. i ^Hiey HD28 .M414 rvo- 34I(» COMPUTER-BASED DATA AND ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING: THE IMPORTANCE OF MANAGERS' STORIES David K. Goldstein April CISR Sloan WP WP 1992 No. 234 No. 3426-92 Center for Information Systems Research Massachusetts Institute of Sloan School of Technology Management 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02139 COMPUTER-BASED DATA AND ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING: THE IMPORTANCE OF MANAGERS' STORIES David K. Goldstein April CISR Sloan WP WP 1992 No. 234 No. 3426-92 ®1992 D.K. Goldstein Center for Information Systems Research Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology TSlT. UBRAHIhb JUL 1 6 1992 R£CfclVtU J .:i>mputcr-based data and oraaniz-aliotial Icamini; COMPUTER-BASED DATA AND ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING: THE IMPORTANCE OF MANAGERS' STORIES While many organizations are investing large amounts of money to provide computerbased data to their managers, little is known about how. or even whether, managers use these data to learn about the business environment. This issue is explored by examining how managers use supermarket scanner data to leam about changes in the Managers' stories play a central role in the four step process used by one product management organization as it learns from analyzing computer-based data. First, findings that contradict one or a manager examines the data and looks for unexpected results grocery product marketing environment. — more of her stories about the marketing environment. If carries out a relatively unstructured, multi-stage process to result. a surprise make is found, the manager sense out of the unexpected This process can be viewed as a dialogue between the result and a manager's disposal (including analyses of computer-based data). set of tools Next, the manager at the tells the and superiors, developing a common understanding. manager creates an official story, that is used to 'sell' new marketing approaches people outside the product manager organization the sales force and supermarket buyers. story to share her insights with peers Finally, the to — Keywords: Organizational Learning, Decision Support, Marketing Information. Managerial Learning, Stories, Storytelling -2- .ompuier-based data and organizational Icamina Introduction Making sense of the business environment has increased on their Victor, 1991). importance its becoming a more important organizational and technological changes increase environmental complexity and task, as rapid organizational dynamism (Boynton and is — the operations captured by This task computer. their is facilitated Organizations by the same phenomenon now have own, and sometimes access to detailed data customers', their processing systems. These data can play an increasingly significant role learning, by helping managers both to better in transaction organizational These understand the effect of their actions. managers can then react more rapidly and accurately to changes that customer needs or in competitor actions. While many organizations are investing large amounts of money based data to their managers, little is known about how, data to learn about the business environment. computer-based data only when investigate in organizations' individual their how managers learn The goal of learn about the (Simon, this paper the managers share My insights derive primarily to explore the role of Nonaka, 1991; environment and organize their insights both within is Since organizations learn then explore the role of computer-based data in managerial learning. how provide computer- or even whether, managers use these understanding of their world. members to 1991), their I will knowledge. Finally, I will first I will examine and outside the organization. from two sources — from studies of cognition in practice carried out by anthropologists and organizational researchers and from interviews with grocery product managers. from study in situ Managerial understanding of the environment a problem that can benefit — through the examination of how managers use computer-based data as part of their day-to-day work. artificial settings is Since cognition in practice differs significantly from cognition (Brown and Duguid. 1991; Lave, 1988), who have insights provided in by andiropologists studied problem solving in the workplace and by organizational (e.g., Orr, 1990) researchers who have observed managerial cognition (e.g., Isenberg, 1986) in practice will help us understand the role of computer-based data in managerial learning. The examination of product managers six relatively small (sales manufacturer. research is supplemented by interviews carried out with grocery product manufacturers. in from interviews with this Most of the data for this paper product managers and two information support personnel come at Butler', a under $2(X) million), independently run subsidiary of a major grocery These interviews were conducted as part of a larger study of the use ot computer-based data by product managers 'Company name at five grocery manufacturers (Goldstein and Cho, as well as details about specific products are disgxused. computer-based data and oreamzational leamine 1991; Goldstein. 