West Virginia School Counselor Performance Standards Standard 5: Professional Growth and Responsibilities The professional school counselor assumes responsibility for his/her professional growth and the growth of the school counseling profession. Function 5A: KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS The professional school counselor enhances knowledge and skills to advance professional practice. LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE Indicator 5A1 DISTINGUISHED Professional Growth The professional school counselor engages in continuous professional growth and improvement and promotes professional growth for professional colleagues. ACCOMPLISHED EMERGING UNSATISFACTORY The school counselor The school counselor The school counselor The school counselor does not set goals based on identified areas unless directed by administration. does not establish a professional development plan to ensure growth in areas of weakness. continually self appraises knowledge, skills and practices and seeks input from stakeholders and ensure distinguished alignment with the WV School Counselor Performance Standards and indicators. models a high level of professional, up‐to‐date 21st Century practices, seeks to mentor others, and seeks to support the professional growth of colleagues. seeks advanced certifications to obtain the highest recognized credentials recognized in the counseling field. completes a bi‐annual self assessment to determine performance levels utilizing the WV School Counselor Performance Standards rubrics. sets appropriate goals and participates in professional development to address identified weaknesses, as well as, to support the school’s strategic plan. assists colleagues in identifying professional growth goals and supports attainment of these goals. completes a minimal self assessment to determine alignment with the WV School Counselor Performance Standards. sets professional development goals as recommended by administration. participates in appropriate professional development and shares new knowledge and skills with colleagues on a limited basis when prompted by administration. attends professional development activities as required by administration, but does not share new knowledge/skills. WEST VIRGINIA SCHOOL COUNSELOR PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Standard 5 - Profession Growth and Responsibilities Indicator 5A2 Function 5A: KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS The professional school counselor enhances knowledge and skills to advance professional practice. LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE DISTINGUISHED Professional Development The professional school counselor collaborates and consults with other school counselors to share best practices and uncover solutions to problems. The school counselor seeks opportunities to work with other school counselors to both share and learn best practices . confers with other school counselors, administrators, and knowledgeable stakeholders when faced with a problem to come up with a best case resolution. shares proven solutions to recurring problems with others to enhance consistency within the profession. 2 | P a g e D R A F T – J u n e 2 0 1 1 ACCOMPLISHED EMERGING UNSATISFACTORY The school counselor The school counselor The school counselor does not confer with seeks opportunities to work together with other school counselors to learn best practices. confers with other school counselors, administrators, and knowledgeable stakeholders when faced with a problem to come up with a best case resolution. minimally communicates with other school counselors to learn best practices. confers with administration when faced with a problem to come up with a best case resolution. others to either share or learn best practices. deals with problems in isolation, without seeking input from others on solutions to the problems. WEST VIRGINIA SCHOOL COUNSELOR PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Standard 5 - Profession Growth and Responsibilities Indicator 5B1 Function 5B: LEGAL AND ETHICAL PRACTICES The professional school counselor adheres to professional ethical standards, policies and laws in conduct and practices. LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE DISTINGUISHED ACCOMPLISHED Professional The school counselor The school counselor Conduct keeps a copy of the ASCA standards in keeps a copy of the their office, and demonstrates clear and ASCA ethical The professional convincing working knowledge of ethical standards in the school counselor standards in daily practice. office, and demonstrates demonstrates a high ethical participates in ethics workshops, online working knowledge of standards seminars and reviews literature in order to ethical standards in including honesty, assess his/her own ethical practices and most areas. integrity, fairness, makes necessary adjustments to align and respect for practices with ethical standards. participates in ethics others. workshops, online is able to recognize and report ethical seminars and reviews concerns using proper protocol. literature in order to assess their own behaves in an ethical manner and consults ethical practices and colleagues when an ethical dilemma make necessary occurs, if needed, to assure ethical adjustments to align compliance. practices with ethical standards. models positive and appropriate interactions with all stakeholders and models positive, encourages replication from others. appropriate interactions with others. 