I h- MIT Sloan School of Management Sloan Working Paper 4179-01 September 2001 COMPLEXITY OF CONVEX OPTIMIZATION USING GEOMETRY-BASED MEASURES AND A REFERENCE POINT Robert M. Freund This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Electronic Paper Collection: http://papers.ssm. com/abstract_id=288 1 34 DEWEY MASSACh USEI IS INSTITUTE OF TECHMOLOGY Jt'ri 3 2002 LIBl^RIES COMPLEXITY OF CONVEX OPTIMIZATION USING GEOMETRY-BASED MEASURES AND A REFERENCE POINT ^ Robert \l. Freund^ M.I.T. September, 2001 Abstract Our concern lies in solving the following convex optimization prob- lem: Gp : minimize^ s.t. c^x Ax = b X eP, where X. of P is a closed convex subset of the n-dimensional vector space We bound the complexity of computing an almost-optimal solution Gp in terms of natural geometry-based measures of the feasible re- gion and the level-set of almost-optimal solutions, relative to a given reference point x^ that might be close to the feasible region and/or the almost-optimal level set. This contrasts with other complexity bounds convex optimization that rely on data-based condition numbers or algebraic measures, and that do not take into account any a priori reffor erence point information. AMS Subject Classification: DOC, 90C05, 90C60 Keywords: Convex Optimization, Complexity, Interior-Point Method, Barrier Method 'This research has been partially supported through the MIT-Singapore Alhance. '^MIT Sloan School of Management, 50 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, 02142-1347, USA. email; rfreund@mit.edu MA GEOMETRY-BASED COMPLEXITY 1 Main Result Introduction, Motivation, and 1 Consider the following convex optimization problem: Gp : := z* minimum^ c^x Ax — s.t. b X e P. where P is a closed convex set in the (finite) 7i-dimensional linear vector space X, and b lies in the (finite) m-dimensional vector space Y. We call this prob- lem linear optimization with a ground-set, and we practical applications, / < X < the ground-set. In C b.x or perhaps the solution to network flow con- > However, for ease of presentation, we will 0. the following assumption: Assumption A: P For > e 0. Gp solution of is P could be the solution of box constraints of the form Ni = form straints of the make P a convex cone u, call has an interior, and {x we call Let Ax = 6} z* + e. The complexity bound < intP fl x an e-optimal solution of that satisfies c^x an algorithm and associated solution of | Gp / if x 0. is a feasible chief concern in this paper for computing an e-optimal Gp. be any norm on • II II A', and let B{x. denote the ball of radius r) r centered at x: B{x,r) := The norm • || || {u- G A' ||u,' — < x|| r} might be a problem-appropriate norm context at hand. However, in Section on A' that arise "naturally"' . | 5.1. we in association will for the actual examine in detail problem two norms with the ground-set P. The computational engine that we will use to solve Gp is the barrier method based on the theory of self-concordant barriers, and we presume that the reader has a general familiarity with this topic as developed in [7], for example. rier Fp[-) for F|| ||(-) P. [5] and/or We therefore assume that we have a 7?p-self-concordant barWe also assume that we have a i^y ||-self-concordant barrier for the unit ball: 5(0,1) The work here is = {x I |lx|| < 1} . motivated by a desire to generalize and improve sev- eral aspects of the general complexity theory for conic convex optimization [7], key elements of which we now attempt to summarize in a brief and somewhat simplified manner. In [7] the general convex optimization problem Gp is assumed to be conic, that is, P is assumed to developed by Renegar in , be closed convex cone C . and the data for the problem is given by the array GEOMETRY-BASED COMPLEXITY d = (A,b,c). One complexity assuming that Gp has a on interior-point methods that feasible solution, there will ^ Newton's method is [7] dist(x, (see Theorem mm{s, aC) 3.1 is as fol- an algorithm based compute an e-optimal solution € \ iterations of can be gleaned from result that lows: O 2 of in yy ||c(||} and Corollary Gp 7.3 of [7]), where we use the notation dc to denote the complexity value of the barrier for the cone C. Here x G C is a given interior point of the cone C that is specified as part of the input to the algorithm, dist(x, dC) is the distance from x to the boundary of C, \\d\\ is the (suitably defined) norm of the data ci, and s is a positive scalar that must be specified as input to the algorithm. The quantity C{d) is the condition number of the data d, defined as: = ^^ Cid) "-^^^^ mm{pp(d),po(d)} (2) ^'> ' where pp{d), poid) are the primal and dual distances to ill-posedness, see [7] and motivating discussion. {C{d) naturally extends the concept of condition number of a system of equations to the far broader problem of conic convex optimization.) The complexity result (1) is remarkable for its breadth and generality, as well as for its reliance on natural data-dependent concepts imbedded in condition-number theory. In order to keep the presenfor details in (1) we have shown a and slightly weaker complexity result than the verbatim complexity bound in [7]. Furthermore, [7] has many tation brief, simplified other complexity results related to conic convex optimization in finite as well as infinite-dimensional settings. While the significance of (1) and the many related results in [7] cannot be overstated, there are certain issues with this type of complexity bound that are not very satisfactory. One issue has to do with undue data dependence. Given a data instance d = {A, 6, c) for Gp and a nonsingular matrix B and a vector n of multipliers, we can create an equivalent representation of the problem Gp