A Battery Powered Near Infrared (NIR) Camera for the MIT HelioDome by Keith M. Molina SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUNE 2008 02008 Keith M. Molina. All rights reserved. The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part in any medium now known or hereafter created. Signature of Author: Depa Cment of Mechanical Engineering May 9,2008 Certified by: Dr. Warilyne Andersen Assistant Professor of Building Technology Thesis Supervisor Accepted by: MASSACHUS NOOS I OF TECHNOLOGy AUG 1R2008 LIBRARIES John H. Lienhard V roessor of Mechanical Engineering Chairman, Undergraduate Thesis Committee E ARCHAVE A Battery Powered Near Infrared (NIR) Camera for the MIT HelioDome by Keith M. Molina Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering On May 9, 2008 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Abstract Research in advanced fenestration systems has led to the development of the Heliodome project at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Daylighting Laboratory. The MIT Heliodome project is dedicated to goniophotometry and the assessment of bidirectional photometric properties of light- (or heat-)redirecting facade systems by using digital cameras as multiple-points photosensors, that cover the visible and near infrared portions of the sunlight spectrum. Two cameras are used in this device: a charge couple device (CCD) camera using silicon detectors and a near infrared (NIR) camera using InGaAs sensors. Both cameras are mounted to a table which has two degrees of rotational freedom, altitude and azimuth. Using the rotating table and cameras in combination with an ellipsoidal dome, which is coated with a semi-transparent specula coating, allows a time-efficient and continuous measurement of bidirectional transmission (or reflection) density functions (BTDFs or BRDFs). This thesis seeks to enhance current Heliodome operations by developing a portable power source for the NIR camera. A portable power system has been designed and constructed to operate the NIR camera during measurement sessions. The portable power system allows the rotating table to rotate completely free of constraints caused by weight, imbalance, power and light path obstruction issues. This contribution to the Heliodome project provides the user with more reliable data and relief from disorderly setup. Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Marilyne Andersen, Assistant Professor of Building Technology Acknowledgements Special thanks to my thesis supervisor, Dr. Marilyne Andersen, for her support and guidance in the development of this thesis and prior research done in the undergraduate research opportunities program. Many thanks to my colleagues in the bat cave, Javier Burgos, Danh Vo, Jason Ku and Samuel Kronick for their advice on various design problems in mechanical and electrical engineering methods. A big thanks to Marc P. Hansen, applications engineer at Sensors Unlimited for his help with the NIR camera and acquisition of related circuit diagrams and spec sheets. I would also like to thank my friends and family for their support in my endeavors and their patience with my dedication to work. This work was jointly supported by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0533269. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF). Table of Contents 1 Introduction 6 1.1 Natural Light and Us 6 1.2 Going Green 6 1.3 Advanced Fenestration Technology 7 2 The MIT HelioDome Project 2.1 Main Components 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 Table Illumination System Cameras 2.2 Equipment Concerns 2.2.1 Rotating Table Design 2.2.2 Weight and Balance 2.2.3 Camera Placement 2.2.4 Power Issues 7 8 8 9 10 11 11 12 12 12 3 Near Infrared (NIR) Camera: Issues and Constraints 3.1.1 Existing Equipment and Camera Setup 3.1.2 Power Supply Concerns 3.1.3 Possible Solutions to Power Concerns 13 13 14 15 4 Design and Development of Battery Powered NIR Camera System 16 4.1 5 Portable Operation 4.2 Circuit Design 4.2.1 Existing Power Supply Design 4.2.2 Switching from AC to DC 4.2.3 DC to DC Converter Design 4.2.4 Circuit Testing 4.2.5 Overall Circuit Architecture 4.2.6 Circuit Housing 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 4.3 Battery System 4.3.1 Battery System Testing 24 25 4.4 Table Incorporation 4.4.1 System Arrangement and Integration 25 25 System Operation 26 5.1 Operating Specifications 27 5.2 Original System to New System Comparison 27 6 7 16 Conclusion 27 6.1 Achievements 27 6.2 Further Investigation 28 6.3 Applications 28 Appendix 7.1 HelioDome Illumination System 30 30 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.1.3 7.1.4 8 Filter Wheel System Beam Shaper Light Source Support Illumination Positioning System 30 33 34 35 7.2 Front Panel 36 7.3 HTC-1500 37 7.4 Temperature Controller Interfacing 50 7.5 Linear Voltage Regulators 7.5.1 LM2937 7.5.2 LM2940 51 51 64 7.6 82 Switching Regulator Bibliography 99 1 Introduction Recently, in the field of architecture, an effort to redesign lighting systems and fenestration systems has become a main focus. New strategies to light entire buildings using mainly natural light are being developed as well as new materials that capture light energy to heat and cool structures. This will not only save energy otherwise consumed by fixtures and lamps, it also has major effects on humans psychologically and physiologically. This is why much effort is being put into the development of these systems and it is essential for architects and engineers to understand how light can be manipulated using different designs and materials. 1.1 Natural Light and Us Numerous studies have been conducted to better understand the effects of natural light on humans. Evidence shows that light in general has vast psychological and physiological effects on humans. An experiment done with human subjects showed that people are drawn to areas that provide good lighting conditions such as daylight [Rea, 2000]. Serotonin, a neurotransmitter, has long been used to treat depression and aggressive behavior and has recently been discovered to have a direct correlation to luminosity of a given day [Bjorksten et al., 2005]. Insufficient exposure to natural light can also have adverse effects on the human body's ability to produce vitamin D which is essential to the uptake of calcium, a nutrient that helps to strengthen bones [Raymond and Adler, 2005]. 1.2 Going Green It has also become a necessity to design "green" structures that leave less of a footprint on our environment by reducing the amount of energy it uses to operate. Lighting and heating or cooling are the main sources of energy consumption in buildings and as structures get increasingly larger with new construction technology, so does the energy consumption. With current lighting systems and fenestration designs, the cost of lighting and heating using conventional fixtures and heating elements accounts for 30% to 40% of non-residential buildings' yearly energy costs [Scartezzini, 2003]. By studying the abilities of different fenestration materials, efficient use of lighting can be achieved and used for the reduction of energy costs. 1.3 Advanced Fenestration Technology With new technology in construction comes new design in fenestration. Over the past two decades more and more efforts are being spent in analyzing the ways in which fenestration can be manipulated for daylighting purposes. These smart fenestration systems are designed to redirect sunlight and daylight to the areas of rooms farthest away from the windows and control the amount of heat and light let in depending on changing sun angles and weather conditions over the year. Therefore, the combined angular and spectral control of solar energy and visible light becomes the main function of these advanced fenestration systems, aiming for maximal heat and light benefits in buildings that incorporate these smart systems [Gayeski, 2007]. 2 The MIT HelioDome Project The MIT HelioDome is a project dedicated to the study of materials and coatings used in such advanced fenestration technologies. It has two functions: the first is a video-based goniophotometer which measures the properties of various materials and coatings; and the second is a sun-course simulator which directs a beam of light to simulate the sun's course for any day and location. When a model-sized building is placed on the table it acts as a sun-course simulator by rotating or tilting the table to reproduce the effect of sunlight throughout a single day. The second function is designed to aid architectural students attending or visiting MIT to better understand the shading and lighting techniques they are incorporating into their building designs. When used as a goniophotometer, a mirror coated ellipsoidal dome is placed over two holes (the focal points of the ellipsoid) that bore through the rotating table. Light passes through the investigated material secured to one focal point while a camera collects data through the other focal point [Andersen et al, 2005]. Goniophotometry is the measurement of light intensity as a function of angle. The goal of the HelioDome is to measure Bi-directional Transmission (or Reflection) Distribution Functions, more conveniently called BTDFs (or BRDFs). These functions describe the way light is distributed spatially after passing through the material under investigation. Establishing these functions for new materials will lead to further incorporation into building simulation programs and other computer aided design methods engineers and architects use in their design process. As a sun-course simulator students can see how their materials actually work in its physical environment. The beam of light directed at the rotating table reflects and transmits through windows while taller structures block the light casting shadows over parts of the model. Here, the organization of the fenestration and its walls are critical and students can make better judgments on how to best orchestrate their designs. Glare is also a big factor when designing a building, especially when it is used for office space. This can be solved by good overall architectural design as well as through the use of special glare reducing materials. 2.1 Main Components The Heliodome project at MIT has had much progress since its inception in 2004. A dark room located in one of MIT's basement labs harbors advanced optical equipment used in the Heliodome's program of study. Scheduled to be a useable workspace by the fall of 2008 the project has brought together students and faculty from many disciplines and backgrounds all in the pursuit of the Heliodome's success. Two major equipment groups of the project are a table which can rotate in both the azimuth and altitude axis and the optical sensors (or cameras). The cameras are the main measurement instruments in the project and the basis of this thesis project. Another equipment group is the filter wheel, beam shaper and Hydrargyrum medium-arc iodide (HMI) lamp which is organized on a wheeled carriage called the illumination system. 2.1.1 Table The table built specifically for the MIT Heliodome project was designed and constructed by Dean M. Ljubicic as a senior thesis project [Ljubicic, 2005]. The main features of his design are aluminum framing and an aluminum honeycomb table. The table is driven by two motors and rotates on a system of ball bearings for smooth movement between positions. The main octagonal-shaped hole in the center of the table incorporates several plates that allow clamping of the materials being investigated. When not in use, a flat plate is placed over the hole so that models can be clamped to the center of the table. The smaller, circular, hole near the edge of the center hole is where the cameras are placed to take data when the table is used as a goniophotometer. All of these attributes can be seen in figure 1. Figure 1. The MIT HelioDome table with two degrees of freedom, azimuth and altitude. It uses two motors to rotate and the main circular section is constructed of honeycomb aluminum for its low mass and high strength. The framing and supports are made of aluminum box extrusions. (Photo courtesy of Prof. Marilyne Andersen) 2.1.2 Illumination System The light source is an HMI lamp which mimics light produced by the sun [Browne, 2006]. A series of optical filters are housed in a filter wheel system that rotates in front of the HMI lamp [Koch, 2007]. As part of the illumination system a beam shaper, whose role is to block unwanted light from the HMI lamp caused by the rotation of the table in the altitude direction is placed in front of the filter wheel system and HMI lamp [Browne, 2006]. These three components are housed in a custom-designed positioning system that was designed and constructed by the author. A detailed description of the positioning system and the filter wheel to whose construction the author was also involved is provided in the Appendix in section 7.1. 2.1.3 Cameras The MIT Heliodome project uses two cameras. The first is a charge coupled device (CCD) camera covering the visible range and the beginning of the near infrared. The second camera is an Indium Gallium Arsenide (InGaAs) camera covering a range of 900 to 1700 nm in the near infrared and for the purposes of this paper will now be called the NIR camera. This is only used in goniophotometer mode and can typically be used to estimate the amount of solar heat gains in winter months versus summer months. The CCD and NIR cameras were selected to span the wavelengths over which the spectral power distribution of solar radiation is most significant. Both the visible and near infrared spectrums are spanned using these cameras and information gathered from the cameras can be used to design a smart fenestration system. Figure2. The Charge Couple Device (CCD) camera with firewire cable. Figure3. The Near Infrared (NIR) camera with universal power supply, plug and power cable. The main focus of this thesis is to improve the NIR camera's effectiveness in the Heliodome project. 2.2 Equipment Concerns For seamless operation the table and cameras must observe specific guidelines which were worked into the table design. In this section an overview of the guidelines dictating the table operations and camera placements are given. 2.2.1 Rotating Table Design The existing table has the following functional requirements which must not be compromised [Ljubicic, 2005]. First, the table must rotate 3600 in the horizontal rotation axis in relation to the ground (altitude); Second, the vertical rotation axis must rotate 3600 in relation to a vertical axis normal to the ground (azimuth); Third, the maximal load must not exceed 400 Newtons; Fourth, no hardware can hinder the incoming light in BT(R)DF mode from the top or bottom of the sample and; Fifth, the device should require minimal maintenance and setting up. These parameters must be kept and will be referred back to in later sections to make sure there are no obstructions to the table function. 2.2.2 Weight and Balance As a standalone unit the rotating table works seamlessly and when something is placed on the table for both the video-goni0photometer function and the sun-course simulator, the movements of the table must also be seamless. Some concerns that have risen since the use of the table with actual ellipsoids and large scale models are imbalance due to weight distribution. Though the table's motors are strong enough to hold a position even though a large mass is on the table it is important that an object attached to the table has its center of mass near the center of the table. If this is not possible then a counterweight must be attached to the table, not exceeding the table load limits. This is essential to the smooth movements of the table to its various positions. 2.2.3 Camera Placement The cameras are secured to the table so that the lens fits through a small circular hole as mentioned in a previous section. This small circular hole is the focal point of the ellipsoid dome placed on the table when used as a goniophotometer. When light is shown through the focal point at the center of the table all the light distributed in the dome is reflected to the camera's lens which is strategically placed at the other focal point. By covering the center hole with a material specimen and shining a light through, the camera detects the amount of visible (using the CCD camera) or near infrared (using the NIR camera) light transmitted and a BT(R)DF is generated by computer software. Only one camera can be placed on the table at a time and is secured using an "L-shaped" metal brace and machine screws [Ljubicic, 2005]. The camera is oriented so that the lens is parallel to the table therefore situating it's length perpendicular to the table. The NIR camera is 15.8cm in length and protrudes 13.3cm out of the plane of the table and supporting struts. 2.2.4 Power Issues The CCD camera can be powered by either an AC adapter that can be plugged into a wall outlet or by a universal serial bus (USB) connection on a personal computer. The NIR camera, on the other hand, is electrified by a power supply which must be plugged into an AC outlet supplying 120V. When the NIR camera is used for goniophotometry, the wiring for the camera and power supply obstructs both axis of the table's rotation. Also, the power supply that must supply the power to the camera is very large and must be suspended on the under the table during operation. This often leads to cumbersome set up and obstruction of the light's path to the focal point located at the center of the table. Problems concerning the table's rotation as well as managing the bulky power supply were the main motivations for the formulation of this thesis and for designing a portable power solution for the NIR camera. 