FMFRP 0-63 Troop Construction in the Middle East U.S. Marine Corps PCN i'4U U00b30 00 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY Headquarters United States Marine Corps Washington, D.C. 20380—0001 19 FOREWORD 1. December 1990 PURPOSE Fleet Marine Force Reference Publication (FMFRP) 0-63, Troop Construction in the Middle East, provides information on engineer—related support essential to military operations conducted in the Middle East. 2. SCOPE This manual contains detailed engineer—related information useful at the tactical and operational levels of war. It is provided as a regional reference publication to assist in the planning and conduct of MAGTF operations in arid environments. 3. BACKGROUND While the unique aspects of the desert environment have a. profound impact on MAGTF operations, most of the doctrine, tactics, techniques, and procedures employed in operations in The other parts of the world apply to operations in the desert. unique aspects to operations in the desert stem primarily from the effects of heat and the scarcity of moisture, terrain features, and vegetation. The challenge to MAGTF operations in a desert environment is adapting to the arid climate and conditions. FMFRP 0-63 is a consolidated handbook originally b. prepared and published by the U.S. Army Civil Engineer Research Laboratory and the U.S. Army Waterways Experimental Station in 1982. 4. RECOMMENDATIONS Comments on this manual are welcomed. Submit comments to —— Commanding General Marine Corps Combat Development Command (WF12) Quantico, VA. 22134—5001 5. CERTIFICATION Reviewed and approved this date. BY DIRECTION OF THE COMMANDANT OF THE MARINE CORPS M. P. CAULF LD Major General, U.S. Marine Corps Deputy Conunander for Warfighting Marine Corps Corps Combat Combat Development Development Conunand Command Quantico, Virginia Disi: I4UUUOb3000 2 PRE PRE FACE FACE The hot, barren desert environment of the Middle East requires special consideration in wartime planning and operations. The purpose of this report is to consolidate all engineer—related aspects of problems In base development into a single source handbook covering construction problems in the Middle East. This document is designed to assist planners in the identification of resource requirements for both men and material when preparing engineering support plans and to provide builders in the field with various construction techniques techniques to to facilitate facilitate the the use use of of their their available available assets. assets. FOR ThE THE COMMANDER: COMMANDER: j1one1oEn jloneloErk iii ineers inee rs CONTENTS Page 111 PREFACE vii LIST LIST OF OFTABLES TABLES AND AND FIGURES 1 2 3 •I•SS•V•• • • •445Søö •...5.S. ........v............... ......• INTRODUCTION............................. INTRODLJCTION......... ........ .........D.,................... 5S••• ........ • •.......O. S454*Øt• ••5••••• 1.]. 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5 Background. . . . . ... . .. . Background.... . .. . .. .. . . ........ •Se•*••S SD. p•S54••• t•e•••5S • • SSS•• Q•Sø••4••••tIS . S • ••S•• Objective. . .. ... . . .. ... .. .. .. ... .. ........ •• Objective.. . . . .........Q..................... . .. .. .. .... .. .. •. ........ .........D....................• . Assumptions... As suuIpt BASE 2.1. 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3 PLAN1NC PLAN1NG AND SITING......... SITING. ............................................ 0e • S S S • • • • • • • S I nt rod uc t ion. . • ... • • ••. ... . . • . 4• • e• 4•• 4,54 • • • S • • Introduction......... Selection.. .. . •....•....• ...-.......#...s..•• •4 Site Site Selection...... .................. Planning.. • . • • •. . •. . . . Site Site Planning....... ions... .........,.............•....... of Desert Regions S4S5.4S•G•4•4•IS•••SS.SSS55 of S •S••• •5..5e.4øIS................ S 44 ••44. . S ... .............o...•. Approach and Scope....... 44•StS* Characteristics Characteristics •..........e........................ .......................... 1—1 1—1 1—5 2—1 2—1 '2—1 2—1 2—2 3—1 3.1 3.1 3—1 Introduction...... .. .. .. .. ........ . ........ . . ............... . . . . ................ ••••••••I••........... Introduction... ... .....•. S •........ ......... . . ...........• ....•. ...••.•...•. .. .. ... . ... Water and Wastewater Use Opportunities and Priorities...4.444..5 Priorities........... Membrane Sheeting (Lines)..... . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . . . . . . Membrane Sheeting (Linee)....................................... Water Consumption Planning Factors for Conetruction............. V 3—2 3—2 3—7 3—10 3—10 3—10 3—10 ...•.... . . 5.6 5.7 5.7 3—2 ....... .. ..•...... ............ ........ ... EXPEDIENT TECHNIQUES...... .... . ..... .. .. .. ..... EXPEDIENTWATER WATERCONSERVATION CONSERVATION TECHNIQUES....... Introduction.... ....... .... ......•.. ..... ... .. •• • ...... Introduction...... 5.1 5.1 Environmental Setting........................................... 5.2 5.2 Near—Term Water Supply Supply Concept Concept for for Arid Arid Regions................. Regions................ 5.3 . -... ..•. ... .. . . .. .. . ........... .. Water Conservation Opportunities...... . . -. ..... Conservation Opportunities...... 5.4 Water 5.5 5.5 3—1 3—7 DISTRIBUTION, AND AND GROUNDING: GROUNDING: ELECTRIC POWER POWER GENERATION, GENERATION, DISTRIBUTION, •......•........ ... .. ... SWA BASE BASECAMPS.. CAMPS.......... S 4 4 4 •• S• S• . 5 . . .S .S.5S4 5 •4 S4 •.S 4 • I. •.4.5.4.•.4.• .S.• .• S . . . .S.S. S. S . . 455 Introduction.. 4.1 Introduction.. . . . . • e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 4.2 4.2 Generation...... Generation.......... S55•5..SS5•••S54445S••ø5SS*II•5••5SS5•• 4.3 Distribution.. Distribution.......... S.......................................... 5,45 5 5 S SS.I54. •S4.. 554.4. S 455 S 55 •Ø•I S S .5e Grounding....... 4.4 Grounding..... • 3—1 •S....... •....S.. ..• 5 I—1 1—1 BASE PROTECTION...... 3.2 General.............................. ......................'.... 3.2 .... ....................... Explosive Excavation...... 3.3 3.3 Explosive Excavation............................................ •S•••5S S.•4•45• •........ •• •4S5• ...•..... 3.4 Mine 3.4 Mine Use.. Use........ ....... 4••4405 ....... 5SS•S Fortifications.. .......• . . 3.5 Field Field Fortifications... •.S 3.6 3.6 Overhead Cover for Prepared Position. Overhead Position. ....... •5•SS•••............. cation aa cc3 3.7 Construction of Construction of Cotmnand, Command, Cottrol Control and Couni cation (C3)) ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ........ 45••••• Bunkers. Bunkers . . . . . . . .•SSSte•S•5 S.. Special Camouflage Camou flage Problems................. Problems.......... .....,e ....... ............. 3.8 3.8 . S . S . S . S . S .. • ....... MineS in Shifting Sands. Placement of Mines Sands........ 3.9 .5. St .5 S S .5 5 .....'. ..................... . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . , . . . .... 3.10 3. 10 Mine Mine Removal.. Removal......... ... t. Effects of of Temperature Temperature Extremes Extremeson onHines... Hines.... 3.11 3.11 Effects • S• S I 4 • 4 I • 5SS••••• . ................ 3 • 12 Mine Detector AN—PRS—7. .. .. . 3.12M1neDetectorAN—PRS—7....... •. . . . . •5S . . . .5 .. S .S . S . . .• 4 . .. •5SSSSS 3.13 Visual Visual Detection Detection of of Minefield Minefield Intruders..... Intruders........ • 4-• •- 4. Extreme Environment Environuient on on SenaOr-...0...•.....,,. Senaor..0........,. S. 4-.-.. 3.14 Effect 3.14 Effect of Extreme 4 11 —1 1—1 11 3—11 3—1.1 4—1 4—I. 4—1 4—2 4—7 4—21 4—21 5—1 5—1 5—1 5-1 5—3 5—4 —3 7 5—37 5—59 5—62 CONTENTS (Cont'd) Page 6 VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION................................................ VERTICAL COSTRUCTLON.............. 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 7 Introduction...................... Introduction.................................................... .. . ... Improving Habitability.... Improving Habitability............ ..... IndigenousBuildingMethodsandMaterials....................... Indigenous Building Methods and Ma t erials . . . . . . . . . . .,. . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . • . . • . . . . . • . . • p • . . • . • • • p •s Prefabricated Structural Systems.. Systets.......... • . . • . . . .. . . . . . • .. . . • • . 4•••••• Tents........................................................... Tents............................. ........ Facility Design Design Drawlngs............... Drawings.......... . ... ................. ... ....... ..... .. •••••t*pp HORIZONTAL CONSTRUCTION..... HORIZONTAL CONSTRUCTION......................... ..... .... . ...... ... . . .. ... .. . ... . . . . . 7.1 General...... 7.1 . General........................ 7.2 Existing Coastruction.......... 7.2 Construction................... .....................•.. .. Soils and and Aggregates............ Aggregate8............................................ 7.3 Soils Horizontal Construction . . . . . . . .. . . . . 7.4 Horizontal Construction Techniques....... Techniq ues . • . • ...••................... Over Loose Loose Sand........................................... Sand......... .•.. S•••• 7.5 7.5 Roads Over Intermittent Stream . . . . . .. . .. .. .. .. •. •. . . . .. •. . •. . . . . . .. •. . . . Intermittent Stream Crossing...... Crossing... 7.6 7.7 Control 7.7 Control cf cf Drift•ing Drift.ingSand........o...........................,...... Sand...... ...................,...... • • ......................,... Control 7.8 Dust Control...................i.............................,... ....................•... ConstructIon of Construction of C—13O C—130 Airstrips.. Airstrips ................. 7.9 7.9 .. .. 7.10 Runway Runway Bomb Bomb Dacnage Damage Repair...... Repair............... 7.10 .. .... . P.S...... ...•....... Foundtton Pads..................................... 7.11 Foundation 7.11 Pads Field ldentification identification of of Soils...... Soils.. 7.12 Field 7.12 . ... . . . .. ..... .. ... ......... . . . ........• ......... . . . ....... ........................ ............. •........5....5........• • 1.5...... . ...... ...... ..... . 8 •• • ..•..•.. . .. .. . S PORT CONSTRUCTION..... PORTCONSTRUCTION............ . . . . . . . Introduction.. . Introduction 8.1 Dredgirg of Channels.... 8.2 DredgIrg 8.2 Training of Personnel in Operation and Maintenance 8.3 • . . S 5. • S S P of Local Loca1 Materials—Handling Equipment .......................... 9 6—35 6—36 6—44 — 7—1 7—1 7—1 7—2 — 7—3 7—19 7—20 7-20 .7—20 7—22 7—22 7—23 7—23 7—28 7—30 7—33 ......................................... 8—1 8—1 8—1 ..... ... ..... . POLTerminalFacilities................ POLTerminalacilities................ .............. ..•. S.S........ ......................... Lack. of Container—Handling Facilities.. .•........ .-. S••55•sP•••• RapId RtiovalofDebris................ Rapid ReiovalofDebris................ . . . . . . . . . . .. ..P.. . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . InadequaceRoadNetwork. Inadequace Road Network......... . . . . . . . . . . . . S.... ...5.....*. Through—Put Operations....... Operations..... ...... Temporary Methods of of Through—Put 8—2 P 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 6—1 6—1 6—1 6—9 . S Part for Construction and Repair of Port Lack of Materials for Faci1itie. . . Facilities . . ... FACTORS AFFECT1NGENtINEER WORKFORCE........... FACTORSAFFECT1NGENGINEERWORKFORCE..................... ........... . . • . . . . . ... ., ..••. . . •. . ..e..e.•.s••4 . 9.1 Introcuction......................................... Introduction ........... .•....•..•.......• and Operational Operational Effectiveness.......... Effectiveness................. 9.2 Health and 9.2 Engireering Equipment Maintenance.............. Maintenance... 9.3 9.3 Construction and Engineering • ........... 10 1NDIGE4OUS CONSTRUCTION MATERI&LS............. MATERI&LS.................. .................. . .. . ........ .... . . . •...........e......•••••••o•••••••S•So•• Introduction 10.1 Introduction. 10.1 10.2 Construction Materials and Applicability 8—2 8—3 8—3 8—3 8—4 8—4 9—1 9-h. ] 9—1 9s. 9—1 9—5 9—5 10-i 10—1 10—1 . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . 10—1 ... . . . ..... to Const.ructjon Methods Construction Methods 10.3 Cement Cement Production Production Facilities Facilities (From (From CEMBUREAU). CEMBUREAU)................... 10—13 10.3 10.4 Concrete Block Block Plants Plants OperatinE OperatinE in in Mid—East...................... Mid—East... 10—16 ....... ........... ....... ..... . ..... LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS... ABBREVIATIONS...... ............._._........... ..............••.••.•• Abbreviations—i iNDEX 1NDEX.................,.........,............................. Index—i ...... Index—i vi TABLES Number 4.1 Allowable Ampacities of Insulated InBul&ted Conductors Rated 0—2000 Volts, 60 to 90°C: Not More Than Three Not Conductors 4—12 Allowable Axnpacities Allowable Axnpacities of of Insulated Ineulated Conductors Conductora Rated Raed 0—2000 Volts, 60 to 90°C: Single Conductors 4—13 Allowable Liupacities Allow&ble Axnpacities of Insulated Conductors Conductcre 250°C: Not More Than Three Conductors Rated 110 to 2500C: 4—14 Allowable Ampacltiee Ampacitiee of Insulated Conductors Rated 110 to 250°C, and for Base and Covered Conductors 4—15 4.5 Electric Power Requirements 4—19 4.6 Propo8ed Schedule of Facilities 420 4.7 Electric Current Abroad — 5.1 5.1 Consuptiofl Activities Desert/ Water Consuiuption Activities for Desert/ Arid Climate 4.2 4.3 4.4 Characteritica Characteristics 4—22 4—22 5—63 6.1 Analysis Results of BLAST Analysis 6.2 Mortars 6—21 6.3 Property LimIts Property Umits 6—25 7.1 Engineer MRterials for Horizontal Horizontal Construction Construction Mter1als for 7—2 7.2 of Comparison Comparisoi of 7—9 7.3 Expected Perforaiance Performance of of Bituminous Bituminous Mixtures Mixtures Prepared Prepared From From 6—7 Desert Surface Types by Plan Area Aregates Found in the Mid—East Mid—E&st 7—14 7.4 Proportioning Guidelines Proportioning GuidelineB and and Expected Expected Perrormanre Percoranre for 7.5 Miniium Runway Requirements Requirements for forC—130 C—130 Miniatum Runway 7—27 7.6 7.6 Thickness Requirements Requireenta for Thickness forCement Cement Stabilized StabilizedFoundation Foundation Pada Pads 7—31 7.7 7.7 Thickness Requirements for Asphalt Laphalt Stabilized Foundation Pads Pade 7—32 7—32 7.8 7.8 Settling Times for Small Particles Particlee 749 7—49 7.9 7.9 Cast Test Reactions Reactione 7—50 7—50 9.1 Schedules of Schedules of Work, Work, If If Necessary, Necessary, During During Accltitatising Acclimatizing Period 9—4 Water Requirements Water Reqoireents 9—4 9'4 9.2 7'I8 MadeWith With Aggregates Aggregates Found inFound the Mid—E&st in the Mid—East 7-I8 Ccr.te Made Ccr.te vii F ICURES FIGURES Page Number of Southwest Asia 1—2 1.1 Political Map 1.2 ClImatic Zones Climatic 1—4 2.1 Building Placement 2—3 2.2 Building Layout: 2.3 Parking Shades 2—4 2.4 Vegetation VegetatIon 2—5 2—5 2.5 Effect of Wind on High Rises 2—5 3.1 Optimum Depth of Charge Burial and Crater Dimensions For Optimally Buried Charges Chargea in Dry Gravelly Sand As Functions of Charge Weight 33 Dimensione Optimum Depth of Charge Burial and Crater Dimensions For Optinially Optimally Buried Burled Charges Charges in In Weak Weak Sandstones Sandstones and Shales As Functions of Charge Weight 3—4 3.3 Explosive Barrier Ditching Designs De8igns (Plan View) 3—5 3.4 Explosive Barrier Ditch Cross Sections ExplosIve 3—6 4.1 4.]. Typical Semipermanent Portable Generator Site 4.-3 4—3 4.2 Expedient ExpedIent TG Sunshade Sunshade and and Windbreak Windbreak 45 43 4.3 Underground Muffler 4—6 4.4 Crossing,UGD Typical Expedien.t Typical Expedient Road Road Crossing, UGD 4—9 4.5 4.5 Direct Burial of Cable Showing Proper Cable Spacing and Depth 4—10 46 Man Base Camp) Proposed Low Voltage Distribution Layout (1000 (1000 Man 4—16 4—16 4.7 Electric Distribution Distribution Layout Layout (1000 (1000 Man Man Base Camp) 4—17 4.8 4.8 Typical High Voltage Distribution Layout 4—18 4.9 4.9 Expedient TG Grounding Grid 4—29 4.10 Grounding Using Sewage Drain 4—31 4.11 Expedient Grounding Pipe 4—31 4.12 Expedient Grounding Trench 4—32 3.2 East—West Orientation viii 2—4 4- FIGURES (Cont'd) Number Page 5.1 Schematic of Total Water Supply System 5—5 5.2 Savings 5—8 5.3 Water Chiller Concept 5—10 5—10 5.4 5.4 Shower Water Collection Basin 5—16 5.5 Shower Wastevater Reuse Unit 5—17 5—17 5.6 Rinsewater Reuse System 5—22 5.7 Laundry Wastewater Reuse Unit 5—23 5.8 Multiple Casualty Treatment 5—27 5.9 Sand Sand Filter Fiher 5—31 5.10 Field Expedient Water Distribution 533 5—33 5.11 Expedient Road Crossing Guard 5—42 5.12 Storage Container 544 5—44 5.13 storage Basin Storage 5—45 5.14 HeflcopLr Washing He11copL.r Washing 5.15 Water dad dnd Wastewater Use Opportunities and Priorities Facility 5—49 5—58 6.1 An East—West Buildiig—Oriented Building—Oriented c1s cis 6—3 6.2 Comforr. and Discomfort Discomfort Lines; Lines Equal Wetted Area Comforr. and Lines, Linee of Equal of Wetted Area 6—8 o.2 Traditiiinal Method Traditirinal. Method of of Evaporative Evaporative Cooling Cooling 6—9 6.4 Concrete Block Manufacturing Process Proceas 6—14 6.5 Adobe 6—19 6.6 Compressive Strength Test Set—Up 6—23 6.7 Modulus of Rupture Test Set—Up 6—24 6.8 6.8 Roundwood PoleB 633 6—33 6.9 TradItional Floor Construction (Iraq) Traditional 6—34 Cement—Asbestos Panels 6—35 6.10 ix FIGURES (Cont'd) Number 6.11 Tent, General—Purpoee, General—Purpose, Medium, Medium, With Kit and Liner 6—37 6.12 Fly Configuration for Tent, Tent1 General—Purpose, General—Purpoee Medium 6-39 6—39 6.13 Extender Concept for Tent, Tent1 General—Purpose, Large and Medium 6—40 6.14 Egyptian Army Tents 6—41 6.15 TEMPER Tent With Transition 6—42 6.16 A Complete TEMPER Tent System 6—43 6.17 Ground Anchors 6—44 6.18 Typical Typical 24—ft—wide 24—ft—wide (7.3-is) (7.3-is) Building Building 6—45 6.19 Wall Sections 6—46 6—46 6.20 Concrete Block, Precast Concrete, and Poured—In—Place Concrete Roof System 6—47 6—47 7.1 Block Diagram of Hot Desert Mount and Plain Terrain Showing Showing the the Four Four Engineering Engineering Zones Zones 7.2 7.2 Gradation Curves> Upper and Lower Limits; Beach and and Dune Dune Sands Sands 7—4 7,4 7.3 Gradation Curves, Sand Zone II, Desert Fill Zone XV 7—5 7—5 7.4 Gradation Curves Curves,Upper Upper and and Lower Lower Limits1 Limits, Silty Silty Stone, Stone, Zone III 7—6 7—6 Gradation Curves, Gradation Curves) Upper Upper and and Lover Lover Limits, Liits1 Fan Fan Gravel, Zone Zone II II 7—7 7-7 Gradation Curves, Upper and Lover Limits, Sandy Stone, Stone1 Zone III, Zone LII, and and Stone StonePavement, Pavent, Zone Zone XV IV 7—8 Subgrade subgrade Strength Requirements, Requirements1 C—130 Aircraft, Aircraft, Medium Lift Forward Area Airfield 7—24 7—24 7.8 Minimum Runway Requirements for a C—130 7—26 7.9 Widening a No—Way Road Road 7—29 7.10 Strength Teat Breaking or or Dry Strength Breaking 7—39 739 7.11 Roll or Thread Test 7—40 7.12 Ribbon Test 7—42 7.5 7.5 7.6 7.7 x FIGURES (Cont'd) Page Number 713a 7.13a Wet Shaking Test (Initial Sample) 7—44 744 7.13b Wet Shaking Test (Livery Appearance) 7—44 7.1k 7.13c Wet Shaking Test (Squeezing the Sample) 745 _45 7.l3d 7.13d Wet Shaking Test (Crumbling the Sample) 745 7.14 IdentIfication Suggested Procedure for Hasty Field Ident{fication 7—48 78 8.1 typical Facilities in a Small Port in the Middle East Typical 8—2 9.1 Gasoline Storage Life Based on a Gasoline With Storage Life of 12 Months at 100°F 99 9.2 Probability of Equipment•Difficulty xi 9—10 TROOP CONSTRUCTION IN IN TRE THE MIDDLE EAST TROOP CONSTRUCTION EAST QiAPTER 1 — INThODUCTION 1.1 Background The planning efforts for base development and operational contingencies The extremely in Southwest Asia (SWA) (Figure 1.1) involve unique challenges. harsh environment of the desert de8ert and very limited local building construction materials contribute to these challenges. There is io much such published literature concerning not only only the the effects effects of of the the desert desert envlronaaent environment on on material, iaterial, equipequip— bent, and facilities, ment, facilitie8, but but also also the the unusual unusual problems proble8 aesociated associated with with construcconstruction and operation activities in In such areas. A need exi8ts exists to summarize summarize all all engineer—related aspects a8pects of the problem, and provide a single source of inforinfor— ination for mation for planners planners and and engineer engineer units units to to use for base development development in in SWA. SWA. 1.2 Objective ObJective The purpose of this report is to consolidate all engineer—related aspects of the problem in base development and provide planners and engineers with a single source handbook covering construction problems and practiceB practices unique to the Middle East. 1.3 1.3 Assumptions 1. The areas area8 of concern are the desert regions regionB of SWA. 2. The facilities used for for up to 12 facilities will will be beu8ed 12 months. months. will Strategic air and and sea sea lines lines of of communication communication (LOC) (LOC) will be lImited limited to to 3. existing facilities. Some areas in the theater of operations (TO)vill be.eubjeet be.eubject .to hoe.— ho8.— tile fire; others will not. 4. auBtere. Joint Chiefs of Staff The staiidard of con8truction construction will viii be austere. standard of (JCS) Publication 3 initial standard (0 to 6 months) will govern. 5. The deploying forces force8 will arrive in the TO per Time Phased Force 6. Deployment Data with TOE equipment. 1.4 Characteristics of Desert Regions in base To provide some insight into the challenges that will be faced In construction, it construction, it is is important important to to understand understand the thecharacteriatics characteristicsof' of desert desert environments. environnents. 1—1 — + SUDAN Hill, Figure 1.1. • .M.Ct, Political map of Southwest Asia. SAUDI AIASIA SAUDI AASIA * ,N._D.I.I * 1.4.1 Terra This This region of the world contains three basic types of deserts: mountain, rocky plateau, and sandy or dune deserts. While each has itB its own disdistinctive characteristics, they share common features featureE of barrenness, barrennese1 aridity, and severity. eeverity. Because of Because of such such Inhospitable Inhospitable conditions, condition most most of of the the population population is concentrated along the coasts and the few major wajor rivers rivere where one can find some relief from the heat and dusts and where water is more iore plentiful. Mountain deserts are are areas. areas of of barren barren hills hills and and Bteep—sided steep—sided aountains mountains with with intervening dry, flat flat basins. basins. Rainfall ig infrequent and runs off rapidly to is infrequent produce flash floods floods that that erode erode deep deep gullies gullies and and ravines. ravines. The ground surface is badly dissected, with areas of exposed bedrock and stony Btony soil. Rocky plateau deserts are extensive flat areas where the surface is strewn with broken rock, boulders and gravel. Btrewn TheBe areas are cut by steepThese steep— valleys, known as wadis, and contain scattered oases walled eroded valleys, oaseB around which small villages often are found. These deserts also contain salt flats, flats) areas where areas where the the surface surface is is crusted crustedwith withsalt ealtand and underlaIn undèrlan wfth wth brine— saturated Boil. soil. normally dry dry in in the the summer aumer and They are normally and marshy marshy in in the the winter. winter. Dune or sand deserts are relatively flat, flat) wind—eroded areas covered with sand or gravel. Greed and Created andshaped shapedby bythe the wind, .-ind,dunes dunesconsist consist of of loose loose sand sand of vriois variousparirJe parirJesizes sizesand andvary varyin inheighr heighr from from aa few few feet feet to to several several hundred feet. generally hard Areas between beLwen the the dunes dunes are are generally hard with with no no distiict distinct landlandmarks excepL except fcr fcr i occasional occasional oasis. i It Lust ut b bk'pt keptininmind mindthat thatall allthree three terrain terrain types types are are usually usually not not ot The straggly vegetation can range from sparse straggly to to con— The nt veel:atin. veel:ation. tiuou and tir.uou and 'rJeá depending on ground conditions. The native vegetation vegetation will will usually be usualLy be low low tt 1e 'e ground, ground, though though commonly commonly 33 ft to 4 ft (0.91 m to to1.22 1.22 in) in) vairie cri cribebe seen. seen. I1h varierie dccld de.'cld ft to 4 ft (0.91 Itlh An Ompaction An linportan 1inportan feature feature of nominal desert desert soils is is the the surface surface :0mpacti0n pavement." This compaction is caused by referred referred to to as as "desert "desert pavement." This action of rain (for compaction) and wind (to remove the fine particles). This ".sert pavei.ent' pavei.ent' usually usually is is 1/2 1/2 in. in. to to 44 in. in.. (1.77 cm cm to to 10.16 cm) cm) thick thick and and Most of the time time troops troopswili will not not break break through) through,.biitwith bütwith ciewhat frag!l. Most cw exc tl: tr-ked or wheeled vehicles usually will. Once the "desert verent is breed, thethe heavy heavy blowing blowing sand sandand anddirt dirtconditions conditions reported reported In in raveneot" It is in In general this "desert pavement" WII mUitry the rule. rule. WII inUitr reort.. rerort.sisisthe between the the dunes dunes in in the the "sand "sand deserts," deserts," the the major major portion portion of of that is is founv four between the "Rocky plateau deserts," and the dry flat basins in the "Mountain the "Rocky p1ateu deserts," and the dry flat ba8ins in the "Mountain deserts." dser ts." soraet1jne soraetlines fragll. trked tl: is bre"-ed, 1.4.2 CIim. While deserL While desert regions of the SWA are-arid and generally have low humidity, Figure 1.2, 1.2, aa map ap of some coastal regions have high humidity levels. Figure climatic zones, shows three climatic categories covering the Middle East: desert; intirnediate intermediate hot dry desert; and humid, hot coastal desert. hot, dry disert; Dest?rt Desert area area of of SWA SWA experience experience aa wide wide range range of of daily daily temperatures. temperatures. DurOuring the day, so1r ing solarradiation radiationwarms warmsthe theair airand andground groundto toproduce producesucnmertime summertime 1—3 a- Figure 1.2. Climatic zones. S T fl II ' — 5U — S • a a ambient tempE-dtures tempEdtures well well over over 100°F 100°F (38°C). (38°C). At hot—dry regions, regions, At night in the hot—dry the heat dissipates quickly due to clear skies and low humidity, causing tem(10° to 21°C). Wintertime temperatureB are peratures to drop 500 to 70°F (100 to 16°C) during the day to near noticeably lower, ranging from 450 to 60°F (70 (7° to freezing at night. night. AreaB with high humidity have much lower day to night temperature swings. 8wings. Along with the daytime heat, the region is exposed to almost incessant Velocities near hurricane force are not infrequent during the day and night throughout the year. Such wind storms, often lasting for several days, carry large quantities quantitie8 of dust du8t and sand, and are frequently accompanied by rapid changes in temperature. wind. Characteri8tic of desert areas are the limited amounts of precipitation Characteristic and rapid evaporation. evaporation. In desert regionB, regions, rainfall is less than 10 in. (254 In the year, and frequently thi8 this is in the form of violent storms. per ) mountains and hilly areas, runoff is rapid and destructive, de8tructive, while in the flatter areas it is channeled through wadis to depressions and salt, salt flat9 flat where that that which which does doe8 not not percolate percolate into into the the soil.quickly soil.quicklyevaporates evaporatesinn the the hot sun. 1.5 Approach Approach and and Scope Scope This study was conducted in two phases. Phase I involved: (1) compilation of information based on actual field experiences and knowledge of laboratory personnel and other U.S. Army Corps of Engineers employees, and on a review of literature pertinent to construction con8truction in desert de8ert regions, region8, and (2) Identification identification of research area8 areas or problem area8 areas requiring additional study. Pha8e II involved studying the identified problem areas Phase area8 and refining information from Phase Phase I. I. This report documents the work of Phase II, and replaces the Phase I report, Theater of Operations Construction in the Desert: AA book of Lessons Learned Learned in in the the Middle Middle East. East. As in the Phase I document, this report covers the various engineering These include base ba8e planning. and disciplines involved in ia base development. siting (Chapter (Chapter 2), 2), base base protection protection(Chaptsr.3)., (Chaptsr.3) .electrical.genEration and siting electrical, generation and distribution (Chapter (Chapter 4), 4) water water supply, supply, distribution, distribution, and and disposal disposal (Chapter (Chapter 5), vertical construction construction (Chapter (Chapter 6), 6), horizontal horizontal construction construction (Chapter (Chapter 7), 7), S) vertical Factors affecting the engineer work force and port construction (Chapter 8). For definitions of abbreviations used u8ed in are also considered (Chapter 9). this this report, reports see see page page Index—l. Index—l. 1—5 CHAPTER 2 — EAE PLANNING AND SITING 2.1 Introduction For a base ba8e to withstand a harsh har8h environment and to keep occupants reasonreaaon— ably comfortable, the location of a facility or installation inetallation within a site 8ite 8hould be determined by analyzing the constraints and features should feature8 of the area. analy8i8 should include the climatic constraints of solar radiOverall siting analysis winds1 as well as the ation, temperature, precipitation, and prevailing winds, natural features features of of the the ground ground surface, surface, such such as as topography, topography ground ground cover, cover, and and drainage patterns. pattern8. This chapter provides provides some some fundamental fundamental considerations considerations for for ba8e planning base planning and and siting siting in in the the desert deBert regions regiona of ofSWA. WA. 2.2 2.2 Site Site Selection Selection factor8 must mu8t be be considered con8idered in in the tbe .selection.of selection of a. Several factors a. aite site in in an an arid arid The site shall hali preferably preferably be be in in an an area area where where water resources resources are are available nearby (see Chapter 5). The site must be easily eaaily accessible by existing roads, or the landform must allow a landing strip Strip to be built region. nearby. nearby. ** Areas where where drifting drifting sand sand is is aa Areas done, aa barrier or fence similar done, barrier or tIis cannot problem Bhould should be avoided. If tI4s problem to the temporiry temporary snow fences uBed used along highways in In the United States can be used to hold the sand; unfortunately, the Perbonnel may take advantage of sand sand never never melts melts but but only only grows grows and and moves. moves. Personnel this by placing fences fence8 where stockpiles of sand would be useful u8eful for construction tion or or camouflage. camouflage. Emulsified asphalt or crude oil can also be applied to temporarily stabilize the soil.** be be The drainage because even drainage of of the the site site must uu8t also also be be considered con8idred becau8e even though though the the desert receives little rain, when it does occur, it is usually sudden and inten8e and causes flash flooding even if the rainfall is intense i8 miles from the site. Bite. ehould be be avoided. Low—lying areas where there is i8 a 8 likelihood of ponding ehould Natural drainage swales swale8 (wadis2 (wadis ehould should be be located located and and avoided avoided because because of of the the * likelihood of flaBh flooding. flooding.* Drainage and mosquitoes mosquitoes may may be be aa problem problem where where there there are are salt salt marshes. marhea. These areas should also be avoided; however, if they are properly drained and graded, the hazards can cat be removed. Light oils can also be applied to marshy areas to kill mosquito larvae. The hot Bummer because it blows sand. In addition, the summer wind is a problem becau8e wind should be blocked during the hot part of the day, days but should be used in th the evening to help cool the base. ba8e. S0n8, Gideon Golany, Urban Planning for Arid Zones (New York: John Wiley 6 Sons, 1978), 1978). pp 7. ** Martin Evans, Iousing, Housing, Climate Climate and and Comfort Comfort (London: Architectural (London: The Architectural Press, 1980), p 57. ***Golany, pp Il. **.*Golany, 11. * 2—1 the deserts There are irs •svsn in the deserts There seven landforma landforma in piedmont, piedmont,play., playt,alluvial, alluvial, fan, fan, floodplain, coastalplain, plain,eolian floodplain, coastal eolian landforms landforiis —— bess bees andand sand sand dunes, dunes,and andmesa. mesa. plain,and andpiedmont piedmont are aremoat moat suitable suitablefor for concoastal plain, con— Thee. three three landforms landformsare arethe theones onesmoat moatlikely likely to to be belocated locatedwith with struction. itruction. These nearby.* by the However, liowever,the theexact exactlocation locationviii will be be dictated dictated by the vater rssourcs, water resources nearby.* militaryrsquirsmants. military requirements. Of those, the.., the the mesa, mesa Of A site's A site's elevation elevation can can influence its climate. An An increase increasein in elevation elevation its climate. causes thethe temperature temperaturetoto decrease, decrease,and andthe therelative relative humidity hidfty and and the the wind wind ventilation to ventilation to increase. increase. !4esas Mesas and andpiedmont piedmontregions regionshave have this thischaracteristic; characteristic; however, areare notnot as as easily however,mesas mesas easilyaccessible accessiblebecause because of the of the straight straightcliffs cliff . surrounding .** surroundingthem them.** The piedmont The piedmontregion region is is the the area area sloping slopingdown down from from a mountain. Slopes facing away away from facing frOmthe theequator equatorare arepreferable preferable because becausethey theyreceive receivelea, lessdirect direct solar radiation radiationand and therefore therefore have have lover solar lower temperatures temperatures (Pigure (Figure 2.1). 2.1). Slope. facing west west and and southwest southwest should ofoftheir facing should be beavoided avoidedbecause because their increased solar radiation and and higher temperatur,es.*** temperatures.*** humidity along along Coastal plains slope slope toward toward the the sea; sea; because because of the high humidity the wind windis is an an important factor in cooling. There may be a problem the coast, coast, the with salt water entering the water water table table because because of of the the nearness nearness c. o' the the sea. sea. 2.3 Site Planning Two main factors must must be be controlled controlled when designing aa base base in a hot, arid when designing region. The The intense intensesolar solar radiation radiation must must be reduced be reduced at critical at critical period. periods by by orientation and shading, and the hot, dry dry daytime daytime winds windi must be reduced. Reducing the amount of solar radiation radiation that that reaches reaches the the building building surfaces surface. best heat gain gain in th. heat best way to reduce the in the ths base. base. Buildings should Buildings should be bedesigned designedwith withtheir theirlong longaxis axisoriented orientedininananeast—vest salt—vest minimizethe th. east andvest vestwall will exposure (Pigurs (Figure 2.2).+ Builddirection totominimize east and possiblein in order order to to shads shade ings should also also be be placed placed as as close close together togetheras ii possible each other. Building overhangs, cantilevers, or arcades should be used whenand..buildLng vail.... ever possible possible to to provide, provide•shad. shadeforforwalkways walkwaysandbuilding valli... A A cloth canopy or some type of shada shade netting can also be installed installad between buildings and ground ground surfaces surfacesisis the the and to to shad. th. streets valkvays.l shad. the streets and and valkvay.." Thestreets ,tr..ts should The •hould be as as narrow narrow as as practical. provided Shadeshould ihould be Shad. be provided b.comingunbearably unbearably if practical if practicalinin parking parking areas arias to keep to keep theths vehicles vehicles from from becoming hot. Shade can be provided provided by by canvas canvasororsome sometype typeofofnetting netting (Figur. (Figure 2.3). 2.3). traveled .treets .tr..ts and and pedestrian pedastrian valkvay• walkway.should should be be paved Only heavily traveled •ince the u—radiatemore more of ofthe thepolar polarradistion radiation than vill viii the th. the pavement pavementwill. viiira—radiats •inc• * Golany, Golany, p 1.2. 12. " Gol.any,. p 1.6. ** Golany,. 16. ***Evan., pp 54. 54. + Victor Olgyay, Design D.stiti With WithClimate Climets (Princ.toni (Princ.toni Prineeten Prineeton University UniversityPress, Prsss 1973),p p . 1973), 4+ +1' Kathisv Lsthl.sst Kelly Kelly and and I,I. T. T.Pehnadsl.back, Pehcadiiback, Landsø.ping Landseiping the theIsudi laudi Arabia Arabia Desert ..ert Delaney Priss, (PhLlad.lphias The Delaney (PhLled.iphias 40. Press, 1976), 1976), p 40. ***y1 . 2.2 REFLECTED SUNLIGHT STRIKES BUILDING EXT ENSIVELY. EXTENSIVELY. REFL.ECTW LIGHT STRIKES LITTLE O THE BUILDING. BUILDING. OPPOSITE SLOPE AaSORBS LITTLE A8SORBS ENERGY BECAUSE OF OBLIQUE ANGLE. SUNLIT SLOPE ABSORBS MOST OF SOLAR RADIATION BECAUSE ANGLE APPROACHES 90 DEGR EES. A. NORTh-SOUTH SLOPE AS SUN ANGLE DROPS, EAST SLOPE BECOMES SHADED. WEST SLOPE ABSORBS ENERGY DURING HOTTER PART OF THE DAY. EAST SLOPE ABSORBS ENERGY DURING COOLER MORNING HOURS AND SO 50 IS Is COOLER THAN THE THE WEST WEST SLOPE. B. EAST-WEST SLOPE Figure 2.1. Building placement. 2—3 Wf—>E TH SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE LOW ALTITUDE AF1ERNOON SUN STRIKES ONLY A SMALL WALL AREA t LOW ALTITUDE MORNING SUN 'r HITS SMALL WALL AREA HIGH ALTITUDE MIDDAY SUN IS SCREENED BY PAT OVERHANG SUN NORTHERN Figure 2.2. _______ Building layout: East—West orientation. BUILDING OVERHANG INDEPENDENT SHADE Figure 2.3 Parking shades. The streets should be paved in light earth colors rather than ground surface. white (because of the glare) or dark colors, which would cause the area to become quite hot. Large open plazas should be avoided because they do not provide shade and In addition, the wind will deflect into them and viii become too hot to use. cause turbulence and blowing sand. Vegetation helps to reduce the amount of radiation which reaches the ground, to hold the soil in place, and to reduce the amount of blowing sand (Figure 2.4).* Therefore, vegetation should be protected whenever possible during base construction. * Baiwant Slngh Saini, Building in Hot Dry Climate (Chichester; John Wiley & Sons, 1980), p 86. 2—4 REFLECTED SUNLIGHT IS BLOCKED EY BY VEGETATION. VEGETATION. rrrrlin I I )TH JT(//flflHT1TH 1TTi 111H 1 11) Figure 2.4. Vegetation. The heights of the buildings should be kept as low and uniform as possiThe possi— ble, with with the distances between buildings no greater than the height of the structures so the wind stays above the base. Taller buildings will create structures turbulence and eddies ed1ies in ir the base (Figure 2.5). turbulence Wind towers can be used to catch the wind and provide ventilation and cooling for the building interiors. Walled courtyards will provide protection from the wind and offer shade. perpendicular to to the the prevailing prevailing winds winds and and be be Streets should be designed perpendicular straight streete streets should should be be avoided avoided because because as narrow as possible. Long, wide, straight rake conditions unbearable. the wind, blowing sand, and heat will make Many of the factors discussed here contradict those which must be considered for base protection and concealment. Base protection has not been considered in this chapter; only the factors relating to climate—sensitive design have been discussed. PREVALING WiNO PREVALING WiNO TAUER BUILDING HLDING NCRESES TAU.ER NCRESES W$ND SPEED SPEED 88 TURBULtNCE WIND TURBULENCE Figure 2.5. Effect of wind on high rises. 7—c — BASE CHAPTER 3 — BASE PROTECTION PROTECTION 3.1 3.1 Introduction This chapter discusses problems problemB with base protection, which include fortificationB1 and camouflage, explosive excavation, mine utilization, field fortifications, installation physical security. Most of these problems are common to all theaters of operation operation (To) (TO) and and are only slightly changed because of the peculiarities of the region under study. In particular, particular, the the lack lack of of water, water, tein— temperature extrelDes, extremes, and and low low humidity humidity have have little little effect effect on on (or (or affect affect only only indirectly) base protection. However, two dominant characteristics characteristic8 of the region do have an effect: the soil 8oil conditions, conditions including including dust, dust, and and the the lack of building materials. 3.2 General A general rule is that successful camouflage is i8 80 percent proper 8iting aiting and 20 percent treatment. treatment. In arid regions, featureless or flat terrain and featurele9s liuiited vegetation make camouflage of key elements limited elementB at at fixed fixed facilities facilities particpartic— ularly ularly valuable. valuable. (See FM 90—3, 90—3. Desert Operations.) Dispersing easily idenIdentifiable features into irregular or nongeometrical patterns, avoiding open plains, and keying into local natural terrain irregularities —— such as rock drainageways —— are basic practices that can outcrops, ditches, ditches, arid and drainageways cantly increase a base's chance of surviving air attacks. When keying camouflage to natural drainage features, features1 however, caution must oust be exercised since such areas may be subject to flash flooding. Thus, their potential for incorporation be somewhat somewhat linited. limited. Since Army incorporation into into the the camouflage camouflage plan plan may ay be stock camouflage items may not be available for rapid deployment, deployuent, local materials can be used to fabricate acceptable alternatives. In all cases, a total camouflage plan should be addressed on a force and unit basis, not on an itet—by—item item—by—item baais. basis. Best results results can can be be achieved achieved by by aa auiall small (6— (6— to 10—man) teaiiiassigned team assignedcamouflage camouflageresponsibility.* responsibility.* Local labor labor should should be be used1, used, if at measuree. Contñgency Contingency plans plans all possible, to construct expendient camouflage measures. should be made ahead of time. signifi- 3.3 Explosive Excavation The need may arise to excavate large soil volumes for tank obstacles, obetacles1 place storage field fortifications. fortifications. The place storage below below ground1, ground, or or euiplace emplace field The principal principal problems are (1) emplacing the explosives deep enough to use their full potential, and (2) predictIng predicting the resulting crater. Emplacement 3.3.1 3.3.1 cemented desert The emplacement problem will be difficult in many of the ceaented Drilling equipment and/or shaped charges offer the only practicel soils. soils. * Wherevr Wherever the words man, •men, the words man, •men, or their related related pronouns pronouns appear, appear1 either either as a words or parts of words (other than referring to a specific individual), they have been used for literary purposes and are meant in their generic sense to include both sexes. 3—1 Fig— The crater dimensions can be approximated from the curves in FigWhIle these curves are recommended for general use, While use1 in the Middle East they will give most accurate result8 results for TNT in dry granular sand and weak rocks, rocks1 the cage case for which they were developed. solutions. ureB 3.1. and 3.2. ures 3.3.2 Tank Obstacles Obstacle8 The The best explosive excavation system for tank obstacles is ie a 4—in, 4—in. plastic pipe buried to about 6—1/2 ft (2 m) and pumped full of slurry Blurry explosive. exp]oeive. This system can be primed with C—4 on one end, end1 and the resulting linear ditch can run several hundred meters. Two to three hundred is probably practical without additional priming at intervals along the pipe.. A system such as a large Ditch Witch or Badger Plow may not be available to emplace pipe, so Figures 3.3 and 3.4 are provided for explosives in boreholes. Note that that in in addiaddition to the problem problei of providing enough boreholes, boreholes1 large amounts amounta of explosives are also required. 3.4 Mine Use Mine warfare has required major engineering and logistical efforts in previous desert combat. FM 90—3 points points Out out that that in in most most cases, cases1 dcs'ert dcsert nine— mine— fields, fields, because because of of the the terrain, terrain must must cover cover large large areas areas to to be be effective. effective. Two possible problems that can arise in certain desert terrains and causediffi— culty in using mines to prevent intrusion intruBion are: (1) certain cemented or gravelly soils will be difficult to dig for underground emplacement of nines, uines, and, and1 when dug dug1 leave leave an an obvious obvious signature; signature; and and (2) (2) drifting drifting sands sands can can cover cover scatterable mines, can cover buried mines niinestoo toodeeply deeplyfor formine mineeffectiveness, effectiveness and can expose mines iines that have been previously buried. burled. No solutions are suggested to these problems. 3.5 Field Fortifications Command CoTnmand posts posts and and underground underground bunkers bunkers will will be be difficult difficult to to construct construct due due to to lack lack of of beams, beanis timbers1 timbers1 and and general general construction construction materials. materials. In one of the Sinai campaigns, caipaigns, existing existing railroads railroadswerewere.torn tornup up -so, -s.o•.that that rails.and rails.andties ties coul,d couLd be used to roof bunkers and fighting positions. Full advantage must be taken of expedient items that can be salvaged from existing or demolished buildings in in the the TO. TO. For the larger larger structures, Structures 8uch such items items as as rails rails and railroad from demolished demolished buildings, buildings1 etc., etc.1 may be availcrossties, beams, beams, and and Joists frozn Competition for such salvaged materials should be expected because of able. the general lack of timber and structural steel. joists 36 Overhead OverheadCover Coverfor forPrepared Prepared Positions Positions 3.6 In arid regions there will be few natural materials from which to build overhead cover for for prepared prepared fighting fighting positions poeitionB such such as as positions positions for for Dragon Dragon and and Law Law antitank antitark weapons weapons and and two—man two-man fighting fighting positions. positions. Due to the extreme temperatures, it may be just as important for overhead cover to provide shade protection protection from from incoming incoming fire. fire. Dust Dust and and blowing blowing sands sands will will be be irritating irritating to to the troops. troops, may cause damage to the weapons, and can obscure the field of fire weaponsp the dust stirred up from the backblast during battle. For antitank weapons, 3—2 For Exp1o1vc Charge of Otii Depth of Burial Example: V z = D = 10 KG Buried at 1.3M (B), Crater Depth (D) O.95M Crater Radius (R) 2.OM, and Crater Volume (V) — 5.3M3 Apparert Crater Volume A-rent Crater Radius Apparent Crater Depth 'coo .co $00 $00 300 "C 'Co ICC 200 ICC loG b3 •0 I £0 S I "I 10 0 C I si VI 5 5 2 £ 4 3 3 2 R B D 0.I 0.3 Q 0s 0,a .3 03 0.2 3.2 3 Figure 3.1. £ 2 3 6 d C. 3 5 i 0.I %OOC Optimum depth of charge burial and crater dimensions for optimally buried charges in dry gravelly sand as functions of charge weight. 3—3 -I C B • Optiu Optimum epth epthofof3uriaJ 3uriaJ V — Apparent Apparent Crater Volume R Apparent Crater Apparent Crater adius adius = Apparent Appsret Depth Crater Depth iT :±±LI:b± II I I I $00 300 tOO too Hi £00 I00 500 aCO 00 )00 £0 I joc i00 •I_I tiIt 1111111 I i II I IIiU 10 to I so I I IHVH HH HH 0 j i I I LI IIIHI 20 200 SO cIIt 11:111! C 0 :H ri:u± 50 30 ( •00 E Eff:i.__4b1±:__ I I = : l00 200 $000 40 11111• I I 30 IIH- a 0 to I ) itit S I 6 g -i U 2 3 'i/H! a I 3 I I I 4 I.___.———i—T I I I j._.—.4———- Li—— I I 2 2 1J1L++tt-rTi 0.3 0.1 0.$ 0.$ —T Hill 0. 33 0. 2 I I 2 $ I 0. Figure Figure 3.2. 3.2. 0.5 I IH I HHH_ £50 sic, £ 5 5 IC. IIHI1 I I I I 100 as. •.100 4 ll 11——. Iq lullI 111 HHH 1 a I 2 I I II- 3456 3 4 5 S I00 $i00 0.5 0.11 0. .& 0.3 0.2 0.' Optimum depth of charge burial and crater dimensionS for optimally buried charges in weak sandstones and shales as functions of charge weight. 3—4 DOUBLE—OITCH DESIGN DOUBLE—DITCH SINGLE-DITCH DESIGN. DESIGN (2—MINUTE MINIMUM DELAY) Dry Sand/Weak Rock Dry Cemented Gravelly Sand Dry Dry Cemented Sandy C1y Figure J 4.4 • I.• •. I I i * VfM—LINE CHARGE (IN—LINE CHARGE SPACINGS) SPACINGS) 110 175 75 (lb/hole) (lb/hole) Blasting Agent (Slurry) Charge WI Wt 4 4 I •, •. I I I 1 4 4 4 4.4 1 4 •. •0 •0 •• • • •S • .• .• • • . •. •. . .• . I • • •i • • • • • • • • 100 150 150 275 TNT Z IC-, I I I I 3.3.. 2 N DEEP DEEP Explosive barrier ditching designs (plan view). ALL CHARGE HOLES HOLES ARE ARE ROR I RO RD 3(IF USED) HoI7(IFUsEo) HoI7IFuSEo) I'll' Ic, I i Ic, I.., NUMBER OF INTENDED BARRIER LENGTH. OF CHARGE CHARGE IBtATIONS LtATIONS AS NEEDED IOR OR INTENDED LENGTH. TRIPLE—DITCH DESIGN : BRIDGING CAPAEVJTY) -U BRIDGING CAPAEVY) (DEFEATS 30—U (DEFEATS (DEFEATS 18—M BRIDGING CAPABILiTY (DEFEATS 18-M BRIDGING CAPABILiTY) 3. 2. 1. Material CHAR ORIGINAL URACE LOC*7,OH LOC*7IOH a. SINGLE $NGLE DITCH 2•NINUTE NJMUM DELAY) U•NINUTE JIM AVLI AVLB SPAN DOUBLE DITCH (DEFEAU iBM (DEFEAU uN BRIDGING BRIDGING CAPABILITY) CAPABILITY) Avta SPAN .&lAvLaSP*N ROW NO. Ii cc. TRIPLE TRIPL( DITCH 1DEFEA1 -M MRDGINC 1DEFEAT RDGNGCAPABIUTY; tArAe,LITv; Figure 3.4. Explosive barrier ditch cross sections. Sections. and missile will not only give away the location of the position, positions but can also decrease the gunner's gunner's field field of of vision vision to to the the point point where where he he may may lose lose his his tartarget. 3.6.1 Possible Solutions Use tubular sandbags for overhead cover. These sandbags are about 79 in. (200 cm) long and 10 in. (25 cm) wide when empty. When filled and arched they can span a 24—in. 24—In. (60—cm) wide trench, trench providing providingoverhead overheadcover coverfor forthe theDragon Dragon and two—man fighting positions shown in TC 77—50, pp 49 and 12, respectively. The tubular sandbag sandbag should should be be filled filled using using soil soil dug dug from from the bottom bottom of of the the position. The soil Boil at the ground surface may be too dry for the filled bags to arch properly. The arched bags will provide overhead cover for both shade and protection froo fragmentation. This method does not solve the problem of backblast. backblast. 3.6.2 Special Consideritions Tubular sandbags are used in Germany by the Army and by civilians for flood control. These bags should be considered for inclusion as part of the forces' sandbag aandbag supply. 3—6 3.7 3.7 Constructici andCommunications Communications (C3) (C3) BunkerB Bunkers Constructioi of of Command, Command,Control, Controand ba9e8 and strong points pointB using u8ing Construction of C3 bunkers at operations bases designs presently presently in in Army Army field field manuals manuals requires requires large large quantities quantities of of uiaterials materials (concrete. timber, tinber, and corrugated metal) wetal) and considerable effort by engineer (concrete, troops. A force operating in remote and arid regions will have neither the materials nor engineer support to construct con8truct C3 bunkers using designs in the field field manuals. manuals. Another problem in arid regions is the extreme temperature that, without adequate ventilation, could make nake staying in the bunker unbearable. 3.7.1 PosBibie Soiutiona PosBibie These 8helters shelters can can be be fabricated fabricated from from frane fabric shelters. shelter9. Use buried frame iaterials materials that will be found in built—up areas of the country and materials brought in by the force. The frame for the shelter can be made either from small—diameter (1—1/2— to 2—in.) steel Bteel or aluminum aluminun pipe connected with pipe Frame spacing Bpacing should fitting or existing structures. structures. fitting or fron from lumber lumber taken takenfroixi from existing be a maximum and designed designed tosupport 18 18 to to 24 24 in. in. .( •( aximuitiofof3030in. in.(760 (6O mm) m) and The fabric cover, should be a neoprene—coated nylon fabric, 610 uim) 610 mm) of of soil. soil. such as T—17 landing membrane, menbrane, or possibly the fabric from which large water Excavation for the bunker can be done using engineer bladders are made. iade. Entranceways should be placed on both ends of the equipment or equipulent or explosives. explosives. bunker bunker for for ventilation. ventilation. If available, blowers should also be used to increase nm) of soil cover will provide the ventilation. Approximately 16 in. (410 mm) adequate fragmentation protection. 3.7.2 Special Casdrations Several frane—fabric shelters are being considered for type classificaframe—fabric These shelters are are lightweight, lightweight, require require little little 8hippittg shipping space, space, and and can can be erected rapidly by the users with engineer support 8upport required only for excavation and placement of soil cover. In recent years, these shelters have been used by the Israelis. tion. 3.8 3.8.1 Special Canoufiage S,pecial Camouflage Problenis Problems. Taiwaya, PlpelineB, PipelineB, and Other Linear Linear Featuree Featuz'ee racks, racks, Twiwaya, Bury pipes, and use use therpipes,avoid avoidstraight straight lines, lines, and therPossible solutions. Bury 1. 1. Possible solutions. mal blankets and and screens screens to to break break up up lines lines and patterns patterns of of piping. piping. Use mal Shadows must be elim— elim adhesives and adhesives and local local soil soil to to ciatch match background background color. mated. Use discipline to curtail tracking. Rake out connecting tracks to Inated. canouflage installations. Taxiways can be patterned by use of adhesives and camouflage Special fireproof adhesives are required. local soils. Do not employ employ comlEon common adhesives adhe9ives on on taxiways. taxiiaya. 2. Don'ts. fire fire from from common common adhesives adhesives are are hazards hazards to to jet jet engines. engines. Loose sand and Pipelines, off—road tracks, and taxiways are Special consjderations. considerations. 3. all,highly all highly visible visible linear linear signatures signatures and and keys keys to to specific specific target target locations. locations. kush and Brush andscreets screensused usedrandonily randomly along pipelines help reduce detectability. material8 such as canvas, shrimp netting, screen, sheeting, straw, Local materials 3—7 feathers, steel wool, and glass wool can be used to produce screens by tying them to a mesh base 8upport of wire or cord. Electrical 3.8.2 Power Generators 1. Possible Possible solutions. solutions. Emplace under cover of buildings. Bury in natural or dug ground cuts. Cuts. installation with with screening. ecreenirg. Use thermal Cover installation blankets and radiation shields Bhields between generator and the expected angle of incoming attack aircraft. Distribute generators to avoid regular signature aignature patterns. Employ antiradar screens. Insulate exhaust stack8 and hot areas. Bury Bury power power cables cables where where possible. possible. Employ decoy thermal sources to destroy de8troy ground signature Bignature of site. Exhaust hot air and gases into the atmosphere atmoBphere from shielded vents. The detection and identification of generators by thermal devices is a principal threat to site, site1 unit, and activity identification. 2. Don'ts. Do not restrict air flow through generators. Do not exhaust hot air onto objects and terrain (these will become secondary radiators). Do not rely on visual screens to hide from thermal detection. Where possible, poBsible, avoid open terrain. open terrain. 3. Special considerations. Use local materials aaterials and labor to fabricate needed camouflage. In a thermal region, the main objective is to it heat escape by convection while shielding radiation from detectors. Hot gases are not readily detectable, but surfaces warmer or colder than their backg.ounds are. Straw, brush, and old fabrics of various kinds can be used to produce screening. Tall 7'owr3 Tall Towra and and Antennae 3.8.3 1. 1. Possible solutions. Site tall features with concealment consideraconBidera— tion. tioi. tower8 and antenEmploy open—web construction where possible for both towers nae. Pattern paint and apply shape distributors in accord with terrain using local brush or similar material. Bury cable to towers (thermal target). Use UBe decoy towers to confuse force identity. Where feasible, use existing tall structures for antennae emplacements. 2. Don'ts. Do notcluster antennae. Donotaddedge Donotaddedge dlsrupt'or8 to notclusterantënnae. disruptors to rotating antennae. Do not pattern paint rotating antennae. Color tone antennae to match background terrain, not the sky. Avoid making tracks between guy wire anchor points. nt add towers. Do not add to to visual visual cross cross section section of towers. 3. Special considerations. Antennae on tall towers are easily identified reference points for attack from the air. High winds windB must be considered for all camouflage measures. 3.8.4 Individual buildings buildings and and Shelters ShZters 1. 1. Possible solutions. Use existing structures where possible and do not modify their exterior appearance. Disperse new structures, shelters, and tentage in in nongeonietrical nongeometrical patterns terrain featureè. featureè. Bury patterns tied tied into into existing terrain structures where forced to use open areas. Use adhesive and local local soils soils to to tone down exposed surfaces. Conceal shadows and destroy geometric shape of structures by use of screening made from local materials applied to wire— netting base. Especially screen all openings to prevent "black—hole effect. 3—8 Extend ground ;.attern with soil treatments uBing using oils, dark earth, etc. Main— Maintain random road tam road networks. networks. Use decoy structures where appropriate to confuse the attacker and provide false targets. Metal screening can reduce detection by radar. Trash can be used to conceal vital buildings. building8. Screening materials of local nature are available to help in the form of adhesives from milk, soyfabrics) canvas, and trash traah beans, flour, molasses, molasses) etc. Garnish from straw, fabrics, can also be used. Supporting mesh can can be be made made froni from materials materials such such as as chicken chicken wire and old fish nets. 2. Don'ts. Don'ts. Avoid Avoid positions positions in in open—plain open—plain areas. areas. Avoid positions on crests or ridges. Do not alter exterior appearance of existing damaged buildings except except to to torte tone down. Do not permit traffic and parking near critical buildings buildings or or shelters. shelters. Do not use open not use open geometric geometric patterns patterns for for tents tents and and vans. vans. other highly highly identifiable identifiable features at a distance Keep antennae antennae arid and other distance frog from criticritical cal headquarters headquarters buildings. buildings. Special considerations. considerations. Use local materials Special iaterials and labor where possiBasic use of local to structures structures is is valuable valuable for for tone tone down. down. Ba8ic local soil soil 'adhered adhered to supporting Screens made from straw, brush, rags, or shrimp netting tied to Bupporting nettirg are good substitutes for inventory screening. Adhesives can be made netting from from molasses, mola8ses, oil, oil, bituminous bituminous emulsions, emulsions, resins, resins, glues, glues, starches, starches, soybean soybean and and milk protein, and flour. 3. 3. ble. Open Material Storage Sites and Fuel Storage 3.8.5 Use natural natural terrain terrain features features and and lines lines to to stock stock Possible solutions. Use Use broken ground, gullies, existing roadsides, and shadows of buildings to disperse supplies so that from a distance they appear as a part of the natural order of things. Employ local materials such euch as brush, straw, and Use adhesive adhesive and and local local fabrics to break up linear patterns of stock supplie8. supplies. Use Disperse large large items items soils to fabricate screens for covering larger items. Disperae consistent with security. Create decoy storage sites in open areas using the Patterns Patterns can can be be created created on on the the usual military squares and piles of trash. ground in arid areas with oil or other dark colorants to simulate stocks 8tocks of stores by by represent:lng representing their their shadow. shadow. Use existing buildings where possible to Where possible, possible, employ employ existing existing fuel fuel pruvide both concealment and cover. Where storage facilities. Bury bladders, keeping the shape of revetments Irregular. screening to to cover cover .8hadow shadow Disperse into irregular geometric geouetric patterns. Use screening line and employ local soil as colorant. Vertical tanks should be emplaced tra8h and treated paper can simuainst rocky outcrops or burled. buried. Screening trash Thermal insulation (such as foam) on paper or fabric late rocky backgrounds. covering can reduce infrared detection when used over tanks and bladders. Screens of patterned canvas are suitable in desert areas if wind load is taken into account. 1. stores. etablishing Don'ts. Avoid stereotyped geometric ground patterns in etab1ishing Avoid creating more roads than storage 8ites. sites. Avoid use of open—plain areas. necessary. 2. Special considerations. Material storage is an inviting target. 3. While moderately increasing Increasing inventory Inventory and and controlling controlling access access are are valuable valuable techniques, the use of passive measures to protect stores is worth the cost. •Take precautions when when using using natural natural drainage drainage features features since since they they may may be subTake precautions ject to flash flooding. 3—9 3.9 Placement of Mines MineB in Shifting Sands sands may may result result in in Placement Placement of of mines mines in in areas areas known known to have shifting sands buried mines being uncovered, thus making it easier for others to detect mine locations. Mines placed placed in in wadis wadis or or other other interiBittent intermittent water courses may may be be of IBines mines dislocated dislocated or even detonated when rains rains fill fill these these channels. channels. Burial Burial of desert plateau plateau areas areas where where the the ground ground is is flat flatand andstony stonymay mayprove provediff diffiin desert icult. (Information source, source, Landmine Landmine and and Countermine Countermine Warfare1, Warfare, North North Africa, Africa, [Engineer Agency 1940—1943 1940—1943 [Engineer June 1972J.) 1972J.) Possible Agency for Resources Inventories, June solutions include minefield locations carefully selected with full knowledge of the possible adverse environmental impacts. impactB. 3.10 Mine Removal Featureless terrain without easily locatable landmarks makes finding and removing friendly minefields difficult. Possible solutions include starting points located located and and recorded recorded by. by taking taking azimuths azimuths and distances distances from from more more than than one landmark landmark and and ensuring ensuring the the landmarks landmarksare arethe themost mostperinanelit permanent terrain feature feature available. 3.11 Effects of Temperature Extremes on Mines Extreme Extreme temperatures temperatures and and abrupt abrupt daily daily temperature temperature changes changes can can affect affect the the functioning of buried mines and create increased dangers from mine detonations detonation8 in open—storage dump areas. Surface laying laying of of mines mines caii can increase increa8e the the temperature extremes that mines are subject to. (Information source1, (Information source, Landuiine Landmine and and Countermine Warfare, North Africa, 1940—1943 [Engineer Agency for Resource Inventories, Juiie 1972].) Inventories, June 1972].) 3.11.1 Possjbl Possibi Solutions Solutions This This problem problem was was noted noted from from World World War War II II experiences experiences in in North North Africa. Africa. Current Current landmine manuals indicate indicate that that U.S. U.S. landniiiies landniines are are built built to to function function in in temperatures as high as a 125°F 125°F(51°C) (51°C)and andniay may be stored in areas up to 160°F Little information information was was found found pri on what, what. has has been, been done done to to improve improve the the (70°C). ability of mines to fuiiction in these extreme temperatures since World WarII. U. function in these extreme temperatures since World War However, mines placed in a desert environment eiwironment may reach temperatures greater than 150°F (65°C) due to solar 8olar heating, especially if they are surface laid. Little 3.11.2 Dont's Dont Do not store Store mines in enclosed buildings where temperatures might exceed 150°F (65°C). 3.12 Mine Detector AN—PRS—7 Thi currellt nonnietallicmine minedetector, detector, AN—PRS—7, AN—PRS—7, does does not not function funétion well The current nonmetallic well in soils soils with with au an extremely extremely low low moisture moisture content. conteut. This problem was noted during the clearance clearance of of miues mines at at the the Suez Suez Caual; Canal; however1, however, no practical practical solution solution is known. 3—10 3.13 Visual Detection of Minefield Intruders Visual detection of minefield intruders will be hindered by afternoon hot days. days. Between 1500 and 1700 hours, haze may haze haze in in deserts deserts on on clear clear, hot limit visibility close to the ground to approximately 200 yd. (Inforwation (Information Bource, Landmine and Countermine Warfare North Africa, 1940—1943 [Engineer source, aentry dogs or other sen— Agency for Agency for Resources Resources Inventories, Inventories June 1972J.) 1972J.) Use sentry aors to detect intruders during periods when haze limits liiits ground visibility. 3.14 314 Effect of Extreme Environment on Sensors Extreme environmental factors such as high temperatures, haze, winds, and sandstorms can degrade 8ensor sensor performance by creating excessively high false alarm rates, reducing effective detection ranges, rangeB, and causing mechanical and Sandstorms could even bury the sensor comelectronic component failures. Infrared sensors will be adversely affected by haze, ground fog, or pletely. Detection capabilities during high temperatures will be reduced sandstorms. because the temperature differentials between the target and the background will be small. Extreme temperature fluctuations will make it difficult to The radar's effectiveness adjust the dynamic range of infrared equipment. will be reduced during sandstorms due to reduced effective ranges and clogging Acoustic sensors of moving components (such as sweeping dishes) with sand. will be adversely affected by background noises created by high winds and Seismic sensors sensors will il1 be blowing sand, sand, which which can can clog clog or or abrade abrade microphones. microphones Seismic Bolve difficult to emplace and be less sensitive where bedrock is exposed. To solve such difficulties, electronic components should be shielded from the sun and cooled. Verifying sensors should be used to reduce false alarm rates. Low— When pos1.0 GHz). GHz). frequency radars should should be be used used during during sandstorus sandstorms (up (up to to 1.0 sible, alter terrain to extend effective ranges of sensors. 3—Il 3—11 CHAPTER 4 -- EJECTRIC POWER GENERATIONS CHAPTER DISTRIBUTION, AND GROUNDING: GENERATION, DISTRIBUTION, SWA SWA BASE CAMPS 4.1 Introduction This chapter considers aspects of electric power generation and distribution that present significant challenges to Army deployment and operations in SWA SWA environments. environent8. Field engineerB engineers can can use use this thi8 information infonnation as a a guide to probleniswith withelectric electricdistribution di8tributionsystems 8yste8 in a desert environment, specific problem8 and as a an an outline outline of of typical typical distribution/generation distribution/generation equipment equipment expected expected to to be be u8ed. The information information collected collected here here i8 is applicable applicable to toArniy Army base camps or logistic complexes that may be built in areas area8 forward of designated, de8ignated, pre— 8tocked, intermediate staging bases stocked, base8 (ISB8), (ISB5), and therefore to any region of SWA. Thi8 chapter is This i8 based on-the following assumptions: a8sumption8: 1. Base canips camps will will be be developed developed in in an an arid, arid, sandy, sandy, and hot enviromnent environment with high winds. 2. Logistics and re—supply capability will be limited. 3. Host nation power will be either unavailable or incompatible with power deniand. power demand. 4. 4. Use of organic TOE generators for more than a few weeks will not be acceptable because of troop unit operational degradation. 5. 5. Engineer support will be overtasked; shortages shortage8 of experienced electric distribution specialists are expected. 6. Base camps may have to be relocated for tactical or logistical logi8tical reasons. is required. A more elaA very simplified simplified electric electric distribution distribution system system is required. borate or extensive system would not be feasible to construct or maintain using presently available distribution di8tribution equipment/materials. •A A limited 11iited and simplified power distribution system would vould be compatible with currently considered levels of austerity au8terity within the base camp. As an example of electric utilities' austerity, austerity recent recent findings findings indicate indicate that that the the average average electric electric power power available at typical OCONUS Army bases is between 0.75 and 1.6 kW per man. BaBe camp planning for SWA forward areas consider power levels of .10 to .20 Base kW per man. Certain ISB locations location8 provide for total electric consumption of S 5 MW, whereas base camps will provide about 1 MW for equivalent size units. Other considerations con8iderations in this chapter are reliance on field—expedient measures and common sense, 8ense, along with tactical considerations that may become most scenarios which important at at later later phases phase8 of of base base camp camp operation. operation. In moat important include a base camp, both air superiority and positive region control are assumed. This assuniption assumption may may not not hold hold for for extended extended periods. The electric power distribution system considered here is intended to support a typical 1000—man base camp. Although larger base ba8e sizes of 3000— and 4—1 4—1 5000—man capacity 5000—man capacity are are being being planned, planned,ititisisrecocnmended,r recommended, for for simplicity and and least demand on electric electric distribution distribution expertise1, expertise, that that the the 1000—man 1000—man distribudistribution network be duplicated as necessary necesgary to accommodate these larger camps. Extension of completely centralized distribution (i.e., (i.e.1 using larger generagenera— tore and longer trunk lines) would necessitate use of higher voltages, additors tional types types of of equipment1, equipment, and expertise in in distribution. distribution. and personnel personnel with more expertise At this stage in the the planning planning for for base base camp camp development1, development, exact exact —— — or even approximate —— power demand profiles have not been specified because of ongorevisione in Army Facility Component System (AFCS) facilities for use in ing revisions SWA. Since any distribution system must be tailored to match a known demand, specific specific recommendations recommendations for for generation/distribution generation/distribution equipment equipment size size are are not not included here. However, examples of typical distribution systems, and those proposed proposed by by other other studies, studies, are are included. included. General principles for using these systems are considered. 4.2 Generation Army Army standard standard tactical tactical generators generators (TGs) (TGS) are are recommended recommended for for base base camp camp use use during initial and temporary phases of base camp occupation. T.- DOD's bbile Electric Power Electric Power Progracu Program (MEPP) (MEPP) monitors monitors development1, development, standardization, tandardization1, and and proprocurement of these units. Particularly applicable to base camp distribution are the 60 60 kW, kW, 100 100 kW1, kW, and and 200 200 kW kW sizes. sizes. The entire line of available TCs TGs is described in MIL—STD—633E. Recent base development studies* have incorporated the low voltage 100 kW TC with parallel operation to meet austere 1000—man camp demands of 100 100 kW kW or or 200 200 kW. kW. The 100—kW diesel generator produces 120/208 V 3 4 44 wire wire or 4 wire wire electrtc power. Its specified or 240/416 240/416 V, 3 4) 4 mean time between failures (MTBF) is 24 days, which means a back—up generator is needed on site. For best reliability1, reliability, the the older older TG TG should should be used as the back—up. Principles of TG selection and matching of generator size to specific load balancing configurations are explained in TM 5—766 and TM 5—765. 4) TG sets sets are designed an integral integral housing housing to to permit free—standing designed •with with an traditional environments. environments. However, extended operation of TG8 operation in traditional TGs in the harsh harah desert desert environment environment must must be be approached appraached with with provisions provIsions for for additional additional the protection from from intense intense solar solar radiation, radiation, wind wind blown blown dust, dust, and and eicroaching etcroaching sand Band protection dunes. Field experience has shown -that with additional environmental protection, tion1,TCs TCscan can perform perform satisfactorily satiafactorily in in desert desert areas. areas. These generators have been known to continue satisfactory operation, though at reduced power levels, levels, when so protected — even at ambient air temperatures over 125°F (52°C). Figure 4.1 is an an example example of of aa portable portable 'FG TG protective protective structure. structure. This is used for the smaller 15—kW and 30—kW TGs. For larger uBed larger TG5, TGs, it it is is recomn2ended recommended that a sandbag walled structure be partially buried in the soil. •The The floor floor should be reinforced with a layer of sandbags or 4 in. (100 mm) mm) of of concrete1, concrete, if available, and provide for TG tiedowns. tiedowns. The structure must allow 3 to 4 ft of ventilation (0.91 ventilation space space around around all allgenerator generatorsurfaces1, surfaces, except except (0.91 to 1.22 1.22 in) m) of ft * Staff Study, Army Facility Facility Component Component System System (416th (416th Engineer Engineer Coimnand, Command, 10 10 July July 1981); Value Value Engineering Engineering Study, Study, AFCS AFCS (416th (416th Engineer Engineer Command, Command, 25 25 March March 1981); 1981). 1981). 4—2 1 act Figure 4.1. Typical semipermanent portable generator site. •:P i;s. Where wood wood and and roofing roofing materials materials are are not not available, available, aa pole pole and and the bottom. Where canvas system can be erected over the walls to provide a sun shade. A 2— to (0.6096— to to 0.9144—in) 0.9144—rn) ventilation ventilation space space must must be be provided provided between between the the wall wall 3—ft (0.6096— Note that this top top and and canvas. canvas. Such a shelter is shown in Figure 4.2. arrangement can be adapted for evaporative cooling of radiator ventilation air, if water is available. The pole and canvas arrangement baffles the ventilation air and removes some sand and dust particles. Siting of the TG5 TGs or TG shelter is also important in reducing environmental tal effects effects and and in in making making the the general general distribution distribution system system as as effective effective as as posposFactors to consider in TG siting include the following: sible. 1. The demand for electric current over relatively long distribution cables produces significant voltage drops, which dictate the use of larger cables or transformers between the generator and load. To reduce the need for transformers in low voltage systems, generators should be placed as close as practicable to the largest large8t power demand In austere base camps, these the8e large power demands usually facilities. come from the dispensary and mess halls. 2. Existing terrain features and drainage contours should he used to minimize exposure of units to prevailing winds. Winds in most of SWA blow from either the northwest or southeast. 