HD28 .M414 9/ 3&* mm* ALFRED P. ^v 7: 11 iwi N WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Cognitive Complexity and CAD Systems: Beyond the Drafting Board Metaphor David Robertson Karl Ulrich Marc Filerman WP# 3238-91-MSA January 1991 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 Cognitive Complexity and CAD Systems: Beyond the Drafting Board Metaphor David Robertson Karl Ulrich Marc Filerman WP# © 3238-91-MSA January 1991 1991 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology 50 Memorial Drive 02139 Cambridge, MA Acknowledgement The research described in this paper was performed at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and at the MIT Sloan School of Management. Support for the laboratory's research is provided in part by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense under Office of Naval Research contract N00014-85-K0124. Additional support for this research was provided by the MIT Leaders for Manufacturing Program, an educational and research partnership between MIT and eleven major U.S. corporations. In addition to the authors, Daniel Berkery and Jeremy Yung were members of the team that performed this work. M IT. LIBRARIES MAR 1 1 1991 ABSTRACT Computer- Aided Design (CAD) systems can and should support and enhance the product development process. Unfortunately, the benefits delivered by current We believe that CAD systems should be systems have not met users' expectations. designed to minimize the cognitive complexity facing the engineer; CAD systems should be easy to use and should help the engineer manage design-related complexity. A series of propositions are developed which refine these ideas. To evaluate the central propositions, we constructed a prototype CAD system for the The user of the system is provided design of blanked and bent sheet metal parts with a hand-held input device which interprets actions of the user's hands as . production operations on a CAD representation of the part. The user creates sheet metal parts by bending, stretching, pushing, and moving the input device. The system was demonstrated who provided to engineers, engineering managers, and researchers, ideas for future enhancements. Reactions to the demonstrations of Although we have used sheet metal as an example domain, we believe these ideas can be applied in a broad array of design contexts. the system have helped evaluate the concepts behind the system. 1. Introduction Computer-Aided Design (CAD) systems should support and enhance development process. Given the complexity of product development, which may The complexity conflict. of the product cognitive complexitv for the engineer; amount in many Product development entails balancing difficult task. this is a constraints, some of development process leads must mentallv juggle to a large This cognitive complexity can lead to a situation of important information. which important design the engineer the product factors are not considered and The failures result. consequences of such failures can be economically punishing or even tragic (such as the Kansas City Hyatt disaster [Petroski 1985]). Unfortunately, available CAD manage systems add to the model CAD a design. Indeed, because they are hard to use, that complexity. complexity facing the engineer. of the design modify and the CAD system. This Yet for many Our command syntax command to create or and idiosyncratic is and memorization to learn and use Report 1990). central argument is that CAD systems should help minimize the cognitive complexity facing the engineer. More specifically, should 1) assist in accomplish we argue that managing design-related complexity and this goal, • utilize To the is syntax must be manipulated systems, this many Between the engineer's mental representation of that design command unintuitive, requiring a great deal of training (CAD of the currently systems do not reduce the complexity facing the engineer nor help the engineer syntax of the many we argue that CAD a production-like design 2) CAD be easy to use. To systems should: metaphor, • evaluate designs with respect to the performance criteria, • embed • automate well understood design • incorporate natural mappings in their controls and display. test systems well understood geometrical constraints, our ideas, we have tasks, built a prototype and CAD system bent sheet metal parts. The user of the system is for designing blanked and provided with a hand-held input device that interprets the three-dimensional actions of the hands in real time as production operations on a visual display of the part. Using the system, the user creates sheet metal parts device. by bending, stretching, pushing, and moving the input In the four remaining sections of this paper, design and CAD systems we provide background on technology, propose a set of ideal characteristics, describe a CAD we system ive built, CAD engineering system and discuss the results and implications of our research. 