New Teacher Induction No Teacher Left Behind… Sandra Duncan Cabell County Board of education “A third of beginning teachers quit within their first three years on the job. We don’t stand for this kind of dropout rate among students, and we can no longer afford it in our teaching ranks. But what does it take to adequately support novice teachers? What lifelines can we offer so they will remain in the profession and develop into highly effective classroom educators?” (Stansbury/Zimmerman The way it has been… There is no accountability! It’s the Middle School’s (Elementary’s) fault FINGER POINTING… Inclusion? Isn’t that “dumbing” down the curriculum?? They can’t read. The test must have been flawed. It’s the Parents’ fault! If they only knew their math facts. County (state, feds) can’t get it together. The standards keep changing. I taught it. If they don’t get it, it’s their problem! Education’s Concerns… Permanent certificates to mediocre teachers. Test scores flat. Teachers working solo behind closed doors. Very little sharing and collaboration. Teacher rather than student focus— resistance to change NEW TEACHERS “JUMPING SHIP” Every teacher that leaves a district after one year costs the district approx. $50,000 The stage set for change…… Innovation Zone Part of IZ grant dedicated to New Teacher Induction New Teacher Induction Program Proposal identified reasons new teachers were ineffective, or left the county… New teachers feel overwhelmed by the expectations and scope of the job New teachers feel isolated and unsupported in their classrooms New teachers are unclear about expectations New teachers' own expectations don't match the actual job MISSION OF INDUCTION PROGRAM To provide access to support from Central Office personnel for help with unit planning, access to resources and classroom management strategies. To provide ongoing Professional Development that builds upon itself, and provides a “toolbox” of strategies as support for beginning teachers. To provide dedicated time for teachers to collaborate both within their own content area, as well as across the Disciplines. To provide teachers access to School Administration for encouragement, accountability and validation. COMPONENTS OF CABELL COUNTY’S TEACHER INDUCTION PROGRAM The Classroom Instruction Piece …includes emphasis on: •Unit/Lesson Planning, employing ICLE supported Quadrant D concepts, particularly Project Based Learning •Learning Focused Strategies as a planning framework for new inductees •Differentiated Instruction as a philosophy on which to base NCLB requirements, and to satisfy WVDE Policy 5310—Teacher Responsibilities • Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum as a support for Literacy in each content area. The Classroom Management Piece emphasizes… Policy/Procedure (school, county, and state) Pacing (an issue for which many new teachers have requested help) Relationship Building Student Engagement. The Professional Development Piece Includes… Three two-day pullout sessions for intensive instruction on Best Practice Strategies: Learning Focused Strategies Common Core Teaching and Learning Quad D Lesson/Unit Planning Classroom Management/Student Engagement Differentiated Instruction Academic Vocabulary Project Based Learning These sessions are placed at intervals throughout the school year, giving teachers time to use the strategies in their classes. Follow-up Reflection/Feedback After training on a particular strategy, new teachers have a designated period of time to incorporate the strategy into their classroom instruction. TIP facilitators then go into new teachers’ classrooms for the purpose of: Feedback and Reflection on implementation Collaboration Support Accountability TIP teachers keep a portfolio of lessons & student work to share at an end-of-year reflection meeting. (Portfolio will serve as start towards Nat’l Boards, as well) DEBRIEFING SESSIONS AFTER OBSERVATIONS, “DEBRIEFING” SESSIONS WITH THE ADMINISTRATOR(S) ARE SCHEDULED These are NOT “report out” meetings, but they ARE: A general