3. It will be easier to ground the generator if the TG is placed near natural or constructed water sources (i.e., near high water table, underground streams or piping systems, and near waste water disposal (See Section 4.4.) sinks). Where multiple multiple TGs TG5 are are to to be be used used in in parallel parallel or or separately, separately, on—line on—line gengenWhere erators should be sheltered separately to minimize overheating potential. Backup generators used as standby may be sheltered with an on—lineTG. Due to large amounts of heat given off by the generators, TGs should not be placed downwind of of other other operating operating generator generator units. units. It should be remembered that TGs downwind are not not designed designed for for indoor indoor operation, operation, and and should should not not be be housed housed in in aa comcomare pletely enclosed facility. facility. The shelters described above are intended for use as a sunshade and windbreak. Other options may become necessary in base camp power generation. Figure 4.3 shows an exhaust muffler used by several on—line generators. The exhaust from the TG shelter is piped into underground fuel drums and finally expelled above ground into a water—filled drum. A larger body of water is normally recommended recommended where where water water is is plentiful. plentiful. The water level must not be higher than Thi8 muffler muffler system system should should be be at at least least 25 25ft ft(6.35 (6.35in) m) from from the generator set. This the generator to normalize back pressure. Additionally, the muffler intake and and exhaust exhaust pipe pipe should should be be the the same 8ame size size and and matched matched in in cross—sectional cross—sectional area area to the generator's exhaust pipes. This muffler system and subsurface generator shelter significantly reduce noise and heat signature emissions, a drawback to conventionally emplaced TGs in in base base camps. camps. When experienced generation/distribution personnel are not available for extended periods, it is essential that generators (particularly those in 4—4 24' I 12 I •1 —12 MA USE EVAPORATIVE cOOLERS Figure 4.2. Expedient TG sunshade arid windbreak. 4—5 EXHAUST FROM GENERATORS WATER SOIL LEVEL 2 8 PIPE I" HOLE 5 GALLON DRUMS CRUSHED ST0. EXPEDIENT NOISE MUFFLER AND EXHAUST SMOKE REDUCER. Figure 4.3 Underground muffler. parallel configurations) be equipped with appropriate power lev•ing governors and voltage regulators. This equipment allows startup, lo3d transfer, and shutdown of generators with a minimum of personnel expertise and generator adjustments. The Woodward governor and Basler voltage regulator have been used reliably for this. Note, however, that compatible governing and regulating equipment to insure most efficient operation may not autocnatically be shipped with the TG. It must be specified or procured separately. Particular attention should be given to proper connection and adjustment when paralleling precise power generators. For operations in extremely hot regions, additional radiator.capacity can be obtained by using add—on cooling towers (for larger TGs) or add—on radiator extenders. Because Army generators have not generally been employed in extensive desert operations, these add—on devices are not commonly used. They are available, however, and have worked well in allowing continued operation of TG Where water above its rated ambient temperature (normally 125°F 152°C1). sources are available, evaporative cooling of TG ventilation air ay bE feasible. This method works well in hot and dry weather, Do not attempt to cool In a very short TG radiators by direct application of water to the radiator. time, the radiator will be damaged because of scale and oxide formations on the metal surfaces. Another important aspect of power generation is TG behavior at ambient temperatures above the generator rating. At elevated temperatures, hot generator parts less efficiently convert mechanical power from the TG diesel engine to electric power. ThereforeD TG output will be somewhat degraded However, a TG will conabove its rated temperature (ambient 125°F [52°C]). tinue to operate until one of several protective devices is automatically triggered. Cut—off switches include: 4—6 1. High water temperature 2. High oil temperature 3. Low fuel level 4. Low oil pressure 5. High alternator temperature. Exceeded safety levels of any of these switches will shut down the diesel In mission—critical situations, these safety cut—offs can normally be manually overridden using the procedures in the TG operator's manual. However, it is recommended that low oil presBure pressure and high alternator temperature cut—offs never be overridden. These two safety circuits prevent irreparable damage to the set. As noted earlier, TGs can continue operation above 125°F (52°C) ambient ambient when adequate shelter and cooling techniques are used. Other (52°C) protective devices on TGs TG5 deal with improper paralleling, poor load balancing, and distribution system short—circuiting. These cut—offs are not directly related to temperature. temperature. engine. The newer TGs are designed to operate in sandy and dusty environments. However, extended and continuous operation in conditions of wind driven dust and high temperatures can be expected to reduce TG MTBF. Older generator sets were often fielded with slip rings or brushes and unsealed generator housings. These units are particularly susceptible to premature failure because dust and sand accelerate wear to these components. At higher temperature operation, seals and lubrication boots tend to relax, allowing entry of dust or sand to bearings bearings and and rotating rotating windings. windings. To prevent prevent wear, wear, personnel personnel must must maintain maintain and and clean clean TGs TGs carefully. carefully. SWA To contingency units should insure that adequate replacement parts are available Older for generator items particularly susceptible to sand and dust dugt abrasion. units should be used as backup generators; thir on—line use must be minimized during extremely dusty and windy periods. Use of low—residue cleaning solvents and and compressed compressed air air on on nonnioving nonmoving parts parts is recommended recommended for for cleaning cleaning of of TG TG components. components. Do not apply oil or grease to abrading surfaces because this will Most.Importantly, 1mportant1y generator generator attract and bind more sand to the treated areas. Most operators and maintenance personnel must anticipate potential problems due to sand sand and and dust. dust. 4.3 Distribution It is is recommended recommended that that underground underground (UGD) (UGD) and/or and/or on—the—ground on—the—ground (OGD) (OGD) disdisIt tribution tribution of of electric electric power power be be used used exclusively exclusively for for Army Army base base camps camps conconThis recommendation is based on several considerations, two structed in SWA. driving ones being conatruction/maintenance construction/maintenance costs and timeliness of emplacement. In In most most commercial commercial applications, applications, overhead overhead distribution distribution (O}iD) (O}iD) is is less less expensive to install and maintain than the conventional UGD due to ample sup sup— plies of poles and easy access to the wires. However, Army units in SWA generally will not be able to take advantage of the economies associated with 4—7 4—7 Additionally, base ba8e camp time phasing may preclude the time—consuming construction of OHD and allow only OGD initially. The following consideraaccount: tions tions should Bhould be taken into into, account: ORD. initially. 1. logistics/transport sys sysPoleB and wood for would overtask logistics/transport Poles for crossarins crossarms would teals because because these these items items are are not not locally locally available in tems In $WA. SWA. 2. Poles and wood 8tructures PoleB structureB warp and beome brittle when exposed unprotected to dry and hot desert climates. 3 3. Use of poles poles will will require require special special equipment equipment and and techniques technques for for setsetting and for stringing conductors. 4. ORD systems Bystems expose expose conductors conductors to to intense intense solar aolar radiation, radiation, high high temtem01W abrasive blowing sands, and wind. These cause both peratures, abrasive peratures, maintenance/repair costs. coats. reducjed conductor conductor rating rating and and increased increased maintenance/repair reducjed 5. Construction of 0RD DUD requires requires more more on—site on—site expertise expertise than than UGD. UGD. 6. 01W requires more construction time and labor. 7. ORD is more susceptible to enemy actions. Although 01W OHD systems are used in SWA, extensive expenditures of money, manpower, and time time are are involved involved in in both both their their constructioii construction and and maintenance. maintenance. In general, Army engineers will not have the construction resources for OHD systems. for use use at at base base camps camps because because it it elimelimA simplified UGD is is reconimended recommended for conduits) inates many noted above. inates many of of the the problems problemsnoted above. With this system, the conduits, Instead, the primary and secondary manholes, and manholes, and vaults vaults are are elitiinated. eliminated. and junction junction cables are buried buried directly directly in in the the ground, ground, and and the the transforniers transformers and noted) however, boxes are housed houBed in enclosure8 above the ground. It should be noted, that this thie simplified UGD is not readily adaptable to distribution system Bystem OHD are adaptable to serBer— growth or extension. Both the conventional UGD and DUD vice extension. The nature of deployment into a base ba8e camp may dictate that electric utIlutilIn this thi8 case, OCDcan be allowed. This ities be provided on short notice. method provides expedient layout and recovery of the distribution system and does not become as labor—intensive labor—inten8ive as UGD. For extended base camp operations, however) it is reconunended that OGD OGD be be protected protected from from sunlight sunlight and and blowing blowing however, recommended that cross roads roads or or heavily heavily traveled traveled sands as as much much as a practicable. practicable. Conductors that cross lanes must be routed underground. A recommended technique for crossing roads show8 cables cable8 on either side of the road is shown in In Figure Figure 4.4. 4.4. This sketch shows protected by sandbags aandbag8 from sun, wind, and foot movement. Sandbag protection is essential es8ential for OGD and can be used u8ed to help stabilize trenches for UGD. Schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) conduit with a diameter of 3 to 4 in. En applications (76 to 102 mm) is suitable for expedient raceways under roads. In where excessively excessively high high roadway roadway temperatures temperatures are are expected, expected, schedule achedule80 80 chlorichlorinated PVC (CPVC) should be used, if available. In temperatures over 90°F (32°C)) there should (32°C), 8hould be no more than three per raceway to prevent unnecessary u8ed as a aa raceway, raceway, conduit conduit must must also also have have at least 60 cable derating. When used percent air space in conduit croas—section. 4—8 • II I S S S. ROAD SURFACE BASE COURSE SCHEDULE 40 • NOT TO EXCEED 3 CONDUCTORS PVC CONDUIT PER CONDUIT SANDBAGS Figure 4.4. Typical expedient road crossing, UGD. In particularly hot areas, or where OGD may present certain safety hazards, the simplified distribution 'BysteaF ehould •be buried in a trench-. Figure 4.5 depicts a typical trench raceway. The cables must be buried at a depth of at least 18 in. (460 mm) to take advantage of reduced soil temperaBackf tiling trenches with sandbags (never.rocky soil) is recommended, ture. followed by loose area topsoil. Other on—hand materials such as boards, logs, and angle iron, could also be used to protect OGD and UGD from penetrations and breakage. Planning guidance for use of transformers, bus bars, junction boxes, voltage sectionalizers, and cable types is given in TM' 5—684, For TM 5—765, TM 5-766, and Corps of Engineers Guide Specification CE 303.06. base camp applications, the totally enclosed non—ventilated (TENV). dry transformer is recommended where high temperatures and blowing dust are pre— valent Dry transformers are generally lighter than the oil—insulated type, pedestals, - 4—9 SM MINIMUM BETWEEN CABLES Figure 4.5. . Direct burial of cable showing proper cable spacing and depth. E1ectritPower (Front the Field, FM 20-31) and are essentially maintenance—free. To reduce transformer derating at high temperatures, a sunshade and reflective painting on transformer surfaces should be provided. In general) an overheating transformer will be too hot to touch with bare hands. When overheating occurs, the power. load through the transformer must be reduced. Continued use at overheated conditions will permanently damage the windings and insulation materials. The Navy, in response to U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) demand for a rapidly installed distribution system, has reeently developed a family of copper cab]çe assemblies: and skid—mounted distribution panels designed for use with Mobile Electric Power's (MEP) 15 kW 30 kW, and 100 kW low—voltage TGs. In general, the Army's distribution and generation equ1pmen is intended. to readily accept only copper wire cables'. A recent base development study has proposed the use of aluminum—stranded conductors instead of çqpper conduc— tore to reduce transportation/logistics loads.* An electrically equivalent amount of aiwninum wire weighs only half as much as copper wire. If large amounts of distribution cable were needed for base camp utilities, then the weight savings with aluminum cable might justify its use. Also) relatively new processes in aluminum alloy applications to cable have elilinated much of the creep" and "loosening tendency so characteristic of earlier aluminum cables. Yet the use of aluminum cable in the conetructionof a distribution system matched to commonly available Army equipment and electric part8 requires considerably more expertise and supervision to insure proper assembly. Particularly in the corrosive soils of many SWA regions, improper connections of copper to aluminum will result in system failures and safety * Staff Study, Army Facility Component System (416th Engineer Command, 10 July 1981) 4—10 hazards. hazards. It is therefore recommended that copper conductors coQductor8 be used for base camp power camp power disribution. disribution. The recommended cable cable types types for for base Underbase camp camp u8e use are are those those naeeting meeting Underwriters Laboratorie8 Laboratories (UL) requirements for type Underground Service Entrance This cable is designed for underground applications in wet or dry (USE). aoil. soil. The insulation 18 is vulcanized or chemically cross—linked cr088—linked polyethylene at rated to 194°F (90°C) (90°C) at continuous continuous operation. Stranded copper conductorB conductors in this type of cable are recommended to provide better cable flexibility and re—u8e potentials re—use potentials (as (as opposed opposed to to single-strand single—strand conductors). conductors). Where these that jacketed jacketed conconcables are intended intended for for extended extended OGD OGD use, use, it it is is recoonnended recommended that centric neutral conductors be used. These will provide additional system safety if the cable is broken by rodents, or by personnel or vehicular movements. ments. Typical wire sizes expected for base camp use are #4, #6, and #8 The use of corrosion-resistant copper—8tranded USE. corrosion—resistant American Wire Gauge (AWG) copper—stranded disconnect/plug-in type cable connectors is recommended (particularly for OGD) disconnect/plug—in to facilitate both repair and recovery. Although this cable's cable's insulation inBulation Is is rated rated up up to'194°F to194°F (90°C), (90°C), the the cable's cable's current—carrying ability, ability, or or ampacity, ampacity, begins begins derating derating at at an an ambient ambient air air ternternperaturre of 86°F (30°C). This là is because the current in the cable generates Tables 4.1 its own own heat heat in addition to heat absorbed from the environment. through 4.4 give ampacity derating data for typical distribution cables. These tables show 8h0w that at hot desert temperatures,the allowed current load is reduced to about 65 percent of the allowd current at 86°F (30°C). Neglect of this derating scheme at high ambient temperatures viii will compromise the distribution cable reliability, and can directly lead to both fire and safety Normally, larger conductors can be Do not not overload overload conductors. conductors. hazards. hazards. Do Additionally, In in installed to handle larger currents at high temperatures. systems, larger conductors conductorB will be necessary nece8sary to prevent excessive low—voltage 8ystema, In general, voltage voltage drops for cables longer than a few hundred feet. For example, allowdrops of between 5 percent and 10 percent are acceptable. 4 wire wire 120/208 120/208 VV system, systems aa 10—kW b—ky ing 10 percent voltage drop and using 3 using #8 #8 AWG AWG stranded stranded copper copper can can be be placed placedaamaximum maximumofof700 700ftft(213.4 (213.4in) m) load using Other from the generator; #6 #6 AWG AWG allows allows aa maximum maximum run run of of 1100 1100 ft ft (335.3 (335.3 in). m). from voltage drop configurations are discussed in detail In in TM 5—765. Figures 4.6 through 4.8 are examples of conductor layout -iayoutpatterns patterns that may be adopted for base baee camp use. These examples are presented only to illus"order of magnitude" distribution system Bystem sophistication (or simplicity). trate "ordEr A dispersed and nonlinear approach to the 1000—man base camp is shown in Figure Figure 4.6; 4.6; Table Table 4.5 4.5 gives gives facility facility power power loads. loads. No lighting is supplied to This system troop barracks, and other facilities are electrically austere. A more typical uses low—voltage and one 100 kW TO with one 100 kW TO standby. for Figure 4.7; 4.7; the the legend legend for outlinedin. in. Figure and Blightly slightly less less austere austere base base camp camp is is outlined the figure is in Table 4.6. This 1000—man base camp also provides no lighting In moat most base base camp camp developnients, developments, these these troop troop areas area8 to enlisted troop areas. area8. may initially .be .be aa "tent tent city" with Improved levels of electric power becoming city" with Improved levels of electric power becoming Figure 4.8 available as aa the camp moves into temporary construction phases. illustrates a typical "generic" layout which includes Bome higher voltage dis some dis— For this layout, dry transformers rated at 5 kVA tributin to outlying areas. tributIn are used to step up to and down from a 2400—V transmission tran8mi3sion line voltage. 4—li 4—11 Table 4.1 Allowable Ampacities of Insulated Conductors Conductor8 Not More Than Three Conductors R Rated Rated 0—2000 0—2000 VoltB, Volts, 60 60 to to 900C: 90°C: tWPA IWPA 70—1981, National Electrical Code permiB8ion from (Reproduce with permission Quincy, National Fire Protection Association, Inc., Quincy, Copyright C 1980, official cotplete and M& 02269. This reprinted material is not the complete MA which is is represented only by by the NFPA NFPA on on the the referenced referenced subject subject which position of the Registered National Electrical Code and NEC are the standard in its entirety. Quincy, MA Trademarks of the the National. National Fire Fire Protection Protection Association, Association, Inc.) Inc., Quincy, 02269.) Not Not More MoreThan TbanThree ThreeConductors Co ducto us In Raceway Rvewsy or or Cable Csbe or oi Earth Ambient Temperature Temperatureofof30C 30C(86F) (86F) Based on Ambient Burled), Burled), Based (Directly BIN SIN c .rc TiM. 311-Is Tpivubti Islin, Tapivubti N.1I,of.(Cao.cIor. c,.oIor. $se $0. TiM. $11-IS wc irs (I4VF) (I4VF) ISr?) tIS7'?) • Awl AWS j! .rc , TYPEI TYPES TYPEI TYPES TYPES TYPEI 1UW T. SUM V. MI T, FtPW, FEPW, TW, tip' mi 111W, IHW, TW, ti, mi v thiN, UK, THW YeW MCM MCII B 6 4 3 2 1 0 00 000 0000 250 20 300 3S0 350 400 500 600 600 700 U. AYP IA, AYP $11 !ó, III .... 15 15 20 30 20 30 40 55 70 70 80 45 65 85 100 95 110 110 125 145 165 195 215 215 115 115 130 130 ISO 175 200 230 240 260 280 20 320 730 3O 800 100 900 355 385 38 400 410 433 435 1Q00 1250 1250 1500 1750 2000 455 495 520 545 560 4 8 2 235 285 25 310 33 335 380 420 460 47. 475 490 520 545 590 590 625 650 650 663 .... 22 25 30 40 2 50 W 90 lOS 120 140 ii ir '133 1B 185 21 22 23 2$ 30 40 50 70 90 103 lOS ' ' 12D 120 140 Is 153 lBS 185 210 235 210 235 270 t270 270 . • TUW 111W XHHW, 21111W, vu vs. 13 3 2 25 •30 30 53 55 65 75 85 5 7T 77 1.70 325 360 405 360 360 405 455 490 500 515 555 '311 190 .190 5l su 385 210 230 ir ir iT 225 260 1I3 665775fl 470 00 95. 110 150 145 14 165 IB 180 ISO lBS 205 230 250 230 215 215 240 260 260 290 330 270 310 310 340 38 385 395 425 445 455. '545 455. i ' 15.5 360 100 700 735 135 775 55 1T '70 70 ir iT I 485 520 405 435 23 30 40 120 135 535 37 373 645 . 35 iS 25 40 50 65 75 90 100 310 320 330 355 643 700 73 735 . .....35. — ucu MCII ... ••,• 31.0 310 . 39 393 405 415 455 480 480 530 580 615 650 630 4I .4 . 2 23 30 40 12 12 10 10 55 5 6 70 80 BO 4 95 9 3 2 110 123 115 0 8 1 00 000 0000 0000 250 300 145 165 165 185 I8 215 240 260 290 330 370 370 395 405 4O 415 455 4S5 480 530 50 580 615 60 630 30 350 400 500 . 600 .600 100 730 750 800 S00 900 1000 1250 1500 1500 1750 I70 2000 - COAEC11Of4 COMNEC11OM FACTOMI FACTO$ p.cflI..sIiwn Psi Isirporatu,.. øc ercWC,. .rC, muftiplIr sIt.wn Psi awibl.rt amb.rt I.irp.,stu,.. muftIpPr Pt. e. ampicill.. *mbInt .bos by by Di. DisipptopiiIt• spptopiist• C Ocqu($oto IecI$cter d.tsnnIiw d.tsn,,iniUt. *smn.$m$*mbIiit .bo mvii, •DowibI. •tPowIbI. load Io.d evrrsnt. CC mvin 31-40 .91 .8 .88 91 .B2 .82 —ir .18 .90 9I 41-50 .80 .58 .75 .82 .75 .82 41-30 .5 .S2 .80 .58 51-60 5140 .67 38 .61 .67 .71 .75 S 58 .71 58 61-70 .35 .5 .58 52 .52 .58 .51 71-80 11-80 .41 .45 .30 30 .41 tsI.*. YSICI. AWl Awl III 11 tn • 155 300 iir 64 TYPE5 TYPES TA, Ths. Ta. Yes, IA. AYP, IA. MI, .... I5 •fl 300 490 500 515 555 (IWfl (IWfl 7HtII tflINPI tflhIffl sxlt,mt $x1,mt TNWJ, 115 130 ISO 325 W 31 (tI$F) (115F) tYPES TYPEI tTPE$ TYPES luff T, PH tNW, PUff V, MI MI T. Pit P11W, V, 1W. 1W, W ill' &IflS, &im, Iii, W .rc M.UMIN Vat UI OP O coPpEm•ct.A 0 ALUM MUM COPPER-etA0_ALUMIMUM COPP!R COP PER .... WC .rc TYPES TTPE$ $TMII( tTMl( IXINW& IXIINW USE. 2* 1* USE, II (I4F) (tlii) (tUY) TYPES TT?E1 TA, Tt$. TA, TIS, t?EPP, t?EPP, $RMN tRIP VMWI& VHWI& 21111W XIWW 18 16 14 14 12 10 isc .rc irt 7rc sec irs (114fl (114'fl ii Toibliut &ubIu,t Temp. 'PI Temp. R6-104 06-104 105.122 105-122 123-141 142-158 159-576 l59-6 f The load load current Current rejing rajing and f The and the pro(ecdon for these tbee conductors the uvercurrent overcurrent protectIon conductois shili not exceed exceed 15 ampere, for 14 AWO, 20 shill 20amperes mpere for for 12 12 AWO, and and30 30amperN amper for 10 for 10AW() AW()copper copper; umpre for for12 or cISISamperes amperes for 10 AWO aluAWO atu12 AWO AWO and 25 umperes minum end mnum endcopper-did pt-did aluminum. aluminum, For For dry dry locations tocaIion o,ily. only. Sec Sec 75C 75C column co'umnfor fotwet wt Iocalloni location.. 4—12 Table 4.2 Allowable Allowable Ampacities Ampacities of of Insulated Insulated Conductots Conductor6 Rated 0—2000 Volts, 60 to 90°C: Single Conductors (Reproduced with permission permission from from NFPA NFPA 70—1981, National National Electrical Electrical Code Code' Copyright© 1980, National Fire Protection Association, Inc., Quincy, MA National 1980, reprinted material material is is not not the the eocnplete complete and official position position of of 02269. This reprinted the NFPA on the referenced subject BubJeCt which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.) I conductors in free free air, air, based bued i SInIc coiiductors S1nle Ii.. .5 C. S.. Thbe S.. mat. 3W1$ 315.1$ L S WC y xiw +fl tFI TMWJ tirE,. tSNI. ttNI. 1w xisw,Iw COPP__ COPP__ 66 4 33 2 I 1 0 00 000 0000 250 25 300 350 400 5O() 500 600 700 750 7$0 800 900 1000 £000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2000 .... 20 25 40 55 80 lOS £05 120 140 165 165 195 225 260 300 340 315 375 420 455 515 575 575 630 655 680 730 .... 20 25 40 40 65 95 125 125 145 170 195 230 265 310 360 360 405 44 445 505 505 545 1070 620 690 75$ 753 785 815 $70 935 1065 IllS 1175 1280 1280 1155 1155 1385 1385 780 890 980 t T III. iii. UeIlTIffi ueitnm NCM CM 18 16 14 12 10 tO 88 irc irc 71'C 71C IEC irc WC SrC SS•C QS7F) ((115fl (tS7F) (IWPJ (t40F) (140F) (ISP) (tS7P) l$Sfl (1141J Typif TYPI$ fl'ft$ l'TPU fl'?U TTPI$ flPU TYPC$ TYPIS TYPII ITPU TTP1$ V NI FD'W YNI TA Til, IV CM IHW •CW,T. IlfU, T, !D'W TA.T11, SUMT, 7, RH tidy IN tidy 1W TM IN 1511. 5*. SYs, *VI, flit, TN. TN, SOC (t4VF) (tCF) AWS imbIt temper.Wre of 30C (86F). ambient 25 27 30 30 40 40 35 55 70 tOO 27 30 40 55 55 1 70 -1W £35 135 135 155 155 ieo 180 210 210 135 180 ISO 210 210 245 285 25 245 285 r 330 3.30 385 35 425 4480 80 330 30 575 660 815 SIS 143 145 $10 $10 940 1 (tII TQU (t$4F) (l$4F) (IIIfl TTPC$ TYPIS CMI Tis. V. MI TL 0Th, rKwt. IHW. lush 11I$ IA. CVI, IA, AVI, WS AWS 11141tIllhl NCM HI Ill tTWHN fTWHM tJ$NW& ALUMINUM ALUMINUM 00. 00. COPPAN.Ct.A0ALUMINUM COPPt.CtAO ALUMINUM .... .... ,... .... 20 30 45 60 80 95 1W 110 130 150 ISO 175 330 )30 385 425 423 4O 480 530 575 660 740 200 230 265 290 330 p15. 813. 500. 845 MS 515 315 535 535 580 580 880 $80 940 940 SIN •rc We eve 355 405 455 .. .... .... • 20 30 30 45 55 55 55 53 75 100 l00 115 35 £35 155 80 105 120 140 165 165 190 165 12 £0 W B 8 6 4 3 2 I 395 375 375 415 330 315 375 415 425 450 450 0 00 00 000 0000 250 230 300 330 350 400 485 4R5 545 595 515 585 85 645 670 513 515 585 645. 670 610 695 750 730 600 700 750 730 800 900 180 210 240 Th0 280 2i 300 255 300 330 315 620 645 700 750 190 220 255 220 350 350 625 62 1130 710 710 S55 855 1260 1260 795 950 1370 1370 1370 $75 1050 1470 1470 1150 1410 960 CONNICTION PACTONS COICTION PACTOfiS 1000 1130 1130 30 45 55 55 80 105 120 140 695 750 . 800 800 905 903 1020 905 1020 1125 1220 £220 1125 £125 £220 1220 500 £000 1000 1230 1230 1500 £500 1730 1750 2000 2000 For blssl t..p.aiuu'I. mufliply 5,. For a.bIsuI e. ampacitI.. ewi, WC, muflIpl .,. 10C, m,.orn.. ewii ovs by byS, thi,raprI.t. ov. o...olIos factor Ic to d.Isrh,. 5,•msx. mail. £iuiSI.ut vrI.I. ..1Ios fsc*.c d.Ist.. e. £iuIIIM um slIo.bI. elloumbi. load cesoI. T.ip. C mum AbIut Amblest Tuip Tsii. 31-40 41-50 41-SO 51-60 J4O 61.70 61-70 71-80 .82 .58 .... .... .... .88 .75 .5 .38 .35 .90 .91 .9! .80 .67 .67 .12 .52 .0 .30 .71 .71 .51 .58 .41 41 .82 .38 .SS .... .... .... .18 .75 .58 .35 .3$ .... .90 .90 .80 .80 .67 .52 52 .30 .30 .91 .91 .ez .82 .71 .11 .58 .58 .41 .41 86-104 86-104 105-122 105.112 123-141 142-138 142-ISS 159-176 159.176 fThe load current rating r.ting and and the the oveicunct oveicuncet pro4ecion protection br br theic ducton these a,cducton exceed. 20 shaU noi shall not exceed. 20 amperes amperel for for II AWO, AWO,25 25amperes Imper r for 12 £2 AWO, AWG, and and40 40ampere. ampere. foe IC 10 AWO AWOcopper; copper cc cc 20 20 UflC1 ampereslot lot12 12AWO AWO and 30 30 .Jnpcres Jnpcre8 for tor £0 tO AWC) AWO amalv- minum md inum and ppcr-dad ppa-dad b&minua. .b&mlnua. Fcc dry Foe dry location. ocilioni only. ooy. SeeS75'C 7$Ccolumn columufoe (orwet wt locatlonL kicatlom 4—13 Table 4.3 Allowable Ampacities of Insulated Conductors Not More Than Three Conductors 250°C: to 250°C: Rated 110 to R permission from froui NFPA NFPA 70—1981, 70—1981, National National Electrical Electrical Code Code (Reproduced with permission Copyright© 1980, National Fire Protection A8soclation, A8sociation, Inc., Quincy, MA is not the complete and official position of 02269. This reprinted material ie the NFPA on the referenced subject which is represented only by the standard in in its its entirety.) entirety.) Not More More Than Thin Three Conductoci In Rctwsy Co*ductc,ci In Rflcrwsyor or Cable Cable Baaed Baied on Ambient Ambient Temperature Temperatureof of 30C 30C (86'F). (86F). I la TsnipirsI. NaU,,q $10-IS Cs.dvcls,.S.. Ts,,,irsI. NSUn ololCendeol.,. S..ThbIe ibIe $lO-1$ UEC 110C IZEC 200C 2WC 1101 200'C 11EC I1EC 12VC OC 121rF) IVF) tZ3DF) 12171) 1230'F) 3SVF) (352'?) (452'?) (230?) (nrF)J43erF) (257'?) penn (412F) (230F) *WC **0C TVPE$ TYPED AVA, AVA. AVL JWU ASS lbs (3.fl TYPEs TYPED TYPE T1PL Cl Al CIA *ib 2 1 TYPI* A. CA, A, *A. np Fir TYPII TYPED TYPI.2 TYPED PAH, P1*11, *Y*, AU, Tn rn FIPd. Pu PU . SCM MCU TYPIC TYPU Al *iA *IA JYL CYL TYPIC TYPZ* A, CA A, M AWI Awl . MCM SCM mutt rnCktt OR NICktL. NICAIL. COATIS CaAI5 CePPU COPPER COPPEI COPPER 30 35 35 45 14 12 12 30 30 30 40 40 50 50 65 85 40 55 55 55 70 95 120 75 95 93 120 145 45 170 195 220 6 4 lOS ItS 40 30 50 65 90 115 3 120 l4 145 145 133 U3 135 22 ISO 150 163 170 ISO 200 230 265 310 HO 210 240 240 275 190 225 JO tO 60 O 80 B 8 0 I 0 160 90 190 00 000 0000 215 215 245 213 275 315 45 345 390 390 250 3U0 300 350 400 420 470 fl5 325 560 360 580 500 600 700 700 730 750 800 BOO 600 680 1000 OOO 1300 1500 130 30 61.70 61-70 71-73 71-75 76-80 76-10 11-90 91.100 91-100 101-120 121-140 141-160 161-180 181-200 lI-2OQ 230 250 il5 285 340 250 280 315 370 30 40 50 95 lOS 125 ISO 170 195 215 115 tOO lOG 113 115 135 160 180 250 275 420 450 310 333 33 380 425 455 470 485 560 650 630 705 105 500 545 54$ 600 620 620 .... ... .... .,.. .... ... 640 730 73O .. .. .... 840 4O .... ... 25 25 35 43 60 80 333 33 380 380 . 31.40 31.40 41-45 46.50 46-30 51-55 56-60 325 l6 785 2000 AmRl.nt AnuI.n Temp. C Tirp. C I3 ALUMINUM 0!0!COPPER. ILUNINUM C0PIUCLAD ALUMINUM 65 90 90 210 245 270 305 335 360 405 440 45 485 500 520 20 600 12 Il 30 45 55 75 95 10 10 ItS 8 6 4 3 3 130 2 150 ISO 180 ISO 00 ll I 200 225 270 2O .... . ... .. . ..... ... ..... .... .... .... ..,. .... .... . . ..... 00 000 0000 250 250 00 300 350 400 500 600 700 750 8O(i soc 1000 1000 :. 1500 1500 . 2000 . COP RECYIO N FACTORS COPPECTIO ttn,p.t.tvr.. over ForlmbIIn ambient tempetatur.. 30'C, multiply muIJpIy 1,10 smpseItI.s Io 9,0 amp.eItI.s unr 30C. iCewn lb.,. bj cor..Ilcn 1501., 9. dat.rmk,s iiewn lbov. bj I9. V. appropriate spproptIst. corT.Ucn Iselor So dà.imk,s 0,. mubsum atlowabi.load loadcun•M. cuner,t. ,• muum stiowabi. .94 .90 .87 .$7 .83 J3 •79 •9 .71 .66 .61 .95 .92 $9 .89 .86 .83 .3 .76 .72 .68 .6 -. .50 .61 SI 5 .96 .94 .91 .89 .87 82 .79 .76 .71 .2 65 .6S 50 29 .91 .81 .87 .86 .84 .80 . .77 .69 .59 94 94 90 87 .95 .92 .89 83 .86 .83 .76 7 3 .95 .79 .91 .89 .87 J7 .83 .80 .71 .66 .61 .61 .30 .50 .72 .59 .6 .72 .69 .61 51 .... .... ... .... .... ... . .91 .87 .86 .84 .B4 .80 .77 .77 69 59 MIb4u,t Mibteuit Teio. TsI'I. V 87-104 7-lO4 IO-l3 105.113 114-122 123-131 132-141 U2-141 142-!sg 142-158 159-167 159-161 168.176 168-176 177-194 195-212 95-2I2 213-248 249-284 285-320 321-356 357392 351-392 39343 393437 201-225 4—14 Table 4.4 Allowable Ainpacities Aznpacities for Insulated Conductors Rated 110 to 250°C, and for Bare and Covered Conductors (Reproduced with permission from NFPA 70—1981, NatIonal National Electrical Code Copyright© 1980, National Fire Fire Protection Protection Association, Association, Inc., Inc., Quincy, Quincy, MA MA 02269. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the NYPA on the referenced subject which is represented repre8ented only by the standard In its entirety.) Single Conductors Conductors in in Free Free Air, Air, Baaed Based on Ambient Ambient Temperature Temperiture of of 30°C 30°C (86F). (86F). $Is $Iu iWi *w AU ' T.pir.IuraRuii,,l T.p.,.lur. MI,,lO( o(C.ndvcloi. Condvcloi. 1.. 1,. TIbIa TIbI. 315.t$. 39.1$. itrC l2C Sir. •.rs 250C I,oc 125C 200°C 200C Sir, (230F) (230F) (251°fl (392r) and (2301)(287°F) (2F) (3orF) (3OF) (312F) (31VF) ri (412F) (412F) (230°F) (2SPV) (3SPF) ' TYPtI iwli. TYPtI TYPES 1WU TW( UPES TYPES TYPU flP(S °°' nd at z A. &A Al *Y*. A. AS, AA. PFP.H, EVA. AVA. CS CS aiA *iA SIA SYL AIA Vip, AVL avt. VIP, iirc ifl°C lire iflc ierc eeoc iorc ioec iii 1I ri Wi F(PR FEPI WIi N N MCM ''liti uc. due- tui pç' ttui pç° liti Slat $bt AU Au EM 51CM NtCkfl NICkEL DI NICkEL NICREL COATED COATCO CDPP( COPPER COPPIR COPPER 14 12 10 8 40 6 44 120 160 180 50 65 85 3 2 I1 0 00 000 0000 250 250 300 350 400 500 600 700 700 750 800 900 1000 1500 2000 Ambirnit Amblnt Tump. CC Tump. 31-40 31-40 41-45 46-SO 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-70 71-75 71-75 76-80 76-80 fiI-90 81-90 91-100 101-120 121.140 12I•140 141-160 141.160 161-180 181-200 201-225 70 90 125 IO 170 195 210 210 245 285 330 225 22 265 305 355 385 445 445 495 555 60 610 665 765 855 853 940 410 475 415 530 590 980 1020 . 40 50 .. . 1165 fl65 1450 1715 40 45 30 50 70 55 75 100 135 135 180 180 40 95 130 175 200 200 230 270 310 360 415 490 210 240 280 325 370 430 430 510 60 80 55 ItO 7C 7C 145 210 285 335 100 13C ISC I5C 175 205 235 275 320 370 410 . . . . 630 .. .. 7I( 7I( ........ 780 78( .. .... 8I( . ... 81( 845 84S . ... 905 965 TTT TTT . . . .... .... .... )240 1240 95 125 140 . 40 55 70 tOO 100 135 133 150 ISO 12 tO 55 80 fib 8 tOO 44 3 22 60 80 105 140 175 175 205 300 345 240 275 320 370 310 255 290 335 400 385 435 415 415 460 460 475 520 595 510 555 55 635 675 745 775 805 o5 720 795 125 855 855 930 930 990 II7 30 45 45 165 185 220 .. . . 1005 lO4 1045 1085 50 .0 65 165 190 220 253 255 . ... ... 510 .... . 10 555 -..... . 710 70 815 910 40 390 450 545 605 725 725 850 46C 65 ALUMINUM MUM MUMOR oi COPPERCQPPN. CLAD CLAD ALUMINUM aLUMIMUM . .. . . . .. . ... . ... . ... . ..... . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. .. . . .. . . .... 115 135 160 185 185 215 250 290 290 320 360 400 435 490 560 S60 615 640 670 725 770 770 985 1165 1215 1215 . . . . 1175 1403 . . . . 42S 1405 142S CORRECTION FACTORS CORRECTION FACTORS t,mp*r.hnls tunp*ratinI, RullilpIp Ih haampicitiss .mpIcItIss SOC, iII;pIy 80°C, . . . For •mbInt •mbl,nt d.•qmIns $iown ffi. s,own abo. aboa.b bp ffi .ppropii.I. .pproprlot. cor,.cI$on corrIcIIonfacto, f.elo. totodalormln, hi m.Iuuim he mialnwm etlowabi. stiowabi.load bid cunsnI. cun.nI. .94 .95 .93 .96 .... .90 .8 .87 .83 .79 .71 .66 .61 .50 .92 .89 .86 .83 .76 .72 .94 .91 .89 .87 .82 .79 .19 .68 .76 .61 51 51 .71 .71 .65 50 29 .... •... .... . . . . 94 94 90 87 83 .79 .79 .95 .92 .89 .86 . ... .. .. .. .S3 .83 .91 .87 .86 .84 .80 .77 69 S9 39 .91 .95 .81 .87 .86 .14 .84 .80 .77 .69 .59 .S9 .91 .89 .87 .71 .61 .76 .76 .72 .69 69 .83 .80 .72 .72 .59 .54 .50 .43 .50 .61 .30 4—15 .66 51 51 . . . . .. .. . .. ... . . 6 I 0 00 000 0000 250 300 350 400 5OO 600 700 750 S00 800 900 1Q00 1Q00 1500 2000 mbIlt Ainiltit Tamp. I IIIP. 87-104 t05-113 105-113 114-122 123-131 I?3-131 132-141 142-ISI 142-151 159-167 168-176 177-194 195-212 195-2t2 213•248 2)3-248 249-24 249-284 285-320 321-356 357-392 357-392 393-431 393-437 —— —— ——— -—— CO HQ CO HQ .SUPL.Y .SUPL.Y ( / / / 'I—' / \ STOREROOM 0.6KW \\ / HQ 8 /CO HQ B TRAINING &SPLY BSPLY ROOM 19KW ROOM // I \ MAiN EXCHANGE MAiN EXCIIANGE (PX) O.5'KW BATH HOUSE HOUSE HO KITCHEN&&DII KITCHEN DII AREA 13.KW I3.KW 0.95KW 0.95KW II / / CENTRAL. GENERATOR CENTRAL. GENERATOR IOOKW OUTPUT OUTPUT \\\ an HQ+SPLY q+SP%Y Bn 2KW WATER PLANT // CO. HQ + BATH HOUSE HOUSE / / / DISPENSARY 47.9 KW 47.9 KW 0.5KW —— — — MAIN MAIN ROAD Figure 4.6. (1000—man base camp). layout (1000—man low—voltage distribution Conceptual low—voltage distribution layout Component System Study, Army Army Facility Facility Component System (From Staff Study, 10 July July 1981].) 1981].) Engineer Command, [416th Engineer Command, 10 4—16 446 I I PS PS 3-100 KVA 3-100 KV 200 A F USE D NEC I TO POWER POER SOURCE SOURCE NOTE PP- POWER PRIMARY PS- POWER SECONDARY Figure 4.7. camp). base camp). Electric distribution layout (1000—man base Concept. AFCS Concept. 4—17 LEGENO TRANOR,DY TYPE - --TRANVOR,DY - £I ccuIT BEAXEA BEM(EA -— CISTRBUTION CISTRBUTIO WTOtIT WTOtIT o UAD NOTED BULCNG. LED AS NOTED BULCNG, -o GEPRAT WRAT _.. — .- — OUThOO 5JI-NOtI(T OUTDOcl 5JI-NOtI(TMILL MILL CITRAL *RfA CITRAL *RfA 3*CPS 3*3 Figure 4.8. Typical high—voltage distribution di8tribution layout. (From Electric Power Power Generation Generation it in the the Field, FM 20—31) 20-31) Any distribution distribution system system constructed constructed in in the the field field will will be be susceptible susceptible to to corrosion of unprotected metal surfaces. In SWA, many regions contain soils with both both mineral mineral and and salt salt deposits deposits that, that, when when combined conbinedwith withmoisture, moiature form form aa very corrosive corrosive environment environment for for electt'ical electrical power equipment eitheron eitheron or or under under the the ground. ground. In dry and sandy aandy areas, this corrosion is a problem wherever Army operations introduce water to the soil aoil (i.e., (i.e.1 latrines, water purification unit (WPU) (WPU) discharge, discharge, mess mess kitchens, kitchens, dispensary, dispensary, etc.). etc.). unit In coastal regions regions where local water tables are relatively high, the soil and sand aand are usually moist enough to produce exposed electric electric distridistriproduce aevere severe corrosion corrosion problema problems •for for exposed bution equipment. Many SWA coastal regions also have prevailing sea breezes carrying 8alty mists miata that can cause high rates of damaging corrosion. For example, at 8everal several locations locations in in the the PerBian Persian Gulf1, Gulf, painted painted chain chain link link fencing fencing has has corroded corroded so much that it is falling off its posts. The fences had been built less than a year earlier. To counter these adverse effects effecta of high temperatures and corrosive corro8ive soils, personnel must strictly comply with distribution equipment derating criteria, and the the entire entire distributIon diatributon systems systems must must be be inspected inspected frequently. frequently. If personnel per8onnel are not aware of tire effects of corrosion and high temperature, and do not not maintain maintain distribution distribution aystetus systems regularly, Artuy Army distribution dietribution of of elecelectric power power itt ut SWA will be less reliable tric reliable and and less less safe. General maintenance maintenance of of UGD/OGD consists conBista primarily of continuous continuoua inspection of cable connections, dis— tribution equipment, and equipment housings for signs signa of overheating and corrosion; then hot spots are removed and corroded areas areaa cleaned, tightened, and 4—18 Table 4.5 Table 45 Electric Power Requirements (From Staff Study, Army Facility Component System [416th Engineer 10 July July 1981)) 1981)) Engineer Command, Couand, 10 Facility/Function Number Unit Load (kW) Total Load Total Load (kW) Bath House 3 0.5 1.5 Camp Exchange 1 0.65 0.65 Training/Work Area 2 1.9 1.9 3.8 Dispensary 1 47.9 47.9 47.9 Guard House 1 0.5 0.5 HQ & Unit Supply—Co. 5 0.36 1.8 HQ & Unit Supply—En. 1 0.36 1.8 Kitchen (Limited Facility) 2 Dining Facility 4 Maintenance Shop 1 2.1 2.1 Store House 1 0.6 0.6 Water Plant 1 4.0 4.0 4.0 (est) 27.0 13.5 3.8 .95 Total: 95.65 kW Where splices are made in distribution cables, the connectors should be coated with an electrical grade anti—oxidant grease, then Where poBsibIé1 posibIé, UGfl UGfl splices splices tape—wrapped to enclose the grease andconnector. Where These aboveground should be made in aboveground junction boxes or pedestals. connection housings should be constructed of non—metallic materials, if availIn dry dusty areas, areas aboveground aboveground connections connections to to distribution distribution panels, able. pedestals, and junction boxes should not be grease—treated (unless aluminum to copper contact is wade), but should be cleaned regularly with 8olvent solvent to coe8tal regions, all exposed remove dust dust or or sand, sand then then tightened. tightened. In moist coastal connection8 should be treated with anti—oxidant grease and protected from soil connections Corrosion—resistant paint can also be used to protect nonelectric contact. Light—colored or even parts of distribution equipment from the environment. paintB can be applied to equipment housings to help reduce reflective white paints overheating overheating problems. problems. protected. Wbn exposed to SWA intense sunlight, cables with less than 1940F 194°F (90°C) insulation rating, or any cable carrying current above rated load, loads may experience plastic flow of conductor insulation due to molecular relaxation at high 4—19 Table 4.6 Proposed Schedule of Facilities (Front Value (From Value Engineering Engineering Study, Study, AFCS AFCS Engineer Command, 25 March 1981]) [416th No. Facility Tl Ti Troop Housing Enlisted T2 Troop Housing Officer Quantity Total Sq Ft 920 Man 8O Man 80 Buildings BuildingS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 99 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 Bathhouse —— 80 Officer Officer Bathhouse —— 500 Man Camp Exchange Day Room Dispensary —— Troop Guard House HQ & Unit Supply —— Co IQ & Unit Supply —— Bn IQ & Messhall 400 Men Kitchen & Mea8hall Kitchen & Messhall 70—Officer Latrine, Composite Shop —— Motor Repair Storehouse Fire Protection —— Water Water Supply —— Potable Generator/Bldg (3—1001kw (3—1001kW 3 00 120/208) 120/208) 11 2 1 2 1 1 5 1 2 1 6 1 1 2 — — 400 2000 2000 4800 1600 1200 4000 2000 15,000 15,000 1600 1200 2400 2000 2000 (20,000 gal) gal) (10,000 gal) (10,000 300 kW 300 temperatures. This condition allows the contours of the enclosed wire stranding to become visible. Where actual thinning of the insulation accompanies accompanie8 short-circuiting may occur. To minimize this probthis relaxation, damaging short—circuiting lem, first first insure insure that that the. the. highest—rated highest—rated.cable is made made available available (usually (usually lem, cable is cable should should be be protected protected from from direct direct sunlight sunlightin initorage, storage, 194°F [90°C]). The cable and extreme care should be used when handling the cable in hot temperatures. Where Where this this plastic plastic flow flow of of insulation insulation is is observed, observed, experienced experienced distribution distribution specialists should should inspect inspect the the damage damage and and perform perform cable cable teats tests as as necessary. necessary. specialists (TM 5—684 outlines typical UGD cable testing procedures.) If test equipment/personnel. are not available, replace the damaged cable section. Desert rodents have disrupted UGD/OGD systems by gnawing through insulain8ula— Extended OGD trunk lines are particularly susceptible to this problem; however, rodent damage may occur even within the base camp. Where rodent attacks on OGD/UGD systems 8ystems have been noted, common practiàe practice should include burial of poison (such as zinc phosphide) in the trenches as the cable is laid. laid. Various traps and poisoned bait can be used for OGD. Most important, however is an awareness of-the potential problem. Indications are that human sweat sweat on the cables attracts the rodents. The use of gloves in laying the tion. 4—20 cable, and regular inspection of OGD for for sign8 signs of of rodent rodent attack attack will will help help eliminate this thi8 problem. often included included in in SWA SWA scenarios scenario8 —— —— and A major aBsu!nption assumption often chapter and in inthis this chapter that host nation electric electric power power willwill-not not be be available available for, for, or or is is not not compatible Countrie8 in SWA do compatib1e with, base camp power demands. However, many countries have limited electric power distribution networks that would be useful when troops start to build the base camp. If host nation power is available, its it8 use should be planned to supplement existing exi8ting base camp generation capability; thiB would vastly reduce fuel consumption. this The base camp must1 must, however, mainmain— tain its own internal generation/distribution system in case host nation power tam is cut off. Most power grids in SWA ue power generated at 50 Hz, 1 or 3 4, 4, which ca8es to power electric lights light8 and heating elements. element8. which can be used in many cases However, only equipment specifically designated as compatible with 50—Hz power are designed designed for for 60 60 Hz, equipment/utilities are should be so connected. Most Army .equipnent/utilitie8 Hz, Table lists 4.7 listB and operating them at 50 Hz will cause cauBe permanent damage. Thie table electric power characteristics available in various variou8 SWA countries. This indicates the diversity diver8ity of electric power within SWA. It should be noted that ho8t nation power is generally very poor; frequency stathe quality of this host bility and voltage regulation are substandard, and high—level voltage tranconvert and regulate sients are possible. Appropriate power conditioner to convert-and host nation commercial power for Army Arty uses is not available now. — 4.4 is Grounding GroundIng 8ystem, appropriate elecIn any electric power generation/distribution Bystem, trical grounding grounding of of equipment equipment such such as as generator generator sets, Bets,transformers, transfonners junction junction boxes, and bus bars is generally very important to insure both safe and reliable operation of the system. 8y8tem. Traditional Army guidance requires 25 ohm resistance to to ground, ground, or or less, les8, at at all all normally normally grounded grounded locations. locations. However resistance However, the nature of the soils in many SWA locations will not permit this level of In assured grounding with traditional ground rods or expedient techniques. 8andy regions, region8, 25 ohm or less groundings to earth especially dry, rocky, or sandy can only be obtained using more involved and equipment—intensive methods that outline8 may.not b available to base camp caap engineers. engineer8. Therefore, this chapter outlines field engineers, and that will provide grounding methods that are available to fiel4 adequate by expediency" grounding levels consistent with both time phasing of base camp construction and the distribution system sy8tem used. The are: The basic objectivee objectives of grounding are: 1. 2. To minimize damage and service 8ervice interruptions due to all possible electrical faults, including lightning lightnthg discharge. To reduce reduce overvoltages overvoltages and and re8ultant resultant in8ulation insulation daaiage damage due tt both both normal operation (switching surges, static buildup) and abnormal operation (lighting, faults). fault8). 3. topèr8ofls To minimize injuries to persons near electrical equipment by providing a low resistance path to the earth. 4. To minimize minimize noise noise in in commtrnication communication and and control control circuits by by establishestablishing a solid electrical reference. 4—21 Table 47 Electric Current Abroad — Characteriatic8 Characteristics Number of of Phases Nominal Voltage Number of Wires Frequency Stability— Stable Enough for Electric Clocks a.c.60 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 13 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 220/380 220/380 .220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 24 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 Yes !es Yes Yes Yes Yes Yea Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes !es a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 ac.50 a.c.50 1 110 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 110 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 2 Country and City Type and Frequency of Current of Afghanistan Afghan is t'an Charikar Farab Farah Ghazni Gulbahar Herat Jalalabad Jalalabad Kabul Kandahar Kunduz Kunduz Maimana Mazar—i—Sharif Paghinan Paghman Pul—1—Khumri Pul—i—Khumri 1,3 1,3 1,3 Egypt Alexandria Aeyut Aswan Aewan Benha Beni Suef Cairo Damanhur Damietta Heliopolis . Heiwan Ismaila Kafr el Zalyat Zaiyat Kena Luxor El Maadi El Mansura El Mahalla Minia Port Fouad Port Said Port 'Tewik Tewik Port Sohag Suez a.c.0 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 l3 1,3 a.c.50 1 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.S0 a.c.50 a.c.5O a.c.50 a.c.50 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 4—22 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Table 4.7 (Cont'd) Country and City Tanta Zagazig Iran Abadan Ahwaz Behshahr Ghazvin Ramadan Isfahan Karaj Kashan Kerman Kermanshah Kerrnanshah Khorramshahr Khorrainshahr Masjed Soleyman Masjed Soleyman Meshed Pahlevi Pahievi Qom Resht Rezaiyeh Shiraz Tabriz Tehran Yazd Type and Frequency of Current Number of Phases Pha8es Nominal Voltage Number Number of Wires Frequency Stability— Stable Enough for Electric Clocks a.c.50 a.c.50 1,3 1,3 220/380 220/380 2,3,4 23,4 2,3,4 No No a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YeS Yes yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YeB Yea Yes a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/360 220/380 2.4 2,4 2,4 2,4 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a.c.50 a.c.5O a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.5O a.c.5O a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 13 1,3 1,3 230/400 230/400 230/400 230/400 230/400 230/400 230/400 230/400 2,4 2,4 2,4 24 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 Yes Yes Yes Yea YeB Yes Yes Yes Yes YeB Yes a.c.50 Iraq1 Iraq1- Baghdad Basra asra Kirkuk Mosul Israel1'2'3 Israel'2'3 Beer Beer Sheba Sheba Haifa Holon Natanya Petah Tiqva Ramat—Can Rehovot Tel Aviv 4— 23 Table 4.7 (Cont'd) Frequency Stability— St abi I. ity— Stable Enough for for Electric Clocks Type and Frequency of Current Number PhaseB of Phases Nominal a.c.50 1,3 220/380 2,3,4 2,3,4 Yes Irbid NabluB Nablue Zerqa a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 2,3,4 2,3,4 2)3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 Yes Ye8 Yes Yea Yes Yea !es Yes Kuwait Kuwait a.c.50 1,3 240/415 2.4 Yes Chtaure Dhour el Choueir Sidon Sofar a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 ac.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1)3 1,3 1,3 1,3 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 No No No No No No No No Tripoli Tyre Zahlèh a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 1,3 1,3 1,3 110/190 110/190 110/190 110/190 110/190 110/190 110/190 110/190 110/190 220/380 110/190 110/190 220/380 2.4 No No Yes a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 13 1,3 1,3 1,3 2,4 2,4 2)4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 127/220 230.400 127/220 230/400 230/400 230 127/220 127/220 230 230 127/220 230/400 230/400 127/220 127/220 2,4 2,4 2,4 2)4 2,4 2,4 2,4 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No a.c.50 1,3 1,3 220/440 23 No Country and City Jerusalem Jeru8alem Jordan4'5 Amman Lebanon6 Aley Aley Beirut Bhamdoun Brumniana Libya7'8 Al Aziziyah Azlziyah Barce Ben Gashir Benghazl Benghazi Derna El Baida El. Baida ifoma lioms Misurata Sebha Tagiura Tobruk Tripoli Zavia Oman Muscat 1 4—24 Voltage Number of Wires 2,4 2,4 1 Table T&ble 4.7 (Cont'd) Country Country and City Pakistan9 Abbotabad Bahawalpur Hyderabad Islamabad Karachi Lahore Lyallpur Lyalipur Montgomery Multan Murree Peshawar Quetta Rawalpindi Rawalpindi Frequency Stability— Stable Enough for Electric Clocks Type and Frequency of of Current Number Phases of Phaees a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 1,3 13 1,3 1,3 13 1,3 1,3 l3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 230/400 230/400 230/400 230/400 230/380 230/400 220/380 220/380 2)0/400 230/400 230/400 230/400 230/400 230/400 230/400 230/400 a.c.60 a.c.50 a.c.60 a.c.50 a.c.60 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.60 a.c.60 a.c.60 a.c.50 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 127/220 220/380 127/220 230/400 127/220 230/400 127/220 127/220 230/400 230/400 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,3,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 24 Yes No Yes lee Yes lee Yes Yes Yea Yes Yes Yes a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.30 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.S0 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 240/415 240/415 240/415 240/415 240/415 240/415 240/415 240/415 240/415 240/415 240/415 240/415 240/415 240/415 240/415 240/415 240/415 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yea Yea Yes Ye Yes Yea Yes Ye8 Yes YeB Yes Yes Yes Yea Yes Yea Yes Yes Yea Yes Nominal !ie Number of Wires 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 23,4 2,3,1, 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Saudi Arabia10"1 Saudi Arabia'°" Al Khobar A]. Khobar Buraydah Dammam Mofuf Hofuf Jiddah Mecca Medina Riyadh Taif Sudan12 Atbara Ed Daner Ed Dueitn Ed Dueim El Obeid Massa Heissa Heisaa Juba Kassala ICassala Khartoum Khartoum N Kosti Malakal Omduriuan duriuan Port Sudan Sennar Shendi Wadi Ralfa 4—25 Table 4.7 (Cont'd) Country and City Wau Syria Aleppo Damascus Dayr—Al—Zawr llama Horns Homs Latakia Turkey13 Adana Adana Adapazari Adapazarl Afyon Ankara Balikesir Bursa Eskisehir Gaziantep Istanbul Izmir Izmit tzmit Kayseri Konya Malatya Malatya Manisa Mersin Samsun Sivas Trabzon Zonguldak Yemen (Arab Rep.) Hoelda Hoeida Sana Taiz Type and Frequency of Current Number of Phases Nominal Voltage a.c.50 1 240 a.c.50 1,3 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 1,3 1,3 1,3 L,3 1,3 1,3 115/200 115/200 220/380 115/200 115/200 115/200 115/200 115/200 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.5O a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 13 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 a.c.50 a.c.50 a.c.50 1,3 1,3 1,3 220 220 220 4—26 Number of Wires Frequency Stability— Stable Enough for Electric Electric Clocks 22 Yes 2,3,4 No 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 No No No No No 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,.3.,.4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Ye8 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2,3 2,3 2m3 No No No Table 4.7 (Cont'd) Note a 1 A grounding conductor is ie required in the electrical cord attached to appliappli— ances. anc e8. A. grounding conductor is 18 required in the electrical cord attached to appliances. 3 The neutral wire wire of of the the secondary aecondary distribution diatribution system systemis i grounded. grounded. 2 4 5 of the the secondary secondary distribution distribution system eystem is The neutral wire of grounded. ie grounded. A grounding conductor is required in the electrical cord attached to appliances. 6 7 8 9 9 10 .11 12 The neutral wire of the secondary aecondary distribution diBtribution system eyBtem is grounded. Electric current current is is now now continuous continuous in in 'ost o8t of the cities and and large large towns. towns. aystem is grounded except The neutral wire of the secondary distribution system in in the case of Sebha. The The neutral wire of the secondary distribution diatribution system eyetem is iB grounded. Grounding Grounding conductors conductors are are not not required required and and many any houses houses are are not not vired wired for a eeparate ground. separate 8tandardized at &t 60 Power supply being standardized 60 Hz, Hz, 127/200 127/200 V. A grounding conductor conductor is required in the electrical cord attachedto app3i— appli ances. 13 The neutral wire of the secondary Becondary distribution dietribution system eystem is grounded. 4—27 The key words in these these objectives objectives are are mininiize" miuiniize and and reduce." It is not possible possible to produce a system in which which each each of of these these quantities quantities of of riek risk and and Neverthele8s theobjectives theobjectives gust must performance degradation degradation is is reduced reduced to to zero. zero. Nevertheless, performance be satisfied by any grounding technique known to be good engineering practice. camp basecamp Levels of of adequate adequate grounding grounding have have been been identified identifiedfor for Army Armybase Levels operations, where operations1 where personnel personnelexpertiBe, expertise, materials, materials, time, time,and and special specialequipment equipwent maybebelimited may limitedor or not not available: available: 1. 1. 600 V Low—voltage distribution system (i.e., generation generation at at 600 V or or less) less) Low—voltage distribution systei (i.e. 4 weeks) deployed only for a a ahort short period period of of time time (approximately (approximately 0 0 to to 4 weeks) deployed only for (LVST). 2. 2. for on—line use over diBtribution system syBte constructed on—line use over Low—voltage distribution constructed for longer periods of time (4 weeks to 2 years) longer yearB) (LVLT). 3. High— and and medium—voltage medium—voltage distributioi distributioi systems systems (i.e., (i.e. generation generation at at greater than than 600 600 V) V) deployed deployed for for ahort—term ahor—term operation oper8tion (HVST). (HVST). 4. 4. High— and medium—voltage distribution constructed for on—line, long— term operation (BVLT). (HVLT). recommended grounding grounding techniques techniques to to be be used used within within each each of of these these levlevThe recommended camp8 constructed in arid, sandy, els are discussed below. They apply to base camps or rocky areas where local water tables are very low, lowe and to scenarios where ample water supplies are not readily available. In coastal regions and other locations where water tables are high and soils are relatively moist, traditional tional grounding grounding methods methods normally normally provide provide excellent excellent grounding, grounding, because because of of the the high mineral and Bait salt content of most SWA soils. In these regions, corrosion of ground connections is a significant maintenance problem because corroded terminals/connections terminals/connections develop develop their their own own high high resistance. resistance. This corrosion can be reduced by frequent, regular inspection, maintenance, maintenances an4 treatment of ground connections, connections, as as described described earlier. earlier. ground the generators should be grounded with a standard driven ground LVST: should be laid horizontally in a Where rods cannot be driven, they 8hould trench about 18 in. in. (460 (460 mm) mm) deep. deep. and, covered, wtth with soil soil (not (not rocks).. rocks). The distribution system'B system's neutral wire must be connected through the generator to neutrals this ground. As long as this three—phase system has a grounded neutral, further deliberate grounding at other locations is not required. rod. this situation is probably most typical for small Bmall base camp operaThe generators should be placed on an electrically gridded platform (either concrete concrete or or sandbags) sandbags) that that is is tied tied to to aa standard 8tandard ground ground rod rod driven driven aa (either Figure 4.9. in A gridded platform is shown in Figure 4.9. gridded platform is shown few feet away from the platform. large enough enough to to permit permit the the generator generator operator to stand stand on on The platform must be be large The generator and the distribution system it while attending attending the the generator. generator. Other neutral wire must al8o also be connected to this ground grid and ground rod. dietribution equipment equipment (e.g., (e.g., transformers, traneforers, junction junction boxes, boxes pedestals, distridistribution pedestals, distribution panels) must also be locally grounded by standard ground rods. As arailability permits, the generator and other local ground rods should water a'ailability be treated with salt salt solutions solutions poured poured directly directly on on and and around around the the rod rod to to saturate the soil. This treatment should be repeated as necessary to keep LVLT: tion. 4—28 COPPER COPPER WIRE WIRE 6 AWG (TIES GRID TOGETHER) GRID LACED ON GROUND UNDER SANDBAG SANDBAG PLATFORM) PLATFORM) I FOOT SPACING GRID WIRES CONNECTED CON NEC1tD GROUND ROD GROUND ROD Figure 4.9. Expedient TG grounding grid. moist soil in oiet the soil, in contact contact with with the the rod. Normally 3 lb of aalt Normally, salt per gallon of water (0.36 kg/L) gives give8 a good saturated solution for this applie&tion. applic&tion. HVST: use of high or medium iedium voltages voltagee in base camp operations lay be necessary when: 1. The base camp receives receives electrical power from froi large large Army Army tribution complexes. electric 2. Host nation power power is is used used 3. Transformers TranBformers are used to extend electric service within the base dis- camp. Along with traditional grounding of generators, juncgenerators transformers, transformera, and junction boxes boxes for for short—term short—term use, u8e, it it is i easential essential to have grounded grounded neutral neutral disdiB— tribution, using the standard etandard driven ground rod or trench buried rod in rocky In addition addition to to 'this 'this initial initial grounding, grounding, aa dedicated dedicatedground groundwire wiremust u8t be be areas. run from the generator grounding rod to all grounded locations on the base. laid in in existing existing OGD/UGD OGD/UGD recevays receways or in This extra extra wire, wire, orcable, orcable, may may be be laid 4 separate trenching, trenching, or or can can be be forred formed using using the the concentric concentric neutral neutral of of 33 It provides provide8 a common coimon ground plane that is normally norially provided by wire wire cables. the soils. This grounding wire is necessary to provide adequate safety for perBonnel operating personnel operating electrical electrical equipment. equipent. for syst reliability and and personnel personnel safety, aafety, this this longer—term longer—t.r IIVLT: HVLT: for scenario require8 scenario requires that that the the IIVST BVST grounding grounding BysteiD system described described above above be augmented augmented with: with: 4—29 1. Gridded ground planes planee for generators generatora and surface—mounted transformers (see Figure 4.8). 4.8). 2. Direct contact of the grounding system with a known permanent water source such as as the the local. local. water water table. 8ource, such It is anticipated that some form of water well viii will be present in base camps whereHVLT applies. applie8. In this case, the grounding plane/dedicated ground wires ehoüid ehoüId be connected to the metal veil well casing, or, separate copper copper conconor, aa separate ductor can be lowered Into into the well to make contact with the water. If a water well is ia not available, other drilling operations will be necessary to establish positive electric contact with the local water table. Also of prime pruDe importance in this this groundir*g grounding system system is is the the continuous continuous and and frequent frequent inspection inspection of of grounding grounding connections connections and and dedicated dedicated ground ground wires wires for for electrical electrical continuity continuity and low resistance reeistance of connections. Cleaning of corrosion from, and protection of, these connections is critical in manta1ning aintaining good system reliability and safety. The preceding preceding outline outline of of "adequate "adequate grqpnding grqpnding levels levelswas wa developed developed based based on assulnption8 assumptions of of construction construction in in very very dry, dry, sandy, and rocky rocky terrain. terrain. Personhigh-resistance electrical path nel standing on such soils form a relatively high—resistance to ground, as do driven ground rods. In low—voltage systems, then, even a direct 'short to ground through a soldier 8oldier will not be a significant health hazard, though an unpleasant electrical shock could be sensed. gensed. In high— and aediwn—voltage systems, however, this type of short through personnel could aediwu—voltage produce fatal electrocution. TherefQre, a dedicated ground wire should be used used for for high—voltage..aystems. high—voltage.aystems. In In effect, this extra wire serves the the same same purpose as the purpose the soil soil in in normal normal moist moist environxnents. environments. It insures that faulting currents are driven back to the generator, thus tripping appropriate circuit protection devices. Concentric Conèentric neutral cables used in UGD or OGD can be used uaed to provide this dedicated ground wire. The following discussion site selection factors that should be diacuesion outlines Bite considered before consideired before emplacement emplacement of of the the generation/distribution generation/distribution system system to to improve improve the system's aystem's grounding effectiveness:. effectiveuess'. As noted earlier, arid and sandy areas of solutions-for. -for.;grou.ndingelect-r.ic grou.ndingelectr.ic of SWA SWA with with low low water water tables tables allow allow ño1dea1'• ño1dea1•8oiut1on8 distribution systems distribution systems with with traditionally traditionally available available Army Army grounding groundingequiplEent. equipment. However, other regions In in SWA may provide at least reasonable opportunities for good electrical grounding when sites aite8 are selected carefully. Existing water sources such as oases, oases,-river river beds, beds, or or underground underground 8treaas streams often indicate that that local local water water tables tables are are high high enough enough to. to be be contacted contacted with with driven ground rods. Deep wells can be be used used as a described described earlier earlier to to easily easily tie tie the entire groundfng groundfng system systet to to earth earth potential potential using using dedicated dedicated grounding grounding cables/grids. These water sources cait also be used ueed to dampen the 8011 soil around local ground rods. If a base camp is developed in an area that is already built up, up then then electrical electrical contact contact with with existing existing water water piping piping systems systems éan can provide provide excellent excellent ground conditions. eonditions. The rebar in reinforced concrete can also be used like horizontal.ground horizontal,ground rods.. Another good location for grounding would be in—place metal sewage systems. systems. Finally, existing metal fencing can be used to conetal sewage con— struct .truct electrical grid8 for TG and transformer tranaformer platforms. 4—30 In base camp locations where such structures or water sources are not avai1abe, distribution available, distribution grounding grounding can can be be inproved improved by by driving driving ground ground rode rods near near mess hal.s and or into operational waste water dumps or sinks. For instance, mess hal1s and latrtnes may use septic tanks or cesapools. iatrtnes cesspools. Sewage liquids are normally very conductive. Site selection seection should should provide provide enhanced enhanced grounding grounding at at least least for for TGs. However, care should be exercised to insure that this ground connection Figuro Figure 4.10 shows grounding does not endanger personnel should a fault occur. using wastewater drainage. The drain drain pipe pipe must must iiot not be constructed constructed with with meta'. metal materials. Plastic or PVC is recommended if the sewage drain is used for grounding. grounding. This will prevent the possible poeBible injectton of current into the water source (i.e., latrine 1atrine or mess hail). hall). Two expedient techniques for local grounding are particularly applicable applicab'e uBed to the small, isolated TG in field applications. The first can be easily used in deep, loose, dry sand where a quick—fix" ground is needed. Figure 4.11 shows how an 8—ft (2.4—rn) section of galvanized steel or copper clad pipe can GROUND LEVEL —--.-.. d Rqd Rqd ( \ \N Moist // ::o//:o —I —I 8 ft I1md __ End Soil Region Grounding uBing using sewage drain. Figure 4.10. I— Septic Tonk 0 .1 p Galvanized Pipe 3/4 ID. 3/4 ID. Golvonized holu —I2p*r holes ()—I2p*rfoot footXXI/8'dla. I/8'dla. Figure 4.11. Expedient grounding pipe. 4—31 Bolutlon to the rod/sand rod/Band be modified to aid immediate introduction of salt solution After being driven into the ground, the perforated pipe iB filled is interface. through a funnel with a solution of 15 lb salt/5 gal (6.8 kg/18.9 kg/l8.9 I.) 1.) water. The salt solution percolates into the sand and provides ptovides a conductive soil for eva— current flow. This ground remains effective until the solution either evaporateB or drains drains away away from from the the rod, rod, usually usually in in several several hours hours or or aa few fe days. porates days. This procedure tends to corrode the pipe very quickly, however, however1 so additional pipe pipe will will be be needed needed occasionally. occa8ionally. Also, the grounding clamp/wire connection must be kept clean and corrosion—free for good results. The second technique, which is iB most mo6t u8eful in rocky terrain where rods rodB Bare copper are difficult to drive, has been loosely looBely called a "caunterpoise.' wire is laid in a horizontal trench and is covered with soil Boil and salt solution treatment, if available. More wire in the trench, usually 1—1/2 ft (0.5 in) deep1, provides deep, provides aa better bettet ground. ground. A "counterpoise" of this type is shown in Figure 4.12. With this technique, too, the wire becomes unrecoierab1e after aeveral salt solution treatments. several Note1 however, that some field users have Note, used this type of ground successfully Buccessfully without salt solution treatment. Another expedient grounding method that may be applicable is direct ground This technique technique iB is connection to field urinal utinal tubes driven into the soil. Boil. This recommended recommended only only for for short—term short—term use. use. haB outlined levels of grounding that are acceptable Though this chapter has in in an an expedient expedient sense, sen8e, it it is is nevertheless nevettheleBB emphasized emphasized that that grounding grounding protection protection of less than 25 ohms resistance to earth is desirable and should be a goal of *6 AWGBARE BARECOPPER COPPERLACED LACEDIN IN TRENCH .*6AWG TRENCH —20 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ (top view) (side view) viewT _____ —IS TRENCH (FILLED) TRENCH (FILLED) WIRE Figure 4.12. Expedient grounding trench. 4—32 _____ iistribution engineer —— even in SWA base camps. To determine the electric distribution determine the grounding status grounded locations, statu8 of base camp grounded locations, it it is is recommended recommended that that on—site capability be provided for ground re8istence re8istance testing. Te8ting proTesting cedures and appropriate test equipment are discussed in TM 5—765. Although dry, grounding resistance resistance of of less les8 than than 25 25 ohms ohms will will not not be be possible possible in in some 8ome dry, sandy area8 areas of SWA, the traditional techniques of deeper ground rods, rods rod8 in parallel, and rods treated with salt solution will significantly decrease the high local local resistance, resistance, and and will will improve improve electrical electricalay8te!n system reliability and and reliability Bafety. safety. 4—33 CHAPTER 5 — EXPEDIENT WATER CONSERVATION TECHNIQUES 5.1 Introduction The objective of this chapter is to identify practical and expedient water conservation measures that can help reduce the logistics burden of water supply in SWA. The selection of techniques and new equipment has been limited to those that would not overburden the military logistics logi8tics system and would be consistent with the training and skill 8kill levels of those tho8e who would employ them under tactical conditions. In fact, selections selection8 reflect realistic, low—cost measures that can be readily implemented. To accomplish this work, the water—consuming activities of a representative military force that might be deployed to SWA were examined. Then a detailed analysis was made of each activity to identify opportunities to: 1. Control excessive water usage 2. Minimize water lose losB through evaporation, spillage and contamination 3. Reuse water by internal recycling or elsewhere by some other activity Substitute water Substitute water of of le8ser lesser quality quality where where it it has hasbeen beencu8tollary customary to to use use fresh water. 4. 5.2 5.2 5.2.1 Environmental Setting General The desert conditions found throughout SWA present a variety of problems for a military force operating there. For the U.S. Army deployed in desert warfare operations, major concerns will be the general shortage of water and ever—present dust. To provide some insight inaight into the conditions that will be faced, especially those related to water availability, it is appropriate to understand the military military implications implications of of water water in in the the desert desert environment. environment. Limited amounts of precipitation and rapid evaporation are characteristic of desert deaert areas. In SWA rainfall is less than 10 in. (254 mm) per year and frequently this is in the form of violent storms. In the mountains and hilly areas runoff is rapid and destructive, while in the flatter areas it is channeled through wadis to depressions depression8 and salt flats where that which does not percolate into the soil quickly evaporates in the hot sun. 5.2.2 Military Implications The single most important characteristic of desert areas is the lack of water. Surface water is limited to a very few rivers and intermittent streams that benefit benefit from from the the sparse apars rainfall. rainfall. Except for areas primarily along the coast, s,ibsurface subsurface water water iB is also also limited, limited, and and that that which which can can be be obtained obtained from from wells is generally unfit to drink because of the high salt content and the Consequently, a military presence of minerals such as calcium and magnesium. potable water from any available force must be prepared to produce its own potable 5—1 supplies, and to be diligent about conserving water, regardless of its supplies1 ite quality and use. The American soldier is not indoctrinated to use water sparingly. Consequently, part of his training before deploying to SWA must include intensive instruction on water conservation. Such training should be accompanied by measures to make water less available. This will reduce the temptation to this1 particureturn to wasteful habits. The most effective means of doing this, larly larly for for activities activities in in Corps Corps rear rear areas areas and and the the Communications Communications Zone, Zone1 is is to to prohibit the installation of piped water systems Bystems and waterborne sewage facilities in base development complexes. Without a piped water system, each organization or troop complex must have enough storage capability for at least one day's water requirements. Some units which currently do not have storage facilities, but would need them thei aviation1 and for for operational purposes, include the field laundry and bath, aviation, Any unit which uses collapsible fabric tanks muSt muBt minimize engineer units. unitB. water losses due to evaporation and dust contamination by securely covering careful attention attention to toprotecting protecting potable potableand and non the tanks at all times. Even careful potable water supplies might not prevent contamination; therefore, therefore1 the capability to treat and recover such water should be available. This suggests retention of ERDLator equipment in the Army supply system to augmer.t the portable reverse osmosis osnosis water purification unit (ROWPIJ). Actual potable and nonpotable water consumption can be reduced below the 20 gal (76 L) per man per day water consumption planning factor for arid environments by diligent application of the conservation measures presented in muet be this chapter. Conservation must begin with the individual soldier; he must be taught taught about about the the nany oppormade aware of the need to save water and must nust be assisted in in tunities to reuse wastewater for some other purpose. He must be assisted this effort by everyone up the chain of command. There is no substitute for command emphasis on water conservation. Planners can also play a major role in the conservation effort. For example, activities which require large amounts of potable water should be located located near near water water terminals terminals and and tank tank farms farms to to minimize minimize transportation transportation requiremente and losses during handling. In addition, facilities that may use requirements nonpotable nonpotable water water should should be be sited 8ited near near aa suitable suitablegenerator generatorofôfwastetater wástetater e.g., wastewater from laundry and shower units could be used for concrete mix8oil compaction, compaction1 and dust control needed for the installation of storage ing, 8011 depots. Planning should also consider installation of a pipeline for transporting seawater or brackish water, water1 either of which can be used for concrete, concrete1 soil cement, soil soil compaction, compaction1 and and dust dust control. control. The two latter tasks will probably cement, be major engineering efforts because the limited existing road networks in countries will will need need to to be be expanded expanded to to provide provide adequate adequate lines lines of of corn— commany SWA countries munications, munications1 and the deterioration of roads from heavy truck traffic will demand continuous maintenance. Another significant advantage of a nonpotable water water pipeline pipeline would would be be the the convenience convenience of of large large quantities quantities of of nonpotable nonpotable Biological1 Chemical (NBC) decontaminating purposes, should water fo' Nuclear, Biological, the need ever arise. 5—2 5.3 Near—Term Water Supply Supply Concept Concept for for Arid Arid Regions Regions Gnral General 5.3.1 This section describes the near—term operational concept for managing water resources reaources in an arid environment. In addition, it. includes background information about the various types types of of water water resources resources of of such such areas areas and and the the useB that can be made of each. uses Water Supply Concept 5.3.2 Within the responsibilities in water re8ource the Army, Army, responsibilitieB shared resource management are shared The engineers by engineer, combat service support, and medical organizations. locate water supplies, drill wells, wells) and install pipelines; combat service support units operate water purification equipment, pipelines, and waste distribution facilities; medical organizations insure that the quality of water is adequate adequate for for its its intended intended purpose. purpose. Water supply support of a force in an arid region is to be developed in three phases: 1. 