Professional Development System 2015-2016 Page 1 of 32 Redevelopment of District Professional Development System 2015 Guidelines for Review and Approval Completed by all districts and submitted by October 1, 2015 Send digital files to Professional learning is the result of the individual’s commitment to improvement. Each district supports that commitment through a research-based professional development system that meets the intent of statutes and regulations on professional development. The guidelines below are designed to assist districts with the submission of their redeveloped professional development systems that, at a minimum, address changes resulting from commitments. Please contact John Moore at or 850-245-0559 if you need any assistance during the submission and review process. Please complete the following and send this form with the documents you submit for review. District Name: Saint Lucie Public School (SLPS) Date Submitted: October 1, 2015 Contact Person’s Name: Title/Position: Phone: Tybule Saint-Louis Director of Quality Instruction / Professional Development 772-429-3943 E-mail: Instructions for Completing the Checklist 1. 2. 3. Submit this form with your district’s redeveloped professional development system to To facilitate the review process, for each element of the listed Scope of Work issues, provide the page number(s) where that element is addressed in your documentation. Optional: Under the section “Other,” list any other substantial changes to your professional development system that are included for review and approval at this time, including a brief description and page number(s). Page 2 of 32 Florida Statue 1012.98 states, “The purpose of the professional development system is to increase student achievement, enhance classroom instructional strategies that promote rigor and relevance through the curriculum, and prepare students for continuing education and the workforce.” The Protocol Standards – Third Cycle is an integral component of this system. Recent state statutes (e.g., F.S. 1012.343) and State Board of Education rules related to professional development further inform the structures and processes required of districts and schools when implementing the professional development system. Florida Educators Accomplished Practices (FEAPS) (SBE 6A-5.0654), and the Florida Principal Leadership Standards (FPLS) (SBE 6A-5.0805), districts received additional guidance about where to place emphasis for professional development systems. St. Lucie’s implementation has been the catalyst for the redesign of our PD System. As described in and state statues professional development systems must reflect: A new vision for K-12 student success focused on college and career readiness New and more rigorous content standards (Florida Standards and NGSSS) Repurposed and restructured personnel evaluation systems Revisions to core practices in the FEAPs and FPLS Current research on practices that impact student learning Scope of Work (SOW) expectations regarding professional development Implementation of other state and initiatives An expanding array of student growth measures Professional development is a pillar of school improvement. Engaging educators in meaningful and research-based professional learning opportunities can improve student outcomes; however, any professional learning practice should address an identified need, be implemented with fidelity to its design principals, and be evaluated for its impact on instruction and student learning initiatives at multiple levels (e.g., district and state). Determining faculty and administrator professional learning needs that will support system improvement efforts is paramount. Selecting effective professional learning practices, implementing them with fidelity and quality, and knowing how to determine the impact both on teacher practice and student learning require a solid foundation. The St. Lucie Public Schools Professional Development System practices result in professional learning aligned to student outcomes, and in turn prepares our students for college and career readiness upon graduation. The redevelopment St. Lucie’s District Professional Development system focuses on a system that supports college and career ready students through: Focusing resources on priority issues and needs Learning cultures providing support Actual implementation of new professional learning Evaluation of PD for continuous improvement The Professional Development System shifts have occurred in three areas: Shifts in focus of professional development systems: The emphasis for professional development is squarely on those instructional and leadership practices that make the most difference for student learning. Similarly, the School Community Professional Development Act (F.S. 1012.98) states that professional development activities for instructional personnel must focus on “analysis of student achievement data, ongoing formal and informal Page 3 of 32 assessments of student achievement, identification and use of enhanced and differentiated instructional strategies that emphasize rigor, relevance, and reading in the content areas, enhancement of subject content expertise, integrated use of classroom technology that enhances teaching and learning, classroom management, parent involvement, and school safety.” Although all of these remain important, the primary focus for needs assessment has shifted to those areas most closely associated with improvements in student learning. As a result, professional development needs assessment must include data related to teachers’ and principals’ knowledge and use of the instructional and leadership practices described in the FEAPs and FPLS and the effects of these practices on student learning. Shifts in the distribution of roles in professional development: A significant number of the quality methods of professional learning are events or processes that are under the control or influence of a school principal and his/her leadership team (e.g. assistant principals, instructional coaches, collegial teams such as lesson study groups or PLCs, teacher-leaders, team leaders, peer coaches). The professional development system will focus, coordinate, and support school-based personnel due to their increasing responsibility to lead and implement professional development. Shifts in relationship among districts: In addition to shifts in the focus of professional development within a district and the range of educators who will assume active roles in the professional development system, needs assessment capacities must also consider the statewide system of professional development. St. Lucie works with other districts to establish a coordinated system of professional development by comparing needs and sharing strengths. Districts build capacity to make needs known, professional learning practices, and resources. These shifts are exemplified through a systematic approach to professional learning. Jobembedded, site based professional learning will shift as the norm as schools become the determiners of the PD needs and schedulers of implementation as the delivery of PD. Page 4 of 32 In the redesign of St. Lucie Public Schools Professional Development System we will focus on the Deliverables. Evaluation will be a major component of the redesign and as such the reader will see an evaluation component built into each Policy. Evaluation will include data collection: random sampling methods and using results for connections to future needs assessments. Policy: 1. A Focus on College and Career Ready This policy illustrates redirecting the focus of a professional development system to support student outcomes aligned with the “college and career ready” vision of the state’s public education system. The Policy: The professional development system supports continuous improvement in the proficiency of individuals and schools in fidelity of implementation of priority initiatives and other major district systems that provide our students with a PreK-12 learning environment that results in college and career ready students: The professional development system is the sum of the behaviors of individuals and collegial groups that deepen knowledge and skills supporting college and career ready outcomes and the organizational and resource supports provided by school and district leaders that coordinate and align professional learning with standards. For the district’s professional development system to accomplish its purposes, the deliberate practice of educators, school and district leaders for continuous professional improvement must be coordinated and focused as a system of connected and interactive elements that result in actual improvements in student achievement on course requirements. Professional learning supported through the district’s professional development system is to be aligned with the district’s vision for college and career ready students and support a PreK-12 learning environment in which instruction and learning is based upon common standards, sound research, collaboration, problem solving driven by multiple sources of student data, and culminating in increased student achievement. Florida Standards Transition Support Page 5 of 32 Associated Practice: 1.1 Understanding the Standards Framework All instructional and administrative personnel engage in individual and collegial efforts to deepen understanding of the overall framework of student academic standards in the Florida Standards (FS) and Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS). 