2. Background: Product Development and CAD Systems Design can be thought of as a multiple objective, constraint satisfaction problem. must achieve many diverse performance Typically, successful designs satisfy targets and competing constraints. For example, designing a gas turbine engine may involve meeting customer-specified performance criteria such as thrust, fuel consumption, cost, and weight. Individual engine parts may have design and constraints such The part should be as rigid as possible. • Stiffness. • Stress. • Temperature • Geometry. The part must attach • Producibility. at the objectives as: The part should not resistance. fail under the design The part should have load. satisfactory material properties operating temperature. to a specified interface and not interfere with adjacent parts. Note The part should be producible, preferably that in general there criteria to be traded is no overall objective function existing equipment. that allows how much For example, off against another. on one of the production cost is another unit of stiffness worth? Also note that some of the constraints are firm and can not be violated under any circumstances must never exceed the (for example, the stress on the part yield stress) while others are soft necessary (parts that cannot be made and can be violated if with existing production equipment can be supplied by a vendor). Given the number and complexity of the is designs optimized along to criteria and constraints, the design process usually one of satisficing (Simon 1981) rather than optimizing. Only rarely are more than one or two myopically improve the design with respect the constraints until the design [1984] for an example of this). is satisfactory Much criteria. to Rather, the usual process one constraint, then from all (see Calkins of the justification for CAD is iterate across and Ishimaru system purchases is based on potential improvements to the well-known Many design managers hope that process that will 2.1 CAD Systems Many articles make it CAD just by CAD. systems will enable changes in the design less iterative, less have detailed to design process, not myopic, and more productive. Use from the application been shown to the effectiveness of this efficiency gains in particular tasks that are enabled of have arisen stories of large productivity benefits that CAD technology to engineering work. CAD systems have reduce design time (Fitzgerald 1987, Bull 1987, Teresko, 1988, 1990, Manji 1989, Frangini 1990), reduce design costs (Smith 1982, Dutton 1986, Fitzgerald 1987, Lansiaux 1987, Krouse et al. 1989), and improve design quality (Crombez Eade 1988, Vasilash 1988, DeMatthew 1989, Velloci and Childs literature also details stories of unmet expectations and daunting successful deployment (Majchrzak to revolutionize the and Salzman 1989). Problems have included software defects, slow 1990). the technology are quite mixed leads to the conclusion that a a most current that CAD of use is by of drafters serving a CAD systems 1 But the continued use of due CAD of their time systems are (CAD CAD literature . (CAD Report 1990). Many companies have traditionally had group of engineers; the engineer would sketch or detailed drawing. most 25% of the drafters, not engineers otherwise specify the design geometry for the drafter, to the fact that Manager's opinions of ergonomic and organizational issues have true partially for historical reasons. group Any review (Farrar 1987). number hindered the successful deployment of is obstacles to Systems that were expected learning curves, and complex user interfaces (Salzman 1989). This 1988, Yet the product development process delivered only meager improvements (Adler Note 1990). CAD who would then produce a systems primarily by drafters difficult to learn and use. Engineers use Report 1990). The memorization of is also CAD at CAD commands many situations a CAD specialist (e.g. drafter) is (CAD Report 1990). We believe that engineers could effectively use CAD systems much more than they do, but mastering the systems is currently too time-consuming a task for many engineers. and syntax needed 1 is so difficult that in to operate the system See, for example, the special issues of devoted to CAD /£££ Transactions on Engineering Management systems (August and November 1989). We argue that the difficulties are partially rooted in designed CAD to systems are difficult to recent advances in CAD Advances in use for design. CAD systems technology technology We are not the only researchers and in these is a two problem review of some areas. Systems Technology: Supporting Engineering Several recent advances have allowed We CAD systems have historically been have noticed these problems. Following to work. CAD support the drafting function, not engineering design. As such, most system developers 2.2 experienced in effectively deploying two major problems: CAD discuss three such advances: systems to better support engineering rule-based parametric design, integration of design and analysis packages, and feature-based design. Voelcker and his colleagues (1988) provide a The first comprehensive survey of these and related technologies. of these, rule-based parametric design, allows the part geometry for specific families of parts. Several CAD tools that allow engineers or tool developers to integrate commands with automated generation of vendors have developed geometric modeling other types of problem-solving tools like object-oriented programming languages and rule-based systems. These development of special-purpose tools have enabled the tools for particular types of design tasks. may example, a firm that manufactures cutting tools develop a CAD For application that automatically produces a tool design from a specification of the required removal rate, geometric constraints, workpiece material, and coolant. The second advance, better integration of design and analysis packages, lets the user quickly analyze the mechanical or thermal stresses on a part, as well as the kinematic behavior of a part. Improved interfaces between design and analysis packages make such analysis possible with the original part geometry and relatively little extra work. This allows the engineer to perform analyses on many more design variations. Feature-based design provides the engineer with design primitives based upon part features such as holes, slots, bosses, or flanges. composed These primitives are typically of several lower-level