81988 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT nUBBLn, BUBBLE, IIOW MUC;il IROUBI.F'' --Financial Markets as Agents of Capitalist Development and Capitalist Cri<;cs: the case of Futures and Options Markets-- .lohn F. Parsons WT #1915-87 August 19R7 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 nuBBLn, BUBnix, now — Financial Markets Capitalist the case muc:h as i roubi.f'' Agents of Development and Capitalist Cri'^cs: of Futures and Options Markets- John \VP #1915-87 F. Parsons August 1QR7 Department of Finance, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts 50 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02139 Institute of Technology, Ml.T. FEB 8 1988 nunBLE, nUBBLU, now MUCH JROL'BI r? -Financial Markets as Agents of Capitalist Crises: the case of Futures 1. Development and Capitalist and Options Markcts-- Introduction It has developments become common quite in the financial sphere in recent years for Icfl to the simple productive The fmancial sector is size arc end of economy profit for as a whole. economists to denounce represented in both the subject of sharp criticism many an analysis as perilously Paper transactions and more paper transactions are cxccutctl ballooning all left. liberal 1 he growth in transactions occuring on the options and futures exchanges and the recent \va\c of mergers of unprecedented and polemic from the and some speculators but to This financial bubble concomitant s\mptom of industrial decline in is no markets of Wall treated by some Street, valuable end for the visible, functional, the United Slates escalation of financial vanahles portend, according to this in the as a cause and by others as a The seemingly fantastic and imposing common ui";dom, their os^n inc\itablc collapse--thc burst of the financial bubbk'--uith a con";cquenl!\ nega1i\c impact on the sphere of real industrial production as well. The economic recent writings of crisis in the I financial system--a view financial Magdoff and Sweezy (19R.\19R5) on the nitcd Stales will serve as our archetypical we will dub here the bubble thesis.' financial aspects of current example of the Among this view of the the variety of issues regarding markets to which they give attention are the problems "of a monetary system oul of controh the dangers of the ir/W proliferation of new financial in.stitutions, instruments, current unchecked spread of a speculative fever..." and markets; and the Magdoff and Sweezy emphasize the relative independence of the financiai sphere from the productive sphere and use as one example the recent growth of futures and options markets. The upshot of economy features of the is their analyses of the financial put by these authors rather succinctly: 'AVhere is it all system and other leading? ...First, a bust of classic dimension.' In this article we point by which we which markets play financial mention only the Our challenge challenge this view of financial markets. distinguish ourselves in from the l^ubble theorists': is we emphasize based upon one key the important role extending the productive power of capitalism. The 'bubble theorists' possibility for crisis which embodied is monctar>' system and which the in the capitalist extension and expansion of futures and options markets exaggerate However, Ihcy almost completely ignore the support whicli an extension of futures and options markets yields to the development of the productive forces. Ihcy ignore sphere of production facilitating the In this the dialectical relationship between the sphere of circulation and the paper wc explain the role which futures and options markets play development of the productive for monclar>' crisis forces, while at the Wc which these markets embody. make classes power of capitalism independent of is The its progressive or dynamic character. of the 'bubble theorists' to mention the contribution which these financial markets to the producti\'c one which all failure result class, leads them to offer a simpli";lic critiqijc of these markets, and leads them to propo-^als of our analysis is a focus upon for reform there exist objectively conflicting class interests. class \\'hich Finally, we argue it follows that in some cases that the 'bubble thesis' traps the and popular movement into discussing the question of the role of futures Magdoff and Sweezy have developed a rather intricate view of the do justice to a large variety of issues which they characterization here does not should be rational for the relationship of different classes to the question of the proper role of and expansion of financial markets and working the possibility thereby restore to the discussion the Marxist emphasis upon the contradictor>' nature of capitalism, including The same time recognizing in markets from the financial system, and our also put at the center. More importantly for our subject they specifically emphasize c.erlam connections between the financial and the productive spheres of the economy, primarily those related to Keynsian notions of aggregate demand They simultaneously assert, however, the relative autonomy of the financial sector, its independent imperatives, and its relative capacity for self-expansion, and it is on these ronccpls that wc focus in this article. standpoint of the bourgeoisie and leaves them unable to identify the issues that are developmcnl of a progressive alternative in the area critical for the of the financial system since the 'bubble thesis' ignores the key task performed by futures and options markets for which a substitute must be devised. This paper is organized as follows. technically narrow objectives which these markets can econom) This exposition . we In the following section will lay out some of the simple, the productive sphere within a capitalist ser\'e to will implicitly stand as a challenge against those authors who have repeatedly discussed these markets as pure gambling casinos' and as pure financial transactions' with no rational and suppnrlhr function within the futures and options markets from capitalist system. a In section more fundamental .^ wc then discuss the problem of perspective, at the level of the political economy of capitalism, presenting their contradictor^' role, the Marxist notion of the dialectic relation between the expansion of these markets and the development of the productive forces as well as the problem of monetars crisis We include a brief review of the historicnl development of futures markets United States including current developments: this review helps to between these own financial institutions view from that of the 'bubble which the institution of these conclusions for that struggle markets or the 'bubble 2. 2.1 What Do and tiic thesis'. illustrate the dialectical relationship dc\clopment of key industries In wliich wc distinguish our Finally, in section 4 wc markets becomes the subject of class which one at in tlie arrives discuss the two-fold and the conflict manner in diffcient depending upon whether one nccepts our view of these thesis.' Futures and Option Markets Do? Futures Markets To understand the role of futures markets understand them in the options contracts, technocratic sense, who buys and Conceptually a futures market are agreed upon is for products to sells in the political we must first economy of capitalism we must first ask the questions "what are futures and these contracts, and why''" simply an organized marketplace be delivered and paid for at a We at will begin with a futures market. which orders are placed and prices future date. On a futures market two parties agree to a sale of a can, in in May before a crop commodity is at some time being planted, sell i.e. It role farmer of, for which who prices will May. The grower has then locked in September in a is fixed at the given price for its moment of agreeing on crop. should be clear that the existence of the futures exchange can significantly affect the wealth and income first in For example, a grower of wheat the expected yield 'forward' for delivery at harvest time September. The price to be paid upon delivery the sale, in the future. it is example, a farmer who is producing the commodity sold on the futures market.-^ The immediately obvious that a futures market can serve has planted a crop of wheat faces a large mean a high income and low personal property will purchase fire and prices a risk is A the role of insurance. on his/her future harvest season income: high low income. theft insurance, so the .lusf as a person farmer who owns will seek to insure a home him or or herself is much more complicated than this would imply. buy and sell any wheat for delivery' between any two parties at any location. The futures exchanges set up standardized types of wheat, dates for delivery, and locations for delivery. Secondly, quite often one does not actually sell the wheat, but just agrees to settle up' at the end in dollars. So if two parties agreed to a sale of bushel of wheat in September at Sl.67/bushel, and at that day in September wheat turned out to be selling at $1.7n/bushc1, then obviously the farmer/seller is receiving a lower price for the wheal sold with the futures contract than wheat selling on the regular--i.e., spot--niarkcl. Instead of deli\ering the wheat and receiving a price $0.03 less than s/he could receive on the spot market, s/he 'settles up' with the buyer by paying him/her JO. 03; with real futures contracts this 'settling up' occurs daily based upon the quoted price for the contract agreed upon and that prices deviation from the originally quoted price. Finally, the farmer will not actually Instead, the farmer will be able to buy and sell through brokers, for whom the trade on the exchange relevant prices are close to those on the exchange. In point of fact the entire set of transactions First, one cannot just 1 purpose' which these markets serve we will focus on what we believe to be purpose which gave rise to these markets: Once given, they can be turned towards other objectives, e.g. tax evasion; and, in addition, they can fulfill these objectives while also ser\'ing other objectives, e.g. when they are monopolized or manipulated by some agents (see section •^ In discussing the the essential and We initial not focus on these other roles, although we do not mean to diminish their significance. important evolutionary' development of the futures market which is, however, centra] to the issues raised in this paper is the gradual shift of the users of the market from the actual growers and traders of wheat, the real productive agents, to financial speculators and financial middlemen. This shift 4. 