Tab 1a REGULAR MEETING OF THE STATE BOARD FOR COMMUNITY AND TECHNICAL COLLEGES MEETING MINUTES September 12, 2012 State Board Members Sharon Fairchild (Chair), Spokane Beth Willis (Vice Chair), Lakewood Jim Bricker, Coupeville Erin Mundinger, Omak Shaunta Hyde, Lake Forest Park Elizabeth Chen, Federal Way Anne Fennessy, Seattle Wayne Martin, Richland Larry Brown, Auburn Statutory Authority: Laws of 1967, Chapter 28B.50 Revised Code of Washington State of Washington STATE BOARD FOR COMMUNITY AND TECHNICAL COLLEGES Olympia ACTION INDEX September 12, 2012 Resolution Number ---- 12-09-30 12-09-31 12-09-32 12-09-33 12-09-34 12-09-35 12-09-36 12-09-37 12-09-38 12-09-39 Description Page in Minutes Adoption of Regular Meeting Agenda Adoption of Consent Agenda: - Approval of State Board Meeting Minutes for June 21, 2012, August 2, 2012, August 8, 2012 and August 10, 2012 - Wenatchee Valley College, Local Expenditure Authority (LEA), Energy Service Project - Green River CC, LEA, Trades and Industry Replacement Project - Pierce College Fort Steilacoom, LEA, Rainier Building - Olympic College, LEA, Remodel Automotive Program Space - Olympic College, Increase local match for Child Development Center - Olympic College, LEA, CSC Building Fire Sprinkler - Olympic College, LEA, Humanities and Student Services Project - Highline CC, LEA, Noise Abatement Project - Spokane Falls CC, LEA, Stadium Structural Repair - Centralia College, LEA, Welding Air Scrubber Project 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 12-09-40 Approval of 2013-15 Operating Budget Request 2 12-09-41 Approval of ctcLink Contract Negotiation 3 STATE OF WASHINGTON STATE BOARD FOR COMMUNITY AND TECHNICAL COLLEGES Olympia Regular Business Meeting Minutes September 12, 2012 State Board Office, Olympia The State Board’s regular business meeting was preceded by a retreat held at the State Board on September 10-11, 2012. Topics and issues discussed at the retreat included: 1) System Direction update, 2) Student Achievement Initiative Update, 3) 2012 Efficiency Study Report Update, 4) 2013-15 Operating Budget Request, 5) Update on ctcLink Acquisition Process. No action was taken in the retreat sessions. State Board Members Present: Sharon Fairchild (Chair), Erin Mundinger, Elizabeth Chen, Anne Fennessy, Shaunta Hyde, Larry Brown, Jim Bricker, Wayne Martin State Board Member Absent: Beth Willis CALL TO ORDER & ADOPTION OF REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Chair Sharon Fairchild called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m., welcomed those present, and thanked everyone who participated in the State Board retreat for their contributions. MOTION: Moved by and Larry Brown seconded by Erin Mundinger that the State Board adopt the agenda for its September 12, 2012 regular business meeting as presented. MOTION CARRIED. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA (Resolutions 12-09-30 to 12-09-39) MOTION: Moved by Erin Mundinger and seconded by Elizabeth Chen that the State Board adopt the consent agenda for its September 12, 2012 regular business meeting as follows: a) Approval of June 21, 2012, August 2, 2012, August 8, 2012 and August 10, 2012 State Board meeting minutes b) Resolution 12-09-30: Wenatchee Valley College LEA, Energy Service Project c) Resolution 12-09-31: Green River CC LEA, Trades and Industry Replacement Project d) Resolution 12-09-32: Pierce College Ft. Steilacoom LEA, Rainier Building e) Resolution 12-09-33: Olympic College LEA, Remodel Automotive Program Space f) Resolution 12-09-34: Olympic College, Increase local match for Child Development Center g) Resolution 12-09-35: Olympic College LEA, CSC Building Fire Sprinkler h) Resolution 12-09-36: Olympic College LEA, Humanities and Student Services Project i) Resolution 12-09-37: Highline CC LEA, Noise Abatement Project SBCTC Regular Meeting Minutes September 12, 2012 Page 2 j) Resolution 12-09-38: Spokane Falls CC LEA, Stadium Structural Repairs k) Resolution 12-09-39: Centralia College LEA, Welding Air Scrubber Project MOTION CARRIED. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT Washington Student Achievement Council Canvas Contract Parent Education Waiver ABE Enrollment History MOTION: Moved by Shaunta Hyde and seconded by Elizabeth Chen that the Executive Director be appointed as the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges representative to the Student Achievement Council. MOTION CARRIED APPROVAL OF 2013-15 OPERATING BUDGET REQUEST (Resolution 12-09-40) Denise Graham and Nick Lutes of the State Board staff presented that beginning in February, the Board worked with stakeholders on the development of the 2013-15 Operating Budget Request, which contains $197,846,000 in policy level enhancements. The 2013-15 Budget will be considered by the Governor and Legislature over the next six months. Many external factors are in play that will impact the outcome of this biennial budget. MOTION: Moved by Jim Bricker and seconded by Shaunta Hyde that the State Board adopt Resolution 12-09-40 approving the SBCTC 2013-15 Operating Budget request for submittal to Office of Financial Management in September and giving the Executive Director authority to make necessary adjustments and changes as necessary to meet changing conditions consistent with the Board’s Direction. MOTION CARRIED. APPROVAL OF ctcLink CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS (Resolution 12-09-41) Mike Scroggins of the State Board staff presented that a process has been underway since summer 2011 by State Board staff and the Gartner consultancy to identify functional, technical, and business process requirements. Hundreds of college participants have been involved in the evaluation of vendor proposals. Vendors were asked to respond in their proposals as to how their software and approach address the State Board and college requirements. The request for proposals was released in June 2012; vendor responses have been evaluated; onsite vendor demonstrations completed; and apparent successful vendors have been selected for recommendation to the Board. SBCTC Regular Meeting Minutes September 12, 2012 Page 3 The Office of Chief Information Officer (OCIO) has statutory authority over all state information technology projects. SBCTC staff worked with OCIO staff in the development of the ctcLink RFP, the evaluation of vendor responses, and evaluation of vendor demonstrations. The OCIO has approved the apparent successful vendors and will participate in contract negotiations. MOTION: Moved by Shaunta Hyde and seconded by Wayne Martin that the State Board adopt Resolution 12-09-41 delegating authority to the Executive Director to begin contract negotiation with the selected vendors. MOTION CARRIED. LEGISLATIVE AND COMMUNICATIONS UPDATE Laura McDowell of the State Board staff presented that the SBCTC’s communications plan calls for community and technical colleges to use consistent, system-wide messages that resonate with the legislature and the public. The focus is on over-arching messages, tailored for individual audiences. The current plan is rooted in research conducted for our system in 2004 by Doug Gould and Associates. We are currently working with Gould again to gauge public perceptions given the dramatic changes in our economy. The findings will influence updates to the statewide plan as well as impacting our messaging to the legislature during the upcoming session. Deb Merle of the State Board staff presented that with the primaries behind us, it is clear that the Democrats will maintain their majority in the House. There are several close races in the Senate. The race for governor between Democrat Jay Inslee and Republican Rob McKenna is also expected to be close. Staff will discuss these and other races of interest. She presented “one-pagers" that were developed by State Board staff in consultation with presidents, trustees, and public information officers. System participants use these materials during the Summer and Fall when they meet or correspond with their local legislators. The information in the one-pagers lays the foundation for issues we believe will be relevant during session. Our final Comprehensive Legislative Agenda flyer will be produced, much closer to session, after the Board has approved the final budget request and the college system has settled on any policy issues for the legislative session. ADJOURNMENT/NEXT MEETING There being no further business, the State Board adjourned its regular meeting of September 12, 2012 at 10:03 a.m. The next regular meeting of the State Board is scheduled for October 24-25 at Grays Harbor College. _____________________________ Sharon Fairchild, Chair ATTEST: ______________________________ Marty Brown, Secretary