West Virginia Office of Healthy Schools Respect & Protect/SAT Workshop

West Virginia Office
of Healthy Schools
Respect & Protect/SAT Workshop
February 2 & 3
How to determine your
• Write on the name tag provided, your first
pet’s name and your mother’s maiden
• That’s your MOVIE STAR NAME
Why are we here?
• Reduce and eventually eliminate
disruptive behavior in your schools
• Re-examine the importance of your role
(as a SAT member) in this process
• Develop a process for promoting a
system-wide ethos regarding behavior and
• Ensuring sustainability and expansion
• Share ideas with others
Excerpt from 2007 State of the
State Address
“I also plan to work closely with our state’s
teachers on addressing the growing problem
of classroom and student bullying. Schools
should be places where you enjoy the
process of growth and learning; not places
of fear and intimidation. For the protection of
students, teachers and school service
personnel alike, I will do everything possible
to make our schools bully-free.”
Governor Joe Manchin III
Union to push student discipline
Charleston Gazette Wednesday January 03, 2007
“State teacher’s union plans to propose
legislation this year that would help
teachers get a better grip on student
discipline, providing more state funds for
alternative school programs.”
“You must be Timmy’s dad. I’m
Timmy’s teacher!”
“Well, Timmy, it looks like you’ve just earned yourself
10 Minutes in the cage with Mr. Whiskers.”
Emphasizes the importance of the
Social Climate
 characterized by warmth, positive interest,
and involvement by adults
 firm limits to unacceptable behavior
 where non-hostile, nonphysical negative
consequences are consistently applied in
cases of violations of rules and other
unacceptable behaviors
 adults act as authorities and positive role
Olweus, D., Limber, S. & Mihalic, S.F. (1999). Blueprints for Violence
Prevention, Book Nine: Bullying Prevention Program. Boulder, CO: Center for
the Study and Prevention of Violence.
Ratting vs. Reporting
• “Ratting" occurs when
the sole intent is to
get another child in
• "Reporting" occurs
when the intent is to
protect the safety of
another child.
A child in America…
Every 8 seconds a child drops out of school.
Every 47 seconds a child is abused.
Every 67 seconds a teenager has a baby.
Every 7 minutes a child is arrested for a drugs
• Every 30 minutes a child is arrested for
drunken driving.
• Every 36 minutes a child is
killed or injured by guns.
• Every day 100,000 American
children are homeless.
– 2003 Source Book
Healthy People 2010
“Schools have more influence on the lives
of youth than any other social institution
except the family, and provide a setting in
which friendship networks develop,
socialization occurs, and norms that
govern behavior are developed and
Coordinated School Health Programs
•Addresses all dimensions of
•Develops knowledge, attitudes, and
•Tailored to each grade level
Develop partnerships among schools,
families and community groups.
Individuals will share and maximize
resources and expertise in
addressing the development of
healthy children, youth, and their
•Motivates students
•Preventative Services
•Emergency Care
•Management of acute and chronic
•Promotes lifelong physical activity
Staff Activities:
•Develops basic movement skills
•Develops physical fitness
•Enhances social and emotional
Integration of:
•Social Needs
•Nutrition Education
•Nutritious and appealing meals
Provides a safe physical plant, as
well as a healthy and supportive
environment that fosters
•Physical Climate
•Emotional Climate
•Social Climate
•Environment that promotes healthy
dietary behaviors
•Food Safety
Health Education
Addresses all dimensions of health
Develops knowledge, attitudes, and skills
Tailored to each grade level
Motivates students
Physical Education
Promotes lifelong physical activity
Develops basic movement skills
Develops physical fitness
Enhances social and emotional ability
School Health Services
Preventative Services
Emergency Care
Management of acute & chronic conditions
School Nutrition Services
Integration of:
• Nutrition Education
• Nutritious and appealing meals
• Environment that promotes healthy dietary
• Food Safety
School Counseling/Social
•Social Needs
Healthy School Environment
Provides a safe physical plant, as well as a
healthy and supportive environment that
fosters learning
• Physical Climate
• Emotional Climate
• Social Climate
Teacher/Staff Wellness
Staff Activities:
• Assessment
• Education
• Fitness
Develop partnerships among schools,
families and community groups.
Individuals will share and maximize
resources and expertise in addressing
the development of healthy children,
youth, and their families.
hat is Single School Culture?
• It is not a program but a way of organizing
and running a school. It begins with shared
norms, beliefs, values, and goals and results
in agreed upon processes and procedures
that produce consistency in practice.
• A Single School Culture results in consistency
of both adult and student practices related to:
– Behavior
– Achievement
– Climate
What Do We Mean By Climate?
• Climate refers to the emotional atmosphere
we generate around us; some people refer to
climate as the “context” of school.
• Climate involves the perception of
stakeholders concerning the fairness,
openness, friendliness, the ethos of caring,
and sense of welcome of the school.
