HD28 .M414 q3 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT A Dynamic E. Stochastic Stock Cutting Krichagina, R. Rubio, Problem M. Taksar and Lawrence M. Wein WP# 3512-93-MSA January, 1993 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 A Dynamic E. Stochastic Stock Cutting Problem Krichagina, R. Rubio, M. Taksar and Lawrence M. Wein WP# 3512-93-MSA January, 1993 tiflj ^^FC 1993 A DYNAMIC STOCHASTIC STOCK CUTTING PROBLEM Elena V. Krichagina, Rodrigo Rubio, Operations Research Michael I. Moscow Institute of Control Sciences, Center, M.I.T. Taksar Department of Applied Mathematics, SUNY Stony Brook and Lawrence M. Wein, Sloan School of Management, M.I.T. Abstract We consider a stock cutting problem for a paper plant that produces sheets of various sizes for a finished when to shut goods inventory that services customer demand. The controller decides down and into sheets of paper. restart the The paper machine and how to cut completed paper objective is to minimize long run expected average costs re- lated to paper waste (from inefficient cutting), shutdowns, A finished goods inventory. Brownian control mal. solution. in the The linear and backordering and holding two-step procedure (linear programming in the second step) is developed that leads to an program greatly restricts the number effective, first step and but subopti- of cutting configurations that can be employed in the Brownian analysis, and hence the proposed policy implement and the resulting production process is tive rolls is easy to considerably simplified. In an illustra- numerical example using representative data from an industrial facility, the proposed policy outperforms several policies that use a larger ntunber of cutting configurations. Finally, we discuss some alternative production settings where this two-step procedure be applicable. December 1992 may A DYNAMIC STOCHASTIC STOCK CUTTING PROBLEM Elena V. Krichagina, Institute of Control Sciences, Rodrigo Rubio, Operations Research Michael I. Moscow Center, M.I.T. Taksar Department of Applied Mathematics, SUNY Stony Brook and Lawrence M. Wein, We consider a problem that is Sloan School of Management, M.I.T. commonly faced in a paper factory: how to cut com- pleted rolls of paper into individual sheets for customers. traditionally modeled as an integer program: given a as 8.5" X 11", and an unlimited amount of paper on a into the individual orders so as to minimize the This stock cutting problem set of orders of various sizes, roll of specified amount such width, out the of paper waste. A is roll huge literature has emerged on various generalizations of this problem; readers are referred to the recent special issue of European Journal of Operations Research (1990) and references Our formulation fact that differs greatly many paper factories paper plant that motivates sheet cutting is from the existing literature and cut rolls in anticipation of customer this dri\-en by the simple demand. The particular study guarantees same day delivery of orders, and because a time-consuming operation, completed paper into sheets of various sizes is therein. and placed in a finished rolls are immediately cut goods inventory that services the actual customer demand. This make-to-stock view of the problem leads to three complexities. First, since and demand is uncertain, the problem stochastic one, rather than as a static is more realistically formulated as a dynamic and deterministic mathematical program. Sec- ond, the stock cutting decisions are intimately related to the amount of paper produced, and consequently these two decisions need faced by this factory is to be considered jointly. Finally, the problem multi-criteria in nature. In addition to wasted paper that cannot be cut into sheets, there are several other costs, which are described below, that are of significant concern. 1 Since paper machines are extremely expensive, plant managers ideally like to keep them rvmning continually. However, at particular factory, plant capacity tliis higher than demand, and hence inventory would build up indefinitely if the machines were never shut down. Since several hours are required to turn an activated machine one working least needed to get an shift is of paper are wasted (although the paper idle off and at machine into working order, many pounds partially recycled) is slightly is and significant labor costs axe incurred during a shutdown. Furthermore, as in concern. Managers many industries, prompt and Our customers at this facility believe that facility to carry millions of goal in this study is to find a customer delivery who do is not receive of utmost same day These large shutdown and backorder costs delivery often pursue future orders elsewhere. have led this reliable pounds of paper sheets in finished dynamic scheduling policy goods inventory. to minimize shutdown, waste and inventory backorder and holding costs, where a scheduling policy simultaneously decides when to turn the paper machine on and off and how to cut the completed paper rolls. The problem considered ways. here, which is formulated in Section Whereas most plants have many paper machines, we paper machine. Also, a finished sheet of paper and changing grades on take several minutes. idealized in several will consider characterized by its only a single grade, color and size, paper machine can take about an hour and changing colors can a We is 1. is will ignore these two set-ups and assume that the paper machine under consideration produces only a single color of a single grade. However, plants, a popular grade, or even color-grade combination, is in most paper often processed on a single dedicated paper machine. Finally, shutdown times will not be explicitly modeled. Rather than attempting to find an optimal solution to we look instead procedure is for an effective solution that taken: in the activity rates to first step, which is is this very difficult relatively easy to implement. carried