Why Do Firms Hold Cash? Evidence from Demographic Demand Shifts1 Igor Cunha Nova School of Business and Economics igor.cunha@novasbe.pt Joshua Pollet University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign pollet@illinois.edu May 4, 2015 1 We thank Manuel Adelino, Heitor Almeida, Claudia Custodio, Murillo Campello, Ran Duchin, Douglas Fairhurst, Michael Faulkender, Miguel Ferreira, Janet Gao, Andrei Gonalves, Sandy Klasa, Valeriy Sibilkov, Rui Silva, John Tsoukalas, Philip Valta, Michael Weisbach for helpful comments Abstract We study why companies hold cash by exploring shifts in demand induced by demographics. These shifts generate exogenous variations both on the precautionary motive and the free cash problem. We find that firms increase their cash holdings in advance of high demand growth. Consistent with the precautionary motive, this relation is stronger for financially constrained firms. Additionally, we find that firms decrease their cash holdings when facing low forecasted demand growth. Consistent with an adjustment to reduce the free cash problem this relation is stronger for firms with stronger governance, lower debt, and in low concentration industries. Keywords: Cash Holdings, Precautionary Motive, Free Cash Problem, Agency, Payout, Financing Policy JEL CLASSIFICATIONS: G30, G32, G35 1 Introduction The corporate finance literature sought to explain why firms hold cash. It is well documented that firms with high growth opportunities and high costs of external finance hold more cash (Almeida, Campello, and Weisbach (2004), Faulkender and Wang (2006), Denis and Sibilkov (2010), Farre-Mensa (2014) and Gao, Harford, and Li (2013)). There is also abundant evidence that firms with agency problems have larger cash reserves, and use it for the wrong reasons (Harford (1999), Dittmar, Mahrt-Smith, and Servaes (2003), Pinkowitz, Stulz, and Williamson (2006), Dittmar and Mahrt-Smith (2007) and Harford, Mansi, and Maxwell (2008)). The biggest challenge facing this literature is that the existing evidence relies on cross-sectional regressions that can have identification issues. It is extremely challenging to attribute the findings to the factors that might cause a firm to hold cash and not to factors that are correlated with cash holdings due to other unobserved characteristics of the firm. Given this difficulty, the literature lacks a well-identified estimate describing the relation between a firm’s decision to hold cash and measures of either financing frictions or private benefits of control. The major roadblock hindering a definitive answer to this question is the lack of exogenous variation in the various motivations for holding cash. We use predictable demand shifts generated by demographic patterns (presented in detail in DellaVigna and Pollet (2007) and Dellavigna and Pollet (2013)) to address this issues. Our identification strategy relies on the fact that certain firms are in industries linked to specific age cohorts (such as bicycle and pharmaceutical). Figure 1 presents the distribution of household consumption of such industries as a function of the age of the head of the household. Consumption pattern for bicycles peaks when the age of the head of household is between 35 and 45 1 . The analogous pattern for pharmaceutical consumption provides a useful contrast. This pattern indicates that consumption increases with age. We explore the consumption age pattern of these goods to forecast consumption up to 10 years in advance. We do so combining data on cohort size, 1 Presumably, the heads of household in this age range are the most likely to have children of bicycle-riding age. 1 mortality, and fertility rates to form forecasts of the size of gender and one-year-age groups. Variation generated by demand shifts is appropriate to study questions related to cash holding. First, the predictable shifts in demand generated by demographics are not endogenously related to any of the firm’s fundamentals. Second, they only have an impact in the future and do not affect the firm’s current cash flow. These demand shifts provide a novel opportunity to avoid the classic endogeneity concerns and determine the drivers of changes in firms’ cash holdings. We begin our analysis by testing the identifying assumption that the changes to investment opportunities created by predictable demand shifts in the long term are unrelated to the firms’ current cash flow. This is important for two reasons: First, it provides evidence that the future demand shifts induced by demographics are likely not driven by current macro and firm fundamentals. Second, it assures us that our results are not contaminated by any misspecification that could be generated by the relations between cash and cash flows. We analyze linear specifications of a firm’s cash flow on demand shifts predicted by demographics. We find that forecasted demand shifts are not associated with changes in firms’ current cash flows. The absence of any relation between demand shifts in the more distant future and the firm’s current cash flow rules out the possibility that omitted factors simultaneously affecting cash holdings and current cash flow explain our results. There are several explanations for the level of cash holdings. First, cash itself may not be optimally selected by managers; instead the level of cash is simply the consequence of historical cash flow patterns, combined with investment and payout policies. Second, managers with properly aligned incentives may carefully choose the level of cash by balancing the expected benefits and costs of holding cash. The main benefit of holding cash is the precautionary motive linked to financing frictions, that is, a manager chooses to hold cash to avoid foregoing profitable investment opportunities. Third, if the incentives of managers are not properly aligned, agency conflicts may lead the manager to accumulate cash to pursue negative net present value projects that increase the manager’s private benefits, the free cash problem. Demand shifts are particularly useful to study the reasons why firms hold cash, because 2 they generate exogenous variation on both the precautionary motive and the free cash problem. High forecasted demand growth implies an improvement on firm’s investment opportunities and consequently an increase in the precautionary motive. Low forecasted demand growth implies a deterioration of the firm’s investment opportunities. The cash firms have in their books is no longer needed to fund good investments. Managers have the flexibility to decide how to reallocate this cash, which can lead to the free cash problem. We start our analysis of the cash holdings exploring shocks to the precautionary motive. We analyze changes in cash levels of firms with high forecasted demand growth. We classify firms as high demand growth if their forecasted demand growth is in the top quartile of the forecasted demand growth distribution. Consistent with the precautionary motive of cash holdings, we find that firms that have high demand growth forecasted for the long term (5 to 10 years) increase their cash holdings by 18%, which is both statistically and economically significant. In addition, consistent with the recent literature that shows that lines of credit are an important alternative source of liquidity (Sufi (2009), Disatnik, Duchin, and Schmidt (2014) and Acharya, Almeida, and Campello (2013)) these firms also adjust their lines of credit. We observe an increase of 15% on the lines of credit of firms experiencing high demand growth forecasted for the long run. We further explore the precautionary motive testing the effects of the forecasted demand shifts on financially constrained firms. These firms have a higher benefit of holding cash in the presence of good investment opportunities. Therefore, they should present a more pronounce increase in their cash holdings when faced with an increase in their investment opportunities. We find that the impact of high demand growth is stronger for more financially constrained (smaller, with less tangible assets and without a credit rating) firms. In fact, the increase in cash holdings of firms with high demand growth in the long term is almost exclusively driven by firms without credit ratings. An important assumption of our identification strategy is that demographic demand shifts are not driven by other simultaneous factors. In order to further validate our exclusion restriction, we run a falsification test using industries that have a high forecasted demand 3 growth, but that are not targeted to a specific age cohort. These firms are subjected to the same macroeconomic and business conditions as the demographic sensitive firms, but changes in demographics do not impact their investment opportunities. Our results indicate that firms that are not sensitive to demographics do not adjust their cash holdings when faced with forecasted demand shifts. The lack of statistical and economic significance in this falsification test allow us to conclude that our results are not contaminated by a confounding factor simultaneous to the demand shift. Demographic demand shifts offer another feature that is extremely helpful on the analysis of the reasons why firms hold cash. Dellavigna and Pollet (2013) find that, because managers are involved in the long term planning of the firm, they are aware of the forecasted demand shifts well in advance and use this information for their capital structure decisions. DellaVigna and Pollet (2007) show that investors, on the other hand, are not aware of the shifts forecasted for the long run. These shifts have a strong predictive power of the stock returns of demographic sensitive firms. Therefore, demand shifts forecasted for the long run (5 to 10 years) increase information asymmetry between managers and investors. The combination of high investment opportunity and high information asymmetry offer the perfect setting to explore questions related to cash holdings. This is precisely the situation at which theory predicts that cash should be relevant. (Holmstrom and Tirole (1998), Tirole (2010)) We explore the sources of funds firms use for their cash holdings and find evidence consistent with an