SPECIAL EXCESS LEVY PLEASANTS BOE Entity 19.06 Total Rate: 2019 Expires: 5 Term (in years): May Reduce levy rate NOTE: PURPOSE 010 AMOUNT 2,035,000 705,000 Salaries - Certified Salaries - Service Textbooks, instructional materials & supplies 230,000 Mid Ohio Valley Technical Institute 145,000 Building & facilities 607,199 Health - 4-H - Library 46,500 Summer programs 25,000 TOTAL 3,793,699 0% Call on File? Sample Ballot on File? YIN Yes Yes Certified Canvass of Votes on File? Yes AN ORDER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE COUNTY OF PLEASANTS DIRECTING ELECTION TO BE HELD TO AUTHORIZE CONTINUATION OF ADDITIONAL TAX LEVIES A fki/7\-- After full consideration thereof, the Board of Education of the County of Pleasants, being of the opinion that the levies for current expenses authorized by Article 8, Section 6c, Chapter 11 (taken together with Section 6f), of the Code of West Virginia, as amended, will not provide sufficient funds for the payment of general current expenses of schools in the Pleasants County School District, including expenditures for the purpose hereinafter stated, during the taxable year of 2014, for taxes due and collectible in 2014-2015, the taxable year of 2015 for taxes due and collectible in 2015-2016, the taxable year of 2016 for taxes due and collectible in 2016-2017, the taxable year of 2017 for taxes due and collectible in 2017-2018, the taxable year of 2018 for taxes due and collectible in 2018-2019, and having ascertained that the amounts hereinafter shown in excess of the amounts raised by regular levies will be needed by said Board during each of the said five taxable years, and that a special election should be held to increase such levies, in conformity with law, it is hereby ordered and directed as follows: 1. That the purposes for which additional funds are needed and the annual approximate amounts needed for each purpose is as follows: A. For the continuation of maintaining a fair and adequate salary schedule and/or for the provision of employee benefits for certified personnel so as to retain and employ a competent instructional, supervisory, and administrative staff by keeping the Pleasants County School District in a competitive position with other school districts in West Virginia and adjoining states, in the annual approximate amount of $2,035,000.00 B. For the continuation of maintaining a fair and adequate salary schedule and/or for the provision of employee benefits for service personnel so as to retain and employ a competent staff of support personnel by keeping the Pleasants County School District in a competitive position with other school districts in West Virginia and adjoining states, in the annual approximate amount of $ 705,000.00 C To continue the furnishing of free textbooks for all students to further upgrade the educational curriculum; and to provide sufficient school and instructional equipment, technology hardware and software, and other instructional materials pertinent to the instruction of students, in the annual approximate amount of $ 230,000.00 D. For the local cost share of the Pleasants County Board of Education including the instructional program, opera tion, staff costs and materials of the Mid-Ohio Valley Technical Institute, in the annual approximate amount of $ 145,000.00 E. For providing improved and/or better buildings, facilities, grounds, and the operation thereof, and for the provision of non-instructional equipment to be used in such buildings and on such grounds to promote the health, safety, and welfare of Pleasants County students, including, but not limited to compliance with orders of the State Fire Marshal and/or the State Health Department, in the annual approximate amount of $ 607,199.00 F. To provide for stability of funding for the following county agencies, including but not limited to: MidOhio Valley Health Department ($6,500.00); Pleasants County 4-H ($18,000.00); Pleasants County Public Library $22,000.00, in the annual approximate amount of $ 46,500.00 G. To provide funding in support of summer instructional and student support programs, such as, but not limited to, Energy Express, Academic Academies, Tutorial Programs, Boys and Girls Club, and/or enrichment programming, in the annual approximate amount of $ 25,000.00 2. That the total approximate amount necessary to carry out the above purposes for all of said five taxable years, after making due allowances for exonerations and delinquencies, is approximately $3,793,699.00 annually. 3. That the separate and aggregate assessed valuation of each class of taxable property within the Pleasants County School District for the year 2013 is as follows: Class I $0 Class II - $115,019,252 Class III $422,236,743 Class IV - $ 43,711,844 - 4. That the proposed additional rate of levy in cents on each class of property per $100.00 valuation within the Pleasants County School District for the taxable year of 2014 for taxes due and collectible in 2014-2015, the taxable year of 2015 for taxes due and collectible in 2015-2016, the taxable year of 2016 for taxes due and collectible in 2016-2017, the taxable year of 2017 for taxes due and collectible in 2017-2018, the xable year of 2018 for taxes due and collectible in 2018-2019, is as follows: Class I Class II Class III Class IV - 19.06 38.12 76.24 76.24 The Board may reduce these said rates in any given year or years during the term of this levy. 5. That the years to which the additional levies shall apply, if authorized by the voters, are the taxable year of 2014 for taxes due and collectible in 2014-2015, the taxable year of 2015 for taxes due and collectible in 2015-2016, the taxable year of 2016 for taxes due and collectible in 2016-2017, the taxable year of 2017 for taxes due and collectible in 2017-2018, the taxable year of 2018 for taxes due and collectible in 2018-2019. 