out in Section 2. we A problem. two-step find the a\-erage minimize the average paper waste subject to meeting average demand. In this linear (that is, program, a different activity is defined for each possible cutting configuration combination of sheets that simultaneously an activity rate is fit on the width of the paper roll), simply the fraction of time that the paper machine employs this In the second step, which is described in Section 3, and activity. these activity rates are taken as given, and we consider the problem of finding the dynamic scheduling policy that minimizes the long run expected average shutdown and inventory backorder and holding costs. Under the heavy traffic conditions that the paper machine must be busy the great majority of the time to satisfy customer large relative to the inventory costs, the demand and the shutdown cost dynamic scheduling problem a dynamic control problem involving Brownian motion. is The Brownian is sufficiently approximated by control problem is equivalently reformulated in terms of workloads, and in the course of finding an optimal solution to the workload formulation, we provide the first complete solution to an impulse control problem addressed in Bather's (1966) classic paper. solution down is easily interpreted in terms of the original policy, where the paper machine is The workload formulation problem to propose an {s.S) shut- shutdown when the weighted inventoiy process, which dynamically measures the amount of machine time invested tory, reaches the value S, drops to the level s. and the machine The determination is restarted in the current inven- when the weighted inventory process of the values of .s and S is reduced to the solution of two equations that are expressed solely in terms of the original problem parameters. Since a one-to-one correspondence does not exist between cutting configurations and sheet sizes, interpreting the solution of the workload formulation to obtain a cutting policy is not straightforward. Consequently, we propose a heuristic cutting poHcy in Section 4 that incorporates two main concepts. First, from the setting second idea is of a multiclass we adapt Zipkin's (1990) myopic look ahead policy make- to-stock queue to our more complicated to find target inventory levels for each sheet size at the to minimize the inventory costs incurred during the attempts to attain the target inventory levels 3 moment setting. of The shutdown shutdown period. The proposed policy when the machine is clo.se to shutting down (that is, when the weighted inventory process approach S), and uses the myopic starts to poHcy otherwise. The proposed poHcy from the facility that is model that uses representative data tested on a simulation motivated this study. The machine makes three different sheet and our proposed policy uses only three of the many possible cutting configurations. simulation results show that the average cost imder the derived values of 6 sizes, Our and S are very close to the corresponding cost under the best values of s and S, which were found via a search procedure. Surprisingly, our proposed pohcy outperforms heuristics that employ more than three cutting configurations manner; details are given problems in a here can be applied to a broad range of multi- where each activity generates a certain each product, in either a deterministic (as example, when random yield is many employed to produce a number of useful completed units of present) manner. Each different production process has an is associated with paper waste, other settings the cost reflects the variable cost of employing the process. Average production costs are minimized in the and holding costs (and In Section 6, we shutdown briefly describe and blood separation industries) number first costs, some no more than K optimal appropriate) are minimized in the second step. alternative settings (from the steel, semiconductor, LP may be applicable. activities, say J, will typically of different products, say A', tive activity rates in the if step of the procedure and inventory backorder where our procedure Although the number of potential the a is in the stock-cutting case) or stochastic (for associated variable cost; although in our setting this cost in when The approach make-to-stock setting. large set of possible activities, or production processes, can be set of products, seemingly intelligent in Section 5. The two-step procedure proposed criteria scheduling in a more complicated no more than solution in the be much greater than A' production processes first have posi- step of the procedure, and hence production processes are considered in the second step of the procedure. In fact, only the processes selected in the first step are required for system stability: for rigorous stability proofs along this line for (1989) and Courcoubetis and et al. is somewhat related problems, Rothblum (1991). Therefore, the proposed solution very easy to implement and will lead to a production system that manage. Moreover, Johnson axid set-up costs are often incurred costs, which until recently will when using an be incurred Kaplan (1987) and others have observed that when an additional production process is significant employed. These have been largely ignored by the cost accounting community, no or little in- cost is additional activity in our stock cutting example, these set-up costs in all the chical approach, relatively easy to is clude administrative, labor, purchasing and engineering costs. Although incurred see Courcoubetis examples sited Hence, the top level of our hierar- in Section 6. by greatly restricting the number of activities employed, aids in reducing these often considerable costs and leads to a simpHBcation of the production process. Of course, this restriction on the may number of activities, or processes, that can be employed lead to a suboptimal solution to the original multi-criteria problem. However, in our computational study