2. a). will An is central to the character of the markets as an element of the credit system as we below and is central 1o the contradictory nature of the market, to the which the market embodies. section 3.1 will discuss in possibilities for crisis against movements and in a price A By crop in the price of the selling the crop on the futures market the fanner locks assured of his/her income ahead of time is second role which the futures markets serve is the provision of important market signals and information to fanners and other producers or operators in an industry. The effects of supply and demand on the futures market for September wheat will be a result of various people's demand September wheat, for available in for if some plentiful, for May in it September wheat is etc. TTiese various pieces of information about future needs will If the expectation in May is be high, then the futures market price wUl likely be bid anticipated thai in September alternative supplies arc not going to be available reason, then again the futures price will be higli; then the futures price will be used by the individual farmer to how forecasts of forecasts of the quantity of supplies that are likely to be September from various sources, demand upward; or May wheat are currently summarized by the price on the futures market that the for their May if alternative supplies are likely to be be low. The information that make is reflected in the futures price can decisions at the time of planting about which crops to plant, to allocate the available productive resources If the May futures price for September wheat is high, then the farmer can adapt his/her production decisions to take advantage of the anticipated high demand. It is important to note that this role can be sen'cd to a particular farmer by a futures market without that fanner ever trading on the particular market.- Of course, the farmer is also uncertain about the quantity of wheat that s/he will harvest, and income just by selling the expected quantity of wheat forward In the event of a disastrous crop, the farmer would be obliged to deliver larger amounts of crops than s/he had, and in the event of a good crop, the extra wheat would be sold at whatever happened to be the price on the market: hence, the farmer's income would still be uncertain. In fact, it is possible that selling the expected quantity at the forward price may yield a more variable income than no futures sale. This article is not meant to go into detail on the subject of futures contracts. We note only that how to hedge risk under a variety of circumstances—including combined price and quantity uncertainty--is the primary subject of study of the use of futures markets, and there are various solutions to the problem just stated of quantity uncertainty. The complexity of the problems grows, but so s/he cannot obtain a certain the essential idea of insurance remains. on planting decisions affected by the creation and operation of a futures market see (1970), Simmons (1962), and Gray (1972). It is typical to use storage decisions—in contrast to planting dccisions--as those most prominently affected by futures prices: "A futures market facilitates storage decisions through the substantial guidance it provides about prospective returns and through its substantial reduction of risks. It is the For a study Tomek and Gray A third role wliich the futures mjirket serves is a consequence of the two: first affects the it market relationship of a farmer, for example, with other agents such as a banker or a commercial supplier it who sometimes grants credit. If the farmer is possesses a greater degree of security against which equipment crop Alternatively, the this year, and determine bank can can borrow is clearly too low to Similarly, a storage agent can confidently forward a larger hold for later delivery 2.2 when can confidently determine the it its future crop, then for planting justify the extension credit. if money on and purchasing calculate the expected return to a particular farmer for a given the price if it able to lock in a price sum of short term of capital to purchase wheat and of the resale of the wheat. likely value Option Markets An a furniture option contract at a stated price. option--to the lumber company and decides to exercise its takes delivery of the pIvv\'ood. combination of these reflect the right, hut not the obligation, to hu\ or company may purchase from amount of ph'wood company is The However, is though not storable company makes if it at If at months months the tlic agreed the furniture a given furniture upon price company does and not The price-of-storagc relations show that futures prices They thus guide inventory decisions in a rational wa\'. In full carrying charges and thus induces storage. sell unneeded In periods of stocks. ...Live cattle, usual sense, can be fed for varying periods, atid current prices in relation to very near-term futures can guide the pace of marketing finished animals in a decisions" (Peck, 19R5, 45 in six Tor example, a paymciit--the price of the company months costs arc available, inducing merchants to in the buy the end of six pays to the lumber the end of six to a given asset. important periods of surplus the market reflects full furniture option, then effects that company an option receives the option. current surplus and shortage well shortage less than a lumber sell & way analogous to storage 47). The importance of these last two roles in the actual development of futures exchanges is mentioned in Hieronymous (1971, 72): Referring to the historical development of the wheat futures market in Chicago and the US Midwest, he writes that, "In some instances the Chicago merchants advanced funds with which to pay farmers, and in others bankers judged the firm contracts desirable collateral and made loans Merchants were able to bid more rationally for farmers' grain when they held firm sales contracts. This doubtless worked to the advantage of farmers. The forward contracts materially lessened the pricing and financing problems of the river merchants." He continues in more detail in discussing the particulars of fmancing using futures on pp. I29-.1.'>, from which we will quote only a short passage: "First, the importance of hedging (using futures contracts] in fmancing stored inventories of grain has long been recognized. Terminal elevator operators, cotton merchants, grain processors, and, to a lesser extent, country grain warehousmen are often able to borrow in excess of 90 percent of the value of the stored commodities at prime rates of interest, providing the inventories are offset by short positions in futures markets." exercise its option, then lumber company is makes no it free to sell the payment beyond the additional plywood to any other buyer on Similarly, the purchaser of a call option a stock at owns the then going price. the right, but not the obligation, to the stock from the writer of the option at a specified price within a specified time period. holder of the call option call option exercises the option, then the holder of the option allows If hands. TTie holder of the call buy the If pays the agreed upon price to the writer of the to expire unexercised, then it option has, most it and the cost of the option initial likely, no further however, already made an money changes payment initial to the writer of the call option at the initial point in time. Options are similar to futures contracts and a future date differ from futures contracts at in that the actual trade is the option to exercise the contract. exercise their option based was written and when upon expires. it purchase the pK-wood which if is it it If, for less call price may will commodity and one of the a They be executed. a decision of Obviously that party example, the price of ph it is ob\iousIy needs by exercising cheaper to buy its parties choose whether or not to its option in wood rises over the six months and is company to the interest of the furniture If, howc\ei. the price of plywood falls pl^'wood needs on the spot' or current open market. call option since they can thereby purchase the stock the contract prior to the rise in the stock price. the upon contingent the stock price rises tremendously, then the holder of the likely exercise their call let parties specify a stated in the option contract, then the furniture c(Mnpan>' will leave the option unexercised because Similarly, two the resolution of various events between the time at which the option greater than the going price of pl>'\vood, then below the pncc the which an exchange of the commodit>' and the price endowed with in so far as If option on the stock at a price that was than that specified in the fixed in the stock price had fallen, then the holder option expire unexercised since they can purchase the stock on the open market will would at a price option contract. n It is sometimes said in casual discussion that one buys an option because one always gains when the stock price rises--since the option holder then purchases the stock at the lower price stated in the option contract --and one loses nothing when the stock price the option expire without outstanding option is making any payment. This always valuable, but as stated it is falls--since the true as far as it option holder merely goes, and that obviously ignores the is fact that the lets why an option holder Why do firms buy and these options contracts? Just as futures contracts served as insurance, sell Options can serve as insurcince devices in appropriately hedged or insured by use of futures contracts; that is, so do options contracts. described in the farmer example given earlier. option. wUl typically term interest rates its end of the is be paying to its lower rale deal, thai is, when all risks arc of the sort customers If at the current short with a fixed contracted long term and short depositcrs the new, higher short term rales; short and long term interest rales many mortgages rate in the mortgage The bank at which they were contracted. and I/ian to insure is in the interest itself against movements option (Sloll and Whalcy, 1985, 227-8). of the current crop in the ils For the in the interest rale earlier it in interest rates a at Ihe must purchase the appropriate more appropriate device and Whi.)^/, 1985, 227). Second, it risk is on order for the Savings example of the farmer with the ground, a put option would be price (Sloll With long term homeowner, and than the futures contract mentioned above since the farmer faces on the not always the case, deposits but also earning a lower rale Ixian has sold an option to the the is of Ihe holder of the mortgage to refinance then be paying a lower rale on will This fall. gave the borrower Ihc right to refinance it The Savings and mortgages as well as not on the losing end of the gamble. One might expect that the bank would gain on the other however, since below the its home mortgages funds on long term will risks Jire all find itself facing a peculiar interest rate risk. then the bank rise, First, have the inherent characteristics of an outstanding loans continue to pay interest at the fixed rated The bank its and which loans interest rate of interest its risks not For example, a Savings and l>oan which accepts deposits from term rate of but Some two ways. for risk of Ihe value hedging the risk on the quantity of his/her harvest possible by various appropriate trading strategies to use the purchase and sale of options to duplicate the results of a futures contract, and in so far as we have shown above thai a futures contract is an insurance device, then so too will be the appropriate portfolio of option contracts. is required to Ihe make an initial writer of the option is payment in exchange for obtaining this valuable right in the first place. obviously on the other end of the deal, losing the writer must be compensated if they are to be 'freely' when the holder gains, and agree to writing the contract at the outset. The second and third objectives which the option market serves are comparable to the second and They third objectives of the futures market. yield information 'commodity' and they allow firms to therefore execute not have been feasible. An which information arriving option credit on the expected future price of a certain and investment plans which would otherwise particularly appropriate for mediating business relationships in is in the interim, i e. within the period of validity of the option, production decisions and for which a simple fixed futures contract is relevant to therefore inappropriate to is organizing the production decisions. The organized option exchanges gambling casinos--and more often than not negative consequences As far as it sometimes arc this is meant goes the analogy is money not exactly face, a device for and stock markets Net supply on the organized option exchanges someone purchases a call option Nevertheless, the option markets serve gambling casino analog) However, The wrong outcome of some a random clearly objective futures exchange is, The sort of inherently established option capital to particular objectives as are the is another person must have sold that taking opposite positions or bets on the imply some to ipso facto markets are not, on funneling our 'bubble theorists' as pure referred to b\ always zero—that call option. 