3 Near Infrared (NIR) Camera: Issues and Constraints The NIR camera is designed by Sensors Unlimited, Inc. and its full name is SU3201.7RT Indium Gallium Arsenide Near Infrared Camera. It is a compact versatile imaging tool designed for laboratory and field use and has an optical sensitivity range of 1.Ojpm to 1.7pm. It has dimensions 15.8 x 10.2 x 10.2 cm not including the lens whose SENSORS UNLIMITED, INC. I EXT O type of lens used. Figure 4 shows a GE terminals located on a panel opposite IR T F ± A A LC TRIGGER IN TIME • EiE O J length and diameter varies with the I DN I diagram of the camera's connection the lens. Figure4. SU320-1.2RT back panel. For this project, only the POWER/TEC port is affected which is the camera's connection to the main power suptlv. 3.1.1 Existing Equipment and Camera Setup The SU320-1.7RT NIR camera comes complete with a universal power supply and power cable. Power is provided via a 12-pin Hirose connector on the back panel. This supplies power both for the camera functions and for the thermoelectric cooler in the focal plane array. The power supply must be plugged into a 95-220V AC outlet and it's dimensions are 16.5 x 11.4 x 8.9cm. The NIR camera is attached to the table via L-shaped bracket as mentioned in a previous section. The power supply must be suspended from the table to allow for maximum table rotation without crossing the power cable and plug. This is achieved by securing the power supply in a nylon pouch and tying the pouch to the table using straps. Figure 5 snows the existing equipment and camera setup in relation to the table. Figure 5. Existing table setup with L-shaped bracket, camera focal point and center focal point. The L bracket supports both the CCD and NIR cameras in goniophotometry. The cameras are strategically place at a focal point of the ellipsoid domes placed on the table. Material specimens are placed at the center focal point and a light is shown through the material specimen. 3.1.2 Power Supply Concerns From the existing NIR camera setup it is not possible to rotate the full 3600 because the power supply plug must be secured to a wall outlet which is not in the reference frame of the rotating portion of the table. Therefore, full rotation would tangle cords and potentially disrupt table operation. The current maximum table rotation in the altitude direction allowed when using the NIR camera is 1800 from the initial vertical position. The maximum table rotation in the azimuth direction allowed when using the NIR camera is 3300 respective to its starting position. This is in direct contradiction with the first and second functional requirements of the table design which is to have 3600 of table rotation on both axis. Another concern is the obstruction of the light's path to the center of the table (a focal point of the ellipsoid). During table rotation, the current setup tends to cross the path of the light. Extra care must be taken to make sure that the pouch, straps, or cables do not cross the path of light often making it difficult to operate the camera and table simultaneously. 3.1.3 Possible Solutions to Power Concerns Issues concerning the electrification of the NIR camera are the main driving force for this project. After brainstorming several options for a portable power solution to the NIR camera the idea for a battery-powered NIR camera was decided upon. Another option that was explored was to place an AC outlet within the frame of reference of the camera and power supply so that free rotation could be achieved. Although the idea of an AC outlet on the table had potential, safety concerns came into play because the only way power could be placed on the rotating table would be via slip disks which are bare copper disks spanning the circumference of the table. These bare copper disks would be electrified with 120V of AC power, a potential risk to those operating the table and camera. The idea for a battery-powered NIR camera came from Professor Marilyne Andersen, who thought it would be easier to achieve within the time frame allotted for this project. After delving deeper into the capacity for powering an NIR camera with batteries alone it was thought a good fit for the Heliodome project. 4 Design and Development of Battery Powered NIR Camera System The design and development of the battery powered NIR camera system incorporates three main phases: building the circuit, choosing a battery system and attaching the entire system to the rotating table. 4.1 PortableOperation The idea of a battery powered NIR camera system involves removing the universal power supply and power cable and replacing it with a battery system. This is not as easy as it sounds because as mentioned above the power cable supplies not only power but also regulates the temperature of the focal plane array located inside the NIR camera. This means that the camera's focal plane array has a connection to the power supply via the 12-pin Hirose connection cable. Therefore two items are controlled by the power supply: electrifying the camera and regulating the focal plane array temperature. A circuit must be designed to not only supply the needed voltages to electrify the camera, but also communicate with the focal plane array within the camera. 4.2 Circuit Design The first phase of designing the battery powered NIR camera system is the circuit design. The NIR camera connects to the power supply via a 12-pin Hirose connection cable. Figure 6 shows a diagram of the 12-pin Hirose connector and its corresponding pin numbers. (a) Figure 6. (a) Diagram of 12-pin Hirose connector which supplies the power to the camera and controls the focal plane array. (b) Photo of 12-pin female Hirose connector used in final circuit design. Each pin corresponds to either a voltage (for electrifying the NIR camera) or a signal (for controlling the focal plane array). The following table lists the pin and corresponding functions. Pin Number Function Description 1 GROUND connects to threshold 2 (12V) provides -12V to system 3 GROUND connects to threshold 4 12V provides +12V to system 5 GROUND connects to threshold 6 5V provides +5V to system 7 TEC+ positive current feed 8 TEC- negative current feed 9 THERM- negative thermistor signal 10 THERM+ positive thermistor signal 11 --empty pin 12 --empty pin Table 1. Pin numbers and corresponding functions. This information was taken from the front panel assembly specification sheet '4120-0028 PSA front panel' shown in the appendix under Front Panel. All voltages listed in table 1 should be held constant for the camera to operate normally. The focal plane array temperature is monitored by a thermistor located inside the camera and is controlled by a temperature controller located inside the power supply. The pins that control the focal plane array are pins 7 thru 10. These pins are connected to a temperature controller which is in turn powered by its own +8V voltage, another voltage to consider when designing and electrifying the circuit itself. 4.2.1 Existing Power Supply Design The existing power supply is very large due to the massive amounts of converting that the device must do. The power supply takes one AC voltage signal, converts it to a DC voltage and then divides it among the pins that need a constant voltage and also a +8V needed to electrify the temperature controller. The temperature controller used in the power supply design is an HTC Series - Hybrid Temperature Controller designed and manufactured by Wavelength Electronics. The HTC-1500 (see HTC-1500 in appendix for specifications) achieves 0.001"C temperature stability and comes in a low profile package with a 20-pin DIP connection. Figure 7 below shows a picture of the HTC1500. Figure 7. Photo of HTC-1500 temperature controller designed and manufactured by Wavelength Electronics. The specification sheets for this temperature controller are in the Appendix (section 7.4). A separate circuit is needed to operate t e IT- 500V coretly. +1h UH'•T 1" 1- Forv the purposes of research, the needed circuit diagram was acquired from Sensors Unlimited. This circuit diagram is detailed in the appendix under Temperature Controller Interfacing. Table 2 shows the pin numbers and corresponding names and descriptions for the HTC1500. PIN NAME 1 LIMIT - 2 LIMIT + 3 PID OUT 4 V REF OUT 5 COMMON DESCRIPTION Resistor value of 0 Q to 1M9 between pins 1 & 2 limits maximum output current. No resistor is necessary when operating at maximum HTC current specification. Short pins 2 & 3 for bipolar operation. Install diode for unipolar operation (see page 6, step 1 for polarity) 3.675 Volt Reference < 50 ppm stability (15 ppm typical) Measurement ground. Low current return used only with pins 6, 7 & 8. Internally shorted to pin 10. Temperature monitor. Buffered measurement of voltage across Sensor+ 6 ACT T MONITOR& Sensor -. 7 SET T MONITOR Setpoint monitor. Buffered measurement of the setpoint input (pin 8). SETPOINT INPUT Remote setpoint voltage input. Input impedance = 1 MK2 9 V+ Supply voltage input: +5 V to +12 V. 10 GND 11 12 TEC + TEC - 13 14 SENSOR + 15 RBIAS + 16 RBIAS - 17 RPROP + 18 RPROP - 19 20 C INT + C INT - SENSOR - Contact Factory for higher voltage operation. Power Supply Ground. Used with pin 9 for high current return. TEC+ & TEC- supply current to the TE module. With NTC sensor, connect TEC+ to positive lead of TE module. With PTC sensors, connect TEC- to positive lead of TE module. Asensor bias current will source from Sensor+ to Sensor- if a resistor is tied across RBIAS+ and RBIAS-. Connect a 10 kM resistor across Sensor+ & Sensorwhen using an AD590 temperature sensor. See page 6, step 4. esistance between pins 15 & 16 selects sensor current from 1 pA to 10 Range is 0 11 to 1MQ. Resistance between pins 17 & 18 selects Proportional Gain between 1 & 100. Range is 0 Q to 495 kM. Capacitance between pins 19 & 20 sets the Integral Time Constant between 0 and 10 seconds. 0 seconds (OFF) = 1 MCI resistor 0.1 to 10 seconds = 0.1 gF to 10 gF. Table 2. Pin descriptions for the hybrid temperature controller HTC-1500. This table was taken directly from the HTC-1500 specifications sheet located in the appendix. Also included in the power supply design is a red light emitting diode (LED) which illuminates when power is supplied to the NIR camera. An on/off switch is also included to control the input of power from the AC outlet. All of these power supply design features were incorporated into the circuit although somewhat modified for the adaptation of a battery system which supplies a DC voltage. 4.2.2 Switching from AC to DC The existing power supply converts an AC voltage to a DC voltage and then distributes the voltages where needed. It is simply an AC to DC converter and what this project is trying to do is replace the power supply with a battery system which supplies a DC voltage. Theoretically, this process involves taking the front end of the current power supply design which is made up of transformers, removing them and then creating a direct connection from the battery system to the various voltage pins. conversion is made the circuit is called a DC to DC converter. Once the 4.2.3 DC to DC Converter Design The DC to DC converter portion of the circuit takes one DC voltage signal from a battery and converts it to several different voltages necessary to electrify the NIR camera. Table 1 shows that pins 2, 4 and 6 needs voltages of -12V, +12V and +5V respectively. In addition to the three voltages mentioned a voltage of +8V is needed to electrify the temperature controller, pin 9 from Table 2. The DC to DC converter must supply four different voltages to operate the camera successfully. This task is easy for the positive voltages because the battery supplies one positive voltage which can then be converted to other positive voltages via linear voltage regulators. It would be trivial to get -12V from a battery if only negative voltages were required, but since the DC to DC converter must supply both positive and negative voltages a different type of voltage regulator is needed. The final DC to DC converter design incorporates three linear voltage regulators to supply the positive voltages and one switching regulator to supply the negative voltage. The linear voltage regulators selected for the +5V, +8V, and +12V are the LM2937ET, LM2940T and LM2940CT linear voltage regulators from National Semiconductor (specification sheets for the LM2937ET, LM2940T and LM2940CT are located in the appendix under Linear Voltage Regulators). They each have three prongs and require two capacitors each to operate. The +5V linear regulator requires an .1 microfarad capacitor between its input terminal and ground while a 10 microfarad capacitor is required between its output terminal and ground. Similarly both the +8V and +12V linear regulators require a .47 microfarad capacitor and a 22 microfarad capacitor in the same orientation. These linear regulators are of the same type used in the existing power supply and are displayed in Figure 8. Figure8. Photo of linear regulators. From left to right: +5V LM2937ET, +8V LM2940T, +12V LM2940CT. Specification sheets for these regulators can be found in the appendix under Linear Voltage Regulators. The switching regulator selected for the -12V is the PTN78000A from Texas Instruments. This regulator has five pins and is adjustable. Table 3 shows the pin numbers and its corresponding functions. Pin Function Description 1 V OUT The negative output voltage power node with respect to the GND node. - It is also the reference for the V OUT adjust control inputs. The positive input voltage power node to the module, which is referenced to common GND. 3 This pin is active and must be isolated from any electrical connection. A 1%resistor must be placed between pin 1 and pin 4 to set the output voltage of the module lower than -3V. If left open-circuit the output to -3V. The temperature stability of the resistor should 4 V OUT ADJUST voltage defaults -be 100ppm/ 0 C (or better). The set point range is -15V to -3V. The standard resistor value for a number of common output voltages is rovided in the application information. 5 GROUND The common ground connection for the VI and VO power connections. 2 V IN N/C Table 3. Pin numbers and its corresponding functions for PTN78000A from Texas Instruments. This data is taken from the PTN78000A specification sheets located in the appendix under switching regulator. Figure 9. Photo of PTN78000A, a switching regulator used to generate a 12V for the DC to DC portion of the circuit design. The specification sheets for the PTN78000A can be found in the appendix under switching regulator. 4.2.4 Circuit Testing The completed circuit was tested using a lab power supply first using +15V and then +20V. It was found that with +15V the DC to DC converter portion of the circuit would supply erratic voltages instead of constant voltages which the NIR camera needs. With +20V supplied from the power supply stable voltages were met and thus a +20V requirement was set for the battery system explained in a later section. Table 4 shows the voltages produced by the DC to DC converter. Voltage Required (V) Measured Voltage (20V) Pin Pin Reference 2 Hirose connection -12.0 -11.8 4 Hirose connection 12.0 12.1 6 Hirose connection 5.0 5.0 9 HTC-1500 8.0 8.0 Table 4. DC to DC converter voltages produced using +20V from power supply. 4.2.5 Overall Circuit Architecture The circuit has two parts: the temperature controller portion for the HTC-1500 and the DC to DC converter portion. The circuit fits on one bread board which is 16.5cm by 5.7cm and its height is 5.7cm due to the orientation of the HTC-1500. The two parts of the circuit splits the bread board in half and the entire board is used allowing for maximum flow of heat away from the HTC-1500 and the voltage regulators. This circuit orientation is especially useful to the entry of the battery connection and the exit of the power cable to the camera. The entire circuit is displayed in figure 10 below and is the final circuit design for this project. Figure10. Photo of circuit in plastic housing. The left half of the circuit contains all the circuitry necessary to run the temperature controller. The right half of the circuit contains the DC to DC converter which supplies the power necessary to run the camera and to power the temperature controller. 