in Section 5, employing more than A' of the J 1. we were unable to improve upon the proposed activities. Problem Formulation Consider a paper machine that produces A' different types of sheets. sheet will be referred to as a product and and dfc2, where dki < dk2- We is in = 11. will call d^i the product width and In keeping with industry conventions, terms of pounds, not sheets. merely assume that the asymptotic Dk satisfies demand rate square of the mean) of the we will rfjt2 t. No specific distributional of f/^i the length. These (f^j = measure the quantity Let Dk(t) denote the cumulative product k demanded up to time Each type characterized by the sheet dimensions, dimensions are measured in inches so that for standard writing paper, dk2 policy by number assumption is of 8.5 of and paper pounds required: of we afunctional central limit theorem, where Xk and vl denote and squared demand coefficient of variation (variance divided process. For simplicity, we assume that the by the demand for individual products independent, although this assumption can be easily relaxed. is number Let S{t) be the cumulative is paper of continuously busy during the time interval process with asymptotic service rate fi We [0,t]. and squared produced rolls assume that S{i) coefficient of variation v^ policy dictates the cutting configuration for each completed activity for each possible cutting configuration. dimension 1, ..., J is Jjti or characterized by dimension, and nj roll, t2, w number the number the weigh p pounds and be "j.fci, a renewal is . The and we define a Since each product can have length dimension dk2 placed along the its the paper machine if cutting different width its = width, activity j roll's of sheets of product k placed along its width of sheets placed along its length. inches wide. Since each activity must fit Let each paper on the roll, roll the waste Wj associated with activity j must be nonnegative, where K = w Wj -'^(riju-idk] +nj_k2dk2)- (1) k=\ Define the A' x J matrix F= Fkj so that Fkj paper roll is the number of by [Fi^j] = ^' •'• ( pounds of product k (2) )p. w on a roll cut according to activity j cut according to activity j will often be referred to as a type j . roll. Recall that our scheduling policy dynamically decides whether the paper machine busy or is idle and how to configure each completed the bottleneck, and the by a it In particular, the scheduling policy vector of nondecreasing processes {Tj{t),t t. number of machine they are produced by the > 0}. cumulative amount of time that the paper machine allocates to type j Let Zkit) be the is convenient to assume that the production and cutting undertaken simultaneously. J— dimensional hi practice, the paper rolls are typically cut directly after paper machine. However, we find of a roll are roll, A pounds of product k in finished where Tj(t) rolls during goods inventory where a negative quantity represents backordered demand; the vector G defined is Z = ( Z^ is [O.t]. at ) the time will be referred to as the inventory' process. If we assume that Z(0) = then 0, J Zk{t) = Y,^kjS{T,{t))-Dk{t) for ^• = 1,...,A' and / > 0. (3) Also, let the cumulative idleness process I(t) be the cumulative amovtnt of time that the paper machine is idle in [0, <], where K I{t)=t-Y^Tk{t) for/>0. (4) Let J{t) denote the cumulative nvunber of times that the paper machine during [0,^]; the cumulative shutdown process J can be recovered from the cumulative idleness process I. the machine down shut is is For concreteness, we assume that shutdown costs are incurred when turned As off. Harrison (1988). a scheduling policy T is continuous, nondecreasing and T(0) T is nonanticipating with respect to Z. = (6) implies that the scheduler T must satisfy 0. (5) (6) J are nondecreasing with 7(0) = J(0) / and where constraint in = 0. (7) cannot observe future demands or ser^•ice times. Define the cost function c^ for k , , = 1.....A' / -bkx [hi^x where is bk represents the problem cost is and let if X if J < > 0, ,p, 0, backorder cost per pound per unit time for product the inventory holding cost per shutdown by C^ pound per unit time for product k\ k. and hk Let Cs denote the denote the cost per pound of wasted paper. Then the scheduling to find a policy T mm limsup-E[ / to y Ck{Zk[i))df + C^J(T) + ^^y irjS(Tj{T))] subject to constraints (3)-(7). The 2. First Step: The number Lineeir Program of possible cutting configurations, J, step of our procedure will actually A is can be huge, and the goal of the first to select a small subset of these configurations, or activities, that be employed Brownian analysis in the in the second step. These activities will be selected by solving a linear program that has J decision variables and A' constraints. K activities will be used in the Brownian analysis, which greatly simplifies Hence, at most both the analysis and the resulting production process. The program are the decision variables of the linear activity rates Xj. where Xj fraction of total time (not just busy time) that the paper machine produces type j the is rolls. Let Rkj=fiF^.j. so that R^;j rolls are is (10) the rate, in pounds per unit time, that product k produced. The linear prograni finds the is generated when type j minimize the average activitj' rates that paper waste subject to meeting average demand: J min y Xj we assume (11) ^Rkj^j = subject to Hereafter, Wjx, > for J for >^k = k = l A', (12) (13) 1,..., J. that a unique nondegenerate solution pi. ...,pj exists, although the subsequent analysis can be employed with any optimal, possibly nondegenerate. solution. pj > Without for j loss of generality, — 1. .... A' and pj assume that the = for j which we denote by the trafRc intensity able to meet average customer demand = A' + p. is less original 1, .... J. activities are We also indexed so that assume that X^,Lj Pj. than one. so that the paper machine over the long run. 8 J is The Second 3. In this section, Step: A Brownian Analysis we use the LP two ways: only these (3)-(9) in was minimized in the long K solution p\,-.