D&'JHV HD28 .M414 1990 ) v^. ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT An Accounting Model-Based Approach Semantic Reconciliation in Heterogeneous Database Systems to Y. October 1990 Richard Wang WP # MSA 3212-90 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 An Accounting Model-Based Approach Semantic Reconciliation in Heterogeneous Database Systems to Y. Richard Wang WP # MSA 3212-90 October 1990 Composite Information Systems Laboratory E53-320. Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge. Mass. 02139 Tel. Fax E-mciil: © ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (617) (617) 253-0442 492-4655 rwang@sloan.mit.edu 1990 Y.Richard Wang Work reported herein has been supported, in part, by MIT's International Financial Service Research Center and MITs Center for Information Systems Research. The author wishes to thank Allen Moulton for his insight during the early stage of this research and Sung Khang for his field work. ^ An Accounting Model-Based Approach Semantic Reconciliation in Heterogeneous Database Systems to ABSTRACT Many important Management Support Systems require access to and seamless integration of multiple heterogeneous database systems. In this paper, we present a model-based approach for reconciling semantic heterogeneity of financial data retrieved from various data sources data which are needed in Specifically, a heterogeneity among is presented to reconcile semantic the data retrieved from multiple financial accounting databases. is applied to reconcile data conflicts and to infer for reconciling intriguing cases using real data. To semantic heterogeneity the best of our financial Systems. top-down, accounting model-based approach represented in this model model-based rules many Management Support — at the knowledge, this new Knowledge information. Accounting data level are illustrated with approach has not been applied to the heterogeneous database systems area for reconciling semantic heterogeneity at the data level as well as the schema level. The accounting model-based approach checks the knowledge encoded in the model. It enables and validity of data using Management Support Systems financial statements so that their users can focus tasks, reliability to produce integrated on utilizing these integrated financial statements for such as profitability analysis, that concern them most. I. Introduction 1 4 II. Research Goal and Contribution Research Background and Assumptions An Accounting Model-Based Approach Relationship Representation Reconciling Schema-Level Semantic Heterogeneity Schema Integration 12 Reconciling Data-Level Semantic Heterogeneity Unit Conversion 14 III. IV. V. VI. VI. Model-Based Judgement Profitability Analysis Concluding Remarks Bibliography 5 7 9 11 16 16 21 22 23 An Accounting Model-Based Approach to Semantic Reconciliation in Heterogeneous Database Systems Introduction I. The increasing complexity, interdependence, and competition how has profoundly changed corporations operate and competitive advantage in the marketplace. will accelerate demands for more effective It how has been argued that the changing corporate operations Management Support Systems and telecommunication technologies Management Support Systems from qualities, located & for product development, Short, 1989). in organizations the executive to the line level, systems will require dynamic access business environment they align their information technology for product delivery, and customer service and management (Rockart exploitation of database in the global it is and the dissemination of inevitable that to information stored in disparate both within and across organizational boundaries (Wang With the increasing many databases with disparate & Madnick, 1988). Already, corporations are placing increasing emphasis on the management of data. studies of 31 data management efforts in 20 diverse firms Rockart, 1988) in which five data (1) Subject area databases for entities or subject areas, (2) Common future Case have been reported (Goodhue, Quillard, management systems were & identified: operational systems containing data organized around important business such as customer and product. systems which are applications developed by a single, most often a central, organization to be used by multiple organizational units. For example, manufacturing applications such as production scheduling and spare parts inventory. (3) Informalior. databases external sources, (4) which periodically draw and often their contents from operational databases and store data in aggregated forms. Data access services which focus mainly on improving managerial access to existing data, without attempting to upgrade the quality or structure of the data. (5) Architectural foundations which are policies that force systems development efforts to conform to a well structured, overall plan. The first three systems emphasize developing 1 new databases or files with pertinent, accurate. and consistent data. databases and They require common a major system development and on-going maintenance. Subject area systems are developed whereas information databases arc developed in firms seeking better operational coordination; in firms seeking improved managerial information. Data access services, on the other hand, are usually provided by often part of an information center, systems and to whose goal put into place mechanisms is to better understand what data files, group of personnel, is available in current These mechanisms include locating to deliver this data. appropriate data, extracting data from