0. ^.s ^ ^1 HD28 .M414 .rn:^? '^^ amiotm ^. ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Continuous Time Stopping Gaines with Monotone Reward Structures Chi-fu Kuang and Lode Li To appear in "Mathematics of Operations Research' \-rP #2109-89-EFA Revised March 1989 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 Continuous Time Stopping Games with Monotone Reward Structures Chi-fu Kuang and Lode Li To appear in "Mathematics of Operations Research" IVP #2109-89-EFA Revised March 1989 Continuous Time Stopping Games with Monotone Reward Structures* Chi-fu Huang and Lode Li Management School of Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, 02139 MA July 1987 Revised, March 1989 ABSTRACT We prove the existence of a Nash equilibrium of a class of continuous time stopping games when certain monotonicity conditions are satisfied. 'This is an extensively revised version of the first half of a paper entitled "Continuous Time Stopping Games" by the authors. They would like to thank conversions with Michael Harrison and Andreu Mas Colell. Three anonymous referees and seminar participants at Princeton University' and Yale Universit>' provided useful com- ments. Remaining errors are of course the authors'. Introduction 1 1 Introduction 1 The game was theoretic extension of the optimal stopping theory in the discrete time framewori< initiated by The extensions Ohtsubo Chaput Dynkin two-person zero-sum stopping games. [1969] in an analysis of a class of of Dynkin's work include Chaput [1986] in discrete time [1974], Kiefer [1971], Elbakidze [1976], Neveu [1975], and [1974], and Bensoussan and FViedman [1974], Bismut [1977, 1979], Krylov [1971], Lepeltier and Maingueneau [1984], and Stettner continuous time. [1982] in Mamer Non-zero-sum stopping games have been studied by discrete time and by Bensoussan and Nakoulima Friedman [1977], Morimoto and Ohtsubo [1986] [1986], Nagai in and [1987], [1981] in continuous time. The widespread and games can be found potential use of stopping and management science. Examples include the entry and optimal investment in in economics, finance, exit decisions of firms, job search, research and development, and the technology transition in industries. (See Fine and Li [1986], Mamer and McCardle dynamic games stochastic [1986] in [1987], Reinganum which each player's strategy is [1982] etc.) many In fact, a single dichotomous decision at each time can be formulated as a stopping time problem. The existing literature on continuous time non-zero-sum stopping games mentioned above, with the exception of Morimoto [1986], uses stochastic environments that have the Markov Morimoto property. games. The purpose of this paper [1986] considers cyclic stopping is to provide an existence theorem for Nash equilibria for a class of non-zero-sum non-cyclic stopping games non-Markov environment. a in We basically extend the discrete time analysis of Some [1987] to a continuous time setting. Mamer properties of a symmetric Nash equilibrium are also characterized. In Section 2 we formulate an A'-person continuous time non-zero-sum stopping game. Reward processes are optional processes that may at The in rest of this paper is organized as follows. be unbounded and can take the value -oo t = +co. A martingale approach is adopted Section 3 to show the existence of optimal stopping policies of players under fairly general conditions. proved same in The existence of a Nash equilibrium in Section 4 by using Tarski's lattice theoretic fixed point theorem. We show in is the section that, for a symmetric stopping game, there always exists a symmetric equilibrium when the reward processes when games with monotone