-,pK to simpHfy the scheduHng problem activities can be employed and the waste run average sense in (11), will LP policy proposed here will automatically enforce the = K (1988), Many and Cu, = 0. which be ignored. Since the scheduling solution, our procedure minimizes the average waste cost. Hence, the remaining control problem J cost, is identical to (3)-(9) with Following the procedure taken in Sections 3 through 5 of Harrison we approximate the scheduling problem of the details of the formulation as a control and analysis of the be omitted since they are similar to those described in problem for Brownian motion. Brownian control problem will Wein (1992) and Ou and Wein (1992). The Limiting Control Problem. 3.1. problem, we need to assume that the server shutdown heavy cost traffic intensive is is To obtain a limiting Brownian control busy the great majority of the time and the sufficiently large relative to the inventory costs. We suspect that these conditions typically hold in practice, since paper machines are very capital and shutdown indexed by n where the such that y^(l costs are substantial. Formally, one defines a sequence of s}'stems traffic intensity — p") and C" /n'^'^ p" and shutdown cost C" of the 77"^ system are converge to positive constants, while the inventory costs remain unsealed. The original system under study is identified as a particular system in this sequence. Since we will not be attempting to prove convergence of our optimal controlled processes to limiting controlled diffusions, the limiting control problem will be informally stated without introducing the substantial to define a sequence of systems. a proof of convergence for amount of additional notation that Readers are referred to Krichagina et al. Brownian control problems that approximate ( is required 1992a, b) for single prf)duct examples. Define o^. = pk/p to be the proportion of the paper machine's busy time that 9 is ) devoted to producing type k = by k 1,...,A', rolls. Although no special relationship exists Y the scaled centered allocation process activities and products are now both indexed between activity k and product amount Zk{t) = ^^^ /(/) = ^^ V" for J{t) = ^^ for is for process, respectively. Let A' = V^(l^j=i RkjCtj — = fc t and / = The with left {Ikj) is t>0, (A'l, (15) >0, and (16) ^>0. and J (17) ?7 — > oc. as the inventory, idleness, and we will and shutdown ..., A'jt) be a A'— dimensional Brownian motion process = 1 K ^i;)^k K ^kj l,...,A'and obtained by letting the parameter refer to the limiting scaled processes Z, / drift sides of these equations of notation required) The Brownian approximation with Define by and defined the scaled processes (the same symbols are used on both to reduce the k. = ^kvlhj + ^i^^ and covariance matrix E. where K Yl X^ niin(p/. Fji^km (IS) /9„, the A' x A' identity matrix. limiting control problem hmits) process mm V is to choose a A'— dimensional RCLL (right continuous to limsup r_oc ^E[f i Jo yck{Zkit))dt + CsJiT)] (19) jfr; k=\ K su'bject to J "..[', Zjt(/) = A';^-(/) ".. V / - Y^ RkjYjit) for k = 1 A and t >0. (20) K Iit) = J2^'k{t)iort>0, (21] k=\ I and J l'(0) = are nondecreasing with 7(0) and Y is = J(0) = 0. and nonanticipating with respect to A. 10 (22) (23) The Workload Formulation. 3.2. in terms of workloads. by restricting attention step , to reformulate (19)-(23) is (Rkj) denote the invertible A' x A' matrix obtained — in definition (10) to activities j elements of the matrix R~^ for R = Let The next and define the expected 1,...,A'. Let i?r^ denote the consumption effective resource rrif; product k by mfc K = ^i?-^ iovk = Define the one-dimensional Brownian motion B (24) hy K = ^mkXk{t) B{i) l,...,K. for > f (25) 0, k=l B SO that has drift 6 = y/n{l — p) > A A (7^ = ^ Xk^iWk + it R = //^'^ A k=\ /=1 , or A' A' FjiFkm min(p;. pm XI "'>} X! "^'^ X] X] 1-1 l = m'^m^ and variance a^ 1 of Wein (1992) formulation of the limiting control problem (19)-(23) is to choose the + C,J{T)\ Since process is Z and invertible, it follows from Proposition limsupi^r/ T-oc 1 subject to Jo y Ck{Zk{t))dt that the workload A— dimensional '^nnZk{i) = B{t)- Z and I(i) {or t >0, (28) = J(0) / are nonanticipating with respect to The two problem formulations (19)-(23) = 0. and A'. is, all (29) (30) and (27)-(30) are equivalent objective functions are identical and every feasible (that for the limiting control (27) j^i I and J are nondecreasing with 7(0) y (26) the one-dimensional process / to mm policy ). m=l in that their the constraints are satisfied) problem yields a corresponding feasible policy {Z.I) for the workload formulation, and every feasible policy {Z,I) for the workload formulation yields a corresponding feasible policy Y for the limiting control problem. 11 The cumulative , shutdown process J is not an explicit control in (27)-(30), since cumulative idleness process The Solution 3.3. is it dictated by the /. Workload Formulation. to the Not only is the workload formulation easier to solve than the limiting control problem, but the workload formulation solution, /, is easier to interpret in process Z and which consists of the scaled inventory process The }'. control process cumulative idleness process terms of the original problem than the scaled centered allocation solution to the workload formulation requires two steps. Z is derived in terms of the control process / in the optimal control process / carried out in Section 4 of derived in the second step. is Wein (1992), only the solution one-dimensional weighfed mvenior}- process Since the Z* will The optimal first step, first and the step has been be displayed. Define the W by A W{i) = ^nnZk(t) This quantity the weight is is the weighted the expected sum eff"ective resource consumption. hi; it is possible for j = /. Then Zm = f = — mj = — mi nik mm i<k<K for and loss of generality, define the indices