increase in information asymmetry. We find that predictable demand shifts have a substantial impact on the firm’s payout policy. Firms with high long term demand growth forecasted for the long run reduce their total payout over assets by 15% 2 . The increase in cash holdings is generated by a reduction in payout rather than cuts in investment and R&D or increases in equity or debt issuances. These results are consistent with the findings in Dellavigna and Pollet (2013). Even though, these firms have good investment opportunities in the future, the information asymmetry obstruct their ability to raise external capital. The fact 2 Although firms reduce dividends, the changes in payout are mainly coming from a reduction in share repurchases 4 that our setting is closely related to the theoretical framework is important for the external validity of our findings. Our estimates should be applicable to other settings in which firms have good investment opportunities, but are unable to communicate it to their investors. Demographic demand shifts also allow us to test how firms react to an increase in the free cash problem (Jensen (1986), Jensen and Meckling (1976), Myers and Majluf (1984)). These problems arise when the firm has worsening investment opportunities and cash is no longer needed to avoid forging a profitable investment opportunity. Excess cash holdings can give managers flexibility to engage in value destroying empire building. Low demand growth offers an opportunity to study how firms change their cash policy when faced with an increase in the free cash problem, because they are a negative shock to investment opportunities. We classify firms as low demand growth if their forecasted demand growth is in the bottom quartile of the forecasted demand growth distribution. Our baseline results provide weak evidence that firms reduce their cash holdings when faced with a low demand growth. We further explore the relation between the free cash and firm’s cash policy looking at how firms with good corporate governance react to the negative shocks. We find evidence that firms with good governance significantly decrease their cash when the free cash problems are more likely to be an issue. Our results indicate that firms with good governance measured using the G-Index decrease their cash holdings by 53% in these instances. Similarly, firms with institutional control decrease their cash by 15% when faced with deteriorating investment opportunity. One possible reason why our evidence on the effect of worsening investment opportunity on cash policy is weak is that there might be other factors mitigating the free cash problems such as debt and competition. We further explore how the free cash problem affects firms’ cash policy isolating firms experiencing low demand growth but that present other factors that attenuate the free cash problem. First, we isolate highly leveraged firms. The disciplinary effects of debt are well documented (Jensen and Meckling (1976), Jensen (1986) and Hart and Moore (1995)). Firms with high leverage do not have a free cash problem when faced with a decrease in investment opportunity. We find that firms with interest coverage below 5 one do not decrease their cash holdings when faced with a low demand growth in the short term. Once we isolate highly leveraged firms, the effects of low demand growth on cash holdings become economically and statistically significant. Our estimates indicate that firms with interest coverage above one cut their cash holdings by 17% when faced with a low short term demand growth. In our final analysis, we isolate firms in highly concentrated industries. Giroud and Mueller (2010, 2011) show that competition mitigates manager’s financial slack and that strong corporate governance is only effective in noncompetitive industries. Fresard (2010) shows that firms use cash holdings to increase their strategic aggressiveness in the product market. Firms in highly concentrated industry that are experiencing low demand growth can use their cash holdings to implement a competitive strategy to avoid new entries. Therefore, for these firms the free cash problems is less pronounced. They actually have an important use for the cash, despite the decrease in investment opportunities. Consistent with the existing literature, we find that firms in highly concentrated industries do not decrease their cash levels when faced with a low demand growth. Firms in less concentrated industries decrease their cash significantly. Our estimates indicate that firms in less concentrated industries decrease their cash levels by 27% when faced with a low long term demand growth. Taken all together, our evidence shows that firms take the free cash problem into account on their cash policy and adjust their cash levels to avoid it. Other authors have studied what factors affect firms’ cash holdings.3 There is an abundant evidence that business risk is associated with higher levels of cash holdings (Kim, Mauer, and Sherman (1998), Opler, Pinkowitz, Stulz, and Williamson (1999), Acharya, Almeida, and Campello (2007), Pinkowitz and Williamson (2007), Bates, Kahle, and Stulz (2009), Lins, Servaes, and Tufano (2010)) and that the use of diversification to reduce business risk is associated with lower levels of cash (Duchin (2010) and Erel, Jang, and Weisbach (2014)). It is also well documented that financial frictions play an important role in a firm’s decision to hold cash (Almeida, Campello, and Weisbach (2004), Faulkender and Wang (2006), Denis and 3 Almeida, Campello, Cunha, and Weisbach (2013) provide a detailed summary of the state of the literature. 6 Sibilkov (2010), Farre-Mensa (2014) and Gao, Harford, and Li (2013)). The literature also provide evidence on how the free cash problem affects firms’ cash holdings. Dittmar, MahrtSmith, and Servaes (2003) find that firms in countries with worst investors’ protection hold more cash. In addition, investors respond more positively when cash enters firms with lower agency problems (Dittmar and Mahrt-Smith (2007) and Pinkowitz, Stulz, and Williamson (2006)), and when it leaves a firms with higher agency problems (Grullon and Michaely (2004)). Harford, Mansi, and Maxwell (2008) find that firms with worst corporate governance actually have lower cash levels because they spend it more quickly, especially in mergers and acquisitions. Harford (1999) finds that firms with more cash are more likely to engage in value destroying acquisitions. Azar, Kagy, and Schmalz (2014) show that the opportunity costs of holding cash (cost of carry) is also an important determinant of the decision to hold cash. Lastly, other authors found evidence of the strategic benefits of holding cash (Haushalter, Klasa, and Maxwell (2007), Fresard (2010), Boutin, Cestone, Fumagalli, Pica, and SerranoVelarde (2013), Fresard and Valta (2013), and Morellec, Nikolov, and Zucchi (2013)). This paper contributes to the literature by providing causal estimates of the reasons why firms adjust their cash levels. The exogenous variations we use allow us to observe precisely what kinds of changes make managers revise their cash policies. Our results are not contaminated by confounding factors in tests of the relation between investment opportunities and cash. In addition, our tests are not contaminated by omitted factors that might explain the firm’s innate propensity to save. In our setting, firms do not experience an increase in their cash flows and are actively increasing their cash by increasing their retention ratio. Our tests are also not contaminated by other choices of liquidity. The shocks explored in our tests increase the information asymmetry between firms and investors, which hinder the firm’s ability to access external capital (Dellavigna and Pollet (2013)). Our results validate and extend the intuition of previous work on the tradeoffs of cash holding. Our evidence indicate that firms clearly understand the tradeoffs of holding cash, using it on their financing decisions when needed, and reducing it to avoid the negative effects it might cause. 7 2 Methodology and Data 2.1 Demand shifts We use the set of predictable demand shifts induced by demographics described in DellaVigna and Pollet (2007, 2013). Please see those papers for a complete discussion of the methodology for building the demand forecasts using demographic information and consumption patterns. 2.1.1 Cohort size Data on cohort size, mortality, and fertility rates are combined to form forecasts for gender and one-year-age group. This methodology uses information available as of year t to predict the age distribution by gender for each year u > t while adjusting net migration. According to DellaVigna and Pollet, these forecasts closely follow actual cohort sizes, except for forecasts sufficiently far in the future that predicting future cohort size at birth becomes essential. The fluctuations in the cohort size of the young provide substantial demand shifts to the goods purchased by this group of people, such as toys and bicycles. The cohort sizes of the older cohorts exhibit less variation. Demographic shifts induce the most variation in demand for products consumed by the young and by young adults. In general, these forecasts accurately predict the growth of various cohort sizes for the horizon of interest, during the 10 years after year t. These predicted growth rates also follow the official Census Bureau forecasts using 2000 Census data. 2.1.2 Consumption patterns DellaVigna and Pollet (2013) analyze all major expenditures on final consumption products using data from the Survey of Consumer Expenditures, 1972-1973 and from the 1983 to 1984 cohorts of the ongoing Consumer Expenditure Survey. The consumption data is disaggregated into separate products with different age-consumption profiles. For instance, alcoholic beverages includes separate categories for beer and hard liquor expenditures. 