IlSS. lSTITlJTE ........ 'j I FOREWORD. Thanks for' are .due to Brown courtesies extended us & Sharpe 1,Pfig I Co. in the preparation of 'this thesis. We desire to make especial" mention of the assistance afforded us by Mr. W. T. Hatch, Chief Enginear of th,sCompany, Mr. Henry H. Fales, formerly Assistant Engineer, and Mr. vrm. l\laclanachan, Chief Electrician. Respectfully Mass. Inst. of Tech. t'lay 20, 1911. submitted, . Sw,'tC/n Ce-ntral bO<:1'rd Po W"~r Pia nt. CO"X ~21IRt'C/e SClryea n e d t'n C en -JO Re. /n s t t:f / / R we-r Plant r En 9/n..err I a Bo//er R . S "Coj(ers (Jom/ C e /7 rShovY and Irc;p I PC; tA/.er /n q We f9h /n;l PIC( 1ro,P,P e r;- J] t I, The purpose of this thesis is to show what advantages are deri ''red from the use of' electric instea.d of steam drive in~l Building. In order to present the sit- uation clearly it ~Nillbe nece seary to give a brief description of the ata.te of affairs that exi stan at the plant early in 1910. At that time the Bro\~ & Sharpe Mfg. Co. was maintaining fiTe separate power plants, each of which supplied a distinct group of buildings with heat and power. In all cases the engine which provic.ed power to the building was located on the first floor or basement. The boilers also occupied space that was extremely valuable for manufacturing purposes.' The labor costs were very high, since each engine required an engineer and in some cases an assistant, and each set of boilers at least two atokera. Arte r consiciering carefull:.vthe advantage sand disadvantages of the isolated power plants, the Company decided to consolidate four of them into one central plant. The fifth because of its isolation from the central plant was not included in the plan. Some of the advantages which are hoped to be derived from the consolidation of the plants are as follows:- the large plant with electric driTe will make possible a great reduction in labor expenses; it will make possible econornica.loperation of automatic stokers, and thus allow the use of low-grade coal without excessive smoke; it will eliminate the losses due to the belts from the enginesto the floors; and will make available for manufacturing purposes a.large amount of floor space now occupied by the boilers and engines; it. will allow the operation overtime of separate buildings, without necessitating the use of an engine in each of the buildings, during the period, but instead the load may be carried by one or more engines working at full load and under the charge of fewer engineers than was possible under the fornler conditions. The present plana call for the removal of the reciprocating engines from the isolated plants to the central plant, where they will be used to drive 230;volt,3M~,A.Ce generators. steam nator. The'exhaust will be utilized in an exhaust turbine coupled to a 750-k.vre, 240-volt, 60~ alter- It was hoped that this plant would be completed in time so that the cost of electrical power supplied to #4 building could be determined, but owing to delays incident to the delivery of apparatus this cost cannot be determined, and it will be assumed that the power is to be obtained :from the narragansett Electric Lighting Co e The power plant, which supplied the po~rer to #4 8, Building, ma3r be briefly de scribed as follows: - In a boil- er room 60' x ?5' there are installed two Stirling boilers of 200 B.H.P. each, designed to supply steam at 150 lbs. and 100 degrees superheat. The boilers were hand fired, and were equipped with a fan so arranged as to aid the draft caused by the stack ~lIhenit fell belo'",. a fixed value. These boilers yrero installed in 1906, and at the tiXIlG of this \ teat were in excellent condition, although in need of cleaning. . Two Harrison boilers, installed about 1885, were used to supply st~wn for heating and for running the ele- vator plOOp, while the two Stirling boilers delivered steam to the engine, which supplied the power to the building. In the engine room, 56' x 24', there was installed in 1900 a 20~ x 42ft Rice and Sargent simple non-condensing steam engine. This delivered abont 300 R.P. at 90 R.P.M. The ex-~aust was led to a feed water heater, which heated the feed to about 80 degrees Centigrade. lIone of the ex- hau'st from the engine \Vas used again in the boilers. Power was transmitted to the six ~loor8 of the building by means of belting and jack shafts. On each floor friction clutches were placed