4.2.6 Circuit Housing To protect the circuit from its environment a plastic housing was built. The plastic housing is a rectangular box with dimensions 19.1 x 8.3 x 7.0 cm. The housing includes an on/off switch and a red LED for user convenience and has a female 12-pin Hirose connector on one end for connection to the camera. On the end opposite the Hirose connector there is a protective bushing for the battery cable. The circuit and housing package weighs one kilogram. (a) (b) Figure 11. (a) Photo of entire housing and circuitry from the 12-pin Hirose connection end. (b) Photo of entire housing and circuitry from the battery wire bushing and LED end. 4.3 Battery System The battery system consists of a battery which supplies one voltage signal and its charger. Some requirements for the battery are that it has a high energy density and can supply a positive twenty volts of DC power and one amp of current for four hours. The one amp of current was determined by the NIR camera specifications which require one amp to operate. A battery with very high energy density helps to keep the mass of the battery system at a minimum. Although lithium ion batteries have the highest rating for energy density it is very costly and runs a high risk of spontaneous combustion. Lithium ion batteries also require onboard monitors to keep from over-charging often leading to its high price. A nickel metal hydride (NiMH) battery was chosen in the end for its manageable cost, easy setup and smart charging. See figure 12 below for a photo of the battery chosen for the system. Figure12. Photo of NiMH battery used to electrify circuit and camera. The NiMH battery is rated for 20V and 4200mAh. When discharging at a rate of 1A per hour at 20V the NiMH battery lasts up to four hours meeting the requirements set for the battery system. The battery has dimensions 18.4 x 8.9 x 2 cm and weighs 1.4 kg. 4.3.1 Battery System Testing Initial testing of the entire circuit and battery system provides similar voltages and data as taken when testing the circuit with a lab power supply. The following table displays the voltages measured with the battery system in place of the lab power supply. Voltage Required (V) Measured Voltage (20V) Pin Pin Reference 2 Hirose connection -12.0 -11.8 4 Hirose connection 12.0 12.1 6 Hirose connection 5.0 5.0 9 HTC-1500 8.0 8.0 Table 5. DC to DC converter voltages produced using +20V from battery system. 4.4 Table Incorporation The third task of this project was to attach the entire circuit and battery system to the table without affecting the functional requirements of the table and then integrate it with the NIR camera. 4.4.1 System Arrangement and Integration The battery and circuit system weighs a total of 2.4kg. To keep the table in a balanced state the decision was made to attach the battery and circuit system opposite the NIR camera and corresponding mounting bracket. Since each component weighs about the same they counter each others weight allowing the table to stay in balance when in operation. The cable connecting the battery to the circuit is secured to the circuit box via a Velcro strap. The cable connecting the circuit to the NIR camera is run along the main struts of the table also using Velcro straps that are attached to the table permanently. The battery and circuit system attaches to the table via glued on Velcro straps that loop around the circuit and battery tightly. The Velcro straps allow the battery and circuit system to virtually be in the plane of the table and out of the way of the light path to the center of the table. The secure straps also keep the battery and circuit system snug against the table so that it does not swing hindering the movements of the table. When fully attached the battery and circuit system and included cables do not obstruct the light path to the center of the table and also allows the table to rotate in both the altitude and azimuth directions at its full potential (3600). The weight of the battery and circuit system also meets the table requirements as it is about the same weight as the power supply used in the original setup. Figure 13. Photo of battery and circuit system setup. The next steps to this project are to connect the NIR camera output cable to the table's onboard laptop and test the system altogether. 5 System Operation After arranging the battery and circuit system on the table and attaching it to the table it was time to test the system. The NIR camera worked seamlessly with the new circuit just as before and the table requirements were not obstructed. 5.1 Operating Specifications The battery powered NIR camera operates for up to four hours on a fully charged battery. This allows for the full use of the system for an entire session. The system can either be removed from the table for charge as a whole or just the battery can be removed and charged. With an extension cord, the battery can be charged while attached to the table. Total charge time for a fully charged battery is about two hours and is charged via a smart charger so that the cells can never be overcharged. System setup takes less than three minutes not counting the time it takes to secure the NIR camera to the mounting bracket. 5.2 Original System to New System Comparison The new battery powered system works just as well as the original system which used the AC powered power supply in terms of NIR camera operation. The new system is better because it is now a portable device which allows the table to rotate freely in all directions without hindrance from cables. Another feature that the new system has over the original is the compact size of the battery and circuit system which snugly fits in the plane of the table. Cables are also secured to the table so that they do not obstruct the light path to the center of the table. 6 Conclusion 6.1 Achievements This project attempted to develop a battery powered near infrared camera and was successful in doing so. Development involved the design of a circuit, battery system and incorporation into the existing architecture of a rotating table with two degrees of freedom. One limitation caused by the project is a time limit on the use of the NIR camera when used portably, which is a function of the battery life. This limitation is acceptable because the previous setup inhibited the table from rotating freely, a functional requirement of the table design. The battery pack can be charged in two hours and lasts up to four hours during full operation. This gives an average of one and a half sessions using the camera per day. Overall the project invoked many learning opportunities in circuit building and testing as well as battery system selection. About 40% of the project involved research in electrical engineering methods and testing; 40% incorporated mechanical engineering methods and reasoning and; 20% involved manufacturing in hands on shop work. 6.2 Further Investigation Optimization would be most urgent to complete in any further investigation of this project. Possible benefits of optimization are a longer lasting battery system and a lighter system if further battery research is completed. For optimization of the DC to DC converter it is suggested that switching regulators replace the existing linear voltage regulators because they are more efficient at converting a large DC signal to a smaller DC signal, they give off less heat and are able to keep a constant voltage with small variations compared to the linear type regulators. Although switching regulators cost more upfront, big gains are made in efficiency allowing for a longer battery life and a longer NIR camera session. 6.3 Applications The battery powered NIR camera is a useful tool in that it allows the full rotation of the rotating table in both the azimuth and altitude directions. To make the NIR camera portable a circuit was designed to emulate the existing power supply and a battery system replaced the power from the wall outlet. After doing all of this the NIR camera powered up and was able to take pictures and capture video in the same manner as it originally had. Therefore this project added value to the NIR camera system. In the context of architectural advancement this paper has done little in that respect, but in the context of the MIT HelioDome project this paper has created a new device furthering the effectiveness of the project as a whole. With free rotation in the table as opposed to the restricted rotation of the past, more angles can be explored in goniophotometry allowing for more data acquisition. This information is then analyzed and turned into BT(R)DF's which are useful to furthering advanced fenestration systems. This portable technology has use in other fields not related to architecture. For instance, an NIR camera with portable capabilities can be used in unmanned vehicles used by rescue crews to take photos and capture video of hard to reach areas. Any type of portable surveillance is possible using this technology. As with the Heliodome project, portable technology like this can lead to more value-added projects in the future. 7 Appendix 7.1 HelioDome Illumination System The author of this thesis entered the Heliodome project May 2007 as a participant in the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program. The author's specific tasks were to calibrate the HelioDome illumination system by properly aligning a series of components between the light source and the rotating table thanks to a positioning system that was designed and constructed over the summer and fall sessions. An additional task included building a filter wheel system designed by a previous student in the Heliodome project. The Heliodome illumination system had provided experience in many aspects of mechanical engineering. From drawing board to manufacture all mechanical engineering methods were applied including engineering calculations, material choice and CAD integration. 7.1.1 Filter Wheel System A filtration device for selecting specific visible and NIR light wavelengths related to the red, green, and blue sensitivity peaks of a CCD camera and the pixel response for a NIR camera. This device functions with the Department of Architecture Daylighting Lab goniophotometer to profile the complete reflection and transmission properties for sample building materials (Koch 2007). This device was designed by Timothy Koch for his thesis in the spring of 2007 and constructed by the author of this thesis in the summer of 2007. The following sections explain what The parts of the filter wheel system include the filter wheel, filter holders, Geneva drive and supporting frame: Filter Wheel The filter wheel, was designed to have 10 apertures for a total of 9 filters and one empty aperture to act as a void. The material choice suggested was a lightweight plastic for mass reduction and polyurethane was finally settled upon for its compressibility and ease of machining. The size of the filter wheel was too large to machine in MIT's machine shop facilities so a redesign of the filter wheel assembly was done. The filter wheel was broken up in to smaller pieces with a special joining design called dovetails so that they could be fit together like a puzzle and glued into its final form. Figurel4. Photo of final filter wheel design sectioned and glued together. The dovetail design on the edges of the filter wheel individual pieces fit mated with the edges of other pieces completing a circular filter wheel aPnemhlv Filter Holders The filter holders were circular rings of used to brace the different glass filters up against the apertures of the filter wheel. Rubber bushings squeezed against the filters holding them in place and protecting the filter from abrasive metals or plastic in the assembly. The materials selected for the filter holders were polyurethane for the rings and neoprene for the rubber bushings. Unlike the filter wheel, the filter holders were small enough to be machined using MIT facilities without a redesign. Figure 15. Photo of filter holders and filter wheel. The filter holders brace the glass filters (not shown) against the apertures of the filter wheel using machine screws and neoprene bushings. Geneva Drive The function of the Geneva drive portion of the filter wheel system was to provide a reliable mechanism to apply a delay while advancing between filter aperture while rotating the filter wheel. There are two parts to the Geneva drive: the output wheel and the drive wheel. Polyethylene plastic was selected for the material used in both the output and drive wheels. While making manufacturing considerations, the same issues arose with the output wheel as with the filter wheel. A redesign was made and again, dovetails were used to create the puzzle effect and the output wheel was glued into its final form. The drive wheel, on the other hand, did not require a redesign. Figure16. Photo of Geneva drive. The upper portion is the output wheel and the lower portion displays the drive wheel. Supporting Frame To hold the filter wheel system altogether a supporting frame was designed and construction. Considerable redesign was made to the supporting frame due to manufacturing issues and integration into a larger calibration system which was designed simultaneously with the filter wheel system and discussed in Appendix section 7.1.4. The material selected for the supporting frame was stainless steel due to its strength and rigidity. To add to the rigidity of the frame, L-shaped extrusions were selected and screwed together using stainless steel machine nuts and bolts. An A-frame style design was used to support a stainless steel rod which in turn supported the rotating filter wheel and Geneva drive. Motors were mounted on the frame and connected to the Geneva drive. Figure 17. Filter wheel system including filter wheel, Geneva drive and supporting frame. The supporting frame was made of stainless steel L extrusion and bolted together using stainless steel nuts and bolts. 7.1.2 Beam Shaper For the goniophotometer application, it is important that the apparent beam on the material being characterized is the correct size. When the goniophotometer rotates on its altitude axis, the apparent beam will expand, becoming ellipsoidal. Without intervention, the apparent beam will °ood the surface of the goniophotometer when it is rotated to an extreme angle (nearly parallel to the ground). The apparent beam will be the wrong size unless something is put in its path to stop this excess light from reaching the table (Browne 2006). A "beam shaper" was developed which stops this occurrence and the author of this thesis construction a new supporting frame for it which was integrated in a larger calibration system. The beam shaper supporting frame was designed in much the same way as the supporting frame for the filter wheel system. Stainless steel L extrusion and nuts and bolts were used to create an A-frame which supported a platform housing the base of the beam shaper. (a b Figure 18. (a) Beam shaper on previous frame made of partical board. (b) Redesigned frame using stainless steel L extrusion. 7.1.3 Light Source Support The light source for the goniophotometer must mimic sunlight as closely as possible. It must be collimated (up to 5± of spread- justification for this value is discussed later in this section), have a color temperature similar to the sun (approximately 6,000 Kelvin), have a spectral output similar to the sun, and be uniform in its emission such that all areas are illuminated equally. An Hydragyrum medium-arc iodide (HMI) lamp was selected as a light source for the goniophotometer (Browne 2006). To incorporate the HMI lamp into the larger calibration system a light source support was constructed using stainless steel L extrusion and stainless steel nuts and bolts. Figure 19. Light source support made of stainless steel L extrusion. The three comers of the triangular shape support the three legs of the HIM lamp tripod. 7.1.4 Illumination Positioning System The purpose of the illumination position system was to develop a mechanism which allows the easy replacement of the filter wheel system, beam shaper and light source into the correct position for the goniophotometer setup. The design of the positioning system includes a main rectangular frame made of stainless steel L extrusion for its strength and rigidity. It is a large structure, but very low to the ground because the filter wheel is very tall and must light up with the center of the table about three feet off the ground. Caster wheels are included in the design to make the rectangular frame mobile and easily removable from the rotating table. The mobile positioning system attaches to the rotating table using Cclamps and the illumination components are dropped into the rectangular frame from above. Figure20. Illumination Positioning System for MIT HelioDome Project. The device allows easy setup of illumination system components. II ..1 - ~1I -~ I ~.. • ¸ W --IV~...... I-- ·--··-------------- ~ [ NOTES, L ASSERBLY tI ACCMD-AICE WITH [PCM-A-6t AND SUI 440-0045 #pa BLKIs L1 #22 VHT5 LG LEDLED+ GRY5. BLkisl*"TI~C~-7RD YEL 6• BLK(2) * VHT(e) 6* - J5-2 .. 13-6 J3-5 GAT 5* 5*L1 ORN ~~ THERl~S IL- #Ep GRY5 La J3-3, - LU 5* RED 6* TL+ JU-2 BLKto- ETIL +12V #k2 RED6 LF #2?VLK 10 Li#22 yHT 5 LU 6 LG #E 0R L 5 14] TL -6 LG # OUE TEL 6 L UIN LG J4-1 Jrn- DETAIL 'A' JH-& FR I +xv WHK J2-1 I .@s= ap 4 de-4 +1V r LLILLM•LLhd WI~k •UFWIPT plaE --- c ---------------------- r~-- SENSORS UNLIMITED I ,; PRDPRIETARY INFORMATION ~ ---------------------* 1no tr hn F :rarU~0En. :*%IL %mORS l DEC w$ ME, ±1/A ELxxx xx 4ATERMALf 8000-0025 8000 -O024 ~1~111~- -~-·1~1 ---- 7000-1014 NHA APPI WAEIF APPLIATIO APPLICATION t.%K t/ ±aOS ---------- ~ ------------~I---------------- --- DATE PAWiWi STARTED pVALS rltP FINISH, IAWOWnes tYI CHECKED ENTR GEPT. a------------------ ggkp(ECTE ~I .