overview of use of Best Practices by the TIP teacher Opportunities to relay info & clarify expectations Opportunities to celebrate successes What we have seen… Sense of collaboration and collegiality, a sort of self-perpetuating PLC—Former TIP teachers mentoring new hires Sense of efficacy: new teachers have support system, which eases feeling of inadequacy held by many beginning teachers High expectations with accountability School district becomes aware of “best and brightest” among new teachers Sense of loyalty among new teachers An Ongoing Process “Research has proven time and again that it is the teacher who makes the difference in the classroom; just as it is the pilot who makes the difference on the airplane; just as it is the surgeon who makes the difference in the operating room. The better trained the pilot, the better the chances of arriving safely at your destination. The better trained the surgeon, the better the chances of successful patient recovery. Likewise, the better trained the teacher, the better the student achievement in the classroom . "An induction process is the best way to send a message to your teachers that you value them and want them to succeed and stay,“ Harry Wong & Annette L. Breaux (2009) OVERVIEW OF COUNTY-WIDE NEW TEACHER INDUCTION PROGRAM ELEMENTARY TEACHER INDUCTION MANDATED COUNTY ORIENTATION PERSONNEL DEPT. 2 HOURS COUNTY STAFF 4 HOURS ROUTINES AND PROCEDURES TIP OVERVIEW AND WORKSHOP SCHEDULE EXPECTATIONS/PORTFOLIO CONTACT INFORMATION MATH FOCUS READING/WRITING FOCUS JAN 5,6 (3-5) SEPT 12,13 (3-5) JAN 10,11 (K-2) MAR 27,28 (K-2) ESPRESSIONS WV WRITES SEPT 14,15 (K-2) ASHLOCK DIRECT INSTRUCTION BASAL TEXT SPL AND GROUPING DIBELS & mClass DESTINATIONS WRITING STRATEGIES IPAP (K-1) TECHNOLOGY FOCUS MAR 8,9 (3-5) MATH TALKS AND QUESTIONING TECH STEPS CREATING COOPERATIVE GROUPS ACUITY/IDMS INCORPORATING STUDENT LEADERS EDLINE DESTINATIONS THINK CENTRAL SPL GRADE QUICK THINKFINITY SMART BOARD EDMODO MIDDLE SCHOOL TEACHER INDUCTION TIP OVERVIEW AND WORKSHOP SCHEDULE MANDATED COUNTY ORIENTATION PERSONNEL DEPT. 2 HOURS COUNTY STAFF 4 HOURS LESSON PLANNING SEPT 6,7: EMS/HMS/BHMS SEPT 19,20: BMS/MMS IDENTIFYING KUDS LEARNING FOCUSED STRATEGIES ASSESSMENT STUDENT ENGAGEMENT DIFFERENITATED INSTRUCTION EXPECTATIONS/PORTFOLIO THIS WE BELIEVE AND ELEMENTS OF MIDDLE SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY CONTACT INFORMATION INTEGRATING CURRICULUM MAR 6,7: DEC 6,7: EMS/HMS/BHMS EMS/HMS/BHMS MAR 14,15: DEC 8,9: BMS/MMS LEARNING STYLES TIERING INSTRUCTION CREATING OPTIONS FOR STUDENT PERFORMANCE EMS/MMS PROJECT BASED LEARNING DBQS READING AND WRITING STRATEGIES RIGOR, RELEVANCE, RELATIONSHIPS TECH STEPS HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER INDUCTION MANDATED COUNTY ORIENTATION PERSONNEL DEPT. 2 HOURS COUNTY STAFF 4 HOURS LESSON PLANNING SEPT 8,9 (HHS) DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION SEPT 21,22 (CMHS) NOV 29,30 (CMHS) DEC 1,2 (HHS) IDENTIFYING KUDS LEARNING FOCUSED STRATEGIES ASSESSMENT STUDENT ENGAGEMENT LEARNING STYLES TIERING INSTRUCTION MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES CREATING OPTIONS FOR STUDENT PERFORMANCE TIP OVERVIEW AND WORKSHOP SCHEDULE EXPECTATIONS/PORTFOLIO RIGOR, RELEVANCE, AND RELATIONSHIPS CONTACT INFORMATION INTEGRATING CURRICULUM FEB 21,22 (CMHS) FEB 28,29 (HHS) QUAD D LESSONS PROJECT BASED LEARNING DBQS READING AND WRITING STRATEGIES TECH STEPS TEACHER INDUCTION TIMELINE AUGUST – ORIENTATION SEPTEMBER –CLASSROOM MGMT, DI, LESSON PLANNING,STUDENT ENGAGEMENT, DECEMBER- TECHNOLOGY/ INTERDISCIPLINARY UNITS MARCH –PROJECT BASED LEARNING/SHOWCASE PREP •WORKSHOPS WILL BE PRESENTED BY CENTRAL OFFICE PERSONNEL, GOLD SEAL LESSON CADRE, OR CONTRACTED PRESENTERS. • COACHING TO PROVIDE FEEDBACK AND REFLECTION. • REFLECTION MEETINGS SCHEDULED. •SUPPORT PROVIDED BY INSTRUCTIONAL COACHES OR DESIGNEES. For further information on Cabell County’s New Teacher Induction Program contact: Sandra Duncan, Program Coordinator Lenora Richardson, Supervisor Gerry Sawrey, Asst. Superintendent