between the line and jack shafts, in order that a certain portion of the floor could be thro'\m off if nece Bsary. In operating #4 Building electrically three differ- ent plans were considered; the first. was to install one motor of about 300 R.P. to driTe the entire mill; the second waa to use individual driTe) anci the last, group drive. TIle first was deemed impracticable, since the space occupied by the jack shafts and beltinr; woule..not be available for mm1ufacturing purposes, and since the loss in the jack shafts, which was about 25% of the total load, would not be eliminated by this method. necessitated The second plan costly changes in the. arrangement of the line shafting, and called for the throwing out of moat of it, and would cause serious interruption to the continuous op- eration of the machines. The last pltm, nmnely the group driTe, was considered to be the best for this building, sult in no interruption would eliminate If since it would re- in the operation of the plant, and the jack shafts and jack shaft belting. the bUilding had been new and the'machine s not yet in operation, there is no doubt but that individual drive would have been used, since its use results in a better power factor for the system, and a saving of power, since belting losses are practically eliminated. In order to determine what motors should be installed on the different floors, a 3q R.P. motor was used to drive the separate line shafts, and the input noted of a Westinghouse the Engineering Graphic Wattmeter. Department these investigations by This work was done of the company. means by As a result of it was decided to install the follow- ing motors on the various floors:~ On the first floor, one 25 R.P. and 'one 10 H.P.; on the second floor, one 35 Ff..P~~; on the third , one~5 R.P. and one 5 R.P.; on the fourth, one 50 H.P. and one 5 H.P.; on the fifth, one 35 H.P., two 20 H.P., and one 15 H.P.; and en the sixth, two 50 H.P., one 20 H.P., and one 25 R.P. This makes a total of 380 H.P. These motors were manufactured 'tric Company, and were 230-volt, quipped T,vi th 3-f by the General Elec- Induction motors, e- starting compensators and overload release. Current was supplied from the feeder panel at the power house thro~h Building. cables to the various f~oors of #4 Fuses were place~ in the feeder panels, and also on the generator bf.l.t no circuit breakerd side of each starting c~npensator, were used in the line other than those at the feeder panels and the compensator boxes. Before the steam plant was removed, opportunity ';vas offered to get data for the operation of the machinery by steam • For any comparison of stemn and electric drive in thi mill it is necessary to know the ~team Horse-power quired to run it during the average re- day, and the coal and s water used. To find out if the boiler is operating at good efficiency a bo~ler test must be made also. The load on the engine was found by taking indicator cards at frequent intervals throughout three days. Two tests on the steam plant were made; one with the boilers (Stirling) supplying the engine alone, and one with the boilers supplying the auxiliaries and engine. The pur- posa of the first test was to get the efficiency of the engine, and that of the boilers, and that of the second to get the amount of coal and water used in the boilers to supply steam to the auxiliaries and engine. In order to obtain roughly the horse-power delivered to each of the six floors the following method was used. With all the fioors in operation indicator cards were taken at the engine, then the sixth floor was throvm off of the clutch connecting the line to the jack shaft, indicator carda again taken. by means and The difference between the two engine I.R.P. was the R.P. delivered to floor six, plus the friction losses due to the transmission of this po~rer to that floor. Then the clutch was again thrown in, and the operation repeated for all the other floors in turn. To determine the efficiency of the engine and also to determine the thermal efficiency of the boilers, a test was made On the engine and boilers. During this test the auxiliaries were r2n by the set of Harrison boilers, and steam was delivered from the Stirling boilers to the engine alone. This was lnade necessary by the fact that there was no means of weighing the eXhaust from the engine, and the only practicable way of dete~ining was by measuring tm the steam consumption the \vater fed to the boile }~6. To do this feed water pipe line was cut and a barrel was arranged to receive the water fro~ the feed water heater placed in ~he exhaust pipe. After being weighed the water was allowed to ,flo.