The Industrial Relations Society of Victoria is pleased to invite you to a Master Class Strategic Negotiations: Achieving Mutual Gains Results in Industrial Relations, Technological and Organizational Change By Joel Cutcher-­‐Gershenfeld, Professor, University of Illinois (for a bio., see p.2); the Master Class Workshop should assist you to: • Improve your skills for every phase of the negotiations process; • Apply the principles of strategic negotiations to achieve mutual gains results; • Identify better ways to mitigate risk and create value at a time of accelerating change. The Program includes: • Light Meal; • Simulation Exercise; • Principles of Strategic Negotiations; • Targeted Applications in Your Context. When: Mon., 5.30pm -­‐ 9.30pm, 6 August 2012. Where: Monash University Law Chambers, 555 Lonsdale St., Melbourne (CBD). The Master Class will be chaired by Monash University’s Professor Greg Bamber (Discipline Group Leader: Human Resources & Employment Relations). There is only limited space at this Master Class, so book your place now and before 27 July; go to p. 2! Investment: $190, with a $50 discount for IRSV members as well as Monash University alumni, students and staff, or fully retired members or full-­‐time students of any institution. To claim the discount, please submit with your application a copy of your evidence of Monash University membership or evidence of fully retired or full-­‐time student status. If you apply to join IRSV now, you can attend at the discount rate; for info. or to join go to: IRSV Master Class RSVP before 27/7/2012. Please print clearly in black if faxing or scanning this. Ph (03) 9614 7545 Fax (03) 9614 3970 Email: Post: GPO Box 1586 Melb Vic 3001 TAX INVOICE ABN: 90 846 072 316 Name/s ____________________________________________________________________________ Organisation_________________________________________________________________________ Phone ________________________________Email__________________________________________ Specify any dietary requirements_________________________________________________________ I/We will be attending o Members o Non Members o Monash University alumni, staff, students or fully retired or full-­‐time students of any institution (evidence of such status must be enclosed) (If by post): I enclose a cheque made payable to the IRSV for the amount of $______________________ OR Please charge my credit card $____________ Card Number ____________________________________________Expiry Date ____________________ Cardholder name: _______________________Signature: ______________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ The Master Class Leader: Joel Cutcher-­‐Gershenfeld, Professor, School of Labor and Employment Relations, University of Illinois, USA This Master Class is based on benchmark U.S. seminars which were developed under the auspices of the Program on Negotiation at the Harvard Law School. The seminar leader is a distinguished professor & former dean of the School of Labor & Employment Relations, University of Illinois. Joel is an award-­‐winning author who compiled the annotated edition of the Douglas McGregor’s 1960 management classic, The Human Side of Enterprise . He is also co-­‐author or co-­‐editor of eight other books including: Lean Enterprise Value; Knowledge-­‐Driven Work; and Strategic Negotiations. He has published over 85 articles and book chapters on new work systems, labor-­‐ management relations, negotiations, conflict resolution, organizational learning and change, public policy, economic development, and engineering systems. He has extensive experience in leading large-­‐scale change initiatives and facilitating complex negotiations in many organizations in Australia, Bermuda, Canada, Denmark, England, Italy, Jamiaca, Mexico, New Zealand, Panama, Poland, Spain, South Africa, and U.SA. He was the national president of the Labor & Employment Relations Association (LERA) a sister association to the IRSV. He has held senior roles at MIT and Michigan State University. He has degrees from MIT and Cornell University, U.S.A. His visit is hosted by the Australian Centre for Research in Employment and Work (ACREW) and the Strategic Initiatives Scheme of the Department of Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University. If you enrol, but do not attend you forfeit the fee unless you cancel at least 7 days beforehand, but you can substitute another attendee. Many good employers cover the cost of such professional development. Such fees paid by individuals can also be tax deductable, depending on the circumstances. (IRSV may cancel or reschedule e.g. if there were less than 10 enrolled.) Industrial Relations Society of Victoria Inc. (A0032014N) 16/07/12 2