1990; Goldstein and Zack. managers used a new data source what they learned from scanner data for the — purchased The their analyses. first 1989). focused on TTiey how product the data collected from supermarket scanners visit — and took place six months after Butler purchased time and three months after company-wide state-of-the-brand reviews (presentations it began using the data as part of to senior management on the status of each Butler product). Product managers are responsible for developing marketing programs (e.g., consumer promotions) for a particular product line (e.g., prices, plan marketing activities, introduce Computer-based data play a key role (McCann, 1986). Duncan Hines Brownie Mixes). new product varieties, They set and monitor competition. product managers' understanding of their environment in These managers integrate information produced by on their f~irm sales, shipments, and inventory, with purchased data on their and competitors' performance. The data available to product managers greatly increased when data became fifty U.S. regions on each category (e.g., baking mixes) available. These data included (e.g., Butler purchased, for retail volume sales price, percentage of merchandise sold its in supermarket scanner product managers, monthly data for each of in in which the company sold products. dollars and units, and promotion activity supermarkets with an end-aisle display or with a large These data were for each item or small ad in a supermarket circular). in (including both Butler and competitor products) with a unique Universal Product Duncan Hines Deluxe Brownie Mix). megabytes of data. By analyzing scanner price, They could data, product in (e.g., in the marketing 4Ps of the marketing mix — on sales for their and their competitors' The Role of Stories products. Managerial Learning Researchers have proposed several frameworks to describe understanding of their world. Code managers could increase the accuracy better understand the impact of the promotion, place, and product category Butler product managers could access hundreds of and timeliness of the feedback they receive about causal relationships environment. the how people organize their People have scripts (Schank and Abelson, 1977) that contain event sequences for frequently occurring actions, for example ordering a meal in a restaurant. They have schema (Minsky, 1975) based on its In addition, attributes, for that hierarchically structure example the characteristics of birds knowledge about a given topic and of a specific type of people have stories to organize their knowledge about experience (Schank, 1991). Stories are a type of narrative that contain settings, characters, a plot or conflict bird. and its resolution (Bower, agglomeration of several incidents. 1976). They can descnbe one Stories also have a moral -4- — with a problem —a rule, incident lesson, or an theme or computer-based data and oreanizatiotial ieamina inference general — that When understand current events (Martin, 1982). story (and from has derived person the moral This story. used is to a person hears a story, he tnes to match that moral) to one he already knows. its the he tlnds a match, he believes that he If understands the story (Schank, 1991). There ample evidence is They use stories. For example, people maintain some of their work-related knowledge as stories to understand their senior comparing them that world both within and outside the organization. managers develop a plausible to stories of specific previous events (Isabella, it knows about previous to stories she events by 1990; Isenberg, 1986). In announcement of a new product, an assessing the reasoning behind a competitor's early executive relates of current understanding She early product announcements. might remember a story about a comparable announcement by another company one year The earlier. was lesson of that story announcement was a market that the early signal. Therefore, she would determine that the current announcement served the same purpose. Similarly, photocopier technicians recall stories of previous repairs as they diagnose and correct copier malfunctions (Orr, Midwives in the Yucatan recall Stories are also used by workers in other cultures. 1990). and retell stories of births to determine how handle difficult to deliveries (Jordan, 1989). my In changes in the interviews with product managers, 4Ps of the marketing mix on they recalled stories about the impact of sales for their For and competitors' products. example, a manager might recall a story about a $10 per case wholesale price reduction, whose setting was the Phoenix region last September. The story's characters would be consumers, supermarket buyers, competitors, and members of the organization's sales force. would be a description of the rationale behind the price reduction (was competitor's action?) and the reaction to communicate the change and it be a that $10 price drop (how did in it Phoenix response to a by buyers (how much did they purchase and did they pass the savings onto consumers?), reduction?), and by consumers in plot by the sales force (how aggressively did they rationale to buyers?), its it Its by competitors (did they affect retail sales?). should only be The moral of used to match the story increase the might purchases by supermarkets, since they do not pass the savings onto consumers. As a second example, consider company this story told that recently introduced a line that directly [The competitive line] bad by a Butler product manager about a competed with her product: better distribution. This was their Gist refrigerated product and they paid top dollar to get into the dairy case, but having problems. Philadelphia. now they're They are losing distribution in the West Coast and They have two strong and two weak items in their line, while in we computer-based daia and oraamzational leaminc have three strong and one weaA' volume per store distribution. (Sales In this story, at the 1) which the items are carried./ in The is not doing well with Other characters competitor. The was setting plot described the to stock the four items in its the competitor — the the various regions. time of the product introduction. convince supermarkets lessons: m new product company's attempts The line. new product and this the U.S. grocery is all had two vulnerable; 2) of the competitor's items and stock more of Butler's items. Another key characteristic of the above story general — is Not only do we know detail. its suf)ermarkets to get them to stock first story to swap out some therefore. Butler's saJes force should attempt to convince the supermarkets to or of also have better sales per point main character was a company the included Butler and the supermarkets market We item. its new product, dairy product and they were committed to story's impact (Martin. 