1.2 Use of Course Requirements Individual and collegial efforts of classroom teachers, their supervisors and instructional coaches, deepen understanding of the specific course requirements for courses/subjects taught. The base line repertoire of effective educator practices includes mastery of the course requirements embedded in course descriptions on CPALMS and use of those requirements in instructional design and lesson planning, instructional delivery and facilitation, and assessment. 1.3 Alignment, Connections, and Relationships To deepen understanding that “it’s all the same work,” design of and engagement in professional learning includes individual and collegial practices that clarify the alignments, connections, and relationships of the targets of professional learning to the mission of “college and career ready students.” Primary Responsibility: School Level Post-District-Wide Florida Standards (FS) professional development in August 2016, Schools continue to provide site-based professional development and support to all teachers relative to the continuous understanding of the “WHAT”, “WHY”, and the “HOW” of implementing and planning instruction using FS blended with the Next Generation Florida Standards (NGSSS). School & District Provide training and support to schools in preparation of fully implementing FS starting the school year of 2015-2016. Provide training and continuous support to administrators, other school leaders, and to all teachers on how to align and make practical connections between FS and other educational initiatives and practices for the purpose of teachers and administrators seeing and understanding how such educational initiatives, practices and resources support the implementation of FS. Some of these other educational initiatives, practices and resources, other than the FS, are the following: 1. Continuous Analysis of Student Performance Data using formative and summative assessments, 2. Performance Matters, 3. FS, CPALMS, NGSSS, 4. Thinking Maps, 5. Lesson Study, 6. Professional Learning Communities (PLC), 7. Collaborative Planning Methods and Practices, 8. Deliberate Practice Growth, 9. CHAMPs, and the Page 6 of 32 10. St. Lucie Public Schools’ Framework for Quality Instruction based on contemporary research-based educational work of Dr. Marzano’s Four Domains of Instructional Practices which are listed below: o Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors, o Domain 2: Planning and Preparing, o Domain 3: Reflecting on Teaching, and o Domain 4: Collegiality and Professionalism. Provide continuous training and support to administrators and teachers on how such aforementioned educational initiatives and practices support one another in increasing the probability of improved instruction yielding to a higher probability of increased student achievement contingent upon how to effectively implement such educational initiatives and practices listed above. Through Hattie’s (2001) work of 900+ meta-analyses of influences on achievement, the school district of St. Lucie Public Schools will provide training and support to administrators and teachers on how to effectively use high effect size strategies such as “Feedback” which has been researched and evidenced to raise the probability of improved instruction and increase student achievement when implemented adequately by teachers with students and by administrators with teachers. Provide training and continuous support to administrators and teachers on how to develop a Deliberate Practice Plan (DPP) for the purpose of growth through reflections that help improve the delivery of instruction thus showing actual improvements in student achievements that help students be more ready and capable completing of college level courses and being successful in the workforce. Current Status: Educator Prior to this current 2015-2016 school year, FS training was provided to teachers of PreK, Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade as based on Florida’s Florida Standards Implementation Timeline. Therefore, during this current school year of 2015-2016, differentiated Professional Development continues to be provided to Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade teachers as such teachers have been implementing the FS with fidelity and with Mutual Accountability as observed by district and school-based administrators, and by district professional development, curriculum, and assessment personnel. Differentiated Professional Development was provided to teachers of Grades 3-12 as they have begun to fully implement FS blended with NGSSS during this school year of 2015-2016. School School-based administrators, instructional and non-instructional staff, and teacher leaders, reading coaches, and math coaches have been provided FS Professional Development by the district for the sole purpose of building school-based capacity where teachers continue to support each other with developing their instructional skills through Lesson Study, Professional Learning Communities (PLC), and implementing the practices of Feedback. District Page 7 of 32 Grades Kindergarten through Second grade teachers and coaches (Math & Literacy) will receive in-depth FS training during the entire school year of 2015-2016, and have been fully implementing FS. Third grade teachers through 12th grade teachers have begun receiving in-depth FS training effective during the school year of 2015-2016. Instructional coaches, teachers, and administrators will receive training on using CPALMS within which course descriptions aligned with FS are embedded. Future: (timeline and who) During the entire 2015-2016 school year, the school district of St. Lucie Public Schools (SLPS) will engage school-based administrators and teacher leaders in the practice of collaborative planning to support instructional staff with implementing: o Domain 2: Planning and Preparing, o Domain 3: Reflecting on Teaching, and o Domain 4:Collegiality and Professionalism in order to successfully implement Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors, as well as assist said participants with aligning and making the connections between the complete SLPS Framework for Quality Instruction and the FS relative to planning rigorous and meaningful lessons and instructions that will help prepare students for College and Career Readiness. The district will coordinate extended Follow-Up Professional Development that will focus on coaching and providing feedback to teachers to ensure satisfactory to mastery implementation of blended standards; and thus prepare teachers to FULLY implement the FS in 2015-2016 school year and beyond. Refer to Appendix A at the end of Policy 1. Quality, Fidelity, Monitoring and Adjusting: Ensure Mutual Accountability through meaningful and timely feedback of the implementation of FS and NGSSS. Adjustments of the delivery of FS PD based on the feedback of instructional, noninstructional, and administrative personnel that participated. Evaluation Adult Student Deliberate Practice Plan Formative and Summative Assessments. Progress Monitoring (DPP), Lesson Plans, through EOCs and FCAT. Classroom Observations, Professional Development, Learning Communities, Performance Matters – Data House (PM) FS Literacy and Other Content Support for 2015-2016 School Year Appendix A shows the continuous support that our teachers continue to receive from school-based administrators in conjunction with support from district level personnel. Page 8 of 32 Policy: 4. The Capacities Employed in the Professional Development System This policy illustrates a way to define the nature, management, and development of the capacities required to accomplish the purposes of the system. The