j mm i<<r<A' where t>0. (31) of the finished goods inventory for each product, where W{t) = B{t)-I{t) Without ioT rrtk / t > By also have by hj and (33) (34) > is if A-=j and ii k^j if A- = / and W{t) < 0. if A- 7^ / and H'(0 < 0. ir(/) 0. '"' (O we (32) 0. the optimal solution Z*{t) inn (28). (35) and W{t)>0. and W(t) Zt{i)= I ""' (30 12 Notice that the optimal control process Z* is expressed in terms of the control process I via (32). To describe the remaining bi/mi, where the indices j and control problem for J, let us define h are defined in (33)-(34), / ( hr 1^ — /(^)= The second if .. , ox II X > X ^n0. < step of the workload formulation solution ticipating (with respect to X) and = hj/nij and b = let 0, is (37) to find a nondecreasing, nonan- control process I to T min limsup^£[/ W{t) subject to :^ B{t)- + CsJ{T)] f{W{t))di for I{t) / > 0. (39) Recall that the shutdown process J measures the cumulative control process / lem for is exerted. Problem (38)- (39) is a exerted at certain points in time. A form Bather's problem S whenever is an the level .s is the determination of s of instantaneous is reached, where level s S > s; of .s and notes that equation The solution to 1(f) and this suggests that an optimal pohcy to whenever the level S is reached, where S > s. A does not appear possible for this problem. Bather reduces and S (and the optimal long run average to the solution of + displaced to the level Puterman (1975) employs a regenerative argument and S B(t) is equations (6.1), (6.2) and (6.4) of his paper, and asserts that assertion, = negative, was solved by Bather (1966). is 5 jumps, or impulses. changed to \V{i) S) policy: the controlled process W{t) closed form solution to 5 and due to the fixed fact that, (s, our problem displaces W(t) to the of times that the nearly identical problem (essentially a mirror image of our problem), the only differences being that (39) the drift of the Brownian motion number one-dimensional impulse control prob- Brownian motion. The word impulse stems from the cost Ca, the optimal control process / takes the (38) cost) to the solution of 5 > > Bather appears to contain 13 a this to reduce the determination two equations that are displayed on page 156 (6.4) of Under .s. of his paper. minor misprint. The same procedures can be used to derive analogous equations for our problem. > > Using Putermcin's approach and Bather's assertion that S 5, we find that 5 is the solution to 2^ = (^)(1 and 5 _ ^5 - e-^^)^ _ 2(1 - ^5 + ^ - e--% (40) can be determined from S-s^i^){S-<f>-\l-e-^')), where it = 4) 26/a^. we If let (41) g denote the long run average optimal cost of (3S)-(39). then satisfies g = b{<f>-'-s). (42) However, upon numerically solving various problem instances of (40)-(41 tered several cases where S > > .<: 0. S > our problem the mirror image of his problem, (40)-(41) The reason (39). the drift of s. is Hence, B is if b is much that possible for 5 5 < 5 < it is 0, sign is < S < can be optimal for in .s > 0. incomplete: since explained as follows. Although still An is attain values below not very large, and analogous argument shows Bather's problem; for the inventory problem motivating highly unlikely for the parameter values to satisfy the conditions that and To complete the it is only a partial solution to (3S)- greater than h in (37). the shutdown cost not far from zero, Bather's study, same of the is positive in (38)-(39). the controlled process can is imply does not always hold, and hence his solution and 5 can be that 5 the drift it is s we encoun- Closer examination reveals that Bathers original assertion that > ). so it is not surprising that he did not consider this case. solution to (38)-(39), under the assumption that S> s > 0. we simply use Puterman's regenerative approach In this case, the parameter A = S—s can be found by solving .--)--• ^^A^( 2J VI -e--^-^ h ' (? 14 (43) and then 5= --In 4> general theory of variational inequalitiies, which The now is well developed, shows that the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation of the impulse control problem has a unique solution and a feasible this solution yields (i.e., an (-5,5) optimal policy. The latter implies the existence of 5 is the sign constraint on s and satisfied) solution to either (40)-(41) or (43)- (44). This, however, does not exclude the possibiHty that both (40)-(41) and (43)-(44), to feasible solutions to tangential issue for this problem, It exist. must be employed. Whether or not exactly one solution local all minima, corresponding In this case, the minimal cost local minimum and therefore we have made no should be mentioned, however, that (40)-(41) two exists effort to is prove this fact. of our numerical computations with equations and (43)-(44) have yielded one solution that violates the sign constraint solution that satisfies the sign constraint. Moreover, the two solutions coincide optimal value of S a rather and one when the equals zero. For completeness, the solution to Bather's problem when 5 < 5 < is given by (using Bather's notation) S-s ^ p ' Vl - e-A(S-^) ;45) 2/ A and \(S- 1 s) ^^="^"[(^)(^^^^^)JFinally, note that to (43) is S = 5 (i.e., if the shutdown cost Cj A = 0). K we let A = -> in ^''^ problem (3S)-(39). then the solution in (44), then L'Hopital's rule yields the limiting solution S = ^ln(l + When Cs = 0, (47) -^). problem (3S)-(39) becomes a singular control problem, and the solution (see Section 6 in Wein) is I(t)= sup [5(..)