Correlation of the Head Start Child Development and Early Learning

Correlation of the Head Start Child Development and Early Learning
Framework and the West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
June 2011
Explanation: This document is provided to programs to demonstrate the correlation between the
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework (2010) and the Head Start Child Development and
Early Learning Framework (2011). Programs may choose to utilize this document as evidence of the
alignment between state standards and Head Start outcomes during reviews or other audit
processes. This correlation is also provided to assist educators, administrators, and early childhood
stakeholders better understand the framework of experiences that WV Pre-K and Head Start
Collaborative programs offer during the year prior to kindergarten.
WV Early Learning Standards Framework Guiding Principles
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework (2010)
Guiding Principles
Representation and symbolic thinking is an essential
element in providing high quality early education programs.
Children are active learners.
Development and learning are interrelated.
Each child is an individual learner.
Children with special needs and English Language Learners
develop best in inclusive early education settings.
Family engagement is critical.
Development and learning are embedded in culture.
Young children learn by experiencing the world in which
Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework
Domains and Domain Elements Aligned to the Guiding Principles:
Social & Emotional Development: Social Relationships
Social & Emotional Development: Self-Concept & SelfEfficacy
Social & Emotional Development: Emotional & Behavioral
Approaches to Learning: Initiative & Curiosity
Approaches to Learning: Persistence & Attentiveness
Approaches to Learning: Cooperation
Logic & Reasoning: Reasoning & Problem Solving
they live.
School Readiness is a multi-faceted definition and
10. Assessment of early learning standards is a systematic,
performance-based measure using student data collected
through observation and work samples.
Logic & Reasoning: Symbolic Representation
Creative Arts Expression: Art
Creative Arts Expression: Drama
Social Studies Knowledge & Skills: Self, Family, & Community
Social Studies Knowledge & Skills: People & The Environment
WV Early Learning Standards Framework Domain: Social and Emotional Development
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework (2010)
Domain Area: Self-concept
 Development of self-concept
 Development of self-expression and self-awareness
Domain Area: Social Relationships
 Development and demonstration of pro-social
 Cooperation
Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework (2011)
Domains and Domain Elements:
Physical Development & Health: Health Knowledge &
 Social & Emotional Development: Social Relationships
 Social & Emotional Development: Self-Concept & SelfEfficacy
 Social & Emotional Development: Self-Regulation
 Social & Emotional Development: Emotional & Behavioral
 Logic & Reasoning: Reasoning & Problem Solving
 Creative Arts Expression: Drama
 Social Studies Knowledge & Skills: Self, Family, & Community
 Logic & Reasoning: Symbolic Representation
Domains and Domain Elements:
Social & Emotional Development: Social Relationships
Social & Emotional Development: Self-Concept & SelfEfficacy
Social & Emotional Development: Self-Regulation
Social & Emotional Development: Emotional & Behavioral
Approaches to Learning: Persistence & Attentiveness
Approaches to Learning: Cooperation
Logic & Reasoning: Reasoning & Problem Solving
Logic & Reasoning: Symbolic Representation
Creative Arts Expression: Drama
Social Studies Knowledge & Skills: Self, Family, & Community
Social Studies Knowledge & Skills: History & Events
Domain Area: Knowledge of Family and Community
 Progression of understanding of their role in the family
and community
Domains and Domain Elements:
Domain Area: Dispositions to Learning
 Intrinsic Motivation for Learning
Domains and Domain Elements:
Social & Emotional Development: Social Relationships
Social & Emotional Development: Self-Concept & Self-Efficacy
Creative Arts Expression: Drama
Social Studies Knowledge & Skills: Self, Family, & Community
Logic & Reasoning: Symbolic Representation
Social Studies Knowledge & Skills: History & Events
Social & Emotional Development: Self-Regulation
Approaches to Learning: Initiative & Curiosity
Approaches to Learning: Persistence & Attentiveness
Approaches to Learning: Cooperation
Logic & Reasoning: Reasoning & Problem Solving
Logic & Reasoning: Symbolic Representation
WV Early Learning Standards Framework Domain: Language and Literacy
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework (2010)
Domain Area: Listening and Speaking
 Utilization of receptive and expressive language for a
variety of purposes
Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework (2011)
Domains and Domain Elements:
Physical Development & Health: Fine Motor Skills
Social & Emotional Development: Social Relationships
Social & Emotional Development: Self-Regulation
Comprehension and collaboration
Domain Area: Foundational Skills for Reading
 Print Concepts
 Phonological Awareness
 Word Recognition
Domains and Domain Elements:
Domain Area: Literature
 Key Ideas and Details
 Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Social & Emotional Development: Emotional & Behavioral
Language Development: Receptive Language
Language Development: Expressive Language
Approaches to Learning: Initiative & Curiosity
English Language Development: Receptive English Language
English Language Development: Expressive English Language
English Language Development: Engagement in English
Literacy Activities
Literacy Knowledge and Skills: Early Writing
Literacy Knowledge and Skills: Alphabet Knowledge
Literacy Knowledge and Skills: Print Concepts & Conventions
Literacy Knowledge and Skills: Phonological Awareness
Creative Arts Expression: Music
Creative Arts Expression: Creative Movement and Dance
English Language Development: Engagement in English
Literacy Activities
English Language Development: Receptive English Language
Logic & Reasoning: Symbolic Representation
Domains and Domain Elements:
Language Development: Receptive Language
Approaches to Learning: Initiative & Curiosity
Literacy Knowledge and Skills: Book Appreciation and
English Language Development: Expressive English Language
Domain Area: Writing
 Text Type and Purposes
English Language Development: Engagement in English
Literacy Activities
Domains and Domain Elements:
Physical Health and Development: Fine Motor Skills
Logic & Reasoning: Symbolic Representation
Literacy Knowledge and Skills: Early Writing
WV Early Learning Standards Framework Domain: Mathematics
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework (2010)
Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework (2011)
Domain Area: Number-Counting and Cardinality
 Number Names
 Counting To Tell the Number of Objects
 Comparing and Ordering Numbers
Domains and Domain Elements:
Domain Area: Number-Operations and the Problems they
 Composing and decomposing numbers; addition and
Domains and Domain Elements:
Domain Area: Measurement and Data
Domains and Domain Elements:
Logic & Reasoning: Reasoning & Problem Solving
Mathematics Knowledge & Skills: Number concepts &
Logic & Reasoning: Reasoning & Problem Solving
Mathematics Knowledge & Skills: Number Relationships &
Direct Measurement
Representing and Interpreting Data
Domain Area: Geometry
 Shapes, their attributes, and spatial reasoning
Mathematics Knowledge & Skills: Patterns
Mathematics Knowledge & Skills: Measurement & Comparison
Domains and Domain Elements:
Mathematics Knowledge & Skills: Patterns
Mathematics Knowledge & Skills: Geometry & Spatial Sense
WV Early Learning Standards Framework Domain: Science
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework (2010)
Domain Area: Science as Inquiry
 Foundational Knowledge of Scientific Inquiry
 Utilization of Inquiry
Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework (2011)
Domains and Domain Elements:
Domain Area: Scientific Knowledge
 Understanding the living and physical world
Approaches to Learning: Initiative & Curiosity
Science Knowledge & Skills: Scientific Skills & Method
Science Knowledge & Skills: Conceptual Knowledge of the
Natural & Physical World
Logic & Reasoning: Reasoning & Problem Solving
Domains and Domain Elements:
Logic & Reasoning: Reasoning & Problem Solving
Science Knowledge & Skills: Scientific Skills & Method
Science Knowledge & Skills: Conceptual Knowledge of the
Natural & Physical World
Social Studies Knowledge & Skills: People & the Environment
WV Early Learning Standards Framework Domain: The Arts
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework (2010)
Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework (2011)
Domain Area: Music and Movement
 Self Expression
 Foundations of Music and Movement
Domains and Domain Elements:
Domain Area: Visual Art
 Self Expression
 Foundations of Visual Arts
Domains and Domain Elements:
Domain Area: Dramatic Play
 Self Expression
Domains and Domain Elements:
Logic & Reasoning: Reasoning & Problem Solving
Creative Arts Expression: Music
Creative Arts Expression: Creative Movement & Dance
Logic & Reasoning: Reasoning & Problem Solving
Logic & Reasoning: Symbolic Representation
Creative Arts Expression: Art
Social & Emotional Development: Social Relationships
Social & Emotional Development: Emotional & Behavioral
Approaches to Learning: Cooperation
Logic & Reasoning: Symbolic Representation
Language Development: Expressive Language
Literacy Knowledge and Skills: Book Appreciation and
Creative Arts Expression: Drama
English Language Development: Engagement in English
Literacy Activities
Social Studies Knowledge & Skills: Self, Family, & Community
WV Early Learning Standards Framework Domain: Physical Health and Development
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework (2010)
Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework (2011)
Domain Area: Fine Motor
 Fine Motor Development
Domains and Domain Elements:
Domain Area: Gross Motor
 Gross Motor Development
Domains and Domain Elements:
Domain Area: Health and Safety Practices
 Healthy Development
 Safety Practices
Domains and Domain Areas:
Physical Development & Health: Fine Motor Skills
Physical Development & Health: Gross Motor Skills
Physical Development & Health: Physical Health Status
Physical Development & Health: Health Knowledge & Practice
Social & Emotional Development: Social Relationships
Social Studies Knowledge & Skills: Self, Family, & Community