using the different data d — {A,b,c) :— {B~^A,B~^b,c — A'^n). The two data instances d and d will generally give rise to different complexity bounds using (1) since in general represent the C{d) ^ C{d), etc., yet both data instances same underlying optimization problem. Another issue with the condition number approach is that the problem must be in conic form. While any convex optimization problem can be transformed to conic form, such a transformation might not be natural (such as converting a quadratic objective to a linear objective using a second-order cone constraint, different tion etc.) or unique (and so might further introduce arbitrarily data for the same original problem). Yet a third issue with the condi- number approach has to do with the fact that the theory assumes that the GEOMETRY-BASED COMPLEXITY data arising only in the linear equation system is and that the cone C fixed independent of data fourth issue has to do with the role of the starting point x. The used to defined the cone A bound and the objective function, any data. In this format, is (1) is is not accounted for in the theory. not dependent on or sensitive to the extent to which x might be nearly feasible and/or nearly optimal. bound that accounted for the It would be nice to have a complexity proximity of x to the feasible and/or optimal solution set. The algorithm and analysis presented in this paper represent an at- tempt to overcome the above-mentioned issues. In Sections 3 and 4, we develop and analyze interior-point algorithms FEAS and OPT for finding a feasible solution x of Gp and an e-optimal solution x of Gp, respectively. This pair of algorithms and their complexity analysis depend on certain geometry-based measures for analyzing convex optimization problems and the concept of a reference point x^ which we now discuss. , Reference Point and Interior Point 1.1 The phase-I algorithm FEAS requires that the user specify two points as part and an of the input of the algorithm, the reference point x^, The x° G intF. reference point x"" might be chosen to be an interior point guess of initial a feasible and/or optimal solution, the solution to a previous version of the problem (such as X, etc. If P is in of the space warm-start methodologies), or the origin the box defined by the constraints be chosen as a given corner of the box such as < x < I = x'" / if ; then u, P is x'' might convex cone = 0, or a known point on the boundary or the interior of C, etc. Certain properties of x'" will enter into the complexity bounds derived herein, particularly related to the distance from x"" to the feasible region, to the set of e-optimal solutions, and to the set of nicely-interior feasible solutions. There is no assumption concerning whether C, x^ might be chosen to be the origin or not x"" is in the Algorithm ground-set FEAS point will be used in are. (By analogy, P x"" or satisfies the linear equations also requires an initial point x° many ways to measure how in linear optimization e := (1, € intP. This , . 1)-^ is . be desirable for x° to be nicely interior to P. We r :=r(x°) :=min{dist(x°,aP),l} Although the quantity dist(x°,c>P) will enter into b. interior interior other points in . a the positivity of other vectors v by computing the largest It will Ax = P used to measure for which v > ae.) define: . our complexity bounds (3) for GEOMETRY-BASED COMPLEXITY solving Gp 4 through the quantity t{x°), we do not require that we Icnow the value of dist(x°, dP). However, for the two important classes of norms that we will consider in Section 5.1, — that t{x^) this will 1; Phase 1.2 The complexity I will show that d'ist{x°,dP) > 1 we which implies be very desirable from a complexity point of view. Geometry Measure FEAS of the phase-I algorithm ing geometric measure which g we denote by g be bounded by the follow- will : max{||x — x^W, 1} min{r, 1} Ax = s.t. B{x,r) If we ignore for the the ratio defining moment g, (4) (4) b C P . the "T's in the numerator and denominator of could be re-written as: X — X g :— mimmunij. dist(x,(9P) Ax = s.t. xeP and so g (or g) measures the extent to which solution X that is itself not too close to the smaller to the extent that x'" is close to ^^^ b . close to an interior feasible boundary of P, and g (or g) is feasible solutions x G intP that are x'" is themselves far from the boundary of P. The ratios defining g and g arise naturally in the complexity of the elUpsoid algorithm applied to the problem of finding a feasible solution of Gp. one were to initiate the ellipsoid algorithm at the ball centered at the reference point x^ with a radius given by ||x'' — x\\ + f (where {x,f) are an optimal solution of (5)), then it is easy to see that a suitably designed version If of the ellipsoid iterations, readers to method would compute a feasible solution of under the presumption that the norm [4] for • || || is Gp in O (n^ ln(5)) ellipsoidal. (We refer an excellent treatment of the ellipsoid algorithm.) In the more typical context in continuous optimization bound on the distance from the where we do not have an a priori feasible region to the reference point, there GEOMETRY-BASED COMPLEXITY is 5 a natural projective transformation of tlie algorithm will compute a feasible solution of Lemma 4.1 of that g Therefore 5 [2]. Phase-I problem problem Gp ellipsoid iterations, see a very relevant geometric measure for the is the context of the ellipsoid algorithm. Herein, in also relevant for the complexity of the Phase-I is which the for O (71^ ln(5)) in problem we for will see a suitably constructed interior-point algorithm. Incidentally, the constants "1" appearing in the numerator and denomi- (4) appear for the convenience of the complexity