~l into another barrel, whence it \vas dra~m by the feed pumps and forced into the boilers. Before the start of the test the fires were allowed to burn low, and were then thoroughly cleaned. The teat was begun at nine o'clock, at which time the barrel supplying the feed pump was full, strings were tied around the water glasses at the level of the water in the boilers, indicator cards were taken, steam pressure and tempe rature at tm engine were noted, R.P "!\~., and temperature of the feed wate r read. Readings of the instruments were made ever~' fifteen minutes from nine to fi~e with the exception of the noon hour, when the plant was shut down. A short time before the conclusion of the test the fires were cleaned, in order that they might be in the same B, condition at the conclusion of the test as at the beginning. At the end of the test care was taken to see that the level of the water in the boilers was the same as at the start, and that the barrel supplying the feed pump was full. If this were so the total amount of water fed to t~e boilers from nine to five was the amount of water poured into the barrel from the start, when the barrel was fUll, to the conclusion, when the barrel was again full. A sL~ilar test was luade on Nov. 9, only in this case the auxiliaries were also connected to the Stirling boilers! The purpose of this test was to find the efficiency of the boiler, and the amount of water and coal used in the boiler The duration of the test to furnish steam for the engine. was the same as the first, but readings were taken every half' hour. The coal used during each test was carefully weighe4 the. as was also the case in regard to 11 ashes. The heating value of the coal was obtained by tests made by the engineering department lJIanufacturing Compan:{. of the Brown & Sharpe Barometer readings were obtained rram the United states Weather Bureau office at Providence, located adjacent to the plan,t. All instruments u.sed in the tests were calibrated. The steam pressure gage was tested by means of a Cro8b~r s gage testing device; by inserting the engine the bulb in a bath states Goverrunent tested The bath was gradually stirred t'~10 by means thermometers maxi~,~ point lowed heated, thermometer device, temperature was noted of the Massachusetts with a government The Crosby at the factory accurate of the thennom- This method Calibration in this report. was made of this t~~e,- is very sluggiSh of which calibrated Institute neceswith a in its action. the feed water in the laboratory of, Technology~ by comparison standard. steam engine of the Crosby to within the and readings by means Vias When the bath was al- aary by the fact that a thennometer The thermometer of the was reached taken as before. tube bent at right angles,- tho~oughly and readings at the same time. of calibration a United was placed. the oil was kept of a stirring were noted was calibrated of oil in which standard to cool off gradually, sters were thermometer indicators cmnpany, wera calibrated and were found to be two percent. curves of all instruments will be found /0 Before portunity the installation Vias offered at the pOVler tion of a Westinghouse Bupplying 4th, floors 102.7 R.P. Sinca house wattmeter steam, by the watmeter input as measured i.e., 87.4 R.P. it was decided opporttmity was no longer of the wattmeter, result to check offered checked so arran~ed for the insertion each one of the four motors which a~ainst the sixth floor. times this floor was checked was 114.3 R.P., the Due to the fact the feed panel had been between separately in the feeder respectiTe1y. wnat was expected, op- for the insar- 1, 2, and 3, and in thoJe supplying that the sixth floor that graphic 5th, and 6th floors was far below of the new s~itchboard by indicating installed. with The the 102.7 H.P. for stea~m driving. The graphic Wattmeter in series with a General The two were meter. the lar.t'1'est available o Tolts and amperes accurac~ Electric ) calibrating current, weight tain distance watt-hour Readings were made with instruments wattmeter BO the power of knovm with a small arranged that with voltage, the indicating point of factor. is