--ln(l-f-)l^. o<s<r <P 15 /' i>0. (4S) so that the controlled process is a reflected Brownian motion in the interval ( -oo, {b/h)). Hence, as expected, the 4. two solutions coincide as the shutdown cost C'a <? -^ ' ln( 1 -|- 0. The Proposed Scheduling Policy we propose a scheduling In this section, policy that is partially based on the preceding Recall that a scheduling policy dictates the shutdown/startup times for the analysis. machine, and dynamically chooses a cutting configuration for each roll of paper that is produced. The shutdown policy is easily interpreted in terms of the optimal control process J*, which represents the scaled cumulative idleness process. By (31 ) and (39). the [s.S) policy derived in (40)-(41) and (43)-(44) suggests that the machine should be shut down when the scaled weighted inventory process W{t) reaches the level 5, and should be reactivated when W{t) drops for the original specifically, v/n(l - if to .s. Moreover, by reversing the heavy traffic scalings. the (^.S) policy system can be expressed solely in terms of the problem parameters. More we substitute s/y/n p) for 6 in (40)-(41) S/y/n for 5, A/v^" for A. CJn^l'^ for s, for C. and (43)-(44), then the scahng parameter n vanishes, and and these four equations become, respectively, a\h + b) ~^ h \ _ 2fl _ (1 - P)C, ) G^ ^[LZ^ + 2{^-^—^f 2f \ - e-2(i-p)57'^'y (49) g^A 1\ (5i; and ^" 2(1 -p) \ L L'/? + , I-H_2/,2(l-o)A/(T= 6'V2(e2<i-p)A/'^^ IG -1 J ._ 1 [52) The proposed shutdown/startup employs the resulting {s, policy calculates s and S from these equations, and S) policy with respect to the original (that unsealed) weighted is, L' inventory process Xlit=i ""^k^kit)- Brownian approximations to queueing system scheduling problems In ple, is exam- Harrison 19SS and Wein 1992), the policy for "who to serve next," which corresponds to the cutting policy here, the (see, for LP that is embedded given by (35)-(36). there is is typically interpreted in terms of the pathwise solution to workload formulation. In our case, the pathwise solution in the However, unlike the previous problems that have been analyzed, no one-to-one correspondence between the A' cutting configurations and the A' products. Consequently, we have been unable to interpret (35)-(36) to obtain a reliable cutting policy. Instead, first idea, we propose which service time look is is due a heuristic to Zipkin. ahead policy to use a is here. myopic look ahead for a single server multiclass essentially a special case (where A' problem considered pohcy that incorporates two = J,Cs — essential ideas. policy. The He proposes a make-to-stock queue, which R and the matrix is diagonal) of the This policy dynamically serves the class that minimizes the expected reduction in cost rate per unit of time after one service completion. The policy has its roots in Miller "s (1974) transportation look ahead policy for the decision of which base to send an item repaired at a central depot, where transportation time plays the role of service time. Numerical results in Veatch and Wein (1992) show that Zipkin"s policy performs very well for multiclass make-to-stock queues. We propose a simple extension to Zipkin"s policy that makes cutting problem considered here. Since a paper it is roll's service time eventually cut, the policy chooses the cutting configuration configurations identified by the LP in Section 2 will is j it adaptable to the independent of how = 1 K (only the be considered) that minimizes the expected inventory cost rate incurred after one service time: that is. at time /. we cut a type j* roll, where r and the expectation Although = axgminE is + Y^Ck(^Zk{t) Fk, - Dk{S}) taken over both the service time this policy vi'orks well when no shutdown (53) , S and the demand costs are incurred, processes an effective cutting policy for this problem needs to look beyond one service time and, in particular, must prevent the vector inventory process from entering a vulnerable position incurring we many costly backorders) during the potentially long derive a target inventor}' level tk for each product k at the when W{t) = S) e^., we assume example, shutdown period. Hence, moment to minimize inventory costs incurred during the order to obtain a closed form expression for (for that of shutdown (i.e., shutdown period. In demand is deterministic during the shutdown period. Under this assumption, the length of the shutdown period is S-s (54) and the target inventory levels are found by solving mm in ^ I. _ 1 =\ k / Q(ei. - \ki)dt (55] ''0 such that y rrik^ii = S, (56) k=l where S is the unsealed solution to (55)-(56) When maximum weighted inventory level derived in (49)-(52). The is the weighted inventory process gets sufficiently close to S, we use the cutting con- figuration that minimizes the Euclidean distance between the expected resulting inventory levels and the target levels; that is, cut arg mm a type j* roll, where A, J](Z,(0 + F,, --^-6,)-. ^' \k=\ 18 (5S) . Our proposed cutting policy uses the myopic policy (53) K Y^mkZk{t)<s + I k=l when 'r{S-s), (59) K J2mkZk{t)>s + ^{S-s), (60) and uses the target inventory policy (58) when ife=i where the parameter -) € [0,1] quantifies the proximity to machine shutdown. simulation study in the the next section, we set the parameter ) policy's 5. and found that the -> An Example we compare our proposed scheduling policy on a simulation model of with a manager of the facility for the simulation under study. produces three different products. Table cost rates for each product. The demand Poisson process; the average against several other heuris- a hypothetical system. The data The Problem Data. all 0.9, performance was quite robust with respect to the specification of In this section, tics — In the demand I We model are based on con^'ersations consider a single paper machine that provides the rate for each product rate of orders is demand size, is assumed given in Table and inventory rate I, to a compound all orders for be and products are independent Poisson random variables with mean 200 pounds. Hence, we denote the average demand rate of product k orders by equals 40, 200Ai. 19 A^.. then the term A^^ if r^ in (IS) PRODUCT ACTIVITY 1 8.5" 11" 17" 22" 28" 35" WASTE pj The optimal target inventory levels are given by ei = 68, 441 e2 , = HI- 280 and 63 =47, 609 pounds. Straw Since our problem formulation Policies. policies to test against the III. We proposed policy, which consider three