and could be replaced by any other positive absolute constants 71, 72. nator of the ratio defining g in analysis, Phase 1.3 Our complexity imum Geometry Measure D^ II analysis of the phase-II algorithm distance from the reference point D^ := max At first glance it |||x - x""!! may seem odd | x'" Ax = to OPT b,x e P, c^x optimal solutions optimization. is unbounded, which can Then the dual not expect to have an text, the more z' arise, for feasible region has efficient < z' + el (6) . maximize rather than minimize However, consider the ill-posed case when ing D^. on the max- will rely to the set of e-optimal solutions: no is the finite in defin- but the set of example, in semidefinite and so we would solving Gp. In this con- interior, complexity bound for relevant complexity measure is maximum distance to the e-optimal solution set (which would be infinite in this case) rather than the minimum distance (which would be finite in this case). Also, in of conic optimization with = .r'' 0, it is [1] in the case shown that D^ defined using (6) is inversely proportional to the size of the largest ball contained in the level sets of the dual problem, and so D^ is very relevant in studying the behavior of primal-dual and/or dual interior-point algorithms for conic problems. 1.4 Main Result Theorems II 3.1 algorithms and 4.1 contain FEAS complexity bounds on the phase-I and phase- and OPT, respectively. Taken as a pair, the combined complexity bound for the algorithms to compute an e-optimal solution of using the reference point x'' and the interior-point x'' is: Gp GEOMETRY-BASED COMPLEXITY /''^/- O \/^P + + m,n{dist/x°.aP).l} + ll^°--^'ll \\ (7) II v A + max{f,l} +P + ^ iterations of + ^llll In '^\\ Newton's method, where the s := m&xlc^w U) I ||u;|| < I, Aw = 0> I < J ||c||, M II . Note that (7) depends logarithmically on the phase-I and phase-II geometry measures g and D^, the inverse of the distance from x° to the boundary of P, as well as the distance from x^ to the reference point x". we present two choices of norms on bound (7) simplifies to: In Section 5.1, || A' that arise || naturally and for which the complexity [/J^ln iterations of (g + D, + dp + max Newton's method. number based complexity bound and rems 3.1 2 Summary We |-, l| In Section 5.2, (1) + ||x° - x' we show how the condition- can be derived as a special case of Theo- 4.1. of Interior-Point Methodology employ the basic theoretical machinery of interior-point methods in our analysis using the theory of self-concordant barrier functions as articulated Renegar [7] and [8], based on the theory of self-concordant functions of Nesterov and Xemirovskii [5]. The barrier method is essentially designed to approximately solve a problem of the form in OP where 5 : z = min{c^u; it) | G 5}, a compact convex subset of the 7i-dimensional space and € A^*. requires the existence of a self-concordant barrier function F{w) the relative interior of the set 5, see [7] and [5] for details, and proceeds is A', c The method for by approximately solving a sequence of problems of the form OP^ for a : minjc-^ii; -f- ^iF{w) \ w 6 relint5}, decreasing sequence of values of the barrier parameter fj,. We base our complexity analysis on the general convergence results for the barrier method GEOMETRY-BASED COMPLEXITY presented in Renegar [7], 7 which are similar to (but are more accessible our purposes than) related results found in w^ € at a given point the method starts ending when OP^ for stage II, some barrier The method performs two relint5. method for starts In stage stages. I, from w° and computes iterates based on Newton's method, w has computed a point it The [5]. barrier parameter that fi that is is generated internally in stage method computes a sequence the barrier an approximate solution of I. In of approximate solutions w'' of OP^i^, again using Newton's method, for a decreasing sequence of barrier parameters c^w < + The goal of the barrier method OP, which is a feasible solution w of OP converging to zero. fi^ an e-optimal solution of One description of the complexity of the barrier Assume that S barrier method z e. is to find for which method is as follows: • and a bounded set, is V V iterations of Newton's method In the above expression, 2' = w^ G relintS is, R= m\n{(Fw u; I z"' — R to is 2' 1^ + ^)) eJJ Tlie \ (8) compute an e-optimal solution of OP. the range of the objective function c^w where and G 5} sym(u', S) := max{^ in the given. sym(u;^5) 2" = maxjc'^u' | and sym(u;, S) is a measure of the symmetry of the point the set S, and is defined as This term is requires o(>/d\n(i) + over the set S, that that y ^ S ^ w - t{y — w) w w G 5}, with respect to £ S]. complexity of the barrier method arises since the closer the to the boundary, the larger starting point is at this point, and so more effort is is the value of the barrier function generally required to proceed from such a point. The barrier method can also be used in equation-solving mode, to solve the system: weS c^w for some given value for equation-solving of 6. = 6 (9) A description of the complexity of the barrier method mode is as follows: , GEOMETRY-BASED COMPLEXITY • Assume S tfiat the barrier is a bounded set and that w° G relintS. method w more, compute a point ^^ „ , w T it is (11) based w G on [5] and Let line. S, let Newton E S, c^w = S. Further- (11) 3.^|^_^^ || Iw := \ w w— E S,c 5\ . 