payoff structures it exists, satisfy a monotone condition. Moreover, a symmetric equilibrium, must be unique when reward processes are separable in a sense to be made precise. We satisfy another monotone condition and discuss two duopolislic exit games in Section 5 The formulation 2 2 to demonstrate the two kinds of monotonicity conditions posited in Section 4. T}ic reward processes of these two exit games also satisfy the separability condition mentioned above. The formulation 2 Let (n, 7, P) be a complete probability space equipped with an increasing family of sub-sigma- {7t] 7 of field t € or a filtration, F= {Jj; G t 5?+}. F 5R+} by Joo arid assume that = 1. right continuity: 7t 2. complete: 7q contains We F , interpret each We shall denote the smallest sigma-field containing usual conditions: satisfies the Clg^^t ^>' ^^'^ all w € n the P-null sets. to be a complete description of the state of the world. models the way information about the true state of the world is The filtration revealed over time. In a discrete time finite state setting, a filtration can be thought of as an event tree. Let 5R+ denote the extended positive real An line. T optional time is a function from n into = 1. An 3i+ such that {ujeQ:T{u>) <t} e where !R+ denotes the positive real line. optionaJ time T is bounded said to be if An yte^+, 7t optional time T there exists a constant is finite K G P{T < if 9?+ such that oo} P{T < K) = 1. Let of all T be an optional time. events AE 7oo The sigma-field 7t, the collection of events prior to T, consists such that yte^+. Af]{T<t}e7t A process X in this paper is a mapping X : fi x 3?+ h-> SR measurable with respect to 7®B{yi+), the product sigma-field generated by 7 and the Borel sigma-field X is said to be adapted, if sigma-field, denoted by 0, is right-continuous paths (see, X{t) is measurable with respect to the sigma-field on n 7( V^ G of !R+ 5R+. . A The process optional x 5R+ generated by adapted processes having Chung and Williams A process optional if it is mecisurable with respect to 0. Naturally, any adapted process with right-continuous paths is optional. [1983]). is It is also For any process clear that X{t) random known = e.g., that any optional process is [1983]). adapted (see, e.g., is Chung and Williams X, we write X+{t) = max[X(0,0] and A'"(0 = max[-A'(0,0]. X'^{t) - X~{t). For an optional time T, we variable X{uj,T{(jj)). will use X{T) it to denote the The formulation 2 We consider an A' player s£o;)pinff yame. Players are indexed by game of this 3 » = 1,2,..., A'. The payoffs are described by a family of optional reward processes: z,(u;,<;T_.);<e5R+,t= 1,2, ...,7V, where r_, runs through payoff that player strategies i - l)-tuple of optional times. Interpret (A^ all receives in state w when employed by players other than Note that the value his strategy is T, z,{uj,t;T_,) to be the and T,{u) = t, if T-, are the t. a reward process "at infinity" specifies the payoff to a player ol if never stops. There are at least two possibilities depending on the nature of the game. First, a player does not receive any reward Second, if from time the value at time to time t if t when he never stops, we simply set 2,(w, +oc; T_,) = he if 0. of reward process represents accumulated payoffs a player receives he does not stop until time t, then a natural selection of the value at infinity is 2,(w,+oo;T_,) = limsup,_+^2,(a;, t;r_,). For an example of the second case, see Section In the 5. above two cases, it is easily verified that the reward processes as defined on 5R+ are optional and their values at infinity are measurable with respect to The Tea- following assumptions on reward processes will be Assumption 1 For any [N - l)-tupl£ optional times r_, we have E[2,{T,;T_,)] > -co. Moreover, there "ilt^.O > z,{u,t-T-,) for Assumption all {oj,t) e fi x this paper: and any bounded optional time m martingale^ is a = T, {m{t);t £ 9?