6. That the question of such additional levy shall be submitted to a vote at the election to be held in said Pleasants County School District on Saturday, November 2, 2013, which election is hereby called for said day. 7. That notice of this levy election shall be given by publication of this order once each week for two successive weeks within fourteen consecutive days next preceding the election in the Pleasants County Leader and the St. Marys Oracle, two newspapers of opposite politics and general circulation published in the Pleasants County School District. 8. That if the proposed increased levy herein be approved, as required by law, the Pleasants County Board of Education will not issue bonds as authorized by Section 16, Article 8, Chapter 11 of the Code of West Virginia, as amended. 9. That in the event additional funds shall be obtained by the Pleasants County Board of Education for any of the above purposes from the State or Federal Government, or any government agency for use in the county school district for school purposes, such additional money may be used either in substitution for or in addition to the proceeds derived from the said levies as may be determined by the Board of Education. 10. That in the event additional funds shall be obtained by the Pleasants County Board of Education in any taxable year from local tax revenue above the categorical and composite totals set forth herein, such additional funds may be used as determined by the Pleasants County Board of Education. 11. Those persons are hereby appointed as commissioners and clerks for holding said levy election on November 2, 2013, in the County of Pleasants, as are appointed to serve with respect to the general election held at the same time, 12. The votes of such levy election shall be canvassed by the Pleasants County Board of Education, acting as a Board of Canvassers, as provided by law. 13. The Secretary of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to acquire and furnish election officials with all proper election supplies, attend to the publication of this order as above set forth, and do any and all things necessary to present the question proposed by this order to the voters in the Pleasants County District at said levy election. 14. That the registration of voters and use of registration books shall be governed by the permanent registration laws of the State of West Virginia; and the Board of Education of the County of Pleasants does hereby adopt the registration lists of and for said Pleasants County, as amended and corrected, according to law, as the official registration lists of said Pleasants County School District for such levy election. All other provisions of law concerning general elections shall apply as far as they are practicable. 15. Absentee ballots shall be applied for, obtained from and returned to the Clerk of the Pleasants County Commission in the case of general elections and said clerk is hereby appointed the agent of the Board of Education to perform all duties relating to absentee ballots in this election. 16. The ballot to be used in the election here provided shall be in form as follows: OFFICIAL BALLOT PLEASANTS COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION CONTINUATION OF EXCESS LEVY ELECTION November 2, 2013 Special election to authorize additional levies for the taxable year of 2014 for taxes due and collectible in 2014-2015, the taxable year of 2015 for taxes due and collectible in 2015-2016) the taxable year of 2016 for taxes due and collectible in 2016-2017, the taxable year of 2017 for taxes due and collectible in 2017-2018, the taxable year of 2018 for taxes due and collectible in 2018-2019, in the total approximate amount of $3,793,699.00 annually, for the following purposes: A. For the continuation of maintaining a fair and adequate salary schedule and/or for the provision of employee benefits for certified personnel so as to retain and employ a competent instructional, supervisory, and administrative staff by keeping the Pleasants County School District in a competitive position with other school districts in West Virginia and adjoining states, $2,035,000.00 in the annual approximate amount of B. For the continuation of maintaining a fair and adequate salary schedule and/or for the provision of employee benefits for service personnel so as to retain and employ a competent staff of support personnel by keeping the Pleasants County School District in a competitive position with other school districts in West Virginia and adjoining states, in the annual approximate amount $705,000.00 of C. To continue the furnishing of free textbooks for all