---- SENSORS UNLIMITED INC. DATE 215a, 0 4B/ E CA CCDE E GALE! I .. ..... I DRAwtC 0I0OT SfL OF 1 IHEET 7.3 HTC-1500 HTC Series - Hybrid Temperature Controllers . HeTC The advanced and rellatbWeroy of * CampuatSiza-15andS.OAmpoIadesS Themislr. ICSenas. & IRTDs *I Wntwbcsith * Sngle supcperaly an *5 Vta +42VDC series eusily achieves O.OOI*CIqrnpratuestataty. fIs smat.low profile page is deordesignslthspce .Greutnhn +8Vcasplancewwh +12V iput canslrain&s Thmelnearc Plannwralbopand tuipolalrrfaet sourE a anuwtuw mm strat b n alhaidd teie * S O -even aatint ltbiltcOD0IOC * Tmarowra The H S x Featusres _________ GeemrDescrfp1on etairt Oupu Cuamt Lwit SSer s.Prlmdonahl Gain,and 9elr Tmeca•nsartUswA•ustable temperantre conrollers are easy arnn edtranydesigpt Vtualyanytypeafbqmprale -A " MoniroutpulsforTempratmSelpaintand AdualTwvperatur usedwili•he TCmatbils•te as snsmorcete smumr simplAes use •t reisin teumperatt•e curmet SOMA .1,•... Qlpu-aperafts "urneerBipolrar Urnpdwer thOwmoeleWics arresislkve heaters (P) and hitegrator Tim Consant (t) can be mailied to capln pnatueavershon andstablt n exuaby Asingle Other feshms aaded resitor sets he maximm oulp curtrnt to your lod. atperaaesisvhelmatws Add s •auntsian iadle with a u•ipol•uput current An anb•a referenmce vttagdsimnyfespaolemetsrcmlrtdafitiaterperdaue selpoit Yuasouetapertereumohlywithan. eXt ids*p*tvowIge Twomnitarpsgproaeaccese 870.450 OrderingInformation 1.S A Temperase Cuntrolter S0 Any Tenpersadhe CoGtoller HTC-3008 gPWRPAK43V +.5 *A PaOn Sgply Aase#Pnvclgeandrtheactualsensmr totatemperab e Functional Diagram oncr rar Su". Rum - Call 14• i-491 for technica suppcot wtawvleghct -to.1416frtcnca ~~~ w upr CaR~~~~~~~~ www.teamwavelength.com V'I I Pin Descriptions PIN 1 2 IMME DESCRIPTION LIMIT LIMIT - + Resistor N value i t r i of 0 0 to 1 MD h between e pins ti 1 t & ma 2 i limits meanum HTC output t current ifi ti bipor opemation. Short pins 2 &3 for PI OUT 3 Install diode for unipolur operetion (see page 6, step 1for polarity) (15 ppm typical) VREFOUT 3.675 V'bt Reference <50 ppm staity .4 Measurement gound. Low current return used only wth pins 6,7 &8. 5 COMMON Inteml sharted to pin 10. Temperaure monior Buffered measuement of voltage across Sensor+ & sensor 7 SET TMONITOR Selpit moto. ered measurement of the seiint iput (pin 8). inpeduace = 1 MW 8 SETPOINTIPUTf Remote setpoirt voltage input Input Supply voltage input +5V to+12 V. Contact Factory for hiher vltage operation. high curret retum. G Power Suppiy Graund. Used wilh pin 9 for 10o STEC+ & TEC- supply curent to the TE module With NTC sensor,connect TEC+ to 1positive lead of TE noduie. W•htPTC sensors, connect TEC- to posilive lead of TE modue. A senir bias current wil source ftrim Sensor+ to Sensor- if a resistor is tied 13 SENSOR+ Sacross R + and Rft-. Cnnect a 10 kQ resistor across Sensoar+ & Sensor14 SENSORwhen using an ADS90 mperalre sensor. See page 6,step 4. Resistance between pins 15 16 selects sensor current from I pA to 10 mA. 15 R,+ Range is Dtol MEL 16 Re.Resistance between pins 17 & 18 selects Proportional Gain between 1& 100. R.+ 7 ,, Range is 0 Q to 495 kQ. 18 Capacitance between pins 19 & 20 sets the Integral Tmne Const between C + 19 D0and 10 seconds. 0 seconds (OFF) = 1 Mfresistor C 20 0.1 to 10 seconds =0.1pF to 10pF. Eectfcal Specifications MODELIMMBER HTC-1500 c Temperature Control Temp. aontrol Range Short Term Stability, 1 r. see note @ 001C <00 0 Long Term Stabity,24 hr. TECOuput Bipoer Ouput Cmnt Mednum Bipolar Oput Cuert, Typical eg ConmancemlgVop Power Maxinum Outpul MxIJnm tIternal Powe Dissipaion CurretLini Range (± 2% FS Accy) O003 C ±1.SA@ ±1.4to±1.5 A HTC-3000 see note * <0.001oC <0003oC ±3.0A 2-6to±3.0 A >±8V >±8V 12W 9W 0 - 150DSmA 24W 9W 0 -3000 mA +1.0A +Sv 8 8W 9W 0- 1000mA +2.OA +8V 16 W 9W 0-2000 n Resistive Heater Output Ouut Current Unipolar Conmpance volge Mximnum Mxinum Otpu Power Maximum ItemerPower Dissipation Cnreet Lrn Range (± 2% FS Accy) e Control Loop n Gain Range ) Pmportio Integror Trme Constart Range 0 Temperature Sensors Sensor Cuzent Range Resisive Se•nar Types ICSenm" Types 0 Selpoint vs. Monitor Accuracy P,PI 1 to lOD 0 to10 seconds RP, 11o 100 0 to10 seconds I 1jAto 10 mA Thernstor, RTDS AD590, LM335 IpAtoO1 mA Thenistor, RTDs ADSK0, LM335 < 10% r10% 0 Temperature Range depends n the physical load, GeneralSpecifications sensor type, input voltage, and TE module used. Power Requiremnts , * Stability quoted for a typical 10 kQ thermistor at +5V to+12VDC(+12.5VMAX) 1tooA sensing curent Coct f highI vrtaper o aon * Compliance voltage will vary depending on power Supply Currmt supply voltages. Amaximan complance voltage of A HTs Linit Curretn Setting plus 200 mA @ V+ ••s will be obtained with +12 vok input Aminimum Operating Temperature compliance voltage of ± 2.0 V will be obtained wiat+5 Oto+50*C Storage Temperature Vinput. +6 V operato willfimitthe setpoint volage to 3.5 V.thus niing the temperature range of the HTC. -40b+M50C Connectors * User configurable with external resistor. -ospaag 2Dpinheade.er 9 User configurable with exte~al capacri. * AD050 requires an external bras voltage and 10 k ho toate accuracy iso Weight * Without proper heatsinting, the output current < 1.5 o decreases as the T exceeds 75C. Size (HxWx D) SIfthnsr.TE module, oasr diade arecase ommn 0.34x 2.5r x 1.6" 8.S x 07 x 41 am] the laserdode drifer and TE controller power supplies Required Heatsink Capacity 5. CIW!3in eac•other. must beisolaed from .A - ... . ... ......... MechanicalSpecifications TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW 2. -I A if or ;pano -4-- 6I S'%.utciLPn iTEI -I-1-WrpFOCAR 1.1i2VpAu, n-.-j-- oil- M, . S'6QM*-0lNO * Use O.3ZtidinkPCBnmouting your HTC products simlarto the stylesuAd an the vaatin barnd. CAUTION: Do not bend any of the pins. Doing so may cause damage to the internal circuits and will void the warranty. HTC PCB angm la Hea•,it n*•r T~dCObSd "aaklainboar. Talestco poneft . .... Jl t . asowa o POWER SUPPLY AND NOISE GROUNDING The HTC Series Temperature Conroller is a linear controller designed for stable, low noise operation. We recommend using a regulated, linear supply for optimum performance. Dependng on your requirements you may be able to use a swiching power supply (Aswtching power supply will affect noise and stabilit] il I O 0 O warr The recormnended operating voltage is between +5 V and +12 VDC. The voltage available to the thermoetect or resistive heater is the *Compliance Voage." Compliance voltage varies with the input voltage. A maximum compliance voltage of 8 V will be obtained with +t2 V input. Amiarnin voltage of 2 V wd be obtained with+5 V input- Operating from +5V wl also tit the seipt voltage range (0 to 3.5 VI, thus limiting the treperature range. Higher input voltages can be used with special consideration. For higher comprance voltage operatin contact the factory to discuss your application. . Ou14 *dIYCW5,5 c "~ ome q'""** Specia aention to grounding wiý assure safe operation. Some manufacturers package devices with one lead of the sensor or thermoelectric connected to the metal encosure or in the case of laser diodes, the aser anode or cathode. A heasink is required to properly dissipate heat fro the HTC mounting surface. Use a heatsk it at least a &B*C i W 13 inch ra.g. WARNING: Precautions should be take not to earth ground pins 11, 12, or 13. If any of these pins are earth grounded, then pins 5, 10, and 14 must be floating with respect to earth ground, HTC Connection Diaaram HTC Connection Diaoram HTCoperation is sinfe. Just add a power supply, six passive components, your sensor and lhercelectric, and montor the setpcnt and acoual temperatures. Ths diagram shows the most basic operation.. Details for each '•mponentare on pages 5 & i. Set aret .ln tth to 12 Z persuppl 0C y STIero treasreTeirper e A a Teiiperatire I i'rx(5 t~al sis Cmroirr 7Teperatire Seipni nor 0 e.iltp'uvo ,-MT,Mgmlir Vontiq0"' I )J is ~sso s3rtwa .. Se-t Proprtl-r'adCar Meteesti 1 'or Set 7Te 1tr ,-Cnt it S~I~~~Erseen t ant I: ectrics 7 o ieee~ I3SW ecib'ss'i. 45±t.S ira5. n 's.... The Eight Steps to Using an HTC Output Current Bias - Pins 2 &3 bmwPt b 1 u r WC ensor) Opn Q2 mit+ W OR PID OUT Thermistors are Negative Temperature 0" or*" Fcm OR Coefficient (NTC) sensors. A rthermstor's resistance decreases with increasing temperature. RTDs and IC Sensors are Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC) sensors. A PTC sensor's resistance increases with increasing terperature. 3 Limit Output Current - Pins 1 & 2 rTC-3 HTC-15O W TE 20k 45 R,.l TFina TE 20 k -3 3 R-3 Adjoiwabl Enabae= pm MalPam Thmpyit Disab = "lITd 4- i-* R, 3W oirA t t,5A t 1A fTi3 EqiAws tw I'm C lA 2A 3 A. W - t MD R, 3.3 3. 133 k N•2 use sibi reae rosers aerem on pFe 1. Sensor Bias Current - Pins 15 & 16 I.225: Pan t 1ad a? Ra i*aia rflrPasnl z %L.•determines the amount of current sourced to the sensor IIattached at pinat s 1& 14. Thechart C&indicates recommended cufents for typical sensors When using a :g . 11 , on A 121i" -o1 uA 1 A voltage feedback sensor as an AD590), eavepins 15 & 6riaopen. -122 I. i1(suc x M S•r•1MA x x Sensor ' -Pins 13 & 14 V~ually anry type of tenmerature sensor Treser T orWL35 ~ -<,-#3 mar4 t a.l- can be used with the HTC. It must produce a feedback age between 0.5 V an (V+minus 2 Vt. See Step (R•a to set the amount of bias to thesensor. current .V -•____._ Proportional Gain - Pins 17 & 18 the gain of the system from 1to 100. A proportional gain will have minimal overshoot, but may take longer to settle in to temperature. A small gain will have more vewrshoot and nmry cause oscillations around the setpoint temperature. For most applications, Ssets large aL -GAN a gain of 33 works. Change the proportional gain while the output is OFF R0 - Sntegrator Time Constant - Pins 19 &20 cF' Coa 140. 17--1_01 >T - 04 T T . . r1 Ms _ 0 (OFF seco secods 109seco c ,,M I r~n 1 0. 5 F to F C, sets the integral time constant of the system from 0 to 10 seconds. Use a capacitor with Dissipation Factor -less than 1% for best performance. These typically include metalized film polyester, polypropylene & some ceramic capacitors. Recommended capacitor is Panasonic # ECO-VIJID0JM. Capacitors with Dissipation Factors > 1% (typically electrolytic, tantalum, and ceramic) will cause drift in the Integrator circuit. To disable the integrator use a 1 MWresistor across pins 19 & 20. Temperature Setpoint - Pins 8 &5 (Pin 4 optional) The setpoint temperature depends on the voltage Sappled to pin 8 and your sensor The setpoint is the voltage your sensor produces at the desired temperature. .Vo Re sitance t Eas oUrret IuoopA to a Monter setpoint w*th aDVM at pXis 7 & 5or acttal sensor voltage across& pins & 5. TE Module &Output Current Measurement - Pins 11 &12 ...... ..... oup ute ITE modcule anu an amiUeter iI you want to monitor TE current Current flows from positive to negative when the HTC is coo ng wth an NTC temperature sensor When using an LM335, AD590, RTD, or other PTC sensor, reverse the polarity of the leads Si.e. connect thepositve lead ofthe TEmodule to TEC-and the negat e lead of the TE nrodule toTEC+). OAA&....... OPERATING PROCEDURES FOR HTC PCB S -I C? I S C? I HE alvso Board To ns afflheHTC on the Conguration Switfth-SW I.Feed the HTC pins through te large open in the Evaluation board so that the HTC pins are on the top mounting tabs are side of the Evaluation board and the back side ofthe board. NOTE: Do not bend against the The Configuration Switch selecsthe OUTPUT MODE. LMT RANGE. SETPOINTINPUT, and SENSOR BIAS CURRENT Before applyng voltage to the HTC PCS. check the switch seWtngs for proper onfturation. the HTC p•. The FACTORY DEFAULT settings are 2. Line up the heatsink holes behind the ITC and insert the screws through the Evaluation board and HTO urn into the heatsink holes. 3. Line up the HTC pins on the solder pads on the Evaluation board and tghten the screws. 4. Solder the HTC pins to he solder pads. NOTE: Do not exceed 600*F soldering temperature for more than 5 seconds on any pin. SWI Limit Range: Lowest (SWI:1 ON. SWI:2 OFF) Bipolar Operation: (SWI:3ON. SW t:4 &5 OFF) Onboard Trimpot Control: (SW1:6 ON) 100•IA Sensor Bias Current: SW1:7, 9. &10 OFF. SW1:8 ON) TerminlBlock Wire your thermoelectne module (or resistive heater and sensor via this 12 contact screw termmnal connector. Connect an external seLpoint voltage input here, also. Various other signals are available a other powts on the PCB as well as on the lerminal b~Mck Actual and Se~point monitors, Integrator Time Constant Capacitor, and Supply Voltage.. tohe We recommend using a mininum of 22 AW wre to thermoelectric. The following page details the switch setfings. A i..ý VU LIMIT RANGECUTPUT MC-0 Asingle turn irmpIoK (Ru) austs the mnaromn Ouput current. Sicee the resistance is not linear with cumren halffull scal isat less than IDOT 1M turn. The HTC can be configured for bipolaror nipolar operation The position of switches 3, 4. and 5 detemnnine theoperang mode. See page 6, step f-or a discussion of NTC and PTC sensors. The temperature setpoint can be controlled by the onboard R , trimpot or with an external input voltage on the terminal block (SETPOINT INPUT). Switch position 6 detennines how the setpoint is OUIVrmS- Im:s Im4 Ism o Switch positions I & 2 set the -ul scaleW vaue to one of three current ranges. Select a range that includes your maximun operating urrent PBC M OF OFzrk oF UzrMWz I~IL~±L5MZ4 0Ipa . W ±h1W o Z SENCIRRAS CURRENT~ Q-M5A -1A- a-1A On I 0-l2A I Off a-1.a IA-A I OFF I GIOFFChoosing the crect bias unrrent for your sensor is inmportant Based on O or If you want to accurately measure the output current to the TE module. hook up an ammrneter in series with the TE module as described on page 7. slep S of the manual. the resistance vs. temperature characeristics of your senso. select a bias current that gives you a voltage feedback greater than 025 V and two volts less Ihan V+. I5n Icuular mI wS I 5": I sew forc w12A lnfl IOs ion^ onr on OFF oOFF OFF IOFF I OFF OFN o F aFF Oar On m Cr C" I ar OFF oFF FF a" neMa naVmieoenosD &Ths5albs towoos roeaacs On I OFF aRTo I a#ms Begin with apropciftnal gain of 33 (Jackory debult)~. The temperature ADC voltage can be applied via the vs. time response of your system can be optimizted for overshoot andud ferminal block connections labeled sedding time by aaijjsft thWe Rw thipot between 10 and 00. Iincreasingi the gain wigI darnpen #*outpQut (lonager seffinag time. less oversihoot). For V+andGN. USEONLYONEINPUTI to supply power to the HTCPCB. morce hiornuillion on FID conrtrollers, request Technicnal Note #201 Opkkddrqi~l Theman~celechic: To~e~mwa~tuare Control System- A tpF capacitor is mounted on the PCB as shown aid will give you a one second integrator time constant By adding capacitance across the C+ and C,,- inputs on the terminal bock, you can increase the integrator tirne constant See page 7. step 0 for more information. Use only capacitors with a dissipation factor less than 1%. For more information on PID controllers, request Technical Mote TN-TC01 - Optimizing Thermoelectric Temperature Control Systems. With a DVM connected to MONITOR + and COMMON. toggle the Measurement Select Switch to measure SET T (setpoint temperalre) or ACT T (actual temperafture I these test points are not used. SET T and ACT T can be measured via the ACT T and SET T MONITORs (referenced to COMMON} on the terminal block. . ........ .- _11 This switch enables or disables the DC voltage from either the PWRPAK-5V input :conector the terminal b&ockconnections labeled V÷ and GND. The green LED will light when power is applied toihe HTCOPCB and he switch s "ON'0. When DC power is applied to the HTCPCB. the output current can be enabled or disabled by toggling this switeh. '· --- -- - ~ - IN . Ill------·-----------------.. -- -- --- ,.- I HTC.-1500: 1 HTC-3000 t -.:;~u~ `Ab~? rg~ .i, ,, bV8O NOIIVI2An3 5;H., NOTES FOR OPERATING WITH RESISTIVE HEATERS Operating the HTC with resist:eheeters is very similario operatin the HTC w withehrmceleetic modules. Use low resistance heaters (<25 ) ifor mauivma power outlput Resistances greater than 100 0 ma lint the output voltage. and thedore power. slowing down. temperAtre changes. Follow the operating instructions for themnleectics on pages 8 &7 aih these changes: I. The outpt cunrrent maximum is reduced to I Awuih the HTC-i500 and 2A with the HTC-3000. Calculate he IMIT OUTPUT resistance with these equabons• 2TC-1500 k IMS TC-30D 20k 6123 'weS1 ~tn -r 2. Attachte esisivehealerto Pins 11&12 (TEC+ &TEC-). 3. Depending on your selection o NTC orPTC sensor, attach a blocking diode as show n page S. step 1. DO NOT OPERATE INBIPOLAR MODE WITH RESISTWE HEATERS. NOTE: Coeact the facory for voltage operatin above +12 V. secanentiseSurns sqpat or feel•r. operatefhin:e+5V lb+I21VDC poferqupfy Upffepfre Teperanu e&A"wae r *era wM). Caoal Terperab Seetpoint 4 A 1Wn ace- restmctrianpot orJSenriWoIwte .ne teas. WMg14@* befaven 1anm t $Z. W.t fIlgrater TfRE Canmurt WW4*FSlSOSKSSMS er ~eland 10 seowrds SkM.*i~ No" WAS.d~k S1 caW.Sa *** rz~Pur~r* rIns 131 14 S'wtnro- 9 Appliation Notes m Monitor Calibration Circuit A sIa Set may be present S or 7* pketthe actual meassng p5 &W otpuLt Ad ils aut Inremove aty offset. TN-TCOf COMUM SETT R m an Optimizing Thermeeflenri Temperature Control Systems CALOMAITED AE PSIT M0Mr~TR Technical Note TN-TC0I detas selecting, integrating , and opqtiizing the components of a temperature control system. For your free copy, cal Technical Support at (400) 587-4910. USING THE HTC WITH A CONNECTOR The HTC leads are meant to solder knto a circuit board If you want to use a connector, we recommend the following: Molex PartNumber 10-11-2203 08-55-0120 Description Molex Crimp Terminal Housing 20 pin (High P ssWum) Moles Crimp Tenrinal 7870 (Hth Pressure) Molex Crimp Termnal Housing 20 pin (High Pressure) (only 6 pins shown) Moiex Part Number 8-55-0129 Lx W= DA44" x 0.7(" (It2 r• n x 1.93 mm) 20 pin Molex Pan Number. 10-11-2203 L x W = 2.OT x 51' (d1.3 mmx 12.9 ram) ........ Molex Crimp Termrnal 7879 (High Pressure) for mee size 22 - 30 AWG. Select Gold P~lati -. ,&AA -, CUSTOMER SERVICE & WARRANTY ifyou have any questions or comnents, please call our technical staffat (40) 587-4910. Our hours are 8: a.m. o5O00 p.m.MT. Wavelength Electronis warrants this product for 90 days against defects inmaterials and workmanship when used within published speoiications. This warranty extends only to purchaser and not to users of purchasers C products. If Wavelength receives written notice of such defects during the warranty perio•d wewill ither repair r a replace produts which proe tobe defective. Wavelenglh makes no warrant concerning the Ilness or suitability of products for its a particular use or purpose, therefore, itis purchase's responsibilty to thoroughly test any product and independently conclude its sasfactory perfomance inpurchasers application. No other warranty exists either expressed or implied. and consequenial damages are specifically etluded. Wavelength Electronics resenrves the right , to change eicuiry and specifications wihout notification tany time .Al pmroducts retuned must be accompanied by a Return Material Authoriation (RMA) number obtained from the ' Customer Service Depadment Returned product will not be accepted for cedi o replacement without our penission. C Transportation charges or postage must be prepaid. A retumrned products must show invoice number and dale and reason -Ir rebsm. Wavelength Electmic s, Ic., P O Box 65, Bozeman, MT 59771 Phone(406) 587-4910, Fax (406)567-4911 emas:sales eteamwvlengt com, WEB wwws.tearnw .ngthcom _0%It.n Wn (( LIt I r. 86 i ' ' II I I Y m 9 dh a m c4~ c X (w hi m u cr X r ·. C3 k· ;S crcr I Pspriat ary t-o Seson Unlimitod, Inc. ýZrwvzu4 AuLI 1a ! I I I r I* 7.5 Linear Voltage Regulators 7.5.1 LM2937 AuguSt 201 SNa tional Semiconductor Co CD LM2937 500 mA Low Dropout Regulal co • two-batery jumps and up Io +ow/-soV load General Description dump transienf, Familiar regulao featurs such as short The LW 37 is a positi voltge reulator capable of sup- circuit and themal shutdown protction are also built in pyirg upto SRmAof lod curren. The use ofa PNPpo*er trseistr provides a low dropout voltage characteristic. With a Ied cuent of 0 rnAthe minimum input to ulput voltage Features diferential reqdred for the ou utto remain in regulation is " Fuly spciied for operation over -40 to +125'0 Otypicsly O5V (IV guaranteed maximum over the ull oper- a Oulpcuurent inemces of 500 mA ating temperature range), Special circuitry has been icor- SOutput trnimd for 5% tolerance under all operating prated to mrniz te quiescent current to typioally only corditions 10 mA with a full 00 mA load currnt when the iput to Typical dropout vdotage of 0.5V at full rated load curent cutput voltage dierr isgreater than 3V Wide output capacitor ESR rarge, up to Sn The LM297 requires an output bypss capacitor for stabilInternal shortt circuit and whemsi overoad protection ity As with mt low dropout regulators, the ESR of this Reverse battery protection capacitor remains a critical design parameter but the OVY ir transint ection LMI297 indcludee pecial onpensation dciritry that relaxes Mirror image insertion protection ESR requirrments, The LM2937 is stable for al ESR below 3. This allows the use of low ESR chip capacitors. Ideally sited for autcomtive applications, the LMŽas7 will protect itself and any load drtry rom reverse baltery Connection Diagrams TO-220 Plastic Pckage SOT-223 Plasic Package l~ Front View IP -ria Ima Front View TO-23s Surface-Mount Package Side View Top View %iiinnducra Capornicn Nuihnal Surionductr 02OO~ 020065 NaJironal Corpor~aico ~G211~9) C-O 1290 wwwnolrnatccm wwwnr•ti-natcc 0311 r3 O' 0 Ordering Information Pacage Temperature Part Number Packagng Marking LMe37ES-5,o LM2s37ES-5.o Transport Media NSC Drawing Rail TS3B Range TO-263 -4CoC sT, s 125sC 500 Units Tape aid Reel LM237ESX-5.O LM2937ES-8.o LM2937ESX-ao.0 UM2937ES-10 LM237ESX-O LM2937ES-12 LM2•37ESX-12 LM237ES-1i5 LM2937ESX-15 TO-220 SOT-223 wwwnatinakocm -40C ~T s 125G -40C s Tj 985C LM29s7ES-8. LM2937ES-10 LM237ES-12 M2-37ES-15 Rail 500 Units Tape and Reel Rail o Urnit Tape and Reel Rail 500 Units Tape and Reel Rail Units Tape and Reel _5_ LM237ET-5,0 LM2937ET-80 LM2937ET-10 LM2937ET-&O LM2937ET-a.0 LM2937ET-10 Rail Rail Rail LM2s37ET-12 LMaNSET-12 Rail LM2937ET-15 LMa2937MP-5.0 LM29371MPX-5R LM2037IP-,O LM2dtIMPX-Bo LM2g37lMP-io LM297tMPX-10 LM2t37tMP-12 LM2-37WMPX-12 LUM29371MP-15 LM237MPX-15 LM2937ET-15 L718 Rail 1k Unit Tape and Ree 2k Urits Tape and Reel 1k Uniets Tape and Res 2k Urits Tape and Reel 1k Urits Tape and Reel 2k Units Tape and Reel 1k Urits Tape and Reel 2k Uits Tape and Reel k Uits Tape and Reel 2k Units Tape and Ree L72B L738 78 78 T MP4A Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1) TO-28 (10 seconds) If MiXita•Aerospace specified device are required, o Sal"ecOffocea pese contact the Ntional Sawmilon 80T-223 (Vapor Phase, 60 second) 80T-223 (Infred, 1S seconds) ESD Suceptiblity (Note 3) Distibutlrs for avalability and specifications. Input Voltage coninuous 26V COV Internally Lmited 1501C -65'C to +150 ~C -%WeC Transient (t• 100 ms) Inteal Power Dissipation (Ncte 21 Maximum Junction Temperatur Strage Temperature Range TO-220 (o seconads) 2.3o' 215'C 2kV Operating Conditions (Note) Ternperatue Range (Note 2) LM2w97ET, LM2937ES LM29es7MP T, s125*C -40"C sT, s8~5C -4C Mawxim Input Vol"ge 26V Electrical Characteristics V,, = V~,+ BV, (Note 4) l uT..= 500 mA for the TO-220 and TO-263 packages, Iu.,.=40mA forthe SOT-228 package, CoGr = 10 pF unress chenhise indicated. Boldface aits apply over thf entire operating temperatwe range of the iniaed devic, aftll oter pecificains a for TA = T, = 25G, Output Vo Paramweter Ouput Voltage 5V OUT) Condin 5 mA s 1ý ; ar. Typ 5.00 Typ o00 5.15 s_ + c Load Regulation = 5 MA SIurT 5 mA - l]u 1,ourL,. 5 so50 Otiseent Current (Vw, + 2V) s Vs 28V, 2 o10 + 54, 1o 22v.0 10 150 240 v. = V 26V, Units Typ Limit 9.70 9.50 V(Min) 1000 10.30 10.50oo V(Max) V(Max) SAO 50 2V Umit 7,76 7.10 &24 15 Line Regulation 1iV SV Limit 4B55 4.75 V(Min) 80 30 100 rnV(Max) 8 0 10 100 mV(Max) 2 10 2 10tomA(Max) 20 10 20 24 rnA(Max) = OuTr Iourr-mu Oulput Noise Voltage 10 Hz-loo kHz lCU = 5 A Lorng Term Stabilty 100 Hrs. 20 Dropout Voltege aT = loui-.. 0.5 1.0 0.5 1,0 Q5 1.0 V(Max) = 50 mA 110 10 250 0.& 110 1.0 250 110 1.0 250 mV0••xs) 0.6 0.6 A(Min) 0O 75 So 75 60 V(Min) 24 V(Min) -80 -15 V(Min) -75 -50 V(Min ) 'ou Short-circuit Current Peek Line Transient Voltage t < 100 Mis RL = 100W 75 Maxmum Operf6onal Input Voltage Revere DC Input Voltage Revese Transiernt Input VoltageI 32 26 Va, -0.6V, RL = 1OC -1 300 -1i5 40 26 _-_ pVme -15 nWV I t, < 1 mns,R, = 1CX) -75 -50 -75 -50 www.rnalrcl.ccm Electrical Characteristics V,N= Vju + 5V,(Note 4) Lou, = 500 mA for fh TO-220 and TO-26 paages, Iu..=400rmA for h SOT-223 package, C , = 10 pF uress ot•erwise indicated Boldtace imit appy over the entire operating tempeatue range of the indicted device, all dher specikicns are for TA= T, = 25• 2VV V Output Voltage (u) Pareter Output Vdotage 5 mA Conditions l~ , u Typ 12.00 Unit Umit 11 64 11.40 Typ 15.O0 12.36 12.60 Line Regulation (our + 2,1) VN 5V, Limit 14,55 14.25 V (Min) V(Min) 1SA5 15.75 V(Max) V(Max) 3 120 45 150 mV(Max) 12 2 10 15 2 150 10 mVfMax) mA(Max) 10 20 10 20 nA(Max) lour = 5 mA ur..T . 5 nA S o, (Vour + 2 S VI N 26V, lur= 5 mA ViN = (Vur + 5V)o Lom Regulation QuiecetrCuren ,ouT = Output Noise Volage JOUTm._ 10 Hz-10 Wz = 5 mA 1o,. 1000 Hri lOUT = icU 1ou,= 50 mA Long Tesm Stability Dropout Votage Short-Circuit Cunrrent Peak Line i< Trarnient Voltage Operali•al Mamimosr 360 44 0.5 110 1.0 75 100 ms R = 1000 450 pVr 56 0.5 110 1.0 75 1.0 250 0.6 60 mV 1.0 250 0.6 26 Irp~t Voltage VW oi T - -- RL = -. 0 1005K -30 -15 _ t,< 1 as R, = I q -75 -0 26 V(Min) -15 V(Min) -- 0 V(Min _ _ Reierse DC Input Voltage Reverse Treaent Irput Voltage 60 V(Max) mV(Max) A(Min) V(Min) -_ -75 _ __ I dorota"pywen oraSir to deiat ip•cticathr Ieta 1: Absoke MaATni Ra• sInrl•~ia Ul bwpiwhcth dm tot1hdwIcermy,ocur Ei•lcutl OFeattg Conarmb ctlde cf Hlenroted jundlc tamperahur ir 125 Is the ma•inum T4A. where i25 is Pw" any anrrti tempmarak d4ssleIftn a pov*w maAurin albKt1~K~ Note2: Thv tratumSr u wil diteabme themalresistfmoe.I Its di8pation isaieed.t MSdiw 4rea4ftumert 8kisth TAk to antiar&teanrndum, 0r, CPeretbn, serdvan Forthe LMW, the to LDM2 M A g lo Mh tirmnl rIas abovyehOC, 6 not r appý if Mediailmparwhrte MeteocMal pictiatne W 1250Car" iorei TO.220piap 7f M tr tiheTO.-23paacke.wid 174. M'tor tfW T-223padha. Whorused ,s6CW, ltf0l ark thermialam 1 1ito TO-2 twhalresistanri heoteak camnoD-tlart ofS 3TA wCIthe reoSitaS Ex is at unsum out. LM83p srt-se withaholatIit, s• • acoppr ara thm;i~ corrotad 1I the padoge to P.C.board ithe re mr rianee c~nbe recald by h•re•Pstg uno4 ar 20T-223packagr rnkkqi). i ibnn 'rint•rmaln Appkaoltn HItr ruer throtlo- 1.5 k,1 Noteat ESD rartinqib04 on thehmnm b0dyr•dl,100pFdisi•w rarm. pasnrmblc Nc4o4 Ty•alaam arT, - 2'C wd rereger t nte Istfy }rnkm~ea..r wwmwAnakrlralorn Typical Performance Characteristics Dropout Voltage vs. Output Current Dropout Votage va Temperature A:Fl aw I 35 LI 16$ C~13 '4a 34 0 200 t30 ~maI R* 1C 410 , Q0 -40 4Q13 400 5D$1PL CJRPLNI IEVRaNIX 11e at'2gca ofln Output Voltage v& Temperature Quiescent Current v. Temperature 20 - too 4 . 410 . . , - Ii 4,96 3 4 6;3 Itf uiescent Curent vs. Input Voltage lat1 Quiesent Current vs. Output Current i-T- ''...................... _4L. _............. .... : I.. a ..........r -r I AC Ii '1 4 -*0' 7. - ~: ~~ O2 0o 41 www.nethnalgnnc Typical Performance Characteristics (tcurna Lk. Transt Repons Load Traelint Repone JIM ....... -ID 0 1 20 3% 40 SB 40 .. .. ......... .... 0 -I I 2 4 5 li NE (10Q0 ) TIME(0t4 DS28 Appl Rmjuaon 10o Io Ikt 10k Ou-pt I 1l0k iN 10 1a00 -mpeiden k 10k 100k 11M ivOMuCYtr (H) 4 1=15 Medmum Power 4Ieapalln SO120) Maimum Power Dissop•a. J~LCI¶3546 on (TO4W"Nei 2) 22 20 t-~* -40 wwwmntikoAin ...I ....L_~...~r I5 wnlYriW . -4 -----i---------i--::-----cr r ~t ~,~tf+tti ~r~w4444""441 t; I a 40 :00tSINcK 120 PtNDINE oT MENAE (Re -IC AWICT T &RAu t L... ... J ....... 0 10 20 30 45 ,0 60 A.. . A.. •• NJ S 90 100 ANBICITTIaERiATUK (C0 Typical Performance Characteristics (conuedt Low Vottage Behavior Low ValNge Behavior ,...I_-4....- k412 T T 73 4 C14TMAIi 04~I:'4 0~' ~ ~ ~ - .----- - 0 IC 41 N 131 04 Output at Voltage Extremes Low Vottage Behavior 12I 30 31 0 (4 0 3 0 2B 13 0 18 -3 -j2 -20 -08 0 in 20 30 40 Output Capacitor ESR Output at Voltage Extoemese 1A 820 4 3 v -Mr -J -'0 -ja 2 13 %1t~ V3. 'k-. NY ~ 30 40 1301 230D 2333D 4333 233 4 4 -~~ 4114L 11 l r www.rntionlccn Typical Performance Characteristics (c~om Peak Oput Cwrnt i 1 V -1 0 TlMPERATi i (1C) Typical Application URE~ULAT INP REOULATED OJTPUT AiF pmr stapplar cli dlara ialuclad ma•e thm 3 hdiasr.m th.l * FRaquble iftm rglgt r doam u pmMlb opesIng Impafe •a.ra) Mi boua•rldm pFowlSrl-isMpfd M =Rayildr dlabI•~yCnmust bed•it W10 ta - s. as EI, aofs upqlabr ma bam suplalq t ombl ramlanmaO, - ftfLntiLal mw B oet"l•~u r. Tha Application Hints EXTERNAL CAPACITORS The utput capacitor is critical to maintairing reglator stabilty and must meet th required condtions fr both ESR (Equivalent Series Reistance) and mirium amount of capacitance. MINIMUM CAPACITANCEThe minimusm output capactance required to maintain stabiity is 10 pF (this value may be increased without limit). Largervalues of utput capacitance will give inproed tranaient rponse. E8R LIMITS: The ESR of the output capacitor will cause lop instability if it is too *igh or too low The awoeptable arge of ESR plotted versus load current is hown in the graph below ItisessentW ta t e output cait/or meet thes req•dren•nts, or ocwlktions caninsult. Output Capacitor ESR F-I-T-f 4 It 7 71 'I U iip Ve we C C 4C' Ie The figure bekw shows the vol and curents which are present in te circit as well as to formula for calculating the power dissipated in th regulator ........ I1- J L I- ft - CNn- Vour) IL4- Nit) IS FIGURE 2 Power Diesipation Diagram The net parameter which must be caculated isthe maximum alowable temperature rise T. (mrna This is calculated by using the foiad T; (max• = TJmnax) - TA (max) where Tj (max) is the mawrntmin allowable junction ternparature, which is 125W fr commercial grade parts. TA (max) is the maximrn ambient temperature which will be encountered in the application, Using the calculated values for T,,m(x) and P,, the maximum allwable value fr the jection-to-ambient thermal resistance, JA can now be found: GI.A =TR FIGURE 1. ESR Urnits It is imznaant to note that Jor mst capacitors ESARis specified orly at room temperature. However, the desigrner munt ensure that the ESR will stay inside the liNts sh~ n oer the entire operatirt tarrprature range for the design. For alinum electrolytic capacitofs, ESR will increase by abut 3oX as t temperature is redued to -40oC, Thie tWpe. of capacibr is not well-sited r low teperature oseration., Scid tantalum capacitors hve a more stable ESR over temperaure, but are me eensive than aklurinum elec trolytics. A cot-effective approach someti used is to rallel an aluminum electrolytic with a sdid Tantalum, with the total capacitance split abut 755%with the Anirm as-ing ti larg.er value. If twbcapavtrs are paralleled, the effective ESR is the paallel of the two individual vaes. The *fatter"ESR of the Tantablum will keep the effective ESR Irrn risinrg as cpiiclv at Lw trnperaturMs. HEATSINKING A heatsink may be reqtired dependiýg on the maximum prar dissipetk. and maximum ambint temperature of to appllation. Under all possible •eating coditos the juna tion temperature must be itln the rarry specified undr Absoute Maximum Ratings. To determine if a eetk is require i power d~sipated by the regulator, P,, must be calculated. (ma4ýPD IMPORTANT Ifthe maximum allowable value for •, is founrd to be a SaW for te TO'-220 package, za Z.(for the TO-23 package, or '174'W fIr the SOT-223 peckageno • eataink is neded since the package alone will cissipate anoLh heat to satisfy these reqiirements If th cabtulwd value for A falls belw these linits, a heatsirk is required. HEATSINKING TO-22D PACKAGE PARTS The TOcan be attached to a typical heesirk, or secured toa r plane a PC board i a copp plane is to be used, te V8lus of will1e be t same as shown in the r et sechti• for the TO-263 If a marufcrtured heatsink is to be selected, the value of heatairlc-to-ambient thermal resistance, 0 pA must first be calculated: 9 Where: 9•, B-sq = dp-&y - B1-r - Oh-.o is defined as the thermal reistance from the jution to the surface o the case. Avalue of •8-W can be as*umed for •q for this CoalCdation, c between c-j_ is defined as the thermal resitan~l the case and the su of th hatsink. The value of ,ý will vry omna•t 1.5VWto about 2.5*,ý (dependirng ci method of attacn-jnt, insulator, etc.). Ifthe e~actvalue is unknown, 24 W Shouki be assured fr www.rwtn5fnal.c Application Hints (Continued) When a vake for A is found using th equation shown, a hbatsir* must be id ed &Ita has Peate ta is ess tn OrOquL to (6e number 8,-•)a is speciied numericaly lthe heetaink maruracturer plos temperature riee i ft cataklg, ao shown ina urte that vs power dissipation for the heatsirk. HEATSINKNG TO-26 AND SOT-22r PACKAGE PARTS BAh th TO-263 (VS')and SOT-223 ('MP') packages use a copper plane on the PCB and th. PCS itualf as a hea*tnk, To optimize theat sinking ablity of the plane and PCB, so•er the tab of the package o the plane, the TO-26 the measured values of ,, guse shows for for different cpper area size uing a typical PCB wth ounce oopperad no sodrinask over the cqWperra used 1 SQ INCHOF COPPER -0 -21.• D 2... T- 12T5 AMBCENT TEWSERATLRS TA frteq Analrrg FIGURE 4.Maximum Power Diipation vs. To for the TO-•29a Package Sa s~ V- agure Sand R•uire X, show th information or the 80T-223 package RFiqm assurnes a e. of 74'W for 1 ounce copper and 51CAV for 2 ounce copper and a maximur junction temperature of +8!1. ~I c- 3D ~--;-~--·-;~-~-----·-·--*----·---~Y--~ ~b: ~ G~C · rt ::I~ FIGURE 5., vs Copper (I ounce) Area for the TO-265 Package ircreashg te copp' area teyond 1 As shown inthe figure, square hih prrduoes very little improvement Itsf:ld also tcs ved tht theminimum value of 9,-,for the TO-s63 package mounted t a PCB is 32',W. As a design ai, rgue 4 shrows the maýinium allowable pcwr dissipation compared0 to ambiet tnperature for tie and tie rax Ais uTO-s n ice assunh mum junction temperature is 125 C). vwwwnstionI•lcm w L S FIGURE s. OA_ vs Copper (2 ounce) Area for the SOT-22 Package Application Hints (Connued) SOT 23 e- TT so5 -!0 aiEI 2 25 0 25 50 75 SOT-23 SOLDERING RECOMMENDATIONS It is not recommended IDuse hand soldering or wave soldceing to attach the rmal SOT-2 package to a,printed circuit board. The excesive temperatures invoved may cause package cracking. Either vapor phase or infrared reflow tecnique are prefened soldeing atlchment nmethod for th SOT-2a packWa 100 1Ž5 FIGURE t Maximum Power Diastion va TA0, for the SOT.-2 Package ww.rational.cn ak C 4 CL' r~~fl~ m 62~. *4 Io Ordw Nu.mb LbMET, ".1, LA92WNT4.0. LM27ET,1o. LUIET-4 or LthmlET-ia WS Packag Nwnur TO3 c34a _t iM1 TSM f4wrl 5,12 or LMmES-1 wwwJtrimalaw4 Physlcal Dimensions inwh immelr) unes olem no•ed (ce) Ca -F T T t SL Li ,. I .. ....... SOT423 34uad lswUc Swce Mount Packqs Ordr Number LMUa7MPl-Lo&, UL sitAW.