A Small Minimal Aperiodic Reversible Turing machine Nicolas Ollinger (LIFO, Univ. Orléans, France) joint work with J. Cassaigne, R. Torres and A. Gajardo Journée GAMoC — June 7th, 2013 Motivation Solve a conjecture that we had with J. Kari a few years ago: ѵѵ ѵ 6WLU 7YVISLTZ^P[O JVUQLJ[\YLZ 7LYPVKPJP[`HUK0TTVY[HSP[`PU9L]LYZPISL *VTW\[PUN 1HYRRV2HYP +W[ VM4H[OLTH[PJZ <UP]LYZP[`VM;\YR\ -PUSHUK 5PJVSHZ6SSPUNLY 30-(P_4HYZLPSSL<UP]LYZP[t *59:-YHUJL *VUQLJ[\YL 0[ PZ \UKLJPKHISL ^OL[OLY H NP]LU JVTWSL[L 29*4 HKTP[ZHWLYPVKPJJVUÄN\YH[PVU WYV]LUPM`V\YLTV]LJVTWSL[LVY YLWSHJL 2 I` 3 ··· *VUQLJ[\YL ;OLYLL_PZ[ZHJVTWSL[L 9;4 ^P[OV\[HWLYPVKPJJVU ÄN\YH[PVU RUV^UMVY+;4 B)*5D ;VY\lj 7VSHUK·(\N\Z[ *VUQLJ[\YL 0[PZ\UKLJPKHISL^OL[OLYHNP]LUJVTWSL[L 9;4 HKTP[Z HWLYPVKPJJVUÄN\YH[PVU RUV^UMVY+;4 B)*5D 12HYPHUK56SSPUNLY 7LYPVKPJP[`HUK0TTVY[HSP[`PU9L]LYZPISL*VTW\[PUN ,6JOTHljZRPHUK1;`ZaRPL^PJa,KZ! 4-*: 35*: WW ¶ Theorem To find if a given complete reversible Turing machine admits a periodic orbit is Σ01 -complete. 1/15 0|1 ð b 0|1 ñ 1|1 ñ 2|2 ñ 0|2 ð 1|0 ð p 2|0 ñ 0|2 ñ 1|0 ñ d 2|0 ð q 1|1 ð 2|2 ð 1. Dynamics of Turing machines Turing machines Definition A Turing machine is a triple (Q, Σ, δ) where Q is the finite set of states, Σ is the finite set of tape symbols and δ : Q × Σ → Q × Σ × {ð, ñ} is the transition function. Transition δ(s, a) = (t, b, d) means: “in state s, when reading the symbol a on the tape, replace it by b move the head in direction d and enter state t.” Remark We do not care about blank symbol or initial and final states, we see Turing machines as dynamical systems. 1. Dynamics of Turing machines 2/15 Moving head dynamics XH TH = Q × Z × ΣZ ∪ ΣZ : Hergé. On a marché sur la lune. Casterman, 1954. XH → XH · · · 000000b000000000· · · · · · 0000001d00000000· · · · · · 000000b110000000· · · · · · 0000001p10000000· · · · · · 00000010d0000000· · · · · · 0000001b01000000· · · · · · 00000011d1000000· · · · · · 0000001q11000000· · · · · · 000000b101000000· · · · · · 0000001p01000000· · · . . . 1. Dynamics of Turing machines Long shot 3/15 Moving tape dynamics XT TT = Q × ΣZ : XT → XT · · · 0000000b00000000· · · · · · 0000001d00000000· · · · · · 0000000b11000000· · · · · · 0000001p10000000· · · · · · 0000010d00000000· · · · · · 0000001b01000000· · · · · · 0000011d10000000· · · · · · 0000001q11000000· · · · · · 0000000b10100000· · · · · · 0000001p01000000· · · . . . 1. Dynamics of Turing machines Hergé. On a marché sur la lune. Casterman, 1954. Tracking shot 4/15 Trace subshift Hergé. On a marché sur la lune. Casterman, 1954. ST ⊆ (Q × Σ)ω 0011001110 b d b p d b d q b p ··· Point of view shot 1. Dynamics of Turing machines 5/15 Simple dynamical properties Definition A point x ∈ X is periodic if it admits a period p > 0 such that T p (x) = x. Definition A machine is periodic if every point is periodic. Remark Periodicity implies uniform periodicity: T p = Id. Theorem[KO08] The periodicity problem is Σ01 -complete. Definition A machine is aperiodic if it has no periodic point. 