Health Professions Schools in Service to the Nation Service Learning Student Survey The College of Health Professions Nicaragua Project faculty team would to better understand the impact that service-learning has had on students. We particularly want to know how these experiences have influenced your perspective on learning, your view of service, your choice of career/specialization and your perspectives on working in a diverse community. This survey is a validated outcome measure that was developed by a group called Community-Campus Partnerships for Health. The information collected in this survey is anonymous and will only be reported in aggregate. Several questions refer to a "course" or "courses." For our purposes, these terms refer to the aggregate of all of our pre-trip orientation meetings, pre-trip fundraising, the actual trip to Nicaragua, and any formal or informal meetings you had with a Nicaragua faculty member before or after the trip. "Community participaton" refers to all activities performed in Nicaragua (not pre- or post-trip activities). I. First we would like to know some information about you. 1. What is your age group? Under 20 yrs. 20-24 yrs. 2. What is your gender? Male Female 3. What program are you in? Allied Health Pharmacy 25-29 yrs 35+ Dentistry Medicine Nursing Physician Asst Public Health Other please specificy: 4. Name of your university/college: 5. What is your racial background? African American Asian American Hispanic/American Native American Caucasian/White Other please specificy: 6. In what kind of agency did you have your service learning experience? (check all that apply) Community Clinic Hospital or Health System School Community Center Social Service Agency Homeless Shelter Other please specificy: 7. What community needs did you address in your service learning experience? (check all that apply) AIDS/HIV Disability issues Elderly Care Homelessness Mental Health Substance Abuse Victim Assistance Women's Health Youth Issues Other please specificy: 8. In addition to school, I have a paying job that requires me to work: 1-10 hours/week 11-20 hours/week 41+ hours/week I do not have a job 21-30 hours/week 31-40 hours/week II. Next, we would like to gain your perspective about service-learning courses in which you participated. Please indicate you level of agreement with the following statements. 9. The community participation aspect of the courses helped me to see how course material I learned can be used in everyday life. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 10. Participation in service-learning helped me to better understand the material from my lectures and readings. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 11. I feel I would have learned more from the course if more time was spent in the classroom instead of in the community. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree 12. Service-learning should be implemented in to more classes at my school. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral 13. My service-learning experience was not directly linked to building clinical skills. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral 14. Participation in service-learning made me take more responsibility for my own learning. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree 15. Community service should be a voluntary activity rather than a course requirement. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral 16. Service-learning made me more aware of the roles of health professionals in other disciplines besides my own. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 17. I would like to enroll in additional service learning courses offered through my degree program. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree III. The next set of questions relates to your attitude toward community involvement. Please indicate you level of agreement with the following statements. 18. I was already volunteering before this service-learning experience. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 19. The community participation aspect of service-learning showed me how I can become more involved in my community. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 20. I will continue involvement specifically with my service-learning site. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral 21. I feel that the work I did through service learning benefited the community. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral 22. I probably won't volunteer or continue community involvement after this course. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral 23. Service-learning helped me to become more aware of the needs in the community. Strongly disagree Disagree 24. I have a responsibility to serve the community. Strongly disagree Disagree IV. Next, we would like to know the influence of your service-learning on your future professional work. Please indicate you level of agreement with the following statements. 25. Doing work in the community helped me to define my personal strengths and weaknesses. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 26. Performing work in the community helped me to clarify my career/specialization choice. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree 27. I will integrate community service into my future career plans. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral V. Finally we would like some personal reflections on your service-learning experience. Please indicate you level of agreement with the following statements. 28. I developed a good relationship with my service-learning instructor(s) because of the community work. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 29. During this experience, I became more comfortable with working with people different from myself. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 30. Service-learning made me more aware of some of my own biases and prejudices. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree 31. Participant in the community helped me enhance my leadership skills. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral 32. The work I performed in the community enhanced my ability to communicate my ideas in a real world context. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 33. I can make a difference in the community. Strongly disagree Disagree 34. Please add any other comments you have about your service-learning experience. Thank you for your insights regarding service-learning. Citation: Anu F. Shinnamon, Sherril B. Gelman, Barabara A. Holland. Methods and Strategies for Assessing Service Learning in the Health Professions. San Francisco: Community-Campus Partnerships for Health, 1999. © 2001, Community-Campus Partnerships for Health. Please continue on to the next survey on page 5. College of Health Professions Pacific University Nicaragua Course & Trip Evaluation Date/Year of Travel: In which School are you enrolled? DHS OT PT PA PHARM OPTOM By virtue of participation in this survey, I give permission to Pacific University to quote from from the responses I provide solely for the purposes of education and/or marketing purposes. All responses will remain anonymous. 1. Rate the level of value or benefit of each of the following characgteristics as it relates to your participation in the Nicaragua program. Improved skills/knowledge in my own discipline Not a benefit Some benefit Great benefit Improved knowledge of skills of other disciplines Not a benefit Some benefit Great benefit Improved ability to work in an interprofessional team Not a benefit Some benefit Great benefit Enhanced knowledge of issues in developing countries Not a benefit Some benefit Great benefit Enhanced knowledge of people in a country other than my country of origin Not a benefit Some benefit Great benefit Greater understanding of what it's like to be elderly Not a benefit Some benefit Great benefit Greater understanding of coordinating community resources Not a benefit Some benefit Great benefit Greater understanding of issues surrounding povety Not a benefit Some benefit Great benefit Opportunity to get to know other students Not a benefit Some benefit Great benefit Opportunity to get to work closely with faculty Not a benefit Some benefit Great benefit Greater comfort with donation gathering and fundraising activities Not a benefit Some benefit Great benefit Greater passion or interest to be involved in future work or volunteerism to promote social justice for marginalized populations Not a benefit Some benefit Great benefit Other (please explain): 2. How have cultural differences made you more aware of your own culture, of its benefits, limitations, strengths or biases? 3. How does this experience affect your future, whether in academic, social, career or personal choices? 4. Write a story about a particular incidence that had a great impact on you. (Optional, but greatly appreciated as your stories help future student participants understand the potential benefits of participation in the program). 5. If you had to do it all over again, would you participate in this program? Definitely not Probaby not Maybe Probably Definitely Yes Probably Definitely Yes Probably Definitely Yes 5a. Why or why not? 6. Would you recommend this program to other students? Definitely not Probaby not Maybe 6a. Why or why not? 7. How intersted are you in future activities related to aging in Nicaragua? Definitely not Probaby not Maybe 5a. Why or why not? 9. Please add any other comments that you'd like to make. Thank you for your feedback! Please return this survey by February 10, 2012, by email to Becca Reisch,