1982). detailed stories When compared — and we making also it managers' know why a success. — it stories money competitor paid the that product was the in the to company's This detail increases the to abstract information, people both can recall more accurately (Reyes. Thompson and Bower, 1980) and are more likely to them (Kahneman and Tversky, 1973; Borgida and Nisbett. 1977). act u{X)n Managers' Use of Computer-Based Data to Confirm and Modify Stories Stories play an important role in how a product manager changes his understanding of When the marketing environment through his analysis of computer-based data. manager studies computer-based data, he product and data and its sales supermarket chain raised the try to match in Seattle retail price this data to stories story about the last time the attempting to relate Consider a product manager environment. finds that both is were down by raised its understands the data, surprised by the data, he would if 15% and the city's price, or he make sense of them — that largest The product manager would The manager might recall a might remember the impact of The product manager would they confirmed one of his stories. try to his the latest scanner about previous price changes. same chain knows about who examines of his product by 10%. price increases by similar chains in Seattle or in other cities. that he to stories he it a product at the If the say manager were same time modifying one of his stories. Analysis of computer-based data plays a key role making process. It in the product managers' sense provides the raw material they use to confirm or modify their stories. Product managers at Butler used scanner data to learn about the impact of changes in the 4Ps of the marketing environment on key outcome measures, such as sales and market share, for Butler products and its competitors. oorapulfir-based data and orcamzauonai learning Product managers noted that analyzing computer-based data helped them monitor the Tliey tracked sales, distribution, price, and promotions for their product and environment^. They often focused key competition. attention their on new products or new Product managers studied the country as a whole and important markets markets that accounted for a large proportion of sales or new or They analyzed data competitor. One product superiors. The data to evaluate their varieties. — usually either markets for Butler or a test performance and its to anticipate questions from manager-^ discussed the arrival of monthly market share data: hand-delivered to the president [of the subsidiary], the executive vice is of marketing, and the product managers. on a Tuesday. People wait tor the mail person. It's pretty arrives at 10 president, the director It AM. intense. The managers tend to look at market share tor the total U.S. and tor a tew key oHen get notes from them asking, 'why did this happen? what's It's my job to know that our Den\'er numbers are off. because our competitor ran a coupon. By 2 P.M. that day. a report is on the desk of the markets. I going on?' division president at corporate. It contains market share data plus trends tor the year. If the manager just tracked trends but did These data contirmed one understood the data and learned nothing new. product and its environment (see Table no further analysis, he would say For example, one product manager closely 1). analysis of the previous month's scanner data, In discussing this variety. all varieties new two of his stories it was 'tracking' — line. were confirmed. new increased 11.1% and sales of the variety, he noted that he his stories about the followed the introduction of a new, and relatively spicy, variety of his product found that sales for that variety In his First, he were up 11%. selling as well as the average Hence, these new data confirmed a portion of his story about the new variety. Second, he noted that the new variety was selling best aspect of his story about regional differences in in the consumer This contirmed one Southwest. tastes — that Southwestemers prefer spicier foods. Frequently an event occurs that is surprising to a manager. from predictions" and hence "trigger[s] a need for explanation" manager has decided to 'notice' from monitoring, which ^Rockart and De Long is the event (Starbuck The event (Lxjuis, 1980, and Milliken, 1988). characterized as a more automatic or scripted is "discrepant p. 241). The She must switch mode of (1988) also note that computer-based data play an important role in cognitive monitoring the environment. ^This manager was not at Butler, but was at one of the company's that participated study. -7- m the first phase of this ;omputer-based data and organizational learning TABLE contirm storv about.. 