geometric primitives and so increase the speed with which part geometry can be specified. The features are also easier to remember. Further, the features often correspond to manufacturing processes, so that the design of a part more closely matches the production of that part. 2.3 Advances in CAD Systems Technology: CAD Interfaces There has been some research on improving the interface between the user and the CAD Pentland (1987) developed a sketching tool called "Super Sketch" system. which allows users The virtual slider bars. "lumps" to lumps to create visual images by deforming "parametric lumps of clay" and deformed using of clay are manipulated a mouse change to The user can perform Boolean operations on an arbitrary number Other research efforts have focused on input devices shared by these researchers is that creating Polhemus 3Space input device2 . for CAD systems. The premise and manipulating three-dimensional images requires three dimensional controls. Several teams have used the This device uses low frequency magnetic waves to provide the three-dimensional position and orientation of a sensor relative stationary source. VPL mounted display device world. to . The "Eyephone" that provides the user with a stereoscopic The Polhemus sensor tracks in the virtual a user's hand system to this images hands (Schmandt in a virtual stereoscopic Polhemus, 3 VPL Inc., Research, their a glove When used together, with a virtual world. 3-Draw (Roberts et al. 1986) Redwood It has objects. 1983). world that Colchester VT. Inc., is is in a "Magic Wand" that With his is held in system a user can paint 3-D projected into a space in front of the Other systems which allow sketching and visualization three dimensions are the Workstation (Waldern 2 to interact Polhemus sensor a like a pencil user by two monitors. world with kind of interface could be used in conjunction with a manipulate three-dimensional Schmandt has incorporated the user's of each of the joints in the hand. and DataGlove" enable users been hypothesized that CAD a virtual that produces signals corresponding to the position of the and the angles the "Eyephone" a head- view of The "DataGlove" absolute position and orientation in the real world. user's wrist is 3-D head movements and enables the computer match the viewer's position and orientation worn on to a Research in California has incorporated Polhemus devices "Eyephone" and "DataGlove" products 3 in their of obtain the desired geometry. City, CA. 1989) systems. and the Interactive Graphics in Finally, NASA has developed the 3-D "Sensor Frame" input device that senses and orientation finger position (NASA 1989). volume in a in front of the CAD This device could be used as a computer monitor input device that allows designers to "sculpt" virtual parts simply by moving their hands. 3. Propositions for Our goal for CAD CAD System Design system design We engineering tasks. CAD system to minimize the cognitive complexity suggested in the introduction that from the inherent properties the is we research, develop five propositions for CAD and system complexity- first characteristic influences task premise Humans have is that engineers need from the use of present the premises underlying our proposed Our complexity arises of engineering design tasks as well as In this section itself. this of system design, and discuss the way each a tool to assist in creating part geometry. severely limited short term memory limitation contributes to the sequential and satisficing character of design solutions (Simon capacity (Miller 1956). iterative nature of 1981). design and This to the Designers would be unable to design even the simplest parts without some form of external working memory. This was true long before the advent of computers: drawings, sketches, have been used to facilitate Our second premise does not have is that to (McKim design problem solving for centuries computers will be used to implement The external working memory required part geometry. and models 1980). tools for defining for design problem solving be stored, displayed, and manipulated by computer. (Many automobiles were designed with pencil and paper as recently as ten years ago, and some gas need turbine engines are to transmit and still designed on drafting boards.) Nevertheless, the distribute design data to many people, to store and reproduce designs, to evaluate and analyze designs using computer programs, incrementally edit designs tools Our make computers and to the likely vehicle for design support (Majchrzak and Salzman 1989). final premise is that dimensional view of the dimensional display (as CAD systems will display images representing a three- part. Researchers have opposed to several shown that a system with a three- two-dimensional views) increases the performance of users carrying out tasks which require the perception and understanding of spatial information (Bemis et al. 1988). This is especially true when the displays show frame images (Barfield 3.1 CAD surfaces, as surfaces are Systems Should Utilize a Production-Like The operating metaphor underlying a CAD system primitives and operations presented to the user. metaphor utilized the of the drafting board: manipulating lines and arcs pencil on more easily interpreted than wire- et al. 1988). much in the Design Metaphor is defined by the choice of Historically, with lines and arcs as a metaphor systems have drafters create part designs same way as they are There are several drawbacks a drafting board. CAD for constructing to by manipulated with a two-dimensional drafting three-dimensional part geometry. One problem is the detail of the primitives; constructing a simple block with a hole through it may