Building Intentionality in for West Virginia Universal Pre-k Design, Implementation and Instruction

Building Intentionality in
Design, Implementation and Instruction
West Virginia Universal Pre-k
Incorporating 21st Century learning into the Pre-k
environment evolves out of the desire to incorporate
child-initiated, teacher-negotiated strategies into the
classroom culture.
“It is, in fact, nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of
instruction have not entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry.”
-Albert Einstein
West Virginia Board of Education Policy 2525 –
West Virginia’s Universal Access to a Quality Early Education
• By 2012-13 all 4 year old children, as well as 3 year old children
with an IEP will have access to a quality Universal Pre-k program.
2010-11 enrollment is 14,606 children – over 80% of the state
goal for anticipated universal access.
• In order to meet the needs of the various communities, 50% of the
classrooms are collaborations with community partners. During
2010-11 , 70% of the classrooms are in collaboration with
community partners.
• Funding for Universal Pre-k is part of the State School Aid
Funding Formula. As enrollment increases, funding to implement
increases – FY2010 Total State Spending for Pre-k was over 75
million dollars (in addition to Federal Head Start and Child Care
Quality Indicators
According to the National Institute for Early Education Research
(NIEER), 10 Benchmarks for Quality Standards in Pre-k:
Early learning standards
Teacher degree
Teacher specialized training
Assistant teacher degree
Teacher in-service
Maximum class size
Staff-child ratio
Screening/referral and support services
10. Monitoring
National Institute for Early Education Research
The State of Preschool 2009 Yearbook
• WV Pre-k national ranking for access for 4 year-olds
• WV Pre-k national ranking for access for 3 year-olds
• WV Pre-k national ranking for state spending on Pre-k
• WV Pre-k national ranking for overall spending on Pre-k
The LAW 18-5-44
By 2012-13, every four year old whose
parent wants him/her in a pre-k program
will have access to a program. It is the
responsibility of the local county school
systems to provide the program or contract
with community partners to do so.
WVBE Policy 2525
The development of this policy is mandated
in WV Code §18-5-44. Policy 2525
governs all aspects of the provision of the
WV Pre-k System including health and
safety, inclusion, transition, family
involvement, curriculum and assessment,
staff development and teacher
• 2002
– West Virginia legislature passed W. Va. Code §18-5-44.
This bill requires the West Virginia Board of
Education, in collaboration with the Secretary of West
Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources,
to ensure that every four year old has access to a high
quality Pre-k classroom by 2012-13.
• 2005, 2007, 2009
– West Virginia Board of Education revisions to Policy
2525 to ensure continued revisions to strengthen the
quality of WV Pre-k and the collaborative process.
• 2008
– The WVDE changed the rules for WV Pre-k funding
calculations to ensure children in various setting were
funded equally and equitably, regardless of type of
collaboration or setting.
Intent of Policy 2525
• To provide opportunities to parents for their
children to receive pre-school services in a
setting that is most appropriate - where the
child would naturally be.
• To provide county partners with a framework
in which to implement Pre-k services. It is
not intended to provide a step-by-step
instruction of implementation. Counties
have flexibility of how they wish to see Pre-k
services delivered in their community.
Intent of Policy 2525
• Provide high quality preschool services to
four year old children so they may be ready
to enter kindergarten.
• Programs are inclusive so that all children
have access to high quality programs and are
not segregated by income, ability, funding
stream, care needs or other characteristics.
“Care” and “education” are integrated into
one consistent program that address
individual strengths and needs.
§126-28-6 Collaboration and the
County Plan
• All counties must submit a plan for approval.
• Opportunity to bridge systems and connect
community based early education programs and
public schools
• Connects resources of the community with the
school system to create a community that supports
early learning and families
• Universal Applications
Each county early childhood team shall meet regularly throughout the
year to ensure that the following outcomes are met:
Joint decisions are made about the location of WV Pre-k
classrooms including Preschool Special Education classes.
Decisions are made about responsibilities for sharing resources for
each classroom including but not limited to staffing, facilities, food
service and transportation.
A county wide joint universal application and enrollment process
that includes a selection and placement criteria for children is
Services for children with identified special needs are provided in
least restrictive environment according to the requirements of that
child’s IEP.
All approved participating programs are included or represented.
County Collaborative Planning Team
The county collaborative planning team is to be
developed by a team that includes core partners:
Public School Preschool Program
Public School Preschool Special Needs Program
Licensed Child Care Program
Head Start
Local DHHR
Curriculum and Standards
West Virginia has developed comprehensive early learning
standards which align with and support the K-12 Content
Standards and Objectives, ensuring each child is ready to learn.
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework: Content
Standards and Learning Criteria for Pre-kindergarten
An Expectation for Intentional Instruction :
“I don’t know. Let’s find out together.”
Days are spent in mutual discovery experiences, which provide
opportunities for co-construction of knowledge.
21st Century Teaching Expectations
Besides comprehensive early learning standards, WV has 21st
Century Learning Skills and Technology Tools Content
Standards and Objectives for PK-12.
Incorporating 21st Century learning into the Pre-k environment
evolves out of the desire to incorporate child-initiated, teachernegotiated strategies into the classroom culture.
By integrating inquiry and 21st Century learning and
intentionality into the classroom environment, a foundation is
established within the learning environment that is conducive to
content integration.