other policies; all is is new, there are no obvious straw denoted by PROPOSED in Table three policies use a shutdown/startup policy characterized by an (^,5) policy on the total unweighted inventory process, where the values of s most and S are found via a search on the computer simulation model. The simplistic policy is called the LP the solution (p\,P2-,p3) given in Table repeats a cycle often tenth roll of The second where the rolls, each cycle II. first More III, and nine rolls are activities (2,1.2,1,2.1.2,1.2). and the MYOPIC, uses the myopic policy defined in (53). but considers Wj < w. The cost minimizing value of the parameter the third policy, called MYOPIC MYOPIC+TARGET, w is all configurations j with waste found using a search procedure. uses our proposed cutting policy, but as in policy, considers all configurations j Simulation Results. deterministically enforces specificallj^ the cutting policy continually not the three cutting configurations specified by the LP, but The it and randomized according to the probabilities ( is policy, called policy in Table first with waste Wj < iv. For three of the four scheduling policies, we ran ten independent runs, each consisting of six years. To obtain made LP 50 independent runs for the policy. sufficiently small confidence intervals, we Although we do not expect the demand facing this facility to remain stable for six years, a sufficiently long period was required to eliminate round off" effects the machine activated. policies (the due to shutdowns. All runs began with the system empty and The parameter 7 for the three policies, minimizing values of the parameters for the scheduling cost PROPOSED and the parameter three runs of six years. w for the poHcy, the parameters two myopic policies) .<i and S for the other were found b}- making POLICY PROPOSED MYOPIC+TARGET LP WASTE INVENTORY SHUTDOWN TOTAL COST COST COST COST 99,331(±195) 34,640(±575) 18,967(±361) 152,938(±663) 121,039(±383) 21,180(±380) 24,865(±589) 167,084(±535) 67,840(±8431) 20,434(±254) 1S7,541(±8484) 34,970(±703) 26,618(±551) 192.526(±850) 99,267(±80) MYOPIC 130,938(±370) TABLE The simulation nual cost, and costs; 95% its III. Simulation Results: Average Annual Costs. results are reported in Table III, breakdown into inventory (holding confidence intervals are reported for all which contains the average and backorder), waste and shutdown cost quantities. Notice that paper waste accounts for roughly two-thirds of the total cost. For ease of comparison. Table average costs as a percentage of the costs of the POLICY total an- PROPOSED policy. l\ reports the accuracy of our derived values for which is less 2% than minimizing values, = values, s The minimizing values. for the cost s 5 search yielded an average annual cost of $149,932, lower than the cost under our derived values. = = —17.5 and S —39.74 and S in lower inventory costs = 175.0, are significantly different than the derived and higher shutdown costs cost minimizing value of We when 7 = also tested the and S resulted 7 0.95 in (59)-(60) was 0.9. The PROPOSED .s and less policy's per- The average this parameter. and increased by PROPOSED relative to the derived values of IV are 100%, 75%, 131% and 98%. formance was remarkably robust with respect to increased by 0.3% However, the cost 211.17. Consequently, the cost minimizing s 5; its four normalized costs for Table The and S, a two-dimensional search was undertaken than 0.2%i when = -; total cost 0.7. policy under one slight variant: the (s,S) policy was based on the total unweighted inventory ^j^-i Zk{t) rather than the weighted inventory ^j(._j ini.Zk{t). A search for the best {s,S) policy gave essentially the same cost ($150,037) as the search under the weighted inventory policy ($149,932). This close agreement hardly surprising since the three mjt values are very similar. Hence, any discrepancy among bases the various policies cannot be attributed to the fact that the its PROPOSED is policy (5,5) policy on the weighted inventory, and the other policies base their (s.S) policy on the unweighted inventory. As expected, the LP However, since the LP same waste policy achieves the policy is an open loop policy (i.e., cost as the the cutting policy The of the state of the system), very high inventory costs are incurred. values of s and S are 5 in imits of hours for the = —15,000 and S = 235,000. Recall that PROPOSED and policy, PROPOSED in units of i; pounds is policy. independent cost minimizing and S are expressed of paper for the other three policies. The MYOPIC MYOPIC and policy achieves the worst performance of the fovir policies. PROPOSED policies have similar inventory ventory cost reductions gained by the MYOPIC 24 costs, policy while the it Since the appears that the in- machine was operating were during the shutdown periods. offset activities that is do not minimize average waste forces this policy to The costs, poHcy employs a significant increase in waste cost shutdown periods employ more frequent shutdowns and hence incur higher shutdown cost minimizing values of s For both myopic and S are roll, = —50, 000, 5 = 100, 000. which u), is the This parameter value allowed ten cutting 3. When w was raised to included and the overall cost increased by 6.3% for the MYOPIC+TARGET policy. When w 3.0", two more MYOPIC was raised to the next activities pohcy and were 9.49c for the level of 4.75". eight additional were included for a total of 20, and the cost roughly doubled for both The use maximum was found to be 2.75", which was the lowest value that included any activities producing product configurations to be employed. s minimizing value of policies, the cost allowable waste on a paper activities MYOPIC Finally, the high backorder cost incurred during the long incurred. costs. Moreover, since the policies. of the target inventory levels clearly enhances performance, since the MYOPIC MY- OPIC+TARGET policy achieves a OPIC+TARGET policy achieves