5 under the assumption that [7], w'^ has an interior and denote the analytic center of T, namely :— argmiUj^ {F{w) w \ E T} . denote the norm induced by the Hessian ||^, barrier function F(-) at w, the w (10) tt]] a prominent role in our analysis, we present a derivation w'^ For f.:',2"j, the level set: will play contains no G will also satisfy: T Because ^^ +^—r that satisfies .ymKr)> where If 6 requires 0{^\n\i) + iterations to 8 namely :— \\v\\^ namely that all u; € direction for F{-) at w, from Proposition 2.3.2 of [5] H{w) of the Jv^H{w)v, and let i]{w) denote ri{w) := —H{w)~^VF{w). Recall T satisfy \\w — w'^W^c < 3i3 + 1. There is a fixed constant 7 < 1, the value of 7 being dependent on the specific implementation of the barrier method, such that the final iterate u' G T of — Ac||^ < 7 for some multiplier A. By taking a fixed extra number of Newton steps if necessary, we can assume that 7 := ^. Then from Theorem 2.2.5 of [8] we have \\w - w'^\\u, < 7 + n^hr < f and so for all w G T we have the barrier method will satisfy \w — wWw ||7?(u') — < \\w < (itt) < < 1(3^1) + 3.5t? w'^Wyij \\u' + - w'\\^,c of [5]), c^w = 5 and and together with \\w - u'||u, < + i (12) + 1, w\\ ! 1.25. (The second inequality above follows from Theorem if u; satisfies — Ww"^ then w € 2.1.1 of T (12) this then implies that (also [5].) Furthermore, from Theorem sym(u',r) > 2.1.1 3-5^5^:1-25 ) GEOMETRY-BASED COMPLEXITY Remark 2.1 Note 9 (11) implies that for any objective function vector tliat seX': maxs^w - s^w < ~ weT (3.5t? ^ + 1.25) ' ( s^w - \ mins-^ui weT (13) ^ J ' and max s^w — s^w > ~ w€T I Vs. 5(9 + ) s^w — ( 1.25/ V mills'^ u; weT ) . (14) J Complexity of Computing a Feasible Solu- 3 tion of Gp we present and analyze algorithm FEAS for computing a feasible Gp using the barrier method in equation-solving mode. The output of algorithm FEAS will be a point x that will satisfy .4x = 6, x G P, as well as In this section solution of several other important properties that will be described in this section. computed point x will also in Section 4, that will start of be used to initiate algorithm from x and will OPT, The to be presented then compute an e-optimal solution Gp. Algorithm mode FEAS employ the barrier method in equation-solving problem denoted by Pi: will to solve the following optimization Pi t' : := maximum^ ( t Az = {b- Ax^)e z + dx' - tx° e{e- t)P < 1 e > t t > -2 s.t. \\4 where x"" < [lb) 1 and x" are the pre-specified reference point and and where we use the notation aP as follows: interior-point, re- spectively, {x G aP := { recP /) X X I = aw for some iv E P} if if if q > q = Q < (16) GEOMETRY-BASED COMPLEXITY 10 and where recP denotes the recession cone of P. Note that Pi 2, with w — mode equation-solving value will c^w = is an instance of the optimization problem = {z,t,9), c J := (0, 1,0), etc. We will to solve Pi for a feasible solution (I, a feasible solution 0, i.e.. for OP of Section employ the barrier method (i, 6) of i, then convert this solution to a feasible solution of t, 9) in with objective Pi for which i — We 0. G p via the elementary transformation: + x^ (17) (where the algorithm will ensure that 9 > Q > 0, then that if (i, 0, and 9) is feasible for Pi Ax — that X from (17) satisfies and so (17) will be legal). Note straightforward to verify it is b,x € P. In order to solve Pi for a solution (zJ,9) = {z,0,9), we first must construct a suitable barrier function for Pi. Let Si denote the feasible region of Pi. namely: Si := {{:J,9) .4.' = [b - Ax'')B, z I + 9x' - tx^ G {9-t)P,9 < l,9>t,t> -2. ||;|| (18) and consider the barrier function: z F{zJ.B) := -ln(?+2)-ln(l-0)+f|| \\{z)+400 Fp + 9x' - tx° 2dp\n{e-t) (19) Define: d:=2 + Then from the we have: barrier calculus, Proposition 3.1 F{z,t,9) Note that We 1^ = Ci)p + d^ is and a -d II + SOOdp in particular . from Proposition -self- concordant barrier for S^. 5.1.4 of [5], | A. will initiate the barrier Thus our algorithm i?|| method at the point {z,t,9)° := (0, -1.0). for finding a feasible point of Algorithm FEAS: Construct problem ing the starting point {z.t,9)^ := Gp is as follows: Pi and the barrier function (19). Us(0.-1,0). apply the barrier method, in < l} GEOMETRY-BASED COMPLEXITY 11 equation-solving mode, to compute a feasible solution isfies f = = 5 0. If such a solution is (i, t, 0) of P\ that sat- computed, then compute x using We now examine the complexity of algorithm FEAS. To do bound the symmetry of 5i at the point {z, t, ^)^: Proposition 3.2 {z,t,6)^ := (0, -1,0) The proof We of Pi of Proposition 3.2 will also and g deferred to the end of the section. is need the following relationship between the optimal value denote the optimal value of Pi. Then t' (min{dist(x°,6>P),l}) We and : Proposition 3.3 Let The proof first mm{dist(xO,aP),l} ^x ,,0 (, we so, a feasible solution of Pi, is (17). of Proposition 3.3 • 5 < -^ < + g [g also deferred to the is + I - \\x^ x' end of the section. next examine the range of the objective function value of Pi. Be- cause = max{t 2" {z,t,e) I (from the constraints < i z' ^ < 1 of Fi) = mm{t I =r < e 5i} 1 and > -2 {z,t,9) e Si} , we have P:=max{^ | Finally, observe that z' {zj,0) G Si} - < -I mm{t {zj.,9) E Si} \ < 3 (from Proposition 3.2), and so with (20) . (5 := we have: min{." - (5, S-z'}> mm{t\ 1} =T > , g{g where the last inequality is from Proposition and 3.1 as well as (20) and (21), and using Appendix, we obtain the following: 3.3. (10) ^ + , l ^ + |, p \\x° - ^ > (21) x'^W) Combining Propositions 3.2 and Proposition A.l of the GEOMETRY-BASED COMPLEXITY Theorem 12 Under Assumption A. algorithm 3.1 and by transformation a solution {z.t,9) of Pi FEAS will compute a feasible solution feasible x ofGp, in at most: Udp + O In J|| II Lp + ^ii + II iterations of Newton's method. 