Dean’s May Challenge Grants: External Funding Proposal 2015


College of Social and Behavioral Sciences


Dean’s May Challenge Grants:

External Funding Proposal

The Dean of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences announces the availability of CSBS challenge grants: External Funding Proposal. These grants provide salary funding up to $3,000, to allow tenured and probationary faculty the ability to develop external grant proposals.

Award monies will be provided at the end of May 2015. Recipients of this award will be expected to submit a grant proposal to an external funding source by May 6, 2016.



Complete the attached cover page with requested information.


Provide a research prospectus of no more than five pages. a.

Outline project. b.

Indicate the grant(s) for which funds will be requested. c.

Explain why the grant source is an appropriate funder. d.

Provide a timeline for completion and submission of grant application. e.

Discuss how applicant will work with OSP and department Grants Coordinator on grant application process, budget, and timeline for completion.


Consult with CSBS Grant Administrator, Elaine Robinson, about grant administration if received. Demonstrate awareness of indirect cost requirements.


Successful applicants cannot teach during May 2015 and total university compensation for the month of May cannot exceed 100 percent of salary (i.e., 1/9 th of academic year salary).

Submission Format

Please deliver a completed cover page (see below) to the Dean’s Office and email the following items as Microsoft Word documents or PDFs to Greg Bruess, Associate Dean of CSBS. (Email address:

 A research prospectus of no more than five pages.

 A current CV.

Application Due Date

Applications for this challenge grant are due to the Dean’s Office by 5 p.m. Friday, February 27,


Progress Report Due Date

Successful applicants are expected to submit an electronic report on their progress by 5:00 p.m.

Friday, August 28, 2015. Email the progress report to:

Grant Submission Due Date

A hard-copy of the submitted external grant proposal(s) resulting from this challenge grant should be delivered to the Dean’s Office when completed, but no later than 5 p.m. Friday, May

6, 2016. The Office of the Dean should also be informed of any external awards generated through this grant.

Dean’s May Challenge Grants: External Funding Proposal

College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Cover Page

Application Deadline: February 27, 2015

All applications must be typed

Applicant Name:




Signature of Applicant: __________________________________ Date: ______________

Signature of Department Head: ____________________________ Date: ______________