-&. UMNAfWd1, LMWI3M2r WLUM u-15 us Pek:•. Numbur MPO4A Nanl does not l weay re rab rfm of ay no tadrpes•rt ntmes are k# decrft, the rVght at any 8me wWou mlce to c esod drab circvUjby ad spe cag idam Nao reues of 1* goat uffes r proAt Wrmgon vW us at ww.msa.om.w LIFE StPPORT POLICY NATNAL'S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUWIORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN IFE S WPP D-EVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUr THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRI7DT AND GENERAL CUNS0L OF NAMTIONAL SEMONwuCTOR CORPORATION. As ased hehen: 1. Lfe uippoft dlwk*s or ystemhawredevise of vywMs 2. A Cllcl cODrpcwet ts any S carpnent of a WIesupp•et ~, 4aare US r $P urgicadWpt"nt Into the body, or dmcse orf jl9Wss whoeOahmID pkper can betreesonety (U support •stI or prmpeuy used In IMN, and whose tal~eto coudance W ItraWimro rm Ron qecte p to caLme toi Mr use Vs)tem, or ba ~ct pcwted inft 1about can be rewany epected to MW In a •apr•liant tiry e of te life pport W W"alalp oratenm iwoe or týote uset. BANNED SUSTANCE COMPLANCE Nenorm semi swm pS c fwracftue produt ant useI pa"dg nfetes n (CSP4-t 1IC ands no 'aanned S&betens as defnead h CSP-0-11132. Leaee prfcMlcS are R• ,Comnplant senank Uminadww maknes seAsonffbua A ANmam ctomw . up•anwml~.o1r Eml:n.hweuck4 TWI1.aemn72.wo wMAJnO.om ed u m Euop Cu.Na S.pont Cwtmr 1 ~.Ir U Ensst eolaupuwort Dcsl rd: +4 ('1so1w-e t4! U0 24 a 217J Er h3 Ta4t 44 Ruab Ta: 4w (ka F141 g1 um an i iRst meet ts prwmama orInterest S more sensicnewkw AmbPmwM Cuam IuppeE E to-533 Cmaer n Enet ap.0lpaom. te Customwr Product caon (CSP-9-It S and con dAlnOn 9mIGnaOme ,wm Cugoaw bpp.t C.abr Fair114iw3la•sps ElaRt ).UaedbbadGngcaw Ta a14539-7jsU 'u 63 7.5.2 LM2940 Jafnury 2007 eNational r M" Semiconductor LM2940/LM2940C 1A Low Dropout Regulator General Description The LM2s940Aa 40posivevotagereguilaorfeaturethe ablity to ource 1A of output cuent wth adropout voltaps of picaly IoSV and a marmum of 1V Ver lhe entire temperaSure range. Furhermore, a quiescent current reduaMtcir. cult has been included which reduces the ground current when thedirentl between he put volage and the otput voltage exceeds approximately V. The qul•scent current with 1A output cuwit and an input-oumpul dilcrentIal of 5V is ther•ore only 0 nmAHIgher quiesoarc currnts only eist when the regud•or isin th dropout mode (VN - VOUTr IV). Designed a.lso for vthicular applieao., the LM2g4o/ LM2940C and all regulated t are prmtacted trom re verse ballery instlallons or 2- Ubalte jumps. Duing irM transione, such as load dump when the input voltage can momentarily exceed the specilled maximum operal•ng volt- 0 13 age, the rgulator w atomrnScaly shutAdown to protect both the iMmauldrcuits and the load.The LMUM294GM40Ccmcnnot be humned by larnpoary mrior4mag Insertion. Faniler regulator features such as short circut and thermal overload potectlon are also provided 0o Features a DmpoutvolagetypjcaNyo.V 0lo= lA m Outputc•lntin excess of A Output voltage trimed before assembly Revemrs haty protetlon Internal short rctuitourent limit Mirror imags Inselion protection Pu Product Enhancement taed C pl C Typical Application 0 en* m Is II %is-s *~mnme . bst hmu bas li22 pF to maninftbf. May beIMuamn*e oundmoaih to *gu•islntngliwmn uts. tutsmoseas posu. to tmmpmmwhe rang. rguapi 1d thed ESR isacet cuawe. •C •t qtMulhlr. This apact. musit be aind thesmmewenWug Ordering Information Temp Range 5s.o SLM2940CT-5O ST LM2940CS-5.0 OPtputVoltage 9 10 LM2940CT-9.0 LM2940CS-9.0 - .0o - -9.0 -5.0 LM2Q4LD-5.0 LM294oLD-s.0 LM2040LD4.0 LM2940LD-10 12 LM204OCT12 LM2940CS-12 is LM2940CT-15 LM2940CS-15 42 -15 LM294CLD-12 e TO-220 LLP 1k a T Units LM2940LD-15 Tape and Reel -40*C ST3<5 125C Pac LLP LM24LX -5.0 LM2 DX -80 LM294OLDXXDX -10 -9.0 LM2Q40LDX -12 LM2940LDX -15 LM2940T-12 LWM940S-12 LM2940SX-12 - Uni Tapand Reel LM2B4oT-9.o LM24oT-e. LM24oT-5.0 -40AC -5 T, - LKM2940S-5.0 LM294oS-.0 LM2240S-0 125C LM2940SX-5.0 LM2940SX-8.0 LM240SX-O.0 NationS Semiociwiuclor 2~7 National Co1poration efmiconduor Coiposaton 0Oh 20O7 6822 e8s2 LM24T-1o LI29OS-10 LM2040SX-10 TO-220 T wwwnatomLccm wwWfti••acom Temp Output Vedlavg Peckag 5.o0 t0 9.0 10 12 15 LM29401MP-•50 LM2D40MP-8.0 LM204OIMP.0.0 UhWM204MP-10 LM2U4OWMP-12 LM2I401MP-15 80T-223 IM4OMIAPX LM29401MPX LM204DIMPX LM294OlMPX -4T-228 STa S L lM2901MPX LJ2940~MPX 8ar -5.0 o.0 -0.0 -10 -12 -15 Rnge Marking I4B Ls ThM phlqeid me LOEB L.5B Lu8 L70T pprnM an mCmgstuWs poaene meftlap•• elpet mMltlt. bmin mT SOETlu kQ ObMN O. MlU-Aro Ordering Infonmmlon Temperature Ramg -5'~C LM294osoJs-es 50625-MgS701EA Ouutput Volfpg Ilto 12 I 1 LM2So4J-12SSf LJ294o-J4MBs3 0se.sa4010EA 4 A 5902-oS85010EA 1250C 5l2-O7OXA - A 82-8956701XA aimn#yIuy avea rga Paa. p•enp gTw FrC Imm almon LM240WGS-12%113 LM294OWG5-15/889 mgUS nme J10A I WG1SA -,mn -p:,ewnu Connection Diagrams TO220 (T)Platid Package 9SOT-22 (MP) -Led mu Front View See N Packdge Number TO3B le-Lead Dual-inMUne Palge(J) ,,- t. 2 Nc- 2 -MC Front View See NS Package Number MPO4A luI-Led Ceramic Surface-Mount Package(WG) c- 2 Is -NC 15 -ac - 4 S *M-NC -a 9 O12-6 NC I -No NC- 9 9 -NC NC- 4 MND- 5 NG-6 Paca Top View See NS Package Number JIA 13 -IC 1. - ND it -0NO aN -GC Top View See NS Pc~a Number WG leA TO-283 (S)Surface-Mount Package OUTPUT 7L ii Top View m=: Side View See NS Package Number TSaR Pin 2B Mon 7 aresMWeboAert lAP Pin 5 and aeed to be iadtgelV a PCOB bsrd Top View see S Packag Number LMCOMA wrnaon0Molrn Absolute If Maximum MIHalyfAerospace speelfled the contact Ratings devices (Note are 011ice? hiffmhubwe fnr mmrrishEW nn onse·nsdnna please e speallicallons and availabilty rotubirtsiD for LM29408, J, WGT,T MP 5100 ms WV LM294OCS, T -<1 me 45V Operating Conditions Intemn*y M~adurn Junction Temperature StoragmTe~mperatme Range Teperature Range LM2O4T., LM240S -40CS TjS 125"C oOC 5 Tj 5 125C LM294OCT, LM24OCS Liimlled -4ooC 5 TA S esC -a45C 5 T,~ 125oC -40oC S T S 125•C LM2OIMP S0WC -.•0C ST, S +11 50CC Solderi3 g Tnperature (Note8) TO-220o (T), Wuvo TO-2s3 (B) Ase 1) Input Voltage Itrnalt lPower Dissipation (Note 2). 20cC, 3so 237rC, 30S 2 kV ESD usc•aptlity (Note 4) required, Sales Sernloonductor National SOT-=a (MP) LLP- (L.D) a LM2940J, LM204OWG LM2S4OLD 2680C,,30ls , 3os Electrical Characteristics Vff= V0 + SV, 0 = 1A,C = 22 pF,urnless otimwise sledfled Boldlace IImi apply over the ntir operating nsapptY for T = Tj = 25"C. range of thi Indcnated dsvle. AIow speal OutputVoltage (V) Parameter Output Voltage Line RFgulabion Conditions 5 mA 1I5 1A V0 + 2V 5m 2V, 2V, sV Typ 5.00 20 peratr e LM240O Unlit LM0ss4(VU Limit (Noa 6) (Note 5) L25V:5V 522V 4.5/4.75 48C54.75 5.15/5.25 5.155.25 50 4050 Typ LMh40 ULmit (Note 5) Unite LM24o4a Limit Units (Note e) S2V t4V -VI• 800 7.76/T7A 7.70/7.0O Vum 8.24/8.40 8.24a.40 V,," 20 80 50*/0 mVM, 55 W8010 80tiO0 mVAx 1000/1000 ma 10=,5 mA Load Reglatio output Impedance mA 51 - to0 A LM2a40,LM240/883 LM2040C 35 35 100 mADC and 20 mAnas, 35a 501900 0/100 8so o50 10001000 55 15/2 10 15920 15120 mAM SOsO0 30 45160 50/60 mAKx 7001700 240 1000/1000 pV,. fg= 120 Hz Quiescent Vo +2V 5 VINS 2OV, Current = 5 mA LM2n40,LM294Cis83 LM2940C V= V o + 5V, Io= 1A Output Noise Voltage Ripple Rejection 10o Hz- 100 kHz, 10= 5 mA fo= 120 Hz,1 V,,, lo = 100 mA LM2940 LM2940C 10 10 30 1520 15 45/*0 150 72 72 ae 66 60/54 60 fo= 1 ktHz,1 V, , dBuIN 54/48 54 0s50 X 54/4 dBMIN 1 = 5 mA Long Term Stabiity Dropout Voltage 32 20 lo = 1A Io = 100 mA 0.5 110 0.8/1.0 150/200 0.7/1.0 15i/200 0.5 110 mVi 1000 Hr 0.8/10 150(200 0.7/1.0 0.7/1 150/200 VMAx mVMjx I www.nation.corn Condiions ParMetor b 5v wVoItg (V) Output Typ LM240 Umit LM2940ISS Lmit (Nol17) Maimum Line Ro= 1000 Transiot tLM240,d T 10oome LM2940A8, T .20m LM2940C, T5 1 ms Reverse Polaty Ro= 1000 DC Input VoWlag. LWMrO, LM2040Mf3 LM2040C Ro = 1oo •Mr940, T S 100 ms LM2b940&86, T 5 20 me Reverse Polifty Transimnt Input VoltagP _LM2940C, TS 1 ma 19 1 75 0080 Typ (Note 6) (Not 5) Short Cir Cunent 1.5 (Note 0) (NOWl 5) 1.9 1. 75 60/0 55 45 -0 -90 -15/-15 -15 -75 -50/-I0 1 1.3 45 -30 -30 -15-1 -15 75 5 -W50/0 -15/-15 -451-45 -55 Am 40/0 40/40 55 Unit Unit L2a42040 L2940 Limit Limit -15/-15 V V -45)-45 -45/-S Electrical Charactristics VY = Vo+ 5V, i = 1A, Co = 22 pF, uniness ohenrwise specifed. Boldfac lnits apply overthe entire apersllng tempratu oDhr specificln apply r Tr= Tj = 25"C. rng. ofathMIndkicad ddona. AM W Output Volhwg() Paramnlr Conditions Tp lov LM2•40 Limi (Not. 5) 10.5V 5 V S 26sV Typ LM2940 Limit (Not. ) •s25V 1I.OVS ,V Output Voltage 5 mA 5 o 51A 9.00 8.7316.55 9.2719A5 10,.00 Line RAgulaton Vo + 2V VIN- 26V, 20 90 20 100 00 60 90o150 go e5 100/ieO Load Rapguilaion Output Impedance Qiescen CuRent utput Noise 10=5 DmA 50 mA S i 0 5 1A LM240 LM29400 100 mADC and 20 mAms, fo= 120 Hz V +2V :5VI< N 20V. 1 = 5 mA LM2940 LM2B40C = Vo + 5 VIN = 1A 10 Hz - 100 kHz Volage 10=5 mA Ripple Raje•ion fo= 120 www nliWnaom VM VAx mVMAX mV 15(20 15 45180 mE 10 1520 mAM x 30 300 45•60 mIAM pV _ , 1 V,,., lo = 100 mA LM2940 LM2940C Long Term Stability 9,70/0.0o 10.30flto. 45 00 10 10 30 270 UnitsP 64 64 34 52s46 52 e3 30 51/45 dB•, mV/ 1 0 Hr oVY 9V Oiutp Volage (V) LM2040 Paramter Conditions Typ Limit LM2940 Typ (Noat 5) Dropout Voltage Short Crcut Io = 1A 10 =o 100 mA {NoI 7) Units Umit (Note 5) 0.5 O.a1.0o 0.5 0,811.0 Vw 110 150W2 110 15 200 mVAW 1.9 1.8 1to . AtN 0M0 75 01• VA -30 -15-15 V Cwuent Maximum Line Ro= 100 Transient T5 100o ms 75 7LM240 Reverse Poladty DC Input Voti LM2940C 55 Ro = 00oo0 LM240 -30o -151-15 LM240oC -30 -15 45 Raverse Poarity o = 100 Transi~at nput Voltage T s 100i m LM2040 - -75 LM2940C -55 -45/-4 - 00--GO 0 N VM- Electrical Characteristics VN = V, + 5V, 1 = A,Co = 22 pF, uness o iseeth spe•lled. Bokdffae ImlB apply over the entire opeating tmperature range of the Indlcated devita.All otlier lica~ apply for TA = T = 2T= C. Output Volge (Vo) Pammer Conditions 12V Typ LMa40 Limit :(Note 5) i•s.ev Output Voltage Line Regulation 5 MA -5 0 51A VO + 2V 5 VN S 2OV, 1V M4A ULimit Typ (Note ) VIV s aV 12.00 11.64/11.40 12,30/12.0O LM2SO ULimit LMzsooGVs Umit Unite (Note 5) (Note 6) 18.75V S VIV S 26V 11,4/11,40 15.00 14.55/14.25 14.55M14.25 VMN 12.36112.0 15.4W15.75 95150 VyM mVLU x 1501240 mVX 20 120 751P20 55 55 120/200 120 12a1i90 20 15A.415.75 150 70 150 =0 =OrnA Load Regulation Output Impedance 50 mA 0 5 1A LM2940o, LM2940/3ea LM29400C 100 mADC and 20 mAnrs, go 1000(1000 100 1000(1000 m2 1•20 mAM 50t/ mA..x fo = 120 Hz Quiescent Output Noise Voltage Vo +2V 5 V, -526V, L2940, LMA2940/883 LM2940C = Vw = Vo + 5V, 10 1A 10 10 30 10 Hz - 100 -kHz, o = 5 mA 3t0 15/20 15 45(l0 15A20 50t1o 10 30 100/1000 450 15 45140 1000/1000 pV w~.ntional.com 68 Output Vollag (YVd Condlti Parameter Typ (Nota 5) Ripple Rejection o = 120 Hz, 1 V, I,= 100 mA LM2940 LM29400 e w Reverse Plardly C Input Vallege (Note s) LUM04CUUs Lknit (Notl 5) (Nota e) 52 48/42 • N mV0 1000 Hr a8, 0.5 110 15(p200 (No 7) 1. 1.4 Ro = 1000 LIM240, TS 1iOms 75 06060 55 45 -o -90 -15-15 -15 LM2g40, T- 100 ms LM2040/i83, T 5 20 m -75 -01-0o LM2940C, T-51 ms -55 -4-45 LM2940 , TS 20 m LM240, T 1 ms %R= iOan LM2940, LMS2940hS LM2o40C urn Units d 04 5We 1l=1A I1= 100 mA Reverse Polarity Transidnt Input Voltage Typ LM2040 Umit 460 Long Term Stability Short C Cuwent Maxbnum Urw Transient LM2II94Ws ULm 54/48 54 fo = 1kk 1 V. OMDpout Voltag •5V 12V LM9U40 Umilt 0.7t1.0 150200 0.5 110 0.8/1,0 150/200 1.8 1,0 1.6 55 45 -30 -15 -55 -454-45 40/40 -1-15 0.7/1.0 15a200 VMA mV:, 1.6f1. AMN 40/40 V, -r1- V -4-45 VMN o=1000o -45/-45 Thermal Performance Themal Resistance ti-Case, amt Tha•mal Resistane JUntCon-i~o·rllbh~it, OjV 3-Lead TO-220 3-Lead TO-203 3-Lead TO-220 (Note 2) 3-Lead TO7-2 (Note 2) SOT-223(Note 2) 8-Lead L-P (Not, 2) 4 4 CC_ 0o so 174 35 Hote 1: AMreleke Maftnu Rlnge NO ae ns &i ene whichdaneW I m dev~ any Yocur. operaeng olurdrms aM c~M wsue wrlhe devic namcna~ bt o epcelo wigh not is gumesesed. For guaranted spealluafn and Weetcondlmne see ie ElecbnlEcharctea No2t Th TMematn are lem pwr ,wstlepelcn aM is IMr& Ot II KMrnm 'nw• nl iumrane. T.J 'tsjcn-•o.rnlentmemn mrelatnce. j,ý ni hsamtdlentumpefa lae. T,. na iengl WAemanBDeal pUer 4IsIpUa wN caMe =aOWse thetmpuinUSe.and I* regoisif ewI goInto Rmsal Stduns. Tlevae ofa 6 (for devwse ••1ae wlhno.o twe N IsWAWtr loe TO-Mpaeage,. OrC W te To-aM padrae, and tW4oW fotf sOT-229 pedrcag Thueefe ve eofO caMn ereuced by using aMMent (PeeAcem ist i pic w e on .eaelnh. The value of 8ejr ite tLP paclkge 0 splaicalydependeon PCoIracemar, tlaeniatedl,.alhe nuseOer •otle and poewr lea paranme. Ie LLP~kge, reer to App1cado NoNte A-1ll7. IRisracon MWneed auMvl HOaW:aisOWnE JGEG IojTCoEoC SucAMn tOr ritLdt (ShMD) p are roSn•Pb (STD) aiy. re'nIen•rs vMl••For te•mil selancoe blproWve be p•ceduider tIe center peadeDnproeve t•ln Mlaprlclg pLcAiS endcendligns. tfleesuWamse e etated. the Veemperae and mis oie 4t aSD rung ibtaed on Me lhvnan body mnel 100too pF dischurged trough is5 kG Hoiast: Asile aeergeubaraeeat TJ - EV- r tutl8erldrype))or overt sLm eerae rgawptem p re rengeci n Indcauddevoe (bol•lce tspe) nlE Alt is at T, -Tj - 2W•are t10%podwuon teed. AIs sea amfran•sFee·i es are gueavtleeadv onrslanuasl standed Stolslc wtl o•ty meihods. Noat :Alt hif erguer•uned ITT - Tj - 25V y denaxrd tpe•ace) • or owesnaopeaag• t pemature range ia IndicatMed device (bodUc type). AN lse are M0%o pflrcalntneld artware used b cattle outOg rually mLus. Hote?: 7Ouputcrant w MeMrsewaiwi Maesta rWmpeieu botuS Uwit drop bom IA st** menses spedead Ltemperaure. wwwnatioral•,or Typical Performance Characteristics Drpout Voltagp Dropout Votage vs. Temperature 1.0 a 25tS 1*e -- D;B d S 0,8 0.7 --- a. I S c i-i w ~ ~I r r K) / II ~ 0 A ~ 20 7L .- Oef i 0,2 -· ~ 400 Ilr "I 600 S00 500 MA 100 MA 0,1 1000 -4D 0 OUTPUICURNRIT (mx) 40 &D 120 TEMPERATRE (OC) sOM34 -ato Quiescent Currentvs. Temperature Output Voltage vs Temperature -. 10 0 50 - -I I I I ,5.DB 5.06 ... . 5.D4- 4481 4,0 -- 4.98 -. 040 -40 0 40 sD 120 0 t1 40 120 160 TiMPERAIVRE (CC) ItMPERATuRE()0 101 Quiescent Current Quiescent Current PO v. , 1•v 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0.2 0.4 0.8 D.s I.0 .0A. CUARENT (A} INPiUT VOLTAGE (vy smile 0s=1 wwwnaional.co' Transient Une Transient Response Respq#n LiUnm 30 120 -ic =0 -20 -30 -40 S:r Load Truimlent Response Load Trma et Response I -. VO-1 15V '4 'sy 16 a o¥ -0 0 10 20 30 0 4e SD 60 o0 30 24 nTIME () mm Low Voltage Behavior Ripple Rel~ciaon I; - riiI7 •== IA 10 2.50C mlA T4 1P0 100 Ik 0iok100k IW j r • / ] j, . I0 I--1 .0 1.0 $- 513 ,0 FREOUENCV (Hz) INPUT VOLTAGE (V) Low Voltage Behavior Low Voltage Behavior 6 14 12 14 = 2.•C 0 2 4 4 5 10 12 14 NPUTVOLTAGE (N1) 3 9 12 15 18 QNPUT VOLTAGE (V e=rr www.naionelrmm Low Voltage Behavior Law Voltge Behavior is ý= 25W Low= 0 Behavior 6 1 9 18 12E 15 0 2 INPUT VOLTAGE (W) 4 4 8 10 12 INPUT VOLTAGE (9) 14 Outputat Voltage Extreme o 3 6 9 12 15 186 30 -20 -10 1 -30 20 3D 40 I Outputat Volage Exdema Output at Voage Extreme 20 20 16 0 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) (v) INPUTVOLTAGE Rl = = 100A -L L'BOA i -20 -to 0 t0 20 30 40 -30 -20 -0 0 11 20 30 40 M•PUT VOLTAGE (V) (Y) NPUTVOLTAGvE AGEM Wow wwwa.ntionatomM 1 Output at Vdltag Exbrmes Output at Vollp Extreme 20 - 20 II = 16 100A V0 - 10V is =-100A 12V Vo 12 150 Y a8 o o ,,-s -4 -30 -20 -10 0 10 30 20 -30 -20 40 INPUJ VOLTAGE (V) -1 0a 10 20 30 INPUT VOLTAGE (M) 40 mu.1 Oulputat Volgo Extremes Output Capaitor ESR 25 Is 10 20 -30-20-10 a10 040 INPUTWVOLTAGE (V) 400 600 800 o1TPVT CURRENF (mA) 0 200 1000 Output Imp.dance Peak Output Current 0.00 41-e- 0.2 0.05 0.02 (i -40 I 0 40 0S 120 IEMPERATURE (oC) · wwmwnaoallon om 160 1 10 100 1k 10it 100k 141 FRQUEonY (Hi) gaem Mudamum Powr Diuipatlon (TO-220) Maximum Power Dislipuon (80T-223) al 22 INII 13l EaTSI I1 ad 12 10OC/W HEAT SINK S S 60 NOHEATSI•K 0 10 20 30 0 54065 710 890100 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (C) 0o 10 20 0 40 50 0 70 090 100 SAMME" TEMPERATURE, TA C) nSu as.i 0 10 20 30 4050 so0 70 80 90 100 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (0C) am-r www•netionelom . Equivalent Schematic Diagram I mim ww.nainonm~coni www .nogonacorn 12 12 Application Information EXTERNAL CAPACITORS The output capactor is ali to marintaining regulator stability, and must meet the required contions forboth ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) and minimum amount of capaIolance. MINIMUM CAPACITANCE: The output pinimu oapacitance required to maintain stability is 22pF (this value may be increased without Eit). Larger vaikes of output capacitance will give improved transient response. ESR UMITS:: The ESR of the output capacitor will cause loop instability i it is too high or too low. The aceptable range of ESR plotted versus load conent is shown inthe graph below. I••i asan- dfit thatM ouput oeassais m n esuft teimperture must be with the range specified under Absolute Maximum FRlatings. To dtermine if a heaink is required, the power dissipated by the regulator, P, must be calculated. The 1guer below shows the voltages and currents which are present inthe circuit, as wal as t formulafor calculating the power dissipated Inthe rgulator: •ac itor me* Husers sqisant4 r Pa -fn- Vaou) t +:t(V le Output Capacitor ESR W FIGURE 2. Par•er lpalian Diagrunam The rnxt parameter whch must b calculatis the maximum allowable tomperah•re ries. T~a .Thi is calate by uslag the formulat an 'a U N4?T S '0 0 200 400 00 800o I000 OUTPUT CUrRENT (mA) where Tj~pg is the maximum allowable junc temperature, which is 12rC for commercial grade parts. TypM is the maximum ambient tamperatue which will be encountered in the applcation. Using the calculated values for TRA and Po, the maximum allowable value for the junction•to-ambient thermal reletance. Nx, can now be found: FIGURE 1. ESR Limits it is important to note that for most capacitors. ESR is speifed only at room tmpemrature. However, the designer must ensure thtthe ESR will sty inside the limfts shown over the entire operaing temperature range for the design. For aluminum elestrolytic capacit•s, ESR wil increase by about 3oX as the temperature is reduced from 25•C to -40' C.This type of capacitor is not well-suitd for low temperature operation. Solid tantalum capacitors have a. more stable ESR over temperature, but are more expensive than aluminum electrolytics. A cost-effective approach sometimes used is to parallel an aluminum eletrolytic with a solid Tantalum, with tt total capacance split about 75t25% with the Aluminum being the larger value. Iftwo capacitors are paralleled, the effective ESR is the paraliel of the two individual values, The ¶tattor" ESR of the Tantalum will keep the effective ESR from rising as quickly at low temperatures. HEATSINKING A heatsirkmay be required depending on the maximum powor dissipation and maximum ambient temperature of the application. Under all possible operating conditions, the junction eA = TmuA / PD IMPORTANT: If the maimum allowab•ie value for B is found to be ? 