production a small or training users in fourth generation languages. From aiming the techni-^l point of view, these systems represent at retrieving two ends of a spectrum of approaches information from various data sources. At one end, data access services provide a "quick and dirty" approach for managers to get their hands on existing op>crational databases in a nonintrusive manner, thus maintaining the subject area databases, common information by developing brand Evolution is may tip the autonomy of operational databases. new databases, often at significant cost. for sharing in the among development and deployment of these systems. systems, will change over time. The rate and form balance between autonomy and integration. integration are conflicting factors, with evolution as a further complication, a system architecture with sufficient integration, It is At the other end, systems, and information databases provide a binding integration of an often-neglected factor Each system, as well as the needs of this evolution local flexibility to it Although autonomy and may be possible to define accommodate diverse requirements such as autonomy, and evolution. interesting to note, at this point, that database researchers issues in developing such system architectures. They have have been actively addressing referred to this type of system architectures as heterogeneous database systems^, Federated Database Systems (Czejdo, Rusinkiewicz, 1987; Elmasri, Larson, & Navathe, 1987; Heimbigner & McLeod, 1985; Lyngbaek & Embley, & McLeod, 1983), For example. National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsored a workshop on Heterogeneous Database Systems in cooperation with Northwestern University and lEEE-CS Technical Committee on Distributed Processing in December, 1989. MuUidatabases (Ferrier & & Strangrct, 1982; Litwin & Wang, (Madnick, Sicgel, Composite Information Systems heterogeneous database systems research is to Abdellatif, 1986; Litwin, et Wang & 1990; Madnick, al., 1982)2, qj. The goal of 1988). cover a spectrum of capabihties in a coherent manner. These capabilities range from providing real-time connection to operational databases, to better Ofjerational coordination, to Many critical improved managerial information. research and commercialization problems need to be reconciled in order to provide a solution for access to and seamless integration of heterogeneous database systems (Reiner, 1990). These problems include semantic reconciliation, data attribute tagging, networking, specification and processing of multidatabase quencs, query optimization, transaction management, and tools for building we multidatabases. In this paper, focus on semantic reconciliation. Reconciling semantic heterogeneity area. is an advanced issue In the commercial world, establishing a physical in the heterogeneous database systems network infrastructure and data access services have been the key concerns of executives making information systems decisions (Madnick In a recent 1986). study of corporate needs for heterogeneous database systems^, 80% of the managers surveyed cited data access as their immediate need. priority after data access reconciliation. more & Wang, was satisfied. The Speed of data access was third priority Currently, semantic reconciliation is largely was done by cited as the second functionalities such as semantic users. However, as users become sophisticated, their attention will be directed to reconciliation of data values retrieved from disparate databases. Researchers have started to address the reconciliation of data values through techniques such as frames and abstract data types (ADT). In the KSYS research project (Wiederhold, 1987), for example, the notion of frames as a data model was introduced. frame-based system residing facility. In the CISL research NSF at a level It investigates the implementation of a above the database schema project (Madnick, Siegel, & Wang, will sponsor a similar workshop on Multidatabases with the University of Kentucky and Amoco Production & 1990), to provide virtual attribute ADT was used to Semantic Interoperability which Company Research Center in determine in if cooperation November, 1990. Private communication with Lotus Development Corporation's Datalcns industry marketing team, October 1990. the semantics of data provided by databases are meaningful to the appHcation. proposed changes for detecting supply meaningful data '" and the word "mod in data semantics and for determining to the application. is In these research efforts, the Elmagarmid, & Yu, 1984; Czejdo, Rusinkiewicz, et al., 1990; Ferrier 1986; Litwin, et al., of all & Hwang, & McLeod, & 1983; Smith, et is 1984; Elmasri, Larson, local databases, the task & imbedded & & Thompson, al., 1981; 1985; Litwin local & C, & 1986; 1987; Abdellatif, Wang & Madnick, 1988). & Navathe, Navathe, 1987) has also been bottom-up oriented. to compare A be reconciled (Batini, Lenzirini, A the entities, relationships, After figuring out the differences in their local databases, an schema would be proposed, together with the mapp>ed relationships between schema and the corresponding Lenzirini, & McLeod, However, work on schema integration attributes in their local databases. integrated (Breitbart, Olson, that semantic heterogeneity will group of Data Base Administrators (DBAs) would get together and is Embley, 1987; Deen, Amin, Heimbigner Strangret, 1982; these research efforts through schema integration. 