provided \7e igh placed 11ith a 50 H.P. motor, for three hours. on the mete r, e.nd the the apparatus, b~y being recording run in series in order to obtain The graphic was checked but no t hung on an arm on should from the edge of the paper, travel a cer- and stay there. If. This calibration was tried, B.nd the mete r fulfilled the above condition in each case. However, its readings did not agree with those of the General Electric meter, which had just been ca.libra.tedby the General Electric Compan~;. This Integrating meter ,yas also tested in the Engineering Laboratories .of the Massachusetts &y. Institute of Technolo- It was ce.librated as a single phase meter, as sug- gested in its accompanying instnlction book, with the current coils in series, and the potential coils in parallel. A voltage y{as obt~tined approximately equal to the voltage at the Bro~m & Sharpe Mfg. Company's a.nd the Bame current was used. varied from 0.50 to 1.00.. plant, The power factor VIas Variations in power factor were obtained by different division of the load between reactance and resistance coils. Plota of this test will be found appended. The integrating meter was compared with a standard instrument of the Standardizing Laborato~r, to be correct. Graphic Wattmeter The indicated error of the Westinghouse was then detennined its readings were multiplieu seems to be a ve~i and was found as .5lit, 50 by 1.51 throughout. that This large correction, but is justifiable. The total electric input, corrected, is seen to be larger than the consumption from the steam engine, and the 12, expected ination saving of 78.4 R.P. page2/, that the electrical figures power house to the building. % tracted a 10 voltage between motor elim- Show input from From this must be sub- line loss, obtained station and motors, by noting the drop in and about 13 % for inefficiency. The efficiency manufacturers, Allowing of these motors, is from 86 to 89 a.s quoted bji the %. for these losses we find the electrical output ve ry nearl~/ equal minus ) from the of the jack shafting may seem lost, but it must be remembered the (see to the the belt and shafting stearn horse losses. po\ver output, 13, LOAD ON NOV.?, Time 1910 R.P. 11:40 11:55 2:00 2:30 2:45 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 314.0 286.0 298.? 295.? 308.3 302.1 284.0 290.6 28?8 284.1 285.? :323T:tf av. 294.3 Average R.P. l:rov. 7 294.3 Average lI.F. Jrov. 295.9 Average R.P. 1Tov.9 287.6 877.8 Average for 3 days 292.6 14, TEST OF NOV. 8, 1910 Detennination of Engine Efficienc~r Engine alone op boilers Length Lbs. of te at 9 - 5 7 hra. of water (Shut 49,507 Iba 1,649 Ibs Ash Barometer 29.74" 143.6 F =!/--#2Buckwhe at steam Temp. Cost of Coal B.T.H. .12,100 Lbs. of coal pressure 14.61 1bs 0 Temp of feed Steam down from 12-1) 8,580 gage 119.211bs. 414.0 abs. "F $3.20 pe r ton IS LOG OF lTOV. Time 8. TemP6ste~ress.Gage E.P. T. F 9:00 9~':.15 9:30 9 :45 . 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45 5:00 106 104 105 106 107 105 105 105 108 104 108 105 105 102 105 107 106 106 105 105 105 106 107 105 100 104 106 102 104 106 396 399 397 393 392 391 395 399 400 395 390 395 404 355 347 380 396 405 410 407 405 410 412 408 409 412 415 412 423 413 )119"11 -399.03 T3i54 105.13 61.0 58.0 56.0 61.5 62.5 64.0 62.0 65.0 64 64 64 63 63 65 58 64 62 65 60 62 65 63.5 63 60 59 62 62 63.0 64.5 64 )1870.5 62.3 -.5 +15. corr.414° 287.1 292.8 295.3 296.6 303.9 290.4 308.2 307.1 304.8 290.0 298.0 301.1 28B.4 284.8 305.6 298.2 296.7 294.5 297.3 292.2 301.7 292.5 296.2 285.7 308.3 291.1 284.2 291.8 301.7 ) 290.7 )287 6.9 29rr.89 Temp.Feed Temp.()C F corr.l04.6 corr.52.0 -=143.6 " 0 F 0 E 18 Calculations of Engine and Boiler Efficiency 4°507 :':; .'7 ::;"7072.4 # water per hour :117.87 # per minute At p ~ 104.6 Assuming I, T ~ 331.l4~, at atmospheric B.T.n. used per R: 1232 B.T.LT. back pressure # pound of water ~ 1232-179.9 .::.1052 1 R .PI.=-42.42 B. T. n. ,per minute 42.42 .295.9 Engine Eff .~-1.-0027-117.9 -- 10.12 . Boiler feed temperature Heat absorbed Heat given up by coal: 62 0 =1120x70~2 14820000 ;t Q62o=111.6 8580 *l2l00 7 i. C in :Boilers: 1232-112= Boiler Eff. - 14.6 " = B.T.D. 1120 B.'I'.U. per lb. = 53.4 14820000E.ID.U. % per hr. 17, TEST OF NOV. 0, 1910 Boilers supplying Engine and A~~iliaries Duration 7 hours of te at Lbs. of coal 8320 1bs. Lbs. of ash 1998 1bs. 51900 Ibs. Lbe. of water Barometer Cost beginning 29.92tl end 29.90" 14.7 Ibs. $3.60 net of coal 13600 B.T.TI. Temp. of feed ton 48 .8~ C 119 .gO F Pressure 119.74//= Temp. of steam 419.0oF abs. IS, LOG, nOVe 9. Temp.Steam Time of 400 400 402 398 405 400 400 375 400 405 405 400 410 410 425 425 ) 6460' 403.8()F corr. 419°F 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 Pres s .gage . Temp.feed °C 48 47 47 49 62 HP. .. 