53s0CM for the TO-220 package, 2 eo"CWfor the TO-263 package, or - 174°0W for the SOT-•2 pacalone vwi age, no heatsink is needed since the pak dissipate enough heat to satisfy thes requirements. If the calculated value for eo4falls below thems imits, a heatsink is required. HEATSINKING TO-220 PACKAGE PARTS The TO-220 can be attached to a typical heatsink, or secured to a copper plane on a PC board. Ifa copper plane is to be used, the values of a will be the same as shown inthe net section for the TO-2 6 If a manufactured heatsink is to be selected, the value of heatsink-to-ambient thermal resistance, eg) , must first be calculated: 004 Where: G9p. =- VA - 6" - 0.-C is defined as the thermal rsistanc from the junction to the surface of the case, Avalue of 3*CW can be assumed for %.• for this calculation. . .. is defined a the hermal resistance between the cas and the surface of the heatiak, The value of , wil vary from about 1.5iCW to about 2.ts51 (doponding on method of attadhnent, insulator, eta). Ifthe exact value is uneknomu, 2MCW should be assrwnd forEc COPPER " " """ IOUNCE o= a3eMr 14 When a value for 9E isfound using the equation shown,a hassink ta be sao•lfe orsqual to Iftsnwnber huatt ase vate dos h less than issp'eied numericaty by te healaink momanuar 9r".. inte atalotg, or shown ina cur that plots temperature rise vs power dwipabion for teheu hL~tk HEATSINKING T70-r PACKAGE PARTS The TO-2= ("S")package uses a copper plane on the PCB and the PCB tiffas ahealsn To optnize the hat sinklng ability of the pldne andPCB, solder the tab of the package to the plae. Fgaws shows for the TO-2 the measured values of a for diffent copper rea sizes using a typical PCOB lht ounce copper ma nidwsoldrnask tri~meashi. her ie oappereamused ""INSPACAG PCB MOUNTED 1$. INCH COPPER 40 -62 25 50 75 100 125 AMBUET TEMPEUATURE, TA, C) FIGURE 4.Maxdnmm Paer Dislipation vs. TA for the TO- Package HEATSINKHIG SOT-si PACKAGE PARTS The 9ST-223 ('MP') packages use a copper plane on the PCB and the PCB sae-ll a heatsink. To optimize the heat sinfing abity of the plane and PCB, solder the tab of the package toftptne. F~iur and Fipu 0 show he informaon for the 0T-223 package. F e a assumes a et, of 741WCM for 1 square inch of 1 ounce copper and 51PW for I square inch of 2 ounce copper, with a rna*ium ambianttemp3r (aT) of 85" and a maximum junction temperature (T)of 1251C. Fortechniques for improving the thenna rsisbance and powor dssipalon for the SOT-223 package, p~eas refer to ApplicatnNote AMI.028. '"^ COPPER FOL. AEA (SOIN..) 170 FIGURE a. 1GA va Copper (1ounce) Area for the TO-23 Package 110 As shown inthe fj~re, Increas~ng the copper area byond 1 square inch produces very litle improvement itshould also be observed that the minimum value of e.) for the TO-eas package mounted to a PCB is 32*C ,. As a design aid, Fqunre4 shows the maximum allowable powor dissipation compared to ambient temperature for the TO-2s3 device. This assumes ac.)t of 35C/ for 1 square inch of 1 o~ce copper and a m i•emjun dion temperature (T) of 125cC. I0 ao so COPPER FOILAREA(SO. IN-) FIGURE 5.e )vs.Copper(2 onmc)Area forwh SOT.22 Package wwrwlnailwmLC 77 r K HEATIWNKING LLP PACKAGE PARTS The value eJf orhe LLP package is speoacly depensent on PCB trace are race material, and the number of layers and thermal vi., it is recommended tat a minimum of a thermalvis be placed under the entr pad to improve iher- F K Mnal pedfrance. l resistance and power diSipim for the LP package, pBlm refer t Application Fortchr~ques for improving the the o Note AN-119E7. 4 • 0IM.EA.U 0 2 07 0 2 I.TA •, FIGR .MimmPmDIidm mTAf o 25 0 75 100 125 -25 0 .40 AMBIENL TTEMPERATURE, TA(MC) FIGURE S. Muxram Power Diupstan vs. TA far the SOT-E Padkge 15Vý iru 15Aa I78 Physical Dimensions inches (mihimeters) unIt otomwse noted [] it J7QL_.~ I LMC mfl ftt~~astitA1C ! ............. "I 'I, S 4 10 oneaomsn i -- r bm NUEWM 3tand SOT-22 Package NS Package Number MP04A 5 13 D0flOO 035O P9 t-'-*9 -, 5 ZSbS SLA.aI4 1i Load Dual-tr-Lirn Package (J) See NS Package Number JifA www naleinorsaorn 79 U14I0t NGLAbWNS*ON4 0NCH VALIASN I AN MIt usIWTes vp LOT, C 11ý----.^ aio· ~r r:r ?Ile ·r:k-I ·~ II U a eB1 .cra U*J I*Pit 1:4 Ici ~Pr r· ·- ·~·xli~ p-*iif gbit'~B ~oz~ n; 16 Lead Surface Mount Packap (WG) SeoNS Package Number WGIlA OA7 "0., -as 1 3-Lnad TO-220 Plastic Package (T) NS Package Number TO0B wwwkt0ioItOm v -J -J T- 4__ -A·is4- Irx~n: I~~ I~ Fi1 l1~IX .-K.. i UILPVr 34-Ld TO- Surface Mount Package (MP) NS Package Number TSB k------------T . ..4. . I ~j ,,r -r fiC" l~rxi *I a ,-i: t·~i~s'ib B-Load LLP OrderN~umbr LM294O-l5.0, LM294OLD4O, LM294oLD-.O LM2• LD-1O, LM240OLD-12 or LM294OLD-15 NS Package Number LDCoRA Ill-----·2I__L wwwlnsuMerm.lmn 18 t 7.6 Switching Regulator 4TEXAS PTN78000A INSTRUMENTS www.ti.com S.TS2456-APRIL 20MS-REVSED JANUARY 2W006 1.5-A, WIDE-INPUT ADJUSTABLE BUCK-BOOST SWITCHING REGULATOR APPUCATIONS FEATURES * * * * * * * * SGeneral-Purpose Idustrial Controls, HVAC Systems. Test and Measurement. Medical Instrumentation, AC/DC Adaptors. Vehicles. Marine, and Avionics 1.5-A Output Current Wide-Input Voltage (7V to 29 V) Wide-Output Voltage Adjust (-15 V to -V) High Efficiency (Up to 84%) Output Current Limit Overtemperature Shutdown Operating Temperature: -40"C to W85C Surface-Mount Package Available DESCRIPTION The PTN78000A is a series of high-efficiency, buck-boost integrated switching regulators (ISR), that represent the third generation in the evolution of the PT-78NR0I0 series of products. In new designs, it should be series of single in-line pin (SIP) products. The PTN78000A is smaller and considered in place of the PT7BNRIO1 lighter than its predecessor, and has either similar or improved electrical performance characteristics. The caseless, double-sided package also exhibits improved thermal characteristics, and is compatible with T 's roadmap for RoHS and lead-free compliance. Operating from a wide-input voltage range, the PTN78000A provides high-efficiency, positive-to-negative voltage conversion for loads of up to 1.5 A. The output voltage is set using a single extemrnal resistor, and may be set to any value within the range, -15 V to -3 V. The PTN78000A has undervoltage lockout, and is suited to a wide variety of general-purpose applications that operate off 12-V, 24-V, or tightly regulated 28-V dc power. Mc LII -*ee th App *a&tf kanWaOn fo ecadrm m6ewnmeniantfln. Ia , rsequd 1ba4ut1 S t outu eb Wwo to n -S Sn tAg*Elt hrtO n fa"vae la. rtant *e coneE.g availaity. :ancard wanty, a use rn trit Please be awa'erethat an e anoears at the end of thS data Meet or pCnducts and didarners therWeto Instruments senmco)ta Dtsrc rts:tn cate. tt ertas? DATA PRSctrr t P aucts co'tx rs ;erthctwcc or? the tenrs of he Texas yrCtSnS doe rot l atrart? 'ct iesumefs . oeetj etuie t Mttc amp0rgS apliatons of Texas 200S 5-2&6, Texas .esarunents Isoarported - JANUARY 2005-REVISED SLTS245B-APHIL SL:! TFXAs w INSTRUMENTS wwwAL~om PTN78000A 2005 These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates. ORDERING INFORMATION PTN7B00A (Basic Model) Output Voltage -15 V to-3 V Description Pb - free and RollS Compatible Package osator PTN78000AH Horizntal TIH Yes EUS PtN7800WAASMt PTN7,5D0AAZ I) Horizonta SMD Horiontal SMD No Yes EUT EUT Part Number I (1) Add aT suffix for tape and reel option on SMD packages. (2) Standardoptn specifies Sn Pb solder ball material (3) Lead (Pb) -free op&n specifies SnAg solder ball material ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ( over operating free-air temperature rane Lnless otherwise noted all voltages with respect to GND (pin 1), PTN78000A uNT TA T. Operating Iee-air temperature Over V range Wave solder temperature Surace tenperature of module body or pins (5 seconds) Solder reow toeraure Surace temerature of module body orpin Storage temperature -40 to 05 Horizontal SMD (suffix AH) 260 Horizontal SMID (suffix 235 AS) Horizogal SMD (suffix 260 AZ) -40 to 125 (1) Stresses bney-d those listed jnder absolute maximum ratings may caase permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings aoly, and functional neratiion tp!edevice at these or any other con beod those dicated under recommended operating condti is not implied. Exposure to absole-aximum-rated con .-ns for extended eriods may affect dev-e reiabdbj. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Vn, TA P out voltage Operatrrg free-air temperate Output power MIN MAX 7 32- V0 -40 &5 9 IJNIT V 4C W PACKAGE SPECIFICATIONS PTN78000A (Suffix Al,AS. and AZ) Weight 2 ,ramms Ftlamailltv Meets JL 94 V-0 Mechanical sock Per Mil-STD-853D, Method 2032.3, 1 msni s1ne Mechanical vora2tion MP-STD-583D Method 200(7.2 20-20•0 530 G0 2-Hz Horzont& SMD jsuffx AS & AZI '11 Qjalificaton ~in~t 15 G ' PTN78000A TExAs # INS•,UM•,E www.fLiaoo 8LTS2468-APRIL 200-REVISED JANUARY 2006 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS operating at 25C free-air temperature, V, = 12 V,V, = -5 V. 1o = Io (max)C = 100• F, C = 2x 4.7 pF. C 10 1= otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDOTIOIS Ounut ourreent , TA= •C natura oonvection airflow Vo = -15V MlN 0A1 V Vo = -. v2 01 Input voage range Over range O omtvoltage 3oleranoe T A -W'C to W65 Li~e regulatr Ovr V, 7 170 Vo - V 7 7 20 27 Va -3I3 V 7 28.7 vairaon r2% Z0.5% rjar Over I range Lead reglatio Total outp vaoltage inoaten smt pcirt -40 < TA 55C V t load .3% 7 VS Vs f32 V = 12 V, . V, = 12 V, ~ E = 12 V, V=12 Vx R,= Ouri • •tageripple Curert li threhaod iol%[ V o V• =-15 V =1 = 2 kn, V. = -12 V 85% 84% r = 28.7 krV VS = -6 V 2 82% k Vc = -3.3 V 77% 2 V = --50 mV Renvery irme &atSlangfrequenzr Urdervokae olout Cl E xte na irp Co Exhee aca ria rc e Over' Veand t rarges 440 550 6M0 cz 5 I5 YF j94 'A 9 anio Cerwrio raý TA =-':oub332grcadbrig - Ps %Vo , CepreiQ Equwiwaent seriesr ýe tbhtv Caesulated VTSF _______________ A 1 rea Caer V... 312 200 Vrve arfdershoot uVLO % VM zed stepionrm50% to 10% Imax lr Trancret responre Ft - -15 20-M*z barwidt 1Ao mV -O Adj rg ut oltageadusot aumf 1.51 = 25'C Temperaure viar A t5 oS Vo =-16V = Set 0.75 01 V=-sV UNIT MAX 01 1 Vo = -3V V0 =-33V Vi TYP F (uness yF 200 00 IF fsotanc noce-aminl ;O30 .44 ____________ 1e4 H ____ The maximum outopt c:rrent 1 5 A or the maxi-rr ou~tut -i pwoer i S :hv-r v e .r The maximum npu volta;e is Ited ad deinec :obe :22 - Vol[ volts The set-paIrs vtage tolerae s affted by • te todrarce a stab2.y of - The slated i is Jnoondtiora•ty met R•s-has a toleranwe of 1V rth 1- oprrC or better ten-ferature sta:lity, A 103-pF electolytc ýpacitor anc two - 4.7-- f arr• capa:~ors are re-uitred acos Te i put V ard GNIh or prooer o•r:aton Lcate the ceramic .oaacitare• :e to t-,e :odule. 10 pPF of cptA capacitanoe i required fc, proper o eration See the apolicaton normaot n for Lterluidace. This i t'he toal ES• f_oaaR e eetrc io nonceray oapaciance. Uoe 17 mn tiý as Te jr whei .~ng mw E wSR valtes to calolaste. PTN78000A TExas INSTrMENTS www.ti.o0rn PIN ASSIGNMENT TERMINAL FUNCTIONS TERMINAL NAME NO. LO DESCRIPTION The 9gatire output vokage power node with respect to the GND node. Itis also the reference for the Vo,Adst control inputs. The poaitive input voltage power node to the module whic is referenced to common GND.. This pin r active and must be isolated from any electrical comection. A 1% resistor must be conected between pi 1 and pin 4 to sethe output voltage of the module lower than -3 Vf eft openthe outpot voltage default to -3 V. The temerature stability of the resistor should be 100 ppnC (or better). The set-po-nt range is -15 V to -3 V. The standard resistnr val•ue for a number of common outpt volages is provided in the application iformaion. The common ground connection for te V and V power connections. Vo 1 0 V, NC 2 3 I Vo GND ust I 5 10 # TUEiXS INSTRMEii~n B 2 ISTSAMB-APRR TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (7-V INPUT)ra EFfICOENCYY OUTPUT CURRENT e 43 "I OUTPUT VOLTAGE RIPPLE POWER DISSIPATION OUTPUT CURRENT OUTPUT GURRENT 1. Is tO*0alpatCkmat-A Figure 1.. TEMPERATURE DERATINGN va OUTPUT CURRENT to -C00d Canal -A Figure 4. Figure 2. TEMPERATURE DERATING rsigun 3 TEMPERATURE DERATINIG va vaTPU OUTPUT CURRENT OUTPUT CURRENT * S-Or*Cmet•w*- A Figure&. t s-Olla L4 -s A *,- Omp4Cwient-A Figure . The electrical characteriti data has been developed from actual product= tested at 25C. This data is codered typical for the converter. Appes to Figure 1, Figure 2, and Figure 3. The temperature derat~ng curves represent the onditiom at which internal components are at or below the mairuactumer' maxinanw copper. to a 100 mm x 100 mm, double-sided PCB wh 2 oz.. operating temperature. Derating limits apply to modules eoldered directly For surface mount pakages, multiple visa(plad through hoas) are required to add thermal pahe to the power pins. Please reter the merhara specification for more information Applie toFigure 4 .Figure 5 ,and Figure 6. PTN78000A WVM Ai JAMMRY amos sse-samL2005-MBASED 20DB 1 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (12-V INPUT)4 EFFICIENCY ve n r OUTPUT VOLTAGE RIPPLE POWER DISSIPATION OUTPUT CURRENT OUTPUT CURRENT ve v• OUTPUT CURRENT S. T I .o Y W. *6 Mm44V Vp u4V I Figure 7. TEMPERATURE DERATING vUT OUTPUT CURRENT IS * 1 he b-OpcueLM-A Figure,& TEMPERATURE DERATING TEMPERATURE DERATING OUTPUT CURRENT OUTPUT CURRENT vs vs 1oaparCWbus-A figure 10. t.O %0-ac0*,wS-A Figure 11. rI * ,51 5 uS . u bl-outQrpts:-A Figure 12. The efecrical characteristic data has been develped torn actual producis tesed at 25C. This data is considered typical for the convewer. Applies to Figure 7, Figure 8. and Figure 9. The temperature derating curves represent t1e onditis atwhich inernal componer are at or below the manufacturet mainmum operaing temperatures. Deraing limits apply to modulea soldered ddirecly to a 100-mm x 100-nvn. double-sided PC8 with 2 oz. copper For surface mount padbkgea, muliple vias plated throug holes) ae requied to add thermal paf t tohe power pins. Peae refer to the mechanical specificaon for more inormaion. Applis to Figure 10. Figure 11, and Figure 12 PTN78000A wwwA.iom JAMMARY 2005-REvisaD struess-Asat 2005 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (24-V INPUT)lM' EFFICIENCY vOUTPUT OUTPUT CURRENT OUTPUT VOLTAGE RIPPLE vs OUTPUT CURRENT POWER DISSIPATION vsT OUTPUT CURRENT 0 I0 -OsaCW~ Figure 13. -A I1- G&*AmCOW04 -A Figure 14. R" *A . 12 15 ig-ApuACUmat-A Figure 15. TEMPERATURE DERATING vsT URR OUTPUT CURRENT Figure 16. The earicaJ characteri t da•a haz been develo•ed fm auaJ products t•ed a 2a5'C. Th daxa ii or~Ered yoaial fdr the converer. Appaee to Figur 13, Figure 4. ~ard ;re 15 !21 The temerature derating curves repree the oondite a: whd ~ ~teal omponerts are at or bat he man7,faturers f.2arm 2 oz. copper. -ceratingtemperature. Crrating limits aofy to mod~e- socered directly to a 103-mrm x 1•0•-mn d.ce-sided •C• wýrh or curface rount ackag. mul:iple vias (plat :hr-ugh hoes arerequired to add termal paths to the poer- ia.nsPea efer bto ne meohar•ca spe,:ica~ia fcý'-ore in rmatn. Applien to F g-re 16 ,1I # TEXAS PTN78000A INSTRUMENTS tWWA.tiOam SLTS2MS-APHIL 2005-REVISED JANUARY 2ans APPLICATION INFORMATION Adjusting the Output Voltage of the PTN78000A Wide-Oututpt Adjust Power Modules General A resistor must be connected directly between the Vo Adjust control (pin 4) and the output voltage (pin 7) to set the output voltage lower than -3 V. The adjustment range is from -15 V to -3 V. If pin 4 is left open, the output voltage defaults to the highest value, -3 V. Table I gives the standard resistor value for a number of common voltages, and with the actual output voltage that the value produces. For other output voltages, the resistor value can either be calculated using the following formula, or simply selected from the range of values given in Table 2. Figure 17 shows the placement of the required resistor. R =-54.9kQ -5.62 k 125 V RVo -3 V Input Voltage Considerations The PTN78000A is a buck-boost switching regulator. In order that the output remains in regulation, the input voltage must not exceed the output by a maximum differential voltage. For satisfactory performance. the maximum operating input voltage is (32 - )V0J) volts. As an example, Table 1 gives the operating input voltage range for the common output bus voltages. In addition, the Electrical Characteristics define the available output voltage adjust range for various input voltages. Table 1. Standard Values of R•.Efor Common Output Voltages (Required) -12 V -5 V -3,3 V Rvr (Standard Valne 2 in Vo 0 -4.