– it’s as easy as 1, 2, Tree

Put Down Some Roots – it’s as easy as 1, 2, Tree
The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago – the second best time is NOW!
There’s a tree to suit every garden from the largest to the tiniest of spaces, so put down
some roots, it’s as easy as 1, 2, Tree.
In addition to being ornamental, trees and shrubs provide privacy and shade. They
screen eyesores and provide habitats for wildlife. Long-lived, they need little
attention once they are established.
Evergreens keep their leaves, deciduous give a sense of the seasons: bare
branched silhouettes in winter, buds and blossom in spring, green leaves in summer,
autumn foliage, fruit and berries and interesting bark.
And to celebrate Bord Bia offering a monthly prize of books and Bloom tickets
and each monthly winner will have the opportunity to win the overall Bord Bia
prize in autumn of a 500 euro voucher to spend on their garden.
How can you enter?
Amend the following text to suit your business type
When you buy plants from the promotional plant range, in participating garden
centre Your Name or book and complete a consultation with a participating Your
Name Garden Designer or Landscape Contractor you will receive an entry form
which you must send to enter the competition.
Competition Closing Date for overall voucher prize: Tuesday 30th October 2012
Some Good reasons to Plant a Tree
Trees produce oxygen: A single garden tree will over an average 50-year
lifetime, generate almost €25,000 worth of oxygen and will replenish the
atmosphere with enough good 02 to support two human beings for a year.
Trees act as Carbon sinks: trees remove excess Co2 from the atmosphere
but we don’t need a forest in the backyard to make a contribution. A single
garden tree over an average 50-year lifetime can potentially absorb up to 48
pounds of Co2 a year; that is enough to offset the Co2 output produced by
driving a car 33796 kilometres. The equatorial circumference of the earth is
40075km, so planting some trees does offset the footprint of the road trip of
your life.
Trees clean atmospheric pollution: from dust, to soot and pollen, thus cleaning
the air they absorb along with carbon dioxide during photosynthesis other
atmospheric gases, by-products of exhaust fumes and industrial processes
including carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide.
Trees are efficient sound barriers: road noise and motorway noise is reduced
by the inclusion of trees planted either alongside or in gardens fronting the
roads. It is estimated that 30 meters of dense vegetation can reduce noise by
five decibels.
Trees aid energy conservation: The windbreak action and sheltered
microclimate of a single 7.5 meter tree has the potential to reduce a typical
home's heating demand by a minimum of 5 percent and for buildings that
require air-conditioning in summer, that tree will reduce cooling costs by a
similar amount.
Trees for wildlife: The importance of trees to attracting and sustaining wildlife
especially the feathered kind is well known. The physical structure of trees
provide a habitat for nesting, cover and perching, but trees also provide food
for birds through visiting insects as well as their seeds and fruit.
End with some information on the promotional campaign such as the following:
Events will run from --- until -----, and there will be something for every level of
gardener from beginners to gardening fanatics to enjoy.
For further information on Gardening Events in your area, and what to do in the garden
this now, go to www.bordbia.ie/gardentime
Supported by:
ALCI – Association of Landscape Contractors of Ireland
GLDA – Garden & Landscape Designers Association
GCAI – Garden Centre Association of Ireland
IHNSA – Irish Hardy Nursery Stock Association
Then place your contact details:
For further information please contact:
Name, Business, Phone and Email