287.3 105 290.4 106 283.0 103 282.8 104 29!").5 108 288.5 48 105 283.4 49 105 310.9 39 104 287.0 50 106 298.8 52 108 290.0 50 108 281.3 49 106 285.3 48 105 281.0 49 105 281.8 47 102 :.274.6 49 106 )46-01'.-tf )168,,4 )783 287.6 HP. 48.93., 0 C 105.4=!Igage -.4 - • .J.. 48 .8-3"D C 105704 14.70 119.'74#abs JS PLAUTTEST,NOV.9 (continued) Boiler 119.74 Ibs. Pressure 419 Temp. 119.7# 0 341.14 77.80 H = 877.0 = 122,8.0 = Total :B.T.U. F t. 312.1 C superheat 4 ~5(77.80) B • T •IJ • 87.9 = Equi'V. ETap. from 51,900 · 1140.1 and at = 532.. 212 pe r lb. of coal 21_~q_~O .11~0.}(' __ 9 69 •7 • 8, 3 v. :Boiler H.F. 11!.~1_21 7.341bs. ,900 7 -33,320. Thermal Eff.Boiler 000000 253.5 BlIP. 1140.1 • 51,900 8320 - 13, 600. 52.25 % PLMTT TEST, NOV. 9, (cont.). Total 1bs. of watero per hr.from and at 212 F to be evap.for 287.6 HP. = 1228 144 1084. 1084 • 51900 ~. g69~~~)- 8300 Ibs. of water from and at 212°F - for 287.6 HP. Assume 292 HP. as average load. 292 2R? • 6 ...,. 1.015 1.015 • 8300 = 8430 Ibs. of water per hour fram and cJ at 212 F for 292 HP. Lbs. of coal per hour - 1bs. _o.!~~~~-Io'-~~.!~r equ.L. \,.e vap;_ = 8430 7.34 • 1150 1bs. 292.!ll'. 2/, DISTRIBUTION OF LOAD Steam No load but sha~ts (machines idle) 163.4 liP. Clutches throvm out, with gen. carr~ing 120 v 130 am~04.5 HP. (= = Shafting 104.5 - 26.9 Full load 6th floor off Full load 5th floor off Full load 4th floor off Full load 3rd floor off Full load 2nd floor off Full load 1st floor off 26.9 HP) 78.4 B:P. lIP 301.1 HP 204.1 295.7 255.3 97.0 HP 6th. 40.4 5th. 260.3 47•3 260.3 291.7 290.1 294.7 1.6 262.829-9-.8 284.6 31.9 1,2,3,floors 4th floor KY. unco~ 90 ~ installed '55 HP ~ 5th ft 90 1m ft 6th.ft 145 HP ft 6th floor Motors indicated singly 1st 15.2 KH. cor~ 37.9 3rd. 2nd. 223.4 Electriaal 4th, BP. RP cor~ 57.4 77. 35.2 47.2 44.65 59.9 68.. 18 8~T4 85.25 114.3 2~~F0V298.4 23.25 29.5 43. Total HP liP VI alone Motor 50 RP 50 25 20 Uncorrected 19.60 20,:90 4.59 6.10 51.19 KW • 77.5 ,J.(N corrected = = 103.9 HP + 10 % line losS 114.3 HP 22, DISCUSSION OF LOP~ DISTRIBUTION Wi th all the machines the engine With the floor clutches w1d a load the IHP and 120 volts, to be equal Thus the IRP required or in other words out 26.1 was due to the generator, st~ing its efficiency engine thro~~ of 130 amperes of which to 80 to drive the shafting to the clutches on the IEF was 163.4 was the shafting, on the generator was 104.5, idle, when the onl~{ load %. the jack and belting on the various aa- shaft, fram the floors, is equal to 104.5 - 26.1 ~ 78.4 HP. The total RP delivered to the floors, a.ccording to the data obtained by throwing cession, equals 223.4 HP. required to drive the jack out each floor This addeR shafts in 8UC- to the power • 301.8 h~, which is very near to the actual IHP of the engine when under full load. The power requireu to drive the various floors is as follows: steam Electric Electric less 77.0 F:P 57.8 HP 3°5.4 37.3 47.2 4 59.9 40.4 44.9 5 97.0 85.9 114.3 6 298.4224.0 HP 223.4 15 'it. l'Iotor 10s6 Ylhen run at about 85 % eff. Line 10s8 10 ~ 1,2,& 3 Total loas 48.7 EP 20/0 . Thus it is evident that the input of power determined by the electrical measurements is consistent with that determined from the readings of the steam Horse Power required. The electrica~ input was obtained from the Graphic Wattmeter trace bJ: noting a sufficient number of or- dinates, taken at equal intervals, for each curve. On the twenty-five horse power motor curve the ordinates chosen were closer together than on the other curves which were more regular. We feel justified in considering these readings as trul:y representative of the average day because the:y" show such a marked uniformity. The foremen in the building all agreed that on the days of test the floors were all running under normal load. • 24 OF COST S OF STE.A];I PO}lTER' CALCULATI02T Hours running Plant is shut down 2 weeks for repairs 50 weeks ~ 5 days of 10 hrs 50 weeks 1 day bf 5 brs 2500. hra 250 ..... 2750. 60. 