Policy: The primary capacities applied to implement the professional development system are: Knowledge, skills, and expertise of the district’s human resources; Effort expended by individuals, collegial teams, and school and district leaders on: o Personal mastery of essential instructional and leadership practices; o examining paradigm shifts and mental models that support understanding a shared vision of one educational system supporting all students; o Workforce relationships that coordinate learning experiences of the PreK-12 students; and o Understanding systemic connections of initiatives and standards. Leadership’s decision-making processes on: o Resources available for professional development (e.g., fiscal, technical, material); o Uses of time, ideas, organizational structures and collegial processes that support a learning organization and school-based learning cultures; and o Relationships for collaboration with others in the statewide system of professional development. These “capacities” are employed though implementing the professional responsibilities for continuous improvement embedded in the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPs), the Florida Principal Leadership Standards (FPLS), the Florida Protocol Standards for Professional Development, and the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession in Florida. Applying these capacities to generate high quality professional learning is to be supported through deliberate practice guided by feedback on relevant practices embedded in the district’s personnel evaluation system and data-based needs assessments. SOW: Classroom Observations Feedback and Coaching for Improvements Associated Practice: 4.1 Capacity Management The capacities that enable implementation of the professional development system are embedded in the behaviors of professional educators and the decision making of school and district leaders on uses of fiscal, technical, and material resources. Effective management of the human and resource capacities by school and district leaders requires distribution of responsibility, alignment of professional learning with district priorities, strategic resourcing to maximize the impact of time and resources, supporting engagement with professional learning content and methods, and responding to results data about the impact of the professional development system with course corrections and continuous improvements. Page 9 of 32 4.2 Focusing Capacities on Priority Targets Capacities are not unlimited. Prioritization is necessary to focus the application of existing capacities and development of new capacities. To support the purposes of professional development, the following are priorities for application of our capacities for professional development: Focusing professional learning on instructional improvement; Aligning professional development system to the Professional Development Protocol; Analyzing needs assessment data; Supporting school based professional development; Supporting a professional learning culture at each school; and Monitoring and mitigating barriers to improvement. 4.3 Restructuring and Reorganizing for Capacity Development Development of new capacities shall be a focused strategic planning and problem-solving process to improve accomplishing the purposes of the district’s professional development system. Restructuring the use of existing resources and workforce work routines shall be an ongoing capacity development focus. Primary Responsibility: School & District School and district personnel engage in classroom observations that are supported by feedback within which seven keys or processes are highly recommended to follow in order for the improvement of instructional practices to successfully take place, and in order for student achievement to increase significantly. The seven keys to successful feedback are listed as follows: 1. Goal-Focused, 2. Tangible and Transparent, 3. Actionable, 4. Timely, 5. Ongoing, 6. User-Friendly, and 7. Consistent. School and district understand that feedback yields to teacher growth in professional or instructional practices which also yields to increased student achievement, and which lastly yields to retention of effective teachers as part of the Florida Principal Leadership Standards (FPLS). School and district personnel conduct classroom observations where a “point of leverage” is identified, among many noticeable instructional strategies or practices enacted by the educator, for the sole purpose of such “point of leverage” having a high effect size that when used properly can improve instructional practices thus increasing student achievement. School and district administrators, alongside instructional coaches and teacher leaders conduct joint-classroom-observations with the expectation of debriefing, providing feedback for the purpose of professional growth and developing a common language, and for the purpose of increasing inter-rater reliability. Page 10 of 32 District Provides professional development geared to the implementation and effective practices of feedback to school-based administrators, district level personnel, and to teachers based on the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPS), the Florida Principal Leadership Standards (FPLS), and the Florida Professional Development System Evaluation Protocol (FPDSEP). Provides classroom observation professional development to school-based administrators as aligned with the Florida Principal Leadership Standards (FPLS). Current Status: Educator Reflects on their observed enacted or routine classroom behavior or behaviors. Provides input on their enacted or routine classroom behavior or behaviors, then engages in receiving feedback; and thus reflects again. Implements classroom behaviors or instructional strategies based on self-reflection, deliberate practice and observer feedback. Training Modules posted on SHARE for teachers to learn best-practices of teaching. School Implements classroom behaviors or instructional strategies based on self-reflection, groups or individual reflections or briefings through lesson study, deliberate practice and observer feedback. Administrators are charged with providing PD to teachers on best-practices for instruction based on the district’s quality instruction to help teachers improve their practice in the classroom. District Provides professional development to teacher leaders, instructional coaches and to school-based administrators for the purpose of developing a common understanding of how to implement classroom behaviors and instructional strategies that are researchand-evidence-based, and that show high effect size strategies that can raise the probability of improved student performance if implemented with fidelity. Inter-Rater Reliability - Administrators are increasing their capacity on the identification and rating of elements within the Framework, and also on providing feedback to teachers on how to improve their practice. Future: (timeline and who) During the school year of 2015-2016, the SLPS district plans to provide professional development to a cohort of district PD personnel, 182 teacher leaders, and to the new school-based assistant principals for the purpose of developing a common understanding and language of classroom behaviors and instructional strategies relative to increasing the inter-rater reliability factor within the St. Lucie Public Schools’ Framework for Quality Instruction which also informs ratings of teacher performance. Training Modules are being posted on Infinity for teachers to learn best-practices of teaching. Quality, Fidelity, Monitoring and Adjusting: The deliberate practice plan will help determine the level of common understanding and common language that exists amongst classroom teachers. Page 11 of 32 Evaluation Adult St. Lucie Public Schools’ Framework for Quality Instruction Student Scales and/or Rubrics Refer to the article entitled: “The Seven Keys to Effective Feedback” by Grant Wiggins Refer to the book entitled: Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximizing Impact on Learning by John Hattie. Policy: 5. The Deliverables of the Professional Development System This policy illustrates a way to shift the focus, design, and implementation of the deliverables of the professional development system to be observable, subject to quality control, priority subjects for monitoring and evaluation, and aligned with the priority purposes of the professional development system. The Policy: Professional development deliverables are to be observable, subject to quality control, priority subjects for