1 \x'-x^\\+g min{dist(xO,c)F),l} | Given the output {zj.,9) and the transformed point x given from algorithm FEAS, define the following 52 := Ix e The Lemma (i) 3.1 Suppose that Assumption (3.57? + 2.25) 5 ||x-x''|| < (3.51^ (ii) i (iti) M 1 fv) J^/ 1 < - ^ > ll^ll 11-11 > ^ + A is satisfied, > 9) and x that will be and let (i, t, 9) and x be 2.25)5 U '^^^'^'\ (3.5t? 3.1: It + 3.25) \ c Then PnB{x\i -5/ follows from Proposition 3.3 that f > 0, and so from method the point {z,t,9) = {z,0,9) will satisfy Az = {b — Ax'')9, <l,9 >0, and ||i|| < 1. Then ^ > validates (17), and b, X E P, and ||x - x^\\ = i||z|| < i whereby we see that x € 52- 9x' e mt{9P), 9 Ax = t, (22) • g^^^^^a Let [x, f) be an optimal solution of (4). the barrier (i, < i} ^- Proof of Lemma also x'W 3.5t3+2.25 V + - 3.5^+2.25 B z \\x FEAS. Then X e S2, and sym(I-, 52) (vi) Ax ^b,x eP, I in Section 4: output of algorithm I set: following characterizes important properties of used in the analvsis tfie X in (17) This proves the first assertion of (i). ' GEOMETRY-BASED COMPLEXITY n Let Ti := Sx {{z,t,e)\ region of Pi, see (18), and (11). (2.iJ) = {z,Oj) - t 13 0} where recall that Si n T2 := Si let {{z,t,9)\ + 3.5?^ Furthermore, since T2 Also, the affine transformation {z,i,9) to x, it + and since symmetry completing the proof of Then from 1.25 is 1.25 maps x'') T2 onto 52 (see (22)) preserved under afRne transfor- ——--j—+ max 9 = = |.4x x''|| (2,f,0)eri and 5 > 1 x € P}, and note that 6, 1 1 — > r max{d', 1} T-. max{5,l} Noting as well that 1. (23) , 1.25 (i). - Let S := min{||x 6 the feasible follows that 6.0V > + 0) h-> (| t, (2, sym(x,52) > since g is 6}. also follows that it 3.b{) mations, = the intersection of Ti with an afRne space passing is sym{{zJJ),T2)> and maps 0,9 will satisfy sym{{z,iJ),Ti)> through {z,i,9), then = t g m.m(^^t,6)eTi ^ = 0, it follows from (13) that (3.5t9 and rearranging since min(^ ||j - x'H = (gjgT-j ^ = + 1.25)^ yields i ^< 0, it i < = (3.5'i} > max(,_t,0)eTi > — '--9 + 1.25)(^-min(,,,,o)gri^) 9-9 , ' 9 + 2.'2b)g. < (3.5i9 + 2.25)5. (3.5i^ This proves Noting that (iii) then follows maX(,,t,(,)6Ti ^ follows from (14) that l-9>m&X(^^tfl)eTi9-9 > ( 3,5^+1.25 )(^ 3.5i9+1.25 and rearranging (ii). yields 1 - ^ > „ , " ^^t^{z ,t ,0)€T, 0) ' which proves (iv). < 1 and GEOMETRY-BASED COMPLEXITY and We now = ||i||, prove Given (v). - pll > max(^,t,o)6T, ^ ( ( 3.5^+2.25 proving )' A'* satisfying \\z\\, = 1 z^z - z^z ~ from is E Appendix. Then )(^^^ 3.5^+1.25 where the second inequality above < there exists z z, see Proposition A. 3 of the z^ z 1 IMI 14 min(,,,.tf)gri z'^z) and rearranging (14), yields 1 - (v). In order to prove (vi), we will use the following claim: Ax = there exist (f f) satisfying , B{x, b, r) C P, \\x — + x^\\ < - f , (24) 9 and min{r, 1} '-5(3.01^ + ^^'' 3.25) ' where (i,r) is an optimal solution of (4). We assume for the without loss of generality that r < 1 and so minjr", 1} = f- rest of the proof Before proving (24) and (25), we use them to prove part (vi) of the Lemma. From (24) and (25) we have x E S2 and so from (23) x^ := x — ^ K-^ 3 5tf+2 25 - € x) 52. Rearranging _^ ^ and so .f (26) that is B 3.57^ 3.5?^ + + this, 2.25 3. we obtain 1 1 ^ 25^ 3.5i5 + 3.25^ , . ^" ' It then follows from which combined with (25) proves a convex combination of x' e S2 and x G 52. C \P n B (x, 3-5^^:325) i)], fx'", (vi). It 1: {g + x|| + r Case X' and so Case remains to prove (24) and (24) 2: {g 7")^ = and < ||x - 1. Let x = + < x'"|| (25). x and f We = < i. -. + r. g + r (1 - /?)x (3.bi) + 2.2o){e{g r consider two cases: Then Ax = 5, Furthermore, i ciiuiiv^xiiiwiv., f , 5(x, = r f) > _ C P, and g(3.5i3+3.25) (25) are proved. + f)9>l. Let x = /3x, where —^ P = l + , + r)-l) (27) GEOMETRY-BASED COMPLEXITY and let f = Then (if. G [0, 1], +f = ||f_x'"|| where the j3 and so \\(l 15 Ax = - P){x - p{x - + x"-) C and B{x,f) 5, P. Also, + pf x')\\ < {I- p)\\x-x'\\+P\\x-x'\\+ < [l < (l-^)(J)(|f^)+^5 + _ 1 I3f - 13)^ + Pg + Pf last inequality follows from part /3r lemma, and the (v) of the last equality follows directly from (27). Also, f ^ = I3f < since ^ 1, r < 1, + and g > I- Proof of Proposition for Pj. It suffices then {0 - l3d, 3 -. (3.5(^ + 1 to -1 - 3.2: 2.25){9{g - f) - 1) > " 5(3.5i3 + This then proves (24) and (25) Note show that a/3, + if first + (0 = + that {z,t,ef -1 + d, a, (36) is feasible for Pi, 3.25) in this case.| (0,-1,0) (5) where /? is = + 1 - a)P, 6 <l,S>-l + Q, -2 < 5 < 1 feasible feasible for Pi, 3+2||J"p-x'-|| ' ^^^ < ^ < 5. Since (0 + d, -1 + a, + is = Ad {b Ax^)6, d + 6x^ + (1 Q')x° G \\d\\ < 1, -1 + a > -2, and it follows that where r is given by (3). Note that ^ by presumption feasible for Pi, then ((5 is (5) - and 1 < a < 2 (28) . -aP,~P6). Then Az = {b - Ax')9, and ||z|| < 1 since /3 < 1. Also 9 = -pS < 2,5 < 1 from (28) and /? < |. Next, notice that from (28) and /? < i. e - t = -P5 + 1 + ap ^ 1 - P{S - a) > I - ^{1 + 1) > Also, t = —I — aP > -2 since a < 2 and /3 < |. It remains to prove that z + Ox'' - tx° e {9 - t)P. To see this, note first that Let {z,t,e) := (-f3d,-l \\- pd-8p{x' -x'')\\-aP + 5p < < = Then p{\\d\\ pI?, r . + + 2\\x' 2\\x' -x^) + -x°\\) 2p (from(28)) " GEOMETRY-BASED COMPLEXITY which IG same as 2 + 9x^ - tx^ £ {6 — t)P. This shows that Pi, and so sym((c, f,0)°, Si) > /3 as desired.