269-0: 6 holidays Total working hours per year Coal and Water used Lbs of coal per year 2690xl150, • 3,090,000. Assume 5.1bs of coal per BEl' per day used for banking 5xl.015(253.5)(365.) Banking coal 2000. . Total 112.8 1664. t QnJ'. coal 199B 8320 24 ~ Ash = 24% of 1664 Lbs of water per year Ash 1545.tons 51~OO 2690 A~ount of water in 1000 gal per year = 19,950,000 2,388 M. gal, Operating Costs Wa.ter pe r ~rear @ $ .20 per 1000 gal 2,388 x .20 Oil and W'aste @ .033 per IRP hr .033 Ash Removal @ 25 i i (292)(2690) ton t per 399 x $.25 Coal per year $477.6 259.4 99.8 . . 1664 tons @ $3.60 per ton 5980. 399.tons. Ibs Investment Cost of steam Plant 2 Stirling Boilers, 400 EHP @ $13 per BHP installed Piping Auxiliaries (feed pump and heater) 5200. 2000. 850. Engine, Simple Non-condensing 20 x42rt Rice & 8000. Sargent Installed 900. Stack @ 2.25 per BHP --1 [)950. Total Value of Installation rt Fixe d Charge 6 847.5 Interest @ 5 % on 16,950 1695.0 Profit, 10 on 16,950 339.0 Insurance and Taxes, a.Bstwing 2 % Amortization on Boiler, 1.5 J~ for 30 year 108. life 25.5 n on Auxiliaries 3% for 20 120. n rt Engine, 1.5% for 30 4.5 rt n Stack, .5% for 50 yr life ~139.5 Total % -- Ope rating Cost s Coal, 1664 tons @ 3.60 per ton Water, 2,388,000 gal. @ $.20 per Oil and Waste, .033 per IEF hr Repairs @ 2 % of Investment 1 Engineer, 50 weeks @ ~18.00 1 Assistant Engineer @ $15.00 1 Fireman @ $12.00 Cost~. of Ash removal @ $.25 per ton 5980. 477.6 259.4 339.0 900.0 750.0 600.0 99.8 9405.8 Total Cost per year 1~545 .3 CALCULATION OF COSTS OF ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION Investment Coat of Electric Installation 3 50., HP 900- RP1:tI , 1-8--pole ...Induction Motor @i450• 81350. , @ 360. 720. I 6 fonn K 2 35 1200 2 25 fonn L " " 0001.5 603. / II 3 20 II 2 15 1 10 2 5 ". " 1800 II tI II II fI fI II II I I @ 277.2 831.6 @ 233.1 466.2 @ 201.6 201.6 @ 71.1 142.2 " If I' !{ 71 pole. .. rorrl1 C- Total Less 10 % discount . 4314.6 . 431.5 -51'3883-.f The cost of the motors quoted is the cost installed, a.nd includes the starting compensators. 200. Wiring Total coat of installation ~4083.1 Fixed Charges _ $204.2 Interest @ 5 % on 4,083.1 408.3 Profit 10 % on 4,083.1 81.7 Insurance and taxes, 2 on 4,083.1 408.3 Depreciation @ 10 % on 4,083.1 (Depreciation includes repairs and ob sole Bcence )1102.5 % Kwh. = 2690 x 222.5 = 598,500 Kwh per year Cost of power when supplied to Power House of Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co. by Narragansett Electric Lighting Co. 598,500 Kwh @ a cents per Kwh 11970 Total cost of Operation of P100lt electrically l30?2.5 27 DISCUSSIor If the power Lighting Company, increased OF ELECTRICflL COSTS is supplied to the Power House and from this supplied to the mill, cost incurred through the use of electric over that of steam drive is the difference and/12,545.3, which If' tlie power Narragansett Electric Sharpe Manufacturing is supplied Lighting directly Company, C~pany % drive betweenI13,072.5 to the mill by the and the 10 % the cost of drive is as follows: loss $119?0. 119? 107?3. 1102.5 Fixed Char«;es Total coat of operation of the Plant e lec t ric all~r Coat of steam Drive Cost of Electric DriTe net saving by the use of electric line of the Bro\vn and is sUbtracted, Cost in first case 10 the is $527.2. loss in the cables from the Power House electric by the $11875.5 12545.3 11875.5 drive-$669.8 DISCUSSION From the accompanying but a slight difference OF RESULTS data it is seen that there is in the total cost of power in #4 Building whether the motive power be steam or electricity. If the Brown and Sharpe Manufacturing in bu:>ring Companj-, power from the 1Tarragans~tt Electric Lighting Company, dis- tributed the power from ~ sub-station on the site of their present new power plant, which, it may be added, they would not be likely to dO, the cost of the electrical would exceed that of the steam drive bjr drive $52? .20 per year. We note, howeTer, that the steam plant was running at a rather poor economy, as the engine efficiency was only 10.1 %. A thorough overhauling would doubtless this efficiencyi improve The engine was overhauled before ~ts re- installation in the new power plant, and it was our intention to detenmine its efficiency under the improved conditions of running, in order to credit to the steam drive the be st elficienc:'t~obtainable. second test was impossible, owing to the non-completion of the work of re-installing. operating economy by As already noted, this Whatever gain may be made in the overhauling and resetting of the engine will leave a still greater excess cost chargeable to the electric installation. By subtracting the line 106ses between the neW' powe r house 29 and #4 Euilding we assume that the Narragansett Electric Lighting Company is to suppl:y powe r directly to this and and every other building. This would undoubtedly be the means of distribution, with a transformer at each building to bring dovm the 1600 volts of the transmission 230 volts for the motors. line to The cost of electrical energy under these conditions would then be less than that of steam power by ...