1: USING COMPUTER-BASED DATA TO CONHRiM MANAGERS' STORIES compuler-baacd dala and orcamzatiunal Icamine among these product elements on Tlie sales. following example illustrates the process followed by one product manager as she analyzed computer-based data and modified her stories about the impact on sales of promotions. One Butler product was not as manager was surprised effective this that her winter holiday promotion year as the year before. Her hunch marketed under the supermarket's own labelJ was that the growth in private label products [products She attempted to over the past year reduced the impact of her promotions. of her product tor the data on sales scanner hunch comparing by verify this promotion period other regions. had strong private in regions that label sales with data tor She found that overall her promotion was less elective in regions with strong private label sales. While carrying out her analysis, the manager noticed that there were large differences in the effectiveness of her promotions among those regions with prompted her to investigate further. She looked within those regions comparing regions in which her promotion was effective with those in which it was not. The manager found that when the supermarkets with private labels promoted their products during the weeks right before the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays their promotions were very effective at strong private label sales. This generating increased sales, otherwise they were not. The product manager modiSed her story about the impact of promotions on the sales of her product, adding that selecting the appropriate week for promotions was critical. She explained this phenomenon by noting that her product was purchased to be eaten with holiday meals and that it was a relatively expensive, impulse purchase. Hence the promotions were most effective when timed to bring the product to the purchasers' attention during the ^veek before they were most likely to consume The above example unstructured one. It it. illustrates that the story modification can be viewed as a dialogue between the set process a is relatively of tools (including various types of analysis of computer-based data) at the manager's disposal and her knowledge of the environment and of how (1966)'*. In the to use the tools. above example, scanner data that she performed to the differences was not. between regions in in the manager's tools were the specific analyses of test her hunch about private label products and to examine which her promotion was successful and those the marketing mix on environment was organized as sales. She also possessed how the bricoleur (handyman) enters into a dialogue how to use them when attemptmg to repair something. ^Levi-Strauss descnbes and his knowledge about process referred to as bricolage by Levi-Strauss the product The manager' s knowledge about impact of changes A in which it stories about the stories, gained from with the matenals available to htm computer-based data and oreanizational leamine TABLE type of story modification 2: USING COMPUTER-BASED DATA TO iMODIFV MANAGERS' STORIES computer-based data and organizational leamine between tools and knowledge (Levi-Strauss. 1962) and as a as a dialogue dialectical process in which the gap "between resolution characteristics and information and procedural is closed (Lave, 1988, Levi-Strauss and Lave emphasize that both the use of tools 145). p. possibilities" and the definition of the problem affect each other; each changes as the dialogue proceeds. In the label example, the product manager mitially defined the problem as one of private growth and hypothesized that the difference in the effectiveness could be explained by the increase in The private label sales. of her holiday promotion she used to tool test her hypothesis was an analysis of scanner data in which she compared the impact of her promotion with strong private labels with in regions its impact supported her hypothesis. As her dialogue proceeded, one of promotion timing. She tested a new hypothesis when effective or Christmas the manager redefined — supermarkets' they promoted their private label product the — using a new tool. While she still Her in other regions. relied the problem as promotions were more week before on scanner analysis partly data, either Thanksgiving now she focused her analysis on the impact of promotion timing on sales. A second example illustrates the use outcome occurred. specific It of multiple sources of information to learn shows how talking with peers and market research can be combined with analysis of computer-based data. This example also supports the view that the story modification process can be characterized as a dialogue between a set of tools and a problem. Another product manager at Butler did not light — were poor in the South region. know why sales of a new — variety His Srst step toward creating a story to explain this event was to ask the regional sales manager. many of this guessed that Southerners did not consume as The sales manager variety as people in manager then entered into a dialogue. The Srst tool that he used was an analysis of scanner data, comparing sales of Butler and competitor products of this variety The manager found that Southerners in the South and in other regions. consumed about as many of the competitors light variety as people in other other areas. With this serving as his tentative hypothesis, the product ' regions. The product manager then redeSned the problem as one of taste. He came up with a hunch of his own Butler's light variety does not taste as good as its competition to Southern consumers. The manager tested this hunch using a new — tool. He 6rm to conduct blind taste tests. between Butler and its competitors in ffa vor. hired a market research showed no differences why a The product manager finally accepted a third hypothesis — that These the tests South regional sales force was doing a poor