2.3 This key aspect is slighted if sides are variable, such as the stock price. economic purposes not implied by the in this regard, also a sort of gambling casino. in organizing the relationships of particular businesses, and therefore in organizing the protluction decisions businesses make. whenever The two market, the options market serves specific purposes just as with the futures is, bond which these not denied by the gambling casino analogy. Options on Futures! As an illustration of Magdoff and Sweezy (1985, the fact that one can whom now how 7) far the "proliferation of purely financial transactions" can proceed point to the options and to the futures markets, and with exclamation to even buy options on futures' It is not surprising that those authors for both futures and options markets arc a chimera, a simple gambling casino from which expectations of profit are built out of thin quintes.sential air, would judge a market where one demonstration of the ludicrous extremes to which sells US options o/j futures the financial capital can go. If, 10 however, the explanations which we have given above for the role of futures and option markets are reasonable, then one might be suspect of this fanciful prejudice regarding an option on a futures Tliere contract. futures at is which we a rather streiightforward, will attempt to present if technical, explanation for a in brief, but first it market for options on should be mentioned that the bewilderment an option on a futures contract already exhibits a certain ignorance of the basic character of an An option option contract by definition concerns future delivery: the difference between a simple option and a simple futures contract is that the option holder's decision while the future contract makes the make a futures contract merely forces the holder to delivery--it a sort of hybrid of the classical is is a contract for delivery contingent future delivery an agreed upon on the An fact. option on the decision about delivery prior to the actual form of futures and oplions, and not simply a more overblown balloon. Note that the difTerencc options market provided a between the options and the futures markets described above was that the random payoff structure as a function of the underlying asset from the random payoff structure pro\ ided by a futures contract when both contract, economic activities exist, can depend upon various conditions, incorporate different risk structures and the different fmancial contracts correspond more or The choici' of among which random payoff is which differed an option or a futures the fact that various real structure of these less to the risk structure whicli is rclc\aiit A simple explanation of options on futures contracts would be that an option on a futures contract provides a third alternative More cost of the structure with which the person or corporation can hedge import'^;";iy in the empirical reality of the futures options currently traded form of trade and the amount of transaction. position random payoff One can on the capital and at less cost. the transaction which must be forwarded to execute each type of use the futures options to create a risk profile which asset itself is their risk. is a duplicate of the Hence, options on futures contracts become just option another This back-door explanation for futures on options--that they serve a purpose which can be it at less cost-also applies to the sirnpler futures and options markets for which the underlying asset is not an agricultural commodity but a fmancial security such as a share of stock. It is possible to duplicate the random payoff to a call option on a stock by trading simply the stock and bond appropriately (niack and Scholcs, 1973), however, the options market provides ° served by other means, but they do 11 version of the simple options contracts If the latter plays a valuable role, then the former may as well. The Role of Futures and Option Markets 3. In the last section we focused on the manner in which an individual person or business would use the futures and options markets and stated that these markets allow the individual agent to accomplish three objectives: 1) to sell risk--to create in effect commodity efTiciently identify the price for a improve the agent's credit relations own 2) they allow the agent to to be delivered several periods forward production decisions, and thereby make an insurance market, 3) and they allow the agent feasible productive activities that to enter into discusses the role or effects of the futures and options markets as a whole. is 3. 1 to these effects which we Futures Markets in Marx's TTicory of now Money and which on the feasible. economy capitalist Credit attain extensive proportions Marx s money and thcor)' of under capitalism Futures and options markets are just one more manifdlation of the extension and expansion of credit nnd relations, viz. the expansion of these circuits. extensive turn. TTie development of futures markets musi be seen in the context of the circuits of commodities and capital more would not otherwise be None of these It and to thereby On the one hand, this expansion money accomodates the operation of productive forces which would not be usable without these markets and so they contribute to the economic expansion of capital On the other hand, because these markets make more extensive the circuits of capital, because they represent an extension of credit and money, the development of these markets necessarily includes the possibility of monetary' crisis and in fact increases the possible the ser\'icc at That a less cost. this is the premier justification for financial futures the motivating factor for options on futures is is argued in Silber (1985), and that it is explained in Stoll and Whaley (1985, 255) where three transaction cost reasons are given. StoII and Whaley (1985, 253) also argue that futures contracts arc not primarily used for hedging, but for trades where there docs not exist a good spot market: the option market is for hedging. 12 scope or depth of crises. kept in mind and which It is is this two-fold contradictory character often abandoned of these markets which must be in current discussions. This two-fold character can best be seen in a discussion of the original development of these Futures markets are a creation not of the twentieth century, but of the nineteenth century, markets. and although some of the key developments occured common in mentions specifically the Europe that Europe as well. Marx commodities sold own money. for their A his study. He United States, futures trading was becoming discussion of the development of form of exchange which was the subject of the development of in his in the is a futures contract and which refers to futures contracts as futures contract is initially credit was developing in the one more manifestation of one form of means of payment for exchange value. The formalized futures contract represents one version of the development of credit relations out of the repeated transactions of simple According to Marx, the futures contract circulation in money and is one form of the development of which the purchase of commodites on one side of the commodity circuits circulation. of commodity exchange becomes separated from the deliver)- of commodites or sale of commodities on the other side of the exchange: No needed to show that such purchases on credit, in which the two poles in lime, evolve spontaneously on the basis of simple circulation of commodities At first it happens that in the course of circulation certain commodity-owners confront one another repeatedly as buyers and sellers. Such repeated occurrences do not remain merely accidental, hut commodities ma>, for example, be ordered for a future date at which they arc to be delivered and paid for The sale in this case takes place only nominally, i.e., juridically, without the actual presence of commodities and money. The two forms of money, means of circulation and means of payment, arc here still identical, since on the one hand commodities and money change places simultaneously, and on the other, money docs not purchase commodities but realises the price of commodities pr'jviously sold. (Marx, 1970, 142, emphasis added) proof in detail is of the transaction are separated In this discussion the futures contract originates spontaneously, facilitating the sale of products that have been produced or that will be available for sale, the intent of fulfiling a previous order or futures contract. therefore dependent possibility for to sell upon its The origination of the futures contract is the then current stage of production, division of labor, and circulation and the exchange which forward loses but which were not necessarily produced with is embodied in them. As the tran.saction is repeated, as the opportunity chance characteristic and becomes dependable, then the system and organization 13 of production and the division of labor is altered to take advantage of this opportunity. relationship between the process of circulation and the organization of production The use of money is also undergoing development. circulation With the development of circulation and the means of payment money a futures contract The development development of the process of circulation, is Money is is The at the center here. originally used merely as a serves simultaneously as the However, the development of the monetary system simultaneously embodies the creation of the possibility of monetary specialb.e its The more advanced system of production and to expect that purchase the components that it needs. can generally depend upon buying and it is it will generally what it is will sell money as means of payment Money be able to sell its many commodities or to in the more sophisticated market, there will be timc^ when the many their products, there will explained the development of the possibility for a monetary of the result of the various decisions of able to rationally specialize, and while each needs be times when these expectations are not realized, there individual capitalists conflict and they are not able to The crisis. circulation enables each capitalist to rationally But while each selling means of more advanced forms of organization of production, for the use of