significantly lower inventory costs than the other three policies. However, relative to the by increased waste and setup POSED policy, much costs. We were initially somewhat surprised poHcy, which uses only three activities, outperformed the stricting the number by comparing the in the costs, the MYOPIC+TARGET waste costs than the between the two policy to the PROPOSED policy, PROPOSED policies is PRO- reason for re- performance between these two pohcies can best be seen MYOPIC+TARGET shutdown that the was to obtain a mathematically tractable PROPOSED minimizing values (as opposed to the derived values) of identical The MY- MYOPIC+TARGET activities; after all, the primary- of cutting configurations The discrepancy policy. PROPOSED policy, this cost reduction is more than offset which can employ any number of problem. lower cost than the and the policy. due to the policy has 5 and S: policy under the cost the two policies have 21.8% higher inventory costs than MYOPIC+TARGET policy has 21.9% higher Hence, the 11% difference in average total cost fact that 25 waste costs comprise roughly two-thirds of the total cost. Therefore, since waste costs are minimized in the the PROPOSED poHcy may not work as tory and shutdown costs. However, this simulation It is we well when waste reiterate that the three policies in the simulation study, but policies. First, the PROPOSED poHcy is it problem parameters employed PROPOSED is step of our procedure, costs are small relative to inven- study are based upon our best estimates from worth noting that not only does the first actual aji facility. policy outperform the other also simpler to employ than the other based on derived values of s and S, whereas the Furthermore, other policies require a two-dimensional search using a simulation model. the PROPOSED which specifies the proximity to policies roll. policy's performance is very robust with respect to the parameter 7, shutdown. In contrast, the performance of the two myopic was very sensitive to the parameter w, which Hence, the parameter 7 is in much is the maximum easier to specify than the allowable waste per parameter w. Other Applications 6. In this section, may be we briefly describe several other settings where the two-step procedure applicable. Semiconductor Manufacturing. In semiconductor wafer fabrication, a batch of wafers produced according to a particular process randomly yields chips of many different prod- uct types, which are partially ordered with respect to quality. rejjresents the Here, Fi,j expected number of type k chips in a batch of wafers produced according to process These facilities usually have many more Each production process has yield higher quality chips. its own The LP possible production processes than product types. variable cost, mode and photoHthography workstation, and wafers processing. and costlier processes will typically in the first step of the variable processing cost subject to meeting average often operate in a make-to-stock j. procedure minimizes average demand. Wafer fabrication facilities often have only one bottleneck station, the visit this station ten to twent}- times during Hence, by focusing on the bottleneck workstation, we obtain 2G a scheduling problem for a production/inventory The Browniaji in system with customer feedback and random yield. control problem in the second step of the procedure was expUcitly solved Ou and Wein (1992) and readers are referred there for details. Similar problems also occur in fiber optics, ingot and crystal cutting, and blending operations in the petroleimi industry. A Blood Separation. into its various variety of separation processes can be used to separate blood components (plasma, red blood finished goods inventory servicing hospitals separation process has its own which are maintained cells, etc.), and other health care facilities. is Here, each variable cost, which are minimized in the first step LP, produces specific amounts of each component. One key aspect that model in a is and not captured in our the perishability of the blood; typically, blood components (except for plasma) have to be discarded after sitting in inventory for a certain number of days. made from Steel Industry. In a tube mill, each product type can be several different blooms, or starting stocks, and a particular starting stock can be used to produce several different products. If we define an activity for each feasible combination of starting stock and product type, then the activity cost includes both raw material costs for the starting stock and processing costs, which differ by activity. dynamic production policy The second for the bottleneck operation of the step analysis develops a tube mill. Acknowledgments We are deeply indebted to Tim for generously sharing his time Loucks, plant manager at Strathmore Paper Company, and expertise. engaging in helpful conversations about the We also thank Anant Balakrishnan steel industry. This research was partially supported by a grant from the Leaders for Manufacturing Program at Science Foundation Grant Award No. DDM-9057297. for MIT and by National REFERENCES Bather, 1966. J. A Continuous Time Inventory Model. J. Applied Probability 3, 538-549. C, Courcoubetis, lizing P. Konstantopoulos, Walrand, and R. R. Weber. 1989. Stabi- J. an Uncertain Production System. Queueing Systems Courcoubetis, C. and U. G. Rothblum. 1991. On 5, 37-54. Optimal Packing of Randomly Arriving Objects. Mathematics of Operations Research 16, 176-194. European Journal of Operations Research 44, 133-306, 1990. Harrison, J. M. 1988. Brownian Models Customer Populations, in New Johnson. H. T. and R. Queueing Networks with Heterogeneous W. Fleming and ential Systems, Stochastic Control Springer- Verlag, of P. L. Lions (eds.), Stochastic Differ- Theory and Applications. S. 10, York. 147-186. S. Kaplan. 1987. Reievance Lost: The Rise and Fall of Management Accounting. 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