job convincing supermarkets to stock Butler light variety. This hypothesis was supported by the scanner data, since 11 - computer-based data and oreanizational leamine He they showed that sales of light were relatively poor in the South. this to be of result this sensemaking process, manager modiGed the his stories the effectiveness manager to of the South regional sales three at introducing new example, the product manager good as was not its is — and the story consistent with modification process (1986) — —a used another tool Isenberg varieties. on discussions with light vanety about the regional sales in the South. his tool to test the tentative hypothesis. developed a new one verified, he competition manager ended which first relied develop a hypothesis about poor sales of the manager used analysis of scanner data as hyf>othesis Ma and about regional differences in product sales, about the taste of his product, In this believed because he believed there was no plausible alternative. true, this that Butler light variety did not taste as — market research study when he developed who When The notes that to test it. The a plausible explanation, managers strive for believable explanations rather than optimal solutions. As in the first example, the manager used a problem and a plausible solution. During set of tools to close the gap between the gap closing process, this the problem itself reformulated three times and the tools used to solve the problem were changed twice. was This provides further evidence of a dialogue in which both the problem and the tools use to solve affect each other. They both are modified Finally, a third experiment as a tool experiments on product example during taste illustrates story it as the process progresses. how a product modification. manager used a While managers naturally occurring routinely conduct or packaging using market research techniques, they also can use computer-based data to examine the impact of a natural experiment. Consider the following example: A manager wanted to understand what level of price Would sales increase reduction was needed to make his promotion effective. 79C 99C price? The manager promotion price as with a about as much with a went back through scanner data. He noted that when there had been both 79C and 99c prices accompanied by features (ads in the supermarket circular) and end-aisle product displays in the same regions at different times, sales were similar. He summarized the lesson that he learned, stating, "We learned that We'd price is not what drives sales. It's getting the feature and the display. move just as many cases at 99C with feature and a display as at 79C. third Butler product When product managers analyze scanner data they increase the accuracy and timeliness of feedback they receive about causal relationships in the marketing environment. necessary condition to facilitate organizational experiments (Huber. 1991). This is a Each marketing action taken by a product manager, or by a colleague or competitor, can be viewed as a naturally occurring experiment, from which the product manager can gather valuable 12- insights. omanuauonal Icamins compuler-base<l data and There was one type of Butler product managers. tool missing from the story modification process followed by They performed almost no sense of computer-based data. statistical analyses to help them the make managers had the training (many had M.B.A. Tlie product many of degrees) and the computer software needed to perform these analyses. Further, surprises they encountered could be studied using statistical techniques. For example, product managers could have used regression to the determine which of several causal variables (price They reductions, coupons, ads in supermarket circulars) were significantly related to sales. could also perform analyses of variance to identify significant differences sales in among regions. Only one manager tried to perform a / wanted to find out what drives sales regression, but it didn bottom three markets. 't tell me of my product. The simple rich, described his attempt: I first tried Then I decided to compare much. running a my top and of scanner measures. I found that they were on price reduction more I looked at the full set had much deeper pace cuts, had more AB features [larger ads the top three otien. they He statistical analysis. analysis performed by the product in supermarket circulars]. manager was an easier way detailed story about the factors that affected sales of his product. him for The to build a story that the product manager developed was also more easily communicated to his superiors and to the sales force as will be discussed in the next section. Sharing Stories Based on Analysis of Computer-Based Data Managers share the insights they have gained Sharing insights telling stories. is critical exchanging information and developing a is managers who common interpret their community memory —a set environment by understanding (Daft and Weick, 1984). also critical to organizations, permitting multiple interpretations of the organizational learning (March, SprouU, and a to from analysis of computer-based data by Tamuz, 1991) and same event and richer facilitating the of stories about the organization and It development of environment (Brown and its Duguid, 1991). People in organizations like to tell and listen to stories. and managers identify themselves as competent practitioners. Telling stories helps workers As organizations have a desire to share their achievements with others. managers social like to dramas of story tellers, As listeners, people in workers and hear stories; they have a "deep and abiding interest in the characters