| the is feasible for Proof of Proposition fruiu (4) that {z,t,0) and note 3.3: Let (i, f) be an optimal solution of (4), we can assume that r < 1. From Assumption A, > r is Define 0. the following: 3^-^' - max{||i x'"||, 3f ^ ^ g_ max{||f - 1}' x''||, 1} 1 ,29) max{||x - .r''||, 1} where ^ = 3+l + Then /? < 1, since in particular g >\, and from e <l, -2 <t <9, and \\z\\ < 1. If (zJj) also z then {z,t,9) is + 9x' feasible for Pi, we have Az — {b- (29) satisfies (31) whereby > ^ = - 5 max{||x-x'-||,l} ^ + g{g ^ I proving the second inequality of the proposition. \\x' - 5 + 1 + - ||x^ x°|| > -x'\\+r + ||.r \\x' - (39) ' x^\\) Therefore, to prove the second inequality of the proposition, we must show (31). Xote ^ = Ax'')6, -tx° e{0-t)P, ^' f>t= (30) ||:,r_^0||- x°|| > r + that first \\x - x°||, (33) and ^l|x -A\- Y^Wi - A\ = y-Wi -A\< where the last inequality above follows from f < 1), and so z + 9x'-tx° =^^ + 9-t t and 9 > (33), 0, r- t r, (34) (since < /? and 1 r^ rrt(--AeP, we have ^||f-x°|| < r and B{x,f) C P. Therefore z + 9x^ — - t)P, and we have proven the second inequality of the proposition. since from (34) tx" G (^ To prove the first inequality of the proposition, let {z*,t',9'') be any optimal solution of Pi, and note from (32) that define x where r have x° is + defined in Td e P (3). from -+x = Then (3). .4x = Also, z' , b, + r = and 9*x'' > t* — for 0. Therefore 9* [9* -t'\ Z* +9'X' -t'x° (3d) any d satisfying - rx° € (r - r)P. fr\,o and 0, , ||d|| If then ^ > n r, < ^ 1 we > t% GEOMETRY-BASED COMPLEXITY If 6** = r, then In either case, x + + rci ?- < < - O^x' X 9 since + z' rd t'x° £ recP, and so = h (x" G P, and so 5(x, maxjll.c'" ^" - 1} xll, ,'' J mui{r, C r) e P. Tci) P. Therefore — f lla:'" = max -^ + 1) 1 xll ^ ^, r r y - Now 1. _ I e* t*r r and 11^—^ 17 = 1^ < < p7, so 5 1 "~ t*T proving the p;:, left inequality of the proposition-! Certain ideas and constructs used in the results of this section arose from or were inspired directly from Section 3 of Renegar of solving phase-I by using the barrier method [7], including the idea in equation-solving mode, trans- forming to the original problem via an elementary projective transformation, and establishing key properties of the output of the algorithm (upper bounds on norms and lower bounds on distances from constraints) using symmetry properties of the output of the barrier method. Complexity of Computing an e-optimal So- 4 Gp lution of In this section of Gp we present algorithm OPT for computing an e-optimal solution method initiated at the point i, using the barrier where x is the output of algorithm FEAS. Using X as a starting point, we set constraint of the form "c^x < will c^x modify + s" to Gp slightly by adding a levelGp for some suitably chosen positive scalar offset s which will then render the point < half-space generated by the constraint c^x as to how to choose the offset proportional to the norm of c ||c|L s. optimization-mode, in c^x-\-s. One would x in the interior of the The question then arises think that s should be chosen : ;= m.s.x\c^w I ||u'|| However, because the objective function c^x of from the modified objective function (c — < l[ Gp . differs (36) only by a constant A^tx)'-^x over the feasible region of GEOMETRY-BASED COMPLEXITY Gp any given value of for From this perspective, s and note subspace tt, we must be mindful of the equations Ax = b. natural to choose s proportional to: it is max := 18 |c^ a' I < ||u'|| l,-4u' = o| (371 , maximum objective value over the unit ball, "reduced" by the constraints Aw — 0, and so s is the norm of the linear functional c^x s is the over the vector subspace of solutions to Aw = L^ norm computationally tractable norms such as the not trivial; in fact computation However, even 0. in JR", the for otherwise computation a linear program for the Zoo norm. of s is We therefore will instead use the information inherent in the barrier function F\\ its for the unit ball as a ii(-) proxy for the H{Q) denote the Hessian matrix of max [c^w 52 := and note that S2 It = $2 \ Aw = in constructing the offset • || F\\ ||(-) || at 0, x = 0, and w'^H{{))w < s]c'^H{{))-'c for s. Let define: l} (38) , admits a closed form solution when rank(.4) be convenient will is = m : - c^//(0)-^4^ iAH{0)-'A'^)-' AH{0)- our purposes to determine s proportional to S2 as follows: and we consider the following amended version of Gp: Ps : z* := minimum-c c^x Ax = s.t. b (40) xeP (Fx < c^x + s Note that since x is feasible for Gp, then x is also feasible for Pj, and Pg and Gp have the same optimal objective function value and the same set of optimal solutions. (The idea of solving phase-H by adding a level set constraint of the objective function was used by Renegar [7], but without an explicit construction for computing the offset s.) In order to apply the barrier method (in optimization mode) to compute an e-optimal solution of Fj, we need to specify the barrier function to be used. The obvious choice is: GEOMETRY-BASED COMPLEXITY F{x) := Fp{x) whose complexity value It is > is 0, (Jx + s- In i3p + c^x) (41) , I. and that > s except when the objective constant over the entire feasible region of Gp, in which case x then an optimal solution of Gp. In light of this observation, the algorithm for computing an e-optimal solution of Algorithm OPT: Compute tion (41), using (38) X most at easily seen that s function c^x is is - 19 is and as follows: is and construct problem Pj and the barrier func- (39). If s the output of algorithm mode, s Gp > 0, then using the starting point x (where FEAS), apply the method, barrier in optimization compute an e-optimal solution x of Pg. Otherwise, s = 0. and x Gp and no further computation is required. to is an optimal solution of The bound rest of this section Theorem 4.1 by algorithm is devoted to proving the following complexity OPT: algorithm for Under Assumption A, and starting from the point x computed FEAS, algorithm OPT will compute an e-optimal solution oj Gp in at most: oi^fh'\n {g^- D, + dp + iterations of Newton's method. Remark Theorem d\\ y We < max | -, 1 1 J J \ 4.1 Note that we could replace s by 4-1- since s -h \\c\\, in the iteration bound of ||c||,. begin the analysis underlying the proof of Theorem 4.1 by relating the two quantities s and Proposition 4.1 s: s I < s < s ^ Proof: Since Fy ||(x) is a -i^n y-self-concordant barrier for B{0, 1) = {x ||x|| < 