higher levels of division of labor. individual capitalists. means of of the monetary' system, one feature of the necessary for the use of development of the division of labor remains unplanned: dialectical crisis which is decisions of the be a embodied crisis. in the Marx development as follows: functioning as means of payment thus contains a contradiction: on the one hand, when payments it acts as a nominal measure; on the other hand, when actual made, money enters into circulation not as a transient means of circulation, but as the static aspect of the universal equivalent, as the absolute commodity, Where chains of payments and an artificial system for adjusting them in short, as money developed, ha\c been any uphea\al that forcibly interrupts the flow of payments and upsets the mechanism for balancing them against one another suddenly turns money from the nebulous chimerical form it assumed as a measure of value into hard cash or means of payment. Under conditions of advanced bourgeois production, when the commodity-owner has long since become a capitalist, knows his Adam Smith and smiles superciliously at the superstition that only gold and silver constitute money or that money is after all the absolute commodity distinct from other commodities—money then suddenly appears not as the medium of circulation but once more as the only adequate form of exchange value, as a unique form of wealth just as it is regarded by the hoarder. The fact that money is the sole incarnation of wealth manifests itself in the actual devaluation and worthlessness of all physical wealth, and not merely in purely imaginary devaluation as for instance in the Monetary System. This particular phase of world market crises is known as monetary crisis. (Marx, ]'970, 146) payments have balance, to be 14 As we indicated earlier, one of the key roles of a futures market who and financiers to allow merchants, capitali.sts, is are involved in a given process of production to rationally extend a greater amount of credit to particular agents--in our example, the farmer or the miller. This development of credit as a component of the development of the futures markets is also linked to the production and simultaneously with the possibility for a monetary aid the extension of capitalist reproduction mentioned by Marx is crisis. development of the forces of The power of credit markets to in Capital III: ...the self-expansion of capital based on the contradictory nature of capitalist production pcnnits an actual free development only up to a certain point, so that in fact it constitutes an immanent and harrier to production, which are continually broken tluough by the Hence the credit system accelerates the material development of the productive forces and the establishment of the world-market. It is the historical mission of fetter credit system. tlic capitalist system of production to raise the malcnal foundations of the new production to a certain degree of perfection violent eruptions of the old mode tliis mode contradiclion--crises--and thereby the elements of di.sintegration of of production. (Marx, 1967b, 441) 3.2 Evolution of Futures Markets in the US In oui analysis of the role of futures maikcts we have emphasized the bond between the futures contract and the organization of production, between the futures contract as one piece of the credit system--!. e. as production. i.e. a certain the use of futures markets. opens up. decline in money and an expression of the productive relations--an(l the organization of the force? of This relationship should be seen de\'c]opment. of At the same time credit accelerates the stage in the in a dynamic, dialectical fashion. development of the forces of production, Technological and is .social a pre-requisitc for Subsistancc agriculture conducted for the annual needs of a small This manifests itself in various concrete developments within markets in which futures trading For example, examining regional diversity in mortgage rates, Culbertson found a significant regional differences was associated with the introduction of futures trading in mortgages, the GNMA futures contract (Culbertson, 1978). A distinct role of the futures markets, and one on which we will not focus here, is the manner which they allow the quantity of circulating capital to be reduced and in this fonn lower the costs of production This role is a consequence of the second use of futures markets mentioned above and was also discussed by Marx: "In the third place the development of the credit-system also exerts an influence. The less the spinner is dependent on the direct sale of his yam for the renewal of his supply of cotton, coal, etc.— and this direct dependence will be the smaller, the more developed the credit-sy.stcm is--the smaller relatively these supplies can be and yet ensure a continuous production of yam on a given scale, a production independent of the hazards of the sale of yam." (Marx, 1967a, 142) in 15 community and based upon since it narrow production decisions does not give relatively docs not require the sophisticated distinct industrial processes scale agricultural particular it level rise to a futures market of intertemporal coordination between agents involved in which futures markets serve to organize. Advanced, capital intensive, large production requires highly rationalized organization of various processes and in requires highly rationalized intertemporal allocation of resources and intertemporal coordination of operations of various person. Under capitalism this allocation As exchange and circulation process and coordination large is mediated through the market, through the markets for standardized agricultural products such as wheat develop, as the technology for storing and transporting these products developed so tliat the many small markets of a vast land mass such as the United States became united into a single vast market ser\iceablc from any agricultural tcrritor>', becomes highly rationalized production then large scale capital intcnsi\'c agricultural production and possible. But for this to be realizable within capitalism, the appropriate 'relations' must be fashioned, the appropriate system of circulation and exchange, the appropriate credit system a commodity A futures market must arise in which the value' of the commodit\--cvcn of and equated with or compared with available for deliver>' in the future--can be expressed the 'value' of other commodities—including a comparison with the a different commodity because it is same commodity available for use at a different date market on which particular commodites available A at future dates find their futures market prime example of the continuing development or extension of the money and more advanced system occurs step wise credit stages of the division of labor development of the technological opportunity markets financial will for capitalist among left is credit system. simpK the then a This conjunction with the development of methods of production. The new forms of production and be parallel and mutually reinforcing, they TTie current discussion relatively and more in is terms but \aluc given expression in But the development of such markets terms of a current unit of Ihc universal equivalent development of the money and in physical will the development of these be dialectically related. or liberal authors in which futures markets are characterized as autonomously developing phenomena, or in which futures markets are characterized as the 16 result of the opposed dynamics of the financial sphere alone, a result of the imperatives of finance capitalists as to industrial capitalists, a result of the nsurow, populations of Wall Street, sphere--in fact the deemphasize the all main theme of the 'bubble problem with the current developments between the futures markets and the productive thesis,' is that this tie is in futures markets. in the productive sphere commercial relationships. At this stage the relationships Slowly, in territories in which tlic two In his show Marx indicated, were narrowly was generalized Marx emphasized that an intimate connection first as a feature of individual restricted to to a larger two parties. this market futures markets began to the relationship between the sphere of production and of circulation and the reflection of this relationship in the geographical points of commodity markets. to the premier same constancy of trade which spontaneously generated particular persons take on an organized form. exists we wish is and the development of futures markets. Futures markets developed, as the comments by relationship between missing and this In this section and that even to the present day there historically there has existed, between the development tie myopic, and petty sociology of the various development of these notebooks which form the Grundrisse Marx includes the following sketch; The various markets other than the money market are, firstly, as different as are products and branches of production themselves. The chief markets in tiiesc various products arise centres which arc such either in respect of import or export, or because they are either themselves centres of in production, or arc the direct suppls points of such centres. a given (Marx, 1973, 280) The tie between the development of these markets and the actual de\'elopment and structure of production and circulation to which Marx ga\'e passing reference can best be seen in terms of the See Magdoff and Sweez.y (1985, 6-7). They begin by asserting the capitalist imperative of expansion and growlh facing bankers and other financial businesses, they then argue that the creation by these "money pushers" of various purely financial transactions have been the result, and conclude with "The crucial point, and one that is almost totally missing from traditional economic discourse, is become an autonomous subsystem of the economy as a whole, with an enormous capacity for self-expansion." Our assertion, of course, is that the crucial advantage of a more orthodox Marxist analysis is that the financial sphere is not autonomous and not that the financial sphere has the potential to between the expansion of financial markets is an inherent feature of the capitalist mode of organizing circulation and production even when it is operating smoothly, and not a problem of the improperly organized or wildly out of control financial system. capable of enormous' self-expansion. and the productive sphere, and the There is a key link crisis potential of the expansion of financial markets 17 development of the agricultural commodity futures markets in in the US during the nineteenth century and terms of the development of energy commodity futures markets during the twentieth century. In the United States the agricultural commodities development of commodity futures markets occured in the trading cities of the midwest. first in the market for Canal In 1848 the Michigan-Illinois opened, providing river access to Chicago and thereby cheap transportation from the interior farmlands Between 1847 and 1851 eastern shipments of via the Illinois River. Com bushels to over 3 million bushels--a 44 fold increase. riverway primarily during the late transportation opened up in the spring. and financing needs developed—that means of exchange. Owners of their grain. for grains The and winter fall is, cribs money came actual clearinghouse fomi that to be used as a and