monitoring and evaluation, and aligned with the priority purposes of the professional development system. Deliverables shall result from focusing capacities on the purposes of the professional development system. Such deliverables consist of deliberately planned, coherent, and coordinated in-depth actions and supports designed and implemented to develop district educators' knowledge, attitudes, skills, aspirations and practices that are revealed by contemporary research as likely to improve student achievement when done correctly and in appropriate circumstances, and to deepen support staff’s proficiency at implementing job responsibilities. Deliverables of the professional development system include individual and collegial learning processes, events, workshops, courses, conferences, modules, plans, data sources and analyses. The deliverables also include digital resources and technologybased processes, collaborations, coordinated programs with multiple elements, and organizational structures that facilitate learning through development and/or training. To support a professional learning culture conducive to educator growth, effective implementation of deliverables shall address these aligned functions: o A planning process that employs research-based models for professional learning; o Delivery that embed characteristics of high-quality professional learning; and o Follow-up that facilitates effective implementation of the targeted learning. The deliverables of the professional development system are funded through a variety of sources. Some deliverables are funded directly as professional development expenditures. Other deliverables are funded through other fiscal resources and/or embedded in workday routines of the professional educators. Analyses of the sufficiency and focus of professional learning deliverables in supporting the purposes of the professional development system shall address all deliverables regardless of funding sources. Page 12 of 32 Revised PD System Personnel Evaluation Data Research–based Strategies Data Access Data Systems Data Guiding Growth Plans High Needs Students Low-Performing Schools Professional Learning Communities Associated Practice: Practices Implemented primarily at the school level 5.1 Improvement Planning The development and use of individual and school improvement plans are to be based on needs assessments that consider student learning needs and the growth needs of educators and leaders that improve their capacities to meet student learning needs. 5.2 Building a Professional Learning Culture The deliverables of the professional development system are used to support building and sustaining a professional learning culture at the school sites. Practices implemented at school and district levels 5.3 Aligning Deliverables with Policies and Purposes Employees of the district, consultants, and contactors participating in design, implementation, or evaluation of deliverables of the professional development system shall implement their responsibilities in a manner consistent with the district’s professional development policies and the purposes of professional development. 5.4 Key Personnel in Professional Development: Distributive Leadership A comprehensive and collaborative professional development system requires active engagement at many levels and forms of leadership. Key personnel in the ongoing implementation of policies and associated practices of the professional development system are: District Leaders responsible for operations supporting college and career ready student outcomes District Professional Development Staff Principals and School Leadership Teams Collegial Team Learning Leaders Facilitators and Developers Trainers and Presenters 5.5 Research-based Professional Development Models1 Deliverables intended to go beyond a training function and support development of participants on issues related to the FEAPs or FPLS shall be implemented using a research-based model for professional development and incorporate characteristics revealed by contemporary research as high quality professional development. Page 13 of 32 5.6 Priority Areas for Professional Learning Deliverables Professional learning deliverables shall be provided that support standards-based instruction and fidelity of implementation of initiatives, standards, and processes that support quality instruction and leadership. Those individuals with responsibilities for design and/or delivery of such deliverables shall include components that support subject matter expertise and methodology expertise. Such deliverables will support participant’s fidelity of implementation of: Research-based Practices related to student learning success Collegial and Team Learning Processes Needs Based Deliberate Practice 5.7 Leadership Development As the role of the school leader (the principal in particular) is a major element in the quality of educational services provided by the district, the professional development system shall provide on-going support to leadership development with an emphasis on proficiencies that support instructional leadership and faculty development. 5.8 Educator Preparation Programs The district shall provide supports for beginning and aspiring teachers (interns) consistent with state requirements and provide: Beginning teacher supports for the first two years of teaching consistent with Department of Education standards, including the use of course descriptions, lesson designs and student data for a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS), understanding the evaluation system, mentoring and observation of effective teachers, and feedback on use of the FEAPs (a core of effective practices); Clinical educator training (CET) aligned to the state CET model for educators who provide support to interns; and Professional Educator Competency components to support progress toward a professional certificate. 5.9 Data Deliverables Data and uses of data are deliverables of the professional development system. Data analyses are to be used to track student progress, identify student learning needs, guide lesson design, planning and adjustment, and generate professional learning growth targets. Collecting and analyzing data are recurring issues for training and development. 5.10 Online and Digital Professional Learning Resources As the teachers, schools and district leaders need to be proficient in the use of digital and technology resources that support learning, the professional development system will support the use of digital and technology resources and participation in state and regional initiatives for Florida educators and school districts to share professional learning resources through online repositories of professional learning content. 5.11 Compliance with Statutes and Rules Professional development system deliverables, and other school and district actions as needed, shall be provided to comply with requirements of statutes, state board rules, and applicable grant requirements. Practices implemented primarily at district level Page 14 of 32 5.12 Deliverables Aligned with Needs Assessments The majority of the district’s professional development expenditures will focus on deliverables that address issues related to needs assessments and that the district’s supported needs assessments processes focus on issues that align with student and educator learning needs and fidelity of implementation of state and district initiatives promoting college and career ready students. 5.13 Coordinated Arrays of Professional Development Supports Instructional and leadership improvement initiatives of the district shall be supported by a coordinated array or cluster of deliverables focused on support for fidelity of implementation of the specific initiative. 5.14 Deliverables Aligning Personnel Evaluation and Professional Development Personnel evaluation and professional development are coordinated systems. The professional development system shall be employed to: Train evaluators in the use of the evaluation systems; Support deliberate practice improvement in proficiencies aligned to evaluation indicators; Provide temporary intervention for education professionals who need improvements in knowledge, skills, and performance; and Provide specific professional development programs to support prescriptions for teachers, managers, and administrative personnel evaluated as unsatisfactory. 5.15 “Coaching for Improvement” Support System Goals for continuous improvement of the student success are supported by a “coaching for improvement” program for instructional coaches and school administrators that incorporates development processes for coaching subject matter content, methodology, collegial learning, and instructional planning and preparation. 