8 We reproduce Figure 1 from DellaVigna and Pollet (2013) to show how estimated age patterns of consumption reflect the age-related nature of different products. This figure presents “the age profile for two goods using kernel regressions of household annual consumption on the age of the head of household”. For both of these surveys of consumer expenditure, the consumption pattern for bicycles peaks when the age of the head of household is between 35 and 45. Presumably, the heads of household in this age range are the most likely to have children of bicycle-riding age. The analogous pattern for pharmaceutical consumption provides a useful contrast. This pattern indicates that consumption increases with age, especially in the more recent survey. DellaVigna and Pollet (2013) conclude that: 1) “consumption for each good depends significantly on the age of the head of household”, 2) “these age patterns vary substantially across goods”, and 3) “the age profile of consumption for a given good is quite stable across time”. Therefore, the predictable changes in cohort size by age should induce predictable changes in demand for various products. To calculate the predicted demand growth for a particular consumption product, the cohort size forecasts are combined with the estimated age profiles of consumption. While this process contains several different types of estimation error, the cumulative impact of these errors should only bias the results toward the null hypothesis of no relation. 2.1.3 Demographically Sensitive Firms We also adopt the categorization of industries by the volatility of demand growth induced by demographic shifts provided by DellaVigna and Pollet (2007). This categorization is necessary to ensure that the analysis is targeted towards industries in which demographics play a substantial role. For example, the demand growth for utilities is unlikely to be affected by shifts in the relative cohort sizes, while the demand for bicycles, motorcycles, and pharmaceutical is likely to be affected by the relative size of various age cohorts. An industry is classified as a member of the subset of Demographic Industries in each year t if the industry is one of the 20 industries with the highest standard deviation of predicted demand growth during the 9 next 15 years. 2.2 Sample and Variable Construction The sample of firms is derived from the Compustat database merged with the forecasted consumption dataset. Our sample period goes from 1974 to 2004. We exclude financial (SIC codes 6000-6999), utilities (SIC codes 4899-4950), and quasi-public firms (SIC codes greater of equal to 8880) because the financing decisions of firms in these industries are likely to be affected by regulations. In order to avoid that our results are affected by outliers and measurement errors we apply a series of filters to the data: we drop firms with less than $10 million in assets, or less than $6 million in property, plant and equipment; we drop firms with unrealistic (greater than 100%) growth of assets, or of property, plant and equipment, or of sales; we drop firms with missing assets; we drop firms with negative market-to-book ratio; we drop firms with negative book equity, negative deferred taxes and investment tax credit, or negative short-term or long term debt; we winsorize all variables at the 1% level. In our analysis the main outcome variables are the logarithm of cash flows, logarithm of cash holdings, changes in cash holdings and logarithm of total payout. Log Cash Flow is the logarithm of the ratio of income before extraordinary items plus depreciation to total assets plus 1. Log Cash Holdings is defined as the logarithm of the ratio of cash and cash equivalents (che) to total assets (at). Log Payout is the logarithm of the ratio of dividend paid to common stocks (dvc), plus dividend paid to preferred stocks (dvp), plus purchased of common and preferred stock (prstkc) to total assets (at). The controls used in our regression are market-to-book ratio, tangibility, size, leverage R&D expenses and Investments, return on assets, age, dividend ratio, and whether or not the firm is rated. Market-to-Book is define as the ratio of market value of assets (market value of equity (prccf × csho), plus short term debt (dlc), plus long term debt (dltt), plus preferred stocks (pstkl), minus deferred taxes and investment tax credit (txditc)) to total assets (at). Tangibility is the ratio of total plant, property and equipment (ppent) to total assets (at). Size is the logarithm of total assets (at). 10 Book Leverage is defined as the ratio of total debt (dlc + dltt) to total assets (at). R&D are defined as the ratio of Research and Development Expense (xrd) to the lag of total assets. Investment is define and the ratio of capital expenditures (capx) to the property planet and equipment (ppent). Return on assets is the ratio of income before extraordinary items (ib) to assets. Age is the number of years the firms appears on the data. Dividends is the ration of dividends common/ordinary (dvc) plus dividends - preferred/preference (dvp) to total assets. Rated is a dummy indicating the firm is rated by one of the large rating agencies. 2.3 Summary Statistics Table 1 presents the summary statistics of the covariates used in the paper. Panel A uses the sample of all Compustat firms after we apply the filters. Panel B uses the subsample of Compustat firms for which we have forecasted demographic consumption data. Panel C uses the subsample of demographic sensitive firms. A comparison of the results in each panel shows that we are not selecting the firms on observed variables. The mean and median of all covariates are similar across the three samples; there is no evidence that the firms exposed to the investment opportunity shocks in our sample are different than the average firm in the full sample. 3 Effects on Cash Flows An important assumption of our identification strategy is that forecasted demand shifts do not affect firm’s cash flow. These shifts only happen farther into the future and, therefore, should not affect firm’s current operations. This is important to our tests, because it guarantees that demographic shifts predicted to the future are not related to current macro and firm fundamentals. In addition it also guarantees that our results are not contaminated by any unobserved firm characteristic that might affect its propensity to save. For instance, if there is an increase in cash flows we could simply be capturing a omitted characteristic of demographic sensitive firms that make them more likely to save out of cash flows. We test this assumption 11 using the following specification: Log Cash Flow i,t = β1 High Long Term Demand Growth + β2 High Short Term Demand Growth + β3 Low Long Term Demand Growth + β4 Low Short Term Demand Growth + β5 Xi,t + θt + µi + εi,t (1) Where Log Cash Flow is the logarithm of the ratio of cash flow (measured as earnings before extraordinary items plus depreciation) to assets plus 1. High Short Term Demand Growth and High Long Term Demand Growth are dummy variables that take the value of one if the firm’s forecasted annualized demand growth between t and t + 5 and between t + 10 and t + 5 respectively are at the top quartile of their distribution. Low Short Term Demand Growth and Low Short Term Demand Growth are dummy variables that take the value of one if the firm’s forecasted annualized demand growth between t and t + 5 and between t + 10 and t + 5 respectively are at the bottom quartile of their distribution. Xi,t is a set of control variables that include size, tangibility, R&D expenses, capex, return on assets, age, dividend ratios, and whether or not the firm is rated Table 2 presents the estimates of the effects of demand shift on cash flows. The results show that high long term demand growth do not affect cash flows. The estimates are both statistically and economically insignificant. Increase in demand in the short run are statistically significant, but economically insignificant. Low demand growths both in the short and long run are not associated with changes to cash flows. The absence of a relation between demand shifts and cash flows, rules out the possibility that omitted factors explain our results. In our main specifications we cluster the standard errors by industry, because our shocks are industry wide. In columns (1) and (2) we explore the fact that our demand shocks are at a more granular industry level and control for industry fixed effects at the 3-digit SIC code level. We also check if our results are robust if we cluster the standard errors using alternative reference groups. Column (4) shows the results clustering by firm and column (5) clustering 12 by year. Our results are robust to both clustering alternatives. 4 Precautionary motive We start our analysis of the reasons why firms hold cash looking at the effects of increases in the precautionary motive on firms cash policy. The precautionary motive to hold cash is associated with financing frictions. A manager chooses to hold cash to avoid foregoing profitable investment opportunities. High forecasted demand growth allow us to study that because it implies an improvement on firm’s investment opportunities and consequently an increase in the costs of foregoing a profitable investment opportunity. 4.1 Effects on Cash In order to measure the effects of consumption shifts on firm’s cash holdings we estimate the following regressions: Log Cash i,t = β1 High Long Term Demand Growth + β2 High Short Term Demand Growth + β3 Low Long Term Demand Growth + β4 Low Short Term Demand Growth + β5 Xi,t + θt + µi + εi,t (2) Where Log Cash is the logarithm of the ratio of cash and cash equivalents to assets. The control variables are similar to the ones used on the previous section, but cash flows are also included as a control. Table 3 presents the estimates of the effect of demand shifts on firm’s cash holdings. Consistent with a response to an increase in precautionary motive, firms increase their cash holdings when they have an increase in their investment opportunities. Our regressions show that firms with high long term demand growth increase their cash holdings by 18%, which is both statistically and economically significant. In Panel B we verify that our results are not driven by a specific characteristic of the omitted groups in our original regressions. Instead of 13 using firms that are not going through any demographic shocks as the omitted group, we use all firms that are not going through a high long term demand growth. Changing the omitted group does not affect our results, neither quantitatively nor qualitatively. In columns (1) and (2) we explore the fact that our demand shocks are at a more granular industry level and control for industry fixed effects at the 3-digit SIC code level. We also check if our results are robust if we cluster the standard errors using alternative reference groups. Column (4) shows the results clustering by firm and column (5) clustering by year. Our results are robust to both clustering alternatives. 