1}, then F{x) := f|| ||(x) - F\\ \\{-x) is a 2d\\ ||-self-concordant barrier for B(0, 1), whose analytic center is x'^ = 0, and note that the Hessian of F{x) | | GEOMETRY-BASED COMPLEXITY at = X H{x) 2//(0) where is Proposition 2.3.2 of ^x^{2H{0))x < l} C 5(0, {x I From this C [x 1) then follows that 4=52 it the Hessian of Fy is ||(-) at x. Then from follows that it [5] 20 < —^|— < s yx^(2/f(0))x < 3(2,9|| y) \ S2, + and therefore the l} . m result follows from (39). We will make use the level sets of Lemma lemma which bounds of the following Gp. 4.1 Suppose that x a feasible solution of is Gp for some given level a, and further suppose that B{x,f) Suppose that Then for Q all t Q> max > and for [\\x -x\\\ Ax all C P = b,x e P,c'^x x satisfying Ax = < a] X e P, and c^x > w Also X that < a+ the t, r s < a + t. Define s' < Q < Q{1 + |4), := c'^x — a. If s^ < 0, Ax = 6, < c^x a, and satisfies then proving the result. Suppose instead that x\\ and define 0, where (43) . b,x £ P,c^x Proof: Given the hypotheses of the lemma, suppose that x s^ 0. 2t - x\\<Q\l + V — > for some r fiolds: \x ||x < a satisfying (Fx satisfies: following inequality therefore the growth of s^ := c TT c^ \ r s^ ,. i^ ,,, a — c^x + rs r^ \a — c^ x + rs + / -fc)+\ J — X, s'- (44) J G argmax„{c^u Av = 0, ||u|| < 1}. Then ||c|| < 1, and c^c fc e P, A(x - fc) = b, Ax = b, X e P, and so it follows from — b, w E. P, and c^ w = a, since (Fc = s. Therefore | - Aw \a — ^X + rs + Q ^ > — \ — ^"^ ||u. II II II XT -f = 11 II _ 7 11 II f \a-c' "-^i'-^ x+TS + s^i a-c^i+fs \ ^11/ 7"-.Al i; \ a — c' x + r5 + s' II ' _ t/^^ )c+( "-/"f \a-c' x + rs + J fs^ 7'---,! a — c' x-trs+s^ s'1 ) J (j ^ - f )|| ' '' = s. (44) GEOMETRY-BASED COMPLEXITY 21 Therefore ^z^) + ^z^, Q{i + < \\x-x\\ (45) P However, as noted above, x - re G and A{x - re) = 6, and c^{x - re) < e^x < a, and so Q^ — \\x {x — = fc)\\ f. Therefore from (45) we have < Q(l + ||x-x|| Q(l + < — since x^ Lemma Ax = b c^x — a < B(x, C P r) ll)^ f.| 4.2 Suppose that D^ , + 4(f) fl) c^f , is finite. < Then and f 2:*+e, there exists (x, f) satisfying > min {r, 1} min < 1, c^x — z (46) where (x,r) is an optimal solution of Proof: Without that c^x B{x, r) < C that c^x z' P, and > z* -\- we can assume that r < 1. Suppose x and f = r, we have c^x < 2' + e, Ax loss of generality Then +e. f e, — f and X setting = x = min{l, f (4)- ^,,^^_.. }, first — b, proving the result. Suppose instead let = Ax + (1 - A)x' , f = Ar , where c'^x and x' is an optimal solution of Gp (x* is guaranteed to exist since D^ is finite by hypothesis). Then A G [0, 1], and so x satisfies ,4x = b, x & P, and by construction of A we have c^x = z* + e. Furthermore B{x, r) C P, and r = Ar = ^T~L.- = ^ ™iri 1 1 , ^Ti_,. ] 1 proving the result .| Define 53 to be the feasible region of P^, namely 53 := |x .4x I = 6, X 6 P, c^x < c^x + s\ . GEOMETRY-BASED COMPLEXITY Lemma 22 4.3 Suppose that x E S3. Then \\x - < ^ x|| where h := 3A + (3.5(? + 2.25) g+4gD, {g + Remeirk 4.2 h is D,) [(3.5^ + 2.25) 5 bounded from above by a polynomial A+ + 679|| m 5,i?p,t'|| y + l] \\,De,, max arid max{f,l}. Proof of Lemma Lemma 4.2. 4.3: Suppose that x € S3, and be as described let (x, f) in Then - ||x x|| - - < ||x ill + llx < ||x-x|| + A+ x'"|| + llx"" - x|| (47) where the Ijx Q - x||. Lemma 3.1. invoke Lemma 4.1 last inequality uses (6) To this end, we (3.5i? will and + It 2.25)5 thus remains to bound with a = + z* e. Then := 2De satisfies maxi{||x - .4x x|| = 6, x 6 P, c^x < a} I < maxj{||x - < 2D, =Q x'll + IJx'" - x|| | Ar = b. x e P. c^x < z' + e} , and Q satisfy the hypotheses of Lemma 4.1. Now let t := — and so a + i > c^x + s. Then if x 6 53, x also satisfies Ax = b, [c^x s a]'^, X € P, c^x < a + t, and so from Lemma 4.1 we have: and so x, f, a, -i- ||x-x|| < Q(l 2 + |) A + ifi (48) < 2D, + ^^/^, maxfl. ^^^^^^^j 5 min{f,l} < — '^'J'^''^,-':^^"' 2D, ' + smin{r,l) (from maxll, '^^^^} I ' ( J Lemma 4.2 | -, 1 GEOMETRY-BASED COMPLEXITY 23 But now observe that c^x — + z* s = (Fx — c^x* + s < s(||x - + ||i-* - x""!!) + s < s(||.f - + ||x' - x""!!) + s(6i?|| < where the j;'"|| x'll [{3M + s (where x*solves Gp) + 2.25)5 A+ + II 6i?|| + y Lemma and last inequality uses (6) (from Proposition A. 2) (from Proposition 4.1) 1) l] We 3.1. . also (49) bound c^x — z* using Proposition A. 2: c^x - = 2* c^x - Jx* < s{\\x - x'W + - ||x* x'll) < ~s[g + D,) + D,) . (50) Substituting (49) and (50) into (48) we obtain _ II IK" - on u. ^-^t + < 2D, <r -II •'^ll -*g4(3.5i?+2.25)9+D,+6iJ|| || + 1] max{l /"'°+^'' } min{f,l} + 4D,g[{3.5d + 2.25)g + D, + 6d^\ y + l]{g max {l, f} (51) Finally, substituting (51) into (47) Lemma 4.4 < sym where h is Proof: Let :— /? 5^ (3 and so A{x - pv) := min |l, have x ^~}r + Qv E X P 2 251-/1 so, s. = ] > b. (3.5t9 + 2.25)^ /t (x, 53) the quantity defined in X - Pv e 53. To do c^{x - j3v) < c^x + Q we obtain the desired bound.| ^^'- ' Lemma ^"^ ^ 4-3. satisfy x +v G S3, we must show that we must show that .4(x — I3v) = b, x — /3v & P, and Note that x G 53 and x + v G 53 imply that Av = 0, And with Also, from Lemma 4.3, we have ||i;|| < /;,. where z,6 are part of the output of algorithm FEAS, we (since x + av - rn x'\ + < v M E P and a G .„ X - xn (0, 1]). T +ah< Observe that Pll l-||i|l 1 e e e K^-\- . 1 GEOMETRY-BASED COMPLEXITY and so x+av € 52 and note that Q = {see(22)). mm (l.^P) Oh ) { 24 Then from Lemma 3.1 we have > — ^—tjI minll.--— (3.5<»+2.25)e/i ^ "^^"{ 1^ ^3.5^-2.25) \ •^~ 3 5,^°i25 Lemma (from ^<1) (since } ^ -^2, 3.1)' ^ J ^ (52) A(3.5i9+2.25) Therefore 3^^^^ > = ^(3.5^12.25)^ '^' ^nd so x-^t; G whereby i - /3^; G P. 52, Finally, note that < c^x + (F{x-Pv) — 3v E Therefore x Proof of Theorem < c^x + s3h < (Fx + s^h < c^x + and the S3, Ps\\v\\ s result (from Proposition 4.1) < (since fih . is 1) proved.