+} such that ^+. The reward process 2,(w,/;T_,) 2 made throughout is upper-semi-continuous on the right and quasi-upper-semi-continuous on the left} Assumption 1 ensures that -oo < sup E[z,{T;T.,)] < +oo reT t € "The process m = {m{t);t G »+} S-)-, and £[m(t)| J,] = m(s) a.s. for it is is all a martingale t uniformly integrable. Thus E[m(T)|77.1 An optional process x we have lim8up„_„2(T -f- = {z[t);t l/n) < 6 S?+} > s. = m{T) is = 1,2,...,} increasing to t, it adapted to {I,;i £ !ft+}, £||m(/)|J < oo for all is defined on the extended positive real line, optional times t >T. is a.s. for m upper-semi-continuous from the right x[t) on the set {r said to be quasi-upper-semi-continuous on the left {Tn;ri if Note that since if < for limsup„_^i(T„) < if for every optional time t = {x{t);t 6 3? + } is and any sequence of optional times oo}. Similarly, an optional process z each optional time i(t). t 3 Existence of best responses for all T_,, which we optional times. The — oo at = t Theorem will formally state in usefulness of process satisfying Assumption the value 4 1 Assumption 1, where become 2 will T denotes the collection of clear later. Note that all reward a can be unbounded from above and from below, and can take +oo. Given the strategy of his T, that solves the following opponents T_,, the objective of player i is to find an optional time program: supE[r.(T;T_,)!. (1) TeT If such an optional time A Nash T, exists, we equilibrium of the stopping such that T, solves (1) for i = In this section game we is a best response to T_,-. an TV-tuple of optional times show that there always will Thompson (T,; «' = 1, 2, . Thompson's analysis some Our exists a solution to (1). , . . analysis closely follows that of This solulion Thompson [1971], players are allowed to use only the finitely-valued optional times. however, the admissible strategy space A') is composed of all the optional times. Our quite straightforward. For completeness of this paper is will [1971 . Here, generalization we shall provide details of this generalization. Note that Fakeev [1970] and Maingueneau [1976/77] also analyzed optimal stopping prob- lems by allowing non-finite optional times £'[sup( 2~(i;r_,)] dass D, that 1 is T, 1,2,..., A^. also be said to be a "best response." of sometimes say Existence of best responses 3 In will is, in a non-Markov setting. Fakeev [1970] required that < oo and Maingueneau [1976/77] worked with reward processes that random variables {z,{T\T-i);T and 2 admit processes that lie G T} are uniformly integrable. are of Assumptions outside the framework of Fakeev [1970] and Maingueneau [1976/77]. We proceed first with some definitions. Definition 1 A regular supermartingale {X{t);t G !R+ } is an optional process so that for any bounded optional time T, E[X-{T)]<^ and for all optional times S >T, E[X{S)] is (2) well-defined and E[X{S)\7t] < X{T) a.s. (3) 3 Existence of best responses Remark 1 Out 5 definition of a regular supermartingale Mertens /1969, Theorem include values at infinity. of a regular supermartingale have right The regular supermartingale defined right. An Y{u), and Y optional process > W{uj,t) t) is for all (w, said to t) left generalization of Merten [1969J to is a shown l] has limits and that almost all of the paths are upper semi-continuous W above the optional process lie same in Definition 1 also has the outside a subset of nx 9?