-;theamount of $669 '.80. It must be remem- bered in this connection that the saving due to electrical drive would be decreased by the increased efficiency of the ,engine above referred to. We note here that no better boiler ~fficiency is considered obtainable, as the boilers were operating at the time of the test at an efficiency of 52.8 %, the aver- age of the two days. It VIas hoped, ,as previovs1jr stated, that the Central Power Plant would be completed in time for a determination of the cost to generate a kilowatt hour to be made, but unfortunately such was not the case. It is of interest to know what this coat must be in order that the cost of the electrical drive Shall equal, but not exceed, that of the former steam drive. The total cost of steam operation year. The electrical was $12545.30 per fixed charges a~mount to $1102.50 per year, leaving $12545.30 - 1102.50, or $11442.80, allow- 80 able expendi t.urefor 598,500 kilo1;vatthours. a rate of $11442.80~ This giTes 598,500, or 1.91 cents per kilowatt hour. That is, .if the Brovm and Sharpe l~anufacturing Com- pany can produce power in the new power house at a cost at the switchboard of 1.91 cents per kilowatt hour, their power expenses for #4 Building will be the same as before, If they can ~enerate at a lower with the stea~ drive. cost, the difference will be a pure gain in favor of the electrical installation. A point where the electrical drive makes a saving over the steam is in the matter of floor tors uable are all space. on the ceiling, space. and therefore occup~r no vC'.l- The removal of the eng~ne has made available on one floor a space measuring 56ft x 24 ft. tions The mo- The founda- took up a space on the floor below the engine of apl" proximatel~" the same dimensions. The removal of boilers has made available a space measuring 60 ft x 75 ft. this space is very valuable for manufacturing will 800n All purpuses, and be occupied by machinery. The bel tine; and pulleys sho\m in two blue prints made from Bro\m & Sharpe Compan~lts original drawings, two disadvantages. had They occupied a box-like tube about seyan feet square, running from the bott~n to the top of .91 the building. vailabl~ This, as has been pointed for manufacturing leys alse absorbed, power, % These belts and pul- purpose s. on the day of the test, 78.4 horse or in round numbers, sents about 27 out, is now a- 80 horse power, which of the steam engine .This belt 108S is not excessive at some other mills It could have been decreased indicated power • with that compared and factories, repre- existing but is still large. by the elimination of the idle apart of' the main pulley s, pulley's and the setting further a to gain a suitable arc of belt contact, but this woule. hIe taken up too much room. The use of electric continuity of service drive tends to increase over that attained In the latter case injury to the boilers throw out of commission On the other hand, the entire motive if the power tors, an injury to one of the motors of the plant. of, because supplying or engine would power of the m111. such as electric mo- can affect only a A serious the supply of pO/fer from the central unheard with steam drive. is not supplied by one u- ni t, but by a number' of small units small portion the interruption station in is practically of the fact that the nmlber of units the porrer is such that injury to one will affect but slightl:~r the operation taeaerl of the plant. In moat case s employ.A sUfficientAareA8~Fpli$Q 80 that in case of trouble in one 1 82 the ot.hersmay be used until the first is in condition again. Another advantage in the use of electricity is the decreased fire risk. The" el~1nation of the stack, boil- ers, and engine, also eliminates any danger from oil soaked