elevators would in is 1891. commonly known Wheat The of a standard sort money was held until travel to means of payment waterway instead of as a Chicago to find future buyers for it began to develop standards for organized futures toda\- as the futures markets developed. market was instituted futures markets developed at nearly every market, including Chicago, Kansas City, Minneapolis. (Peck. 1985). it elevators developed along this system therefore, and homogeneous trading practices the opportunity Minneapolis Grain Exchange where of Trade was established in 1848 and as The Chicago Board from Chicago grew from 67,000 was shipped to holding areas along the after the harvest, Comcribs and com Ncu 'N'ork. at the major terminal Duhilh. Milwaukee, St I ouis, and Omaha futures markets clearly developed as n result of the growing regularity of transactions among a dcfmed set of merchants--thcy were not in any fashion the consequence of capitals search for profits during a period in which investment in productive capital seemed unprofitable, the source for the current expansion of these markets according to 1 rade in Magdoff and Sweczy. other commodities apparently independently generated the development of futures markets--in cotton for example originated out of the New York at the New York Cotton P.xchange. The New York Mercantile Exchange Butter and Cheese Exchange, organized in 1872, and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange originated in 1874 in the formation of the Chicago Produce Exchange (later the Butter and Egg Board). The New York Producer Exchange emerged as a futures market in this time as The Coffee Exchange began well. exchange 1925 and in Trading later joijied in futures was Exchange with futures trading in the 1920's. One in 1882, with the Sugar was added two (Peck, 1985 and first initially characteristic in metals-copper, Hides were also traded in of the most important New York silver, zinc, crude oil new developments Mercantile Exchange in certain key commodity during time developments of March of 1983 be delivered in in the (Verleger, 1987). dishing, development of which gradually induced the this sort are The Oklahoma at oil in crude oil traded in New the intersection of a futures market development linear for in the initiation of a futures market. important to point out. Oil has become important to a vast array of industrial processes. a key Tor a period of followed The importance' of the corporation and not invoh-ing market mediated transactions. economic sense drastically increased following the creation c^f OPEC and the two The necessity of integrated operations has also declined over the there exist firms which can produce buy crude from producer? various oil to Organized futures trading oil. production, refining, and marketing has been a largely integrated process coordinated within the oil bounds of to oil this century, vitally The Commodity of futures markets during the past half and do not involve a simple and continuous productive technology and market for However, Irwin, 1954) and lead-developed out of markets begun in the area petroleum pipelines. The motivating factors arc complicated a scperate this fashion at that time. York was West Texas Intermediate cpjdc several key and Cocoa was traded on only of agricultural commodities. century has been the creation of a futures market for crude began on the in 1916, cmdc and sell it to independent refiners, This means that the market component processes in\olvcd in bringing crude relationships require organiz.ed spot exchanges. They futures or a spot market for natural gas participants and various work oil also, and coordination opportunities mediated on the market, Similar factors are currently at last is government agencies involved large price hikes two decades, so an which that and independents seeking more important to the organization of the under various guises to consumers. 1 hese however, require longer tenn decision making that is they require a futures market. in the natural gas industry. However, there oil in are many There does not yet discussions among exist a industry in the field regarding this possibility. One key 19 prerequisite for the institution of a futures market is the expanded use of natural gas which has proceeded over the past half century and which has drastically increased during the especially outside the United States. This second prerequisite places. a market is possible. is The second prerequisite is last two decades, gradually developing in a variety of the organization of production in such a fashion that mediation using This prerequisite is not currently changes are under way which lead one to believe that fulfilled in it the natural gas industry, but may become many among a possibility, and discussion industry and government figures centers around the question of the current stage of this development (Toman, 1986). The current center of a spot market for natural gas Texas where a is large number of pipelines exist and are connected--and where a large base of industrial users exists able to contract with a large base of suppliers In each of these production. keen on terms not governed by longstanding examples there clearly exist federal regulations of interstate trade. important developments discussions leading to development of a futures market and they participate(d) and acceptance of money in the capitalist? smooth and examples we think it in the light should be hard for one to reamin by the thesis that 'bankers' per traditional routes and therefore its interest in a capital to new avenue such expand and as industries which preceeded and continued in parallel in the forces its of concrete sc were or are do so inability to new commodity the primary force leading to the developments of these institutions at this time. be hard for one to continue to ignore the developments interest arc, of course, a necessary But successful establishment of such markets. money The in the discussions. and the players on these exchanges the initiators of these markets, that the imperative of its in the various development or consideration. Financiers, speculators, investment bankers, and its other specialists on Wall Street (or LaSalle Street) also particpate(d) via realm of the forces of In each case, persons involved in the operations end of the industry displayed or display a interest in the potential element in the And we futures think it was should of production in each of these with the establishment of the futures market and which make the transactions on these markets anything but purely financial.' 20 CSass Interests and the Regulation of Futures and Option MaHccts 4. The Subject of Conflict 4.1 The organization, development, and extension of futures and options markets pose a variety of decisions over which classes maintain conflicting interests and responses and which two categories. First, the decision of how best to regulate and modify the we will divide into static tradeoff the existence of a futures or options market; and, second, the problem of regulating the development of the market and managing the consequences of 4. 1 .a its inherent in dynamic development. Regulation of the Static Tradeoff The static tradeofT above: the futures market possible ( 1 ) inherent in the existence of a futures or options market has been detailed is a case of an extended circuit of exchange which simultaneously development of the forces of production within the a higher the one hand, and (2) a greater danger of a modem capitalist society, as more all who persons have historically enjoyed some of the they do not enjoy the full results. it is working is more bear the costs of monctar>- fruits of the expansion of Hence, the position of class will see the these problems. The likely to of production on In the working class and the crises, and while these same humankind s productive powers, different classes to the unbridled of the credit system or futures markets and therefore these speculati\e markets ruling capitalist class mode extensive monetary' crisis on the other hand. throughout the history of capitalism, farming and agricultural workers above capitalist makes is development also different. The \iew their development as unequivocally advantageous, while the problems inherent capitalist class, all in them and will seek various solutions by which to avoid other things equal, will choose a greater degree of development of the futures markets than the working classes would choose. There tradeoff. exist within a given class different positions regarding the regulation of the static Individual fmancial capitalists actively involved in the relevant fmancial markets tend to be strident advocates of unregulated extensions of these markets. Industrial capitalists bound to the fate of and not successfully integrated to a fmance capital group tend to have a powerful stake in the balanced development of capitalism and a deeper concern with the dangers of a crisis. any given concrete historical example the divisions and basis for disagreement may be more varied. a single industry' In 21 The conflict over the regulation of the lor example, variety of concrete institutional decisions. can be played out in terms of a large static tradeoff toward whether or not a futures market should exist different classes may take different stances or not, or different positions regarding the appropriate length of contracts permissable, to the degree of surety necessary for the persons dealing in contracts, i.e. towards the degree of risk The inherent in the credit extended. conflict over the regulation of the static contradiction can also be played out in terms of institutions other than the markets themselves, for example structure of farming manner of its in These other farmers push for governmental income guarantees or regulation of the institutional structures which the futures market modify the cnmequenccs of interacts with the producli\'c sphere a crisis or the and therefore the consequences extension. The is if typical for markets is balloon' thesis suppresses the class content of the problem of futures and options markets. proponent? of the 'balloon' clearly irrational thesis to write as from the standpoint of engineered or ad\ocatcd only by those who: markets per se, 1) all self-destructive path which they are pursuing, and interests are directls and immediately classes. tied to the from within the who finally and the resulting objective basis viz. these markets is .1) fail to sec the folly and ultimately to a \cry small section of financiers whose Proponents of the class perspective or objective class interest of the for class conflict contradictory nature of capitalist markets, The expansion of expansion of the financial industr>' bourgeoisie the expansion of futures and options markets interest the rapid expansion of these fmancial ^Uzk foolishly to an ideologically motivated advocacy of or 2) to myopic bankers and financiers 'balloon' thesis ne\cr argue that if make sense. They fail to see this class because they emphasize only one side of the the possibility for a ignore or underestimate the other side of the contradiction, viz. monetary crisis, and they completely the dialectical role which the expansion This occurs as well in the conflict over the regulation of the conflict inherent in the use of market for labor. This market also embodies the danger of crisis and the disaster of