require dozens of lines and arcs. Another problem is that lines and enough expressiveness arcs provide the designer with even physically to three arcs. to create parts that are Some commercial systems extend realizable. dimensions by allowing wire-frame images to the drafting not metaphor be constructed with lines and These systems suffer many of the problems of two dimensional systems. Constructive solid geometry modelers, which are designed around geometric primitives and Boolean operations on those primitives, provide the clear benefit of enforcing physical realizability- drawbacks for designing parts However, these modelers have some serious with complex curved surfaces (Pratt 1984, Computer Graphics World 1988). We believe that CAD systems should utilize the metaphor of a production process. A CAD system designed around this metaphor utilizes commands that correspond to production-like operations. For example, when designing a machined part, the engineer would use a milling-like operation to create a slot (Cutkosky and Tenenbaum 1987). types of parts, e.g. A strict it is squirting liquid plastic shape processes may production process metaphor is not appropriate for all not dear that providing the engineer the capability of would help design (e.g. casting, injection molded parts. In the case of net molding, or forging), the tooling fabrication processes be more appropriate choices for design operations. The production metaphor and ease of use. are likely to be offers several advantages in both supporting design tasks Parts designed through a series of manufacturing-like operations more producible than those designed through traditional CAD systems, freeing the engineer from constantly assessing the production implications make CAD Designing a of the design. the systems easier to learn. system around a production metaphor The commands are more easily will also remembered, as they relate to physical operations such as mill, bend, and cut. Both constructive solid geometry modelers and systems utilizing production process metaphors may in limit the geometrical expressiveness of the engineer. some cases be inconvenient. For example, when design paradigm would prevent designing a part by We sectional view. argue that this inconvenience is first This limitation interpreted rigidly, this constructing a cross- overshadowed by the advantages the metaphor provides. 3.2 CAD Systems Should Evaluate Designs many Successful part design requires satisfactory performance along dimensions. For even the simplest bracket, the criteria include cost, weight, stiffness, strength, and geometric interference. Rather than requiring engineers to constantly evaluate designs with respect to the performance display as much problem solvers example, when criteria, of this information as possible. if CAD systems should compute and We believe that engineers are good given adequate performance feedback on their designs. For designing an inner body panel for an automobile, a designer could be presented with the number of required dies, the cost of the tooling, the cost of the material for the part, the number of welds required to attach the part to its neighboring parts, and the contribution of the part to the torsional and bending This feature of stiffness of the vehicle. CAD systems would serve primarily the cognitive complexity facing the engineer. to certain criteria would be made by to ease Evaluations of the design with respect the system, and would be easily available to the engineer. 3.3 CAD Systems Should Embed Well-Understood Constraints Another way of reducing task complexity procedures of the CAD is to system. For example, if embed design a pocket is constraints in the being created in a block of material, the internal corner radii could be constrained to be greater than the minimum diameter end mill allowable for that operation. constrained to be far enough fit. away from a wall that the corresponding bolt In the simplest implementation of this idea, the allow certain operations if Similarly, holes could be CAD head will system simply does not they violate specified constraints. If the procedures of the CAD system thereby limit the degrees-of- freedom available to the engineer, the engineer can focus more attention on other issues. The idea embedding well understood of constraints in the from but compatible with the idea of designing the production metaphor. Many constraints that could be production operations, or are related For example, constraints on CAD how to a single CAD system is distinct system around a embedded are not related to company's production close holes can be placed to the edge capability. of a sheet metal part are different for laser-cut sheet metal than for blanked sheet metal. Thus a CAD system designed around a production metaphor should not enforce The implementation of the constraint. may embed 3.4 CAD CAD system at a certain this company, however, such constraints. Systems Should Automate Well Understood Design Tasks Many commercial CAD packages provide programming CAD commands to be chained together. In sequences of languages that allow this way well understood design tasks can be automated. Rule-based parametric design systems allow the automatic generation of part geometry from a series of design rules and basic These design rules can include rules relating parameters. to material properties, weight and cost minimization, production process limitations, and other constraints. Automation of design concentrate on 3.5 CAD more critical tasks, however it is done, frees the engineer to design issues. Systems Should Incorporate Natural Mappings in their Controls and Display There appear be strong similarities between the cognitive and the