Stage 1: Groundwork Infant formula exporting is Ireland’s best kept secret. The Bord Bia Consumer Insights Team’s job is to promote this growth even further through creating a compelling brand through our Origin Green Programme. BRANDING WORKBOOK Billion Dollar Baby Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Stage 2: Building Brands Stage 3: Expression BRANDING WORKBOOK Billion Dollar Baby PROJECT BACKGROUND One in seven children in the world drink products manufactured by producers in Ireland. 2014, Irish infant formula exports were valued at over €900 million; Infant milk formula (IMF) is well on the way to becoming Ireland’s billion euro growth industry. Given the projected growth in IMF consumption in China, Bord Bia began development of an export strategy for our major dairy and IMF producers in 2013. The missing piece in the strategic jigsaw was how would we brand Ireland and Origin Green to consumers in China? This case study details how consumer research was fundamental to that branding process. BUSINESS CHALLENGE CONSUMER ISSUE The overall objective of this project was to convince Ireland’s IMF producers and Ireland’s dairy industry that there is merit in investing in an Irish origin brand in China. Chinese consumers know little about Ireland. They know the name, they thought the country might be ‘part of the UK’ and little else. The irony of consumers ignorance about Ireland was compounded by virtue of the fact that the most premium brand on the market (Wyeth Illuma) was 100% Irish origin. This brand had grown dramatically in recent years, enjoying a super-premium price point and marketing itself as ‘state of art’ in product formulation. Perhaps this was a clue to what Ireland could do to stand-out from the crowd… The industry are very much aware that major players such New Zealand, Australia and the Netherlands had long since established a reputation as the leading source of infant milk formula in the Chinese market. Ireland, despite supplying so many products to the market, enjoyed little awareness as a product source. As a result our research needed to present a compelling case for promoting Ireland as an origin and needed to be grounded in clear evidence that Chinese consumers were interested in this proposition. Stage 1: Groundwork Stage 2: Building Brands Stage 3: Expression THE PROCESS The Consumer Insights Team’s role was to immerse ourselves in the world of the Chinese consumer and come up with a compelling brand for Irish IMF products. We worked through the Branding Workbook from Stage 1: Groundwork; to Stage 3: Expression. HOW DID WE HELP? Stage 1: Groundwork: Given the role this research would play in winning the hearts and minds of the major multi-nationals, we needed to insure the audience for our research really believed we had a grasp on the Chinese consumer. This involved living with them, in their homes between May and June of 2014. By presenting research results that came from face-to-face consumer immersion at stage one and getting really ‘deep’ into consumers lives the credibility of our findings were greatly enhanced. Stage 2: Building brands: This understanding of the consumer was then brought into Brand Clinics which allowed us to build on stage one, meaning we were in a position to develop written concepts for Origin Green that were grounded in the language of the category. At stage two we built the Origin Green brand (and explored sustainability as a concept) from the ground up. Painstakingly exploring the Mandarin translation for every aspect of the Origin Green brand. Stage 3: Expression: Finally, at stage three, we tested consumer facing copy and imagery. Through literal, interpretative and semiotic analysis we developed the final marketing messages for Origin Green in China. Advertising, online and other marketing materials that can support Irish IMF brands were developed directly as a result of this process. WHAT WERE THE INSIGHTS? As anticipated, country of origin was a big driver of brand choice in the category. Our stage one ethnography and consumer safaris allowed us to understand attitudes to the key imported brands and the role country of origin was playing. Given the issues that China faces with food safety and environmental pollution, our hypothesis was that communicating Ireland’s commitment to sustainability could prove to be a key point of difference. But how do you talk about a complex concept like ‘sustainability’ to consumers who live in a country where environmental decay is widespread and uncontrolled? Ireland has led the world in introducing the world’s first ‘Sustainable Dairy Quality Assurance Scheme’. The high-standards that Ireland demands in food production could be a point of difference for our nation-brand in China but communicating that message would be complicated. During stages one and two we spent hours exploring the language of sustainability, breaking it down into its core elements and translating it into 24 key words in Mandarin. In the stage two Brand Clinics, we worked to ‘map’ those keywords, producing a brand model for Origin Green that detailed all the language that was important to Chinese consumers. Chinese consumers value ‘balance’ in their food and in their lives. This concept of balance is evident in many aspects of Chinese culture and philosophy. The key to communicating Origin Green and Ireland’s commitment to sustainability was therefore to communicate the country’s commitment to a ‘philosophy of balanced food production’. WHAT WAS THE IMPACT ON THE BUSINESS? China is on the way to being the Billion Dollar Baby. Crucially, branding IMF ‘Origin Green’ or Irish origin now allows producers to command the ‘super premium’ prices the likes of Illuma enjoy. As key players come on stream with branded Irish Origin IMF, the volume and value of Irish IMF in China will continue to grow. By the end of 2016 we expect exports of Irish origin IMF to China to hit €1billion. That growth will be grounded on the consumer insights generated by this work. Bord Bia will be supporting Irish origin food in China with the compelling message that “Ireland Believes In Origin Green” – a form of words that when translated to Mandarin proves very motivating and opens doors for other food sectors beyond IMF. Bord Bia’s Branding Workbook This process was developed using best practice techniques detailed in Bord Bia’s Branding Workbook. For more information contact: E-mail: Telephone: (01) 6885155 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture