We believe: Every child can learn, and each child can learn more than he or she is now learning. We believe: The School District and its employees have mutual obligations for support and development toward continuous improvement. We believe: A healthy public school system is key to the maintenance of a healthy democracy. THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY Regular Workshop Meeting – October 27, 2009 5:00 p.m. School Board Room 4204 Okeechobee Road, Fort Pierce, FL 34947 MINUTES The School Board of St. Lucie County held a regular workshop in the School Board Room on October 27, 2009 at approximately 5:00 p.m. PRESENT: ALSO PRESENT: DR. JUDI MILLER, Chairman Member Residing in District No. 1 MR. TROY INGERSOLL, Vice Chairman Member Residing in District No. 5 DR. JOHN CARVELLI Member Residing in District No. 3 MRS. KATHRYN HENSLEY Member Residing in District No. 4 MS. CAROL A. HILSON Member Residing in District No. 2 SANDRA WOLFE, Interim Superintendent DANIEL B. HARRELL, Attorney PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Miller called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC HEARING Proposed Adoption of New School Board Policy #5.10 and Revised Policies #2.22, #2.23, #3.90, #5.21, #5.23, #5.232, #5.35, #5.70, and #6.13 #5.10 – Student Enrollment, Emergency Contacts, Release, Parent Participation and Decision-Making, #2.22 – Board Meetings #2.23 – School Board Rules #3.90 – Charter Schools #5.21 – Primary Residence of Students #5.23 – Background and Purpose for Controlled Choice Plan #5.232 – Student Assignment Procedures #5.35 – Granting Permission for Students to Leave the School Campus #5.70 – Student Records #6.13 – Work Year, Work Day and Year of Service Defined for Personnel Chairman Miller opened the public hearing to receive comments from the audience. none, the public hearing was closed. Hearing Attorney Harrell noted there was a correction on Policy #5.23, page 206, second line--change "3-8" to read "K-8". Action: Interim Superintendent Wolfe recommended the Board approve policies #5.10, #2.22, #2.23, #3.90, #5.21, #5.23 (with correction as stated), #5.232, #5.35, #5.70, and #6.13 as presented Carvelli/Hilson/Carried 5-0). We believe: The core business of the St. Lucie County School District is creating challenging, engaging, and satisfying work for every student, every day. We believe: Quality schools are the responsibility of the entire community. We believe: The School District must promise continuous improvement in student achievement and in the success of each individual. CONSENT AGENDA Action: The Superintendent recommended the Board approve consent agenda items #1 through 6 (#7 was deleted), #8 through #11, and addendum items #18 (Policy #5.241 was deleted from #18) and #19 as presented (Hensley Carvelli/Carried 5-0). 1. SR Personnel Agenda & Leaves 2. SR Job Descriptions (New): Head Athletic Coach, Program Specialist 21st Century Program 3. SR CTA/CU Contract Waiver for Morningside Elementary School – Article IV. A. 4. TB Qualified School Construction Bond Program (QSCB) Resolution 2009 5. TB Toussaint L'Ouverture Intern'l. School, Inc., d/b/a/Charter School of Fort Pierce Audit Report 6. TB RFP 10-01 Solid Waste Collection and Recycling Services 7. TB RFP 10-06 Preventative Maintenance for Generators (Delete) 8. TB ITB 10-07 Motor Oil and Transmission Fluid for Buses 9. BS Professional Services Agreement with Isaura Henry – Translator Svcs. for Child Find 10. AG Project Agreement with C. R. Klewin for Playground Equipment Installation District-wide 11. AG Change Order #3 to C. R. Klewin for Port St. Lucie High School Chiller Line Addendum 18. CT Authorization to Advertise for Public Hearing on Policies #3.53, #5.24, #5.241 (Deleted by the Board), #5.32, #7.70, #8.31 Addendum 19. GY Northport K-8 Student Trip to Boston, MA on April 16-18, 2010 OTHER BUSINESS 12. BS Stipulated Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law & Penalty, & Final Orders #202 (2008-09) and #003 - #007 (2009-10) Action: The Superintendent recommended the Board approve Stipulated Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law & Penalty and Final Orders #202 and #003 through #007 as presented (Ingersoll/Hilson/Carried 5-0). SUPERINTENDENT’S UPDATE Addendum 17. KM Financial Corrective Action Plan-Toussaint L'Ouverture Intern'l. School, d/b/a/ Charter School of Fort Pierce Prior to district staff's review of the financial corrective action plan prepared by the Charter School of Fort Pierce, Chairman Miller informed members of the audience that the Board would hear comments from those who wished to address the subject. The following fifteen speakers stated their opinions, all asking that the Board keep the Charter School of Fort Pierce open: Jay Lundy, Patrick Young, Daniel Johnson, Matthew Parsons, Roberta Williams, Marvin Parsons, Paul Johnson, Brad Rogers, Calesti Lundy Carol Johnson, Ronda Young, Phillip Bogard, Cynthia Schneider, Joseph Bernadel, and Rufus Alexander. There were five other individuals who chose not to speak but requested they be contacted to discuss the Charter School of Fort Pierce, namely, Kelli Wolfcale, Dawn Bach, Teresa Turba, Stacey Sheats, and Luz Caceres. All five had indicated on the speaker request form that the Board reject a proposal to terminate the charter of the school. Following the speakers, Dr. Kathy McGinn, Assistant Superintendent for Strategic Planning/Central Services, reviewed the Charter School's corrective action plan (see supplemental minutes packet) and then followed up with the district's response. As set forth in the written reports on file, the Charter School's deteriorating