physical to manipulations of complex three-dimensional objects (Shepard and Metzler 1971, Shepard and Feng 1972). For example, if asked to compare two pictures of three- dimensional objects, a person will mentally "rotate" one of them in a manner analogous to the 1971). Humans way one would also rotate actual physical objects (Shepard lifetime of experience of physically manipulating objects in the world. that these characteristics of CAD human system design. In particular, and tactile We believe perception and action should be manifest in we believe that there should be an isomorphism between the physical manipulation of the part the spatial and Metzler have well-developed hand-eye coordination because of a as displayed manipulations of a user's hands. by the We CAD call this system and isomorphism a 10 natural mapping. would be A space. to For example, a natural move natural mapping mapping for elongating a for rotating a displayed object through a corresponding rotation a hand-held input device in displayed bar would be to stretch a hand- held object. Drilling a hole in a displayed part would be achieved by moving a hand-held much bit through the desired and remember (Norman easier to learn cognitive burdens imposed by 4. Controls structured in this fashion are trajectory. some existing 1988), CAD and thus from the free the user systems. The Prototype System We CAD built a prototype system and bent sheet metal part design to test This choice was motivated by three factors: ubiquitous part process technology, 2) We our key propositions. domain as a (an example part 1) sheet metal is is chose blanked shown metal part geometry simple enough that is system (we In this section will refer to it we we 1). an important and sheet metal parts exhibit some of the important problems associated with three dimensional part design, and ideas relatively easily. in Figure 3) sheet expected to be able to implement our describe our prototype sheet metal CAD as the system). o o 9J Figure 1: The major idea behind through spatial and Example blanked and bent sheet metal part the system tactile is invoke production-like design operations manipulations of a tool-like input device. the user literally bends, stretches, and moves the input device corresponding real-time modification screen. to to the sheet in In our system, space and sees a metal part displayed on the For example, to create a bend, the user positions an image of the input device on the image of the part by moving the physical tool in space (much like a three dimensional cursor) and then bends the hand-held input device while a bend I is ! displayed in the image of the part on the screen. (We will part the virtual part 4.1 and the image of the input device the image of the System Description The system has two major components: device, as designed. shown several 2. body section, momentary switches functions. may in Figure a display screen and a tool-like input The display screen shows an image of the part to be The input device (Figure section, the right 3) has three main components: the left body and the hinge assembly. Each body section contains that enable users to select The hinge assembly has two degrees be either rotated or translated relative Figure The call the virtual input device.) 2: the two body sections one another. The Prototype System. spatial position of the input device Polhemus 3Space sensor mounted to and perform desired design of freedom: is relayed to the system software by a in the right body half. This sensor measures the absolute position and orientation of the device in three dimensions. This 12 information is map required by the design functions to the virtual icon to the actual input device. Figure A 3: The Input Device small virtual input device icon, similar in shape to the actual input device, shown on the virtual sheet metal piece. which correspond to the The icon two halves of the tool. is composed This icon may of be two is rectangles, moved about the planes of the virtual material by the user. Operations are performed on the part at the position and orientation The system allows engineers of this virtual icon. to create parts by performing various production- like operations on the virtual piece of sheet metal using the tool. inputs received from the device are interpreted as function system's software. • The functions Tactile and spatial commands by the available to the user are: Bend: Pressing and holding the bend button on the input device and bending the two halves of the input device performs a bend position and orientation of the virtual icon. a change The bend function in the angle of the input device causes design representation. As the metal is bent, in the sheet metal at the is interactive; an associated change in the two physical constraints are in the sheet of • bend radius the given ensured: metal is Pulling apart the Stretch: added along the axis implemented and the amount is two body halves causes new sheet material determined by the virtual icon. same direction. simple stretch of metal. • number of edges and The resulting change provides more than a plane of the sheet and does not change in the vertices can be accomplished. the virtual icon axis in a manner function. Both stretch and shrink violate a appear be very useful. to all and moves those Shrink: Pushing the two body halves together causes sheet material removed along be Using the Stretch and Shrink functions, practically any deformation which occurs the to This function finds points of the sheet metal on one side of the virtual icon axis points in the of material conserved. strict to be similar to the stretch production metaphor, but Both stretch and shrink are natural and intuitive