1. The deployment deployient phase is the entry of combat units into a combat zone. Potable water (enough for immediate survival 8urvival purposes) is to be carried in Reindividual canteens, 5—gal (19—L) cans, and other authorized equipment. supply will be by tactical aircraft with delivery in 500— and 50—gal (1890— and 190—L) fabric drums or air—dropped in expendable 6—gal (23—L) bags/bozes. bagB/boKes. During this During phase, potable potable water water consumption consumption Is is at at the therate rateof of7.2 7.2gal. gal this phase, (27.3 L) per man per day. 2. In the lodgment phase, phase, when when follow—on follow—on forces forces arrive arrive in in the the objective objective area, aerial water resupply is gradually replaced as an in—country water sup8up— ply system is established. Combat Service Support units arriving with purification capability will start water management operations near the seashore or additional water water resources reBources are arerequired, required other major source of water. When additional Engineer elements will identify potential well sites and begin drilling. Large—scale purification, storage, and distribution operations are then fol— followed, enabling enabling combat combat units units to to replenish replenish water water supplies suppliesat atsuppiy.points supplypoints During this phase, when the ashore aghore water supply using organic water trailers. system is put into operation, water consumption level increases to an austere rate of 11.7 gal (44.3 L) per man per day. The buildup phase begins once the lodgment area is firmly estaThis includes the arrival of additional support units to install and operate water pipelines/hoselines pipelinea/hoselinea and and tank tank farms, farms, and and to to begin begin line line haul haul 8torage operations using water tanker trucks. When the water production and storage aystem is fully developed, system developed, aa 1—day 1—day reserve reserve supply supply of of potable potable water water is is to to be be maintained at at brigade, brigade, division, corps, and task force levels for a total of 4 maintained days within the area of operations. days operation8. With completion of the buildup phase, gal (71.5 water conawnption consumption reacheB reaches the full requirement rate of 18.9 gal (71.5 L) per man per day. This is enough to satisfy the demands for drinking, maintaining proper standards of hygiene, medical care, food preparation, equipment operaopera— tions, and construction. 3. blished. 5—3 Much of the equipment required for the above water supply system sy8tem has been developed by the U.S. Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Command; the individual equipment items are illustrated illu8trated in Figure 5.1. 5.4 Water Conservation Opportunities 5.4.1 General This Th18 section discusses discus8es water—demanding activities activitie8 that are expected to be performed by a U.S. military force deployed to a hot arid region such as SWA. each activity, activity, the the related related water water requirements requirements (quality, (quality, quantity, quantity, and and posposFor each For sible sible sources) 8ources) are are described de8cribed and and specific specific potential potential water water conservation con8ervation measmea8— ure8 are suggested. ures 8uggested. qualitie8 and types of water are menThroughout this section, various qualities To aid the reader, the following descriptions de8criptions of each are provided: tioned. tioned. 8tanPotable water has been examined and treated to meet appropriate standards and and declared declared fit fit for for domestic domestic consumption.(food consumption(food preparation) preparation) byre8ponbyrespon sible authorities.* 1. 2. Nonpotable water has ha8 not been examined, properly treated, and approved approved by by approporiate approporiate authorities authorities as as being being safe safe for for domestic dome8tic consumption consumption water8 are considered con8idered nonpotable until declared pot(food preparation). All waters able. * able .* 3. Seawater obtained offshore at a location removed from a sewage outtt is very salty, and contains suspended fall is normally relatively clean. 8and and and probably probably some some bacteria. bacteria. This water can be used, without particles of sand any adverse adver8e effects, for construction, housekeeping hou8ekeeping tasks, firefighting, showering 8hovering and laundering. It should 8hOuld not be used where continued use could corrode critical metal surfaces. When used for showers, laundries, and per— sonal hygiene purposes, calcium hypochiorite hypochlorite should 8hOuld be added to the water to protect against again8t disease—causing organisms. Potable water can be produced from seawater u8iflg using the seawater the ROWPUs. ROWPUs. Surface water water and and well well water water containIng containIng •a •a high highcOnceittration cOnáentration of of salt salt 8alt content is much less than found in seawater, but is called brackish. The salt is is high high enough enough to to give give the the water water aa distinctive distinctive salty salty ta8te. taste. Brackish water may contain dissolved and iron iron salts salts which which make make dissolved calcium, calcium, sulfur, sulfur, magnesium1, magne8ium, and the water difficult to lather (forms curds), curd8), and when heated leaves hard mineral mineral depocits deposits on on the the wetted wetted surface surface of of the the container. container. Surface brackish water may be expected to contain microorganisms, while brackish well water 8hOuld contain few or none. As with seawater, brackish water can be used for should construction, firefighting, and general housekeeping tasks. It is not generally recomiended for those purposes where it is to be heated to near boiling Potable water water can can also also be be produced produced from from it it by by reverse reverse osmosis osmosis temperatures. Potable treatment. 4. 5. Fresh water has ha8 no apparent salty 8alty taste, but when found on the surface (river, stream, oasis) it may contain suspended 8uspended materials, dissolved * TB MED 229. TB MED 229. 5—4 FLt •s: Figure 5.1. Schematic of total water supply system. 7' -d S4 minerals, fecal matter, and bacteria and other disease—causing organisln8. organisin8. When obtained from wells or an in—country municipal water supply system it will normally be clean in appearance with no significant odor. On the other drinkable (pot(pothand, it can dissolve mineral Baits and bacteria. To make it drinkable able), disinfection through chlorination with specified residuals of free When it available chlorine (TB MED 229) is often the only treatment required. When contains significant amounts auounts of dissolvei dissolved Baits salts of magnesium, sulfur, and iron, drinking It Iron, it may often cause an increased laxative effect. Fresh water can be used for most most cleanin,g cleaning and and nonconsumptive nonconsumptive purposes purposes without without purificapurificaTo make it potable, treatment using conventional water purification tion. procedures (ERDLator) is normally adequate. When dissolved mineral content s too too high, high, it it can can only only be be purified purified by by reverse reverse osmosis osmosi5 treatment. treatment. To assume that any one municipal water supply in the Middle East Is is potable (by U.S. standards) would be a mistake. Most countries in the region do not treat water to the standards required by the Army. Therefore such water sources must first be examined and declared suitable for human consumption by medical authorities, authorities, as cited above. Surface fresh water sources can also be a major health hazard. These waters, primarily rivers, river9, are. used by nearby inhabitants to to dispose of all forms of human waste, waste, andand- hence hence are are potential potential sour'ces sour'ces of of pathogenic organisms. organisms. They also harbor a variety of other organisms which may pathogenic infect the human body simply through bodily contact with the water. .The The moat most dangerous is a blood fluke (spawned from a snail) which may enter the body to cause a disabling disease known as Schistosomlasis. Schistosomiasis. it The concepts and suggestions in this section are based on engineering judgment and military—tested experience and can save water in a desert environment. Although valid, a critical aspect in the implementation of any suggestion presented presented here here is is approval approval by by appropriate appropriate U.S. U.S. Artny Army Medical Medical DepartDepartment authorities at all levels of command. The The Surgeon Surgeon General General of of the the DepartDepartment ment of of the the Army Army is is responsible responsible for for insuring insuring that that sanitary sanitary control control and and sursurveillance of field water supplies from source to consumer 18 is accomplished and making making such such recommendations recommendations as as may may be be necessary necessary to to protect protect the the health health of of the the individual soldier, and consequently the various commands. Whenever in this report the use of water of a lesser quality than that prescribed prescribed for for potable potable waters waters —— —— such as for showers, laundries, and bathing is suggested, sugge8ted, it must must be be noted noted that that the. the practice practice should should only only be.impiemented be.impiemented after the advice and approval of competent medical and engineer personnel have been obtained. — Water Conservation Conservation 5.4.2 can be be learned learned from from some some of of the the water—conserving water—conserving habits habits of of the the Much can region's inhabitants. The basic water conservation principles below, which should be followed by a military force in the field, are generally observed by desert people: I. 1. Make each soldier aware of his responsibility to conserve water by avoiding wasteful wasteful practices practices and and being being ever—conscious ever—conscious that that there there is is some some useful useful avoiding purpose for wastewater or unsuitable (e.g., hot) potable water. 2. Place command emphasis on water conservation and water reuse. 5—6 3. Protect 3. Protect potable water from all sources of contamination, contaminationb including sand and du'. 4. Do not dispose dispo8e of water of any type without considering alternative us e 8. uses. 5. Prohibit 5. Prohibit water water thievery from storage container8and container8and pipelines, pipelines, and and the indiscriminant use of expedient showers. of centralized centralized pressure pressure water water 8yateins syBteins for for temtemAvoid installatioii installation of porary facilities needed to support a ni1itary nilitary force in the field. 6. Use expedient human waste va8te disposal techniques instead of vasteborne vasteborne sewage sewage systems. 7. The potential savings in water to be realized by the application of the specific techniques discussed in the remainder of this chapter can be significant, as indicated in Figure 5.2. Estimates cant1 EBtimates are shown shown for for two two groups groups of of activities: those that require only potable water and those that can e nonpotable water if available. In each instance, are measured measured instance, the the -savings savings are against the water consumption planning factors contained in TRADOC Pamphlet 525—11. con8umption levels shown in Figure 5.2 for each of the The reduced water consumption major activities reflects the benefits from: (1) installation of water saving devices and procedures (full figures), and (2) the additional savings if The latter wastewater treatment and recycling are employed (ghosted figures). savings are those associated with laundry and shower operations, operationsb and have been estimated estimated to to be be an an 80 80 percent percent reduction. reduction. These benefits should be verified by field testing treatment procedures. However, as indicated in the following discussion of various water—consuming activities, activitiesb there are many opportunities to use the wastewater. Although the quantities of water are relatively small difficult to to quantify, quantify they aggregate. and difficult they could could be be significant significant in the aggregate. The use of water of lesser quality is also regarded here to be a viable method of conservation. Especially in SWA where the dissolved mineral content can be quite high, highb any opportunity to use local water and avoid the costly reverse reverse osmosis osmosis treatment treatment process process has has both both logistic logistic and and economic ecoaomic advantages. advantages. These benefits are most apparent when it comes to water required for construc8eawater or brackish tion (concrete mixing, mixingb soil compaction, compactionb etc.). Untreated seawater water is quite satisfactory for most theater of operations construction that is is only only intended intended for for short—term short—term use. use. As shown in Figure 5.2, S.2b the projected minimum savings in potable water from the application of all conservation measures discussed above is about 3.7 gal/man/day (14.0 L/m/d), L/m/d)b or a reduction of 26 percent from the established consumption planning planning factor factor of of 14.3 14.3 gal/iran/day gal/man/day (54.1 (54.1 L/m/d). L/m/d). Likewise, Likewiseb the amount (4.6 gal/man/day [17.4 L/m/d]) of fresh water required for activities that do not involve ingestion of water (lower portion of Figure 5.2) can be reduced about 80 percent bya combination of recycle/reuse and water quality If viewed from the standpoint that potable water only reduction measures. would be produced and used by all activities identified in Figure 5.2, the projected savings becomes even more significant. The overall savings in potable water could amount to 7.4 gal/man/day (3.7 gal/man/day + 3.7 gal/man/day) 5—7 in 40 to— 8 22 >" 00 0 U 2 VI" a 4.0 2 I.. 0S REQUiREMENTS S 0 a to -I a a 0 qj Ii 2. 1.0 1.6 WATER CUAUTY REOUCUON (NONPOTABLE LIEU OF POTABLE) SEA WATER IPI LIEU OF FRESH) PECYCEIREUSE WATER CONSUMPTION PEOUCTION (TRADOC PAs 528-Il) PLANNING FACTOR LEGEND 1111111111 > II 2 0 I U I- I0 S 0 2 I- Figure 5.2. o.e FRESH OR POTABLE WATER REQUIREMENTS I 2 a 0 0 2 POTABLE TER 0 a 4 a 2 2 ).. Savings. I 1 VI to In 01 4 0 4%) 3.?IBO%) 09 co.PosnL SAVWIG$ ARE NOT ADDITIVE 1?I (28.0 L/in/d) L/in/d) which which is is aa 39 39 percent percent reduction reduction prom prom the the unadjusted unadjusted consumption consumption (28.0 planning fat-r of 18.9 gal/man/day (71.5 L/m/d). 5.4.3 Activity: Drinking Water Hot, arid, Hot1, arid, external external conditions conditions and and Strenuous strenuous activity required required of of aa The body rid8 it8elf of this soldier cauBe body temperatures to increase. cause rids itself heat by the evaporation of sweat. Thia natural cooling system is efficient) and the body continues to function well if its water losses are replaced. When they are not, dehydration takes place, and with it there is a correspondcorre8pond to progress, progres8, ing loss in body function efficiency. If dehydration ig is allowed to an individual can quickly become incapacitated and then must be treated for heat stroke. Without prompt treatment, a severe case caBe of heat stroke could result in death. The normal thirst sensation is not a reliable indicator of the water required. It will be necessary, necessary, therefore, therefore, for for individuals individuals to to drink drink water water frequently during the hot and most active part of the day. Water Requirements: Quality: Water for drinking should only be obtained from authorized potable sources. Although water from other sources may appear clear and drinkable, it will probably contain chemical and/or pathogenic contaminants contaminanta that Bources used can cause a variety of intestinal disorders. Drinking water from sources Under emergency condiby local desert tribesmen should generally be avoided. tions, this water water may may be be used, used, but but only only after after being being disinfected disinfected with with iodine iodine tablets tablets or or brought brought to to aa rolling rolling boil boil for for 15 15 seconds. seconds. Approximately 4 gal (15 L) of cooled potable drinking water Quantity: will will be be provided provided for for each each soldier soldier per per day. day. Those engaged in strenuous physical activities will normally require this amount of water to maintain their strength during the hottest period of the day. Those who are less active will need to drink less. Under all circumstances, every soldier needs to develop a vhether he feels thirsty or not. habit of drinking frequently during the day, whether To encourage the individual soldier to drink increased quantities quantitiea of water, the U.S. Army has adopted "water chiller concept. This has resulted in the development of a small small mobile mobile chiller.wbichisexpectedtobe a.part.of a.part.of the the organic equipment for forces operating in arid regions (Figure 5.3). organic approved by by Task Task Force Force Surgeon Surgeon and and provided provided Water Sources: Only water approved through the establi8hed supply system should be used for drinking. Units will either obtain obtain their their water water from from designated designated distribution distribution points points or or will will have have it it either Individuals should delivered if they do not have the transport capability. rely on unit Lyster Lyater bags, 5—gal (19—L) cans, or 400—gal (1510—L) water trailers (Water Buffalo). Water Conservation Measures: 1. Extra care must be exercised when filling canteens or 5—gal (l9—L) (19—L) water ens cns to avoid any spillage. Unnecessary waste deprives others of water when they come for a fill—up. 5—9 0 AUXIUARY FACKN3E AUXIUARY FACKN3E Figure 5.3. EVAPORATK)N ALL WATER CONTAINERS AND CHILLERS SHOULD BE SHADED RADIATION. FROM FROM DIRECT SOLAR RADIATION. 10 MINIMIZE WATER lOSS THROUGH NOTE NOTE: MODE TRANSPORTATION COOliNG COOUNG CKAG€ CKAG( PACKAGE STORE PACKAGE STORE OPTIONAL OPTIONALAUXUARY AUXUARY Water chiller concept.. COMBUSTION AND COOliNG COMBUSTION AND AIR AIR FILTRATION TINT FILTRATION TENT TANK OPERATIONAL MODE WATER BUFFALO OR ALTERNATE 2. After filling a canteen or 5—gal (19—L) can1 can, the cap or lid should be This will prevent prevent spillage spillage or or contaminants contaminants from from getting getting into the water. In addition, water containers should be shaded to prevent loss of chlorine and to keep them reasonably reaBonably cool. securely fe.. ..ened. 3. Water that has become warm can be made more drinkable by blending it with cool water from the water chiller. warni Water in canteens or 5—gal (19—L) cans which may have become too warm to to drink, drink, or or otherwise otherwise degraded degraded from from potable potable quality, quality, should should not not be be discarded. discarded. It should should be be made made available available for for other other purposes, purposes) specifically: specifically: It 4. — For washing and shaving. — For vehicle radiator make—up. make—up. — For some activity requiring water (hand washing, maintenance shop, latrine facility, cleaning equipment, helicopters, vehicle windshields, and photo laboratory film processing). Water supplies should should be be shaded shaded for for protection protection against against solar solar radiation radiation even though though containers containers themselves themselves may may be be insulated. insulated. Survivor blankets or wet even tarpaulins can provide effective shielding. 5.4.4 5.4.4 Activity: !4ess Operations Mess operations include food and beverage preparation and the cleaning of eating and cooking utensils. In hot and arid climates these activities will be simplified by relying primarily on processed foods rather than fresh meat, fruit, and raw vegetables, at least through the first 6 months of a military operation. In the Corps area and Communications Zone, except for hospital hoBpital patients, patients, two two hot hot meals meals daily daily will will usually usually be be provided, provided, and and the the remaining remaining meal meal will be an operational ration. The hot meals will be the same rations as used in the combat zone, but may be augmented with limited perishab1es (e.g., salads, milk), when the situation permits. The food will be prepared at unit level in a field—type kitchen (soft frame—type shelter) and served on permanent manent plastic, plastic, compartmented compartmented trays trays or or in in individual individual mess mess kits. kits. As soon as the situation in rear area pe.rmits, unit kitchens will be integrated into area daily on on aa conconkitchens, with a capacity to serve up to 800 to 1000 troops troops daily tinuous tinuous basis. basis. In In general, hospital patients will receive only the Standard B Ration, except except those those requiring requiring modified modified dietary dietary rations. rations. The modified rations rations will will Ration or the B Hospital Liquid Ration. Patients consist of the B Hospital Ratios would be routinely fed individual combat rations only under exceptional circumstances. Following Following active combat operations, food service will offer three high— quality, hot meals each day. These meals may be a combination of T and A Ration Ration items, items, with with the the latter latter consisting consisting of of fresh fresh and and frozen frozen meat, meat, fresh fresh fruit fruit and vegetables, and milk —— of which require conventional cooking and refrigeration facilities. all 5—11 The current current BB Ration Ration is is aa nonperishable1, nonperishable, bulk operational ration ration planned planned for a 10—day menu cycle. It consists conBists largely of dehyrated, dehydrated compresBed1 or thermally processed items which allow for reasonably long compressed1 storage periods for refrigeration refrigeration equipment. equipment. period8 and and eliminate eliminate the the need need for Messing operations operations will will require require facilities facilities to to wash wash individual individual mese mess gear gear and cooking equipment and utensils. The use of I Rations (tray meals and disposable mess kit liners) liner8) will keep washing to a minimum. minimwn. On the other of AA Rations Rations will will greatly increase need hand, the the intr.oduction introduction of need for for washing washing facilities and the effort involved in washing. Water Requirements: Quality: Water for all aspects of mess operation must be potable. Thug, the initial supply supply must must be be potable potable and and re8erve reserve supplies supplies must must be be protected protected againat contamination from dust, insects, etc. against Quantity: The amount aaount of water for mess operations varies depending on the types of rations used —— C or or MRE MRE (Meal (Meal Ready Ready to to Eat) Eat) Rations Rations require require no no water; B Rations require 0.5 gal (1.9 L)/ration/day, while A Rations could require 1.0 gal (3.8 L)/ration/day for cooking. The mess kit washline assembled asBembled for sanitation purposes has four 32—gal (121—L) CI cans with with iminerBion immersion heaters heaters attached attached for for heating heating water. water. These facilities are also used by food preparers to clean cooking utensils, pots, and pans. kit washline washline requires requires 80 80 gal gal (303 (303 L)/ineal. L)/ineal of The normal mess kit of potpotable water. Sources; Potable Water Sources: Potable water for me8s mess operations obtained operations is is normally obtained from the 400—gal (1510—L) (1510—L) water water trailer trailer organic organic to to each each conipany—aize company—size unit. unit. Water Conservation Measures: 1. Me8s personnel Mess personnel need need to to minimize minimize a,illage aillage in in filling filling cooking cookig concontainers and mess mesa kit washline CI GI cans. 2. Open Open water water containers containers should Bhould be be covered covered to to minimize minimize evaporation evaporation and and contamination from airborne dust. WashiineG1 WaghlineGI cals cats could be fitted with ply—. wood wood covers or tops tops cut cut frocn from 55—gal 55—gal (209—L) (209—L) drums. drums. 3. Mess kits or feeding trays and cooking utensils should be scraped clean with napkins or Banitary wipes provided to each diner to minimize the amount of food entering the washwater. Inserts for IneB8 mess kits waBhwater. InBertg for kits under development by the U.S. Army Natick Laboratories Laboratorie8 would achieve this objective even more more effectively. effectively. 4. Predip, rinse, rin8e, and final rinsewater from the mess kit washline can be saved and reused for making the soapy washwater wa8hwater at the head of the washline waBhline needed for the next meal. 5. Rot predip and rinse waters remaining after a meal are a source of vehicle radiator radiator makeup makeup water. water. hot water for shaving shaving or orvehicle 5—12 6. Su4sy washwater should not automatically be discarded. It can be filtered th-ough cloth to remove food particles, soap 8oap and grease greaBe and used for hand washing at latrines and vehicle maintenance facilitie8, facilities, general purpose cleaning (e.g., vehicles, (e.g., vehicles, stoves, duckboarda) duckboards) or vetting wetting the earth around any electrical equipment equipment that that needs needs to to be be grounded grounded (see (see Chapter Chapter 4). 4). Activity: 5.4.5 PersanaZ12'ygiene PersanaZ Bygiene Personal PerBonal hygiene involves those sanitary measures required for an individual to keep the body clean and prevent disease. Thi8 is essential This ea9ential in maintaining taining combat effectiveness effectiveness and and high high atorale morale within within a unit. Constant attention will have to be given to proper field sanitation because of the difficulties in maintaining maintaining body body cleanliness cleanliness in in aa hot hot and and dusty dusty environment. environment. Water Requirement: Quality: To maintain proper standards of personal hygiene1 the soldier aoldier is to be provided potable water each day for a helmet bath, bath) shaving, Bhaving, brushing teeth? comfort cooling, and handwashing before eating and after. after• using the teeth1 latrine. Quantity: Approximately 2.7 gal (10.2 L) of potable water is to be provided for personal hygiene each day. It is allocated for the following purposes: daily shaving (1—1/2 qt [1.4 U, or helmet capacity); helmet baths on alternate days (four helmets each); comfort cooling (1/2 qt [0.5 U over the soldier's goldier's head, eight times a day); brushing teeth and handwashing (2—1/4 qt [2.1 [2.1 U). U). Water Water Sources: Sources: The principal sources of water for the8e these purposes are the unit water storage containers —— 400—gal (1510—L) water trailer, 5—gal (19—L) cans or Lyster Bag. Water of unknown quality from other sources should not be used; however, troops near the seacoast could use 8eawater for comfort cooling, bathing, and shaving. Water Conservation Measures: 1. Individuals should avoid spillage when filling their helmets or other to obtain obtain water water for for -Bhaving shaving or containers used to or bathing. bathing. When helmets are used, some See FM 21—10, Field Bome means of support Bupport is needed to prevent tipping. Field Hygiene and Sanitation, for expedient procedures that can be used under field conditions. During cool weather, hot rinse water from the mess kit cleaning line can be used for shaving. 2. 3. Seawater should be used by those on the seacoast for comfort cooling, bathing, and handwashing. No attempt should be made to recover or reuse water used for personal When convenient, wastewater should be disposed dispo8ed of in .soakage .aoakage pits constrted to provide grounding for electrical equipment. 4. hygiene. 5—13 5-13 The use of of waterborne vaterborne sewage sewage Byateins systems should should be avoided. An exception to thie this policy could could be be made made for for aa cantoitment cantonment or or major major facility facility located located near near the coast where seawater could be readily used as the transport medium. 5. 5.4.6 Activitj: Shower Operati.on8 Shower Operation8 Showers are necessary necessary in in any any contbat combat theater, theater, and and especially especially in in hot hot arid arid regions, regions, to to help help maintain maintain an an acceptable acceptable level level of of personal personal hygiene hygiene and and sanitasanitation among the fighting forces. This This results results in in a decreaeed decreased incidence of diseaoe which disease, which translates translates to to increased increased combat combat effectiveness. effectiveness. For those engaged in strenuous atrenuous activities, the availability of shower facilities can also contribute to their general morale. The printary primary means means of of providing providing showers ehowers in the field is the eight—showerhead Portable Bath Unit 141958, or the more recently type type classified classified nine—showerhead nine—showerhead Bath Bath Unit Unit (AM!!). (AM!!). Expedient Bhowers consisting of an elevated water storage tank (55—gal [209—LI drum)and showers dispensing piping dispensing piping and and valve valve have havebeen beenconlinonly commonly fabricated fabricated in in the past by by mdimdi— vidual units when regular bath units have not been readily available. Water Requirements: Quality: In hot and and arid arid climates, climates, it it ie is prescribed prescribed that. that potable water water be used be used in the Portable Bath Unit. However, However, there there may may be be occasiorzo occasiono when bacbacterially safe nonpotable water (e.g., river and stream water) can be used by military units. In these instances, approval to to use water from instances, however', however, approval rivers and similar sources sourcea without treatment treatient should be obtained from the Unit Surgeons. As an additional precaution, soldiers should be warned against drinking nonpotable water while showering. Quantity: Water is to be provided on the basis of a 3—minute shower, showers requiring 4.5 gal (17 L) of potable water per shower. For a nine—showerhead dày, the maximum daily water requirement is bath unit operating 20 hours per day, about 16 200 gal (61 300L) per day. However, if individual individual shower shower time time is is not controlled, the 45 gal (17.0 L)/person viii will probably be exceeded. Water Sources: 1. Potable water: Primary source is the nearest base water storage terminal or water with delivery tank farm, with delivery provided provided by by tanker tanker trucks trucks of of Water Water Transportation Transportation tank fariu, a. Teams (G.J). (G.J). Teams b. An alternate Bource, source, when available, i8 a municipal water system approved for use by Corps or Task Force Surgeon. 2. Nonpotable water: a. Surface water sources (e.g., river) that has been approved by Corps Corpa or Task Taek Force Surgeon. b. Pretreated wastevater wastewater from shower iteelf. 8hower unit itself. 5—14 5—14 3. Brac-ish water Brac-ish water and and seawater: seawater an expedient for short periods. period8. Long— term use Is is uut uot recommended due to residual salts left on the skin; these may irritate the the 8km skin and might not provide the degree of cleanliness desired. 1. Water Conservation Measures: Mea8ures: Limiting water consumption: a. Prohibit the fabrication of expedient showers when regular controlled—time—of—use bath unit facilities are available. Replace current showerhead 8howerhead valves on the M1958 and A1H Bath Units UnitB with spring—loaded spring—loaded valve8 valves to to prevent prevent continuou8 continuous flow. flow. An alternative means Is is to require an operator of the bath unit to manually control the flow of water to the shower 8hower with the shower 8hower stand control valve on top of the water heater. b. 2. Using nonpotable surface water: bath and laundry units serving a specified area should be near each other —— particularly when 8pecified when it it is i neceesary necessary to pretreat nonpotable surface water for •a shower and laundry. TB MED 229 provides the guidelines to be used when employing nonpotable surface waters. water8. The Unit Surgeon should also be consulted. conaulted. wa8tewater may be reused after shower wastewater Using recycled shower Bhower water: To do this, It it will proper treatment and then recycled through the bath unit. This involves the the conconbe necessary to collect the wastewater wa8tewater for treatment. struction of a shallow basin (4— to 6—in. [100— to 150—mm] deep and large enough to accommodate the duckboards on which the bather stands etands to shower), 8hOwer), and the installation of a system to transfer the wastewater to collapsible collap8ible Suggested equipment and Suggested equipaient and prowater storage tanks tank8 for treatment (Figure 5—4). cedures for pretreating shower Bhower wastewater are shown In in Figure 5.5. 3. The quality of the wastewater treatment treatment the treated water produced by the wastewater Howeyer, its process essentially eseentially meets potable water quality standards. However, acceptability for Maintenance for showering showering should should be be tested tested using using the the Preventive Maintenance and/or Engineer Water Quality Analysis Kits for compliance with Corps or Task In the absence absence of of aa 420 420 gph gph (0.442 (0.442 L/s) L/s) diatornlte diatomite Force Surgeon procedures. filter, or in case of a filter malfunction, It it is possible to use chlorinated RówRow— water that has undergone clarification by coagulation and sedimentation. The ever, bathers should be warned not to drink the water during showering. observed under under these these circumstances circumstances are are as as follows: follows: minimum standards to be be observed pH Turbidity Chlorination 6.5 to 7.5 (after chlorination to point of user) 1 to 5 units 30—minute free available chlorine residual of 5 mg/L at 20°C and above. Using brackish and seawater shower water: brackish water and seawater which are clean In in appearance and free of obnoxious odors are suitable for Continued use Is is not desirable because a bather will not feel as showers. For best results resulte it will be necessary to provide clean as with fresh water. Brackish water and seawater are generally classified as "hard saltwater soap. waters" and, therefore, therefore, require require additional additional soap soap when when used used for for showering showering or or However, It it is better for troops to use hard brackish water or laundering. 4. 5—15 TO COLLECTING TANK CONCRETE BASIN COLLECTING TANK MEMBRANE LINER HOSE xx 11/2" I I/2' BOLTS BOLTS 2-WOOD BLOCKS —I. D 6" xx 6'x 6" x 1/2" 1/2" MEMBRANE LJNE.D MEMBRANE LINE.D BASIN MEMBRANE LINER TO To COLLECTiNG TANK Figure 5.4. Shower water collection basin. 5—16 SHOWER BASIN FIELD BATH 'I GENERATOR DIATOMITE FILTER 7- F ILTER DIATOMITE UNIT TREATED TREATEO WATER TANK PROPOSED SYSTEM HARDWARE FOR SHOWER WASTEWATER REUSE UNIT TREATMENT TANK B TREATMENT TANK A FIgure 5.5. Shower wastewater reuse unit.. PILLOW TANK (1500 GALLON) TREATMENT TANK V - seawater to conserve potable water and not feel clean, than to waste potable water for showers. Shover Wastewater Reuse Unit (SWRU): A typical arrangement of the SW'RU installed with with the the standard standard Portable Portable Bath Bath Unit Unit (NSN (NSN 4510—00—168—1963) 4510—00—168—1963) is SWRU installed in Figure shown Figure 5.5. A field bath unit consists of a raw water pump, water shown in generator, and and two two shower shower stands stands with with four four shower shower noznozheater, 3—kW electrical electrical generator, zles per per stand. stand. Since shower nozzles do not have control valves, the zles An improved bath unit discharge rate is is aa 16 16 gpm gpm (1.0 (1.0 LIs) L/s) continuous continuous flow. flow. scheduled for type classification in FY81 has the number of shower nozzles Under increased to nine and an individual control valve added to each nozzle. optimum conditions, the maximum rate of discharge of a shower unit is the capacity of the pumping unit, or 20 gpm (1.3 LIe). L/s). Norrcally, Normally, aa field field bath bath unit unit is is near near aa water water source source such such as as aa lake lake or or river, river, and and the the raw raw water water is is Every pumped from the source through the water heater to the shower nozzles. effort is made to locate clean water sources. Each bath unit is provided an electrically driven raw water pump that delivers 18 to 20 gpm at 65 to 70 ft total dynamic head head (1.1 at 19.8 19.8 to to 21.3 21.3 ox ox TDR). (1.1 to to 1.3 1.3 L/s LIs at In semi—arid regions or areas where natural water sources are scarce, the SWRU system is designed to conserve fresh water. The basic procedure. is as follows: 150—gal (5680—L) of potable water would be trucked or pipd into the 1500—gal (5680—L) fresh water storage tank. The raw water pump with the bath unit is used to transfer the water from the storage tank through the heater to the showerheads. The The shower shower stands stands are are installed installed on on aa shallow shallow rectangular rectangular wastewater. From there it flows by gravity or coated fabric tank to collect uastewater. is pumped to a 1500—gal (5680—L) pillow—type pillov—type storage tank. When the pillow tank is filled, the the wastewater wastewater is is pumped pumped to to one one or or two two open, open, cylindrical, cylindrical, 1500—gal (5680—L) treatment tanks. Before wastewater is pumped into the tank, 24 lb (10.9 kg) of powdered activated carbon (1920 ppm) is manually added to the empty tank. Approximately 15 minutes is required to fill the tank and mix the activated carbon with the wastewater. When the tank is filled, 40 ppm of plug the cationic polyelectrolyte polyelectrolyte (Type (Type II Polymer) Polymer) is is added added and and the the three—way thre—way plug valve on the pump suction is positioned to permit recirculation of the waste— water in the tank for about 30 minutes. After mixing is completed, 0.5 ppm of thenon1onic polyelectrolyte (Type II Polymer) is added and recirculation is thenonionic stopped and the coagulated wastevater wastewater iè allowed to settle for about 30 minutes. After the 30—minute settling Bettling period, the water has been clarified and is ready to be filtered. Suction hoses attached to the filter are suspended by floats to permit withdrawal from the upper water level in the treatment tank. Two diatomite filters filters operating operating in in paralle.l parallel are are used used to to maintain maintain continuous continuous delivery of 16 gpm (1.0 L/B) L/s) to the fresh water tank. The diatoruite diatomite filter filter from the 420 gph (0.442 (0.442 L/s) LIe) Water Water Purification Purification Unit Unit (NSN 4610—00—937—0222) was selected because it can operate as a separate component. The filter is lightweight and can can be be manually manually hatd1ed. hatdled. Further, Further, it it is is self—contained, self—contained, with with an electrically driven filter pump and has all necessary accessories for pre— coating and filter backwash. Body feed is not used because the precoat will provide enough cake thickness for one filter cycle, or time to filter the contents of of one one treatment treatment tank. tank. A Dole flow control valve is added to control tents filter operation at the constant rate of 8 gpm gpm (0.5 (0.5 LIs) L/s) over over aa variable pressure range. 5—18 A 3—kW engine—driven generator with circuit breakers breaker8 and switch box would normally be be required required to to operate operate the the diatoinite diatomite filter pump8. pumps. However, in hot, arid regions where ambient water temperatures are relatively high, the requirement to operate the heater is reduced. Consequently1 the filter pumps Consequently, could could be operated from the 3—kW generator provided with the bath unit. The fi]jered filJered water is collected in the 1500—gal (5680 L) open—top tank. Periodically, on aa predeterroined predetermined schedule, schedule, aa measure meaaurec'.f c.f calcium calciun hypochlorite hypochlorite must be added to chlorinate the stored water. is The treated wastewater ía chlorinated because of the presence of bacteria or microorganisms which can can increa8e in number, increase numb2r1 especially in hot, hot1 sunny locations. Further, calcium hypochlorination is hypochiorination iB effective in destroying a difficult—to—remove contaminant, urea. Some make—up water Is is required periodically to compensate for losses. losse8. The principal losses are from evaporation and retention on the body as as indiviindividuals leave the shower. However, about 98 percent of shower wastevater wastewater in each cycle should be collected for treatment, where the water losses are minimal. minimal. Other losses, estimated at less than 1 percent, include those tho8e asso8ludge from the coagulation tanks and the ciated with the periodic removal of sludge backwashing of the filter. backwashlng In aa 20—hour Iii 20—hour operating operating day, day, the total water water loss loss would be about 3 percent, percent, or or 575 575 gal gal (2180 (2180 L). L). in Figure The SWRU1 SWRU, as as described above and shown in is a simple and Figure5.5, •1 is effective field treatment system. Many component items, items, such such as chemicals, hose8, and the gas—engine—powered (CED) hoses, (CED) pump the same same as as in in the the Shower pump are are the Wastewater Treatment Kit, Kic, NS N5 4610—01—023—4537 (Pollution Abatement Kit). Additional items item8 required include diatomite filters and a 1500—gal (5680—L) pillow—type water storage tank. The filters are available in existing 420 gph (0.442 L/s) ERDLator water purification units. Upon type classification clas8ification of the 600 gph (0.631 L/s) ROWP1J, ROWPU1, the 420 gph (0.442 L/s) ERDlator filter could be made available for this set. The 1500—gal (5680—L) pillow—type tank is not supply system, currently in the Army Army supply been te8ted te8ted and and military military system, although although it it has ha been specifications have been prepared. The diatomite filters are available in existing 420 gph (0.442 L/s) ERDLator Water Purification Units. With the type classification of the 600 gph (0.631 L/s) ROWPU, the 420 gph (0.442 L/s) ROWPU, the ERDLator filter filter could could be be made made available available for for this thispurpose.. purpose. 5.4.7 Activity: Activity: Laundry Operat1.onB Operationa Clean field clothing, socks, and underwear are needed to help maintain proper standards standards of of hygiene hygiene and and niorale morale among among soldiers in the the field. field. In hot, arid climates where individuals are expected to perspire freely and become covered with dust, clean clothing will be needed each time an individual showers. Clothes are laundered in the field by Laundry and Renovation Company, Company, General Support1 General Support, u8irl.g using the thetrailer—mounted trailer—mounted laundry laundry unit, unit, M—532. M—532. or Mounted on the the trailer is a water heater, washer—extractor washer—extractor, air compressor, compressor1 dryer— tumbler, tumbler1 engine—generator, and water pump. Each unit has a washer capacity of 60 lb (27 kg) of clothes clothes and and use8 uses about about 140 140 gal gal (530 (530 14 L) of of water per per load, load, or or 280 gal (1060 L) per hour. Normal operations are 20 hours per day, 7 days per week. A new and slightly larger model of the portable laundry is under 5—19 Thie equipment is development; the washer and extractor are separate units. unitB. This not expected to be available to troop units for 2 to 3 years. eBpecially for impleimple An approach to laundering which was considered here especially mentation in the temporary phase of troop deployment in an arid region is iB the use of of "dry dry cleaning," cleanthg," rather than water wash, using the troop—issued, trailer—mounted laundry unit. Dry cleaning is a closed loop process using a solvent other than water, which is i9 recovered and reused through many cycles before it must be replaced. In 1976, the U.S. Army Natick Laboratory constudieB which tested, with "encouraging" results, a commercially availducted studies able dry cleaning unit for use uee on individual military garments and gear. This potential for application in an arid region cannot be ignored. However, it must be weighed and compared with the water wash wa8h alternative in each specific case before the Army decides to use it. Water Requirements: Potable water is not required for laundry operations; however, there are certain constraints on what can be used. Hard water not only reduces the cleaning cleanthg power of soaps, but can deposit insoluble residue re8idue on clothing. Brackish and saltwater can corrode metal parts of laundry equipment. However, both these theae problems can be overcome in an austere óesèrt óesert environment. Saltwater Saltwater detergents detergents in in the the DOD DOD inventory and developed primarily for the Department of the Navy by the U.S. Army Natick Laboratory can be used. Although brackish water and seawater Beawater are more corrosive, the tradeincrea8ed equipment wear and tear for a off between immediate requirements vs. increased short time probably warrant the use of these waters. Quality: Quantity: About 280 to 300 gal (1060 to 1140 L) of water per hour are quantity: required for each washer. When water conservation is not a concern, water is obtained from a lake or stream and the waste washwater and rinsevater diecharged in a convenient area off—site. discharged 1. Water Sources: Source8: Nonpotable water: a. Brackish water and seawaterB, especially if seawater seawacer detergents are available. b. Municipal water system. c. Potable water which may have become contaminated with dust could prove to be usable. can be 2. Potable water: be water; Potable water from the nearest water tank farm can used if no other acceptable nonpotable source is available. 3. Recycled water: a. Laundry rinsewater may be used without pretreatment for washwater wa8hwater or used in eubsequent subsequent rinse cycles. cyclee. 5—20 b b. Law ry wastewater —— hot wash wash and and rinsewater rinsewater —— —— may be reused in a laundry unit, but some pretreatment is required. Water Conservation Measures: 1. Control spillage: Control spillage Exercise care in making hose connections and opening valves to prevent loss of water from leaks and accidental spills. 2. Water Reuse: a. Reuse Laundry Rinsewater. Collect the rinsewater from the washer in either a bladder tank or a collapsible fabric tank and use for subsequent wash cycles. Wash—cycle water is not to be reused for subsequent washes, but should be collected and used for other purposes, e.g., dust control, vehicle washing, etc. Modification of the wastewater discharge line on the washer is required in order to direct washwater (70 gal (265 U) to one storage tank and rinsewater (70 gal gal [265 [265 U]) U]) to to another another (aee (see Figure Figure5.6). rinsewater (70 5.6). b Wastewater. Reuse Laundry Wastevater. All vastewater wastewater from from aa field field laundry laundrymay ay be be reused, but pretreatment is necessary to remove oils, dirt, and other contaminants from washwater (not rinsewater). Additional equipment is required for this purpose —— three 1500—gal (5680—U) collapsible fabric tanks tankB three 420—gph The process involves flocculation (0.442—L/s) diatomite filters, and hoses. (O.442—L/s) of contaminants using powdered carbon and polyelectrolytes. 3. Dry Cleaning: in the latter stages stage8 of deployment deploynent and if the tactical situation is relatively stabilized, this measure should be considered —— especially for implementation in base camp development. Laundry Wastewater Reuse Unit (LWRU): (UWRU): A typical layout of the Laundry Wastewater Reuse Unit (LWRIJ) (UWRIJ) to treat wastewater from the standard 60—lb (27—kg) capacity, Trailer Mounted Laundry Unit, NSN 3510—00—782—5294, is shown in ii Figure 5.7. In many instances, field laundries operate as, with two laundry unite unitB per team. Wastewater generated by a laundry unit is about 250 gph (.26 (.26 L/s); L/s); two two units units at at one one location location would would generate generate about about 500 500 gph gph (.53 (.53 L/s) of L/s) of wastewater. Wastewater is discharged from the drain in the bottom of the trailer—mounted unit uiüt which can be connected by hose to a 500—gal (1890—L) pillow collection collection tank. tank. If two laundry units are near one another, the drains would be manifolded before connection to the pillow tank. The procedure for treating laundry wastewater is like that described for treatment tanks tanks 1500—gal (5680—U) (5680—L) treatment shover shower wastewater wastewater with with two two exceptions. exceptions. The 1500—gal in the proposed Shower Wastewater Reuse Reuse Unit Unit are are replaced replaced with with 500—gal 500—gal (1890—U) capacity tanks. This reduction in size is possible because the quanIn tity of wastewater from two laundry units is less than from one bath unit. The addition, only one diatomite filter is required for the laundry units. chemicals and dosages (ppm) are the same, as is the method of operation. The set of equipment for the LWRU basically consists of the Pollution Abateicnt Kit (Laundry Wastewater Treatment Kit, NSN 4610—01—023—4536), and diatomite filter, filter, portable portable additional components, components, such such as as aa 420—gph 420—gph (.44 (.44 Lfs) Lfs) diatonilte generator, hose, ho8e, tanks, and a variety of connectors. 5—21. 5—21 WATER PUMP WATER PUMP DRAIN LINE V VALVE '' VALVE VALVE TER SOURCE $500 GAL TANK 1500 GAL GAL TANK TANK RINSEWATER WASTE WASHWASTE WATER Figure 5.6. Rinsewater reuse system. 5—22 Figure 5.7. TREATMENT PILLOW TANK FIELD LAUNDRY UNIT UNIT Laundry wastewater reuse unit. PROPOSED SYSTEM HARDWARE FOR FOR LAUNDRY LAUNDRY REUSE REUSE UNIT UNIT DIATOMITE DIATOMTE FILTER TREATED WATER TANK GENERATOR It is estimated that two men Personnel and Training Requirements: The LWRU would require can assemble the SWRU for operation in about 2 hours. The The LWRU requires less time two men and approximately 1 hour for assembly. because the 500 gal (1890—L) tanks are easier to field—erect than the 1500 gal (5680—L) tanks. One man would be required per shift to operate either the of training training would would be be equivalent equivalent to to what what the the SWRU or or the LWRU. Operator level of SWRU MOS 52N receives today for the operation of ERDLator water purification units. The consumable supplies Supplies used in operation of Logistic Logistic Support: vastewater reuse units wastewater units are are prinarily primarily chemicals chemicals and and fuels. fuels. It is noted that the chemical requirements for activated carbon are high because the dosage8 In batch coagulation, the activated carbon are based on the initial charge. settleB to the bottom settles bottom of of the the tank tank and and is is resuspended resuspended along along with with the the new new charge charge The carbon carbon particles particles not not effectively effectively of carbon when the tank is refilled. The in the first treatment are returned to contribute to further treatment. used In If beneficial, the subsequent charges of activated carbon could theoretically It is known that in the present batch coagulation system, the be be reduced. reduced. In field tests using continuous flow dosage of activated carbon is 1920 ppm. clarifier clarifier equipment equipment for for treating treating laundry laundry and and shower shower wastewater, wastewater, effective effective results were obtained using 425 ppm activated carbon dosages. 5.4.8 Activ.Lty: Activity: HospitaZ Operations The hospital hospital consumption consumption planning planning factor factor of of 11 gal/man/day gal/man/day(3.8 (3.8L/ni/d) L/m/d) is is based on a projection of 65 gal/day (246 L/day) for each patient bed and 10 gal/day (38 L/day) per hospital staff member. These rather significant quantities of water are based on daily baths bathB for the medical staff and the majority of patients; changes of uniforms and bedding each day; and the various general sanitation, food preparation and housekeeping operations done each day in support of patients and hospital staff. Although TRADOC PAMPHLET 525—11 indicates that only potable water is to be produced for hospital use, a number of medical support actuivities do not actually require water of this quality. The primary factors Influencing influencing water consumption in a theater of operaIn regard to tions are the casualty rate and the patient evacuation policy. the latter, the sooner in—patients are evacuated from the theater for continued ued treatment, treatment, the the lower lower the the amount amount of of water water will will be. be. Water Requirements: TRADOC PAMPHLET 525—11, "Near—Term Water Resources Management" Quality: mandates that all waters intended for hospital use (65 gal/man/day However, since since host,ital hosital operations However, operations comprise comprise several several [246 L/rn/di) be potable. subactivities, some of which offer an outstanding opportunity for water conservation, a hard consideration of their respective demands for potable qualqual— ity water is indeed warranted. Existing U.S. Army Medical Department documents explore explore these these possibilities, possibilities, indicating indicating the thepotential potentialfor forusing usingnortpot— nonpot— able waters to achieve selected functions within the scope of field hospital operations." The 1 gal/man/day (3.8 L/m/d) value translates to 65 Quantity; Quantity: gal/bed/day (246 L) potable quality. Of these, (38 L/m/d) L/mjd) are are these, 10 10 gal/man/day al/man/dav (38 estimated the remaining remaining 55 55 gal/bed/day gal/bed/day (208 (208 L) L) are are estimated for human consumption; the intended for non—consumptive purposes (e.g. laundry, showers, cleansing of 5—24 equipment and areas, operation of equipment such as pumps and distillers)1 and could could be be sat.sfied satisfied using using nonpotable nonpotable quality quality water. water. (These waters may in fact have been treated and highly di8infected disinfected with chlorine or other suitable comcorn— pounds, 9uch suLch ag asWescodyne, Wescodyne, so so that that they they are are nonpotable, nonpotable, but but free of any any pathopathogenic organisms.) In proportion, then, under austere water conditions, conditione, about 88 percent (62/72) of the water demand for hospital operations could come from Sources. other than the "potable" quality sources. Water Sources: Potable: From the field water distribution system. Bystem. other than potable water must be obtained from the Surgeon. 1. 2. Nonpotable: a. Fresh water from a municipal water system 8ystem or from producing wells. b. Brackish water and seawater lowin suspended solids. c. ROWPU brine. 5.4.9 Authority to use Water Conservation Measures: 1. Use ROWPU brine water water e8pecially especially for for cleansing cleansing operations. operations. 2. See paragraph 5.4.3. 3. See paragraph 5.4.4. 4. 4. See paragraph 5.4.5. 5. 5. See paragraph 5.4.9. 6. See paragraph 5.4.20. 7. See paragraph 5.4.21. 8. See paragraph 5.4.23. 9. See paragraph 5.4.21. 10. See paragraph 5.4.23. Activity: Rat Casualty Beat Casualty Treatment Treatment This 8ection Th18 section is not intended to be a guide to the identification and treatment of heat casualties, casualtiea, but rather presents field expedients suitable for conserving and/or maintaining the quantities of water required in their treatment. However, one must note that anticipated heat casualties will cover a broad spectrum of severity, from mild (heat exhaustion) to severe (heat stroke), with water being a prime factor in the degree of treatment applied. The victim must be re—hydrated and also cooled. Water for re—hydration must be potable and cool, but that required for cooling may be of a lesser quality. 5—25 Water Requirements: Water used for re—hydration must be potable. For body cooling quality: large purposes, consideration consideration can can be be given given to to aa lesser lesser quality1, quality, especially especially if if large .arge influx of heat casualcasual quantities are are needed needed in in aa short short time time —— —— e.g., large quantities Ingestion of such waters must be avoided. ties. The amount of water needed to treat each casualty could range Quantity: from 5 to 10 gal (19 to 38 L), depending on the level of treatment. Present planning factors require 1.0 gal/man/day (3.8 L/m/d) for heat treatment —— this is in addition to the quantity allocated for drinking purposes (4.0 The concept concept is is for for water water intended intended for for heat heat treatment treatment gal/man/day [15 L/m/d)). L/m/d]). The to be moved only as far forward as the combat battalion level, and that it will be distributed to the unit level in 5—gal (l9—L) (19—L) cans by an ambulance. Water Sources: Potable water for heat treatment through re—hydration will usually be obtained obtathed from the storage capacity allocated each hospital (i.e., 20,000 gal [76 000 L] storage) or from the 400 gal (1510, (1510. L) water Nonpotable water may may come come from from aa trailer trailer organic organic to to each each company—size company—9lze unit. unit. variety of sources. Water Conservation Measures: The following steps apply only to the use of nonpotable waters for, body "cooling," thereby reducing the demand on potable sources. Use ROWPU brine if the water temperature gradient is suitable and 1. near a water production facility. Install a casualty treatment reservoir which permits water to be 2. The suggested field expedients illustrated in reused for successive patients. Figure 5.8 use the Small Mobile Chiller (SMC) and a 500 gal (1890 L) reBervoir reservoir to treat successive heat casualty patients (if only about four—fifth. full this will be within the capacity of the Small Mobile Chiller. Rely on the high rate of evaporation in desert areas to cool heat 3. Mobile.Chiller. be sprayed on a Cooled water from a Small Mobile.Chlller. stroke patients. patient's body by fitting a spray device to the nozzle on the hose of the Additional cooling cooling will will result result as a the the water water evaporates naturally naturally or or Chiller. Additional can be enhanced if a fan is available. 5.4.10 5.4.10 Activit,y: Graves Registration Craves registration is carried out at several levels or echelons within a Graves It involves involves the the handling handling of of remains1, remains, which which demands the applicaapplicacombat zone. tion of good sanitation practices, especially among the Craves Registration washing remains1, remains, but but most most is is used used for for i8 needed for washing Per8onnel. Personnel. Some water 18 hygiene. Handler8 Handlers are required to wash and disinfect themselves frequently. Water Requirements: Quality: Water used for washing and preparation of remains nonpotable quality. Handlers could disinfect themselves using a prepared chemical solution. Nonpotable water could be used when 5—26 may be of previously potable vatet ANY LA8LE OR FAeRICATED CONTMNER WH APPR DIkNSCNS OF 78x 3€z 30 COOLED WATER — cHIlL FR T1ENT SUPPORT NOTE SHADE FROM DIRECT SUN LIGHT FiELD MEDICAL FACILITY 400 GAL WATER TRA&ER cHILLER I —— HOSES COOLED WATER — .- '.f —— —j,-- MEMBRANE UNE NOTE SHADE FROM DIRECT SUN UGHT AID STATION FACILITY Figure 5.8. MultIple casualty treatment. 5-27 is not available or in short Bupply, but authority to use it should be Corpe or Task Taek Force Surgeon. obtained from the Corps gntity: Approximately 50 gal (190 L) of water are required for each casualty for both the processing of remains and handler hygiene. Water Sources: 1. Potable water Potable water from from the system. Authority tc the field water distribution system. use use other other than than potable potable water water should should be be obtained obtained from from the the Task Task Force Force Surgeon. Surgeon. 2. Fresh water water from from aa municipal municipal water water sy8tern system or from producing producing wells. wells. 3. solids, or ROWPU brine. Brackish water, seawater low in suspended solids1 . Water Conservation Keasures: No attempt should be made to reuse reu8e wastewater wastewàter from graves registration activities. Whenever convenient, disposal should be in a soakage pit next to a facility requiring electrical grounding. groundiig. 1. 1. 2. Nonpotable water or brine from the water treatment process ould ou1d be used wherever possible possible and and when when authorized authorized by:he hy:he Thsk Task Force Surgeon. Force Surgeon. Saline Salire water will require the use of saltwater soaps. 5.4.11 4.11 5 • .ctivity: ty: Cons Construction-('onerete truction-Conere te Mis&q Misinq and and Curing Curing .lctivi The stages of a military operaThe requirement requirenientfor forconcrete concreteduring duringthe theearly eriy stases operation is projected projected to to be be minimal minimal since since units units and and acttvities cttvities will will rely rely primarily primarily on Table of Organization and Equipment (TOE) structures rather than on base development—type facilities. However, as the buildup matures, more engineer effort be available effort may my be available for for constructing constructing temporary temporary facilities facilities that that require require concrete footings and floors. tn addition, concrete may be required for f'r road culverts, bridge abutments, headwalls, and footings for generators. Some of the concrete rilL will require require reinforcing reinforcing steel. steel. En In addition, insuring addition, procedures insuring wilL be needed. that the concrete cures properly will Water for concrete mixtures is normally transported to the work site in water water distributors distributors issued issued to to construction construction engineer engineer units, units, which which also also have have pumps to obtain water from available surface sources. The The requireaents requirements for for concrete concrete aggregate aggregate rashing washing are are discussed discussed In in paraparagraph 5.4.13. Water Requirements: Water Quality: Concrete mixes mixes for for clost most military not military field field applications applications do not require better than than nonpotable nonpotable quality quality water. water. In general, satisfactory concrete can be he mixed using natural surface water, brackish water and seawater, or any ;ater that is free of oil, and suspended organic matter, especially orani matter, especi. ally sugar. Also, sewage effluent that has undergone the equivalent of secondary treatment is suitable for concrete. 5—28 Quantiv The water—to—cement ratio varie8 depending on the Quantit concrete desired, quality and gradation of aggregrates available) available, of structure being built. However, for general—purpose general—purpose concrete, concrete, thumb thumb for for an average mix is 6 gal/sack (23 L) of regular Portland for underwater concretes 5 gal/sack gal/sack (19 (19 L) L) for concrete, watertight structures, structures, seawater. using air—entrained cements, brackish water, or 8eawater. strength of and the type aa rule rule of of cement and and and mixtures mixtures Water will also be required for cleaning mixing equipment and curing concrete if curing compounds are not available. Allowing 2 gal/sack (8 L) for approxinately 40 gal these purposes, approximately gal (151 (151 L) L) of of water would be required per cubic cubic yard yard of of concrete. concrete. Water Sources: Nonpotable: Wastewater from field field showers showers and and laundries laundries is a good good source of mix water, but it must first be treated to remove organics, oils, and soap. The treatment processes involve all or a combination of the following: ing: skimming to remove oils and soap, flocculation, filtration, and chemical additives if available. 1. 2. Surface: Water from riverB, rivers, streams, and canals will probably be high in organics, including fecal material from both humans and animals. Consequently, the requirement to treat such water before use should be anticipated. Surface water sources in the Middle East may contain the the parasite parasite which which can can may contain cause schistosomiasis. Care should be taken not to touch surface water. a. a. b. b. Brackish well water or surface water with a high mineral content (sulfate, calcium, sodium, magnesium, and some potassium) or salinity should ahould also also be be filtered filtered if if it it contains contains oils oils and and other other organics. organics. c. The salt is is greater greater than than 22 effects, however, Suspended organic content of seawater from the Mediterranean and Arabian Gulf percent percent and and will will reduce reduce the the strength strength of of concrete. concrete. These can be compensated for by decreasing the water/cement ratio. material should be filtered out before use. d. usèdfor concrete Where the ROWPU is used, the brine resulting can be u8èdfor part6 of fresh water to reduce the mixes, but only after dilution with equal parts salt concentration. Water Conservation Conservation Measures: Measures Alternate Water Sources: 1. Avoid using potable water for mixing concrete. Instead, rely on available seawater or brackish water that is relatively free of organic matter. 2. 2. Reduce water/cement water/cement ratio ratio for for minimum minimum use use of of water water where where practical. practical. Wastewater from showers shower8 and laundries may be used for concrete mixIn producing small quantities of concrete (5 cu yd [3.8 m3] or less), a convenient method of pretreating such wastewater is the use of a simple 3. tures. tures. 5—29 expedient sand filter (Figure 5.9). (Paragraph explains the operalarger quantities, quantities the the ERDLator ERDLator would would be be a more tion of this filter.) For larger efficient means of producing larger volumes of acceptable water. 4. Avoid using water for curing concrete by employing enploying commercial curing compounds. However, if none are available, wastewater—soaked burlap or sandbags bags could could be be an an acceptable acceptable alternative. alternative. Operating Procedure for Sand Filter: Produces small quantities of subpotable water for concrete mixes, general—purpose cleaning, radiator makeup nakeup water, etc. 1. Use: 2. Capability: Filters up to 1000 gal (3790 L) of wastewater per day. 3. Procedure: Wastewater (messkit (nesskit washline, field laundry, and shower) is poured by hand through the burlap filter until drum is full. Maintain water level at top by periodically refilling drum. Adjust valve to control quality quality of of water water desired; desired; the the smaller smaller the the discharge, discharge, the the higher higher the the quality quality of.. of.. water produced. Filtered water can be collected ina1500—gal (5680—L) pillow tank or other available container. If the sand filter is used continuously at one location, the tp 2 or 3 of sand sand should should be be removed removed and replaced with in. (50 to to 80 80 n2m) mm) of with clean clean sand sand after after each 1000 1000 gal gal (3790 (3790 L) L) filtered. filtered. A long—handled each long—handled scoop scoop will will have have to to beinade bemade for this purpose. For small projects, dispose of the filter material upon completion of of the the job job and and reconstitute reconstitute the the filter filter at at the the next next project project site. site. completion 5.4.12 Activity: Construction - Soil Conrpaction/Soil Cement Road Road networks networks and and roadbeds roadbeds themselves themselves throughout throughout SWA SWA have have capacities capacities that thst will be inadequate for a military force that relies heavily on vehicle movement of of supplies supplies and and equipment. equipnent. Consequently, a significant amount of ment engineer effort is expected to be devoted to establishing and maintaining an adequate line of communications. Tasks involved will be largely earthwork and roadbed construction, but can include culvert and bridge construction. In mountain and plateau deserts, the soil is generally hard and rocky, making road construction in flat areas simply a matter of rock removal and grading. In sand or dune deserts, the problem problem is is much much greater greater unless unless the the dunes dunes themselves themselves are are avoided. avoided. Fill areas in roadbeds and backfill for culverts and bridge abutments will need to be compacted. Where there are loose granular soils, dry compaction tion using using vibratory vibratory rollers rollers or' or' tracked tracked vehicles vehicles can can be be effective. effective. Clay and silty soils will require water to compact to optimum density. In desert areas, opportunities to use soil cement surfaces appear to be numerous —— stabilization of storage yards and and depots, depots, expedient expedient floors floors for for maintenance tents buildings. maintenance tents and ad buildings. This This construction construction technique technique not not only only proprovides a durable surface, but helps to minimize dust. 5—30 BURLAP (SAND BAG) 55 GAL DRUM WITH TOP AND BOTTOM REMOVED WATER TIGHT WELD ALL AROUND 55 GAL DRUM WITh TOP REMOVED 16" OF SAND 4" OF GRAVEL 3/4" + P1 WELDED TO PILLOW TANK WITH FILL HOSE 1' - .4, 4 .4, 4, 'p "I Figure 5.9. 5—31 5—31 4 Sand filter. Water Requirements: Nonpotable fresh, Bait, or brackish water is suitable for both Quality: Boil compaction and soil cement. soil Quantity: Water quantities will vary widely, depending on the types of soil encountered. because of the general absence of soil moisture, that needed for compaction will have to be added. This would amount to 30 gal/cu yd On the other hand, hand, (150 L/tn3) to reach a moisture content of 10 percent. soil cement requires 40 to 60 gal/cu yd (200 to 300 L/m3). Water Sources: 1. Nonpotable fresh water. Wastewater from showers, laundries, and ROWPUs are suitable for relatively small soil compaction and soil cement pro- jects. Rivers and and canals canals provide providesuitable suitable water water for for soil 2. Surface. Al8o catchnients compaction/cement. Also, catchments could-be constructed to collect rainfall. despite its its high high mineral contert, 3. Brackish. Water Water from from veils, wells despite contert, is is acceptable for these these applications. applications. Satisfactory soil Satisfactory soil compaction/cement compaction/cement tasks tasks can can beaccotn— beaccom— Seawater. plished with seawater. seawater. pushed with 4. Water Coitservation Conservation Measures: Measures: and uiois— 1. Standard soil soil compaction compaction tests tests to to determine determine opti-irnim opti1rnim density and Standard Equipment 8hould be conducted before compaction operations are started. ture 8hOuld ture for this purpose is contained in the unit equipment issued to Construction Engineer Battalions. - Wastewater of any type should be used for small compaction tasks. 2. 2. Larger projects, demanding demanding larger larger amounts amounts of of water, water, 8hou].d should rely rely on on saltwater saltwater 9eparate pipeline for this purpose could prove or brackish water supplies. supplie9. A separate feasible. not available, available, or or loose loose granular granular soils soils are are encountered, encountered When water is not 3. vibratory compaction vibratory compaction techniques, techniques which require require no no water, water could could prove satisfacsatisfacIf an issued vibratory compactor is not available, passes with tory. bulldozers, tanks, and large wheeled trucks can effectively compact most soils. Application of water to raise soil moisture to optimum levels for 4. compaction should be carefully regulated and closely monitored at the work— 8ite. When a water distributor is used, control can be readily effected; for site. di8tributors it is more difficult. Suggested designs field expedient water distributors for achieving a more uniform distribution of water are shown in Figure 5.10. 5—32 FIELD EXPEDIENT VATER DISTRIBUTOR SUITA8L.E SUITABLE WATER TANK QPTION I WELD Pt.ATE WELD O PIPE Pt.ATEOPPf VI6"* II STEEL V16"* STEEL NOTES: NOTES: STRAPS MOt.*(T SPLASH SPLASH PLATE PLATESUCH SUCHTHAT . MOt.*rT THATITS ITSBACK BACX EDGE EDGE OVERLAPS THE BACK EDGE OF THE DOWNSPOUT —I OVERLAP BY APPRlMArELY APPRIMArELYI IINCH INCH(SEE (SEEDETAIL). DETAIL). 2. ATTACH SPLASH PLATE WITH WV'GNUT TO ALLOW FOR FOR FiELD ADJUSTMENT OF OF ANGLE. ANGLE. AELD ADJUSTMENT N 1/4 xl N STEEL I#4ii 12Ø V4x120 ADJUSTABLE STEEL SPLASH PLATE SUITABLE WATER TANK I/4x 1 BRACES TACK WELDED NOTES I. ANGLE PLATE SLIGHTLY DOWNWARD TO ENABLE WATER TO CASCADE FROM TRAILING EDGE. 2. INSTALL REMOVABLE REMOVABLE CAP CAP OR OR PLUG PLUG ON ONBOTH BOTHEM)S £M)S OF SPRAYBAR TO PERMIT CLEANING. STL. RATE STL. PLATE 4"O 4"OPIPE PIPEW/I/S"Ø 'IfB"ø HOLES 40.C. Figure 5.10. Field expedient water distribution. 5—33 5.4.13 Activity: Construction - Aggregate Cleaning Large sources of clean angular sand are frequently found in dune desert areas but are not common to other types of deserts. areae deserts. Further, Furthers natural sources good sand of sand may not be close cloBe to the intended intended construction construction site. site. Likewise, of good well—graded gravel may not be readily available and must muet be produced from rock fragmenta and boulder by crushing. fragments cruBhing. These ingredients and ingredients of of concrete concrete should should be be relatively relatively free free of of fines, fines and than 200 200 mesh, mesh to cement. less than to insure insure good good bonding bonding with the cement. Clay and other fines can often be removed from gravel during crushing and screening. If difficult to to remove remove when when dry, dry it fines are difficult it may may be be neceasary necèasary to to apply apply aa water water Similarly, spray or pressure air during the crushing and screening operation. excessive fines can be washed from sand. In most instances, this can be done by constructing a a simple simple sluice, sluice, putting putting sand sand in in it, it and and filling filling it it with with water. Most of the fines can be washed away if water continuously flows into the sluice and the sand is simultaneously agitated in the water. Such an arrangement should be a closed system to permit the wash water to be reused once the fines have settled out. Out. Water Requirements: Quality: Quality: Any clean water can be used for washing concrete aggregate. Salt and brackish brackish water water are are suitable suitable despite despite the the salt salt residual residual that that w.l1 wUl remain once the material has been allowed to drain. Salt will decrease decrease the the strength of of concrete, and in time the concrete will deteriorate. deteriorate. However, concrete, and this is is not not expected expected to to occur occur during during the the short short period period of of time this the structure structure is time the to be used by a military force. Quantity: The amount of water required for cleaning aggregate depends on the condition of the sand eand and gravel and the amount of those materials required. Therefore, the quantity of water cannot be readily quantified. conditions about Under average conditions, about 500 500 gal gal per per cu cu yd yd (2500 (2500 L/m3) L/m3) can can be be used used for for estimating purposes. Another useful estimate can be made according to the capacity of the rock crusher used. A 75 ton/hr (19 Kg/s) crusher requires 25,000 to 50,000 gal/hr (26 to 53 L/s) and a 225 ton/hr (57 kg/s) crusher requires. 100,000 to 200,000 gal/hr (105 to2lQL/s). Water Sources: 1. Relatively clean water from a surface resource is preferred. 2. Salt and brackish water is acceptable and would probably be the primary Bource source where large quantities of aggregate and sand require cleaning. 3. Clean nonpotable water from treating shower or laundry water could be used if the amount of material to be cleaned is relatively small. Water Conservation Measures: 1. Pressure air (air compressor) should be employed where the fines fine8 are firmly adhered to the sand and gravel. not not firmly 5—34 Any washing facility established to continuously process large amounts of sand should include a closed—loop water system. Bystem. Integral Integral to to the the ponda with enough capacity to permit fines to settle system should be settling ponds out of the the wastewater wastewater while while previously previously clarified clarifiedwater wateris i being being reused. reused. This procedure would not be necessary if seawater 8eawater could be obtained in generally unrestricted amounts. 2. dust and Clean sand relatively free of dust and fines finea can can be be obtained obtained in in areas areas where loose sand lB iB found on the ground surface by erecting a fence (equivalent alent of of aa snow fence) perpendicular to the prevailing wind. When the wind blows, blows, the the fine fine particles particles will will pass pass through through the the openings openings in in the the fence fence and and the the coarser coarser particlea particles will will collect collect along along the the fence fence line. line. Strips of camouflage netting about 4 ft (1.2 m) wide placed placed end end to to end end and and supported supported by by long long barbed barbed wire pickets could be used as a field expedient. 3. 5.4.14 Activity: Contration —— -- Dust Control/Soil Stabilization The dry surface conditions conditions and and nearly nearly constant constant wind wind throughout throughout SWA SWA keep keep the the air full of dust during most of of the the year. year. Military operations ——with the continuous movement of vehicles, and landing and takeoff of helicopters — only compound thiB this problem. Ground visibility will be restricted, and men and equipment will become become covered covered with with dust. dust. Total control of dust Is is not possible, possible) but measures can be taken to minimize its generation —— especially at airfields, airfieldB, heliports, and active storage areas and depots. Several materials, including water, can be used. However, water Is is probably the poorest choice for desert areas because its effect is only short—term due to the high evaporative rate In in arid climates. Furthermore, water must be continually applied to be effective. Another coin— mon expedient dust suppressant material is ie waste engine oil from vehicles. vehiclea. This should be used; but because of the rather limited quantities produced at any any one one location, location, only only localized localized use use in in unit unit motor motor parks parks Is is considered coneidered practipractical. Diesel fuel and other other oil oil products products have have been been employed employed by by construction construction However, in in the the quarLtities quantities contractors contractors in in the the Middle Middle East East for for this this purpose. purpoae. However, required by a military force, this technique would be a great logistics burden and and too too expensive, expensive, unless unless supplies supplies could could be be obtained obtained or or captured captured in in the the region. suppressanta have recently become The following types of commercial suppressants available. available. Magnesium Chloride Chloride Bitterna Bitterns (NgCI2) (MgC12) concentrate concentrate (a liquid) liquid) is is uaed used in in It is large quantity applications and doeB does not require dilution with water. applied like water, water, in in initial initial quantities quantities of of about about 0.5 0.5 gal/sq gal/sq yd yd (2.3 (2.3 L/tn2) L/m2) MgCI2 is somesome— for roads. roads. Therefore, a water distributor could be used. The MgC12 for The iniwhat vhat corrosive; hence, equipment compatibility should be determined. tial application usually causes the road surface to become very hard, and In in Obvioualy, many cases only one or two applications a year are required. Obviously, weather, traffic levels, and soil conditions will affect the durability of the product. 