unemployment. Within the system of capitalism trade unions and working class political organizations have fought for unemployment compensation. This shifts some of the cost of unemployment from the working class to the capitalist class, the degree of shift depending to some degree on the structure of the tax system and other factors It a 22 and sophistication of the money and credit system and these financial markets play in developing the productive forces under capitalism. Tlie bourgoisie cannot, within the framework of the capitalist mode of production, bring about development of the forces of production without expanding the system of market extending the markets. money and And this relations, without credit system, without, in this particular case, using futures and options the working class cannot successfully oppose the expansion of these markets or their adverse consequences makes the use of these ignores the underlying objective necessity which if it markets a consideration. The working class cannot simply oppose the extension of these markets unless it proposes an alternative device, an alternative form of relations which the expansion and development of the productive forces. working 4.1.b and class in a theoretical political will accomodate and encourage Proponents of the balloon' thesis leave the dead end. Regulation of the Dynamic Problems of Development In the discussion of the static tradeoff wc are abstracting to a capitalist mode of production with a given Ie\cl of development of the forces of production and a given structure of capitalist institutions or relations of production. The system must reproduce wc may within a chosen lime frame think of of the forces of production, of the relative tlic si/.e itself, either simple or qualitative character of the system of various sectors of the economy constant or as variant without clear direction towards qualitative change be made concerning the structure of futures markets in the relations expanded reproduction, but in terms of the and of the structure as being basically The choices or static tradeoff regard decisions to small changes of production which accomodate for better or worse the current stage of forces of production and which simultaneously entail consequences for the division of surplus value between and within various classes. Capitalist society is, development has not been last however, an unusually dynamic in any way limited to expansion mode of production, and its in a purely quantitative sense. dynamic During the century capitalist society has experienced development which has included significant restructuring in terms of the forces of production--that is, for example, a drastic decline in the proportion of 23 employment and therefore in agriculture and the evolution of development of futures markets play the agricultural employment capitalist relations in the of production which occured agriculture of market relations population--as well as significant modifications in the two most notable being the inauguration of the relations of production--the stage of capitalism in rural in the state monopoly capitalism. The imperialist and monopoly gradual extension and For example, the decline of a role in these dialectical processes. United States has been directly related to the development of in this sector and to the extreme degree of rationalization of United States. This process has been pushed largely by the extension in agriculture, especially the expan.sion of the credit system including the mortgage system and the growth of futures markets. These market relations govern the decisions of which farmers agriculture and into the labor force cmd which will will be ruthlessly pushed out of prosper and profit from the rationalization. During the twentieth century the use of these market relations was significantly modificd--but not eliminated--by the introduction of state prices, incomes, and the allocation of resources In the case of regulation to proper monopoly level regulations including government in the agricultural sector. modify the development of of development of the futures markets arc not relations of production needed to management of capitalist society, decisions made about the primarily in terms of ihc nccessap,' accomodate the cuncnt forces of production, they arc not made rationalize the current system of capitalism in the interests of a given class, but rather they arc to properly manage division of value the development of among some classes or the de\'elopment of broader or longer term interest of a given Two at hand. will make tiicsc- classes themsehes empoverishment of and with less this last point more precise The first is a portion of traditional family farmers. manage the the pursuit of a has, however, political repercussions directly relevant to our subject implemented by means of the This process has occured with speed and ruthlessness over the entire past centur>'. numbers of family farmers in made class. In the United States the rationalization of agriculture has been large scale greater examples sections of the forces of production and to to During TTie displacement of large this past centuPi the state has 24 intervened continuously in the operation of agricultural markets. Nevertheless, it has almost never, or only with respect to certain limited subjects, attempted to halt or reverse the process of the elimination of the famiily farm. It has, instead, slowed the process at a given point in time, that individual farmers had the opportunity to adapt 'optimally' to the fate them, etc. managed the process so which was made Bourgeois politicians have often hoisted the baruier of defending the family farm, but no serious analyst can view the statistics on the changes in American agriculture and pretend that the essence of these promises or slogans conformed to the policies implemented In this case, then, the measures taken to regulate the development of the markets were taken to retard unfavorable consequences from too demand s political swifl a change. The second example concerns to the 1980 clear to the recent changes in the banking system in the United States. there existed a segmented market for key financial services. Commercial banks Prior collected deposit or checking accounts and processed commercial transactions, and these banks provided the loans to the commercial sector of the economy. Savings and Lxians, locus for gathering time dcposits--savings accounls--and Savings and housing construction, mortgages. The legal basis for this separation I on the other hand, were the oans made loans largci> to finance has gradually been abandoned and primarily in such a fashion that the Savings and Ixians will disappear and their business will be taken over by the commercial banks. occurs at a gradual pace. certain steps which seem The state has Although the in state taken great pains, however, to guarantee remains intent on completing the process, tliat this it process has taken contradiction with the goal, or which appear unnecessarily costly. Many Savings and Lxians arc being permitted, for example, to conduct business similar to that which commercial banks perfonn. permit many unsound allow this, however, the regulatory agency must also simultaneously Savings and Ix)ans to continue to exist and speculate with their investments in a manner which endangers and primarily the To the depositers, the institutions ultimately connected with the savings and loan, federal insurance agency. The reason for bearing this cost, the reason for gradual transition in the unification of this portion of the banking system losing the organizational capital embodied in may making the be the need to avoid a certain fraction of the Savings and Loans. In this case, 25 manage then, the measures taken are a device to efTicicnlly' develop the productive forces, to properly the change, to master the dialectic internal to the capitalist system. The objective problem posed by the of this problem in the public dynamic development of capitalism and the subjective has been key to the maintenance of the stability and this of the capitalist system in the United States despite the extremely fast paced development and sometimes startlingly movements US consciousness have not often coincided in the history of the reflection inhumane consequences. Many of the to restrict the operation of futures markets have, for example, their objective source in the inherent />o/(7/ca/ problems of the process of development under capitalism The primary spur to political action has been the mass of farmers empoverished through the capitalist process of rationalization in agriculture. As vvc will see, however, although this is the objective basis of political discontent, the subjective expression of this discontent has seldom been focused on tiic exact problem. Instead, attention has always been returned to questions of the 'proper' operation of the futures market, to the problem of eliminating the abuse' of these markets with The public discussion has often proceeded as if properly functioning futures markets there would ha\c been no losers, no bankrupt farmers. discussion curiously ignores the objective basis for the bankruptcies, that bankruptcy is just \hc is, it form which the ncccssars technological rcstnicturing of the system of capitalism. Although it is The ignores the fact that the agriculture- takes within the consequence of the d\narnic development of capitalism which has often motivated the public discussion, the bourgeoisie has successfully maintained the discussion in terms of the static tradeoff, and then even in a language which is on their terms. 4.2 History of Regulation of and Cla.ss Struggle over Futures and Options Markets in the 4.2.a Reform The most common form of took US is regulation of futures markets and the initial form which any regulation the establishment of rules which modify the operation of the market but which do not qualitatively change its capitalist character. Such regulations include margin requirements, agreements to accept required arbitration procedures, standardized contract and certification procedures, membership 26 and bonding practices. At times these regulations have been instituted privately; that as rules is, imposed by the exchange authorities or as agreements negotiated among a professional or defined Alternatively these regulations are imposed by government authorities or legislatures. business group. These regulations modify the operation of the futures markets the> assure that the market operates as This form of regulation has been key such regulation gas revolve. is it in it is less feasible. around questions of whether or not feasible that the current discussion of the possibility for a futures market in natural Second, they represent a choice regarding the tradeoff between the essentially contradictory character of the market, a decision about the extent to which the market the credit circuit is Third and finally, this form of regulation expanded. the redivision of property which inherently occurs at the futurc<; and foremost First intended to, making fraud and manipulation is the history of the US: in one of three ways. moment is is instituted used to modify or negotiate of institution and expansion of a market. Private regulation of these markets came relatively early in their hislop>'. their contractual obligations. regulations ser\'c component two of these distinct functions