• Climate includes the level of orderliness of
the school and the degree of satisfaction
experienced within its organizational
What does Single School Culture
for Climate (SSC-A) Look Like in
the Whole School?
• “Connectedness” to school is encouraged in
a myriad of ways.
• At-risk does not predetermine the amount of
success we can have in working with the
student and that which the student can
• Students are given valuable roles at school.
• Students are made to feel that “I fit in here!”
What Are the Adult
Processes for SSC-C?
• Identify the problematic practices and their impact on
staff/student morale, achievement, and participation
and what would good practices look like.
• Gain staff input and agreement to change practices
for a set amount of time.
• Establish methods for coaching people who are out
of compliance with agreed-upon practice.
• Make a long-term plan for establishing campus
norms that support the healthy development of
children and that will move Level II and Level III
students up to Level I.
Adult Strategies - con’t
• Negate Risk Factors
– The conditions underlying the problems of alcohol and
other drug use, teen pregnancy, delinquency, violence,
and school drop-outs
– Conditions are not seen as “causal” factors
– They are conditions which increase the likelihood of
an individual engaging in destructive behaviors
Risk Factor Chart
Risk Factor
Friends who engage in problem behavior
Favorable attitudes toward problem behavior
Family management problems
Family conflict
Family history of problem behavior
Early academic failure
Early conduct problems
Lack of commitment to school/poor school
Availability of drugs and/or weapons
Community laws and norms favorable toward
problem behavior
Low neighborhood attachment and community
Severe economic deprivation
Adult Strategies- con’t
• Promote Protective Factors
– “The personal, social and institutional resources that
promote adolescent development or buffer risk factors
that might otherwise compromise development
(Garmezy & Rutter, 1985)
– “The conditions that foster the development of
resiliency in youth (Benard)
Protective Factor Chart
Nurturing staff and positive role models
Creative, supportive school leadership
Peer support, cooperation and mentoring
Personal attention and interest from teachers
Warm, responsive school climate
Minimum mastery of basic skills
Emphasis on higher order academics
Avoidance of negative labeling and tracking
for Meaningful
Leadership and decision-making by students
Student participation in extracurricular activities
Parent and community participation in instruction
Culturally diverse curricula and experiences
Caring and
What Does Single School Culture
for Climate (SSC-A) Look Like in
the Classroom?
• Teachers promote the effective resiliency
attributes of:
-Social Competence
-Problem Solving
-Autonomy and Independence
-Sense of Purpose and Future
What Are the Teacher Strategies for SSC-C
• Confidence and competence are nurtured.
• Students are encouraged to give a genuine
hand to others.
• Students believe that listening to them is a
• Students know we care about them - we
might not like their behavior, but them we like.
What Might Be Our Goals in the
Area of Climate?
• Maintain a community in school that reduces risk
factors for students and promotes protective
• Maintain a community in school that recognizes
and values the contributions of all: staff, students,
and parents.
• Maintain a context that will move students up the
ladder of achievement.
• Promote an atmosphere that encourages positive
relationships between all stakeholder groups
(administration/teacher, teacher/teacher,
teacher/student, student/student).
How Will We Assess Progress in
the Area of Climate?
• Climate surveys
• Reduced conflicts
• Decreases in absentee rate
• Increases in informal socialization
• A sense of community is evident
• Movement of Level II and III students up to
Level I
• Is it starting to look and feel like we imagined
it could be?
Further Evidence
• Whole School
– Creates an inclusive environment
– Creates a sense of community that supports,
recognizes, and respects differences
– Makes students want to come to school and participate
• In the Classroom
– We understand that we are in the social and emotional
development business; not just the academic
development business
Single School Culture for Climate
• In the Classroom (continued)
– We understand that students need to have pro-social
skills to use as needed at schools and in life. These
skills may be:
Non-violent conflict resolution
Restraint of impulsiveness
Peer refusal skills
• We recognize the valuable contribution students
can make to their school and home community
– Service Learning and Community Service
– Safe Schools Ambassadors / Mediation
– Student Government, Sports, the Arts, Character Education,
Mentoring, etc.
Nuts & Bolts: The Plan
Systemic Approach
Behavior Intervention Forms (BIFs)
Definition of Violence
Consistent Classroom Management System
Teacher Actions
Support Services
SAT Meetings
Developmental Guidance
Parent Involvement
Student Agendas/Planners
Conduct Grade
Incentive Program
Alternative School Program
Surveys and Data Collection
Positive Behavior Programs
If prevention is to work, it
must be consistent. To be
consistent, all the adults
must agree on terms.
Herein lies the most difficult part
of intervention and prevention:
deciding which actions merit our
stepping in.
What is your role?
Voice of the School (Re: Behavior)
Pro Active
Adult Centered PREVENTION
Track Behaviors (BIF)
Analyze and Act (Consistency)
When do you intervene as an SAT?
When even a small
red flag goes up
about a student’s
behavior, it’s time for
the SAT to take