The Long Term Care Administration Internship at UNI 1

The Long Term Care Administration Internship at UNI
Your internship will require 720 hours (80 hours in each of 9 practicum areas) on site.
All hours do NOT need to be completed in one semester. In other words, your
internship can be broken up into two or more semesters. Please discuss this with your
You will register for internship seminar at the same time as your internship. The
seminar includes the assignments and paperwork that go along with your internship.
The work you do during your internship will help you to prepare for the licensure exam.
Because of the importance of the internship, you will want to choose your site wisely.
Make sure you will be working with individuals who are invested in helping you to
The information you need to pass the licensure exam is presented in LTC Admin
course, in the study guide materials for your internship, and the resources
recommended by the NAB website ( The test is not easy, and passing
it will require initiative and lots of studying.
Please begin planning your internship the semester before you will start.
Obtaining and completing your internship will require a lot of self-motivation and
leadership, but don’t be afraid to ask questions along the way.
When you decide where you would like to intern, approach obtaining the internship as
you would a job.
o Put together a resume and cover letter (I can proofread these!).
o They may want to interview you—dress and act professionally.
Carefully document your hours. Because you need to complete the internship to sit for
the exam, it is important that there is proof of your completion on file. These must be
signed by you and your supervisor(s).
Always notify your nursing home supervisor of any absences as far in advance as
Keep in mind during your internship that you are representing yourself and UNI!
Adhere to nursing home policies and procedures.
If you have concerns about how you are treated during your internship, please contact
your supervisor at UNI immediately.
Being successful in this major and in the internship requires self-motivation, good
communication skills, leadership, and strong ethics. You should seek to show these attributes
in your internship.
The practicum experience shall be performed under a preceptor in an Iowa-licensed nursing
home in accordance with the following:
 The facility must have a licensed capacity of no fewer than 25 beds.
 The facility cannot be owned or operated by a parent, spouse, or sibling of the
 The student may not be a provisional administrator of any facility during the time of
the practicum.
 The student may not be compensated while completing the practicum experience.
 The preceptor (licensed administrator):
o Shall hold a current license in good standing as a nursing home administrator.
o Shall have at least two years’ experience as a licensed nursing home
o Shall be present in the facility at least 75% of the student’s practicum.
o Cannot be related to the student as a parent, spouse, or sibling.
Please read this very carefully because you are responsible for knowing this information. Keep
this for future reference. If you have questions, please talk with Dr. Eshbaugh
All of the following are recommended resources for your LTC administration internship and many are
available through WWW.NABWEB.ORG. Make sure you acquire the most recent copy. These will NOT be
available at the bookstore! Also talk to the nursing home administrator at your facility about what resources
they may recommend.
AIT/Preceptor Program for Health Care Administrators (4753.01) by Dr. Robert Haacker (American
College of Health Care Administrators)
NAB Study Guide - How to Prepare for the Nursing Home Administrator's Examination Fourth Ed.
Nursing Home Administration (5th Ed) by James Allen
The Principles of Health Care Administration by Davis, Haacker, & Townsend
The more you use these resources, the better prepared you will be for the exam!
At end of your internship, I will review a professional binder/portfolio and return it to you. Your
binder will include materials, pamphlets, and study materials that you collect and use during your
internship in your binder as well. Copies of activities and worksheets from the above books should
be included at your discretion. I will need 9 completed and signed dept head observation forms and 9
completed and signed time sheets for your file. Please make copies for the observation forms and
time sheets for use in each practicum area during your internship.
You must complete 80 DOCUMENTED hours in each of the following 9 areas (in any order):
administration organization
business administration
legal aspects & govt.
human resource
environmental services
social services
At the start of your internship, have a meeting with your facility supervisor to discuss expectations
and strategies for helping you to be successful in your internship. Remember—it is up to you to get
the most out of your internship! It is the most important “class” you will take in your major. This is
not a time to sit back and allow information to come your way; be motivated in seeking out
resources. Ask questions and obtain as much hands-on experience as possible. Because you are
now acting in a professional role, I will not constantly be looking over your shoulder. However, I
usually email interns about every other week to ask for an update on your internship. I may ask a
general question, such as “How are things going?” or I may ask something more specific, such as
“Have you found your internship to be more challenging than you thought?” or “What are some
changes you would like to see your facility make in the future?” Please check your UNI email
regularly and respond to these emails in a prompt manner (within 48 hours).