5.16 Training and Development of Non-instructional Personnel Training and development of non-instructional personnel focuses on understanding of and proficiency at quality implementation of job responsibilities, acquisition of industry certifications that align with district needs, and preparation that supports a quality learning environment for students. Primary Responsibility: School Level Ensures that faculty/staff have a practical understanding of the Personnel Evaluation Data which can help guide or refine lesson planning for instruction delivery. School & District Low Performing Schools receive additional or intensive support from the district relative to their low student performance data. This support is provided by assigning instructional coaches for Reading, Math and Science at such Low Performing Schools. Ensures that current and new faculty/staff or beginning teachers have a practical understanding of the Personnel Evaluation System and/or the Teacher Evaluation System which is based on the delivery and refining of lessons and planning for instructional delivery, as well as being based on St. Lucie Public Schools’ Framework for Quality Instruction as based on the work of Dr. Marzano. Data Access, Data Systems, and Data Guiding Growth Plans are generated from systems such as Performance Matters known as the Data Warehouse helps schools and district identify high needs of students within high and low performing schools. Page 15 of 32 District St. Lucie Public Schools has implemented the Revised Professional Development Evaluation System that evaluates the Impact on Practice of Professional Development on student learning and on teacher effectiveness as based on the Florida Professional Development Evaluation Protocol. Personnel Evaluation Data is used to drive decisions on professional development needs relative to St. Lucie Public Schools’ Framework for Quality Instruction which outlines instructional strategies that teachers are given feedback and are also rated upon having implemented such elements or strategies. The ratings of such elements are observation data that are also used to help determine professional development needs for teachers for the purpose of enhancing classroom instruction and increasing student achievement. School-based administrators and district level personnel also have a new or revised evaluation system that guides their work with the implementation of providing feedback to school and to teachers about student performance data and thus using such data to inform or refine instructional practices. Coordinates a yearly New Teacher Orientation and continues with a New Employee Orientation that take place monthly in order to support new teacher or employees with instructional delivery. Develops a comprehensive plan to deliver professional development to teachers, principals, and administrators on how to access local instructional improvement and state level data systems for the purpose of improving instruction and increasing student achievement. District Data Systems include: Performance Matters, Skyward—Student, Family and Employee Access, Progress Monitoring Tool (Formative / Summative Assessments), Electronic Registrar Online (ERO), Infinity, and Edgenuity which is online learning and an additional resource for differentiation of learning for students. Performance Matters for student achievement data, Bloomboard for Teacher Evaluation System, Infinity for educational resources, School Improvement Plans (SIP) for all schools as well as specific School Improvement Plans developed by Differentiated Accountability schools are all used to house data which informs decision-making about whether to continue or modify professional development delivery and instructional practices that impact student performance. Page 16 of 32 Current Status: Educator Uses and implements instructional practices that target high-needs students Each classified (non-instructional) employee acts as a role model for lifelong learning by demonstrating a willingness to continually grow in job-related skills and techniques by: 1. Participating in job-related professional development; 2. Learning new uses for current technology as it relates to job assignments; 3. Evaluating professional development experiences as related to their job performance/improvement; and 4. Collaborating with other employees in job-like roles in an effort to share knowledge and talent. School School administrators have taken advantage of sending teacher leaders to learn how to interpret Personnel or Teacher Evaluation Systems Data. District Reviews training needs of teachers and administrators as identified by district needs assessment, school improvement plans, school-based feedback, and deliberate practice plans as based on St. Lucie Public Schools’ Framework for Quality Instruction, the revised Florida Professional Development System Evaluation Protocol, the Florida Principal Leadership Standards, the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices Standards, and the Florida State Standards. Future: (timeline and who) District will be analyzing teacher evaluation data from reports generated from Bloomboard which is the data warehouse for teacher observation ratings for informal and formal classroom observations that are conducted by school-based administrators who apply ratings to implemented instructional strategies by particular teachers that have been observed when teaching lessons or when instructing. Quality, Fidelity, Monitoring and Adjusting: Provision of structures for the development, monitoring and evaluation of professional development initiatives that are aligned with Florida’s Professional Development Evaluation Protocol. Evaluation Adult Student Classroom Observations Student achievement data Student and Parent Input New Teacher Orientation Associated Practice: DISTRICT MONITORING OF SYSTEMIC IMPACT: Shifts implemented primarily at the district level 6.1 Professional Development Monitoring Team The district’s professional development system shall be monitored by a Professional Development Monitoring Team appointed by the superintendent. The team shall be Page 17 of 32 responsible for monitoring the alignment and quality of the professional development system in regard to: Engagement with the statewide system of professional development Annual reports on targeted aspects of the professional development system Adequacy of resource support for the professional development system Alignment of professional development and personnel evaluation systems Policy review and revision processes 6.2 Evaluation of the Impact of Professional Development on Performance Improvements The professional development system shall include the evaluation of the impact of professional learning supports for needs assessments and improvement planning, instructional practices and subject matter expertise, leadership practices, collaborative and collegial practices, student learning, major district and state initiatives, and decision-making processes. 6.3 Distribution of Responsibility for Monitoring and Evaluation of Professional Development Supports and responsibility for evaluation of professional development are to be distributed throughout the workforce. COLLABORATIVE FEEDBACK: Shifts implemented primarily at the school site level 6.4 Individual Responsibilities on Alignment and Impact Professional development carries with it an expectation that participants will change their practices in ways that benefit student achievement and support a school culture of professional learning. Participants in professional learning and their supervisors will provide feedback on the alignment and impact of the learning with applicable standards and purposes. 6.5 Collaborative Feedback: Collegial processes that engage the entire workforce School leaders shall create opportunities within the schools to engage faculty in constructive conversations about professional development. 6.6 Professional Learning Culture in the Schools Results monitoring in the district shall provide all participants in professional learning processes and events, and school and district leaders, opportunities for reflection on the impact of professional development and sharing perceptions about professional learning supports with colleagues, schools and district leaders. 