and their world" (Orr, 1990, p. 75). -13- computer-based data and oreamzational leamine Telling Stories to Others Members of the Organization Product managers share stories that are based on their analyses of computer-based data. They tell might be each other, stories to in to their managers, and to sales managers. This story telling response to a specific inquiry from a superior or a sales manager, review of product performance presented to senior marketing management, or settings in a formal in less formal — such as over lunch or coffee. At Butler, many presentations to stories based on analyses of computer-based data were shared during The management. vice of marketing president strongly encouraged the product managers to use the newly acquired scanner data as part of their state-of-the-brand The managers developed review. environment and told them from detailed They supported at the presentation. their analyses, presented in charts about their product and stories and graphs. companng with charts this story supermarket circular ads size in the three regions marketing these stories with For example, the manager the story about factors that affected sales of his product discussed at the supported its numbers who developed end of the last section and number of price cuts and number of large with the best and worst sales. Another product manager was singled out by her peers and superior for the quality of She her state-of-the-brand presentation. steeply over the last all two years. told a story She stated about that there why sales of her product declined were too many varieties of the product, but a few were doing very poorly, and only one was selling well. also observed that while her product was a fad food and experienced rapid introduced about four years ago, the product category was price She also noted sensitive. competition; her that had higher per store it The product manager sales. now sales growth when aging and had become more product was performing well Finally, she pointed out that there were large relative to its seasonal variations in sales and in the effectiveness of promotions. Based on this story, the included dropping eliminated all product manager developed a detailed marketing strategy. many product varieties promotions from the first and focusing on the best quarter when sales were low. product manager attracted management support for her brand. We got She selling one. She also Most importandy, stated: corporate commitment back to the business, because we could explain a We could tell them a story. We could tell them what we don't know. Before [we analyzed the scanner data/ we didn't even know what we knew and what we didn We got commitment to grow the business despite seeing a 20-30% sales decline over the last 2 years, because the presentation was impressive. Before they were looking the other way when I great deal more to them. — 't. walked in the hallway. Now they're letting -14- us spend This money behind the business. the computer-based data and Drganizaiionai leanuna There was a second major benefit of the state-of-the brand analyses. managers and their superiors found commonalities among the products. elaborated on patterns present in organizational events (Boje, The product They found and The product managers 1991). developed a joint understanding about the impact of price, promotions, competition, and marketing mix on One product manager described sales. the story that had been developed about promotions of Butler products through analyses of computer-based data by several of her colleagues: ^o"- We 're The trade a small brand. [supermarkets} will only give us so promotions per quarter and most things need to be supported quarterly. many Since an impulse-driven, trade- intensive category, we're very dependent on promotions. Frankly, we ha ve more than our lair share based on our size. vve're We ha ve deep enough pockets to support all of our can't support 14 categories, we can support at most 6. learned that we don We product categones. Theretbre. we will be doing joint promotions of several products. Another product manager added We found that C 't to the promotion story: ads [the smallest ads in supermarket circulars] do next to Two C ads cost the same as one A ad [the largest size ad], but don 't bring the same results. End aisle displays with A ads are 50% more effective than A ads alone. Further, joint consumer and trade are much more effective nothing. than separate ones. This learning led to a change in Product managers identified those promotion strategy. products that could be linked together with a joint promotion (through further analysis of computer-based data). participate in 'C ads. Brokers* were instructed to strive for larger 'A' They were also instructed to make trade promotions (price reductions to supermarkets) contingent on getting both end aisle displays and promotions coupons for consumers to coincide with ads and not to that A ads appear in in circulars and to time free-standing inserts in Sunday newspapers. Official Stories Told to People The product managers Outside the Organization also developed 'offical stories' (Schank, marketing environment to people outside of the organization (Butler's customers). These stories were not used The they were used to enact change (Boje, 1991). stories developed for management or peers. its — brokers and supermarket buyers make sense of official stories They were obtained from analyses of computer-based data. ^Butler sold to 1990) to describe the the environment. were often versions of the also supported by charts and graphs Since brokers met with supermarket buyers product through independent regional brokers, not a dedicated sales force. 