1. 2. Resin emulsions can suppress dust and stabilize soil. Some are petroleum—ba6ed petroleum—based products; products; others others are are acrylic. acrylic. Both are diluted with water and Dilution ratios (agent to water) vary are applied like water to the surface. 5—35 from from 1:4 1:4 to to 1:15 1:15 or or more. more. The degree of stabilization is determined by the amount of water used. Thick dust layers can be controlled by using a more penetration) but the surface must be solution. This provides greater penetration, dilute solution. dilute Heavily trafcompacted for the adhesive characteristics to be effective. ficked surfaces tend to become more hardened with use, and lighter or no no— traffic traffic areas areas become become more more resistant resistant to to wind wind and and water water erosion. erosion. Oil—based commercial commercial dust dust palliatives palliatives are are available, available and and some some experiexperi3. PENEPRIME was most genence has been obtained from their use in Viet Ham. It is applied undiluted using erally used for road and off—road dust control. disadvantage of this product is the dark It military asphalt distriblitor. distributor. an asphalt residual on treated areas. Water Requirements: du8t Quality: Water of any quality is suitable by itself for controlling dust and stabilizing soil. Freshwater, brackish water, or seawater can be mixed In general, general, any any water water clean clean enough enough not not to to clog clog with commercial with commercialpalliatives,. palliativa. In spray nozzles is acceptable. Quantity: The amount of water required for mixing with commercial dust palliatives varies varies with with the the product product and and the the nature natureof ofthe theapplicati'n. applicstin. palliatives Water Sources: The nature of the dust problem in an arid region essentially dictates that only major sources be used, i.e., large producing veils wells or seawater. 1. Water Conservation Measures: Because of the need to control dust, the use of water can hardly be It can be minimized, minimized, however, however, if if some some of of the the commercial commercial dust dust pallia— pailia— avoided. teBting was comtives on the market market are are used. used. Limited product evaluation and testing pleted in 1981 by the U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory for Region Region VIII, VIII, U.S. U.S. Environmental Protection Protection Agency. Agency. However, Interferences interferences from these tests on the use of these pailiatives palliatives in arid tactical areas with salt water or brackish water as dilutents would be riéky rièky since this is a Further research on palliative selection to match unique application. races is specific soil types, dilutents, trafficability, and application rates If this becomes a validated, high—priority research need, the U.S. needed. the undertake the Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station will be requested to undertake Army reBearch effort. research Saltwater or brackish water should be the only typeB types used for major 2. dust control programs. Brackish water, if available, may be the better choice since the magnesium salts saltB in brackish water may form a longer—lasting crust than the eodium sodium and calcium salts. Magnesium chloride is the active ingredient of one of the commercial palliatives tested for the U.S. Environmental Protection Protection Pgency. Agency. 3. Waste Wasce engine oil should be used instead of water for localized dust control. 4. Facilities that can be adversely affected by sand (e.g., hospitals, communications by conununicac ionscenters) centers)can canbe begiven given some some protection protection from from blowing blowing sand by 5—36 erecting sw—type fencing around the perimeter. Open netting, such as camouflage netting, supported by long barbed wire pickets could serve Berve as a field expedient fence. 5.4.15 Actiuitj: PotabZ-e Water Production Since municipal or fresh surface water resources are not expected to be will be necessary to produce potable available to a military force in SWA, it viii water water from from any any available available source. source. The primary military equipment used for this will be the ROWPU because it is mobile and can produce potable water from seawater, and brackish ground water and surface water sources. Environmental conditions characteristic of desert areas also suggest that potable water supplies can easily become contaminated with dust and sand from Btorms. It therefore appears frequent dust storms. appears prudent prudent to to have have available available the the now—standard ERDLator equipment to treat water contaminated with dust and other solids aolids so that it does not have to be disposed of or used for other, less critical, purposes. The advantage of the ERDLator treatment is that. almost 100 percent percent of of the the water water can can be be recovered recovered for for use. use. Desert 8ufl 8un and. and heat can cause a variety of problems for those engaged in producing water. Equipment can become so 90 hot as to make the handling of valves valves and and other other components components difficult. difficult. Membrane elements, calcium caleiwn hypochlor— ite, and water quality adequality test test reagents reagents can can deteriorate deteriorate rapidly rapidly when•not whennot adequately quately protected. protected. Water Requirements: Requirements: osmosi8 to produce guality: Despite the great versatility of reverse osmosis potable water from almost almo8t any source, some Bome limitations litnitation may be encountered in purifying water in desert areas. area8. The efficiency of the membrane in removing dissolved minerals increases as the temperature of the water rises above 25°C (77°F). (77°F). However, should the temperature exceed 45°C (113°F), membrane compaction occurs occurS more rapidly, membrane adhesives weaken, and a structural failure may develop that causes the element to become inoperative. Membrane life can Fouling of be shortened when the pH of the water is below 4.0 and above 9.0. membrane surfaces, surfaces, reducing reducing water water production production capability., capability, occurs. occurs. when when iron, iron, Iron and manganese can be manganese, and silica are present in the raw water. reduced by aeration (cooling concept) and filtration, but since such pretreatment may not always be practical in the field, frequent replacement of elements will have to be anticipated or allowance made for less water production. When a military ROWPU is operating normally, only 1 gal (3.8 L) of potable water is produced produced from from e.wery ewery 33 gal gal (11.4 (11.4 L) L) of of feed feed water, water, regardless regardless of of its quality. However, the brtre from the treatment of brackish and nonpotable fresh water can and should be recycled to produce additional potable water. The limit on recycling these waters is reached when the dissolved mineral content of of the the brine brine reaches reache8 that that of of seawater. Beawater. tent Water Quality Analysis Sets and the skilled personnel to use them are For the most part, present essential in the production of potable water. equipment provides e.g., chlorine chlorine residual, residual, pH, pH, turbiturbiprovides for for making making basic basic tests, tests e.g., Certain test reagents normally have a 8hort short life, and when dity, hardness. exposed to desert sun and heat can quickly become useless. u8eless. Consequently, 5—37 operating personnel should be alert to the expiration date of reagents and protect test equipment by keeping it shaded and as cool as possible. While any available water source gource may be used to produce potquantity: Quantity: highe9t quality, able water, every effort should be made to use the largest, highest and most reliable source available. ig expected that the sea and wells are the most moat proIt is Water Sources: ductive sources for producing potable water. Surface water resources are generally preferable since less effort and cost is required to treat such water, waters given the equipment and manpower resources of a field fighting fighttng force. Water Conservation Measures: Control waste. Operators of water supply eupply points should keep spillage of potable water produced to a minimum. 1. 2. Make maximum use of all water. Brine produced in the operation of the ROWPU should not not be be discharged discharged as as waste, wa8te but but collected collected and and stored stored for for other uses. water, which which is is normally normally wasted, vaated has two This water, has been been Bubjected subjected to two stages of filtration filtration before before being being processed proceaed through through the the membrane membrane elements; elements; brine is is practically practically free free of of all all suspended suspended mattet, mattet therefore, the brine This water is adequate iii supply and quality is adequate iii supply and quality for for purposes purposessuch suchas a graves registration registratLon activities, soil compaction, soil cem.nt, and dust control. When there is a general shortage of potable water, it can also be used for showers and laun- dries. dries - 3. Renovation of contaminated water. Water that may may have have been been contamcontam3. inated with dust or other removable suspended substances should be retreated rather than wasted. ERDLator equipment is most suitable for this purpose since most troublesome dissolved salts and minerals are removed by the reverse Osmosis process. osmosis 4. Water quality testing. Water quality tests should be done as accurately rately as as possible possible to to preclude preclude unsatisfactory unsatisfactory water water being being distributed distributed and and later having to be declared unsuitable for human consumption. Equipment protection. ROWPU equipment, spare membrane elements, cal5. cium hypochiorite, hypochlorite, and Water Quality Analysis Sets should be protected from cium sun and heat to prevent deterioration and insure proper functioning. 5.4.16 .4ctiz.iity: Actiity: WellS Drilling Drilling Well The The general absence of surface water in desert areas and the prospect In—country municipal water supplies may not be accessible require the that in—country deploynent of of fully fully trained trained and and well—equipped well—equipped drilling drilling units units to to develop develop needed, needed, deployment water supplies. Equipment now being bethg procured by the Army to provide this capability includes includes modern modern 6—in. 6—in. (150—mm) (150—mm) diameter diameter high high speed speed rotary rotary drills. drills. capability Highly sophisticated geophysical and seismic systems and techniques are often used by professional well drillers to locate groundwater. In the absence of these techniques, Army drillers drillers should, should, if if possible, possible, consult consult local local téchniques Army inhabitants for assistance in identifying prospective drilling sites. 5—38 The depth co groundwater can vary from about 50 ft (15 in) in coastal regions to regions to 500 500 ft ft (150 (150in) m) or or more further inland. Also, the quality of groundwater can vary from one location to another. Often it will be brackish brackish or high in mineral content (sulfur, calcium, magnesium, arid iron) and, therefore, require treatment to make it potable. A supply of water water is is essential essential to to produce produce the the drilling drilling fluid fluid —— mud. This is is This a mixture a mixture of native ofclay native and/or commercial clay and/or clay commercial (bentonite) andclay water.(bentonite) and water. The mud mudcleans cleans the the drill bit, drill removes bit, cuttings removes from the cuttings hole, cools from the bit, the hole, cools the bit, and reduces and reduces friction friction betweenbetween the drill rod the anddrill the sides rod of the andhole, theand sides of the hole, and plasters the sides of the hole to prevent loss of drilling fluid. Water Requirements: _uality: Water sources locally available usually dictate the type of a1lty: water used in drilling fluid, but generally the water should be reasonably free of dissolved salts. Some salts soluble in water tend to alter the clay suspensions properties of the mud. Saltwater or water with a high chloride content tends to flocculate flocculaLe (curdle) the clay particles and destroythe col— colloidal properties of the mud, which are essential in wall building and in the sealing sealing off off of of permeable permeable formations. formations. In an emergency, either brackish water or seawater could be used; but as soon as possible after drilling has been completed, pumps and equipment exposed to salt should be thoroughly flushed to prevent corrosion. Quantity: The amount of water required for drilling varies with the porosity of the fortuation formation penetrated penetr.ted and and the the depth depth of of the the hole. hole. A 6—in. (152—mm) diameter hole will require about 20 gal of water per foot (250 L/m) of depth. Water Sources: Water may be available in the general area of the dril— drilling site or from municipal resources in the region. If not, It it will have to be transported to to the the site. site. Personnel supplies that that may may have have Personnel should use supplieb become contaminated with sand and dust, or untreated water collected in catch— merits, hefort before turtiing turning to to potable potable resources. resources. ments, Key Indicators areas are the presence indicators of of groundwater groundwater in in dese'rt desert areag presence of of habitahabitation, 1ocall.zcd localized green also be be green vegetation, vegetation, and and existing existing wells. Groundwater can also found to at the the baae base of of any any significant significant inoun— mounto shallow shallow depths depths in alluvial fans at tain range tam or in In dry stream beds or wadis. ranIge or Water Conservation Conservation Measures: Measures: 1. If Nonpotable water should be used for drilling whenever possible. bacteria are suspected, the water should be disinfected by the addition of approximately 1 teaspoon of calcium hypochiorite hypochlorite per 50 gal (approximately 12 g/200 L) 2. Sheets of membrane liner or scrap tarpaulin may be used as an expedient to line line a slush pit (container for drilling drilling mud) mud) to to minimize minimize the the expedieit to loss of water. 5—39 During the development of a well, pumped water should not be wasted 3. but but collected collected for for treatment treatment to to produce produce potable potable water water or or used used directly directly for for concrete, 9oil soil compaction, fire fighting. other other purposes purposes —— —— e.g., Fresh water is often found in relatively thin lenses overlying salty Balty 4. Out at very low rates to In such cases, water should be pumped out groundwater. This procedure is only applicable to shallow 8hallow prevent saltwater contamination. the overburden overburden is is relatively relatively coastal wells well9 (less (less than than 40 40 ft ft [12 [12in]), m]), where where the coastal unconsolidated. thereby Commercial drilling fluids, such as foam, can be used and thereby substantially reduce the amount of water needed. An example of a brandname drilling fluid is "Quick Foam" manufactured by Baroid of Houston, HouBton, Texas. 5. 5.4.17 Activity: Water Distribution The distribution of large quantities of water under tactical conditions will be by pipeline, trucks carrying bladders, and 5000—gal (18 900—L) tanker trucks. Smaller quantities will •be pickedup from tank farms or storage and distribution points in 400—gal (1510—L) water trailers or in refillable fabric drums and 5—gal (19—L) cans. Each action involving the transfer of weter water from fron storage to transporter and distribution to unit water Water containers can result in spillage. Despite all reasonable precautions, spills will occur. A means for collecting and storing spilled water for other uses is prudent. joints1 and and Leakage can occur occur at at joints, Pipelines can also cause water losses. breaks can occur as a result of sabotage or vehicles crossing the line and Major breaks could result in the loss of water In in a 2—mi (3.2— crushing it. kin) segment, or or about about 15,500 15,500 gal gal (58 (58 700 700 L) L) (normal (normal interval interval between between pumping pumping km) segment, The loss of water from the entire pipeline is prevented by presstations). sure sensors which shut pumps off when there is a drop below normal operating pressure. A newly inst1led potable water pipeline must be flushed and disinfected. cl'eanbecauSe becauseIt itwill willbe bedosed dosedto .ater used for this need only be relatively èlean to 100 ppm pp free freeavailable avai1ble chlorine chiorthe which effectively kills any pathogenic bacdisinfection can can be be usthg a contact time of 30 minutes. Flushing and disinfection teria using done in 2—mi (3.2—kin) segments to minimize water required; however, temporary storage facilities (tanks or storage basin) would be required at each 2—mi 2-mi At the end of eachplpeline, eachpipeline, this water can be collected (3.2—kin) interval. washing) dust conto be used for other purposes —— e.g., concrete, aircraft washing, trol, disinfection of open storage tanks. may have have to In a theater of operations there is always a chance the Army may take over the repair and operation of a municipal water system. Although most systems will be similar to those employed in the United States, problems can Sites and Sizes be expected expected in in obtaining obtaining replacement replacement parts parts arid and operating supplies. supplies. basiccoipotents componentscan canbe be expected expected to to differ differ from from those used in dimensios ofofbasic in the United States and even require the use of metric tools. Also, certain water disinfectionrather rather than than chlorine. chlorine. Under nations may disinfection nations mayucu one ioneforforwater these circunstaiLces circumstalLces the Army should consider the hire of former local employees ees who whoare arefaiziliar faiUar wIth the equipment to operate and maintain the system. wIth th 5—40 Water Requirements: Quality: quality: The only water water needed needed for for installing inBtalling aa water water distribution distributionsysys— tem is tern is for for flushing flushing and and disinfecting disinfecting the the pipeline pipeline or or an an open open tank tank that that will will be be used to store potable water. Fresh water relatively free of suspended solids can be used. Quantity: Approximately Approximately 17,000 17,000 gal gal (64 (64 000 000 L) L) of of water water are are required required for for flushing and disinfection. Water Sources: Water from Water from aa tanker tanker ship ahip could could be be used, used, if if available. available. 1. 2. Fresh water wells may have to be drilled, or potable water can be produced produced by by ROWPU ROWPU equipment. equipment. Water Water Conservation Measures: Measures; 1. Water—dispensing equipment should be equipped with automatic shutoff Bhutoff to prevent prevent spillage. spillage. valves or or nozzles noz1es to 2. Spillage at a major dispensing point should be anticipated and a container built to collect and store this water for other purposes. A membrane— lined basin could be used. 3. When the tactical situation permits and engineer effort is available, pipelines should be deep to to prevent prevent damage damage from from croes— crossbe buried buried 2—1/2 2—1/2 ft ft (0.8 (0.8 in) m) deep ing vehicles and minimize minimise heat absorption. As an alternative, hoseline and pipeline suspension kits and road crossing guards should Bhould be installed in8talled for damage prevention. Expedient crossings crossingB similar Bimilar to those shown in Figure Pigure 5.11 can be fabricated in the field at appropriate intervals. Pipelines should be patrolled frequently and inspected for leaks and illegal taps. 4. 5. 5 Pipelines used to distribute potable water are vulnerable to sabotage and illegal tapping. Also, the the large large quantity quantity ofwat-er ofwater required required to fill thea is susceptible to loss when the line is broken. A nonpotable pipeline does not present quite the same risks, and loss of nonpotable water would not be as critical. This suggests that that the the current current short—term short—term water water resource resource tnanagemeat management concept be revised. 6. Water used uBed to flush and disinfect pipelines should be collected and used for other purposes. 5.4.18 Activity: Water Storage Military tactical tactical and and supporting supporting units units are are equipped equipped with with aa variety variety of of water storage equipment. The sniallest smallest is is the the individual individual canteen; canteen; for for a company-aize company-.3ize unit, unit, the the largest largest is is the the 400 400 gal gal (1510 (1510 L) L) water water trailer. trailer. To enable these containers contaiaers to be refilled) larger amounts of water are positioned poBitioned throughout a theater of operations to be readily accessible acceBsible for pickup by units or to be delivered delivered by by large large tanker tanker trucks trucks to to the the larger larger water water consurmerB. consumers. 5—41 3OEARTH COVER 2"x 12H SHEETING OPE 8*8*4! TIMBERS 30N o.c. 8*8" TIMBERS 6" WATER LINE NOTE ROADWAYS AS REQUIRED ONE LANE = 12'-O" TWO LANES: 24'-O" MIN. 30" EARTH COVER 6" WATER LINE IZOPE 1/2 OF 24 DIA. CORRUGATED PIPE Figure 5.11. E:pedient 5— 42 road crossing guard. To insure an tiinterrupted supply of water for all, a 4—day supply is normally maintained within a theater of operations. In the Army's near—term water resources management concept, water is to be stored using a combination of flexible bladders ranging in size up to 50,000 gal gal (189 (189 000 000 L) L) capacity, capacity, aa faintly family of smaller—capacity smaller—capacity pillow pillow tanks, tanks, various sizes of fabric drums, and expendable 6—gal (23—L) bags/boxes. To implement a conservation program in which wastewater is collected and reused, additional storage capacity would be required. For the8e purposes, the collapsible fabric stave tanks now in the military supply aupply system would be moet suitable. most In addition, expedient storage containers can be field fabricated using lumber and membrane sheeting (Figure 5.12) or storage basins can be excavated and lined with membrane sheeting (Figure 5.13). The latter can also be installed to provide a reservoir to collect rainfall and supplement available water resources. Water Requirements: Quality: Water is not required in the installation of water-storage Qualitl: facilities. The water water stored stored must must be be protected protected from from lose, lose, contaniination, contamination, and and In In hot desert areas, storage tanks should be shaded, sun. ahaded, since burying bladders and pillow tanks are not practical. A more practical technique technique would would be to erect standard camouflage nets over tank farms and set Set up tarpaulins to protect suiall Sulall water storage facilities. In En each each instance, instance, enough enough airspace airspace should be provided between the container and sun shade to permit air circulation. Quantity: The amount amount of of basic basic Water water storage storage capacity capacity would wouldbe be30 30inillior million gal (112 gal. (112 000 000 Tn3) Tn3) for for aa force force of about 375,000. col— Supplementary storage for collection of wastewater and for nonpotable water needed for construction could increase the storage requirement up to 25 percent. Water Sources: Water to be stored is produced from a variety of water Likewise, wastewater that can be sources, as discussed in paragraph 5.4.15. collected and stored stored temporarily temporarily before before use use is is produced produced by by aa variety variety of of activities, as discussed in paragraph 5.5. 1. Water Conservation Measures: Water storage containers should be inspected frequently for leaks and repaired. 2. Stored water should be protected from solar radiation by some form of shading. Containers should be covered to prevent contamination from dust and 8hading. losB from evaporation. Water that is too hot to touch may be spilled by those who distribute and handle it. Any shade is beneficial: a varietyof field expedients can be used for this purpose —— camouflage nets1, nets, suspended suspended tarpau— tarpau— lins, survivor blankets, and painting tanks a light color. Double covers, where a second layer is suspended over the primary shield, are ever more effective. This technique creates a live air space between the two covers to allow air to circulate and produce a cooling effect. 5—43 Lfl MEMBRANE LINER Figure 5.12. Storage container. 3500 GAL CAPACITY NOTE: COVER WATER STORAGE AREA WITH MEMBRANE TO PREVENT CONTAMINATION. 4'x 6"x2"118"O.C. cORNER BRACE FLEXIBLE CONNECTOR (CHAIN. CABLE, OR ROPE) FLOATING MEMBRANE COVER PUMP PLATFORM 6'- 0" OVERFLOW ANGLE OF RESPONSE MEMBRANE/TARPAULIN SECTION A-A I4'x 4"x4" FLOATING COVER SUPPORTS PUMP PLATFORM I I L PLAN Figure 5.13. Storage basin. 5—45 3. Tank farm bladders should 8hould be placed in shallow excavations or in a bermed area to protect them against enemy fire and reflected 8olar solar radiation. 4. Supplementary water storage capability should be available to enable vastewater to be collected, treated, and reused wastewater reu8ed wherever possible. Collapsible fabric stave tanks or field—fabricated tanks using membrane sheets can be used. Such containers containers should should be be clearly clearly and and distinctively distinctively marked marked to to indicate indicate Such they contain contain nonpotable nonpotable water. water. they Simple storage storage basins basins or or large large catchnients catchments for collecting rainfall rainfall runoff can be constructed by excavation and installation inBtallation of membrane sheeting to provide leakproof storage. Floating covers of lightweight and light— colored membrane sheeting supported by timbers would be needed to. protect water from dust contamination and to limit water loss from evaporation. 5. 5.4.19 Activity: Augmiztation (Water Injection) Aircraft Thrust Augmentation Certain Certain U.S. U.S. Air Air Force Air Command Command (SAC) (SAC) aircraft aircraft use use.a Force Strategic Air .a water injection thrust augmentation system. When water is injected into the air becones more dense. intake of a jet engine, it cools the intake air, which becomes When When the the air air is is mixed mixed with with the the hotter hotter fuel, fuel, the the result result is is aa beneficial beneficial combuscombus— tion tion mixture mixture producing producing added added thrust.. thrust.. Water injection is generally used under heavy aircraft loads loads and and in in hot hot dry dry weather. weather. Water injection is is noi. fbi. used used in in Army aircraft. Currently, the following following SAC employ water water injection: injection; B—52D, SAC aircraft employ B—52G, and KC—135. About half of the KC—135s have been fan—jet been equipped equipped with fan—jet engines, which do not use water injection. Water used in thrust augmentation must meet certain standards of purity over and above usual potable water standards; therefore, SAC T0&E TO&E includes portable portable ion ion exchange exchange deinineralizing deinineralizing equipment. equipment. Such units are deployed with aircraft and maintenance personnel. Additionally, SAC FB—l1l FB—lll aircraft contain an internal environmental control (cooling) system which uses water as the coolant. Water Requirements: Quality: Potable water should be provided for the detnineralization profor thru8t thrust augmentation. augmentation. Specifications call for water that cessing required for contains no more than 10 ppm total solids and a pH of 6.0 to 9.5. In tactical situations, water up to 50 ppm is acceptable. Quantity: Water consumption, by aircraft, is as follows: B—52D — 300 gal/sortie (1100 L) B—52G B—SW — 1200 gal/sortie (45 000 000 L) L) ai/sortie (45 KC—135 — 670 670 gal/sortie (2500 L) FB—111 FB—ll1 — 27 gal/sortie gal/Bortie (100 L). 5—46 To obtair' To obtain II gal gal (3.8 (3.8 L) L) of of demineralized demineralized water, water, it it will will be be necessary necessary to to (5.7—L) of potable water. process 1—1/2 al (5.7—b) Water Sources: Water normally vould be supplied for thrust thruBt augmentation Howfrom the U.S. Air Force organic self—sustaining potable water supply. ever, the Army—operated Base Terminal would supplement any U.S. Air Force shortfall through the Tactical Water Distribution Set (TWDS) and Storage! Storage/ Distribution network. Water Conservation Methods: The waste concentrate from the demineralizatioa demineralization process process could could be be reproreprocessed to produce potable and/or nonpotable quality, or used without treatment demand for other purposes —— e.g., aircraft washing —— thereby reducing the demand upon upoa potable potable water water supplies. Bupplie8. 5.4.20 Activfty: Activity: Aircraft CZeaning to aircraft The dusty dusty environment environment common common to to desert desert areas areas is' is harmful to aircraft Consequently, care Consequently, care must must be be taken takento o avoid avoid engines engines and and operating operating mechanisms. mechanisms. hovering hovering helicopters helicopters close close to to the the ground ground and and moving moving craft craft on on the the ground ground under under their own own power, power, and and to in use. to cover all apertures when the aircraft is not In their Regardlesi of all the care taken, dirt and dust does accumulate and can only Regardless aircraft be be removed removed by by washing. washing. Normally, helicopters —— the predominant Army aircraft engine, scheduled maintenance maintenance every every 25 25 flying flying hours. hours. The turbine engine, undergo scheduled i-Dtor ntor blades, blades,and andfuselage fuselageare arethoroughly thoroughly washed washed with with water water soluble soluble cleaner cleaner aad aad aa soft soft brush, brush, then then rinsed rinsed with with clean clean water water In in aa pressurized pressurized spray. spray. Equip— Inent needed needed to to spray—clean spray—clean water water under under field field conditions conditions Is is not not available available now, meat Current practices discard but a cleaning and de—icing unit is being tested. alil wastewaters to the surrounding environment. — Water Requirements: Water for aircraft aircraft washing washing does does not not have have to to be be potable, potable, but but Qua.ity: should be low in salt and mineral content (soft water) and suspended solids. con— Bacteria levels are not considered critical since they can be easily con As a rule, brackish water rolled through trailed through field field disinfection disinfection using using chlorine. chlorine. should be be avoided avoided due due to to their theircortosive corrosive'actionon actionon metals. metals. saltwater should d About 25 25 gal gal (95 (95 L) L) of of water water are are needed needed to to clean clean the the air air inlet inlet About Quantttl. area, area, inlet inlet guide guide vanes, vanes, and and compressor compressor rotor rotor blades of a turbine engine. An additional 100 gal (380 L) are required for the remainder of an aircraft. If at all possible, the source of water should be other Water Sources: Alternatives could include surthan the potable water distribution distributioa system. which face face water, water, If if It it is is of of suitable suitable quality; quality; municipal municipal water; water; potable potable water water which preparatioa — may have become too contaminated to use for drinking or food preparation e.g., dust—contaminated water; and rainwater colected in an expedient catch— nent cent basin. Wastewater from activities such as a central shower or laundry would also be suitable for aircraft washing if it is treated to remove grit, oils, and soap, soap, and chlorinated. See paragraphs 5.4.6 and 5.4.7 for shower and laundry field field treatment procedures. 5—47 Water collected from aircraft washing operations can also be treated and reused. Water Conservation Measures: 1. 8tanding operating procedure for aircraft washEmploy and enforce a standing ing to insure that a minimum of water is used for cleaning. 2. Consolidate aircraft Consolidate aircraft washing washing operations, operations where where practicable, by by installing inBtalling an an area—wide area—wide wa8hing wa8hing facility facility serving serving multiple multiple aviation aviation unite. unitB. Such a facility could be colocated with General Support Aircraft Maintenance units. units. 3. Reuse aircraft wash water. Wastewater from aircraft cleaning should be collected wherever, in the judgment of the aviation unit commander, reuse offers an advantage over obtaining fresh water. A suggested layout for a washing facility is shown in Figure 5.14. 4. Collect and use wastewatèr under any circumstances for other purposes, e.g., general—purpose cleaning, cleaning, moistening moistening soil soil for for electrical electrical ground, ground, poses, e.g., general—purpose dust control. 1. Helicopter Washing Facility Washing six or more aircraft using recycled washuater. washwater. Use: Materials: Membrane Surfacing Outfit, Airfield Roads, SC 5680—97— 1 (66 ft x 100 ft [20 m x 30 inj), or 40—mu 40—mil nylon nylon reinforced reinforced memmJ), or CL—EOl, Part CL—EO1, brane brane sheeting. sheeting. 2. 1. Procedure: A suitable area is graded for a parking apron and covered with T—l7 T—17 membrane surfacing. Integral with the apron is a lined collection ditch with sump to permit the recovery of washwater. 3. Wastewater is transferred from the sump to one of two 1500—gal (5680—L) collapsible collecting tanks where grit and other heavy particles are allowed to settle settle out, out, and and oil oil and and scum scum to to rise rise to o the surface. Once the tank has been filled, the contents should be allowed to itand stand Lor Eor 24 hours. At the end of this of this period, floating materials materials need need to to be be skimmed skimmed from from the the surface surface before before the the water water can can be be reused. reused. This can be done by skimming with a field—expedient scoop or by installing a flexible hose to the tank drain and attaching a funnel to the other end. By slightly submerging the funnel, floating materials can be quickly withdrawn by opening the drain at the bottom of the tank. Some chemical cleaning solution will be retained in the treated water, but not enough to preclude its use as rinsewater. When withdrawing water from the tank, care oust must be be taken taken not not to to disturb disturb sediment sediment collected collected in in the the bottotn. bottom. When the tank is empty, the valve at the base should be opened to drain it before refilling. This wastewater could be used for dust control near the washing facility rather than discharging it ft to waste. Some fresh water will be required periodically to make up for water lost by evaporation evaporation and and retained retained on on the he aircraft. aircraft. The number number of of titnes times wastewater wastewater 5—48 '.0 COVER 1500 GAL TANK Figure 5.14. Helicopter washing facility. 1500 GAL TANK WASTE WATER VALVE (DISCHARGE TO SUMP) FLEXIBLE HOSE WITH FUNNEL ATTACHED FOR REMOVAL OF SCUM 6 OIL 2 FREEBOARD 1-15 OR T-17 MEMBRANE SLOPE TO DRAIN -a wastewater may wastewater ay be be reused reused before before it it becomes becomes too dirty must be be determined determined by by operating personnel. operating pe8onnel. to clean clean many many helhelIf a central aircraft washing facility is eBtablished to iB established icopters icopters in in aa day, days aa 420—gph 420—gph (0.442 (0.442 L/s) L/s) Water Water Purification Purification Equipment Equipment Set Set be much much more more efficient efficient and and effective effective in in treating treating the the wastewa— wasewa— (ERDLator could be ter than the settling Bettling tank. 5.4.21 Activity: Vehicl.e and Equipment Cleaning Equipment CZ.eaning desert areas make vehicles and in desert frequent dust dust storms storms in Dusty roads and frequent equipment dirty, abrade and contribute contribute to to malfuncmalfuncabrade unprotected unprotected moving moving parts, parts and Consequently equipment Consequently, equipment operaorB operatorsmust must diligently diligently perform perform prescribed prescribed tions. tions. BecauBe water water supplies supplies are are limited, limited the the conconmaintenances including maintenance, Including cleaning. Because struction of vaahracks washracks or equipment washing facilities should be prohibited. Therefore, cleaning would be performed primarily by such mechanical methods as certain inStances, instañces however, however it tn certain it brooms high—pressure brooms, high—pressure air, air, and and dry dry wiping. wiping. In will be necessary to use water to clean critical surfaces and parts: e.g., windshields, head windshields head and and taillights, taillights mirrors mirrors, and and gauges. gauges. Every effort èhould should be made to protect equipment and thereby minimize uinimize the equipment items, items in Small equipment in particulars particular, should should be covered need for cleaning. with tarpaulin tarpaulin or or membrane membrane sheeting sheeting to to protect protect them them from from dust dust when when not not in in use. use. with Water Requirements: Water of any any type type or or quality quality can can be be used used for for cleaning, cleaning provided provided quality: Quality: additions water with high it it is is generally generally free freeofofoil, oil grease, grease and soap. soap. In addition, salt content (seawater and brackish water) should not be used on unpainted surfaces, or where corrosion could develop and interfere with the operation of the equipment. The amount of water needed for cleaning is not readily quantiQuantity: It could become excessive if strict restrictions are not imposed by commanders. fied. fied. Water Sources: 1. The use of potable water for cleaning equipment should be prohibited. dirts and Potable water that has been contaminated with dust and dirt, where a means of restoring it to potable quality is not readily available, could be used for cleaning. 2. The The primary primary sources sources of of wastewater wastewater that that can can be be used used for for cleaning cleaning are are 3. showers, laundries, and messkit messkit washlines. washlinea. Some type of fabric should be used laundries and to filter oil, grease, and and putrescible putrescible material material before before using using the the water. water. oil grease, Water Conservation Measures —— Operational Operaiional Procedures Commanders should issue specific instructions regarding the equipment and vehicles to give guidance on vehicles to be be cleaned, cleaned give on how how cleaning cleaning will will be be performed, performed and and restrict the use of water to what is absolutely essential to insure safety and operational effectiveness. 5—50 5.4.22 Vhicl Radiator Vehicle RadiatorMakeup Makeup Water Water Activity: High daytime temperatures in hot, arid climates cause water in vehicle radiators to boil; with continued use, engine coolant can become dangerously low. To prevent engine damage, the operator must check the radiator often (perhaps even several times each day) and add water when needed. Iater Requirements: Water Quality: Water for vehicle radiators does not have to be of potable dis— quality, but should be relatively clean and contain only small amounts of dissolved minerals. Certain surface and well waters are normally high in dissolved salts and minerals and will eventually leave deposits that will clog radiator cores. Consequently, seawater and brackish water should not be used as as engine coolants. Quantity: Quantity: Based on estimated estimated loss loss of of 25 25 percent percent of of the the engine engine coolant coolant capacity per day, the average amount àf of makeup water required is about 7 gal/truck (27 L) For trucks transporting water and other supplies from rear areas to forward units, the loss by evaporation could be much larger. Any water added should be adjusted by the amount of additives (e.g., rust, inhibitor, glycol coolant, etc.) that may be prescribed for the area of operations. . Water Sources: Makeup water will normally be obtained obtained from from aa potable potable source such as a municipal water system unit water supply. However, contaminated potable water should be used whenever possible. Iater Conservation Water Conservation Measures: Measures: Water Reuse: Water from canteens or 5—gal (19—L) cans which has become too hot to drink should be put into radiators. Also, any potable potable water water which which may have become contaminated with sand and dust can be filtered through cloth or sandbags and used as coolant. Coolant Recovery System: Installing coolant recovery equipment on radiators of tactical vehicles could essentially eliminate water loss. 5.4.23 Activity: Electrical Grounding Electrical generators and critical electronic equipment —— such as radio transmitters, radars, and computers —— must be grounded to protect operating personnel and the equipment itself. In the inland areas of SWA, the lack of soil moisture makes special measures to establish an effective ground. An effective expedient technique for fabricating a grounding system is to add add moisture moisture to to the the subsoil subsoil to to improve improve its its conductivity. conductivity. However, for the electrical ground to remain effective, it willbe necessary to keep the subsoil wet because of the high rate of evaporation common to arid regions. Water ubed for this purpose should be relatively free of putrescible matter to avoid creating a source of odors and an attraction for flies and other insects (see Chapter 4). 5—51 Water Requirements: all Bource8 and any quality1 quality, wastewater wastewater from from all sources, and even even Quality: Qualitl: Water of any urine can be used to add moisture to soil. 8oil. The amount of water needed to establish and maintain an effecQuantity: tive grounding system depends on the capacity of the electrical equipment and cannotbe quantified here. Water Sources: Saltwater is ideal for establishing a grounding system. 1. Therefore Therefore, seawater, brackish seawater1 brackish water, water, and and brine brine from from water water treatment treatment(ROW'PU) (ROWPU) can can be be used used when available. Urine is a suitable alternative to these waters. as mess operations, Any wastewater from other activities activitie8 —— such as laundry, showers, showers1 aircraft washing —— can effectively be used. 2. 3. Potable water should not be used 8ince lesser—quality lesser-quality water ought to be available. Water Conservation Measures: wastewaters1 seawater, seawater1 or brackish water for constructing an Use only wastewaters, electrical ground. 1. 2. 2. Locate field urinals where an electrical ground is to be constructed. When larger grounds are required, a leaching field using perforated or in)below below the the surface surface may be unjoined pipe and installed at least 3 ft (1 m) be appropriate. 5.4.24 Activity: Photo Processing Photographic activities in a theater of operations involve taking both ground tid aerial photographs and and developing developing and and printing printing black black and and white white and and aerial photographs ground tid color film. Film processing is done largely at the Division and Corps levels where units performing this function employ specially equipped shelters Shelters fewunits1 units,such suchas as•engineer engineer designed for this purpose. There are, are1 however, however aafew construction battalions, which are issued cameras and photoprocessing photoproceasing kits for Only the the latter latter requires requires water water to to produce produce prints. prints. just their limited needs. Only All other other systems use a dry dry printing printing process. process. New processes that would All entirely eliminate the need for water are under investigation. X—ray equipment is available at each field hospital facility. That at the Mobile Army Surgical Hospitals uses a dry process to produce the films. The equipment used by the Combat Support and Evacuation Hospitals, which usuuSuemploy a vet wet proally operate in the Corps Rear Area or Communication Zone, Zone employ cess. cess. Water Requirements: Requirements: Quality: Water for both photo and X—ray film processing has to be of potable quality and contain relatively small amounts of dissolved minerals. 5—52 The The water water te te .erature .erature should should not not exceed exceed 110°F (43°C) for black and white white film film amd amd 98°F 98°F (37°C) (37°C) for for color color film. film. Quantity: Approximately 3 gal (11 L) of water are needed to develop 20 Aerial and and rolls rolls of of black black and and white white or or color color film film used used for for still still photographs. photographs. Aerial movie film are processed using automated equipment which requires about 10 gal per hr (38 L/hr). Hospital X—ray film processors require about 40 gal per hr (150 L/hr). Water Sources —— Potable: The primary source Source of potable water is the 400—gal (1500—L) water trailer. Aerial photoprocessing units and hospitals ho8pitals are issued water trailers for film processing. Water Conservation Conservation Measures: Measures: Wastewater from from film film processing processing should should not not be be reused reused for. for. Water Reuse: Wastevater any purpose other than creating an electrical ground for equipment. The need for water could be eliminated if new film New Processes: film— developing processes under investigation prove satisfactory and could be adopted for field use. 5.4.25 Activity: Fire Fighting Fire Fighting to fight fight fire fire in in base base development development cantoninents cantonments is The capability to is essential essential The to 1ninimize minimize loss loss of of life life and and equipment. equipment. Because water will be in short supply and fire trucks may not be available, reliance will be on the use of portable chemical extinguishers, sand buckets, and shovels, and water dispensed by the austere living stanbucketful by those nearest the fire. Even under the most au8tere dards, planning for a fire emergency must begin early. In the absence of mechanized fire equipment with integral chemical extinguishers or on—board water, fire fighting will be primarily a manual opera55—gal (208—L) tion, relying relying on on aa nuniber number of of strategically strategically located water—filled water—filled 55—gal near structures, structures, equip equipbeplaced near drums with drums with dispensing buckets. Drums should bepla'ced Additionally, manual chemical ment, and materials that require protection. extinguishers and buckets of sand should Bhould be located conveniently near areas where fires could originate in materials not extinguishable with water. Requirements: Water Requirements: The lowest—quality water available should be used. Potable Quality: water water should should be be used used only only when when no no other other is is conveniently conveniently available. available. Quantity: Water quantities cannot be determined; however, about 50 gal (190 L) should be available per general purpose (GP) tent and up to 100 gal (380 L) per facility where the potential for fire is great —— e.g., aircraft and veh.cle maintenance. Any source source of of nonpotable nonpotable water water is is acceptable. acceptable. The Water Water Sources: Sources: Any sources could be streams, seawater, brackish well water, and ROWPU brine sourceB 5—53 Even wastewaters from mes8 mess operations, showers, and laundries can be water. used if nececessary. 1. Measure8: Water Conservation Measures: Keep 55—gal (210—L) (2l0—L) water storage drums covered to minimize evapora- tion. Fill drums with water of such quality that others will not be tempted other purposes. purposes. Salt and brackish waters are excellent candito take it for other 2. dates. 3. 5.4.26 water wherever possible. Use sand buckets and shovels shovel8 instead of water possible. Activity: Pest Control the A variety of insects and rodents live in arid environments. Among the more common pests that carry disease and damage military supplies are lice, fleas, flies, ants, scorpions, locusts, and a variety of rats. Insecticides and rodenticides adopted by the Army can be effectively effectively The common common formulations formulations of ofinsecticides insecticidescome oe in in employed in arid areas. powder form, premixed in oil, and emulsions that are mixed with water before use. Water Requirements: Potable or fresh water is required for mixing emulsified insecQuality: pesticides Saltwater and brackish water degrade the effectiveness of peaticides ticides. and should not be used. The amount of water required cannot be readily quantified. Quantity: Quantçy: Overall, it is relatively relatively small small and and should should place place an an insignificant insignificantdemand demand on on • the water supply system. Water Sources: 1. 1f Use water from a municipal water system or surface fresh water, If available. Potable—quality water contaminated with sand •or dust is suitable 2. 2. after filtering through cloth to remove particulates that could clog spraying equipment. equipment. Relatively few benefits are to be Water Conservation Measures: derived from limiting the amount of water used to prepare insecticide solupesticideB Army entomologists should examine types and formulations of pesticides tions. to be used in hot, arid climates. Perhaps those that have to be mixed with water should not be used. 5—54 5.4.27 5.4.27 Actty: Actty: Decontaninatirig Personnel and Equipment Enemy troops might might use use NBC NBC warfare. warfare. Under these circumstances, it will be necessary to have the capability to decontaminate personnel and equipment that have been exposed to chemical and biological agents and radioactive falland the major problem. out. In doing this, water is the most critical item and problem. Units, decontamination decontanination equipment, and operating procedures employed in In genTMs. In decontamination procedures are discussed in the 3 series FMs and The. eral, equipment is decontaminated by washing the items thoroughly with water. is applied applied after the initial When chemical chemical agents agents are are present, present, STh Sm or or DS—2 DS—2 is initial wash and wash and then then rinsed rinsed of off. f. Personnel are decontaminated by taking showers. However, investigations at the U.S. Army Chemical Systems Laboratory indicate that showers may not be an absolute necessity for decontamination, but suggest the 'inorale' factor needs careful consideration conBideration if showers Bhowerg are excluded. Water Requirements: Requirements; Any available available water water source source is is suitable suitable for for decontaniination decontamination operation (i.e., seawater, brackish water, surface water, treated wa8te— waters). waters). Quality: total amount of water required depends on the type and The Quantity: concentration of the agent involved, and the number of personnel and equipment equipoent An average quantity for a medium—size truck is about 200 gal affected. (760 L); for shower, fora a shower,the theamount amount could could be as much as 13 gal gal (49 (49 L) L) per per bather bather or more. Water Sources: Because large quantities of water would be required, major sources such as rivers, lakes, high production wells, and seawater If at all possible, possible, uncontaminated uncontaminated potable potable water water should should should be relied on. not be used in order to conserve It it for drinking and food preparation. The demand to start decontamination Water Conservation Measures: operations quickly will probably override any thoughts of conserving, conerving. water... water., Soldiers involved at the time of a chemical or biological attack will use freely water water frocn from any any convenient convenient source; source; usage usage probably will will exceed exceed the the quanquanIt would therefore be prudent to plan for large quantitities stated above. ties of nonpotable nonpotable water water (seawater (seawater or or brackish brackish water water from from surface surface water water sources or veils) wells) to be available for immediate use. One method of doing this would be to install pipelines from the most accessible sources to areas areaa of water—dispensing points water—dispensing major troop/equipment concentrations. At selected points, Such a nonpotable water facilities would be provided for use when needed. distribution system system could could also also serve serve as a aa convenient convenient source source of of water water for for fire— fire— fighting, construction, con8truction, and dust control. Recovery and treatment of wastewater from decontamination operations to produce produce potable potable water water are are not not considered considered practical. practical. Radiological contaminants can accumulate during duriig treatment in the purification equipment and the chlorine from Super Tropical Bleach (STB) used in decontamination of chemical and biological logical elements elements is is extremely extremely harmful harmful to to ROWP1J ROWP1J membrane membrane elements. elements. 5-. 55 5—55 Activity: Activity: 5.4.28 5.4.28 POW/Refugee Camp Operation Operation Combat operations often result in taking prisoners of war (POW) and displacement of civilians placement civilians from from their their homes. homes. Prisoners Prisonera are normally detained in prisoner—of—war camps canps established within the theater of operations and provided certain facilities and accommodations. Refugees are generally collected in rear and put into temporary camps in rear areas areas to to provide provide them them some some measure ieasure of of 8afety safety and and to to prevent prevent interference interference with with military military operationB. operations. Among the amenities to be provided these individuals under the Geneva Convention is water for con8wnption, food preparation, and personal hygiene. consumption, Water Requirements: Quality: Water provided POWs and and refugees refugees should should be be of equivalent quality ity to to what what they they are are accustomed accustomed to to using. using. That used by U.S. forces will have undergQne extensive treatment and chlorination, and can cause digestive tract problems for ?eople people not accustomed to drinking this type of water. The need to cool their drinking drinking .water water is is probably probably nt nt essential, essential, but but aa means means of of shading shading water water storage storage should should be be provided. provided. Quantity: The amount of water to be furnished each person per day will be less than for a soldier. The following estimates are ba8ed based on limited activity by camp inhabitants: Amount (gal[LJ/man/day) (gal[L] /man/ day) Drinking Food Preparation Personel Hygiene Medical Treatment TOTAL 2.0 [7.6] (7.6] 1.0 [3.8] [3.8) 2.0 [7.6] 1.0 [3.8] (3.8] 6.0 [22.7] Water Sources: The optimum sources would be a municipal water supply system o freshwater wells. If they are not available, potable water would have to be proviaed from Army resources. have resources. Water Conservation Measures: 1. Adjust quantities of water supplied to be consistent with ethnic and religious customs on eating and personal hygiene. 2. Establish a regime for the distribution and use of water in camps to inaure water is not wasted. insure Blend potable and moderately saline veil well water to produce water of acceptable palatability for inhabitants of the region. 3. 5.4.29 Activity: Locomotive Enginer Water Makeup Under certain circunstances, circumstances, the the Araiy Army could could take take over over the the operation operation of of railroad system aystem in SWA or operate trains over existing trackage. Currently 5—56 both narrow— d standard—gauge trackage are used by the nations in the area, but all are gradually converting to standard gauge. Also, diesel—electric locomotives are replacing replacing steam steam engines. engines. Although the diesel—electric locomotive would be more desirable, the Army might be required to rely on steam locomotives. Under these circumstances, it would be necessary to provide water for the engines. Water Requirements: Requirements: Water Quality: Freshwater relatively low in mineral content would be required to to prevent prevent buildup buildup of of scale scale in in boiler boiler tubes. tubes. Quantity: Between 18,000 and 25,000 gal (68 000 and 95 000 L) of water are carried by tenders on reciprocating steam locomotives and steam turbine— electric locomotives. locomotives. In desert areas, water consumption is about 50 gal (190 L) per nd.* Diesel—electric locomotives require up to 800 gal (3000 L) of water, but but because because the the cooling cooling systems systems are are closed, closed,little littlemakeup makeupwater water1,s I,s needed. Water Sources: Municipal water supplies would be suitable for steam If separate water engines and should be available in most railroad yards. service is is required, required, the the Aroiy Army could could supply supply iater dater from potable potable supplies supplies or or from from wells producing water of acceptable quality. 1. Water Conservation Measures: Service engines in operating railroad yards with established water service. Employ diesel—electric locomotives which require a small amount of 2. water water for for engine engine cooling. cooling. 5.5 Water and Wastewater Wastewater Use Use Opportunities Opportunities and and Priorities Priorities This section, section, In in part, part, contains contains aatabular tabularsuiwnary sunary of of selected selected findings It is essentially a guide to sources of water and developed in this report. The numbers wastewater that can be used for the various activities listed. shown under under each activity (Figure 5.15) indicate the water sources in an order shown of preference (1, 2, etc.) that minimizes miniiizes the burden on the overall water proIn. addition, the lower portion of the figure duction and distribution system. indicates those activities, again in order of preference, that can use waste— water from selected major sources. sourceB. The types and locations of water sources as well as the distribution of military activities activities within within an an area area of of operation operation will will be be different different for for units or military Consequently, the optimum source of water and the each military operation. use to be made of of wastewater wastewater will will ultimately ultimately be be selected selected based based on on local local and and site—spcific conditions. * "The The Military Water Problems in the Western Egyptian Desert, 1940—1943," COL in War, Vol 3, 1948; The Institute Fryer, 0.B.E. O.B.E. The Civil Engineer In W. G. of Civil Engineers, London. 5—57 ly Sot otA,,It.b1. beils., betI.,., t.rDi.trit..DIstnt- V.t.. V.te. iterap.e 5tera1e Mta.It I.s Iv.. iau. Iau.dr Pho,. 1u it *pIic.bls *pII.bLs S.. w.t.. Sri.. 1AU) In.. 1AU) will'. v.111 Silt t.r te, Insects s,.ts. Dj.ttbotIo. Dj.trtbotlo. T.tISI Zer tLr ,.,pI, ,.,p,, . ..' g .. g 4 ! X ' X Figure 3— 5.15. — — — 3 3 3 Pill LDI ttS—•• PSI? L51515D1 I 2 2 2 2 —== /I I I IF I 2 Z 2 2 2 £ 2 2 £ 3 £ 3 3 3 3 3 I 2 F I .' IF I 2 2 3 3 I 3 / r 3 2 ' g / 2 2 I 3 2 / I 3 2 I 2 2 2 2 X X • I 2 I 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 I = == = == r. = = S 2 2 2 2 =2 —2 ==== = 2 I/ I / F 2 I I I DCRE Of DC5EiS OfIIPAThFJIT. 1IPA1QJIT. / I/ 3 2 I 3 2 2 2 3 3 I I1 / I F I F 1 2 2 3 2 I F 41 =SS 2 3 3 3 =3 =2 I 1 2 2 Water and Wastewater Use Opportunities, and Priorities. fl = = = 3 • • = 2 2 / I 3 VARY 115 I ,, liii CA1IUI*1 1111 CA1IUI*I US1P US1P.mLI 151151 VIII ViiiUQUIR UQUIRi VASY r 1 ' 4 .. J • ! .! M .d ! I : 9! 1 II ? h h ii !L 4 I1 I1 ii ii ii ft iiII ih J!!J II ii n ii11 ii11 ii ii ii IIii g I g 1 1 i jI 2 !Ii H : i 2 2 2 I 2 .11 .. == = =S . ==== I 1 / I 2 2 3 3 3 3 / 2 3 2 2 I 3 2 I I 2 IF 2 F 1 !' ... -. 5.6 Membrane. Sheeting (Liners) Description: Membrane sheeting materials are commonly used today as etorage basins for various liquids, including watertight liners in excavated storage potable water. The expedient method is to form an earthen basin with conventional earthmoving equipment, compact the einbankmerits einbankrnents and berms, and then smooth the earth by removing exposed rocks and other sharp objects. With the basin thus prepared1 the liner panels are placed in the basin and manually positioned positioned with with seam Beam overlap overlap for for subsequent subsequent sealing. Bealing. The panels are long long The enough to extend over the embankment top and into a prepared ditch. The seams seams are then sealed, sealed1 the embankment ditch is backfilled to secure the liner in place, and then, depending upon liner or seam cure time, the basin is ready for use. Certain membranes membranes lend lend themselves themselves to to use use as as water waterstorage storage covers, covers sealing sealing out dust and other contaminants, reducing evaporation, and preventing algae growth. liner material material can can be be sprayed, sprayed, troweled, troweled, or or applied'by applied'by One type of liner squeegee. Theory: The construction of effective water storage facilities can be a lengthy, lengthy, costly costly process, process, particularly particularly if if steel steel tanks tanks or or concrete concrete are are used. used. Equivalent and expedient water storage facilities can ean be built in a fraction of the time at a fraction of the cost with membrane linings. Case History: Membrane liner supplier/installer firms have many docudocu— nented histories of unique and difficult water storage applications of their mented products. Cost: )lembrane liner liner material material is is currently currently not not in in the Federal Supply Membrane Supply System. Procurement Procurement from from the the manufacturer manufacturer is is for for aa specific specific project. project. An average cost for 30 30 mil mu (0.76 reinforced Hypalon Hypalon is $0.55 to 0.65 per (0.76 mni) mm) reinforced 7.00 per per in2) in2). sq ft ($5.92 to 7.00 Reliability: The membrane materials have been developed with such physical properties as tensile strength, tear rèsistañcè, résistance, temperature témperatüre (hot/cold) resistance, and resistance to degradation from exposure to sunlight, submerin soil. sion in water, and burial In Records of use u8e to indicate durability under such conditions are claimed by the manufacturers. In addition, ASTM test standards are imposed on producers to insure the sheeting provides adequate service. Applications: Applications: Membrane liners have have been been used used effectively effectively in in many many areas areas of the world for water containment and for water/sewage treatment applications. Reports from certain liner manufacturers and installers indicate that some satisfied customers are located in Middle East countries. It is suggested that the time/cost factors are most attractive for using membrane sheeting in water containment basins for RDF deployment deployment applications applications which which involve potable water storage, water harvesting, and treatment. In addition, the membranes could be used In in covering vehicles and equipment as protection against dust, thereby reducing water usage in cleaning such items. 5—59 Safety Factors: Membrane materials for water containment should not present significant safety problems except when used for a potable water storage basin. Certain types of liner materials contain chemical components that can leach into the water and prove harmful if not removed. O&M Needed: A torn liner would have to be repaired. Also, Also, after long— longterm term use, use, it it would would be be necessary necessary to to drain drain storage storage facilities facilities to to remove remove colcol— lected sediment. Instrumentation and Instrumentation and Other Other Ancillary Ancillay Considerations: Considerations: Not applicable. Ease of Implementation: The The size size of of the the intended intended water water containment containment basin, basin, thickness thickness (weight), (weight), and and size size of of the the membrane membrane panels panels will will determine determine ease ease of installation. Membrane panels could weight up to 5000 lb 2.3 MT) and specific gravity ranges ranges from from 1. 1. 24 24 to to 1.50 1.50 for for the the various various membranes. membranes. Thickness may be selected between 10 mils (0.25 = to 1.52 mm), to 60 mils and panel widths up to 150 ft Et (48 m)áre available. Cranes, forklifts, flat bed trucks, and front—end loaders can be used to place panel rolls upon the basin embankment from which the accc"rdian folds are unrolled unrolled manually manually and and accurately accurately positioned positioned by by the the installation installation crew. crew. Panel sections overlap overlap one one another another by by 22 to to 44 in. in. (51 (51 to to102 102unn) mm) to to permit a sealable sealable seam. The solvent or adhesive can be manually applied or a seam welding dev— ice is used. A crew of four can install a 20,000 sq ft (1860 m2) liner in less than a day, and and aa crew crew of of eight eight to to ten ten can can install install 11 hectare hectare (2.5 (2.5 acres) acres) of of liner liner in in day, one one day. All types of membrane sheeting of simlar size and weight have similar ease of installation. installation. 5.7 5,7 Water Consumption Planning Factors for Construction Water Consumption Planning Factors 5.7.1 5.7.1 Table 5.1 summarizes water consumption for various activites in a arid climate. hot, Assumptions 5.7.2 The following assumptions were used in deriving the water consumption planning factors in Table 5.1. 1. 1. Road Construction: Construction: a. Compaction (1) Consumption on a 1—mi (1.6—kin) section of Class A road. (2) Subbase will will be be compacted compacted to to 66 in. in. (152 (152 nun). mm). Best moisture variance between desired and actual moisture content (3) is 2 percent; worst case is 10 percent. MaxImum Maximum dry density is the desired dry density which is 120 lb/cu ft (1920 kg/m3). (4) 5—60 (5) Construction is to be conducted over level terrain. (6) (6) Amount listed is for one 6—in. (153—mm) compaction effort on a 1—mi (1.6—1cm) road. 5—61 Table 5.1 Water ConBumption Activities for Desert/Arid Desert/Arid Cliiuate Climate £CTIVIT! ACtIVITY 1. 1. REMARKS QUANTITY Road Construction Construction a. Compaction b. b. Soil Stabilization Soil Sabiliz.aUon c. c. Bttinous BitinousTreatment Treatsnt d. Dust Control Duit Control 122—245 kkga.J./aile 122—245 gal/mile ClassAA Road of Class Road Nonpotable acceptable ga.J./ail. 100—850 gal/ails 100—850 k k Clase Class A A Road Salie ae Same as of of la. Ia. on aephalt plant Based on asphalt plant Baaed requirementa. requirements. 845O00 gal/hr/ 845,000 gal/hr/ .4.1. .4.1. of of Class Class Sane as Same as la. la. A Road 2. 2. Airfield Construction . a. Compaction 151—300kkgal/ 151—300 gall M.di Support Uttt Support Medium Ut Saae as Same as la. Ia. Area Airfield (MLSA) (MLSA) 3. b. b. Soil Stabilization Stabilization c. c. Trsaaent Bituminous Bitu.inoue Treatment d. d. Dust Control Dust Control gal/lfLSA 140—700 140—700 k gaII14LSA Same as ae la. Ia. Sage as Same as -Ic. -lc. as la 1,050,000 gal/hr gal/hr l050000 MLSA A/F MLSA Saie as Ia. Same 0p.rstion Quarry Operations Washing/Screening a. Washing/Screen.iztg a. Requirements Rquireients (1) 75 TPH Crusher Cru8her 23,000—47,000 gal/hr gal/hr (reusable) Same as is; Same as la; subject to design specifications specificationa for clean aggregate. (2) 225 TPR Criaeher Crusher 225 TPR 105—210 k gal/hr (reusable) Sate as 3a. Same (3) Dust Control Dust Control 60 gal/hr Sane as 3a. Same 5—62 Table 5.]. (Cont'd) ACTIVITY 4. 5• 5 • Asphalt REMAUS QUANTITY Plant Operations Plant Oprationa a. Plant Plant 1000 b. b. gal/hr 200 gal/hr 3—Car asat.r Rsat.r gal/hr Potable Potable Nonpotabls Nonpotabla Wail Drilling DrillingR.quirsnts R.quirsnts a. Rotary Drilling (hydranlic) 3 ti... the vole 3 ti... the of the th. bol. bole being drU.lad. b. 6. Cable—Tool Drilling Concrete Construction Concrete Construction 4 gal/ft gal/ft 55 gal/ft of 6 in. hole of Noapotable Noapo table Saltwater may be aay be used. used. 8 in. hole yard 60 gal/cubic yard 60 gal/cubic Potable water preferred. Nonpotable water Nonpotable water may uy be be used that used that i acid/ i. acid, and has has aa alkali free and of organic organic of ainia materials .at.rLals •• Seawater uy may be used, but strength ii decreased by by 20Z. 20Z. 7. 7. Pipeline Testing a. 6—in. 6—tn. Pip. b. B-in. Pip. B-in. Pipe 16,000 gal/ails 28,000 28,000 gal/ails gal/mile Nonpotable acceptable. Basedononin.itial initial Based line test and and one one complete coaplete flushingof flushing of line.. line.. Figure may Figure be reduced e.ay be reduced by by half half no flushing flushing if no required after testing. is required is aay be used, Saltwater may be used, but must aust be followed by a fresh water flushflushing befor, the syst.. can be operational. •yst 5—63 (7) Dry compaction will not be performed. (8) (8) Soil is moisture—free or near moisture—free content. (9) (9) Range Range of of required required moisture moiBture content content is is 10 10 to to 20 20 percent. percent. b. Soil Stabilization uBed as a stabilizing agent apply factors outout— only water is used When only (1) above. It, above. lined in II, (2) Bituminous stabilization stabilization is is treated treated Beparately separately (see (Bee lc ic below). below). Bituminous Amount of water required equals 1/2 percent for each 1 percent of etabilizing agent by weight. stabilizing (3) (4) Consumption Consumption based on a 1-mi (1.6—km) (l.6—km) section section of of Class A road. Amount of cement) ranges from 2 percent of stabilizing stabilizing agent agent (lime, (lie, cement) percent (best case) to 16 percent (worst (worøt case). (5) (6) Den8ity Density of of soil soil equals equals 10 10 lb/cu lb/cu ft ft (160 (160 kg/rn3). kg/rn3). (7) Does not Include include factors factorB for compacting process. (8) Amount listed is for one 6—in. (152—mm) stabilization effort on a 1—mi (1.6—kin) (1.6—kin) road. road. c. Bituminous Treatment Treatment Requirements Requirements (1) No water required at placement site. (2) Treated Treated as as part part of of the the asphalt asphalt plant plant figure. figure. d. Dust Duet Control Control (1) Water will will provide provide control control for for 11 hour. hour. Water (2) Requires 11 gal/sq gal/sqydyd(4.5 (4.51./rn2) L/m2) (worst cage). Requires (worst cage). (3) Consumption based Consumption based on on 1—mi. 1—mi (l.6—kiu) Claes A road. (1.6—kiu) section of Clags Requires 33 to to 55 gal/sq gal/sq yd yd (14 (14 to to 23 23 L/m2) L/m2) due due to to heat heat and and zero zero moismois(4) Requires ture content. If coherex is used in lieu of water, application rate is approxiapproxi— (5) mately .33 to to .67 .67 gal/sq gal/sq yd yd (1.5 (1.5 to to 3.0 3.0 L/m2). L/m2). Mix Mix one one part part coherex coherex to to one one to to ately .33 Beven parts water. seven Other dust control agents can be used which decrease the amount of (6) water required (penoprime, DCA 1295, etc.). 5—64 2. Cons'-.ruction Airfields: Conruction ofofAirfielda: a. Compaction: Assumptions A8auinption8 are are the the same aame as as Road Road Construction Con8truction (LA) (LA) with the exception of width and length, which are based on the criteria for a Medium Lift Support Area Airfield. Width — 60 3500 ft 60 ft (18.3 m); length (1070 in). En). b. Soil Stabilization: A88uption8 are A8sumptiona are the the same as a lb lb above, above, with with the the width and length changes change8 noted In in 2a, above. c. Bituminous treatment requirements: d. Dust Dust Control: Control: lined lined in 2a above. Same as Ic, ic, above. SaDieas Same a id, ld, above, with width and length changes outOut- 3. Quarry Operations: a. Based on data in FM 101—10—1 and TM 5—331C. b. gal/mm For dust dust control, control, assume assume1. 1 gal/mm 4. Asphalt Plant Operations: S. Well Drilling Requirements: Requirement8: (0.06 L/s). None. a. Rotary drilling (hydraulic) data obtained from Well Drilling Manual, National Water Well Association; Water Well Technology, McGraw—Hill; and Water tanual, Premier Pre8s. Well Manual, Press. Planning figure listed as three times the volume of the hole being drilled. b. factora in Well Drilling Manual, Cable tool drilling data based on factors National National Water Water Well Well Association. Association. c. Figure8 do not include Figures include loss loss of of water water due due to to seepage seepage froth from the the settling settling 8oil. (Settling pits are considered con8idered to be lined with a membrane pit into the soil. or impervious imperviou8 clay.) 6. Concrete Construction: The amount of water required per cubic yard of concrete is dependent a. on the size 8ize of aggregates used, the water cement ratio, type of cement, concrete crete slump, slump, weather weather conditions, coadition8, and and curing curing requirements. requirements. include8 only requirements to mix and finish concrete. Water figure includes b. Figures do not include cleanup of concrete mixing equipment. tncrea8e is due to higher requirements for curing and absorption by Increase c. aggregates. 5—65 7. Pipeline Testing: Water testing a. teBting is required. fuel may be used to test teat the system. Bystem. effectB.) many adverse effects.) (It should be noted that in emergencies emergenciea Bowever, this thiB is very dangerous and has filling of of the the pipeline pipeline with Planning figures figureB are are based baaed on. on complete complete filling b. Planning water for the test and one complete flushing. If fresh water is used to check pressure, flushing can be eliminated if necessary. c. d. If saltwater is u8ed used to check pressure, pressures one complete flushing of freBh water must follow testing in order to purge saltwater from the line. fresh 5—66 CHAPTER CHAPTER66 — — VEPJICAL CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 6.1 6.1 Introduction The use of of improper improper building materials, building systems, construction details, or construction techniques in SWA would not only create unnecessary problems for construction con8truction workers, but would also adversely adverBely affect the working effectiveness or living comfort of the occupants occupant8 because becauBe of inferior or unsaunsa— tisfactory ti8faCtory environments. This chapter considers climate, efficient use of indigenous indigenous materials materials for for building, building, and and appropriate appropriate methods methods of of construction. con8truction. The Middle East covers a wide variety of geographic, climatic, and cultural regions. It is important to point out that within this region there are temperate and cool to cold areas, although the major emphasis of this report is on building in the hot climates of the Middle East. Eaat. The scenario to which this chapter tesponds covers an operational time period period of of from from 00 to to 12 12 months. months. This overlaps two military standards of construction: JCS Publication 3 initial construction (0 to 6 months) and JCS Publication 3 temporary construction (6 to 24 months). Current planning doctrine specifies that during the initial 6 months of an operation, troops and equipment will be housed primarily in TOE tents (may be some wood frames). However, doctrine also states that the period exceeding the initial 6 months should provide more permanent structures which exploit the indigenous methods and materials wherever and whenever possible. Therefore, this chapter will cover a period from 6 to 12 months, and will identify indigenous materials, materials growing or produced in a region or country, and the corresponding methods of construction in order to provide less expensive, habitable, and feasible building in an otherwise austere building environment. 6.2 6.2 6.2.1 Improving Habitability General Because Because of the the austere austere conditions. conditions. for for constiucting constructing and and operating operating a building in the desert, standard and exotic methods of heating and cooling are not possible. Th18 This means that any method requiring electricity viii will not be seriEvaporative cooling, which will be discussed, should shou1d only ously considered. be used when there is a plentiful water supply that is easily transportable Electricity or or water water should should only only be be and does not present a health hazard. Electricity used when the buildings buildings are are normally normally unbearable unbearable to to live live in in because because of of the the The Many steps can be taken to moderate the effects of the desert. heat. discuceed below should be expanded upon in the field by taking guidelines discussed advantage of soldiers' own imaginative solutions to problems and by copying successful practices of the natives. - In the desert, a building building mu8t must provide provide protection protection from from the the sun sun for for the the people and equipment, shield them from blowing sand, and hopefully provide Because the climate is so important, some rr.lief from the high temperatures. com— it will be discussed first. The factors affecting whether a person is comfortabJe will be examined next to see how to take advantage of the desert's fortable desert'8 extreme conditions. conditions. Techniques for passively cooling buildings will then be 6—1 discussed. A brief description of non—austere mechanical systems will be di8cussed. given next. Finally, the main points will be summarized. 