1. Dynamics of Turing machines 6/15 Partial vs complete machines Definition A TM is complete if δ is completely defined, otherwise undefined transitions of a partial δ correspond to halting configurations. Definition A point is mortal if it eventually halts. Thm[Hooper66] The immortality problem is Π10 -complete. Rk Mortality is different from totality which is Π20 -complete. Thm[KO08] The result is the same for reversible TM. 1. Dynamics of Turing machines 7/15 0|1 ð b 0|1 ñ 1|1 ñ 2|2 ñ 0|2 ð 1|0 ð p 2|0 ñ 0|2 ñ 1|0 ñ d 2|0 ð q 1|1 ð 2|2 ð 2. Reversible Turing machines Reversible Turing machines Intuitively, a TM is reversible if there exists another TM to compute backwards: “T2 = T1−1 ”. Forget technical details. . . Definition A TM is reversible if δ can be decomposed as: δ(s, a) = (t, b, ρ(t)) ρ : Q → {ð, ñ} σ ∈ SQ×Σ where (t, b) = σ (s, a) Remark δ−1 (t, b) = (s, a, (ρ(s))) 2. Reversible Turing machines 8/15 A complete RTM 0|1 ð b 1|0 ð b 0|1 ñ 1|0 ñ 1|1 ñ 2|2 ñ 0|2 ð 1|0 ð 1|1 ñ 2|2 ñ p 2|0 ñ 0|2 ñ 1|0 ñ d 2|0 ñ 0|1 ñ p 0|2 ñ 2|0 ð q q 1|1 ð 2|2 ð state/symbol permutation. d a q 2. Reversible Turing machines 1|1 ð 2|2 ð 0|2 ð p 0|2 ñ its own inverse up to b a p d 0|2 ð It is time-symmetric: 1 a 2 2|0 ð 0|1 ð 1|1 ñ 2|2 ñ 0|1 ð 2|0 ð b 1|0 ñ 0|1 ñ 2|0 ñ q 1|0 ð d 1|1 ð 2|2 ð 9/15 Searching for a reduction We want to prove the following: Theorem To find if a given complete reversible Turing machine admits a periodic orbit is Σ01 -complete. In the partial case we use the following tool: Prop[KO08] To find if a given (aperiodic) RTM can reach a given state t from a given state s is Σ01 -complete. 2. Reversible Turing machines 10/15 The partial case Principle of the reduction Associate to an (aperiodic) RTM M with given s and t a new machine with a periodic orbit if and only if t is reachable from s. s M t M−1 s We need to find a way to complete the constructed machine. 2. Reversible Turing machines 11/15 0|1 ð b 0|1 ñ 1|1 ñ 2|2 ñ 0|2 ð 1|0 ð p 2|0 ñ 0|2 ñ 1|0 ñ d 2|0 ð q 1|1 ð 2|2 ð 3. a SMART machine Cassaigne machine Conj[Kůrka97] Every complete TM has a periodic point. Thm[BCN02] No, here is an aperiodic complete TM. Rk It relies on the bounded search technique [Hooper66]. In 2008, I asked J. Cassaigne if he had a reversible version of the BCN construction. . . . . . he answered with a small machine C which is a reversible and (drastic) simplification of the BCN machine. 3. a SMART machine 12/15 Aperiodicity Proposition The machine C is aperiodic. Idea of the proof (R. Torres) 1. The behavior starting from a tape of 0 is aperiodic; 2. Every block of 0 eventually grows; 3. Thus C is aperiodic. 3. a SMART machine 13/15 Minimality The behavior of C can be precisely described (R. Torres). Proposition The behavior starting from a tape of 0 is dense. Proposition The trace subshift of C is minimal. Proposition The trace subshift of C is substitutive. 3. a SMART machine 14/15 0|1 ð b 0|1 ñ 1|1 ñ 2|2 ñ 0|2 ð 1|0 ð p 2|0 ñ 0|2 ñ 1|0 ñ d 2|0 ð q 1|1 ð 2|2 ð 4. Embedding the machine Embedding trick v1 s Use the transitions of the Cassaigne machine to connect the u0i to the ui and the vi0 to the vi . M t M−1 s u01 u02 u03 u1 u2 u3 s t M v10 4. Embedding the machine v2 M−1 s v20 15/15 0|1 ð b 0|1 ñ 1|1 ñ 2|2 ñ 0|2 ð 1|0 ð p 2|0 ñ 0|2 ñ 1|0 ñ 2|0 ð q 1|1 ð 2|2 ð d Table of contents 1. Dynamics of Turing machines 2. Reversible Turing machines 3. a SMART machine 4. Embedding the machine