+ the characteristics. y > denoted by , from whose projection on n is of H', if P-measure zero. A Y regular supermartingale W an optional process Y > i( W is minimum the and ii X regular supermartingale (MRS) lying above >W for any other regular supermartingale then A', X >Y. The exists a following proposition shows that, for any MRS G ^+} t G 9f+, and < 6 9?+}- \)-tuple of optional times T_,, there exists a G lying above the reward process {z,{t;T-,);t , right-continuous on the set {[iu,t) and - l)-tuple of optional times T^,, there lying above the reward process {2,(<; T_,); Proposition 1 For any [N — {Y,{t;T-,);t (A'^ G Q X 3?+ : Y,{uj,t;T-t) > 2,(0;, t; ^-, } . MRS, The MRS denoted by Y,{T-,) T-,)}. Moreover, fix f is > let 7, Then P{t, < 00} = 1 = > inf{s t : 2.(s;T_,) > y;(s;T_.) - e}. and E\Y,{u-T.,)\Tt] =y.(t;T_.) a.s. Proof Put z^{t-T.,) The by process z^[T-,) M. is Dellacherie and Meyer [1982, Now y.(<;T_.) We < V< G ^+. bounded above by a martingale by Assumption Y-^{T-i) lying above 2,^(T_,). for all = m^x[z,{t-T.,),-M\ Appendix I, Theorem 22] 1 and is bounded below shows that there exists a MRS define = essinf{y,^(t;T_.);M=l,2,...} G ^+ claim that Yi{T-i) optional. Second, Zi{T-i), for any is the MRS lying above z,[T-,). First, we show that Yf{T-,) is it is easy to see that }\(T-,) a regular supermartingale. Since Y,{T^,) bounded optional time T, E[|y,(T;T-,)|] < 00 by Assumption 1. lies Next is above let T Existence of best responses 3 6 and 5 be two optional times with T < By Assumption S. £'[7,(5; T_,)] 1, is strictly less than +00. Moreover, < E{Y,'^{S-T_,)\Tt] E[Y,{S-T_,)\Tt] < yA^(T;T_.) where the from the as. for fact that Y/^{T-,) M Now is 7.(7; T_,) a.s. from similar arguments of Lemmas 2.2 and 4.2-4.5 of I [1971]. define an optional time r.(T_,) The = a regular supermartingale. rest of the cissertion follows Thompson 1,2,... a regular supermartingale. Relation (4) implies that is E[Yi{S;T-i)\TT] < essinf r,^(T;T_.) The N= inequality follows from the definition of y,(T_,) and the second inequality follows first Thus Y,{T-i) all following Theorem is = inf{i e 5R+ : Y,{t;T.,) = z,{t;T^,)}. i. Moreover, our main theorem of this section. 1 T,(T_,) is a best response to T_, for player £[y.(0;T_,)] = sup E{z,{T-T^,)] TeT and E[\Y,{0;T_i)\] < Proof Fix n > oo. and let T„ = inf{s > : y.(s;r_.) < 2.(s;T_.) + -}. n By Proposition 1, ?„ is finite a.s. and E[y,(r„;T_.)l By the hypothesis that that y,(r_,) is z,{T_,) is = ^[r.(0;T_.)]. (5) upper-semi-continuous on the right (Assumption right-continuous on the set {Yi[s;T-,) > 2,(s;T_,)} (Proposition have ^[^.(r„;T_.)] > E[Y,(t„;T-,)] 1 - n E{Y,{0-T-,)] - 1 n > 1 sup E\z,[T-T^,)] TeT " 1), 2), the fact and (5) we Existence of best responses 3 Letting n —> oc and noting that sup E[z,{T-T^,)] > E[z,{r„-T_,)] Vn, TeT we get sup E[z,{T-T-,)] = ElY,{0-T-,)]. (6) TeT Moreover, Assumption < implies that £[|yj(0;T_,)|] 1 oo. These are the second and the third assertions. Next put r' < t' = We T,{T_,). limnTn. The limit is well-defined since t„ increasing in n. is > lim E[^.(r„;T_.)] n—OO = £;[y,(0;T_.)] > E[r.(7';T_.)], where the second inequality follows from the hypothesis that continuous on the left. It = Recall from above that E{\Yi{0;T-,)\] < r' = assertion. The in T,{T^i). By (6), it E[Y,{t';T-,)] = Therefore oo. follows that T,{T-,) (T_,) is quasi-upper-semi- is it E[Y,{0-T-,)\. must be that z,(r';T_,) = a best response to T^,. This Y,{t';T-,) is the first I following propositions give Section 2, then follows that E[z,{r';T-,)] and clear that have E[Y,{T';T^,)]>E{z,{r'-T-,)] a.s. It is some properties of a best response which we will find useful 4. Proposition 2 Fix T_,. Let above £,(T_,). t, be a best response for player t and let Yi{T-,) be the MRS lying Then y.