Policy Resources at
• WVBE Policy 2525 West Virginia's Universal
Access to Early Education System
• WVBE Policy 2520.15 - Early Learning
• WVBE Policy 2520.14 - 21st Century Learning
Skills and Technology Tools Content Standards
and Objectives for West Virginia Schools
West Virginia Early Learning
Standards Framework
Prepared by the WVDE Office of School Readiness
October 2010
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
Early Learning Standards:
Are comprised of skills and knowledge children
should have opportunities to experience within
the context of the standard
Do not dictate curriculum or teaching methods,
but support each child’s individual rate of
development within a curricular framework and
early educational experience
Measure progress as defined within the stateadopted pre-k assessment system
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
The WV Early Learning Standards Framework
(WVBE Policy 2520.15) was introduced in 2004.
The WVELSF revisions (2010) take into account the
national Common Core Standards and establish an
early learning framework that aligns and is
Professional development systems for training
teachers and administrators on implementation,
observation, and assessment are currently being
piloted and developed.
The Standards are intended to guide practitioners in
offering high quality early education environments
and educational experiences that are responsive to
individual children and maximize learning and skill
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
How to Read the Standards
1. Domain Area:
Domain Area
Domain: Social and Emotional Development
Development of self-concept
Describe self by using several basic characteristics.
Demonstrates growing confidence in a range of abilities and expresses pride in
Develops growing capacity for independence in a range of activities, routines, and
Development of self-expression and self-awareness
Demonstrates progress in expressing needs, wants and feelings appropriately.
Acts out roles by imitating typical actions associated with the roles.
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
Social and Emotional
Language and Literacy
The Arts
Physical Health and Development
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
Social and Emotional Development
Lays the foundation for all learning;
Linked directly to physical, cognitive,
and academic development;
Aligned with 21st Century Learning
skills for pre-k children
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
Social and Emotional Development
Includes development of:
Pro-social behaviors in social
Cooperation skills in social
Independence and intrinsic motivation
to learn
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
Language and Literacy Development
Begins long before the pre-k years
Serves as a crucial approach to
learning academic content
Is integrated throughout all other
A strong foundation in this area can
heighten future learning outcomes
and minimize other risks.
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
Language and Literacy Development
Includes development of:
Receptive and expressive language
Comprehension and collaboration in
listening and speaking
Foundational skills for reading, such
as print concepts, phonological
awareness, and word recognition
Writing skills
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
Math Development
Mathematical thinking is a process and
core component of cognition
Focuses on children’s ability to think
logically, plan, solve problems, reason,
make predictions, and notice patterns
Linkages to higher level thinking across
all domains
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
Math Development
Includes development of:
Number counting and cardinality
Number operations
Measurement skills and utilization of
Shapes and spatial reasoning
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
Science Development
Builds on children’s prior experiences
and backgrounds
Is process-based to include scientific
experimentation, investigation, and
Should provide opportunities for
children to pursue their own questions
and develop their own ideas
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
Science Development
Includes development of:
Foundational knowledge of scientific
Utilization of inquiry
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
The Arts Development
Includes opportunities for creative
expression and aesthetic appreciation
Creative thinking from the arts is linked
to development across all domains.
Process-based to include long-term
projects and work over time
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
The Arts Development
Includes development of:
Dramatic play
Visual arts
Other creative outlets for expression
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
Physical Health and Development
Occurs both in the classroom environment
and outdoors
Involves the interplay between children’s
emerging physical capabilities, growth and
maturation, and exposure to rich and
varied physical experiences
Can help children develop competence
and confidence to set patterns for lifelong
healthy practices
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
Physical Health and Development
Includes development of:
Fine motor progress
Gross motor progress
Safety practices
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
Guiding Principles
Creating strong dispositions
for lifelong learning
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
Guiding Principle #1
Representation and symbolic thinking is an
essential element in providing high quality early
education programs.
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
Guiding Principle #2
Children are active learners.
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
Guiding Principle #3
Development and learning are interrelated.
WVELSF/ LL Module 1
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
Guiding Principle #4
Each child is an individual learner.
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
Guiding Principle #5
Children with special needs and English
Language learners develop best in inclusive
early education settings.
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
Guiding Principle #6
Family engagement is critical.
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
Guiding Principle #7
Development and learning are embedded in culture.
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
Guiding Principle #8
Young children learn by experiencing the world in
which they live.
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
Guiding Principle #9
School Readiness is a multi-faceted definition and
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
Guiding Principle #10
Assessment of early learning standards is a
systematic, performance-based measure using
student data collected through observation and
work samples.
WVDE Initiatives to Support the
WV Early Learning Standards Framework
Currently Under Development
• WV Early Learning Standards Framework
Professional Development System
• Language and Literacy (piloted 2010-2011)
• Math and Science (will be piloted 2011-2012)
• WV School Readiness Website
• Early Learning Standards page with video clips
to demonstrate standards
• Early Learning Scale Assessment statewide
• Aligned with the WV ELSF as well as Head Start
Performance Outcomes and OSEP Annual
Reporting System
• WVEIS-based platform being developed for
West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
To access the WV Early Learning
Standards Framework online, go to:
WVDE Office of School Readiness
For additional information, contact
W. Clayton Burch, Assistant Director
Janet Bock, Coordinator
Rhonda Crowley, Coordinator
Monica DellaMea Harless, Coordinator
WVDE Office of School Readiness, September 2010