FAQs of the Electronic Healthcare Plan

 FAQs of the Electronic Healthcare Plan Q. How do I access the Electronic Healthcare Plan (EHCP)?
A. Go to https://wveis.k12.wv.us/nclb/Snurse/Health/signon.cfm?Secure‐1. and use your WVEIS user name and password to gain access to the site. Q. I am unable to log-in to the EHCP for the first time, what do I do?
A. Contact Linda Payne at 304.558.8830 or email lfpayne@access.k12.wv.us Q. I forgot my password or have been trying to log-in with an invalid password, what do I do?
A. Please contact your county or RESA WVEIS coordinator for your password or to have your password reset. Q. How do I transfer one student's plan to another nurse?
A. Have the new nurse log‐in under their information an pull up the the student's EHCP, hit save and that will save the plan under the new nurse. Q. I keep getting booted from the site or have trouble logging in from day to day?
A.This is a server problem and we cannot correct that. Try another computer or wait and try later. Q. I have a student with Asthma or Diabetes that self administers. Can I count that?
A. Only direct time spent with that student can be counted. Time spent on educating the student on their condition does not count. Q. I have a student that has multiple diagnoses (e.g. Asthma & ADHD), how do I list?
A. You must go with the primary diagnosis (either Asthma or Diabetes). Enter in the care plan for the primary diagnosis and then under the same care plan enter in the care plan for the other diagnosis. FAQs of the Electronic Healthcare Plan Continued
Q. I am having trouble completing a couple health care plans. If there is two diagnoses marked by
mistake, one cannot be erased and it kicks back out and will not let me go any further.
A. There are two steps that you would need to do in the future should this occur. 1) Go in and delete the Nursing Diagnosis under health care plan that you do not need for the student then; 2) Then click delete Health Care Plan in the same screen for the student. This will take the entire plan out…..don’t click remove but click delete. Q. I was working on my care plans on the state care plan site and some of my students are not
showing up.
A. Please login to the ECHP and you will find the students listed; our tech person added a new column and named it Delete Inactive Records click on this whenever you do not see your student(s) and they should be on that list. The students are listed alphabetical; please scroll down to the end of the list. 