1986; Dayal & Lyngbaek 1982; common assumption bottom-up notion heterogeneous database systems have focused on efforts in the area of system building, transaction management, and query processing Templeton, the databases can continue to used in the context of data modeling. Most other research Brill, if Methods were the integrated schemas. Although appropriate for integrating a small number of becomes formidable as Navathe, 1986; Elmasri, Larson, & the number of local databases increases (Batini, Navathe, 1987). More important, the DBAs may integrate local databases from only the technical viewpoint without fully considering managerial implications. In contrast, a top-down, application model-based approach would enable us required by this application model, thus reducing the scope of integration. also meet the needs of application users and provide a more natural and to focus on the data Application models will stable data environment. RESEARCH GOAL AND CONTRIBUTION The goal of this research is to develop a model-based approach heterogeneity of data in heterogeneous database systems. In this paper, for reconciling we semantic present an accounting model-based approach for producing integrated financial statements from databases which are being used by practitioners. The accounting model For illustrative purpose, Kohler, 1983). we is from general accounting knowledge built (Foster, 1986; focus on accounting knowledge pertinent for constructing financial statements. significance of this paper The is A as follows: presented to reconcile semantic heterogeneity top-down, accounting model-based approach among the data retrieved accounting databases. Knowledge represented in this model infer new is from multiple is financial applied to reconcile data conflicts and to information. Accounting model-based rules for reconciling semantic heterogeneity at the data with intriguing cases using real data. level are illustrated The concept of knowledge representation & model management systems has been examined programming and other areas (Bhargava the context of mathematical Kimbrough, for Krishnan, 1989; Dolk, 1986; Dolk, 1988; Dolk our knowledge, this approach has not been applied & to the & in Kimbrough, 1990; Bhargava, Konsynski, 1984). However, to the best of heterogeneous database systems area for reconciling semantic heterogeneity at the data level as well as the schema level. By virtue of its rigorous nature, the accounting discipline lends itself to a solid foundation for reconciling semantic heterogeneity inherent in disparate financial accounting databases. requirement reliability to and balance all The the accounts has provided a model-based approach for evaluating the validity of data retrieved from heterogeneous database systems. accounting model-based approach has further enabled financial analysts to focus The top-down, on the application requirements that most concerned them: utilizing integrated financial statements for tasks such as profitability analysis. RESEARCH BACKGROUND AND ASSUMPTIONS We have evolved 1989; Gupta, ct al., a heterogeneous database system with source tagging capabilities (Codes, 1989; Madnick, Sicgel, Madnick, 1990; Yuan, 1990). & Wang, The query processor 1990; Paget, 1989; architecture is Wang & Madnick, 1988; depicted in Figure 1. Wang & Briefly, the Application Query Processor (AQP) translates an end-user query into a polygcn query for the Polygen Query Processor (PQP) based on the more conventional term The PQP the user's application schema. The term "polygen" is used (instead of "global") to signify a query processor with source tagging capabilities. - in turn translates the polygen query into polygen schema, and routes them to the Local communication mechanisms between an a set of local queries based on the corresponding Query Processors (LQP). The LQP and its local database is details of the mapping and encapsulated in the LQP. return from the LQPs, the retrieved data arc further processed by the PQP in order to produce the desired composite information. 1^ Application _Query Composite Answer Application Schema Metadata Dictionary Figure 1 : DBMS DBMS Query Result The Query Processor Architecture Upon Section II presents an accounting model-based approach. Section reconciling semantic heterogeneity at the schema level based on the accounting model. Section IV illustrates how semantic heterogeneity III knowledge represented at the In Section V, a profitability analysis is presented based reconciled. concluding remarks are made II. addresses issues involved in on in the account-data level can be financial ratios. Finally, in Section VI. An Accounting Model-Based Approach Financial statements such as the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement are the most widely distributed accounting information. information as a starting point to Financial analysts routinely utilize such analyze the financial status of companies. Since accounting terminology, such as accounts receivable, are well understood by accountants, an accounting model could be constructed An for a heterogeneous database system. Entity-Relationship (ER) view of accounting models (McCarthy, 1979; McCarthy, 1982) proposed as a generalized approach for was both accountants and non-accountants. Correspondence of the approach with the accounting theories was discussed. Applications of this approach in the database design phases of view modeling and view integration were presented. Finally, ER representations of accounting objects were reconciled with those representations found in conventional double-entry systems. This approach deals with problems in a single database environment and at the schema level. Efforts to extend