6.7 Reflection and Collegial Sharing District and school staff shall use the monitoring and evaluation information on professional development on a continuous basis to make changes to the design, delivery, support, or implementation of professional development during the course of a school year. 6.8 Vision Checks: Sharing Perceptions about Essential Questions on the Current Reality Each school principal shall implement processes at the school site that engage faculty, staff and school administrators in collegial discussion of actual and needed practices regarding needs assessments, feedback on work proficiency, decision making on professional learning, Page 18 of 32 and aligning professional learning and work to the purposes of professional development, the protocols, and fidelity of implementation of initiatives. District staff and school principals shall engage in collegial discussion of these issues as they apply to district processes. FORMAL EVALUATION FRAMEWORKS: Shifts implemented primarily through district PD leadership roles 6.9 Design Focus on Evaluating Impact An evaluation element is included in the design of all district supported deliverables that generates collaborative feedback from participants and their supervisors on the impact of the deliverables on practices in the schools or classrooms. 6.10 Evaluability Assessments Monitoring and evaluation data and data analysis processes, whether employed in regard to specific discrete professional learning events or to professional learning arrays (a coordinated set of deliverables focused on support for fidelity of implementation of a specific instructional initiative) shall address issues of evaluability, appropriateness, practicality, and relevance. 6.11 A Framework for Evaluation of Professional Development Formal data collection and analysis, along with informal reflection and perception input, shall provide a basis for evaluation of professional development. The evaluation process shall employ a framework to focus on priority issues. The district’s framework for evaluating professional development is designed to measure fidelity of implementation and impact on workforce performance and student achievement. 6.12 Evaluation of Fidelity of Implementation Each professional learning deliverable must be implemented with fidelity and include sufficiently clear information about what it takes to implement the targeted professional learning. The evaluation of fidelity process will address the extent to which the professional development was implemented as designed. Primary Responsibility: School Level School and district personnel engage in classroom observations that are supported by feedback within which seven keys or processes are highly recommended to follow in order for the practice and implementation of feedback to be effective, meaningful and practical. Implements additional effective beginning teacher support programs based on an ongoing evaluation data of student learning and teacher performance. Monitors the implementation of effective instructional practices that target high needs students through the use of classroom observations that are recorded on Bloomboard. District The district has phased out Bridge and will be implementing Bloomboard which will be the new electronic data warehouse for Teacher Evaluation informal and formal observations accompanied by feedback and performance ratings from the schoolbased administrator. Training administrators and other school leaders on methods for classroom observation, feedback and coaching for improvement. Page 19 of 32 District continues to support the improvement of instructional practices to successfully take place by effectively practicing and implementing feedback which in turn will raise the probability of increasing student achievement significantly. The seven keys to successful feedback are listed as follows: 1. Goal-Focused, 2. Tangible and Transparent, 3. Actionable, 4. Timely, 5. Ongoing, 6. User-Friendly, and 7. Consistent. PD Director Reviews St. Lucie Public Schools’ resources to ensure that learning and development resources exist or are developed to support learning needs based student performance data and based on teacher instructional data. Within the scope of available resources, plan, direct, deliver, and evaluate professional development and professional growth activities relative to whether professional development initiative are having an impact on student achievement as well as on instruction. Current Status: (within last 1.5 years) Educator – Use of the Bridge system to upload instructional feedback and ratings as based on classroom observation conducted by school-based administrators, and based on artifacts uploaded by teachers. Professional Development and in-service points granted to teachers will continue to be entered and monitored in the Electronic Registrar Online (ERO) system. School – Schools have used the Bridge system to monitor classroom behaviors and strategies as based on lesson planning, self-reflections, and collegiality and professionalism. District – The district has phased out Bridge. Future: (timeline and who) During the school year of 2015-2016, SLPS district is implementing Bloomboard to capture classroom observation, feedback, and ratings of teachers’ instructional practices. Bloomboard replaces Bridge. Quality, Fidelity, Monitoring and Adjusting: Implements and coordinates a formal Coaching and Mentoring Plan to insure high fidelity. Evaluation Adult Student Classroom Observations Instructional Practice Ratings Page 20 of 32 Policy: 7. The Role of the Master In-service Plan (MIP) This is a policy that illustrates a needed shift in the role of the Master In-service Plan as a supporting element in the professional development system. The Policy: The district shall develop and maintain a Master Inservice Plan for all district employees based on state adopted standards for high quality professional development as required under section 1012.98, F.S. and SBE Rule 6A-5.071. The Master In-service Plan, a major supporting element in the district’s professional development system, will provide the workforce opportunities to use successful professional learning on district and school instructional improvement initiatives for certification purposes consistent with state statutes and State Board of Education rules. Resource allocations for MIP components shall give priority to those aligned to state and district initiatives related to student achievment and high-effect size practices included in evaluation systems and include participant implementation of the targeted learning. Electronic Registrar Online (ERO) SHARE Bloomboard Infinity Associated Practice: 7.1 Resource Allocation Priorities District support via resources and inclusion of components in the MIP shall give priority to those professional learning supports aligned to state initiatives related to student achievement and high-effect size practices included in evaluation systems. This includes support for participant implementation of the targeted learning at the school or classroom level. 7.2 Aligned Arrays of Components In further support of statewide goals for school improvement, the MIP shall include arrays of aligned components that, in their aggregate, support educator development on the following issues: Academic Standards Accommodations Array Data Access Differentiated Instruction FEAPs FPLS High-effect size instructional and leadership strategies addressed in the district’s evaluation systems Low-achieving schools Peer and mentor teachers Professional Development Protocol Standards Technology-supported learning Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Student Characteristics and Relationships Page 21 of 32 7.3 Amendments to the Master Inservice Plan Any component developed after the annual approval of the MIP may be submitted for School Board approval as an amendment to the MIP. 7.4 Streamlining the Master In-service Plan At each annual adoption of the MIP, components no longer needed or not in alignment with current district purposes and priorities may be deleted from the MIP. 7.5 Department of Education Information Data Base Requirements Professional development data required for inclusion in the DOE Information Data Base Requirements (state survey data) shall be collected, verified, and reported in a timely manner. Where such data is collected and reported to district offices other than the professional development director, the professional development director shall be involved in the review of the data collection processes and in review of the accuracy of data collected prior to submission to the state. 