6.2.2 Effect of Climate climate can Although the the Middle Middle East East climate can range range from from cold, cold, to to very very hot, hot, only Although Temperatures can rise rise above above 109°F 109°F (43°C). (43°C). the hot regions will be considered. coastal regions regions While the region is is arid arid and and generally generally hag has low low humidity, humidity, Borne some coastal have high high humidity levels. A map of world climate zones, shown in Chapter 1, gives three climate categories covering the Middle East: hot, dry desert; intermediate intermediate hot dry desert; and humid, humid, hot hot coastal coastal desert. desert. The amount of humidity has a large effect on night temperatures.* In low humidity areas, the night temperatures can fall to 59°F (15°C). This This wide day—to--night temperature day—to—night temperature swing swing helps helps offset offget the the high high temperatures temperatures during during the the day. Areas with high humidity have much lower day—to—night temperature swings. Unfortunately, this limits the number of ways to moderate the day day temperature. The sun is at a very high angle because of the low latitudes. Consequently, the roof of a structure will receive most of the solar radiation. Also, a north—south building axis receives more solar gaiQ gain than a ist—west building axis (Figure 6.1). 6.2.3 Thermal. Comfort Thermal. Comfort Many factors tempera— Many factors affect whether a person feels feels thermal thermal comfort. comfort. Air temperaair velocity, ture is the most familiar; however, there are other factors: relative relative humidity, humidity, interaction interaction by by radiation radiation heat heat transfer transfer with with the the surround— surroundlags ings (from (from the the sun, sun, outdoors, outdoors, or or building building walls), walls), and and the the conditions conditions one one is is To understand the goals of some of the passive building designs, it used to. is necessary to know how hoi each of these factors influences comfort. Each factor's effect will be covered only briefly here since the subject is so complex. The air temperature indicates how much heat will be transferred body to to the the air air surrounding surrounding it. it. The relaferred by convection from a human body tive humidity is a measure of how much water. water, vapor the air holds tQ. how much it it could could possibly possibly hold hold at at the the same same temperature temperature and and pressure. pressure. The lower the humidity, the easier it is for the body to cool itself by sweating. Higher air velocities around the body Increase increase the heat transfer by convection between the air and body, and thus the cooling which occurs with sweating. An often overlooked overlooked factor factor affecting affecting comfort comfort indoors indoors is is the the wall wall temperature. temperature. often Our bodies bodies exchange exchange heat heat by by radiation radiation with with the the walls, walls, floor, floor, and and ceiling. ceiling. If Our the walls are cool, a person may be significantly cooler in hot air than if the ial1 wall and air are are hot. hot. Obviously, being in direct sunlight can greatly influence how hot one feels. Conversely, a person who is outdoots on a hot clear clear night night can can feel feel the the cooling cooling effect effect of of the the cold cold night night sky. sky. Finally, people can adjust to hot climates that they at first think almost unbearable. The body can quickly (In (in a matter of days) acclimate itself to a hot environenviron— ment. tnent. (See Chapt.r 9.) * B. Givoni, Desert Housing and Energy Conservation (Ben Gurion, University of the Negev). 6—2 w E N —— ——— Figure 6.1. 0' S — —— An east—west building—oriented axis. Ordinarily, a major goal of building design is to provide a comfortable environment for the inhabitants. Under austere desert conditions, this may not be a realistic goal; instead, austere buildings must be designed to be at least livable. Nevertheless) the more comfortable people are, the more efficIently they will wárk and the less they will need to drink water because they are not sweating as much. Each of the factors affecting comfort can be adjusted to provide a livable, if not comfortable, building. Desert winds and dust storms create an unbearable living environment for occupants and also may cause problems for some structural components unless precautionary steps are taken during construction. building In windy areas, the foundations must be built deep enough to prevent erosion around the corners of the foundation system. Exterior doors and windows should be sealed as much a possible, although no attempt should be made under Several methods for normal service conditions to erect a sand—tight building. reducing dust infiltration are as follows: 6—3 1. Use nonoperable window. 2. Use inertial dust separator. 3. Use air filters. 4. 4. Use positive building interior pressure. 5. Use high air intake louvers. Also, roofing material must be doubly fastened faBtened and cooling systems attached securely to the supporting structure with additional fasteners. Electrical equipment's performance can be drastically reduced by exces— excessively high temperature. If the temperature is high enough, the machine may In in general, the cooling principles principles that that apply apply to to humans humans can can be be not work. applied to machines. 6.2.4 Coo'ing &ildings The purpose of any cooling system is to moderate the extreme desert heat Conventional cooling sysLe:.s are not so the inhabitants can be comfortable. practical in austere desert conditions; however, other steps can be taken, as discussed below. A person's primary shelter against the environment is his clothing. For the desert., clothing should reflect the sunlight as much as possible and allow the body to cool by evaporating sweat. The heat sinks of electric equipment should be shielded from the sun, have a high emissivity to radiate heat, heat1 and have an air flow over them to convect vect the the heat heat away. away. The following passive cooling techniques technique9 take advantage of or neutralize the desert conditions: .1. tive —— Reduce that..are Reduce solar solar gain gain by byusing usingexterior exteriorpaints paints— very reflecfor the roof. especially it 2. Orient the building 80 it has has an east—west axis (Figure 6.1) 6.1) to to general1 only design windows when they are necesminimize the the solar solar gain. In general, sary for adequate ventilation or daylighting. 3. Use overhangs or shutters to block sunlight from falling directly on the windows or the walls. Shading separate from the building can be used for the same effect, but it should not hinder ventilation. Movable shades and shutters may be used to maximize ventilation and minimize solar gain. 4. In order to reduce convective heating, minimize the exterior surface area by having as square a building as possible. Use thick, dense walls and roof to insulate against the hot exte5. rior air and so that the interior surface temperature will be slow to rise 6—4 during during the the h-. of of the the day. ThIS ThiB will will be be aa cooling cooling effect effect since Bince comfort comfort 18 i8 affected by idiant interchange with the surroundings. 6. Place additional lightweight insulation on the exterior of the thick, dense walls so they will be even slower to heat up. 7. Bury the building partially or completely underground since the 8un is ground does not get as hot as the air and all that is exposed to the sun the roof. 8. Ventilate the building. In a low—humidity low—hwnidity region with large swings between day and night air temperature, the ventilation should be as high as possible at night so the interior walls can be cooled down to keep everyone comfortable the next day. During the day, the ventilation should be as low as possible (doors and windows closed and any air leaks blocked) so that the hot air will not get in and raise the temperature of the interior surfaces. In high—humidity regions with little change between day and night air temperatures, temperatures, the the interior interior surface surface temperatures temperatures will will not not drop drop very very azuch much during the night, so there will be little relief from the the heat heat during during the the day. day. Consequently, there should always be ventilation so that the effects of sweating can be enhanced by increased air speed around the body. There is an at optimum air speed for cooling by sweating; a higher speed will increase the 8weating convective heating, and a lower speed will reduce the effect of the sweating compared to the convective heating. Orient openings to take advantage of the usual direction of the wind. (Normally the wind is from the northwest or southeast.) 9. The most effective height of windows to ventilate for human comfort ranges from 18 to 60 in. (0.46 to 1.52 tn) above the floor. In barracks, It is advisable to keep the sill at the height of the beds to insure an adequate airflow around this area. When higher windows are required, they should be horizontally pivoted so that the window panel deflects the airflow down into into the space. 10. Minimize use of interior walls because they limit the air flow MInimize when windows are opened. Where needed, Interior interior walls should be lightweight and light nd light In color. 11. Whenever possible, use on—grade concrete slabs for a foundation to take advantage of the earth's insulating qualities. Avoid raised foundations, whether of the point or perimeter type. Unless the floors are properly insulated, they will be exposed to the high diurnal temperature variations. 12. 13. 13. Use properly insulated lightweight wall and roof systems to prevent prevent intolerable intolerable amounts amounts of of heat heat from from being being transmitted transmitted into into the the building. building. 14. External wall surfaces should be a light, nonglaring reflective color or should be painted in light, nonglaring colors to reflect solar radia- tion. Sone cooling techniques require manual labor. Some ally be done before sunup and after sundown. 6—5 These activities can usu- Brush clean the exterior exterior surface surface of of the the walls walls and and roof roof so so that that the sand film the film that that may may form form on them does not change change their their solar solar reflective reflective properties. 1. 2. Add extra insulation to the building exterior during the day and remove it during the night. 3. windowB when the outVentilate the building by opening doors and windows side air temperature is lover lower than the temperature inside the building. Sleep outside outside if if the the building building is ia too too hot hot (probably (probably in in humid humid Sleep regions), preferably under mosquito moaquito netting. 4. 5. Observe the techniques natives use to stay cool. Habitability 6.2.5 Habitabi Ut ofof Buildings Prefabricated TenrporaryBw, Prefabricated Tenrporary ldingBWithout WithoutMechanical Meanica? Cooling Cooling A study trailer—like, lightlightstudy was was made made to to determine deternine whether whether temporary, temporary trailer—like, or could could be be made made weight buildings without without air air conditioning conditioning would would be be habitable, habitbie, or habitable, during emergencies in hot desert environments. The study was made made using using the the Buildings Buildings Loads Loads Analysis Analysis and and System System Thermodynamics Thermodynamics (BLAST). (BLAST). prograin.* program.* The BLAST computer program is a detailed simulation procedure which calculates hourly heating or cooling loads, or hourly room temperatures in the absence of heating or cooling equipment, equipments based on a detailed description of the building and on actual climate data. The climates simulated were a hot—wet climate and a hot—dry climate typical of the Middle East climate extremes. An office and two different dormitory configurations cotfigurations were simulated. The baseline buildings as well as retrofit options were simulated to determine if improvements in habitability and comfort could be achieved by such techniques as as adding adding mass mass to to roof roof and and walls, walls controlling controlling ventilations ventilation, adding shading, reducing window area, areas etc. The results are summarized in Table 6.1. The The results results indicated indicated that that with with temperatures temperatures ranging ranging from from 111°F 111°F the day day to to 87°F 87°F (31°C) (31°C) at at night night for for 11 percent percent design design day day (e.g., (e.g. (44°C) during the in Dhahran), Dhahran) it it proved proved impossible impossible to to maintain maintain the mean air temperature temperature in in the the buildings to within the limits of human physiological comfort as defined by he ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals (Figure 6.2).** Even the fully retrofitted office (option from Table 6.1) modeled still reached 93°F (34°C) during the 5 percent design day in the hot—dry desert regions. This showed that the prefabricated buildings studied can be extremely uninhabitable if mechanical cooling cannot be provided. * 0. C. Hittle, Hittle The The Building Building Loads Loads Analysis Analysis System System Thermodynamics Thermodynamics (BLAST) (BLAST) gram, Version 2.0: Users Manual, Volume I, Technical Report E—153/ADA072272 (U.S. (U.S. Army Army Construction Construction Engineering Engineering Laboratory Laboratory[CERL), [CERLJ 1979). 1979). **A5Hp.E Handbook 1977 Heating, Ref Refrigera**AS}4pJ..E Handbook 1977Fundamentals Fundamentals(Mnerican (American Society Society of Heating, rigera— tion, and and Air Air Conditioning Conditioning Engineers Engineers[ASHRAE), ASHRAE) 1977), 1977), pp pp 8.1—9.18. 8.1—9.18. 6—6 Table 6.1 Results of BLAST Analysis Hot—Dry Region (Riyadh) Hot—Wet Rseii (Dhahr.n) Relative !!1 Hidity*s Te.p Option High Low High Time Temp Time (Hrs) Temp !1 Relative Time HumidityC* Low Temp lime (OF) (Hra) 1 percent design diy* Outdoor bulb temp 03 110.0 108.6 100.0 05 05 99.0 96.8 33 76.0 80.7 05 106.0 07 104.6 77.1 77.h 77.8 05 05 05 96.5 26 27 34 35 36 111.0 37 15 t09 .6 38 16 49 17 52 17 4 100.9 99.4 97.9 79.0 83.7 80.7 80.4 55 17 80.8 5 percent design dayS Outdoor dry bulb temp 108.0 P 15 106.6 38 16 98.1 50 17 96.6 95.5 53 55 17 dry 3 • 16 Os 01 95.3 94.3 15 78.0 16 82.7 07 32 17 79.7 05 17 17 79.5 79.7 05 05 36 15 74.0 05 16 78.8 07 11 16 15.4 75.9 05 05 I percent and 5 percent design day: The high teIaperaLre of the design deyia only eaceeded! percent end 5 percent of the year. The relative humidity La determined using a Peyhro.retric chart and issuming that the epeclflc humidity is the same indoors and outside. The actual relt1ve humidity would probably be considerably higher due to the moleture added to the building from human perSpiration. - ** 05 24 23 OPTION I OPTION 2 OPTION 3 ALL SURFACES HAVE A REFLECTIVE ATING 6—7 OPTION 4 0SC13 0S C0 ide nq .â ,dAT X*ntssz•44) t4*44) — — ILT PeST wca ist !T St D&W LM(r—.r,&iI (.—.., I j ;•cm.ia SILL trri CIFl Figure 6.2. Comfort and discomfort lines, lines of equal wetted area Lines for ET* at Comfort, 25 percent, (physiological strain). 50 percent, and 100 percent wettedness also indicated. (Reprinted by permission from ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, 1981. Cooling Systems 6.2.6 If If base camps are built up enough that austere requirements can ãan be relaxed, relaxed, several several methods methods can can cool cool effectively. effectively. Evaporative Evaporative cooling cooling requires requires aa plentiful plentifpl supply supply of of water water and and works works well wellS in low—humidity regions. The hot, dry aIr air is is cooled cooled by by vaporizing vaporizing water. watEr. To provide provide cooling, cooling, air air must must be be moved moved through through the the building building either either by by fans fans (requires electricity) or naturally. Since the water normally found in desert regions has high alkali content, the water that will be used for evaporative cooling should be treated if required. An evaporative cooler must not be used where water is at a premium. However, since evaporative cooling units are economical, they should be used as much as as possible possible in in hot, hot, dry dry regions regions if if water is available. s much available. A traditional method of evaporative cooling can be used, as shown in Figure 6.3. This is a chimney—type structure with an opening designed to catch the prevailing dry winds, which are funnelled down a shaft in which a large porous pot full of water is suspended. The water in the porous porous pot pot slowly drips to a grid on which charcoal has been spread. The air passing over the porous pot and the charcoal absorbs the water vapor, and cooling takes place by evaporation. Both the air introduced into the interior spaces of the building and the water in the pot are cooled. 6—8 POROUS JAR CHARCOAL SECTION Figure 6.3 Traditional method of evaporative cooling. Roof water ponds require a plentiful supply of water and a very strong A pond of water on the roof is covered during the day to minimize heat gain and then uncovered at night to maximize cooling by the cold air, night sky, and vaporization of the water. roof. Conventional window air conditioners require electricity but are easily installed. .2.7 h'eting When the desert gets cold, personnel can wear warmer clothing. The passive cooling techniques can be reversed to have passive heating (e.g., ventilate during the day and not at night to keep the interior surface temperatures at a comfortable level). If fuel is not in short supply, fuel—burning heaters can be used. 6.3 6.3.1 Indigenous Building Methods and Materials General The limited range of materials for building in the Middle East is conmion knowledge; the area is primarily desert and inaccessible mountain ranges; vegetation is sparse, and mineral resources are difficult and expensive to exploit. Indigenous building technology is based largely on stone, clay soils, and a limited supply of wood. National development, financed by oil 6—9 and gas revenues, is forcing the growth of local building materials industries, but it will will be be years years before before steel, steel, cement1, cement, and and other other primary primary structural structural materials will meet regional building needs. needa. Primary and secondary materials will need to be brought in for the foreseeable future, and thus will remain available mainly mainly on on aa warehouse warehouse basis basis —— —— in the ports and centers of trade, available and at the sites Bites of development. Designers of buildings which utilize materials and methods indigenous to the region will be faced not only with a limited choice of materials, but also In such such by the problem of limited lengths and sizes øizes in specific categories. In cases, it it may may be be necessary necessary to to overdesign overdesign in in order order to to utilize utilize available available inateri— inateri— cases, ale, or or otherwise otherwise adapt adapt to to the the local local Bupply aupply situation. situation. als, and environmental considerations will also affect design Climatic end developnent. development. Options for for building building design, design, for for example1, example, include the possibilpossibility of burying below the ground surface —— a traditional desert technique that has been used for centuries to combat heat gain through walls. It can be demonstrated that burying a building will influence design of the superstruccan be be reduced reduced in in height, height or or eliminated; eliminated; traditure in various ways: walls can tional heavy mud roofs roofs can can be be constructed constructed more more easily easily when when the the superstructure superstructure is lowered (thus increasing increasing local local material material options); options); roof roof sizes sizes can can be be reduced reduced since wall shading requirements are reduced or eliminated, and opportunities for for using using short short pieces pieces of of material material are are increased. increased. Corrosive soils containing sulfate and chloride are abundant in the region. Do not use galvanized steel in contact with ground in a corrosive Only zinc—coated, vinyl—covered steel should be used in such areas. area. Also do not use uncoated galvanized steel or aluminum in exterior applications within 5 miles of seawater or it will quickly corrode. methods of of using material8 materials such sich as as wood wood and and steel, steel, which which are are Conventional methods common knowledge among Western designers and builders, have not been conRather, this this study study has has attempted attempted to to look, look for ways in sidered in this chapter. which traditional traditional local local materials materials can can be be retained retained for for their their proveti proven merits, merits, and and for for opportunities opportunities to to improve improve methods methods and and make make them them easier easier to to use use by by applying applying principles of materials science and technology. 6.3.2 Concrete Systems General: Concrete production in the Middle East has been difficult) difficult, at best, for many decades. The four major problem areas are: (1) inferior materials, (2) lack of production production capabilities, capabilities, (3) (3) environment1, environment, and (4) unskilled unskilled and and untrained labor forces. Reports of rapid deterioration deterioration and, and, in in some some instances1, total total failure failure of of concrete concrete structures structures built in the instances, the Middle Middle East East are are appearing with greater frequency in engineering and construction journals. The principal villains are the poor construction materials and the harsh environment. environment. The general absence of both fine and coarse good—quality aggregates, which make up 85 percent of the concrete, coupled with a lack of suitable quantities of potable water for concreting operations will present a real challenge challenge to to troop troop construction. construction. The very high temperatures and strong prevailing winds associated with the area will compound the problem. 6—10 Nonetheless1, concrete concrete is is made aiadeand andused useddaily dailyin inthe the area; area; this this indicates indicates that that Nonetheless, with proper tr&ning traning and planning, troops also could produce it. The Engineer support associated with the size of the operation being conreport will will not not have have the the production production equipaient equipment nor sidered in this report nor expertise expertise needed to to make make anything anything more more than than occasional occasional batches batche8 of of concrete. concrete. Once made1, needed transportation of the concrete will be difficult due to limited vehicular support and lack of suitable surfaces 8urfaces over which to transport it. The following paragraphs describe the anticipated problems or areas of The need for most aspects aBpects of concrete materials and concrete production. aggregate problem will be difficult to solve, and does vary depending on site location. Portland Cement Concrete Production: Portland cement. Although there is i8 some 8ome local cement production in the region, most cement will have to be imported. Many countries ship cement into the region. In therewill willbe beno no control control over over what what is is received received In getieraL1, general, there If sulfate—resistant (Type (Type V) and low—heat and its quality. If possible1, possible, sulfate—resistant low—heat cements cements (Type IV) should be used. 1. 2. Aggregates. Natural sands are usually abundant, but their gradings are are generally generally poor, poor, and and they they are are frequently frequently contaminated contaminated by by deleterious deleterious salts. salts. Typical grading curves and bands of aggregates aggregate8 in desert de8ert areas are provided in Figures 7.2 through outcrops may may be be friable friable and and porous, porous, and and contamconta— through 7.6. 7.6. Rock outcrops These problems, problems, in in combination combination with with extreaiely extremely mated with inated with deleterious deleterious salts. salts. hot hot weather, weather, are are of of aiajor major concern concern for concrete construction. construction. 3. The entire entire concrete concrete operation operation uses uses large large quantities quantitiesof ofwater1, water, Water. curbeginning with the the processing processing and and washing washing of of aggregates, aggregates, through through mixing1, mixing, curIn most steps, steps, it it is is usually usually reconimended recommended that the ing, and ing1, and equipment equipment cleanup. cleanup. especially for for the the temtemwater be potable; potable; however, however, exceptions exceptions can can be be made1, made, especially mortar8 or or concretes concretes must be used used for for aiixing mixing mortars porary construction. Water to be not contain dissolved substances that unduly or or retard retard not that affect affect the the setting setting tiaie time unduly In general, the only in natural natural water water that are In only iaipurities impurities in the hardening. 1ik1y to likely to be be objectionable objectionable are are dissolved dissolved salts; salts; the the permissible permissible limits limits for for are quite wide. Seawater or brackish water has been used for mixing concrete in many It has haB been noted that seaareas where potable water is difficult to obtain. water with a maximum concentration of salts on the order of 3.5 percent does doe8 not not appreciably appreciably reduce reduce the the strength strength of of concrete, concrete, although although it it may may lead lead to to corcor— At salt salt concentrations concentrations beyond beyond that1, that, a strength 8trength ro8ion of reinforcement. At rosion reduction ranging from 8 to 15 percent can be expected. This reduction in strength may be corrected by using somewhat less leBs mixing water and somewhat Mo8t engineers believe that seawater should BhOuld not be used for mixmore cement. Most ing reinforced reinforced concrete; concrete; however1, however, after after 44 years1, years, no no problems problems were reported reported when coral aggregate aggregate and and seawater seawater were were used used in in aiilitary military base base construction construction in in Therefore, seawater i5 is acceptable for use in Portland cement conBermuda. Bermuda. crete construction construction for for temporary temporary facilities. facilities. crete If the quality and thickness of the concrete cover are inadequate, brack— ish water water or or seawater, seawater, when when used used as as mixing mixing water1, water, may create create conditions conditions that that 6—11 aggravate reinforcing steel corrosion. Saline mixing water tends to cause dampness and surface surface efflorescence efflorescence in in the the hardened hardened concrete, concrete and and should should not not be be used where where surface surface finish finish is is important, important, or or where where the the mortar mortar or or èoncrete concrete is is to to used be covered with plastic or any decorative finish. It should also be noted that saline water must never be used for mixing high alumina cement since it baa an adverse effect on the strength. has Organic impurities in water may retard setting and hardening of cement; however, these impurities do not usually occur to an objectionable extent, except in artificially contaminated waters. water8. It is improbable that that aa water water used for curing would attack concrete if it were the type suitable for mixing water. Staining Staining or or discoloration discoloration of of the the concrete concrete by by curing curing waters waters should should be be the principal curing water problem. Provisions should be made to retain and recycle all water, when possible, at all steps of the concrete operation (see Chapter Chapter 5). 5). Facilities for for water water storage storage at at the the site site of of the the aggregate aggregate and/or and/or concrete concrete Facilities production must product.ion must be be provided. provided. The mixing water storage should also -include provisions for water water cooling cooling to to help help the the problem problem of of temperature temperature development developmentin in fresh and new concrete. 4. Admixtures. There is a definite need for using water reducing, retarding, and superplasticizing admixtures for reduced water requirements, improved consistency, and extended working time. These will all have to be brought brought into into the the area. area. Mix proportions. 5. Most concrete proportioning schemes are dictated by the locally available materials which, for the problem at hand, highly variable. The existing technology for developing concrete mixture designs is not not considered considered applicable applicable for for proper proper approaches approaches to to mixture mixture designs designs with with naterials available in the Gulf area. materials Suggested proportions for producing expedient concrete and mortar mix using locally available aggregates are provided in Chapter 7. 6. Placing. The The very hot temperatures affect the the consistency consistency of of the the fresh concrete and make it very difficult to place. High temperature, winds, and direct sunlIght should be avoided, when p1acing concrete. -If .11 possible, the. concrete should be be placed placed with with the the temperature temperature below below 90°F 90°F (33°C). (33°C). Using ice water or cool water will help lower the concrete temperature. If ice is used to chill water for mixing, the ice should be melted when it leaves the mixer. Doing concreting work at night should also be considered. The forms1, forms, reinreinforcement, forcement, and ground surface should should be be sprinkled sprinkled with with good—quality good—quality water, water) if if available1, just available, just prior prior to to placement. placement. 7. Finishing. There will be short finishing times due to the hot temperatures and strong winds of the area. Shading and windscreens are a necessity to prolong the finishing period and reduce evaporation from the concrete surface. Concrete should be covered immediately after finishing with a temporary cover (e.g., burlap) whenever available. The quality of finishing will be marginal because the labor can be considered unskilled. Curing. 8. Troops seldom cure concrete but must do so in this area to avoid excessive and severe plastic and drying shrinkage cracking. The general lack of water suggests that either curing compounds or curing membranes be 6—12 The concrete should Bhould be cured as These would have to be brought in. sectionB immedisoon as possible. The concrete should be uncovered in small sections Any water suitable for mixing ately prior priort.' t' applying applying the the curing curing compound. ately As windsereens and shades As noted above, windscreens u9ed to cure it. concrete can also be used would also be a great help. used. 1. Concrete Block Production: Raw materials. Basic materials required for concrete block produc produc- tion are: tion a. Portland cement: sulfate—resistant and low—heat cements, if avail- able. finea and coarse aggregates such as coral cinders, fines b. Aggregates: expanded shale, shale sand, sand, gravel, gravel, clay, clay, slag, slag, and and others. c. Water. d. Other agents which may or may not be added: — Hydrated lime — Pozzolans — such as as air—entraining air—entraining agents, agents, pigmer?tB, pigments, etc. etc. Other constituents, such Concrete block may be manufactured with a Manufacturing process. Large complex stationary block production machines, variety of equipment. simpler mobile "egg laying" block machines, and basic hand—operated equipment En each each case, ease, relatively relatively dry dry concrete concrete is is tamped tamped In may be used to produce block. in a mold which is immediately stripped atripped off, and the procedure is repeated and is as again and again. The basic process, in each case, is similar end described below and shown in Figure 6.4. 2. A recomPrepare a well—graded mix of fine and coarse aggregates. a. Crushed aggregates are to 44 by by weight. weight. mended ratio of aggregate to sand is 7 to generally better than rounded particles. b. Make sure aggregate is clean. Wash, if necessary. Mix the aggregate. Add the cement, water, and any other necessary c. additives; complete mixing. Mixtures for concrete block will vary with the purpose of the block. However, a possible mix ratio by weight of cement to aggregate is 1:4 or 1:5. A good water/cement ratio is about 0.3 for a 1:4 mix ratio.* The primary objective is to achieve adequate ratio and 0.38 for a 1:5 mix ratio.* ratio Depending on the type of aggregate, a standard 8tandard strength with minimum density. block (8 x 8 x 16 in. [200 x 200 x 400 inml) can weigh from 25 to 50 lb (11.4 to 22.8 kg). * * Ronald terrel and Mushtag Ahmed, "Mortarleas "Mortarless Block Construction for DevelopRonald ing Countries," Housing Housing Science, Science, Vol Vol 3, 3, No. No. 55 (1979), (1979), pp 327. 327. 6—13 AGGREGATES CLEANING AGGREGATE MIXING SMALL BLOCK PRESS °EGG-LAYING'MACHINE CURING FIgure 6.4. Concrete block manufacturing procesB. 6—14 d. Mold aid compact the concrete with a block machine or by hand with metal molds. e. Cure the block1, block, either either naturally naturally or or in in steam steam rooms. Steam cure the a 125°F block at 125°F (52°C) (52°C) for for a period of 15 hours or naturally by protecting from the sun Bun and keeping it damp for 7 days. For indigenous sources, refer to the listing of some Middle East East concrete concrete block block plants plants in in Chapter Chapter 10. 10. 3. Dimensions. Blocks can can vary vary greatly greatly in in size size from from region region to to region1, region, but the most common common size size is is the the 88 in. in. xx 88 in. in. xx 16 16 in. in. (200 (200 mi mm xx 200 200 mm mm xx 400 ruin) 400 mm) hollow hollow block. block. However1, block However, block machines machines may be be adjusted1, adjusted, by by simply simply changing molds1, molds, to to make make almost almost any any size size block. block. 4. Labor requirement for manufacture. The labor required to manufacture concrete blocks depends on the equipment equipment available available for for production. production. If a large—scale concrete large—scale concrete block block production production plant plant iB is available1, available, as as many many as as 60 60 blocks blocks per minute1, minute, depending labor. depending on on the the equipment, equipment1, could could be be produced produced with with little labor. A smaller mobile "egg "egg laying laying" block machine might produce somewhere between 24 and 48 blocks per per minute1, minute, with equipment. with several several men men required required to operate the equipment. Manual production will make less less •than than the the 'egg 'egg laying' laying" equipment equipment per per unit unit man—hour1, and man—hour, and will will require require many many men men to to produce produce a significant significant number number of of blocks. blocks. Binding Agents for Concrete Blocks: Typically1, cement cement mortar mortar is is used used as as aa binding binding agent, agent1, but but several severalother Typically, other Extremely materials1, such materials, such as sulphur, sulphur1, lime, lime1,and andcement cement coatings, coatings, may be be used. used. temporary shelters can be erected without a binding agent. However1, moat most However, Each block is bonded modern construction utilizes a portland cement mortar. to the foundation with a thin joint of mortar and each successive block is bonded to to the the wall wall with with aa layer layer of of mortar1, mortar, until the wall is is completed completed to to the the desired height1, height, usually usually no no more more than than one one story story tall (approximately (approximately 88 to to 12 12 ft ft of cement to mixes A recommended range of cement mortar —— [2.4 to 3.6 m]). provide lime to to sand sand in in the the proportion proportion 1:1:61, 1:1:6, 1:2:6, 1:2:61, 1:3:12 1:3:12 by volume —— However, in in situations BituatiOfl8 vher,e wher,e tradi— tradi— adequate bonding for most situations. However1, tional block construction using cement mortar for bonding is not desirable, be used. used. other types of bonding may be will A concrete block wall can easily be bonded with a mixture of sulphur, First1, the the bottom bottom fibers, and fibers1, and plasticizer, plasticizer1,or orwith withaa cement—based cement—based coating. coating. First, sulphur molten sulphur row of blocks is bonded to a concrete foundation by pouring the molten mix or cement coating coating into into the the cavities cavities of of the the hollow hollow blocks1, blocks, bonding bonding each each Next1, each Next, each following following row row of of blocks blocks is is stacked stacked up dry block to the foundation. on top of the lower row until the desired wall height is reached. If extra strength is desired1, desired, steel placing steel steel rods rods atrength is steel reinforcement reinforcement may way be added by placing Then Then the the sulphur sulphur mix mix is is vertically through the cavities of the hollow blocks. either brushed brushed or or sprayed sprayed over over the the joints1, joints, or sprayed over over the the entire entire surface. surface. The The cement—based coating is sprayed over the entire surface of the wall. sulphur mix must be applied quickly to avoid unwanted hardening due to fast Sulphur—surface bonding and cement—based coating produce a wall cooling. cooling. which is as as strong strong as1, as, or masonry wall. wall. or stronger stronger than, than, a a standard masonry Lime—based mortars were the most prevalent before the introduction of modern cement mortars. The lime—based mortars are a combination of burnt The pozzolana reacts reacts with with nonhydraulic nonhydraulic lime1, water1,and andpossibly possibly pozzolanas. pozzolanas. lime, water, 6—15 lime in a a water water medium medium at at ordinary ordinary temperatures temperaturesto toforni form aa cement. In some cement. areas of the Middle East this mortar is still used. It is applied with a layer of mortar between each block, producing a strong steady wall. Fast setting of concrete and greater initial shrinkage in desert regions make make the the location location of of construction construction joints joints in in concrete concrete masonry masonry more more critical critical than than in in cooler cooler cliniates. climates. Thus to prevent any potential problems, the following steps should be taken: provide vertical control joints in the walls, reinforce horizontal joints, and provide bond beams at appropriate locations. The following table gives the appropriate spacing for concrete masonry wall joints. joints. Concrete Masonry Will Wall Joint Joint Placement Placement Maximum Spacing of Joint* Control Joint* Vertical Spacing of Horizontal Joint Reiriforcement+ Relnforcement+ H = * = + = 16 ft ft (5.0 (5.0 in) m) 20 ft (6.0 in) ni) or 2 H or 2.4 H No reinf. required 23 23 ft ft (7.0 (7.0 in) m) or 2.6 H 26 ft (8.0 ci) in) or 3.2 H 24 in. (60 cm) 16 in. (40 cm) 8 in. In. (20 cm) c to c c toc c to c Height of the wall Spacing shall not exceed the smaller of the dimensions shown. Joint reiforceLuent reiforceLuent shall shall include include two two or or more more longitudinal longitudinal steel steel wires, wires, minimum total area 0.0346 sq in. In the case of extremely temporary shelter, wide concrete blocks or slabs can can be be used used as as aa foundation, foundation, and and concrete concrete blocks blocks can can be be stacked stacked on on top top of of the the foundation foundation to to form form the the walls. walls. is suggested that this type of shelter be It Is only in used used only In emergencies or in very temporary situations. Also, it is suggested that the height of a stacked block wait wall be kept as low as acceptable. acceptable. 1. Concrete Block Construction: Advantages: a. If If blocks blocks are are available available in in large large quantities, quantities, concrete concrete block block construcconstruction can be cheap, quick, and durable. b. b. Sulphur, an an efficient efficient bonding bonding niaterial material for for concrete blocks, blocks, iB is a byproduct byproduct in in oil oil and and natural natural gas gas refining, refining, and and is is stockpiled stockpiled In in many refining areas of the Middle East. c. Properly made concrete blocks have high compressive strength. d. Blocks may be produced by manual labor or by many many different mechanical means. In rural or field areas, It it may be especially important to be able able to to produce produce construction construction material material with with no no more more than than manual manual labor. labor. 6— 16 2. Disad'ntages: Disadvnntages: a. Cement required for the production productton of concrete block may not be available. b. b. The time required required to to produce produce and and cure cure concrete concrete blocks blocks may may be be prohibiprohibi- tive. c. In earthquake—prone regions, region8, standard block construction can be problematic due to its inability to withstand strong lateral forces. d. d. 6.3.3 Proper aggregates may not be available. EarthS,'sterns StePn6 Earth General: The use of earth for building construction city of wood and other construction con8truction materials. easy and has high insulation value against both results partly from the scarAlso, earth con8truction construction is heat and cold. Earth buildings are structurally sound and durable enough for many cool in summer, summer, and and warm warm in the principal expense being the are some kinds of mud that make Stronger structures than others, and some construction stronger con8truction techniques that apply better to some kinds of mud. Thus the type of construction method cethod will be affected by the type of soil available. regions. They are dry, fireproof, soundproof, winter. The cost of building the wall is low, labor force, primarily primarily unskilled unskilled labor. labor. There Organic soils are the least suitable Buitable for earth construction; a combination tion of of two two types typeB of of soils soils is is ideal: ideal: sandy clays or clayey sands. However, in very dry regions, clays are best. There are several types of construction methods for earth building: adobe, baked clay, sand shale, and stabilized 8oil bricks are common types. Methods soil MethodB of making adobe and stabilized soil Boil bricks, well aasconBtruction constructionmethods methods u8ing using these these materials, materials, are described described bricks, as a well below. be low. Adobe: The The raw raw materials materials for for making making adobe adobe are: are: Soils —— mix of clay, sand, and very fine silts. A recommended proportion of soils 8oi18 is i8 approximately one—third each of clay, sand, and fines. fine8. However, this thi8 is only a guideline, and the proportion will vary with different types of soil8. soils. The blocks made with high sand content soils 8oils will crumble and erode easily, whereas the blocks made with very high clay content soils will shrink and crack too much. The best way to test soils soil3 is i8 to make a test brick. 1. 2. Agricultural materials —— crop residues are sometime8 sometimes used, ut are not reconunended. 3. 3. Water. 6—17 Soil suitable for making adobe bricks exists over a wide area of the Midcentu— dle dle East. Adobe has been the chief construction material in SWA for centu ries; thus, wherever there are populated regions, there should be a source of remote regionB, regions, such such as as deserts deserts and and salt salt 8oe remote adobe nearby. However, in some playas, no adobe dirt can be found. The The basic basic procedure procedure for for making making adobe adobe brick brick is is as as follows follows (see (see Figure Figure 6.5): Form a mixing pit or use a mechanical mixer such as plaster mixer or 1. 1. pug mill suitable to mix enough mud for the forms that will be used. 2. Place adobe dirt in in the the pit pit and and mix mix with with water water and, and, if if desired, desired crop crop residues. 3. Mix the mud thoroughly thoroughly by by hand hand or or by by aa oiechanical mechanical mixer. mixer. 4. Put the forms on level ground and place a fine layer of sand, sand straw, straw, or paper under the molds to facilitate removal of dried bricks. 5. Add the adobe mixture and smooth it level with the top of the form. The adobe mud should should be be stiff stiff enough enough to to keep keep the the bricks bricks fr'm fr'm slumping slumping 6. too too much, much, yet yet plastic plastic enough enough to to conform conform easily easily to to the the mold mold shape. shape. Pull off the forns forms and let dry several days before standing them on Pull edge to complete drying, approximately 1 to 2 weeks. 7. After the bricks are completely dry, they may be immediately 8. They should should be be stacked stacked on on edge, edge, and and no no more more than than stacked and stored. They atacked If the bricks are going to be stored four high to minimize breakage. long long time time in in the the open, open, it it may may be be desirable desirable to to cover cover the the bricks bricks with with aa proof sheet of plastic or tar paper. used, or three three or or for a waterwater- Before proceeding with large—scale production of bricks, several test bricks should be made to determine whether the mix proportions are satisfacTest bricks made should be able to withstand dropping from a a couple of couple of tory. feet after completely drying. If the block is not satisfactory, the mixture muet be adjusted by either adding àlay, must âlay, reducingsand content, addingcrop residue, or instance). instance). reeidue, or tempering tempering (allowing (allowing the the mixture mixture to to soak soak overnight, overnight, ffor There are no specific dimensions for adobe bricks. Some suggested sizes are 14l4xlOx4in. x 10 x 4 in. (355 x 150 x 102 mm), 8 x 4 x 4 in.(200xlOOxlOOinm), (200 x 100 x 100 mm), are (3SSxlSOxlO2mm),8x4x4in. Somewhere within this range, a block and 12 x 6 x 4 in. (300 x 150 x 100 mm). Size satisfactory size Bati8factory for most situations can be found. The properties of the block will depend on the type and amount of sand, in general, have eilt, clay, and crop residue in the mixture. But mud bricks, In silt, low weathering resistance, resistance, and and high high thermal thermal insulainsulalow compressive strength, 8trength, low weathering tion value. Adobe brick production is a labor—intensive process, when rapid produc— producIt is an Imposing, imposing, time—consuming task to manually mix tion is desired. Although, if necessary, only a few few people people enough mud for an entire building. Although, 6—18 \ PLACE ADOBE DIRT IN MX THE MUD THOROUGHLY BY HAND. OR MIX MECHANICALLY. PLACE THE FORM ON LEVEL GROUND 8 PLACE A ANE LAYER OF SAND ON THE BOTTOM. FORM TYPES. ADO THE ADOBE MIXTURE TO THE FORMS. SMOOTH OFF LEVEL WITH THE TOP OF THE FORMS. PULL OFF THE FORMS B LET DRY SEVERAL DAYS. AFTER THE BRICKS ARE THE rr a MIX WITH WATER. _ Th. Figure 6.5. 6—19 Adobe. COMPI..ETELY DRY (1-2 WEEKS) THEY SHOULD BE STACKED B STORED. could could complete complete the the job job in In an an expanded expanded time time frame. frame. For Instance, instance, according according to. to Little in Demonstration Demotstration of Stabilized Mud Brick in Egyptian Village Housing, HouBing, three people can manually produce eight bricks per minute.* Thus, the more manpower, the more rapidly the blocks can be produced, provided adequate volumes of raw material are available. The chief use of adobe brick is as a load—bearing wall component. Adobe centurieB. brick has been the major building unit in the Middle East for centuries. In fact, most rural construction in the Middle East consists of adobe brick construction. However However adobe adobe brick, brick, as as all all other other types types of of brick, brick, may may also also be be used used in infill construction, which is covered later. Basic Basic adobe adobe construction constuction starts starts with with the foundation. foundation. Refer to Figure 6.19 for details of the foundation, wall, and roof. A complete poured coneon— crete slab, glab, concrete concrete footing, footing, heavy heavy concrete concrete block, block, or or rock rock may may be be used used as as aa crete foundation. The complete poured slab will be the most stable, and the rock foundation foundation the the least least stable. stable. In region8 regions where where freezing freezing and and thawin,g thawing will will occur, occur, it it is is imperative imperativeto to.get get the the footing footing below below the the frost fro8t line line so so that that heaving heaving and and buckling buckling of of the the foundafoundation tion will will not not occur. occur. To help strengthen the foundation, steel reinforcing, if available, may may be be added. added. But in available, In regions reglon8 where there is little or no chance of freezing or thawing, such as hot desert climates, there is little need for a deep footing. Next, a stem Stem to raise the wall above the footing must be added in all areas where water, either surface drainage or groundwater, will be a problem. Important since water viii will destroy an adobe wall. This is important Poured concrete or concrete block block filled filled with with concrete concrete or or earth earth may may be be used used to to build build aa stem. stem. concrete It should be high enough above ground level to keep the adobe away from water. If concrete block filled with earth is used as a stem, a cap of concrete should be added to the top of the stem to prevent capillary action of groundwater up through the earth in the stem. If desired, deBired, reinforcement may be added to increase increase the the strength strength of of the the stern. stem. If necessary, neceaBary, rock may be used as gtem; most early adobe buildings did use this thiB material. a stem; If rock is used as a stem and mud a asaa-mortar, -mottar,the therocks rocksshould shouldbe• be flat to to prevent prevent settlement settlement of of the the foundation foundation and and stem stem caused caused by by the the shifting shifting of of uneven rock3 when the mortar gets wet. Concrete mortar, mortar will will alleviate alleviate this thiB problem if it is available. added to Finally, the adobe wall is added to the the top top of of the the stem. Traditionally, mud mortar is used as a binding agent, but cement or lime mortar can also be used (Table 6.2). If desired, extra strength may be added to the wall by using steel, wood, or bamboo reinforcement when available. However, standard adobe construction in regions that are not earthquake prone does not require any special reinforcement forcement —— unless, for some other reason, unusually high lateral loads are * * Arthur Arthur Little, Demonstration Demonstration of of Stabilized Stabilized Mud Mud Brick Brick in in Egyptian D. Little, Egyptian Village Village Housing (Cambridge, Massachusetts, Technical Cooperation Administration, 1961). 1961). 6—20 Table 6.2 Mortar a Cement mortar.. mortar... 1 cement, 2—1/2 2-1/2 to to 33 sand sand (by (by volume), volume), 1—1/2 1—1/2 gal gal asphalt emulsion per sack of cement. cements 11 hydrated Cement—line mortar.... 1 cement, hydrated lime, lime, 44 sand. sand. soil that bricks are Cement—soil mortar.... 1 cement, 2 soil (use same soil made from), 3 sand, eand, 1—1/2 gal asphalt emulsion per sack of cement. Adobe mortar.......... The same mixture as the bricks are molded from. (Slow—curing and requires requtres working around the building, laying no more than 2 or 3 courses Courses and allowing adequate drying time.) anticipated. Wherever windows or openings in the walls are required, reqUired, plans should be made to provide support by using lintels (beams) over the top of the openings. When using mud as a mortar, do not lay more than about six layers of bricks on any one day in order to prevent the weight of the bricks from squeezing and compressing Compressing the mud in the joints before it sets. Adobe walls valla are not extremely stable, so tie—beams should be provided at the top of the walls to stabilize the structure. The thickness of exterior walls should be 12 in. (300 (300 unu), mm), or or no no less less than than one—tenth one—tenth the wall height. height. After the wall is complete, the roof must be added. Usually, roof Usually, roof beams beaa or joints are wooden; however,, steel, concrete, or other materials could be used if proper bearing plates are provided on the tops of the walls. •1any Many types of roofing materials may be used. lightweight materials, such as woods, sheet metals, corrugated asbestos cement sheets, and synthetics (plastic, the poor poor compressive compressive strength strength of of composites, etc.), are recommended due to to the the adobe. The advantages of adobe are as follows: — It — It is an indigenous material and is available over a wide range of areas in the Middle East. — t is is cheap Cheap and and has has good good thermal thermal resistance. resistance. It is a simple material material wtth with which which to to work. work. Native labor would be famfaa— iliar with with and and easily easily adapt adapt to to any any construction construction project project involving involving adobe. adobe. iliar 6—21 — It has simple production procedures. The disadvantages are; are: — It — It is not resistant to water. Groundwater or excessive precipitation (>30 in./yr (>30 in/yr L762 L762 aim/yr]) can easily damage it. has poor earthquake resistance unless special apecial reinforcement is added specifically to resist lateral forces. — — Some areas of the Middle East —— —— for instance, deserts and salt playas do do not not have have Boilsoil whichwhich could be could used to bemanufacture used to manufacture adobe bricks. adobe bricks. — Adobe bricks bricks have low compressive strength. Stabilized Soil Bricks: Although untreated untreated adobe adobe bricks bricks have have been been used used with with varying varying degrees degrees of of particular locality, locality, success, depending depending on On the the wether wether and environment success environment Of of aa particular adobe bricks brick8 treated with stabilizer such Buch as asphalt (rapid—curing road oil or emulsion) have increased strength and durability, and will require very little maintenance and upkeep.* The asphalt stabilizer treatment can be included in the existing exi8ting methods of manufacturing sun—dried bricks with a minirm of special equipment or skill. Stabilized and unstabilized adobe bricks have eaBentially essentially the same soil soil In general, soils soile and organic organic matter matter are are usually not containing containing aa high high percentage percentage of of loam, loam silt, and well—suited for adobe bricks. The soluble salts Balts and organic material are detrimental to the quality of bricks and should 8hOuld be avoided. Soils which consist primarily of sand and clay are usually most satisfactory for adobe constabilizerB such Buch as cement, asphalt emulstruction. For stabilized brick, stabilizers sion, and lime are are used. used. requirements and can be made from a wide variety of soils. requirements silt, Specifications for soil aoil to be used for stabilized adobe bricks usually èall for a range of 55 to 75 percent sand and 25 to 45 percent fines (silt and clay). About 15 percent clay seems 8eems to be ideal. Sands are normally defined as material particlesizes particle8izes between a No. 4 and No. 200 sieve,and sieve, andfthesare• fineBare the material passing through a No. 200 sieve. Soil suitable for making adobe bricks exists over a wide range of the usually be found wherever there are popuMiddle East. Sources of adobe can uBually lated regions. However, in some remote regions, such as deserts and salt 8alt soil usable for adobe construction can be found. Availability of playas,no Boil stabilizers will depend on the locality; they may have to be imported. The manufacturing of stabilized soil bricks is similar to the manufacturing ing of of adobe adobe brick. brick. The only difference is in the addition of the stabilizer asphalt emulsion, cement, or lime. Additional information about producing etabilized bricks is provided below. stabilized — Institute of of Housing Housing Technology, Technology, The The Manufacture Manufacture of of Asphalt Asphalt International Institute ** International Emulsion Emulsion Stabilized Stabilized Soil Soil Bricks Bricks (California (California State State University, University, 1978), 197B). pp 8. 8. 6—22 1. Asphelt stablized brick. Rapid—curing road oil (RC—250) Ia preferred to a. Road oil stabilizer. medium—curing road oil (MC—70) because it permits a shorter drying period for the bricks. The amount of stab. Determining the amount of stabilizer necessary. bilizer required for mixing can be determined by field tests. It is suggested that one mixes several batches of soil with amounts of stabilizer varying from 1 percent to 3 percent for RC—250, or 2 percent to 6 percent for emulsion. Three 2—in.—diameter x 2—in.—high (50.8 mm x 50.8 mm) and three 4—In. x 8—in. x 16—in. (101.6 mm x 203.2 mm x 406.4 mm) bricks should be made from each batch for compressive and modulus of rupture tests, which can be done by using the set—up shown in Figures 6.6 and 6.7. If the amount of stabilizer required is greater than 3 percent for RC—250 or S to 6 percent for emulsion, the soil probably will not be satisfactory for brick making because of excessive cracking. It is suggested that a power mixer Mixing devices and facilities. c. (such as a pug mill or plaster mixer) be used for making stabilized brick If a power mixer Is since it will assure a more uniform mixture consistency. A not available) hand tools such as hoes, rakes, and shovels may be used. A mixing device havcement mixer is not suitable for mixing adobe brick mud. ing a rotating shaft with paddles attached, which may be locally produced, is best for proper blending of adobe ingredients. TOTAL LOAD ON SPECIMEN WL + WI Of' LOAD BEAM (50*APPROX) A Figure 6.6. CompressIve strength test set—up. 6—23 Figure 6.7. Modulus of rupture test set—up. Adequate space must be provided for both mixing and drying. The brick drying area must be level and provide enough room for the number of adobe bricks being produced. The surface of the drying area should contain a layer of sand, straw, or paper (which is preferable) placed under the molds to facilitate removal of dried bricks. Basic mixing procedures using mechanical equipment. d. Screened soil is placed in the mixer. Water is then gradually added to the soil while the mix— lag shaft is turning. While the soil is being thoroughly soaked with water, asphalt stabilizer is added to the mud and mixed until no dark streaks of asphalt are visible in the mixture. More water is added and mixed into the mud until the thoroughly wet adobe has a thick plastic consistency. To determine the proper molding consistency, a groove can be cut in the mixed mud (small test pats about 1/2—in. [12.7' mm)' thick) with8 V—shaped stick. If the sides of the groove are not smooth, more water is required in the mixture. If the groove closes, the mixture is too wet and more dry soil is required. If the sides of the groove are smooth and bulge out, the mixture contains the proper amount of water and soil. Hand molding. The mixed adobe mud is carefully dumped from the e. wheelbarrow into the compartments of the brick mold. The mud is then worked into all portions of the compartments to formamooth brick surfaces. Alter the top of the model has been smoothed and leveled by hand or with the straight edge of a piece of wood, the mold is carefully lifted from, the brick. f. Drying bricks. A hot, dry climate over long periods of time is most favorable for curing stabilized adobe bricks. However1 on very hot1, dry1 or windy days, when rapid surface drying occurs, bricks may crack. Paper or Straw protective covering on the wet bricks will slow down the drying process. After the bricks have dried for a few days, they will be strong enough to be 6—24 turned turned on on one one edge edge to to proaiote promote drying. Normally, it will take about 30 days to dry bricks thorughly. thorugh1y. However, however, one one can can determine determine when when brl.ck8 bricks are are ready for 8electi. 8amples use by selecti., samples at at random1 random1 breaking breaking the the bricks bricks in in half, half, and end examining examining their centers for dryness. 2. Cement stabilized soil brick. The mixing mixing of of the the soils soils for for celDent cement stabilized bricks briek8 is somewhat 8omewhat similar to that for asphalt bricks, but the forming of the brick is quite different. The mixing procedure begins with the selection of the proper soil, according accordirg to Table 6.3. i8 selected, it should be crumbled up Once the soil is up and and sieved sieved through through aa No. 4 (5—mm) (5—mm) sieve. sieve. It can be mixed either manually, or mechanically in plasmixer8. ter mixers. Four to eight percent cement should be added to the soil. Also, enough water should be added to get the soil 8011 to about 12 percent moisture concontent. tent. After thorough combining, the mixture is ready. Next, the bricks can be formed in blockmaking presses. There are two basic types of presses: conconstant pressure and constant volume. With con8tant constant pressure machines, reduction of the volume of soil placed in the machine will result in the reduction of the size of the block produced. However, with constant volume machines, reduction of the volume of soil placed in the machine will result in under— compacted blocks of low density. Once the block is formed it should be allowed to cure for several weeks. The resulting strength of the block is directly related to to the the pre88ure pressure used used to to compact compact the the block.. block. Typical strengths 8trengths Table 6.3 Property Limits* Properties Areas of Rain Over 30 in./yr Area of Medium or Low Rain Not les8 less than 33% 5—20% 5—20Z Not less than 40% 40Z 5—30% 5—3O 10—14% 7—16% Di8tribution by weight: Distribution Sand Sand Clay Ideal moisture Ideal content Grain size distribution: Clay, loam Sand, gravel Not more than 30% 3OZ Not lesa lees than 70% Girgis and *Aziz Girgis and M. M. El—Hifnawi, El—Hifnawi, Rural Rural Low Low Cost Cost Houeing: Housing: Bricks and Wall Units Industry in Egypt (Cairo, General Organization for Housing Building and Planning Research), p. 43. 6—25 range from .15 ksi to 40 40 MN/rn) MN/rn) for for stabilized stabilized soil soil ksi to to 5.80 5.80 kai kai (1.0 (1.0 MN/tn2 w/tn2 to blockg.* blocks.* Once cured, the blocks are ready for use. Lime—stabilized soil brick. Lime—stabilized soil brick production is 3. Boil bricks. Once the soil has quite similar to that for cement—stabilized soil been been selected aelected according according to to specifications specificationB stated stated in in the the cement—stabilized cement—etabilized secsection, test bricks containing a range from 2 percent to 6 percent lime should be made. Several moisture contents in the 12 percent to 20 percent range should also be tried. Once the optinium optimum percentages percentage8 of of lime lime and and water are established, same steps etepe as ae in in concrete concrete established1, mass ma8s production production should 8hould proceed proceed with the eame stabilized soil bricks. The properties of stabilized soil bricks will depend on the type and Aephalt—stabilized bricks amount of of soils, soils, stabilizers1, stabilizers, and and water water in in the mix. Asphalt—stabilized tend to be more water—resistant than cement— or lime—stabilized bricke — presaureB, >2.32 >2.32 ksi unless high compaction pressures, ksi (>16 the proproit/in2), are are used used in the (>16 MN/rn2)1 duction of stabilized stabilized soil soil bricks. bricks. The labor required to produce asphalt—stabilized aøphalt—stabilized bricks is identical to that required for adobe brick production: if large volume is desired, a large lirge amount of labor will be required. The labor required for production of cement or lime lime stabilized stabilized soil soil bricks bricks will will depend depend on on the the equipment equipment available. available. If or many blockmaking presses and much labor were available, large volumes of block could be produced. Approximately Approximately two two to to three three people people per per blockmaking blockaking press would be required to optimize production. The primary use of stabilized soil brick is as a load bearing wall component and as a non—load—bearing component in inf ill construction. The basic procedure for construction with stabilized soil Boil brick Is is the same as that used for adobe construction; refer to paragraph Stabilized soil brick is advantageous because: — Most of of the the uiaterial material used used is is Indigenous indigenou8 — — — — It It It It is inexpensive is durable is more waterproof than standard adobe provides good insulation. insulation. Stabilized soil bricks have several disadvantages: di8advantages: — They have poor poor earthquake earthquake resistance resistance unless unless special special reinforcetnent reinforcement is is added specifically to resist lateral forces. * 11. N. C. Lunt, Stabilized Soil C. 8il Blocks Blocksfor forBuilding Building(Carston, (Garsto, Watford, WD27JR, Research Establishment, 1980), p 11. Research 11. Building Building 6—26 6-26 — Some areas of the Middle East, for instance deserts and salt playas, are totally deid of any soil which could be used to manufacture adobe bricks. — The time required to produce and cure stabilized bricks may be prohibi- tive. — Their properties vary due due to to variations variations in in types type8 of of soils. soils. Cement—required for for the the production production of of cement—stabilized cement—stabilized brick brick may ay not not be available. In earthquake—prone regions, standard block construction can be problematic due to its inability to withstand strong Btrong lateral forces. — 6.3.4 SuZphur Concrete Instead of using Portland cement to bind sanda sand& and aggregates to produce Portland cement concrete, sulphur can be used to produce sulphur concrete. Materials and methods for producing sulphur concrete are described below:. Elemental sulfur: dark grade, standard bright grade, or laboratory grade AggregateB: Aggregates: Coarse Fi n Fink Modifiers: Dicyclopentadiene (DCPD) Dipentene (DP) (1W) Oligomers Oligotoers (heavier (heavier fractions fractions from from DCPD DCPD manufacturer) manufacturer) Traditionally, sulphur sources are located underground in regions of past or present volcanic activity. However, today more and more sulphur is being produced as a byproduct of the desulphurization of oil, natural gas, and power It is estimated that by the year 2000, 85 to 90 percent of plant plant emissions. emissionG. all sulphur production will come from secondary sources such as power plant scrubbers and refineries.* Thus, the Middle East region is inadvertently becoming aa large large producer producer of of sulphur. sulphur. Large volumes of sulphur are currently becoming En and stockpiled near oil and natural gas refinery areas.. In being produced being addition, several areas of the Middle East are also large mined—sulphur producers. The availability of aggregates varies from region to region of the Middle In certain areas, such as salt -playas and sand dunes, many types of aggregates aggregates may may be be nonexistent. nonexistent. However, sulphur concrete will allow the use of chloride— and sulphate—containing aggregates, which may be unsuitable for It is generally suggested that each aggregate sysportland cement concrete. tem considered considered should should be be evaluated evaluated for for its its coEnpatibility compatibility with with sulphur sulphur and and aggregates may be unacceptable since they react cheEnically Some aggregates may be unacceptable since they react chemically modifiers. with sulphur. Also, aggregates that contain swelling clays are not suggested. East. * in Sulphur Concrete Concrete Technology Technology to to Industry, Industry," in Bureau of Mines Transfers Transfers Sulphur "U.S. Bureau The The Sulphur Research & Development, ed. J. S. Platou (Washington, D.C.: Sulphur Institute, 1979), p 5. 6—27 In general, liiiestone limestone aggregates aggregates give give higher higher strength strength and and better better freeze—thaw freeze—thaw resistance, and quartz aggregates give better corrosion resistance. Modifiers are used in sulphur concrete to correct two problems: brittleness and combustibility. A commonly used modifier, dicyclopentadiene (DCPD), corrects both of these problems. Other commonly used modifiers are dipentene (DP) and oligoiners, oligomers, which which are are heavier heavier fractions fractions from from the the manufacturing manufacturing of Since these these are are modern modern commercially commercially produced produced chemicals, chemicals, it it may may be be DCPD.* Since assumed that any large quantity of modifier required in the Middle East will have to be shipped into the area. During manufacturing, modifiers must be added to optimize the performance conatruetion for short duraof sulphur concrete. However, when considering construction sulphur tions, it might be conceivable to use unmodified sulphur to produce sulphur concrete. According to research done by John M. Dale, elemental sulphur has chart is is aa section section reasonable structural properties of its own. The following chart of a test data chart produced by Dale.** LA3ORATORY TEST DATA DATA (Specimen Age at Test is 1 day) Grade of Sulphur Tensile Strength (Avg) psi (KN/m) Compressive Strenth (Avg) psi (KN/m ) Modulus of Rupture (Avg) psi (KN/m2) Dark Standard Bright Laboratory 147 (1014) 178 178 (1227) (1227) 163 (1124) 3030 (20891) 3010 (20753) 3430 (23649) 275 (1896) 108 (745) 113 (779) The strengths exhibited in the above tests show that reasonably good strength8 strengths can can be be achieved achieved with with sulphur sulphur alone. alone. Thus even if only sulphur were available, sound structural materials could be developed. However, unmodified 8ulphur does present some problems. sulphur Elemental sulphur is not fire—resistant, In addition, when sulphur sulphur burns burns it it produces produces harin harmaddition, when and it tends to be brittle. ful gases such as hydrogen sulfide and sulphur 8ulphur dioxide. But if modifiers and modifying equipment are not available, unmodified first step step -in: -in using using unmod•i— -unmodi— sulphur concrete could be the only solution. The first meltitg equipment is fled fied sulphur is to acquire the raw materials. Then, melting needed. This typically consists of a standard concrete mixer with liquid or (LP) gas, natural gas, or gas, natural gas burners located around the drum. Liquid propane (LP) any other fuel source can be used to heat the drum. The only problem that arises from using conventional concrete mixers is from the additional heat the hot drum to the grease in the bearings transferred from from the bearings of of the the unit. unit. The transferred bearings must be closely watched and lubricated liberally if the grease starts melting. eltiug. * "U.S. * Bureau of of Mines Mines Transfers Transfers Sulphur Sulphur Concrete Concrete Technology Technology to to Industry," Industry," in in "U.S. Bureau Sulphur Research Re8earch & Development, ed. J. S. Platou (Washington, D.C.: The Sulphur Institute, 1979), p 5. **J. M. Dale, "Determination of the Mechanical Properties of Elemental Sulfur," fur1" Materials Research & Standards, Standards1 Vol 1 (January 1961), p 25. 6—28 Onct the proper raw materials and equipment are located, the production of unmodified sulphur concrete corcrete can proceed. proc€ed. The aggregate Is is added first to the mixer a'z is brought up to the desired mixing temperature range of 266 to A 25 percent percent sulphur sulphur and and 75 75 percent percent aggregate aggregate A mix mix of of 25 302°F (1.30 302°F (1.30 1o to 150°C). 150°C). However, However, the the most moGt effective method method would iou1d be be to to try try several several can be can be used.* used.* mixes with mixes with difffereiit different sulphur sulphur and and aggregate aggregate ratios. ratios. The sulphur should be allowed to thoroughly melt and mix with the aggreEither poured—in—place sulphur conThen the mix Is is ready to pour. If sulphur con— crete or sulphur concrete block can be formed with the mix. crete blocks are desired, metal molds that can be separated must be acquired. Molds that produce interlocking block or standard 8— x 8— x 16—In. 16—in. (200— x insides of of the the mold mold should should block may be used. 200— xx !.OO—mm) iOO—mm) structural used. The irLsides 200— structural block The sulphur concrete be lightly oiled before adding the sulphur concrete. wLll achieve full strength In in about 1 hour; however, they can be blocks wIll relnoved from from the the motds molds in in as few minutesafter aftercasting.** casting.** Thus, with renoved fe aas1010ninutea only a few molds, fairly fair'y rapid production can be achieved. gates. Pur€d—frl—place Poured—fri—placesulphur sulphur concrete concrete Is is placed placed like like ordinary ordinary concretes concrete, but but due the hardening of of the the sulphur, sulphur, the the mixture mixture must must be be quickly quickly worked worked qutck hardening due to t' the quick aproximately 11 hour hour the the sulphur sulphur concrete concrete will will reach reach full full into place. In apjroximately into place. Poured—in—place sulphur concrete is excellent for foundations, .ctrngt1. strength. footings, slabs, and other structural materials. If modifiers such as DCPD are available, it would be extremely beneficial When modifiers iodifiere such 8uch as to to incorporate incorporate them them into Into the the sulphur sulphur concrete concrete mix. mix. DCPD are ar added added in in adequate adequate quantities, quantities, the the sulphur concrete becomes becomes fire— fire— and flexible. resistant flexible. The addition of 2 percent to 5 percent DCPD modifier resistant and is a a re.isonably reasonably complex chemical coiiiplex chemicalreaction reactionwhich whichrequires requires that that the the temperature temperature If the the temperature temperature exceeds exceeds 284°F 284°F (140°C), (140°C), the the mix mix exceed 284°F (140°C). If not exceed not The advantages advantages of of using using modified modified sulphur sulphur cement cement become stiff stiff and and rubbery. rubbery. The my b€coue may below.+ are exeniplified exeiplified in in the the properties properties given given in in the chart below.+ SuJphur concrete can be poured In Sulphur in place like ordinary portland concrete, Labor block can be formed if the proper mold mold is is available. available. or any '1e block can be formed if the proper or ally size required to pour sulphur concrete would be similar to that for portland cement rquird to If mixing equipment equipment is i available, available, men men will will be be needed needed to load and concrete. concrt. operate the equipment and to transfer the sulphur cement to the work aite. equipment and to transfer the sulphur cement to the work ate. Also, Also, men men will will be be needed needed to to work work the the cement cement Into Lnto place. place. If sulphur cement blocks are going to be produced, the labor requited will vary depending on the desired. production volume desirea. Alvaro Alvaro "Sulphur CoElcretes Concretes in Ortega, "Sulphur in the the Arabian Arabian Desert," Desert," in in Sulphur Sulphur Research & Development, ed. J. S. Platou (Washington, D.C.: The Sulphur Institute, 1979), p 14. **Alvaro Ortega, "Sulphur Concretes In in the Arabian Desert," in Sul?hur S. Platou (Washington, D.C.: The Sulphur InResearch && DeveLpment, Development, ed. ed. 1. 