financial condition, along with findings on the viability for continuing operation, were outlined. Upon careful review of the Charter School's corrective action plan, it was concluded that the Charter School was not financially viable and that implementing the governing board's approved plan would not enable the school to continue operating. The plan showed continuing deficits for the current school year with the school year ending in a deficit position. In addition, the Charter School's corrective action plan allowed for three consecutive months of deficits, which was good cause for termination under the charter contract. There was no explanation of how the school could continue operations while incurring extended deficits. Dr. Diane Allerdyce, Principal of the Charter School of Fort Pierce, asked the School Board to reject district staff's proposal and to work with the Charter School to help make it more viable. Dr. Allerdyce noted that comments from the "community" [speakers] emphasized the fact that the school was wanted and needed. Dr. Allerdyce said she believed the school's plan was feasible. She mentioned that today an error in the budget had been found which needed further review. She stated there was no need to close the Charter School especially when its financial situation didn't show a deficit for several months. She maintained that student scores were rising--academics were improving. There was one "sticking" point in that the Charter School might show a deficit for next year but the statute allowed for charter schools in a financial emergency to recover over a two year period according to Dr. Allerdyce. Otherwise, she and her Board had proved to be financially responsible; they were acting in good faith, and had answered every question. Action: The Interim Superintendent recommended that the Board (1) Accept the findings and determinations set forth in the Superintendent's Report and Recommendation; (2) Request the Commissioner of Education to (a) reject as infeasible the Corrective Action Plan prepared by the Charter School of Fort Pierce, and (b) determine that no other or additional component will render the Plan feasible; (3) Schedule a hearing to consider immediate termination of the Charter for the Charter School of Fort Pierce at the Board's regular meeting to be held November 10, 2009, and direct the Superintendent to notify the Charter School's Governing Board of the date, time, and location of the hearing (Carvelli/Ingersoll/Carried 5-0). Discussion: prior to stating the question, board members thanked everyone for their comments and proceeded to express their concerns: - the Charter School was not following the original intent of its mission which was to focus on English language learners from Latin America grades 6-12; - the law did not allow the School Board to support a Charter School that is in an unstable financial condition; - it was unclear if the students were getting the education they need; - it was unclear how the inaccurate information on the Charter School's deficit would effect its financial picture; - it was unclear how teachers were being paid based on the FTE; - it was unclear if salary cuts were in place; - it was unclear if the Charter School's lease had been amended; - it was unclear what number of Charter School students were on grade level in the core academic areas. 13. KM Charter School Update Dr. Kathy McGinn presented a brief verbal report on Nau Charter School and Renaissance Charter School. There was some discussion about health aides in charter schools that required follow-up. It was mentioned that the Health Department had been contacted to help incorporate charter schools into its' overall scope of health services. 14. KM Quarterly Update on Academic Business Plan for 2009-2010(Delete) This item was deleted from the agenda. 15. TO Progress on Skyward Implementation (Delete) This item was deleted from the agenda. Addendum 16. OR High School Accountability & Grading Dr. Owen Roberts, Assistant Superintendent for Accountability & Assessment, gave a comprehensive power point on the new high school grading system which was a significant change to the way high schools were graded beginning with the 2009-2010 school year. In addition, the law required an equal focus on access to rigorous, accelerated coursework, as well as performance in rigorous, accelerated coursework; college readiness, and graduation rates. SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS’ REPORTS Mrs. Hensley mentioned she would be attending the 15th Annual FSBA Legislative Committee Day in Tampa on Thursday, October 29, 2009. Board members were asked to provide her with discussion items of interest, if any. Mr. Ingersoll was pleased to inform members that each school with a culinary arts program had agreed to cook a certain number of turkeys for the community Thanksgiving turkey feed. Ms. Hilson was going to attend the Governmental Leaders Luncheon meeting on November 5, 2009 at Sam Snead's Restaurant in Port St. Lucie. Dr. Miller said the Lincoln Park Academy Middle School Modernization Advisory Committee had a successful organizational meeting and had made plans to tour the facilities at Palm Point Educational Research K-8 School and the Fort Pierce Westwood High MOA campus at FAU. The Board determined it would move its November 24, 2009 Regular Workshop meeting to November 17, 2009 in the School Board Room. UNSCHEDULED SPEAKERS There were no further unscheduled speakers. ADJOURNMENT After conducting all business scheduled to come before the Board, Chairman Miller adjourned the October 27, 2009 regular workshop at approximately 7:35 p.m.