7.6 Charter Schools Charter schools’ instructional and administrative staff located within the district shall be provided the same opportunity to participate in MIP components open to all district personnel as any other district or school personnel. The set of deliverables focused on support for fidelity of implementation of a specific instructional initiative) shall address issues of evaluative, appropriateness, practicality, and relevance. Primary Responsibility: District Resources such as ERO and SHARE that store eLearning and professional development content will be placed or uploaded in one technological or electronic entity such as the “Resources” section of the new district evaluation portal known as Bloomboard (Infinity). PD Director Will develop and update the Professional Development System, including the district Master In-service Plan. Coordinate, communicate, and record all professional development activities using the ERO system. Encourage and require the use of electronic or eLearning resources for Endorsement or ADD-ON Certification Programs Current Status: Educator – Uses all available technology to improve instructional delivery and expand personal professional development. School – Implements additional effective beginning teacher support programs based on ongoing evaluation data of student learning and teacher performance. District – Evaluates professional development to determine the effectiveness of training in terms of student performance and utilizes knowledge and opportunities for school and district coaching, mentoring, and leadership. Page 22 of 32 Future: (timeline and who) During the school year of 2015-2016, SLPS district will be monitoring student achievement related to professional development and documenting results, and basing the delivery of professional development on such needs or student performance data. Quality, Fidelity, Monitoring and Adjusting: Implement follow-up procedures that help establish fidelity and monitoring of practices in order to evaluate the effectiveness of classroom behaviors and instructional strategies, and the use of instructional technology on student learning and achievement. Evaluation Adult Student Surveys on ERO Student Focus Groups Master In-Service Plan - Attached At End Of This Document Page 23 of 32 Page 24 of 32 Bibliography Dufour, R. (1998). Professional/earning communities at work: Best practices for enhancing student achievement. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Guskey, T. (1999). Evaluating professional development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press Fullan, M. (2001). Leading in a culture of change. Jossey-Bass. Hard, S., Rutherford, W., Huling-Austin, L. and Hall, G. (1987). Taking charge of change. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Killion, J. (2002). Assessing impact: Evaluating professional development. Oxford, OH: NSDC. Lezotte, L. (1990). A guide to the school improvement process bases on effective schools research. Effective Schools Products. Schmoker, M. (1999). Results: The key to continuous school improvement. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Page 25 of 32 St. Lucie County Master lnservice Components 2015-2016 Course Code Course Title 1000001 Art 1000002 Art - Discipline-Based Art Education 1002001 Career Planning and Instruction Through the Use of FACTS.ORG 1004001 Foreign Language Instruction 1005001 Health: Teaching Health and Nutrition 1006001 Humanities 1007001 Advanced Placement Training 1008001 English 1008002 Language Arts 1009001 Mathematics: Content I 1009002 Mathematics: Content II 1010001 Music 1011001 Physical Education 1011002 *Physical Education: Care & Prevention of Athletic Injuries I Sports Medicine 1011003 *Physical Education: Coaching Theory 1011004 *Physical Education: Sport Specific Athletic Coaching 1011005 *Orientation to Athletic Coaching 1012001 *Emergent Literacy for VPK Instructors 1012002 *English Language Learners in the VPK Classroom 1012003 *Language and Vocabulary in the VPK Classroom 1013001 Newspapers in Education 1013002 Reading: Basic Skills in Reading 1013003 Reading: Teaching Reading in Content Areas 1013004 Reading: Teaching Reading Using Assistive Technology 1013005 *RE1: Reading Endorsement: Foundations in Language & Cognition 1013006 *RE2: Reading Endorsement: Foundations of Research-based Practices 1013007 *RE3: Reading Endorsement: Foundations of Assessment 1013008 *RE4: Reading Endorsement: Foundations of Differentiation 1013009 *RES: Reading Endorsement: Application of Differentiated Instruction 1013010 *RE6: Reading Endorsement: Demonstration of Accomplishment 1013011 *FOR-PO Facilitator Training 1013012 *ER&D: Beginning Reading & Reading Comprehension: FL Reading Comp I 1013013 *NG CAR-PO (Next Generation Content Area Reading-Professional Development) 1013014 Reading: Assessments and Data Analysis 1013015 RE4&5: Differentiating Reading Instruction 1014001 Driver Education 1015001 Science 1015002 Science: Environmental Education 1016001 History 1016002 Social Sciences 1016003 *US Holocaust Museum- Memorial Study for Teachers 1017001 Writing: Basic Skills in Writing 1017002 Writing in Language Arts and other Subject Areas 1100001 ESE Instructional Strategies 1100004 **ESE Recert Class: Instructional Strategies, Beh. Mmt, and the Framework for Quality Teaching 1101001 ESE Behavioral Management 1102001 ESE Assessment 1103001 ESE Procedural and Legal Requirements 1103002 ESE Transition St. Lucie County Master Inservice Components 2014-2014 Course Title Course Code 1103003 Foundations of ESE 1104001 ESE Competencies for ESE Aides, Volunteers and Mentors 1104002 ESE Competencies for Teachers who work with Aides, Volunteers and Mentors in the ESE Prog. 1104003 ESE Curriculum 1105001 *Gifted Add-on Curriculum Development for the Gifted 1105002 *Gifted Add-on Education of Special Populations of Gifted Students 1105003 *Gifted Add on Guidance and Counseling for the Gifted 1105004 *Gifted Add on Nature and Needs of the Gifted 1105005 *Gifted Add On: Theory an d Development of Creativity 1105006 Pathways for Progress: Access Points for PE- What ESE Teachers Need to Know 1105007 Pathways for Progress: Access Points for PE- What PE Teachers Need to 1105008 Pathways for Progress: Access Points for Health Education 1201001 Career and Technical: Instructional Planning, Execution & Evaluation 1203001 Career and Technical: Life Management Skills 1210001 Career and Technical: Knowing and Using the Standards 1211001 Career and Technical: JROTC Management and Instruction 1408001 Middle Grades: Instruction 1408002 Middle Grades: Philosophy and Curriculum 1408003 *INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) TRAINING 1411001 Middle Grades: Adolescent Psychology 1412001 Multicultural Awareness (including the Holocaust) 1702001 *ESOL add-on: Applied Linguistics, Option A 1702002 *ESOL course: Applied Linguistics 1703003 *ESOL add-on: Curriculum and Materials Development, Option A 1703009 *ESOL course: Curriculum and Materials Development 1704004 *ESOL for Guidance Counselors 1705001 *ESOL add-on: Cross-Cultural Communication and Understanding, Option A 1705002 *ESOL course: Cross-Cultural Communication and Understanding 1999999906001 Banked Reading Points 1999999906002 Banking Reading Points 1999999906003 Banked Reading Points 1999999907001 Banked Reading Points 1999999907002 Banked Reading Points 1999999908001 Banked Reading Points 1999999908002 Banked Reading Points 1999999908003 Banked Reading Points 2005001 Tobacco Prevention Training 2007001 WOW Lesson Design 2007002 PEC: WOW Lesson Design 2007003 Curriculum Understanding and Alignment 2007004 Understanding the Common Core Standards 2009001 Mathematics: Concrete Level Instruction 2009002 Mathematics: Instructional Strategies 2009003 *ER&D: Thinking Mathematics 1: Ten Principles and Additive Structure 2012001 PRE-K: Early Childhood Development 2012002 PRE-K: Providing for the Needs of the Preschool Child 2013001 Reading: Interventions (Para Trng.) 2013002 Reading: Comprehension (Para Trng.) . Course Code St Lucie County Master lnservice Components 2015-2016 Course Title 2013003 Reading: Strategies (Para Trng.) 2013004 Reading: Instructional Strategies 2013005 *Reading: CRISS (Creating Independence through Student Owned Strategies) 2013006 *Reading: NLC Demonstrated Reading 2013007 *Reading: NLC Differentiated 2013008 *Reading: NLC for Trainers 2013009 *Reading: Wilson/Foundations Reading Training 2100001 PEC: ESE Awareness 2100002 ESE Language Development & Communication 2100003 ESE Interpersonal Interaction 2100004 ESE Instructional Practices 2100005 ESE: Deaf/Hard of Hearing 2103001 Accommodations Overview 2211001 Career & Technical Education with Academic Connections 2400001 Motivating Students