two functions 1865 ..in fulfilled for one of two reasons. is tlic First, deceive and to escape their obligation. they may is operate in similar are to do may be no problem, howe\er if This discussion is Now ina>' that it is may a contract same lime being aware not that under these instances are, aware that the other party expects the will not, in the given event, be based primarily upon the histories presented Citations for specific facts will not be given. common have an intention to commonly understood what the one party knows The this either with absolute certainty, or generally intend to complete their obligation while at the if it is they did not implemented: these regulations arc a contract that will be fulfilled They may intend if Ihesc types of ' fashion one person writing the contract contract to be fulfilled while the one party (1965). tlic\' means by which they certain circumstances they will not be able to: then there margin provision was adopted although intended to assure that a contract signed be a had been "In 1863 rules adopted [by the Chicago Board of Trade] according to whicii members could be suspended meet and in fulfilled, then Peck (1985) and Cowing 27 there is a measure of deception and intent. Second, events might of the parties signing the contract and under which able to fulfill their obligation. any party agreeing the product their is own some is This is it is arise commonly which are outside of the control one party realized that unavailable and that the price on the open market is may find that their The pjirty will own supply of extremely high, and that therefore wealth does not suffice for their covering their obligation: for any given which the not be inherent in the nature of the futures contract, for example, since to deliver a quantity of a product at a fixed price, price level at will initial wealth, there be bankrupt and unable to cover their obligation. stated regulations restrict the possibility of the first form of fraud by creating a certainty on the part of both parties that the other party has certain resources, that the party cannot remove these resources until after the contract has been completed, or that the party will face various penalties they attempt te particular degree of certainty that example of our first its is thereby rules common do not give absolute certainty, but they create a knowledge. Ilcncc this form of regulation function for regulations of a futures market: they assure market perform? what The These escape their obligations. it all intended to perform. is stated regulations similarly create a degree of certainty that each party will be able to solvency of a party to the first contract is also guaranteed a degree of certainty. example of the second function of regulation: inherently contradictory nature of the market. money is an is concerned that the contract obligations, and therefore that any obligation, the certainty of which of which if is fulfill dependent upon the 1 his represents an to decide the optimal extension of the market given the This form of regulation establishes a limit to the extent permitted to act as a means of payment, a limit to the size of the disconnection between the forwarding of goods and the realization of their value. development of the market, and on the other hand it It limits on the one hand the reduces the probability of collapse, because reduces the repercussions which might fiow throughout the entire edifice as a result of problems it at one point. This represents the ultimate question of and the options available for avoiding the fine tuning of the system, taking the system for granted problems altogether as limited or non-existent. Resolution of 28 this issue is a class question in the narrow economistic sense similar to that of pure Different forms of regulation will mitigate to greater or lesser extent questions facing a trade unionist. the probability of crises and the concomminant danger may forms of regulation Similarly, certain be able to to However, the capital. level working people that will bear those burdens. those forms of deception and manipulation restrict and monopolistic pressures to which small farmers may be merchant wage bargaining pjirticularly vulnerable vis-a-vis large of importance and the degree of information avjiilable with which choose and implement a strategy capable of winning meaningful gains has never been particularly significant. Government involvement stages store' government acted to Initially the confidence scams. in this type In the commodity of reform of futures markets occurred in several distinct halt fraudulant practices futures business there arose quite early a large brokerage or futures trading offices which are from the large number of farmers and others for over many which restricted fraudulant activity years and the The first stage of what is seller to states followed in 1913." dealers, but they also Hence this and at in 1907. is Additional the national level in the primarily an example of the muckraking first role of be. in 1911, and required .ignificant disclosure of be given to government authorities before securities of "Arizona, I^ouisiana, and South Carolina enacted similar laws in 1912; These laws were often targetting stocks, but they commodity markets and brokers of futures risky. in various states supposed to it is such law was passed in Kansas various types could be sold. and the Arkansas and Nebraska In 1905 North government regulation of commodits markets was the prohferation of 'Blue information and certification of the twenty other was passed This type of regulation regulation: guaranteeing that the market Sky' laws. futures were a key activity. as did number of comer as 'bucket shops' selling and buying futures methods of these confidence men were broadly publicized literature of the Progressive Era. The second known whom Dakota and Minnesota outlawed the bucket shop legislation which might be characterized as affected These regulations required information on as well. securities gave the state the power to disallow the sale of securities deemed too form of regulation fulfills both the first function of regulation, assuring that the 29 market is what it is supposed to be, but also in many cases the second, determining the appropriate tradeofT between the extension of risky credit and the dangers of crisis. Disputes over these issues can, in some cases, represent a sharp confrontation between classes, and one which operates industry' was, as The terms of the development of capitalism. in we have noted use of futures markets in the grain in the history of their origin, closely tied to the routes of their transport to the central points of transportation eastward and tied to the transfer of ownership at points of storage. In the railroad monopolies. monopolies the US the transportation of grain came gradually under the control of the These railroads often owned the storage systems as railroad companies were able futures markets to aid their collusive pricing at well. As a result of their times to manipulate the futures markets or to use the and buying practices. Farmers, especially Minnesota and in the Dakotas, agitated for a variety of regulatory restrictions and rules of participation to fight these One key movement monopolies. in the history cooperatives, especially marketing cooperatives. of the US agricultural industry These cooperatives were, was the organization of for a period of time, excluded from the organized futures exchanges. The owners and fmancicrs operating the exchanges maintained this exclusion. With the passage of the Futures Trading Act right lo use exchange? tiif 1 combat the monopoly use of Lis 1921 the cooperatives finally and other reform rcguialidns of tlic won the fulurc- markets were efforts to the market system to systematically dispossess the farm population, they were attempts to restore the 'competitive 4.2.b in capitalist' form of development in its idealistic representation. To Be or Not to Be: What Role for the Market and Speculation From the late 1880 s through the I930's the issue of whether or not to allow the contracts was at various times hotly debated. securities had arisen at The issue of potentially an earlier period vis-a-vis financial markets issue has surfaced again as several of the earlier restrictions in banning a market New York. sale in certain In recent years the on the existence of futures and options markets have been relaxed, but this has not truly been the subject of broad public debate. the issue been more publicly, more fundamentally, and more bounding the turn of the century. of futures Never has intensively debated than the five decades 30 During the late 1 800's there were a variety of movements to ban various financial markets as A places for speculation' and gambling and unrelated to productive work. among market, and consumers was considered actual producers manipulating or using such a market were considered culprits. market, including a futures acceptable: only \he financial speculators The California constitution of 1879 forbade futures contracts, and some important grain and cotton states passed anti-futures laws in the The next decade." the Washburn first bills debated in the US Congress were the Hatch bill in House and the the Senate in which speculative purchases and sales of grain and cotton futures bill in were to be eliminated house two key Under popular pressure each via discriminator\' taxation. bill passed its respective 1893 with a significant majority: the manouvcrs of constitutionality were used as a screen for in commercial interests pressuring particular so that both bills died at overwheliming suppport Congressmen and neither the close of the session Pressure continued bill was passed by the other house, and no regulation was implemented despite on a variety of governmental levels: Lxjusiana banned futures contracts in 1898; around the turn of the century several states banned 'speculative' and gambling financial contracts which often meant a restriction on futures trades and a complete Texas (1885), Iowa (1886), trades--these states included Tennc^cc (1883), Arkansas, South Carolina, Michigan (1887) Missouri (1889) North Carolina Mississippi and In 1913 owning Montana two (19f)5) Arkans.i-;, Florida, Alabama, (1908). efforts at banning the use of the future*; the commodities to be sold, were the Clarke and Underwood-Simmons Georgia (1906) ban on option Tariff legislation: both The markets by speculators, persons not actually Cummitis Amendments amendments were defeated. In 1914 to the and 1916 the Cotton court system accepted the distinction between a legitimate contract for future sale and a gambling contract, although they made it difficult in practice to label any futures contract a gambling contract. Courts focused upon the notion of the actual intent to dehver the good, and although 97% of futures contracts were settled using money, without delivery of any goods, since the contract gave the buyer the right to demand debvery of the goods and was written as if delivery were the intent, the courts generally interpreted all futures contracts as legitimate and the functional distinction between speculative and legitimate futures trades had to be worked out carefully in specific legislative materials. Options contracts, however, were easily interpreted as gambling contracts and therefore during this period were often illegal under legislation against gambling and having little ' 'speculative' or specific intent to regulate option markets. 