Asthma Warning Signs Early Signs of Asthma Signs as Asthma Worsens:

Asthma Warning Signs
Early Signs of Asthma
Signs as Asthma Worsens:
Mood Changes:
___ Voice change ___Shallow fast breathing
___ Aggressive ___Quiet
___ Quickening pulse ___Listless
___ Overactive ___Grouchy
___ Wheezing increases
___ Tired ___Easily upset
___ Other___________________________________
___ Other___________________________________
Change in Facial Features:
Signs of Severe Asthma
___ Red face ___Swollen face
___ Breathing from the neck up
___ Dark circles under eyes ___Pale face
___ Indentation at hollow of the neck
___ Other___________________________________
___ Perspiration (sweating)
Verbal Complaints:
___ Holding Hands over head
___ Fatigue ___Tight chest
___ Blue lips and or fingernails
___ Neck feels funny ___Don‘t feel good
___ Other___________________________________
___ Chest filing up ___Chest hurts
___ Raised shoulders
___ Mouth dry ___Making noise breathing
___ Expression of fear
___ Other___________________________________
___ Flared nostrils
Breathing Changes:
___ Leaning over or on leaning on something to breathe
___ Coughing ___Taking deep breaths
___ Labored breathing
___ Mouth breathing ___Wheezing
___ Decreased wheezing (diminished or absent breath sounds is a sign of
___ Other___________________________________
___ Stroking chin ___Itchy chin
___ Other___________________________________
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