3. S. Reeacch 14. stItute, 1979), 1979), pp 14. stItute, + Frun Sullivan,Development Development pialied McBeeand andThomas Thomas A. A. Sullivan, of of Specialized C. 1Be Frun William William C. (Washington, of Mines Report of Investigations 8346 Sulfur Concretes, Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 8346 (Washington, Sulfur Bureau Departrent of the Interior, Interiors 1979), p 12. U.S. Departrent D.C., U.S. * * 6—29 Properties of Properties of Aggregate Sulphur (pct) Silica Silica Silica Silica Limestone Limestone Litneetone Limestone Limestone 24 26 22Ml* 22&* 24M1 22 24 21M1 23M 23M1 Sulphur Concrete Materials Strength, Stretgth) psi Compressive Flexural 5075 7280 5310 5310 6120 6740 6855 7990 9020 Tensile 845 845 905 1220 1220 1335 700 810 1235 1330 730 830 775 760 760 795 760 815 895 Specific Specific Gravity Gravity 2.3409 2.40t2 2.4012 2.2132 2.2306 2.4762 2.4762 2.4974 2.4364 2.4281 2.4281 de9ignatee sulphur designates aulphur that has hae been reacted with 5 percent dicyc1opntadiene. dicyclopntadiene. Sulphur concrete can be used to form block or poured—in—place structures. Sulphur concrete block block may may be be used used as as aa load load bearing bearing wall wall component component or or as as aa non-load bearing component in inf Ill non—load ill construction. The basic procedure for construction with hollow 8— x 8— x 16—in. (200— x 8ulphur concrete block is iB the same 9ame procedure used in concrete 200— x 400—nim) sulphur block construction. Cement mortar, lime mortar, or sulphur bonding may be used to join the block. If interlocking block is used, little or no bonding may be required. The procedure for sulphur concrete poured—in—place construction is identical to the procedure procedure for for portland portland cement cement construction, construction, except except quick quick cooling cooling of of the the sulphur sulphur concrete concrete will willcreate create9olne•problems.. soineproblems.. Therefore, Therefore,•special special conconsideration will have to be given since sulphur Bulphur concrete will cool quickly and thus set up before being worked Into into place. The advantage8 advantages of sulphur concrete are as follow8: follows: — plentiful in in the the Middle Middle East East Sources of sulphur are plentiful — The blocks have good compressive strength — Only sulphur and aggregate are needed to produce blocks — The blocks blocks are are waterproof waterproof — Sulphur can be stored outdoors outdoor8 with no loss of value 6—30 6—30 — Sulphur concrete can easily be recycled by simply reheating. The disadatages of sulphur concrete are as follows: — UnmodifLed sulphur concrete can burn and produce noxious gases UnmodiHed is unsatisfactory for Modified sulphur concrete can melt and therefore i8 any structure which would normally experience temperatures above approximately 234°F (113°C) — Conventional cement and asphalt equipment can be used but must be adapted to sulphur concrete — — Separable ceramic or metal molds are required to produce blocks Modifiers are required to produce a sulphur concrete which will not burn or fail in In a brittle manner — — Modifiers will probably not be available unless they are shipped and brought to the area where they will be used. 6.3.5 Other Local Construction Materiala Materials Sand—Lime Brick: Sand—lime brick can be found in some Bome parts of the Middle East, such as Blocks It is made of silica sand, quick lime, and water. Kuwait and Qatar. vary greatly in size from region to region, but several common sizes are 222 x 108 x 66.7 mm, 250 x 130 x 60 mm, and 222 x 108 x 139 mm. The chief uses of sand—lime (calcium silicate) brick in the Middle East are as both non—load— bearing and load—bearing wall components. However, in load—bearing applicaSand—lime brick may 8tory tall. tions, the structure is usually not over one story also be used in In infill construction. Stone Block: Many different types of stone can be found throughout the Middle East. Sandstones also are are common common in in are common in Israel and Egypt. Israel. Many types of stones, such as limestone, sandstone,. sandatone,. dolomite, and marble, are presently mined in many areas. Thus, in addition to untapped natural stone sources, there are operating quarries throughout the area. Stone bl.ock block may may be be used used for for many many purposes, purposes, but mainly stone stone blocks blocks are are u8ed used as as load—bearing wall components. Stone blocks may also be used in infill conatone block struction as wall wall fillers. fillers. The basic procedure for constructing a stone building is similar to the procedure used in adobe construction. Limestones Limestones Wood: In general, it is safe to assume that no wood will be available for major In fact, however, some woods may be construction projects in the Middle East. The natural habitats of deciduous available in some parts of the Middle East. 6—31 are located located in in the the mountains mountains and and and coniferou8 coniferous trees trees suitable suitable for for 8awn 8awa tiakber timber are highland plains of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, and Turkey. International trade statistics* stati8tic8* and individual country surveys** surveya** show that forestry and wood conversion conversion industries industries exist exist in in theee these countries, countries, although although it it cannot cannot be be asgutned assumed that supplies of sawn timber are necessarily available. Pakistan is attempting reforestation, reforeatation, although some earlier plantations have been destroyed for firewood. firewood. coabtal and low—lying areas of the region are sources sourcea of roundwood The coastal from palm trees treea of various species. These These areas areas support support the the growth growth of of coconut, oil, and especially date palms —— the basis baBiB of a diversifying diversifying agriagricultural industry. Although unsuitable for sawn timber, palm tree trunks have always been a traditional building material, used ueed for columns and as floor and atd roof beams. Small roundwooda, called "bally poles" in Iran, varying in diameter from about 2 to 6 in. (51 to 152 imu), are used u8ed traditionally for rafters, raftera, purline, purlins, and and po8ts. posts. They come from a local poplar—like tree, and thus are generally straight and èuitable for these purposes. ia not normally normally recommended recommended in in hot, hots dry dry regions region8 of of .SWA Wood is is .SWA because it is unavailable unavailable locally locally and and much much would would be be wa8ted wasted due due to to the the combination combination of of high high Bolar radiation and low humidity. However, if lumber is imported for consolar structing gome some of of the the required required buildittgs, buildings, such such as as AFCS AFCS facilities, facilitie9, certain certain steps may be taken to minimize the problem. These steps ateps are given below: 1. Utmost Utmost care must be taken to to limit limit waste waste due to cutting, etc. be taken ittatance, aa centralized centralized cutting cutting yard yard may be used. instance, used. For If wood wood is is used, used the the stud8 studs must must be be used used as a soon soon a asthe the bands bands around around the stud package are broken to reduce wood stud loss losa caused by warping. (Do not untie the bands banda until the studs studa are ready to be used.) 2. 3. The rame must must be bewrapped wrapped immediately immediately with with some some material material to to ahield shield it it The frame from the suns suas direct rays raya to prevent warping and cracking. 4. Sidings should be installed inatalled as soon as aa wall framings framinga are completed. 5. normally is A raised foundation which requires wood norially is not not recommended. recommended. Pole Construction: Construction: Figure 6.8 illustrates 6.3.5,4 Pole illustratea the construction of the main frame of a building utilizing roundwood poles embedded in the ground. The advantage of pole construction is that the cantilevered poles reduce the need for bracing, which is important when the building contains no internal walls. Spacing of the poles will be determined by the enclosing wall system system selected. selected. Roof Timbers: Timbers: The Roundwood Roundwood Roof The use useofof tree tree trunks trunks and and large large poles poles is is aa traditional form form of floor and roof support in the traditional the Middle Middle East. East. Figure 6.9 illustrates illustrates aa cantilevered cantilevered timber timber floor floor in in an an urban urban house house in in Iraq. Iraq. Roof Foreign Trade Statistica of Trade Statistics of Asia and Pacific (United Nations, 1978). **The Middle East and North Africa 1981—82: A Survey and Directory (London, Europa Publications 1981). Publications Ltd., Ltd., 1981). * 6—32 I 0 SCALE I/4.I'-O 4, FOR TIE BEAM 5 WALL GIRTS 4. Figure 6.8. SLAB POURED AFTER POLES ERECTED Roundwood poles. ROUNDOOO USED FOR SEAM S W4U. GIRTS SOFT SOILS HARD SOILS REQUIRED FOR SOFT SOILS I SOILS5 FEE SOlLS3 FEE Figure 6.9. Trad1tinl u1or construction (Iraq). —34 construction by this method will require heavy external supporting walls, particularly if the traditional method is carried out to the extent of using packed earth, on bearers, for the roof itself. This method can be used with masonry or thick adobe wall materials, or if the building is buried to some extent. Cement—Asbestos Panels: They are These can be used In conventional ways and as roof coverings. more suitable than metal panels in the desert since there is leBs heat gain in If used, they should be the material itself, and because they do not corrode. insulated or shaded, depending on the application. Figure 6.10 shows an application of cement—asbestos panels in which they are buried about 3 ft (1 m) in the ground to form cantilevered walls. 6.4 Prefabricated Structural Systems Prefabrication is production of buildings or parts of buildings before Prefabrication may be used for expediency, their installation on the site. efficiency, or convenience when applicable. Prefabrication can take place in highly mechanized factories but also at temporary locations with minimal equipment and protection, as circumstances dictate. Figure 6.10. Cement—asbestos panels. 6—35 In Borne countries of the Middle East, there is considerable experience with prefabrication, including Israel, Turkey, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia; new prefabricating plants are constantly being established at industrial centers and construction sites throughout the region as the market demands. Prefabrication in certain Middle East locations is as common as on—site or "conventional" construction. construction. Therefore, locally produced prefabricated buildings should be investigated for possible use in a base development. Another problem common to lightweight structures is the desert wind which can reach almost hurricane force in some regions. It is essential to anchor buildings securely to the ground with cables and ground anchors. Caution must be used, however. Although prefabricated relocatable buildlightweights and their walls, ings used for offices or barracks generally are lightweight, roof, and floor systems are adequately insulated, they will function well and provide comfortable working or living quarters only if they are cooled mechanically. Without mechanical cooling, the interior temperatures will rise above daring some parts of the the outside air temperature and' become intolerable during day day due due to to high high solar solar radiation radiation and and heat heat generated generated by by the the occupants occupants (see (See paraparagraph 6.2.5). 6.5 Tents GnraZ. GenraZ. 6.5.1 Tent, General—Purpose, Medium, and Tent, General—Purpose, Large are two of the tents procured and available from depots for rapid issue. Tent, Extendable, Modular, Personnel (TEMPER tent) is being developed and ultimately will replace the medium and large general—purpose tents. Although the TEMPER tent tent has has greater greater flexibility flexibility for for use use in in different different environments, environments, the the informainformathe use use and and habihabition detailed here here covers covers expedient expedient modifications modifications to to iniprove improve the tability of the general—purpose tents in a desert environment. Information on the TEMPER tent is also provided. Tents can be very undesirable quarters In the desert because of high oir .olarradiation, radiation,desert desert winds, winds, and and insects. insects. However, However, tents tents a•è• ië required required for for th initial stage of military operations. To make maketents tents more more habitable, habitable, double roofs should be used, and the outer roof should be painted in light color, such as sand color when possible. Concrete floors under the tents can also make them more comfortable. Expedient Modification8 ofGeneral—Purpose Generczl—Purpos Tents Modification8 of Tents 6.5.2 The The modifications detailed here can be procured and stocked as a kit, and can be applied to the tent issued from depot atocks. stocks. The kit will consist of a multicolored fly, 14 extenders, and a lightweight ground cloth or floor. A liner must be used with the proposed propoaed kit to produce a more effective tent, end and mu8t be be requisitioned requisitioned on on aa one—to—one one—to—one basis basis for for the the tent. tent. Figure 6.11 shows must the basic tent with the liner, extenders, and fly in position. Multicolored Multicolored fly. fly. The fly must be made of a lightweight, vinyl— coated fabric. One side is to be sand—colored for use when the temperatures 1. 6—36 -4 yjgt b jt 1tnet. EXTtNORS will be in the normal desert range. The other side must be white to be used in desert extremes. The configuration of the fly is shown in Figure 6.12. Extender. The kit includes 14 extenders, which are to be used with the fly to form an insulating air space between the fly and the tent roof top. The extenders are used with the eave and door poles, as shown in Figure 6.11. The basic concept of the extender is shown in Figure 6.13. 2. 3. Ground cloth or floor. The kit includes a ground cloth which is to be used primarily for protection against crawling insects and small animals. The item must be made of a 12—oz (0.34—kg) forest—green, coated fabric. The dimensions and configuration of the ground cloth or floor must mu8t fit the interior of the tent. Instead of using ground cloth, a concrete floor under the tents can make the occupants more comfortable. 4 4. Use in desert environment. The The tent, to be effective in a desert desert environment, must: make maximum use of the screens in the liner and in the environments doors at each end. end. The fabric on each of the sidewalls must be separated at the ends, rolled back,and tied in place at the eaves with the-ties provided. ia each of the ends must be unrolled and positioned over Lhe door The screens Ia Lhe door openings. The screens and fly will lower the temperature of the a!r jr the a See Figure Figure 6.14 6.14 for for an an exatnple example of of tents tents used used by the EgypL. Ar.y Ar.y in a tent. environnent. desert environment. ir 5. On—site fabrication of kit. The fly, ground cloths cloth, or or floor, floor, and and extender can can be he made made on—site on—site by by aiaintenance maintenance personnel if the the requfred required basic basic extender materials tnd equipment are provided, provided. This may be a little difficult for the fly, since the multicolored, vinyl—coated fabric must be rolled and stitched to fc.rni to form the thedetailed detailed shape shape and and size. size. Grominets can be used at designated locations and tie ropes added. A machine shop is necessary to fabricate the extenders. The tube must be cut to the proper length and the ends drilled to accept the rod at one end and the pins on the poles at the other end. Welding equipmi'L is required to weld the pin to one end of the tube. equipmerl 6.5.3 Modular,Personnel Prsonwl Tv, ciendble, E±endble, Modular, The TE1FER tent can can be be used used wIthaut. witho.ut..modificatio.n .modificatio.n in In aa desert desert environment. environment. TEMPER tent This tent h:-s o types of covers. The tropical/desert type has windows and screens i c}i side For exaraple, example, aa 24—ft--long 24—ft—long screens s.tde and and on on both both sides sides of of the the roof. roof. For (7.32—rn) tent has 1-s 12 side and roof openings. Sidewall windows are complete with screens, and blackout blackout flaps. screens, glass, glass and flaps. Roof openings are provided with roll—up roll—up weather weather flaps. flaps. Each end of the tent has two windows with screens and glass, plus a door with a screen. A fly is also available in a basic 16—ft (4.88—in) length; length; additional additional fly fly sections sections are each 8 ft (2.4 (4.88—m) (2.4 m) m) long. long. Extenders are available for positioning the fly over the tent roof top. A ground cloth or floor is available in either a single layer or an insulated floor with a foam encased between two sheets of coated fabric. A liner with door or window openings is available. Another Another feature feature of of the the TE{PER TE{PER tent tent is is the transition section. This makes it possible to develop a complete shelter which which does does ijot not require require personnel personnel to go outside. A single—layer ground cloth or floor, plus the insulated floor and a frame—supported system are available for the transitton section. Also included is a flexible door for the open end of the transflion transition section section when when it it Is [s not not used used for for connecting connecting two tents. c}i 6—36 6—38 o. o. 0 0 _____— 0o Figure 6.12. 0 — 0 Q 0 —______ 0 p C oc 0 Fly configuration for tent, general—purpose, medium. 0 p 00 p 0 THROUGH HOLE HOLE FOR CAPTIVATING THROUGH PIN AND HITCH PIN HITCH ND HOLDER HOLDERASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY SLOT ONLY FOR CENTER POLE EXTENDERS Figure 6.13. Extender concept for for tents tents, general—purpose, general—purpose, large large and and medium. medium. 6—40 rr., - - Figure 6.14. tents. Egyptian Army tents. Figure 6.15 shows the TEMPER tent complete conplete with aa transition transition section. section. complete field field feeding feeding system. system. 6.16 shows this tent tent configured configured •for for aa complete Figure G'ow rchors for Tents 6.5.4 Sandy and rocky ground combined combined with with high high wind8 winds in in the the desert desert can cause cause problems with pitching pitching tents. prob1es with Possible solutions solutions to to the the problem problem are: are 1. Use of the deadman anchor for cohesionless soil such as sand or loose, silty soils. A deadman anchor consists of a steel rod or cable attached to a mass such as steel plates, steel I—beam, pipe, concrete blocks, etc., burled in the ground (Figure 6.17). 2. Use of corkscrew anchors if the required resistance force is not large (the corkscrew anchor is more suitable for clay—like soil). To provide anchorage in rock or rock—like soil, it is necessary to bore holes in the rock and grout in anchor bolts. 3. 4. Explosive charges charges can can also also be be used used to to break break up up the the rocks rocks or or hard hard install soils to install anchoring o1ls to anchoring devices. devices. 5. A wedge anchor embedded in an augered hole can also be used for rocky conditions. 6—41 Figure: 6.15. TEMPER tent 44 with transition. • •;. :' ; F 1: F: ! S Figure 6.16. A coniplete TEMPER tent system. a: I.1 PLATE Figure 6.17. 6.6 riPE ONCfEtE Ground anchors. Facility Design Drawings Plans, elevations, sections, and selected details of a typical 24—ft (7.3—rn) building are provided as an example for the block system construction (Figures 6.18 through 6.20). 6-44 II II ii t A A c'.J I I PLAN I SECTiON A-A SECTION B-B ELEVATIONS Figure 6.18. Typical 24—ft—wide 6—45 (7.3—in) building. CONCRETE BLOCK Figure 6.19. Wall sections. (JNSTABILIZED ADOBE STABiLIZED ADOBE / 4= Figure 6—20. Concrete block, precast concrete, and poured—in—place concrete roof system. 6—47 CHAPTER CHAPTER 7 —— HORIZONTAL CONSTRUCTION 7.1 7.1 General Historically, TO construction has played a paramount role in providing Movement of these units the logistical support needed by U.S. combat units. and 8upport support units within a theater depends on lines of communications (LOC). Because of the limited number of existing roads and the difficulty of off—road niobility in mobility in some some desert desert areas, areas, considerable considerable effort effort may may be be required required to to con Con struct and maintain roads forward to maneuver units (FM 90—3, p 4—21). New or rehabilitated roads roada and airfields are key elements element8 in the mobility system (see capabilittes In in horizontal In addition, engineer capabilities TM 5—330 and TM 5—337 [Cl]). construction will be employed in excavation and construction of revetments for ammunition and petroleum—oil—lubricants (POL) storage, and in the repair of bonib—damaged or bomb—damaged or sabotaged sabotaged airfields. airfields. The harsh Mid—East environment presents present8 critical horizontal construction problems related to lack of water, temperature extremes, dust, lack of concon— 8truction materials, and soil conditions. Fine aggregate. aggregate is is generally generally abunstruction dant; however, natural coarse aggregate is characteristic of the alluvial fan and watercourse (wadi) areag. areas. A positive note is that very little bridging, Emphasis is culvert, and roadway drainage construction con8truction is required for LOC. on getting the maximum use out of existing facilities. To do this, it is necessary to have the capabilities to (1) repair bomb— damaged or sabotaged runways, (2) build or rebuild adequate all—weather damaged traffic surfaces without without bringing bringing in in large large amounts amounts of of construction construction materials, materials, (3) control dust, (4) estimate the future effects of heavy and sustained military traffic on road networks, (5) provide C—130 airstrips and heliports with minimum essential construction efforts, and (6) build a limited number of In In general, general, horizontal horizontal conconbridges (in (in some some scenarios, scenarios, perhaps perhaps none none at at all). all). bridges struction requires mat and membrane (see Table 7.1) as well as asphalt products, water (seawater will suffice for most requirements), and construction total base base developnient development would would be be extremely difficult difficult equipment in quantity. AA total equipment using only only indigenous indigenous materials. materials. using 7.2 Existing Construction Existing paved roads in developed areas will generally be structured for wheeled—vehicle traffic. The dominant characteristic of the area affecting Because some horizontal construction is the absence of existing roadways. This factor, coupled with poor areas are sparsely populated, few roads exist. off—road mobility in sand areas, increases the size of the road construction workload. Population centers (cities and large towns) are usually connected by paved roads that that are are fairly fairly modern modern and and adequate adequate for for heavy heavy traffic. traffic. In undeveloped areas, roads will be narrow (16 ft [5 mJ wide or less) and have thin pavements that will not stand up under use by tracked or heavy wheeled vehicles. vehicles. Consideration should be given to widening the shoulders of such roads Rnd using the shoulders for tracked-vehicle operations. 7—1 Table 7.1 Engineer Materials for Horizontal Construction (Available from Depot Sources.) Lságth L.ágth Item M19 .ediu •ediumduty duty M19 landing landing mat at .ftd •nd Weight Weight Ibu/ug (lbu/.g ft) it) 4.3 Width Depth (Iftche.) (Inches) (Ziche.) (Inches) 50.2, 49.5 1.5 Unit unit Unit Unit of of P5K PSN Issue lusue 5680—00—930—1524 *19 o of Iseue Issue Bundle 32 ]0418 medium duty ediua duty landing landing mat .at 4.9 144, 12 1.5 1.5 5680—00—089—7661 5680-00—089—7661 4—18 114—IS Bundle lundle 18 panels 18 148A1 light light duty duty MSA1 lending lending net at 7.5 7.3 141.75, 19.5 1.1 5680-00—782—5577 5680-00—782—3577 M8A1 148A1 Bundle 14 panels AM2 medium AM2 ediu duty duty lending mat lending at 6.3 144, 144, 12 12 1.5 1.3 5680—NAEL—613370-1 5680—NAEL—613370—1 A142 *142 Bud1e Bundle panelB 18 panels T17 Ti? membrane .e.brane 0.31 0.31 100 ft 100 it, 66 ft or 100 100 it, 36 ft 0.08 0.08 5680-00—921—5809 5680—00—921—5809 T—17 7—17 Roll ft, ft, 36 ft 7.3 panels penels 5680—00—921—5810 Roll Soils and Aggregates Fookes* concisely describes engineering properties of various geographic units found in desert areas in Figure 7.1 and Table 7.2. Figure 7.1 shows the four geographic zones into which most desert regions can be subdivided: Zone mountain slopes; slopes; Zones Zones U, II the the apron apron fan fan or or bajada; bajada;Zones ZonesIII, III the the alluvial alluvial I, mountain plain; the base plain, salt plain; and and Zone Zone IV, IV the plain, which which includes includessabkhas, sabkhas playas, playas salt playas, salinas salinas,and andsand—dune sand—dune areas. areas. Table 7.2 shows percentages of various playas types of of terrain terrain in in several several desert desert regions. regions. types The playas, playas which which usually usually have have aa deep deep water water tables table, have cemented cemented surfaces surfaces that that are are structurally structurally satisfactory satisfactory for for most most vehicle vehicle and and aircraft aircraft loads. loads. Because the soils are primarily silts, dust problems are severe. The sabkhas (coastal flats that are inundated by seawater at very high. tide) and salinas cenented surface crusts and water at shallow depths. While each usually have cemented each• has a cemented cenented crust, crusts its usefulness under heavy loads depends on the depth to water water because because the the material naterial below below the the water water table table is is usually usually quite quite weak. weak. The sandy areas consist of so—called desert flats and sand dunes. Together Together they they account account for for 20 20 to to 40 40 percent percent of of desert desert regions. regions. Windblown sand (0.06— to 0.6—mm grain size) can present a significant maintenance problem problen on roadways and and in in base base areas. areas. It It also also impedes impedes off—road off—road mobility mobility and airfields, airfields and of wheeled vehicles. Based on these geographic zones, the aggregates in the Mid—East have been classified classified into into eight eight major major categories: categories: beach sand, dune sand, sand Zone II, * * P. P. G. G. Fookes, Fookes, "Road "Road Geotechnics Geotechnics in in Hot Hot Deserts," Deserts," The The Highway Highway Engineer, Engineers nal No. 10 nal of of the the Institution Institution of of Highway Highway Engineers, Engineers, Vol Vol XXIII, XXIII, No. 10 (October (October 1976), pp 11—23. 11—23. l976) pp 7—2 - -AN DEPOSITS OVERLYING 1E ROCK PEDIMENT CANYON FAN INTERMITTENT STREAM YOUNG/ANCIENT ROCKS OU NE S UNCONFORMITY DESERT DEPOSITS SALT FLATS OR PLAVAS Figure 7.1. 1ock diagram of hot desert mount and plain terrain showing the four engineering zones (adapted from P. C. Fookes, "Road Geotechnics in Hot Deserts," The Highway Engineer Journal of the Institution of Highway Engineers, Vol XXIII, No. 10 [October 1976], pp 11—23). desert fill Zone IV, silty stone Zone III, fan gravel Zone It, sandy stone Zone III, and stone pavement Zone IV. Typical gradations of various sands and These aggregates found in these areas are shown in Figures 7.2 through 7.6. soil gradation data are provided for general guidance and are not Intended as a substitute for on—site investigations. Since laboratory equipment probably will not be available, field classification will be required. It is also important to be alert to sources of man—made and other materials to serve as aggregate for horizontal construction. These include cinder Such block, baked and adobe bricks, and tailing from quarry operations. materials may be crushed into smaller sizes by trafficking with heavy tracked vehicles such as tanks and dozers. 7.4 Horizontal Construction Techniques Certain techniques and guidance on design mixes for asphalt and portland cement materials that are peculiar to expedient construction In arid regions are described as follows. These general guidelines are not intended to take the place of field experimentation and application of engineering judgment in individual situations, but are mainly presented to provide general informaIn situations where suitable materials, aggregate, binder) and water tion. are available and time and equipment permit, then conventional construction procedures should be followed and the appropriate field manual or technical manual consulted. For situations involving expedient construction, It may be advantageous to observe and evaluate local construction methods in the operational area. In some of the more undeveloped areas, what may appear to be somewhat. crude construction techniques compared to conventional advanced methodology may serve well in expedient situations. Thus, it may be possible to duplicate what appears to be the standard practice in the local area to 7—3 : 3 2 1 Smpe No. Samp'e No. I . - I EJ Du Du$h Eli'. coesas coeuas I .&.&... '— I - I FIgure 7.2. Figure IL. LI •. . -_____ PL . PU PP I CLAY I I D o !IJ_______________________ -—___ _________________ Gradations of sands and aggregates. Nit w % SAND GRAIN GRAINSIZE SIZ(ININNILLIMETERS NIL1IMflER U.S STARDARO SIEVE NUMBERS GRADATION CURVES Beach Beach and dune sand — — dune sand lower limit limit Beach sand Beach sand—— upper lImit limit Dunesand--upperlimit P4...r...upperJimit - GRAVEL i- ' U. S STANDARD SlEW OPEIflNG Sl INCHES L (1ev (1ev iiii O,ith conBL(s I —.------ ---—-——.— ---—-.——.— 2 1 Sample No. I C1.uIrc.ton IV I .a I II SAND MIlD I P1 P1 I —— — Sand zone II. --- .--...— Nat% . GRAIN GRAINS*ZC S*ZC IN IN MILLIMET(RS MILLIMET(RS FIgure 7.3. GRADATION CURVES . Sand Zone Zone II II fjll.Zone Desert fill. Desert Zone ast GRAWfl. GRAW4 rr- !l !i u ku LT Q CLAY -- I 0' I £Ie coaaus coasus DsVth I _i - I i Kal •• % Nil U. SAND SAND I GRAiN SIZE IN MLLINLTERS U.S. U. S.STANDARD STANDARD Sa(VF NUMBERS NUMBERS FL lNt Figure 7.4. GRADATION CURVES .. Silty stone. Stone. . Sllty stone Zone Iii III _______ .ppcJI!4t .PPJT!4t ._____ 2 —.—-----—.—-——----—-— Lotjer limit —---—-—---------——-— --—-—-- -___ --.-___ — -— _ Simple No. I OPthINGIN III INCHES U. S.STANDARD U.S. STANDARD $l!W $lV! OPthING . SILT oa O a.aY D. L_..NO !____ • PSCI — Iu u P( Fl I HYVRONETE —________ I I I -4 —4 -4 - ii 0 . :'2 1 CO&(S I 111 hI - I1 I GRAVEL \\ Ia L0 —__ . 11 .---.- I II II ii I1 11 1 - 11 I I T .6 N. I I I OS I,. L I .. -. . DpIh tl. o D.plh tI -.--S — - Cls.ifsbon Cl.s.ifiibon - - Nat Fi gurt.' gurt' •77 •• 5. GRADATION CURVES . - gr;ive. Zime gr;iveI. Zinc II II1 11ptr lfrnit 11pr lfrnit 1,*wtt1iini 1,*,wtr 1tnit Fan — S . - — --—— — - I — .- . . IVOM(TI 70 I0 . A,.. Na - --. —.—.------—. — 001 Ol5 -. —--.——. ... .._ . . 07 WIT Oil c*_*y —-______ 0. .--. I I1 M i_ IIEEi_ IIEEiT Xl) _-.. .—--. . Pt 01 — .-.- . - —-——-S.-. —-—— -..-. -.-.—. PL Pt. FM Fan grav.1 gravt'l - LI 11 GRAIN Sill GRAIN Sill IN INMIUIMEIERS MIUIMIIERS SMO _______ I 20 ) 40 0 70 1I 140 140 U.S STANDARD STANDARD SIEVE SI(VE NUUBES NUUBES 1416 30 10 110 L_Hi--!Jj-°i__-—- —---J to — 20— IL) I - -.—.___ .—.___ I 1 11 II 1 J 1 11 — — -jill J_____ S.npI. npte No S. a 12 S2 701 .w — + '[,_i_ + !_._ U. Ii STNeARD STNeARD 111W 111W 0PtNVG 0PtNVG II 1N04(S 1N04(S !4 _J 1+ .i tt .i.__'if.' 3 2 1 Swipe. S.mpl. No. No. I I Lkv COBBL(S Ds I I rust .1 - I 4 - m .1 I - .. Figure 7.6. GRADATION CURVES I . . —______ P1. rust Sandy stone. ---———— LI. U. w0 GRAINSIZE GMN SIZEVI Ill MIWM(T(RS MIWMLT(RS I46 U. S STANDARD SWIDARD SIEVE SIEVENUMBERS NUMBERS 1416 20 40 $10 a.uzrn a.uzrn N.t % Sandy stone Zone III Upper limit Lower Limit - ——-—————--— ---— --——-——— Zone IV IV Stone pavement Zone .—•—- GRAWL 1 U S. S. SWSOARO SWSOARD$$UW $$W ONIIG ONIIGl lhOlES haltS P1 I . n ——. A,u A(U — ——---— - -—-— (.TOM T OM cLAY CLAY nt* -__--__ .__--__ I I Table 7.2 Comparison of Desert Surface Types by Plan Area (Reprinted from P. C. Pookes, Fookes, "Road Geotechnics in Hot Deserts," Deserts," The Highway Engineer, Journal of the Institution of Highway Engineer, Vol XXIII, No. 10 [October 1976], pp 11—23. Reproduced by permission of the Institution of Highway Engineers.) Likely Occurrence Coonest Coone8t in Gographica1 Zone Geographical Zone Engfneerfng Zone Engineering S*hara Sahara Ltbyan Libyan Degert Desert Saudi Southweetern Southweitern Arabia Aribta U.S. Desert DeBert Pbuntatns Pbuntatn I 43X 39Z 391 47X 471 38.1Z 38.11 Volc8nic Volcanic ConeB Cones and and Fields I 3 1 2 0.2 1/lI 1/11 2 8 11 2.6 IIii/Iii I/II/iiI 1 1 1 3.6 11 11 1 1 4 31.4 10 6 1 0.7 1 3 11 1.2 10 18 16 20.5 Badland8 and Badlands and Subdued Badd lande Ba Ia nd a Wadis Fanø Bedrock Pavements Bedrock Paveent8 Il/Ill U/Ill Regions Bordertng RegonB Bordering Throughf lowing lowing Rivers Rivera II/iil/iv 1I/1II/Iv Desert DeBert Flat8 Flats hIlly III/IV P1aya and Playas and SBlin&8 Salin&s IV 1 1 1 1 1.1 Sand Dunes IV 28 100 22 100 26 100 0.6 100.0 100.0 advantage advantage since such practices are often dictated by availability of engineering materials. 7.4.1 Compaction of Dry Soils Compaction of dry soils is generally best accomplished by vibratory methods. Soils most suitable for vibratory compaction are sands and gravels which are susceptible Busceptible to consolidation under vibratory motion. Very fine sands and silty and clayey sands may be compacted to some degree but not as successfully as the more granular materials. The most mo8t desirable equipment for compaction is a vibratory roller, either driven or self—propelled. Tracked vehicles such as tanks and crawler tractors may also be used for compacting dry granular materials since such vehicles are heavy and impact vibratory motion to the underlying soil. Although vibratory compaction is most desirable, dry materials may also be densified using heavy pneumatic—tired equipment having low tire inflation pressure. This method relies primarily on weight alone to force the soil grains grainB into a closer configuration while the high lower tire contact pressure prevents surface rutting. Although fairly high soil strengths may be obtained in some soils that are compacted dry, maintenance of unsurfaced roads and parking areas may be a problem. Since Since dry dry sands sands depend on confinement to maintain strength, unsurfaced roads, airfields, and 7—9 parking to parking areas areas subject subject to to traffic traffic with with high—pressure high—presBure tires tires will will tend tendto deteriorate and will require close attention to maintenance. In areas used frequently by heavy tracked vehicles, vehicleB, the soil Boil will generally remain compacted to some depth as aa result reBult of of traffic; traffic; however, however, tank tank traffic traffic will will also also tend tend to o maintenance of of the the surface Burface layer layer Therefore, maintenance deteriorate surface Burface conditions. conditionB. will be required. Soil Types: The primary soil types that can be compacted successfully auccessfully at or near zero water content are the gravels, gravelB, sands, BandB, and gravelly and sandy Bandy materials. These materials include the following soils Boils classified claBBified according to the Unified Soil ClasBification System: GW, GP, GM, GC, GM—GC, SW, SP, SM, SC, and SM—SC. Classification Bhould not exceed about 40 percent of the total Generally, the fines content should Extremely soil weight. Eictremelydry, dry,powdery, powdery and pulverized soils Boils that are easily windblown and that are characterized by the formation of trails of dust clouds when exposed to vehicular traffic are extremely difficult to densify from a Burface practical standpoint. standpoint. Generally, these soils are characterized as surface material material with with the the underlying underlying soil Boil being being depended depended on on to to offer offer structural structural supsupThese These materials materials generally generally classify classify as as the the silts silts and and clays: clays: port. CL., CH, CH, ML, ML, CL., MU, and and ML—CL.. ML—CL. P111, Equipment: Vibratory rollers are best suited for compaction of Vibratory rollers: dry soils. Examples of typical equipment usedin vibratory compaction are the single—drum, 5—ton (4.5 tonnes) towed vibratory roller and the single—drum, Belf—propelled vibratory roller. 10—ton (9.1 tonnes) self—propelled Tracked vehicles: Heavy tracked equipment such as crawler tractors, dozers, and tanks can also be used to compact dry soils since such Buch equipment naturally induces vibratory motion into the underlying soils during normal operations. Pneumatic—tired rollers: Heavily loaded pneumatic—tired rollers may also be used to compact compact dry dry soils soils although although generally generally not not as as successfully successfully as a vibravibratory equipment. The most suitable pneumatic—tired roller is the drawn four— tired roller ballasted to a weight of 25 tons (22.7 tonnes) and with the tire It is doubtful that that any any pressure lowered lowered to to about about.45 45 psi psi (310.3 (310.3 KN/tn2). KN/m2). pressure large—scale compaction can be accomplished with smaller paeumat1.c—tire rollers, although they may be used for smaller compaction projects. Pneumatic— tired rollers such as the 9—ton (8.2 tonnes) self—propelled self-propelled or towed rollers rollerB should be loaded to maximum capacity with tire inflation pressure of about 40 psi (275.6 (275.6 KN/in2). KN/m2). Trucks and construction construction equipment: equipment: Heavy trucks and construction conBtruction equipment such as front—end loaders may also be used to a limited extent for comuBing principles similar to those for standard paction of dry materials using pneumatic—tired compaction equipment. Such vehicles should Bhould be loaded as heavily as a possible possible and and have have tire tire inflation inflation pressures pressures in in the the raage range of of 25 25 to to 30 30 psi (172.3 to 206.7 KN/m2). Care should be taken to prevent tire damage. 7—10 7—10 Construction Procedures: Construct'on procedures for compaction of dry soils differ in one signiIn dry compaction and in the ficant aspect rom normal norKnal compaction coKnpaction techniques. techniques. expedient construction situation, the the assumption assumption is is made made that that the the soil soil is is at at or near zero water content condition and that no adjustuent adjustment in water content can be made. Also, in expedient expedient conatruction, construction, equipKnent equipment may not be available available to check soil water water content content or or in—place in—place density; density; therefore, therefore, the the engineer engineer may ay have have to to rely rely on on judgKnent judgment to to determine determine whether acceptable acceptable densification densification has has may be be been achieved. An airfield penetrometer penetrometer or or standard standard cone cone penetrometer penetroeter may useful in evaluating evaluating the the effectiveneas effectiveness of of coKnpaction compaction procedures. procedures. When vibratory equipment or tracked vehicles are used, dry sands may be coKnpacted compacted in in lifts lifts up up to 12 in. (304.8 (304.8 nun) mm) thick, thick, while while lift thickness thickness for for In in thickness. thickness. fine—gralned soils fine—grained soils should shouldbe bekept kepttotoabout about9 9in. in. (228.6 (228.6 mm)) in any event, it will probably be necessary to construct sKnall test sections of event, it will probably be necessary to construct small test sections of various lift lift thicknesses thicknesses to to determine determine the the optimuKn optimum lift thickness. thickness. Vehicle or roller speed roller speed should should range rangefroKn from 11 to to 33 Knph mph (1.6 (1.6 to 4.8 4.8 km/br). kKn/hr). The number of passes required to develop adequate thickness will depend on soil type and should ahould be determined in the field on test sections. Compaction CoKnpaction of of dry dry soils soils with wit.hpneumatic—tired pnewnatic—tiredrollers rollers generally generally requires requires thinner lift lift thickness thickness of of about about 44 to to 66 in. in. (101.6 (101.6to to152.4 152.4KnKn), mm), depending depending on on Again, experimentation in the the roller or vehicle weight and soil type. field field using using test test sections sections of of varioul3 varioul3 thicknesses thicknesses will will be be required required to to determine determine optiKnum thickness optimum thickness and and number nwnber of of vehicle vehicle passes. passes. Vehicle or roller speed will generally be determined by the resistance the soil being compacted offers to the vehicle. Maintenance: Unsurfaced compacted dry soils will tend to deteriorate under traffic of In order order to to Knain— mainvehicles vehicles or or aircraft aircraft having having high—pressure high—pressure pneumatic pneumatic tires. tire8. tain or restore stability stability to to the the soil, soil, it it will will be be necessary necessary to to apply apply repeated repeated tam maintenance Timely Knaintenance passes of a compactor or, preferably, a tracked vehicle. Timely subject to to If is required to prevent progressively deepening deterioration. If subject considerable tracked vehicle traffic, surface deterioration will not be as track paths paths will will severe; however, channelized traffic or traffic in the same track tend to cause rutting. Therefore, continual recompaction of the surface will duet problems, but be necessary. Dust palliatives may be used to alleviate dust they will provide little or no structural stabilization. 7.4.2 A.splialt Mix Mix Expedient Aaplialt Expedient naturally occurring thethe Mid—East occurring aggregates aggregates are areavailable availableinin Mid—East number ofof naturally A number region, some of which can construction of of bituminous bituKninouspavements. pavements. region, some of which can be be used used for for construction The following The followingguidelines guidelinesfor for use use and and expected expectedperforKnance performanceofofeach eachofofthe the eight eight aggregate types likely likely to to be be found found in in the the Mid—East Mid—East are are useful useful for for planning planning aggregate types needed before using Further analysis such as mixture design is needed before using Further analysis such as mixture design is purposes. mixtures. these aggregates aggregates in in pavement pavement mixtures. these 7—11 7—li Asphalts: Asphelts: Three types of asphalt materials are generally available for pavement cement, asphalt aaphalt emulsinr, and cutback asphalt. construction: asphalt cement) Although all three of these materials can be used in the production of asphalt mixes, mixes, asphalt asphalt emulsions emulsions and and cutback cutback asphalts asphalts are are primarily primarily used used when when the the materials are mixed in place; asphalt cements are primarily used when materiSince water water is is in in short supply in the Midals ar ar mixed mixed at at aa central central point. point. Since East, it is doubtful that a signiftcant amount of asphalt emulsions will be Hence, it is anticipated that the two types of asphalt materials availused. able for construction will be asphalt cement and cutback asphalt. Aggregate: Since aggregate makes makes up up over over 90 90 percent percent of of the the asphalt asphalt concrete concretemixture, mixture the performance performance of of the the mixture mixture depends depends aa great great deal deal on on the the quality quality and and gradagradathe It is is desirable desirable to to use use crushed crushed aggregates, aggregates, well—graded well—graded tion of the aggregate. aggregate. It Generally, from coarse to fine, fine) for best performance of bituminous mixtures. it is desirable that the bituminous mixture consist of 30 to 40 percent coarse percent fine fine aggregate aggregate (No. (No. 44 to to No. No. aggregate (+ No. 4 material), 55 to 65 65 percent 200 200 material), material), and and approximately approximately 55 percent percent filler filler (material (material passing passing the the No. No. Uncrushed aggregates can be used for pavement constrvcton ata 200 sieve). reduced cost and for expediency, but the performance anticipated is less than that for bituminous pavements composed of crushed aggregates. Bituminous Mixtures: The bituminous mixture should be designed and constructed so that a stable, durable pavement is obtained. The pavement surface must possess satisfactory friction properties to carry the intended traffic safely at the anticipated speeds. All All of of these these items items muSt must be be considered considered in in the the design design and and conètructton construction of a bituminous mixture. Dense—graded bituminous mixtures are Often uniformly normally u8ed to provide a tight, stable, durable surface. graded (one size) aggregates are used in the production of porous friction Courses or bituminous surface treatments to improve surface friction propercourses Dense and uniformly graded aggregates have applications in the conties. Dense—graded bituminous struction of bituminous pavements in the Mid—East. mixtures mixtures are designed to have 3 to to 55 percent percent air air voids in the laboratory— compacted mixture8, resulting in 3 to 7 percent air voids in the field— The low low voids voids (3 (3 to to 77 percent) percent) and and high high density density (98 (98 to to 100 100 compacted mixture. The percent of laboratory laboratory density) density) result result in in aa durable, durable, stable stable pavement pavement with with tight tight surface texture. The quality of the aggregate is important for dense—graded well—graded from coarse to fine, is desired. mixtures; crushed aggregate, veil—graded Because asphalt binder tends to bond better to crushed than uncrushed unCrushed aggregate, less raveling occurs in mixtures with crushed aggregate. In aa well— well— In graded mixture, particle interlock is greater with crushed aggregate, than with uncrushed aggregate resultiüg in a more stable mixture. The quality of dense—graded dense—graded mixture mixture is is sensitive senaitive to to aa change change in in the the amount amount of of —200 —200 material. material. Adding or reducing the amount anount of —200 material generally changes optimum asphalt content and stability. An increase in the amount of —200 material normally asphalt content content and and increases increases the the stability. stability. normally decreases the optimum asphalt This is because the —200 material fills the voids in the mineral aggregates, resulting resulting in in fewer fewer voids voids to to be be filled filled with with asphalt asphalt and and aa stiffer stiffer asphalt— asphalt— filler filler matrix. matrix. In a well—graded mixture, stability and optimum asphalt 7—12 content are also functions of the maximum aggregate size. Generally, mixtures with larger e'regate sizes result in higher stabilities at lower optimum asphalt cont .s. The asphalt type plays an important part in the performance of a bituminous mixture. The higher higher viscosity viscosity asphai.ts asphalts (lower-penetration) (lowerpenetration) produce mixes having higher stability but more susceptibility to cracking at lower temperatures. The lower viscosity viBcosity asphalts (higher penetration) produce mixes having low stability at higher temperatures but less susceptibility to cracking at lower temperatures. Gradation8 and Recommended Uses of Aggregates Found in the Mid—East: Mid—EaBt: Gradations Based on the the eight eight major major categories categories of of aggregates aggregatesfound foundin inthe theMid'-EaBt, Mid—East, asphalt asphalt mix mix designs designs have have been been developed. developed. The predicted stability, asphalt content, and performance for each of these gradations is shown in Table 7.3. In addition, design mixes for midband gradings are also presented for beach These values value8 are for sand, fan gravel (Zone II), and Bandy sandy stone (Zone III). guidance only and should 8hould not be substituted for further analysis when needed. For this report, poor performance describe8 describes mixtures which will perform satisfactorily less than 1 year, fair performance performance describes describes mixtures mixtures which which will will perform satisfactorily for at least 1 year, and good per.formance describes mixtures that should provide satisfactory performance for 2 or more years. Beach sand: 8and; A wide range of gradations may be found for beach sand; therefore, this aggregate type was evaluated for the upper—bound gradation, lower—bound lower—bound gradation, gradation, and and tuidband midband gradation gradation (Figure (Figure 7.2). 7.2). Sand mixtures usually provide tight surfaces but are often unstable under traffic and may not be suitable for tracked vehicles. These mixtures can be expected to perform satisfactorily in cooler weather, but traffic during the hot summer months may cause excessive rutting, resulting In in shear failure and subsequent deterioration of the pavement. pavement. When sand mixtures are to be subjected to traffic during summer, a higher viscosity (lower penetration) asphalt cement may be selected to provide some additional stability however, this may result in an Blending of aggregates is increase in deterioration in the winter months. desirable to optimize the aggregate gradation to improve mixture properties. For instance, instance, coarse coarse aggregate aggregate can can be be blended blended with withthe thebeach beachsand sandtotoitnprove improve the overall aggregate gradation, resulting in better mixture properties. The beach sand mixture requires a large amount of asphalt to properly coat the. aggregate particles. The stability of mixtures aixtures prepared with aggregate meeting ing the the lower—bound, lower—bound, midbartd, rnidband, and and upper—bound upper—bound gradations gradations will will generally generally be be between between 100 100 and and 500 500 lb lb (45.4 (45.4 to to 226.8 226.8 kg). kg). The upper—bound gradation requires the most asphalt (9 to 11 percent) while the lower—bound gradation requires the least asphalt (6 to 8 percent). The midband gradation will probably result tn the best mixture, with probable poor to fair performance. The lower—bound and upper—bound gradations would probably result in poor performance. Sand mixes that have beach have aa small small amount amount of of —200 —200 material, material, such such as a beach sand, Beach sand can be readily mixed in Band, are easy to mix, place, and compact. place or at a central plant. The upper—bound gradation may present some mixing problems since the gradation is very fine (100 percent of the material passes the No. 50 sieve). Dune sand: Mixtures prepared with dune sand (Figure 7.2) should perform similarly similarly to to mixtures mixtures prepared prepared with with beach beach sand. sand. 7—13 Table 7.3 Expected Performance of Bituminous Mixtures Prepared Prom Aggregates Found in the Mid—east Approximate Aaphalt Content) Mphalt Content) % Approximate Stability, lb Expected Performance 9—11 7—9 6—8 100—500 100—500 100—500 Poor Poor—Fair Poor Dune Sand Sand Upper Bound Lower Bound 9—11 8—10 100—500 100—500 Poor Poor Sand Zone II 7—9 100—500 100—500 Poor—Fair Desert Fill Zone IV Iv 6—8 1000—1500 Cood Good Material Beach Sand Upper Bound Hid Mid Band Lower Bound Silty Stone Zone III UNSATISFACTORY UpperBound 7—9 1000—1500 Fair Fan Gravel Cravel Zone II Upper Bound Mid Band Lover Bound 5—7 5—7 5—7 5—7 500—1000 1000—1500 Not Applicable Fair Good Cood Fair Fair Sandy Stone Zone III III ijpperBound .UpperBound Mid Band Lover Bound Lower 5—7 5—7 5—7 1000—1500 500—1000 500—1000 Good Cood Fair Stone Pavement Zone IV 5—7 5—7 Not Applicable Fair Lower Bound UNSATISFACTORY Sand Zone II: Mixtures prepared with Sand Zone IL It (Figure 7.3) should vith the beach sand of midband gradaperform similarly to mixtures prepared with tion. Desert Fill Zone IV. Mixtures prepared with vith aggregate having a gradation similar to that of desert fill Zone IV (Figure 7.3) should provide very tough, tight sufaces. These mixtures should support traffic during the hot summer summer months The asphalt asphalt required required for for this this mixture mixture is is 66 morths with a minimum of distress. The to 8 percent, and the resulting stability should be 100 to 1500 pounds pounds (45.4 to 1500 (45.4 kg). The performance of with ravelirg raveling to 680.4 680.4 kg). to of this this mixture mixture should should be be good, good with 7—14 and cracking the most likely problems. These problems should occur over a period of t':, however, and thus not cause early failure. It will be difficult to obtain a well—coated mixture because the amount of —200 material is high (22 percent). It is recommended that this type of mixture be mixed nixed in a central plant so that mixing can be better controlled. Placing and compacting this mixture may also present problems. When lifts 2 in. (50.8 mm) or less In an are placed, the coarse aggregate will tend to tear the mat, resulting in uneven surface that is iB difficult to compact. To insure good performance performance with with this mixture, steps must be taken to make sure mixing, placing, and compacting are done properly. properly. Silty Stone Zone III: The silty stone material has a large amount of —200 material (Figure 7.4) and is generally not acceptable in asphalt mixtures. The material represented by the upper—bound curve can be used as a as the only aggregate mineral filler in asphalt mixtures but is not acceptable ae an asphalt mixture. The material represented by the lower—bound curve can in en be used satisfactorily; however, the amount of —200 material is on the upper limit of that which can be properly mixed and compacted. When the amount of —200 material exceeds 30 percent In the blend of aggregate to be used in aa bituminous mixture, mixture, the the aggregate aggregate should should be be considered considered unsatisfactory. unsatisfactory. When bituminous the amount of —200 material is high, additional mixing time will be necessary. Mixtures prepared with the aggregate represented by the lower—bound curve should should require require 77 to to 99 percent percent asphalt asphalt and atd hav'e hav'e stability stability values values in in the the range of 1000 to 1500 pounds (453.6 to 680.4 kg). The performance of such a mixture is no better than fair —— even though the stability is high —— because the material is is high high and and very very little little of of the the aggregate aggregate is is larger larger amount of —200 material than a No. 4 sieve. This mixture will be difficult to mix sufficiently to obtain obtain aa homogeneous honogeneous mixture. mixture. Since there is little coarse aggregate, little difficulty in placement of the mixture would be expected. Compaction of lifts up to 1—1/2 in. (38.1 mm) should not be difficult, but thicker layers may present compaction problems such as lateral movement of the mixture during rolling rolling and and ruts ruts that that cannot cannot be be removed removed with with the the finish finish roller. roller. Fan Gravel Zone II: The gradation gradation of of the the aggregate aggregate found found irt in fan fan gravel deposits varies considerably. The aggregate represented by the upper—bound and mldband midband gradation curves (Figure 7.5) can produce fair to good dense— graded bituminous mixtures. However, the aggregate represented by the lower— bound bound curve curve should should be be used used to to produce. produce, an an open—graded open—graded mixture mixture since since very very few few fines fines are are available, available, or or it it should should be be crushed crushed to to produce produce aa dense—graded dense—graded mixmixture. The upper—bound material should require 5 to 7 percent asphalt and produce a stability of 500 to 1000 pounds pounds (226.8 (226.8 to to 453.6 kg). It should be mixed, placed, and compacted with standard standard procedures, procedures, and and should should provide provide fair fair performance. The most likely problem with this thiB mixture is rutting during hot weather. The aggregate represented by the midband gradation is very similar in size to that used for dense—graded mixtures for airfields. It is well—graded and should produce a tight, stable mixture. The estimated asphalt content Content for this mixture is 5 to 7 percent, which should result in an estimated stability of 1000 to 1500 pounds (453.6 to 680.4 kg). The estimated performance is good. No major problems are anticipated in mixing, placing, and compacting. conpacting. The aggregate represented represented by by the the lower—bound lower—bound gradation gradation curve curve is is not not gengenerally recommended recommended for for use use In in bituminous bituminous mixtures. mixtures. Ideally, Ideally, this this aggregate aggregate 7—15 should be crushed to produce an aggregate that could be used to produce a If this aggrebituminous mixture that would provide excellent performance. gate is not crushed and is 19 used u9ed to produce a bituminous mixture, 5 to 7 pereagy to mix but cent asphalt aaphalt should generally be used. The mixture should be easy Compaction for this mixture would primarily difficult to place and compact. be to seat the aggregate so that it bonds to the layer underneath and to the i9 not applicable to mixtures having adjacent aggregates. The stability test is Performance should be fair with raveling being the most aggregate this thi8 large. likely problem. Sandy Sandy Stone Stone Zone Zone III: III: The aggregate represented by the upper—bound grabituminoue m.txtures. The amount of dation (Figure 7.6) is not acceptable for bituminous —200 material should not exceed 30 percent. Material with gradation similar to the upper bound bound can can be be u8ed used as as aa filler filler in in bituminous bituminous mixturee mixtures but but muet must be be The midband blended blended with with other other aggregates aggregates to to produce produce an an acceptable acceptable gradation. gradation. gradation is the upper limit of aggregates aggregate8 that should be used ueed in bituminous This gradation will produce a tight, stable mixture requiring a 5 mixtures. to 7 percent asphalt binder and having a stability of 1000 to 1500 pounds bituminous mixtures produced with this type of aggregate (453.6 to 680.4 kg). Bituminous should provide good performance (Figure 7.6). Mixing and compaction may be difficult because of the large amount of —200 material, but spreading should preseit no major problem. present problem. Aggregate represented by the lower—bound gradation curve should produce a tiis mixture is 5 to 7 perstable mixture. The estimated asphalt content for this cent, which ehould should produce produce aa stability of 500 to 1000 pounds pounds (226.8 (226.8 to to 453.6 453.6 kg). Bituminous mixtures produced with this aggregate should provide fair but spreading spreading should be be no no problem problem in in mixing mixingthis thismixture, ixture but perforoiane. There should performance. and compaction may be difficult because of the coarse coaree aggregate. stability The performance of this aggregate (Figure 7.6) Stone Pavement Zone IV: in in bituminous bituminous mixtures mixtures should should be be similar eimilar to to that that for for the the lower—bound lover—bound gradation gradation of the fan gravel Zone II aggregate. 7.4.3 Expedient Concrete and Mortar Mix is one one where where evaporation evaporation exceeds exceeds precipitation, precipitation, as a th An arid climate is in the the hot, arid areas ofthe Middle East. Exttenre temperaturespresent peciai problems in concrete production. High temperatures increase the hardening of concrete. The length of time within which the concrete is handled is more critical, making it more difficult to place. High range water reducers, commonly known as ae "super plasticizers," have proven beneficial in improving the The cliueing additional water. handling characteristics of concrete without using mate also increases mixing water demand that promotes bleeding. The time in which protective measures are applied is critical because difficulties in retaining uniform temperature conditions adversely affect concrete strength. The harmful effects of hot weather on concrete may be minimized by a jue— number of practical procedures. The degree to which their application is justified depends on circumstances. One or more of the ingredients may be cooled to keep the temperature of the concrete from being excessive at the time of placement. Storing aggregate in the shade may help maintain lower temperaplacement. Because o. o the maintained the heat heat of of hydration hydration cement cement content content should be maintained ture. at the minimum permitted. Concrete in place may be protected to minimize 7—16 drying and absorption of heat. Difficulties resulting frow high temperatures, such as plastc p1astc shrinkage cracking, can only be controlled by last—minute improvisations. construction may may alleviate alleviate some some of of the the heat heatand andtein— temNight construction perature problems encountered during daytime construction. Portland cement: Although there is some local cement production in the region, most cement cement will will have have to to be be imported. Numerous Numetous countries ship cement into the region, region, and and it it varies varies in in quality quality froiu from bad to good. good. In In general, general, there there will be no control over what is received and its quality. If possible, sulfate—resistant (Type V) and low—heat (Type IV) cements cenents should be used. These are the main types being imported. Unless bulk handling capabilities are available locally, locally, the the troops troops will will not not be be able able to to handle handle and and transport transport large quantities quantities of of cement cement 4'ith with their their equipment. equipment. Bag handling of cement is If very slow, labor intensive, and not recommended except as a last resort. none exists locally, airtight storage will have to be provided for the cement in all coastal areas. This Any This is is best best accomplished accomplished by by rubberized rubberized bulk bulk bags. bags. prolonged storage of cement at the high temperatures of the region will result in a degradation of the cement. Aggregates: Typical grading curves and aid bands for desert areas are illustrated in Figures 7.2 to 7.6. Natural sands are usually abundant, but their gradings are generally poor and they are frequently contaminated by deleterious salts. Rock outcrops may be of a friable and porous nature and may also be contaminated with deleterious salts. These problens problems and the climatic condition are are of of major major concern concern In in horizontal horizontalar'id ard vertical dition vertical construction. construction. Mix proportions: Mixture proportions are given in Table 7.4 for each of the sand and composite material gradation curves given in Figures 7.2 through 7.6. 7.6. When only sand is available in a given location, it is assumed that 1—1/2—In. (38 mm) maximum—size aggregate available from other sources will be added in the quantities noted to produce the concrete. When the indigenous niatertal Is niaterlal is already a composite material of sand and rock, it can be used in its already—combined condition. Adjustments in the amount of fine material (sand) and water may be necessary to achieve the workability needed to place the material. Construction Techniques Techniques Miscellaneozw Construction Miscellaneou8 7.4.4 Horizontal construction construction on on bases bases or orbetween between bases bases will require innovative innovative Horizontal construction techniques to offset the additional time required by harsh environment. 1. Use seawater (see Section 5.7, pp 5—60 to 5—67), crude oil, or waste oil for compaction and stabilization. Portland cement cement may may also also be be used usedif ifavailable. avilable. Portland 2 2. Blend available on—site soils for road—base materials. 3. Increase priority on transportation of replacement and repair parts maintenance. due to to irtcreased increased maintenance. 4. Shoulders of existing roadways, or expedient roadways constructed parallel to the existing pavement, may be used for tank traffic, thereby extending the life of the existing pavement. 7—17 Table 7.4 Proportioning Guidelines and Expected Performance for Concrete Made With Aggregates Aggregate8 Found in the Mid—East Part A. Naturally Occurring Sands to Which Coarse Coaree Aggregate (Rock) Must Be Added Approximate Weights in Pounds per Cubic Yard of Concrete Sand Cement Rock Approx. Batch Water (gallons) Estimated Slump (inches) 28—day Strength of Concrete Beach Sand Upper Bound Midband Lower Bound Bound Lower 700—750 550—600 400—450 1350—1450 1300—1400 1230—1300 1650—1750 1850—1950 2030—2130 33—39 33—39 33-39 33-39 33—39 Dune Sand Upper Bound Lower Lower Bound 440—490 440—490 400—450 1230—1300 1230—1300 2030—2130 2030—2130 32—38 33—39 3 3 Fair Fair Sand, Zone II 550—600 1300—1400 1850—1950 33—39 2 Good Silty Stone, Zone III Upper Upper Bound Lower Bound 440—490 1230—1300 Unsatisfactor 2030—2130 2030—2130 33—39 3 Fair Fair Fan Gravel Lover Bound 5.50—600 1300—1400 1300—1400 1850—1950 2 Good Part B. Desert Fill, Zone IV 700—750 3000—3200 Fan Gravel, Mid Bound Upper Bound 450—500 550—600 3200—3400 3200—3400 3150—3350 Stone Pavement, Zone IV 3 Good Good Fair Naturally Occurring Blends (Composites) of Sand and Rock Approximate Weights Weighte in pounds per cubic cubIc yard of Concrete Composite Cement Materials Sandy Stone, Zone III Upper Bound Nidband Lower Lover Bound 33—39 1 2 — 550—600 700—750 900—1000 Approx. Batch Water (gallons) . . 7—18 7—18 28—day 28—day Strength Strength of Concrete 35—41 22 Fair 33—39 33—39 3 Good Good Unsatisfactor Unsatisfactor 3150—3350 35—41 3000—3200 35—41 2330—2550 (No (No Sand) Sand) Estimated Slump (inches) 54—60 2 22 Fair Fair FaIr 2 Good 2 Clays may be blended with sands in low rainfall areas to provide a riding surface. 5. Uar 6. crusty sections may require no construction con8truction effort if left undisturbed. 7. A general—purpose, lightweight, low—cost matting could be developed for for road road and and other other uses uses over over sands. sands. Membrane encapsulated soil layer8, layers, sand grids, and soil reinforcement 8. would enhance road construction by conventional methods. Increase use of locally available cutback and emulsified petroleum 9. products. Do not expect road construction equipment to be used without modifi10. cations (i.e., cooling fans may have to be side—mounted instead of front— mounted to prevent abrasive action of sand). 11. Do not expect timber to be available for culverts and trusses. 12. 12. Rippers may be required on large tractors for removal of hardpan. 13. 13. Tires will deteriorate more quickly due to extreme heat. 14. 14. Equipment life and performance may be severely hampered in harsh environments. environmen ts. 7.5 Roads Over Loose Sand Over—the—shore transportation of supplies in loose sand is very difficult Supply roads and storage areas over loose sand without treatment of the sand. will be required. 7.5.1 7.5.1 Possible Solztions Use lighter traffic loads and reduce tire pressures. A general rule 1. 1. of thumb is to lower tire pressure so that tire deflection is increased by 50 percent. percent. Sand stabilization using portland cement is a well—established method See TM 5—330, "Portland Cement Stabilfor constructing pavement base layers. 2. ization .' ization.'• 3. 3. traffiMix available local gravel or soils with the sand to improve traffi— cability. If a firmer material lies at shallow depths, keep blading loose sands 4. off the roadway. to Bury membrane (T—17) filter fabric, netting, or other materials 3 to Tests have shown best performance over 4 in. (76 to 102 miii) in the sand. buried buried membrane membrane occurs occurs when when traffic traffic stays stays in in the the same same ruts. ruts. 5. 7—19 Any of the airfield landing landing mats mats in in inventory inventory can can be be used on a smoothed surface to provide a roadway for over—the—beach truck traffic (see Table 7.1). 6. 7. Place building rubble in the ruts. 8. Use crude oil, if available, for stabilizing the sand. Don't 7.5.2 Do not place membranes, even if anchored, on the surface of the loose sands for improving trafficability. Tests have shown that best performance results when the membrane Is is buried 3. to 4 in. (76 to 102 mm). Special Considerationa ConsiderationB 7.5.3 equip— Blowing sands may cause operation problems with the construction equipment and high maintenance for the roadway or storage facility. sent Almost anything mixed with a loose sand will improve its trafficability. 7.6 Intermittent Stream Crossing Build a ford instead instead of of aa bridge bridge to to niake make the the roadway roadway unusable unusable during during and and for a few hours after an unusual storm. If such such aa storm storm does does occur,• occur, a bulldozer, a front—end loader, and some dump trucks should be able to restore in a few hours after the water subsides by removing boulders washed operation In onto the roadway and filling areas eroded by the stream. Concrete fords are are very successful and allow almost immediate return to operation after rainfall. 7.7 Control of Drifting Sand Obviously loose sand and dune areas are best avoided. However, if small dunes must be crossed, several methods are available for controlling them or at least minimizing their effects. 1. Align Align routes routes or or airfields airfields upwind upwind from from existing existing dune, dune areas areas or or sand— sand— Source areas. source 2. 2. Oil the surface of windblown sands with high—gravity crude oil for 011 temporary dust control. Erect porous barriers (i.e., snow—type fences or spaced nonporous barriers). barriers). 3. 4. Build roadways on an embankment above normal surface elevation. 5. Dig trenches to destroy the symmetry of a dune and thus accelerate its destruction by wind. Trenching on the windward side of the works to be protected and using the excavated material as a second barrier orniound or mound between the trench and the item to be protected can control sand temporarily. 7-20 Further guidance provided by Fookes* way also be useful: level road will receive a layer of of sand sand over over the the leeward side during wind conditions. conditions. The layer leeward during nornial normal wind will be thin and will probably not impede vehicles vehic1es even if they are equipped with high pressure tyres. When wind of the opposite direction occurs, the thin layer A of sand will shift to the other side of the road. crown to the road road will will aggravate aggravate the the down—wind down—wind side side accumulations, and for this reason the crown should be kept to kept to aa minimum.. minimum. Ideally for dune areas flat roads are are to to be be preferred, preferred,but butthe the embankment embankment should should be be greatly rounded greatly rounded at at the the shoulder shoulder break break point. point. Unbanked, single—line roads on elevated grades are Unbanked, generally self—cleaning and do not usually present a serious serious problem problem by by drifting drifting sand. sand. They are, however) however, Banked horizontal vulnerable to migrating dune masses. curves curves are are troublesome troublesome and and vulnerable vulnerable to to drifting drifting sand, sand, if the wind first Impinges impinges on the high side of the bank. The high windward side will remain exposed, but the lower leeward side will receive a deposit of sand, the the depth depth of of which which depends depends on on the the amount amount of of super— super— elevation of the windward side. aide. Curves should, therefore, have as long a radius as possible and banking should be held to a minimum. Cut8 can be serious problems and probably the best remedy is to build Impounding impounding fences up—wind from the cut, stabilize the sand between the cut and the increase the the height height of of the the fence fence when-S whenfence...and then increase ever it loses its trapping efficiency. It is important to remove all obstructions upwind Any obstruction will cause a drift from from the road. It is not uncommon for stream to develop downwind. obstruc— these drifts to be 20 times the height of the obstrucA large bush a metre high may send out a streation. tion. long. A hummock of earth or a rock a few mer 35 metres longcentimetres high at the edge of the road can send a side of the drift across the entire road. The up—wind aide road should therefore be cleaned off and smoothed with a drag for a width of at least 20 metres metrea or even wider if or hummocks hummocks are are present.. present. if large bushes or Migrating dunes that are approaching the road are Destruction or immobilization another serious hazard. of the dunes can be accomplished if it is carried out while the dune is over 20 times its height away from tf the dune is allowed to approach closer If the road. * Engineer, P. G. Fookes, "Road Geotechnics in Hot Deserts," The Highway Engineers No. 10 (October nal of the Institution of Highway Engineers, Vol xxttt, xxitt, No. 1976), p 11—23. 7—21 than this distance, it will probably have to be immo— bilised by oil stabilisation and then restricted against further growth by building an impounding fence up—wind from it. This would cut off new supplies of sand that would otherwise cause it to become elongated down—wind. To prevent erosion of embankments built with dune sand choose low slope angles (1:4) and protect the slope with a stabilising material. During construction construction vehicles vehicles should should be be discouraged discouraged from running wild over the existing desert surface upwind of the road as it could destory an existing natural thin thin crust crust or or sparse sparse binding binding vegetation vegetation which which natural in torn turn could lead to sand near the road being mobil— ised by the wind. 1.8 Dust Control Dust control will be necessary to prevent increased engine maintenance and reduced reduced propeller—blade propeller—blade life, life,and andto tolessen lessenbattlefield battlefieldsicntire s1nure location. Possjbl Possible Solutions Solutions 1.8.1 7.8.1 Define technology currently being used by contractors operating in 1. 1. the area. 2. Use an asphalt distributor for application of dust—control agents. Recommended materials for dust control include peneprime types, DCA 1295, crude crude oil, oil, and and saltwater. saltwater. 3. Install grease fittings on the asphalt distributor pump to allow manual lubrication when spraying DCA 1295, a low—viscosity dust—control dust—contrQl agent. Li. 4. Use a fiberglass scrim with DCA 1295 reinforcement, especially for trafficked areas. 5. Mechanical means of dust control, such as plywood or membranes, may be used temporarily. 6. Use asphalt—based asphalt—based crude crude oil'(will oil(will require require heating heating before before spraying). spraying). If available, other such as as resin resin emulsions emulsions (e.g., (e.g., other dust dust palliativ-es palliatives such Coherox), magnesium chloride, liquid products, etc., may be used. 7. 7.8.2 Don'ts 1. 1. Do not use experimental or unproven chemicals for dust control. 2. Do not expect water or light oil applications to control dust for a long time. 7—22 Special Considerations 7.8.3 7.8.3 Higi.y porous materials materials require require dust dust control. control. Higiy porous 1. 2. En trafficked trafficked areas1, areas, sand In sand will will rut, ruts causing causing deterioration deterioration of of dust dust control preparations. preparations. Seawater may be used used for for the the prewetting prewetting recommended recommended in in DA DA PAN PAN 525—5. 525—5. 3. 4. The minimum minimum flash flash point point of of penepriine peneprime and and cutback cutback asphalt is is about about 80°F (26.6°C). Asphalt products will have a tacky surface aurface above 100°F (37.8°C). 5. 5. 7.9 Construction of C—130 Airstrips Many areas in the arid flat regions such 8uch as the playas and desert pavements may allow operation of C—130 aircraft with minimal construction effort, while areas of large active sand dunes may present considerable problems in constructing constructing and and maintaining maintaining aa suitable suitable airstrip airstrip surface. surface. Some Important important considerations that must be addressed in constructing C—130 airstrips include soil strength, strengths runway length, surface roughness and obstacles, obstacle8, and lateral and approach zone clearances. The The expedient expedient runway runway must must have have enough enough strength strength to to maintain the desired number of aircraft operations. It must also meet certain criteria of length length and and grade1, grade, have have safe safe lateral lateral and and approach approach zone zone clearances, clearances, and be reasonably free of surface obstacles and unsafe un8afe ground irregularities. Detailed Detailed Information Information on on construction construction of of expedient expedient C—130 C—130 runways runways is is in in TM TM 5— 5— Vol 111, II, "Planning "Planning and and Design Design of of Roads, Roads, Airbases, Airbases, and and Heliports Hellports 330/AIM 86—3, 86—31, Vol in the Theater of of Operations.' Operations." 7.9.1 Strengti Requirinents Requirements Strength requirements for C—130 airstrips Strength air8trips without surfacing and with membrane and light— and medium—duty landing laidthg mat surfacing are shownin Figure 7.7. These These criteria indicate the number of cycles of aircraft traffic allowed for different gross aircraft weights in kips and different soil strengths in In One cycle is equal to one takeoff and one terms of airfield index (A.l.). (A.I.). landing. Index: Airfield Index: soil strength measurement measurement normally normally obtained obtained using using an an Airfield Airfield index is a soil strength 8hOuld ensure that an airfield airfield perletrometer. airfield penetrometer. Therefore, the engineer should penetrometer is included as part of his equipment for initial engineer reconnaissance. If no airfield penetrometer is ia available, the standard trafficability cone penetrometer penetrometer may may be be used used arid and the the readings readings converted to to A.I. A.I. Two types of cones are are used used with with the the trafficability trafficability perletrometer; penetrometer: one having a base area of 0.2 cq in. and another having a base area of 0.5 sq in. To determine values of A.I., A.I. readings readings taken taken with with the the 0.2 02 sq in. and 0.5 sq In. in. must be These converted readings may then be used divided by 20 and 50, respectively. with Figure 7—7. 7—23 SOTE ICTE SLDIUM Dull SAT SLOlUM - Figure OlE CTCI.I OttE CC.I • COt.A £OU* OC LA.OIIIG. OIL LOtG. 7.7. •fl SOD •VSOO ISO SO 250 100 200 iSO 100 CycleS TNAFF.C CVCCCS TaSFIC Subgrade strength requirements, C—130 aircraft. TO Ott* .t VAEI-O?E AO TO 0* TAEIOTE L CC £ TO NO LCG( SINSIfSC(OSITS SINSIfSC(D S,TS ONON WITItOUT WiY,U1ISCMSN*SC ISCMSN*I IAT —— LISY (In? 0UT OUT.14*? C S z 0 Use of Penetrometers: PenetroneLera PenetromeLers are crude field—expedient methods of evaluating soil Their use must be tempered with an understanding of soil behavior. If a site consists of dry, clean sands (sands with no fines or material passing the No. 200 sieve), the confining effect of the large C—130 tire generally will allow the aircraft to operate regardless of the measured or converted airfield index. Windblown beach and desert sands eands are examples of this type of material. The airfield index is a fairly reliable indicator of the strength of many clays, but there are exceptions. Certain clay soils can lose over 90 percent of of their their strength strength when when reniolded remolded and and turn into thick, thick, viscous viscous liquids. liquids. residual. clay soils formed in tropical and subtropical areas and known as Some residual, laterites have good bearing capacity when they are undisturbed, but if in the present of moisture, they become a plasreworked with heavy equipment In tic, low—strength material. It is impossible to predict behavior of such soils on the basis of in situ penetrometer readings alone. The The engineer engineer must must also consider the effects of moisture on soils when evaluating a site. Some soils (clays and silts) can have large reductions In in strength when they become wet. Consequently, rain can make these soils unusable, and they should be avoided if an unsurfaced unsurfaced soilsoil is needed is needed for operations for in operations wet weather. in wet weather. Aircraft will behave differently in different types of soil. If an aircraft is braking or turning in a cohesionless soil (particularly clean sand), the soil will rut very easily and the aircraft may bog down. However, simplyshoveling the sand from in front of the wheels will often allow the C—130 to taxi out of the rut without assistance. The pilot pilot can can also also help help prevent prevent delay delay of of •takeoff takeoff by cyclic braking. Plastic soils, particularly CH clays, will allow braking and turning with less rutting when dry, but a light rain will make their surfaces very slick and hazardous. strength. 7.9.2 Clearance Requirennts Minimum runway Min1riuai runwayand andclearance clearance criteria criteria for for the the C—130 are given in TM 5—330 (Departuient of of the the Army, Army, 1968); 1968); these these criteria criteria are are summarized summarized in in Figure Figure 7.8. 