this ER view models of accounting data sources can be found elsewhere (Chen for reconciling data values retrieved & Wang, 1990). In this paper, we from various focus on the accounting aspect. Briefly, total assets, total liabilities, the balance sheet. Each account, For example, in turn, is total assets and shareholders' equity are three primary accounts in equals total computed from other more current assets plus total non-current assets. detailed accounts, as hierarchical structure exhibits the inter-relationship of accounts. each hierarchical structure a "root account." immediate lower level accounts; An account is We call shown in Figure 2. The the highest level account in called a "parent" account in relation to each of the lower level accounts is called a "child" account. A its parent account is more aggregated than information as as we move up we move down its children accounts. Thus, on the one hand, a hierarchy; on the other hand, we attain we attain more detailed more aggregated information a hierarchy- TOTAL CURRENT TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS(+) ASSETS(+) T I INVESTMENT & ADVANCES TO INTANGIBLE ASSETS (+) NTEREST RECEIVABLE SUPPUES SUBSIDIARIES (+) (+) OTHER CURRENT N/R PREPAID (+) EXPENSE(+) ASSETS DEFERRED (+) CHARGES(+) OTHER NON-CURRENT ASSETS(-(-) NET FIXED ASSETS INVENTORY (+) (+) MARKETABLE SEcuRrn£S(+) z MERCHANDISE RAW INVENTORY(-t-) MATERIAL GROSS FIXED ASSETS (+) ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION (-) A/R: Kfi: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE NOTES RECEIVABLE FINISHED STOCK-IN GOODS PROCESS(-h) (+) Figure 2 : Total Assets RELATIONSHIP REPRESENTATION Broadly, the intcr-rclationships of the various accounts can be classified into two categories: explicit and implicit. Explicit Relationship The relationship between . the parent account represented by an arithmetic sign in parentheses, such as (+) or explicit relationship of net fixed assets, gross fixed assets, Assets" = "Gross Fixed Assets" - (-). and the child account For example, in Figure and accumulated depreciation is "Accumulated Depreciation." account in the income statement, is the "Net Fixed The income statement and the balance sheet are linked together because net income, flow statement 2, is is a child account of retained earnings in the balance sheet.'* the root The cash derived from the balance sheet and the income statement. Implicit Relationship . The hierarchical inheritance property can be exploited. an application system can determine From Figure 3 that: cash flow - cash flow from operation + cash flow from finance + disposal of fixed assets - acquisition of fixed assets - other capital expenditure As another example, Assets" Assets. - "Accumulated Depreciation" mentioned This relationship fixed assets will not in addition to the relationship of is "Net Fixed Assets" = "Gross Fixed earlier, net fixed assets should be less than gross fixed based on the supposition that as long as a firm has fixed assets, and accumulated depreciation will have positive value and its its gross accumulated depreciation exceed gross fixed assets. Figures 3 and 4 summarize the relationships of the financial statements. This comes from the relationship of "Retained Earnings" = "Retained Earnings at Beginning" + "Net Income" - "Dividend". Income Statement Two a separate tasks, schema integration and query processing, need to be performed in applying top-down, accounting model-based approach multiple databases. We producing integrated financial statements from During schema integration, the semantic heterogeneity of relationships are reconciled. reconciled. to entities, attributes, and During query processing, the semantic heterogeneity of data values are focus on the schema-level heterogeneity in Section III, and data-level heterogeneity in Section IV. Reconciling Schema-Level Semantic Heterogeneity III. We first introduce three financial accounting databases which will be used to present an application example in this paper. LotusOne. As mentioned They arc Finsbury's Dataline, LP. Sharp's Disclosure, and Lotus' earlier, these databases are currently being used by practitioners to perform financial analysis. more than Dataline provides various financial statements from the previous five years for three thousand companies in Europe and Japan. The financial statements include balance sheets, income statements, and major accounting ratios. Disclosure contains financial and companies which file reports with the U.S. Securities and Exchange companies whose information is provided stock and at least $5 million in assets. and yearly and key financial statements SEC in The 12,000 public Commission (SEC). As such, Disclosure have at least 500 shareholders of one class of financial data provided by Disclosure includes quarterly such as balance sheets, income statements, changes in financial status, financial ratios. LotusOne the management information from more than also provides financial in the U.S. illustrate and management information about companies which report Since the information in LotusOne is quite similar to that of Disclosure, it is to easy to important semantic heterogeneity by comparing the overlapping information. As an example, we focus on the financial statements of Volvo Corporation based on from the three databases. 