Caribbean Health Planning Context (Systems Thinking for Health Systems Strengthening) Rasul Baghirov, Advisor, Health Systems & Services Office of Caribbean Programme Coordination Zooming out … a bigger picture • • • Caribbean Cooperation for Health (III), CARICOM Subregional Caribbean Cooperation Strategy, PAHO Strengthening Health Systems in each building block – Financing: shrinking fiscal space, unemployment, limited space for reforms – Provision of services: escalating health costs, driven by medicines/ technologies – HRH: continuous out-migration of health workforce (esp. nurses) and of population (declining fertility) – Health information systems: mostly informal collaboration between public and private sectors; attempts to implement easy solutions – software – Governance: weak regulation, especially of the private sector; low compliance with rules when exist; uneven quality Office of Caribbean Programme Coordination Zooming in … PAHO/WHO response to HRH challenges HRH Road Map: – Key role of the Working Group – expertise from within the Caribbean – Role of PAHO/WHO as a facilitator, convener, broker – Scrutiny and reality check by the High Level Meeting on the Road Map – March 2012 and CMOs meeting in April 2012 – No pre-selected framework for the Road Map but bottom-up approach – Key role and support of partners Office of Caribbean Programme Coordination Caribbean HRH Road Map Context National Regional HRH ROAD MAP Health Information Service Financing Systems Delivery Office of Caribbean Programme Coordination Guided by the Sub-regional Strategic Plan 20 1 1 20 13 Supported by Sub-regional Framework for Strengthening National HIS Caribbean HIS Roadmap 12 20 Informed by country specific HIS strengthening priorities and plans Office of Caribbean Programme Coordination HIS Interventions at Sub-Regional & Country Levels Impl e & Ev mentati o alua tion n elines d i u G ity Secur andards & St es an Re sou rc ical n h c Te ning n a l P & port p u S Hu m o Dev e Ope lop r Proc ating edu res De Fra velo m e p H wo R rk HIS Sta Ca ff Bu pacit Tra ildin y ini g & ng Te ch nic Da al C Co ta oop lle ct i on Da t & a Fra Gu m ide ew lin ork es Polic Proc ies & ed Tool ures kit s ce ur so Re ial T Su ech An ppo nic aly rt al si s & um i m in M t p e lo a S ve at De D rs at dic In SubāRegional o upp S S l nica ger HI h c e T an & M aining Tr e w or k & Sta , Guidelin ndard es s lop ve ss De sine & Bu ses Ca I RO Da ta S nal o i t a el N ture d o p M e Struc o l e Dev ernanc Go v rt Inform ation Polic ies F ram c an r & pe Fin Pa s al ysi nic al ch An Te ost C ou rce s & C p i h ers Lead ion t a n i oord Heal th In fo Te ure t c u chno r t fras Programme Coordination logieOffice of Caribbean n I T C I s National/Local Systems Thinking about Health Systems Office of Caribbean Programme Coordination Systems thinking in respect to HRH in the Caribbean • More or less regulation? • Bigger or smaller private sector? • Passive or active purchasing of health services: how to remunerate health professionals? • What is the Objective: Equity? Efficiency? Quality? Who is to be made happier? • Where to begin? Do money follow ideas, or ideas follow the money? Office of Caribbean Programme Coordination Model of care: 1) population/territory covered and the health needs and preferences 2) an extensive network of health care facilities 3) a multidisciplinary first level of care 4) delivery of specialized services at the most appropriate location; 5) mechanisms to coordinate health care throughout the health service continuum; 6) care that is person-, family-, community-centered Governance and strategy: 7) a unified system of governance for the entire network; 8) broad social participation; and 9) intersectoral action Organization and management: 10) integrated management of clinical, admin and logistical support systems; 11) sufficient, competent and committed human resources for health 12) an integrated information system; and 13) results-based management. Financial allocation and incentives: 14) adequate funding and financial incentives Office of Caribbean Programme Coordination First Steps: Enhancing Workforce Capacity EDUCATION & TRAINING GOVERNANCE Caribbean Health Work Force Office of Caribbean Programme Coordination Human Resources for Health HRH Governance Office of Caribbean Programme Coordination