(7.;T_.) = z.(r.;T_,) a.s., (7) and hence T,{T_,) Proof By lies above the fact that F,(T_,) 2,(T'_,), is we have, almost < T, a.s. a regular supermartingale, (8) r, is a best response, surely, £ly.(r.;T_,)] < E[r.(0;T_.)] = E{z,{t,;T_,)] < E\Y,{t,;T_,)], and V, (7"_,) 3 Existence of best responses 8 where the equality follows from the second assertion of Theorem E[y.(0;T_.)] It then follows from Y,{T-i) > z,{T-i) = E[y.(r.;T_.)l and the a.s. y,(7-,;T_,) This = = 1 . Hence E[z,{t,-T.,)]. last assertion of 2,(r,;T_,) Theorem 1 that a.s. is (7). By the definition oi T,{T-i), we then have T,(T_i) < a.s., t, which is (8). I Note that (7) says that Yi{T-t) meets 2,(r_,). 2,(T'_,), This Ti{T_i) is the any best response to T-, r Since T,{T^i) by definition minimum is must be the random times the best response for player i, time that Y,{T_,) which equal to is given that his opponents play T.,. is (8). The following proposition shows that a best response t, chosen by player to be optimal at any optional time S as long as at S player Proposition 3 Let {'« first at > S) r, , is a r, be a best response to T_, and let S at time continues has not stopped according to » be » r, an optional time. Then on the set solution to sup E{z,{r;T_,)\rs]. t€T,t>5 Proof If the event Suppose therefore that B = B is 0, is nothing to prove. there exists an optional time ? > S as. such that is of zero probability, there of a strictly positive probability. Suppose that the assertion P[B) > > 5} € Ts {r, is false. Then where B = {<^eB: E{z,{t-T_,)\Ts] > E\z,{r,;T_,)\rs]. Define ^ It is eaisily verified that t' is T,{u) Uujen\B; f[u) liujeB. I ^'^^ \ an optional time and E{z,{t'-T^,)]> E[z,{t,-T.,)], a contradiction to the hypothesis that r, is a best response to T_,-. Hence the assertion follows. Naish equilibria 4 Nash 4 when have a monotone structure z,'s equilibria we In this section will players satisfy certain when show that there monotone 2;,'s 9 have a monotone structure Nash equilibrium when the reward processes exists a of structures. Consider the following eissumptions: Assumption Zi{ijj,t;T-i) — There exists 3 — There exists - There exists 5 r,(w,f';T_,) Assumption Q e T and hotels gather higher demand game. This Denoting by is T^ 1, "^ is be referred to a 3: if for if r, = is eis > t' 1 and for u e Q, t, t' G ^+ and t > t' 1 and for t, t' E and t > t' oj in the e fl, !R+ game, the higher the "incremen- Assumption Assumption satisfy for, say, oligopolists facing a fixed 5 a strengthening of Assumption is Assumption 4 is the $ well-defined. Since = demand func- Examples 4. 3 or 4 can be found in Section 5. the collection of A''-tuple of optional times, we define <I> : T' >—» T' as (T.(T_.)).'li. specifies best responses for players, it will sometimes a reaction mapping. 5, a.s. for all said to be $(r) and S' The t Being clustered together, they can generate a more natural assumption i' = 1,2, . . . , = $(5) — t A'^. any two A^-vectors of Markov times mapping $ t' > e ^+ and a player's incremental reward decreases the longer his opponent stay For two A'^-vectors of optional times > 5 t' such as convention business for hotels. $(T,,...,r;v) r t, u; game. For example, we often observe departnient in the games having reward processes that By Theorem e h, opponents stay nearby locations. in tion for the industry as a whole. of and for decreasing in T-i. is strictly for their services converse of Assumption P{Q) = with 3 says that the longer his stores in the P{h) - with Q e 7 reward a player gets by staying tal" 1 z,[oj,t']T^t) is nonincreasing in T-i. Assumption Zi{ijj,t]T-,) P(n) = with