31 Futures Act was passed and amended, but this legislation merely regulated the cotton futures market in the sense described above, restricting the range of contracts saleable in an effort to improve the War During the course of World functioning of the market in accordance with capitalist principles. I trading in futures were sporadically cancelled due to the problems of market manipulation and trading news of events in the war, and eventually Congress and the President implemented controls over the price of certain commodities, including fixing the price of stopped completely and did not resume until July The first federal level legislation actually 15, wheat so that trading implemented to significantly restrict a rewrite of the intention of eliminating speculative use of a futures market, that physical wanted real' buyers and commodity while prohibiting to merely buy and sell sellers who is and essentially Futures Trading Act that had passed in 1921 and had been declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. betweem wheat futures in 1920 modify these markets was the Grain Futures Act of 1922, futures trades It was written with the with the intention of allowing intended to actually transfer ownership of the the use of the futures market by owners of the legal claim to the future delivery, hoping money capital to profit off price and never intending to take dclner)^ or c\cr actually possess the commodity, liic law also the oversight of the commodit\' futures market by the Secretary of Agriculture and organized exchanges to admit farmers' cooperatives to buy and something which the exchanges had to 1936 extended which tlic sell on the that point successfully blocked. Cirain I'uturcs Act to more commodities and il who changes estah;i'=li^d forced the fioors of the exchanges, The Commodity F.xchange Act of limited the amount of speculation in single traders could participate. The effective restrictions on agricultural commodity options trading were lifted by Congress in 1982. October 1984. Opposition to the existence of futures markets has also come from the particular commercial interests that would have on suffered from the immediate creation of the market. Commercial the onion industry succeeded in shutting down a futures market in onions. interests in There were strong conflicts 32 from direct commercial interests around the organization of the potato futures and the Hve cattle futures markets. 4.3 Political Slogans, Political Alternatives The is political character of the variety of movements which made up an important and complex subject which has been and which is quite beyond the task of complementary and contradictory political slogans long period dealt with in a variety of journals The key movements this paper. this and ideologies. in US histor>' and monographs exhibited a variety of For our purposes il is key to distinguish between two. First, there is the trend Within this trend the which blamed the financial speculators for the plight of the farmers. primary problem was seen to be the misuse of the markets which led to the unfair dispossession of individual farmers. This trend incorporates some conservative elements, elements that wished to preser\'e American agriculture in its idyllic aspects of the development to which capitalism form and that was subjecting the saw only the shabby and inhumane agricultural .sector. This trend also incorporated a recognition of the distinction between the financial interests and the farmers. it failed to see the inherent it failed to identify However, connection between the financial interests and the process of development; and accept the nccessap, role which the financial capitalists playcil in increasing the concentration of agricultural capital and the fact that this result could not be obtained without the support of financial capital system. if the process This trend imagined that the market could operate well and accomplish the development of intensive agriculture doing was going to take place within the confines of the this. It limited its ba"^cd c^niy upon the 'real' producers, but level of had no acti\c plan for objections to banning the fmancial interests and did not seek to actively develop alternative institutional structures which could fill their rolc--prcciseIy trend did not see the fmancial capitalists as fulfilling any necessar) role. the one it same capitalist made by our modem day This because is this ideological a mistake similar to 'bubble theorists'. The second category of opposition complemented, the financial speculator, but can be characterized by its at times, the first. It shared the contempt for active effort to organize alternative institutional 33 forms by which the farming population could adapt to the progressive development and capital concentration of agriculture. involvement in The socialism. adapt to and This is best seen in the cooperative movement, planning and managing the agricultural sector, and in the agitation for state in the various groups calling for successes of these groups during this era were due to their recognition of the need to in fact to support the developments in the productive forces, to fmd appropriate of productive relations which supported the new level of productive forces. new forms These forces did not merely decry and denounce the action of the financiers; they recognised both the destructive and the objectively valuable role which these financiers also played, and they attempted to develop an alternative which avoided the problems but which was due the tasks of the financier. The success of these groups to the fact that they did not ignore or discount the side of the contradiction which the 'bubble ignore. theorists 5. fulfilled Conclusion Our conclusion may be summarized consequences of the bubHic The be apppT'-nt. all spheres of productive relations. for capitalism's productive sphere. s limits The development nor for development; the its i"; a classic case of capitalism's extension of Options and futures markets arc simply one expansion of the range of commercial and moncli/cd relations. This expansion of the financial sphere of the economy capitalism following theses; the contrast in each with the dc\'clopmciil of (iptions and future? markets market relations into more form thesis' will in the is a force suppnrlivr of the expansion of the of these apparently exotic financial markets illustrates not irrationality, but rather capitalism's development of these markets ser\'e remaining rcser\'cs and continuing power to expand production and to increase the social nature of the production process and hence represent a minor countertendency to, as opposed to a product of or reaction This is to, the current structural crisis. the objectively progressive content of the development of capitalism and of these capitalist markets, an objective feature of capitalism which Marx and Hngels repeatedly stressed. To be sure, the 34 objectively progressive content of capitalism has long been outweighed now than at its alternatives for accomplishing the same goals, viz. existing socialism features, is less revolutionary its reactionary and destructive inception, and certainly stands against clearly defined and national economic planning of Nevertheless, the fact remains that these capitalist institutions represent a force for various forms. mode material development within one social formation and and serve capitalism, by as of production, developed state-monopoly one form of reserve which give to the capitalist system the dynamism which it persistently demonstrates. To recognize the objectively progressive element of these markets destructive or harmful impact. This persistently shows itself in is two forms. First, the these markets exaggerates the contradictory nature of capitalist society: that of money and making each transaction yet increase the danger of severe characteristic of financial monetary more removed from crisis. The is establishment of any market, the extension of and a new this redivision conducted in the is ruthless destroyed in the process. example, can mean new machinery and the by extending the circuit consumer and producer they correct insofar as it asserts this commodity is relations to that in an objective sense, the any sphere, or the adjustment of organization of markets entails a redivision of the economic product of society supervised and most extension of markets under capitalism. The second harmful aspect of the extension of market relation? via the development of futures and option markets market prices to is, the ultimate 'bubble thesis' not to discount or ignore their managed by manner with no The extension of empo vcrishment the ruling class. Under capitalism this redivision is regard for the well being of those persons hurt or futures and options markets in agricultural commodities, for of large numbers of farmers. .lust as with the introduction of technologies in industr>', futures and options markets are instituted under the control of particular classes and their institution can be and is used to the benefit or loss of various groups and classes. Class struggle ensues around the establishment of these markets out of reaction to these consequences. First, since the costs classes, there are dtfTerences of the cyclical crises of capitalism arc bom with regards to the value of extending the sphere of two unevenly across money and credit, of 35 extending the circuits of capital and thereby exaggerating the potential consequences of since the establishment utilized by this class under control of the ruling is and by particular elements of the productive value derived from these markets. and the capitalist class moment crises. Second, of establishment is do not share the benefits of this class, other classes Moreover, particular groups are specifically threatened by the extension of these markets. Class struggle sometimes focuses around the technical questions of regulation of the market and at other times around the question of whether or not such markets should be created at all; alternatively is is a the former form of struggle compromise solution typically a response to the .second not it will to the is typically a response to the problem of first problem, or a redivision of wealth, while the latter struggle problem of these markets, the redivision of wealth and whether or happen. The key problem in organizing a political struggle in the interest of the working class involves correctly identifying the objective interests of the program which becomes a materia] force in the working class and translating development of society. this into a popular In terms of these markets it is important to recognize the objectively supportive role of these markets, to recognize the role which they play in aiding the expansion of the productive forces. working clas<; cannot for long remain on the level Any program to defend the interest of the of merely dccr)'ing or opposing the development of futures and options markets because of the disastrous consequences which they have for the class. It become? critical to articulate alternative means for supporting the working development of the productive forces, to develop a substitute for the function which the futures and options markets serve. 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