| To prove the theorem, we invoke the complexity bound for the barrier method in optimization mode stated in (8). The barrier F{x) for Ps defined in (41) has complexity value d < dp + I = Oidp). The starting point x has symmetry bounded by Lemma 4.4: 4.1: <{?,.od + 2.2ofh , sym(x, 53) this 4.2. D^. and max{^, 1}. see Remark bound being a polynomial in 5, dp, d\\ The range R of the objective function of Pj is bounded as follows: ||, R<c^x + sTherefore - z' < s{{3.b0 + 2.25)5 + D, + 6!?|| y + 1) bounded above by a polynomial in max{j, 1}, dp, g, and D^. Combining all of these terms and using Proposition A.l of i?ll the Appendix, we obtain the complexity bound of from (49). is ||, O [\/^ln iterations of (g + D, + dp + Newton's method.| d^ y + max | -• 1 GEOMETRY-BASED COMPLEXITY On 5 25 Natural Norms, and Condition-Number Complexity Two 5.1 Natural In this subsection on x*^ The we X Norms on briefly discuss Norm. B,o := [P For the given point x" G intP, define the set - n x°] - P\ = {v [j° x° I Bj.o is the origin in norm B the smallest symmetric set assumption that this that arise naturally based and P. First Then X two norms on P contains no B line, u G P, x° - 1' G P} . which x" + 5 C P. Under the be compact, convex, and contain for will and so can be used its interior, + Bj-o: as the unit ball of a norm. Indeed constructed as follows: is \v\\xO mmQ a := s.t. + x'^ ^ve P X (The norm • || ||jO, in either P ^v e a expUcit or implicit form, appears throughout shown that r(x°) = dist(x°,9P) = 1, and so the explicit dependence of the complexity bounds in Theorems 3.1 and 4.1 on dist(x°,5P) disappears. Also, we can construct a much of the analysis in [5].) Under • || H^-o, easily it is barrier function for the unit ball B^o using the barrier Fp(-) for P: F||||(t.):=Fp(x° whose complexity parameter 'd\\ y + i') + ^p(^°-^)> bounded above is < 2dp d\\ as follows: . II Therefore the explicit dependence of the complexity bounds in Theorems 3.1 and 4.1 on 'd\\ y disappears as well. With this choice of norm, then, the com- bined complexity bound of the algorithms O (^p\n iterations of (g + D, + Newton's method. i)p FEAS + max |-, and l| + OPT \\x° - becomes: x'\\\] GEOMETRY-BASED COMPLEXITY (The norm • || is ||j.o ||u||^o for V referred to as a generalization of the P = because in the case when 2G 3?" and x° = e, as e K".) The Second Norm. The second norm we consider barrier function Fp(-) for P. For the given point x^ ||u||f,xO where Hp{x^) Theorem Loo-norm we recover the Loo-norm is := ^v'^Hp{x°)v [5] that 5(.r°, 1) C P and so constructed using the G intP, define the norm , the Hessian of Fp(-) evaluated at x 2.1.1 of is = x^. It then follows from dist(x^aP) > 1. Also, P||ll(^):=-ln(l-.^Lfp(x>) is a = d\\ 1-self-concordant barrier function for the unit ball of this norm. II Therefore the explicit dependence of the complexity bounds in Theorems 3.1 and 4.1 on dist(x°,9P) and d\\ y disappear, and like the previous norm, the combined complexity bound of the algorithms FEAS and OPT becomes: O iterations of (\fo~p\n (g + D, + dp + maxl- ,l\ + ||x° -^ll)) Newton's method. Relation to Condition-Number based Complexity 5.2 Bounds In this subsection bound for conic we indicate how the condition- number based complexity convex optimization presented in (1) can be obtained as a Theorems 3.1 and 4.1. To do so, assume that P is a closed and for convenience we will assume that C is pointed and has an interior. assume that we have a ^c-self-concordant barrier Fc{-) for C, on X is an inner-product norm and we assume as in [7] that the norm := \/v'^v, and so the barrier function special case of convex cone C We , • || || ||'t;|| (u) F|| := -ln(l -v^v) II is a = d\\ l-self-concordant barrier for the unit ball. II Let us set x'' rescaled j" so that will satisfv: := ||x°|| and = 1. let x° G intC be given, and assume that Then from Theorem 17 of [3], it we have follows that g GEOMETRY-BASED COMPLEXITY 27 |.T°1 g<3C{d)dist(xO,5C) and from Theorem 1.1 and Lemma 3.2 of [6] it follows that D,<C{df+C{d)-^ \\c\U where C{d) is defined liere using (2). Then under the combined complexity of algorithms and 4.1 FEAS the hypothesis that and OPT < ||c||,, from Theorems is: iterations of e Newton's method, which compares favorably to (1). 3.1 GEOMETRY-BASED COMPLEXITY 28 APPENDIX Proposition A.l: addition a,b Proof: a + b < We 2 > then 1, have max{a, > ln(a + If a,b < \/'2ab 6} < 2 theri | 6) < In 2 + 6^ \/ a^ max{a, b} + ln2 + + + (Ina lab min{a, b} — = + (Ina ^ In 6) + a 2ab. In 6) < lii(a + b). If in . If also b. The a,b > 1, then results then follow by taking logarithms.! Proposition A. 2: T„i x If x^,x'^ satisfy J' -^'i c^x^l \c < s\\x^ Proof: From the definition of Ic^x-i - c^x^l The = \J[x' - x^)\ - = Ax^ :r^|| < s s in (37), < following proposition s\\x' is - ( = Ax'^ llx^ - b, then xHI + llx^ -x we have x^W < s (\\x' - a special case of the x'W + \\x^ - x'W) .| Hahn-Banach Theo- rem; for a short proof of this proposition based on the subdifferential operator, see Proposition 2 of [3]. Proposition A. 3: For every z G that \\z\\t = 1 and \\z\\ — z^ z. | A', there exists z G A'* with the property GEOMETRY-BASED COMPLEXITY 29 References On the primal-dual geometry of level sets in linear and conic optimization. Operations Research Center Working Paper 999-01, R.M. Freund. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, July 2001. [2 R.M. Freund and Condition-based complexity of convex opti- J.R. Vera. mization in conic linear form via the ellipsoid algorithm. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 10(1):155-176, 1999. [3 R.M. Freund and J.R. Vera. 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