These are the most common mistakes made on the certified list. These
MUST be corrected before submission. Keep in mind: we cannot make
changes to your certified list file at WVDE. You must scour your file and
make all necessary changes before you submit it to us.
Certification Code is missing
Salary Classification is missing
When an employee has submitted a complete application to WVDE prior to the end of
the second school month for a certificate, a renewal, or a salary upgrade, you need to
enter the certificate code or the salary classification for which they have applied. You
cannot leave these codes blank. Stating in the comment what the code should be is
not acceptable, you must enter the code in the file before you submit.
Salary Classification ‘X’ should be 'Y' for this position code
This is a common error on the service personnel side. You must enter the valid pay grade
for the employee after taking into consideration any bonuses that are flagged for the
For example, you have an Aide III, which is at pay grade C. But this person also has
supervisory duties and specialized health care duties flagged as “Y”. Because of the
bonus flags, you need to enter that person’s pay grade at C+1+1, or E. If the pay grade
entered does not match what the computer calculates they are entitled to under state
aid funding, this edit will appear.
If you see this edit, SOMETHING IS WRONG and must be corrected.
It is also possible that the pay grade is correct but one or more bonus fields have been
flagged accidentally and you simply need to change those to “N”.
Invalid Birth Date: '0' (must be in form: YYYYMMDD)
You must enter a valid birthdate for each employee
Certification 99 (not on file)
Invalid Certification 99 (Expired)
These edit messages may not be errors. If the employee has submitted a complete
application to WVDE prior to the last day of the second school month, then that
application is considered “pending” and we treat it as if it has been approved in the
system. We will verify that OPP received the application and you don’t need to change
anything. Simply indicate in your comments that it is a pending application.
However, if the employee has NOT submitted the complete application on time to WVDE
then you cannot list the person as state aid eligible with funding source “1”. Change the
funding source for that individual to “4” to indicate county funds.
When the edit says something is MISSING, it is a true error and you need to
correct the omission. All of the following comments indicate MISSING
data that must be corrected before final submission:
SSN does not contain 9 digits or is blank
Last Name is blank
First Name is blank
Middle Name is blank
Sex field is blank
Years Experience is missing
Salary Classification is missing
Retirement Code is missing
Account Code Missing
Salary amount is missing - working for free?
Days Employed is missing
Account Code is missing
Race Code is missing or not a valid value
Education level is blank (positions 100-499)
Position Code invalid or missing
Certification Code is missing
School Location is missing
Education Level is missing for this Position Code
Ethnic Code is missing
Retirement Code is missing
The following items are some other edit messages you may see that
indicate true errors. These must be resolved prior to submission.
Sex code is not M or F
No record exists in Prior Year Certified List file and years experience is shown to be
greater than 0
Certificate code is incorrect for the position code
Salary Classification is not an acceptable value
School location is not valid
Invalid Funding Source: ' '
FTE greater than 1
Funding source code invalid
Salary Classification is invalid
Education level code invalid
Extra pay addenda invalid
Invalid Entry: A not valid
Salary Classification X should begin with 'A,B,H,M,D or P' for this position code
Invalid Cert Code 99 for position
Computed Age 99 is under 18 or over 75
Funding Source cannot be 1 for an account code beginning with '14' or '64'.
Not in the Certified List file for last year
School Closed? - Location 999 not found in Master Listing of Schools
Days Employed is greater than 261
Days Employed is less than 200
Retirement Code 3 must equal 0, 1, 2 or 4
PEIA Amount $3,648.99 is not valid.
Special Health Training - Code must be blank, 'Y', or 'N'
Position Code must be 500 to 515, 519, 527 when Sth = 'Y'
Extra Pay AB must be 0-10, BA, MA, or DR
BA degree without Extra Pay indicated
Supervisory Aide Code must be blank, 'Y', or 'N’
NTC Code must be blank, 'Y', or 'N'
This employee appears in multiple counties
Night Pay NOT allowed for Professional Personnel
The following group of edit messages may not be true errors. The
information you provided may be accurate, but a comment is required to
let us know that you have verified the data and are sure it is correct.
These edit messages simply alert you to potential problems.
Years experience is greater than 55 (warning notice, not necessarily an error)
Years Experience (1) is less than 8 and retirement system code = 1, wrong
system?(warning notice, not necessarily an error)
Salary outside limits of $70,000 for professional positions other than 102 and 103
(warning notice, not necessarily an error)
Salary outside limits of $35,000 for service personnel (warning notice, not
necessarily an error)
CURRENT YEARS EXPERIENCE 1 should be 1 year greater than PRIOR Years
Experience which is 1
Low/High Proportional Salary 10,000 should be between $13,000 and $50,000.
Low/High Proportional Salary 80,000 should be between $20,000 and $100,000.
Full Time Employee with no PEIA contribution
PEIA Amount $3,648.99 is not valid. Note: Person is over 65.
Certification 99 (not on file)
Invalid Certification 99 (Expired)
No record exists for this person in the Salary Certification file (PCERTSALA)
Salary Classification does not match salary classification in Certification File’