15 Rather, compuier-hased data and organi7^iional leanuns primarily to convince them to participate stories official told to and brokers in a promotion or to discuss shelf space (facings), the supermarket buyers involved explainmg changes in promotion strategy, oblainmg facmgs for a new or existing product, or defending shelf space See Table 3 for a summary of these from a competitor's product. A marketing manager another company descnbed these stories as essential to at He viewed based marketing.' stories. storytelling, supported 'fact- by appropriate computer-based data, as an alternative to reducing price or other incentives to get a supermarket to stock a product or participate in a promotion. His view supports the idea that having more information is symbol of organizational competence (Feldman and March, 1981) and. therefore, makes manufacturer 'look The better' to the They were story about joint promotions described also given the We'll the tell new above was packaged for 'party line' about joint promotions numbers (based on scanner data manager described a Butler product the supermarket buyer. The brokers were given buyers. a telling and no the to C ads. One analysis) to supp>ort the story. part of this story: we asked you to execute 6 separate was too much. Our promotion [for one product] the trade [buyers] that last year in October and it was executed in only 22% of all supermarkets. We'll try to convince the trade that one big promotion [involving several product categories] is the way to go. We prefor one We'll show them that C ads did nothing for [another product]. promotions joint promotion with These stories an A ad for [each of two sets of related products}. were sometimes biased, since they were used to put Butler's products in as favorable a light and competitor products in as unfavorable a light as possible. The stories about competitor products always focused on problems (e.g., a new product introduction was not successful, or the competitor was getting out of a certain product line). information was puqxjsely omitted product manager who compared when it his best did not support the official story. and worst markets found supported the official story about Butler promotions. were used regions. relatively He noted, more frequently "We left that He For example, most of the his insights did note, however, that smaller C ads with high sales of his product than in low sales in regions off the chart, because - that Sometimes 16- it didn't add to our argument." computer-based data and orgamzaiional leamins; TABLE 3: OFTICIAL STORIES TOLD TO BROKERS SUPERMARKET BUYERS tuld to.. OR oompuier-hased data and organizational learning Discussion The Butler product management organization followed a four-step process about their environment from the analysis of computer-based data. and look for unexpected the data results — findings that contradict If unstructured, multi-stage process to make sense out of is be viewed as a dialogue between the result and a insights with peers and superiors, developing a used to one or more of her the unexpected result. of tools set Next, the manager (including analyses of computer-based data). common at new marketing approaches product manager organization — the sales force and supermarket buyers. the product manager's disposal the understanding. is While stories This process can tells the story creates an official story, that 'sell' manager exammes First, a found, the manager carries out a relatively about the marketing environment. a surprise in learning to share her Finally, the manager to people outside the managers made extensive use of large amounts of computer-based data as they attempted to understand changes in their environment, they used almost no formal statistical methods in their analyses. designed to assist people in This is somewhat surprising in that statistical methods are summarizing and drawing inferences from large data sets. The Butler product managers preferred to develop rich, detailed stories which could be easily told to and understood by supporting role. modification. their peers, superiors, The managers used They and customers. In these stories, the data played a the data to confirm the stories or as a tool in story also used the data to make the stories more credible — charts and graphs reinforced the message of the stories. Another example of the process of creating complex statistics, York Times. can be found in the financial report that by from large data sets, without using pages of The Wall Street Journal and The New Reporters create stories that explain the changes in stock, bond and currency prices that occurred the previous day. A stories Consider the following showed only a small increase story: in inflation was ultimately ignored credit market participants yesterday as traders sold Treasury securities moved higher. and of notes and bonds rose sharply immediately its Producer Price Index rose by a modest two-tenths of a percent last month, and only one-tenth of a percent when volatile energy and food prices were excluded. But the gains, which amounted to as much as ^ point on some securities, could not be sustained, as sellers emerged Selling of short- and intermediate-term notes was at the higher price levels. particulariy hea vy. Rather than focus on the good inQation news, memories of stronger January and February retail sales figures reported on Thursday continued to linger. .And preliminary results of a University of Michigan survey interest rates Prices a Her the Government announced that reinforced that economic recovery is under way. [Kenneth G. Gilpin. The York Times. March 14. 1992]. 