7.8. (Department actual clearance clearance criteria criteria and and runway runway length length used used in in th.e the mission However, the actual mission must be established by the aircraft commander to reflect factors such as load, aircraft model. Operation on runways meeting these altitude, temperature, and atrcraft criteria will still be hazardous, inefficient, and limited to good weather. cooperdtion between the engineers and aircraft commanders Is is vitally Close cooperation important in selecting a usable expedient runway and cannot äannot be overemphasized. 7.9.3 SurfaceRouqhness Rouqhnessand andObstacles Ob8tacls Srface TM 5—330 provides allowable limits for runway roughness and obstacles. If the landing strip is used by more than These are summarized in Table 7.5. one aircraft at a time, the engineer must plan and build parking areas adjacent to the strip. TM 5—330 provides guidance on parking requiremente requirements for forward area fields, fields, which which would would be be applicable applicable under under these these conditions. conditions. If only one aircraft will use the landing strip at a time, the engineer must plan NorNoradequate space for the aircraft to turn around at the end of the strip. mally, a C—130 can turn around within the 60—ft (18—rn) wide strip with 10—ft (3—m) shoulders, (3—rn) shoulders, but but requirements requirements for for the the turnaround area should should be be planned planned ahead of time with the aircraft commander. 7—25 0' S S It j Figure 7.8. -J I— 'Ii hi 4/ .// ji-'I hi -i -J hi hi I- z 0 N hi I.. PLAN VIEW 300' 2000' RUNWAY TRANSVERSE SECTION ISO' for for aaC—130. C—130. NOTES ALLOWABLE GRADIENTS LONGITUDINAL 0 * 3 % CHANGESI0O FT 0 ± 2 % TRAI1SVERSE 0.5TRAISVERSE 0.5- 3 S RUNWAY LONGITUDINAL SECTION Minimum MinimumrInway rinwayrequirenvmts requirenvmts / / / ______________ _______ ______ I'I.- Ilii hi z 2 0 N hi -J \ S D 9 \ 2000 -APPROACH APPROACH ZONE ZONE 36:1 'Ii \ —'- 9 D It 2 z 2 hi -I '3 II- N 0 0 0 8 5 0 Si4 0 0 \\ I—. — ZONE — Table 7.5 Minimum Runway Requirements for C—130 a. Anticipated life........ b. Runways; Runways: Length Length... (1) Width....... ........ Width.......................................... •se.......... (3) Gradients: b) (b) ( Cc) (c) (4) (4) (b) (5) (6) 60 ft .......... ............ 0+ 33 percent 04 percent O+2percent 0+ 2 percent percent 0.5—3 percent Width...... Width..... ....................... Transversegrade........................ Transverse grade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ft 10 ft 10 1.5—5 percent Longitudinal. ........ Changes/lOOft.................................. Changes/IOU ft............................. Transverse. Transverse ............ Clear areas: (a) Width Width................................. (b) Maximum grade........................ Maximum transverse transversegrade........................ 35 35 ft ft 5 percent Overruns; Overruns: (a) ( C (7) 2000 ft* 2000 Shoulders: (a) b) Length....... Length................... . ................ ............ Width.... •................4*.... Width........................................... ft 100 ft 60 ft Lateral safety zones: (a) ( b) Slope Width Width ...........-... ... ... ...... ............... •...................... .................. ..... 7:1 7:1 ft 75 75 ft Runway Runway end clear zone: (1) Length.... Length (2) Width: (a) ( (3) d. .......... ... .. (2) (a) c. C. 3 days b) ..... ...•b...*ø..... . ft 500 500 ft .......... .. ....................... ft 150 ft ft 300 ft ........... . Inner Outer............ O.iter ... .. ........... 5 5 percent ........................... ft 10,500 10,500 ft Grade, maximum.... maximum................... Runway approach zones: (1) Length....... Length...... (2) Width: (a) ( (3) b) . . . . . . . . Inner Inner................................ ............................. Outer. Outer........................................... . Glide slope...... slope........ . . ................. ............. •.... . . .... 300 ft ft 2000 ft 35:1 35:1 *Runway length is computed for conditions of sea level and 59°F. Increase In in elevation and temperature will require adjustments in runway lengths and/or aircraft load. Such determination should be made In in coordination with the aircraft commander. 1 ft Metric co'iversion conversion factor: 0.3048 Metric factor: ft 0.3048 rn. m. 7—27 7.9.4 Use of Existing Roads Operating aircraft from an existing road is an attractive concept since paved roads are widely avatlable, available, and the problems associated with repairing a badly damaged runway can be avoided. However, the runway length and the width requirements requirements and and the the necessary nece9sary clear clear areas areas around around the the landing landing strip strip are are so so te8trictive that only a four—lane highway with shoulders and without a median re8trictive In addition would come close to meeting the landing strip 8trip width requirements. to widening the road to support 8upport C—130 aircraft, the engineers will also have to clear trees, trees) buildings, and power lines around the road to provide required lateral and approach clearances. clearanceB. Figure 7.9 shows the requirements for widening a typical two—lane road having a width of 22 ft (6.7 in). Depending on the natural ground contours, contours) cut or fill may be required. Drainage ditches ditcheB on If the the drainage drainage ditch ditch cross cross sections sections either side of the road must be filled. If are considered considered typical, typical) 2000 2000 Cu cu yd yd (1529.1 (1529.1 in3) m3) of from TM 5—330 are of fill fill will will be be Even ditche9 for a 2000—ft (610—rn) (610—in) long landing strip. required to fill these ditches •under under favorable favorable conditions, condition8, filling filling the the ditches ditches will will require about 6 hr for a light dozer (D—6). (D—6). Additional time will be needed for grading and compacting. If the surrounding topography requires much cut and fill, widening of the road may become a massive earthmoving operation; therefore, site selection is an extremely important aspect of this type of operation. 7.10 Runway Bomb Damage Repair Existing runway pavements cratered as a result of bomb damage and rocket and cannon fire must be repaired quickly toallow operations of cargo, fighter, or other aircraft. airrraft. The effort effort required required to to repair repair aacrater.wi].1 crater.will depend on the extent of damage and crater size. Pavement damage will range from spalls and scabs ft (1.5 m) in diameter to large craters scabs less less than than 55 ft craters over over in diameter. diameter. In consideration must must be be given given In repairing craters, consideration 15 ft ft (4.6 (4.6in) m) in 15 to the structural adequacy of the repair to carry aircraft loadings, surface roughness of the finished repair with impacts on aircraft performance, and cleanup of surface surface debris debris to o minimize minimize Coreign foreign object object damage damage (FOD) (FOD) potential. potential. 7.10.1 7.10.1 Clearing and Clearing and Bczckfilling Backfilling The area around the crater should be cleared of surface debris as soon as possible. possible. Broken pieces of pavement around the edge of the crater should be removed removed to to provide provide aa level level surface surface depending depending on on the the desired desired quality quality of of repair. repair. Some of the ejected debris and broken pavement pieces may be pushed into the bottom of the crater to provide fill material. The remainder should be cleared from the runway. The fill should. be compacted as much as possible. If the fill material and crater bottom are saturated from rain water or ground water, water, compaction compaction may may not not be be possible. possible. It may be necessary to place large aggregate, 3 to 55 in. in. (76 (76 to to 127 127 mm) mm) in in diauieter, diameter, in in the the crater crater bottom bottom to to proprovide stability. The crater may be backfilled with compacted debris or large aggregate to within 24 in. (610 mm) of the surface. Above Above this this fill) fill, well— well— graded crushed aggregate should be used. If crushed aggregate is not available, it may be necessary necessary to to use use aggregate aggregate or or gravel gravel obtaitted obtained from from natural natural depositE; however, the stability of such fill material will depend on its natural gradation and the angularity of the aggregate particles. Placement of a membrane layer, such as T—17, between the upper and lower fill materials willalso add stability. The aggregate fill must be well compacted. A 7—28 I. I.. tO SHOULDER \CUT 13' DRAINAGE 1u 22' t 6' t WIdening a two—way road. 60' RUNWAY WIDTH Figure 7.9. 5'4 13' DRAINAGE C) SHOULDER I-, s-1 — vibratory roller will normally be required; however, a heavy tracked vehicle such as a crawler tractor or tank may also be used. As indicated, a minimum of crushed crushed aggregate aggregate below the crater depth of 24 24 in. in. (610 (610 cnn) mm) of crater surface surface is is required. Thus, for small craters having a total depth of backfill only slightly over 54 in. (1372 mm), it may be more convenient to fill the entire crater with crushed aggregate. 7.10.2 Crater Repair Surface Szrface The The use use of of A11—2 A11—2 landing landing mat mat as as aa surface surface cap cap haa has been been the the standard standard procedure, cedure, as as outlined outlined in in Al' AF Regulation Regulation 93—2 and Army Army Field Field Reference Reference Document Document Airfield Damage Repair, Office, Chief of Engineers. This solution requires prepositioning of the mat kit or having prepositioning having the the kit8 kits air air dropped. dropped. Use of the AM—2 kits requires additional logistical support. Ideally, the surface of the finished repair should be flush with the surface of the surrounding pavement. If time concrete cap cap may may be be placed placed tithe and and materials materials are are available, available, aa portland portland cement concrete to cover and fill the top surface of the crater. Such a cap should have a minimum thickness of 6 in. (152 mm). The The cap cap material material may may be be batched batched using using portland aetting time, portlatd cement aggregate, sand, and water. To accelerate the setting calcium chloride may be added to. the grout at a rate of 11 percent percent by by weight weight of of cement. The concrete should have sufficient slump Slump to facilitate screeding of the th repair repair surface surface flush flu8h with with the the surrounding pavement. pavement. A concrete cap with with accelerated curing will require 10 to 15 hours to achieve adequate strength. Another surfacing alternative which has been satisfactorily tested by the Navy is the use of a fiberglass reinforced polyester (FRP) cover. The FRP cover offers little structural support but is intended primarily for protection against FOD. Fabrication and placement placement instructions instructions are are given given in in "Rapid "Rapid RunRunCuide (RRRIFG)." (RRRLPG)." The finished surface profile way Repair Interim Planning Guide depend on on the the type type aircraft aircraft using u9ing the the facility. facility. Criteria requirements will, will depend in the RRRIPC and AFR specified RRRIPC and AIR 93—2 in surface roughness cricriterms of surface roughness 93—2 are, teria. teria. Surface roughness is critical to both cargo and fighter aircraft. 7.10.3 FOP Pr3r.ction FOP Prrction As indicated, the FRP cover is used primarily to provide FOD FOP protection at the crater repair site. Hard surfacing materials such as AM—2 or a grout cap cap also minimize FOD potential from from the the underlying underlying fill fill material. material. All loose material generally should be cleared from the runway site; however, in special cases it may be necessary to operate aircraft with no FOD protection on the surfdce. crater surface. Thus, there will be FOD potential from the exposed aggregate fill material. In such cases, the decision to operate aircraft without FOP protection on the crater repair will be at the discretion of the aircraft, Squadron, or as appropriate. appropriate. squadron, or wing wing coaimander commander as 7.11 Foundation FoundatIon Pads In areas where drifting sand and dry dusty soil present a problem, sta stabe constructed constructed to to provide provide firm firm foundations bilized pads may be for small small foot foot foundations for traic areas, traftc areas, placement placement of of equipment, equipment, and and possibly possibly tent foundations. foundations. Thickness requirements for cement stabilized pads and asphalt stabilized pads are designs are are divided divided frito into presented In Tables 7.6 and 7.7, respectively. Pad designs 7—30 7—30 Table 7.6 Thickness Requirements Thickness Requirements for for Cetnent Cement Stabilized Stabilized Foundation Pads Pads Weight Thickness (in.) (in.) for for Thickness CBR Indicated Classification, Category lb Light duty Medium duty Heavy duty 15* 4 8 1000 3.0 2.5 2.5 2500 3.0 3.0 2.5 2.5 5000 4.5 3.0 2.5 10,000 10,000 6.0 4.5 4.5 3.0 15,000 8.0 5.0 3.0 20,000 9.0 6.0 3.5 25,000 10.0 7.0 4.5 35,000 12.5 9.0 6.0 45,000 14.0 10.0 7.0 55,000 16.0 10.5 7.5 65,000 17.0 11.5 8.0 75,000 18.0 12.5 9.0 *Use this column for sandy soils and silty soils for which no appreciable set— tleoient is anticipated. tiesient Metric convertion factors: lb = 0.373 kg 1 lb 1 1 in. = 25.4 mm three general categories: light, medium, and heavy duty. Within each pads are further classified according to specific weight limits. category, pads category, Light duty pads include those to be used for foot traffic or foot loadings, light vehicles or equipment, and small storage areas; medium duty pads are those to be used for passenger vehicles, light— to medium—weight trucks, storage areas for heavy stock items, and small shop equipment. Heavy duty pads approach the structural characteristics of pavements and include foundations for heavy equipment storage areas, placement areas for large shop equipequip— ment, went, and possibly parking areas for some large construction equipment. In each class of pads, thickness designs are given based on the strength of the underlying soil in terms of CBR. If natural natural soil soil strengths strengths are are not not adequate, adequate the soil should be compacted to increase the strength to the desired level. 7—31 Table 7.7 Thickness Requirements for Asphalt Stabilized Foundation Pads Thickness (in.) for CBR Indicated Weight Classification Category Light duty Medium duty Heavy duty 15* 4 8 1000 2.0 2.0 2.0 2500 2.5 2.0 2.0 5000 4.0 2.5 2.0 10,000 10,000 5.0 4.0 2.5 15,000 7.0 4.5 2.5 2.5 20,000 8.0 5.0 5.0 3.0 25,000 9.0 6.0 4.0 35000 35,000 11.0 8.0 5.0 45,000 12.0 8.5 6.0 55,000 14.0 9.0 6.5 65,000 15.0 10.0 7.0 75,000 16.0 10.0 10.0 8.0 lb 1is for sandy sandy soils soils and and silty silty Boils Boils for for which which no no appreciable appreciable set— set— column for tiement tiement is is anticipated. anticipated. Metric conversion factors: Metric conversion factors: lb = 0.373 kg 1 lb 1 1 in. 35.4 mm For pads resting on cohesionless soils, e.g., primary sandy soils, as on silty soils on which no appreciable settlement is anticipated, thickness criteria indicated indicated under under the the columns columns for for 15 15 CBR CBR should should be be used. used. 7—32 7.12 7.12 Field Identification of Soils 7.12.1 Intrauction Intrczuction Lack of time and facilities often make laboratory soil testing impossible in military construction. Even where laboratory tests are to follow, field In identification tests must be made during the soil exploration to distinguish between the different different soil soil types types encountered encountered so so that that duplication duplication of of samples samples for laboratory testing will be held to a minimum. Several simple tests tests that that can can be be used used in in field field identification identification are are described described in in this this report. report. Each test Each test can be performed with a minimum of time arid equipment, although seldom will all of them be required to identify any given sample. The number of tests employed will depend on the type of soil, and on the experience of the individual dual performing performing them. them. Using these tests, the soil properties can be estimated and the materials classified. Such classification should be recognized as an and approximation, since even experienced personnel have difficulty estimating detailed soil properties with a high degree of accuracy. The material which follows is intended to aid in the identification and classification of soils according according to to the the Unified Unified Soil Soil Classification Classification System. System. 7.12.2 General Procedures Coarse—Grained Soils: Coarse—Crained An approximate identification of a coarse—grained soil can be made by spreading a dry sample on a flat surface and examining it, paying particular attention to grain size, gradation, grain shape, and hardness of particles. All lumps in the sample must be thoroughly pulverized to expose the individual grains and to obtain a uniform mixture when water is added to the fine—grained portion. portion. The use of a rubber—faced or wooden pestle and a mixing bowl is recommended for this purpose. The material also may be pulverized by placing a portion of the sample on a firm, finn, smooth surface and mashing it with the feet. The use of an iron pestle for pulverizing will break up the mineral grains and change the character of the soil. Fine—Grained Soils: Tests for identification of the fine—grained portion of any soil are performed on the portion of the material which passes a i No. 40 sieve. This Is is the same soil fraction used in the laboratory for Atterberg limits tests, such If this sieve is not available, a rough separation can be made as plasticity. by spreading the material on a flat surface and removing the gravel and larger Fine—grained soils are examined primarily for characteristics sand particles. related to plasticity. 7.12.3 Equipment Required Practically all the tests described can be performed with no equipment or accessories other than a small amount of water. However, the accuracy and uniformity of results will be greatly greatly increased Increased by by the the proper proper use use of of certain certain Items items of equipment. The following items of equipment, which will meet most 7—33 7—33 requirements, are available in nearly all engineer units or may be improvised, and are easily transported: Sieves: sieve is is perhaps perhaps the the most most useful useful item item of of equipequipA No. 40 U.s. standard sieve ment. Any screen with about 40 openings per lineal inch could be used, or an approximate approximate separation separation may may be be made made by by sorting 8Orting the the materials materials by by hand. hand. No. 4 and No. 200 sieves are useful for separating gravel, sand, 8and, and fines. fine8. Pioneer Tools: A pick and shovel or a set of entrenching tools is used in obtaining sam— A hand earth auger is i8 useful if samples are desired from depths more ples. plea. than than aa few few feet feet below below the the surface. surface. Stirrer: The spoon issued as part of mess equipment serves in mixing materials It also will aid in in obtaining obtaining samples. samples. with water to desired consistency. Knife: A combat knife, or engineer pocket knife, is useful in obtaining samples and trimming them to the desired size. Mixing Bowl: A small bowl with a rubber faced pestle is used in pulverizing the fine— grained portion of the soil. Both may be improvised, such as by using canteen cup and wood pestle. Paper: Paper: Several sheets of heavy paper are needed for rolling samples. Heating Samples: Samples: Heating A pan and heating element are used for drying samples. Bamples. Scales: Scales: Balances or scales are used in weighing samples. 7.12.4 Factor8 Considered Factors Considered in Identification of Soils Soils The soil properties which form the basis for the Unified Soil Classificathe percentages of gravel, sand, and tion are: the and fines; fines; shape shape of of the the tion systecn System are: grain—size grain—size distribution distribution curve; curve; and and plasticity. plasticity. These same properties are, therefore) the primary ones to be considered in field identification, but therefore, other other claracteristice c1-aracteristicsobserved observedshould shouldbebeincluded includedinindescribing describingthe thesoil., soil, whether the identification identification is is made made by by field field or or laboratory laboratory cnethods. methods. 7—34 Soil Soil Description; Description: Properties normally included in a description of a soil are as follows: 1. Color. 2. Grain GraIn size. a. a. Estimated maximum maximum grain grain size. size. b. Estimated percent by weight of fines (material passing No. 200 sieve). 3. Gradation. 4. Grain shape. 5. Plasticity. Plasticity. 6. Predominant soil type. 7. Secondary components of soil. 8. Classification symbol. 9. Other remarks such as —— a. Organic, chemical, or metallic content. b. Compactness. Compactness. c. Consistency. d. Cohesiveness near plastic limit. e. Dry strength. Source —— f. deposit, etc.). residual) residual, or transported .glacial transported (aeolian, (aeolian, waterborcie, waterborne, .glacial Example of Soil Description: An example of a soil description using the sequence and considering the properties properties referred referred to to above, above, might might be be as as follows: follows: 1. Dark brown to white. Coarse—grained soil, maximum particle size 2—3/4 in. (69.9 mm), 2. estimated 60 percent gravel, 36 percent sand, and 4 percent passing No. 200 sieve. 3. Poorly graded (insufficient fine gravel, gap—graded). 7—35 7—35 4. Gravel particles subrounded to rounded. 5. Nonplastic. Nonpiastic. 6. Predom1nntly gravel. PredomInantly gravel. 7. With considerable fines (silt). considerable sand sand and and small, small amount amount of of noriplastic nonplastic fines 8. GP. 9. Slightly calcareous, no dry strength, dense den8e in the undisturbed state. Importance of Descriptions: A complete description with the proper classification symbol obviously the reader than the symbol or any other more to to the other portion portion of of the the conveys much more description used alone. 7.12.5 7.12.5 Visual Ex.ynination Ex.ijnination xarntnatfon, it is possible to determine the color, grain size, By visual examination, and grain shape of the coarse—grained portion of a soil, and estLnte the grain—size distribution. To observe these properties, a sample of the material is first dried and then spread on a fiat surface. Color: In field soil surveys, color is often helpful in distinguishing between various soil strata, and with enough preliminary experience with local soils, cclcr also may be useful for identifying soil types. Since the color of a color soil often varies with its moisture content, the condition of the soil when color is deteriined determined must must always always be be recorded. recorded. There is generally more contrast in these colors when the soil is moist, with all the colors becoming lighter In fine—graded soils, certain dark or as the moisture contents are reduced. drab shades of gray or brown, including almost black colors, indicate organic colloidal matter (OL, OH). In contract, clean and bright looking colors, including medium and light gray, olive green, greeQ, brown, red, yellow, yellowa and white generally are associated with inorganic soils. Soil color also may indicate Red, yellow, and yellowish brown soil the presence of certain chemicals. cheiicals. colors may result from the presence of iron oxides. White to pinkish colors may Indicate indicate considerable silica, calcium carbonate, or aluminum compounds in Grayish blue, and gray and yellow mottled colors frequently indi8ome some cases. cases. cate poor drainage. cate Grain Size: The maximum particle size should always be estimated for each sample considered, thereby establishing the upper limit of the grain—size distribution curve for for that that sample. sample. To help determine the lower limit of the grain size curve distribution, It it is Is useful to know the naked eye can normally distinguish the This means that all of the individual grains of soil down to about 0.07 mm. particles in the gravel and sand ranges are visible to the naked eye. All of the silt particles and all of the clay particles are smaller than this size 7—36 and are therefore invisible to the naked eye. will pass the N. 200 sieve. Material smaller Material smaller than than 0.07 0.07 mui mm Approximate Grain—Size Distribution: The laboratory mechanical analysis must be performed whenever the grain— size distribution of a soil sample must be determined accurately. However, the grain—size distribution can be approximated by visual inspection. The best method of observing a material for such Buch a determination without using laboratory equipment is to spread a portion of the dry sample on a flat surface; then, using the hands or a piece of paper, attempt to separate the material into its various grain—size components. By this method, the gravel particles and some of the sand particles can be separated from the remainder. This will at least give the observer an opportunity to estimate whether the total sample is to be considered coarse—grained or fine—grained, depending on whether or not more than 50 percent of the material would pass the No. 200 sieve. Percentage values refer to the dry weight of the soil fractions indicated as compared to the dry weight of the original sample. If If the the material material is is believed believed to to be be coarse—grained, coarse—gralned, Coarse—Grained Soil: then then there there are are two two other other criteria criteria to to consider. consider. First, is less than 5 percent If both passing the No. 200 sieve; and second, are the fines nonplastic? these criteria can be satisfied and there appears to be a good representation of all grain sizes from largest to smallest, without an excessive amount or a or deficiency of any one size, the material may be said to be well graded (GW or If any intermediate sizes appear to be missing, or if there is too much SW). of any one size, then the material is poorly graded (GF (GP or SF). In some field. cases, it may be possible to take a few of the standard sieves into the field. ca8es, When such is the case, the No. 4, No. 40, and No. 200 sieves should be included. Using the No. 4 and No. 200 sieves, the sample may be separated included. Band, and fines. However, if there into the three main fractions —— gravel, sand, is a considerable quantity of fines, particularly clay particles, the fines In can only be readily separated by washing them through the No. 200 sieve. In such cases, a determination of the percentage of fines is made by comparing the dry weight of the original sample with that retained on the No. 200 sieve difference between between these these two two is is the the weight weght of the fines after washing. The difference For determination of plasticity, only that porlost in the washing process. tion of the soil which viii will pass through a No. 40 sieve should be used. Estimating the grain—size distribution of a sample Fine—Grained Soil: using no equipment at all is probably the most difficult part of field identification and obviously places great importance on the experience of the individual making the estimate. A better approximation of the relative proportions of the components of the finer soil fraction may sometimes be obtained by shaking a portion of this sample into a jar of water and then allowing allowit,g the the material material to to settle settle to to the the bottom. bottom. The material will settle in layers, with the gravel gravel and and coarse coarse sand sand particles particles settling settling out Out aloiost almost immediimmediately, the fine sand particles within a minute, the silt ailt particles requiring as much as ae an hour, and the clay particles remaining in suspension indef in— this niethod, method, it it should should be be kept kept itely, or until, the water water is is clear. clear. In using this itely, until the in mind that the gravel and sand will settle into a much nuch more dense formation than will either the silt or clay. 7—37 Grain Shape: The grain shape of the sand and gravel particles can be determined deternined by close examination of the individual grains. The grain shape affects the stability of the soil because of the increased resistance to displacement that is A material whose grains are rounded found in the more irregular particles. has only only the the friction friction between between the the surfaces surfaces of of the the particles particles to to help help hold hold them them has in place. An angular material has this same friction, which is increased by inter— the roughness of the surface and the area of contact. In action, an interlocking action is developed between the angular particles; thi8 this gives a much greater greater stability stability than than friction friction alone. alone. Undisturbed Soil Properties: A complete description of a soil should include prominent characteristics of the undisturbed materials. The aggregate properties of sand and gravel are described qualitatively described qualitatively by by the the terms terms "loose," "loose' 'medium," 'medium)" and "dense," "dense" while while those of of clays clays are are described described by by "hard," "hard,""Btiff," "Buff," "mediuni," "medium," and and "soft." "soft." These characteristics usually •are evaluated on the basis of several factors, including the relative ease or difficulty of advancing the drilling and sampling tools and the consistency of the samples. In soils that are described as "soft," it should should also also be be Indicated indicated whether whether the the material material is is loose loose 'nd 'nd comprescopres— sible, as in an area under cultivation, or spongy or elastic, as in highly (Moisture conditions will influence these characterist.ics and organic soils. soi1s. should be included In in the report.) 7.12.6 Breaking or Dry Strength Test Preparation of Sample: The breaking test is performed only on the material passing the No. 40 This test, as well as the roll test and the ribbon test, is used to The test test nornormeasure the cohesive and plastic characteristics of the soil. The mally is made on a small pat of soil about 1/2 in. thick and about 1—1/2 in. wet in diameter. The pat is prepared by molding a portion of the soil in the vet plastic state into the size and shape desired and then allowing the pat to dry completely. Samples may be tested for dry 4ry st.rength strength it) ir their natural condition as they are found in the field, but too much reliance must not be given to such tests because of the variations that exist in the drying conditions under field circumstances. Such a test may be used in an approximation, however, and verified later by a carefully prepared sample. sieve. Breaking the Sample: gample is thoroughly dry, attempt to break it using After the prepared sample the thumb and forefingers of both hands (Figure 7.10). If it can be broken, try to powder It it by rubbing it with the thumb and fingers of one hand. Typical Reactions: Typical reactions obtained in this test for various type8 types of soil are described below. 7—38 ¼ F i' Figure 7.10. Breaking or dry strength test. Very Highly Plastic Soils (CH): Very high dry strength. strength. be broken or powdered by use of finger pressure. Highly Plastic Soils (CH): High dry strength. with great effort, but cannot be powdered. Medium Plastic Soils (CL): and powdered powdered with with sotne some effort. effort. Medium dry strength. Slightly Plastic Plastic Soils Soils (ML, (ML,MH, Slightly MH, or CL): be broken quite easily and powdered readily. Samples canno.t Samples Satnples can can be be broken broken Samples can be broken Low dry strength. Low Samples can Nonplasttc MU): Very little or no dry strength. Nonplastl.c Soils Soils (ML (ML or MU): crumble and powder on being picked up in the hands. Samples Precautions: PrecautIons: The test te8t described above is one of the best for distinguishing between plastic clays and nonpiastic nonplastic silts or fine sands. However, a word of of caution caution 7—39 is appropriate. Dry pats of highly plastic clays quite often display shrinkage age cracks. To break the sample along such a crack will indicate only a very small part of the the true true dry dry strength strength of of the the soil. soil. It is important to distinguIsh guish between a break along such a crack, and a clean, fresh break that indicates the true dry strength of the soil. 7.12.7 Roll or Thread Teat TeBt Sample: The roll or thread test is done only on the material passing the No. 4 The soil sample used in this test is prepared by adding water until the moisture content is such that the sample may be easily remolded without sticking to the fingers. This is sometimes referred to as being just below sticky limit." Using a nonabsorbent surface, such as glass, this sample the •sticky the is rolled rather rapidly into a thread approximately 1/8 in. (3.18 mm) in diameter (Figure 7.11). sieve. Rolling: If a moist soil can be rolled into such a thread at some moisture conrolled in Materials which which cannot cannot bc b rolled tent, it is said to have some plasticity. Materials this manner are nonpiastic, nonplastic, or have very low plasticity. a I) .1.. a -'C Figure 7.11. Roll or thread test. test. 7—40 reactions: pica1 pical_reactions: After reaching the plastic limit, the degree of plasticity may be described as follows: described High Plasticity (CH): The The soil may be remolded into a ball and the ball deformed under extreme pressure by the fingers without cracking or crumbling. Medium Plasticity (CL): The soil may be remolded into a ball, but the ball will crack and easily crumble under pressure of the fingers. The soil cannot be lumped into a ball Low Plasticity Plasticity (CL, (CL, ML, ML,or orMI!): NH): without completely breaking up. Organic Materials (OL or HO): Soils containing organic materials on mica particles will form soft spongy threads or balls when remolded. Nonplastic Soils (ML or MH): Nonpiastic MU): moisture content. These cannot at any any cannot be be rolled rolled Into into aa thread, thread at Description of Cohesiveness: From this test, the cohesiveness of the material near the plastic limit may also be be described described as as weak, weak, finn, firm, or or totigh. toigh. The higher the poait•ion posit•ion of a soil on the plasticity chart, the stiffer are the threads as they dry out and the tougher are the lumps if the soil is remolded after rolling. 7.12.8 Ribbon Test The ribbon test is performed only on on the the material material passing passing the the No. No. 40 40 sieve. The sample prepared for use in In this test should have a moisture content that is slightly below the "sticky limit." The "sticky limit" is the lowest water content at which the soil will adhere to a metal tool. Using this material, form form aa roll of soil soil about about 1/2 1/2 to to 3/4 3/4 in. in. (12.7 (12.7 to' to 19.05 mm) Place the the material material in in diameter and about 3 to 5 in. (76.2 to 127 mm) long. Place the the palm palm of of the the hand hand and, and, starting starting with with one one end, end, flatten flatten the the roll, roll, forming forming aa the ribbon 1/8 1/8 to to 1/4 1/4 in. in. (3.18 (3.18 to to 6.35 6.35 mm) mm) thick thick by bysqueezing squeezingLtitbetween betweenthe thumb and forefinger (Figure 7.12). The sample should be handled carefully to form the maximum length of ribbon that can be supported by the cohesive properties of the material. If the soil sample holds together for a length of 8 to 10 in. (203 to 254 mm) without breaking, the material is then considered to be both highly plastic and highly compressive (CH). If the soil cannot cannot be be If it can be ribboned only with diffiribboned, it is nonpiastic nonplastic (ML or MH). MU). culty into short lengths, the soil is considered to have low plasticity (CL). The roll test and the ribbon test complement complement each each other other in in giving giving aa clearer clearer picture of the degree of plasticity of soil. 7.12.9 Wet Shaking Shakzng Test Test Sample Preparation: No, 40 The wet shaking test is performed only on the material passing the No. For this test, enough material to form a ball about 3/4 in. In. (19.05 mm) in in diameter diameter is is moistened moistened with with water. water. This sample should be just wet enough sieve. 7—41 7—4 1'1 Figure 7.12. Ribbon test. that the soil will not stick to the fingers upon remolding or just below the "sticky limit." limit. Testing: The sample is then placed in the palm of the hand and shaken vigorously. This is usually done by jarring the hand on the table or some other firm object, or by jarring it against the other hand. The soil is said to have given a reaction to this test when, on shaking, water comes to the surface of the sample producing a smooth, shiny appearance. This appearance is frequently described as "livery" (Figures 7.13a and 7.13b). Then, upon sqeezing the sample between the thumb and forefinger of the other hand, this surface water will quickly disappear; the surface will become dull (Figure 7.13c); the material will become become firm, firm, resisting resisting deformation; deformation; and and cracks cracks will will occur occur as as pressure is continued, with the sample finally crumbling like a brittle 7—42 material (Figure 7.13d). The vibration caused by the shaking of the soil sample tends to reorient the soil grains, decrease the voids, and force water, which had been within these voids, to the surface. Pressing the sample between the fingers tends to disarrange the soil grains and increase the voids space; and the water is drawn into the soil. If the water content is still adequate, shaking the broken pieces will cause them to liquefy again and flow together, and the complete cycle may be repeated. This process can occur only vhen the soil grains are bulky in shape and noncohesive in character. when Typical Reactions: Very fine sands and silts fall into this category and are readily identified by the wet vet shaking shaking test. test. Since it is rare that sands and silts occur without some clay mixed with them, there are varying degrees of reaction to this test. Even a small 8mall amount of clay will tend to greatly retard this reaction. tion. Some of the descriptive terms applied to the different rates of reaction tion to to this this test test are are as as follows: follows: Sudden or Rapid: A rapid reaction to the shaking 8haking test is typical of non— plastic, fine sands and silts (Figure 7.13b). Sluggish or Slow: A sluggish reaction indicates slight plasticity such as might be found from a test of some organic silts, or silts containing a small amount of clay. No Reaction: Obtaining no reaction at all to this test does not indicate a complete absence of silt or fine sand. 7.12.10 Odor Test Organic soils of the OL and OH groups usually have a distinctive, musty, slightly offensive odor which, vhich, with vith experience, can be used to aid their identification. This odor is especially apparent from fresh samples. It is gradually reduced by exposure to air, but can again to made more pronounced by heating a wet sample. Organic soils are undesirable as foundation or base course material and usually are removed from the construction site and wasted. 7.12.11 Bite or Grit Test The bite and grit test is a quick and useful method of identifying sand, silt, or clay. In this test, a small pinch of the soil material is ground lightly between the teeth and the soils are identified as follows: Sandy Soils: The sharp, hard particles of sand will grate very harshly between the teeth and will be highly objectionable. This is true even of the fine 8and. sand. Silty Soils: The silt grains are so much smaller than sand grains that they do not feel nearly so harsh between the teeth, and are not particularly gritty although their presence is still easily detected. 7—43 -: • S aTh1 Figure 13a. Wet shaking e$t test (initial sample). et e avce Figure 13b. Wet shaking test (livery appearance). b. 7—44 k Figure 7.l3c. 7.13c. Wet shaking test (crumbling the sample). 4, - .. a :s ac, — Figure 7.13d. Wet shaking test (squeezing the sample). 7—45 Clayey Soils: The clay grains are not at all gritty, but feel smooth and powdery like flour between the teeth. Dry lumps on clayey soils will stick when lightly touched with the tongue. 7.12.12 Slaking T68t Test The The slaking.test slaking.test is is used used to to assist assist in in determining determining the the quality quality of of certain certain soft shales and other soft "rocklike" materials. The test is performed by placing the soil in the sun or in an oven to dry, and then allowing it to to soak soak in water for at least 24 hours. The strength of the soil is then examined. Certain types of shale will completely disintegrate, losing all strength. 7.12.13 Acid Test Test The acid The acid test test is is used used to to determine determine the the presence presence of of calcium calcium carbonate carbonate and and is done by placing .a few drops of hydrochloric acid on a piece of the soil. A fixing reaction (effervescence) (effervescence) to to this this test test indicates indicates the the presence presence of of calciuxn calcium carbonate, carbonate, and and the the degree degree of of reaction reaction gives gives an an indication indication of of the the concentraconcentration. Calcium carbonate normally Is is desirable in a soil because of the cementing action it provides to add to the stability. (In some very dry non— illusion of effervescalcareous soils, the absorption of the acid creates the Illusion cence. This effect effect can can be be eliminated eliminated in in all all dry dry soils soils by bymoistening moisteningthe thesoil. soil before applying the acid.) Since this cementation normally is developed only after a considerable curing period, it cannot be counted upon for strength in most military construction. The primary use for this test is, therefore, to permit better understanding of what appear to be abnormally high strength values on fine—grained soils which are tested In place, where this property may exert considerable influence. 7.12.14 7.12.14 Shine Test Test The The shine test is another means of measuring the plasticity characteristics tics of of clays. clays. A slightly moist or or dry dry piece piece of of highly highly plastic plastic clay clay will will give give a definite shine when rubbed with a fingernail, a pocket knife blade, or any smooth metal surface. AA piece of lean clayw1ll -remain -remain dull.. dull.. clay will 7.12.15 Fee7 Test Fe.l Test The The feel is a general general purpose purpose test test that that requires requires considerable considerable experience experience and practice to obtain reliable results. The extent of its use will grow with Increasing increasing familiarity with soils. Some of the following characteristics can be readily estimated by proper use of this test. Moisture Content: The natural moisture content of a soil is of value as an indicator of the drainage characteristics, nearness to water table, or other factors, which may affect this property. A piece of undisturbed soil is tested by squeezing it between the thumb and and forefinger forefinger to to determine determine its its consistency. consistency. The consistency is described by such terms as as "hard, "hard,' "stiff," stiff," 'brittle," "friable," "sticky," or "soft." "soft." The soil is "sticky," "plastic," "plastic, or Is then remolded remolded by by working working it it in In the hands, and changes are observed. This test indicates the natural water 7—46 content relative relative to to the the liquid liquid or or plastic plastic limit limit of o the soil. soil. Clays which turn almost liquid on remolding are probably near or above the liquid limit. If the clay re!E".ns rem".ns stiff, stiff, and and crumbles crumbles upon upon being being remolded, remolded, the the natural natural water water content is below the plastic limit. Texture: "Texture, as "Texture," as applied applied to to the the fine—grained fine—grained portion portion of a soil, soil, refers refers to to the degree of fineness and uniformity. It is described by such expressions as "floury," floury," "smooth," "smooth," 'gritty," "gritty, or or "sharp," "sharp," depending depending on the sensation produced produced by rubbing the soil soil between between the the fingers. fingers. Sensitivity to this sensation may be increased by rubbing some of the material on a more tender skin area such as the wrist. Fine sand will feel gritty. Typical dry dry silts silts will will dust dust readily, readily and feel relatively soft and silky to the touch. Clay soils are powdered only with difficulty but become smooth and gritless like flour. 7.12.16 Hasty Method With the standard methods of field identification supplemented with a few simplified field tests, an approximate and hasty classification can be obtained for almost any soil. The three simple or hasty tests outlined below will, for the most part, eliminate the need for specialized equipment such as sieves. The results of these tests, when used or supplemented with the results of the tests described in the previous paragraphs, will give at least a tentative classification to almost any soil. The schematic diagram diagram (Figure (Figure 7.14) may may be be used as a guide to the testing sequence in the process of assign7.14) ing a symbol to a sample of soil. Sedimentation Test: Test; From the visual observation test described above, it is relatively simple to approximate the comparative proportions of sand and gravel in a sample of Out on a flat surface, and separating the soil by spreading a dry sample out gravel particles by hand. Separating the fines from the sand particles is Small particles will, will. settle more difficult difftcult although just as important. through through water at a slower rate than large particles. By placing a small, representative amOunt amount of soil (such as a heaping tablespoon measure) in a transparent cup or jar, covering with about 5 in. (127 mm) mn) of water, and agitating by tating by stirring stirring or or shaking, shaking the' the soil soil willbe' wilibe' compLetelysuspended c'ompletelysuspended in in the water. With most cohesive soil it will be necessary to break up the lumps of soil before adding the water. This can be done by grinding the soil in a canteen cup with an improvised wood pestle. After the soil particles have been thoroughly dispersed in the water and then left, they will start to settle Outs beginning with with the the larger larger size size particles, particles in out, In time time periods periods approximately approximately as indicated in Table 7.8. sedimentation test test is is to to differentiate differentiate 1. The most important use of the sedimentation Since all of the coarse (0.072 mm) fraction from fror the fine fraction of a soil. the particles of soil larger than 0.072 mm will have settled to the bottom of the cup or jar 30 seconds after the mixture has been agitated, it follows that If the water containing containing the the the particles particles remaining remaining in in suspension suspension are are fines. fines. the suspended suspended fines fines is is carefully carefully poured poured into into another another container container 30 30 seconds seconds after after agitation, if more water is added to the cup or jar containing the coarse fraction, and if the procedure is repeated until the water—soil mixture 7—4 7 —4 I PINT Figure 7—14. SEPARATE PARTICLES I/B OR OR LARGER LARGER (GRAVEL (GRAVEL SIZE) SIZE) ICNT1EN CUP FULL) S4UPL F S4UPt F OF SOIL -- SEL(CT RPREZENTATy SEL(CT RPRLNTA1VL [ST [5T F INE INA S FINES IN FNC5 IN ORIG. INL INALS&JAPLE ESflMA1E %/ ESIIMA1E [SLDIE A jI Suggested procedure for hasty field identi-fication. identi-ficatlon. AT VOLUME GRAVEL-O% -O% \, GRAVEL GRAVELS. O% GRVEL. O 94 BY VOLUME ESTIMIE % ESTIM1( S€tcling Times for Settling for Small Small Particles Particles of Tim e of Approximate Time Set1ement Through Set1eruent Thro ugh Water Water 51r.(127_mc 51r.(127_m 22 seconds 30 seconds 10 minutes 1 hour Grain Diameter 0.4 mm 0.072 0.03 0.01 Differentiates Coarse 8and—fine sand—fine sand Sand—fines Coarse silt——fine silt——fine silt 8ilt Silt——clay becomes ciear 30 seconds after mixing, then the cup or jar will contain the coarse fraction of soil and the pan containing concaining the suspension viii will hold the fines. fines. if the water can be wicked or evaporated off, the relative amounts of ti.ies ti.ies crd sand sand can can he he detertnined determined fairly accurately. accurately. Otherwise a direct mean— meas— urcmnt 3fofthe ;rcineat thesettled settledOut outfines finescan can be be obcained obtained as as aa guide. guide. Thus, in a sense, th.. test test acts acts like like a a No. 200 sieve. sense3 d .. 2. Most field identification identification tests are done on the No. Most field No. 40 40 sieve sieve soil soil fraction (fines and fine sand portion). This fraction can be separated by procedure similar similar to to that that outlined outlined above, above,except exceptthat thatthe thewater wateris using a procedure is poured cit within within 11 to to 22 seconds seconds after after completion completion of of agitation. agitation. The suspended portion will then include the particles of the fine sand range. 3. i difficulty encountered with many clay soils is that the clay parti- cles will wifl often often form form small small lumps lumps (flocculate) (flocculate) that that will will not not break break up up in in water. water. Tsua1iy Tsua1ly .t condition can be detected by examining the coarse fraction of the 8011 acer soil atr several several repetitions repetitions of the teat. teat. If substantial amounts of clay are ti1 tii present, the sand will have a somewhat 8Omewhat slippery feel, and further break up up theBe these help break mixing ar.i ari grthding grthding with with aa wood wood stick stick will will be be necessary necessary to help lunp. 1unp. 7.12.15.i 7.l2.1.i' Cast Test: test The cast cast test refers to the strength of a moist soil sample when squeezed nji.d. in t n4i.d. It is is used used to indicatethe theapproximate approximate type type and and quant.tty quantity of of to indicate tr cie fines tr cne sample. sample. The The correct amount of water to add to the soil must be fines estimated by trial trial and and error, although maximum maximum cohesion cohesion or or attraction attraction between between error, although the lndijidual kLdiJ1dual soil particles generally will occur when the soil is damp but The test consists of compressing a handful of the moist soil into not sticky. a ball cigar—shaped cast and and observing observing its its capability capability to towithstand withstandhar.dllng handling cigar—shaped cast is desirable desirable in in making making predictions predictions based based without crumbling. While experience is upon thi. thi, test, Table 7.9 may serve as a general guide of the behavior of dif— ferent soil typeswhen when formed formed into soil types into aa cast cast and tested. ferent 7.12.L6.3 Wash, and Smear Smear Teats: Dust and Tests; Wash Dust, A small amount of silt (less than 5 percent), when Intermixed intermixed with a coarse—grained soil, normally normally will will not not lessen lessen the the value value of of the the Boll Boll as as aa con— con— coars—grained soil, structiort material. However, increasing quantities of silt will sharply struct1or material. 7—49 Table 7.9 Cast Test Reactions Soil Type R eaction to Handling Handling GF, SF, GP, SP, SW, GW SM, SM, Cast crumbles crunibles when when touched touched Cast SC Cast withstands careful careful handling handling ML, MH •i Cast can be handled freely CL, CH Cast withstands withstands rough rough handling handling reduce the strength and interfere with the free drainage haracteristics of the coarse—grained soil, thus making it lees leás desirable as a road or airfield construction material. To decide harmful concentration concentration of decide what what COfl8titutes con8titutes aa harmful silt by the field identification methods generally requires extensive field experience. experience. If the dust, dust, wash, wash, and and smear smear tests tests are are first first practiceci practiced on soils soils of known silt contents, they can be used to produce a fairly accurate result. In the dust test, when a completely dry sample of soil (with the gravel portion removed) is dropped from a height of I 1 or 2 ft (0.3 or 0.6 m) onto a solid surface, a silt content higher than 10 percent will generally cause a fairly large amount of dust to be produced. In the iiash test, test, an an identical Identical soil sample, sample, as as above, above, is is placed placed in in the the palm palm of of aa hand, hand, and and covered covered with with about about soil 1/8 in. (3.18 mm) of water. If the water becomes completely discolored and hides the sand grains, this indicates that the soil sample contains a silt content higher than 5 percent. In the smear test, a sample of soil, again with the gravel gravel portion portion removed, removed, is is moistened moistened to tojust justbeloii below •the •the "sticky "sticky limit," and then smeared between the thumb and forefinger. When it produces a gritty, harsh feel, this Indicates indicates that it contains a silt content of less than 10 percent. A rough, less harsh feel, however, Indicates that the sample contains more than 10 percent silt. It should be emphasized that all of the above tests require the testing engineer to have sorne expez'iènce exper'ience in their use before they can be considered reliable indicators of the silt contents. 7— 0 CHAPTER 88 — CHAPTER — PORT PORT CONSTRUCTION 8.1 Introduction Certain Certain geographic geographic areas areas of of operation operation nay nay require require use use of of beach beach sites sites for for extended extended periods periods of of time time beasue beasue there there are are few--—or few--—or no——facilities no——facilities for for handling handling containers in most most ports ports in in the the Middle Middle East East at at present, present, and and container container termiterminals are only in the planning stage. Wooden and concrete jetties are used throughout for shipping crude and refined oil for local consumption and for exporting oil products. products. currently designated designated U.S. U.S. Army Army Port Port It appears that currently Construction Companies (one regular Army, two reserves) require new equipment and training to become familiar with the best methods of performing container port construction. Because of construction limitations caused by the equipment presently authorized the Engineer Combat Battalion Heavy, time restrictions preclude any extensive repairs on heavily damaged ports. Characteristics of selected "major" ports in the Middle East reveal two common problems: most ports in the region are not equipped to handle heavy cargo or con(1) than 40—ft 40—ft (12—in) (l2—m) draft draft available available in in the the tainer lifts, and (2) some have less than channel or at dockside. A typical small port involved in coastal coastal trade trade is iS 8.1. shown in Figure 8.1, 8.2 Dredging of Channels Rapid dredging of channels with depths of a least 40 ft (12 m) is needed to accommodate container ships. There are no expedient solutions to this problem. Hopper dredges and sidecasting dredges are the only ones that are seagoing. The cutterhead dredge is the most functional of all dredges because it can operate in materials up to a consistency of soft rock. The dredge works Its use is most efficiently when making a deep cut in In relatively calm waters. very limited in waters waters subject subject to to waves waves over over 22 to to 33 ft ft (0.6 (0.6 to to (1.9 0.9 m). m). It takes a significant amount of time to move equipment such as dredges from secured areas to occupied areas. In fact, the equipment would not arrive for more pre-positioned so sent at at inore than than 48 48 hours hours unless unless it it were pre-positioneci so that that it it could be sent a morriont's notice. moment's notice. Identifying items are 4lfficuit 4ffficuit, to to move move is is imperative imperative Identifying items thafl that are for the completion of large—scale mis&ions missions such as port rehabilitation. 8.3 Personnel in in Operation Operation and and Maintenance Maintenance of of Local Local Materials— '1rainUwof 'lraininLof Personnel lln.&±!p! Personnel who will operate a port may be unfamiliar with the operation and maintenance of civilian material—handling equipment left in an operational status by departed host nation personnel. status personnel. One solution may be familiarization schooling for personnel assigned to rapid deployment forces. Other approaches could be the importation of allied civilian workers skilled in operation of such equipment or on—the—job orientation for untrained military personnel. 8—1 ASPHALT PLANT Stole in miles V. S. C S itit IIII 1I •1 -— —— CAAAW.H ROUTE I ( II UI if .17 I 'S C.. '/ a. I. / /I' CI,. a sea v / $4 .4 WI' 1W / I SI a I / flit I. ii I. . CARAVAN . ROUTE •' 1 'a 1•it. S. F —I——si—,. C.— a aa ç vC—' ScSS a a • p Figure 8.1. ,S S. S... r p4LAVa rw sns4va *z 4—--;,. I-— I-.- —. Typical facilities in a small port in the Middle East. (From Tropical Engineering, NAVDOCKS P—39 [Navy Department, 19511.) To enhance operation capabilities, detailed information should be gathered concerning the type and quantity of equipment available at the Persian Gulf ports so that familiarization schoolingcatt schoolingcafl be done. On—the—job training is not recommended as the best solution learning accidents can he be costly in a operation operation for for which which time time is is minimal. minimal. 8.4 POL Terminal Facilities Construction, rehabilitation, and/or improvement of POL terminal facilities ties are are needed needed to to achieve achieve an an early early capability capability for for unloading unloading POL POL tankers. tankers. Tactical marine terminals consisting of two functional portions, an offshore and an onshore portion, will bring ashore, store, and issue bulk petroleum products where no facilities exist for doing so. The storage capacity of the terminal should accommodate accommodate large large ocean—going ocean—going tankers. tankers. Holds of ships not not being provide aa temporary temporary oil oil reservoir. reservoir. If the being used for other purposes can provide ship is floating, it can be towed to larger tankers, have the hold filled, 8—2 and then then be be t..ed t.ed to to aa storage storage site. Collapsible tanks are vulnerable to puncture from standard materials—handling equipment and, due to their weight and bulk, require considerable manpower for positioning. This solution is susceptible Also, disabled ships to enemy attack since any ship must be exposed in the water. Collaor unpowered barges require powered vessels to get to and from tankers. Collapsible POL tankscan canbebeinserted inserted in in below-ground pits or or underwater to reduce psible POL tanks below-ground pits underwater to reduce vulnerability fire. vulnerability and and exposure exposure to to weapons weapons fire. 8.5 8.5 Lack of Container—Handling Facilities Capability is required for the rapid construction of expedient container However, there are no quick ports to meet rapid deployment force requirements. It should be recognized that plans for and easy solutions to this problem. future uses uses of of expedient expedient military military ports ports must must be be especially especially adaptable adaptable for for future container—handling operations and must employ the latest innovative commercial conmercial applications for reducing off—loading and turnaround times of container ships. Pre—positioning of critical equipment for off—loading operations may provide flexibility flexibility to to reaèt react in in undeveloped undeveloped port port areas. areas. 8.6 Rapid Removal of Debris Removal of horizontal and vertical structures that are damaged beyond repair and are interfering interfering with with completion completion ef f the the port port operation operation mission mission may may Material that has been reduced to rubble, such as broken brokdn conbe required. crete, can be turned into fill material within the port area to act as foundation for extensions of piers breakwaters, and construction of new piers, or to fill fill craters. craters. Blasting techniques have been effective in reducing ing structures structures to to rubble. rubble. However, blasting and the handling of explosives To facilitate debris removal the should be done only by trained personnel. addition of adding a dump truck company could make it easier to handle large quantities of earth, rubble, or damaged construction material. Also, subassemblies salvaged from a destoryed structure could serve as structural membranes in other facilities; e.g., salvageable wood could be used for expedient roadway surfacing in areas of weak soil. 8.7 Lack of Adequate Road Networks Lack of adequate road networks from port to inland areas may hinder Expedient construction techniques may be used with minimum transportation. quantities of hauled—in materials to provide binder for In—place, in—place, sandy Use sea—water to obtain compaction with heavy construction equipmaterials. ment and dump trucks. The minimum length and width of one—way roads should be constructed until until semipermanent semipermanent and/or and/or permanent permanent inland inland road road nets nets are are reached. reached. in If proper consolidation and compaction of sandy soils cannot be completed in the allotted time, re—outfitting trucks with tires that perform well in trapped loose sand may prevent having to extract vehicles that have become trapped A minimum stand—by force of water trucks and dozers is in the sand. required to smooth the road surface as ruts occur from vehicle traffice. 8—3 8.8 Temporary Methods of Through—Put Operations will During the rehabilitation of ports, the off—loading of supply ships viii On possible solution be be hindered hindered until until wharves wharves and and quays quays can can be be reconstructed. reconstructed. is iighterage lighterage operations from ships anchored within the harbor to barges for Other solutions could include; lighterage from lighter transfer to shore. aboard ship (LASH) or SEABEE ships for over—the—beach discharge of cargo; use of heavy—lift heavy—lift helicopters helicopters to to off—load off—load break—bulk break—bulkor orcontainer containercargoes; cargoes or or use of causeway barges to ferry containers from ship to shore (in calm seas). For example: There are certain considerations to be observed. Ligherage from ships that do do not not have have self—sustaining self—sustaining capability capability would would require the use of a floating crane or use of helicopters. — — Lighterage operations cannot be conducted in heavy seas. — or roll—on/roll—off roll—on/roll—off (RO/RO) (RO/RO) ships ships is is only only possible possible through through Discharge or Discharg Light the Army's Beach Discharge Light (EbL), (BDL), of of which which there there is is only only one. one. — restricts cargo cargo weight weight to to useful useful limits limits of of the the Use of helicopters restricts be carried can be caried by helicopter. Nominal loads of up ot 18,200 lb (16 380 int) tnt) helicopters. CH—47C helicopters. dH—47C It should noted that all of the foregoing methods are time consuming and should only be used until docking facilities are available. In addition, movement of barges will require powered vessels. - 8.9 Lack of Materials for Construction and Repair of Port Facilities Local timber is generally not available for piling or wharf superstrucDuring 1)orld Uorld War War II II port port development development in In the the Persian Persian Gulf, Gulf, timber timber for for tures. TN 5—258, Pile Construction, describes a piling piling was imported from India. number of species of trees in that area which make excellent piling. Salvaged materials, such as structural steel or telephone poles, can be used During demolition and debris removal, the normal for expedient piling. tendency is to cut such members Into short, easily handled pieces. If general salvaging cargo pier pier reconstruction reconstruction is Is required, required, aa premiUm premiumihóutd hould be placed placed on on salvaging Since timing of the operations makes fabrication of large pieces intact. materials must either be scavenged or imported. piling unrealistic , 8-4 CHAPTER 9 — FACTORS AFFEtTING AFFEtTINGENCINEER ENCINEER Wfl Vt)RCE iRCE Wfl 9.1 Introduction Working conditions corditiors in ir the desert cait call he be extremely harsh. High bolar solar radiation, temperature, temperature, lack lack of of water water supply1, 8uppiy, and and sand sand storms storms all all contribute contribute to the difficult environment. This chapter describes how the environment envirormert affects personnel personnel ard and equipment, equipment, and and how how thQ che impacts impactscan canbebeinir1mized. minimized. GenGer— erally, all movements movemelts should should be be as as deliberate deliberate and and unhurried unhurried as as possible; pos1b1e; this this reduces the body's heat production and use of energy erergy and aid water. waters 9.2 Health and aid Operational Opecatioial Effectiveness Effect of Heat Heat oo Efficiency Efficiency Effect of 9.2.1 Desert is characterized by high solar radiation radiatEoi and temperature. temperature0 Solar beats down dowr on or desert desert regions regions with with great great •intenslty. irtensity. The air temperature in ii the summer can range raIge up to 131°F (559C). Without precautionary precautiqiary measmeaa— ures, the heat not iot only oily viii will reduce the efficiency efficieicy of workers, but also will create create health problems. radiation radiation reduction in In the efficiency of workers caused by high da,time temThe ceductioi peratures cart peratures can be be considerable. considerable. Therefore, one ore needs to consider letting 1ettirg personnel work at night right to take advantage of the cooler temperatures. However, However, the problem with this this is is that that workers workers must must sleep sleep in in excessive excessivedaytirue daytime temperatemperatures. High solar radiation radiatior and ard temperature may cause heat cramps and heat exhaustion. exhaustioi. The following followiig preventive measures should be taken: Water Water and aid salt salt intake intake by by individuals indiv1dials must must be be adequate. adequate. However However, excess intake thtake of salt should be avoided since it may cause thcreased increased thirst aid and incpacitating nausea. nausea. Unless Unless workers workers are are sweatthg sweating coatiiüoitsly continuously or or ieed saline fluids or salt tablets. tublets. repeatedly, they do not need Exta salt in food and ard on the table, coupled with sound sourd training, trairing, will meet most requirements. ments. When water water supplies supplies are are resrricted.,.sait resticted.,.sa1t i,n In xcessof xcessof thtnoruially thtiorrna11y tnfrwation on on preaeIt in present in food food should should riot not be taken. Consilt TB MED 507 Consult 507 for for infrmation salt tablets. salt tablets. 1. it 2. Whenever practical, work should be performed in the shade shade or ii in the the early morning, evening, everirg, or night. If shade over over aa work work ares are is is not not possible, possible, some sort some sort of of shady shady shelter sheltershould shouldbebeprovided provided ut it th jc1 se. the jo1 se. labor 3. 3. When it is very hot, the men should should be reduced. aid strenuous work iiin sh1cs, and strenuous 4. Clothing 5. Dress as the the natives natives du. do. 6. 6. The The body, especially the head, should should not iot be be untiecessarily untiecessarily exposed exposed to to eiough to permit ventihitton veitLLition of the body. must be loose enough Weirlight light colored colored clotiing. clotithg. Wear the the sun. sur. 9—1 It is well understood that a sudden onset of hot weather impairs ability Howis easily done in cool environments. Howof personnel to perform work that Is ever, one can get acclimated if the heat wave lasts several days. Nevertheless, it should be pointed out Out that the ability to perform as much work as possible in the heat must be attained by progressively increasing the daily workload. workload. Strenuous exertion on first exposure may result in disability that Therefore, gradual workload will impair performance for several days.* increases increases are are suggested suggested so so that that fresh fresh troops troops perform perform lighter lighter work work for for aa short short time time before before being being assigned assigned heavier heavier workloads. workloads. Personnel can become acclimated intermittent work work periods periods of of 22 to to 44 hours hours daily daily for for 44 to to 77 days.** days.** with short1, short, intermittent Drinking water must not be re8tricted restricted during this time since inadequate water and salt replacement can delay acclimatization. Nevertheless, salt intakes should not be be excessive1, excessive, as earlier. A suggested schedule of work durshould not as noted earlier. ing acclimatizing acclimatizing period period is is given given in in Table Table 9.1. 9.1. 9.2.2 Protective Equipment impaired by proIn desert regions, the night vision of personnel may be Impaired longed exposure of the eyes to Intense intense sunlight and reflected light from the These problems ted by by taking taking the following steps: problems can can be be correc corrected steps: earth. 1. Providing caps or or hats hats with with wide wide brims brims or or bills bills to to shade shade the th eyes. eyes. Prohibiting personnel personnel from fromworking workingininthe thedirect direct sunlig.t.'Iiout iiout Prohibiting sunhIg'.t having their heads covered and eyes shaded. 2. 3. Providing sunglasses to all personnel and requiring that they wear them when they are are outside outside in in the the daytime. daytime. If sunglasses sunglasses are are not not available1, available, under extreme conditions personnel can take a piece of cardboard or paper and Cut cut small saiallslits slits or or holes holes in in it it that that will will align align with with each eye. The paper or cardboard can be kept In place with rubber bands, tape, or wire positioning a hole or slit directly in front of each eye. This will reduce the amount of light entering the pupil of the eye, eye) but will still provide limited vision. Any metallic object1, object, such such as as aa tool tool or or equipment, equipment, will will become become too too hot hot for for handling if left in the sun. Therefore, Therefore) workers need gloves for protection against burns. To prevent tools from becoming too hot, they must be stored in the shade whenever possible. Soft, "spongy" °spongy" handle covers would also make tools tools easier easier to to use use In in the the heat. heat. In addition to the problems caused by intense sunlight, dust or sand storm will also cause considerable difficulty for workers. All personnel will need goggles, goggles1, chapsticks, chapsticks, and and skin skin and and eye eye ointments. ointments. Sometimes it is better need to just stop working than to try to keep going when there are bad dust storms. * D. E. Bass, "Thermoregulatory and Circulatory Adjustments during AclimatiAcliiatization to Heat in Temperature: in Man," Man," in in James James P. P. Hardy, Hardy, ed., ed, Temperature: Its ment and and Control Control in in Science Science and and Industry, Industry,Vol Vol3,3,part part3,3,Biology Biologyaid ad Mdi— cine cine (Van Nostrand Reinhold Reinhold Company, Company, 1963), 1963), pp 299—305. pp 299—305. — - **Ibjd. **Ibid 9—2 9.2.3 9.2.3 Water Intake Requirements Intak Requirements Table 9.2 may be used as as aa guide guide to to estimate the drinki,. water requirerequireestimate the ments for per:('anel per:('nnel exposed to heat.* drivLi,. Occasionally1,drinking Occasionally drinkingwater water must must be be restricted. restricted. The restricted drinking water supply will reduce operational effectiveness and increase health hazards. Therefore, Therefore the the number number of of working working hours hours should should be be reduced, reduced, the the work work should be made less strenuous, and the men should not be allowed to work in the sun. the sun. Never reduce the amount of drinking water as a "hardening" measure or or "toughening "toughening" process for personnel. personnel. This is a dangerous practice —— only only produces produces dehydration. dehydration. When water is in short supply, significant water economy can be achieved only be reducing physical activity or limiting it to early morning or night hours when there there is is less less heat heat and and workers workers do do not not sweat sweat as much. as Any attempt at water economy by restricting water intake must be paid for in in reduced reduced work work capability, capability reduced reduced efficiency, and and increased increased risk risk of of heat innjury. it It is common common for for •chemical chemical diarrhea diarrhea" to to be be caused caused just just by by changing changing sources of water supply. supply, Often, even treated water contains certain laxatives to which one must become acclimated. If one is forced to constantly drink water from from different different sources, sources, onets one's systerr system does not have an an opportunity opportunity tt adjust adjust to to the the new new supply. This This problem problem will will be be more more common common with with freshwater freshwater sources which have been treated with an ERDLater rather than a desalination unit; ERDLater—type devices are not designed to remove from water substances which act as laxatives. Local water may also contain relatively high levels It may also have pH ppn). of magnesium sulfate or sodium sulfate (500 ppm). Therefore, local water supplies must be avoided unless qualities (above 9). personnel have tested tested and and approved approved the the water. water. In addition, the unit commander must must try try to to keep keep changes changes in in sources sources of of water water supply supply to to aa minimum. minimum. 9.2.4 Sanitation Considerations Many species of flies are annoyances in all countries of SWA. Many other the types of insects —— such as mosquitoes and fleas —— are also found in the How— region. Insecticides provided by the Quartermaster Corps may be used. However it ever, it probably probably will will be be more more effective effective to to use screens in the the work work areas areas to to Deodorants hair spray, and cologne should not stop the flies and mosquitoes. Deodorant, be be used since they will attract insects. 9.2.5 Use of Local Labor of Local Labcr Fc'rce Fc'rce Every effort should be made to use native personnel whenever practical Every since they they know know the the country, country in in many many instances instances have considerable considerable practical practical knowledge of construction problems in the Immediate immediate area, and furnish a ready It should should be be cautioned, cautioned, however, however that that labor force which can be called upon. native native laborers laborers are are more more efficient efficient when when working working with with familiar familiar muaterials iuaterials and and For instance, tools. instances local or native workmen are far more experienced experielced in Local laborers should not be forced to use modrn masonry than in carpentry. tools unless the training can be done easily. * TB—MED—507, Occupational and * and Environmental Environmental Health Health (Headquarters, (Headquarters Department Department TB—MED—507, of the the Army, Army Navy 1980). of Navy and and Air Air Force, Force, .Tuly July 1980). 9—3 Table 9.1 Schedules of Work, If Necessiry, During Acclimatizing Perio table is (This table is based ba8ed on on TB—MEI)—5U1, TB—MEI)—5Ul, Occupational Occupational and and Environcta1 Environta1 (This Health Headquarters [Departments [Departnientsof ofthe theArmy, Army,Navy, Navy,and andAir AirFor.e, For.e July 1980].) Moderate Conditions, WBGT or WD Less Than 800* Severe Conditions, WBGT or Wi) Greater Than 800 flours of Hours of Work** Work** Morning Afternoon First day Second day Third day Fourth day Fifth day 1 1 1—1/2 1—1/2 2 22 Hours of Work** AfteLnon Morning Morning Aftenon First day Second day Third day Fourth day Fifth doy Sixth day 3 3 Regular Rgiilar duty 1 1 1—1/2 1-1/2 2 22 2—1/2 2—1/2 3 3 Regular Regular dy y *800 wet—bulb—globe—temperature (WBGT) (WBCT) or WD index, is approximately equivalent to a dry bulb (DB) temperature of 850 85° In a jungle or 105° in = 0.85 enviroiunent (WO (WO = desert enviroiuneit 0.85 WB + 0.15 DB). DB). **Reconended **Recoended for Som& formen menininfair fairor orworse worse physical physical condition; condition; with some very fit very fit individuals individuals should should do do double double this this schedule schedule and and be be able able to to perfi perfi .. regular duty on third or fourth day. Table 9.2 Water Requiiremerts Water Requirements b Quarts per Quarts per Man Man per per ba for Drinking Purposes ( Guide for Planning Only) WBGT or WD Indext tndex* Activity . . Light Moderate Heavy Illustrative Less than DutIes Desk work Route Route march march Forced marches; stevedoring; entrenching; or route route marches with heavy loads or in CBR protective clothing. 800 5 Greater than Greater th than t.han D9 D9 66 7 9 9 13 *800 wet—bulb—globe-eniperature wet—bulb—globe—temperature (WBGT) or WD index Is approximately eq.ILva1ut eq.lLva1ut to to aa dry terriperarure of of 85° 85° In In aa jungle dry bulb bulb terDperarure jungle or or 1050 1050 in in a a desert desert env1roirfIL env1roirtIL (W'D = 0.85 WB + 0.15 D8). (w'D = 9-4 laborera may create problems because becauae of the language Dealing with local laborers barrier and the customs of natives. The following approaches are suggested. Buggested. U of native native labor labor leaders leaders ie is the the most most satisfactory satisfactoryoethod oethodof ofdeal-dealing with native labor. 1. 2. Discussions with local authorities should always precede any use of native labor. 3. Existing rules and local customs should be carefully observed. Perbian Gulf Command during World War II indicated The experience of the Persian that American Engineer units got the best available labor without upsetting the local wage scales by issuing ration coupons.