Zi[oj,t';T-,) is nondecreasing in T-,. Assumption 4 Zi[LL),t,T-i) Q e T t t' < . . ,Tfi) and S The mapping $ > S, monotone decreasing implies [ri,. if r' for = is = (S,, . . said to be $(r) and 5' ,5^-), . we denote by monotone increasing = ^{S) imply t' > S' any two A^-vectors of Markov times . r The > S S' following proposition shows that monotone decreasing under Assumption $ 4. is monotone increasing under Assumption 3 and is Nash 4 when equilibria Proposition 4 $ if Assumption > S. Let t' = monotone increasing is Assumption S if that Assumption 3 and 5' $(7-) = [^.•(5,';r_.) - some {.; where we have used the < z.(r.';r_.)]l^ > on a S'- S,' E[z,{Sl-S_,) - r,(r,';5_,)l.';.]U > A G (see, e.g., Dellacherie Tj' r' a.s. It is = = where we have used the minimum (9) and where rest of the assertion follows The following 2 We on the is claim that E[z,{tI- is S_,)U + z.{Sl\ E[z,{S[S-,)\A + and Meyer [1978, Theorem set A. (9) an optional time and a, is a best cr, < S-, response to 5_,. To the first 5-,)^^] z,[SlS^,)\A^Jr' E\z,{S[-S_i)\, A'^ denotes H \ >4. This best response to 5_,; see Proposition The Theorem a.s. 0, Thus 3. easily checked that a, = E is z,(t,';5_,) measure. 5_.)]U. that E[z,{a,- 5_.)] S[ = surely, on both sides of the above relation gives T^' > fact that A z.(r,'; £;[2.(5,';r_.)-2.(r,';r_.)|^r'llA set of strictly positive we note see this, = ct, - > £[2,(5,-; S_,)|.%.') ^ monotone decreasing we know, almost 3 [z.(S:;5_.) IV. 56]), where the inequalities follows from Proposition Oi is 5.'} By Assumption i. Taking conditional expectations with respect to define and $(5). Suppose the set of strictly positive mear-jre for Now valid is Choose two A^-vectors of optional times satisfied. is A= is 10 is valid. 4 Proof Suppose T have a monotone structure z,'s 2. from similar arguments. main theorem is a contradiction to the fact that Thus A must be of measure I of this section: There exists a Nash equilibrium of the stopping game under Assumption S. zero. Nash 4 Proof Suppose complete have a monotone structure z,'s that Assumption 3 T^ mapping from ing when equilibria lattice. It to is satisfied. 11 From Proposition 4, <C> is monotone a Proposition VI.1.1 of Neveu [1975] implies that (T'^',>) itself. then follows from Tarski's fixed point theorem (see Tarski [1955]) exists a fixed point for <^. easily verified that the fixed point It is increas- is a tliat is a there Nash equilibrium. I A stopping game we have 2,(u;,t;T_,) measure zero. = A Nash Under Assumptions exists a is 3, symmetric said to be if any for (A^ 2j(w,t;T_,) except on a subset of equilibrium {Ti)f_^ is fi - l)-tuple of optional limes T_, x !R+ whose projection to a symmetric equilibrium if T, — T, a.s. for H is of all i,j. the following theorem shows that, in a symmetric game, there always symmetric equilibrium. Theorem 3 Suppose that Assumptions S are satisfied. Then there exists a symmetric Nash = $;(T__,) a.s. for equilibrium in a symmetric stopping game. PROOF Let D= and all F let where t,,;', ^ be the restriction of <I>, denotes the eT^ {T to D. theorem. D is a complete The lattice. for each T e of $. Therefore, show that F similar to the proof of Proposition 4 verified that Note that component t'-th -.T,^ T, a.s.Vi,;} cissertion is D, $,(T_,) F maps D monotone Arguments into D. increasing. It is also easily then follows from the Tarski's fixed point I In the next theorem we specialize our model to the case where the number of players equal to two. In this case, there exists a Nash equilibrium under Assumption Theorem 4 Suppose that N = Then 2. 