RFP for Oral Disease Prevention Project Cover Sheet

Sample RFP Template
RFP for Oral Disease Prevention Project
Cover Sheet
Applicant Name:
Millwood County Board of Education
Contact Information:
2114 Weeping Lane Springwood, WV 25461 321-555-6852
Lead Point of Contact (POC): John Doe
POC Phone Number:
POC E-mail Address:
Grant Title:
Oral Disease Prevention Project for Millwood County
Amount Requested:
Proposed Start Date:
March 2016
2015/2016 Academic Year
Cover Sheet
Agency Description/Capacity
Proposal Narrative
Project Budget/Budget Narrative
Attachments (including MOU)
POC Printed Name:
POC Signature:
Date submitted:
Sample RFP Template
1) Agency Description/Capacity
In one page or less, briefly explain your organization’s qualifications and experience in
providing school-based services, history of working with proposed partners, the relationship
between your organization and the partners you plan to enlist to carry out this work, current
billing capacity, current electronic data entry capacity, and staffing levels for this project.
Also explain whether or not your organization has a structure capable of supporting
activities, adequate work space, and a facility that is accessible to the disabled community.
2) Proposal Narrative
a) Background of the Project
In one page or less, provide background information for the project. Explain the problem that
has created the need for the program that this grant will be funding. Include any results from
previous projects or evidence that support this request. It is important that the reader who
finishes this section knows why your school or district should receive funding for this
Sample RFP Template
b) Program Description/Scope of Work
In three pages or less, describe your plan to implement a school-based dental sealant project
in your county, anticipated barriers and how you plan to overcome them, all
staffing/volunteer roles and responsibilities, your billing capacity for this project, your
capability to enter electronic data into the required database for this project, any priority
schools involved with the grant proposal (note: only schools included in the attached list
qualify as priority schools), the number of second graders in each school to be served through
the ODPP in the 2016-2017 school year, and the number of students in each school (if
Sample RFP Template
Project Timeline
Construct a table showing the proposed timeline for reaching targeted schools.
Sample RFP Template
c) Assets
Briefly describe any assets relative to this project that you already have to fulfill the
obligations of this proposal.
Briefly describe any assets relative to this project that you need to fill the obligations
of this proposal.
3) Project Budget/Budget Narrative
Separate budget into individual expenses including all materials, services, etc. with
justification for each item and budget total at bottom.
Sample RFP Template
Sample RFP Template
4) Attachments