11 raw data SCHEMA INTEGRATION Many issues need to be addressed in schema integration of multiple financial accounting databases either with or without a top-down, accounting model-based approach. that an accounting model-based approach enables us to reconcile The difference semantic heterogeneity disparate databases based on the accounts represented in the model and their relationships. is among We have found that the arrangement and choice of accounting terms of these financial accounting databases are so incompatible that even an experienced accountant reconcile the semantic heterogeneity. databases. Table 1 would take shows a fair amount of time in order to the reconciled total assets for these three match any accounts employed mark is in the model, but the parent account can be identified, then a question entered. For example, in the case of "Debtors" from Dataline, and "Notes the aggregation of "Accounts Receivable" "Current Assets." However, model. we cannot Therefore, this account is model has Some a more typical receivable." Thus, it recognize that this account belongs to the is parent account specify the exact matching level of the account in the accounting marked with matching accounts from any databases are the we "?." filled Accounts in the model which do not have any with "NA." This phenomenon will happen because detailed level of aggregation than the actual databases under investigation. schema integration problems (Batini, Lenzirini, & Navathe, 1986) in the accounting domain are exemplified below. Same Terms Concepts for Different In Dataline, the term . represent "Cash." In Disclosure, the term "Cash & Equivalents" is "Cash + Equivalents" used to include the is used to "Cash" and "Marketable Securities." Different Accounting Terms . Different accounting terms are used to represent the For example, "NI Before Extraordinary Income" is Disclosure, and "Earned for Ordinary" in Dataline. used in LotusOne, "Total Equity" Account Incompleteness Selling & in Disclosure, . used in same concept. LotusOne, "Net Income Before Ext" in As another example, "Shareholders' Equity" and "Capital and Reserves" is in Dataline. LotusOne and Disclosure contain accounts such R&D expenses and Administration Expenses, whereas Dataline does not.^ Different Levels of Aggregation . LotusOne and Disclosure provide aggregated data for total gross fixed assets, whereas Dataline provides data for each item of gross fixed assets, such as land, buildings, plants and machinery. These issues are reconciled during the schema integration process following the accounting model. The knowledge of schema level semantic heterogeneity For example. Table 1 is recorded in a metadata dictionary. forms part of the metadata dictionary. There are also cases in which although the database may have a specific account, it has no data for it. For instance, although all throe databases have an item for "Accumulated Depreciation." LotusOne and Disclosure do not have data in for it. This account-value level issue will be addressed at run-time by the query processor. 13 During run-time, the metadata dictionary from the accounting terms used in is used by the query processor to match the accounts each database so that data can be retrieved from these databases. After the data have been retrieved, reliability and credibility of the data need to be examined before integrated financial statements can be produced. The following IV. At run time, section presents the solution techniques that a copy of the accounting As long model is created to hold the data retrieved from each of as the data for the aggregated accounts are semantically consistent, ignore the semantic conflicts which assumed may occur in the that the data for the children accounts will not be In general, developed. Reconciling Data-Level Semantic Heterogeneity the financial databases. we will we have depending on the users' requirements, example, Dataline does not provide data for lower level accounts. In doing needed we may have to obtain data for a child account. "Accounts Receivable" but does provide the If the accounts-receivable turn over ratio, then a less aggregated child account will still won't be able to obtain data for we have later for further financial analysis. "Accounts Receivable" and "Notes Receivable" under the name of "Debtors." we so, we have For sum of to calculate be needed. Although accounts receivable from Dataline in that case, the data for debtors can be used to verify the data from LotusOnc and Disclosure. Tables 2 and 3 present the data for the balance sheet and the income statement of Volvo from LotusOne, Disclosure, and Dataline respectively. compared and the three financial statements will 14 At this stage, the data for be merged into one. each account will be Table 2: Balance Sheet Comparison of the Balance Sheet for Volvo (1988) UNIT CONVERSION The three databases use different units in representing values for each account. same account appear the values for the 29700U in LotusOnc, 0.3 However, they are in Disclosure, to be different. and 297 For example, intangible assets in Dataline. is recorded as These three values appear to be inconsistent. same because LotusOne reports essentially the Consequently, the data in Swedish Kronor, Dataline in thousands of Swedish kronor, and Disclosure in millions of Swedish kronor (round up). Therefore, before moving on to the next step, the units each database can be compared. should be adjusted so that the account values from Research issues related to unit conversion has been addressed elsewhere (Rigaldies, 1990). MODEL-BASED lUDGEMENT The conflicts at the account data level can provide inconsistent data for the same entities, be classified into two categories: and (2) (1) databases account data for certain databases are not available. In reconciling these conflicts, each