Sustainability Plan Abstract Vision & Mission

Sustainability Plan Abstract
Vision & Mission
The ZoomWV Sustainability Plan will be constructed to follow a single vision and mission. To do this, the plan will
be segmented into six sections: Stakeholder Support, Ensuring Use, Financial Support, Benefits and Efficiencies,
System Maintenance, and an Implementation Timeline.
Vision: One voice, one focus, all students achieving.
Mission: To sustain the mechanisms that support educational decision making in West
Virginia through the portal of ZoomWV; the single source of truth for K12 education data in
the state.
Section 1: Stakeholder Support
Section 1: Stakeholder Support will identify groups of stakeholders and develop ways that WVDE can continue
stakeholder support for ZoomWV. To do so, WVDE will be creating a ‘ZoomWV Stakeholder Engagement Plan’
and an informal ‘ZoomWV Communication Plan.’ The communication plan is currently in development and
should be complete before the next update to ZoomWV.
Section 2: Ensuring Use
Section 2: Ensuring Use will highlight training and evaluation. The ‘ZoomWV Training Plan’ has been developed,
and is available for public viewing online. Evaluation planning and implementation is set to begin in the Spring of
Section 3: Financial Support
Section 3: Financial Support will develop a method of determining what West Virginia is spending on ZoomWV,
and how we can find sources of continuing financial support. To do this, WVDE will track ZoomWV’s greatest
expenses and determine if these expenses will continue long term.
Section 4: Benefits and Efficiencies
Section 4: Benefits and Efficiencies will rely on ZoomWV’s Evaluation Plan to identify examples of return on
investment including cost savings, value added to education, and time savings. To achieve the sustained use and
development of ZoomWV, this information will be shared with stakeholders upon completion of the evaluation.
Section 5: System Maintenance
Section 5: System Maintenance will identify methods of ensuring that ZoomWV is continuously up to date and
relevant. To do so, WVDE will identify the processes that must continue to support ZoomWV and the individuals
responsible for executing this important work.
Section 6: Implementation Timeline
Section 6: Implementation Timeline will provide visual representations of ZoomWV’s launch phases, training
efforts, and evaluation efforts. Timelines for the launch phases and training efforts are complete and can be
viewed online.