LTC Admin Intern Placement Agreement
Intern Name:
Anticipated Start and End Dates of Internship:
Anticipated Hours Per Week:
Facility address & phone number:
Administrator name:
Administrator phone number & email address:
NHA Signature & Date
Intern Signature & Date
Please return to Dr. Elaine Eshbaugh, 241 Latham Hall, UNI, Cedar Falls, Iowa 50614-0332 or fax 319-2737096. If you have questions, please email
Please give the following letter to your facility supervisor.
Dear Administrator:
I would like to personally thank you for allowing one of UNI’s interns to spend time at your facility and learn from
you. Without mentors such as yourself, our students would not be able to receive the hands-on experience that
they need. Your assistance is greatly appreciated, and it is my hope that your experience working with an interns
will be rewarding.
As part of UNI’s internship program, interns must complete 720 hours on site. They must complete 80
DOCUMENTED hours in each of the following 9 areas:
administration organization
business administration
legal aspects & govt.
human resource
environmental services
social services
Interns have observation and time sheets for each practicum area that must be completed and signed by both a
department head and the interns and returned to me at the university. Hours are defined as student time spent at
the facility in assigned areas, in practicum meetings, attending meetings related to the practicum, and other
activities deemed appropriate by yourself and department heads at your facility.
As young professionals, we expect our interns to conduct themselves in accord with the policies of your facility at
all times. Please inform them of these policies so they can be aware of procedures and expectations. Your intern
should notify you of absences in advance. I expect interns to be motivated, hard-working, eager, and enthusiastic.
I also expect them to treat everyone with whom they come into contact with respect. If this is not the case, please
notify me immediately.
A primary purpose of internships is to put our students in a position to sit for and take their boards. Of course, they
seek your guidance in how to prepare for their boards.
If you have concerns at any point or would simply like to chat, feel free to contact me at 319-273-6083, or If you need to get into contact with me due to an urgent matter, you may also call my
cell phone at 319-830-5536. I am always eager to hear how interns are doing.
Elaine Eshbaugh, PhD
University of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, Ia 50614-0332.
Phone: 319-273-6083
Fax: 319-273-6083
A copy of this form must be returned to Dr. Elaine Eshbaugh at UNI before you begin your internship. Please
work with your facility to complete the following to their satisfaction.
Your Name: _________________________________________
Predicted Date of Starting Internship: __________________________________
Please submit copies of the following a current (within the last 12 months) criminal background check,
physical examination, and TB test, to your faculty supervisor at UNI.
Criminal background check
Date: ____________________________
Physical examination
Date: ____________________________
TB test
Date: ____________________________
Please return to Dr. Elaine Eshbaugh, 241 Latham Hall, UNI, Cedar Falls, Iowa 50614-0332 or fax 319-2737096. Email if you have questions.
Department Head Observations
Practicum Area ____________
Were there hands-on experiences?
Did the intern appear interested in the
Was the intern willing to get
Did the intern show courtesy and a
willingness to interact with the
Were the hours productive?
Did the intern relate objectives of the
department to the rules and
Did the intern receive suggestions
Did the intern follow through on tasks?
At the completion of the assigned hours, do you feel the intern has a better understanding
of the department than when he/she began? Please comment. (There is room for
additional comments on the back of this form.)
Dept Head Signature, Title, & Date
Intern Signature & date
Please return to Dr. Elaine Eshbaugh, 241 Latham Hall, UNI, Cedar Falls, Iowa 50614-0332 or fax 319-2737096. Email with questions.
Practicum Area ____________
Time In
Time Out
Total hrs
Total for
practicum area
(at least 80 hours)
Dept Head Signature, Title, & Date
Intern Signature & Date
Please return to Dr. Elaine Eshbaugh, 241 Latham Hall, UNI, Cedar Falls, Iowa 50614-0332 or fax 319-2737096. Email with questions. A separate time sheet and department head
observation form are needed for all practicum areas.