students to further upgrade the educational curriculum; and to provide sufficient school and instructional technology hardware and sottware, and equipment, other instructional materials pertinent to the instruction of students, in the annual approximate amount of $230,000.00 D. For the local cost share of the Pleasants County Board of Education including the instructional program, operation, staff costs and materials of the Mid-Ohio Valley Technical Institute, in the annual approximate amount $145,000.00 of E. For providing improved and/or better buildings, facilities, grounds, and the operation thereof, and for the provision of non-instructional equipment to be used in such buildings and on such grounds to promote the health, safety, and welfare of Pleasants County st udents, including, but not limited to compliance with orders of the State Fire Marshal and/or the State Health Department, in the annual approximate amount of ........................................... $607,199.00 F. To provide for stability of funding for the following county agencies, including but not limited to: Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department ($6,500.00); Pleasants County 4-H ($18,000.00); Pleasants County Public Library ($22,000.00), in the annual total approximate amount of $46,500.00 G. To provide funding in support of summer instructional and student support programs, such as, but not limited to, Energy Express, Academic Academies, Tutorial Programs, Boys and Girls Club, and/or enrichment programming, in the annual approximate amount of $25,000.00 Total for each of said taxable years, approximately $3,793,699.00 or such amount as the proposed additional levy rates may produce when applied to annual assessed valuation of taxable property in the Pleasants County School District, all according to the order of the Board of Education of the County of Pleasants and State of West Virginia, entered on the 8th day of August, 2013. In the event additional funds are made available to the Board of Education for any of the above purposes by some form of matching funds or outright grants by either the State or Federal Governments, the amount herein set forth may be used in substitution for or in addition to the funds obtained from this levy. In the event additional funds shall be obtained by the Board of Education from local tax revenue above the composite amount stated above for any given taxable year, the additional funds may be used as determined by the Board. The additional levies per $100.00 valuation shall be on Class I property, 19.06G; on Class II Property, 38.12G; on Class III Property, 76.24G; and Class IV Property, 76.24G. The Board of Education may reduce said maximum rates in any given year or years during the term of this levy II I FOR THE LEVIES I AGAINST THE LEVIES INSTRUCTIONS: Those favoring the additional levies, place an "X" in the square before "For the levies", and those against n the s uare before "Against the ,;o levies". Approved by the Pleasants County Board of Education, August 8, 2013. President, Board of Education Sec eta y, Board of Education Taken, subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary public, day of of said county, in my said county, this , 2013. Notary Public My commission expires $------------"----0FFICIAL SEAL 1 *EST 4,0 fri Wary Public, State oi West VirPrile $ ,.. z.; TERESA A. MASTOP4 $ v Peasants County Beard ot intim i $ ''* I 2272 N Pleasanb Hwy i St. Marys, WV 28170 1 ) •••••... My Commission &piss 44 3,20Z 1 L ...•+•■•• .....^......e../....0",.., , 02(p , ... e•...,■ .....^............../. .•• OFFICIAL BALLOT PLEASANTS COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION CONTINUATION OF EXCESS LEVY ELECTION November 2, 2013 Special election to authorize additional levies for the taxable year of 2014 for taxes due and collectible in 2014 - 2015, the taxable year of 2015 for taxes due and collectible in 2015 - 2016, the taxable year of 2016 for taxes due and collectible in 2016 - 2017, the taxable year of 2017 for taxes due and collectible in 2017 - 2018, the taxable year of 2018 for taxes due and collectible in 2018 - 2019, in the total approximate amount of $3,793,699.00 annually, for the following purposes: A. For the continuation of maintaining a fair and adequate salary schedule and/or for the provision of employee benefits for certified personnel so as to retain and employ a competent instructional, supervisory, and administrative staff by keeping the Pleasants County School District in a competitive position with other school districts in West Virginia and adjoining states, in the annual approximate amount of $2,035,000.00 B. For the continuation of maintaining a fair and adequate salary schedule and/or for the provision of employee benefits for service personnel so as to retain and employ a competent staff of support personnel by keeping the Pleasants County School District in a competitive position with other school districts in West Virginia and adjoining states, in the annual approximate amount of $705,000.00 C. To continue the furnishing of free textbooks for all students to further upgrade the educational curriculum; and to provide sufficient school and instructional equipment, technology hardware and