to Higher Levels of Participation & Achievement 2401001 PEC: Curriculum/1nstruction/Assessment/FCAT I 2401002 PEC: Curriculum/1 Instruction / Assessment FCAT II 2403003 PEC: Child Abuse, Neglect Emotional Distress 2404001 Project CHILD Implementation Training 2408001 Reading Instructional Strategies 2408002 Instruction: Instructional Skills- B 2408003 Instruction: Teacher Effectiveness Strategies 2408004 *Teaching Effectiveness Model 2408005 PEC: Instructional Strategies I 2408006 PEC: Instructional Strategies II 2408007 *UBD (Understanding by Design) Train the Trainer 2408008 *Collaborative Teaching 2408009 *Creating High Performance Learning 2408010 Differentiated Instruction 2408011 Cooperative Learning Strategies 2408012 *Thinking Maps 2408013 *Thinking Maps (Train the Trainer) 2408014 Action Research: How to Conduct an Action Research Project 2408015 Development, Implementation, Evaluation and Revision of Curriculum 2408016 *ER&D: Foundations of Effective Teaching I 2408017 Marzano's Teacher Evaluation System 2408018 Demonstration Classroom Observation 2408019 *SIM (Strategic Instruction Model) 2408020 Teacher Inquiry (Action Research) 2408021 *Lesson Study 2408022 *The Framework for the Art and Science of Teaching Domain 1 (Restricted Access) 2408023 Technology for Student Success: An Introduction 2409001 PEC: Orientation for New Teachers 2411001 Learning Styles/Student Differences 2411002 Brain Based Instruction 2412001 PEC: Diversity 2416001 PEC: Ethics 2416002 Accomplished Practices for Teachers St Lucie County Master lnservice Components 2015-2016 Course Code Course Title 2507001 Learning Communities: How to Create a LC 2700001 * ESOL add-on: Methods of Teaching ESOL, Option A 2700002 * ESOL Course: Methods of Teaching ESOL 2704001 Bilingual/ESOL Education 2704002 * ESOL for Category Ill Educators 2704005 *Empowering ESOL Teachers of Other Subject Areas (Category II) 2704007 PEC: ESOL 3003001 Technology: Instructional Technology 3003003 Technology: Computer Use- Instruction & Instructional Management Skills 3003004 Technology: Technical Skills 3003005 PEC: Technology 3003006 Action Research: Technology 3003007 *Intel Teach Program- Technology Integration Framework 3407001 PEC: Media/Curriculum 3508001 Skyward: Student System 3508002 Skyward: Business System 4102001 ESE Assessment and Evaluation 4103001 Grading: Fair Practices for Students with Disabilities 4401001 Evaluation of Student Performance 4401002 Assessments, Multiple 4401003 Analyzing Data 4404001 PEC: Domain Overview 4408001 Formative Assessment Process for Differentiating Instruction 4701001 * ESOL add-on: Testing and Evaluation, Option A 4701002 * ESOL course: Testing and Evaluation 4704006 * ESOL Assessment and Procedures 5101001 Positive Behavior Supports 5403001 Response to Intervention (RTI} 5403002 Second Step 5404001 * Behavior Management/CPI 5404002 Behavior Management (Para. Trng.) 5404003 PEC: Behavior/Classroom Management I 5404004 PEC: Survival Training 5404005 PEC: Behavior/Classroom Behavior Management II 5404006 Discipline/Classroom Management Strategies 5404007 * Professional Crisis Management (PCM) 5404008 * ER&D: Strategies for Student Success I 5404009 * ER&D: Managing Antisocial Behavior 5999999903001 Banked ESOL Points 5999999904001 Banked ESOL Points 5999999905001 Banked ESOL Points 5999999905002 Banked ESOL Points 5999999906001 Banked ESOL Points 5999999906002 Banked ESOL Points 5999999907001 Banked ESOL Points 5999999907002 Banked ESOL Points 5999999907003 Banked ESOL Points 5999999908001 Banked ESOL Points St Lucie County Master lnservice Components 2015-2016 Course Title Course Code 5999999908002 5999999908003 6005001 Banked ESOL Points Banked ESOL Points AIDS/HIV, HBV and Infectious Diseases Education & Prevention 6005002 * CPR and First Aid Training 6403001 Conflict Resolution for Teachers 6403002 Substance Abuse, Suicide and Child Abuse Prevention 6403004 PEC: Substance Abuse 6408001 Framework for Understanding Poverty 6408002 * Framework for Understanding Poverty (Train the Trainer) 6410001 St. Lucie County Bullying and Harassment Policy 6414001 Substance Abuse-Recognition and Prevention 6421001 Kids at Hope 6511001 School Safety/Safe Learning Environment 7403001 Conflict Resolution for Admin/Supervisors/Managers 7406002 * Facilitative Leadership 7408001 WOW Creating and Leading a Learning Community 7410001 Legal Responsibilities of School Administrators 7504001 *Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP) (Admin.) 7506001 Customer Service 7507001 *Targeted Selection/Job Analysis 7507002 Classroom Walkthrough 7507003 * Professional Enhancement Program (PEP) 7507004 Non-Instruct Leadership: Communication 7507005 Teacher insight /interviewing Skills 7507006 Mentoring/Coaching Colleagues 7507007 William Cecil Golden Professional Development for School Leaders 7507014 Restructuring for School Improvement 7507015 Educational Leadership for School Improvement 7507017 Induction 7507018 *Non-Instruct Leadership: Peer Today, Boss Tomorrow 7507019 *Non-Instruct Leadership: The Extraordinary Leader Good to Great 7507020 *Non-Instruct Leadership: Supervision 7507021 *Non-Instruct Leadership: Time and Stress Management 7507022 * Non-Instruct Leadership: Interpersonal Skills 7507023 *Non-Instruct Leadership: Managing Effective Teams 7507024 *Non-Instruct Leadership: Public Speaking 7507025 *Non-Instruct Leadership: 7507026 * Non-Instruct Leadership: Conflict Resolution 7507027 *Non-Instruct Leadership: Essential Skills in Interviewing 7507028 *Exploration of Leadership 7507029 * Teach First Leadership Training 7507030 Developing School Based Collaborative Leaders 7507031 *Developing New Administrators 7507032 Non-instruct Leadership: Exceptional Customer Service 7507033 Non-Instruct Leadership: Teamwork 7513001 *Florida Performance Measurement System (FPMS) Observer Certification Training (Admin.) 7513002 *Florida School Law (Admin.) 7513003 Instructional Supervision Sensitivity & Diversity St Lucie County Master lnservice Components 2015-2016 Course Code Course Title 7513004 *Interactional Management 7513005 Leadership Development for Teachers 7513006 Leadership Skills 7513007 * Preparing New Principals (PNP) (Admin.) 7513008 Leadership Skills: Induction 7513009 Leadership for School Collaboration 7513010 Florida School Leader Assessment 7704003 * ESOL for Administrators 8005001 Health & Safety I 8005002 Health & Safety II 8012001 PRE-K: Developmentally Appropriate Practices for Young Children (CFS Training for Aides) 8012002 PRE-K: Early Childhood Practices for Paraprofessionals (CFS Training for PSP) 8403001 Conflict Resolution Support Staff 8405001 Dropout Prevention 8406001 * Clinical Educator Training 8406002 Interpersonal Skills for Adm/Supervisors/Managers 8407001 Media: Library Media Services 8408001 *Supervising Intern Teachers 8409001 PEC: Teacher Induction 8409002 PEC: Support Staff 8410001 New Employee Orientation 8412001 Migrant 8418001 8423001 Grant Writing \ Substitute Teacher Training 8424001 Volunteer and Community Services 8505001 Food Service Personnel 8505002 SNA Certification Level 1 8505003 SNA Certification Level 1 Renewal 8505004 SNA Certification Level 2 8505005 SNA Certification Level 2 Renewal 8505006 SNA Certification Level 3 8505007 SNA Certification Level 3 Renewal 8505008 SNA Certification Trainer Certification 8506001 Specialized Training I (classified personnel only} 8506002 Student Services: Guidance 8506003 Student Services: School Social Work 8506004 Student Services: Psychologists 8506007 Specialized Training II (for classified personnel) 8507001 Collaborative Bargaining 8508001 Data Processing 8509001 Secretarial/Clerical: Update I 8509002 Secretarial/Clerical: Update II 8510001 Maintenance: Site Maintenance Performance Update 8510002 Maintenance: Maintenance Performance Update 8510003 Site Maintenance Worker Certification (Groundskeeper) 8510004 Site Maintenance Worker I Certification 8510005 Site Maintenance Worker II Certification 8510006 Site Maintenance Worker Ill Certification (Maser Custodian) St. Lucie County Master lnservice Components 2015-2016 Course Code Course Title 8512001 *SACS Training & Updating for Chairpersons, Visiting Team Members (Approved by FL Comm.) 8512002 School Improvement: Training, Implementation & Maintenance for School Improvement 8512003 Small Learning Communities: Transforming the High School Experience 8515001 Transportation: Bus Driver and Paraprofessional Update 8515002 Transportation: Mechanics Update 8602001 Parental Involvement in Education 8602002 PEC: Parental Involvement in Education 9999999 Florida District lnservice Transfer