3 | P a g e D R A F T – J u n e 2 0 1 1 EMERGING UNSATISFACTORY The school counselor The school counselor does not articulate an awareness of ethical standards does not attend ethics training or seek to update knowledge. fails to use ethical standards to guide practice. cannot readily locate ethical guidelines to support beliefs and actions. exhibits poor, negative or inappropriate or inappropriate relationships. makes little or no effort to interact with colleagues and stakeholders and minimally interacts with students. keeps a copy of the ASCA ethical standards readily available and can reference appropriate standards when requested. seeks to increase knowledge about school counseling ethics. attempts to apply sound ethical judgment in daily practice. interacts positively and professionally with students, parents, and staff. WEST VIRGINIA SCHOOL COUNSELOR PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Standard 5 - Profession Growth and Responsibilities Function 5B: LEGAL AND ETHICAL PRACTICES The professional school counselor adheres to professional ethical standards, policies and laws in conduct and practices. Indicator 5B2 LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE DISTINGUISHED Policy Alignment The professional school counselor ensures that program practices align with current state and federal policies and laws. ACCOMPLISHED EMERGING The school counselor The school counselor The school counselor The school counselor continually assesses program practices and adjusts them to align with current county, state and federal policies. provides professional development to students, staff and families to keep them abreast of changes that affect them related to the school counseling program. continually examines policy county, state and federal policies, development and adjusts program practices accordingly. makes relevant program and changes practices based on policy change and informs students, families, and staff of any program and practice changes. 4 | P a g e D R A F T – J u n e 2 0 1 1 UNSATISFACTORY considers county, state and federal policies when examining program practices. does not consider county, state and federal policies when examining program practices. makes program and practices changes in reflection of awareness of policies change. Does not make program or practice changes based on policy changes WEST VIRGINIA SCHOOL COUNSELOR PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Standard 5 - Profession Growth and Responsibilities Function 5C: GROWTH OF PROFESSION The professional school counselor contributes to the growth of the school counseling profession. LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE Indicator 5C1 DISTINGUISHED Participates in professional organizations The professional school counselor participates in professional school counseling organizations. The school counselor The school counselor has an active leadership role in the county, state and/or national school counseling professional organization(s). regularly participates in leadership meetings and planning of professional development and resource development for school counselors. actively participates in committees focused on improving the school counseling profession. Models ethical leadership, mentors others, and supports leadership involvement and growth of peers. 5 | P a g e D R A F T – J u n e 2 0 1 1 ACCOMPLISHED is an active member of a local professional school counseling network. continually networks and shares best practices through appropriate committees within the county and or state school counseling professionals. participates in local and/or state meetings or professional development events that support and improve practice EMERGING The school counselor The school counselor provides limited evidence of awareness of issues being addressed by professional counseling organizations. minimally shares best practices attends at least one annual meeting of a professional school counseling organization. mentors novice colleagues or others who face challenges in order to build local and state collegiality. UNSATISFACTORY seeks mentoring in areas of weakness is not associated with a professional school counseling organization. provides no evidence of awareness of professional issues being addresses by counseling organizations. does not attend meetings or conferences unless required by administration. Does not provide or seek mentoring or contribute to professional organization growth. WEST VIRGINIA SCHOOL COUNSELOR PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Standard 5 - Profession Growth and Responsibilities Function 5C: GROWTH OF PROFESSION The professional school counselor contributes to the growth of the school counseling profession. LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE Indicator 5C2 DISTINGUISHED Leadership Role The professional school counselor assumes a leadership role at the school, county, and state level in order to advance the growth of school counseling programs and the profession. The school counselor The school counselor actively seeks opportunities to participate in activities that significantly impact the growth of the school counseling profession on a local, state or national level. takes a lead at the local level by advocating for and/or organizing school counseling programmatic level team meetings and county counselor meetings. mentors peers (i.e. via peer review) to improve practices. actively displays investment in the school counseling profession by sharing best practices and techniques and by participating in initiatives that contribute to the growth of the profession. regularly provides professional development at the school county and state level. attends/advocates for professional networking opportunities (i.e. joint planning meetings, county counselor meetings, and programmatic level team meetings) contributes to policy development and reviews on a local/state/ or national level. leads program and policy development on a local/state/or national level that enhance the reviews and recommends policy profession. development and changes at the local level, that promotes school counseling creates opportunities for professional best practices). development on a local/state/national level. 6 | P a g e D R A F T – J u n e 2 0 1 1 UNSATISFACTORY EMERGING The school counselor ACCOMPLISHED The school counselor participates in local networking opportunities. Informally shares best practices and learns about best practices from others. provides professional development to educate others about the role of the school counselor and the profession at the local level. does not participate in activities or share expertise in ways that promote or grow the school counseling profession.