software, and other instructional materials pertinent to the instruction of students, in the annual $230,000.00 approximate amount of D. For the local cost share of the Pleasants County Board of Education including the instructional program, operation, staff costs and materials of the Mid-Ohio Valley Technical Institute, in the annual $145,000.00 approximate amount of E. For providing improved and/or better buildings, facilities, grounds, and the operation thereof, and for the provision of non-instructional equipment to be used in such buildings and on such grounds to promote the health, safety, and welfare of Pleasants County students, including, but not limited to compliance with orders of the State Fire Marshal and/or the State Health Department, in the annual $607,199.00 approximate amount of F. To provide for stability of funding for the following county agencies, including but not limited to: MidOhio Valley Health Department ($6,500.00); Pleasants County 4-H ($18,000.00); Pleasants County $46,500.00 Public Library ($22,000.00), in the annual total approximate amount of G. To provide funding in support of summer instructional and student support programs, such as, but not limited to, Energy Express, Academic Academies, Tutorial Programs, Boys and Girls Club, $25,000.00 and/or enrichment programming, in the annual approximate amount of Total for each of said taxable years, approximately $3,793,699.00 or such amount as the proposed additional levy rates may produce when applied to annual assessed valuation of taxable property in the .Pleasants County School District, all according to the order of the Board of Education of the County of Pleasants and State of West Virginia, entered on the 8th day of August, 2013. In the event additional funds are made available to the Board of Education for any of the above purposes by some form of matching funds or outright grants by either the State or Federal Governments, the amount herein set forth may be used in substitution for or in addition to the funds obtained from this levy. In the event additional funds shall be obtained by the Board of Education from local tax revenue above the composite amount stated above for any given taxable year, the additional funds may be used as determined by the Board. The additional levies per $100.00 valuation shall be on Class I Property, 19.060; on Class II Property, 38.120; on Class III Property, 76.240; and Class IV Property, 76.240. The Board of Education may reduce said maximum rates in any given year or years during the term of this levy. FOR THE LEVIES AGAINST THE LEVIES INSTRUCTIONS: Those favoring the additional levies, place an "X" in the square before "FOR THE LEVIES", and those against such levies, place an "X" in the square before "AGAINST THE LEVIES". OFFICE OF PLEASANTS COUNTY CLERK SUE E. MORGAN 301 Court Lane, Room 101 Chief Deputy St. Marys, West Virginia 26170 Deputy Clerk / Budget/Payroll EVELYN DAVIS (304) 684-3542 FAX (304) 684-7569 JULIE RICHARD Deputy Clerk Office Assistant DEANNA KINCAID KATIE DEWEESE November 8, 2013 We hereby verify that the canvass for the November 2, 2013 Continuation School Levy Election was held on November 8, 2013 at 9:00AM at the Pleasants County Courthouse. A hand count was conducted on Precinct #7 and no abnormalities were discovered. Two teams consisting of Evelyn Davis, Julie Richard, Jay Powell and Gina Schweinsburg recorded tallies for Precinct 7, while Jim Cottrill, Larry Barnhart, Sue Morgan, and Katie DeWeese tallied early voting and absentee votes. ERM reports were run by Steve Bonanno assisted by Katie DeWeese. Also attending from the Board of Education was Superintendent Mike Wells. We certify that on November 8, 2013 the above statement is true. A.( Evelyr1 Davis k. ' N4V1 . /I...Leif/24a Julie Richard Jay Powell County Commissioner vi Gina Schweinsbur Jim Cottrill County Commissioner Khtie DeWeese Steven Bonanno Mik Wells Superintendent of Schools Larrytarnhart County Commissioner At ;, Sue E. Morgan, do hefe-by-CHT IFS-that the Document with this stamp affixed is true copy of Oa recorded h this office in_Efft_f&MeC -Viori 146 Page Book Date /S. 020 Deputy! Ciel; GAN. PLEASANTS COUNTY CLERK SUE E. nvccss Special Continuation Levy Election BOARD OF CANVASSERS' CERTIFICATE OF VOTES CAST Office of County Commission, Pleasants County, West Virginia November 8, 2013 TO: County Clerk The Board of Canvassers of the County of Pleasants, State of West Virginia, having carefully and impartially examined the returns of the SPECIAL CONTINUATION LEVY ELECTION held in said county on the 2 lld day of November, 2013, do hereby certify that said results were confirmed. Given under our hands this 8th day of November, 2013. Sue L. Morgan C• mty Clerk Board of Canvass SUMMARY REPT-GROUP DETAIL BOE of PLEASANTS COUNTY, WV SPECIAL LEVY ELECTION NOVEMBER 2, 2013 Report EL45A Run Date:11/08/13 10:42 AM TOTAL VOTES PRECINCTS COUNTED (OF 11) REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL 11 767 BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL 877 CONTINUATION OF EXCESS LEVY ELECTION (Vote For Not More Than ) 1 For the Levies Against the Levies Total 590 281 871 % ELECTION DAY EARLY VOTING 100.00 67.74 32.26 641 236 417 219 636 173 62 235 Page 001