4.2 Event Study - Differences-in-Difference of Cash Holdings We also observe the dynamics of the difference of cash levels of the group of firms experiencing high demand growth in the long run with respect to a control group. Our control group is formed in the first year we forecast a high demand growth in the long run for our treated firms 4 . We find a match firm in the same year and that is not going through any other type of demographic shocks. We match the firms based on several covariates: size, tangibility, R&D expenses, capex, return on assets, age, dividend ratios, cash levels, and whether or not the firm is rated. We then run differences-in-difference regressions of the impact of high demand growth in the long run on cash levels. The only difference to a standard differences-in-difference regression is that instead of having only one time dummy, we interact the treatment variable with several event time dummies. These estimates provide the differences-in-difference between the cash levels of treated and control firms over the event time. Our regressions include year and industry fixed effects and the standard errors are clustered by industry. Figure 2 presents the dynamics of the difference of the cash levels of treated and control firms. The results show that treated and control firms have similar parallel trends prior to the shock. Between -2 and 1 the differences between the two groups are statistically insignificant. On year 2, this difference becomes statistically significant. The difference remains statistically 4 Our shocks are path dependent, and are likely to be repeated after the first year 14 significant until year 5 and disappears after that. The pattern is consistent with our expectations. Firms start saving cash as soon as they realize the increase in investment opportunity. The cash levels remain high until these firms are close enough to the shock at which point it decreases its cash levels. 4.3 Lines of Credit We also investigate whether or not firms change their lines of credit when faced with changes in demand caused by demographics. Sufi (2009) and Disatnik, Duchin, and Schmidt (2014) show that lines of credit are an important source of firm liquidity. Acharya, Almeida, and Campello (2013) show that firms with low systematic risk are more likely to choose lines of credit over cash, because banks are more likely to be able to provide them liquidity when they need. Demographic demand shifts only affect demographic sensitive firms, therefore the shocks we consider are not systematic, and therefore we expect that firms with high demographic demand growth increase their lines of credit. We obtain the data from the lines of credit from LPC-DealScan and we follow Acharya, Almeida, and Campello (2013) on our variable construction. We use the sample of LPCDealScan data for which we can obtain the firm identifier gvkey. We drop utilities, quasi-public and financial firms. We only consider short and long term credit lines, which have the variable “loantype” equals to ”364-day Facility”, “Revolver/Line<1Yr”, “Revolver/Line>=1Yr”, or “Revolver/Line”. We drop lines that seem to be repeated and add the credit lines of firms that have more than one line of credit per year. Table 4 presents the effects of demand shifts caused by demographics on lines of credits. Panel A presents the results of the ratio of total lines of credit to assets. Firms with high demand growth in the long run increase their LC-to-Assets ratio by 2.3 percentage points. This implies an increase of 15% on their LC levels (the average LC-to-Assets is 12%), which is both economically and statistically significant. Panel B presents the ratio of lines of credit to the sum of lines of credit and cash. This ratio is called LC-to-Cash both on Sufi (2009) and 15 Acharya, Almeida, and Campello (2013). Firms with high demand growth in the long run increase their LC-to-Cash ratios by 2.3 percentage points 6.2 percentage points. This implies an increase of 17% on their LC-to-Cash ratios (the average LC-to-Cash is 35%), which is also statistically and economically significant. The results are not robust to all specifications, but they provide evidence consistent with an increase in the precautionary motive. Although the increase in information asymmetry is likely to make external financing more expensive for firms with high demand growth, they seem to be relying on lines of credit as an alternative source of liquidity to finance their investment needs. 4.4 Financially Constrained Firms In order to further investigate the precautionary motive to hold cash we observe the impact of high demand growth (both in the short and the long run) on financing constrained firms. These firms have a higher benefit of holding cash and should increase their cash holdings more than financially unconstraint firms. We test this prediction using the following specification: Log Cash i,t = β1 High LT Dem. Gro. × F inConst + β2 High ST Dem. Gro. × F inConstraint + β3 High LT Dem. Gro. + β4 High ST Dem. Gro. + β6 F inConst + β5 Xi,t + θt + µi + εi,t (3) Where FinConst are proxies of financial constraint. In this analysis we use three different proxies: firm size, tangibility and if the firm has rating. Size is the logarithm of firm’s total assets. Tangibility is the ratio of property, plant and equipment to assets. HasRating is a dummy indicating that the firm has credit rating. Table 5 presents the differential effects of demographic demand shifts on firm’s with different degrees of financial constraints. The results are consistent using the different proxies of financial constraints. Financially constrained firms are largely responsible for the increase in 16 cash holdings observed in Table 3. Columns (3) and (6) show that the results are driven almost exclusively by firms without a credit rating. This result further validate the predictions of the precautionary motive of cash holdings. Firms that have a higher benefit of holding cash adjust their cash holdings more dramatically when faced with better investment opportunities. We run our regressions clustering the standard errors both by industry (columns (1) to (3)) and by year (columns (4) to (6)) and our results are robust to both clustering alternatives. In these regressions we explore the fact that our demand shocks are at a more granular industry level and control for industry fixed effects at the 3-digit SIC code level. 4.5 Falsification Tests An important assumption of our identification strategy is that demographic demand shifts are not driven by other simultaneous factors. In order to further validate our exclusion restriction, we run a falsification test using industries that have a high forecasted demand growth, but that are not targeted to a specific age cohort. These firms are exposed to the same macroeconomic changes and business conditions that happen simultaneously to the demographic demand shifts. However, their demand is not age dependent and therefore, a forecasted increase in demographics does not affect their investment opportunity set. Table 6 presents the estimates of the impact of demographic demand shifts on firm’s cash and payout policy for demographic insensitive firms. These firms do not adjust their cash holdings when there is a demographic shift. The lack of statistical and economic significance in this falsification test allow us to conclude that our results are not contaminated by a confounding factor simultaneous to the demand shift. In columns (1) and (2) we explore the fact that our demand shocks are at a more granular industry level and control for industry fixed effects at the 3-digit SIC code level. We also check if our results are robust if we cluster the standard errors using alternative reference groups. Column (4) shows the results clustering by firm and column (5) clustering by year. Our results are robust to both clustering alternatives. 17 4.6 Information Asymmetry - Source of Funds Another interesting feature of our setting is the fact that demographic demand shifts in the long run are associated with increases in the information asymmetry between investors and managers. DellaVigna and Pollet (2007) show that there is investors inattention to demographic demand shifts. Dellavigna and Pollet (2013) show that CEOs are aware of the shifts and use the information asymmetry to time the market. Because of this increase in information asymmetry, it should be more difficult for firms to finance their investments opportunities using external sources. This is precisely the situation at which theory predicts that cash should be relevant (Holmstrom and Tirole (1998), Tirole (2010)). We explore the sources firms use for their cash management to verify this assumption. 4.6.1 Debt and Equity Issuances We follow Lemmon and Roberts (2010) and study the effects of demographic demand shifts on short and long term net debt issuances and on net equity issuances. Similar to Lemmon and Roberts (2010) we define net long term debt issuances as the ratio of long-term debt issues (dltis) minus long-term debt reductions (dltr) to the start of period total assets (at). We define net short-term debt issuances as the ratio of change in current debt (dlcch) to startof-period assets. Net equity issuances is defined as the ratio of sale of common and preferred stock (sstk) minus purchase of common and preferred stock (prstkc) to start-of-period assets. Table 7 presents the results of the impact of demand shifts on equity and debt issuances. Panel A presents the results for Net Long Term Debt Issuances. Panel B presents the results for Net Short Term Debt Issuances. Panel C presents the results for Net Equity Issuances. All three panels provide evidence that the changes in cash holdings are not due to changes in capital structure. 