operations on a sheet of metal. • Cut: Pushing the cut button causes the icon to change to a red line anchored at the initial position of the icon. space, the cut line sheet metal. The cut has • Punch menu • a moves around As moves the input device in When the user releases the cut button, the cut width that is punch is implemented. preset by the user. (currently unimplemented): of the user the screen, but remains anchored to the Pushing the punch button outlines to appear on the screen. outline and places the center point can be moved The user in the desired place. will cause a selects the desired The punched hole interactively after initial placement. Move: Pressing and holding the move button allows users to move virtual icon along the planes of the virtual sheet metal design. and rotations in space are mapped to movements and the Movements rotations of the icon on the virtual sheet. • Lock: Pressing the lock button "locks" the virtual sheet to the icon, so that rotation of the input device causes rotation of the virtual sheet. This feature 14 is selected often by users understand the three-dimensional shape of to help the part being designed. Undo: Pressing • to the state The system has been many undo button the a vehicle for exploring other features and functions that be used to restores the geometry of the our central research ideas, but there are would be required before design parts in industrial practice. In particular, implemented any way part dimensions, 3) to 1) make curved cuts, 2) add dimensional information be incorporated into our system if it is to the system could we have not impose parametric values on the to geometry, or dimensional shop drawings from three-dimensional models. 5. virtual design preceding the most recently implemented function. 4) produce two- These features should be useful in an industrial setting. Discussion In this section we We prototype. highlight first what we believe are discuss what was learned from the construction of the how We efforts like these can be evaluated. the key features of the system. Finally, we propose then present a few directions for improvement. 5.1 Evaluating Prototype Systems To evaluate the system, we demonstrated it to engineers, and researchers. Benchmarking against commercial as the system lacks full CAD functionality. CAD engineering managers, systems We We good CAD systems will use the information gained in the demonstrations to to as The demonstrations early test of the system concept. plan to benchmark the system against commercial and inappropriate The demonstrations were valuable they elicited insightful and sometimes surprising comments. thus provided a is in the future. enhance the system develop hypotheses for benchmarking studies. Some of the key features of the system and some ideas for system enhancements that arose from the demonstrations are presented next. 5.2 Key Features of the System The two major advantages of use of the system over existing alternative concepts are ease and part producibility. The system is easy to use. Although we have not conducted any controlled experiments, we have observed that with one or two minutes of explanation, a novice user can create a producible sheet metal part We design with the system. attribute ease of use to the design of the input device. The system metaphor punch, and cut are directly analogous is system metaphor and of a production process. production operations for to the metal cutting combined with manual press brake bending. not have common Stretch CNC to the Bend, sheet and shrink do analogies for blanked and bent sheet metal parts, but they are This metaphor makes remembering the system intuitive physical operations. commands extremely simple and contributes to the ease of production of the resulting parts. The design of the input device also few operations natural that can be hand motions and bending the in part, device on the screen. makes the system easy to use. invoked by the user and they are visible button actions. moving the hands results in all There are only combination of a Bending the input device movement to Holding the cut button and moving the hands results modify a real part The undo feature further enhances The second major advantage and therefore are easy results of the virtual input cutting of the part. All of these actions are directly analogous to the might be used a way remember and to in a a real tool invoke. usability. of the system, part producibility, is ensured by both the production metaphor and by the production constraints. The production metaphor for design constrains the user possible combination of There to create physically realizable parts. commands is no that will result in a design with a face that is not closed or a line dangling in space. Production constraints also help to ensure that not only will the design be physically realizable, but that it can be made by the sheet metal process. The system imposes production constraints primarily in the bend When bending, the radius of the bend is specified by a program When the bend radius parameter is properly set, the user can not create bend radius that is not realizable by the bending process. An additional constraint function. parameter. a imposed by the system The goal is that bends can not be made across an existing bend. of imposing part producibility functions. With these functions, a flat sheet, e.g. a tab could be rest of the part. We it is was violated by the stretch and shrink possible to create a part that will not unfold to extended such that if unfolded decided to include stretch and shrink to it would overlap facilitate the modification 16 of part dimensions at the expense of this potential problem. by automatically