18 New compuurbased The bond reporter created a rich story to explain the change in the statistical data and orgamzauonal learning He marlcet. did not use analyses to correlate producer prices or retail sales and bond prices. created a plausible explanation and supported it with both several sets of data and Rather, he text. This study has provided insights into one aspect of organizational learning organizations make organizational learning process. who and Tamuz (1991) studied Those authors noted of data. confronted with single They then share of out sense amounts large how — and on perspective a the organizations learn from single events and small amounts most when the event that organizations learn critical events, theme of creating and sharing data findings are strikingly similar to those of March, Sproull, Its this history to of — how is a surprise. When organizations create a detailed history to explain it. The allow for multiple interpretations and richer learning. stories runs through both studies. who There are also imp>ortant lessons for researchers psychology researchers have compared the impact of study detailed rich, Cognitive stories. with abstract stories numerical information on decision making and have found that people were more influenced by stories (Kahneman and Tversky, managers used data Borgida and Nisbett, 1973; to support their stories to influence their superiors than studying the differences between abstract data and stories, examine the degree to which adding supporting data Butler product 1977). and colleagues. Rather could be more beneficial to it to stories increases their credibility and impact. The study also highlights the importance of when managers must understand changes in making sense out of computer-based data the business While environment. many researchers and practitioners have discussed the benefits of organizational learning (e.g., Senge, 1990; Stata, 1989), the role of computer-based data in organizational learning has been all but ignored by information systems, management), and organizational behavior functional researchers''. focused on the value of more sophisticated tools, area (e.g. marketing operations Information systems researchers have such as expert systems, learning and in storing organizational knowledge (e.g., Sviokla, 1990). in facilitating In a similar vein, functional area researchers have tried to use computer-based data to develop to explain underlying business processes (e.g., or complex models Kalwani, Yim, Rinne, and Sugita, 1990). Most organizational behavior researchers seem to recognize the value of stories and storytelling in organizational learning, transmitting but they have focused their attention on the role of stories norms and values Much more research computer-based data ^Zuboff (1988) is is (e.g., Martin, Feldman. Hatch, and needed on organizational learning in the organizational learning process. a notable exception. -19 We for Sitkin, 1983). in general and on the role of need to better understand how computer-based data and orsanizational learning organizations interpret their environment (Ruber, 1991) and the role of computer-based data in The techniques employed by cognitive anthropologists this process. how managers and how they share others. Research is information technology investment is little known about organizational learning, is exists that linked to organizational performance (Harris and Katz. Through the causality of this link. we can also needed to quantify the impact While some evidence of computer-based data on organizational performance. 1991), 1991. analyze computer-based data, what they learn from these analyses, knowledge with this Hutchins. Using these techniques, we Orr. 1990. Lave. 1988) can play an important role in this process. can observe (e.g., study how an investment in the intervening process of information technology might improve organizational performance. Finally, managers need guidance specifically through the analysis of that organizations in designing organizations that encourage learning, computer-based data. Some researchers have suggested can promote learning by fostenng communities of practice (Brown and Duguid. 1991) and by building overlap into responsibilities and rotating work assignments (Nonaka. 1991). from Little is the analysis of Butler is known, however, about how computer-based data. one mechanism to in place, meet changes At a customers. the state-of-the brand analyses move too slowly to environment. must constantly adapt to survive in an environment by rapid product changes and the diverse demands of a wide variety of Toward that end. they must gather, interpret, and disseminate knowledge about Analysis of computer-based data can play a changing market conditions and customer needs. key role in managing these organizational 'knowledge assets' (Boynton and Victor, The more 1991). detailed data that are collected about the environment and factors that influence organizational performance, the into the At the With too many formal organizations might over-analyze data and hence in the business employed by Others must be found. danger of 'analysis-paralysis.' strategic level, organizations characterized develop and share insights gained encourage organizational learning. same time, we must consider mechanisms The formal to changes more important that organizations This paper has provided initial it will might make and insights into how computer-based data to improve their performance. -20- be to use these data to provide insights to evaluate the impact of these changes. organizations might go about mining compmer-based data and orgamzauonal learning References Boje, David A (1991). 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