4. Nash equilibrium under Assumption there exists a is ^ for the stopping game. Proof From the Proposition component t'-th 4, of ^{T). composite mapping $i o $2 we know $ It is : T : T'^ i— T^ is monotone decreasing. Let easily seen that $,'s are •—> It is monotone increasing G T such that ^i{^2{Ti)) Even metric in the two player = Tj. Hence case, there game under Assumption 4; for since then follows from the Tarski's fixed point theorem (see Tarski [1955]) that there exists a fixed point of the composite mapping, that Ti (r_,) be monotone decreasing. Consider the T. This composite mapping $1 and $2 are monotone decreasing. <I>, may (Tj, <f>2(7'i)) is a Nash equilibrium. is, there exists I not exist a symmetric Nash equilibrium for a sym- an example of nonexistence see Huang and Li [1987]. 4 Ncish equilibria when have a monotone structure z,'s Note that we only consider pure strategy equilibria symmetric equilibrium strategies are allowed. Nash equilibrium following theorem, however, shows that for a general is 4 if that a mixed there exists a symmetric if game under Assumption player symmetric A'^ Our conjecture paper. in this symmetric stopping game under Assumption exists for a The 12 5 and if the reward processes satisfy a separability property, then this equilibrium must be the unique symmetric Nash equilibrium. Theorem 5 Suppose that Assumption 5 is equilibrium in a symmetric stopping game. and satisfied Then this that there exists a Nash equilibrium is symmetTic Nash the unique symmetric equilibrium provided that reward processes satisfy the following condition of separability: T,S G T^~^ and t =S B€ on a set a.s. Zi{u,,t;T) Proof Let to an element of T By Theorem . 1 , almost surely = z,{oj,t;S)yte^+yoje T^ be a mapping from "I* ', then to this all r' < S' To . see this, we suppose of strictly positive probability for (^.(r;;r_.) - some 2,(5,'; r_.)) i. U {rl k(r:;r-.) - where we have used the The is left side Now let fact that of the relation strictly positive and T' ,T' e D 2.(5,'; is is r_.)l.vl Ia A £ > S a.s. > and r' claim that £ < < {z.irl^S-,) 5, monotone - z,iS';S.,)) surely, 1^. 7^' gives E Uirl-S.,) - Ts' (see Dellacherie a contradiction to Proposition # is and S' G '^{S) we '^{t) we know almost ^.(5.'; 5_.)j.vl U, and Meyer [1978, Theorem IV.56J). nonnegative almost surely by Proposition and T* ^ 5.'} By Assumption Taking conditional expectations with respect to E t We the best responses all that the set A = is well-defined. is decreasing in the sense that for two optional times have B. the subsets of T'^ that gives mapping If 3. Hence the right side 3. T' be two symmetric Nash equilibria. We will show that this leads to contradiction by considering three cases. Case T' 1: T* < T' a.s. Since T' and T' are Nash equilibria, e *(r'). The monotonicity of * implies that T' > T' we must have T' e *(T") and a.s., hence T' = T' a.s.. This a contradiction. Case 2: T' previous case. < T' . Using the monotonicity of 'i' , we have a contradiction similar to the 4 Nash equilibria Case 3: fe when have a monotone structure z,'s P{T' < T'} e (0,1). *(T). By the monotonicity of * and T > T Let B= {T' T = Define and a.s. < T'}. By Dellacherie and Meyer T,' is 3, equality. T'_^ That and since T > T' T a lattice, E *(T") and T' E D. Let E *{T'), we know a.s. Theorem IV. 56], = lB^[^.(7;';r_.)|.Vl < lBE[z,{f,;T^,)\7r] = lBElz,(f,;ri.)17j-;], BE We It-- have , Proposition 3 implies that the above inequality = lBE[z,{f,-T'_,)\Tr] a.s. (10) define ^ ^'^^-\ where [1978, is is lBE\z,{T:-T'_,)\7r] Now we T > T* D and the second equality follows again from the separability assumption. Since a best response to must be an Since . equality follows from the separability assumption, the inequality follows from first Proposition ^T' the fact that T' lB^[^.