~97 V -'2.00 V -5.D0 V 221 in --3,50 V Vf Range 9 Vo 17 V BVto2?V Vto221V 9 V to 27 V 9 V w 28.7 V G I1l A 0.05-W ated resist. may be Lae. The tolerance should be 1%, with a ter•oerature stability of 100 ppmI'C (r bette•. Place t•e resisor as close- to the regalator as posse. onnect thez res ar dire-Ay etween pina and 1 usng dedicated PCB traces. I2) Never connee ~pacitor-s fom Vo Adit to eitheorGND or V, Any aoacite added to t the Vo Adjust pn' aflects tne istabi7Ay Figure 17. Vo Adjust Resistor Placement PTN78000A TEXAS INSTRUMENTS mw~w M SLT824B-APRIL 2S-REVISED JANUARY 2006 INSTRUMEN• Table 2. Output Voltage Set-Point Resistor Values Va Required Ref V, Required ReW V. Required Rtk -15. V Fa 99 -11-9 V 209 ka -8.8 V 821 kg 6S k6 6V -149 V 1-7M -11 8 V 218 ak -3s -14,8 V 1Sg -117 V 1227 k~ -344V -14 7 V 245- -1.'t V 2.38 k -82 V 758 k2 V4 -1 461 29 -t5 2.45 ka -4& V 81 -14,5 V 347 -11A.4V 155 k -7,8 V 8.O k2 -144 V 400P -11.3 V 2.65 ki -71 V .30 ka -1433 V 453 -11,21V 2.75 k2 -7.4 V 998 ko -14,2 V 507 m -111 V 2.82 k -7,2 V 107 kM -14.1 V 52 -11.0 V 2s98 k -7.0 V •1S k -140V 81 O -1 09 3107 ka -64 V 12.4 ka. V 678 -10•8 V 3.18 k 4-68 V 134 kc -13.8 V 734 -107 V 3.29 kg -. 4 V 14.8 k -137 V 794 . -8r 341 4ik -e2 V 15.8 k -138 V e854 -1065 V 3.53 ka -40-V 17ý3 km -1f V V .09kt~a k 12 -104 V 3.65 ka -58 V 18.9 ka 970a -10.3 V 3.78k --5,6 V 20.7 kL -133 V 1.04 ka -102 V 391 a -64 V 22.9 k -13.2 V 1.17 kI -101 V 4.04 k -5 2 V 25.6 kL -131 V 1.18kk --100 % 4.15 k -5,0 V 28.7 km -1130 V 1.24 ka -9.9 v 33 k -4/a V 32.5 kg -129 V 1,3 k -9.8 V 4.47 k. -4 V 37.2 -12 V 13Sko -•7 V 4.62 k -44 V 43.4 ka -13.5 V -14 V ka -121 V 1A.4k- 4.78 ka -4,2 V 516 k -121 V 1.52 kg -9.5 V 4.94 k -40 V 8E30k, -125 V 1 80 k -4 5.10 k, -438V 0. kM -123 V 1.75 kg -9.2V .27 kn -3.4 V• I -112 V 1 84 km -1 V 183 ka -32 V 338! i -12.1 V 1.92 -9 V E2 k2, -3. V -12.0 V 2,00"k- -49V/ V r krz k OPEN PTN780MA SLTS2465-APRIL 2WS10-REV•SED JANUARY 2006 I4 TxA•s www.tni.om CAPACITOR RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE PTN78000 WIDE-OUTPUT ADJUST POWER MODULES Input Capacitor The minimum requirements for the input bus is 100 pF of nonceramic capacitance and 9.4 pF (2 x 4.7 gF) of ceramic capacitance, ineither an XSR or X7R temperature characteristic, and 100 pF of electrolytic capacitance. Ceramic capacitors should be located within 0.5 inch (1,27 cm) of the regulators input pins. Electrolytic capacitors should be used at the input in addition to the required ceramic capacitance. The minimum ripple current rating for any nonceramic capacitance must be at least 250 mA rms. The ripple current rating of electrolytic capacitors is a major consideration when they are used at the input. This ripple current requirement can be reduced by placing more ceramic capacitors at the input, in addition to the minimum required 9.4 pF. Tantalum capacitors are not recommended for use at the input bus, as none were found to meet the minimum voltage rating of 2 x (maximum dc voltage + ac ripple). The 2x rating is standard practice for regular tantalum capacitors to ensure reliability. Polymer-tantalum capacitors are more reliable and are available with a maximum rating of typically 20 V. These can be used with input voltages up to 16 V. Output Capacitor The minimum capacitance required to ensure stability is a 100 pF. Either ceramic or electrolytic-type capacitors can be used. The minimum ripple current rating for the nonceramic capacitance must be at least 200 mA rms. The stability of the module and voltage tolerances is compromised if the capacitor is not placed near the output bus pins. A high-quality, computer-grade electrolytic capacitor should be adequate. A ceramic capacitor can be also be located within 0.5 inch (1,27 cmn) of the output pin. For applications with load transients (sudden changes in load current), the regulator response improves with additional capacitance. Additional electrolytic capacitors should be located close to the load circuit. These capacitors provide decoupling over the frequency range, 2 k4z to 150 kHz. Aluminum electrolytic capacitors are suitable for ambient temperatures above O°C. For operation below O=C, tantalum or Os-Con-type capacitors are recommended. When using one or more nonceramic: capacitors, the calculated equivalent ESR should be no lower than 14 mO (17 mQ using the manufacturer's maximum ESR for a single capacitor). A list of recommended capacitors and vendors are identified in Table 3. Ceramic Capacitors Above 150 kHz, the performance of aluminum electroltic capacitors becomes less effective. To further reduce the reflected input ripple current, or the output transient response, multilayer ceramic capacitors must be added. Ceramic capacitors have low ESR, and their resonant frequency is higher than the bandwidth of the regulator. When placed at the output their combined ESR is not critical as long as the total value of ceramic capacitance does not exceed 200 pF. Tantalum Capacitors Tantatum-type capacitors may be used at the output, and are recommended for applications where the ambient operating temperature can be less than OC. The AVX TPS, Sprague 5930/594/595, and Kemet T495 TS10;T520 capacitors series are suggested over many other tantalum types due to: their rated surge, power dissipation, and ripple current capabi•lty. As a caution, many general-purpose tantalum capacitors have considerably higher ESR, reduced power dissipation, and lower ripple current capability. These capacitors are also less reliable as they have lower power dissipation and surge current ratings. Tantalum capacitors that do not have a stated ESR or surge current rating are not recommended for power applications. When specifying Os-Con and polymer-tantalum capacitors for the output, the minimum ESR limit is encountered well before the maximum capacitance value is reached. Capacitor Table The capacitor table, Table ,3, identies the characteristics of capacitors from various vendors with acceptable ESR and ripple current (rms) ratings. The recommended number of capacitors required at both the input and output buses is dentified for each capacitor type. This is not an extensive capacitor list. Capacitors from other vendors are avaable with comparable specificatiors. Those listed are for guidance. The rms rating and ESR (at 100 kkz) are critical parameters necessary to ensure both optimum regulator performance and long capacitor life. 10 Sii r a4 ,= ~rd Uo ; X NI hrPr[ UN N _ x a AX s rl Ci ,ii ii Ii A' I riI' ~1 111 Be § mu I,, _ __ d0 1 _ __ _ d0o odd _ 8 8 8 so d p rnd - A p 771 I r I cFXi 8CJUIY a U a a N a coo I' ~B ii$ 1 U ZI PTN78000A SLTcS~lM-APlL 2LI-RsED JAWNR *JxAS 2006 Power-Up Charoetedutice When configured per the standard application, the PTN7B000A power module produces a regulated output voltage following the appcation of a valid input source voltage. During power up, internal soft-stut circuitry slows the rate that the output voltage rises, thereby limiting the amount of in-rush current that can be drawn from the input source. The soit-start circuitry introduces a short time delay (typically 5 ms - 10 ms) into the power-up characteristic. This is from the point that a valid input source is recognized. Figure 18 shows the power-up waveforms for a PTN7800DA, operating from a 12-V input and with the output voltage adjusted to --5 V. The waveforms were measured with a 1.5-A resistive load. S-ThesSamMir Figure il.Power-Up Waveforms Undervoltage Lockout The undervoltage lockout (UVLO) circuit prevents the module from attempting to power up until the input voltage is above the UVLO threshold. This prevents the module from drawing excessive current from the input source at power up. Below the UVLO threshold, the module is held off. Current Uimit Protection The PTN78000 modules protect against load faults with a continuous current limit characteristic. Under a load fault condition, the output current cannot exceed the current limit value. Attempting to draw current that exceeds the current limit value causes the module to progressively reduce its output voltage. Current is continuously supplied to the fault until it is removed. On removal of the fault, the output voltage promptly recovers. When limiting output current the regulator experiences higher power dissipation, which increases its temperature. If the temperature increase is excessive, the module's overtemperature protection begins to periodically turn the output voRtage comrnpletely off. Overtemperature Protection A thermal shutdown mechanism protects the module's internal circuitry against excessively high temperatures. A rise in temperature may be the result of a drop in airtlow, a high ambient temperature, or a sustained current-Emit condition. If the junction temperature of the internal control IC rises excessively, the module turns itself off, reducing the output voltage to zero. The module instantly restarts when the sernsed temperature decreases by a few degrees. Note: Overtemperature protection is a last-resortmechanism to prevent damage to the module. It should not be refied on as permanent protection against thermal stress. Always operate the module within its temperature derated iimits, for the worst-case operatir~ conditions of outut current, ambient temperature, and airflow Operatingthe module above these mtsJ albeitbelow the thermal shutdown temperature, reduces the long-term refiabifity of the module. 12 4•TEXAS STRUMENTS PTN78000A SLTS2465-APRIL 200-REViSED JANUARY 200M Optional Input/Output Filters Power modules include internal input and output ceramic capacitors in all their designs. However, some applications require much lower levels of either input reflected or output ripple/noise. This application describes various filters and design techniques found to be successful in reducing both input and output ripple/noise. Input/Output Capacitors The easiest way to reduce output ripple and noise is to add one or more 1-pF ceramic capacitors, such as C5 shown in Figure 19. Ceramic capacitors should be placed close to the output power terminals A single 4.7-pF capacitor reduces the output ripple/noise by 10% to 30% for modules with a rated output current of less than 3 A. (Note: C4 is recommended to improve the regulators transient response and does not reduce output ripple and noise-) Switching regulators draw current from the input line in pulses at their operating frequency. The amount of reflected (input) ripple/noise generated is directly proportional to the equivalent source impedance of the power source including the impedance of any input lines. The addition of C1, minimum 4.7-jF ceramic capacitor, near the input power pins, reduces reflected conducted ripple/noise by 20% to 30%. a A S.. See s~oe~ication for requýred value and type auggested value and typeSee Apt•aton oformaon for Figure 19. Adding High-Frequency Bypass Capacitors to the Input and Output a Filters if a further reduction in ripple/noise level is required for a application, higher order filters must be used. A a (pi) filter, employing a ferrite bead (Fair-Rite Pt. No. 2673000701 or equwvale-t) in series with the input or output terminals of the regulator reduces the ripple/noise by at least 20 db isee Figure 20 and Figure 21). In order for le and noise ceramic capacitors are required. S(ee the Capacitor the inductor to be effective inreduction of Recommenda'tons for the PTN78000A for additional information on endors and component suggestions.) These nductors plus ceramic capacitors form a excellent fif-er because of the rejection at the switching frequen(cy (650 klz - 1 MHz). The placement of this filter is c-rtical. It must be located as close as possible to the input or output pins to be effective. The ferrite bead is small (12,5 mm x 3 mrm) easy to use, low cost, and has low dc resistance. Fair-Rite also manufactures a surface-mount bead (part number 2773021447), through hole inductors can be used in place of the ferrite (part number 2673000701) rated to 5 A.Altrnatively, 1-pH to 5-ýiuH inductor bead. PTnA000Aa PTEXAS wTmiENem ___I___ __~______ __~__ _~ SLTS2E4I-APiL.•,IrAU- D JANUAR 239 "aC) A. See peikaionorrmqubd value ard ype.. R SeeAuppicamn k*n•maon•fr · uggested value and type. C. Reoammended for appWatliaone ws load tran•ien• Figure 20. Adding a Filters (los A) 4b 40 35I I 'FL I I I 2.5 3 2 k.iz 2000 0e 0 0.5 - _ 1 1.5 . 2 Load Curre•nt - A Figure 21. a-Fiter Attenuation vs. Load Current PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM STEXAS INSTRUMENTS e icCn= I 1-Oct-2007 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device PTNTSODOAAH Status' t ACTIVE PTNT00COAAS ACTNVE PTN78000AAST ACTIVE PTNTBC'OAAZ ACTIVE PTN78000AAZT ACTIVE Package Type DIP MOD Package Drawing EUS ULE Pins Package Eco Plan Oty 5 56 Pb-Free ) Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp Cal Ti N Afor Pkg Type (RoHS) DIP MOD ULE DIP MOD ULE EUT 5 49 TBD Call T Ca ITI EUT 5 250 TB Call Ti CalI TI DIP MOD ULE DIP MOD ULE EUT 5 49 Call T Level-3-2OC-1868 HR EUT 5 250 Pb-Free (RaHS} Pb-Free (RoHS; Call Ti Level-3-200C-1B8 HR SThe marks•etistatus values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Prouct device recommnded for new designs. LIFEBUY: T has announced that e deuice will be discc-tued, and a lifetl•e-buy period is in effect NRND: Not recommenced for new designs. Device s in p uctin to support existing customersý bu TI does not recommend usin a new dsen. PREVIEW: Deve has bee.- a-nounced but is not in pro~e c . Sarp-es may or may not be avaiable. ed the production of ?hedevice. OBSOLETE: TI has discon hIts part in SEco Plan - The planned co-friendy classifcati: Pb-Free RoHI . Pt-Free (RoHS Exermpt.,or Green jRoHS & no SEbr)- please •heck http:,'/ww.ti.:ommprood:utonentfor toe latest availab l aton and addtcnal prodct content detaids TBD: Te Pb-Free.Green cvrs on plan has no:been define-. Pb-Free (RoHS): Týis te is "Leai-Free" or "Pb-Free' mean semicondutor products :hat are comrpatible wt the cutent Ror-S equirements foc all 6 s.bstances, including therequreent that lea not excee-d 01 %by weight in homogeneous materv s. AWhere designed to be soldered at hit :emperatures, TI Pb-Free products are sutab;e 'or use specified leac-free processes. Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt): This oponent has a oiS-3exerption for either 1) lead-based f -chip so der burps used between the die and package or 2 lead-based die adnes ve sec beween the die and leofrafe. The component is otherese considered Pb-Free Ro-tS c•1a3tible) as def-ed above. Green (RoHS & no SbiEr): TI ef -es "Green" o mean Pb-Cree RcPHS:cmpatible:. ann free of Eromine EBran•t Anmirony Sb):based lame or Sb do t exceeý 0.1%by neight h-romogeneous maer) retardarts .Br MSL Peak Tep.-- The foistle Sensiti: k temperature Level raI-ng according to the JEDEC inustry stan-ard class icaons, and peak soder Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on th s page represents T's knowledge and be.f as of the date that it provide,. -Ibases its ktowledge and belief co information provided by tird car•ies, and makes no representatn.n cr warranty as to the acwuracy of such information Effon7s areaerway to better integrate information from third partes. T has taken ano continus to take aon reoresentative a-d accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analys reasonace steps to provide incoming maters and chemas TI and TI supplers consaer zeral inforain to be propriear, and thus CAS numbers and other limited nformation may not be availabe for release. In no event sha T- liacit arnng out of suc• annut:s 3n ba5 to Custrer - rmsa~n exceed t.elta prc.ase price of the TI ;artis •t issue in Itis doc.ument sold by TI A!:denda.,-Page 1 ~__ 1 111 EUS (R-PDSS-TS) DOUBLE SIDED MODULE -0,040 (1,02) S Places Note F, G. *"It Cmponnt D10MIk j2) tmid TOPMEW SBoard 11785 (19,94) (2,03) 0.060 ::.... 1 5 I .Q25.0 PC tAYouT NOTES, A R C, D, L 4204990-2/C 03/os NMneartOwdmlnw s Iaa n beh (mes Thi drminCg Is subject to change without rotit 2 place dec"nasore o 0.030 (t,76rm), 3p decirns a~e 10010 (0,5mm), de RAcnmendmm ed kImp out nw for user cmmpoeants t- Pkis oare 040C (1,02) ditr with Sm 0.070' (1,78) dkvietr standoff shoukwr. G. Aipins Materi - Copper Alloy mFinish - rm (10o) ow Nickel plate ...... ..... wwwtlcom MECHANICAL DATA ~'~~""""""~____"-~~ EUT (R-PDSS-B5) DOUBLE SIDED MODULE (i,t 5 Pieces filetsI 3IEW T0P SOEV•EW 0755 (19314) (203) oi~ 0 .625 (1a88 r T-------- Lowet " 0.010 MN C,2501 ( 25) I ,35) 3otlon side - io ancr L.nt tN @ 2 e,i ... @: Mnae ....... F - PC EYO•U e 'olet tiest Boar FB. ' &H 42C44;'-2/t 03/Of I NOTS: A Her direisiors ore is hoses )m). B Tr drrg is si jet to :htge wth rt C 2 pice edcim.als. ae t0,03 note. ±u( cff', 3. 3 place deckims are £3.010 (I±0,5mm). Reccrnnersed kro sot or o' sorr ornponc't Pswerpit (crnetetrr should ilir two or morsl o .a the oterrzr pews' piner of 3 025 (063) ID. perinput, 7 tr0 cor orutpL'pin (so the elecetil esuisosnl. 080 $203) to 0 085 (21s) : S. Poste ern cprts Pmo` scrco' t'sitrss: 0Af6 (:4cJ.i 6olrlr msse de6ted ir Ii -P &t poe. MaOteri COppper ALloy Cc (103 )cr Nci&d pratt A toct Be - Soti stJ C tmsiso p'io' to reflow soder. -*w-=alen 8-- -~e~ 8 Bibliography [Andersen, et al, 2005] M. Andersen, D. Ljubicic, C. Browne, S. Kleindienst, M. Culpepper, An automated device to assess light redirectingpropertiesof materials and perform sun course simulations: the Heliodome project, In Proceedings of the ISES 2005 Solar World Congress - Bringing Water to the World, Orlando, August 6-12, 2005. [Bjorksten et al., 2005] Bjorksten, K., Bjerregaard, P., and Kripke, D. Suicides in the midnight sun- a study ofseasonality in suicides in West Greenland,2005. [Browne, 2006] Browne, C. Development of a light detection system for bidirectional measurements over the solar spectrum and sun course simulations with scale models, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Master of Science in Building Technology Thesis, 2006. [Gayeski, 2007] Gayeski, N. 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