* To make efficient use of the local local workers, workers, foremen foremen were were drawn drawn from from the the workers workers and and given given proper proper traintraining. Supervisors on—site then directed foremen, who in turn directed the laborers. Proper security must be provided in the storage areas to keep local residetts from stealing construction materials. residents 9.3 9.3.1 Construction and Engineering Equipment Maintenance and Operations Naintnanc F'acilitis Oprationa F'acilities and Maintenance Working areas must be on bare ground or concrete, if possible; sand must be swept from the location. The repair area must not be established beside a If there is a patch of fine) road. fine, loose sand, the work space should be located so that it will not be dusted by every breeze. When machinery must be opened up for servicing, workers should try to get The whole working area must be kept cleared a canvas lean—to or a half tent. If water is available, workers could dampen the sand, or better of dust. still, sprinkle it with used engine oil and cover it with rock to bind it Tools must b kept clean at all times. When there are bad sand or dust down. storms, storms, work work should should be be stopped. stopped. Parking spaces should be arranged so that vehicles can leave without hay— ing to circle around others. other8. Although it is not practical to have equipment so widely widely separated separated that that there there isno isno danger danger frqm frqm dust, dust,care cares.houd s.houdbebetaken takentoo park the machines so that turning and travel are done outside the area and on the side away from prevailing winds. 9.3.2 Operations Refueling Operations Fuei and Fuel and Refueling A serious problem that has occurred in Saudi Arabia and other desert A The areas is clogging of fuel lines due to sand and dust in the fuel tank. fuel filters usually ueually prevent sand and dust from getting into the carburetor, but the fuel pump, fuel lines, or tank screens can become clogged. The problem results from careless refueling operations and refueling during sand or solutions are are suggested: suggested: dust dust storms. storms. The following solutions * T. H. Vail Motter, The Persian Corridor and Aid to Russia (Washington, Office of the the Chief Chief of oTilitary MilitaryHistory, History, 1952), 1952), pp 103. 103. 9—s The first, first, most obvious1 obvious, solution is to avoid refueling refueling during during storms storms if possible. 1. 2. Before the fuel tank cap is taken off1 care should be taken to make sure that sand or dust which might enter the tank has been removed. 3. If If it is necessary to refuel during during aa storm1 storm, then then certain certain precautions precautions should be taken: a. If a funnel is to to be be used1 used, then it should be a filtered funnel and should fit tightly into the fuel tank opening. If If possible, possible, the the funnel funnel should should screw on the opening or fit the tank opening snugly. If necessary, solder a small vent pipe down the inside of the funnel to allow air to escape while pouring the fuel. b. If If aa "screw—on" "screw—on" funnel funnel is is not not available, available1 then then aa rag rag should should be be wrapped wrapped around the funnel funnel base base and and fuel fuel tank tank opening opening to to prevent prevent sand/dust sand/dust entry. entry. c. c. The "rag wrep wrap procedure may be used with hose/nozzle filling approaches also. approacheG - d. Be sure to wipe the tank clean fr several inches around the opening before taking off the filler cap. Remember, a few grains of sharp, 9harp, cutting sand can completely ruin a diesel fuel engine or pump. e. Fuel filters must muBt be cleaned more frequently. The high diurnal temperature is another problem for fueling operations in In hot desert region. region. If fuel tanks are filled to the brim at night, they will overflow at mid—day. Therefore, fuel tanks must be filled to theIr correct capacity. capacity. 9.3.3 9.3.3 Lubrication Lubricant be the Lubricant must must be temperature, and and must must be be the correct viscosity for the temperature, kept to the absolute minimum on exposed or semi—exposed moving parts. Lub. Lube fittings must be checked frequently. If they are missing, missing1 sand will enter the housing and cause bearing failure. failure. Teflon bearings require Constant constant inspection tion to ensure that that the the coating coating is is not not being' being renoved. removed. Lightweight Lightweight oils are not suitable In in hot climates. Their use Their use can can rethice reduce engine life; therefore, therefore1 oil of the proper weight must be used. Engine oil must be changed must be changed more more often often than than in In temperate temperate climates, climates, and and oil oil filters filters have have to to be be replaced replaced more more frequently frequently than than usual. usual. 9.3.4 Air Filters Air Improper servicing —— such as cleaning an air filter by beatingit to remove dust particles —— can damage the element. In addition, filters are sometimes installed slightly alightly ajar, and punctured elements are occasionally put back on the engine because there is no replacement fiLter. improper Other iiproper maintenance includes servicing air filters at incorrect intervals. If sand/dust leaks through damaged elements, the engine's life span will be cut cut significantly. will 9—6 Air cleaners of every type must be inspected at least daily, or more frequently if operating conditions require. Use compressed air for cleaning. A redundant air filtering filtering system 8y8te with with two two elements elements in in series series may may be be used. used. A proper quantity of replacement elements must be provided. 9.3.5 Engine Overheating All types of engines are apt to overheat to some degree. This Thi8 will haphap— pen more frequently frequently in in the the high—temperature high—temperature desert desert region1, region, and and will will lead lead to to excessive wear and ultimately to leaking oil seals in the power packs. The following solutions are suggested: 1. Be aware of which vehicle types tend to overheat often, and ensure that they are maintained with extra care. 2. Check oil level frequently. 3. Check seals frequently to make sure they are not leaking and that oil consumption is not higher than. normal. 4. Radiators and air—flow areas around engines must muat be kept clean and free free of of debris debris and and other other obstructions. ob8tructiona. Water—cooled engines engine8 should be fitted with condensors to avoid waste 5. steam through the overflow pipe. as 8team 6. Cooling hoses must 'ust be kept tight. 7. Operators should not remove hood side panels from engine compartments while the engine is running because this will cause cau8e turbulence, leading to ineffective cooling. 9.3.6 Battery Maintenance Batteries do not hold their charge efficiently in intense heat. minimize the the prdbleins, pr6bleins, the the following following solutions solutionsare are.8uggested: suggested: To Change the battery's specific gravity to adjust to desert environenviron— 1. ment; adjust the battery's electrolyte to 1.200 to 1.225 specific gravity or sent; obtain sulfuric acid, electrolyte FSN 904—9372 with a specific gravity of 1.2085 1.2085 to 1.2185. It may also be necessary necessary to to adjust adjust the the battery's battery's specific specific gravity gravity to to compensate for cold nights (see TM 9—6140—100—12). 2. Batteries 'ust must be kept full, but not overfilled, and a reserve of 3. distilled water should be carried. Air vents must 'ust be kept clean or vapors may build up pressures and 4. cause the battery to explode. 5. Voltage regulators should be set as low as practical. voltage 9—7 6. Dry battery supplies must be increased to offset high attrition rates caused by heat exposure. 9.3.7 Tire Pressures Tire High diurnal temperatures may cause problems for tires. For instance, if tires are inflated to the correct pressure during the cool night, they may burst during the heat of the day. Therefore, one must try to find the proper air pressure when the equipment is operating at efficient working temperature and and maintain maintain it. it. Service of these items during heat of the day will result in under—pressures and overheating of tires. 9.3.8 Critical Fuel and Equipment Ternperczture8 Temperatures Gasolines deteriorate largely through formation of gum, which causes filter clogging and lowering of octane number. Although Although the the initial initial gum gum concontent and and the the rate rate of of gum gum formation formationdiffer differwidely, widely,the theeffect effectofof varying varying teixi— temperature on this rate is quite similar for all gasolines. The rate approximately quadruples for each 20°F (11°C) rise in temperature. Btorage temperatures A map can be prepared from effective gasoline storage weighted so that they represent —— in gum—degradation effect —— the whole series of cycling temperatures during a field storage etorage season Beason for nsoline 'soline in 55—gal (208—L) drums at various places on the map. Figure 9.1 is such a map; effecUve gasoline coverted to to storage storage life. life. effective gasoline storage storage telperature8 temperatures have have b.een coverted of For a typical gasoline gasoline with with inhibitors inhibitors added, added, 55 mg mg of of gum gum per per 100 100 nil ml of gasoline might form in 12 months at 100°F (38°C) gasoline temperature. Since this is is enough enough gum gum to to cause cause rejection rejection (if (if some some gum gum were were already already present), present), 12 12 this months becomes the storage life for this particular gasoline. Figure 9.1 (computed from data for the six hottest months) shows compari— tive gasoline storage life at various points in SWA, SWA assuTning assuming that the gasoline would be acceptable for 12 months at 100°F (38°C). It should be emphasized that other gasolines with other inhibitors might differ in basic gum—forming rates, rates but but that that proportionality proportionality between between rates rates at at various various places places on •the the map map will will be be the the same sa'e for for almost almost all all gasolines. gasolineB. example, if if aa sensitive sensitive gasoline gasoline were were acceptable acceptal,le for only4 4monthsFor example, for -only months- at at 100°F (38°C), storage times for this gasoline could be obtained from the the map map by dividing the plotted storage time by three. Conversely, predictions for a gasoline stable for 2 years at 100°F (38°C) could could be be obtained obtained by by multiplying multiplying by two two the the time time shown. shown. by temperatures Some equipment may fail when it operates above a critical temperature, but may be completely effective when the temperature drops to acceptable levels. For such equipment, a map showing frequency of occurrence of critical temperatures temperatures becomes becomes an an indicator indicator of of the the probability probability of of equipment equipment difficulty. difficulty. examples the rough terrain fork lift truck is designed for temperatures For example, below 110°F (43°C) and becomes less les8 effective above that temperature. Figure Figure 9.2 9.2 shows shows where where temperatures temperatures above above 110°F 110°F (43°C) (43°C) are common commor in ir wherethe theequipment equipmentmentioned mentioned above above may may give give difficulty. difficulty. and, thErefore, thefore, where Although the map is based on percentage of total hours above 110°F (43°C) q_ 8 July (and (and —t —: c:::: , I c4 i '4( )L'I'I I \VESl' AS! GASOLINE STORAGE LIFE Months Less than ______ Ej k.T:TT1 3 6 L...:.:j ______ I I . — 3 6 12 12 - 24 24 - 48 Greater than I • 46 A GASOlINE WITH STORAGE LIFE OF Figure 9.1. I? MONTHS_ATC$F GasolIne Gasoline storage life based on a gasoline with storage life of 12 months at 100°F. (Reprinted (Reprinted from from SW SW •Asia: Asia: Environment and Its Relationship to Military Activities [Quartermaster Research and Engineering Center, July 1959].) 9—9 — L.i - 1 4 FJ '•1 C..' : - A A A 1. I' 0 • j __ / si si 'd \SL I II\SI \ PROBABILITY PAOBABILTY OF PROBABIUTY OF EQUIPMENT LQUIPMENT LQUIPMLNT DIFFICULTY DIFFICULTY Of IPertent JulyHours) Haurst Percent PercentOt Q July July Haurs I /I 1(1 /1\J - Iri—- 'N\ \V T 1 Over 20 PerCent Percent Over 20 Percent 1 I0 20 Percent 10 10-2oPercent 20 Percent — I1 \ /\ N ,) \ç //L) :,/!' I I R\t 4 R \4, \--------- I.—..- --i— — ;/ —— .•:•:•: ••:•:• : : .• • 1 1 I I •_.-\ . 5 - 10 Percent 10Percent Percent 5-10 -- 55 Percent Percent -5 Percent - . . 0 - I Percent Percent 0-lPercent 1_——'' 1 . j (. .. C 5 5. . 0 _j J 35 S 1 —-"-4--, r) - .-•• --•• ' i\ \T'; \ \N \ '*:•• I '\ SS - C-' the percentage of July hours during This during which which the the mobile This map shows shows the bakery; refrigerator, 25 Cu cu ft.; and rough terrain fork lift truck may be ineffective. These three items begin to fail at temperatures about 11.0°F. 110°F. of about (Reprinted from Probability of equipment difficulty. Environment and Its Relationship to Military SW Asia: Activities Activities [Quartermaster [Quartermaster Research Research and and Engineering Engineering Centers Centers July l959.) 9—10 I . I Figure 9.2. . . gives information information about about the the number number of of days days of of occurrence), occurrence), it it may may be be assumed assumed that that such such temperatures temperatures will will not not last last more more than than 44 to to 66 hours hours on on any any given given day. day. 9.3.9 Vehicle Operation Trucks Trucks may may have have difficulty difficulty moving moving on on certain certain types types of of desert desert roads. roads. following possible solutions are provided: The In sandy areas, operate with standard tires at lower pressure. The tire pressure will depend on the loading, the sand conditions, and the desired tire life. 1. 2. All transportation equipment should have low—pressure single tires. Dual tires should never be used because they tend to break up the bearing surtires.* face and embed themselves much more than do single tirea.* 3. A pair of cleated canvas tracks can be easily rolled up and carried In excessively excessively fine fine and and deep deep sand, sand, for each light piece of motor equipment. In these tracks under the wheels will usually permit passage; this might not othoth— erwi8e be possible.* erwise 4. Lengths of chain link fence can frequently be used as semipermanent roads in construction areas. This material can be salvaged and used again on another job. The only maintenance required for such tread roads is lifting the mesh when it begins begins to to become become covered covered ith ith sand, sand, and and turning turning it it over over periodically as it bows from the passage of traffic. When passing through sandy areas, each vehicle should remain in the 5. tracksof the vehicle ahead. Any attempt to form new tracks or to swing out of line will generally result re9ult in a stuck truck and a delay to free it.* Frequent stops should not be necessary, neces8ary, but each vehicle should be 6. inspected at every stop to make sure it is not overheating and to see whether the tires are over— or under—inflated. Tires with loweredpressures, and particularly tires designed for higher pressureB, generate considerable heat as they grind through deep sand; thus, the pressures will increase and may have to be lowered during stops. The same precaution applies if the convoy has been traveling at fairly high speed over smooth, hard ground where desert temperatures heat the tires enough that internal pressures-become dangerous.. Tires and cooling systems should be inspected at every stop. Personnel should lubricate their vehicles regularly during travel and promptly repair all minor breakdowns. 9.3.10 ment Operation of Earthmoving Equipment in High Temperature Eartvnoving Equipment Temperature De8ert De8ert EnvironEnviron- following discussion discussion furnishes furnishes information information and and guidance guidance to to personnel personnel The following The responsible for using and supervising the operation of engineer construction characteristics, capabilities, capabilities, equipment, primarily primarily earthmoving earthooving types. types. The characteristics1 and application of equipment for typical construction tasks are discussed, and guides or estimating the output of various variou8 items of equipment are, provided. * Tropical Engineering (U.S. Navy Civil Engineer Corps, Bureau of Yards and Docks, Department of the Navy, 1950—51), p 72. 9—11 9—li In addition, maintenance considerations and equipment modifications which improve improve operation operation in in aa desert desert environment environment are are discussed. discussed. Factors which must be considered in desert operation8 Factor8 operations are soils, high temperatureB and solar radiation, and increased maintenance and preparation of temperatures equipment for the high—temperature environment. Desert Boils are similar to those thoBe found found throughout throughout the the world. However, in the desert they are found in a more geographically defined area. These in the boulderB and poorly sotted sorted medium angular gravel; soils include zones of large boulders sand and and gravel gravel with with some some larger larger stone; stone; Bilty, silty, stoney, stoney, and and sandy sandy desert; desert; and and sand Aeolian (windblown) deposits which may include evaporite salts. Thus, operational constraints constraints resulting resulting from from any any peculiarities peculiarities associated associated with with unique unique tional soil conditions conditions in in aa desert desert environment environment are are minimal. minimal. High temperature factors soil relating to to the the equipment equipment and and its its operation operation are are thub thub the the primary primary features features to to relating be considered. High temperature affects both the equipment and the operator and must be considered when operating in the desert. Some equipment considerations consideration8 are associated with with the the engine/transmission engine/transmission cooling cooling system, Bystem, low low 'radiant 'radiant energy energy associated absorbing paints, paints, increased increased or or improved improved engine engine air air filtering filtering systems, systems, fuel fuel absorbing contamination due to windblown debris, increased undercarriage wear due to sandy soils, and the need for enclosures or environmentally controlled cabs Bandy for operating personnel. Major equipment manufacturers manufacturers presently presently incorporate incorporate high high temperature temperature design capability into the cooling systems BystemB of their equipment so that the equipment can be used worldwide without serious Berious degradation of performance due to high temperature. However, if the existing cooling system is inadequate, it it can can be be modified modified through through approved approved modification modification work work orders. orders. The use of light color color paints paints which which absorb absorb less less radiant radiant energy energy than than dark dark paints reduces surface metal temperatures. This contributes to a greater paint8 efficiency in efficiency in heat heat transfer, transfer, which which results results in in lower lowertemperatures temperaturesin'fluid influid reservoirs exposed to direct solar energy. In addition, the lower metal teminterfaces such such as as operation, operation, service, service, peratures provide provide for for 8afer safer ian-inachine man—machine interfaces and maintenance in exposed areas. 8ystems, tracks, and fuel fuel.handling Increased maintenance in air filtering systems, handling systems usually results from operation in the desert environment. This is due to blowing sand, which rapidly chokes air filters, causes rapid track wear, and contaminates fuel handling systems and equipment. Provisions to reduce operator fatigue due to high temperatures are es8en— essential in the desert environment. Canopies to prevent direct exposure to the sun and environmentally controlled cabs can be provided to protect the operator from the solar energy and blowing sand. Preparation of the equipment for operation in the desert environment is essential. The The cooling cooling systems systems should should be be clean clean and and functional; functional; equipment equipment sursurfaces should be free of dirt and grease, and painted with a light color to to improve heat heat transfer transfer from from heat heat sinks sinks to to the the enviroucnent. environment. In addition, the increased service and maintenance increase the logistic requirements for repair parts, maintenance personnel, and facilities. 9—12 CHAPTER 10 — INDIGENOUS CONSTRUCTION flATERIALS 10.1 Introduction Introduction Both vertical and horizontal structures In in specific regions can be constructed with materials available in the region or the adoption of feasible imported construction construction materials. materials. Certain factors will determine the type of structure to structure to be be built built as as veil well as a the the material material to be used. Among these factors are climate, labor force, availability of construction equipment, and feasible local and adopted construction materials. The following paragraphs paragraphs describe describe construction materials that can be used in the Middle East, their general properties and characteristics, and their applicability to different construcAdvantage8 and disadvantages of each constructed method are tion methods. methods. Advantages tion discussed. 10.2 10.2 10.2.1 Construction Materials and Applicability to Construction Methods Earth The use of earth for building construction results partly from the scarcity of wood and other construction materials, from the ease of such construcSome kinds tion, and from its insulation values against both heat and cold. of mud make stronger structures than others, otherB, and some construction techniques apply apply better better to to some some kinds kinds of of mud. mud. The type of construction method is determined by the type of soil available. There are five main construction methods for earth building: adbobe, rammed earth, pressed blocks, wattle and daub, To select the and cob. Adobe and rammed earth are the most practical. appropriate construction method, the soil must be generally classified into Organic soils are the least gravels, sands, silts, clays and organic soils. suitable for earth construction, and the ideal will be a combination of two However, in very dry types of soils, i.e., sandy clays or clayey sands. Some testing on the strength of regions, clays will work best, if available. from about about 300 300 to to 600 600 psi psi earth material has been done. The values range from (2069 to 4137 KPa) In in compression to 60 psi (414 KPa) In in tension. To compensate for the low structural strength of the earth material, The min—imuin mintmwn thickness thicknessof of et.eri.or et.eri.or load— load— walls are built dense and thick. bearing walls of single—story buildings Is is usually one—tenth of the height; interior nonload—bearing partition walls are made three—quarters of the thickWeighing various facness adopted for the exterior wall of similar heights. discussed here, here, it it is is judged judged tors, including theoretical factors that are not discussed normal wall wall about about10 10ftft(3(3in) m) high and 12 in. (305 mm) thick thick should should that aa normal have no greater free length than 30 ft (9 m) without some form of buttressing, The following tabulation indiby cross walls, engaged piers, or pilasters. in wall cates more generally what would appear to be reasonable limitations In length for single—story walls 9 to 12 ft (2.7 to 3.6) high and 12 in. (305 mm) thick, where there may be window or door openings through the wall: 10—1 Condition of Single—Story Wall 9 to 12 ft High from Top of Footing, and 12 in. Thick Maximum Length of Wall Between Supporting Cross Walls) Walls, ft Wall without openings 30 Wall with an opening opening or or openings openings of of any any size size not extending more than 4 ft 6 in. either way from the center center of of the the length length of of the the wall between between 8upportiflg 8upporting cross cross walls 24 Wall with with att an opening near one one end end Wall opening or or openings near only, and not extending beyond the center of the length noted above 21 Wall with any other grouping of openings, or a single opening up to 12 t h wide wide 18 For walls wall8 14 in. (356 mm) nm) thick and from 9 ft, 6 in. (2.9 m) to 14 ft (4.2 m) be increased increased by one—sixth; high, all the lengths lengthe and distances tabulated may be high) fot walls walls 16 16 in. in. (406 (406 mm) mm) thick thick and and from fron 10 10 to to 16 16 ft ft (3 (3 to to 4.8 4.8 m) m) high, high, they they for may be increased by one—third; and for walls 18 in. (457 mm) thick and from 10 18 ft ft (3 (3 to to 5.4 5.4ni) m) high, high, they may be increased increased by by one—half. one—half. For •tto—story to 18 walls, walls, all all the the heights heights may may be be increased increased by by66ft ft(1.8 (18 m) m) without without affecting affecting the the lengths as given for single—story walls. The most moBt practical construction conatructioi methods, methods) as previously previoualy mentioned, are adobe blocks and rammed earth. These blocks are made by placing wet mud in forms. Adobe blocks: The forms are removed a short time after the blocks are made and then allowed The blocks are held together in In the wall with a to dry for about 1 month. are mortar that can be the same mud used for making the block. The advantages are that unskilled labor can be used, and construction is fast after prefabricat— ing the blocks. The disadvantages are that 20 to 30 days are needed to cure the blocks, it can only be used in limited regions (rain <30 in. [762 cnml per year). year). 1. byram— Rammed earth: With this 2. this method, method, continuous cóntinuouè walls walls arebüilt areiit by'ram— When a short secining moist soil into position between heavy wooden forms. tion of wall is finished, the forms are moved upwards or sideways, and the process is repeated until the walls are completed. Ramming of the soil may be done with light hand or pneumatic tampers; soil should be rammed until it Disadvantages of this method are that it is difficult becomes dense dense and and firm. firm. Disadvantages becomes to do, forms require some skill to build, and It it requires the most careful selection of the soil type. 10.2.2 Soil Ceimnt This type of construction material is very useful and economical where sandy silt and silty silty sand sand are are available. available. With the addition of about 10 perper— cent cett of cement by weight, these soils will have proper stabilization to insure a strong and lasting surface for pavement construction. Another requirement 10—2 for soil cement is is that that 55 55 percent percent or or wore wore of of the the soil soil should should pass the No. 4 sieve; the maximum aggregate size should be 3 in. (76 mm). in. (76 mm). The amount of water that iould be added will depend directly on the moisture—density curve, reflecting the optimum moisture for maximum density. Soil should be pulverized to permit an intimate mixture of soil and cement. (Eighty (Eighty percent percent should should pass a No. 4 sIeve s1evc exclusive of gravel retained on No. 4, i.e., 80 percent of 55 percent.) If clay soil is found, the clay must first be stabilized with lime to get a proper blending. 10.2.3 Wood In the more arid regions, regions, the the topsoil topsoil has has been been void void of of nutrients nutrients for for thousands of years, making it almost impossible to develop forest areas. area8. In the Middle East, Iran, Iraq, the mountains of Lebanon, Asia Minor, and Israel possess most of this natural resource. 10.2.4 Concrte Ma.onry Masonry Concrete Concrete hi. blocks ocksare aremade madewith withaggregates aggregates such such as as coral coral cinders, cinders, expanded expanded shale, sand, gravel, gravel, clay, clay, slag, slag, and and others. others.. They can be made in different different Sizes sizes and shapes, and they can be solid or hollow units. The normal size unit for a load—bearing concrete block is i8 an 8— by 8— by 16—in. (203— by 203— by hollow block, which can weigh from 25 to 50 lb (23 kg), depending on 406—mm) hollow 406—mni) the aggregate u8ed used in making the block. Block machines are are used used in in fabricafabrication by tamping relatively relatively dry dry concrete concrete into into the the mold; mold; the the mold mold is is stripped stripped off imnediately. immediately. In this way, blocks can be made rapidly, using only one mold. If [f aa hand hand method method is is used, used, aa more more fluid fluid concrete concrete is is placed placed into into aa 8et set of of molds and stripped after the concrete is i8 hardened. However, this method method requires many molds. The blocks are held together with mortar. A recommended mortar, proportioned on a volume basis, for exterior walls subjected to severe exposure is one part of portland cement, two parts of hydrated lime, and six parts of sand. 10.2.5 R.iforced Gypsum From literature available on this material, From material, the the optimum optimum mix mix tested tested had had aa of 1:2. water—to—gypsum ritio ratio of 1:2. Reinforcing gypsum with burlap (jute), glass wool mats, galvanized stretched wire mesh, or reeds will improve the proper ties ties and and strength strength of of plain plain gypsum. gypsum. The thickness .of.gypsum cover mustbe at least least 3/4 3/4 in. in. (19 (19 mm). mm). I. 1. Burlap: a. One or wo layers. b. Soak In in water for a few hours. 2. Glass Wool: a. One or two layers (loose). b. Mats Mats overiapped. overlapped. 10—3 3. Galvanized Stretched Wire Mesh: a. One or two layers. b. Straightened Straightened in in the the mold. mold. c. c Openings Openings1—1/2 1—1/2 in. in. (38 (38 im). mm). 4. Reeds: Reeds: a. One layer. b. b. Spaced 314 c. c. Reed Reed on on the the span span direction. direction. 10.2.6 in. itt. (19 mm). Ththbl Construction Rubble construction is a method in it which rubble, such as stone, concrete fragments, broken bricks, and/or other suitable materials, are used wjth with portland cement mortar to form a building land building material. material. This Thi8 type of construction is practical when wood, wood masonry masonry units, units, and and concrete—making concrete—making faciltttes facilities are are not not available. available. It can be applied applied when when the the materials materials mentioned mentioned above above are are available available extraction from from an an excavation, excavation, the the effects effects of of demolition, demolition or due to extraction or when when buildings are abandoned abandoned because because of of advanced advanced deterloration. dterioration. Stones bricks, Stones, bricks, and/or other hard and durable materials can be laid in courses by using a and retaining retaining cement mortar to build foundations, foundations, walls, walls, bridge bridge abutments, abutments and walls. A variety of sizes is necessary to avoid using large amounts of mortar. The largest rubble should be placed at the bottom of courses; of courses; the top of each course should should be be covered covered with with aa thin thin layer layer of of mortar mortar to to provide provide aa smooth, smooth stable, stable, level level surface. surface. The spaces between adjoining materials should be as as practicable, pract1cable and small as and the the spaces spaces should should be be filled filled with mortar and smaller stones. stones. The The durability durability and and strength strength of of the the construction construction depends depends oa on the the materials materials used mortar joining joining them. them. used and the quality of the mortar 10.2.7 Brick The following characteristics of brick masonry are significant. 1. I. Heat—insulating properties. Solid brick masonry walls provide very little insulation Insulation against agathst heat and cold. A cavity wall or brick wall backed with hollow clay tile has much better insulating value. 2. Sound—insulating properties. .Since Since brick brick walls walls are are very very massive, massive, they have good insulating properties. In general, general the the heavier heavier the the wall, wall, the better better its its sound—insulating sound—insulating value; value; however, however, aa wall wall more more than than 12 12 in. in. (305 (305 mm) mm) thick does does not not increase increase souftd sound insulation insulation much more than a wall wall between between 10 10 and and 12 in. 12 in. (254 (254and and305 305turn) mm) thick. thick. Dividing the the wall wall Into into two two or or more more layers, layers as in the case of a cavity wall, will increase its resistance to sound transmission. Brick walls walls are are poor poor absorbers absorbers of of souftd sound origination origination within within the the walls walls and and reflect reflect much much of of it it into into the the structure. structure. Sounds caused by impact, as when hamnier will travel a great distance along the wall. the wall is struck with a hammer, 1.0—4 3. Expansion and contraction. Brick masonry expands and contracts with change. Walls up to 200 ft (60 in) long do not need expansion temperature rhange. Loer walls need an expansion joint for every 200 ft (60 m) of wall. joints. For Much of the expansion and contraction is taken up in the wall itself. this reason, the amount of movement that theoretically takes place does not actually occur. 4. Abrasion resistance. The resistance of brick to abrasion depends largely on its compressive strength, which is related to the degree of burning. Well—burned bricks have excellent wearing qualities. 100 to to 150 150 lb/cu ft 5. weight of of brick brick varies varies from from 100 Weight of brick. The weight kg/m3) depending (p) (2400 kg/rn3) depending on on the the nature nature of of the the materials materials uBed used in in making making the the bricks are are heavier heavier than than under under— brick brick and and the the degree degree of of burning. burning. Well—burned bricks burned bricks. burned 10.2.8 Water The quality of water needed for most expedient construction The con8truction work is not bracki8h water has been used for mixing concrete in critical. Seawater or brackish many areas where potable water is hard to get; however, saline ealine mixing water tends to decrease strength. Seawater with a maximum concentration of salts of about 3.5 percent does not appreciably reduce the concrete strength, although At higher salt concentrations, a it it may may lead lead to to corrosion corrosion of of reinforcement. reinforcement. strength reduction ranging from 8 to 15 percent can be expected. This may be corrected by corrected by using using socnewhat somewhat les8 1e88 mixing mixing water water and somewhat 8omeWhat more more cement. cement. Burface efflores— efflore8— Saline mixing water in concrete tends to cause dampness and surface cence in the hardened concrete and should not be used uBed where surface finish is important or or where where the the mortar mortar or or concrete concrete will will be be covered covered with with plaster. plaster. important Saline water has a very adverse effect on the strength Btrength of concrete made with Organic impurities in water may retard setting end and harhigh aluminum alwninum cement. dening of cement, except in artifically contaminated waters, where they do not that water water u8ed used usually occur to an an objectionable objectionable extent. extent. It is improbable that for curing curing would would attack attack concrete concrete if if it it were were the the type typesuitable suitablefor fo use use as as mixmixing water. Staining or discoloration of the concrete should be the principal curing water problem. Provisions should be made to retain and recycle all Facilities for water, when possible, at all steps of the concrete operation. water storage at the site of the aggregate and/or concrete production must be The mixing mixing water water storage storage should should also also include include provisions provisions for for water water provided. The cooling cooling to to help help the the problem problem of of increased Increased temperatures temperatures in in fresh fresh and and new new conconcrete. 10.2.9 Aggregates In Middle Middle East East deserts, deserts, waterlain waterlalo deposit8 deposits do do occur, occur, but but they they are are often often In More subordinate to windlain deposits (e.g., dunes, drift sand, and mess). bess). More significantly, the climate produces produce8 intense evaporation, and various salts saltB are In the areas of interest, the rocks are deposited at and below the surface. frequently dolomites, which frequently chalky limestones and doloinites, which have have undergone undergone strong strong upward upward The leaching water carries carrie8 leaching because exaporatlon exaporation exceeds rainfall. dissolved minerals, which are deposited near the surface when evaporation occurs, thus forming dur1crusts." duricrust8." Crusts of calcium and calcium—magnesium carbonates are called calcrete and dolocrete, respectively. Many poor limestone and dolomite deposits have been made usable because the duricrust that 10—5 forms from them is much denser and stronger etronger and can be used ueed as aB aggregate. general, a leached layer deficient in the substance forming the duricrust exists below it; this layer is weaker and more porous than the unaltered parent material. In The role of water in desert deeert weathering is limited. The products are transported largely by wind and gravity; this tends to create poorly graded deposits deposits of widely different particle particle size, size, characterized characterized either either by by coarse, angular screes (debris heaps) or by aeolian (windblown) dunes, mostly of fine sand and silt. The prevalence of limestones, which weather readily by soluBolu tion after some mechanical disintegration, combined with the limited movement aurface water, restricts restricte the supply eupply of alluvium. of surface Subsequently, clean, well—graded alluvial sands and gravels are absent from many many areas. areas. The supereuper— ficial deposits considered for use as aggregates in the areas of interest intereet vary vary widely. Alluvial gravel and sand predominate in Kuwait, along the Oman shore border of of Qatar, Qatar, in the Gulf of Oman Oman to to Muscat, Muscat, and and also also near near the the coiwnon common border United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Saudi Arabia. Coastal Coaetal salt flats or "sabkha" form most of the coastal areas of Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Inland in Saudi Arabia, behind the sabkha, are extensive areas of mainly carbonate rocks with widespread cover of caicrete/dolocrete calcrete/dolocrete duricrust. Near Qatar1 Qatar, the soil changes to aeolian sands. The aeolian aeolian sands Bands form form moat moat •of of the the inland inland areas of the UAE UAE and and extend all the way to the coast coaet from west of Abu Dhabi in the UAE to to the Strait of Hormuz. Qatar and Bahrain are mostly carbonate rocks with. a duricrust. 1. Alluvial sands and gravels. Downward leaching generally occurà occurê within the limited areas of modern ailuviation, alluviation, and is practically confined to the mountains and their fringes, where periodic flooding may prevent the building of sulphates suiphates and and chlorides. chlorides. However, cementation by the less soluble carbonates may still develop, develops especially in coarse deposits not moved by floods. Active wadis (ravines through which a stream flows) within the mountains and limited parts of their alluvial fans where they emerge onto the desert plains are thus the main sources of relatively clean, veil—graded well—graded sands and gravels. The deposits are generally torrent—bedded and poorly 8orted, sorted, so a single pit may be a useful source of well—graded material. The deposits of some active wadis are approaching exhaustion, and all are of limited extent. Many of the older older deposits deposits tend tend to to be be cemented cemented with with gypsum gypsum and/or and/or carbonate and and contain contain friable friable particlesof particlesof .these .these materials, materials,clays,'or clays,or weathered weathered rock; thus, their removal removal and and subsequent subsequent crushing crushing is is aa very very dusty dusty operations operation, thus their and the gravel must be washed before use. The gravel deposits of the Oman Mountains are often rich in serpentinized olivine rocks that contain some some unaltered alivine. This source is usually a potential problem in concrete, some decades, decades the mountains have have given given satissatisbut for some the fresh fresh gravels gravels from from these mountains factory service in concrete and asphalt. The older gravel sheets and terraces that occur in Kuwait are workable, if suitable techniques are used. The product will often have good mechanical properties, but will suffer from sulphate contamination. These gravels are usually deficient as sources of fine aggregate because of their cementing by gypsum. Any natural or crushed rock fine8 fines produced are usually heavily contaminated by gypsum. Natural silica sands are worked 4.n Kuwait and Qatar, but compared with carbonate sands, they are generally rare in the Gulf area. They usually occur between a layer of gypcrust (calcium sulphate) and a basal gypcrete, the thickness of chemically acceptable sand sand ranging ranging from from 33 to to 20 20 ft ft (0.9 (0.9 to to 66 in). m). 10—6 10—6 2. Coa8tal sands. 8and8. The absence Coastal ab8ence of permanent rivers, a corresponding corre8ponding lack water—depo8ited silica 8ilica sands, and the poor gradings grading8 of aeolian dunes depend of water—deposited greatly on beach and coastal coa8tal sands 8and8 as sources of fine aggregate. These depo8it8 are mainly carbonate sands, consisting of the worn debris of young deposits marine organisms. organi8ms. Carbonate Carbonate 8ands sands are are cotnposed composed largely largely or or wholly wholly of fragile 8hells or shell fragments shells fragment8 of calcium carbonate. The particle shape can vary from round to elliptical elliptical to to lense—shaped, lense—shaped, depending depending on the type of shell8 shells that make up the sand. Coral tends to make make irregular, irregular, blocky blocky particles. particle8. Some carbonate sands are very brittle and fragile. When the grains are smooth 8mooth and rounded, the sands sand8 may provide good workability in concrete but may also be absorptive, have poor gradings, grading8, and trap air, chlorides, and suiphates Bulphate8 in their porous, sometimes 8ometlme8 hollow, particles. Many of the older carbonate sands may have experienced some 8ome recrystallization recry8tallization of carbonate particles and fusion fu8ion proces8. at contact points, thus making them very difficult to dig and process. Coa8tal sands, being Coastal being more more or or les8 less sorted sorted by by wave wave or or current current action, tnay have have action, may narrower (and often finer) gradings grading8 than are preferred for asphalt a8phalt or portland cement concrete. al8o contain some 8ome hollow sheila shells that may have to be They may also screened off to avoid adverse adver8e effects effect8 on the strength or density den8ity of concrete or asphalt mixes. mixe8. The proportion of hollow shells 8hells retained on a No. 8 sieve should not exceed 3 percent by weight of the en-tire aggregate samples. 8amples. The mixture design can partly compensate for the effects effect8 of a poor grading or a high water demand. If this thi8 compensation compensation has has been been made madesatisfac8atisac— torily, the main difficulties in the use of beach sands as fine aggregate will mo8t likely be related to unacceptable chloride and sulphate most aulphate levels, especially where pits have been worked to the water table and allowed to t& develop Into into evaporating pans. ca8e8, extensive washing wa8hing of the chloride— or In these cases, sulphate—loaded sands 8ands with nonsaline water may be needed. Coasts facing the 8orting. prevailing wind may experience further sand—size sorting. Behind the modern beach, there may be wide zones in which the coastal sands are being redistributed and modified into true aeolian dunes. Sand from these areas will tend increa8ing distance from the coast coa8t to become finer and more rounded with increasing potishing by the wind. because of sorting and polishing 3. sand8. Windblown deposits Windblown (Aeolian) sands. depo8it8 such 8uch as dunes, ripples ripple8 and ridges, drifts, drift8, sand 8and shadows, and screes will be a principal source of fine aggregate. A true dune is a mound or hill of sand 8and that rises ri8es to a single 8ingle summit or peak. Dunes may exist alone or be attached to one another In in chain8 whose coincides with that of the prevailing wind. colonies or dune chains Ripple8 8urface feature. Dunes can exist independently of any other desert surface Ripples and ridges can occur in certain typea of sands and under certain wind condi— types condition8. tions. Sand shadows and sand drifts that are caused cau8ed by a fixed obstruction In in the path of a sand—driving wind form behind the obstruction. ob8truction. Angular screes scree8 or debris heaps occur when the wind drives off the sand 8and leaving only a coarser material behind. The products product8 that are transported tran8ported largely by wind and gravdepo8its of widely different particle size ity tend to create poorly graded deposits u8e in concrete because of their and generally are viewed with disfavor for use narrow, fine grading8 gradings with 8ilt silt contents often of about 10 percent. However, u8ed in the absence ab8ence of more suitable 8uitable sources. 8Ources. they can be used 4. Dune8 have many, and varied forms —— so Dunes. Dunes 80 many, in fact, fact, that many, in cla88ification. it is hard to define a universal classification. The simplest simplest forms forms are are cotn— comcre8cent dune and the seif or longitudinal dune. monly known as the barchan or crescent They are all composed of the same 8ame type of material; their shapes 8hapes and sizes Bize8 are 10—7 grading of of the the material material coin— comdetennined mostly by the prevailing winds. The grading determined posing a barchan dune is nearly homogeneous from the summit downwards to This within a height above the ground of about 5 percent of the summit. Below material is usually finer than would be desirable for use in concrete. this material, on the windward side, 8ide, according to the nature of the surroundmay be a fringe of coarse grains and small pebbles that ing country, there way could could be be used used in in concrete. concrete. This fringe is only superficial and will not extend deeply into the dune. As the barchan dune moves with the direction of the prevailing wind, it leaves behind this coarser marterial and forms a wake of coarse material ridges that could be recovered for use. These ridges can be located by progressing away from the dune and into the wind. For asphalt or portland cement concrete, use only the sand eand from the top of the windward side side of a a barchan barchan thtne. dune. Avoid using the sand from the bottom of the ship face The grain—size distribution in the self seif because it will usually be too fine. varies markedly from that of the barchan dune; the coarser grains graine tend to dune varie8 Coarse—grained residues or platforms, collect collect at at the the foot foot of of the the ship ship face. face. built up and left behind by the passage of a long—continued succession of seif dunes dunes along along the the same Bame path, path, are are also also good good sources sources of of coarser coarser grained grained material. material. Dunes can occur both near coastal areas and in the desert. Their location will generally determine their mineralogical composition and grading. In In coasta]. dunes, duiaes,the thegrading gradinghas hasbeen beenpredetermined predeterninedby by the the water's Water's flow flow condicondi— coastal supplied at any one place is usually very unfor-m t,nfor- in The material supplie4 tione. tions. grain size. Sea sand, which feeds dune growth, tends to be conspicuously free of large large grains. grains. The finer grains graits are deposited on the shore and left high of In desert dunes, the place of origin of the grains is usuallr usually obviand dry. depressiona where wind erosion is ous, such as an escarpment or a series of depressions taking place. These dunes tend to have le8s less 8alt salt contamination unless they Dunes at the leeward edge of sabkhas are downwind from sabkhas or salines. The range of sand gradings available in may may be be largely largely composed composed of of gypsum. gypsum. dunes is presented in Chapter 7. Ripples and ridges. ridges. Pronounced rippling or waving of sand surfaces 5. can occur in sands that have a range of grain size. As the wind carries off the fine sand grains, the coarser grains collect and form periodic, crests. easily moved, moved, they protect the crest Since these these grains grains are are •not not easily crest and and allow allow it it to rise into a region of stronger wind than would otherwise be possible. These ripples can be selectively processed to provide a sand suitable for use in in concrete; concrete; however, however, the the process process may may be be very vary labor—intensive. labor—intensive. 6. 9uitable sands and gravels are unobCrushed rock aggregates. Where suitable tainable, crushed rock may be used for both coarse and fine aggregate. The prevalence of limestone has been mentioned, and there may also be local outcroppings of other rock types that may be suitable. Much of the coarse outeroppings aggregate used in the Gulf, however, has been obtained from the calcrete layer or or "pavement" as it It is often called. called. The calcrete calerete pavement pavement is is either either exposed exposed at the surface or reached by removing a cover of gypcrust or wind—blown sand. For marty many years, years, especially especially in in Rahrain Babrain and and Qatar, Qatar, calcrete calcrete has has been been worked worked by by prying up up loose loose blocks blocks from from the the surface surface for for transport transport to to aa local local crusher. crusher. prying Typically, Gulf caicretes calcretes are are at at least least 33 ft ft (0.9 (0.9 in) m) thick thick and and somettmes somettmes 16 16 ft ft (4.8 in) m) or or more; more; therefore, therefore, quarrying quarrying by by conventional conventional drilling drilling and and blasting blasting is is calcrete usually has no definite base, passing aa possibility. possibility. Because the caicrete .gradually into the unhardened limestone below, the depth of working must be carefully controlled to maintain product quality. Most calcretes 10—8 traditionally used in the area cannot be considered first class materials on and mechanical mechanical grounds, grounds besides purely physical and besides their their possible possible chemical chemical probproblems. One 'ifficulty arises from the random and variable nature of the deposition and hardening process; this causes a lack of consistency in properties such as aggregate crushing value and water absorption. Like other limestones, limestonesb Crushed rock sands have a poor most caicretes calcretes are very dusty when crushed. particle shape and correspondingly adverse effect on concrete workability and density; however, howeverb their main wain drawback, drawbackb especially where they are derived from calcretes, is that contaminants in the natural stone tend to become concencaicretes, trated in the fine fraction during crushing. These crushed rock sands may 8uch as gypsum flour, flourb contain as much as 25 percent of total impurities such chlorides, clays, clays and chlorides, and silts. The dust creates a high—water demand in concrete aggregates; there will be shrinkage and other problems associated with a high—water/cecuent ratio high—water/cement ratio unless unless the the dust dust is is removed. Special consideration must be given to how aggregate is obtained for proIn downward leaching areas, areasb contamination by aggressive salts will cessing. not usually be serious. However, Howeverb these areas tend to be localized and conContained within generally saline environments. Caicrete Calcrete development developwent can proceed where more soluble substances are leached downward; then bodies of carbonatecarbonate— cemented materials may impede the working of a gravel deposit and increase cewented presentb rocks decomposable by weathering, especially igneous dust. When present, rocks, may increase the proportion of unsound material in the aggregate, Processing ProcesBing techniques may have to be whether crushed gravel or quarried rock. Roweverb in downward designed to reject this material; much dust may result. However, leaching better chance chance of water being leaching areas, areasb there there is i aa better being available available for for dust dust In upward leaching areas, selective working of both suppression and washing. In the Gulf natural aggregates and quarried rock will usually uBually be necessary. nece8sary. region, much quarried rock will be limestone or its associated caicrete calcrete dun— If there is a surface surface layer layer contacuinated contaminated with with chlorides chlorides and and sulfatea sulfate8 crust. Becau8e (e.g., gypcrust), this layer layer will will have have to to be be stripped off and gypcrust) this and wasted. wa8ted. Because of the widespread presence of chemical contamination near the surface, quarried rock will often be preferred to the traditional hand—picked surface stone, if the required physical properties are maintained to an adequate - depth. Quarried caleretes, caicretes, after removal of any contaminated surface layer, layers will also need selective processing to avoid inclusion of the clay pockets and cry— The rock-should appear uniform uniforw in harthiess stals of gypsum or other salts. Selection can normally be made by eye with a little experience. A and color. useful technique presently used in Saudi Arabia prescreens the quarried material on grizzly screens and rejects the material smaller than 2 to 3 in. (51 to 76 mm) before transferring the oversized rock to the crusher. More than one stage of scalping will improve the product. Multistage scalping really really helps helps the the situation situation but but can can easily easily produce produce waste waste that that represents represents 50 50 percent of the volume quarried. }Iand selection of rocks from a blown face is an alternative to selection by scalping on a grizzly. Usual processing techmore suitable suitable method method for for troops troops would would be be niques have niques have aa high high energy energy decuand. demand. AA more to use a bulldozer with a ripper to work only the upper surface of the rock, Calcrete can usually be after removal of any gypcrust or other overburden. Caicrete ripped only in the open—jointed zone extending to about 3 ft (0.9 m) below the If tracked vehicles are operated over the ripped surface and perif rockhead. forated loading shovels are used, usedb most contaminants and inferior rock can be left behind in the worked area. These methods have been used widely on 10—9 calcrete pavements pavementB in in Qatar Qatar and and Bahrain, Bahrain, but but they they lay lay waste waste to to wide wide areas areas and and caicrete produce uncontrollable quantities of dust. Gypsum—cemented gravels may be released from from their their matrix, matrix, where where there there is is gypcrust gypcrust and and not not gypcrete, gypcrete, by by released extenoive working and processing. travereing of an area by bulldozer extensive Repeated traversing and ripper will sometimes release the gravels; the disaggregated product can then be loaded on screens and the gypsum content reduced by rejection of the undersized fraction. fraction. The use of impact or cone crushers, followed by further stages stages of of scalping scalping and and aa final final washing washing to to remove reDove dust dust (if (if water water is is available), available), should further reduce the sulphate contents. 7. Aggregates for pavements. Properly graded materials for unbound pavement construction are often not available from natural sources without screening and recombining different—sized fractions. Crushing may also be necesaary to increase or create a fine fraction. necessary Most of the desert surface is covered by lag gravel, highly fractured caicrete, calcrete, or aeolian sand, which seldom yields significant material in the middle—sized ranges. 10.2.10 Concrete Reinforcement There is no commercial production of reinforcing steel in the Middle All reinforcing steel Bteel Is is imported, mostly from froa Japan, and is usually available in a wide range of sizes. East. 10.2.11 Expedient Reinforcement Any type of construction In in specific regions may be made with materials available in the region. In some parts of the Middle East, the conventional steel reinforcing bar is one of the most scarce or unavailable construction Some materials, not indigenous, may be available in remote areas materials. or as part of the mobilization materials of the military forces and can substitute for for conventional conventional reinforcing reinforcing materials. materi1s. Some of these are military wire rope, landing mat, landing mat tie bars, concertina wire, and high tensile steel barbed wire. 10.2.12 Portland Cement Cement Although there production in in the the region, region, most most cement cement there Is is some local cement production will have to be imported. Many countries ship cement Into into the region, and it varies in quality. In general, there II1 iI1 be no nO contól contol aver over what 1s •Isre.eired reèeied and its quality. If possible, sulfate—resistant and low—heat cements should be used. These are the predominant types imported. Unless bulk handling capabilities are available locally, troop manpower will not be able to handle and transport large quantities of cement with their equipment. Bag handling of of cement cement is is very very slow, slow, labor—intensive, labor—intensive, and and not not recommended recommended except except as as aa last last resort. If storage, which which is is best best accomplished accomplished If none exists locally, airtight storage, by rubberized bulk bags, must be provided in all coastal areas. Any prolonged storage at the high temperatures of the region will cause the cement to degrade. 10.2.13 Concrete The general absence of good—quality aggregate, both fine and coarse, which makes up 85 percent of the concrete, coupled with a lack of suitable quantities of water for concreting operations will present a challenge to 10—10 temperatures and and strong strong prevailing prevailing winds winds associated associated troop construction. High temperatures with the aria ara will will further further compound compound the the problem. problem. The engineer support associated with the size of the operation will probably not have the production equipment needed to make anything more than occasional batches of concrete. Once made, transportation of the concrete will be a problem due to limited vehicular support and lack of suitable surfaces over which to transport it. concrete production production facilities facilities are are widely widely scattered 5cattered Adequate couimercial commercial concrete Eaet. In areas away from population centers, concrete throughout the Middle East. production will be restricted to the facilities available in the con8truction construction con5ist of small—volume mixers and thus greatly limit support unit, which will consist concrete production. Unless there is a large supply of local concrete trucks or other methods of moving concrete, the vehicular support for the moving of Generally, the the engineer engineer unit unit concrete can be expected to be very limited. Generally, i5 restricted re5tricted to using dump will have no agitating delivery equipment and is In most areas, the surfaces over which fully loaded concrete or dump trucks. trucks must travel travel is is less less than than satisfactory. satisfactory. Partial loads may alleviate the problem. Haul times for the concrete must be very short because of the high problem. temperatures, rapid evaporation of batch water,.galt water,.salt concentrations in the timee could be extended by the use of These. times aggregate, and lack of agitation. chemical adraixtures. Most concrete proportioning schemes are dictated by the locally available Tht existing existing technology technology for for developing developing materials, materials, which which are are highly highly variable. variable. Tht predetermined concrete concrete mixture mixture designs designs is is limited. limited. The principal problem is predetermined that there is no quanttfiable quantifiable base base for for chatiging changing aggregate aggregate factors factors expressed expressed as as a percent of the total aggregate as ae the aggregate characteristics change. Excessive fines, which have a higher water demand, and salt contents, which require require higher higher cement cement contents contents to to compensate compensate for for strength strength loss, loss, further further comcomplicate plicate the the problem. problem. The proportions shown in Table 7—4 can be used as beginning suitable mixture. mixture. Adjustments in the amount of ning points for developing a suitable ingredienta can be made,.usually to obtain a mixture that can be easily ingredients placed. The amount of water used in concrete should be kept to the least amount needed to make the concrete workable. The use of chemical admixtures, such as water reducing, retarding, and superplasticizing admixtures, are available for reduced water requirements, improved consistency, and extended However1 these adtnixtures admixtures will will all all have have to to be be brought brought into into the the working time. However, area. The very hot temperatures of the Middle East will affect the consistency of the fresh concrete and make it very difficult to place. Most of the concrete will have been made with high water/cement ratios, high cement contents, The concrete will receive little, if and aggregates that promote bleeding. ca5e of flatwork, it may even be spread any, consolidation treatment. In the case cecent, by a road grader or dozer rather than conventional screeds. The cement, at aggregate, and mixing water can all be expected to be about 115°F (46°C) at the time of batching; the final concrete temperature will be even higher. This This temperature temperature is is very very undesirable undesirable for for many many reasons. reasons. Shaped storage should be provided for both the cement and aggregate to reduce their initial temperaAs noted earlier, earlier, the the sprinkling sprinkling of of aggregate aggregate stockpiles stockpiles to to cool cool them them tures. may create other problems. Some type of cooling should be applied to the mixIf If possible, possible, all all ing water through either a cooling plant or by adding ice. nilxers should be painted white to help relieve the solar heat development possible. When mixed, mixed, concrete concrete temperatures temperatures should should be be kept kept as a low as possible. problem. When 10—11 Quality control of the concrete ingredients and the freshly mixed conin the technical specialist apecialistin the crete crete can can be be expected expected to to be be nonexistent. nonexistent. The technical for the concrete technology; without engineer unit unit is responsible for without special special is responsible engineer training in the materials and problems of this region1 region, he or she will not be If If any quality— able to respond satisfactorily to problems as they occur. control programs are begun, the control tests must be very simple and rapid. testB do not fit these criteria. Some of the established tests There will be short finishing times due to the area's area'a hot temperatures in— windscreens are are aa necessity necessity to to prolong prolong the the ffinand strong winds. Shading and windecreens The qualThe qualishing period and to reduce evaporation from the concrete surface. ishing period and to reduce evaporation from the concrete surface. ity ity of of finishing finishing will will be be marginal marginal because because the the labor labor can can be be considered considered unskilled. Although rapid production will be required, some curing will be unskilled. needed to avoid excessive and severe plaBtic and drying shrinkage cracking. The general lack of water suggests that either curing compounds or curing memAny water branes be be used. used. Either of the two would have to be brought in. branes suitable for mixing concrete can also be used to cure it. As noted above, uindscreens and shades would also be a great help. windscreens 10.2.14 Rolled Rolled Conrpaoted Compacted Concrets. Concret• This new construction construction method method will, will apply apply when when rapid placement placement of of slabs slabs on on grade, such isis desired andand also when spegrade, such as as paving paving for forhighways highwaysand andairports, airports, desired a1swhn forms1 conventional payers) and skilled labor are cialized equipment (slip forms, generally associated associated with with desert desert weather weather conconprob1es generally absent. Most of the problems absent. water demand, slump loss, and plastic shrinkcrete work — such as increased watur construcage cracking —— are not not severe severe in in rolled rolled compacted compacted concrete concrete (RCC) (RCC) construction, primarily because of low water requirements requirenents and the method of transportation, placement, and compaction used. Basically, the method is a no—slump concrete transported by a truck, spread by a front—end loader, and compacted by a vibratory roller. The water content (pounds per cubic yard) for manufactured aggregates must be between 195 lb (88 kg) for 3/8—in. (10—ncn) maximum size aggregates to 130 lb (59 kg) for 6—in. (152—mm) maximum size aggregate. When natural aggregates are used, the water content may have to be adjusted. The The RCC RCC must must be be placed placed in in layers layers that that are are thin thin enough enough to to allow allow complete complete comcompaction by the vibratory vibratory roller. roller. The optimum placement layers range from 8 to Spreading is aided by consistent and symmetrical 12 in. (203 to 305 mm). placing. Rubber—tired hauling equipment can operate on the freshly compacted surface with with no no adverse adverse effects effects on on the the concrete. cncrete. Hweier; provisions must be in mud and dirt, which would taken to keep the hauling equipment from tracking In have an adverse effect on concrete quality. The minimum number of passes for a given vibrating roller to achieve full consolidation depends mostly on the concrete mix and layer thickness. Tests should be done before or during the numberofofpasses. passes. Generally, and to illusoperation to determine determine the the minimum minimum number trate production and vibratory and complementary complementary equipment, equipment, aa 6—ft—wide 6—ft—wide (1.8—in) (1.8—s) vibratory roller (of appropriate design) must make four passes at a speed of 2 miles per At this rate and prohour in a 10—in. (254—mm) layer of no—slump concrete. •A convenhour. per hour. file, the the roller roller can can compact compact more more than than 350 350 cu cu yd yd(266 (266in3) m3) per or one one large large mixers or tional batch plant Rlant would would require require about about four four 4—cu 4—cu yd yd (3 (3 in3) m3) mixers 12 cu yd (9 m) ) mixer mixer to to match match the the compaction compaction capabilities capabilities of of one one large large roller roller The required curing and protection protectior of on a continuous placement operation. the RCC js is generally consistent with the treatment needed for conventional concrete. 10—12 10.3 Cement Production Facilities (From CEMBUREAU) AFCANISTAN City Projected Capacities1, Projected Capacities, Metric Tons 1. Pol—i—Khon.irj Pol—i—Khon.iri NA* NA NA NA 2. Herat 3. Jabul—e—Seraj 3. 4. Kandahar 4. Year NA NA NA NA NA BAHAR I N BAHARIN 111 IBOUTI LU IBOUTI EGYPT 5. 6. 7. 7. 8. 9. 9. 10. El—Mex Heiwan Helwan Tourah Suez Quattainia Quattamia El—Tabbin, Helvan Relvan 800,000 5,000,000 1,600,000 1,000000 1,000,000 1,400,000 300,000 1982 1982 1982 1982 1981 1983 1983 75,000 30,000 40000 40,000 NA NA 1980 1980 1980 NA 1,350,000 900,000 900,000 21,100,000 2,100,000 850,000 650,000 1,500,000 720,000 148,000 560,000 850,000 675,000 90)000 90,000 2,340,000 2,000,000 660,000 600,000 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1980 1979 1979 1980 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 ETHIOPIA Addis Ababa Dire Dawa Gurgussum, Massawa Gurgussuin, Maseawa Aguiara Asmara 11. ii. 12. 13. 14. IRAN 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. *NA Doroud Shirez Abyek Behbehan Isfahan Kerman Loshan Rey Mashhad Soufian Dauiavand Damavand Sheuial Shemal Tehran Aryamehr, Isfahan Kernianshah Neka Not available. 10—13 City Projected Projected Capacities Capacities Year IRAN (Cont'd) (Cont'd) 31. Kerman 32. 32. ilaniadan ilamadan 33. Bandar Abbas 34. Chom Ghom 700,000 600,000 600,000 1,000,000 600,000 1979 NA NA NA IRAQ 35. Baghdad 36. Falluja I 37. Falluja It II 38. Hindiyah Barrage 39. Kufa I 40. Kuf It 40. Kufaa II 41. Badoosh 42. Hammam Al—Alil 43. Samawah 44.Uru 44.'Urn Qasr Qaer 45. Sarchinar, Sulaimaniyah NA NA 270,000 270,000 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1980 800,000 800,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1982 1982 1982 1982 1,800,000 1,200,000 1982 1980 1,425,000 1,425,000 1980 1,900,000 450,000 153,000 1980 1979 1980 1980 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ISRAEL 46. Har—Tuv 47. Ramla 48. Haifa JORDAN 49. Fuhais 50. Qasr—E1—Hall'abat KUWAIT 51. Shuaiba Shuaiba 51. LEBANON 52. Chekka (fiery) 53. Chekka Chekka (Private (Private Port) 53. 54. Chekka OMAN NA 10—14 NA Projected Capacitie8 City Tear PAKISTAN 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. Rawalpindi Wah R.S. Lawalpindi Rohri, Sukkur Rohri, Gharibwal, Diatt., Diett., .Jhelum Jhelum Gharibwal, Manghopir, Manghopir Karachi Karachi 26 I8kanderabad, Diett., Mianwali [akanderabad, Kianwali Abottabad—DiBtrict Hattar Shantinagar Karachi Shantinagar, Karachi 12 Dandot, Dietrict Jhelum Iskanderabad Diatr., Iskanderabad, Diatr., Mianwali Mianwali Hyderabad 450,000 270,000 540,000 280,000 255,000 255,000 660,000 660,000 180,000 58,000 15,000 15OO0 1,080,000 1080,000 P.D.R. YEMEN NA 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 NA QATAR 65. Doha 270,000 1980 SAUDI ARABIA 66. 66. Jeddah Jeddah 67. Rabigh 68. Qassim 69. Hofuf 70. Ain—Dar 71. Riyadh Rlyadh 72. Jizan 73. Yanbu 73. Yanbu 600,000 1,350,000 1350O00 600,000 600000 1,350,000 1,900,000 1,300,000 1,400,000 350,000 350000 1982 NA 1981 1980 1981 1980 1983 1980 SOMOLIA MA NA SUDAN NA NA SYRIA 74. Adra—Daascus Adra—Daascu8 550,000 82,000 450,000 450,000 202,000 110,000 110,000 412000 412,000 280,000 NA Bourg IBlain 75. Bourg IBlain 76. Muslimiyeh 77. 77. Sheik Said 78. llama 78. Hama I II 79. Hauia 80. Dunimar 81. Tartoua Tartous 10—15 10—15 1980 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 NA Projected Capacities Year TURKEY NA NA UNITED ARAB EMIRATES NA NA NA NA City YEMEN, ARAB REB. 82. 82. Bajil Bajil 10.4 80,000 80,000 Concrete Concrete Block Block Plants Plante Operating Operating in in Mid—East Mid—East Kuwait National Industries Industries Company Company National P.O. Box P.O. Box 3358, 3358, Safat Kuwait, Arabian Gulf Abdulla A. Al—Ayoub & Bros. B.0. B.O. Box 155, Safat Kuwait, Arabian Golf Gulf United Arab Emirates Raknor Private Ltd. P.O. Box 883 Khor Khuwair Ras Al Khaimah, U.A.E. Saudi Arabia Dabbagh Establishment Establishment P.O. Box 2677 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Almoajil Cement Products Plant P.O. Box Box 53 53 P.O. Dammam, Saudi Damniam, Saudi Arabia Arabia Al—Ghazi Trading & Importing Co. Al—Chazi P.O. Box 4105 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Arabia 10—16 1980 Sam Whan Corp. of Korea P.O. Box P.O. Box 5743 5743 Riyadh, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Kong P.O. P.O. 'lung 'lung Construction Construction Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. Box Box 1035 Dammam, Saudi Saudt Arabia Kuk Dong ConBtructton Co. Ltd. P.O. Box 1752 Daminam, Saudi Saudt Arabia S.A.I.C. Ltd. P.O. Box P.O. Box900 900 South Central Market Market Street Street Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Plant Sites: Jeddah 6 Rihadh Rthadh Tradco Vulcan/Arainco Tradco Vulcan/Aramco P.O. Box 84 Dhahran Airport Dhahran, Saudi Arabia Dhahran && Abqal Abqal Plant Sites: Dhahran 10—17 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AFCS BCY BDL DCPD DI' DP GEP GP IBCF ISB ISB LASH LCY LOC LP LI' LWRU MEP MEPP MTBF NBC OCONUS OGD OHD RCC RDF RO/RO ROWPU SAE SAE SF SWA SWRU TENV TG TO TOE TWDS UGD USE USMC WPU Army Facility Component System In—Bank Cubic Yards Discharge Light Beach Discharge Light Dicyclopentadlene Dicyclopentadiene Dipentene Gas Engine Powered General Purpose rn—Bank Correction Factor Intermediate rnterediate Staging Staging Ba8es Bases Lighter Aboard Ship Loose Cubic Yards Yards Lines of Communication Liquid Propane Laundry Wastewater Reuse Unit Mobile Electric Power Mobile Electric Power Program Mean Time Between Failures Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Outside Continental United States On—the—Ground Distribution Overhead Distribution Rolled Compacted Concrete Rapid Deployment Force Porce Roll On/Roll Off Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit Society of Automotive Engineers Swell Factor Southwest Asia Shower Wastewater Reuse Unit Totally Enclosed Non—Ventilated Tacttcal Generators Theater of Operations Table of Organization and Equipment Tactical Water Distribution Set Underground Distribution Underground Secondary Electrical U.S. Marine Corps Corps Water Purification Unit ABBREVIATIONS—i INDEX Page Adobe Construction 6—17 Airfield Construction 7—23 For C—130 Traffic C—i30 Traffic Runway Bomb Damage Repair 7—23 7—28 7—12 Asphalt Expedient Aggregate Bituminous Mixture8 Mixtures Gradations and Uses of Aggregates Brick Brick 7—li 7—i2 7—i2 7—12 7i3 7—13 6—22 6—23 6—25 6—31 6—31 6—26 Asphalt Stabilized Cement Stabilized Sand—Lime Lime Stabilized 37 3—7 Bunker Bunker Construction Construction 4—10 Cable 4—11 4—li 4—u 4—11 Electrical Insulation Problems of 37 Camouflaging Camouflaging 3—7 37 Tracks Taxiways Pipelines 37 37 Electrical Power Generation Tall Towers and Antennae Individual Buildings and Shelters Open Material Storage Sites SiteB Fuel Storage 3—8 3—8 3—8 3—S 3—9 39 39 3—9 3—1 Bases INDEX—I INDEX— 1 INDEX (Cont'd) INDEX (Cont'd) Page 6—10, 7—16 6—10. Concrete 6—13, 6—16 Concrete Block Horizontal Construction Portland Cement Concrete 7—1 6—11, 7—17 4—18 Corrosion CorroBion 4—18 Electrical System 1—1, 5—1 1—1, 51 Deserts 1—3 'Terrain Climate 13 6—17 SyBtems Earth Construction Systems 47 4—7 Electrical Di8tribution Distribution 4—7 47 4—7 4—7 4-7 4—21 Underground Distribution On—the—Ground Distribution Overhead Distribution Frequency Problem8 Problems Environmental Factors Factors 1—1, 3—11, 5—1, 6—2 Effects of Heat Protective Equipment Water Intake Requirements Sanitation Considerations Local Labor 1—3, 3—10, 5—9, 5-9, 5—26 9—2 5-9, 5'9, 5—25 525 5—13 9—3 Environmental Setting 5—1 Military Implication Military Iniplication Water Habits of Indigenous Personnel Excavation, Excavation, Explosive 5—1 5—6, 5—56 3—1 31 3—1 For Emplacements For Tank Tank Obstacles Obstacles For 3—2 INDEX—2 INDEX (Cont'd) Page Field Fortification 3—2 Foundation Pads 7—30 Generators, Tactical 4—2 Safety Switches Ground ing Grounding 4—6 44 4...4 Grounding 4—21 Low Voltage Electrical Distribution Systems High Voltage Electrical Distribution Systems Habitability 4—28 4—28 6—1 Improving Improving Effect of Climate Thermal Comfort Cooling Buildings Habitability of Prefabricated Temporary Buildings Cooling Systems Heating 6—1 6—2 6—2 6—2 6—4 6—4 6—6 6—8 6—9 3—11 Intruder Detection Maintenance (Construction and Engineering Equipment) Fueling and Refueling Lubrication Maintenance Facilities Air Filters Overheating Engine overheating attery Battery Tire Pressures Fuel and Equipment Temperatures Vehicle Operation Equipment Operation in In High Temperatures INDEX—3 95 9—5 95 9—5 9—6 9—5 9—S 9—6 9—7 9—7 97 9—8 9—8 9—8 9—li 9—11 9—11 INDEX (Cont'd) Page Mines 3—2 3—2 3—10 3—10 3—10 3—10 lIsa Use Removal Temperature Effect on Detection DetectIon Placement in Shifting Sands Mortar 6—15, 6—21 Sulphur Cement Lime 6—IS 6—15 6—15 7—17 6—15, 7—17 6—15 Panels, Cement—Asbestos 6—35 Port Construction Construction 8—1 General Channel Dredging Training of Personnel Personnel POL Terminal Facilities Container—Handling Facilities Debris Removal Through—Put Operations Lack of Materials 8—1 8—i 8-1 8—1 82 8-2 8—3 8—3 8—4 8—4 8-4 Prefabricated Structural Systems 6—35 Road Construction 7—19 Over Loose Sand Controlling Drifting Sand Dust Control Intermittent Intermittent Stream Stream Crossings Crossings 7—19 7—20 7—22 7—20 Roof Water Ponds 6—9 Site Selection and Planning 2—1 INDX—4 INDfl—4 INDEX (Cont'd) Page 7—2 Soils 79 Compaction 7—10 7—10 7—11 Types Compaction Equipment Compaction Construction Procedures Stone Block Block Constructlort Construction Stone 6—31 Sulphur Concrete Construction 6—27 Tents 6—36 6—36 6—41 6—41 General Purpose TEMPER Ground Anchors For Transformers, Totally Enclosed Non—Ventilated (TENV) 49 4—9 Water Conservation ConservatIon 5—6 Drinking Water Mess Operations Personal Hygiene Shower Operations Laundry Operations Hospital Operations Heat Casualty Treatment Treatment Graves Registration Construction ConstructIon Potable '1ater Potable Water Production Production DrIlling Well Drilling Water Distribution Water Storage Aircraft Thrust Augmentation Aircraft Cleaning Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning Vehicle Radiator Makeup Water Electrical Grounding Photo Processing Fire FightIng Pest Control Decontaminating Personnel and Equipment Equipment Decontaminating Wood Construction Construction 59 5—11 5—li 5—13 5—14 5—19 5—24 5—25 5—26 5—28, 5—30, 5—34, S—34, 5—35 5—37 5—38 5—40 5—41 5—46 5—47 5—50 5—51 5—51 5—51 5—52 5—53 5—54 s—54 5—55 5—55 6—31.- INDEX—S * U.S. GOVERNMENT OFFICE,1991-296-617/40515 GOVERNMENTPRrNTING PRNING OFFICE,1991-296-617/40515