(T;;T^)|/rl where the T' 13 B'^ = Q\B. Dellacherie and Since Meyer BE [1978, Tt- "^ ^f,'^^ Theorem f(a;) 's ifuEB^, easily verified that IV. 53]). We T° is a optional time (see, claim that T° E *(T). To see e.g., we note this, that E[z,{T:;T^,)] = E\lBZi{T°;T.,) = E[lBZ,iTl;T^,)+lB'Z,{f,-T_,)] = E[1b2.(T.;T_.) = ^[r.(T.;T_.)], where the third equality follows from implies that T° > T' a,s., 1. We + B must thus conclude that T' = T' lB'Z,{T°;T^,)\ 1b^^.(T'.;T_,)! Hence we proved our claim that T° E *(T). This by the monotonicity of *. contradiction. Therefore the set Case (10). + But on the set have a zero probability and T' > as. and there is B, T° = T\T' ^ T' T' a unique Nash equilibrium. . < T', a This is I 5 Two Two 5 we symmetric, there Assumption games two continuous time duopolistic stochastic will consider Assumption satisfies 14 duopolistic exit In this section is games duopolistic exit and thus has a Nash equilibrium by Theorem 3 Nash equilibrium by Theorem a symmetric is Let the probability space and filtration be as specified X= I and = The 1,2. In the first {W{t);t G ^+} adapted game, to F. there is that the |7r,j| demand is natural to require that t,2(V^(<)) example we gave for firm is > We bounded. higher W when firm's in the market and are indexed problem is to find an profits. for firm t for firm t : when it t when there are two is interpret A' to be the industry to be that when the only demand there are two firms Thus there are two firms in the market. jr,i(X(<)) for t = the in it The reader can think about the 1,2. Section 4 on department stores and hotels clustering together to generate in demand. Given that a higher expected be the profit rate at time only one firm in the industry and Assume industry. let 7r,2(^V(<)) risk neutral A r. satisfies There are two processes 2. There are two firms a constant denoted by its The second game Section be the profit rate at time let ;r,i(A'(<)) Suppose that firms in the market. is maximize the present value of firm in the market and is = riskless interest rate exit time in order to when W game this if first 4. beginning of both games. These two firms are sissumed to be at the by e^+} {X{t)]t in games. The In addition, 2. 3. and therefore has a Nash equilibrium by Theorem 5 exit its competitor exits at the optional time T, the reward process is t = z,{io,t-T) /o'^^'^'e—V,2(Vy(a;,s))ds+/' c-";r„(X(u;,5))cf5, te^^, (11) = limsup(_+^ Zi[u},+oo\T) This reward process It satisfies 7rjy(-) by = when absolutely continuous on [0,+oc) and adapted and therefore optional. Assumptions n2]{') for Theorem Now is j = z,{uj,t\T). 1, 2, and 1,2, this is 3, and there exists a Nash equilibrium by Theorem a symmetric consider the second game. that game, the there is a When symmetric Nash equilibrium 3. Let ;r,j(A(<)) be the profit rate firm there are j firms in the market and Assume game and 2. |7r,j(-)| total is demand bounded. here natural that a firm's profit require ;r,i(A'(<)) > is is firm «' is still in Also interpret X[t) to be the demand. when it is a duopoly than receives at time when it in is Unlike the market. in t = 1,2. the first the market, where j independent of the number of firms lower n^2{X{t)). when i Thus it a monopoly. Hence is we 5 Two duopolistic exit Given that its games 15 competitor exits at the optional time T, the reward process of firm i is (12) = limsup,^^^ Zi{u>,+oo;T) This reward process can be z,{uj,t;T). verified to be optional and satisfies Assumptions 1, 2, and 5. ll then follows from Theorem 4 that there exists a Nash equilibrium of this duopolistic exit game. 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