18 4.6.2 Payout Policy We also investigate the effects of demand shifts caused by demographics on firms’ payout policy using the following specification: Log Payout i,t = β1 High Long Term Demand Growth + β2 High Short Term Demand Growth = β3 Low Long Term Demand Growth + β4 Low Short Term Demand Growth + β5 Xi,t + θt + µi + εi,t (4) Where Log Payout is the logarithm of the ratio of total dividends plus purchase of common and preferred stock to total assets. Table 8 presents the estimates of effects of demand shifts on payout policy. The results indicate that firms with high demand growth in the long run reduce their payout over assets by 18%, which is both statistically and economically significant. The increase in cash holdings is largely generated by a reduction in payout rather than cuts in investment and R&D or increases in equity or debt issuances.5 In columns (1) and (2) we explore the fact that our demand shocks are at a more granular industry level and control for industry fixed effects at the 3-digit SIC code level. We also check if our results are robust if we cluster the standard errors using alternative reference groups. Column (4) show the results clustering by firm and column (5) clustering by year. Our results are robust to both clustering alternatives. These results are consistent with the findings in Dellavigna and Pollet (2013). They find that, due to investors inattention, demand shift forecasted for the long run (5 to 10 years) increase information asymmetry. Even though, these firms have good investment opportunities in the future, the information asymmetry obstruct their ability to raise external capital. For this reason they rely mainly on internal sources to increase their cash holdings. Combined with the evidence on payout, these results allow us to conclude that firms are actively saving out of operation cash flows to increase their cash levels. 5 We test the effects of the demand shifts on Investment and R&D and found not significant impact. 19 These results are important for two reasons, first it helps alleviate concerns about the external validity of our results. Even though demographic demand shifts are a very particular type of demand shock, the proximity of our setting to the theoretical framework allows us to expect that our finding are applicable in other settings. Firms with good investment opportunities, but that, for some reason, are unable to communicate them to its investors are likely to also rely on internal funds to finance this idea. Second, these results rule out the possibility that the changes in cash holdings are driven by changes in capital structure, and therefore cash is of first order importance on firm’s financing decisions. 5 Free Cash Problems The free cash problem is not a major concern in firms with good investment opportunities. These problems arise when the firm has worsening investment opportunities and excess cash can give manager flexibility to engage in value destroying empire building. Managers in these firms might choose to invest in a negative NPV project that has higher private benefits. Low demographic demand growth allows us to test how firms react when they face worsening investment opportunity. Our baseline results in table 3 provide weak evidence that firms experiencing low demand growth reduce their cash levels. The results in this table are economically significant, but only marginally statistically significant. In order to further explore the effects of the increase in the free cash problems we separate firms based on two things: the likelihood that investors will notice the free cash problem, and the extend to which free cash is indeed a problem for the firm. 5.1 Corporate Governance We start our analysis of the effects of the free cash problem on cash holdings separating firms based on their corporate governance level. We run regressions with a specification similar to the one fond in equation (1) separated by firms with different levels of corporate governance. First, we separate firms with good governance according to the G-Index (Gompers, Ishii, and 20 Metrick (2003)). Second we separate firms based on whether or not they have institutional investor control. Table 9 presents the results of the impact of low demand growth on firms with good and bad corporate governance. We run this regression for four different sub-samples: Column (1) presents the results for the sub-sample of firms that have Gompers Ishii and Metrick (2003) corporate governance index below 6 (Low G-Index=1 ), also known as the Democracy Portfolio, those are firms with good corporate governance according to the index. Column (2) presents the results for the sub-sample of firms that have Gompers Ishii and Metrick (2003) corporate governance index above 6 (Low G-Index=0 ), those are firms with worst corporate governance according to the index. Data for the G-Index is only available between 1990 to 2004. Column (3) presents the results for the sub-sample of firms that either have institutional holding above median, or above median institutional holding concentration (Institutional Control=1 ). Therefore, either institutional investors own a large portion of the firm, or ownership is highly concentrated in the hands of a few institutional investors. In both situations, institutional investors are likely to be able to interfere in the firm. Conversely, column (4) presents the results for the sub-sample of firms that do not have institutional holding above median, nor have above median institutional holding concentration (Institutional Control=0 ). The data for institutional ownership comes from the Thomson Reuters Institutional (13f) Holdings. These data is available for our full sample period (from 1974 to 2004). Panel A presents the results using industry fixed effects. In these tests we explore the fact that our demand shocks are at a more granular industry level and control for industry fixed effects at the 3-digit SIC code level. Panel B presents the results using firm fixed effects. Although we understand that using firm fixed effects is the appropriate way to measure this effect, we also add the regressions with industry fixed effects because restricting the sample and adding firm fixed effects produce imprecise estimates of the effects of low demand growth. Results using only industry fixed effects are very similar to the results using firm fixed effects, but they are more precisely measured. The results are consistent using the two measures. We find that firms with better corporate 21 governance decrease their cash significantly when facing low demographic demand growth in the short run. Firms with low G-Index cut their cash by 53%, while firms with institutional control cut it by 15%. We find no effects when the shifts are in the long run, which is consistent with investor’s inattention to long run shifts. Therefore, better monitored firms present lower cash holdings when their investors realize that their investment opportunity set is decreasing. 5.2 Highly Leveraged Firms One possible reason why our evidence on the effect of worsening investment opportunity on cash policy is weak is that there might be other factors mitigating the free cash problems such as debt and competition. We further explore how the free cash problem affects firms’ cash policy isolating firms experiencing low demand growth but that present other factors that attenuate the free cash problem. First, we isolate highly leveraged firms. The disciplinary effects of debt are well documented (Jensen and Meckling (1976), Jensen (1986) and Hart and Moore (1995) ). Firms with high leverage do not have a free cash problem when faced with a decrease in investment opportunity. In order to test that, we look at how firms with different interest coverage (measured as the ratio of earnings before interest and taxes to interest expenses) react when faced with slow demand growth using the following specification. Log Cash i,t = β1 Low LT Dem. Gro. × Low Int Cov + β2 Low ST Dem. Gro. × Low Int Cov + β3 Low LT Dem. Gro. + β4 Low ST Dem. Gro. + β6 Low Int Cov + β5 Xi,t + θt + µi + εi,t (5) Where Low Interest Coverage is a dummy variable indicating that the firm’s interest coverage is below one. Table 10 shows the estimates of these regressions. The interaction term shows that firms with low interest coverage, experiencing a decrease in their demand in the short run hold 44% more cash than firms with lower leverage levels experiencing a 22 similar drop in demand. These difference is both statistically and economically significant. The joint test of the total effect of the low demand growth in the short run are not robust to all specifications, but it provides weak evidence that this firms are actually increasing their cash levels when exposed to these negative shocks. The disciplinary effects of debt attenuate the free cash problems inside these firms, for this reason these firms do not have to decrease their cash levels as a response to the negative shock. Once we isolate highly leveraged firms the effects of the low demand growth become clearer. Firms with lower leverage decrease their cash holdings if their demand growth is slowing down in the short run. Our results indicate that these firms reduce their cash by 17% in response to the low demand growth in the long run. In columns (1) and (2) we explore the fact that our demand shocks are at a more granular industry level and control for industry fixed effects at the 3-digit SIC code level. We also check if our results are robust if we cluster the standard errors using alternative reference groups. Column (4) shows the results clustering by firm and column (5) clustering by year. Our results are robust to both clustering alternatives. 