waste, or hot ashes. The electric system is much more flexible than steam. In case it is desired to operate an~y department overtime it is nece ssaljr to ntn only the motors of that department. had to be on In case duty or steam drive an engine and fireman whenever any department was run overtime. This advantage was particularly noticeable in the case of the sixth floor, which is almost entirely occupied with automatic gear cutting machinery. This department' was very busy cutting gears for aut~obile8, overtime until ten. '.Vith steam drive anu was working it would be extreme- ly doubtful if it would be advisable to require the engineer to work from six o'clock in the morning to ten at night, or to hire a night engineer and a fireman. The engine would also be running at extremely low efficiency, and consequently the cost of operation wou.ld be excessi va, but with electric drive overtime work may be carried on at the same cost as for that done during the regular working hours. S3 SUM.EARY If the cost per ~VH is two cents, electric has no appreciable advantage over steam drive in regard to cost, but it does have the ~ollowing markeu advantage5~ 1) Eco~om:r of' floor 2) space. Elimination of shafts and belting to transmit power fram engine to various floors. a) Removes a source of danger to employees. 3) Better continuity of service. 4) Decreased fire risks. 5) Greater flexibility of plant operation. a) Overtime work. CALIBRATION OF INSTRIDJffiNTS Calibration of Engine Thermometer. Eng ine The rmom . standard Down Up 375 375 380 385 390 395 400 406 410 415 420 380 385 390 Down Up 201 205 208 211 213.5 215.8 395 400 405 410 415 21P. 221 224.5 -420 425 425 Degrees F Degrees C Degrees F DegreesC Degrees F 227 230 193 195 200 204 206 209 213 216 220.5 394 401 406 412 416 420 424 430 436 440 446 224 230 Calibration of Thenm~aeter ~7666 Toe Correction 29.0 -.1 64.7 -.3 133.0 161.7 -.1 t.2 Calibration 'of Gage #6932 Gage st and.Pre as. 85 95 105 110 115 126 125 130 135 140 Up Down 85 94.7 85 95 105 109.5 115.0 119.8 125.0 129.0 135.0 140.0 106 109 114.5 119.5 125 130 135 140 Corree tion o of.15 -.50 ".75 1.25 ".35 o +~5 o o 379 383 392 399 403 408 416 421 429 435 446 3S Calibration of Integrating Watt~eter #2135368 = K Kj. c.oils in 25 in Integrating .Rev. 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 15 15 20 Time 72.8 62.8 65.0 66.8 75.2 73.0 }r'7. 13.4:8 11.97 12.17 10.37 11.88 11.88 20.0 56.8 56.8 i-15. ~ 20.45 20.73 44 20 20 G.E • KW#159;)62 12:.36 14.32 13.85 86.8 43.4 W I/;: liultiply reading by 10 Watts I 205x60 240 220 221 195 196.5 164 194 196 12.30 14.40 13.20 13.26 11.70 11."79 9.84 11.64 11.76 20.10 20.10 20.70 3.025x30 3.2 P.f. V ~~24 .61 :221 .68 , .228 281 3.1 3.11 .64 .64 .56 222 223.5.55 3.15 3.18 3.05 3.08 3.1 3.0 3.0 3.08 335 335 345 222.5.48 .57 222 222 222 222 222 .57 .99 .99 .99 3600 x 25 Rev = -~fI-------- Wattmeter was calibrated the potential 12.5. as a single phase meter with coils in parallel and the currant coils in se ries. Single phase Wattmeter Current 3:1 #159,362 Reading x 60 Ammete r #76,986 30 x reading Vol tmat.e r #3,770 Transformer Wattmeter #159,362 partment .4 watts was tested by Standardizing of the Massachusetts showed an error #454,802 Institute of less than one-half in 127 watts, largest error. of Technology, of one percent, Deand 1.e., Calibration of Graphic Wattmeter 3 hour run Integrating wattmeter #2135368 Reading at 12 Readinr: at 9' 00157 00062 3)-9-5- KN ---3T.66 K'.vh ~1Jlrs.: 20.9 Graphic Wattmeter 31.66 Correction = -_.20.9 = 1.513 -a.<~ . i 0 /1/0 JUt:'. /fCJO. ' ./60 i L : i ;-------:--..-----..-,...--.----,------------,-----:-----1-.:.----:-~.-.-/---_ ~ .C ... .._--_..'-.--_.-.--.-'.---------.-.---.. ,. o.:!/"ln-:arlfJn , E~jJl'/?e j " .j. ! {Jr. _ c- p)" 1/ e: Thermdmet~r . 0 _.":- , . -1 ::+'-'--~ I ,i I I ! I- .J., I I I -T--.'--t fori' Pr.-~J-.r"-te 0 t~G~7~' B. ~s. C~. I /bret , . I "1:ty. 'I I I I . 1' ~ ! _..- t .. J J ,I i I rI I , . r.l ! II(. ,~ II /2... /3 IS /6 2.0 2../ i . ,. 'Errt'C;,'enc., CvrveoS ._ ..._ •. " .._. __ .L. .... ,or E le~ t "1""'-';" 'Gen. ~('c. I I '1-- M(1to,....$~: ! , "j--" t'-- .. - . I I ~ " , : It:: ~---~!-----. __ ; . . __" __, ~. __ -_!_, f . . :.' i .----~_r_~-'----I : I .:~f' ! I --'-'f ; I I i iI \ i : \ .J.----- -I' ., .J. I ! r \ ! : I .,---+--'-. _':"+-:---;~--1~---:~-' '-.+----;~---..~--.,-;--~--T~~--.--- I I .t ... I I i 1 i t - I i }. -- .