database. account data We we need apply the accounting model presented in Section The two examples level. of data level conflicts implicit relationships represented in the accounting Example 1 As shown . in Table 2, from certain rules to evaluate the reliability of the data below II to reconcile conflicts at the illustrate how the explicit and model can be exploited. Lotus reports 15610000 for gross fixed assets. Disclosure 15.61, and Dataline 30236. At difference first glance, is a typo. Therefore, one may is due to unit conclude that 15.61 millions should be assets. However, from - appears that the difference between 15610000 and 15.61 and Dataline's 30236 used for gross fixed Assets" it the accounting model, "Accumulated Depreciation." we can From find that "Net Fixed Assets" = "Gross Fixed this relationship, we can infer which data is more reliable. Both LotusOne and Disclosure do not provide data for "Accumulated Depreciation" and contain 16 the same number for both "Gross Fixed Assets" and "Net Fixed Assets" which does not satisfy the implicit relationship that gross fixed assets should be less than net fixed assets. not only provides data for From relationship. of the three accounts but also provides data values all this fact, In contrast, Dataline one would more infer that Dataline provides which satisfy the reliable data for "Gross Fixed Assets" and "Accumulated Depreciation." Therefore, 30236 thousands should be used instead. Example 2 . As shown in Table 3, Lotus reports 19529000 for gross profit. Disclosure 19.53, and Dataline 7186. The data for "Gross profit" from Dataline are less reliable than those of LotusOne and Disclosure for the following reasons: • The items which arc associated with "Gross Figure 3). Since Dataline docs not provide any data for "Cost of calculate "Gross Profit," • we Profit" = "Net Sales" - for "Gross Profit" reliability, Consequently, case by Goods Sold" which is Sales" (See required to is for both "Cost of Goods Sold" and consistent with the explicit relationship of "Gross "Cost Of Goods Sold." The above observation suggests reliability. Goods Sold" and "Net cannot verify the figure for "Gross Profit" from Dataline. The other two databases, LotusOne and Disclosure, provide data "Net Sales" and the data 1. Profit" are "Cost of that none of the databases dominate others when we encounter account data level inconsistencies, we in terms of should infer data case, with the help of the following rules. Use the knowledge represented in the accounting model to find the relationship which links the associated accounts to the account in question. 2. Verify the data from each database by using the relationship. In doing so, pay attention to the implicit relationships as well as the explicit relationships. do not 3. If the values fi:om certain databases 4. If no associated item or relationship can be found, or the inconsistencies cannot be reconciled through satisfy the relationship, then discard them. the above-mentioned steps, then apply the majority rule. These rules have been successfully applied value level in the to all of the data inconsistencies at the account process of producing integrated financial statements. and income statement for Volvo is The integrated balance sheet presented in Table 4 and Table 5 respectively. 17 Table 4: Integrated Balance Sheet for Volvo (1988) Balance Sheet Tables 8-9 respectively. We are now in a position to compute profitability ratios for companies, as discussed in the following section. Table 6: Integrated Balance Sheet for Ford (1988) Balance Sheet each of these three Table 8: Integrated Balance Sheet for Balance Sheet Honda (1988) V. The most widely-used Equity), ROA (Return On Profitability Analysis profitability ratios are Asset), and ROS (Return Gross Profit Rate (GPR), On Sales). profitability ratios. Table 10: Profitability Ratios Ratio ROE (Return On Table 10 shows these popular Since the cost of goods sold and income before tax depends on the accounting principles adopted in the inventory and depreciation evaluation, the financial ratios are functions of the accounting principles. The discussion of these issues is beyond Concluding Remarks VI. We have presented a the scope of this paper. topvdown, accounting model-based approach for producing integrated balance sheets and income statements. In addition, profitability ratios for Volvo, Ford, have been computed based on the integrated Dataline, l.P. financial statements composed of data and Honda from Finsbury's Sharp's Disclosure, and Lotus' LotusOne databases. This approach has enabled financial analysts to focus on the application requirements that most concerned them, namely utilizing integrated financial statements for tasks such as profitability analysis. We have focused on the fundamental accounting principles pertinent construction. By virtue of its rigorous nature, the accounting discipline lends for reconciling semantic heterogeneity inherent requirement balance to financial data retrieved Our all itself to statement a solid foundation disparate financial accounting databases. the accounts has enabled us to evaluate the reliability and The validity of from heterogeneous database systems. research thrust based approach checks the knowledge encoded in to financial is to provide a model-based interface for business applications. The model- reliability and validity of data retrieved from various data sources using in financial models. This would facilitate access to financial data stored in heterogeneous database systems. 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