5.3 Concentrated Industries In our final analysis we explore how competition can attenuate our results for the effects of the free cash problems. Giroud and Mueller (2010, 2011) show that competition mitigates manager’s financial slack and that strong corporate governance is only effective in noncompetitive industries. Fresard (2010) shows that cash holdings provide a competitive edge. Firms with more cash are better able to protect themselves against an increase in the product market competition. Industries having low demand growth experience an increase in competition. The size of the pie is smaller, reducing each firm’s individual slice. Our setting allows us to test the use of cash for strategic reasons, because our shifts happen a few years into the future. Therefore, firms have time to prepare for the increase in competition. Therefore, for these firms the free cash problems is less pronounced. They actually have an important use for the cash, despite the decrease in investment opportunities. The strategic use of cash is 23 only present in highly concentrated industries, where firms are not price takers. Incumbents in these industries have to prepare to go for a price war to avoid new entries. In order to test this prediction, we explore the impact of low forecasted demand growth in industries with different concentration levels using the following specification: Log Cash i,t = β1 Low LT Dem. Gro. × High Concentration Industry (6) + β2 Low ST Dem. Gro. × High Concentration Industry + β3 Low LT Dem. Gro. + β4 Low ST Dem. Gro. + β6 High Concentration Industry + β5 Xi,t + θt + µi + εi,t (7) Where High Concentration Industry is a dummy indicating that the firm’s industry has a concentration above the median. Our measure of concentration is the ratio C-4 from the Census Manufacturers. This ratio is the fraction of the industry’s revenue that is generated by the four largest firms in the industry. Table 11 present the estimates of the impact of low demand growth on firms in industries with different concentrations. Consistent with Fresard (2010), we find that firms in highly concentrated industries hold significantly more cash than firms in less concentrated industries when faced with a low demand growth. The interaction between Low LT Dem. Gro and High Conc. shows that they actually hold 39% more cash, which is both statistically and economically significant. The joint test of the total effect of the low demand growth in the long run on firms in highly concentrated industries are not robust to all specifications, but they provide weak evidence that this firms are actually increasing their cash holdings. The differences are significantly only for low forecasted demand in the long run (5 to 10 years before the shock), which is consistent with Fresard (2010). They are accumulating to use it when they need it and not as a response to an entry. Once we separate firms in highly concentrated industries the effects of the low demand growth become clearer. Firms in industries with below median concentration decrease their cash holdings if their demand growth is slowing down in the long run. Our results indicate 24 that these firms are reducing their cash by 27% in response to the low demand growth in the long run. In columns (1) and (2) we explore the fact that our demand shocks are at a more granular industry level and control for industry fixed effects at the 3-digit SIC code level. We also check if our results are robust if we cluster the standard errors using alternative reference groups. Column (4) shows the results clustering by firm and column (5) clustering by year. Our results are robust to both clustering alternatives. Taken all together, our evidence shows that firms take the free cash problem into account on their cash policy and adjust their cash levels to avoid it. 6 Conclusion Forecasted demand shifts create exogenous variation on firms’ investment opportunities. We explore this variation combined with the differences in foresight of managers and investors to determine the reasons why firms adjust their cash holdings. We show that managers increase their cash holding in anticipation of a demand shift in the long run. This result is stronger for financially constrained firms, which is consistent with managers reacting to an increase in precautionary motive. We also find that firms with better governance, and institutional control, where managers are better monitored by investors, decrease cash holding as when investment opportunities deteriorate. Furthermore, firms reduce their cash levels in situations in which the free cash is clearly a problem. Our work contributes to the cash holdings literature providing, to our knowledge, the first identified results of the reasons firms adjust their cash holdings. We show that shifts in investment opportunities have causal effects on firm’s cash holdings not related to omitted firms characteristics or simultaneous factors. Our results validate and extend the intuition of previous work on the tradeoffs of holding cash. 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Tirole, J., 2010, The Theory of Corporate Finance (Princeton University Press). 29 Table 1: Summary Statistics This table displays summary statistics across different samples used in the paper. Panel A presents the summary statistics for the sample of compustat firms. Panel B presents the summary statistics for the compustat firms that have demographic demand data. Panel C presents the summary statistics for the sample of firm sensitive to demographic demand shifts. Mean Median Standard Deviation Observations 5.220 0.120 1.261 0.197 0.293 0.072 0.398 0.020 0.283 4.956 0.061 0.968 0.154 0.243 0.066 0.353 0.000 0.201 1.647 0.159 0.961 0.182 0.243 0.049 0.232 0.043 0.331 91830 91830 91830 91830 91830 91830 91830 91830 91830 4.929 0.053 0.967 0.196 0.270 0.074 0.405 0.000 0.207 1.717 0.138 0.966 0.188 0.240 0.050 0.230 0.037 0.312 21642 21642 21642 21642 21642 21642 21642 21642 21642 4.996 0.061 0.931 0.179 0.252 0.064 0.282 0.000 0.204 1.686 0.154 1.125 0.181 0.244 0.044 0.176 0.048 0.286 6302 6302 6302 6302 6302 6302 6302 6302 6302 Panel A: Compustat Size Cash Book-to-Market Book Leverage Market Leverage Cash Flows Tangibility R&D Investment Panel B: Firms with demographic data Size Cash Book-to-Market Book Leverage Market Leverage Cash Flows Tangibility R&D Investment 5.235 0.102 1.268 0.234 0.313 0.079 0.443 0.014 0.282 Panel C: Demographic sensitive firms Size Cash Book-to-Market Book Leverage Market Leverage Cash Flows Tangibility R&D Investment 5.389 0.116 1.313 0.217 0.303 0.066 0.317 0.022 0.270 30 Table 2: Cash Flows This table presents the estimates of linear regressions of the impact of demand shifts on cash flow. The dependent variable is the logarithm of the ratio of cash flow to assets. High Short Term Demand Growth and High Long Term Demand Growth are dummy variables that take the value of one if the firm’s forecasted annualized demand growth between t and t + 5 and between t + 10 and t + 5 respectively are at the top quartile of their distribution. Low Short Term Demand Growth and Low Short Term Demand Growth are dummy variables that take the value of one if the firm’s forecasted annualized demand growth between t and t + 5 and between t + 10 and t + 5 respectively are at the bottom quartile of their distribution. Clustered standard errors are reported in parentheses. ***,**,* indicates significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level respectively. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Dependent Variable Log(Cash Flow over Assets+1) High Long Term Demand Growth Low Long Term Demand Growth High Short Term Demand Growth Low Short Term Demand Growth Observations R2 Controls Year Fixed-Effects Industry Fixed-Effects Firm Fixed-Effects Cluster -0.000 (0.002) -0.001 (0.002) 0.003 (0.002) -0.000 (0.001) 0.000 (0.002) -0.000 (0.001) 0.003* (0.002) 0.001 (0.001) 0.000 (0.001) -0.000 (0.001) 0.004*** (0.001) 0.000 (0.001) 0.000 (0.001) -0.000 (0.001) 0.004*** (0.001) 0.000 (0.001) 0.000 (0.002) -0.000 (0.001) 0.004** (0.002) 0.000 (0.001) 5,996 0.195 5,533 0.572 5,533 0.401 5,533 0.0228 5,533 0.776 No Yes Yes No Industry Yes Yes Yes No Industry Yes Yes No Yes Industry Yes Yes No Yes Firm Yes Yes No Yes Year 31 Table 3: Cash Holdings This table presents the estimates of linear regressions of the impact of demand shifts on cash holdings. The dependent variable is the logarithm of the ratio of cash and cash equivalent to assets. High Short Term Demand Growth and High Long Term Demand Growth are dummy variables that take the value of one if the firm’s forecasted annualized demand growth between t and t + 5 and between t + 10 and t + 5 respectively are at the top quartile of their distribution. Low Short Term Demand Growth and Low Short Term Demand Growth are dummy variables that take the value of one if the firm’s forecasted annualized demand growth between t and t + 5 and between t + 10 and t + 5 respectively are at the bottom quartile of their distribution. Panel A presents regressions including all four demand shift variables. Panel B presents the results of regressions including only High Long Term Demand Growth and excluding the other demand shift variables. Clustered standard errors are reported in parentheses. ***,**,* indicates significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level respectively. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 0.149** (0.068) -0.044 (0.078) -0.006 (0.059) -0.107 (0.075) 0.164** (0.072) -0.039 (0.076) 0.003 (0.062) -0.092 (0.071) 0.184** (0.071) -0.062 (0.070) 0.011 (0.061) -0.108* (0.064) 0.184*** (0.065) -0.062 (0.057) 0.011 (0.057) -0.108 (0.066) 0.184*** (0.038) -0.062 (0.044) 0.011 (0.041) -0.108* (0.056) 5,984 0.235 5,504 0.356 5,504 0.121 5,504 0.121 5,504 0.676 No Yes Yes No Industry Yes Yes Yes No Industry Yes Yes No Yes Industry Yes Yes No Yes Firm Yes Yes No Yes Year Panel B: High Long Term Demand Growth Alone High Long Term Demand Growth 0.140** 0.157** (0.065) (0.072) 0.171** (0.070) 0.171*** (0.065) 0.171*** (0.036) Dependent Variable Log Total Cash Over Assets Panel A: All Demand Shifts High Long Term Demand Growth Low Long Term Demand Growth High Short Term Demand Growth Low Short Term Demand Growth Observations R2 Controls Year Fixed-Effects Industry Fixed-Effects Firm Fixed-Effects Cluster Observations R2 Controls Year Fixed-Effects Industry Fixed-Effects Firm Fixed-Effects Cluster 5,984 0.237 5,504 0.357 5,504 0.119 5,504 0.119 5,504 0.675 No Yes Yes No Industry Yes Yes Yes No Industry Yes Yes No Yes Industry Yes Yes No Yes Firm Yes Yes No Yes Year 32 Table 4: Lines of Credit This table presents the estimates of linear regressions of the impact of demand shifts on lines of credit. In Panel A the dependent variable is the ratio of lines of credit to assets. In panel B, the dependent variable is the ratio of lines of credit to the sum of lines of credit plus cash. High Short Term Demand Growth and High Long Term Demand Growth are dummy variables that take the value of one if the firm’s forecasted annualized demand growth between t and t + 5 and between t + 10 and t + 5 respectively are at the top quartile of their distribution. Low Short Term Demand Growth and Low Short Term Demand Growth are dummy variables that take the value of one if the firm’s forecasted annualized demand growth between t and t + 5 and between t + 10 and t + 5 respectively are at the bottom quartile of their distribution. Panel A presents regressions including all four demand shift variables. Panel B presents the results of regressions including only High Long Term Demand Growth and excluding the other demand shift variables. Clustered standard errors are reported in parentheses. ***,**,* indicates significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level respectively. (1) Panel A - Dependent Variable: Lines of Credit High Long Term Demand Growth -0.005 (0.012) Low Long Term Demand Growth -0.011 (0.009) High Short Term Demand Growth 0.003 (0.011) Low Short Term Demand Growth 0.003 (0.009) Observations R2 Controls Year Fixed-Effects Industry Fixed-Effects Firm Fixed-Effects Cluster Controls Year Fixed-Effects Industry Fixed-Effects Firm Fixed-Effects Cluster (3) over Assets 0.015 0.023* (0.013) (0.014) -0.007 -0.009 (0.010) (0.010) 0.005 0.009 (0.012) (0.012) -0.004 -0.004 (0.010) (0.010) (4) (5) 0.023 (0.020) -0.009 (0.015) 0.009 (0.014) -0.004 (0.016) 0.023*** (0.006) -0.009 (0.013) 0.009 (0.014) -0.004 (0.014) 2,971 0.180 2,516 0.193 2,516 0.119 2,516 0.119 2,516 0.537 No Yes Yes No Industry Yes Yes Yes No Industry Yes Yes No Yes Industry Yes Yes No Yes Firm Yes Yes No Yes Year to Cash 0.059 (0.038) -0.071** (0.032) -0.017 (0.031) 0.020 (0.032) 0.062* (0.037) -0.080** (0.031) -0.010 (0.028) 0.025 (0.033) 0.062 (0.045) -0.080** (0.034) -0.010 (0.029) 0.025 (0.029) 0.062** (0.024) -0.080*** (0.024) -0.010 (0.022) 0.025 (0.025) 2,948 0.242 2,499 0.280 2,499 0.178 2,499 0.178 2,499 0.550 No Yes Yes No Industry Yes Yes Yes No Industry Yes Yes No Yes Industry Yes Yes No Yes Firm Yes Yes No Yes Year Panel B - Dependent Variable: Lines of Credit High Long Term Demand Growth 0.039 (0.042) Low Long Term Demand Growth -0.063** (0.030) High Short Term Demand Growth -0.012 (0.027) Low Short Term Demand Growth 0.017 (0.029) Observations R2 (2) Table 5: Financial Constraints This table presents the estimates of the impact of demographic demand shifts on cash for firms with different levels of financial constraint. The dependent variable is the logarithm of the ratio of cash and cash equivalent over assets. High Short Term Demand Growth and High Long Term Demand Growth are dummy variables that take the value of one if the firm’s forecasted annualized demand growth between t and t + 5 and between t + 10 and t + 5 respectively are at the top quartile of their distribution. Low Short Term Demand Growth and Low Short Term Demand Growth are dummy variables that take the value of one if the firm’s forecasted annualized demand growth between t and t + 5 and between t + 10 and t + 5 respectively are at the bottom quartile of their distribution. Size is the log of firm’s assets. Tangibility is the ratio of property plant and equipment to assets. HasRating is a dummy variable indicating that the firm has credit rating . Clustered standard errors are reported in parentheses. ***,**,* indicates significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level respectively. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 0.256*** (0.091) -0.016 (0.099) 0.684*** (0.147) 0.109 (0.171) -0.097*** (0.024) -0.016 (0.028) 0.369*** (0.104) -0.117 (0.093) 0.256*** (0.056) -0.016 (0.058) Dependent Variable Log of Total Cash over Assets High LT Dem. Gro. High ST Dem. Gro. High LT Dem. Gro. × Size High STDem. Gro × Size 0.684*** (0.243) 0.109 (0.185) -0.097** (0.042) -0.016 (0.028) High LT Dem. Gro × Tangibility 0.369** (0.164) -0.117 (0.171) -0.687 (0.580) 0.372 (0.526) High ST Dem. Gro × Tangibility High LT Dem. Gro × HasRating -0.391** (0.191) 0.098 (0.154) High ST Dem. Gro × HasRating Observations R2 Controls Year Fixed-Effects Industry Fixed-Effects Cluster -0.687** (0.314) 0.372 (0.243) -0.391*** (0.075) 0.098 (0.105) 5,510 0.398 5,510 0.404 5,510 0.392 5,510 0.398 5,510 0.404 5,510 0.392 Yes Yes Yes Industry Yes Yes Yes Industry Yes Yes Yes Industry Yes Yes Yes Year Yes Yes Yes Year Yes Yes Yes Year 34 Table 6: Falsification Tests This table presents the estimates of the impact of demographic demand shifts on cash holdings and payout policy for firms insensitive to demographic demand shifts. In Panel A the dependent variable is the logarithm of the ratio of total cash and cash equivalents to assets. In Panel B the dependent variable is the logarithm of the ratio of total dividends plus purchase of common an preferred stock to assets. High Short Term Demand Growth and High Long Term Demand Growth are dummy variables that take the value of one if the firm’s forecasted annualized demand growth between t and t + 5 and between t + 10 and t + 5 respectively are at the top quartile of their distribution. Low Short Term Demand Growth and Low Short Term Demand Growth are dummy variables that take the value of one if the firm’s forecasted annualized demand growth between t and t + 5 and between t + 10 and t + 5 respectively are at the bottom quartile of their distribution. Clustered standard errors are reported in parentheses. ***,**,* indicates significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level respectively. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Panel A: Dependent Variable Log Total Cash Over Assets High Long Term Demand Growth Low Long Term Demand Growth High Short Term Demand Growth Low Short Term Demand Growth Observations R2 Controls Year Fixed-Effects Industry Fixed-Effects Firm Fixed-Effects Cluster 0.017 (0.073) 0.050 (0.050) -0.020 (0.082) -0.002 (0.056) 0.030 (0.058) 0.031 (0.048) -0.082 (0.063) 0.007 (0.054) 0.005 (0.056) 0.043 (0.053) -0.058 (0.066) 0.012 (0.055) 0.005 (0.052) 0.043 (0.041) -0.058 (0.061) 0.012 (0.047) 0.005 (0.053) 0.043 (0.043) -0.058 (0.049) 0.012 (0.036) 13,431 0.112 12,257 0.217 12,257 0.142 12,257 0.0708 12,257 0.671 No Yes Yes No Industry Yes Yes Yes No Industry Yes Yes No Yes Industry Yes Yes No Yes Firm Yes Yes No Yes Year 35 Table 7: Debt and Equity Issuances This table presents the estimates of the impact of demographic demand shifts on debt and equity issuances. The dependent variable is the logarithm of the ratio of total dividends plus purchase of common an preferred stock to assets. High Short Term Demand Growth and High Long Term Demand Growth are dummy variables that take the value of one if the firm’s forecasted annualized demand growth between t and t + 5 and between t + 10 and t + 5 respectively are at the top quartile of their distribution. Low Short Term Demand Growth and Low Short Term Demand Growth are dummy variables that take the value of one if the firm’s forecasted annualized demand growth between t and t + 5 and between t + 10 and t + 5 respectively are at the bottom quartile of their distribution. Clustered standard errors are reported in parentheses. ***,**,* indicates significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level respectively. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) -0.010 (0.012) -0.011 (0.015) 0.008 (0.012) 0.006 (0.013) -0.001 (0.013) -0.012 (0.014) 0.007 (0.013) 0.007 (0.013) 0.003 (0.012) -0.009 (0.014) -0.001 (0.014) 0.008 (0.013) 0.003 (0.011) -0.009 (0.012) -0.001 (0.013) 0.008 (0.013) 0.003 (0.010) -0.009 (0.013) -0.001 (0.016) 0.008 (0.013) 5,504 0.0416 5,070 0.104 5,070 0.109 5,070 0.00502 5,070 0.288 0.013 (0.016) 0.005 (0.009) -0.019 (0.012) 0.008 (0.008) 0.013 (0.014) 0.005 (0.011) -0.019 (0.012) 0.008 (0.010) 0.013 (0.018) 0.005 (0.011) -0.019 (0.013) 0.008 (0.010) Panel A: Log(Net Long Term Debt Issuances + 1) High Long Term Demand Growth Low Long Term Demand Growth High Short Term Demand Growth Low Short Term Demand Growth Observations R2 Panel B: Log(Net Short Term Debt Issuances+1) High Long Term Demand Growth 0.020 0.019 (0.013) (0.016) Low Long Term Demand Growth -0.002 0.002 (0.008) (0.008) High Short Term Demand Growth -0.025* -0.029** (0.013) (0.013) Low Short Term Demand Growth 0.004 0.003 (0.008) (0.008) Observations R2 2,314 0.0594 2,239 0.0584 2,239 0.036 2,239 0.036 2,239 0.185 Panel C: Log(Net Equity Issuances+1) High Long Term Demand Growth 0.001 (0.006) Low Long Term Demand Growth 0.001 (0.008) High Short Term Demand Growth -0.006 (0.010) Low Short Term Demand Growth 0.006 (0.008) -0.002 (0.006) -0.001 (0.008) -0.005 (0.010) 0.001 (0.007) -0.004 (0.009) -0.001 (0.009) -0.007 (0.010) 0.002 (0.009) -0.004 (0.011) -0.001 (0.008) -0.007 (0.009) 0.002 (0.010) -0.004 (0.009) -0.001 (0.008) -0.007 (0.010) 0.002 (0.011) 5,651 0.103 5,197 0.161 5,197 0.067 5,197 0.067 5,197 0.285 No Yes Yes No Industry Yes Yes Yes No Industry Yes Yes No Yes Industry Yes Yes No Yes Firm Yes Yes No Yes Year Observations R2 Controls Year Fixed-Effects Industry Fixed-Effects Firm Fixed-Effects Cluster Table 8: Payout Policy This table presents the estimates of the impact of demographic demand shifts on payout policy. The dependent variable is the logarithm of the ratio of total dividends plus purchase of common an preferred stock to assets. High Short Term Demand Growth and High Long Term Demand Growth are dummy variables that take the value of one if the firm’s forecasted annualized demand growth between t and t + 5 and between t + 10 and t + 5 respectively are at the top quartile of their distribution. Low Short Term Demand Growth and Low Short Term Demand Growth are dummy variables that take the value of one if the firm’s forecasted annualized demand growth between t and t + 5 and between t + 10 and t + 5 respectively are at the bottom quartile of their distribution. Clustered standard errors are reported in parentheses. ***,**,* indicates significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level respectively. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Dependent Variable Log of Total Payout over Assets High Long Term Demand Growth Low Long Term Demand Growth High Short Term Demand Growth Low Short Term Demand Growth Observations R2 Controls Year Fixed-Effects Industry Fixed-Effects Firm Fixed-Effects Cluster -0.193*** (0.069) 0.010 (0.063) 0.036 (0.060) -0.090 (0.092) -0.172** (0.078) 0.030 (0.060) 0.056 (0.064) -0.059 (0.069) -0.181** (0.083) 0.025 (0.062) 0.089 (0.061) -0.091 (0.071) -0.181** (0.080) 0.025 (0.075) 0.089 (0.072) -0.091 (0.076) -0.181*** (0.065) 0.025 (0.041) 0.089 (0.072) -0.091 (0.059) 4,758 0.247 4,387 0.409 4,387 0.172 4,387 0.172 4,387 0.623 No Yes Yes No Industry Yes Yes Yes No Industry Yes Yes No Yes Industry Yes Yes No Yes Firm Yes Yes No Yes Year 37 Table 9: Free Cash Problems This table presents the estimates of the impact of demographic demand shifts on cash for firms with different levels of corporate governance. The dependent variable is the logarithm of the ratio of cash and cash equivalent over assets. Low Short Term Demand Growth and Low Short Term Demand Growth are dummy variables that take the value of one if the firm’s forecasted annualized demand growth between t and t + 5 and between t + 10 and t + 5 respectively are at the bottom quartile of their distribution. Column (1) presents the results for the sub-sample of firms that have Gompers Ishii and Metrick (2003) corporate governance index below 6 (Low G-Index=1 ), also known as the Democracy Portfolio, those are firms with good corporate governance according to the index. Column (2) presents the results for the sub-sample of firms that have Gompers Ishii and Metrick (2003) corporate governance index above 6 (Low G-Index=0 ), those are firms with worst corporate governance according to the index. Our sample for these two variables goes only from 1990 to 2004. We also use data from Thomson Reuters Institutional (13f) Holdings. These data is available for our full sample period (from 1974 to 2004). Column (3) presents the results for the sub-sample of firms that either have institutional holding above median, or above median institutional holding concentration (Institutional Control=1 ). Therefore, either institutional investors own a large portion of of the firm, or ownership is highly concentrated in the hands of a few institutional investors. In both situations, institutional investors are likely to be able to interfere in the firm. Conversely, column (4) presents the results for the sub-sample of firms that do not have institutional holding above median, nor have above median institutional holding concentration (Institutional Control=0 ). Panel A presents the results using industry fixed effects and Panel B presents the results using firm fixed effects. Standard errors clustered by industry are reported in parentheses. ***,**,* indicates significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level respectively. (1) Low G-Index =1 (2) Low G-Index =0 (3) Institutional Control = 1 (4) Institutional Control = 0 -0.462 (0.480) 0.045 (0.324) 0.815 (0.487) -0.673*** (0.200) 0.206 (0.131) 0.087 (0.139) -0.069 (0.108) -0.134 (0.111) 0.249*** (0.068) 0.114* (0.062) 0.133** (0.064) -0.144** (0.065) -0.014 (0.088) -0.126 (0.190) -0.273** (0.125) 0.048 (0.171) 175 0.654 Yes Yes Yes 2,770 0.438 . Yes Yes Yes 3,941 0.390 . Yes Yes Yes 1,599 0.406 . Yes Yes Yes -0.548 (0.351) 0.552** (0.253) 0.532 (0.369) -0.530** (0.236) 0.260*** (0.097) 0.018 (0.080) -0.026 (0.073) -0.059 (0.085) 0.223** (0.087) -0.057 (0.076) 0.081 (0.066) -0.145* (0.075) 0.043 (0.070) -0.063 (0.103) 0.053 (0.107) -0.091 (0.137) 175 0.00377 2,770 0.0225 3,941 0.0332 1,599 0.000654 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Panel A: Industry Fixed Effects High Long Term Demand Growth Low Long Term Demand Growth High Short Term Demand Growth Low Short Term Demand Growth Observations R2 Controls Year Fixed-Effects Industry Fixed-Effects Panel B: Firm Fixed Effects High Long Term Demand Growth Low Long Term Demand Growth High Short Term Demand Growth Low Short Term Demand Growth Observations R2 Controls Year Fixed-Effects Firm Fixed-Effects Table 10: Highly Levered Firms This table presents the estimates of linear regressions of the impact of demand shifts on cash holdings for firms with different leverage levels. The dependent variable is the logarithm of the ratio of cash and cash equivalent over assets. High Short Term Demand Growth and High Long Term Demand Growth are dummy variables that take the value of one if the firm’s forecasted annualized demand growth between t and t + 5 and between t + 10 and t + 5 respectively are at the top quartile of their distribution. Low Short Term Demand Growth and Low Short Term Demand Growth are dummy variables that take the value of one if the firm’s forecasted annualized demand growth between t and t + 5 and between t + 10 and t + 5 respectively are at the bottom quartile of their distribution. Low Interest Coverage is a dummy variable indicating that the firm’s interest coverage (measured as the ratio of earning before interest and taxes to interest expenses) is below one. Clustered standard errors are reported in parentheses. ***,**,* indicates significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level respectively. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Dependent Variable Log Total Cash Over Assets Low Long Term Demand Growth Low LT Dem. Gro. x Low Int Cov Low Short Term Demand Growth Low ST Dem. Gro. x Low Int Cov Low Interest Coverage Observations R2 -0.005 (0.082) -0.053 (0.125) -0.114 (0.073) 0.225 (0.147) -0.334*** (0.076) -0.024 (0.079) 0.019 (0.140) -0.152** (0.062) 0.371** (0.159) -0.257*** (0.061) 6,347 0.236 5,266 0.298 -0.038 -0.038 -0.038 (0.075) (0.060) (0.053) 0.005 0.005 0.005 (0.147) (0.138) (0.121) -0.172*** -0.172*** -0.172*** (0.059) (0.063) (0.061) 0.439*** 0.439*** 0.439*** (0.161) (0.148) (0.148) -0.278*** -0.278*** -0.278*** (0.069) (0.065) (0.048) 5,266 0.114 Controls No Yes Yes Year Fixed-Effects Yes Yes Yes Industry Fixed-Effects Yes Yes No Firm Fixed-Effects No No Yes Cluster Industry Industry Industry Joint Test: Low ST Dem. Gro + Low ST Dem. Gro.×Low Int Cov Joint 0.111 0.219 0.267 (0.188) (0.188) (0.181) 39 5,266 0.114 5,266 0.654 Yes Yes No Yes Firm Yes Yes No Yes Year 0.267** (0.157) 0.267** (0.144) Table 11: Industry Concentration This table presents the estimates of linear regressions of the impact of demand shifts on cash holdings for firms in industries with different concentrations. The dependent variable is the logarithm of the ratio of cash and cash equivalent over assets. High Short Term Demand Growth and High Long Term Demand Growth are dummy variables that take the value of one if the firm’s forecasted annualized demand growth between t and t + 5 and between t + 10 and t + 5 respectively are at the top quartile of their distribution. Low Short Term Demand Growth and Low Short Term Demand Growth are dummy variables that take the value of one if the firm’s forecasted annualized demand growth between t and t + 5 and between t + 10 and t + 5 respectively are at the bottom quartile of their distribution. High Concentration Industry is a dummy variable indicating that the firm’s is in a high concentration industry. Clustered standard errors are reported in parentheses. ***,**,* indicates significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level respectively. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) -0.267*** (0.095) 0.361*** (0.130) -0.077 (0.069) -0.008 (0.118) -0.229 (0.181) -0.267*** (0.097) 0.361*** (0.110) -0.077 (0.100) -0.008 (0.143) -0.229 (0.201) -0.267*** (0.090) 0.361*** (0.092) -0.077 (0.089) -0.008 (0.089) -0.229* (0.130) 4,803 0.127 4,803 0.0712 4,803 0.672 Yes Yes No Yes Firm Yes Yes No Yes Year 0.0938 (0.0719) 0.0938* (0.0548) Dependent Variable Log Total Cash Over Assets Low Long Term Demand Growth Low LT Dem. Gro. x High. Conc Low Short Term Demand Growth Low ST Dem. Gro. x High. Conc High Concentration Industry Observations R2 -0.230** -0.245*** (0.094) (0.093) 0.352*** 0.365*** (0.135) (0.126) -0.014 -0.061 (0.099) (0.074) -0.093 -0.001 (0.133) (0.131) -0.222 -0.147 (0.182) (0.170) 5,650 0.258 4,803 0.365 Controls No Yes Yes Year Fixed-Effects Yes Yes Yes Industry Fixed-Effects Yes Yes No Firm Fixed-Effects No No Yes Cluster Industry Industry Industry Joint Test: Low LT Dem. Gro + Low LT Dem. Gro.×High Conc. Joint 0.122 0.121 0.0938 (0.117) (0.111) (0.103) 40 Figure 1: Figure 1 DellaVigna and Pollet (2013) This figure reproduces figure 1 from Dellavigna and Pollet (2013). The figure is described in their paper as follows: “This figure displays a kernel regression of normalized household consumption for each good as a function of the age of the head of household. The regression uses an Epanechnikov kernel and a bandwidth of 5 years. Each line for a specific good uses an age-consumption profile from a different consumption survey. Expenditures are normalized so that the average consumption for all ages is equal to one for each survey-good pair.” 41 Figure 2: Difference in Cash Holdings Levels around High Forecasted Demand Growth -.1 -.05 0 .05 This figure presents the difference in the cash levels of firms experiencing a high demand growth in the long run and a control group. The control group is comprised of firms matched with high long term demand firms. The matching is based on size, tangibility, R&D expenses, capex, return on assets, age, dividend ratios, cash levels and whether or not the firm is rated. We match the firms on the first year we forecast a high demand growth in the long run for treated firms (event time 0). The difference and standard errors clustered by industry are obtained from the regression estimates of the effects of the interaction of event time dummies and High Long Term Demand Growth on the log of cash over assets. -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Event Time 90% Conf. Interval 4 5 6 Treated minus Control 42 7