 10 -45 o -90 o ν0=33Hz, σ=12.7mV ν0=33Hz, σ=12.7mV -3 10 0 10 1 2 10 10 3 10 0 1 2 10 10 B-3 A-3 10 10 10 Input frequency, f (Hz) Input frequency, f (Hz) high rate, low noise -1 0 -2 10 (2007) high rate, high noise -1 Phase shift, φ 10 Phase shift, φ • In the high frequency limit, Modulation amplitude, ν1/Ι1 frequency limits B-2 A-2 Modulation amplitude, ν1/Ι1 • ν1 (ω) can be computed in low/high ν0=38Hz, σ=1.6mV -3 10 0 10 1 ν0 -45 o -90 o ν0=38Hz, σ=1.6mV 2ν0 2 10 Input frequency, f (Hz) 10 3 10 0 10 1 2 10 Input frequency, f (Hz) 10 Summary of high frequency behaviors Model Exponent Phase lag α φ(f → ∞) LIF, colored noise 0 0 LIF, white noise 0.5 45◦ EIF 1 90◦ QIF 2 180◦ Response of cortical pyramidal cells Boucsein et al 2009 Two variable models A second variable can be coupled to voltage to: • Include the effects of ionic currents which are activated below threshold (possibly leading to sub-threshold resonance): RF, GIF, aQIF, aEIF ⇒ Linear response can be computed as an expansion in ratio of time scales (Richardson et al 2003, Brunel et al 2003) • Include firing rate adaptation: aLIF, aQIF, aEIF • Include the effects of currents leading to bursting: IFB, aQIF, aEIF • Include a second compartment (soma + dendrite) ⇒ What are the effects of the second variable on the firing rate dynamics (linear response)? Two compartmental model of a Purkinje cell • Can be fitted by two-compartment model dVs dt dVd Cd dt Cs = −gs Vs + gj (Vd − Vs ) + Is = −gd Vd + gj (Vs − Vd ) + Id Two compartmental model of a Purkinje cell • or equivalently dVs dt dW τd dt τs = −Vs + γW + Is = −W + V + Id • Fits give τs 1ms, τd ∼ 5ms (even though Cs /gs = Cd /gd ∼ 50ms), γ ∼ 0.9 This is due to As Ad , gs gd gj Linear firing rate response of 2C model • 2C model with exponential spike-generating current (2C-EIF) • Oscillatory input injected at the soma, noise at the dendrite • Very similar results obtained with multi-compartmental model based on a reconstructed PC with HH-type currents (Khaliq-Raman model) Linear firing rate response: low frequency limit • When ωτs 1, the soma is driven instantaneously by dendritic + injected currents, V = γW + I0 + I1 eiωt . • Dynamics for the dendritic compartment becomes √ τd Ẇ = −(1 − γ)W + I0 + I1 eiωt + σ τd η(t) with spikes occurring when W = (Vt − I0 − I1 eiωt )/γ . • To recover a LIF model with constant threshold one can define Vt − I0 − I1 eiωt X=W − γ and obtain τd VT I0 I1 σ iωt Ẋ = −X− + + (1+iωτd )e + √ 1−γ γ γ(1 − γ) γ(1 − γ) 1−γ ⇒ ν1 ∼ ν1,LIF (1 + iωτd ) ⇒ Amplitude of the response increases as a function of frequency r τd η(t) 1−γ High frequency limit • At high frequency, response should be dominated by the spike-generating current as in the standard EIF. This should give ν1HF = ν0 ∆T iωτs 2/3 • Setting |ν1LF | = |ν1HF | we get ω? = γσ √ 2∆T 1 1/3 2/3 τd τs Low and high frequency asymptotics vs simulations Response of real Purkinje cells Summary: single cell dynamics • High frequency behavior: controlled by spike generation dynamics • Low frequency behavior: determined by f-I curve • Intermediate frequencies: resonances can be due to various mechanisms: – Low noise regime: resonances at firing rate/harmonics (all models) – Subthreshold resonance can lead to firing rate resonance if noise is strong enough (Richardson et al 2003) – Specific spatial geometry of PC: high frequency resonance in response to somatic inputs • Linear response gives a good approximation of the dynamics as long as |ν1 | < ν0 • Cortical pyramidal cell response qualitatively well described by EIF; • Cerebellar Purkinje cell response qualitatively well described by 2-C EIF Implications for network oscillations φI,cell • At the onset of network oscillations neuron rI(t) S(ω)Jν1 (ω) = 1 – -π II(t) S(ω) = AS (ω) exp(iΦS (ω)) = synaptic filtering (how PSCs respond to oscillatory pre-synaptic rate) – J = total synaptic strength – ν1 (ω) = AN (ω) exp(iΦN (ω)) = neuronal filtering: (how instantaneous firing rate of single cell responds to oscillatory input current) φI,syn synapse sI(t) neuron rI(t) 0 5 10 15 time [ms] 20 25 Implications for network oscillations φI,cell • At the onset of network oscillations neuron rI(t) S(ω)Jν1 (ω) = 1 – -π II(t) S(ω) = AS (ω) exp(iΦS (ω)) = synaptic filtering (how PSCs respond to oscillatory pre-synaptic rate) φI,syn synapse sI(t) – J = total synaptic strength – ν1 (ω) = AN (ω) exp(iΦN (ω)) = neuronal filtering: (how instantaneous firing rate of single cell responds to oscillatory in- neuron rI(t) 0 put current) • Phase ⇒ frequency(ies) ω of instability (ies): ΦN (ω) + ΦS (ω) = 2kπ, k = 0, 1, . . . (excitatory network) ΦN (ω) + ΦS (ω) = (2k + 1)π k = 0, 1, . . . (inhibitory network) 5 10 15 time [ms] 20 25 Implications for network oscillations φI,cell • At the onset of network oscillations neuron rI(t) S(ω)Jν1 (ω) = 1 – -π II(t) S(ω) = AS (ω) exp(iΦS (ω)) = synaptic filtering (how PSCs respond to oscillatory pre-synaptic rate) φI,syn synapse sI(t) – J = total synaptic strength – ν1 (ω) = AN (ω) exp(iΦN (ω)) = neuronal filtering: (how instantaneous firing rate of single cell responds to oscillatory in- neuron rI(t) 0 put current) • Phase ⇒ frequency(ies) ω of instability (ies): ΦN (ω) + ΦS (ω) = 2kπ, k = 0, 1, . . . (excitatory network) ΦN (ω) + ΦS (ω) = (2k + 1)π k = 0, 1, . . . (inhibitory network) • Amplitude ⇒ associated critical total coupling strength |J| = 1 AN (ω)AS (ω) 5 10 15 time [ms] 20 25 Example: oscillations in Purkinje cell network • Multi-unit/LFP oscillate at about 200Hz while single cells fire in average at about 40Hz; Example: oscillations in Purkinje cell network • Multi-unit/LFP oscillate at about 200Hz while single cells fire in average at about 40Hz; de Solages et al 2008 Reproducing quantitatively cerebellar fast oscillations Network with ‘realistic’ parameters • 200 two-compartmental PCs with parameters fitted from data; GABAergic inputs on soma, noise (AMPA) on dendrite; • Randomly connected, 40 connections per cell; • Connections with realistic conductances (∼ 1 nS) and kinetics (0.5ms rise, 3ms decay, taken from slice recordings of IPSCs) • Resonance induced by spatial geometry necessary to account for oscillations, given the relatively weak coupling. de Solages et al 2008 Acknowledgements LIFs : Vincent Hakim; Nicolas Fourcaud-Trocmé; Frances Chance; Larry Abbott EIFs : Nicolas Fourcaud-Trocmé; Carl van Vreeswijk; David Hansel GIFs : Magnus Richardson; Vincent Hakim Two compartment models : Srdjan Ostojic; Vincent Hakim; German Szapiro; Boris Barbour