monitoring can no longer be unfolded 5.3 This could be addressed condition and alerting the designer this when the part to a flat sheet. Suggestions for Improvement There are a number of ways sheet-metal-specific applies to • many We which the system can be improved. in improvements will discuss here, but believe that the substance of the ideas design domains. Intermediate part geometry: Sheet metal parts are formed by blanking (cutting) then bending. would Being able facilitate the view part geometry at perform operations on the unbent sheet metal part to design activity. In effect this an intermediate point would allow the designer to production process. in its Operations performed on either the bent or unbent sheet would cause changes in both sheets. This feature, for any CAD system, would allow the user to evaluate constraints which apply to parts at different points of the production process. • Performance evaluation: would help the engineer between scrap like stress • costs A model cost make and bending and weight, would of the sheet metal production process trade-offs costs. between cutting and bending, or Other types of performance evaluation, also be useful. Production constraints: The system, as currently implemented, has some default values for design operation parameters. bend radius is For example, a Similarly, a default cut width has also been defined. Other default characteristics for other functions could be defined system. For example, require a set minimum and incorporated some manufacturing processes distance between bends. and violations flagged. The within design constraints and is result is and perpendicularity on cuts This for sheet metal minimum into the bending distance could be that the user automatically operates made aware Another type of producibility constraint parallelism minimum defined and can be changed for different types of sheet metal. that of violations as they occur. might be useful is to impose and bends. This would make parts 17 easier to produce. feature might be • Automation: Since this constraint must often be violated in practice, this implemented may It and use the system amenable be possible automate some aspects of sheet metal design, to interface only for non-routine or other types of design not automation. For example, to some types as a user option. shape of the interfaces of the bracket (such as other parts, tubes, cables, The system could automate it is to other parts, as well as the other objects etc.) that the design of brackets in a given design, and leave the 6. possible to automate the design of by specifying the position, orientation, and of sheet metal brackets the bracket many more must not intersect with. of the simpler sheet metal difficult brackets to the engineer. Summary Engineering design is complex work involving the juggling of information, such as customer needs, process limitations, a great deal of and material constraints. This can lead to a situation in which engineers are overwhelmed by design complexity and do not catch and correct design flaws. Economically punishing and even We tragic failures can result. have argued that the complexity of design can be design knowledge into the functionality of the CAD complexity of CAD reduced by incorporating more system and by reducing the system operation. These goals can be achieved by utilizing a production-like design metaphor, by providing design evaluation, by well understood constraints, by automating detailed design tasks, incorporating natural mappings into the We prototype to built a research part producibility. enhancements Much input device combine to that, in an industrial make setting, Demonstrations of the prototype provided ideas for to the could be done It We believe that the production placed on the bend operation can contribute to enhanced system. to further ease the cognitive burden on the engineer. research and system development presented. We learned spatial-tactile the system very easy to learn and use. we system controls and display. test these ideas. metaphor and the ergonomics of our constraints like those CAD embedding and by would is needed to refine the design goals More we have also be valuable to apply these design goals in different contexts. 18 We believe that the resulting CAD systems will support the engineer more effectively, allowing a focus of attention on critical or creative design tasks. 19 Bibliography The Challenge of CAD/CAM." Managing Complexity in High Technology Adler, P.A. "Managing High Tech Processes: Glinow and Mohrman Organizations, New (ed.) in Von York: Oxford University Press, 1990. "The Mental Rotation and Perceived Realism J. Sanford and J. Foley. Computer-Generated Three-Dimensional Images." International Journal of ManMachine Studies, Vol. 29 (1988): pp. 669-684. Barfield, W., of Bemis, S.V., J.L. Leeds, and E.A. Winer. "Operator Performance as a Function of Type of Display. 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This equipped with is a CXP hardware 32-bit RISC -based graphics accelerator using an 8-bit frame buffer. A Polhemus 3Space device. Isotrak Sensor System 4 is embedded in the hand-held input This sensor transmits three-dimensional orientation and rotation information to the Sun computer's RS-232C serial port at 19200 baud. Inputs from the push-buttons and the bend sensor potentiometer on the input device are delivered to the computer through a Data Translation 1414 Interface Board. This VMEBus The input device board is equipped with relays both analog and a 12-bit analog-to-digital converter. digital data to the board. 4 Polhemus, Inc., Colchester VT. MOO !G5 computer through this Date Due jMt \i&* Lib-26-67 IIT 3 TOflO LIBRARIES DUPL 0D7D1S3D S